April 3, 2016 - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish


April 3, 2016 - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish
1229 Vermont Street
Lawrence, KS 66044
(785) 843-0109
April 3, 2016
2 nd Sunday of Easter
Thomas answered and said to him,
"My Lord and my God!" Jesus said to him,
"Have you come to believe because you have seen me?
Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed."
John 20:28-29
Reservoir Adoration
Wednesday, April 6th
From 7 to 8pm in the church
(reconcilia on available).
See Page 5 for details!
St. John Trivia Night
Friday, April 8th
See Page 6 for
registra on…come
be a part of the fun!
Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 7:00am, 8:30am, 11:00am, 2:00pm (Spanish Mass), 5:00pm. Website: www.saint‐johns.net
Weekday Mass Schedule: Monday‐Friday 7:30am; Saturday 8:00am. Reconcilia on: Wednesday 11:00am‐12:00pm, 7:00‐8:00pm; Saturday 3:00‐4:00pm
Thank you to all who gave generously to our
Easter flower offering, including:
In Memory Of
Arturo & Olga Aguilar
Arturo & Maricela Aguilar
Carlos Antonio
Clem & Judy Bartak
Debra & Jeffrey Bradley ..................... Baker & Bradley Families
Steve & Tammy Buckner
Verlie Burlingame ........................................ Robert Burlingame
Patricia Chikezie............................... Bernard & Dorothy Nwosu
James Dick
John & Kathleen Dvorske
Adrian & Debbie Fishburn ...................... Joe & Maurine Katzfey
........................................................................... Marilyn Brunk
................................................................................ Janet Nunn
............................................................................. Larry Katzfey
.................................................................................. Joe Brunk
.............................................................................. Alice Blechel
Steve & Patricia Fisher
Joyce Halderman .................................................... Clem Zillner
................................................................................ Paul Zillner
............................................................................. Virginia Grob
.......................................................... (in honor of) Edna Zillner
Robert & Virginia Hammersmith .......................... Tim Montney
Ingrid Hartman ............................................... Charles Hartman
Marvin & Judy Hauschild ..................... Marvin & Marie Trybom
Sco & Donna Hoffman ............. Kenneth P. & Mary C. Callico
Mary Hope ........................................... Dr. Charles Hermann Sr.
........................................................................ John H. Hope Sr.
Genevieve Hunsinger ................................. George E. Hunsinger
Marie Ice ..................................................................... Tony Ice
......................................................................... Frances Cawley
Buddy & Irene Langford .......................................... Rosa Garcia
........................................................................... Ruth Langford
Walt & Janie Lesher .............................................. Godfrey Jirak
................................................................................. Mary Jirak
.................................................................................... Joe Jirak
............................................................................... John Lesher
...............................................................................Belle Lesher
Fred & Lois Mersmann ............................. Edna & Fields Holmes
....................................................... Clyde & Thelma Mersmann
.......................................................Fred J. & Regina Mersmann
In Memory Of
James & Jeanne e Mercier
Robert & Billie Mitchell.....................................Donald Mitchell
Tom & Kathy Mulinazzi .................................. Carmen Wiseman
............................................................................. Bill Wiseman
.................................................................... Mercedes Carrasco
........................................................................ Jennie Mulinazzi
..................................................................... Leonard Mulinazzi
Michael Munjak ............................................ Michael I. Munjak
John Oberzan ......................................... Rudy & Agnes Oberzan
.......................................................................... David Oberzan
Jean O’Toole ........................................................... Jim O’Toole
........................................................ Reagan & O’Toole Families
Mick Schurer ........................................................... Pat Schurer
............................................................................ Mary Schurer
Teresa Schwartz .................................................... Leo Schwartz
................................................................................ Mark Maas
Lore a Sco ............................................................ Joe Ferraro
............................................................. Pete & Laure a Ferraro
................................................................... Mike & Clara Parise
Shirley Steffen ......................................... Leonard & Irene Hadl
............................................................................ Darryl Steffen
Phyllis Stone ................................................ Paul & Arvilla Born
Bennie Tankersley
Janet Todd
Angela Trybom ...................................................... Mom & Dad
Charles & Fleda Umscheid
Francis & Donna Weigel ....................... Mr. & Mrs. Loren Burley
........................................................ Mr. & Mrs. George Weigel
Cecilia Wood ....................................... Leatha & Herbert Joseph
...................................................................... Sr. Mary Angelica
Margaret Woods....................................... Bud & Irene Halloran
......................................................... Omer & Connie Hermreck
.................................................................. John & Lou Marmon
Bruce Woolverton
Stephen & Jeannine Wya ..................... Wya & Kiehl Families
.......................................... (in honor of) Sr. Kathleen Egan OSB
Edna Zillner ............................................................. Clem Zillner
................................................................................ Paul Zillner
............................................................................. Virginia Grob
................................................. (in honor of) Joyce Halderman
Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped decorate the
church for Easter, and a special thank you to Pa Lyon and
Laura Tiffany for their planning,
and John & Karen Pendleton for providing the flowers!
