enhancing the spiritual journey to the holy mosque in mecca


enhancing the spiritual journey to the holy mosque in mecca
A Public Realm For Path Hebron Abraham (peace be upon him)
A Thesis Submitted to The Faculty of the Architecture and Urban Design Department
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Master of Fine Arts in Urban Design
Savannah College of Art and Design
Nabhan, Yahya Muhammad
Savannah, GA
November 2015
Ryan Madson, Committee Chair
Emad M. Afifi, Arch.D Committee Member
Samuel Olin, Committee Member
1.1.1 The Holy Mosque 1800-1940AD.
In the name of God the merciful the compassionate
ِِ ِ ِ
ِ ‫السج‬
‫)‏‬26:‫ود‏ ﴾ (‏الحج‏‬
ُّ ‫ين َو‬
ُ ُّ ‫الرَّك ِع‬
َ ‫ين َوالْ َقائم‬
َ ‫يم َم َكا َن البـَْيت أَن الَّ تُ ْش ِر ْك بي َش ْيئاً َوطَ ِّه ْر بـَْيت َي للطَّائف‬
َ ‫﴿ َوإ ْذ بـََّوأْنَا ِإلبـَْراه‬
“ And when We assigned to Ibrahim the place of the House, saying: Do not associate with Me aught , and purify
My House for those make the circuit and stand to pry and bow and prostrate themselves (26)....(Holy Quran, Al-Hajj,
To my Father who I love the most ...To my Mom who I Breathe ...
To my Wife and Sons who make my life beautiful... To my Brothers with whom I feel safe....
To my Friends who make my life easy ...To all Poeple (Muslims and non Muslims) who believe in peace ...
Acknowledgements ...To my Professors... Madson, Afifi, and Olin whom I learned...
List of Figures
Chapter 1
1.2 Background
1.3 Research Objective
1.4 Conclusion
Chapter 2: Opportunities and Challenges
2.1 Location and Geography
2.2 Climate and Agriculture
2.3 Population and Demographics
2.4 Water and Energy
2.5 Transportation and Public Service
Chapter 3: Activity In and Out the Holy Mosque.
3.1 Prayer and Ablution
3.2 Hajj
3.3 Umrah
Chapter 4: Site Analysis
4.1 Site Location
4.2 Site Analysis
4.3 Parking and circulation
4.4.Solid and Void
4.5 Guideline and Site Analysis
4.6 New projects and Urban Form
4.7 Challenges
4.8 Summary and Guideline
Chapter 5: Design Proposal
5.1 Cass Study
5.2 Analysis the situation
5.3Concept guideline
5.4 Design Develop
5.5 Design Proposal
Works Cited
List of Figures
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Figure 5.1.2: Digital image. The Transbay Transit Center. N.p., 27 Jan. 2010.
Web. 1 Nov. 2015. <http://www.architecturelist.com/2010/01/27/transbay-transit-center-project-in-san-francisco/#sthash.a2gNhquE.dpuf he>.
Figure 5.1.3: “Going Bold - The Architect’s Newspaper.” Going Bold - The
Architect’s Newspaper. N.p., 1 July 2014. Web. 01 Nov. 2015. <http://www.
Figure 5.2.1: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.2: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.3: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.4: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.5: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.6: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.7: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.8: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.9: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.10: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.11: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.12: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.13: By the Author.
List of Figures
Figure 5.2.14: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.15: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.16: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.17: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.18: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.19: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.20: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.21: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.22: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.23: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.24: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.25: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.26: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.27: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.28: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.29: By the Author.
Figure 5.2.30 : By the Author.
Figure 5.2.31: By the Author.
A b s t ra c t
Enhancing The Spiritual Journey to the Holy Mosque In Mecca
A Public Realm For Path Hebron Abraham (peace be upon him)
Nabhan, Yahya Muhammad
November 2015
The number of visitors to Mecca is increasing. By the year 2030 the estatmated number of piligrims will be around
5 milion people at one time (Toronto Star News Paper ), and 20 million are expected to make the trip to Holy City in one
year (Pilgrimage’s Progress). This enormous number of people needs many things to assist them in making their spiritual
journey in an easy and safe way. Improve the pedestrian area by enhancing the public space, developing public services,
and expanding public transportation in asustainable and comfortable way. This research will discuss the situation of the
area in and around the Holy Mosque in the city of Mecca,using Prophet Abraham Street one of the Major Streets in the
city that serve the city in general and especially the Holy Mosque; as a case study in this research. This case study can be
applied to the entire city to address the issues caused by a rapidly increasing numbers of pilgrims.
Keywords: Mecca, Holy Mosque, Public Services, Infrastructure, Transportation, Pilgrims, Religions Sites, Yahya Nabhan.
Chapter 1:
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background.
1.3 Research Objective.
1.4 Conclusion.
1.1Introduction :
The population around the world is increasing, and by result
Holy Mosque. Prophet Abraham Street will be the case study in
the number of visitors to the Holy Mosque is also expanding. This
this research. In other words, this topic will focus on the area that is
enormous number of people needs many things to assist them
used by visitors until they reach the inside of the Mosque, and will
in doing their spiritual journey in an easy and safe way, including
discuss how will they circulate in the open space inside it. More-
improving public spaces and services, increasing the percentage
over, the methods of development will be concerned about green
of green areas, solving density problems, reducing pollution, and
and sustainable ways to reduce the amount of waste in energy and
saving the identity of the city. In addition,one of the big issues that
water. In addition, this research will try to achieve the maximum
this research is trying to solve is the urban form and the services in
benefit of the open space inside the Holy Mosque, especially in the
the center of Mecca. Because of the increasing numbers of visitors,
plazas around it.
business developers have tried to find a way of housing these large
numbers of people near the Holy Mosque to avoid delays that
happen in transportation . This approach made them demolish
most of the historic and unique urban form to create a small area
with a highly expensive price, where they built a very high tower.
As a result, there are many people living in a small area without
adequate services. This research will discuss the situation of the
area in and around the Holy Mosque in the city of Mecca, especially
Prophet Abraham Street, one of the major streets in the city that
serves the region in general and is the southwest gateway to the
1.1.1 Map Mecca Old 1885. Digital
1.2 Background:
Before we go far away in this research we should ask some questions to know what kind of case we are dealing with. The fairest
acts of shaving and cleansing, and let them fulfill their vows and let
them go round the Ancient House. “ (Holy Quran, 22: 26-29) .
question is, “What is the Holy Mosque that exists in the city of Mecca, Bacca, or Mecca?”.
