April 20, 2014 - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic Church Parish


April 20, 2014 - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic Church Parish
Easter Sunday
When Christians are asked the meaning of Easter, they
refer to the resurrection of Jesus. It is the day for telling
the wondrous story: Mary Magdalene saw the stone
moved away, Peter went in and saw the wrappings on the
ground , and the beloved disciple saw and believed. The
faith of contemporary believers builds on their testimony.
It is our festival of life, for the boldness of God’s love
snatched victory from the jaws of death. Our memories
and rituals unite us with that event which was so disconcerting, marvelous, and liberating.
Sunday after Sunday, and especially at this great Sunday of the year, we enter events which show Easter as
more than a once-upon-a-time event. We bless and share
a meal that shapes us as a Body of Christ. We sing alleluias and say the good news still takes flesh in our world.
We color eggs and enjoy feasts without need of a rational
explanation. The pull to dress finely may be marred by
commercialism or a drive for status, but we know our
winter has passed and new life is here. In these and in so
many other ethnic customs, we renew life just as we renew our baptismal commitment. More correctly, we rest
in awe before the One who renews life and provides the
possibility of commitment.
The reading from Colossians highlights yet another
dimension on this day. Implicit within all these celebrations, there is a sense of future. We can be intent on
“things above rather than things of earth.” Easter is a
promise of the endtime. Our festivals take place in a sinful world, in an imperfect Church. In them we taste that
time when we will all be in glory.
Oración en el Monte Murió Cristo
Esta parte del rosario que hemos rezado ha sido ofrecida
y encomendada a la pasión y muerte de nuestro Señor
Jesucristo aplicada a los Dolores y Angustias de su santísimo madre.
Que todo sea para honra de Dios y bien de nuestras almas; alivio y descanso del alma de mis difuntos. Que
Dios le haya tomado cuenta con piedad y misericordia
cuando de este mundo han ido. Que gocen en la eterna
gloria. Amén.
En una cruz enclavado, el Padre eterno fecundo mostráis
para bien del mundo manos, pies y costado, y al mirar
ensangrentado ese tierno corazón y al contemplar la pasión que inocente habéis sufrido, al punto nos habéis concedido de nuestras culpas el perdón. Misericordia Señor,
misericordia señor. Amén.
Virgen de consolación que trajiste la embajada.
A la Virgen consagrada preséntale esta oración, que sea
nuestra embajada y nos alcance el perdón de la celestial
morada. Amén.
This beautiful prayer was composed here in
New Mexico
To Be in the State of Full and Active Participation
My father always arrives at the Church roughly 20-30 minutes
prior to the entrance procession for Mass. The reason he arrives
early is as he says: “To prepare myself for Mass.” This is an ancient concept in the Church. We are all called to prepare ourselves by prayer or by prior reading and reflection of the Scriptures readings of the day and of the Mass. As we enter the Church
or chapel we are to try to calm ourselves by the knowledge of the
presence of God of all or any prior distractions which might prevent us from the prayer, listening, sung prayer and full and active
participation which the Sacred Liturgy demands and the Church
and God want of us. As preparing himself for Mass is the practice
of my father and the call of the Church—so it should be for all of
us and myself as a priest. The specific role of the priest at the Sacred Liturgy is to act in persona Christe—in the person of
Christ. The priest at Mass offers prayer on behalf of all present
before the throne of the most Holy One. Please be aware of this.
One of the challenges here at our parish is that literally from the
moment I enter the Sacristy door, I am bombarded by numerous
requests and needs. No sooner have I crossed the threshold of the
outer north door of the sacristy into the room and immediately 2,3,
4 persons or more are bombarding me with questions or needs
which require my time to troubleshoot before the beginning of the
Mass. By the time I put on the vestments to begin the entrance
procession on time, my mind and demeanor are certainly not in a
prayerful mode but distracted by numerous requests and immediate troubleshooting. On weekends due to busy schedules it is discourteous to bombard the presider with parish business or personal
needs which should and could be taken care of during weekday
office hours. Questions of Baptism, Marriage, etc. should be
asked in the appropriate forum to the office and not to the priest
between Sunday Masses. On weekends the schedule for most active (non retired) priests can be busy even brutal. Between
Masses I also need to return to the rectory to place the collection
in the vault, and to have a snack to balance my blood sugar levels
due to diabetes before the next liturgy. The pastoral services I am
most happy to accommodate on Saturday and Sundays prior or
following our Masses are to bless religious items and know of
someone’s need for the Final Anointing of a dying person or to
make initial plans in the parish calendar for a Funeral Mass of
Resurrection. Reasonable last minute needs should be directed to
the Deacons in the Sacristy and not to me.
