Pawprints 8pg.qxt


Pawprints 8pg.qxt
The Newsletter of the COCO Children’s Cancer Fund • October 2008
Sponsored by the Department of Pediatrics, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Chair’s Chat
Camp COCO 2008 – “Passport to Adventure” was another great success.
We incorporated some new ideas with our old activities that I think were a big
hit! Thankfully the weather cooperated most days and we were able to spend a
great deal of the week outside.
Thanks to all who donated either time or money to make camp possible for
another year. The campers really enjoy greeting old friends and making new
ones from year to year. The staff is busy planning camp for next year and
incorporating even more new ideas. The day camp ends, they begin to
gather ideas and information to keep camp exciting for all the campers,
both old and new, that attend.
Looking forward to seeing all for Camp COCO 2009!
Gregory Brandt, M.D.
Camp COCO Director
Pediatrics Department, SIU School of Medicine
Sewing Guild Brightens COCO Campers
Thanks to the members of the Lincoln Land Chapter of the
American Sewing Guild for again creating 150 beautiful and
unique pillow cases for Camp COCO campers. Every pillow
case was beautifully hand-sewn and depicted an upbeat theme
for sweet dreams at Camp COCO! The Sewing Guild also has
sewn more than 400 mini-chemotherapy caps that are given to
patients undergoing cancer treatment.
Thanks also to the Maroa Library Quilters who provided
14 quilts to welcome campers new to Camp COCO.
A new quilt or pillowcase welcomed campers.
Camp COCO Golf Outing A Success
This year’s golf outing, sponsored by Complete Care
Pharmacy, was held on a rainy day in July. Golfers enjoyed
on-course games, door prizes and a silent auction. Rain
brought golfers into the club house twice during the day,
but they still enjoyed playing the course. Our golfers and
sponsors enthusiastically supported Camp COCO by raising nearly $29,000 for Camp COCO. No fair-weather
friends here!
Golf awards went to – men’s longest drive on #14, Jim
Besjak; women’s longest drive on #14, Susan Cassiday;
longest putt on #18, Terry Heisler; women’s ball closest to
the pin on #4, Linda Waldron; and men’s ball closest to the
pin on #4, Rich Lauwerens.
Camper participation is always the highlight of the
day and this year was no exception. Golfers were joined
on course by Meghan Heisler and Alex Harkin while
Tony Garvin and his brother T.D. tried their hand at
After the awards dinner, campers Meghan, Alex and
Tony joined master of ceremonies, Joe Crain from
WICS-TV. They shared their memories of Camp COCO
and talked about how camp gives them something to
look forward to all year long.
Plans are already under way for the 2009 golf outing
scheduled for Friday, June 26, at Piper Glen Golf Club. If
you would like to be a sponsor or volunteer, please call the
SIU Foundation office at 217-545-2955 weekdays.
Camper Alex Harkins is interviewed by
Joe Crain, MC for the golf outing dinner.
Camp Coco Golf Outing
Reunites a Family of Friends
Golfers Jerry Hirstein, Jerry Garvin and John
Hirstein (left to right, back) share the links with
T.D. Garvin (left front) and his brother, Tony.
To John Endris, the Camp COCO Golf Outing is more
like a family reunion than a day at the links. John has been
playing in the event for the past 15 years and Complete Care
Pharmacy has been the lead sponsor since 2003. “It was a
good cause. There were good people playing and it’s always
been a well-organized day of golf. I wanted to get involved,”
remembers John about his early years with the outing.
“What sets this golf outing apart from the rest and what
keeps people playing every year are the Camp COCO kids.”
“I started by having my family help me stuff goody
bags. My sisters who live out of town bought raffle tickets
and encouraged their friends to donate prizes. They now
volunteer during the day of the outing,” he adds.
John’s enthusiasm for Camp COCO and the golf outing
has spread to his business associates in Springfield and former classmates who live in Chicago and St. Louis. Some
have even become sponsors. “It makes me feel glad that we
can do something to benefit the kids and their families. I feel
lucky that my family is healthy. It’s energizing,” explains
Camp COCO Golf Outing 2008 Sponsors
Presenting Sponsor
Complete Care Pharmacy
Premier Sponsor
Bunn-O-Matic Corporation
Double Eagle Sponsors
Alterna-Care Home Health
St. John’s Children’s Hospital
Birdie Sponsors
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
Levi Ray & Shoup Inc.
