Harnessing Innovapon in city development for social equity and


Harnessing Innovapon in city development for social equity and
Harnessing Innova-on in city development for social equity and wellbeing – a cri-cal proposal to build on Medellin’s experience as a model for Colombian future ci-es Dr Soledad Garcia Ferrari Dr Harry Smith Ms Francoise Coupe Professor Catharine Ward Thompson PhD Candidate Edwar Calderon Part 1 – Research background Stage 1 -­‐ Summer 2013: KE on priori-es and interests for research collabora-on on urban studies (ESALA Projects office) Medellin, Colombia Stage 1 -­‐ Ini-al achievements • 
Organisa-onal mapping Key contact details Priori-es and interests – possible opportuni-es Possible funding sources (Universi-es) Stage 2 -­‐ Research data collec-on ‘Planes Parciales’ -­‐ January to April 2014 •  Ini-al survey on planes parciales characteris-cs, objec-ves, loca-on, state of development •  Ini-al review of planning documents _ Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial for Medellin •  Successful Proposal for organisa-on of a networking event at the World Urban Forum •  Successful research funding applica-on to Bri-sh Council (Links Programme) for a study visit to Medellin with the objec-ve of understanding successes and failures of the ‘planes parciales’ approach. Stage 3 – WUF Networking Event and team Visit to Medellin Urban Equity in Development – Ci-es for Life 142 countries / 139 Mayors / 49 Ministers / Over 22,000 people / Over 450 events and ac-vi-es / Over 350 speakers ‘The Team’ – from ESA •  From ESALA: –  Prof Catharine Ward Thompson –  Dr Soledad Garcia Ferrari –  Edwar Calderon (PhD candidate) •  From SBE: –  Dr Harry Smith Objec-ves of Edinburgh Strategic Alliance team (ESA) par-cipa-on in WUF •  Demonstrate research exper-se within ESA in urban-­‐
related issues: networking workshop •  Explore and promote opportuni-es for research collabora2on •  Raise awareness of PGR and PGT programmes Networking event ‘The role of par-cipatory planning in the genera-on of ‘Ci-es for Life’’ (with UPB) Media coverage •  Na-onal magazine Semana •  Radio Colmundo •  Telean-oquia, Channel 5 news, Canal UNE Bri-sh Embassy networking (UoE ERI Office contact) Mee-ngs with poten-al partners Pabellon Medellin Mee-ngs with poten-al partners (following up from ini-al KE ESALA) •  Colombian academic partners –  Universidad Pon-ficia Bolivariana (UPB) –  Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellin (Escuela de Planeacion Urbano-­‐Regional) –  Universidad Santo Tomas –  Escuela An-oquena de Ingenieria •  Colombian non-­‐academic partners –  Oficina de Planeamiento de Medellin –  Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos –  Grupo UR (Estudios Urbano-­‐Regionales) Stage 3 -­‐ Contemporary tendencies in La-n American Urban Planning: the Case of ‘Planes Parciales’ in Medellin Research Visit funded by Bri5sh Council Ins5tu5onal Links January – March 2015 Research Visit -­‐ Medellin •  Gain insight into th city’s urban development plan (POT) and its main instrument ‘Plan Parcial’ – literature review (sources in Spanish) •  Overview and classifica-on of different types of Planes Parciales and their stages for development – selec-on of 8 plans for more in-­‐depth analysis •  25 interviews to developers, planners, community members, academics and technicians Part 2 – Medellin Context Medellin: social urbanism Valle de Aburra The ‘miracle’ of Medellin Explora Park, Medellin Planes Parciales and Social Interest Macro-­‐
projects – ‘large urban projects’ in Colombia Integrated Urban Projects Proyectos Urbanos Integrales (PUIs) Bibioteca Belen Biblioteca España Casa de la Memoria, Parque Lineal Bicentenario Metrocable sta-on La Aurora Parque Arvi Plan Parcial Pajarito Part 3 – Research Themes Newton Caldas Key elements from Medellin’s approach •  Crea-on of transport infrastructure including metro, innova-ve cable cars to link poorer districts on the surrounding hillsides to the city centre •  Culture-­‐led regenera-on, eg establishing the Fundacion Botero and the Museo An-oquia •  Strong support of local development from the local business sector, managing the shij from industry to services including health and fashion •  A highly successful u-li-es company (Grupo EPM), wholly owned by Medellin Municipality Issues that need addressing •  The city centre is not being developed along a compact city model and the city con-nues spreading •  New low-­‐income developments in par-cular are replica-ng high-­‐rise models which have failed in the past. •  There is very limited interven-on in the vulnerable informal areas, limited to land -tling, with likle in the way of services and public space upgrading or support for home improvement. •  Development (formal and informal) is happening with likle regard for topography, ecological considera-ons and green infrastructure, •  Investment in accessible and good quality public space is mostly restricted to certain wealthier areas of the city as well as specific flagship projects in lower income areas. •  The quality of the public realm in general is not conducive to access and enjoyment by all ages and social groups, with cars and other motorised transport being given priority. Newton Caldas project objec-ves Overall aim: iden-fy means to make Medellin a more socially equitable and environmentally sustainable city. Objec-ves: -­‐  Iden-fy policy, ins-tu-onal and socio-­‐economic constraints -­‐  Iden-fy instruments in the current planning legisla-on that would help to address the issues iden-fied -­‐  Engage with the appropriate stakeholders for the implementa-on of pilot projects -­‐  Conduct issue-­‐specific scoping studies into selected themes -­‐  Built capacity in Colombian Universi-es through the upskilling of staff and strengthening research infrastructures Project proposal The proposal will comprise two interlinked components: 1.  A research programme composed of specific scoping studies to meet objec-ves 1 to 4, which will be carried out in partnership between the partner universi-es in Colombia and the UK, with specific partners in both countries taking the lead for each of the following work packages: (a) heritage and cultural values – iden-ty and memory; (b) housing; (c) public realm, green infrastructure and wellbeing; and (d) mobility and socio-­‐economic integra-on 2. A knowledge exchange and training programme open to Colombian prac--oners, policy makers and students based on the themes above. This will take place throughout the project but will be delivered principally through four key intense workshops to be developed in Medellin: each 2-­‐week long workshop being led by Principal Inves-gators in associa-on with leaders of each theme in Colombia and the UK Project Team Edinburgh Team ESALA University of Edinburgh EGIS Heriot Wak University Colombian Team Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellin (UNAL) Escuela del Habitat (UNAL) Escuela de Planeacion Urbano Regional (UNAL) Universidad Pon-ficia Bolivariana (UPB) Universidad Santo Tomas (UST) Grupo UR Project structure The programme will run for two years from April 2015 to March 2017 Visit 1 – General mee-ng / seong the analy-cal framework (Sep 2015) Visit 2 – Workshops 1 and 2 (Feb 2016) Heritage and Cultural Values (ESALA / UPB) Housing (UNAL Habitat / EGIS / Grupo UR) Visit 3 – Workshops 3 and 4 (Sep 2016) Public realm, green infrastructure and wellbeing (EGIS / ESALA /UST) Mobility and socio-­‐economic integra-on (UNAL Planeacion / ESALA) Visit 4 – The way forward / conclusions on all themes (Mar 2017) Theme 1: Heritage and Cultural values Theme 2: Housing Theme 3: Public realm, Green infrastructure and Wellbeing Theme 4: Mobility and Socio-­‐economic Integra-on Thank you! Ques-ons & Discussion