Please help me to pray better on your behalf before the throne
of The Most Holy One and allow me to be in a prayerful and contented mindset by not bombarding me with requests or distraction
prior and following the weekend liturgies. I assure you, you also
will experience a much more pleasant personality and demeanor
from me.
Thank you sincerely,
Father Vincent
St. Therese Catholic School has
been fostering faith, service and
learning since 1947.
We offer a small environment
where each of the teachers know
the children from Pre-school all
the way to 8th grade. Students
from the younger grades are paired with students of the
upper grades once a week for buddy work. We are conveniently located in the North Valley, minutes from I-25
and I-40. We offer Before and After Care from 7:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m. Be sure to visit us and see what a small environment can do for your child in 2014! For information
call the school at 344-4479 or visit our website at
www.stthereseschoolabq.org . Register early for 20142015 to assure your child’s academic placement few
spaces remaining in certain grades. God Bless
St Therese School Catholic School is hosting its
17th Annual Golf Tournament on Friday, May 16th at
Desert Greens Golf Club.
A Shotgun start begins at 8:00 A.M.
Registration is $125.00 per player or $500.00 per
team, includes a full round of golf, lunch, & door prizes.
Please come support St Therese Catholic School in this
worthy event. For information call the school at 3444479 or visit our website at www.stthereseschoolabq.org .
Collections from April 13, 2014
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, & put your trust in
the LORD.
Regular Sunday Collection
Bronze Statue Donation
$ 40.00
St. Vincent de Paul
School Support
$ 000.00
Building Fund
$ 000.00
First Communion
$ 000.00
We thank you for your contributions which make possible the
ministries of our parish. Please use your envelopes when making any donation to our parish. If possible use checks. Temporary envelopes are at the entrance of the church and also in the
back entrance.
Please Pray for the sick in Our Parish
Raymond Martinez, Roman Marquez, Dale Rodriguez, Frances Sedillo,
Don Sanchez, Ernest Benavidez, David Chavez, Avie Chavez, Frances
Meek, Joe Jaramillo, The Armijo, Chavez & Lucero families, Mary
Louise, James Gonzales, Theresa Hernandez, Lourdes Gurule, Joe Baca,
Eloisa Leal, Paul & Debra Aranda, Lois Wells , Gabriel Shooter
Delgado, Satch Rae, Abigail Delgado, Jose & Tonica Dominguez,
Ramona Dow, Francisco Torres, Richard Casias, The Garcia family,Olga G. Varoz, Isabel Aragon, Ray Romero, Jerry Vigil, Frank Ortega, Rose Gonzales, Francisco Torres, Pete Lucero and for those in
hospitals and in their home who can’t attend church.
Pilgrimage to Austria & the Czech Republic
Saturday’s at 11:00 a.m.
St. Therese Parish Hall, Room 1
300 Mildred NW
Donations benefit
St. Therese Air Conditioning Project
to replace the large units which cool the Parish Hall
Gymnasium. Our Instructor for Zumba® is our own
faithful parishioner, Mary Martinez.
Ages 13+ Welcome
Therese Parish APP
You can now download our St.
Therese Parish information instantly with the two Apps listed
September 29—October 9, 2014.
Visit Vienna, Melk Abbey, the Hallein Salt Mines, Salzburg,
Prague and other beautiful cities. Special discount Price
$3499.00. Mass daily. For a brochure call 505-898-5253
or 505-983-5034
All Coordinators of Parish Ministries
or any group utilizing Parish Facilities
You are urged to attend the next Pastoral Council Meeting
on Wednesday, 23 April, 2014 at 6:30 pm. This meeting
will be held in Room 3 of Saint Therese Parish Hall.
Scheduling and use of Parish facilities will be discussed.