Marine Bank
Pathology Associates of Central
Jim Shea and Team, Real Estate
Group/American Home Mortgage
Services, Inc.
Hole-in-One Sponsors
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
Campbell and Popovich and
ProComServices of Illinois, Inc.
Putting Green Sponsor
Green Toyota
Par Sponsors
Associated Pathologists, Ltd.
Brandt Consolidated
Evans Construction
Gronemeier Concrete Cutting, Inc.
Illinois Pork Producers Association
The Lowery-Muller Group at
Smith Barney
National City Bank
Nicoud Insurance
Plumbers and Steamfitters Local
Union #137
Exclusive Hole Sponsors
BJ Grand Salon & Spa
JP Morgan Private Client Services
Drs. McDaniel, Sternstein &
Aleman Orthodontics
Memorial Medical Center
Physicians of Springfield Clinic
Division of Rheumatology —
Dr. Jeffrey Horvath, Dr. Mark Stern,
Dr. Mark Stern, Dr. Michael Pick
Richardson Manufacturing Co.
Springfield Police Command
Officer Lodge #40 Fraternal
Order of Police
Shared Hole Sponsors
Barber, Segatto, Hoffee, Wilke
& Cate
Brown, Hay & Stephens, LLP
Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.
Frye Williamson Press, Inc.
Gabe’s Home Improvement
Illini Bank
Kerber, Eck & Braeckel, LLP
Lumsden & Associates
Morgan Insurance – Tim Morgan
and Friends
E.L. Pruitt Co.
Spoor Construction
The State Journal-Register
R.W. Troxell and Company
US Bank
Zara’s Collision Center
Lunch Sponsored in part by
Illinois Beef Association
Cart Sponsors
Jim and Marilyn Anson
Frank Besjak
Janet Butler
Central Illinois Hearing and Speech
George and Georgia Dirksen
fwai Architects, Inc.
Our Geranium Sale is a Success!
Thanks to the kindness of the members of the Cachet Club, Camp
COCO was honored to be chosen as the beneficiary of one-third of the
proceeds from their annual geranium sale. A check was presented to Camp
COCO for $3,335 for our part in selling geraniums on the SIU School of
Medicine campus in Springfield. Thanks to all of the volunteers who
assisted in the sale and purchased geraniums. The
Cachet Club is a 70-member group that focuses on
excellence and fostering social activities for its
members and providing service to the community.
Cachet Club continues its support of Camp COCO.
Jerry and Mary Garvin
Donni Good
Bill and Rose Hergenrother
Damon Hofstrand
Larry and Sandy Jennings
Helen Kennedy
King Pin Lanes
Clayton and Vicki Kuetemeyer
Morgan Insurance
Jeffrey and Robyn Myers
O’Connor Mailing Service
Dennis and Lucinda Oehmke
Susan Ramm
Jenine Ridge
Marina Russo
Ruth Slottag
Spoor Construction
Prize Sponsors
Jim Besjak
Body Perfect
Brookhills Golf Course
Cracker Barrel
Tom Curry
Bob Eschbacher
Gabriel’s Salon and Day Spa
Leigh Anne Horvath
Isringhausen Imports
Barb Moore
The Office Sports Bar and Grill
Paducah Harbor Bed and Breakfast
Panther Creek Golf Course
Peerless Cleaning and Restoration
Piper Glen Golf Course
Carrie Sieren
Springfield Hilton
Springfield Racquet and Fitness
Top Drawer
Passport to Adventure
Camp COCO 2008
Bug Count: ants, sp
iders, frogs
found in nurse’s cabin
Temperature: wond
Rain: moderate
Fun: extreme amou
Campers arrived, meds were
checked in and passports were issued.
We made cabin flags, prepared games
for the carnival on Tuesday and decorated our cabins. On Sunday evening
we left the United States by boat from
the Port of Miami. The youngest boys
left the customs area on a golf cart
driven by an unknown person in a pink
shirt and then played a trick on Dr.
Brandt. They filled the cabinet that
held band-aids with foam peanuts.
After they pretended to skin their
knees, Dr. Brandt opened the cabinet
to get band-aids, the foam peanuts
went everywhere. The same mysterious person in the pink shirt was seen
with the youngest girls near the
med shed. The nurses were very
surprised to find their cabin was
full of ants, spiders, snakes and
lizards. Thank goodness they
were just plastic ones!