(‫)بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬
ِ ‫ “ وإذ بـ َّوأنا إلبراهيم مكا َن‬:‫قال تعالى‬
‫والرّك ِع‬
ْ ُ‫البيت أن ال ت‬
ِّ ً‫شرك بي شيئا‬
ّ ‫بيتي للطآئفين والقآئمين‬
َ ‫وطهر‬
ِ ‫السجود * وأذِّن في‬
‫فج َعميق * ليشهدوا منافع‬
َ ‫الناس بالحج‬
ِّ ‫يأتين من كل‬
َ ‫يأتوك رجاالً وعلى كل ضام ٍر‬
ِ ‫لهم ويذكروا اسم‬
ٍ ‫اهلل في‬
‫معلومات على ما رزقهم من بهيمة األنعام فكلوا منها وأطعموا‬
ِ ‫بالبيت‬
26-27-28-29 ‫العتيق “ (الحج‬
َّ * ‫الفقير‬
ّ ‫ثم ليقضوا تفثهم وليوفوا نذورهم‬
(In the name of God the merciful the compassionate)
“ And when We assigned to Ibrahim the place of the House, saying:
Do not associate with Me aught, and purify My House for those
who make the circuit and stand to pry and bow and prostrate
themselves. | And proclaim among men the pilgrimage, they will
come to you on foot and on every lean camel, coming from every
remote path. | That they may witness advantages for them and
mention the name of Allah during stated days over what He has
given them of the cattle quadrupeds, then eat of them and feet the
distressed one, the needy. | Then let them accomplish their needful
Another verse states:
ِ ‫قُل ص َد َق اللّهُ فَاتَّبِعواْ ِملَّةَ إِبـْر ِاه‬
ِ ‫ض َع لِلن‬
َ ْ
ُ ‫) إِ َّن أ ََّو َل بـَْي‬96(*‫ين‬
َ ‫يم َحني ًفا َوَما َكا َن م َن ال ُْم ْش ِرك‬
َ َ
ِ ِ
َ ‫لَلَّذي ببَ َّكةَ ُمبَ َارًكا َو ُه ًدى لِّل َْعالَم‬
(Say: God speaketh truth. So follow the religion of Abraham, the
upright. He was not of the idolaters.
Lo! the first Sanctuary appointed for mankind was that at Mecca, a
blessed place, a guidance to the peoples); (Quran 22: 95-96)
ِ ‫ات َّم َقام إِبـر ِاهيم ومن د َخلَه َكا َن‬
ِ ‫َّاس ِح ُّج الْبـ ْي‬
ِ ‫آمنًا َولِل ِّه َعلَى الن‬
ً‫اع إِل َْي ِه َسبِيال‬
ٌ َ‫فِ ِيه آي‬
َ َ‫استَط‬
ُ َ َ َ َ َْ ُ ٌ َ‫ات بـَيِّـن‬
ْ ‫ت َم ِن‬
َ ‫)’وَمن َك َف َر فَِإ َّن اهلل غَن ٌّي َع ِن ال َْعالَم‬
Wherein are plain memorials (of Allah’s guidance); the place where
Abraham stood up to pray; and whosoever entereth it is safe. And
pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto Allah for mankind, for him
who can find a way thither. As for him who disbelieveth, (let him
know that) Lo! Allah is Independent of (all) creatures. (Quran 3: 9596).
Perhaps this story can best be explaing by the Reverend Charles
Augustus Goodrich. He says :
“Among the variety of fabulous traditions which have
been propagated by the followers of Mahomet, concerning
the origin of this building, we find it asserted, that its exis-
tence is coeval with our parents, and that it was built by Adam,
after his expulsion from paradise, from a representation of the
celestial temple, which the almighty let down from heaven
in curtains of light and placed in Mecca, perpendicular under
the original. To this the patriarch was commanded to turn his
face when he prayed, and to compass it by way of devotion, as
the angels did the heavenly one. After the destruction of this
temple by the deluge, it was rebuilt by Abraham and his son
Ishmael on the same spot, and after the same model, according to directions, which they received by revelation; and since
that time, it has continued to be the object of veneration to
Ishmael’s descendants. Whatever discredit we may give to
these, and other ravings of the Moslem imposter concerning
the Caaba its high antiquity cannot be disputed; and the most
probable account is, that it was built and used for religious
purposes by some of the early patriarchs; and after the introduction of idols, it came to be appropriated to the reception of
the pagan divinities. Diodorus Siculus, in his description of the
cost of the Red Sea, mentions this temple as being, in his time,
held in great veneration by all Arabians; and Pocoke informs
us, that the linen or silken veil, with which it is covered, was
first offered by a pious King of the Hamyarites, seven hundred
years before the time of Mahomet”.(Karim, Kaleef. “Did Kabah
In Mecca Exist before 4th Century?”
The Forms of Worship Practised by the several nations of the
known world, from the earliest records to the present time, (Goodrich, 124).
In addition, John Reynell Morell says: “…historically speaking,
ber of Visitors and residents. But this growth has fluctuated from
decade to decade, and from historical period to another. (Amirahadi.H, Urban Development in the Muslim World) .
Mecca was a holy city long before Mohammed. Diodorus Siculus,
following Agatharcides, relates that not far from the red sea, between the country of the Sabeans and of the Thamudites there
existed a celebrated temple, venerated throughout Arabia.”Morell,
84). Moreover, Cyril Glassé says in Ptolmey “ The New Encyclopedia
of Islam” that the Greek geographer, ptolmey, did mention Mecca by calling it Makoraba. More and more, there is research and
evidence that shows that this city is one of the oldest cities in the
world, so it has an important value as an economic and spiritual
The City of Mecca has a unique master plan. From the
day that it was established, all the streets came from outside the
city and ended at the Kaaba. This black building was built by the
Prophet Adam “the fairest man in the world”, and rebuilt by the
Prophet Ibrahim with his son Ismael “Ishmael”. (Holy Quran, Al-Hajj,
verse26). Over time, the city developed to accommodate the num1.1.3 Street around the Holy Mosque, 1700-1900 AD
1.3 Research Objective:
Muslims around the world pray five times every day, men
should pray in Mosques and women may also pray there if they
would like. This kind of worshipping is very important for Muslims,
because it is the second pillar of the five pillars in Islam. The Holy
Mosque in the Muslim religion is the greatest place in all the world
to practice this kind of worship. Millions of people come to this
place every year, particularly in the Holy Month of Ramadan and
during the Hajj season. In addition, one hundred thousand people
come to pray every day, and all of these people need to be served
to get their spiritual benefits in a complete way. At the same time,
this kind of service will cost the government millions of dollars,
including water, electricity, and infrastructure costs. In this research,
the author will try to create this kind of environment for the users,
but at the same time try to reduce the cost of maintaining these
Figure1.1.4: Central Department of Statistics and Information. Digital image.
2014. Web. 23 Dec. 2015.
1.4 Conclusion.
Looking back for the urban form and architecture
of the the Islamic traditional Islamic cities and Arabian
cities befor Islam especially Mecca one can recognize
the importante the cities had for Pilgrims, Visitors, and
commercial convoys. Serving the pilgrims who come to
worship the one God (The Glorified and Exalted) by fol-
Figure 1.1.5: Number of Hajj pilgrims from 1996 to 2020, Al Yome Magazine
lowing the Prophet Ibrahim’s religion was an honor for
Arab people, especially those who lived in Mecca before
Islam. But after Islam, it became a great center of worship
and an even larger honor. After the oil revolution in Saudi Arabia, the Urban form and the Architecture in cities
developed in a fast way without taking care about many
Figure 1.1.6: Number of Umra pilgrims from 1996 to 2020, Al Yome Magazine
things, like perseving Identity, which is the main reason
that this city exists. This research highlights this issue, and
tries to redevelop the open space in the Prophat Ibrahim
Path “Ibrahim alklil path,” from the south and west plaza
to the intersection of Ibrahim Alklil Path with Jubal Thawr
Rd, Mecca 24231, Saudi Arabia, to Mecca 24233, Saudi
Figure 1.1.7: The evolution of the number of pilgrims in 1995- 2013 AD
Chapter 2: Site Analysis.
