Slovníček Pre-Intermediate


Slovníček Pre-Intermediate
New OPPORTUNITIES Pre - Intermediate
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
Page 1 of 61
Module 1 Lifestyles
about, prep
active, adj
adventure, n
agree, v
all over,
all-night, adj
alone, adj, adv
ambulance driver, n
/"O:l '@Uv@/
/'O:l naIt/
/@t, {t/
o, asi, približne There are about 40 people in my office.
aktívny The hotel has lots of games for active youngsters.
dobrodružstvo It's a book about Johnson's adventures at sea.
súhlasiĢ Paul and I don't agree on everything.
celý, odvšadiaĐ People came from all over the world to watch the Olympic Games.
celonoþná/ prevádzka/ We stopped at an all-night café for a hot meal.
sám She didn't like living alone in the house.
vodiþ sanitky My son wants to be an ambulance driver when he grows up.
/'k{ri@ b{g/
staraĢ sa He doesn't seem to care about other people.
cestovná taška Jack offered to fill the old lady's carrier bags.
sþítanie Class 3 held a traffic census to see how many cars came to school.
zmeniĢ As we travelled, the view changed from mountains to fields.
meniace sa These new mobile phones are the changing face of communications.
/"kl@Uzd 'daUn/
skontrolovaĢ The firemen check all the equipment daily.
þokoláda Can I have a piece of chocolate?
vyliezĢ She climbed to the top of the hill.
council, n
countryside, n
creative, adj
anyway, adv
around, adv, prep
article, n
at, prep
average, adj
avoid, v
away, adv
barbecue, n
bet, v
bike, n
bit, n
boring, adj
breakfast, n
busy, adj
buy, v
café, n
camp, n
can’t (– stand …),
auxiliary verb
care, v
carrier bag, n
census, n
change, v
changing (the – face
of…), adj
check, v
chocolate, n
climb / climbing, v
close, adv
closed-down, adj
collect, v
complete, v
copy, v
couch potato, n
napriek tomu Tom was ill, but I went to the party anyway.
okolo There was a high fence around the school.
þlánok I read an interesting article about fishing.
na, v Her aunt met her at the station.
priemerný I buy £40 worth of food a week on average.
vyhnúĢ sa She avoided trouble by keeping quiet.
preþ Throw that food away, it's rotten.
piknik We had a barbecue on the beach.
staviĢ sa I bet him £5 that he wouldn't win.
bicykel He fell off his bike.
trocha, kúsok The TV's a bit loud. Can you turn it down?
nudný The programme was so boring she fell asleep.
raĖajky I usually have breakfast at 7.30.
zaneprázdnený She's a busy mother of three small children.
kúpiĢ Sam's just bought a new computer.
kaviareĖ, reštaurácia At lunchtime we went to the café for a snack.
kemp After hiking all morning, we returned to camp.
nemôcĢ.../ vystáĢ / She wants to be a nurse but she can't stand the sight of blood!
blízko Don't stand so close to me.
zatvorený The High Street is full of closed-down shops.
pozbieraĢ, zbieraĢ I'll collect everyone's papers at the end of the test.
spoloþné They became good friends because they had a lot in common.
dokonþiĢ Complete the test and then hand in your answers.
skopírovaĢ, urobiĢ kópiu He copied the painting and tried to sell it for a lot of
My brother's a couch potato. Every night he just sits there watching TV.
rada / mestská, štátna /
Northampton Borough Council has offices in the town
vidiek Let's go for a walk in the countryside
plný nápadov, kreatívny She was a very creative and successful artist.
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,
tel: 0376,-949
65 01
20 Nitra,
261, tel.:
- 65,
[email protected],
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New OPPORTUNITIES Pre - Intermediate
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
criminal (noun), n
cruel, adj
cycle / cycling, v, n
Page 2 of 61
/daIv, 'daIvIÎ/
/'i:t "sömTIÎ/
/'i:k@U k{mp/
kriminálnik Some criminals will do anything to get what they want.
krutý I think it's cruel to keep wild animals in zoos.
bicyklovaĢ, bicyklovanie Suki cycles to school every day.
ekologický protest
expensive, adj
face (the changing –
of the UK), n
fade, v
fashion, n
fat, adj
fine, adj
folk music, n
foot, n
for, prep
forest, n
free (– time), adj, adv
from, prep
fruit, n
gap year, n
drahý, nákladný We can't afford this – it's too expensive.
tvár, výraz The face of Leeds city centre has changed a lot in the last 10 years.
/'f@Uk "mju:zIk/
/f@, fO:/
/"fO: 'fIfTs/
/fr@m, frÁm/
/'g{p jI@/
zvoĐna sa strácaĢ, miznúĢ The sounds faded away into the distance.
móda The latest fashion is to wear skirts over trousers.
tuþný You'll get fat if you eat all that chocolate.
skvelý, znamenitý We sell fine food from around the world.
folková hudba The last group at the concert played folk music.
noha, kráþaĢ His car broke down so he had to get there on foot.
pre John's responsible for all the money.
les He got lost in the thick forest.
štyri pätiny She cut the cake into five pieces and then ate one, leaving four-fifths.
voĐný, slobodný He makes model aeroplanes in his free time.
z, od Name three ways in which this picture is different from that one.
ovocie Bananas are my favourite fruit.
voĐný, prerušený rok / v štúdiu ú Between school and university, I had a gap
get (- back),
get (- cold),
/get 'b{k/
/get 'k@Uld/
prísĢ späĢ After a year abroad, I couldn't wait to get back home.
byĢ zima When it started snowing, he began to get cold.
dangerous, adj
day, n
deliver, v
describe /
description, v, n
different, adj
dive / diving, v, n
do, v
do, auxiliary verb
dog, n
dream, n
dream, adj
early, adv
earn, v
eat sth,
eco-camp, n
eco-protest, n
eco-protestor, n
education, n
energetic, adj
enjoy, v
er, interj
everywhere, adv
exciting, adj
executive, n
expectancy, n
nebezpeþný It's dangerous to walk alone at night around here.
deĖ We went to Paris for ten days.
doruþiĢ Can you deliver this parcel before Christmas?
popísaĢ, opísaĢ, popis The police asked for a description of the person who
drove the car.
rozdielny Our sons are very different from each other.
potápaĢ sa, potápanie She dived off the rock into the sea.
robiĢ Jane loves doing exams. I hate them!
pomocné sloveso Do you like cooking pasta?
pes We got a big dog to frighten away burglars.
sen I had a dream about my dog last night.
vysnívaný They've found their dream house in the countryside.
skoro Let's get there early, before everybody else.
zarábaĢ She earns £27,000 a year.
jesĢ nieþo I was so hungry, I could have eaten a horse!
ekologický tábor/kemp She wanted to save the countryside so she joined the
others at the eco-camp.
be an eco-protest.
When they planned the airport they didn't think there would
ekologický protestant
The eco-protestors sat down in front of the police.
výchova The government has promised to spend more on education.
energický, rázny Their style of dancing is very energetic.
užiĢ si The park was lovely, and I enjoyed the walk.
éé.. "Where do you think you're going?" "I'm, er, taking the dog for a walk."
všade There was broken glass everywhere.
vzrušujúci It was a pretty exciting game.
výkonná moc, exekutíva The chief executive has a big expensive car.
oþakávanie, nádej, vyhliadka Men in Glasgow have a life expectancy of 69
year in Australia.
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
65 20
261, fax:
037-- 65
01 Nitra,
tel.: 037,
[email protected],
e-mail: [email protected],, www.
New OPPORTUNITIES Pre - Intermediate
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
get on with,
get up,
get up to sth,
glass, n
go ( – for a walk), v
go up,
go, v
go, v
grow, v
growing, adj
growth, n
government, n
guess, v
habit, n
haircut, n
half, n
hand (take sb by the –
), n
hate, v
have, auxiliary verb
have, auxiliary verb
have, auxiliary verb
have, auxiliary verb
have, auxiliary verb
have, auxiliary verb
health, n
healthy, adj
hero, n
homeless, adj
housework, n
how often…?,
Industrial Revolution,
imagine, v
immigration, n
in (interested -), prep
interesting, adj
interview, v
jet-ski, v
jog, jogging, v
journalist, n
just under,
keep on,
know (you -), v, interj
knowledge, n
last, v
late, adv
/get "Án wID
/get 'öp/
/get 'öp t@
/g@U 'öp/
/h@v, h{v/
/h@v, h{v/
/h@v, h{v/
/h@v, h{v/
/h@v, h{v/
/h@v, h{v/
/haU 'Áf@n,
/'dZet ski:/
/dZÁg, 'dZÁgIÎ/
/"dZöst 'önd@/
/"ki:p 'Án/
vychádzaĢ s niekým
Page 3 of 61
Zak gets on well with animals, and wants to be a vet.
vstaĢ He went to bed late, and couldn't get up the next morning.
maĢ prsty v... You have to watch him all the time. He's always getting up to
sklo The ball hit the window and broke the glass.
ísĢ Should we stay in or go out for a walk?
ísĢ hore, stúpaĢ She went up the ladder and rescued the cat from the tree.
ísĢ I go to bed at 10 o'clock every night.
ísĢ Sam's having a party, and I want to go .
rásĢ I'm going to grow daffodils in the garden this year.
rastúce A growing number of people believe in ghosts.
rast Tourism is a growth industry in this country.
vláda The new government promised not to increase taxes.
hádaĢ, uhádnuĢ I guessed her age correctly.
zvyk Irene has a habit of speaking with her mouth full.
strih vlasov, ostrihanie I'm going to get a haircut this week.
polovica The first half of the game was pretty dull.
ruka Polly took me by the hand and led me out of the forest.
nenávidieĢ I hate poetry – it's so boring.
pomocné sloveso Have you met her friend Laura?
pomocné sloveso We have nothing in common so we don't see each other much.
pomocné sloveso He used to have a dog years ago.
pomocné sloveso We'll go shopping after we have breakfast.
pomocné sloveso Stop doing that and have a rest for a while.
maĢ Do you want to have cheese on toast for tea?
zdravie Exercise is good for your health .
zdravý I feel healthier since I stopped smoking.
hrdina He became the world champion and a national hero.
doma, domov I wasn't feeling very well by the time I got back home .
bez domova Every large city has homeless people sleeping on the streets.
domáce práce I usually do the housework at weekends.
ako þasto ? How often do you brush your teeth?
priemyselná revolúcia
Industrial Revolution.
Many different machines were invented during the
predstaviĢ si Close your eyes, and imagine travelling through space.
prisĢahovalectvo He called for a policy on immigration from the rest of Europe.
v, vo I'm not interested in what he has to say.
zaujímavý A good teacher can make any subject interesting.
urobiĢ rozhovor They want to interview me for that new job tomorrow.
jazdiĢ na vodnom skútri I've always wanted to learn how to jet-ski.
behaĢ, behanie I exercise by jogging round the park every day for an hour.
novinár There's a journalist on the phone - he wants to interview you.
tesne pod It was just under 20 miles form my house to the sea.
pokraþovaĢ I kept on stirring the sauce so it wouldn't stick to the pan.
vedieĢ, poznaĢ He's sort of, you know, different from all the others.
znalosĢ, vedomosĢ You don't need any special knowledge to do this job.
trvaĢ The film lasts two hours and 43 minutes.
neskoro I got up late and hurried off to work.
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
65 20
261, fax:
037-- 65
01 Nitra,
tel.: 037,
[email protected],
e-mail: [email protected],, www.
New OPPORTUNITIES Pre - Intermediate
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
lead (- singer), n
leader, n
least, determiner
life (a dog’s –), n
life expectancy, n
lifestyle, n
local, adj
lonely, adj
loosely, adv
luxury, n
mafia, n
massage, n
marriage, n
meal times, n
meat, n
meeting, n
memory, n
metal, n
midnight, n
mind (make up your –
), n
mind (not mind -ing), v
miss, v
mission, n
mix up,
monologue, n
mushroom, n
Page 4 of 61
/'mi:l taImz/
vodca, hlavný John sings the lead in the group that's coming on next.
leader, vodca There was a meeting of world leaders in Scotland last month.
najmenej I've told you this at least 50 times!
život It's a dog's life when you have to work seven days a week.
dĎžka života Life expectancy in Victorian times was very short.
/"mIks 'öp/
nemaĢ niþ proti Do you mind if I call my mum?
chýbaĢ, postrádaĢ I really miss Mum and Dad now I'm away from home.
misia He works at the mission at Christmas, handing out meals to the poor.
pomiešaĢ, premiešaĢ I got the answer wrong because I mixed up the order of
životný štýl Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.
trocha, Now add a little over a quarter of the milk.
miestny You can now get these biscuits in your local supermarket.
osamelý Don't you get lonely living on your own?
voĐne She wore the scarf loosely round her neck.
luxus, prepych She married a rich man and lived in luxury.
mafia The mafia make a lot of money from illegal drugs.
masáž He gave me a back massage.
svadba They have a very happy marriage.
þas jedla At meal times, we have to wash our hands before eating.
mäso I don't eat very much meat.
stretnutie I've got an important meeting this afternoon.
pamäĢ, spomienka I have happy memories of our holiday in Singapore.
kov This bin is where you put your metal cans for recycling.
polnoc We stayed up until midnight.
myseĐ, rozhodnúĢ sa I can't make up my mind whether to go or stay.
the numbers.
monológ He was very good at giving funny monologues.
huba I'd like pizza with pepperoni and mushrooms, please.
nation, n
nature, n
nearly, adv
nowadays, adv
number, n
nursery school, n
occasionally, adv
occupation, n
of, prep
on, prep
online, adv
/'möSru:m, �
/'nÆ:s@ri "sku:l/
/@v, Áv/
národnosĢ America is the richest nation in the world.
príroda I like camping because I feel closer to nature.
takmer I could answer nearly all the questions.
v tieto dni More people have cars nowadays.
þíslo An increasing number of people have computers these days.
škôlka Her children both started nursery school this week.
príležitostne She occasionally goes to the cinema, but not often.
zamestnanie Please state your name and occupation.
od, z, o, po, na Many people are afraid of spiders.
na Can I have a ride on your bike?
pripojený na internete You've been online for three hours and I need to make a
once, adv
organic, adj
organic food, n
outdoors, adv
over, prep
overweight, adj
own (live on their –),
/O:"g{nIk 'fu:d/
raz, jedenkrát Once a fortnight he eats at the local restaurant.
organický Organic carrots have not been treated with chemicals.
organické potraviny Organic food is often more expensive than other types.
vonku It was so warm we spent most of the day outdoors.
nad, za , ponad Over 80 per cent of the population have very little food.
maĢ nadváhu The doctor's told me I'm overweight.
vlastný, svoj, / žiĢ sám / Since his brother went abroad he has lived on his
own, determiner
owner, n
vlastný She wants her own room.
vlastník, majiteĐ Who is the owner of this car?
phone call!
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
65 20
261, fax:
037-- 65
01 Nitra,
tel.: 037,
[email protected],
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New OPPORTUNITIES Pre - Intermediate
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
Page 5 of 61
paint / painting, v, n
paper, n
park, v
peaceful, adj
pension, n
percent, n
percentage, n
perfectly, adv
pet, n
pity, n
plant, n
play, v
pleasant, adj
popular, adj
population, n
prediction, n
/peInt, 'peIntIÎ/
maĐovaĢ, maĐba She painted the fence bright pink.
papier She wrote the address on a piece of paper .
parkovaĢ We parked the car behind the school.
pokojný The wood was cool and peaceful.
penzia, dôchodok Gran gets her pension every week.
percento There was 50 percent off the price of all the clothes in the shop.
percentuálna sadzba What percentage of the workers are women?
perfektne She speaks English perfectly.
domáci miláþik Cats are popular pets.
ĐútosĢ, súcit I felt a lot of pity for the dead man's family.
rastlina Don't forget to water the plants.
hraĢ The children like to play computer games in the evenings.
príjemný The village is a pleasant place to live.
obĐúbený, populárny He's one of the most popular boys in the school.
populácia What's the population of Tokyo?
predpoveć It's hard to make a prediction about who'll win the championship this
prefer, v
pride, n
protest, n
protestor, n
proverb, n
qualification, n
/rI'pi:t "sömTIÎ/
/"raIt 'naU/
/"r@Ust 'bi:f/
/seIl, 'seIlIÎ/
uprednostĖovaĢ I prefer playing football to watching it.
hrdosĢ His pride in his son was obvious to everyone.
protest He took part in a protest against the war.
protestujúci The police arrested the protestors for holding up the traffic.
príslovie The old proverb says that you'll have good luck if you cross your fingers.
kvalifikácia He left school without any qualifications.
quarter, n
quite, adv
rags, n
rarely, adv
real, adj
recycle, v
regularly, adv
relaxing, adj
repeat sth,
replace, v
rest, n
return, v
revise, v
ribbon, n
right, interj
right now,
rim, n
roast beef, n
routine, n
sail / sailing, v, n
see (you -), interj
sheepdog, n
seriously, adv
situation, n
smell, v
somewhere, pron
spend, v
spoil, v
štvrtina She cut the cake into quarters.
celkom, dosĢ It can be quite cold at night.
handry The poor children were dressed in rags.
zriedka She rarely goes out after dark.
skutoþný The story is based on real events.
recyklovaĢ Things like used bottles, paper and cans are collected for recycling.
pravidelne He visits the old man regularly.
uvoĐĖujúci, relaxaþný I'll have a relaxing bath and then go to bed.
opakovaĢ nieþo Please don't repeat what I've said to Sandra.
nahradiĢ When the TV broke, we didn't replace it.
oddych I need a rest after all that walking around.
vrátiĢ She didn't return until late.
zopakovaĢ We need to revise before the Chemistry exam.
stuha The little girl wore ribbons in her hair.
dobre, súhlasím Right, let's get out of here!
hneć teraz I'm not waiting any longer, I'm going right now!
kraj, okraj, hrana The professor looked at me over the rim of his glasses.
peþené hovädzie We had roast beef and carrots every Sunday when I was a lad.
rutina, zvyk My daily routine starts with breakfast at 7.
plaviĢ sa, plavba My uncle sailed his boat round the coast of Scotland.
vidieĢ / rozumieš, jasné / I don't want a big meal, you see, just a small snack.
ovþiarsky pes Border collies make the best sheepdogs.
vážne Nobody was seriously hurt in the accident.
pozícia The house has a lovely situation in a village on the coast.
voĖaĢ, smrdieĢ, That soup smells delicious!
niekde I put my keys down somewhere and now I can't find them.
stráviĢ I spent all afternoon looking for a new coat.
rozmaznávaĢ You spoil that dog, feeding him chicken every day!
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
65 20
261, fax:
037-- 65
01 Nitra,
tel.: 037,
[email protected],
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New OPPORTUNITIES Pre - Intermediate
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
Page 6 of 61
stand (can’t –), v
stand around, phr v
stand around, v + prep
start, v
state, n
stop, v
strategy, n
stressful, adj
sunbathe, v
supper, n
surf the net,
/"st{nd @'raUnd/
/'st{nd @"raUnd/
/"sÆ:f D@ 'net/
nemôcĢ zniesĢ She can't stand the sound of him singing in the bath.
postávaĢ tu a tam I spent an hour standing around waiting for a bus.
stáĢ okolo We stood around the piano and sang Christmas carols.
zaþaĢ Suddenly Sue started to cry.
stav, situácia What state is the living room in at the moment?
prestaĢ, zastaviĢ I can't stop scratching the back of my hand.
stratégia What's your strategy for winning the election?
stresujúci Moving to a new house is a very stressful experience.
opaĐovaĢ sa Her mother was sunbathing in the back garden.
neskorá veþera Can we have fish and chips for supper?
surfovaĢ po internete He was surfing the net looking for information on model
survey, n
swimming, n
take a break,
tent, n
terms (in real –),
/"teIk @ 'breIk/
prieskum, štatistika We conducted a survey of people's eating habits.
plávanie Do you want to go swimming or go for a run?
urobiĢ si prestávku I'm going to take a break from work and have a cup of tea.
stan We had to put up our tent in the dark.
okolnosti, podmienky, Her pay is worth less in real terms than it was 10 years
think (– of another
way), v
third (a –; nearly a –),
vymyslieĢ, prísĢ na...
three quarters,
throw sth away,
/"Tri: 'kwO:t@z/
/"Tr@U sömTIÎ
/"tÆ:n sömTIÎ
/"tu: 'fIfTs/
/"tu: 'TÆ:dz/
tri štvrtiny I spend three-quarters of my pay on food and rent.
zahodiĢ nieþo preþ Don't throw the newspaper away – I haven't read it yet.
dve pätiny Two-fifths of 45 is 18.
dve tretiny You've only eaten two-thirds of your potatoes.
mmm... "Are you happy?" "Um, yeah, I suppose so."
pod Just under a quarter of the students failed their exams.
používaĢ Can I use your phone?
zelenina Try to eat five different kinds of vegetables every day.
vegetarián More people are giving up meat and becoming vegetarians.
navštíviĢ My aunt is coming to visit us next week.
kráþaĢ, prechádzaĢ sa I went for a ten-mile walk along the river.
umývaĢ He spent the morning washing the car.
pozeraĢ We watched TV for a couple of hours.
cesta, spôsob There are different ways of doing this.
dni v týždni On weekdays I have to go to work but I get Saturday and Sunday off.
mokrý Take those wet clothes off before you catch cold.
ticket (travel), n
time (– to think), n
time (free –), n
tiring, adj
traditional, adj
train (– animals), n
translate, v
travel (– by car/bus), v
treehouse, n
tunnel, n
turn sth down,
um, interj
under, prep, adv
use, v
vegetables, n
vegetarian, n
visit, v
walk, v
wash, v
watch, v
way (think of another
– to), n
weekdays, n
wet, adj
Can you think of another way to work out the answer?
Only a third of the children in this class are boys.
lístok / cestovný / How much is a bus ticket to London?
þas I need some time to work out the answer.
voĐný þas I don't get much free time now we have a new baby.
unavujúci It's a long, tiring journey to the north of Scotland.
tradiþný His restaurant specialises in traditional Italian cooking.
vlak, sprievod We saw camel trains walking slowly through the desert.
preložiĢ I'm translating the book into English.
cestovaĢ It's quicker if you travel by train.
skrýša na strome My dad built us a treehouse in the back garden.
tunel Trains go through the Channel Tunnel between Britain and France.
vypnúĢ nieþo Turn that TV down! I can't hear what John's saying!
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
65 20
261, fax:
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Page 7 of 61
wildlife, n
with, prep
wood, n
wood fire, n
work for,
worn-out, adj
/wID, wIT/
/"wUd 'faI@/
/'wÆ:k f@, fO:/
/"wO:n 'aUt/
divá príroda The fence was put up to protect the wildlife.
s, so I'm disappointed with this new game – it's boring.
drevo All the furniture is made of wood.
krb s drevom There was a wood fire burning in the sitting room.
pracovaĢ pre... He works for the government as a scientist.
vynosené, obnosené I need to get some new shoes to replace these worn-out
worry, v
you (– see/know), interj
/j@, jU, ju:/
maĢ starosĢ Parents always worry about their children.
već vieš... She's always been a bit, you know, strange.
about, prep
accident, n
advert, n
advertisement, n
amazing, adj
angry, adj
annoyed, adj
another thing, interj
Antarctica, n
area, n
argument, n
armchair, n
as you can see,
o What is her new book about?
nehoda Her parents were killed in a car accident.
inzerát, reklama Have you seen that advert for Nike sportswear?
inzerát, reklama The Sunday papers are full of advertisements for cars.
úžasný What an amazing story!
nahnevaný He was beginning to get angry.
hnevaĢ sa, She gets annoyed with me for being untidy.
ćalšia vec And another thing – why were you late home last night?
Antarktída They're going to study penguins in Antarctica.
miesto, oblasĢ Camden is my favourite area of London.
hádka, spor I had a big argument with my girlfriend.
fotelka I spent the evening sitting in an armchair watching TV.
ako môžete vidieĢ.... As you can see, this program is very easy to use.
astronaut, n
automatic, adj
/@'nöD@ TIÎ/
/"{z jU k@n
automatically, adv
bad, adj
badly, adv
balcony, n
basketball, n
bath, n
bathroom, n
biologist, n
bit, n
bowl, n
break, v
bright (star), adj
bungalow, n
/'bA:TrUm, �
/'bedrUm, �
automaticky Join now and you will automatically receive 50% off your first
zlý I'm afraid there's some bad news.
buy, v
by, adv
cabin, n
calculator, n
channel (TV -), n
Module 2 Homes
bedroom, n
bedside table, n
kozmonaut The astronauts will do a space walk at 3.30 this afternoon.
automatický This car has an automatic gearbox so you don't have to change gear
by hand.
zle The book was badly written.
balkón The room had a balcony overlooking the harbour.
basketbal I'm not very good at basketball.
kúpeĐ Suzy had a bath and went to bed.
kúpeĐĖa Their new house has two bathrooms.
The house has four bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room.
noþný stolík
He put his glasses on the bedside table and went to sleep.
biológ He works as a biologist, studying bears in Canada.
trocha, It's a bit cold in here – can you turn the heating up?
miska They gave us a big bowl of rice and two sets of chopsticks.
rozbiĢ, zlomiĢ Sally broke the camera when she dropped it on the floor.
svetlý The Christmas lights are really bright this year.
bungalov, prízemný dom s verandou She likes her bungalow because
everything is on one level.
kúpiĢ I need to buy a new suit for the dinner next week.
používa sa pri vyjadrení spôsobu ako
The train works by picking up
electricity from the tracks.
búda, chatrþ They lived in cabins in the woods and hunted bears for their fur.
kalkulaþka Can I use a calculator to work out the answers?
kanál What's on Channel 4?
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
chat, n
choose, v
classical music, adj
Page 8 of 61
pohovor, beseda I've had a chat with Sue about it.
vybraĢ si You can choose between ice cream and apple tart.
vážna hudba He prefers rock and roll to classical music.
clear, v
cloth, n
club, n
colony, n
compartment, n
computer, n
concert, n
condition, n
contraction, n
cooker, n
cool, adj
cottage, n
crew, n
crew member, n
dash, n
/'kru: "memb@/
skratka "Isn't" is a contraction of the words "is not".
sporák A gas cooker is cheaper to run than an electric one.
senzaþné, bájeþné These new trainers are really cool!
chata They live in London but also have a cottage in Wales.
posádka The plane crew are trained in fire safety procedures.