St. John Youth Ministry
APRIL 3, 2016
Fr. Scott Wallisch
Fr. Sco Wallisch s a Priest of the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas, Voca on Director for the Archdiocese in Residence
at St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center in Lawrence, and Chaplain for the Deaf Community in the Archdiocese .
Father Sco will discuss how the sacraments are key in our discernment of voca on, and how those sacraments can
guide your teens throughout their lives. He will also discuss the importance of role models and saints in the
development of faith for teenagers and young adults.
Who is invited? Parishioners, parents, and adults interested in the lives of our youth!
2pm —The Sacraments and Voca onal Discernment
3:10pm—The Importance of Role Models in Teenage Faith Development
Ques ons?
Contact Jen at conrad@saint‐johns.net.
Dear Sisters and Brothers, if you can find a way to work it out, I would like to encourage you to consider a ending the annual Dialogue and Friendship
dinner to be held at the Kansas Union Ballroom on Wednesday evening, April 20th at 6:00 p.m. The Dialogue Ins tute is an ini a ve of the Islamic
Community here in the U.S. and is commi ed to establish dialogue and rela onships with different religions in order to dispel any misconcep ons that
any religious group or denomina on may have of one another. From their website:
The Dialogue Ins tute engages religious, civic, and academic leaders in prac cing the skills of respec ul dialogue and cri cal
thinking, building and sustaining transforma ve rela onships across lines of religion and culture. It provides resources and
creates networks for intra‐ and interreligious scholarship and ac on that value difference and foster human dignity.
This year's topic is especially mely as it addresses extremism. You can contact the Kansas City DI website for more informa on. — Fr. Jeff
Come explore
St. John School!
Visit Online:
St. John Trivia Night
Put together your team for a fun night of trivia on Friday,
April 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Bosco Room of St. John School.
(First ques on starts at 7:00 p.m.)
Call: (785) 843-9511
for more information
or to schedule a tour
for you and your student!
By defini on, trivia is described as “ma ers or things that are
very unimportant, inconsequen al, or non‐essen al.” But the
Trivia Night event on Friday, April 8 will be anything but
unimportant. That’s because it will bring us together in a fun
se ng (our own St. Bosco Room) for an event that will
benefit St. John School.
Par cipants are encouraged to dress up in honor of their
team’s name and provide food/ appe zer dishes. Beverages
will be available. Also, be sure to bring your thinking caps and
sense of humor, because laughter is mandatory as part of this
fellowship event.
Register your team (or let us find a team for you) by
comple ng the form found on page 6, or at:
Page 3 • www.Saint-Johns.net
3rd Annual All-School Art Show
St John School will hold its annual Fine Arts Evening on Thursday,
April 21st from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. All are invited to view, enjoy,
and purchase original artwork from PreK‐8 art students.
Share the date with friends and family. Come celebrate the
talent and crea vity of our amazing student community and
show your support for the visual arts in educa on!
St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas
Welcome to St. John the Evangelist Parish!
Mission Statement
St. John the Evangelist, a Catholic Capuchin
Franciscan Parish, welcomes all who are called
to be disciples of Jesus Christ and proclaims His
Gospel through prayer, worship, His Word, the
sacraments, and each other.
Members, inspired by the Holy Spirit through
faith forma on and spiritual renewal, witness
to the Gospel in lives of jus ce and charity,
build up families and children through
educa on, hospitality and fellowship, and
serve those in need with compassion and
Simon Parish Center
Mailing Address .................................. 1229 Vermont
.................................................... Lawrence, KS 66044
Phone ................................................ (785) 843‐0109
Hours ................................... Mon‐Thur: 8:30am‐5pm
......................................................... Fri: 8:30am‐4pm
Weekend Masses
Saturday .........................................................4:30pm
Sunday ..................... 7:00am, 8:30am, 11:00am, 5pm
Weekend Spanish Mass
Sunday ............................................................2:00pm
Weekday Masses
Monday‐Friday ............................................... 7:30am
Saturday ......................................................... 8:00am
Sacrament of Reconcilia on
Wednesday ................................... 11:00am‐12:00pm
............................................................... 7:00‐8:00pm
Saturday ................................................ 3:00‐4:00pm
................................................... and by appointment
Adora on ....Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,
6:00 a.m.—10:00 p.m. in the Padre Pio Chapel.
(no adora on 11am‐1pm on Mon and Fri during Lent)
Bulle n Deadline. Submit info by noon on Thursday
to bulle n@saint‐johns.net ten days prior to the
bulle n you wish info to appear. Please submit text
electronically (via computer/email) as you would like
it to appear in the bulle n.
Adver se in the Bulle n. Revenue from ads is what
makes the bulle n possible at no cost to our parish.