2.1 Location and Geography.
2.2 Climate and Agriculture.
2.3 Population and Demographics.
2.4 Water and Energy.
2.5 Transportation and Public Service .
Figure 2.1. Holy Mosque 1850 AD.
2.1 Location and Geographic:
2.1.1 Kaaba and Holy Mosque:
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon him, pass away).
After that, Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan added on to the size of the
After Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and his son
Prophet Ishmael (peace be upon him) finished rebuilding the first
Holy Mosque. In 697 Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan and his son
House for worshipping the one God (Allah the Glorified and Exalted) they died, people afterward started filling the holy place
with Idols. But when the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing
be upon him) was sent from God (The Glorified and Exalted) he
stopped this wrong worshipping and returned people to the right
path and guidlines established by the Prophet Ibrahim (peace and
blessing be upon him). Also, the Prophet Muhammad removed
these Idols from the Holy Mosque and all of the Arabia Peninsula
and Middle East.
Two of the pillars in Islam are linked to this place. The first
one is all Muslims around the world should tren to Mecca five times
a day to pray and worship God. The other pillar is that all Muslims
should perform the Hajj pilgrimage at least once their lives if they
able to do it. Coming to Holy Mosque is an important part of completing this spiritual journey. The Holy Mosque was built around
Al-Kaaba by Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattad (the second President after
Figure 2.1. 1. Growth of the Holy Mosque.
Al-Walid added an even largger development to the Holy Mosque.
2.1.2 Location Geographic:
Also, Caliph Abu Jafar Al-Mansur who doubled the size of the north
and west parts of the prayer hall area. Moreover, in 777, because
dle of one of the most ancient and rugged volcanic formations. Wa-
the growth of the number of pilgrims, Caliph Al-Mahdi added more
ter erosion in ancient geologic periods and wind erosion in recent
space to the Holy Mosque, by demolishing the houses around the
time produced a network of deep valleys and steep ravines. The
Holy Mosque. Each government that came befor the Kindom of
Kaaba is located in a low spot in middle of the main spine of that
Saudi Arabia attempted to take care of the Holy Places of Islam,
network. In its narrowest part around Al-Haram, the valley’s floor is
especially the Holy Mosque in Mecca.
only a few hundred meters wide. It is slightly wider to the north and
south. The ten-kilometer stretch of the valley that lies inside the city
King Aubd Alaziz (Saudi Arabia’s first king) and his sons
According to Toulan , “Mecca (Mecca) is located in the mid-
after him, made great changes in the care of the Holy Places in the
is enclosed on both sides by steep hills ranging in height from two
Kingdom and all the world. Furthermore, the Holy Mosque has re-
hundred to six hundred meters above the floor. In many of these
ceived the most care from the Saudi government from the first day
that king Aubd Alaziz entered Mecca. Most recently, King Abdallah
(Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, as he liked to be called) made
the biggest extensions and development in the life of the Holy
Figure 2.1.2: Map of Kingdom Saudi Arabia
hills, slopes of forty-five degrees and more are not uncommon.”
(Salah El-Shakhs, Urban Development in the Muslim World,49).
In general, the city of Mecca is located between the Al-Sar-
awat Mountains that start from Gulf of Aden in Yemen in the south
to Jordan in north running through Saudi Arabia, and divide the
west cost of the Arabian Peninsula from the middle and the Empty
Quarter. In addition, this area is located between the end of the
mountains from the east to the Red Sea in the west is called, the
Al-Hejaz region. The Al-Hejaz region has a diversity of geographic
elements, but in general the fertile plains and the Basaltic Mountains dominate the area.
Figure 2.1.3: The City of Mecca in the Kingdom Saudi Arabia
2.1.3: Holy Places around the Holy Mosque:
Mecca city has many places that are important to Muslims around
the world, for example: Jubal al Nour (The Mountain of Light) and Thaewr
The Jubal al Nour is located only three miles north east of the Holy
Mosque. This distance can take 19 Minute by car and Three hours
45 minutes by walking. This mountain became valuable for the
Muslim world because it is the first place that the Prophet Muham-
Figure 2.1.4: Jubal al Nour
mad (peace and blessings be upon him) received his first revelation
from God (The Glorified and Exalted) through the Angel Gabriel
(peace upon him). Their meeting happened in a cave in this mountain named Hira Cave. In addition, the Prophet Muhammad (peace
and blessing be upon him) used to go to this cave before he became a Prophet, because he wanted to isolate himself from people
and anythings that would bother and interrupt him from thinking
about all creatures and everything around him and how it was
designed and created in a unique way. This led him to believe there
is one maker for all this things.
Figure 2.1.5: Jubal AL Nour
Furthermore, Jubal Thawr (Mountain of Bull) also has a value
for Muslims, because it is the place that the Prophet Mohammad
(peace and blessing be upon him) and his first believer of his message for men and his companion, Abo-Baker (may God blessing be
upon him) hid and stayed for three days, fleeing persecution from
Idol worshippers during their migration to Yathrap (Madinah). Zamzam Well and the Black Stone:
The well of Zamzam has been there since God (The Glorified
and Exalted) created it for Ishmael and his mother Hajira, “Prophet
Ibrahim’s wife” (peace and blessing be upon them). This happed
Figure 2.1.6: Jubal AL Nour
thousands of years ago when the Prophet Ibrahim leave his wife
with their son in the middle of nowhere near the place of the Holy
House. Around 2,000 BC it was a hot and dry valley, and his wife and
son had no supplies after the Prophet Ibrahim left. The baby started
crying and the mother ran between two mountains looking for help
or water, but suddenly the baby stopped crying and his mother ran
Figure 2.1.7: Jubal AL Nour
back to him and she found God (The Glorified and Exalted) created
a fountain under her baby’s legs. By the time many people came
to her and traded water with goods, and the city of Mecca became
one of the important stations for Trade caravans between Africa
and Europe on one side and India and the Arabian Peninsula on
the other side. This well is located 66 ft east of the Holy House, the
“Kaaba.” In addition, the Holy House has a unique stone in this build-
ing, which is situated on the south east corner of the Kaaba. Also,
this stone isn’t like any other stone on earth, because it came from
heaven and the Angels brought it to the Prophet Ibrahim to put in
Figure 2.1.8: Zamzam Well
the building, while he was building the Holy House.
Figure 2.1.10: Well Zamzam.
Figure 2.1.9: Well Zamzam.
Figure 2.1.9: Well Zamzam.
