April 2007 Edition


April 2007 Edition
Come celebrate the
resurrection of our Lord as we
conclude our
Captured by Grace study.
The Messenger
Easter Sunday
April 8
Myrtle Grove Baptist Church
Pensacola, Florida
April 2007
Rev. Ron Lentine
Senior Pastor
Dr. Al Butler
Pastor Emeritus
This 40-Day Experiencing God study will begin
Sunday, April 15 and will continue through Sunday,
May 27. Join a Sunday morning small Bible class and
Classes meet at 9:15 am every Sunday.
A Musical Drama
performed by
MGBC Worship Choir & Drama Team
Sunday, April 15 - 10:30 AM
Sunday, April 22 through Sunday, April 29
MGBC to Observe 77th ANNIVERSARY!
Myrtle Grove Baptist Church will kick off our
Week of Homecoming on Sunday,
April 22, with a celebration of our 77th
anniversary. This Homecoming event will
include a covered dish dinner in the Family
Life Center immediately following the
10:30am worship service. Bring enough food
for your family, friends, and former members,
as we fellowship together on this special day!
You may make reservations for
these special Homecoming Week
events on the Sunday morning
announcement sheet.
Sunday, April 29
1 pm till--Blue Angel
Navy Recreation Park
This day of celebration
will conclude our Week of
Homecoming activities. Plan
to bring family and friends
as we enjoy food, fellowship,
and Baptism in the Bay.
Hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks,
and all the trimmings will be
provided. Donations accepted to
offset cost of food.
(No evening services)
Also in this issue you will find the Pensacola Bay Baptist Association newsletter,
The Review and Reminder.
Myrtle Grove Baptist Church
Rev. Chris Larsen
Minister of Education &
Rev. Dick Hamel
Minister of Worship
Rev. Kenny Craig
Minister to Students
Rev. Ron Pouliot
Associate Pastor/
Minister to Children
Rev. Agustin Rodriguez
Pastor, Hispanic
Mrs. Mary Ann Richmond
Preschool Learning
Mrs. Donna Southers
Coordinator, Christian
Social Ministries
9:15 am Bible
10:30 am Morning Worship
6:00 pm Evening Worship
8 AM - 5 PM
Myrtle Grove Baptist Church
Vacation Bible School
June 4-8, 2007
9am - noon
Children who have completed kindergarten
through 6th grades will have a great week learning
about heroes of the Bible in GameDay Central.
Join the team! You can help in any of thee areas:
Nursery for children of VBS workers, promotion
(inviting kids to VBS), decorations, registration,
greeting, teaching, recreation, and follow-up. You
can help before VBS or during VBS, from just one
hour to one full week - there is a place for you to
work for Jesus and bless others. Call Paula Craig at
Associational VBS Clinic
Monday, April 16, 2007 - 6pm
Warrington Baptist Church
This clinic will give VBS workers
a glimpse of this year’s material and
great ideas on how you can best use
VBS to reach people for Christ.
Christian Social Ministries
Churchwide Ladies Retreat
Camp Baldwin (Elberta, AL)
Friday-Saturday, May 18-19, 2007
Cost: $40 per lady, includes meals
Relax with ladies from Myrtle Grove Baptist in
this tranquil setting only a short drive from home.
We’ll gather at Camp Baldwin on Friday evening
and depart on Saturday evening. Meals provided
by Camp Baldwin cafeteria. Ladies should bring
linens, towels, pillows. Lodge is air conditioned
and swimming pool will be open. Join us! Call
Paula Craig for more information, 516-0290.
Love Thy Neighbor…
Captured By Grace is a great opportunity to
reach out to your neighbors and co-workers. Seek
God now and see if He is leading you to begin an
off-campus Captured By Grace Bible study group
in your home or workplace beginning in May, 2007.
Call the church office for more information.
Mission Update
We are in the midst of our Annie Armstrong
Offering for Home Missions. As we look around at
our country
we see that
our own
country is a
mission field
that is very
much in need
of hearing
the gospel.
The truth is
needed to go
out to people
because there
are many cults and so called Christian churches
preaching anything but what is in the Bible. Our
monies help curb this evil influence right in our
own backyard. Please help us meet our goal of
$6000.00 and even go over it. At the time of this
writing the amount received is $3886.00. Over one
half our goal, but please, lets make it happen!