þlen posádky Each crew member has a different job to do.
pomlþka You can use a dash – like this – when you want the reader to pause
day, n
decision, n
desert island, n
designer, n
detached house, n
/"dez@t 'aIl@nd/
/dI"t{tSt 'haUs/
rozhodnutie Ben knew he'd made the right decision .
opustený ostrov This new TV series is about a plane crash on a desert island.
návrhár She wants to be a designer in the fashion industry.
samostatný/oddelený dom After living in a flat for so long, a detached house is
dining room, n
dirty, adj
dishwasher, n
DIY, n
/'daInIÎ ru:m,
/"di: aI 'waI/
do, v
dog food, n
domestic, adj
eccentric, adj
end, n
estate agent, n
excited, adj
exclamation, n
exercise bike, n
/'dÁg fu:d/
/I'steIt "eIdZ@nt/
/'eks@saIz baIk/
robiĢ The decorator's coming back to do the other rooms tomorrow.
žrádlo pre psa What kind of dog food does your dog like best?
domáci They enjoyed 30 years of domestic happiness.
výstredný Aunt Nessy was always a bit eccentric.
koniec Keep trying and you'll succeed in the end.
realitný maklér The estate agent said our house was worth £200,000.
vzrušený The kids are getting really excited about the trip.
protest There were exclamations of disgust when they brought the food.
cviþný bicykel, trenažér There are several exercise bikes in the gym that I go
fail, v
fast food, n
feed, v
feeder, n
fifth-floor, adj
fit, adj
fixed, adj
flat, n
float, v
floor, n
fly away,
/"fA:st 'fu:d/
/'fIfT flO:/
/"flaI @'weI/
prepadnúĢ, nezvládnuĢ nieþo She failed all her exams.
rýchle obþerstvenie Don't eat fast food too often or you'll get fat.
kĚmiĢ Have you fed the cats this morning?
krmítko Let's put a bird feeder in the garden this winter.
na piatom poschodí The firm's fifth-floor offices are very pleasant.
v dobrej kondícii He was still very fit even in his seventies.
pripevnený, zafixovaný All the furniture is fixed to the floor so you can't move it.
byt There are four flats on each floor of the block.
vznášaĢ sa, plávaĢ na hladine Oil floats on water.
podlaha This lift only goes up to the eighth floor.
odletieĢ preþ The sudden gust of wind made my papers fly away down the street.
þistiĢ Let's clear the floor and make room so we can dance.
handra Do you have a cloth that I can use to clean up the mess?
klub I'm a member of the local drama club.
kolónia They dream of starting a colony of humans on Mars.
oddelenie, kupé Each compartment on the train has its own window.
poþítaþ I do a lot of my work on the computer.
koncert We went to a rock concert last night.
podmienka, predpoklad After the accident his health was in poor condition for a
deĖ I exercise for 20 minutes twice a day.
Let's go through to the dining room and eat.
špinavý Just leave the dirty dishes – we'll wash them in the morning.
umývaþka riadu Have you finished loading the dishwasher?
þlovek, þo si robí doma všetko sám, domáci kutil DIY causes many
accidents in the home.
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Page 9 of 61
fridge, n
frog, n
future, n
general, adj
get, v
go, v
go, v
go on,
good, adj
good, adj
good (– time), adj
gravity, n
great, adj
guitar, n
gymnastics, n
happy, adj
have, v
have, v
have, v
horrible, adj
housework, n
how old?,
huge, adj
ice-skating, n
/g@U 'Án/
/h@v, h{v/
/h@v, h{v/
/h@v, h{v/
/"haU '@Uld/
/'aIs "skeItIÎ/
chladniþka There's more milk in the fridge.
žaba The frog hopped back into the pond.
budúcnosĢ Young people often don't think about the future.
všeobecný This book should give you a general idea of the subject.
dostaĢ I got a phone call from Sid last week.
ísĢ We're going on a cruise to Alaska.
ísĢ Can you go outside if you want to smoke?
pokraþovaĢ, trvaĢ When you push this button all the lights go on.
dobrý Is this a good area for restaurants?
dobrý I love wearing really good clothes.
dobrý / zabaviĢ sa, užiĢ si / Have a good time, but don't be late home.
gravitácia Gravity is the reason things fall down instead of up.
skvelý We had great fun.
gitara This is the electric guitar that Jimi Hendrix played.
gymnastika You have to start gymnastics when you are very young.
šĢastný I was so happy to hear about the birth of your baby.
maĢ We had a conversation about her plans for the future.
maĢ They have exams all next week.
maĢ When does the dog have his nightly walk?
strašný That was a horrible thing to say.
domáce práce I usually do the housework at weekends.
koĐko rokov, aký starý... How old was your dad when the war started?
obrovský They have a huge house in the country.
krasokorþuĐovanie They freeze the water in winter so that people can go ice-
incredible!, interj
install, v
interesting, adj
interests, n
Internet café, n
/"Int@net 'k{feI/
neuveriteĐný They've won the championship! That's incredible!
inštalovaĢ A plumber is coming to install the new washing machine today.
zaujímavý Did you meet anybody interesting at the party last night?
záujmy She has a broad range of interests, from flying planes to sewing.
internetová kaviareĖ When my computer breaks down I go to the Internet café to
interrupt sb,
/"ki:p 'fIt/
/'lIvIÎ ru:m,
prerušiĢ niekoho
interview, n
intonation, n
invent, v
inventor, n
ironing, n
kitchen, n
judo, n
keep fit,
laboratory, n
last, v
lay, v
layout, n
lights, n
line, n
linking, adj
live, v
living, adj
living room, n
send my e-mail.
Sorry to interrupt you, but someone's come to see you.
pohovor I've got a job interview this afternoon.
intonácia He's Welsh, so his English intonation is very musical.
vynájsĢ, objaviĢ Who invented the first computer?
vynálezca The inventor of the telephone was Alexander Graham Bell
žehlenie I hate doing the ironing.
kuchyĖa Jo is in the kitchen making a sandwich.
džudo I use judo as an outlet for stress.
udržiavaĢ sa v kondícii She keep fit by going to the gym twice a week.
laboratórium This laboratory uses animals in its experiments.
trvaĢ His first marriage lasted 10 years.
prestrieĢ Can you get the plates and cutlery and lay the table, please.
úprava, rozvrhnutie This drawing shows the layout of my new book.
svetlá We could see the lights of the city up ahead.
þiara Draw a straight line across the top of the page.
spájací A conjunction is a linking word that joins parts of a sentence together.
žiĢ, bývaĢ People used to think that little green men lived on Mars.
obytný This is the living area, and the kitchen is through there.
obývaþka Jay's in the living room watching TV.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
vyzeraĢ You look tired – did you stay up late last night?
look, v
sa o... Can you look after my fish while I'm on holiday?
look after,
stratiĢ I might lose my camera if I take it on the trip.
lose, v
robiĢ Where are we going on holiday? We need to make a decision.
make, v
robiĢ He never makes his bed when he gets up in the morning.
make, v
robiĢ We've made plans to go to Thailand for two weeks next year.
make, v
sídlo She lives in a huge mansion in an expensive part of town.
mansion, n
zápas Did you watch the match between Kenya and Ireland?
match, n
stretnúĢ niekoho I met a really interesting guy at the party yesterday.
/"mi:t sömb@di
meet sb,
menu, n
mess, n
microwave, n
mmm, interj
mobile phone, n
musical instrument, n
news, n
noise, n
normal, adj
of course,
old, adj
once, adv
orbit, v
outside, prep
oven, n
oxygen, n
parent, n
pass, v
pepper, n
personality (TV
personalities), n
phone call, n
phrase, n
piano, n
planet, n
play, v
pleased, adj
position, n
punctuation, n
put out,
radio, n
rap, n
real, adj
really, adv
reason, n
receive, v
recycle, v
repairs, n
respect, v
result, n
/"m@UbaIl 'f@Un/
/@v 'kO:s/
jedálny lístok Is steak on the menu tonight?
neporiadok I'm afraid my room's a bit of a mess.
mikrovlná rúra It takes only 3 minutes to cook a potato in the microwave.
mmm Mmm, this cake is delicious!
mobilný telefón I lost my mobile phone and somebody's been making calls on it.
hudobný nástroj Can you play any musical instruments?
správy I heard some terrible news about Charlie.
hluk The children were making really loud noises.
normálny This is normal food for somebody who's lived on a farm all their life.
pravdaže Of course you can come and see us!
starý How old is your youngest brother?
jedenkrát I've been going there once a day since the accident.
lietaĢ po obežnej dráhe Hermes is a satellite that orbits the Earth sending out
vonku, mimo They have a big house outside Manchester somewhere.
rúra Heat the oven to 200 degrees.
kyslík Water molecules are made of one hydrogen and two oxygen atoms.
rodiþia My parents are coming to visit next week.
zložiĢ skúšky I'm sure she'll pass her driving test first time.
korenie The soup needs a little more salt and pepper.
osobnosĢ Anybody who works in television is known as a personality these days.
/'f@Un kO:l/
/pUt 'aUt/
telefonický rozhovor I need to make a phone call.
fráza What does the phrase "over the moon" mean?
klavír I'm learning to play the piano.
planéta Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system.
hraĢ Do you know how to play the trumpet?
potešený Mum was pleased with me for cleaning my room.
pozícia, poloha My leg hurts – I've been sitting in the same position all day.
interpunkcia The punctuation in this essay is awful.
vyložiĢ Don't forget to put out the rubbish on Tuesday.
rádio The pilot panicked when his radio stopped working.
rap I think rap music was invented for people who can't sing.
skutoþný The garden has turned into a real jungle.
skutoþne Yeah, he's a really nice guy.
dôvod One reason the team played so badly was that Malcolm was injured.
obdržaĢ, dostaĢ She received a letter from her mother.
recyklovaĢ We can recycle things like used bottles, paper and cans.
opravy The bill for the repairs came to £650.
vážiĢ si, rešpektovaĢ He was a very good teacher - I respected him a lot.
výsledok The whole situation was the result of a silly mistake.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
platí? So, we'll meet at the club tonight, right?
right?, interj
robot Most of the work in the factory is now done by robots.
robot, n
rutina, obvyklý postup My daily routine starts with breakfast at 7.
routine, n
smeti Could you put this rubbish outside in the bin?
rubbish, n
smutný The movie had a very sad ending.
sad, adj
soĐ Add a pinch of salt to the mixture.
salt, n
vedecký He does scientific research in the African jungle.
sekretárka Please make an appointment with my secretary.
secretary, n
vážny There's been a serious road accident.
serious, adj
dvojdom We live in a semi-detached house in Purley.
semi-detached house, /"semi dIt{tSt
shower, n
sink, v
situation, n
sleep, v
sleeping bag, n
sofa, n
solar power, n
space shuttle, n
space station, n
space suit, n
/'sli:pIÎ b{g/
/"s@Ul@ 'paU@/
/'speIs "Sötl/
/'speIs "steIS@n/
special, adj
spend, v
storey, n
style, n
switch over,
/'speIs su:t,
/"swItS '@Uv@/
table, n
take, v
take care,
techno, n
tennis game, n
terraced house, n
/"teIk 'ke@/
/'tenIs geIm/
/"ter@st 'haUs/
text, n
tidy, v
tidy, adj
time, n
tired, adj
toilet, n
tour, n
trip, n
T-shirt, n
up to,
vacuuming, n
Valentine card, n
/'ti: SÆ:t/
/'öp t@, tU/
/'vOIs k@n"tr@Ul/
video, n
view, n
voice control, n
wardrobe, n
sprcha Are you in the shower?
potopiĢ sa The boat sank after hitting a rock.
situácia We are in a very difficult situation .
spaĢ Did you sleep well?
spacák This sleeping bag is really warm.
pohovka She sat down on the sofa.
solárna energia We heat some of our water using solar power.
raketoplán The space shuttle is due to land back on Earth next week.
vesmírna stanica Several countries have sent people to work on the space
This space suit will protect you and supply you with oxygen.
špeciálny We have a very special guest with us this evening.
tráviĢ I spent all my time watching girls on the beach.
poschodie They live on the top storey of an old three-storey house.
štýl He's trying to copy Picasso's style of painting.
prepnúĢ / program / I'm going to switch over now to watch the news on Channel
stôl I'll lay the table if you tell me where the plates are.
vziaĢ, zobraĢ Can you take the dog out? He needs a walk.
dávaĢ si pozor Take care, now, and I'll see you again next week.
techno I prefer techno because it sounds really modern.
tenisová hra My tennis game isn't very good these days.
radový dom, dom v radovej zástavbe Leeds used to be full of rows of
terraced houses.
text There's a mistake on line 43 of the text of this document.
uprataĢ Your grandmother's coming, so make sure you tidy your room!
uprataný Your grandmother's coming, so make sure your room is tidy!
þas I don't have time to speak to you now – call me later.
unavený I felt so tired that I had to lie down.
toaleta The toilet is upstairs, on the right.
výlet, cesta, túra We went on a 14-day tour of Egypt.
výlet Dad's promised us a trip to Disneyland.
triþko s krátkym rukávom She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
až You can have up to five e-mail addresses on this account.
vysávanie I've done the vacuuming in the living room – what's next?
valentínka How many Valentine cards did you get this year?
video Why is the video not working?
výhĐad There's a very good view of Torquay from my bedroom window.
ovládanie hlasom You can operate this robot dog using voice control.
šatník Hang your clothes in the wardrobe.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
umývadlo There's a towel on the rail next to the washbasin.
washbasin, n
práþka Put your T-shirts in the washing machine and turn it to number 5.
washing machine, n
washing, n
washing-up, n
watch, v
weightless, adj
wet, adj
win, v
work, v
worried, adj
write, v
year, n
you know, interj
/"wÁSIÎ 'öp/
/j@ 'n@U/
pranie I need to do three lots of washing this weekend.
umývaĢ riad It's your turn to do the washing-up.
pozeraĢ We watched a movie on TV.
bez tiaže They did an experiment to simulate the effects of being weightless.
mokrý Her hair was wet because she had been out in the rain.
vyhraĢ Mark's team won the basketball tournament.
pracovaĢ This camera works by turning what you see into digital information.
obávaĢ sa Her mother is worried that she might not get better.
písaĢ We teach children how to read and write.
rok I go there on holiday three or four times a year.
već vieš... I can't remember his name – you know – the guy with the beard.
Review 1&2
bad at,
business, n
fun, n
get back,
get on with sb,
nebyĢ v nieþom dobrý I'm very bad at remembering people's names.
obchod You need a lot of money to start a new business .
zábava The party was great fun .
vrátiĢ sa What time will you get back from London?
vychádzaĢ s niekým How well do you get on with your mother-in-law?
well-paid, adj
/'b{d @t, {t/
/get 'b{k/
/get 'Án wID,
/get 'öp t@, tU/
/'gUd @t, {t/
/lUk "A:ft@r @
/"wel 'peId/
admire, v
aggressive, adj
agree, v
alive, adj
ambitious, adj
ambulance, n
anger, n
animal rights, n
appear, v
applause (= clapping),
/"{n@m@l 'raIts/
obdivovaĢ I always admired my mother for her courage and patience.
agresívny He is very aggressive when he plays football.
súhlasiĢ Paul and I don't agree on everything.
živý, nažive They didn't expect to find anyone alive after the explosion.
ambiciózny We are looking for ambitious, hard-working young people.
záchranka I asked a neighbour to call an ambulance.
hnev I felt such anger when I saw what the burglars had done.
práva zvierat Bill has been involved in the animal rights movement for years.
objaviĢ sa She appeared in that Australian TV series for years.
potlesk There was applause from the fans as the team left the field.
get up to,
good, adj
good at,
hungry, adj
look after a pet,
own, determiner
really, adv
save, v
sociable, adj
start, v
stressful, adj
wallet, n
weekend, n
zorganizovaĢ, Have you been getting up to mischief while I've been away?
dobrý Pretending to play along to your favourite music is good fun.
byĢ dobrý v... He's really good at making up stories for the kids.
hladný I'm hungry – is lunch almost ready?
staraĢ sa o domáceho miláþika Will you look after Rover while I go to the
vlastný She wants her own room.
skutoþne She's been really ill.
zachrániĢ Mark ran into the burning building to save the child.
spoloþenský They're a very pleasant, sociable couple.
zaþaĢ You need lots of confidence to start your own business.
stresujúci Moving to a new house is a very stressful experience.
peĖaženka I've only got about £10 in my wallet.
víkend What are you doing at the weekend?
dobre platený
Advertising is a very well-paid occupation.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
architekt Her dad is an architect – he designed this building.
architect, n
prísĢ, pricestovaĢ We arrived at the party just as Lee was leaving.
arrive, v
arogantný He's so arrogant that he thought he would win easily.
arrogant, adj
prázdne ruky Don't ever try to fight a crocodile with your bare hands!
bare hands,
pláž Shall we go to the beach and have a swim?
beach, n
zaþaĢ The meeting will begin at 10:00.
begin, v
správaĢ sa Some boys behaved badly at the party.
behave, v
správanie I'm not very pleased with your behaviour.
behaviour, n
black (AfroCarribean), adj
blame, v
body builder, n
book, n
bookshop, n
boss, n
brave, adj
bravery, n
calm, adj
campaign, n
campaign for/against
campaigner, n
/'bÁdi "bIld@/
/k{m'peIn fO:,
obviĖovaĢ They blamed the captain for the team's defeat.
kulturista My nephew is a champion body-builder.
kniha Have you read that book about Hawaii?
kníhkupectvo A new bookshop has opened on the high street.
šéf She asked her boss for the day off.
múdry He wasn't brave enough to dive into the deep water.
statoþnosĢ He was awarded a medal for his bravery.
kĐudný I took a deep breath and tried to keep calm .
kampaĖ The election campaign was long and not very pleasant.
kampaĖ za / proti This organisation campaigns against poverty in the third world.
castle, n
challenge, v
chance, n
character, n
cheer, v
chief, adj
child labour, n
children’s rights, n
/"tSaIld 'leIb@/
/köm 'b{k/
/'köm fr@m,
cinema, n
clap, v
clean, adj
clear, adj
colonialism, n
come, v
come back,
come from,
comedy, n
comfort, v
comfortable, adj
company, n
creature, n
cruel, adj
cry, v
curtain, n
cut, v
He'll be the first black President of the USA.
úþastníci kampane Campaigners against animal experiments interrupted the
hrad This castle was built in the sixteenth century to defend the city.
vyzvaĢ, vyzývaĢ Bob challenged anyone to try to beat him.
možnosĢ, šanca Have you had a chance to read the paper yet?
postava She's the most interesting character in the whole programme.
povzbudiĢ, vítaĢ The crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.
vrchný, najvyšší, hlavný Doctor Smith is the government's chief medical
detská práca Child labour is no longer legal in this country.
práva detí He works for an organisation that protects children's rights.
kino Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
tlieskaĢ We all clapped and cheered.
þistý He put on a clean shirt.
jasný, þíry, þistý His writing isn't very clear.
kolonializmus Many African countries have a history of European colonialism.
prísĢ It would be nice if Chris could come .
vrátiĢ sa He won't be coming back for at least two years.
pochádzaĢ z... These bananas come from somewhere in the Caribbean.
komédia All my favourite films are comedies.
potešiĢ, utešiĢ The boy's mother tried to comfort him.
pohodlný, kĐudný, príjemný Are you comfortable sitting on the floor?
spoloþnosĢ He acted with the same theatre company as Laurence Olivier.
tvor, bytosĢ This pond is full of all sorts of living creatures.
krutý People who are cruel to animals make me mad.
plakaĢ Maria read the letter and started to cry.
záclona, záves, opona Close the curtains and turn the light on.
rezaĢ, krájaĢ Shall I cut the cake?
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
mĚtvy Her mother's been dead for two years.
dead, adj
smrĢ After her husband's death, she lived alone for 20 years.
death, n
rozhodnutie Ben knew he'd made the right decision .
decision, n
rozhodný I'm not very decisive – I can never make my mind up.
decisive, adj
požadovaĢ, žiadaĢ People are demanding that the company is closed down.
demand, v
demokracia I believe in freedom and democracy.
democracy, n
deprimovaný She became very depressed after losing her job.
depressed, adj
zomrieĢ He died at the age of 78.
die, v
zmiznúĢ The plane disappeared from the radar screens.
disappear, v
nedôvera, pochybnosĢ He stared at the broken window in disbelief.
disbelief, n
neþestný Some people think that all politicians are dishonest.
dishonest, adj
Đahký The test was really easy.
easy, adj
voĐby Buffy won the election for school president.
election, n
pohotovosĢ, nepredvídaný prípad, Make sure you know what to do in an
emergency, n
emergency services, n
enter, v
equal rights, n
establish, v
evil, adj
exact, adj
except for,
expression, n
famous for sth,
favourite, adj
fictional, adj
fight, v
fight, n
fight, v
fight for sth,
film star, n
find out about sth,
franchise, n
freedom, n
freedom of speech,
full, adj
funny, adj
generous, adj
get, v
get in,
get out of,
emergency .
/"i:kw@l 'raIts/
pohotovostné služby
/Ik'sept f@, fO:/
/'feIm@s f@, fO:/
/'faIt f@
/'fIlm stA:/
/faInd 'aUt
@baUt "sömTIÎ/
založiĢ, zriadiĢ He established the business in 1982.
zlý, odporný You are an evil killer and you will go to prison for 20 years.
presný I can remember his exact words.
okrem They all scored 25 except for Julie, who got 31.
výraz, vyjadrenie What does the expression "for ages" mean?
známy nieþím He's famous for the invention of the railway locomotive.
obĐúbený We chose Joe's favourite music for the party.
neskutoþný, fiktívny Oliver is a fictional character in a book by Charles Dickens.
bojovaĢ My brother and I often fight, but we never really hurt each other.
bitka, Sam's always getting into fights at school.
hnaĢ, pohnaĢ I'll fight this case all the way to highest court in the land.
bojovaĢ za Amnesty fights for the rights of people in prison.
/"fri:d@m @v
ghost, n
ghost story, n
/get 'In/
/get 'aUt @v,
/'g@Ust "stO:ri/
give, v
glass, n
Call the emergency services and ask for the fire brigade!
vstúpiĢ, vojsĢ As soon as I entered the room, I knew something was wrong.
rovnaké práva, rovnoprávnosĢ Men and women have equal voting rights in
this country.
filmová hviezda She was a Hollywood film star in the 1930s.
dozvedieĢ sa How did you find out about John's background?
výsada, licencia, koncesia
He runs the shop but doesn't own the products –
it's just a franchise.
sloboda Kids have too much freedom nowadays.
sloboda prejavu
what you think.
There's no freedom of speech in these meetings – you can't say
plný He has full membership of the club but I'm just a visitor.
zábavný It was one of the funniest films I've ever seen.
štedrý, šĐachetný It was really generous of Jack to take us all on holiday.
dostaĢ, obdržaĢ, získaĢ, staĢ sa / get cold-ochladiĢ sa It gets very
cold at night.
dostaĢ sa do... They got in by breaking the window.
dostaĢ preþ z... I've got to get Arthur out of my life and move on!
duch The ghost of Marie Antoinette haunts the palace.
strašidelný príbeh We sit around the fire in the dark and tell each other ghost
daĢ Can you give me a lift to the bus stop?
She knocked the glass of water off the table and broke it.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
ísĢ After tonight they go on tour to the USA.
go, v
dobrota, láskavosĢ She's one of those people whose goodness is obvious to
goodness, n
grilled, adj
guess, v
hard-working, adj
/"hA:d 'wÆ:kIÎ/
harm, n
hatred, n
have, v
headline, n
hear, v
heaven, n
hero, n
heroine, n
hesitate, v
hesitation, n
hit, v
honest, adj
horrible, adj
human rights, n
hunger strike, n
incident, n
include, v
indecisive, adj
independence, n
intelligent, adj
kill oneself,
killer, adj
kind (of people), adj
/h@v, h{v/
/"hju:m@n 'raIts/
/'höÎg@ straIk/
/'kIl wön"self/
úraz, zlo, ublíženie We must protect our children from harm.
nenávisĢ Her hatred of spiders is well known.
maĢ Sit down and have a break for five minutes.
titulok Here are today's newspaper headlines.
poþuĢ Can you hear that noise?
nebo Do you think that bad people go to heaven too?
hrdina When the soldiers returned, they were treated as heroes.
hrdinka She was one of the heroines of the French Olympic team.
váhaĢ She hesitated before answering.
váhanie He answered without hesitation.
zasiahnuĢ, trafiĢ, uderiĢ He hit me with his tennis racket!
þestný My father was a very honest man.
strašný That was a horrible thing to say.
Đudské práva The government has been accused of human rights abuses.
hladovka 300 students occupied the building and over 50 went on hunger strike.
prípad, udalosĢ, incident One man was arrested following the incident.
zahĚĖaĢ, obsahovaĢ The film festival includes movies from around the world.
nerozhodný He was a weak, indecisive leader.
nezávislosĢ Nigeria gained independence from Britain in 1960.
inteligentný Lisa is a very intelligent and quick student.
zabiĢ sa If you keep working this hard, you'll kill yourself.
smrtiaci, vražedný Are there really such things as killer bees?
milý, láskavý, priateĐský They looked after me and were really kind and
labour, n
last night,
law, n
lawyer, n
league, n
/"lA:st 'naIt/
práca They used to run the factories partly using child labour.
minulá noc I didn't get much sleep last night.
právo The law says that you must not sell alcohol to people under the age of 18.
právnik His defence lawyer is the best in the country.
liga, zväz, SpoloþnosĢ národov Is this country a member of the League of
lie, v
life, n
lifesaver, n
život Leave me alone – just go away and get out of my life!
záchranca života A microwave oven can be a real lifesaver when you're short of
live, v
local, adj
locate, v
look, v
look up,
Look!, interj
lose, v
love story, n
/lUk 'öp/
/'löv "stO:ri/
mad, adj
mad, adj
main, adj
make, v
grilovaný Grilled food is often lass fatty than fried food.
hádaĢ, uhádnuĢ I guessed her age correctly.