2.1.4 Border:
The city of Mecca is located ot 21-25 north latitude and
39-49 longitude. Also, the city is 300m above sea level. Moreover,
this city is the capital of the Western Region of Saudi Arabia, and it
is bordered by the Riyadh Region or the Middle Region from east.
From south it it is bordered by three regions: Asir, Baha, and Jizan.
The Medina Region bordereds it to the north, and Jeddah city and
the Red Sea from the west.
Figure 2.1.11: Urban Growth for Mecca between 1978-2000
Figure 2.1.12: Main Roads in city of Mecca.
2.2 Climate and Agriculture.
2.2.1 Climate:
The weather in Saudi Arabia is an arid climate, hot in the
summer season and cold in winter, and the rain falls mostly in
winter. A stady done by Abdellatif Esawy A. Abdou analyzed the
climate using Regression analysis and the Theil-Sen nonparametric
test. The results showed that the number of hot days and nights
increased annually by 1.5966 and 1.832, respectively, while the
number of cold nights decreased annually by 0.4054 nights. Furthermore, the study showed positive trends in mean, minimum and
maximum temperature levels. “Trends are determined for various
seasons and months of the year.
The annual mean of daily mean, maximum and minimum
temperature increased by 0.0398˚C, 0.0552˚C, 0.0398˚C per year,
respectively. The minimum value of monthly mean temperature
(Tmmean = 23.98˚C) was found in January, whereas the maximum
value of the mean temperature (Tmmean= 35.95˚C) was found in
July. Maximum value of monthly mean of daily maximum temperature (Tmmax = 43.88˚C) was found in June and minimum (30.54˚C)
in January. The monthly mean of the daily minimum temperature
Figure 2.1.13: Another view of Mecca in 1910 with the station of Imam Abu Hanifa on
the left.
(Tmmin) varied between a minimum of 18.82˚C in January and a
maximum of 29.59˚C in August” (Abdon). From the above analysis
it can be concluded that Mecca is suffering from a considerable
warming temperature trend, which was confirmed by the Theil-Sen
non-parametric test, and there is potentially an increasing medical
risk from heat waves that will be more intense.This will have a major impact on the health oh residents and pilgrims in the future. Following, we will discuss the most important elements in the weather
of Mecca during the years 1984 to 2013: Temperature:
In addition, according to Weather Spark, in the years be-
tween 1981 to 2012, the temperature typically varies from 66°F to
110°F. Moreover, the warm season goes from May to October, and
the temperature average is above 105°F daily. Moreover, June is the
hottest month of the year, with an average high of 110°F and low
of 84°F. On the other hand, the cold season starts in December and
goes until February, with an average daily high temperature below
90°F, and the coldest month of the year is January with an average
Figure 2.2.1: The daily average low (blue) and high (red) temperature with percentile bands (inner band from 25th to 75th percentile, outer band from 10th to
90th percentile).
low of 66°F and high of 85°F. Sun (Day light):
Because the location of Mecca is north of the equator, the
sun is in the south most of the year. Moreover, the 20 of June is the
longest dayl in Mecca, with 13:27 hours of daylight, and the shortest daylight of is on December 21, with 10:50 hours.
Figure 2.2.2: Daily Hours of Daylight and Twilight
24 Rain average (Precipitation):
In general city of Mecca doesn’t have much rain fall. The most rain
occurs between Oct to Dec, with 7% of days having rain. This small
amount of water presents a particular challenge with the increasing
Figure 2.2.3: Probability of Precipitation at Some Point in the Day
population of the city. Humidity
The humidity in Mecca ranges between 19% (dry) to 80% (humid)
Figure 2.2.4: Types of Precipitation
Throughout the Year
over the year, but in some season it become very dry and the huWarm Season Precipitation
Cold Season Precipitation
midity goes under 12%.
Figure 2.2.5: Warm and
Cold Season Wind:
Overall, the range of the wind speed is from 0mph to 11mph,
and at some times during the year it jumps to 16mph. Most wind
comes from the north, with 18%, and from the southwest with 11%.
Cold Season Precipitation
Figure 2.2.6: Wind Directions
Over the Entire Year
2.3 Population and Demographic.
The city of Mecca doesn’t have a large boundary when
birth in Muslim-majority countries, which was 62 years in the
compared to the big cities in Saudi Arabia like Riyadh, and Jeddah.
five-year period 1990-95, is estimated to be 68 years in 2010-
However the region around Mecca area is 65 thousand square
15.9 By 2030-35, life expectancy at birth in Muslim-majority
kilometers, and this area divided into two boundaries. The first one
countries is projected to reach 73 years, slightly surpassing
has the Holy Mosque in the middle of it, and is the traditional or
life expectancy in other (non-Muslim-majority) developing
“the old city”. This area is called the Centre Urban Area. The other
countries.” (Main Factors Driving Population Growth) By result
one has almost 70% of the city’s area, and it includes the modern
the number of visitors to the Holy Mosque also. This enormous
urban portion. In addition, the population in Mecca is a mix of all
number of people need many things to assist them for doing
races in the world, as are all cities in Saudi Arabia. The number of
their spiritual journey in easy and safety way.
population in Mecca is 850 thousand people, and 28% of them are
Saudi citizens. During the Hajj season, this number jumps to over 4
million people.
Inadditation, population around the world is in increas-
ing. Accprding to Pew Research Center “ Fertility rates have
fallen in most Muslim-majority countries in recent decades.
Yet they remain, on average, higher than in the rest of the
developing world and considerably higher than in more-developed countries... Muslims are living much longer than
they did just a generation ago. The average life expectancy at
Figure 2.3.1: Main Factors Driving Population Growth.
2.4 Water and Energy.
2.4.1 Water:
Since the first day of Mecca’s life after the prophet Ibrahim
(peace and blessings be upon him) rebuilt the Kaaba, water has
been the source of life and it’s one pillar of the city’s prosperity.
Zamzam well was originally more than enough for the citizens
and the pilgrims in the Hajj season. But this changed after a little
while, exactly when the message of God (The Glorified and Exalted)
messenger’s spirit was communicated the throughout the world.
Water became a big issue especially in Hajj or pilgrimage season,
Figure 2.4.1: Ain Zubaida
and all governments in the lifetime of the Holy Mosque have tried
their best to provide water for all people in this city. Aine Zubaida
was one example, according to Dr. Haque, “Ain Zubaida is a symbol
of the magnificent legacy of a unique historic al water project, built
during the eighth century, exactly in AD 801 and named after its
founder, Zubaida Al-Abbasi, the wife of the Islamic Caliph Haroon
Al-Rasheed. Zubaida was a memorable lady who lived in Baghdad
from AD 760 to 820. Ain Zubaida is such a brilliant water system
with its fantastic engineering feat that it is still survived after 1200
years “ (Islamic Monitor. N.p., 2 May 2012. )
Figure 2.4.2: Ain Zubaida
Today, the Saudi government has built many Sea Water
Desalination Plants to provide fresh water for all the cities, and two
of the biggest plants are on the Red Sea. The first one is in Jeddah,
and the second one is in Saibah (south Jeddah city), and they try to
cover the increased needs in Mecca during the Hajj season.
