West Clerestory Window Installed in Chapel


West Clerestory Window Installed in Chapel
Volume 41, Number 9. News for the Parish of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
December 2013
West Clerestory Window
Installed in Chapel
On Tuesday, October 22,
Mary Clerkin Higgins and her
colleague, Takuji Hamanaka,
arrived in Winston-Salem from
Higgins’ stained glass studio in
Brooklyn, New York, bringing
with them a precious cargo of
stained glass panels. By noon
the next day, they had installed
the first of three clerestory
windows planned for St. Paul’s
Like the eight lancet windows
installed in December 2011,
the new window on the
chapel’s west wall was designed
by Rowan LeCompte and
fabricated and installed by
Higgins. LeCompte is best
known for his windows at
the National Cathedral in
Washington, D.C.
St. Paul’s connection with
LeCompte is through his
friendship with parishioners
Bud and Zanne Baker, who
met LeCompte after admiring
a window of his on display in a
museum in Wilmington.
“Rowan had recently moved
to Wilmington, and when I
called him to tell him how
magnificent the window was,
he invited us to come by and
see him. We’ve been friends
ever since,” said Zanne.
“I later went to Don Goodheart
and said, ‘If you decide to put
stained glass windows in the
new chapel, Bud and I know
a stained glass artist with
wonderful credentials. Don
said, ‘You’re in charge.’
“So without much ado, we
asked Rowan LeCompte
to design windows for the
St. Paul’s chapel. He agreed
primarily because he would
be in the company of Wright
Goodhue, a stained glass artist
he admires who designed the
window over our altar.”
The chapel’s new west window
is based on a Christmasthemed design LeCompte drew
but never realized in stained
glass. It features a central
image of the holy family to
complement the eight gardenthemed lancet windows
dedicated to parish families.
“After he moved to Virginia,
I visited Rowan there and
saw a wonderful design he’d
drawn and had hanging in his
living room,” said Zanne. “He
said that window had never
been made, so I asked if we
could base our first clerestory
window on that design.
We took out some of the
Christmas-inspired imagery
and pared it down to the holy
family. For me, it represents
our church’s dedication to
honoring the family.”
“Rowan LeCompte is
considered the grand old man
of American stained glass,
highly regarded by those
in the field,” said Higgins.
“The lower windows in St.
Paul’s chapel are the last new
designs this master made.
This first clerestory window
realizes a design he made years
ago which had never been
fabricated. Due to health issues
he is no longer designing.”
“It means a lot to me, because
of my relationship with Rowan
and with the church, to see
that window in place,” said
Zanne “He’s not going to be
able to design the next two,
but I’m determined they’re
going to be Rowan’s. We’re
going to find a way to take
designs he’s done for us and
present them in different ways
in the other two windows. They
have to be his windows.”
Is Now Your Time to Serve?
by Kevin G. Williams
Senior Warden
Three years ago, I was one of
eight parishioners who agreed
to serve a three-year term
on the Vestry, if I was among
the four elected at our annual
meeting in February. As I
am sure most of you know,
the Vestry is a group of 12
parishioners who are elected
by our congregation to work
with St. Paul’s clergy, staff and
various committees to manage
church business and property
and to provide vision and
leadership for the parish.
A year later, I was flattered and
humbled when David asked
me to serve as Junior Warden,
and increasingly flattered and
humbled when, a year after
that, he asked me to serve
as Senior Warden. I accepted
these invitations, admittedly a
bit reluctantly each time, but
very much looking forward to
working with everyone at St.
Paul’s to help guide our church
forward. Each step of the way
I have been, and remain, ever
mindful of the defining words
etched in stone above the
entrance to St. Paul’s some 85
years ago: “A House of Prayer
for All People.”
Had I known then what I
know now, would I have
agreed to serve? I don’t
know, but perhaps not. Do
I have any regrets that I did
accept the call to serve? None
whatsoever. In the face of
significant challenges and,
perhaps in some strange
way, even because of them, I
cherish every moment that I
have had the opportunity to
serve St. Paul’s as a member of
the Vestry.
Since my election to the
Vestry in February 2011, and
especially since assuming
the role of Senior Warden in
February of this year, I have
come to know, respect and
deeply appreciate so many
of you who share my love for
this church. Time and again,
I have witnessed my fellow
Vestry members set aside
personal preferences only to
focus on what is in the best
interest of St. Paul’s. With so
many passionate and diverse
constituencies at St. Paul’s,
that is not always easy. I
have personally witnessed
many expressions of deep
and abiding faith and I have
encountered true grace in
some very unexpected places.
In the midst of adversity, I
have felt the power and peace
of what can only be God’s love
and grace.
As a result of my service on
the Vestry, not unexpectedly,
I have gotten to know many
more of you and much
more about St. Paul’s than I
otherwise would have. For
that, I am ever grateful. What
has surprised me, however,
is what I have learned about
myself along the way. For that,
I am ever indebted.