Ģažko pracujúcich/ študujúcich / I have lots of hard-working pupils in my
ležaĢ She was lying on the grass.
žiĢ, bývaĢ Matt lives in Boston.
miestny, lokálny You can now get this fruit in your local supermarket.
urþiĢ miesto, lokalizovaĢ Divers have located the shipwreck.
vyzeraĢ He doesn't look at all well.
pozrieĢ hore She didn't look up when I said her name.
pozri! Look! There's the coast of France!
prehraĢ He lost because the other boxer had a harder punch.
románik, milostný príbeh "Romeo and Juliet" is one of the greatest love stories
ever told.
šialený You'd be mad to give up a good job like that.
šialený, zbláznený I'm going mad trying to get everything done in time.
hlavný He plays the main character in the story.
robiĢ She made a speech about the war in Iraq.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
pochod The march will go from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament.
march, n
možno Maybe they haven't got your letter yet.
maybe, adv
hanebný, podlý, sprostý It was really mean of you to call him a coward.
mean, adj
stretnutie There's an important meeting this afternoon.
meeting, n
member of
parliament, n
mention, v
midnight, n
militant, adj
minister, n
murder, n
nasty, adj
national, adj
naturally, adv
offend sb,
opinion, n
opportunity, n
pain, n
painful, adj
panic, v
parliament, n
peace, n
perform, v
personally, adv
poet, n
poison, n
poison, v
poisoned, adj
poisonous, adj
pollution, n
postpone, v
pray, v
probably, adv
protest, n
protest march, n
proud, adj
public meeting, n
publicity, n
publish, v
pull, v
put off,
racism, n
radio programme, n
read, v
relevant, adj
remarry, v
repeatedly, adv
report, n
/"memb@r @v
/"pöblIk 'mi:tIÎ/
/pUt 'Áf/
poslanec, þlen parlamentu
He is Member of Parliament for Bradford West.
spomenúĢ, zmieniĢ sa Your name was mentioned in the book.
polnoc We stayed up until midnight.
bojový, bojujúci It's a militant protest group that believes in using violence.
minister Who's the Minister for Education?
vrah Police believe the murders were committed by the same person.
odporný, nechutný, protivný Why are they being so nasty to me?
národný He lost at the national elections but won a seat on the local council.
prirodzene Naturally, we wanted to win.
uraziĢ Will it offend him if I call him by his first name?
názor, mienka I think she's beautiful, but that's only my opinion.
možnosĢ, šanca I'd love to have the opportunity to study abroad.
bolesĢ She had a pain in her chest.
bolestivý Her sore throat was very painful.
spanikáriĢ The crowd panicked when the bomb went off.
parlament Laws are made by parliament.
mier When will there be peace in Northern Ireland?
vystupovaĢ, hraĢ Many students performed in the school play.
osobne Personally, I don't like war movies.
básnik Dylan Thomas was a famous Welsh poet.
jed The plant's leaves contain a deadly poison.
otráviĢ I used this stuff to poison all the weeds in my garden.
otrávené The poisoned meat killed the guard dogs.
jedovatý Many household chemicals are poisonous.
zneþistenie Plants and fish are dying because of pollution.
pozdržaĢ, odložiĢ, odroþiĢ The concert was postponed because of rain.
modliĢ sa Let us pray for peace.
pravdepodobne It's probably the best beer you can buy.
protest He took part in a protest against the war.
protestný pochod The protest march will go down Whitehall to Downing Street.
hrdý, pyšný He is proud of his son's achievement.
verejné zhromaždenie There's a public meeting to discuss plans for the new
publicita, pozornosĢ verejnosti Murder trials always get a lot of publicity.
vydaĢ, publikovaĢ She works for a company that publishes children's books.
ĢahaĢ, vliecĢ She pulled the chair forward.
odložiĢ / na neskôr / Can we put the meeting off till later today?
rasizmus We will not tolerate racism in this school.
program v rádiu Terry Wogan has a radio programme every morning on Radio 2.
þítaĢ Dad sat in his chair, reading the paper.
relevantný, týkajúci sa Are your qualifications relevant to the job?
znova sa oženiĢ, vydaĢ He said he would never remarry after his wife died.
opakovane Graham was repeatedly warned not to work so hard.
správa, referát Each child wrote a report on their visit to the museum.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
záchrana, vyslobodenie
rescue, n
return, v
revenge, n
revenge (take – for
sth), n
reward, n
right, adj
rights, n
romantic, adj
run, v
run out of sth,
safe, adj
scene, n
scream, n
see, v
sell, v
sensitive, adj
sergeant, n
set up,
shark, n
sit, v
situation, n
skiing, n
slavery, n
sorry, adj
speech (freedom of –
), n
speech, n
sports star, n
stepfather, n
Page 17 of
The newspaper reported his attempted rescue of a
drowning man.
vrátiĢ sa At eleven o'clock I was still waiting for Simone to return.
odplata She was determined to get her revenge for the defeat.
pomstiĢ sa She was determined to take her revenge on Sally for the defeat.
/rön 'aUt @v
/"set 'öp/
cena, ocenenie She offered a reward to anyone who could find her cat.
správny Yes, you're right, that's the answer.
práva What rights do I have if I'm sacked from my job?
Đudské práva We criticised the country's poor record on human rights.
romantický I wish my boyfriend was more romantic.
/'spO:ts "stA:/
reþ He gave a speech to the conference.
športové hviezdy The sports stars gathered for the awards ceremony.
nevlastný otec Her mother married her stepfather two years after her real father
behaĢ, bežaĢ I can run faster than Tom.
minúĢ sa We've run out of milk – you'll have to have black coffee.
bezpeþný You can walk on the bridge – it's perfectly safe.
scéna, výstup I loved the final scene where the children arrived home.
výkrik Sally gave a loud scream when she saw the rat.
vidieĢ It was too dark to see anything.
predaĢ I sold Joe my computer fro £100.
citlivý He was very sensitive to other people's needs.
seržant After 10 years in the police force he became a sergeant.
založiĢ, zriadiĢ They set up a charity to raise money for sick animals.
žralok Sharks were circling around our boat.
sedieĢ The children were all sitting on the floor.
situácia We are in a very difficult situation.
lyžovanie We went skiing in Switzerland.
otroctvo The United States ended slavery after the Civil War.
Đutujúci, je mi Đúto I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
reþ, jazyk Freedom of speech means anyone can say what they like.
story, n
straight, adv
strange, adj
strangely, adv
strike, n
strike, v
success, n
suddenly, adv
suffragette, n
príbeh Do you know the story of Peter Pan?
rovno Go straight across the bridge and then turn right.
þudný, zvláštny I had a strange dream last night.
þudne He seems strangely different lately.
štrajk We're going on strike to protest against our low wages.
odbiĢ, vraziĢ, naraziĢ When the clock struck twelve, I woke up from my dream.
úspech Her success is due to hard work.
náhle I suddenly realized that someone was following me.
sufražetka / bojovníþka za volebné právo žien / Emmeline Pankhurst
suspect, v
podozrievaĢ, tušiĢ, domnievaĢ sa
suspicious, adj
sword, n
take on,
/"teIk 'Án/
podozrivý, podozrievavý I'm suspicious of his reasons for being so nice to me.
meþ, kord He drew his sword and attacked me.
zamestnaĢ, zabraĢ The Tories took on the government and defeated them in the
talk, v
task, n
tasty, adj
rozprávaĢ I could hear Sarah and Andrew talking in the next room.
úloha Machines do most of the simple tasks in the factory.
chutný This pizza is really tasty.
was a suffragette in the early 20th century.
I suspect that one of the boys took the
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
hrozne, strašne She sang terribly well, and everyone applauded.
terribly, adv
myslieĢ I think it's a brilliant film.
think, v
myslieĢ na... I can't think of one reason to dislike him.
/'TIÎk @v
think of sth,
this morning,
time, n
tip, n
too, adv
tour, n
tragedy, n
twenties, n
unconscious, adj
upset, adj
villain, n
violence, n
violent, adj
vote, n
waiter, n
waitress, n
walk, v
war, n
watch, v
wave, v
wise, adj
wizard, n
women’s rights, n
wonder, v
work, v
worse, adj
write, v
wrong, adj
yesterday, adv
/DIs 'mO:nIÎ/
/"wIm@nz 'raIts/
dnes ráno This morning we're going to read a play.
þas A machine that can travel through time is impossible.
sprepitné I gave the waiter a £5 tip.
tiež, aj Jan plays the guitar, and she plays the piano too .
výlet, túra In the summer we went on a tour of North America.
tragédia The fishing trip ended in tragedy when one of the men drowned.
dvadsiate roky He was in his twenties when his family moved abroad.
v bezvedomí The doctor said that she was still unconscious after the operation.
rozþúlený, zmätený She's a bit upset because her cat has died.
darebák, lotor Dennis Hopper plays the villain in 'Speed'.
násilie There is too much violence shown on television.
násilnícky, prudký The man was becoming violent, so I called the police.
volebný hlas There were 603 votes for Mr Jameson, and only 16 against .
þašník She waved to attract the attention of the waiter.
þašníþka During the summer she worked as a waitress.
kráþaĢ, prechádzaĢ sa We must have walked ten miles today.
vojna He was a prisoner during the Vietnam War.
pozeraĢ We watched a movie on TV.
mávaĢ, We waved goodbye to Dad.
múdry, rozumný Do you think that was a wise decision?
þarodejník Merlin was a wizard in the time of King Arthur.
práva žien Suffragettes campaigned for women's rights, especially the right to vote.
diviĢ sa, žasnúĢ We were wondering where you were.
pracovaĢ I work in a bank.
horší The weather is going to get even worse today.
písaĢ We teach children how to read and write .
nesprávny Your calculations must be wrong.
vþera I went swimming yesterday.
Module 4 Challenge
able, adj
ability, n
abroad, adv
absolutely!, interj
accept, v
achieve, v
achievement, n
act, v
activity, n
actor, n
actress, n
admire, v
aggressive, adj
already, adv
athlete, n
awful, adj
schopný I won't be able to go because I've broken my leg.
schopnosĢ He has the ability to understand difficult ideas.
do zahraniþia, v zahraniþí Have you travelled abroad much?
absolútne, urþite "Are you coming with us?" "Absolutely!"
prijaĢ Are you going to accept the job?
dosiahnuĢ, docieliĢ Most of our students achieve excellent exam results.
výkon, þin, úspech Learning to drive is a great achievement.
jednaĢ, hraĢ When someone has a heart attack, you need to act quickly.
aktivita, þinnosĢ Do you enjoy sporting activities?
herec He wants to be an actor when he grows up.
hereþka Elizabeth Taylor is a famous actress.
obdivovaĢ I admired his excellent performance at the tournament.
agresívny, útoþný He is very aggressive when he plays football.
už I've seen that film already.
atlét Athletes have to be careful with their diet.
hrozný, strašný I'm an awful golfer.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
pozadie, minulosĢ, prostredie Jo and I come from very different backgrounds.
background, n
nutne They badly want to win something this year.
badly, adv
poraziĢ I beat Dad at tennis for the first time today.
beat, v
pred I usually shower before breakfast.
before, prep
skvelý, brilantný Boris was a brilliant tennis player a few years ago.
brilliant, adj, adv
competition, n
conclusion, n
consciousness, n
context, n
court, n
Cup Final, n
dangerous, adj
dark, adj
dead, adv
deal with,
defeat, n
dentist, n
determination, n
develop, v
difference, n
difficult, adj
direct, v
disability, n
/k{m'peIn f@
/"k{ri 'Án/
/"köm @ lÁÎ
/köm 'Áf It/
/köm 'öp t@
/"köp 'faIn@l/
/'di:l wID, wIT/
/dI'rekt, daI�/
disabled, adj
disappointed, adj
doctor, n
dominate, v
drugs, n
effects, n
sklamaný Julie was disappointed that her friends couldn't come.
doktor You should go to the doctor with that cough.
ovládaĢ, vládnuĢ Five large companies dominate the car industry.
droga, jed, liek I'm studying the way that these drugs act on the brain.
efekty They used special effects to make it seem that there were thousands of
inžinier, technik She's an engineer on an oil rig in the desert.
už niekedy Have you ever been to New York?
každý deĖ Make exercise part of your everyday life.
presne I know exactly when he's going to get here.
calm, adj
campaign for sth,
carry on,
cause, v
challenge, n
challenge, v
champion, n
chef, n
chess, n
climate, n
come a long way,
come off it!,
come up to sb,
engineer, n
ever, adv
everyday, adj
exactly, adv
tichý, kĐudný, He stayed calm, and won the match in the end.
kampaĖ They campaigned for women's right to vote.
pokraþovaĢ He carried on speaking despite the noise going on around him.
spôsobiĢ Smoking causes cancer.
výzva It will be a challenge to get everything ready in time.
vyzvaĢ Liverpool challenged Chelsea for the cup.
víĢaz Manchester United are this year's European champions.
vrchný kuchár He works as a chef in a big London hotel.
šach They meet fairly often to play chess.
podnebie The climate in the Maldives is hot and sunny.
prejsĢ dlhú cestu They've come a long way since the days when they had no
nechaj to tak, nechaj to na pokoji Come off it! I don't believe you!
prísĢ, pristúpiĢ, vynoriĢ sa, objaviĢ sa He came up to me and hit me on the
súĢaž Who won the poetry competition?
záver, zakonþenie In the conclusion to the book, the secret is revealed.
vedomie He was bleeding heavily and soon lost consciousness.
súvislosti, kontext You need to consider these events in their historical context.
dvorec, ihrisko, súdny dvor He's a perfect gentleman, on or off the court.
finále We've got tickets for the Cup Final on Saturday!
nebezpeþný It's dangerous to walk alone at night around here.
tmavý It gets dark at about 4 o'clock in the winter.
mĚtvy, / máš úplnú pravdu / You're dead right – that's exactly what she did!
poradiĢ si s..., vysporiadaĢ sa I must deal with all these bills sometime soon.
porážka Italy suffered their second defeat of the tournament.
zubár I'm going to the dentist to get this tooth taken out.
rozhodnutie, odhodlanosĢ I really admire his determination to succeed!
rozvinúĢ Book Two develops the topics she introduced in Book One.
rozdiel There's very little difference between these two candidates.
nároþný She has a difficult job trying to meet everyone's requirements.
režírovaĢ Peter Jackson has directed at least three films in New Zealand.
invalidita, neschopnosĢ The hotel has wheelchair access for people with
physical disabilities.
invalidný There's a lift for disabled people.
people in the film.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
znamenitý, výborný What an excellent idea!
excellent, adj
The police are expecting trouble after the match.
expect, v
postaviĢ sa þelom If he wins this match he'll still face the challenge of Federer in
face, v
the final.
famous, adj
fantastic, adj
farmer, n
fast, adj
favourite, adj
feeling, n
final, n
fire, n
fire station, n
firefighter, n
first, adj
frightened, adj
give up,
grand slam, n
hairdresser, n
health, n
hobby, n
horse rider, n
huge, adj
ice-hockey, n
impressive, adj
improvement, n
/'faI@ "steIS@n/
/"gIv 'öp/
/"gr{nd 'sl{m/
/'hO:s "raId@/
/'aIs "hÁki/
známy Many famous actors live in Beverly Hills.
fantastický It's a fantastic film!
farmár She married a sheep farmer in New Zealand.
rýchly She was the fastest runner in the race.
obĐúbený They're my favourite rock group.
pocit I enjoy running – it gives me a good feeling .
finále The final of the competition is on Monday.
oheĖ The village was completely destroyed by a huge fire .
požiarna stanica The fire station is open to the public today.
požiarnik Many firefighters died in New York after the plane crash.
prvý January is the first month of the year.
vystrašený, báĢ sa Liz has always been frightened of spiders.
vzdaĢ sa Don't give up – you'll manage it if you keep trying.
grand slam, turnaj Wales won the rugby Grand Slam.
kaderník I'll make an appointment to see the hairdresser.
zdravie Smoking can damage your health.
záĐuby My hobbies are playing the guitar and reading.
jazdec na koni Princess Anne won an Olympic medal as a horse rider.
obrovský There's a huge gap between your pay and mine.
Đadový hokej The Steelers are Sheffield's ice-hockey team.
pôsobivý, impozantný Their victory over Toronto was very impressive.
zlepšenie, zdokonalenie There has been a great improvement in Johnny's work
inactive, adj
injury, n
intelligent, adj
issue, n
neaktívny, pasívny Owls are inactive during the day.
zranenie He was lucky to survive with only minor injuries.
inteligentný Lisa is very intelligent in her approach to the game.
otázka, problém The environment is an issue which is very important to young
job, n
join, v
jumper, n
life (in real -), n
life (save sb’s –), n
lifeguard, n
look back,
lose, v
manage, v
meanwhile, adv
mechanic, n
medal, n
move up to,
/"lUk 'b{k/
/"mu:v 'öp t@,
movie, n
neck, n
negative, adj
neighbour, n
never, adv
nonsense!, interj
this term.
zamestnanie Teaching is an interesting job.
pripojiĢ sa Helen has joined a running club to try and get fit.
pulóver My favourite jumper has green and yellow stripes.
život He looks a lot smaller in real life than when he's on TV.
život / zachrániĢ niekomu.../ She saved his life by pulling him out of the river.
záchranca He works as a lifeguard at the local swimming pool.
obzrieĢ sa späĢ After he made his first million pounds, he never looked back.
stratiĢ I lost consciousness after the brick hit me on the head.
zvládnuĢ, Nobody knows how the prisoners managed to escape.
zatiaĐ William took the dog for a walk. Meanwhile Jack fed the rabbits.
mechanik My dad's a mechanic at the local Peugeot garage.
medaila He received a medal for bravery.
posunúĢ sa na... That record has moved up to number 8 in the charts.
film Do you want to see a movie tonight?
krk She wore a gold chain around her neck.
negatívny Smoking has a very negative effect on health.
sused My neighbours often look after the kids after school.
nikdy I've never flown in a plane before.
nezmysel Nonsense! Of course you won't lose the competition!
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
sestriþka His wife works as a nurse in the children's ward.
nurse, n
OK That song's OK, but I think this next one's better.
OK, adj
otvárací, zahajovací He won the Open Championship with a score of 281.
open, n
precenený I think footballers are mostly overrated.
overrated, adj
paragliding We went paragliding on holiday in Florida.
paragliding, n
ochromiĢ, paralyzovaĢ Heavy snow has paralysed transport in several cities.
paralyse, v
ochrnutie, obrna He has paralysis in both legs because of his accident.
paralysis, n
personality, n
physical, adj
pianist, n
pilot, n
point, n
police officer, n
positive, adj
present sb with sth,
promote, v
pull through,
put out a fire,
/p@'li:s "ÁfIs@/
"sömb@di wID
/"pUl 'Tru:/
osobnosĢ He's not good-looking but he has a great personality.
fyzický, telesný Do you do much physical exercise?
klavirista Rachmaninov was an excellent pianist as well as a composer.
pilot The pilot landed the plane safely using one engine.
bod, pointa, What were the main points in the article?
policajt Two police officers were injured in the attack.
pozitívny You should try and be more positive in the interview.
obdariĢ niekoho nieþím The Queen presented her with an OBE.
podporovaĢ This meeting is to promote trade between Taiwan and the UK.
dostaĢ sa z, vyviaznuĢ He's so badly injured we don't know whether he will pull
recovery, n
/"pUt aUt @
relationship, n
remarkable, adj
research, n
right, adj
role, n
safe, adj
sailor, n
save, v
score, n
season, n
set, v
pozoruhodný That's a remarkable achievement.
bádanie, výskum The charity pays for research into the causes of cancer.
správny In the test, all my answers were dead right!
rola He plays twelve different roles in one film!
bezpeþný You can walk on the bridge – it's perfectly safe.
námorník He was one of Britain's most successful sailors in the Olympics.
zachrániĢ Mark ran into the burning building to save the child.
bodovaĢ, skórovaĢ Jim scored two goals in the game last night.
sezóna The new football season starts next month.
postaviĢ, zostaviĢ, Before she introduces the characters she sets the general
shop assistant, n
/'SÁp @"sIst@nt/
predavaþ, predavaþka
skilful, adj
slow, adj
smoke, n
snooker, n
special effects, adj
/'speS@l "I'fekts/
obratný, zruþný There are some very skilful players in our team.
pomalý The slowest runners started at the back.
dym Clouds of smoke came from the chimney.
druh kuleþníkovej hry They meet up every Friday to play snooker.
špeciálne efekty George Lucas used lots of special effects in the "Star Wars"
special, adj
speech, n
spinal, adj
špeciálny We have a very special guest with us this evening.
reþ The President will give a speech to Congress later today.
súvisiaci s chrbticou She has a spinal problem that means she can't sit up
squash, n
real, adj
realise sth,
recognise, v
They put out the fire with water from the nearby lake.
skutoþný This is real life, you know, not a TV programme!
uvedomiĢ si I realised that I'd left my umbrella on the bus.
I didn't recognise him – his hair has gone completely grey!
uzdravenie, rekonvalescencia She will make a full recovery after the
vzĢah Her relationship with her father has always been difficult.
The shop assistant who served me was very polite and
Jonah Barrington was the country's most successful squash player.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
silný He was not strong enough to lift the rock up.
strong, adj
uspieĢ By pushing hard, he succeeded in opening the window.
succeed, v
podporovaĢ Which football team do you support?
support, v
predpokladaĢ, domnievaĢ sa Well, I suppose he's fairly good-looking.
suppose, v
obklopiĢ, obkĐúþiĢ The lake was surrounded by trees.
surround, v
uþiteĐ, uþiteĐka Miss Lind is my English teacher.
teacher, n
hrozný, strašný I love your new hairstyle – it's terrific!
terrific, adj
potom, vtedy It happened in 1972, and things were different then.
then, adv
titul She won her last title in 1976.
title, n
spolu Kevin and I went to school together.
together, adv
turnaj, súĢaž The tournament takes place during the first week in September.
tournament, n
semafory Stop at the traffic lights if they are red.
/'tr{fIk laIts/
traffic lights, n
cviþiĢ, trénovaĢ, She trained as a nurse for four years.
train, v
lieþba I was sent to hospital for immediate treatment.
treatment, n
pravdivý Yes, that's true – I did go to York University.
true, adj
She made an unsuccessful attempt to break the world record.
unsuccessful, adj
nezvyþajný He has an unusual name.
/ön'ju:Zu@l, �
unusual, adj
useless, adj
vitamin, n
way, n
weak, adj
when, adv
while, linking word
will, n
World Cup, n
worry, v
yet, adv
/"wÆ:ld 'köp/
neužitoþný I'm a useless tennis player.
vitamín Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C.
cesta Computers have come a long way in the last 50 years.
slabý At the end of the race he felt weak .
kedy When did you get back?
kým, zatiaĐ þo He started a business while he was still at school.
vôĐa He lost the will to live.
svetový pohár England won the World Cup in 1966.
strachovaĢ sa, obávaĢ sa Parents always worry about their children.
už Have you seen 'The Phantom Menace' yet?
ambition, n
ambitious, adj
approach, v
argue, v
bookshelf, n
boss, n
burger bar, n
/'bÆ:g@ bA:/
túžba, prianie, ambícia My ambition is to become a doctor.
ambiciózny We are looking for ambitious, hard-working young people.
pristúpiĢ, priblížiĢ sa A man approached me and asked me the time.
hádaĢ sa I hate it when Mum and Dad argue.
polica na knihy We need a new set of bookshelves to put all these books in.
šéf I get on fairly well with my boss.
bagetka, obþerstvenie kde robia hlavne rôzne obložené žemle
central heating, n
commercial, adj
conversation, n
drown, v
escape, v
exhibition, n
gang, n
honest, adj
honesty, n
intelligence, n
intelligent, adj
listen to sb,
/"sentr@l 'hi:tIÎ/
/'lIs@n t@
Review 3&4
There's a burger bar on the corner of Albion Street.
centrálne vykurovanie Most of these houses have central heating.
obchodný Not all good films are a commercial success.
rozhovor, konverzácia I had an interesting conversation with Alice yesterday.
utopiĢ sa, potopiĢ sa The fishermen drowned when their boat overturned.
uniknúĢ, ujsĢ He escaped from prison by making a tunnel.
výstava We went to an exhibition of modern paintings at the art gallery.
gang, partia He was beaten up by a gang of youths.
þestný My father was a very honest man.
þestnosĢ I was impressed by his honesty.
inteligencia She's a person of above-average intelligence
inteligentný Lisa is very intelligent.
poþúvaĢ niekoho I want to listen to the Prime Minister's speech on the radio.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
národnosĢ We have students of many different nationalities.
nationality, n
nervózny Julie looked nervous before the test.
nervous, adj
papagáj This parrot has lovely blue feathers.
parrot, n
scéna, dejstvo I loved the scene where the children arrived home.
scene, n
povedaĢ I can't tell you – it's a secret.
tell, v
pravda Will they ever tell us the truth?
truth, n
bohužiaĐ, nanešĢastie Unfortunately, we had to go home early.
unfortunately, adv
verzia, znenie I prefer the original version of that song.
version, n
There's too much violence on TV these days.
violence, n
násilnícky, prudký There's been an increase in violent crime.
violent, adj
Module 5 Celebration
according to, prep
podĐa toho...
acquaintance, n
advanced test, n
advice, n
aeroplane, n
alcohol, n
all right, adj
/@'kO:dIÎ t@,
/@d"vA:nst 'test/
/"O:l 'raIt/
allowed, adj
around, adv, prep
apologise, v
arrange, v
arrive at,
arts, n
atmosphere, n
bagpipes, n
barbecue, n
best man, n
big day, n
birth, n
birthday, n
birthday party, n
blond, adj
bouquet, n
border, n
break, n
bride, n
bridesmaid, n
bright, adj
brilliant, adj
brilliantly, adv
broken leg, n
Burns Night,
/@'raIv @t, {t/
/"best 'm{n/
/"bIg 'deI/
/'bÆ:TdeI "pA:ti/
/b@U'keI, bu:�/
/"br@Uk@n 'leg/
/'bÆ:nz naIt/
okolo There are students here from many countries around the world.
ospravedlniĢ sa He apologised for being late.
zariadiĢ I've arranged a football practice for tomorrow.
pricestovaĢ na/do When does this train arrive at Glasgow Central?
umenie Should the government provide money to support the arts?
atmosféra The town has a nice friendly atmosphere.
dudy My friend plays bagpipes with the York Pipe Band.
piknik, opekaþka We had a barbecue on the beach.
svedok / na svadbe / Does the best man have the wedding rings?
veĐký deĖ It's the big day tomorrow – he's getting married.
pôrod, narodenie She weighed 3 kg at birth.
narodeniny It's my birthday next week.
narodeninová oslava I'm having a birthday party – do you want to come?
blonćavý, blond My boyfriend is blond and handsome.
kytica Each of the singers got a bouquet at the end of the concert.
hranica We were not allowed to cross the border between the two countries.
prestávka Can I have one of your sandwiches at break time?
nevesta It's the custom for the bride's father to pay for the wedding.
družiþka Both her sisters will be bridesmaids at her wedding.
svetlý The bright flames of the candles lit up the Christmas tree.
brilantný, skvelý, oslnivý Her tennis was just brilliant in that match.
skvele, brilantne She played brilliantly to win the final.
zlomená noha How can I possibly play with a broken leg!
oslava života a poézie R. Burnsa v Škótsku Burns Night is on the 25th of
caber (tossing the -), n
can, modal verb
can’t, modal verb
canoeist, n
/k@n, k{n/
brvno / vrh brvnom / Tossing the caber is harder than it looks.
môcĢ, vedieĢ Pete can speak Spanish well.
nemôcĢ, nevedieĢ I can't swim.
kanoista The canoeist has to go through all the set of poles in turn.