According to a Riyadh newspaper, the daily volume of water
consumption in the Holy Mosque is 800 thousand liters. Moreover,
according to the National Water Company, the volume of the water
for the 10 days of the Hajj season in 2014 was 10 million cubic me-
Figure 2.4.3: Muslims prepare to Pray.
ters of water. Furthermore, water is very important for all Muslims in
the world for human needs and as a requirement for religious need.
All Muslims should perform ablutions before the practice of worshiping the one God (The Glorified and Exalted). For example,ablutions should be done before praying, and wandering around the
Holy House, Kaaba.
Figure 2.4.4: The amount of water in 10 days compared to Truck.
2.4.2 Energy : places in the urban center
area. Most of the buildings
The Holy Mosque and the urban center are one of the most
active places in the world during the Hajj season. Energy is a very
there are commercial and
important element to ensure that the city is effectively run. For ex-
they don’t follow methods of
ample: electricity runs 24/7 all the year, and it runs in higher capac-
sustainable and green con-
ity during the summer time. Cooling the inside environment of the
Figure 2.4.5: Mecca at Night.
Holy Mosque is taking the biggest part of the electric bill. According to Thomas Content, the Holy Mosque has the largest air-conditioned space in the world, with 1.2million square feet of area that
must be cooled.
In addition, All systems depend on energy. The first law of
thermodynamics states that energy can be transformed but not
created or destroyed, although it can move around within or be-
Figure 2.4.6 : Mecca at Night.
tween systems, such as plants converting light energy to chemical
bond energy. The second law of thermodynamics holds that some
energy always escapes in the conversion process from one level to
another, that conversion is never 100 percent efficient. This energy
is usually lost as heat, such as the heat generated within the body
by muscles that do not completely convert their fuels. This concept of losing energy is seen with people in buildings and public
Figure 2.4.7: Mecca at Night.
2.5 Transportation and Public Service
There are only 70 Kilometers between Mecca and the Red
Sea, and this road goes through Jeddah city, the second largest
city in Saudi Arabia, which functions as the western port for Mecca.
Most of the pilgrims come from this port, and the Saudi govern-
Figure 2.5.1:
Al-Msha’er Metro
ment has built an enormous network of transportation between
the cities, especially between the major cities and Mecca. In addition, the Saudi Government is now building an enormous train network between the cities and almost all the paths will go through
Mecca. Also, they have already built a Metro station between the
Figure 2.5.1:
Al-Msha’er Metro
Holy Places in Mecca, and it is used in the Hajj season only, to transfer the pilgrims between Arafat, Muzdalifah, and Mina. This Metro
station reduces travel time from 10 hours to 15 minutes
The City of Mecca has also done many projects to support
public services, especially in infrastructure and transportation
Figure 2.5.2:
pilgrims go to
Mina to spend
the day perfusion.
between the cities. Furthermore, there are an enormous efforts that
have been undertaken and are still being done to support health
care, security, education, and many other services that support
citizens and visitors.
Figure 2.5.3: King
Chapter 3: Activity In and Out the Holy Mosque.
3.1 Pray and Ablution.
3.2 Hajj.
3.3 Umrah.
3.1 Prayer and Ablution.
Prayer is the second pillar in Islam. All Muslims should pray
five times per day, and the Holy Mosque is considered the greatest
place to pray on the earth. According to Aisha Stacey, “Muslims
testify with certainty that there is none worthy of worship except
God(The Glorified and Exalted) alone. They believe that Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, is His messenger. They fast, they give in charity, and they perform pilgrimage
once in a lifetime for those who can afford the journey. Muslims
also pray five times a day. ... God is accessible at anytime and in any
place. Muslims call on God (The Glorified and Exalted) frequently
Figure 3.1.1: Here’s What the Holiest Place in Islam Looks like 2015.
throughout the day and night. They raise their hands in supplication and ask for His help, mercy, and forgiveness.
This, however, is not the act that Muslims refer to as prayer. This
is called making dua (supplications) and it is similar to Christian
prayer in that it is calling on God (The Glorified and Exalted), asking
for His help and acknowledging His greatness. For Muslims prayer
denotes a set of ritual movements and words said throughout fixed
times in a day and night”(Stacey).
Figure 3.1.2:Hundreds thousands Muslims gather Mecca Ramadan.
Stacy also notes, ”[1] Prayer is just one act amongst many acts of
things to be completed in the right way. It is not about physical
worship however; it holds a very special status in Islam because of
things only; it is also about how all senses and focus come together
the way it was enjoined. It was not brought down to earth by an
to worship God. Ablution symbolizes that God knows everything
Angel rather it was bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad during his
inside your mind, your future and your whole life from your past
unique ascension into the heavens. Fifty prayers were first en-
to the life after death,
joined upon the believers but this was eventually reduced to five,
can depend on these
while the reward for prayer remains as if it were still fifty. This reduc-
few minutes. So, this
tion shows just how great God’s love for humanity is, a few minutes
journey must provide a
throughout the day is rewarded as if it were continuous worship”
spiritual place that will
(How and Why Muslims Pray).
create this suggestive
emotional moment.
In addition, the first pillar in prayer is Ablution, and all Mus-
lims should do it before they pray if they can. The Quran states, “O
you who believe, when you rise to observe the Salat, you shall wash
your faces and your arms to the elbows, and wipe your heads and
your feet to the ankles.” (Quran 5:6).
The process of Ablution starts by washing the mouth, nose
and face. Then, Muslims wash their arms to the elbows starting with
the right hand . After that they wipe their head, and wash their feet
to the ankles starting with the right foot. This journey needs many
Figure 3.1.2:Eiad Prayer in the Holy Mosque
3.2 Hajj journey:
3.2.1 Hajj
2,085,238. In addition, the Holy Mosque is one part of this spiritual
journey, Mina and Arafat are also a Holy places and parts of this
The Hajj has been the main economic resource for all of the
Arabian Peninsula from the day that God (The Glorified and Exalt-
ed) guided the Prophet Ibrahim (peace and blessing be upon him)
to rebuild the Kaaba with his son Ishmael. Since that day, millions
of pilgrims have come frome everywhere to this blessed place to
worship the one God (The Glorified and Exalted), following the
path of the father of Messengers, The Prophet Ibrahim (peace and
Figure 3.2.1: Hajj pilgrims cry as they prepare to depart for Mecca
from the Tribhuvan International Airport
blessing be upon him). In addition, every year millions of people
come to this place, especially in the Hajj season, and they start
coming approximately three months before the season starts. They
Abdullah extansion is completed, the number of pilgrims is expect-
leave during the weeks after the season ends.
ed to rise to over seven million a year by 2030. This massive in-
crease means that there is a stong need to further expand the Holy
According to Saudi Arabia’s Central Department of Statistics
However, this reduction is only temporary. After the King
and Information, the number of pilgrims in 1996 was 1,865,234.