Barbara Thorsen
Mission Coordinator
“Then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep
the unrighteous under punishment for the day of justice.” 2 Peter 2:9
Are you a godly wife living an ungodly marriage? Does your husband sit next
to you in the pew on Sunday after living like the devil on Saturday? Or maybe
you’re a faithful man married to an unfaithful woman. Or a believing child
living with unbelieving parents. If you find yourself in the words above I have
good news for you today.
Beginning in verse 6 of this text, Peter talks
about Lot and made it clear to us that Lot was
saved but at the same time wondered what Lot
was doing in such an ungodly place as Sodom. He
wonders further about the fact that Lot chose to
keep his family there. And while Lot’s testimony
was weak at best (Genesis 19:14) the fact remained
that no matter how far he had strayed, he did know
God and hear Him. And while we might like to
think that Lot was obedient and fled the sinful
place of his own accord that just is not the fact.
Genesis 19:16 says the angel rescued him against
his will. They grabbed him by the hand and pulled
him out of the city.
The small details of any story can get overlooked, like the part where Lot
gets out but some of his family members do not. And while we all know that
Lot’s wife looked back in disobedience and was turned to a pillar of salt, what
we do not know is why she did it. She was a mother who had left two daughters
behind. Did she look back longing for her children or was she grieving a sinful
lifestyle? We may never know. But what we can be sure of is this: Lot was, at
least in the beginning, a godly man and with Abraham as his uncle, the family
was surrounded by righteous influence. Lot’s wife had every chance to practice
true religion.
She knew who God
And while we all know
was, and like the that Lot’s wife looked back
ungodly husbands sitting
i n t h e p e w s o r in disobedience and was
the unfaithful wives,
s h e h e a r d H i s turned to a pillar of salt,
command loud and clear
and still chose to what we do not know is
disobey. We must learn,
then, that the mere why she did it. She was a
possession of religious
p r i v i l e g e s w i l l mother who had left two
save no one’s soul.
Yo u m a y h a v e daughters behind. Did she
spiritual advantages of
every description; look back longing for her
you may live in the full
sunshine of the children or was she grieving richest opportunities and
means of grace; a sinful lifestyle?
you may enjoy the best
of preaching and
the choicest instruction;
you may dwell in the midst of light, knowledge, holiness, and good company.
All this may be, and yet you yourself may remain unconverted, and at last be the
one lost forever.
Now for the good news I promised at the beginning of this article. Peter
knew first hand and he wants us to know too that the Lord knows how to rescue
the godly from the testing and tempting of the unrighteousness in the world. All
we have to do is hold on tight to the hand He has sent to drag us into a better
place. And never, no matter what, look back!
Donna Alexander Southers
[email protected]
Welcome New Members
Sunday, April 1
5 PM - 7 PM
This course is a “Basic
Introduction to Christianity,”
taught by Pastor Lentine. Topics
include, Understanding Church
Membership, Developing
Spiritual Habits, and A Member’s
Commitment. If you have not
attended this course, plan to
come on April 1.
Profession of Faith
Stephanie Myers
Budget Report:
Year-to-Date Requirements: $199,903.52
Year-to-Date Receipts:
March 2007
Year-to-Date Requirements: $33,915.60
(based on pledges)
Year-to-Date Receipts:
$ 2,647.83
$ 390.00
News from
Myrtle Grove
Hispanic Baptist
Thank You Lord for
answering our prayers for the
choir and for our new worship
center. PRAISE GOD! See
photos on the right and left.
Sympathy to
Nancy Dyson in the death of her
husband, Wayne Dyson
Paula Craig in the death of her
grandmother, Eula Boone
Carla Allen in the death of her
father, Gene Lee
Elizabeth Ruth in the death of her
sister, Janie Davis
Jane Ellen Bennett in the death of
her mother, Ellen Prentice
Jim Helton in the death of his
mother, Claudette Helton
Margie Martin in the death of
her granddaughter, Jacqueline
The family of Bertha DePrato
5 pm - 5:45 pm
Family Supper (FLC)
6 pm - 7 pm
6 pm - 7 pm
6 pm - 7 pm
6 pm - 7 pm
6 pm - 7:30 pm
7 pm - 8:30 pm
7 pm - 8:30 pm
Preschool Choir (Room 101)
Children’s Choir (Room 103)
Prayer & Bible Study (Worship Center)
Family Night “Managing Finances” Class (Room 230)
CONSUMED Youth Service (Student Center)
Worship Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
The Most Excellent Way (Fellowship Hall)
There is a place for all family members each Wednesday at Myrtle Grove Baptist
Church beginning with Family Supper at 5 pm. Make supper reservations through
the church office.