At this time, the four of
us who are completing our
Vestry terms in February—
Graham Bennett, Lee Bettis,
Sherrie Fain and myself—are
charged with identifying eight
parishioners who are willing
and able, if elected, to serve on
the Vestry for the next three
years. Eligible candidates
must be at least 16 years old
and must be confirmed or
received communicants in
good standing. Specifically,
they must be faithful in
attending worship, must have
received Holy Communion
at least three times in the
past year, and must be
pledging members of our
parish. Fortunately, St. Paul’s
is blessed with numerous
talented parishioners who
meet these criteria and
who are, I sincerely hope,
prepared to share their diverse
leadership and management
skills, together with their
passion, for the benefit of our
church and our community. I
have every confidence we will
assemble a roster of strong
candidates, any four of whom
will devotedly and capably lead
this church forward.
The following are highlights of
the September 24, 2013, Vestry
meeting minutes.
Stewardship Director Nancy
Grantham and Campaign
Co-Chairs Stan and Liz Kelly
reported on “Transforming
Lives,” the 2014 annual giving
Parish Administrator Tom
McDowell and Treasurer
Carolyn Twisdale reported the
audit was completed and went
well. The auditor presented
his report to the Finance
Senior Warden Kevin Williams
reported the St. Paul’s Bazaar
will be held November 20.
Kevin expressed thanks to
St. Margaret’s Circle, which
volunteered to chair the event.
If you or someone you know
loves St. Paul’s and is sincerely
devoted to furthering its
mission and ministries, I
encourage you to nominate
that person as a potential
candidate. You may submit
your nominations, including
self-nominations, to Sherrie
Fain at [email protected] or
EYC has begun its meetings
on Sundays after the 10:30
service. Interim Youth
Minister Duana Cisney
says the format is open to
suggestion following an initial
eight week commitment.
Is now your time to
serve? Only with your
own thoughtful, prayerful
consideration can you know
for sure. Having served on
the St. Paul’s Vestry myself,
I can say if you do have the
opportunity to do so, you
might be surprised at whom
you will get to know along the
The newly landscaped and
planted areas under the oak
tree at Pilot View and our
west entrance parking lot are
beautiful. A stone wall has
been added for retention of
earth and ground cover on the
hill. Janice Lewis spearheaded
this with the Buildings and
Grounds Committee.
The Men’s Ministry Sunday
Breakfast has begun. The
menu provides variety for all.
Announcements & Events
A reception honoring Mike
Bradshaw for his seven
and a half years of service
as Outreach Minister
will be held following
the 10:30 a.m. service
on Sunday, December 8,
in Colhoun A. To express
your appreciation for Mike’s
ministry personally, we
encourage you to contribute to
Mike’s discretionary fund here
at St. Paul’s. The fund will be
transferred to the Diocese of
Costa Rica to support Mike’s
ministry at St. Paul’s by the
Sea in Tamarindo.
All are invited to make
donations to St. Paul’s
to remember or offer
thanks for loved ones at
Christmas. Names will be
published in the Christmas
service leaflet. The minimum
donation is $5 per name. To
make your donation, please
fill out a “Christmas Memorial
and Thanksgiving Gifts” form
and submit it with your check
to Mary Noblett, Executive
Assistant to the Rector, by
Friday, December 6. Forms
are available at the back of the
nave, on the table outside the
chapel and at the reception
desk. Names cannot be taken
by telephone.
Parishioners are invited
to support their choice
of 31 local, national and
international charities
and outreach ministries
through St. Paul’s annual
“Christmas Tidings”
alternative giving
program. Instead of, or in
addition to regular holiday
gift-giving, Christmas Tidings
makes it easy to support your
choice of charity. For each $5
donation, you receive a gift
acknowledgement card to
pass along to family members,
friends and business
associates you’d like to honor
with your gift. Look for “A
Celebration of Alternative
Giving” gift forms at the back
of the nave, outside the chapel
and at the front desk.
St. Anne’s Circle will hold
its annual Christmas potluck
dinner on Monday, December
2 at 6:00 pm at the home of
DD Hellebush, 820 Arbor Road
in Winston-Salem. Contact
Lynn Holtzclaw at 761-1098
or lynnhoodholtzclaw@usa.
net, Peggy Slater at 766-5794
or [email protected], or
Susan Woodall at 768-3560 or
[email protected].
St. Lucy’s Circle will meet
on Friday, December 6 at 7:00
p.m. at the home of Lorre and
Jim Ruffin, 2871 Galsworthy
Drive in Winston-Salem for a
holiday potluck social. Contact
Rosalie Bland at 409-4905
or [email protected] or
Sherrie Fain at 408-8274 or
[email protected].
St. Agatha’s and St.
Helena/Elizabeth’s Circles
will meet on Monday,
December 9 at 11:00 a.m.
at the home of Sarah Hill
Colhoun, 800 Kenwick Drive,
Winston-Salem for a holiday
luncheon. Contact Susan
Uphoff (St. Agatha’s) at 7655005 or stuphoff@bellsouth.
net, or Doris Arzonico, (St.