Mosque. The cost to the Saudi Arabian government will be quite
But this number jumped to 3,161,573 in 2012. In addition, in 2014
high to provide these services. Therefore, it is essential to develop
the Saudi Government asked all the countries around the world to
and design sustainable , green solutions to reduce both the finan-
reduce the number of their pilgrims, because the size of the Holy
cial and environmental burden.
Mosque was minimized because of the structural work for The King
Abdallah extension. So the number of pligrims last year (2014) was
3.2.2 Mina and Arafat.
Hajj pilgrims should also go
through Mina and Arafat to complete
their journey. These places are located
to the southeast of the Holy Mosque,
and they have been developed in a
good way by the Saudi Government
Figure 3.2.1: Hajj pilgrims
to accommodate the increase in the number of pilgrims. By improving public transportation, adding more roads, and building the
Al-Jmrat bridge that has five levels, more and more this journey has
become swifter and has given pilgrims more time to worship God
Figure 3.2.2: Muslim pilgrims arrive to pray at Mount Arafat
(The Glorified and Exalted). Some of these improvements could
also be adapted for the area around the Holy Mosque to create an
easier and more cohesive spiritual journey for Hajj pilgrims that
allows them to experience Mecca in a more spiritual way.
Figure 3.2.3:Thousands of Muslim pilgrims arrive to throw pebbles at pillars during the
“Jamarat” ritual, the stoning of Satan, in Mina.
3.3 Umrah:
God says, “Truly, Safa and Marwa are among the landmarks
of God, therefore anyone who performs the Hajj or the Umra he
does no harm if he circumambulates them both” (Quran 2:153).
Umrah is a practice Muslims do during all of the year and Muslims
prefer to do it in the Month of Ramadan. This kind of worshipping
only needs three to five hours to do, and it happens inside the Holy
Figure 3.3.3 : Umrah and Hajj in the past time.
Mosque. According to Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, there are more than
12 million pilgrims who did the Umrah in 2013 from both inside
and outside Saudi Arabia. Also, According to the Ministry of Hajj
and Umrah there are more than 400,000 pilgrims who come to do
Umrah from outside Saudi Arabia every month, except during the
month of Ramadan, where there are more than one million pilgrims
Figure 3.3.4 : Umrah 2012.
who come to do Umrah and worship the one God (The Glorified
and Exalted).
Figure 3.3.5: 30 Million Umrah Pilgrims
in Five Years.
Figure 3.3.6:Traffic around the Holy
Mosque during the Umrah season
Chapter 4: Site Analysis.
4.1 Site Location.
4.2 Site Analysis.
4.3 Parking and circulation
4.4.Solid and Void
4.5 Guideline and Site Analysis
4.6 New projects and Urban Form
4.7 Challenges “ p r o b l e m s ”.
4.8 Summary and Guideline
4.1 Site Location.
Although there are many possible locations in Mecca and the
surrounding area that might be suited for further study, this
study is designed to focus primarily on the area in and around
Prophet Abraham Street leading up to the Holy Mosque. This
street is the busiest commercial street in the urban center,
and it encompasses a wide variety of environments from
both historic areas, to commercial areas, to living areas. As a
core part of Mecca’s urban form, it also has the most potential
for preserving the character of the city.
At the same time, the area has a large population of low-in-
Figure 4.1.3: Holy Mosque “South West Plaza
Figure 4.1.1: Holy Mosque “Top view”
Figure 4.1.2: Path Hebron Abraham (peace be upon him)
come residents, and there is great economic potential for development of jobs and resources that will improve their quality of life. This study seeks to provide these
improvements in a green and sustainable
way to create an environment that not only
honors Mecca’s special spiritual heritage, but
also makes the city more livable and viable
Figure 4.1.4: Path Hebron
for its residents.
Abraham (peace be upon him)
The ultimate goal is to improve the
principles of urban design on this site, to
realize improvements in infrastructure,
transportation, public services, public spaces, healthcare accessibility, and community
character. In addition, this scheme for the
street can serve as a case study for applying
these principles of urban design to other
rapidly developing historic areas. Rather
than demolishing historic structures, designers should seek to preserve them and build
upon their history with the future in mind.
Figure 4.1.5: Path Hebron Abraham (peace be upon him) with old
urban form before the Oil revolution
Figure 4.1.6: Path Hebron Abraham (peace be
upon him) and the urban form around it.
4.2 Site Analysis.
The Holy Mosque
The Second Highway Ring
Al Madinah Al Munawarah
The First Highway Ring
Um Al Qura Rd
Path Hebron Abraham (peace be
upon him) Rd
Figure 4.2.1.a:1
Figure 4.2.1 Path Hebron Abraham (peace be upon him) and the urban form. around it.
Resident area(two to five
Floor )
Commercial Resident area
(five to 60 Floor)
Figure 4.2.1.b: 2
Figure 4.2.1c: 3
Figure 4.2.1.a:4
Figure 4.2.1.a:5
Figure 4.2.1.a: 6
The area around the Holy Mosque and the Center Urban
form area. In the season time the open space become very crowded
area are divided between commercial use and resident. The major-
and the transportation become very difficult, and some time take
ity area is resident and it is very condense, especially the old urban
between three to eight hours to drive one mile.
4.2.2 Site Section
Figure 4.2.2: Section in Path Hebron Abraham (peace be upon him).
Figure 4.2.3
Figure 4.2.4
Figure 4.2.5
Figure 4.2.6
Path Hebron Abraham (peace be upon him)is surround with high resident - commercial building, but in the other hand the public space and the transportation area are not enoughs to serve this enormous number of people.
4.3 Parking and circulation
Figure 4.3.1: Path Hebron Abraham (peace be upon him).
The number of public and private parking spaces is not enough to serve the number of visitors and pilgrims.
Figure 4.3.2: Statistics of the
buses number and passenger
transport pilgrims and worshipers to and from the Grand
Mosque in 2014
According to the Ministry of Transportation in KSA, there were
more than 5 million cars entering and exiting the Holy City during
the time between the first and the seventh day of the month of
Ramadan in 2014.
Figure 4.3.3:
in Path Hebron
Abraham (peace
be upon him).
The street width is al most 30m (98.4ft), and there are no side walks
in many places of the street. Moreover,entry ways existing do not
accommodate the large numbers of pedestrians.
4.4.Solid and Void
Figure 4.4.1
Area for proposal
From study the urban form of the area around the Prophet Abra-
One mile of Path Hebron Abraham (peace be upon him).
ham Path, this area is all most organic urban form, except the
Highway First Ring.
Highway Second Ring.
commercial residential areas bordering road.
4.5 Guideline and Site Analysis
Pilgrims and residents in neighborhoods the around
Holy Mosque.
Labor struggle to
transfer goods to his
store because the
jam in traffic.
Boys playing in mid
of street in neighborhoods around
the Holy Mosque.
Holy Mosque South
Plaza during Friday
prayer in normal day.
Prince Sultan bin Salman sharing breakfast with pilgrims in
the Holy month of
Illegal Resident, low
income residents and
many pilgrims try to
seal some goods and
accessories in street
and the small places
between buildings.
Figure 4.5.1
:Center Urban.
Resident try to
get to the Holy
Mosque to pray.