The answers vary according to which person you ask.
známy / þlovek / There were several acquaintances of mine at the party.
postupový test She passed the advanced driving test last week.
rada I need some advice about childcare.
lietadlo We've been on this aeroplane for 11 hours.
alkohol Avoid drinking alcohol if you're driving.
dobrý, v poriadku, súhlasím "How was your holiday?" "It was all right, but it
did rain quite a lot."
povolený Smoking is not allowed in the library.
January every year.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
hlavný London is the capital of England.
capital, n
parkovisko pre autá I parked in the underground car park.
car park, n
Đahostajný, nedbalý She's always been pretty casual about her appearance.
casual, adj
nedbalo, He was dressed casually in faded jeans.
casually, adv
jaskyĖa He lived in a cave high up in the mountains.
cave, n
oslavovaĢ The team celebrated by opening some bottles of champagne.
celebrate, v
oslava The wedding celebrations went on all through the night.
celebration, n
storoþie The church was built in the 13th century
century, n
cereálie, obilniny We have a choice of cereals for breakfast this morning.
cereals, n
ceremoniál, obrad The opening ceremony for the new theatre was performed by
ceremony, n
chocolate, n
classical music, n
close, v
collect, v
comedian, n
comfortable, adj
competition, n
congratulations, n
congratulations!, interj
conquer, v
cotton, n
couples, n
dance, v
day, n
depend on,
designer, n
dinner, n
dinner party, n
dish, n
don’t have to,
the Queen.
/dI'pend Án/
/'dIn@ "pA:ti/
empire, n
exchange, v
excursion, n
experienced, adj
expert, adj
factfile, n
/"d@Unt 'h{v t@,
/"dres 'öp/
/'draIvIÎ test/
fan, n
fancy-dress party, n
/"f{nsi 'dres
dress, v
dress up,
drink, n
driving test, n
drummer, n
education system, n
þokoláda Can I have a box of chocolates?
vážna hudba The orchestra will play a concert of classical music on Thursday.
zatvoriĢ All the shops close at 5.30 tonight.
zbieraĢ, pozbieraĢ Can you collect all the books and put them on my desk?
komik, komediant He started as a stand-up comedian.
pohodlný The bed wasn't very comfortable.
súĢaž Who won the singing competition?
blahoželania Many congratulations on passing your exams.
You won? Congratulations!
dobyĢ, podrobiĢ si The Normans conquered England in 1066.
bavlna I prefer cotton shirts because they dry without needing ironing.
páry Several couples got up and began to dance.
tancovaĢ They danced and drank champagne until two in the morning.
deĖ On the morning of the big day, he got up feeling very nervous.
závisieĢ, byĢ závislý na... I'm depending on you to help me finish this job.
návrhár She worked for the fashion designer Calvin Klein.
veþera We're going to Jean and David's for dinner at 8.
slávnostná veþera, veþera s veþierkom We're having a dinner party for 12
people this Tuesday.
jedlo, chod He served up a dish of summer vegetables.
You don't have to eat it all if you don't like it.
obliecĢ sa She dressed casually because she was only going to the supermarket.
vyparádiĢ sa, vystrojiĢ sa I want to dress up for the party and feel smart.
nápoj "Would you like a drink?" "Yes, tea, please."
test v autoškole He took his driving test three times before he passed it.
bubeník The band has a great drummer.
vzdelávací systém He went all the way through the education system and got a
ríša, Her father owns a huge clothing store empire.
vymieĖaĢ Our main aim is to encourage people to exchange information.
exkurzia, výlet We went on an excursion by boat to the island of Capri.
skúsený She's a very experienced pilot.
skúsený, odborný He's an expert diver.
blok/šanón s poznámkami, faktami, Look in your factfile to remind yourself
about the Romans' history.
fanúšik I'm a big fan of yours – I've got all your books!
He went to the fancy-dress party dressed as Napoleon.
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fashionable, adj
festival, n
firework, n
first footing, n
/'fÆ:st "fUtIÎ/
formal, adj
fringe, adj
game, n
get, v
get together,
give, v
good, adj
good-looking, adj
groom, n
guest, n
haggis, n
/"get t@'geD@/
/"gUd 'lUkIÎ/
hammer, n
handsome, adj
have to,
Highland Games, n
/'h{v t@, tU/
Hogmanay, n
home-made bread, n
Page 25 of
moderný Short hair is fashionable for men now.
festival, slávnosĢ Her film is showing at the Cannes film festival.
ohĖostroj People have been setting off fireworks for weeks now.
typický škótsky zvyk na Silvestra People in Scotland used to go first footing
much more than they do now.
formálny, spoloþenský I only wear a suit on formal occasions.
okrajové, doplĖujúce Lots of fringe events will be taking place at the same time
as the official festival.
hra Montreal will be holding the winter games next year.
dostaĢ I got an email from Chris.
daĢ sa dokopy, stretnúĢ sa Let's all get together again next Christmas!
daĢ What did Bob give you for your birthday?
dobrý What a good idea!
dobre vyzerajúci He's a very good-looking man.
ženích The groom gave a short speech thanking his best man.
hosĢ How many guests are coming to your party?
tlaþenka / z ovþieho mäsa / Haggis is made from various parts of a sheep, with
oats and onions.
kladivo You need to be big and strong to throw the hammer very far.
pekný He was tall, dark and handsome.
musieĢ Do we have to go now? I'm enjoying myself here.
oslavy Keltskej kultúry hlavne v Škótsku The Braemar Highland Games
is one of the biggest gatherings in Scotland.
v Škótsku názov posledného dĖa v roku- Silvester
expect me to go to Scotland for Hogmanay.
domáci chlieb There's a delicious smell of home-made bread.
People always
job, n
jumper, n
kayak, n
kilt, n
/"h@Um meId
"sömb@di t@
kindness, n
leather, n
leave, v
legal, adj
lend, v
lesson, n
lift, n
koža The soles of these shoes are made of leather.
opustiĢ, odísĢ We left the party about midnight.
legálny, zákonný It's perfectly legal to charge a fee.
požiþaĢ I can lend you £10.
lekcia, vyuþovacia hodina I've only had two driving lessons .
výĢah / hodiĢ niekoho niekam / Joe gave me a lift home, as the last bus had
listen, v
liver, n
poþúvaĢ I was listening to the news on the car radio.
peþeĖ, peþienka He drank too much and damaged his liver.
host, n
hot, adj
idea, n
independent, adj
inexperienced, adj
instead, adv
interested, adj
interesting, adj
invite sb to sth,
hostiteĐ Our host greeted us at the door.
horúci It was a very hot day.
myšlienka I think that's a good idea .
nezávislý They became independent of Britain in the 1940s.
neskúsený The team had a number of young inexperienced players.
namiesto niekoho, nieþoho If Jane can't go, I'll go instead.
zaujímaĢ sa Jo has been interested in animals all her life.
zaujímavý A good teacher can make any subject interesting.
pozvaĢ niekoho niekam Sue has invited us to dinner on Wednesday.
zamestnanie Teaching is an interesting job.
mikina, pulóver The jumper didn't fit so I took it back to the shop.
kajak We paddled up the river in two kayaks.
kilt / škótska sukĖa pre chlapov / Because he was Scottish, he wore a kilt
when he got married.
láskavosĢ Sam never forgot her kindness.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
šĢastný "I'm going to Florida this summer." "Oh, you are lucky!"
lucky, adj
robiĢ Do you want to make some cookies this afternoon?
make, v
sídlo The family live in a beautiful country mansion.
mansion, n
zápas Did you watch the match between Kenya and Ireland?
match, n
lieky Have you taken your cough medicine?
medicine, n
stretnúĢ They first met at university.
meet, v
He's a member of the tennis club.
member, n
stredovek Some of the oldest buildings date from the middle ages.
/"mIdl 'eIdZIz/
middle ages, n
vojenský These military vehicles must be coming from the army camp.
military, adj
/"mIl@t@ri t@'tu:, vojenská prehliadka The military tattoo is held at the castle every year.
Military Tattoo, n
missing, adj
mobile phone, n
music, n
must, modal verb
mustn’t, modal verb
national, adj
nearly, adv
necessary, adj
needn’t, modal verb
New Year, n
New Year’s Eve, n
new-born baby, n
non-swimmer, n
o’ (= of), prep
obligation, n
offbeat, adj
old-fashioned, adj
organise, n
Oscar, n
outgoing, adj
parachute, v
parade, n
park, v
pass, v
perform, v
play, v
poetry, n
poems, n
polar bear, n
politician, n
polyester, n
possible, adj
prediction, n
present, n
priest, n
protect, v
public transport, n
put on,
/"m@UbaIl 'f@Un/
/m@st, möst/
/"nju: 'jI@/
/"nju: jI@z 'i:v/
/"nju: bO:n
/"nÁn 'swIm@/
/@, @U/
/"@Uld 'f{S@nd/
/"p@Ul@ 'be@/
/pUt 'Án/
chýbajúci, stratený The police keep records of missing children.
mobil Call me on my mobile phone.
hudba I prefer pop music.
musieĢ All passengers must wear seatbelts.
nesmieĢ You mustn't lean out of the window while the train is moving.
národný Drugs are a national problem.
takmer I could answer nearly all the questions.
potrebný "Do I need to bring some money with me?" "No, that won't be necessary."
nemusieĢ You needn't bring a raincoat – it's going to be dry and sunny.
Nový rok Happy New Year!
Silvester There's going to be a huge party in the streets on New Year's Eve.
novorodenec He's not getting much sleep with a new-born baby in the house.
neplavec These classes are for non-swimmers to learn how to swim.
z, od, po, na Give me some o' your money!
povinnosĢ, záväzok You have an obligation to inform the police of any accident
on the road.
neobvyklý, nekonvenþný His humour is a bit offbeat and not everyone likes it.
staromódny He has very old-fashioned ideas about women's role.
zorganizovaĢ If you book the bands I'll organise the printing of the tickets.
Oscar - filmové ocenenie Who got the Oscar for best actress?
spoloþenský, otvorený She's a pleasant girl with a very outgoing personality.
skákaĢ padákom The soldiers parachuted from 20,000 feet.
prehliadka The children's band had a parade through the town.
parkovaĢ There's nowhere to park the car when it's busy.
zložiĢ skúšku You need to get 50% or more to pass this exam.
hraĢ, predvádzaĢ We performed 'Hamlet' last year.
hraĢ Do you know how to play Beethoven's sonatas?
poézia He wrote a lot of poetry about the English countryside.
básne They had to write poems to practise using English sounds.
Đadový medveć Polar bears can be very dangerous when they're hungry.
politik I don't trust politicians to do what they say they will.
polyester He's wearing that awful blue polyester shirt.
možný It's not possible to get through the snow tonight.
predpoveć Here are our predictions for next year's fashions.
darþek What did your Mum give you as a Christmas present?
kĖaz The priest knelt before the altar.
chrániĢ The police should protect people from dangerous men like him.
verejná doprava They want more people to go to work on public transport.
obliecĢ si
He got up and quickly put on a shirt and trousers.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
recepcia There were 200 guests at their reception.
reception, n
považovaĢ, dívaĢ sa na, I regard that song as one of the best he's ever written.
regard, v
zaregistrovaĢ sa, zapísaĢ sa do zoznamu Please register by putting your
register, v
name and address in the book.
žiadosĢ, prosba We've made a request for new equipment.
request, n
retire, v
retirement, n
rock and roll, n
rule, n
scholarship, n
sea level, n
seat belt, n
seaweed, n
should, modal verb
shouldn’t, modal verb
sing, v
sit-down, adj
/"rÁk @n 'r@Ul/
/'si: "lev@l/
/'si:t belt/
/S@d, SUd/
/sIÎ /
/'sIt daUn/
ísĢ do dôchodku People will not be able to retire until they are 68.
dôchodok It's important to save money for your retirement.
rock and roll Elvis was one of the biggest stars of rock and roll music.
pravidlo Jamie explained the rules of the game to us.
školné Pat won a scholarship to study in the USA.
hladina mora The village is 200 feet above sea level.
bezpeþnostný pás Always put on your seat belt before you drive away.
morská riasa, chaluha The Chinese use seaweed in some of their recipes.
mal by You should see a doctor.
nemal by People shouldn't use their cars so often.
spievaĢ Sophie sings in a choir.
posedenie, pokrm jedený v sede We're having a sit-down meal for 20
ski, v
ski lift, n
skier, n
skydive, v
skydiving, n
smartly, adv
snack, n
snowmobile, n
/'ski: lIft/
lyžovaĢ We learnt to ski in Austria last year.
lyžiarsky vlek Take the ski lift to the top of the mountain.
lyžiar There were hundreds of skiers on the slopes.
lyžovaĢ vo vzduchu He likes to jump out of planes and skydive.
lyžovanie vo vzduchu Skydiving is a fantastic experience.
luxusne, uhladene A smartly dressed young officer met us at the army camp.
Đahké jedlo, nieþo na zakusnutie The cafe serves drinks, snacks, and meals.
snežný skúter They use snowmobiles to cover great distances over the ice and
soft drink, adj
song, n
speech, n
stomach, n
sunglasses, n
supermarket, n
switch off,
system, n
take, v
take part,
talented, adj
tattoo, n
/'sÁft "drIÎk/
/"swItS 'Áf/
/"teIk 'pA:t/
/t@'tu:, t{'tu:/
nealko You can't have alcohol, only soft drinks.
pieseĖ The kids were singing songs.
reþ He gave a speech to the conference.
brucho These exercises should help to keep your stomach flat.
slneþné okuliare Vic folded his sunglasses and put them in his pocket.
obchodný dom The car park is right behind the supermarket.
vypnúĢ Switch off your mobile before you go into the meeting.
systém We need a better system for dealing with complaints.
vziaĢ, zobraĢ She's taking piano lessons.
zúþastniĢ sa He refused to take part in the school sports day.
talentovaný He's a talented musician and a good performer.
tetovaþka, vojenská veþerná prehliadka, pochod s hudbou
thank, v
thing, n
tie, n
tolerant, adj
toss the caber,
tradition, n
traditional, adj
trendy, adj
/"tÁs D@ 'keIb@/
vec You silly thing! Look what you've done!
kravata Do I need a tie or can I go casually dressed?
tolerantný We should be tolerant of other people's beliefs.
vrhaĢ brvnom They toss the caber and throw the hammer at the Highland Games.
tradícia It's a tradition to celebrate the new year.
tradiþný I really love traditional Italian cooking.
hypermoderný, urþujúci smer He thinks he's trendy because he wears all the
tropical, adj
turn up,
underwater, adj
uninvited, adj
/"tÆ:n 'öp/
objaviĢ sa, prísĢ She didn't turn up until after midnight.
podvodný You need a special camera for underwater photography.
nepozvaný We have uninvited guests in the kitchen – mice!
much are tickets for the Edinburgh Tattoo?
ćakovaĢ Have you written to thank Grandma for your present yet?
latest clothes.
tropický It's illegal to bring some kinds of tropical fish into the country.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
spojený The people in the town were united in their opposition to the plans.
united, adj
Spojené kráĐovstvo He was born in the United Kingdom but lives in Australia.
United Kingdom, n
usually, adv
vary, v
vegetarian, adj
vicar, n
victory, n
wacky, adj
war, n
wear, v
web, n
web page, n
wedding, n
wedding dress, n
wedding reception, n
welcome, v
well done!,
win, v
winter games, n
winter sports, n
wonderful, adj
woollen, adj
work hard for sth,
world, n
/'web peIdZ/
/'wedIÎ dres/
/"wel 'dön/
/"wInt@ 'geImz/
/"wInt@ 'spO:ts/
/"wÆ:k 'hA:d f@
I usually get up at about 8.
meniĢ sa, kolísaĢ The rules vary from state to state.
vegetarián Can I have a vegetarian meal on the plane?
farár, vikár The vicar who married them is a personal friend.
víĢazstvo Jenson Button is aiming for victory in this year's British Grand Prix.
potrhlý, She has a wonderfully wacky sense of humour.
vojna He was a prisoner during the war between the USA and Korea.
obliecĢ si, maĢ obleþené I decided to wear my blue dress.
web, internetová sieĢ This is one of the best educational sites on the Web.
webová stránka This web page has lots of information on how to use the software.
svadba I've been invited to Janet and Peter's wedding.
svadobné šaty Her mother made her wedding dress by hand.
svadobná hostina We're having the wedding reception at the big hotel round the
privítaĢ The bride and groom stood at the door to welcome the guests.
veĐmi dobre! Dobrá práca! You got all the answers correct! Well done!
vyhraĢ Mark's team won the basketball tournament.
zimné hry He hopes to win the gold medal at next year's winter games.
zimné športy Lots of people go to Switzerland for winter sports holidays.
nádherný, bájeþný It was wonderful to see him again.
bavlnený These woollen socks are too hot for this weather.
tvrdo pracovaĢ na .... I'm glad he won – he's worked hard for this.
This is the best city in the world .
Module 6 Food
additive, n
advertise, v
agree on sth,
all, determiner, pron
almonds, n
along, prep
alternative, adj
/@'gri: Án
American, adj
antibiotics, n
apple, n
article, n
asparagus, n
attractive, adj
avocado, n
avoid, v
baby food, n
bad, adj
basic, adj
beautiful, adj
/'beIbi fu:d/
prísada There are lots of additives in tinned food.
inzerovaĢ, reklamovaĢ They're advertising the new car on TV.
súhlasiĢ s nieþím They can't agree on anything – they're always arguing.
všetok, George Best was a great footballer, but Pele was the best of all.
mandle We need dried fruit, flour, butter, milk, eggs and almonds to make this cake.
pozdĎž We were walking along the road, talking.
náhradný, alternatívny Leave your car at home and use an alternative method
of transport.
americký American English has different ways of saying some things.
antibiotiká The doctor gave her antibiotics to cure the disease.
jablko An apple a day is good for you.
þlánok I read an interesting article about drugs.
špargĐa Would you like butter on your asparagus?
príĢažlivý, atraktívny His new girlfriend is very attractive.
avokádo Does this salad have avocado in it?
vyhnúĢ sa, vyvarovaĢ sa She avoided trouble by keeping quiet.
jedlo pre bábätká Can I have three tins of baby food, please?
zlý I'm afraid there's some bad news.
základný I know some basic vocabulary in Greek.
nádherný, bájeþný Some of the models were incredibly beautiful.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
pretože You can't go because you're too young.
because, linking word
sa predávajúci, bestseller His new book went straight to number
best-seller, n
bigger than,
biscuit, n
bit, n
bitter, adj
book, v
booming, adj
Brazilian, adj
bread, n
bright, adj
bring, v
British, adj
broccoli, n
bugs, n
busy, adj
butcher, n
butterfly, n
by the way,
cake, n
carbohydrates, n
cereals, n
change, v
chat, v
cheese, n
chicken, n
Chinese, n, adj
choice, n
cholesterol, n
coffee, n
cold, adj
colourful, adj
common, adj
conditions, n
convenient, adj
cookery book, n
corn, n
correspondence, n
crisps, n
crops, n
crowded, adj
curry, n
custard, n
dairy products, n
décor, n
delicious, adj
dessert, n
/'bIg@ D@n,
one on the best-seller list.
väþší než My dad's bigger than your dad!
sušienka Who wants a chocolate biscuit?
kúsok, trocha Could you turn the TV up a bit?
horký This drink tastes very bitter.
zajednaĢ, zaistiĢ, predplatiĢ si I've booked a table at Bibi's for 8 o'clock.
rastúci, prudko sa rozvíjajúci Finance is a booming industry in the north
these days.
/baI D@ 'weI/
ts, �dr@ts/
brazílsky It's a unique blend of Brazilian and Colombian coffee.
chlieb He bought a loaf of bread.
svetlý, jasný žiarivý She loves the bright lights of the Christmas decorations.
priniesĢ Don't forget to bring your camera.
britský This restaurant serves traditional British food.
brokolica I hated broccoli when I was a child.
chrobáky The jungle is full of horrible bugs.
zaneprázdnený She's a busy mother of three small children.
mäsiar, mäsiarstvo Go to the butcher and get me a kilo of sausages.
motýĐ This butterfly has marks on its wings that look like eyes.
mimochodom By the way, did I ever ask you how your exams went?
koláþ, torta Would you like some chocolate cake?
karbohydráty You need to eat lots of carbohydrates before a marathon.
/'kUk@ri bUk/
kuchárska kniha She made a lot of money writing simple cookery books.
kukurica Take this corn and feed it to the chickens.
korešpondencia The company has not replied to my correspondence.
lupienky / zemiakové / There's too much salt on these cheese and onion crisps.
úroda The main crops in this area are wheat and barley.
preplnený, She caught a glimpse of him across a crowded room.
karí korenie Madras curry is very hot, but Vindaloo is hotter.
puding, vajeþný krém Would you like custard on your pudding?
mlieþne výrobky She gets ill when she eats certain dairy products.
cereálie, obilniny There's a choice of cereals for breakfast.
zmeniĢ, As we travelled, the view changed from mountains to fields.
rozprávaĢ sa Pete and I were chatting in the bar.
syr Can we have cheese on toast for tea?
kura This crocodile tastes like chicken.
ýína, þínsky Do you fancy going out for a Chinese meal?
možnosĢ, voĐba, výber Voters have a choice between three political parties.
cholesterol This machine will tell you whether you have high cholesterol levels.
káva Can I have three coffees and a tea, please?
studený The house was cold and empty.
farebný Her garden's full of colourful flowers.
bežný, obyþajný Rabbits are the most common wild animal in this area.
podmienky It takes new arrivals a few days to get used to conditions in the desert.
vhodný, vyhovujúci What would be a convenient time for me to come and see
výzdoba, vybavenie The décor of that new hotel is just awful!
chutný This soup is delicious!
dezert, zákusok For dessert we had ice-cream and chocolate sauce.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
rozvoj The company spends a lot on research and development.
development, n
zomrieĢ Thousands of people died because they had no food to eat.
die, v
rozdielny, odlišný I had lived in four different houses before I was ten.
different, adj
choroba There were 2000 deaths from heart disease last year.
disease, n
jedlo, chod He brought us a dish of cherry pie with whipped cream.
dish, n
DNA Everybody's DNA is different.
/"di: en 'eI/
DNA, n
dariĢ sa The business is doing well – we made a lot of profit this year.
do well,
Đahký The test was really easy.
easy, adj
jesĢ vonku Let's eat outside in the sunshine.
/"i:t aUt'saId/
eat outside,
jesĢ mimo domu Sometimes I cook at home, but I like eating out as well.
/"i:tIÎ 'aUt/
eating out,
vajce Blackbirds lay their eggs in March.
egg, n
efekt, úþinok The effects of the disease are terrible.
effect, n
elegantný, vkusný She always wears simple but elegant clothes.
elegant, adj
elektronická pošta I got two emails this morning from my friend in New York.
/'i: meIl/
email, n
zamestnaĢ The company employs 250 people.
employ, v
rovnocenný, rovnaký There was an equal number of men and women.
equal, adj
exotický Listen to the exotic music of the East on this three-CD set.
exotic, adj
The police are expecting trouble after the match.
expect, v
experimentovaĢ, robiĢ pokusy We experimented with different ways of
experiment, v
fat, adj
fatty, adj
favourite, n
find out,
fish, n
fizzy, adj
flour, n
food, n
foreign, adj
French, adj
fresh, adj
fresh food, n
friendly, adj
frozen food, n
fruit juice, n
garlic, n
genetically modified,
genetically modified
get back to,
get in, get into,
get in with,
get on,
get on with,
get to,
get together,
GM, adj
designing the book.
/"faInd 'aUt/
/"freS 'fu:d/
/"fr@Uz@n 'fu:d/
/'fru:t dZu:s/
mÁd@faId 'fu:d/
/get 'b{k t@,
/get 'In, get
'Int@, 'IntU/
/get 'In wID,
/get 'Án/
/get 'Án wID,
/'get t@, tU/
/"get t@'geD@/
/"dZi: 'em/
tuþný I'm too fat – I must try to eat less chocolate.
tuþný / jedlo / Fatty foods are bad for you.
obĐúbený This is Joe's favourite music.
zistiĢ I need to find out what time the next train leaves.
ryba We had fish cooked with onions and tomatoes.
bublinková Do you like fizzy mineral water?
múka Add the flour to the eggs, not the other way round.
jedlo She was out buying Chinese food for the party.
zahraniþný He speaks three foreign languages.
francúzsky I bought three bottles of an excellent French wine.
þerstvý, nový Start again on a fresh sheet of paper.