Helena/St. Elizabeth’s) at 7658233.
St. Mary’s Circle members
will be bell ringers for the
Salvation Army on Monday,
December 2, in front of Lowe’s
Food Store on Robinhood
Road. Please drop by between
10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and
help fill the kettles. Circle
members and their guests will
attend the ECW Christmas
dinner together on Monday,
December 9, at 6:30 p.m. in
the Colhoun Room. Contact
Aurelia Eller, 723-8387 or
[email protected] or Doris
Eller, 768-8388 or nanny.eller@
St. Margaret’s Circle will
attend the ECW Christmas
Dinner together on Monday,
December 9, at 6:30 p.m. in
the Colhoun Room. Contact
Elizabeth Myers, at 602-1581
or [email protected].
All are welcome to join
St. Paul’s parishioner and
author Connie Arnold for
a reception on Wednesday,
December 4, from 6:15 to
7:00 p.m. in the library.
Connie will dedicate her new
book of daily devotionals,
Peaceful Moments of Love and
Light, and will also celebrate
the release of a new children’s
book, Count 1,2,3 With Me.
Proceeds of sales at the event
will go to St. Paul’s Bookshop.
The ECW Christmas Dinner
will be held on Monday,
December 9 at 6:30 p.m. in
the Colhoun Room. A threecourse meal will be served by
the St. Paul’s Men’s Ministry.
Entertainment will be by Matt
Kendrick. The cost is $23 per
person. RSVP by December 2
to Anne Butler, 2670 Reynolds
Dr., 27104, with your check,
payable to ECW. Child care will
be available from 6:00 to 8:30
Marshall Lee Ringeman
November 2, 2013
Son of Susanna and
Jason Ringeman
November 3, 2013
Delphine Elise Adamo
Daughter of
Angelo Daniel Adamo and
Katharine Howard Laidlaw
Hank DeWolf Haselwood
Son of Richard Lorne Haselwood
and Kate Adamson Haselwood
Nathaniel David Maddocks
Son of John Warren Maddocks
and Kimberly Riewe Maddocks
Kate McAllister and
Hamilton Engram
November 16, 2013
Virginia “Ginny” Kay
Emmons Wall
October 29, 2013
William “Bill” C. Bullock
November 4, 2013
Husband of Patricia Bullock
Gwynneth Margaret Crews
November 14, 2013
Gwen Bennett Leake
November 16, 2013
Funding requests to the
Memorials Committee are
due by Wednesday, January
15. Any St. Paul’s program or
ministry may apply. Contact
Parish Administratory Tom
McDowell at 723-4391, ext.
1215 for instructions and
application forms.
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ParishLife is published by
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
520 Summit Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101-1195
Stuart Hoke
The Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke is
serving as Assisting Priest for
St. Paul’s during November and
December, helping our clergy
as needed with the pastoral
and liturgical needs of our
Dr. Hoke recently retired
as Staff Chaplain at Trinity
Church Wall Street in New
York and Missioner to St.
Paul’s Chapel at Ground Zero.
He is a frequent retreat leader
throughout the Episcopal
Church and an Adjunct
Professor at The General
Theological Seminary of the
Episcopal Church in New York
where he developed a course
on the Church’s role in the
treatment of alcoholism and
addictive illnesses.
Dr. Hoke lives in Fearrington
Village, near Chapel Hill.
Kerry Nesbit, Editor
336 723-4391, ext. 1402
[email protected]
Telephone: 336 723-4391
Fax: 336 723-8067
Postmaster, send address changes
to the ParishLife Editor
Printed on recycled paper
Seeking an
A task force led by Kay Lord
and Jim Ruffin has finalized
a job description for the
Outreach Minister position.
If you are interested in the
position or know of someone
who may be, please visit
stpauls-ws.org and click the
link on the home page to
download, review and/or share
the job description.
Pledge Period Concludes
The official pledge period for
St. Paul’s 2014 annual giving
campaign, Transforming
Lives, concluded on Sunday,
November 24, with a parishwide celebration in Colhoun A.
“It’s essential to know the level
of support we can expect as we
Liz and Stan Kelly, Co-Chairs
plan next year’s budget,” added
of this year’s campaign, were
Stan. “We encourage all those
on hand to express their
who have not yet pledged to
gratitude to all who have
come forward now and join
turned in their pledge cards
those who have. Together,
and to encourage any who have we can keep our ministries
not yet pledged to do so.
moving forward in 2014.”
“We are thankful for every
pledge we’ve received so far,
Letters of interest and resumes no matter how large or how
may be sent to Tom McDowell, small,” said Liz. “We are also
Parish Administrator.
encouraged by the significant
number of increased pledges.”
Pledge cards are available from
Stewardship Director Nancy
Grantham at 723-4391, ext.
1204 or [email protected]. Pledges may be made
online at the church web site,