Supper costs: $5 Adults; $2.50 Children (under 12); $15 (maximum) Family
Pray for
Mission Statement
The Restoration Committee
as they coordinate the
restoration of our old
Plans for this building include:
• Myrtle Grove Baptist
Hispanic Mission Services
• Student Worship
• Small Weddings, and other
In keeping with our Lord’s
command found in
Matthew 28, our mission is
to go and make disciples of
all nations and to build a
loving, encouraging
fellowship of mature
believers for the glory of
Pray for
The Royal Crest Apartments
(RCA) Ministry
• The various ministries of
MGBC will be presented to
RCA residents each month.
• Presently, our church van
provides transportation for
these residents to attend our
services and other activities.
Myrtle Grove Baptist Church
Student News
KENNY CRAIG, Student Minister
On the first Sunday night of March, we
turned our services over to the Baptist
Collegiate Ministries from PJC and UWF.
They did an awesome job and we collected
$400 to help them send college students in
the mission field this summer.
A Special Thank You
from Kenny and Paula for the cards, food
and prayers upon the death of Paula’s
grandmother, Eula Boone. We appreciate
your support!
Friends in Christ,
Kenny J. Craig, Minister to Students
Office (850) 455-7389
Mobile (850) 516-3684
Email [email protected]
Web www.myrtlegrovebaptist.org
Upcoming Student Events:
Tuesday, April 3, 17, 24
Student FAITH Training & Visitation, 6pm-8pm
Tuesday, April 10
First Priority Leadership Training, We have changed our breadfast menu (to
cut costs involved) to pancakes & sausage
Thursday, April 12
for students participating in the EHS
First Priority Rally at Washington HS, Fellowship of Christian Athletes. We meet
every other Friday in our FLC at 6:30am.
Friday, April 13, 27
FCA Breakfast, FLC, 6:30am-7:05am
Saturday, April 14
Gracefest Christian Concerts, Pensacola Interstate Fairgrounds
Thursday, April 19
First Priority Rally, Escambia HS, 6pm-8pm
Friday, April 20
Waterfront Rescue Mission Ministry, 4:30pm-7:30pm
Saturday, April 21
As we have the opportunity to serve
Relay for Life Student Car Wash
physical food (like this chicken) to the men
Sunday, May 6
at Waterfront Rescue Mission, we also
Student-Led Worship, 6pm-7pm
served spiritual food on the third Friday of
Friday-Saturday, May 11-12
March. We saw two men make first time
REVEAL Student Conference, professions of faith in Christ and four men
Calvary Baptist Church
recommitted their lives to Him.
Children=s Ministry Notes:
RON POULIOT, Children’s Minister
To say that our Upward Awards Night was a huge success
would be putting it lightly. When it came time for our children
and adults to respond to the gospel message, several indicated
that they invited Christ into their lives. Our FAITH teams
have been following up on those families who are un-churched
and have been receiving positive feedback about our Upward
program. Please begin praying now for our second season that
will begin in October.
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt is right around the
corner. We need your help on Saturday, April 7th. We
will begin hiding the eggs at 8:00am. Please give me a
call if you can lend a hand.
Our Vacation Bible School
Director, Paula Craig, is
forming a great line-up of
teachers and workers who are ready to “get in the game.” If you are
available June 4th – 8th to help with “Game Day Central: Where Heroes are
Made,” we want you on our team! Our Associational VBS Clinic will be
held at Warrington Baptist Church on Monday evening, April 16th. Please
give Paula a call if you are able to help.
A Look Ahead........
will be observed on MOTHER’S
DAY, Sunday, May 13, 2007.
Be sure to inform the church
office if you would like to
dedicate your child.
4 Parents, please pay attention to the power point and bulletin announcements the next few weeks.
The schedule of our Children’s Ministry activities will be changing for the summer months. Don’t
forget, the deadline to sign up for Kid’s Camp is May 6th. Flyers have been sent home with your
children. Copies are also available on the welcome desk in the foyer of the Worship Center.
For His Kids,
Ron Pouliot
Myrtle Grove Baptist Church
5920 Lillian Highway
Pensacola, FL 32506