Resident and pilgrims try to get to
the Holy Mosque
to pray in the Holy
month of Ramadan
between Cars traffic .
Resident try to get to
the Holy Mosque to
pray in normal day
between Cars traffic .
There is a need to add or expand existing public services in the
Center Urban area to cover the needing of the residents and pilgrims especially in the seasons time
4.6 New projects and Urban Form
Mecca has the Highest business deal in
the KSA
Figure 4.6.1
Figure 4.6.5
Figure 4.6.6 . Conrad Mecca, Hotel and
Figure 4.6.3
Figure 4.6.7 Proposal for new urban in Mecca.
Many developers cool to Mecca as oil well, because the high income that they will get from it in many things. But in the same time
Figure 4.6..4
Figure 4.6.2
Model project Jubal Al
they don’t concern about the unique urban form that is more than
1,000 years old.
4.7 Challenges “ p r o b l e m s ”.
The big number of visitors, pilgrims, and residents who come to
Amount of the water for 10 days
the Holy Mosque make enormous pressure on the infrastructure,
health, Energy, and safety. The accident that happened in Hajj 2015
was an example for what will happen if we don’t expect the worst
thing and prepare for it, to reduce the damage and waste.
Figure 2.4.4: The amount of water in 10 days compared to Truck.
Figure 4.7.1 Hajj 2015
Figure 4.7.2 Hajj 2015
Figure 2.4.3: Muslims prepare to Pray.
Figure 4.7.3 Hajj 2015
Figure 4.7.4. Public space in Mecca.
Figure 2.4.5: Mecca at Night.
Figure 4.7.5. New Hospital in Mecca
4.7.1Public space & Traditional Markets :
Figure 4.7.6: Slums area
Figure 4.7.9: City Market
Figure 4.7.7
Figure 4.710: Student walk to school in
Figure 4.7.14: Traditional food market
Figure 4.7.8: Side Walk
Figure 4.7.11: Public School
Figure 4.7.15: Shade Market, old market in
Figure 4.7.12: Almesfla park
Figure 4.7.13: Small Market
Before the Oil revolution, Mecca wasn’t a place
for worshiping only, no. It was a place for meeting, education, business center, and a place to
find a specialist in many field, like health and
engineering. Public place and open markets was
the place for all this activity. Also, in the same
time it was economic place for the residents.
Figure 4.7.16: Residents share their breakfast with pilgrims in street.
4.7.2 Transportation
Transportation became a big issue especially when the cars and
buses became the dominant transportation element. Because
more than 80% of the visitors live near the Holy Mosque and they
prefer to go there by walking and because there are no pedestrian
way for them, they walk on the street side by side with the traffic.
Accidents, injuries, jams, health, and waste time are example for
what we need to solve there.
Figure 4.7.18: Pilgrims walking in a middle of
street to the Holy Mosque
Figure 4.7.19: Pilgrims walking in a middle of
street to the Holy Mosque
Figure 4.7.22: Street markets are a common
things in season time, because there are no
place to do this kind of business
Figure 4.7.23: Time is very critical issue in the
season time especially in some practices depend
on especial time to do it.
Figure 4.7.17: Side walk is too small to fit the increased number for visitors and pilgrims
Figure 4.7.20: Side walk is too
small to fit the increased number
for visitors and pilgrims
Figure 4.7.21: Accidents, injuries,and health problem are example for
what happened there because there are not pedestrian and safe and
easy transportation.
Figure 4.7.24: Side walk is too small to fit the increased number for visitors and pilgrims
4.7.3 Identity
The area in the Center Urban in Mecca is very condensed
area and the price for the land is very expensive. This thing make
this land very value and made the developers demolish many of
the historic markets and houses, and built a high buildings in short
and fast time to get the benefit of it, this things effect the identity
of the city in bad way.
Figure 4.7.25: Open space in the old urban form.
Figure 4.7.26: Old market and pedestrian in the old urban form.
Figure 4.7.27: There is a big different between the facades of the building and street in the old urban and with the new urban .
4.8 Summary and Guideline
Enhancing the Spiritual Journey
* Easy movement to the
* Increase the green area in
* Increase public transportation.
Holy Mosque
the Holy Mosque
* Improve public parking and
* Safe environment.
* Reuse the water used for
extend its capacity.
* Enhance the area around
* Create an open space for the
the Holy Mosque.
* Reduce the air pollution.
residents and visitors in the
* Increase the capacity of the
* Realize the Principe of
Central District of the Holy city .
open space around the Holy
sustainability in the devel-
* Revive the physical character
opment design by using
of the Central District.
local materials.
* Create a commercial area
mimicking the old commercial
markets in the central region.
Create new job opportunities for
the people of the Holy city.
Chapter 5: Design Proposal.
5.1 Cass Study
5.2 Analysis the situation :
5.3 Concept guideline
5.4 Design Develop
5.5 Design Proposal
5.1 Case Study
5.1.1 Case Study 1:
King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD) Metro Station:
e,Design Team:,Alexandre Kuroda,Fei Wang, Lisa Kinneru, dand
Jorge Mendez-Caceres
The King Abdullah Financial District ( KAFD) Metro Station
will serve as a key interchange on the new Riyadh Metro network
Size: 20,434 m2 ,Levels:, 4 above ground,2 below ground (car
for Line 1, as well as the terminus of Line 4 (for passengers to the
parking),Metro Lines served:Line 1,Line 4, Line 6, Skybridge access
airport) and Line 6. The local monorail can also be accessed from
to,monorail (6 train plattforms)
the station via a skybridge. With six platforms over four public
floors and two levels of underground car parking, the KAFD Metro
Station will be integrated within the urban context of the financial
district, responding to the functional requirements of a multimodal
transport centre and the district’s future vision.
The KAFD Metro Station provides an excellent example of
possbility of creating a one-stop multimodal transportation facility in the middle of a crowded urban area. This could be an ideal
approch for expanding public transportation options in Mecca.
Location: Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Date: 2012–2017, Client: ArRiyadh Development Authority
Design:Zaha Hadid Architects,Project Director:Gianluca Racana,
Filippo Innocenti,Project Architect:, Fulvio Wirz Gian Luca Baron-
Figure 5.1.1 KAFD Metro.
5.1 Case Study
5.1.2 Case Study 2 :
Transbay Transit Center Project in San Francisco
of the Financial District and redeveloping the area surrounding the
Transbay Transit Center with 2,600 new homes (35% affordable),
The Transbay Transit Center is a $4 billion project to replace
the current Transbay Terminal with a multi-modal transit center
parks and a retail main street – will help to return San Francisco to
serving ten transportation systems. Located in downtown San Fran-
a culture of mass transit, allowing people to travel and commute
cisco, the new terminal will serve both bus and rail and will include
without the need for a car, thereby decreasing congestion and pol-
a 5.4 acre rooftop park.