Please support your bulle n adver sers. For informa on
on adver sing, call Lindsay Meyer:
(913) 568‐1570
[email protected]
Membership. We welcome you to our parish family,
and hope you feel at home and among friends. To join,
go to www.saint‐johns.net, click “Opportuni es” and
print a “New Parishioner Informa on Form.” Contact
Veronica Hamer, 843.0109.
Communion to Homebound. Those who cannot a end
Mass due to illness or age and want to receive Communion
need to contact the Parish Center. Eucharis c Ministers
can bring Communion to the hospitalized, homebound,
and nursing home residents.
Mass S pend. Schedule Masses in honor of occasions
or people. Suggested dona on is $10. We also have
Mass cards. Contact Veronica Hamer, Assistant
Administrator, at 843.0109.
Confirma on. For 8th graders. Classes meet on
various Wednesdays and Sundays throughout the
year. See www.saint‐johns.net/youth or contact
Jennifer Meitl Conrad or Lois Mersmann for info,
Becoming Catholic. Rite of Chris an Ini a on of
Adults (RCIA) is the Church’s process to become
Catholic and receive the sacraments of ini a on:
Bap sm, Confirma on and Eucharist. For some, this
process completes their Chris an ini a on, as they
were bap zed in another Chris an community, and
seek full communion with the Catholic Church.
Ques ons? Michael Podrebarac, 913.647.0330
[email protected].
First Reconcilia on/First Communion. Children
preparing for First Reconcilia on and First Communion
are prepared in religion classes at St. John School,
Sunday morning Tradi onal Religious Educa ons and
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
Marriage. Contact Ellen Sickinger at the Simon
Parish Center to schedule a mee ng with Fr. Jeff or
Fr. Barnabas a minimum of 6 months prior to
Giving. Make a dona on by placing gi s in the wedding date. No weddings in Lent or Advent.
collec on plate. Checks payable to “St. John Church.” Joining the Knights of Columbus. Our St. John
Members can pledge to the Annual Giving Appeal. Knights of Columbus Council 1372 invite all Catholic
Form at www.saint‐johns.net, click “Opportun es” men to join. The Knights host parish breakfasts, chili
and go to “Give to St. John.” Ques ons? Contact the feeds, etc. Membership $28yr. Contact Grand Knight
Church Office by phone at (785) 843‐0109.
Kevin Oneslager at (785) 840‐9406.
Bricks. Buy a brick in the Walk of Faith Brick Garden.
One line engraving $100. Two lines $125. Print an
order form www.saint‐johns.net, click “Opportuni es”
and then click “Marketplace.” Ques ons? Contact the
Church Office by phone at (785) 843‐0109.
Planned Giving. Consider leaving a bequest to St.
John in your Will. Contact the Church Office by phone
at (785) 843‐0109.
Joining Daughters of Isabella. The Daughters of
Isabella is a charitable organiza on of Catholic
women founded on the principal of its mo o: Unity,
Friendship and Charity. Membership is open to all
Catholic women, ages 16 and over. Contact Janet
Huss at 785‐393‐4878 if you have any ques ons.
Parish Staff
Virtus. To increase awareness about child abuse, Pastor ...... ................................................. Fr. Jeff Ernst
Virtus is required for adults who interact with kids 18 Associate Pastor .............................Fr. Barnabas Eichor
years and under. www.virtus.org. Contact Lois In Residence .......................................... Fr. Mike Scully
Mersmann, 843.0109, lmersmann@saint‐johns.net.
Business Manager .................................... Cris Denning
Religious Ed. Children 3 yrs of age – 8 grade are Catecísmo en español ............................... María Mota
invited to RE class. Tradi onal RE class for 4 yr olds‐5th Choir/Music/Liturgy .....................................Lisa Roush
grade meet in the school building on Sunday 9:45am‐ Stewardship Director....................... Samantha Romero
10:45am. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd class is for Maintenance .............................................. Jeff Jenicke
children 3–12 yrs old and meet various days and mes Administra ve Assistant ..................... Veronica Hamer
in the houses located at 200 and 202 W. 13th St. 2nd RCIA .............................................. Michael Podrebarac
graders prepare for First Reconcilia on and First Religious Ed, Director ................................ Pat Newton
Communion. 6th, 7th and 8th grade Middle School Religious Ed, Assistant .......................... Lois Mersmann
students meet in the St. Bosco room, in the school, for
Technology ................................................ Karen Dixon
Youth Night (aka The ROCK). The ROCK meets on
Pastoral Assistant/Events Calendar ....... Ellen Sickinger
Wednesdays ( mes vary). All classes meet Sept–May.