France and Italy
When we woke up Monday morning we were off to the coast of Spain
and Italy. Shelley and Bet made us
beignets – yummy French doughnuts –
for breakfast. At lunch we had spaghetti but no knives, forks or spoons. This
was a one-utensil meal and we had to
eat with whatever we chose as we
Med shed report: Th
e boys from the
youngest boys’ cabin
needed bandaids from Dr. Brandt,
but when he
opened the band aid
cabinet, foam
peanuts fell out! Boys
, do you know
how the foam peanuts
got in that
The girls from the yo
ungest girls’
cabin were seen near
the med shed
the night the nurses
found ants,
spiders and frogs in
their cabins.
Does anyone know an
ything about
passed through customs. Justine
Morgan got a potato masher and
Dr. Brandt got a pair of tongs! It was
really funny watching them try to eat
with those utensils. That night we had
a pizza party for dinner.
China and Japan
On Tuesday we ate our lunch with
chop sticks. In the afternoon we had a
Chinese carnival. Each cabin
brought their game to the circle
by the old dining hall. One of the
counselors or the volunteers from
the University of Illinois athletic
department staffed the games so that
each cabin could play the other games.
Is that Dr. Brandt that everyone is
throwing wet sponges at?
Africa and Australia
We were in the outback when
lunch time came and we had to go
on a safari to find our lunch. The
fishing guys from Hick’s Fishing Club
helped us fish. In the evening, the people who live around the lake came and
took us on a pontoon boat ride.
Bahamas and Mexico
We had to fly from Australia to the
United States and on to the Caribbean.
The teen campers went to the teams
rope course in the morning. The
Central Illinois Optimist Club put on a
fiesta in the afternoon. Later that
evening we re-entered the U.S.
through Texas. The Texans invited us
to a hoe down with dance contests and
During the week we also went
canoeing, swimming, hiking and
horseback riding. We did target sports
and arts and crafts, wrote and published our own newspaper, and played
basketball and board games. We had
canteen breaks twice a day that included juice, water, popcorn and chips. We
were issued cool passports and had
them stamped every time we went
through customs. We had t-shirts,
sweatshirts, a backpack and camp journal as well as a pillowcase that we
could have everyone autograph.
Closing Ceremony
On Friday, it was time to say
goodbye until next year. We had a closing ceremony which was interrupted
by a pirate!
The pirate invited us back to camp
next year to take part in Camp COCO
2009, Pirate Cove, Who Stole the
Black Pearl? Chart your course for
some swashbuckling fun and grub.
See you at Camp COCO 2009 …
Bet Spence
Camp COCO Activities Director
Midwest Charity Horse
Show Holds 66th Show
The Midwest Charity
Horse Show, held June
17-21 at the Illinois
State Fairgrounds,
was again a glowing success. Dr. J.
Kevin Dorsey, dean
and provost at SIU
School of Medicine,
assisted in cutting the ribbon to
officially open the show in June in Springfield.
Many volunteers helped this year working in the
kitchen each night of the show preparing fantastic meals for 700 people. We would like to thank
all of our volunteers! Camp COCO will receive a
check from the proceeds of the show later this
year. Next year’s show is June 16-20 at the
Illinois State Fairgrounds.
Decatur Optimists
Support Camp COCO
Thanks to the Decatur Breakfast Optimist
Club for their donation to Camp COCO of more
than $22,000. Steve Caldwell from the Decatur
Breakfast Optimist Club presented the check
during the Camp COCO golf outing in July. The
funds were raised at a fundraising event at the
Decatur Club in April. The band Rock-of-Ages
played and fun was had by all who attended.
We are grateful to the following list of donors who have contributed to the COCO Children’s Cancer Fund. Some of our
donors honor a loved one by making a memorial gift or celebrate
a friend’s special occasion with a special tribute. All gifts to support Camp COCO express your love for our campers. We depend
on the generosity of all of our supporters.
(Gifts received from March 1 to August 22, 2008)
Gloria L. Abbott
Vyetta J. Albert
Marian L. and David W. Allan
American Sewing Guild, Lincoln
Land Chapter
Arena Food Service, Inc.