Fr. Vincent
downloading the Apple App or get
it on Google play or the App Store
“Thank You” to our bulletin advertisers!
The advertisements pay for our bulletins.
Gabaldon Mortuary 243-7861
Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish • Albuquerque, NM
catholic communicator
Easter Sunday • April 20, 2014
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
in the celebration of the Feast of
Divine Mercy on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27.
The Novena and Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed
at 6:30pm, Holy Saturday, April 19, and Easter Sunday
at 3pm. Chaplet will continue at 9am Monday through
Thursday, April 24; on Friday April 25, at 6:30 pm; and
Saturday, April 26, at 3pm. The Chaplet will conclude at
3pm on Divine Mercy Sunday with the Celebration of
Holy Mass, veneration of the image and Consecration. Our Lady of Guadalupe is located at 1860
Griegos Road NW, Albuquerque. Call the parish
office at 345-4596.
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and Bartolomeo
Montalbano played on authentic musical instruments of the Baroque period. Church of the Incarnation
• Rio Rancho • (505) 771-8331.
appy Easter!
San Ysidro Parish Fiesta – May 16-18 • 5015 Corrales
Rd, Corrales • Arts and Craft Tables available for $35.00
- contact Monique Mosher at 350-6798 • Donations for
Silent Auction - contact Laura Grady 898-7182. Please
consider donating gift certificates, art, jewelry, anything of fine quality.
St. Therese Catholic School 18th Annual Golf
Tournament • Friday, May 16, at Desert
Greens Golf Course • For information,
please call 344-4479.
Of Divine Mercy Mass & Celebration • Sunday, April 27 • Begins
at 2:30pm • Church of the Incarnation,
Rio Rancho • Solemnly celebrated with a
brief history of Divine Mercy, the Chaplet of
Mercy in song, followed by the Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass at 3pm. Veneration of the Image and
First Class Relic of St. Faustina will follow. Call
The ASF African American Catholic Community
invites all to join us for our 22nd Anniversary Mass
and Scholarship Awards on April 27 • 12 noon St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Catholic Church •Albuquerque.
Call 505-836-3627.
Savior Catholic Preschool (NE Albuquerque)
Catholic Preschool for 3 and 4 year olds ● We offer a vigorous academic curriculum. Our preschool teaches Catholic
values in a prayerful setting and provides positive fellowship.
Students participate in arts and crafts, cooking activities, field
trips, as well as outdoor play. We are a co-op and a family
member must volunteer one day per month. Subsidies available. Please call 821-1571 ext 112.
St. Pius X High School performing arts presents Broad-
way Ole • April 24 & 25 • End of the year show-stopper!
7pm each evening with art show reception at 6pm • Stage
1 of St. Cecilia Hall • $5.00 • Call: 831-8400. Fun for the
whole family.
Incarnation Concert Series presents the Albuquerque
Baroque Players • May 4 • 3pm • Free Admission • Performing on authentic musical instruments of the Baroque
period, the Albuquerque Baroque Players is one of the most
highly acclaimed musical ensembles in NM. The concert will
feature works of Johann Sebastian Bach, François Couperin,
Weekend for Engaged • Preparation for
marriage for engaged couples • May 2, 3, 4
• Our Lady of Belén • To register, call Deacon
Rudy & Lucille Zamora at 864-8872.
Leadership Awards Luncheon - Hosted by Knights
of Peter Claver and Knights of Peter Claver Ladies
Auxiliary Western States District Conference in
collaboration with the African American Catholic
Community of the ASF • April 26 • 11:30am-1:30pm
• Special Honorees: Mrs. Ava Marie Bowers, and Mr.
Ron Wallace. Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North, 5151
San Francisco Rd. NE, Albuquerque • Tickets $30. Call Greg
Warner at 310-538-2214.
Classes - Register at 505-831-8179; Introduction to the Church
of Vatican II. Tuesdays, April 22-May 20. 6:30-8:30pm. Lourdes
Hall, Albuquerque / $10 fee. • Introduction to Jesus. Wednesdays, April 23 - May 21. 6:30-8:30pm. Our Lady of Sorrows,
Bernalillo. Connie Smith, Instructor / $10.