See www.saint‐johns.net, select “For Your Faith” and Youth Minister............................ Jennifer Meitl Conrad
“Religious Educa on” for detailed info, forms or Website & Bulle n ..................................... Pete Haack
contact Lois Mersmann, lmersmann@saint‐johns.net,
St. John School .......... ……...Mrs. Pat Newton, Principal
1208 Kentucky St.
(785) 843‐9511
Space for Church Ministries. Ministries are requried
to reserve rooms for mee ngs and events by Bap sm Prepara on.
comple ng a “Reserva on Request Form.”
Catholic Chari es ...... ............... …………..Nickie Daneke
Contact Ellen at the Simon Parish Center, 843.0109, Anoin ng of the Sick. If you are having major surgery
1247 Kentucky St.
(785) 856‐2694
or are seriously ill and want to receive the grace and
healing of the Anoin ng of the Sick, contact the Simon Rummage House ....... ............... ……...13th & Kentucky.
Equipment. Coffeemakers, coolers, tables, chairs, Parish Center. The hospital does not no fy St. John Shop our second hand store of used items at discount
etc. are not available for personal use.
when one is hospitalized.
prices. Shopping Hours:
Wed. 11am‐3pm Thurs. 1pm‐4pm
Cemetery Plot at Mount Calvary. The cemetery is Funerals. Contact the Simon Parish Center for funeral
Sat. 8:30am‐12:30pm
located at East 13th & Elmwood Street with a south arrangements. Dinner provided. For cemetery plot
Centro Hispano ......... ............... …………….Lydia Diebolt
entrance from Oak Hill Ave. For cemetery plot informa on call John Chavez at (785) 842‐5602.
(785) 843‐2039
informa on call John Chavez, (785) 842‐5602.
Page 4 • www.Saint-Johns.net
St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas
Reservoir Adoration
Capital Campaign News
Join us for an hour of reflec on and worship through prayer,
music, and Eucharis c Adora on during Reservoir Adora on
from 7:00‐8:00 p.m. in the church.
The Preserving Our Past … Building Our Future!
Capital Campaign has reached the $2.5 million mark!
Wednesday, April 6
Open to everyone, this hour is
meant to give you a break from
the busyness of the week, and
help you focus your thoughts on
Jesus made present in the
Blessed Eucharist. Feel free to
bring addi onal prayer resources
you might use, and come give an
hour to God!
(785) 843‐0109
Teen NFP Info Night
St. John Grounds Clean-Up
Saturday, April 9th, 8:30am – 1pm
Want to help spruce up the outside of the church?
Please come on April 9th and lend a hand! We will be raking leaves,
cleaning beds, trimming bushes and trees and other minor landscaping.
The youth of our parish and community will also be helping with this.
Please bring a rake, shears or anything you think will help and your work
gloves. We could also use a chainsaw and operator and a trailer for
hauling off debris. It is a great opportunity to provide some stewardship
at St John or for youth to get service hours. If you have any ques ons or
have needed items please contact Brian Walter at:
brianwalter@berryplas cs.com or (785) 766‐1569
2016 Mexican Fiesta Scholarship
These scholarships are offered to qualifying students of Mexican
descent from the Lawrence Catholic community who wish to pursue or
con nue a higher educa on either at a college, technical or trade
school. Applicants must complete the financial assistance applica on
form that is available at the St. John Parish office or by contac ng
Michael Ramirez at (785) 843‐3801 or [email protected].
These forms must be completed and returned to the St. John Church
office by April 4th, 2016.
Center for Migration Research
Race & Immigra on:
Cri cal Perspec ves and Future Direc ons
This is a FREE event open to the community. It begins with a welcome
and opening session of talks on the evening of Thursday, April 7, and
con nues all day on Friday, April 8 with a variety of speakers. Please
visit our website for more informa on and to register.
ipsr.ku.edu/migra on
Thursday, April 7, 2016
The Commons, Spooner Hall
1340 Jayhawk Blvd.
Thanks to all over the last two weeks who
have pledged to help us reach this new
total of $2,538,832.00! If you can help us
by making a pledge or con nuing your
pledge for an addi onal two years, please
contact Samantha Romero at:
Friday, April 8, 2016
Malo Room, Kansas Union
1301 Jayhawk Blvd.
Gabriel Project
The volunteer members of the Gabriel Project offer immediate and
prac cal help to any woman faced with a crisis pregnancy.
Gabriel Project Confiden al Help Line: (913) 602‐0306
Page 5 • www.Saint-Johns.net
Helping your teen understand her body and God’s design of the
human body is an important step in her apprecia on of herself—
that she is “fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14)
All teenage ladies are invited, with a parent or guardian.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School
6:30 p.m.
Presented by Shannon Rasmussen,
CCL Teacher of Natural Family Planning
To RSVP or ask ques ons, please contact Shannon.
(785) 749‐1015
[email protected]
First Communion Parent Meeting
The First Communion parent mee ng (for parents of second grade
children at St. John school or in the second grade Tradi onal Religious
Educa on class) will be held in the church Thursday, April 7 at 7:00
p.m. Parents only, please!