John L. and Sarah C. Bailey
Pamela L. Benad
Scottie D. Bevill and
Diane M. Darush Bevill
Christopher W. and
Joan E. Blood
Bradley and Deborah Bowman
Donald B. Boyd, Jr. and
Shari D. Boyd
Jeffrey W. Braden
The Breakfast Optimist Club of
Cachet Club
Matthew S. and Valancy Cadwell
Gary D. Carter, Jr. and
Jaimee G. Carter
Connie Clark
Clark County Optimist Club
Susan M. Coady
Kristine M. and Ronald D. Cole
Daniel M. Connolly, Jr. and
Susan J. Connolly
Henry D. Cronister, Sr. and
Susan K. Cronister
Parker A. Day
Amy D. and Tracy N. Dyer
East Moline Optimist Club
Brenda J. Eden
Employees of Koke Mill Medical
Employees of Levi, Ray &
Shoup, Inc.
Jeffrey R. and Nancy M. Enlow
Angela C. and
Ronald D. Estabrook
Jared and Raeana Farris
Carl A. and Carolyn S. Firestone
Judy A. Fleming
Jean M. French
Janice Garella
Karen L. and Matthew O. Gill
Sheila A. Goldsberry and
William J. Goldsberry, Jr.
Joseph M. and
Linda J. Goriszewski
Vinod K. Gupta
Ann M. and Keith Hamilton
Jason C. and Kari H. Hannah
April K. and Mark E. Hannant
Leah G. Hardy
Mandi L. and Mark D. Hayden
Rose M. and
William E. Hergenrother
Darin W. Herman
Jeffrey A. and
Shelley M. Hermann
Dean Horn
Barry and Linda S. House
Denice M. and Steven Hurt
Lance A. Jabusch
Jedd J. Jones
Junior League of Springfield, Inc.
Marsha J. Kent
Bart and Sherri Kerz
Courtney L. Kinsel
Martha J. Kohlrus
La Bead, Oh!
Thomas G. Laughlin, Jr. and
Teresa A. Laughlin
Cheryl L. H. and Steve Lee
Linda E. and Theodore L. Lentz
Marc E. Levi
Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc.
Maroa Library Quilters
Carrie C. and
Charles T. Matthews
Daniel J. McCain
Cheryl A. and
Greenville L. McGill
Jaime and Russell Miers
Stephanie J. Miller
Moline Breakfast Optimist Club
Allen C. and Patricia L. Moody
Cynthia L. Moreno
Julia Sutton and
Patrick A. Noonan
Dennis J. and
Lucinda S. Oehmke
Optimist Club of Belleville
Optimist Club of Freeburg
Optimist Club of Princeton
Cheryl A. and Mark R. Pence
Brian K. Pier
Connie S. and J. Keith Pillsbury
James and Jo E. Powers
Susan M. Ramm
Betty and Charles R. Ramsden
Brian M. and Shannon M. Rennecker
Elizabeth W. Roberson
Karen K. Roberts
Rock Island Optimist Club
Susan E. and William N. Ruff
Harold Sabo
Matthew J. Schraeder
Glenn A. and Rhonda G. Seeber
Frances M. Sehring
Allen E. and Tot P. Smith
James H. Smith
Belinda S. Snow and
Thomas C. Snow, Jr.
Terri L. Stauffer-Schmidt
Bradford A. and Krista J. Steller
Paul C. Tarr, IV and Tina M. Tarr
Robin J. Taylor
Alfred D. and Diane L. Urbanckas
Dr. Patricia A. Von Behren
John C. Voss
Betty L. Walden
Walnut Foundation
Christopher L. and Shelly L. Walter
Waterloo Optimist Club
Wendy Mettler-Wheeler and
William L. Wheeler
Erin C. and Michael J. Willenborg
Kurt M. and Sue M. Windisch
Gloria M. and James A. Yuncker
In Honor of...
Employees of University of Illinois
At Springfield
Douglas R. and Pamela S. Sheley
Jacqueline D. Jackson
Jeanne H. and Thomas L. Handy
Ashley and John Noronha
Patricia K. and Thomas W. Reynolds
Jerry S. Schwartz
Dr. Chauncey Cross and
Patricia D. Cross
Drew M. Templeton
Dorothy M. Reynolds
In Memory of...