The Transbay Transit Center Project, which will replace the
Thus design is notable for the way it in corporates sustain-
current Transbay Terminal with a new, multi-modal transporta-
able, green design features in the middle of busy urban area. The
tion center and centralize the region’s transportation network by
green materials that are
accommodating nine transportation systems under one roof, will
used here could also be
make public transit a more convenient option in the Bay Area,
used in Mecca to creat a
much as it is in other
public transit center in a
world-class cities. The three
sustainable form.
components of the project
– replacing the outdated
Transbay Terminal with a
modern transit hub, extending the Caltrain rail
line 1.3 miles into the heart
Figure 5.1.2
Figure 5.1.2
5.1 Case Study
5.1.3 Case Study 3
GLos Angeles’
In 2012, Los Angeles Metro’s Board of Directors selected
a design team made up of Los Angeles–based Gruen Associates
and Grimshaw Architects to design a Union Station Master-plan,
laying the groundwork for more than 40 acres of development
on the north end of downtown. On June 5, the team, which also
includes landscape architecture firm Mia Lehrer + Associates,
presented the master plan’s latest incarnation at a community
This iteration represents the further—and more ambi-
tious—development of a preferred scheme selected by the board
in October of last year. The master plan was set in motion when
Metro purchased Union Station and the surrounding 47 acres of
Underutilized land in 2011. Since then, the agency has been
studying how to improve its transit connections, incorporate
high-speed rail, and enhance adjacent properties as development
opportunities. The station is currently used by roughly 70,000
passengers but this is expected to double to 140,000 by 2040,
especially if high-speed rail becomes a reality.
This station is especially notable for its excellent use of
open space and for the design’s capacity to accommodate future
expansions for green numbers of travelers. These considerations
should be taken int account for any public space additions in
Figure 5.1.3
5.2 Analysis the situation
5.2.1 Historic and new Urban Form
Figure 5.2.1
Ibrahim Al Khalil Path “Hebron Abraham Path”
Al Misfalah Park.
urban growth and unique forms. This Urban form is a combination
Al Misfalah District.
between two generations of urban growth, be fore and after the
Jarham District.
introduction of cars. By studying this form, one can see that it was
Ash Shubaikah District.
Al Hijrah District.
The districts around the Holy Mosque have an organic
designed to meet the needs for the residents and visitors over time.
However, the organic forms that developed naturally to
meet the needs of the rising population and new societal customs
such as car use-how present a problem. They were design to tem-
to save this historical urban form to protect Mecca’s unique identity,
porarily meet needs rather than giving development a long-term
while also solving the problems presented by the ever-increasing
view. The increasing number of visitors have pent a significant
number of visitors to the city. Many of the residents in this area are
strain on this urban from, and it is no longer sustainable for resident
also lower income, so opportunities for better jobs must be created
or visitors.
to allow for their economic wellbeing by developing and designing
a new sustainable urban form, that can accommodate expansion
At the same time, this form shows Mecca’s unique history.
Consultants have unfortunate continued the trend of designing for
for both residents and visitors.
the short-time and have chosen to demolish some of this old fabric
of the urban form, choosing the
easy way to build new structures,
but at a great cost. There is a need
Historic Urban Form
New Urban Form
Figure 5.2.2
5.2.2 Circulation “Transportation, Pedestrians”
Figure 5.2.3
Main Road Abraham AL klil
Traffic jam points
Open space
- Minimize traffic congestion and bottlenecks.
- Raise the rate of safety for pedestrians .
- Add another way of transportation and Separation between
them to get the high and the best use of each one of them.
- Conversion cars momvement that go to neighbohoods from
Hebron Abraham (peace be upon him) path.
Circulation is the number one problem in this unique site,
because of the biggest number of people who want to go in one
visitors, and residents” with the capacity of the road and the sidewalk, we will feel the biggest gap between them, and the needing
of fast solution for this situation.
place in same time and go back also in the same time, but indifferent ways. By comparing the enormous number of people “pilgrims,
5.3Concept guideline
5.3.1 Focal point and Circulation
Primary Focal point
Secondary Focal point
Figure 5.2.4
The focal points are the most critical place in
the prophet path. Because there are many
people come from many directions to these
point and either they go to the Holy Mosque
or ride one of the available transportation.
There are 72% of the visitors come to the Holy
Mosque by walking, so they are the most important people that need a good environment
to reach the Holy place in enhance way.
5.3.2 Transportation
* Free the ground floor of the Ibrahim Al Khalil
path from traffic and make it only pedestrian.
* Add two levels undergroundNthe Prophet path
with fast and safe transportation.
* Create a public places for residents.
* Create a traditional markets along the path.
* Develop Al Misfalah park and make it a focal
point for the city. .
Figure 5.2.5
Public place
5.4 Design Develop
From studying the sections, we realise the condense area with the
high building in both side of the road .
Public School
Figure 5.2.6
Figure 5.2.8
Second Highway
Parking Garage
Ibrahim AL Khalil Path
Holy Mosque
South Plaza
Figure 5.2.7
Figure 5.2.9
5.4 Design Develop
Increase the green area and direct the wind by buildings to
reduce the heat and create shadings
Figure 5.2.10
Figure 5.2.12
Figure 5.2.11
Design proposal for public plaza.
5.4 Design Develop
Multi use
Bus Station
Figure 5.2.14 Section A-A
Dived the transportation to three kind:
1- Metro
2- Bus
3- Pedestrian
Also, develop the park to create a center urban point,
that has traditional market, Multi stations, Multi Use
building, and very big public parking. In addition, by
create any job for the resident in the area we will imFigure 5.2.13
prove the income for them.
5.4 Design Develop
Market & public
Multi use
Pedestrian and
public space
Bus Level
Market & public
Metro Level
Figure 5.2.15 B-B
Multi use plaza
“public place”
Figure 5.2.17
Canopies to create
shade on the
south plaza
Bus Station
Figure 5.2.16
Metro Station
5.4 Design Develop
3D Site View
Figure 5.2.18
3D view for the design develop on the Ibrahim Al Klial path and on
the south plaza for the Holy Mosque.
5.5 Design Proposal.
Master Site Plan
Figure 5.2.19
5.5 Design Proposal.
3D Section for Site View
Figure 5.2.20: City Market and Transportation
5.5 Design Proposal.
Linear Section on Focal Point Area
Figure 5.2.21
5.5 Design Proposal.
Cross-section on Focal Point
Figure 5.2.22
5.5 Design Proposal.
Main Entrance “ One Mail to the Holy Mosque”
Figure 5.2.23
5.5 Design Proposal.
3D Site Views, and Site Section
Figure 5.2.24: Holy Mosque South West Plaza
Figure 5.2.25 3D View for Main Gate.
Figure 5.2.27: Cross- Section though the Holy Mosque and the Multi Station.
Figure 5.2.26: 3D View for the Prophet Bath
5.5 Design Proposal.
3D Site Views
Figure 5.2.28
5.5 Design Proposal.
Main Entrance “ One Mail to the Holy Mosque”
Figure 5.2.29:
5.5 Design Proposal.
3D View for Focal Point Plaza
Figure 5.2.30:
5.5 Design Proposal.
Final Board
Figure 5.2.31
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Enhancing The Spiritual Journey To The Holy Mosque In Mecca
By Yahya Muhammad Nabhan
Fall 2015