Children enrolled in the second grade classes at St. John school and
the Tradi onal Religious Educa on program will receive their First
Communion at a special Mass for the First Communicants on Saturday,
April 16, at 6:30 p.m. More informa on will be available at the parent
mee ng on April 7.
Rediscover Jesus:
Weekly Reflection
Each week we will be pos ng the reflec on items from a chapter of the
book Rediscover Jesus here, on our website, and on our Facebook page.
Bear these items in mind as you go through your week! (If you do not have
a copy of the book, you can pick one up for free at the parish office.)
Point to Ponder: Everybody needs to forgive somebody.
Verse to Live: “If you forgive others their trespasses, your
heavenly father will also forgive you.”
{Ma hew 6:14}
Ques on to Consider: How seriously do you take Jesus’
invita on to forgive?
Prayer: Jesus, you forgive me even though you know I am going
to sin again. Teach me to be that generous with my
St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas
Missions and Retreats Summer 2016
Prayer and Ac on Frankfort: June 19‐24 ‐ $200*
Check out this video from last year’s week of prayer and ac on, find pictures and informa on on the
Archdiocesan website: www.archkck.org/prayerandac onkc. This program promotes service in our very
own backyards, and is one of the best mission experiences you will find. Registra on happens on a parish
level, and registra on forms are available here or on the website at www.saint‐johns.net/youth or see the
a ached paperwork. Sign up quick—this experience will fill up fast! We will leave Lawrence at 4pm on
Sunday, June 19 for Frankfort, Kansas, and return on Friday, June 24 at around 1:30pm. Rising freshmen
welcome on this experience, as well as current freshmen‐graduated seniors! Please register for this experience by April 15!
Steubenville of Rochester: July 15‐19 ‐ $350*
Check out the theme for this year's conference. Leave at 5:30am on July 15 from the school parking lot at 1208 Kentucky Street. Then prepare to
enter into an amazing three day conference at Steubenville in Rochester, Minnesota. This will be an experience you never forget! The lineup and
speakers look incredible: h p://www.partnershipforyouth.org/steubenville‐rochester. Only students who have been to high school already will go to
this year's Steubenville Conference‐‐check out Prayer and Ac on if you are a rising freshman student!
Registra on this year for Steubenville of Rochester is ALL ONLINE through the Rochester website: www.registerpromo ons.com/
partnershipforyouth/index.cfm. You will need to click “create new account” in order to get your student registered for the weekend and follow the
par cipant instruc ons found a ached to this email. A er registering for the experience, you will need to print off and turn in copies of the
paperwork (you can email Jen the PDFs, too) to the parish office (1229 Vermont Street). Ques ons about the new process? Please contact Jen at
conrad@saint‐johns.net. Please register for this experience by April 15!
*Scholarships are available for our summer trips; please speak with Jen if you are in need of a scholarship for one of our summer experiences. Please
do not let money be the reason why you don't a end a summer experience with St. John!
Italy Pilgrimage Informa on Interna onal Travel No ce:
Because of budgetary concerns and ongoing concerns for safety, Father Jeff and I have discerned to postpone the Italy pilgrimage from March 2017 to
March of 2018. We are hopeful that we will s ll be able to offer this experience to our students, but will be looking to every three years instead of
every two at this me. Please contact us with ques ons!
Summer Service Experiences
Vaca on Bible School: June 6‐10
Come and help serve your parish community by serving at our yearly Vaca on Bible School. Sta on leaders are needed for cra s, story me, snack,
recrea on, and games, and crew leaders are needed for each grade level. Get excited for this year at Vaca on Bible School and be looking for sign up
informa on in April!
Fiesta GAMES: June 24‐25
Help to plan and implement the Fiesta games this year – from the Duck Pond to the ring toss, it’s all there! Sign up to help for a few hours on Friday
night or Saturday night – you will not want to miss helping out for this great tradi on. More informa on on how to sign up will be out in late May – be
on the lookout then!
D a i l y A d o r at i o n
in the Padre Pio Chapel
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 6am—10pm
The Padre Pio Chapel is located inside the north entrance of St. John Church.
It is open for anybody to come and pray before the Blessed Sacrament during these hours.
If you can schedule a weekly hour, please email Brandon Volz at: [email protected]
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Come receive the sacrament of reconcilia on in the Padre Pio chapel during the following mes:
Wednesdays: 11:00 a.m. ‐ 12:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. ‐ 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 3:00 p.m. ‐ 4:00 p.m.
Or by appointment ‐ Call (785) 843‐0109 to schedule one,
or email: frjeff@saint‐johns.net or frbarnabas@saint‐johns.net
Page 7 • www.Saint-Johns.net
St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas
Prayer List
The “Prayer List” includes the most recent
informa on that the Simon Parish Center has
about a parishioner and/or their family member.