Gene W. Adden
Julie L. Waldrop
Connie S. Biesenthal
Teresa M. Yocom
Robin J. Bothwell
Judy A. and Raymond D. Bothwell
Scott Brannan
Christina L. and Steven J. Brannan
United Way of Christian County
James R. Carter
Ida Ruth Victor
William A. Cockayne
Gomer and Margaret A. Mabie
Myles J. Farnsworth
Kim Mayberry
Natalie N. Goebel
Christy and Todd Barkley
David P. and Dawn E. Bergschneider
Kathleen A. and Perry L. Brown
Daniel D. and Jacqueline L. Bullard
Eddie and Kelly L. Cramer
Connie and Ronald J. Dean
Debra S. and Robert J. Dean
Georgetta P. and Gerald A. Dean
Mary E. and Richard K. DelValle
Robert A. Duvall and Kim Duvall
Employees of Bureau of Animal
Employees of Illinois Department
of Agriculture
Employees of Illinois EPA Director’s
Employees of St. Mary’s School
Debra K. and Mark E. Forbes
Friends of Natalie Goebel
Elizabeth and Robert A. Fuchs
Betsy and Daniel J. Goebel
Ed and Micki Goebel
Dennis R. Jones
Deanne and Odra Kirby
Thomas R. and
Cindy Phillips Latonis
Arlene K. and
Donald E. Montgomery
Melissa Fisher Paoni, Ph.D. and
Michael S. Paoni
Susan A. and William P. Ryan
Charles M. Schiedel
Diedra A. and John L. Stewart
Catherine A. and James M. Tintori
Cindy Van Etten
Marcia and Thomas R. Weinmann
Elaine Williams
Phillip Hart
Gomer and Margaret A. Mabie
Robert M. Lehnen
Spoor Construction
Jo Ann and William T. Spoor
Charles W. Nation, Jr.
Karen E. Alsup
John Blazis, Jr. and Martha L. Blazis
Carolyn F. and Frank M. Breakville
Sharon A. Clark
Lauren A. and Janet Coe
Melinda A. Cravens
Larry M. Evans
George and Patricia A. Gaio
Lois S. Galeash
Patricia A. and Stuart A. Gresham
Karen Holmes and Randy Hall
Kathryn M. and Larry D. Hamblin
Laura and Robert Kinney
George P. and Mary J. Koch
Anne M. and James A. Manes
Bob G. and Marilyn N. Miller
Janet M. and Steven W. Nation
Pasfield Park Womens Golf Club
James T. and Maureen Pedigo
Douglas R. and Jan R. Persinger
Betty A. and David W. Rankin
Virginia G. Richards
Joseph R. and Rebecca R. Senkus
Debra L. and Jay A. Sergent
Joe and Libby Speaks
Patricia A. Tadlock
Cheryl and Paul TenEyck
Mark R. and Patricia L. Townsend
Donna M. Triyonis
Shirley J. Vespa
B. D. and Glen E. Wallace
Kathie R. and Richard L. Wilson
Cleo M. Reeves
Bobby Bolt, Jr. and Carla Bolt
Marilyn M. and Perry R. Hall
Chris and Tammy J. McCormick
Adeline J. and Lynn A. Swan
Susan C. Schmidt
Linda H. Distlehorst, Ph.D. and
Byron R. Distlehorst
Mary L. Lentz
Stanley Soltys
Henry D. Cronister, Sr. and
Susan K. Cronister
Courtney L. Spoor
James H. and Marilyn J. Anson
Marlene L. Steinebach
Robert L. and Shirley C. Viehweg
Clarence Walker VanGundy
Nancy and Richard Mathias
Gale L. Yedinak
Betty L. and Galen E. Mangers
Donations to Camp COCO’s Children’s Cancer Fund go toward
sponsoring campers and providing other hematology/ oncology
services. We suggest these levels of giving:
$500 to send 1 child to camp for a week
$100 to pay for 1 day of camp
$300 to pay for 3 days of camp
Other $ _____ to support other service projects
For more information about the Camp COCO’s Children’s
Cancer Fund or to make a contribution, please complete this
form and return it to:
SIU Foundation – Springfield Office
P.O. Box 19666 • Springfield, IL 62794-9666
217-545-2955 or 1-877-435-7766 (toll free)
Camp COCO Calendar
Camp COCO Golf Outing
June 26, 2009
Piper Glen Golf Club, Springfield
Pirate Cove, Who Stole the Black Pearl?
July 12-17, 2009
Timber Pointe Outdoor Center
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*Your contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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SIU School of Medicine
Editors: Merle E. Shiffman, Nancy S. Zimmers
Designer: Aha! Designs
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SIU School of Medicine
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