þerstvé jedlo Fresh food usually tastes better than frozen food.
priateĐský Everyone in the village was very friendly to us.
mrazené jedlo Put those packets in the frozen food section.
ovocná šĢava I'll just have fruit juice – I'm driving home.
cesnak Your breath smells of garlic.
geneticky modifikované These burgers contain genetically modified soya.
geneticky modifikovaná potrava
genetically modified food.
vrátiĢ sa späĢ k....
It will take you three weeks to get back to normal after the
dostaĢ sa do, nastúpiĢ do
Get into the car and shut the door.
dostaĢ sa do kontaktu, spoznaĢ
could help his business.
Many supermarkets refuse to sell
He used his charm to get in with people who
vychádzaĢ s iekým We don't get on – I just don't like him.
pokraþovaĢ s.... Stop talking and get on with your work!
dostaĢ sa do We didn't get to London till after midnight.
zhromaždiĢ sa They get together every year on Burns Night.
geneticky modifikované Many supermarkets have stopped selling GM food.
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
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grapefruit I had some cornflakes and half a grapefruit for breakfast.
grapefruit, n
grécky Let's go to that new Greek restaurant in Morley.
Greek, adj
grilovaný Grilled bacon is less fatty than fried bacon.
grilled, adj
sprievodca The bookshop sells guides to all the large cities of the world.
guide, n
šunka We had ham sandwiches and cheese sandwiches.
ham, n
maĢ We're having a party on New Year's Eve.
/h@v, h{v/
have, v
havajský Just putting pineapple on your pizza doesn't make it Hawaiian!
Hawaiian, adj
zdravé jedlo There's a new health food shop in the shopping centre.
/'helT fu:d/
health food, n
zdravý I feel better since we started eating healthier food.
healthy, adj
kúrenie I'll turn the heating up.
heating, n
Ģažký Their puddings are always very heavy and filling.
heavy, adj
horúci It was a very hot day.
hot, adj
horúci The soup's really hot and spicy.
hot, adj
þo ty? I'm OK, thanks. How about you?
/"haU @baUt
how about you?,
ice-cream, n
improve, v
increase, n
infected, adj
Indian, n
info, n
information, n
ingredients, n
Internet, n
issues, n
Italian, adj
joking, adj
juicy, adj
kiwi fruit, n
lamb, n
lazy, adj
least, adv
least, determiner
long-term, adj
low-cholesterol, adj
mad, adj
Malaysian, adj
manipulate, v
meat, n
mention, v
Mexican, adj
mild, adj
mixture, n
moment, n
natural, adj
noisy, adj
normal, adj
nuclear physics, n
/"aIs 'kri:m/
/'ISu:z, 'Isju:z/
/'ki:wi: fru:t/
/"lÁÎ 'tÆ:m/
/"l@U k@'lest@rÁl/
zmrzlina I'd like ice-cream and strawberries for pudding.
zlepšiĢ, zdokonaliĢ These drugs improve the body's resistance to disease.
rast The price of fuel is on the increase again.
infikovaný, nakazený This cut has become infected.
Indián, indiánsky Do you like Indian food?
informácia Where can I get more info on bus times?
informácia How can I get more information about the university?
prísady, ingrediencie As far as possible, we use fresh local ingredients.
internet You can find all the latest information on the Internet.
náklad, várka They haven't had a new issue of food for weeks now.
taliansky Our agent in Rome handles all our Italian business.
robíš si srandu, vtipný He's really coming here? You're joking!
šĢavnatý This tree produces nice, crisp, juicy apples.
kivi Marie likes kiwi fruit but I don't like its hairy skin!
jahĖacina If you can't get beef we can always use lamb.
lenivý Don't be so lazy – come and help me clean up.
najmenej Scratching his nose is one of his least attractive habits.
najmenej It's the part of the world I know least about.
dlhodobý We don't know much about the long-term effects of using drugs.
malé množstvo cholesterolu The company makes a range of low-cholesterol
šialený Mad cow disease badly affected sales of beef in Britain.
malajský We went to the Malaysian restaurant for a change.
manipulovaĢ He is willing to manipulate his friends if it will help his career.
mäso I don't eat very much meat.
spomenúĢ She mentioned that she'd just got back from the US.
mexický Mexican food is often hot and spicy.
jemný, mäkký This cheese is quite mild compared to the really strong stuff.
zmes Stir the mixture with a spoon until it is smooth.
chvíĐa, at the moment/teraz, v tejto chvíli/ I'm really too busy to talk to you
at the moment.
prírodný This is a completely natural food that is very good for you.
hluþný Those children are really noisy.
normálny, bežný It started out as a normal day.
nukleárna fyzika He studied nuclear physics at university.
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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
orech The label warns that there may be small quantities of nuts in this product.
nut, n
potraviny výživné aj preventívno lieþivé The company has predicted huge
nutraceuticals, n
growth in sales of nutraceuticals.
one more thing…,
one thing is…,
order, n
organic, adj
organic food, n
outbreak, n
outside, prep
overfish, v
/"ÁlIv 'OIl/
/"wön lA:st
/"wön mO: 'TIÎ/
/'wön TIÎ Iz/
/O:"g{nIk 'fu:d/
ešte jedna vec I just want to say one more thing – goodbye!
jedno je isté She may not be rich, but one thing is, she's certainly attractive.
poradie Please put the books back on the shelf in the right order.
organický We buy organic vegetables at the local market.
organické jedlo Organic food is much more expensive in my local supermarket.
prepuknutie We were living in Austria at the outbreak of the war.
vonku Can I go and play outside, Dad?
veĐmi veĐa chytaĢ ryby, There is a shortage of cod because this area has been
own, determiner
party, n
pasta, n
pear, n
pepper, n
pesticide, n
pet food, n
/'pet fu:d/
sám, osamotený The house stands on its own in the middle of the park.
oslava We're having a party next Saturday.
cestoviny You should eat pasta before you run a marathon.
hruška We had pears, bananas and melon for lunch.
paprika He put some crunchy red and green peppers on the pizza.
pesticídy If you use pesticides, you can't call your crops organic.
jedlo pre domácich miláþikov She spends £5 a week on pet food for her
pie, n
pizza, n
pizza bread, n
/'pi:ts@ bred/
ovocná buchta This cherry pie also has a lot of apple in it.
pizza They make 14 different kinds of pizza here.
korpus na pizzu You can buy a packet of pizza bread and make your own at
pizzeria, n
planet, n
plum, n
pollen, n
prawn, n
prepare, v
pressure, n
production process, n
pizzéria There's a very good pizzeria at the bottom of the street.
planéta Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system.
slivka These plums taste very sour.
peĐ The pollen level is so high I can't stop sneezing.
kreveta There is a choice of prawn salad or soup for starters.
pripraviĢ Carol was upstairs preparing a room for the guests.
tlak There's a lot of pressure on her to get married now.
výrobný proces Salt is added during the production process to help the food stay
pudding, n
dezert, koláþ - ako þasĢ chodov jedla
put, v
pyramid, n
quality, n
queue, v
ready-made, adj
recommend, v
recent, adj
recipe, n
red pepper, n
referee, n
refuse, v
/"redi 'meId/
/"red 'pep@/
položiĢ Where did I put my keys?
pyramída She arranged the chocolates in the shape of a pyramid.
kvalita The quality of the food in that restaurant is very high.
stáĢ v rade We had to queue for hours outside the cinema.
hotový They sell delicious ready-made pasta dishes.
odporúþaĢ Which car does the article recommend?
nový, nedávny This is John Irving's most recent book.
recept There's a recipe for strawberry ice-cream.
þervená paprika He cooked stuffed red peppers for dinner.
rozhodca Just at that moment the referee blew his whistle.
odmietnuĢ I asked Steve to help me, but he refused.
ocean, n
offer, v
oil, n
olive, n
olive oil, n
one last thing…,
oceán The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of water on Earth.
ponúknuĢ He came over and offered me a drink.
nafta Kuwait is one of the countries that exports oil.
oliva He always has two olives in his drink.
olivový olej Cooking with olive oil is healthier than cooking with animal fat.
posledná vec One last thing … be sure to enjoy yourselves!
any meal.
Puddings are my favourite part of
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
65 20
261, fax:
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01 Nitra,
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
uvolnený, odpoþinutý She looked happy and relaxed on her wedding day.
relaxed, adj
opakovanie Avoid repetition by using different words.
repetition, n
požiadavka We've made a request for new equipment.
request, n
rezervácia I'd like to make a reservation for dinner tonight.
reservation, n
odpor, prekážka There is strong resistance to the scheme.
resistance, n
odolný Some diseases are resistant to antibiotics.
resistant, adj
ryža We had chicken with boiled rice.
rice, n
risk Most sports involve the risk of injury.
risk, n
hudba They play loud rock music all day long.
/'rÁk "mju:zIk/
rock music, n
losos You can see salmon making their way up the river in September.
salmon, n
slaný This meat has a slightly salty taste.
salty, adj
ázijské jedlo, taška z cesta plnená plnkou zo zemiakov, cibule ,
samosa, n
sauce, n
sausages, n
hrachu a korenín I'll have chicken curry, boiled rice and two samosas, please.
šĢava, omáþka Make a white sauce and add cheese, then pour over the pasta.
klobása, párok This butcher makes the most delicious sausages you've ever
seafood, n
jedlo z morských živoþíchov
serve, v
short, adj
sign off,
/"saIn 'Áf/
podávaĢ, servírovaĢ We serve dinner at eight.
krátky This is quite a short sentence.
konþiĢ rozhlasové vysielanie? I'll sign off now and write to you again next
similar, adj
smoky, adj
sound, v
soup, n
sour, adj
spacious, adj
speciality, n
spectacular, adj
spicy, adj
starter, n
starvation, n
study, n
supply, n
podobný Martine and her sister look very similar .
zadymený, plný dymu The room was crowded and smoky.
znieĢ It sounds as if he'll be in hospital for quite a while.
polievka Whatever illness I get, my mum always makes me eat chicken soup.
kyslý, trpký I don't like this apple – it's too sour.
priestranný She has a spacious apartment on the fifth floor.
špecialita Fish is our speciality.
efektný, nápadný There's a spectacular view from the top of the car park.
korenisté I like spicy Indian food.
predjedlo I don't want a starter, I'm not feeling very hungry.
hladovanie People there are dying of starvation.
štúdium They carried out a study of the types of food that children eat.
zásoba While he was ill in bed, we made sure he had a supply of magazines and
surprised, adj
swap, v
sweet, adj
take-away, adj, n
tall, adj
tasty, adj
tender, adj
terrace, n
there, adv
thing, n
tinned food, n
toast, n
tonne, n
top, adj
tough, adj
trendy, adj
turn down,
/'teIk @weI/
/"tInd 'fu:d/
/"tÆ:n 'daUn/
prekvapený I'm surprised you haven't been there before.
vymeniĢ si nieþo za nieþo Can I swap seats with you?
sladký This chocolate sauce is very sweet.
jedlo so sebou I don't want to cook – let's just get an Indian take-away.
vysoký A tall, beautiful woman entered the room.
chutný This meal is not very tasty.
jemný, mäkký The meat is delicious and very tender.
terasa We sat and had drinks on the terrace.
tam I need to go to the bank . Do you know how to get there?
vec What's this little round thing for?
konzervované jedlo Tinned food has too much salt in it.
toast I'd like two pieces of toast for breakfast.
tona The ship was carrying thousands of tonnes of wheat.
vrcholový, najvyšší Their work is very good indeed – top quality.
tvrdý, odolný This meat is as tough as leather.
moderný, trendový You have to be very trendy to get into that club.
stíšiĢ Can you turn the TV down while I'm on the phone?
He was very ill after eating seafood the previous
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
65 20
261, fax:
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01 Nitra,
tel.: 037,
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
jedineþný Every house we build is unique.
unique, adj
neznámy The number of people who died in the earthquake is still unknown.
unknown, adj
nepravdepodobné It is unlikely that you will get your money back.
unlikely, adj
neregulovaný The bus system is completely unregulated now.
unregulated, adj
nepravdivý, klamlivý Politicians are often untruthful about why they do things.
untruthful, adj
neužitoþný, neprospešný This knife is useless for cutting meat.
useless, adj
cena What is the total value of the paintings in the collection?
value, n
vanilkový I think plain vanilla ice cream is very boring.
vanilla, adj
druh We tried three different varieties of cheese.
variety, n
vegetariánske jedlo Can you get vegetarian food in this café?
vegetarian food, n
wine, n
worth, adj
yoghurt, n
Christmas pudding, n
/"dres 'öp/
/"i:t 'aUt/
/g@U 'Án/
/pUt 'Án/
view, n
volume, n
wait, n
window cleaner, n
výhĐad From the top of the hill there's a great view over the city.
zvuk, hlasitosĢ Turn up the volume – I really like this song.
þakanie We had a three-hour wait for tickets, but it was worth it!
umývaþ okien Did you pay the window cleaner last week?
víno A glass of red wine costs £4.50.
hodnotný, cenný It took a long time to find the right house for us, but it was worth
the wait.
What flavour is that yoghurt?
Review 5&6
close, adj
dress up,
eat out,
experienced, adj
friend, n
fun, n
go on,
portion, n
problem, n
pudding, n
put on,
service with a smile, n
smoke, v
suppose, v
surprisingly, adv
telephone number, n
turn up,
/"tÆ:n 'öp/
Vianoþný koláþ
My mum used to put coins in the Christmas pudding for the kids to
blízky We were never really close friends – we just knew one another slightly.
obliekaĢ sa The children are dressing up as fairies for the school play.
jesĢ mimo domu He hates cooking so he eats out nearly every night.
skúsený John Travolta is a very experienced pilot.
priateĐ She invited all her closest friends to the party.
zábava The party was great fun .
pokraþovaĢ s.... The light goes on when you open the fridge door.
porcia Two portions of chips, please.
problém She's had a lot of problems at work recently.
koláþ I buy my Christmas pudding at the same shop every year.
obliecĢ si Put on your coat – it's cold outside.
obsluha s úsmevom We always get good and pleasant service with a smile in
this restaurant.
fajþiĢ I don't smoke cigarettes any more.
predpokladaĢ I suppose he's still in London.
prekvapujúco Surprisingly, the exam was very easy.
telefónne þíslo What's your telephone number?
ukázaĢ sa,
He turned up at the hotel at 6 o'clock instead of 7.
Module 7 Money
a lot of,
according to, prep
account, n
act sth out,
/@ 'lÁt @v, Áv/
/@'kO:dIÎ t@,
/"{kt sömTIÎ
veĐa I don't have a lot of work to do at the moment.
podĐa... According to Rachel, Keith started the fight.
záznam She was able to give an account of the accident.
zahraĢ nieþo They acted out the story of the explorers meeting in the jungle.
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,
tel: 0376,-949
65 01
20 Nitra,
261, tel.:
- 65,
[email protected],
e-mail: [email protected],, www.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
vlastne, , skutoþne
/'{ktSu@li, �
actually, adv
advantage, n
agreement with,
all, determiner, pron
another, determiner, pron
any, determiner, pron
argument, n
arrange, v
artificial, adj
ask for,
attack, v
attractive, adj
bank, n
bank account, n
basic, adj
borrow, v
both, determiner
burn sth down,
canoe, n
capital, n
careful, adj
careful with sth,
carpet, n
cash, n
casino, n
cattle, n
CD player, n
characteristic, adj
charity, n
cheque, n
cheque book, n
chocolate, n
cigarette, n
close, adj
coin, n
collect, v
come with,
comment on sth,
computer analyst, n
contact, n
count, v
couple of,
crab, n
credit card, n
cure, n
wID, wIT/
/'A:sk f@, fO:/
/'b{Îk @"kaUnt/
/"bÆ:n sömTIÎ
/'ke@f@l wID
/"si: 'di: "pleI@/
/'tSek bUk/
/'köm wID,
/'kÁment Án
/'köp@l @v/
/'kredIt kA:d/
Page 35 of
Actually, I don't believe that for a minute.
výhoda The advantage of living in a town is that there is lots to do.
dohoda, súhlas, zmluva Do you have an agreement with the printers on how
much they charge you?
všetko Have you done all your homework?
ćalší Do you want another beer?
žiadny There weren't any children playing in the street.
hádka I had a big argument with my girlfriend.
zariadiĢ, zjednaĢ I've arranged a meeting with Jim.
umelý The room was decorated with artificial flowers.
požiadaĢ o... Can I ask you for some advice on travelling in Africa?
zaútoþiĢ Two men attacked him and took his car.
príĢažlivý, atraktívny His new girlfriend is very attractive.
banka I need to go to the bank to get some money.
úþet v banke I'd like to open a bank account.
základný I know the basic principles of chemistry.
požiþaĢ si He borrowed £2000 from his father.
obaja, obidvaja Both of the boys had dark hair.
vypáliĢ, vyhorieĢ They burned down the building in protest against the war.
kanoe The Native Americans built canoes and travelled up the river.
hlavný London is the capital of England.
opatrný He's always been very careful with his money.
daĢ si pozor na... Be careful with that – you might break it.
koberec All the rooms had carpets on the floor.
hotovosĢ I haven't got much cash. Can I pay by cheque?
kasíno She lost £5000 in the casino yesterday.
dobytok He has 3000 cattle on a ranch in Texas.
CD prehrávaþ I'd like a CD player that I can carry around with me.
charakteristický She listened with her characteristic politeness.
charita We're collecting money for a children's charity.
šek You can pay by cheque or credit card.
šeková knižka How many cheques are left in your cheque book?
þokoláda Can I have a piece of chocolate?
cigareta It's cheaper to buy cigarettes in France than in Britain.
blízky As the years passed, they became closer and they married in 1998.
minca He put a fifty pence coin into the drinks machine.
zbieraĢ Can you collect all the books and put them on my desk?
prísĢ s, This TV comes with a five-year guarantee.
komentovaĢ nieþo
I'm not going to comment on the Prime Minister's statement.
poþítaþový analytik
He works for an IT company as a computer analyst.
kontakt, spojenie I try to keep in contact with all my old friends from school.
poþítaĢ I counted up the number of hours I watched TV each day.
pár I'll be gone for a couple of days.
krab We found a rock pool full of tiny crabs.
kreditka You can pay by cash or by credit card.
liek The doctors are sure they can find a cure for cancer.
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
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261, fax:
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
zákazník We try to keep our customers happy.
customer, n
nebezpeþný Police say the escaped prisoner is a very dangerous man.
dangerous, adj
tma The whole house was in darkness.
darkness, n
obchodník, dealer I got it from a second-hand car dealer in Putney.
dealer, n
brániĢ The army has defended the country against foreign armies many times.
defend, v
depresia, pokles The country is going through a period of economic depression.
depression, n
návrh, projekt I like the design of this room.
design, n
návrhár He refuses to wear anything that isn't designer clothing.
designer, n, adj
zniþiĢ The bombs have destroyed most of the city.
destroy, v
odhodlaný, rozhodný She was determined to start her own business.
determined, adj
/"dIs@d'vA:ntIdZ/ nevýhoda What are the disadvantages of living in a flat?
disadvantage, n
znížiĢ, odpoþítaĢ We're discounting all hats today.
discount, v
zĐava, diskont Members get a 10% discount for paying in cash.
discount, n
potápaĢ sa I walked to the edge of the pool and dived in.
dive, v
rozviesĢ sa His parents divorced when he was six.
divorce, v
zarábaĢ How much do you earn a week?
earn, v
Đahký I find this software very easy to use.
easy, adj
ekonomický Can the government fix the country's economic problems?
economic, adj
vychovávaĢ He was educated at a private school.
educate, v
obrovský, enormný It cost an enormous amount of money.
enormous, adj
dosĢ The water wasn't hot enough for a bath.
enough, adv
zvlášĢ, Teenagers can get bored, especially in small towns and villages.
especially, adv
euro What's the value of the euro against the dollar?
euro, n
zlý, odporný The band look really evil in this photograph.
evil, adj
presne We got home at exactly six o'clock.
exactly, adv
drahé, nákladné We can't afford this – it's too expensive.
expensive, adj
skúsenosĢ He's a very good teacher with a lot of experience of young children.
experience, n
využívaĢ, vykorisĢovaĢ, ĢažiĢ The company was accused of exploiting the
exploit, v
fabrics, n
fantastic, adj
feel, v
few, determiner
flames, n
folk story, n
follow, v
fruit, n
furniture, n
generous, adj
/'f@Uk "stO:ri/
genuine, adj
get to sw,
/'get t@
/"gIv @'weI/
/g@U 'aUt/
give away,
go out,
good, adj
grapes, n
guarantee, n
hairdryer, n
hamburger, n
happiness, n
hard, adj
Alaskan wilderness.
vlákno Cotton is a natural fabric made from parts of the cotton plant.
fantastický It's a fantastic film!
cítiĢ I felt cold and lonely.
pár, niekoĐko Let's go away for a few days.
plamene The flames from the fire reached 200 feet into the sky.
Đudový príbeh Do you know the old folk story about the three bears?
nasledovaĢ If you follow me, I'll show you to your room.
ovocie He spent the summer picking fruit in Israel.
nábytok This office furniture is really expensive.
šĐachetný, veĐkomyselný It was really generous of Jack to take us all on
pravý, rýdzi Is that a genuine antique?
dostaĢ sa niekam How do I get to the bus station from here?
rozdaĢ, odovzdaĢ He gave away most of his money to charity.
ísĢ von Are you going out again tonight?
dobrý I love wearing really good clothes.
hrozno This area has the right blend of sunshine and soil for growing grapes.
záruka This watch comes with a three-year guarantee.
fén Where can I plug in my hairdryer?
hamburger This hamburger has only 20% meat in it.
šĢastie Her eyes shone with happiness.
Ģažký She had a hard life and worked 60 hours a week in the mill.
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
65 20
261, fax:
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01 Nitra,
tel.: 037,
[email protected],
e-mail: [email protected],, www.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
poþuĢ o...
/'hI@r @baUt
hear about sth,
heaven, n
hide, v
how many,
how much,
however, adv
humanity, n
hunter, n
ignore sb,
/"haU 'meni/
/"haU 'mötS/
many, determiner, pron, adj
matter, n
mean, adj
message, n
mice, n
middle, n
migrant, n
millionaire, n
miserable, adj
model, n
/"dZömp 'öp/
/"lUk @'raUnd
/'lUk f@, fO:/
/'lÁts @v, Áv/
/'meIk sömTIÎ
money, n
most, determiner
much, determiner
in, prep
include, v
jump up,
lamp, n
laptop computer, n
lend, v
lie, v
life, n
life, n
little, n
loan, n
lonely, adj
look, n
look around sth,
look for,
lose, v
lots of,
lottery, n
love, n
love, v
main, adj
make, v
make sth into,
Page 37 of
Please let us know where you heard about our products.
nebo After standing up all day, it was heaven to sit down.
skryĢ Jane hid the presents under the bed.
koĐko / poþítateĐné / How many people are coming to the meeting?
koĐko / nepoþítateĐné / How much food will we need for 50 people?
avšak Sarah is very clever. However, she needs to work harder to get good exam
ĐudskosĢ The attack broke international law and was a crime against humanity.
lovec The hunters didn't find a single fox all day.
ignorovaĢ Ignore him, he's just trying to make you angry.
v, vo She was dressed in green and white silk.
zahĚĖaĢ The film festival includes movies from around the world.
vyskoþiĢ The dog jumped up and bit him on the nose.
lampa The bulb in my bedside lamp is broken.
laptop Put the files on the laptop computer so you can read them on the train.
požiþaĢ I can lend you £10.
klamaĢ He lied about having a degree in order to get the job.
život Life was hard in the mines in the 1930s.
život This is what life is all about.
málo, a little-trocha Can you move over a little?
pôžiþka We took out a loan to buy our new car.
osamelý I felt really lonely while my parents were away.
pohĐad Have a look at the clock and tell me what time it is.
obhliadnuĢ, pozrieĢ si We looked around the village to see whether we'd like to
live there.
hĐadaĢ I'm looking for my dog – have you seen him?
stratiĢ I was worried I might lose my camera if I took it on the trip.
množstvo Lots of people buy lottery tickets on a Saturday.
lotéria What would you do if you had a big win on the lottery?
láska Anna says she's in love with Steve and wants to marry him.
milovaĢ She gave up her own happiness for the love of her fellow human beings.
hlavný The main road goes through the middle of the village.
robiĢ Do you want to make some cookies this afternoon?
prerobiĢ nieþo na... They've made his latest book into a terrific film.
veĐa Were there many people left at Jill's party?
záležitosĢ, otázka Your education is an important matter.
lakomý He's so mean he'd take sweets away from a baby.
odkaz I've got a message for you from Sammy.
myši I can hear mice running up and down inside the walls.
stred He put the cake in the middle of the table.
prisĢahovalec The farm employs a large number of migrants from eastern Europe.
milionár His father was a millionaire who made his money in the clothing industry.
úbohý, biedny Paula looked miserable yesterday after she lost.
príklad, model France is an excellent model of a country with a good health
peniaze Billy spent lots of money in town today.
väþšinou I'm very busy most of the time.
veĐa I don't have much time – can I call you back later?
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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
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261, fax:
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New OPPORTUNITIES Pre - Intermediate
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
multi milionár
multi-millionaire, n
reduce, v
reduction, n
/"n@Ubel 'praIz/
/'pÁk@t "möni/
/pUt 'Int@,
/'ri:z@n f@
refuse, v
relationship, n
reliable, adj
repair, v
resolution, n
rifle, n
risk, n
role play, n
/'r@Ul pleI/
room, n
row, n
rude, adj
run away,
salary, n
sand, n
save, v
save up,
/"rön @'weI/
/"seIv 'öp/
natural, adj
need, v
neither, pron
night, n
no, determiner
Nobel Prize, n
none, pron
note, n
offer, n
other, pron
oyster, n
painting, n
park, v
pasture, n
pearl, n
period, n
personal, adj
pick, v
plant, n
pocket money, n
popular, adj
price, n
possessions, n
put into,
quality, n
questionnaire, n
reason for sth,
Page 38 of
The music industry has made multi-millionaires out of some record
prirodzený Anger is a natural reaction when someone criticizes you.
potrebovaĢ These plants need plenty of light and water.
ani jeden, žiadny Neither of them came when I asked them to.
noc It snowed in the middle of the night.