Contact the Simon Parish Center to request
someone for the “Prayer List” and be sure to
update the Parish Center monthly regarding
their condi on or the name will be removed.
Matthew Arellano
Samantha Bell
Katie Benton
Mariele Berthold
Craig Bogley, husband of Judy Carpenter
Remi Brown
Dale Brueggeman, husband of Debbie Filkins
Martha Cares
Chris Crandon
Don Erker
Terry Hadl
Jenny Hernandez
Lily Hollister, niece of Tom Kellogg
Bob Holek
Nancy Hubble, wife of Tom Kellogg
Susan Jones, sister of Pa Fisher
Marianne Fabac Means
Dee Myers
Julie Pa erson, niece of Norb & Jeane e O er
Max Polson
Fred Posch
Dorothy Purdy
Marlene Richard
Tuckwin Rolland
Tony Romero
Eli Rohrbaugh
Mark Salamans
Michael Schurer, son of Mick Schurer
Mary Kay Seidl
Ruth Theising
Ministers: April 9-10
Masses: April 4-10
7:30am ............................................. Ron Willis†
Contact: Sean Smith
[email protected]
7:30am ............................................... Tom Bello
4:30pm ............................................... J Graves
7:30am ........................................ Gayla Barnes†
7:30am ................... Osborne‐O’Connor Family†
7:00am ............................................... K Colson
8:30am ................................................... T Noll
7:30am ................................... Johnny Johnson†
Eucharistic Ministers
8:00am ............................... 5 Sisters Inten on†
4:30pm ...................................... Mark Salamans
4:30pm .......... L Reimond, MA Roesner, L Seidl
.................................D Weigel, L Arnold, B Brill
7:00am ............ S&J Grzymala‐Busse, M Heath
8:30am .................. D Hoss, T Kempf, B Kessler
..................................... K Kohnke, K Ostrander
................................................ Y Ruder, L Sco
11:00am.............. P Gripka, D&J&T Gunselman
........................P Lyon, J Mercier, C Nieto‐Boor
5:00pm ......... S Murray, T Reznicek, D Schmidt
................ J Weeks, D Wulf‐Walter, N Albrecht
7:00am ..... deceased members of the Tulley family†
8:30am ................................ Christopher Sowa†
11:00am ..................................... St. John Parish
2:00pm (Spanish) ........................ Laura Carrillo
5:00pm ......................................... Clyde Simon†
Weekly Giving
Our fiscal year is July 1, 2015
through June 30, 2016
Informa on below
reflects dona ons received
July 1, 2015 through March 27, 2016.
Altar Servers
4:30pm ............................. J Krones, Volunteer
7:00am ........................................... Volunteers
8:30am .................................T Kempf, N Smith
11:00am .............................. C Finkeldei, E Bial
5:00pm .................................... B Diers, R Diers
Budgeted weekly amount ........ $30,692.31
Average weekly amount ........... $28,258.58
Budgeted YTD ...................... $1,166,307.78
Actual YTD ........................... $1,073,826.08
Net Shortage ............................. $92,481.70
Reserving Space
Meals for the Friars
Parishioners, if you would like to reserve a loca on on the St. John
Church for an event or mee ng, you must contact Ellen Sickinger:
The Capuchins are looking for volunteers who can cook meals for
the six friars in Lawrence. If interested, please contact Veronica
Hamer at (785) 843‐0109. Meals are currently needed for
Wednesdays in May!
(785) 843‐0109
To inquire about space in St. John School, contact Linda Alexander:
(785) 843‐9511
Bring meals to the Simon Parish Center at St. John by 4:00pm.
Knights of Columbus News
The next Knights of Columbus Mee ng will be Thursday, April 14. Social and dinner, provided by
the Knights, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Mee ng begins at 7:00 p.m. Loca on is the basement of St.
John Church. Our council mee ngs are held the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Anybody interested in becoming a Knight should contact Grand Knight Kevin Oneslager at
(785) 840‐9406.
On the first Friday of each month, the Knights host a rosary in St. John Church at 6:30 p.m.
All are invited to a end!
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St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas
Focus on the Word
Everyday Stewardship
2nd Sunday of Easter
A er my mother passed away, my sister
and father had a falling out of sorts. When he
moved to be closer to me, she told me that
she didn't ever want to speak to him again,
saying, "Even if he is on his deathbed, do not
call me." My father was in his late 70s and
the pain he would have felt if he knew her
wishes would have been too much to bear.
Because of this, I made a decision to not tell
him. This also put a strain on my rela onship
with my sister, caring for the one person in
this world she seemed to despise the most.
"Jesus came and stood in their midst
and said to them, 'Peace be with you.'"
The disciples were paralyzed by fear. A er
the Crucifixion, they had locked
themselves in a room and were keeping a
low profile. They didn't want to end up
how Jesus had ended up. But the Lord
stepped right into this paranoia and
dispelled it in an instant: "The disciples
rejoiced when they saw the Lord."