Catholic Charismatic Center is sponsoring the
Women’s Conference, “Woman Great is Your Faith” with
Patti Mansfield • May 3, at the Shrine of St. Bernadette. $15
registration • Call 505-247-0397 or visit www.asfccc.org
(please, do not contact the Shrine).
Pilgrimage Advertisement
Tour The Religious Sites Of Italy • June 1-12, 2015 • From
Venice to the Almafi Coast With Fr. Vincent Dominguez of St.
Anthony’s Parish in Pecos • Information: Lisa Huges 1-800-6378222 x 8648 or Elaine Varela 505-757-2624 - cell #: 505-470-2042.
Mass Intentions
Easter Sunday
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Acts 3: 1-10; Lk 24: 13-35
8:00 AM †Geraldine “Geri” Pino
By: Frances Pino & Family
†Larry Padilla (3rd Anniversary)
By: Gertrude Padilla
†Loretta Elizabeth Padilla Sedillo
By: Gertrude Padilla
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Acts 3: 11-26; Lk 24: 35-48
8:00 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Gn 1: 1—2:2; Ex 14:15—15:1/Is 55:1-11;
Bar 3:9-15, 32—4:4; Ez 36:16-17a,18-28;
Rom 6:3-11/Mt 28:1-10
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
8:00 pm
Acts 10: 34a, 37-43; Col 3: 1-4; Jn 20: 1-9
8:00 AM
†Jason A. Moya (Birthday)
By: Mom & Michelle
In Thanksgiving to the Lord (Favors
Received) By: Familia Fehr
†Pedro & Senovia Archuleta
By: Mr. & Mrs. Philip Archuleta
10:00 AM †David S. Galbiso By: Mom
†Bertha Griego By: Robert Griego
†Christobal, Victoriana & Jerry Velarde
By: Priscilla Leal
12:00 PM In Thanksgiving By: Leina Dinkel
†Fermin Sena & Albert Armijo
By: Graciel Armijo
†Leo Santistevan By: Family
†Marie Tafoya
By: Isabel & Matthew Aragon
Special Intentions of Life Teen
Monday, April 21, 2014
Acts 2: 14,22-33; Mt 28: 8-15
8:00 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Acts 2: 36-41; Jn 20: 11-18
8:00 AM
Friday, April 25, 2014
Acts 4: 1-12; Jn 21: 1-14
8:00 AM
Easter Vigil
Sunday, April 20, 2014 - Easter Sunday
†Virginia Cordova (Anniversary)
By: Randy & Marie Elena Mirabal
†Paul Drake (16th Anniversary)
By: Maclovia Drake
†Reyna Lucero (3rd Anniversary)
By: George Lucero & Children
For the health of Jackie Libby
By: St. Therese Parish
For the health of Ruby Ortega
By: Tim & Theresa Fresquez
For the health of Jackie Libby
By: St. Therese Parish
For the health of Ruby Ortega
By: Tim & Theresa Fresquez
†Orlando P. Quintana (1 month
By: Mildred Borrego & Robert McCoy
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Acts 4: 13-21; Mk 16: 9-15
8:00 AM
1:00 PM
4:00 PM
In Honor of St. Jude By: Carmen Scott
Wedding-Andrew Ortiz & Michelle Pacheco
†Amelia Black (Birthday)
By: Belinda Sweeten
†Pete Acosta (1st Anniversary of Death)
By: Wife Annie Acosta
Special Intentions of Erika Gonzales
By: Maryann Gonzales
Intentions of Victoria Sanchez (Birthday)
By: Father Vincent
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Acts 2: 42-47; 1 Pt 1: 3-9; Jn 20: 19-31
8:00 AM
10:00 AM †Filiberto Martinez (Birthday)
By: Wife Priscilla
†Mark Anthony Vigil & Teodorita Salas
By: Rose Alderete
†Teresita Gutierrez & Alfredo Griego
By: Doris Vigil
12:00 PM †Agnes & Benny Tagliaferri
By: Rose Fulton & Family
†Holy Souls in Purgatory
By: Paulie Perez
†Celia Gabaldon (1st Anniversary)
By: Daughter Patricia Lucero
†Manuel Cordova & Angie Casaus
By: Julie Cordova
Special Intentions of Life Teen
April 20, 2014