žiadny There's no good reason why he shouldn't win.
Nobelova cena She won the Nobel Prize for literature.
žiadny, ani jeden, nikto None of the other children could speak Italian.
bankovka Can you give me a £20 note for two tens?
ponuka They have a special offer on today – buy one get one free.
ostatní, druhí Anna has a job, but the others are still at school.
ustrica She ordered a dozen oysters and a bottle of champagne.
maĐba There's an exhibition of paintings and sculptures at the gallery.
parkovaĢ We parked behind the school.
pastva, pastvina Put the horse in the pasture so he can run around.
perla The girl was wearing a single pearl earring.
obdobie, doba Do not sit at a computer for long periods.
osobný She's having personal problems that are affecting her work.
zbieraĢ You can go to that farm and pick your own strawberries.
rastlina She likes to have lots of plants in the house.
vreckové How much pocket money do you get?
obĐúbený, populárny He's one of the most popular boys in the school.
cena The price of petrol has increased a lot.
majetok Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions.
previesĢ do/na I'm going to put all my money into a savings account.
kvalita The quality of the food in that restaurant is very high.
dotazník Could you fill in this questionnaire?
dôvod na... What reason did he give for being late?
znížiĢ We reduce the price of our house from £220,000 to £198,000.
zníženie, redukcia There's been a reduction in the number of deaths from car
odmietnuĢ I asked Steve, but he refused to do it.
vzĢah Her relationship with her father has always been difficult.
spoĐahlivý TVs are very reliable these days – they hardly ever break down.
opraviĢ How much will it cost to repair the video?
rozhodnutie, odhodlanie My resolution this year is to lose as much weight as I
puška, delo There's a soldier in that building with a powerful rifle.
riziko, nebezpeþenstvo Your house is at risk if you don't keep paying back your
role play, rola As an exercise in role play, pretend that you are all teachers and I
am a student.
miesto There's very little room in here for a desk and a chair.
rad There were similar rows of houses in every street.
hrubý, drsný, sprostý The boys were making rude remarks about the teacher.
utiecĢ preþ She knocked on the old woman's door and then ran away.
výplata She gets a good salary – it's at least £60,000 a year.
piesok The children made castles out of sand.
šetriĢ I saved money by giving up cigarettes.
ušetriĢ She's saving up for a new car.
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
65 20
261, fax:
037-- 65
01 Nitra,
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New OPPORTUNITIES Pre - Intermediate
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
sporiteĐný úþet
savings account, n
scorpion, n
send, v
settle, v
shell, n
shoot, v
shot, n
shop around,
short story, n
show, v
sign, n
society, n
sold out, adj
some, determiner
space, n
special offer, n
spend, v
sport, n
spread through sth,
square, adj
sting, v
stream, n
surface, n
take sth out,
take up a sport,
talk about sth,
team-mate, n
terrible, adj
text message, n
the other,
the second,
throw sth back,
too, adv
treat, v
try sth on,
understanding, n
unfair, adj
unhappier than,
valuable, adj
waterfall, n
wealthy, adj
win, v
/"SÁp @'raUnd/
/"SO:t 'stO:ri/
/"s@Uld 'aUt/
/s@m, söm/
/"speS@l 'Áf@/
/"spred 'Tru:
/"teIk sömTIÎ
/"teIk öp @
/'tO:k @baUt
/'ti:m meIt/
/'tekst "mesIdZ/
/Di 'öD@/
/D@ 'sek@nd/
/"Tr@U sömTIÎ
/"traI sömTIÎ
/ön'h{pi@ D@n,
/'v{lju@b@l, �
Page 39 of
This savings account pays a very good rate of interest.
škorpión He was stung by a scorpion and nearly died.
poslaĢ I sent some money to my sister.
usadiĢ sa All the tea leaves have settled at the bottom of the pot.
mušĐa, lastúra We took the shells off the crabs.
zastreliĢ, strieĐaĢ He shot the man in the back.
streĐba I heard a shot and the animal fell to the ground.
zháĖaĢ, hĐadaĢ najlepšiu cenu If you shop around you can pay less than that.
poviedka It's a short story about a man and a dancing bear.
ukázaĢ He didn't show any sign that he was sorry.
podpísaĢ sa Please print your name and then sign here.
spoloþnosĢ We live in a multi-racial society.
vypredaný The group's three concerts at Wembley Stadium are all sold out.
nejaký "Would you like some cake?" "Yes, I'd love some."
miesto, priestor There isn't enough space in the suitcase.
špeciálna ponuka The hotel has a special offer of five nights for the price of three.
minúĢ / peniaze / I spent all my money on beer.
šport He only took up the sport when he was in his twenties.
rozšíriĢ sa... News spread though the village that she had been murdered.
štvorcový, námestie
Everyone in the town gathered in the main square for the
pichnúĢ, bodnúĢ A wasp stung me on the leg.
tok, prúd We drank some water from the stream running down the mountain.
povrch, plocha There were dead fish floating on the surface of the river.
vybraĢ nieþo I'll take some money out of my account to pay for presents.
zaþaĢ nejaký šport
rozprávaĢ o...
She took up golf when she was only four!
I don't want to talk about it any longer.
tímový kolega He finished just ahead of his Ferrari team-mate.
hrozný, strašný I have a terrible headache.
sms She's always sending text messages to her friends.
iný, ćalší She's always complaining about one thing or the other.
druhý Charles the Second was King of England in the 1660s.
hodiĢ späĢ The fish was too small to eat so she threw it back.
príliš He was driving too fast.
lieþiĢ The doctor is treating her for flu.
skúsiĢ si nieþo / obliecĢ / Try this dress on and see whether you like it.
porozumenie She listened with her usual understanding and patience.
nefér, nespravodlivé It's unfair to give sweets to her and not to me.
nešĢastnejší než I couldn't be any unhappier than I feel today.
cenný, hodnotný
The thieves stole a very valuable painting.
vodopád He tried to go over the waterfall in a wooden barrel.
bohatý Their father is a wealthy businessman.
vyhraĢ Who do you think will win the bet?
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,
tel: 0376,-949
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261, fax:
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
cenný, hodnotný This stamp is worth over £100.
worth, adj
hnev, pomsta He was scared of incurring his father's wrath.
wrath, n
písaĢ o nieþom Write about what you did on your holidays.
/'raIt @baUt
write about sth,
Page 40 of
wrong, adj
advert, n
affect, v
ages, n
alarm clock, n
also, adv
amazing, adj
ask for,
atom bomb, n
attractive, adj
automatic, adj
bargain, n
battery, n
bored, adj
borrow, v
bracelet, n
brilliant, adj
cable, n
calculation, n
camcorder, n
/@'lA:m klÁk/
/'A:sk f@, fO:/
/'{t@m bÁm/
reklama, inzerát Have you seen that advert for Nike sportswear?
ovplyvniĢ I hope this new job will not affect your schoolwork.
roky, veky It's taken me ages to get here on the bus.
budík My alarm clock is broken – I didn't get up till 9 o'clock.
tiež, aj Jan plays the guitar, and she also plays the piano.
ohromný, úžasný What an amazing story!
požiadaĢ o... He went up to the front and asked for more to eat.
atómová bomba They tested the atom bomb by exploding it under the sea.
príĢažlivý, atraktívny His new girlfriend is very attractive.
automatický Press this button and the camera's automatic focus begins to work.
výhodný obchod These shorts were a bargain at only £4.
batéria Plug the machine into the wall and recharge the batteries.
viera It's my belief the crash was not an accident.
znudený I'm bored – let's go home!
požiþaĢ si He borrowed £2000 from his father.
náramok He bought her a gold bracelet for her birthday.
skvelý, oslnivý He had a brilliant idea for a new kind of chair.
kábel I bought a new keyboard that doesn't need a cable.
výpoþet, kalkulácia I did a quick calculation in my head.
videokamera s nahrávaním In his excitement, he had forgotten to switch his
carve sth out,
/"kA:v sömTIÎ
vybojovaĢ si, presekaĢ si
pevný, kompaktný
You're wrong – I don't live on London Road.
Module 8 Gadgets
cash, n
cheap, adj
clear, adj
climatic, adj
clock, n
coastal, adj
common, adj
communicate, v
compact, adj
computer, n
convenient, adj
cross, v
destroy/destruction, v,
development, n
digital camera, n
discount, n
domestic, adj
camcorder on.
computer market.
By hard work, he manage to carve out a share of the
hotovosĢ I haven't got much cash. Can I pay by cheque?
lacný This jacket was quite cheap.
jasný, There is clear proof that she committed the crime.
klimatické Climatic changes may have caused the recent floods.
hodiny You could hear the clock ticking.
pobrežný The coastal regions of Italy attract many tourists.
obyþajný, bežný Rabbits are the most common wild animal in this area.
komunikovaĢ It can be difficult to communicate with people if you don't speak their
They've fitted a lot into a very compact case.
poþítaþ I do a lot of my work on the computer.
vhodný, vyhovujúci What would be a convenient time for me to come and see
prejsĢ krížom
zniþiĢ, skaza,
Hold Daddy's hand while we cross the road.
The sea destroyed the children's sandcastle.
rozvoj, vývoj The video version is an obvious development of the original idea.
digitálny fotoaparát This digital camera takes very good pictures.
zĐava Ask if they will give you a discount for paying in cash.
domáci They enjoyed 30 years of domestic happiness.
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,
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65 01
20 Nitra,
261, tel.:
- 65,
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New OPPORTUNITIES Pre - Intermediate
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
DVD prehrávaþ
/"di: vi: 'di:
DVD player, n
earn, v
earplug, n
easy, adj
effort, n
either, adv
electric, adj
electronic, adj
enjoyable, adj
environment, n
evidence, n
expert, n
explosives, n
extremely, adv
factual, adj
fast, adj
fax machine, n
fear, n
flash, n
flat screen TV, n
go off,
headphones, n
impractical, adj
incredibly, adv
ingenious, adj
intelligent, adj
/'f{ks m@"Si:n/
/"fl{t skri:n ti:
/'fu:d "mIks@/
/g@U 'Áf/
interested, adj
invention, n
kitten, n
lend, v
loan, n
logical, adj
market, n
microwave oven, n
/"m@UbaIl 'f@Un/
focus, v
food mixer, n
frankly, adv
gadget, n
generally, adv
global warming, n
mobile phone, n
nylon, n
opinion, n
optimistic, adj
palmtop computer, n
Page 41 of
Put the disc in the DVD player and we'll watch the film.
zarobiĢ How much do you earn in a good year?
štuple do uší Without earplugs I'd never be able to sleep at night.
Đahký It's very light and easy to carry around.
námaha, úsilie It took a lot of effort to move all the furniture around.
ten alebo onen, jeden z dvoch We can either have lunch here or go out.
elektrický This electric toothbrush gets my teeth very clean.
elektronický E-mail stands for electronic mail.
príjemný, It's an enjoyable movie.
životné prostredie We must protect the environment.
dôkaz There is clear evidence that this disease is caused by eating too much fat.
expert, odborník, znalec Experts managed to make the bomb safe.
výbušnina They used explosives to blow up the old building.
veĐmi, neobyþajne I am extremely angry with you.
skutoþný, faktický, konkrétny He gave us a factual account of what
rýchly He has always loved fast cars.
fax The fax machine has run out of paper.
strach He does not travel by plane because of his fear of flying.
blesk The picture was poor because the camera's flash didn't go off.
televízia s plochou obrazovkou Flat screen TVs are getting cheaper because
more people are buying them.
sústrediĢ sa Focus on his face – that's the important part of the picture.
mixér Put the milk and flour in a food mixer and mix them together.
úprimne Frankly, I think the Internet is a waste of time.
súþiastka, zariadenie It's a handy little gadget for opening bottles.
všeobecne The food at the Italian restaurant is generally quite good.
globálne oteplenie Maybe the violent weather is caused by global warming.
odísĢ, zaþaĢ, zahájiĢ, The lights will go off again at 8 o'clock tomorrow.
slúchadlá I prefer listening to music through headphones.
nepraktický The designs were totally impractical.
neuveriteĐne The show is incredibly popular among teenagers.
duchaplný, vynaliezavý What an ingenious idea!
inteligentný It's an intelligent house – it knows when to switch the electricity on and
zaujímavý I'm not interested in what he has to say.
vynález The computer was one of the most important inventions of the twentieth
maþiatko The kitten clawed at my trousers.
požiþaĢ niekomu I can lend you £10.
pôžiþka We took out a loan to buy our new car.
logický Version 7 is the logical development from version 6.
trh, obchod There's no market for ice cubes in the Arctic.
mikrovlná rúra Baked potatoes cooked in the microwave oven taste like soap.
mobil Call me on my mobile.
nylon He was wearing a nylon tracksuit and sweating heavily.
názor What's your opinion of the new head teacher?
optimistický She was optimistic about her chances of passing the exam.
poþítaþ menší ako laptop, You need very small fingers to operate a palmtop
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
65 20
261, fax:
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Page 42 of
razor, n
/"peI sömb@di
'steri@U, 'stI@r�/
/p@"lu:S@n 'fri:/
/"reIdi@U @'lA:m
/'rA:D@ D@n,
really, adv
recharge, v
reliable, adj
revolutionary, adj
robot, n
roll out,
/"r@Ul 'aUt/
safe, adj
sale, n
satisfied, adj
scanner, n
scooter, n
solar-powered, adj
/"s@Ul@ 'paU@d/
bezpeþný You can walk on the bridge – it's perfectly safe.
predaj Cotton shirts are on sale this week – two for the price of one.
spokojný I didn't feel satisfied with my exam results.
skener She used her scanner to put all her old photos on the computer.
skúter My scooter can't go as fast as his motorbike.
poháĖaný solárnou energiou Solar-powered cars have to carry lots of heavy
solution, n
sophisticated, adj
riešenie Have you found the solution to that maths problem?
rafinovaný, intelektuálsky They have very sophisticated computers to do these
space, n
species, n
speed, n
spend, v
surf, v
priestor, miesto There isn't enough space in the suitcase.
druh Three different species of deer live in the forest.
rýchlosĢ What speed were you travelling at?
minúĢ I spent all my money.
surfovaĢ / na internete / I came across this website when I was surfing the
take, v
theory, n
teória, domnienka, nápad
tired, adj
tiring, adj
titanium, n
unavujúce It gets very tiring to keep walking up and down the stairs for hours.
titán The rocket is partly made of titanium.
pay sb back,
perfect, adj
personal stereo, n
pessimistic, adj
photocopier, n
plastic, n
plus, prep
pocket calculator, n
pollution-free, adj
portable, adj
practical, adj
prediction about,
program, v
quite, adv
radio alarm clock, n
range, n
rather than,
splatiĢ, vrátiĢ peniaze
I'll pay you back on Thursday.
perfektný, dokonalý She speaks perfect English.
osobný prehrávaþ My personal stereo also has a radio built into it.
pesimistický I am pessimistic about my chances of winning.
fotokopírka The photocopier's out of paper again.
umelá hmota The garden furniture is made of plastic.
plus Three plus six equals nine. (3 + 6 = 9)
kalkulaþka / vrecková-veĐmi malá / He used a pocket calculator to work out
the price in dollars.
nezneþistené The wilder parts of Canada are almost pollution-free.
prenosný They took a portable TV when they went camping!
praktický Science involves a lot of practical work in the laboratory.
predpoveć týkajúca sa..., predpoklad She made a prediction about how
many students would pass the exam.
program I've programmed the heating to come on at exactly 8 o'clock.
celkom, dosĢ It can be quite cold at night.
rádiobudík It has a radio alarm clock and makes you a cup of tea in the morning.
séria, rad, Mitsubishi has brought out a new range of small cars.
radšej než... Rather than seem stupid, John decided not to give any answer.
elektrický holiaci strojþek
with razor blades.
skutoþne She's been really ill.
I use an electric razor because I always cut myself
nabiĢ I need to recharge the car's battery.
spoĐahlivý Rick is a good, reliable worker.
revoluþný She had an idea for a revolutionary new type of car.
robot Most of the work in the factory is now done by robots.
rozvinúĢ, roztiahnuĢ After testing, the new system will be rolled out across all
our factories.
huge calculations.
vziaĢ It took ages to paint all the walls in the house.
In theory you can get there in three hours, but I
wouldn't bet on it.
unavený I'm really tired of her complaining all the time.
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
tel: 0376,- 949
65 20
261, fax:
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
zubná kefka This electric toothbrush is very good for cleaning your teeth.
toothbrush, n
Ģažké nákladné auto The aliens used a transporter to go from the spacecraft to
transporter, n
useful, adj
user, n
vacuum cleaner, n
the planet's surface.
užitoþný Here's a useful map of the town centre.
video player, n
web cam, n
/'vIdi@U "pleI@/
/'web k{m/
videohra We keep a portable video player in the car to amuse the kids.
webová kamera You can watch the traffic in New York using the web cams on this
weigh, v
widespread, adj
win, v
wire, n
wrist, n
rozšírený The use of computers in classrooms is becoming more widespread.
vyhraĢ Mark's team won the basketball tournament.
drôt This computer mouse works without using wires.
zápästie He broke a bone in his wrist.
cos, linking word
/k@z, kÁz/
skratka - because/ pretože
abbreviations, n
addicted, adj
alive and kicking,
/@"laIv @n
skratky BA and BSc are abbreviations for the names of university degrees.
závislý He was addicted to heroin.
živý a kopajúci We thought he'd been killed but amazingly, he was alive and
/"brekf@st ti:
/'tS{t @baUt
/'tS{t S@U/
hluk v pozadí
používateĐ, užívateĐ I've been a Mac user for many years now.
vysávaþ This vacuum cleaner is not very good at picking up dog hairs.
vážiĢ How much does she weigh?
Module 9 Communication
all, determiner, pron
awful, adj
backdrop, n
background noise, n
bad, adj
blah, interj
boring, adj
brains, n
breakfast TV, n
broadcast (v), v
cancer, n
care, v
career, n
cartoon, n
case, n
certainly, adv
chat about sth,
chat show, n
cheer, v
children’s TV, n
comedy, n
commercial radio, n
complain, v
connect, v
/"tSIldr@nz ti:
I bought his ticket 'cos he didn't want to go to the
celý, všetok He sings all the time when he's in the bath.
strašný What an awful programme!
horizont, prospekt, podklad New York is the backdrop for this series of
I can't hear you very well because of all the background noise.
zlý Too much salt is bad for you.
blá, blá, blá She was saying, "He's great, he's so cool, blah, blah, blah."
nudný The programme was so boring she fell asleep.
mozoþek It takes brains to think of something like that!
ranné vysielanie TV He's appearing on breakfast TV tomorrow morning.
vysielaĢ They'll broadcast the match live on Channel 5.
rakovina He died of lung cancer.
staraĢ sa He doesn't seem to care about other people.
kariéra He wants a career in business or finance.
rozprávka This channel shows cartoons from 8 till 12 each day.
prípad This is the worst case of animal cruelty I have ever seen.
urþite This match will certainly be difficult for us to win.
hovoriĢ o... I want to chat about what you're planning to do when you leave school.
program zameraný na rozhovor so známymi Đućmi
Brosnan appeared
as a guest on her chat show.
povzbudzovaĢ, vítaĢ The crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.
detské vysielanie
Children's TV is usually on from about 4 till 5 in the afternoons.
komédia All my favourite films are comedies.
komerþné rádio He started on commercial radio and then moved to the BBC.
sĢažovaĢ sa The children all complained about the food.
spojiĢ, pripojiĢ Connect this wire to the back of the machine.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
variĢ The sun is so hot it feels like it's cooking my brains!
cook, v
I do the cooking every night and she does the washing-up.
cooking, n
zloþin Anyone who commits a crime must be punished.
crime, n
kultúrny We run various cultural programmes to introduce people to British life.
cultural, adj
diskusia, debata He took part in a school debate on animal rights.
debate, n
závislý The villages are completely dependent on agriculture.
dependent, adj
diskusia, debata Several students had a discussion about the homework
discussion, n
DIY, n
documentary, n
drama, n
educational, adj
eliminate, v
email, n
enjoyable, adj
entertaining, adj
entertainment, n
everything, pron
excellent, adj
face to face,
fan, n
fast, adj, adv
film, n
finest, adj
follow, v
form, n
fortune, n
funny, adj
gaga, adj
game show, n
gardening, n
give, v
going, n
/"di: aI 'waI/
/'i: meIl/
/"feIs t@ 'feIs/
/'geIm S@U/
urob si sám There are far too many DIY programmes on TV.
dokument We watched a documentary about dinosaurs.
dráma He has written a new drama for the BBC.
výchovný Are children's television shows supposed to be educational?
vylúþiĢ, eliminovaĢ He was eliminated from the tournament in the first round.
elektronická pošta I'll send you the file by email.
príjemný, It's quite an enjoyable movie.
zábavný She gave a lively and entertaining speech.
zábava Video games are a modern form of entertainment.
všetko The teams are still level so there's everything to play for.
znamenitý, výborný I watched an excellent programme about the Victorians.
tvárou v tvár The boxers stood face to face and looked straight at each other.
fanúšik I'm a huge fan of Peter Kay's programme.
rýchly He has always loved fast cars.
film I saw a great film on TV last night.
najskvelejší, najkrajší Building St Pancras station was his finest achievement.
nasledovaĢ The news follows this programme at 10 o'clock.
forma, Game shows are a cheap form of entertainment.
bohatstvo, majetok His computer cost a fortune.
zábavný It was one of the funniest films I've ever seen.
senilný, priblblý Sid keeps forgetting my name. I think he's going a bit gaga.
súĢažné show I don't like game shows where people are made to look stupid.
záhradníþenie We did a bit of gardening this afternoon.
daĢ Let me give you some good advice – don't give up.
chôdza, chod, pohyb He got his first job on TV in 1960 and he's still going
great, adj
grow, v
hang up,
hard, adj, adv
hardly, adv
holidays, n
horrible, adj
hour, n
interact with,
/"h{Î 'öp/
/"Int@r'{kt wID,
/"lA:st 'lÁÎg@
D@n, D{n/
skvelý We had great fun.
rásĢ The crowd quickly grew to several thousand.
zavesiĢ Don't hang up – I want to speak to her too.
tvrdý The chairs were hard and uncomfortable to sit on.
sotva Jean was so excited she could hardly speak.
prázdniny They organise action-packed holidays for teenagers.
strašný That was a horrible thing to say.
hodina His finest hour was when he won the Open championship.
vzájomne sa ovplyvĖovaĢ These chemicals explode when they are allowed to
interesting, adj
last longer than,
late, adj, adv
lately, adv
lifestyle, n
live, adv
lizard, n
interact with one another.
zaujímavý A good teacher can make any subject interesting.
trvaĢ dlhšie než... I can make my ice-cream last longer than yours.
neskoro, neskorý Sorry I'm late!
v poslednej dobe I've been feeling very tired lately.
životný štýl Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.
naživo This programme is coming to you live from Television Centre in London.
jašterica This island has some of the world's largest lizards.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
odhlásiĢ sa I'm going to log off now for the night and go home.
/"lÁg 'Áf/
log off,
prihlásiĢ sa When I logged on in the morning I checked my email.
log on,
dlhý She's tall and slim, with long legs.
long, adj
dlhší I can keep running for longer than you.
longer, adv
odkazy The messages were written in code.
messages, n
/"m@UbaIl 'f@Un/ mobil Call me on my mobile phone.
mobile phone, n
program o prírode Richard Attenborough makes the best nature programmes on
nature programme, n
stick around,
stressed, adj
strong, adj
studio, n
survive, v
swinging, adj
/"pIk öp D@
/'kwIz S@U/
/ri'{l@ti S@U/
/"rIÎ 'öp/
/'s@Up "Áp@r@/
/"st{nd 'öp t@,
/"stIk @'raUnd/
target, n
taste, n
tempting, adj
tension, n
terrible, adj
text, v
texting, n
theft, n
think, v
time, n
nervously, adv
news, n
nothing, pron
numbered, adj
opinion, n
own, determiner
pick up,
play, v
popularity, n
predict, v
queue, n
quiz show, n
radiation, n
reality show, n
resist, v
ring up,
serious, adj
silly, adj
smash, v
soap opera, n
speech, n
spend, v
sports, n
stand, v
stand up to,
nervózne Tony waited nervously for his turn.
správy There was an interesting item on the news tonight.
niþ When he lost his job he found he had nothing to do.
spoþítaný That shop will be shutting down soon – its days are numbered.
názor, mienka The new head teacher is terrible, in my opinion.
vlastný, sám I want to be on my own for a little while.
zodvihnúĢ I picked up the phone as soon as it started ringing.
hraĢ With only ten minutes to go and the score 1–1, there's everything to play for.
obĐúbenosĢ, popularita The popularity of the Internet has grown dramatically.
predpovedaĢ His teachers predicted that he would get high grades.
rad We had to stand in a long queue outside the cinema.
kvíz v TV All the questions on this quiz show are really easy.
radiácia The process produces high levels of radiation.
reality show Reality shows are a very cheap way of making TV programmes.
brániĢ sa, vzpieraĢ sa He resists any kind of change.
zavolaĢ Ring up the garage and see if the car's ready yet.
vážny Channel 5 has a mix of comedies and serious programmes.
hlúpy What a silly question!
smeþovaĢ She smashed the ball so hard she broke her tennis racquet.
telenovela, mydlová opera She watches that soap opera every night.
reþ He gave a speech to the conference.
minúĢ I spent all my money.
športy You get lots more sports programmes on satellite TV.
stáĢ Anna was standing in front of me in the queue.
postaviĢ sa Don't let her frighten you – stand up to her!
zdržaĢ sa I'll stick around for a while and see if she arrives.
stresovaný Don't get stressed about exams.
silný The party was still going strong at 3 in the morning.
štúdio This show is filmed in Studio 3.
prežiĢ The driver survived the accident.
húpanie, kývanie, toþenie I was too young to have lived through the swinging
cieĐ Military buildings are an obvious target for terrorists.
chuĢ Punk rock isn't my taste in music.
lákavý, vábny I've had a very tempting job offer.
tlak, napätie You could feel the tension as the teacher read out the exam results.
hrozný, strašný I have a terrible headache.
napísaĢ sms I'll text you later.
písanie sms I'm not very good at texting because I don't know all the abbreviations.
krádež, zlodejstvo There are a lot of car thefts around here.
myslieĢ What do you think of her new boyfriend?