Of all the gi s God has given us, me
and family are at the top of the list to be
cherished. Also, both are finite gi s. Our
family members will not walk in this world
forever, and each day that slips away cannot
be restored. S ll, we build up walls of fear,
doubt, resentment, anger, and pain, not
allowing ourselves to forgive and be good
stewards of what we have been given.
On Divine Mercy Sunday, in the Jubilee
Year of Mercy, God's mercy is overflowing
through all the earth. There is no excuse for
you and me to not be reconciled with God
and accept this profound compassion. In
turn, there is no excuse to not extend that
mercy and reconcile with those who have
hurt us.
I always believed I would have a
renewed rela onship with my sister when
my father's death would come to pass. Two
weeks a er he passed, my sister suddenly
died as well. There is no rewind of me. Yes,
good stewards, today is the day!
—Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
© 2014 Liturgical Publications Inc
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Kids: Sharing the Gospel
Although these first Chris ans were
very concerned about preserving their
lives, the fact is that living holed up in an
a c wasn't a life of much freedom or joy.
Jesus wanted his followers to have the
fullness of life, but this required trust in
him and his promises. As today's Gospel
puts it, through the belief that Jesus Christ
is the Son of God, "you may have life in his
name." When we come to really accept
who Jesus is, there is no more need for a
life of slavery to fear‐‐whatever that fear
may be, whether it's fear for our health;
fear for our reputa on; fear for our
comfort; or even fear that our sins are too
big for forgiveness.
Today as we celebrate the feast of
Divine Mercy, we remember that God's
love is strong enough to conquer the
greatest of all human fears: death itself.
This confidence leads us to a renewed joy.
As Pope Francis wrote in his declara on of
this, the Year of Mercy, "Mercy is the
force that reawakens us to new life and
ins lls in us the courage to look to the
future with hope." Once we are firmly
established in this hope, we are called to
be witnesses of mercy to others. The Holy
Father con nues with a challenge for all of
us, "Jesus asks us also to forgive and to
give. To be instruments of mercy because
it was we who first received mercy from
© 2014 Liturgical Publications Inc
Sharing the Gospel
A er Jesus died on the cross, the disciples
were afraid people would want to hurt them,
too. They stayed together in a room and
locked the door. Then Jesus came to his
friends, to show them he was really alive
again. Jesus changed their fear into gladness.
Have you ever been so afraid that you just
wanted to hide? Remember that Jesus is
with you when you are afraid, too.
Dear God, thank you for being with me when
I am afraid.
Mission for the Week
I will talk to God whenever I am afraid.
© 2014 Liturgical Publications Inc
Readings for the Week
Acts 5:12‐16/Ps 118:2‐4, 13‐15, 22‐
24/Rv 1:9‐11a, 12‐13, 17‐19/
Jn 20:19‐31
Is 7:10‐14; 8:10/Ps 40:7‐11/
Heb 10:4‐10/Lk 1:26‐38
Acts 4:32‐37/Ps 93:1‐2, 5/
Jn 3:7b‐15
Wednesday: Acts 5:17‐26/Ps 34:2‐9/Jn 3:16‐21
Thursday: Acts 5:27‐33/Ps 34:2, 9, 17‐20/
Jn 3:31‐36
Acts 5:34‐42/Ps 27:1, 4, 13‐14/
Jn 6:1‐15
Saturday: Acts 6:1‐7/Ps 33:1‐2, 4‐5, 18‐19/
Jn 6:16‐21
Next Sunday: Acts 5:27‐32, 40b‐41/Ps 30:2, 4‐6,
11‐13/Rv 5:11‐14/Jn 21:1‐19 or
St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas
Avisos en Español
Próximo retiro de Convalidación
Marzo 5‐6, 2016 en el Ministerio Hispano. Por favor registrar las parejas
con la forma apropiada en español y pagar los $60 una semana antes
del re ro.
Trae tus latas de aluminio y ayuda a tu Parroquia, por un mundo mas
limpio, déjalas atrás de la oficina y ponle para María Mota. Gracias.
Musica, Coro, Musica
¿Te gusta cantar? ¿Tocas algún instrumento musical, o te gustaría
aprender? Ven a prac car con nosotros, comunícate al (785) 218‐1511.
Cada Lunes en Todo el Año
A las 8 de la noche rezamos el Santo Rosario, para pedir pos nuestras
necesidades y por los que amamos; también si alguno de sus parientes
fallece podemos hacer el novenario, nos vemos los lunes en LA
CAPILLA DEL PADRE PIO, frente a las veladoras.
Platicas Para Bautizar
Cada primer sábado del mes de 6:00 a 9:00 de la noche, sin niños,
llamar antes para anotar su asistencia.
RECICLAGE. Trae tus latas de aluminio y ayuda a tu Parroquia, por un
mundo mas limpio, déjalas atrás de la oficina y ponle para María Mota.