þas The dog keeps following me round all the time.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
úplne, totálne The town was totally destroyed by the bombing.
totally, adv
cesta, cestovanie Did you see that travel programme last night?
travel, n
trend, smer There's a trend toward more part-time employment.
trend, n
prevrátiĢ, obrátiĢ, otáþaĢ sa Turn over and we'll watch BBC1.
turn over,
vypnúĢ nieþo If you turn off the lights it feels like being in the cinema.
/"tÆ:n sömTIÎ
turn sth off,
versatile, adj
victim, n
wag, v
weak, adj
website, n
what about,
wildly, adv
/"tÆ:n sömTIÎ
/'wÁt @baUt/
alien, n
aquarium, n
as well as,
billion, n
bookmark, n
botanical, adj
/@z 'wel @z/
break down,
browser, n
canoe, n
encyclopedia, n
chat, v
check, v
click on sth,
clip, n
cuisine, n
dead, adj
dictionary, n
distinctive, adj
document, n
domain, n
download, v
/"breIk 'daUn/
/si: di: "rÁm
/'klIk Án
dynamic, adj
encyclopedia, n
fancy, v
favourite, n
ideal, adj
Internet, n
landmark, n
dynamický The new teacher is very dynamic and has lots of energy.
encyklopédia Look it up in the latest version of the Longman Encyclopedia.
maĢ chuĢ I really fancy some fish and chips.
obĐúbený Add this site to your favourites so you can go straight to it next time.
ideálny Being a working mother is not an ideal situation.
internet You can find all the latest information on the Internet.
význaþný bod v krajine, orientaþný bod The Eiffel Tower is a well-known
landscape, n
link, n
krajina, terén Constable painted scenes from the English landscape.
spojenie Click on the link to download this document.
turn sth on,
zapnúĢ nieþo
I put the chicken in but forgot to turn the oven on!
mnohostranný, všestranný He's a versatile actor who's made dozens of films.
obeĢ The police helped the victims of the bomb attack
vrtieĢ, trepaĢ The dog's wagging his tail but he doesn't look very friendly.
slabý Their defence is weak but their attack is good.
webová adresa, stránky Visit our website at
a þo .... Do you like this one? Or what about this one?
divoko The audience cheered wildly.
Module 10 The Web
mimozemšĢan Do you think that aliens will land on Earth one day?
akvárium There's a wonderful aquarium at Monterey on the California coast.
ako aj Now I have to do all her work as well as my own!
bilión The government spends billions of dollars on defence.
záložka I like this website – I'll add it to my bookmarks.
botanický The flower beds in the botanical gardens are wonderful at this time of
pokaziĢ sa My computer broke down and I lost all my files.
prehliadaþ Which web browser do you use most?
kanoe They travelled down the river by canoe.
encyklopédia na CD A CD-ROM encyclopedia is easier to carry than a huge
chatovaĢ, I can chat live to my friends in the USA using this website.
skontrolovaĢ The firemen check all the equipment daily.
kliknúĢ na... Click on this button to see a larger picture.
útržok They showed clips from the new Bond movie.
kuchyĖa French cuisine is still one of the best in the world.
mĚtvy The phone went dead when the storm passed overhead.
slovník If you don't understand a word, look it up in a dictionary.
typický, príznaþný She has a distinctive style of writing.
dokument You can download the agreement as an electronic document.
obor, pole pôsobnosti This problem is outside the domain of medical science.
stiahnuĢ z ...., nahraĢ ... I downloaded the anti-virus update from the Internet
this morning.
landmark in Paris.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
umiestnený His office is located in the western part of the city.
located, adj
Maori Did you meet any Maori families when you visited New Zealand?
Maori, n
myš This mouse works without any cables.
mouse, n
multikulturálny America is a multicultural society.
multicultural, adj
online, adv
/"nju:kli@ fri:
online, adj
operate, v
picturesque, adj
program, n
protest, n
reference book, n
search engine, n
/'ref@r@ns bUk/
/'sÆ:tS "endZIn/
settle, v
settlement, n
settler, n
suburb, n
testing, n
textiles, n
time machine, n
virtual, adj
/'taIm m@"Si:n/
okrajová þasĢ mesta The tennis club is in a suburb of New York.
testovanie We need to carry out a long programme of testing on the new drug.
textílie This part of Leeds was home to many manufacturers of textiles.
Tibet It has been difficult for some time for foreigners to visit Tibet.
stroj þasu This time machine looks very like an old British police box.
virtuálny, vymyslený The Internet lets you try some virtual tourism before you
volcanic, adj
web, n
vulkanický, sopeþný The beach is made from black volcanic sand.
web, internetová sieĢ This is a guide to the best education-related sites on the
windsurfing, n
World Wide Web, n
yacht, n
zone, n
/"wÆ:ld waId
abroad, adv
achieve, v
ages, n
arrest, v
attack, v
attention, n
avoid, v
barrel, n
body surfing, n
/'bÁdi "sÆ:fIÎ/
v zahraniþí, do zahraniþia Have you travelled abroad much?
dosiahnuĢ Our local team achieved another win last weekend.
roky, veky, veĐmi dlho I seem to have been doing this for ages now.
zatknúĢ They arrested her for stealing.
napadnúĢ Two men attacked him and took his car.
pozornosĢ Can I have your attention please, class.
vyhnúĢ sa She avoided trouble by keeping quiet.
sud I've ordered ten barrels of beer.
surfovanie na nohách, bez surfu Body surfing is cheaper because you don't
bottom, n
spodok, dno
network, n
nightlife, n
nuclear free zone, n
nuclear testing, n
sieĢ We travelled on the high-speed European rail network.
noþný život The big attraction in Berlin is the nightlife.
beznukleárna zóna, zóna bez nukleárnych zbraní
become a nuclear-free zone.
testovanie nukleárnych zbraní
pripojený / na internete /
They want Britain to
There is a ban on nuclear testing in the
He chats online to his friends who live just down the
pripojený / na internete / Have you ever used online banking facilities?
obsluhovaĢ How do you operate this machine?
malebný It's a quiet fishing village with a picturesque harbour.
program The students learnt how to write a computer program.
protest He took part in a protest against the government's treatment of refugees.
osvedþenie, posudok We have reference books on all kinds of subjects.
vyhĐadávací prostriedok, vyhĐadávaþ Google is one of the most successful
search engines on the Web.
usadiĢ sa, ustáliĢ sa, It took me a long time to settle into my new job.
osídlenie, kolónia Raleigh was one of the first settlements on the east coast of
osadník, kolonizátor
The Native Americans gave a lot of help to the first white
actually travel.
windsurfing I go windsurfing most weekends.
www How many computers make up the World Wide Web?
jachta A yacht with white sails passed us in the harbour.
zóna, priestor People are advised not to live in earthquake zones.
Module 11 The Sea
need a surfboard!
Her mother was standing at the bottom of the stairs.
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
mozgová bunka Drinking alcohol kills your brain cells!
/'breIn sel/
brain cell, n
rozbiĢ, zlomiĢ She accidentally dropped the bowl and broke it.
break, v
obchodník The hotel is full of businessmen attending a conference.
businessman, n
kĐudný, pokojný I took a deep breath and tried to keep calm .
calm, adj
bunka They're looking at how this drug affects certain types of cell in the brain.
cell, n
centrum, stred When they danced they became the centre of attention.
centre, n
I feel like I'm going round in circles and not actually getting anywhere.
circle, n
blízko, blízky I came very close to winning that game.
close, adj, adv
There were no clouds in the sky.
cloud, n
šváb The kitchen was extremely dirty, with cockroaches running everywhere.
cockroach, n
studený The house was cold and empty.
cold, adj
záver The performance came to a conclusion with the final song.
conclusion, n
dôsledok You don't think about the consequences of your actions!
consequence, n
zloþin She likes reading American crime fiction.
crime, n
kritik The critics praised the play highly.
critic, n
miláþik She's become the darling of the newspaper editors.
darling, n
smrĢ After her husband's death, she lived alone for 20 years.
death, n
/dI'tektIv "stO:ri/ detektívny príbeh Carol O'Connell writes brilliant detective stories.
detective story, n
zomrieĢ He died at the age of 78.
die, v
pohroma Forty people were killed in the rail disaster.
disaster, n
diaĐka, vzdialenosĢ I could see him in the distance but he was too far away to
distance, n
dolphin, n
dream of sth,
drought, n
earthquake, n
edge, n
elder, adj
emigrate, v
enthusiastic, adj
escape, v
exhausted, adj
fall off sth,
famine, n
fisherman, n
fishing, n
fishing boat, n
float, v
flood, n
free, adj
freezing, adj
frighten, v
frightening, adj
get away from,
get out of doing sth,
gradually, adv
great, adj
homeless, n
hear me.
/'dri:m @v
/"fO:l 'Áf
/'fISIÎ b@Ut/
/get @'weI
fr@m, frÁm/
/get "aUt @v
'du:IÎ "sömTIÎ/
delfín Swimming with dolphins sometimes helps people who are very ill.
snívaĢ o... I dream of the day when I can retire to the country.
sucho The country has had two years of drought.
zemetrasenie 200 people were killed in the earthquake.
hrana Dana sat on the edge of the bed.
starší Her elder son is at college.
emigrovaĢ, vysĢahovaĢ sa All of her children have emigrated to Australia.
nadšený Her parents were enthusiastic about the idea.
utiecĢ I finally escaped from the meeting and went back to my desk.
vyþerpaný I was so exhausted that I fell asleep on the couch.
spadnúĢ z... He fell off the mountain and was nearly killed.
hladomor His grandfather was born during the great potato famine in Ireland.
rybár The fishermen can't go out today because of the storm.
rybárþenie We went fishing at the weekend.
rybársky þln All the fishing boats are painted in bright colours.
vznášaĢ sa, plávaĢ Oil floats on water.
potopa A pipe burst and caused a flood in the kitchen.
voĐný, bezplatný There's a free gift with this month's magazine.
mrznúci I'm freezing – shall we light the fire?
vystrašiĢ Being alone in the dark frightens some people.
strašidelný It's a very frightening film.
dostaĢ nieþo preþ od... Get the baby away from the fire!
vyhnúĢ sa nieþomu
He got out of doing the shopping by pretending to be ill.
postupne Her work gradually improved during the year.
obrovský Lily opened the present with great care.
bezdomovec They give out food to the homeless at Christmas.
Ventures, s.r.o.,
Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra,Kasalova
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
horizont The sun slowly sank below the horizon.
horizon, n
desiĢ, strašiĢ The idea of that happening to my kids horrifies me!
horrify, v
horor This section of the library contains all the horror books.
horror, n
strach, hrôza I listened in horror as he described what he had done.
horror, n
ubytovĖa We stayed at a youth hostel in Wales.
hostel, n
hmyz There are lots of poisonous insects in Australia.
insect, n
inšpirácia, vnuknutie He was an artist who drew inspiration from Monet's work.
inspiration, n
vynálezca The inventor of the telephone was Alexander Graham Bell
inventor, n
medúza This jellyfish can grow to six feet in length.
jellyfish, n
jazda na vodnom skútri You have to be able to swim before you can go jet
/'dZet "ski:IÎ/
jet skiing, n
join family abroad,
keen, adj
learn about,
/"dZOIn "f{m@li
/'lÆ:n @"baUt/
life, n
lighter, adj
literary, adj
long, adj
look for work,
love, v
maelstrom, n
/"lUk f@ 'wÆ:k/
mast, n
moon, n
natural disaster, n
/"pIk sömb@di
/"pIk 'öp/
/"raUnd @n
/"skri:m 'aUt/
/'si: "kri:tS@/
orphan, n
over, prep
overboard, adv
overseas, adj, adv
passion, n
pick sb up,
pick up,
political problems, n
practise, v
proud, adj
remind, v
retire, v
rough, adj
round and round,
sailing, n
scared, adj
scream out,
scuba diving, n
sea creature, n
send sb back,
/"send sömb@di
pripojiĢ sa k rodine v zahraniþí
He will join his family in China six months
posadnutý nieþím She seemed keen on meeting my brother.
poznávaĢ nieþo, uþiĢ sa o... Learning a language is also a way of learning
about other countries.
život I have lived in England all my life .
Đahší Your bag's a lot lighter than mine.
literárny She won a literary prize for her first book.
dlhý It's a long time since I last visited Italy.
hĐadaĢ prácu He lost his job and now he's looking for work in publishing.
milovaĢ I'd love to be able to play the piano.
divoký sled udalostí, vodný vír She was at the centre of a maelstrom of
frightening events.
stožiar, sĢažeĖ The boat's mast broke in two during the storm.
mesiac How many thousand miles is it from here to the moon?
prírodná katastrofa The hurricane is the latest natural disaster to hit the coast of
sirota The war has made thousands of children into orphans.
za, nad, I was glad when the exams were over.
cez palubu The little boy had fallen overboard and nearly drowned.
cez more My father had to travel overseas several times each year.
vášeĖ, nadšenie She has a real passion for tropical flowers.
vyzdvihnúĢ niekoho Tell me when you're arriving and I'll pick you up at the
pozbieraĢ Pick up your clothes and put them in the wardrobe.
politický problém There are political problems caused by the lack of a strong
precviþovaĢ I have to practise playing the trumpet every day.
pyšný He is proud of his son's achievement.
pripomenúĢ Remind me to take the cake out of the oven.
ísĢ do dôchodku I'm going to retire when I'm 60.
búrlivý The sea was very rough so the fishing boats did not go out that day.
kolom dokola The cyclists went round and round the track, 20 times or more.
plachtenie The sailing season starts in February.
vystrašený, My brother is scared of dogs.
zakriþaĢ She screamed out a warning and the boy jumped back onto the pavement.
potápanie Do you know where I can learn scuba diving?
morský živoþích
seen them.
Some sea creatures live so deep down that nobody has ever
poslaĢ nieþo späĢ
back for it.
She was going to go out without a scarf but her mum sent her
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tichý I asked her what happened but she was silent.
silent, adj
sa His bike fell in the river and sank.
sink, v
fajþiar He's a heavy smoker.
smoker, n
šnorchlovanie We went snorkelling in Hawaii.
snorkelling, n
osamelý, opustený He was a solitary person who spent a lot of time alone.
solitary, adj
sólo I don't really like his solo album.
solo, adj
rýchlosĢ What speed were you travelling at?
speed, n
hviezdica We found a pink starfish in a rock pool on the beach.
starfish, n
študovaĢ, uþiĢ sa KW She's going to France to study the language.
study KW, v
opaĐovanie Don't spend too long sunbathing or you'll get burnt.
sunbathing, n
When we were in Hawaii we went surfing every day.
surfing, n
prežiĢ The driver survived the accident.
survive, v
plávanie Swimming is great exercise.
swimming, n
daĖ There is no tax on food.
tax, n
strašiĢ, desiĢ That dog terrifies me.
terrify, v
hrôza He screamed in terror.
terror, n
priviazaĢ George got out of the boat and tied it to a tree.
tie, v
þas For a long time I've wanted to act in a play.
time, n
/"önIm'plOIm@nt/ nezamestnanosĢ Many workers now face unemployment.
unemployment, n
/"önInTju:zi'{stI nie nadšený When I suggested going to the cinema he was pretty unenthusiastic.
unenthusiastic, adj
volcano, n
wash, v
water skiing, n
wave, n
weirdo, n
whirlpool, n
work, n
/'wO:t@ "ski:IÎ/
sopka, vulkán The island has several active volcanoes.
spláchnuĢ, umyĢ The huge waves washed many people overboard.
vodné lyžovanie Tracy was a keen swimmer and also liked to go water skiing.
vlna During the worst part of the storm the waves were over 20 feet high.
podivín, výstredník He dresses in really strange clothes – he's a bit of a weirdo.
vodný vír The boat sank when it sailed into a huge whirlpool.
práca There's no work here now the factory has closed.
Module 12 Mountains
about, prep
absolutely, adv
okolo, asi, About 20,000 people came to London for the protest march.
absolútne, urþite I'll be absolutely amazed if we win.
accommodation, n
addition, n
administrator, n
air, n
alpine skiing, n
altitude, n
amateur, adj
/"{lpaIn 'ski:IÎ/
správca, administrátor He works as an administrator at the local college.
vzduch The air is very clean in the mountains.
alpínske lyžovanie We want the children to learn alpine skiing.
nadmorská výška Breathing is more difficult at high altitudes.
amatér, neprofesionál He's not a professional, but he's a very good amateur
ascent, n
avalanche, n
average, adj
ballet, n
boiling, adj
breeze, n
bright, adj
brochure, n
changeable, adj
/'br@US@, �SU@/
výstup They made the first successful ascent of Mount Everest in 1953.
lavína He was killed in an avalanche.
priemerný The average temperature in winter is 10 degrees centigrade.
balet We went to see the ballet "Swan Lake" in London.
vriaci It's boiling hot in here.
vánok, vetrík That cool breeze is lovely!
jasný, žiarivý The sun was very bright at midday in the desert.
brožúra Let's get some holiday brochures and decide where to go this summer.
premenlivý The weather will be very changeable today, so take a sun hat and an
ubytovanie The college provides accommodation for all new students.
dodatok, prídavok The group meets once a week, and in addition we have
individual sessions.
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zamraþený The sky is cloudy – I think it's going to rain.
cloudy, adj
studený It will be a cold day, with temperatures below freezing.
cold, adj
zraziĢ sa, stretnúĢ sa The car collided with a lorry.
collide, v
priznaĢ sa Eventually Mitchell confessed that he had stolen the chocolate.
confess, v
neustály, konštantný We were in constant danger of being blown over the edge.
constant, adj
kontinentálne dosky When the continental plates collide, it can cause
continental plate, n
continually, adv
cool, adj
cost, v
cowboy, n
cross-country, adj
curling, n
/"krÁs 'köntri/
neustále The phone rang continually all day.
studený, chladný It was hot in the day, but pleasantly cool at night.
stáĢ The hurricane cost the lives of hundreds of people.
pastier kráv He worked as a cowboy on a ranch in Texas.
cezpoĐný beh Paula is very good at cross-country running.
curling, zametanie Đadu pred šmýkajúcim sa predmetom
delicate, adj
despite, prep
destination, n
downhill, adj
drizzle, n
dry, adj
expedition, n
extreme, adj
fascination, n
finally, adv
first, determiner, adj, adv
foggy, adj
freestyle, n
freezing, adj
frost, n
get to,
glacier, n
go away,
go down,
go up,
gymnastics, n
heavily, adv
history, n
/"get t@ D@ 'tÁp/
/"g@U @'weI/
/g@U 'daUn/
/g@U 'öp/
napriek tomu že... He struggled on despite the pain.
cieĐ cesty It took me five hours to reach my destination.
zjazd, zjazdársky Why do they call it downhill skiing? Nobody skis uphill!
prehánka The rain isn't heavy, it's just a light drizzle.
suchý It will be dry today, so you won't need an umbrella.
expedícia The students are going on an expedition to the South Pole.
extrémny She likes danger so she became a member of the extreme sports club.
okúzlenie He has a fascination for old books.
nakoniec, koneþne We finally arrived home at 10 o'clock, over three hours late.
prvý She was the first runner across the line at the end of the race.
hmlistý It was so foggy we couldn't see the other side of the road.
voĐný štýl In the freestyle swimming you can choose which stroke you use.
mrznúci It's dangerous to drive in freezing weather.
námraza The ground was covered with frost.
dostaĢ sa .... If we keep going for a few minutes longer we'll get to the top.
Đadovec Huge blocks of ice fell from the glacier into the sea.
ísĢ preþ They've gone away for three weeks in Canada.
klesnúĢ The temperature started to go down when the sun set.
stúpaĢ The price of oil has gone up in the last few weeks.
gymnastika She started doing gymnastics at the age of seven.
prudko It was still raining heavily.
dejiny, história She made history by being the first woman to fly across the
hot, adj
hurricane, n
ice hockey, n
ice skating, n
impact, n
inhospitable, adj
injured, adj
junkyard, n
/'aIs "hÁki/
/'aIs "skeItIÎ/
horúci It was a very hot day.
hurikán The hurricane destroyed hundreds of houses all along the coast.
Đadový hokej We went to an ice hockey game when we were in Canada.
krasokorþuĐovanie I used to go ice skating every week when I was younger.
vplyv Paul has a positive impact on his younger brother.
nehostinný Siberia is one of the most inhospitable regions on earth.
zranený The injured passengers were taken to hospital.
zberné suroviny, smetisko You might find the parts you need for your old car
kid, n
leisure, n
length, n
lift, n
lightning, n
voĐný How do you spend your leisure time?
dĎžka Most visitors' length of stay is between a week and a month.
vlek, výĢah You can take a helicopter ride to the top or take the ski lift.
blesk Several trees were struck by lightning.
very popular in cold countries like Scotland and Canada.
krehký, citlivý Be careful with that cup – it's very delicate.
Curling is
at the junkyard.
dieĢa How many kids do you have?
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literárne The fire literally reduced the house to ashes.
literally, adv
robiĢ Cafu made history by being the first player to take part in three World Cups.
make, v
mierny, kĐudný The weather will turn milder this week as temperatures rise.
mild, adj
skromnosĢ "Anyone else would have done the same,"' he said with typical
modesty, n
monastery, n
monsoon, n
mountain biking, n
obsession, n
opponent, n
outfit, n
over, prep
overcast, adj
overcrowding, n
oxygen, n
package, n
paragliding, n
peak, n
point, n
popular, adj
prehistoric, adj
pyramid, n
quite, adv
recently, adv
regard, n
relatively, adv
resort, n
risk, n
rubbish, n
sacred, adj
sea level, n
secondly, adv
share, v
Sherpa, n
shower, n
ski jumping, n
slalom, n
slide, v
slope, n
snow, v
snowboarding, n
snowstorm, n
southernmost, adj
spectacular, adj
stay, n
storm, n
summit, n
/'si: "lev@l/
/'ski: "dZömpIÎ/
mountaineer, n
natural environment, n
kláštor They built the monastery at the top of the hill, away from the town.
monzún It rains very heavily in the monsoon season.
horské bicyklovanie She goes mountain biking on a special course in Wales.
horolezec The mountaineers finally reached the top of Everest.
prirodzené prostredie How have cars affected the natural environment?
posadnutosĢ Collecting train numbers is a bit of an obsession with him.
oponent Our opponents seemed to be much bigger and stronger than us.
róba, obleþenie I'll have to buy myself a new outfit for their wedding.
nad, za, o I can give you over 20 reasons why you shouldn't do that.
zamraþený It was an overcast November day and I thought it was going to rain.
prehustenie There are plans to reduce overcrowding in the town.
kyslík The ambulance men gave him oxygen to help him breathe.
dovolenka s ubytovaním aj dopravou You can go on a package holiday or
book your hotel and flights separately.
paragliding Majorca has lots of places where you can go paragliding.
vrchol, špiþka Several mountain peaks surround the village.
bod, myšlienka What is the point of paying for one when you can get one free?
obĐúbený, populárny Morzine is a popular skiing destination.
prehistorický There are prehistoric cave drawings in the surrounding area.
pyramída The gymnasts formed a pyramid by standing on one another's shoulders.
celkom It can be quite cold at night.
nedávno, prednedávnom They recently moved to South Africa.
považovaĢ I don't regard that joke as funny.
pomerne, relatívne Our house is relatively small compared to next door.
stredisko Whistler is an expensive ski resort in western Canada.
riziko Drivers are at risk from snow showers and freezing fog.
odpad, smeti Could you put this rubbish outside in the bin?
svätý To Hindus, the River Ganges is sacred.
hladina mora The island is only 200 feet above sea level.
druhý krát First, the cars are expensive, and secondly they are not very good.
deliĢ sa o nieþo The two secretaries share an office.
šerpa The climbers had a Sherpa to guide them up the mountain.
prehánka There will be showers at various times during the day.
skok na lyžiach You need to be very brave to go ski jumping!
slalom He hit a pole and fell over in the slalom.
kĎzaĢ sa Ducks were sliding about on the frozen pond.
zjazdovka Go up the slope till you get to the top of the hill.
snežiĢ It will snow tonight and driving will be difficult tomorrow.
snowboarding Snowboarding is a bit like surfing on land.
snehová búrka The snowstorm has brought down the electricity cables.
najjužnejší She comes from the southernmost tip of India.
efektní, nápadný We got a spectacular view of Niagara Falls.
pobyt They made our stay at the hotel very enjoyable.
búrka It looks like there's going to be a storm.
vrchol, špiþka He had to turn back only 1000 feet below the summit.
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slneþný Today will be sunny, warm and dry.
sunny, adj
Will you help me sweep the snow off the pavement?
sweep, v
teplota The temperature drops at night to 2 degrees C.
temperature, n
na vykonanie nieþoho I thought about going, but then I decided
think about doing sth,
not to.
up to,
warm, adj
wet, adj
windy, adj
worry, v
zero, number
'du:IÎ "sömTIÎ/
/"önprI'pe@d f@,
/'öp t@, tU/
audience, n
publikum, diváci
basically, adv
chic, adj
close, adj
club, n
club, n
clubbing, n
v podstate, Basically, the team didn't play well enough.
šik, módny, vkusný We had lunch at a chic little cafe.
blízky My brother and I have always been very close.
klub I'm a member of the local drama club.
klub We're going out dancing tonight at a club.
stretávanie sa v noþných kluboch na párty When we were in Ibiza, we
come across sth,
/"köm @'krÁs
/'dA:ns flO:/
/'dIsk "dZÁki/
/'di: "dZeI/
/"i:zi 'lIs@nIÎ/
stretnúĢ, všimnúĢ si
thirdly, adv
thunder, n
unprepared for,
potretie And thirdly, I would like to thank my mum and dad.
hrom Thunder roared and lightning flashed.
nepripravený na... They were unprepared for the huge crowd that came to
welcome them home.
až do/po There will be winds of up to 100 kph.
teplý It's lovely and warm in Spain at this time of year.
mokrý, vlhký It may be wet tomorrow, and fairly cold as well.
veterný It was too windy to go for a walk.
maĢ starosĢ I'm worried about what life will be like for my children.
nula The temperature has fallen below zero.
Module 13 Dance
common, adj
concert, n
confident, adj
constantly, adv
cool, adj
currently, adv
dance floor, n
disc-jockey, n
disco, n
DJ, n
easy-listening, n
eliminate, v
emerge, v
extravaganza, n
fiddle, n
flamenco, n
fund, n
general, adj
general knowledge, n
give, v
go, v
The audience stood up and cheered at the end of the
went out clubbing every night.
I came across an interesting advert in the paper.
bežný, spoloþný We discovered we had a lot of friends in common.
koncert The band gave a concert last night.
presvedþený She was confident that the problem would be sorted out.
neustále It had been raining constantly all weekend.
senzaþný, bájeþný You look really cool in those new jeans!
bežne These are the products that are currently available.
taneþný parket It's great to watch her on the dance floor.
DJ This disc jockey used to have a show on Virgin Radio.
diskotéka Are you going to the school disco?
DJ That DJ used to play at one of the best clubs in Manchester.
Đahko poþúvateĐný My dad only buys CDs if they have "easy-listening" on the
vylúþiĢ, eliminovaĢ We can never eliminate crime from our society.
vynoriĢ sa, objaviĢ sa He emerged from his hiding place.
extravagancia Tonight's show is a musical extravaganza!
husle An old man sat in the corner playing the fiddle while we danced.
flamengo, / španielka-gitara / I'd love to be able to play flamenco guitar.
fond I put the money in my holiday fund.
všeobecný This book should give you a general idea of the subject.
všeobecné znalosti I only buy this newspaper for the general knowledge
daĢ They will be giving three concerts in Sydney.
ísĢ Sam wants to stay in but I want to go clubbing.
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going/ísĢ, blízka budúcnosĢ We're gonna spend the evening in the bar.
gitara I'm learning to play the electric guitar.
guitar, n
harfa I always think of the harp when I hear Irish music.
harp, n
They have a huge house in the country.
huge, adj
myšlienka, nápad "Do you want to win?" "That's the general idea, yes."
idea, n
ilegálny, nezákonný He was a member of an illegal political party.
illegal, adj
pohovor, interview I've got a job interview this afternoon with Mr Smith.
interview, n
írsky folkový tanec She danced an Irish jig while he played the fiddle.
/"aI@rIS 'dZIg/
Irish jig, n
džezový klub There used to be a jazz club where the cinema is now.
/'dZ{z klöb/
jazz club, n
džajv - druh tanca My mum and dad used to jive to rock and roll music.
jive, n
vynechaĢ, opomenúĢ I felt left out when everybody else went off to the party.
/"left 'aUt/
left out,
dávaĢ pozor na, byĢ pripravený na The sailors looked out for rocks as the
/lUk 'aUt f@
look out for sth,
nightclub, n
obviously, adv
okay, interj
phone in, n
/"mIs 'aUt Án
/'f@Un In/
popularity, n
praise, n
predict, v
pub, n
rave, n
redecorate, v
right, adv
samba, n
sell-out, adj
set up sth,
/"set 'öp
major, adj
master sth,
melodic, adj
midnight, n
miss out on sth,
sightseeing, n
soon, adv
sound, v
spectator, n
sport, n
start off,
straight, adj
stressed, adj
superstar, n
take up sth,
tango, n
tour, n
traditional, adj
Uilleann pipes, n
/"stA:t 'Áf/
/"teIk 'öp
/"u:li@n 'paIps/
ship got nearer to land.
veĐký, obrovský There has been a major earthquake in the south of the country.
zvládnuĢ He mastered the piano and went on to learn the violin.
melodický, spevavý That cat doesn't have a very melodic voice!
polnoc We stayed up until midnight.
chýbaĢ niekde, vynechaĢ He missed out on the trip because he was in
noþný klub London has some great nightclubs.
oþividne We're obviously going to need more help.
v poriadku, "Thanks." "That's okay – it's no bother."
zavolaj do... There was a phone-in on Radio 1 so that people could give their
obĐúbenosĢ, popularita Skiing has increased in popularity.
chvála, pochvala Most parents are full of praise for the school.
predpovedaĢ Organisers are predicting a close race.
krþma I'll meet you at the pub for a drink.
mejdan, šialenstvo, bengál There's a rave this weekend at that old factory
down by the river.
premalovaĢ We had to redecorate when we discovered we were having a baby girl.
hneć, pravý He told me about it right after you left.
samba You need to use more energy when you dance the samba.
vypredaný They gave four sell-out concerts in Birmingham.
zariadiĢ, We've set up a meeting between the two companies.
prehliadka pamätihodností
the town.
In the afternoon we all did some sightseeing round
skoro We want to leave as soon after that as we can.
znieĢ I'll give you £5 for it. How does that sound?
divák Football is the biggest spectator sport in the country.
šport I don't think chess is a good spectator sport.
zaþaĢ He started off the meeting by welcoming the new members.
rovno Come straight home when school is finished!
prízvuþný In the word "football" the first syllable is stressed.
superstar Pele was a football superstar.
zaþaĢ s nieþím He took up tennis at the age of six.
tango They entertained the audience with an excellent tango.
túra, výlet In the summer we went on a tour of North America.
tradiþný The Chieftains play and sing traditional Irish folk music.
typické írske gajdy The Uillean pipes are the Irish version of the Scottish
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universe, n
unstressed, adj
venue, n
veteran, adj
waltz, n
worldwide, adj
vesmír The Earth is only a very small part of the universe.
neprízvuþný In the word "again", the first syllable is unstressed.
miesto konania sa nieþoho Wembley stadium was a popular concert venue.
vyslúžilý, Veteran Hollywood entertainer Bob Hope was the star of the show.
waltz We danced the last waltz of the evening.
celosvetový Pollution is a worldwide problem.
acoustic guitar, n
akustická gitara
acoustics, n
addiction, n
admit, v
album, n
appear, v
assert, v
akustika The hall has excellent acoustics.
návyk Britain is struggling with the problem of heroin addiction.
pripustiĢ We know you stole the money. Why won't you admit it?
album Do you have Madonna's new album?
objaviĢ sa She appeared on morning television yesterday.
presadzovaĢ, uplatĖovaĢ My father decided to assert his authority by refusing
atmosphere, n
auditorium, n
break dancing, n
/'breIk "dA:nsIÎ/
poslucháreĖ, auditórium The auditorium holds 3000 people.
tancovanie break - druh tanca He entertained the waiting queue with some
capital, n
caretaker, n
cause, v
charismatic, adj
chorus, n
clarinet, n
clear, adj
come from sw,
design, n
distorted, adj
drug addiction, n
drums, n
effect, n
electric boogie, n
/'köm fr@m
/"köntri @n
/dI'pend@ns Án/
/dI'praIvd @v,
/'drög @"dIkS@n/
/I"lektrIk 'bu:gi/
electric guitar, n
encore, n
erupt, v
ever, adv
facilities, n
/I"lektrIk gI'tA:/
Module 14 Music
complex, n
conclusion), n
contemporary, adj
country and western,
dependence on,
deprived of,
The composer wrote this concerto for acoustic guitar.
to let me go out.
atmosféra The town has a nice friendly atmosphere.
excellent break dancing.
hlavné mesto Nashville is the capital of country and western music.
správca domu, vrátnik The caretaker keeps the keys when the building is
closed at night.
spôsobiĢ Smoking causes cancer.
charizmatický, Martin Luther King was a very charismatic speaker.
spevácky zbor Everyone joined in the chorus.
klarinet He plays jazz clarinet in the clubs.
þistý She has a very clear, pleasant voice.
pochádzaĢ z/od... His father's family came from the highlands of Scotland.
komplex, We'll use this land to build a huge factory complex.
záver I've come to a conclusion about why she left.
súþastný She is one of this country's best contemporary artists.
country a western hudba
The country and western music awards are on TV
závislosĢ na He became a success after he cured his dependence on cocaine.
zbavený nieþoho, pripravený o... This defeat has deprived him of a place in
the final.
návrh We've made some changes to the director's original design.
deformovaný Strange distorted sounds were coming from the stereo.
drogová závislosĢ They cured her drug addiction but it took a long time.
bubny We could hear drums beating.
efekt Using special effects they made it seem that there were dinosaurs in the streets.
electric boogie-druh tanca People in the club were dancing the electric
elektrická gitara Eric Clapton is a fantastic electric guitar player.
opakovanie, prídavok The band played one of their old hits as an encore.
vybuchnúĢ The crowd erupted into applause after the President's speech.
vôbec niekedy, This town is famous for making the biggest ever pizza in the world.
zariadenia, vybavenie The school has very good sporting facilities.
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bláznivý nápad Most of her special diets are just fads.
fad, n
fanúšik Thousands of football fans filled the stadium.
fan, n
flamengo They played a flamenco to accompany the dancers.
flamenco, n
flauta At this point the flute takes up the melody.
flute, n
funky The band played a funky version of "I Did It My Way".
funky, adj
gang A gang of youths beat him up in the street.
gang, n
graffitti The school walls were covered with graffiti.
/gr{'fi:ti, gr@�/
graffiti, n
house-druh hudby We have to listen to the kids playing house music all night.
house, n
nástroj Do you play any musical instruments?
instrument, n
írsky folklór Many Irish folk songs are about the history of the country.
/"aI@rIS 'f@Uk/
Irish folk, n
džez I used to go to a jazz club at the pub every week.
jazz, n
klávesy He plays keyboards in the band.
keyboards, n
vedúci, hlavný The lead singer in this band has a terrific voice.
lead, adj
blýskanie Soft lighting creates a romantic mood.
lighting, n
životné podmienky What were living conditions like in Kuwait during the war?
living conditions, n
local, adj
mark, v
part, n
miestny You can get this fruit in your local supermarket.
oznaþiĢ He marked the trees as he passed so he could find his way back.
þasĢ, take part-zúþastniĢ sa The choir will be taking part in the Christmas
piano, n
punishable, adj
rap, n
rapper, n
rapping, n
react, v
reaction, n
reggae, n
reside, v
reviewer, n
rock, n
rock ‘n’ roll, n
rock group, n
salsa, n
saxophone, n
scream, v
slums, n
solo, n
special effects, n
spin, v
street gang, n
sub-culture, n
/"rÁk @n 'r@Ul/
/'rÁk gru:p/
/"speS@l I'fekts/
/'stri:t g{Î/
/'söb "költS@/
klavír There are more white keys than black keys on a piano.
trestný, trestuhodný This crime is punishable by life in prison.
rap-druh hudby She wrote a comedy rap about the teachers at her school.
rapper-spevák rapu The rapper had three gold front teeth.
rapovanie Rapping is a way to express what he want to say in a musical way.
reagovaĢ I didn't know how you would react to my news.
reakcia What was her reaction when you told her the school was going to close?
reggae-druh hudby Bob Marley was the most famous performer of reggae music.
sídliĢ, bývaĢ He spent most of his time in Rutherglen, where his family resided.
kritik, recenzent Most reviewers liked the play but the Times reporter did not.
rock Rock is very good music to play when you're driving.
rokenrol People were shocked when they first heard rock 'n' roll.
rocková skupina He plays guitar in a struggling rock group.
salsa-druh tanca He's taking salsa classes in the evenings.
saxofón The saxophone players sit in this section of the orchestra.
zakriþaĢ, kriþaĢ Sally screamed with surprise when she saw her brother.
slam, brloh, chudobná štvrĢ Dickens wrote about life in the London slums.
sólo Who plays the violin solo after the tenor sings?
špeciálne efekty This movie has brilliant special effects.
toþiĢ sa, krútiĢ sa The dancers spun round and round on the ice.
pouliþný gang He started a street gang in Los Angeles.
sub kultúra They were part of a sub-culture in the '60s who decided not to work for
terrible, adj
territory, n
trainers, n
trouble, n
turn into sth,
/"tÆ:n 'Int@
hrozný The choir sounds awful in here because the acoustics are terrible.
územie, teritórium We knew that we were now in enemy territory.
tenisky How much did your new trainers cost?
problém We don't want to cause trouble, but we're not going to pay for this rubbish!
zmeniĢ sa na The new block of flats had turned into a slum only 20 years later.
twitch, v
undergo, v
violin, n
a living.
trhnúĢ, šklbaĢ The muscles in his legs began to twitch.
podstúpiĢ His attitude underwent a change after he visited Africa.
husle The leader of the violin section is also the leader of the orchestra.
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Module 15 Pictures
abstract, adj
apologise for sth,
background, n
be in love with,
behind, prep
between, adv, prep
borrow from sb,
boutique, n
bright, adj
broken, adj
camera, n
clear, adj
compensate for sth,
/@'pÁl@dZaIz f@
/bi In 'löv wID,
/'bÁr@U fr@m
impressionism, n
/'kÁmp@nseIt f@
@baUt "sömTIÎ/
/dI'sp@Uz @v
/"fO:l In 'löv
wID, wIT/
/frÁm . . . tU/
/get 'rId @v,
/g@U 'baI/
@ti, "hÁ�/
impressionist, n
intensely, adv
kind, n
landscape, n
light, adj
complain about sth,
conservative, adj
contemporary, adj
cruelty, n
cubist, adj
dark, adj
dark, n
decadence, n
designer, n
dispose of sth,
enemy, n
fall in love with,
fiancé, n
foreground, n
gallery, n
geometric, adj
get rid of,
go by,
homosexuality, n
abstraktný This lecture discusses abstract ideas such as justice.
ospravedlniĢ sa za... He apologised for being so late.
pozadie My mother's the tall woman standing in the background.
byĢ zamilovaný He's still in love with her after 30 years.
za The car behind us was driving too close.
medzi He sat between the two women on the sofa.
požiþaĢ si I borrowed a clean shirt from my brother.
butik She works in a little boutique selling fashionable clothes.
jasný, svetlý The bright flames of the candles lit the painting from the side.
zlomený, rozbitý After his company closed and his wife left him, he died a broken
kamera They posed for the TV cameras.
jasný, zrozumiteĐný His writing isn't very clear.
nahradiĢ, vyrovnaĢ, kompenzovaĢ She got some money to compensate for
the loss of her health after the accident.
sĢažovaĢ sa na...
We complained about the poor standard of the food.
konzervatívny They designed the building in a very conservative style.
súþastný She is one of this country's best contemporary artists.
krutosĢ Cruelty to animals is against the law.
kubistický Picasso painted in the cubist style.
tmavý He painted the sky in dark colours to give it a stormy feeling
tma We stood on the hill in the dark and watched the stars.
dekadencia Ancient Rome was known for its decadence.
návrhár She works for the fashion designer Calvin Klein.
likvidovaĢ, zbaviĢ sa Don't just drop that can on the pavement, dispose of it
nepriateĐ Everyone likes him, he doesn't have any enemies.
zaĐúbiĢ sa He fell in love with her as soon as he met her.
snúbenec Have you met her fiancé? They're getting married next week.
popredie There were three figures in the foreground. It's 14 miles from my house to yours.
galéria You must visit the Uffizi gallery in Florence.
geometrický The rugs have geometric designs.
zbaviĢ sa I got rid of all my old clothes and bought lots of new ones.
plynúĢ As time goes by, we all get a little older.
homosexualita Homosexuality doesn't just refer to men.
Impressionism is a painting style where the fine details are not
impresionista Turner was an impressionist painter of the 19th century.
napäto, intenzívne He looked at me intensely with his serious brown eyes.
druh Lions and tigers are kinds of large, wild cat.
krajina, terén Turner painted mainly landscapes and seascapes.
svetlý I'll wear my light blue shirt to work today.
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svetlo There isn't much light in this room because the window is small.
light, n
vyzeraĢ He's late. It looks as if he's not coming.
look, v
láska Anna has fallen in love with Steve and wants to marry him.
love, v
nízky Turn the light down low – it's too bright.
low, adj
nahradiĢ nieþo The extra money makes up for having to work over Christmas.
/meIk 'öp f@
make up for sth,
pop, adj
portrait, n
poster, n
realistic, adj
/"pIk sömTIÎ
rid, adj
right, adj
round, adj
silvery, adj
soft, adj
sort, n
square, adj
square, n
straight, adj
strong, adj
terribly, adv
think about sth,
/'TIÎk @baUt
middle, n
moral, adj
mysterious, adj
obsession, n
optimistic, adj
pick sth up,
tripod, n
type, n
umbrella, n
urban, adj
war, n
wildlife, n
zoom, n
stred He put the cake in the middle of the table.
morálny We all have to live by certain moral standards .
záhadný Police are puzzled by his mysterious disappearance.
posadnutosĢ He has an obsession with money.
optimistický She was optimistic about her chances of passing the exam.
zodvihnúĢ nieþo I tried to pick up the TV but it was too heavy.
moderný Lichtenstein painted in a bold style that was called pop art.
portrét People know him best for his portraits of famous men and women.
plagát She was putting up posters in her bedroom.
realistický The realistic style of art showed people and things in ordinary
zbaviĢ sa I'm going to get rid of this car and buy a new one.
pravý, vpravo My shoes are over there to the right of the chair.
okrúhly The baby has big round eyes.
strieborný Her silvery hair made me think she must be about 60.
jemný, mäkký He painted the trees in soft browns and greens.
druh, typ A haiku is a sort of Japanese poem.
štvorec Mondrian's paintings are full of squares and rectangles of colour.
námestie Let's meet later at that little café in the square.
rovný Draw a straight line across the page.
silný, výrazný, nápadný The painter drew some strong strokes of colour on the
strašne I thought she sang terribly!
rozmýšĐaĢ o... Think about what you should do next.
statív, trojnožka He used a tripod to keep the camera steady.
druh, typ I think you should try a different type of exercise.
dáždnik It started to rain so I put up my umbrella.
mestský More people are moving from urban areas to the country.
vojna The army paid her to paint images of the war.
divá príroda The government have taken measures to protect the area's wildlife.
zoom This camera has a zoom so you can take pictures of far-away subjects.
Module 16 Buildings
advise, v
air-conditioning, n
apartment, n
art deco, n, adj
Art Nouveau, n, adj
ask, v
available, adj
bang on sth,
barbecue, n
/"A:t 'dek@U/
/"A:t nu:'v@U/
/'b{Î Án
poradiĢ His lawyer advised him to say nothing.
klimatizácia Most modern cars have air-conditioning or a sun roof.
byt, garzónka She lives in a small apartment.
art deco He has a large collection of art deco objects.
art nouveau This small female figure is typical of the art nouveau style.
spýtaĢ sa "Where have you been?" asked my mother.
dostupný Tickets are not available to the public.
buchnúĢ, tresknúĢ She banged on the wall to tell the neighbours to be quiet.
piknik, opekaþku
We had a barbecue on the beach.
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barokový There are a lot of baroque buildings in Venice.
baroque, adj
bobor The beavers have built a dam across the river.
beaver, n
posteĐ It's time to go to bed.
bed, n
bobuĐa The birds have eaten all the berries off that bush.
berry, n
odfúknuĢ The wind blew away all the leaves.
/"bl@U @'weI/
blow away,
sfúknuĢ The storm blew down nearly a hundred trees in the park.
/"bl@U 'daUn/
blow down,
vatra, oheĖ I'm going to make a bonfire and burn all the leaves.
bonfire, n
regál, poliþka na knihy I'm sure you'll find something interesting to read on
bookshelves, n
bottom, adj
branch, n
brick, n
café, n
cathedral, n
ceiling, n
cellar, n
ceramics, n
chair, n
check for sth,
check sth out,
closet, n
compasses, n
concrete, adj
crumble, v
curb, n
curtains, n
curved roof, n
dam, n
desk, n
downtown area, n
drawing, n
dream sth up,
easily, adv
elevator, n
elm, n
even so,
extract, n
far away,
fireplace, n
first floor, n
flat, adj
floor, n
found, v
French window, n
garbage, n
glass, n
/'tSek f@
/"tSek sömTIÎ
/"kÆ:vd 'ru:f/
/"dri:m sömTIÎ
/"i:v@n 's@U/
/"fA:r @'weI/
/"fÆ:st 'flO:/
these bookshelves.
spodný Please sign the form in the bottom right-hand corner.
vetva There are no branches on the lower part of that tree.
tehla He threw a brick through the window of the shop and stole the TV.
kaviareĖ Shall we go and have a sandwich at the café?
katedrála St Paul's Cathedral is in the centre of London.
strop It was a big room with a high ceiling.
pivnica He got a bottle of wine from the cellar.
keramika Sonia teaches ceramics at Columbia College.
stoliþka You'll have to stand on a chair to change the bulb.
skontrolovaĢ, overiĢ nieþo Sadie made me check for monsters under the bed
before she went to sleep.
I want to check out what time the buses go to Bristol.
šatník, skriĖa Put your shoes away in the closet.
kružidlo Measure the circle. You can use compasses or a ruler.
betónový Some concrete buildings from the '60s look really ugly.
drobiĢ sa The rocks here are crumbling into the sea.
obrubník Park your car next to the curb.
záves, záclona The curtains are the same colour as the carpet.
zakrivená strecha The hut had a curved roof made of straw and mud.
priehrada Water poured through a hole in the dam.
písací stôl Marie was sitting working at her desk.
centrum mesta The downtown area of the city is mainly offices.
kresba She showed us a drawing of the house.
vysnívaĢ, prisniĢ sa When did you dream up that silly idea?
Đahko You can find information easily on the Internet.
výĢah We'll have to take the elevator to the top floor.
brest There are two elms and an oak tree in their garden.
napriek tomu I know you're very sensible. Even so, I don't think you should go out
on your own.
výĢah, þasĢ, extrakt The TV advert showed an extract from the film.
ćaleko odtiaĐto The prince lived in a country far away.
kozub We want to take out the old stone fireplace and put in a modern one.
prvé poschodie The entrance to the house is on the first floor.
plochý This modern TV has a flat 52 cm screen.
poschodie She lives on the third floor of that block of flats.
založiĢ Our school was founded in 1900.
francúzske okno The French windows lead straight out into the garden.
smeti, odpadky Can you take out the garbage?
sklo The ball hit the window and broke the glass.
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gotický The Victorians built this gothic church.
gothic, adj
tráva We lay on the grass by the river.
grass, n
zem, pôda Moira was lying asleep on the ground .
ground, n
I want to go to a gymnasium and try to lose weight.
gymnasium, n
/"h{ÎIÎ 'gA:dn/ visutá záhrada The most famous hanging garden was the one in Babylon.
hanging garden, n
horko, páĐava The heat of the fire will soon make the room warmer.
heat, n
vnútorný They have a huge house with an indoor swimming pool.
indoor, adj
jazero Chicago stands on the shore of Lake Michigan.
lake, n
domáci pán, statkár The landlord is going to come and mend the broken
landlord, n
architecture, n
library, n
locate, v
lodge, n
metal, n
milksop, n
modern, adj
move, v
museum, n
nasty, adj
neo-classical, adj
krajinný architekt
knižnica Come into the library and see my collection of rare books.
urþiĢ pozíciu, lokalizovaĢ Divers have located the shipwreck.
dúpä, nora The beavers have made a lodge near the dam.
kovový I prefer cooking pans with metal handles.
maznáþik He was a bit of a milksop and was always running home to his mummy.
moderný We work in a modern office block on the edge of town.
sĢahovaĢ sa They moved from Cambridge to Oxford.
múzeum She is planning a class trip to the museum.
odporný, nechutný There are lots of nasty insects in Australia.
neoklasický This is an excellent example of neo-classical architecture.
office block, n
/'laIbr@ri, �bri/
/'ÁfIs blÁk/
order, n
overlooking, adj
place, n
plant, n
right-hand, adj
rock, n
roof, n
sauna, n
saw, n
sculpture, n
shelter, n
sheltered, adj
shopping centre, n
site, n
skyscraper, n
snake, n
spare, adj
spire, n
stone, n
subway, n
survival course, n
swimming pool, n
swollen, adj
table, n
tell, v
thick, adj
torch, n
/'raIt h{nd/
/'SÁpIÎ "sent@/
/s@'vaIv@l kO:s/
/'swImIÎ pu:l/
poradie Please put the books back on the shelf in the right order.
s výhĐadom na nejaké miesto Their house is on a hill overlooking the sea.
miesto He showed me the place where the accident happened.
rastlina She likes to have lots of plants in the house.
pravá strana Their house is on the right-hand side of the road.
skala Somebody threw a rock through the window.
strecha The roof of the church had been damaged in a storm.
sauna I have a sauna and massage every week.
píla The teeth of my saw need sharpening.
socha The council have put up a bronze sculpture of a horse.
prístrešok He was standing in the shelter of a doorway.
chránený, krytý The village is in a sheltered bay on the coast of Cornwall.
obchodné centrum I'll meet you at the travel agent's in the new shopping centre.
stavenisko Children must stay off the building site.
mrakodrap My friend Richard lives in a skyscraper in New York City.
had A snake slithered across the path.
voĐný, náhradný You can stay in my spare room for a couple of days.
vrchol, veža The spire of the church is falling down.
kameĖ The walls of the house are built of stone.
metro The subway is the quickest way to get across town.
kurz prežitia The army have sent him on a survival course in the hills of Wales.
bazén They have a swimming pool in the back garden of their house.
opuchnutý Her lips are so swollen she can't eat.
stôl We eat breakfast at the kitchen table.
povedaĢ I can't tell you – it's a secret.
hrubý The walls of the old house were a metre thick.
baterka I'll need a torch to see where I'm going in the dark.
He's studying landscape architecture at the agricultural college.
budova kde sídlia kancelárie úradov
All the office blocks in town look very
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veža The bells are at the top of the church tower.
tower, n
kamión His dad drives a huge truck all over the country.
truck, n
ultra moderný I prefer older houses to the ultra-modern flats in the city centre.
/"öltr@ 'mÁdn/
ultra-modern, adj
nepohodlný I'm always so uncomfortable on long plane journeys.
uncomfortable, adj
vacation, n
wall, n
washroom, n
window, n
wood, n
yard, n
/'wÁSrUm, �
prázdniny We're thinking of taking a vacation in the Virgin Islands.
stena We stuck pictures on the classroom walls .
toaleta, umyváreĖ I'm just going to the washroom to clean up.
okno I looked out of the window .
drevo All the furniture is made of wood.
dvor Their yard is actually several hundred square metres in size!
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