Las lecturas de la semana del 3 de abril de 2016
Hch 5, 12‐16/Sal 118, 2‐4. 13‐15. 22‐24/Ap 1, 9‐11. 12‐13.
17‐19/Jn 20, 19‐31
Is 7, 10‐14; 8, 10/Sal 40, 7‐11/Heb 10, 4‐10/Lc 1, 26‐38
Hch 4, 32‐37/Sal 93, 1‐2. 5/Jn 3, 7‐15
Hch 5, 17‐26/Sal 34, 2‐9/Jn 3, 16‐21
Hch 5, 27‐33/Sal 34, 2. 9. 17‐20/Jn 3, 31‐36
Hch 5, 34‐42/Sal 27, 1. 4. 13‐14/Jn 6, 1‐15
Hch 6, 1‐7/Sal 33, 1‐2. 4‐5. 18‐19/Jn 6, 16‐21
Domingo siguiente:
Hch 5, 27‐32. 40‐41/Sal 30, 2. 4‐6. 11‐13/
Ap 5, 11‐14/Jn 21, 1‐19 o 21, 1‐14
Maria J. Mota | Animadora | (785) 218‐1511
3 de abril de 2016
2 Domingo de Pascua
"La Iglesia ene la misión de anunciar la misericordia de Dios,
corazón palpitante del Evangelio, que por su medio debe alcanzar la
mente y el corazón de toda persona" (Misericordiae Vultus, número
12). Este Segundo Domingo de Pascua es llamado de la Misericordia
Divina. En medio del gozo de la Pascua Dios se manifiesta por medio
de su Hijo muerto y resucitado y el discípulo es invitado a dejarse
modelar por Jesús. La liturgia de hoy pretende hacernos vivir y vibrar
con los apóstoles la primera semana de la Resurrección.
Por lo tanto, cabe preguntarnos lo siguiente. ¿Cómo estamos
celebrando la Pascua? ¿Dónde vemos la misericordia de Dios en
nuestra vida? ¿Creemos porque hemos visto? O, dejaremos que el
Señor nos diga: "¡Dichosos los que creen sin haber visto!" (Jn 20, 29).
La paciencia de Dios se manifiesta en este pasaje del Evangelio.
Cristo es el obje vo y la meta de cualquier experiencia de la Iglesia y
su comunidad. Ahora, con el soplo del Espíritu Santo, y la paz
deseada los apóstoles ahí reunidos tendrán que responder con un
espíritu nuevo y valen a renovada al compromiso de llevar a cabo la
misión de anunciar el kerigma primi vo de la Iglesia. Pasión, muerte,
resurrección y gloria de Cristo resucitado. ¡Qué hermosa no cia!
Invita y anima al bau zado a caminar hacia su des no de gloria, aun
en medio de sus penas y amarguras de su vida actual. Hagamos
oración para que en está Pascua lleguemos a descubrir cómo "Jesús
de Nazaret con su palabra, con sus gestos y con toda su persona
revela la misericordia de Dios" (Misericordiae Vultus, número 1).
2o Domingo de Pascua
Es bueno recordar que la Pascua es una de las temporadas más
largas del año litúrgico: 50 días desde el Domingo de Pascua hasta el
Domingo de Pentecostés. Estas semanas son llamadas "de Pascua",
no después de la Pascua, ya que es una sola celebración. Todas las
lecturas son del Nuevo Testamento, con énfasis en el Libro de los
Hechos de los Apóstoles y el Evangelio según San Juan. El prefacio
eucarís co enfa za la temporada litúrgica que estamos celebrando.
Durante la Pascua se nos recuerda la resurrección de Jesús, tanto
como la nuestra. Esto debe renovar el gozo del mundo entero al
saber que hemos sido llamados a resucitar. El Domingo de
Pentecostés proclama y envía el Espíritu Santo a todos nosotros.
¡Dios ha completado el misterio pascual! Ninguna otra temporada
desborda tanta vida y promesa en su Hijo resucitado. ¿Estamos de
acuerdo con esto? Si es así, actuemos pues como hombres y
mujeres nuevos en Cristo. Si no, hoy es nuestra oportunidad de
Todos los domingos segundos de Pascua escuchamos el
Evangelio referente a Santo Tomás. También nosotros, en algún
momento de nuestra vida, hemos sido como él: solamente si
tocamos al Señor, creemos. Tomás tocó sus manos y su costado, y
enseguida de hacerlo afirmó fuertemente la divinidad de Cristo en
el Evangelio: "¡Señor mío y Dios mío!" ¿Qué podemos aprender de
la afirmación de Santo Tomás? ¿Qué representa para nosotros Jesús
resucitado? Durante esta temporada de Pascua, demos gracias a
Dios por el regalo de la vida nueva. Solo Dios nos puede ayudar a
profundizar nuestra fe en el Resucitado.
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St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas