March Wheeling - Wisconsin Chapter, Model A Ford Club of America


March Wheeling - Wisconsin Chapter, Model A Ford Club of America
The official newsletter of The
Wisconsin Chapter Model “A “Ford Club of America
MARCH 2007
Congratulations to
the Award
50 Year Members
From left to right:
Lee & Karen Pagel,
Wally & Jan Klager
Betty Campbell
Member of the
Bob & Barb Sonnen
Board of Directors, 2007, Wisconsin Chapter
Neil Besougloff
511 Thurow Dr.
Oconomowoc WI 53066
Phone: 262-560-1113
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vice President, New Membership &
Publication Committee Chair:
Ed Schultz
N83W15288 Manhattan Drive
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
Phone: 262-251-3043
No email
Bob Sonnen
126 S. 77 St.
Milwaukee, WI 53214
Phone: 414-771-1692
E-Mail: [email protected]
Paul H. Piotrowski
W232 S6070 Charles Dr.
Waukesha, WI 53189
Phone: 262-513-1089
E-Mail: [email protected]
Outdoor Meet Coord:
Rick Koepp
4176 Hwy LL
Port Washington, WI 53074-9703
Phone: 262-284-6592
E-mail: [email protected]
Indoor Meet Coord:
Chuck Morgan
5320 Robinwood Court
Hales Corners, WI 53130-1069
Phone: 414-425-5217
Email: [email protected]
Tech. Meet Coord:
Carrie Frank
24232 N. Wind Lake Road
Wind Lake, WI 53185
Phone: 262-895-2897
Email: [email protected]
Club Accessory Sales &
National Correspondent:
Bob Davisson
3376 S. 79th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53219-3825
Phone: 414-543-2424
E-mail: [email protected]
Awards & Sunshine Coord:
Mike Quam
16130 W. Top-O-Hill Dr.
New Berlin, WI 53151
Phone 262-785-9021, Cell 414-491-3191
E-Mail: [email protected]
Volunteer Staff, 2007, Wisconsin Chapter
Editor: Sue Quam
16130 W. Top-O-Hill Dr.
New Berlin, WI 53151
Phone 262-785-9021 cell #414-491-3260
E-Mail: [email protected] or
[email protected]
[email protected]
Web Master:
Carl Doro
300 S. Honey Creek Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1448
Phone 414-259-9692
[email protected]
Label Preparation:
Bob Sonnen
126 S. 77 St.
Milwaukee, WI 53214
Phone: 414-771-1692
E-Mail: [email protected]
Club Property:
Rich Miller
1634 Wildwood Dr.
New Berlin, WI 53151
Phone: 262-782-2240
E-Mail: [email protected]
Club Tool Keeper:
Bill Storey
647 North Street
West Bend, WI 53090
Phone: 262-338-0452
E-Mail [email protected]
Paid Advertising:
Ed Schultz
N83 W15288 Manhattan Dr.
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-3818
Phone: 262-251-3043
Marilyn Brojanac
N61 W15975 Beechwood Dr.
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
Phone: 262-252-4340
E-Mail: [email protected]
Lorraine Schultz
N83 W15288 Manhattan Dr.
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-3818
Phone: 262-251-3043
Club Photographers:
Barb Sonnen
126 S. 77 St.
Milwaukee, WI 53214
Phone: 414-771-1692
E-Mail: [email protected]
Video Librarian:
Dave Boucher
S77 W22620 Sunset Glen Dr.
Big Bend , WI 53103
Phone (H) 262-662-2273
Phone (W) 414-422-0100
Club Historian & Librarian:
Art & Sue Blazek
W28611 Hawthorne Road
Hartland, WI 53209
Phone 262-538-4474
E-Mail: [email protected]
Note: Please send all Wisconsin Chapter
correspondence to:
Wisconsin Chapter, MAFCA
P. O. Box 26006
Wauwatosa, WI 53226-0006
Phone 262-513-0448
Advanced Timing
Scheduled Events for 2007
March 11th
Last Flight of N53605 : CD presentation. Host: Bob Schaefer
March 15th
Technical Seminar: 7:00PM Chrome Finishing is the topic. At Elite Finishing located at 3270 S.
3rd Street, Milwaukee. 3rd & Oklahoma
****SEE PAGE 4
March 10th
St. Patrick’s Day Parade– Hosts– Mike & Sue Quam
April 15th
Spring start up Tour– Hosts– Stan & Pat Larson and Wally & Sally Kaufman ****SEE PAGE 6
May 6th
May 26-28
May Memorial Day Overnighter Tour– Hosts Stan & Pat Larson and
Paul & Pat Piotrowski
****SEE PAGE 7
May 28th
Milwaukee Memorial Day Parade– HOSTS NEEDED
Sharon Model A Days– HOSTS NEEDED
June 17th
July 4th
4th of July—Greendale & Franklin Parades– HOSTS NEEDED
July 15
July Tour– Lake Country area & Hornburg Ford Museum in Hartland.
Hosts– Art & Sue Blazek
July 27-29
Wisconsin Rapids Reunion– Hosts: Rick Koepp & Eric Haben
August 12th
Annual Summer Picnic– Hosts: Mike and Sue Quam
Greendale Village Days Parade– HOSTS NEEDED
Racine Zoo Car Show– HOSTS NEEDED
Congregational Home for Seniors Car Show– HOSTS NEEDED
Sept. 9th
Sept. 15th
Richfield Thresheree—Hosts: Jim & Nancy Rusnak
Mitchell Manor Car Show– Hosts: Carl & Lu Doro and Mark Ackermann
Lake Geneva Cancer Run– Hosts: Wally & Sally Kaufman
Fall Overnighter Tour– HOSTS NEEDED
October 14
Fall Tour– Hosts– Marty & Jolene Jannsen
October 28
Ghost Gallop– Hosts: Ron & Diane Smith
Nov. 10th
Milwaukee Veterans Day Parade– HOSTS NEEDED
Nov Indoor
Indoor Event- HOSTS NEEDED
Dec Indoor
Christmas Party- HOSTS NEEDED
****SEE PAGE 5
****SEE PAGE 5
****SEE PAGE 8 & 9
REMINDER to the new members:
ALL Indoor meets (except for Technical Seminars & the swap meet)
are held at St. Aloysius Church, 1414 S. 93rd Street,
Corner of Greenfield Ave & 92nd Street. Enter lot off 92nd St. and
enter thru the double glass doors, near 92nd Street.
REMEMBER to change the clocks DAY LIGHT
Thursday MARCH 15th 7:00 PM
Elite Finishing
3270 South 3rd Street
Milwaukee, WI
Area of 3rd & Oklahoma
Seminar is on Chrome Finishing– Please note because this is a place of
business NO BEER is allowed.
Parade Starts at noon.
We enter at 6th & Wisconsin in Milwaukee, which is gate 4 and will
line up on Wisconsin Ave. between 4th & 5th Street. We can leave
cars parked during the line up and go into the Hilton for coffee and
doughnuts, if you wish. To sign up to be in the parade, please contact
Mike & Sue Quam at 262-785-9021 or email at [email protected]
For more St. Patrick’s Day parade info check out their website:
March 11th-1:30
At St. Aloysius Hall
Bob Schaefer presents:
“The Last Flight of N5360F”
This presentation chronicles the last flight of a small Piper
Archer on it way from Washington DC to Madison, WI. The
pilot ran out of fuel and ditched the plane into Lake Michigan
about 7 miles east of Milwaukee. Voice recordings from the
pilot to the control tower as well as a 911 cell phone call to
the Milwaukee Sheriffs Dept. are included. Video and still
pictures show the search for and the eventual recovery of the
plane as well as the NTSB inspection of the plane and its
disassembly and removal. Several artifacts from the plane will
be on display.
Starting Point: Hardee’s Restaurant W232 N6368 Waukesha Ave. In Sussex.
This is the corner of Waukesha Ave (Old 164) and Main St., East Side of
Old maps will show this as Hwy 164 & 74. This is definitely a place you want
to bring your camera.
Spectacular Sculpture is metal art. Its fabulous work!!
Any questions please call our hosts: Stan & Pat Larson at 1-262-251-1655 and
Wally & Sally Kaufman at 1-262-628-3003
This is just a little
taste of what you’ll
see on the tour.
One of our snowbirds, Marlene Stegner recently broke her
ankle. Anyone wishing to send get well wishes, here is
the winter address: 3712 Sloop Lane, Lake Havesu, AZ 86406
Wishing you a speedy recovery Marlene!
Our deepest sympathies to: The Ed Churchill family in the recent passing of Ed’s two siblings. A sister
that passed away Jan. 16th at the age of 102 years old and a brother who was a former club member that
passed away on Feb. 9th at 90 years old.
Our deepest sympathies to Bob & Marsha Hienrich family in the passing of Marsha’s mother.
Any Sunshine News should be reported to Mike Quam, Sunshine and Awards Chairperson
Saturday, May 26th Sunday, May 27th Monday, May 28th
Meet at McDonalds, I-43 & State Hwy. 164
Departure at 8:30 A.M. on Saturday, May 26th.
Time for coffee and WBS ( weak bladder stop)
First Stop:
After lunch:
Saturday, May 26th
“Historic Auto Attraction” ( Over seventy autos to see)
Check out their web site:
Baumgartner Cheese Store and Tavern. Home of the famous
liverwurst & limburger cheese sandwich in Monroe
Continue on to the Governor Dodge Hotel, Platteville
Sunday, May 27th
Depart for Guttenberg, Iowa at 8:00A.M. from hotel and travel to Cassville
where we will cross the Mississippi river by car ferry.
Lunch will be at the Mississippi Café. The Café is known for their tasty brunch
and great view overlooking the locks and dam.
After lunch, Chapter Members may choose to visit
David Brown’s Ford Dealership to see his private antique auto collection.
or choose to browse the many shops of Guttenberg.
There will be an evening Dinner Banquet in Platteville.
Banquet details are still in the works
Monday, May 28th
Depart for home
Lodging both nights at Governor Dodge Hotel, Platteville
For reservations call 608-348-2301
Ask for Model A Club Rooms
Single Queen $59.00 Two Double Beds $69.00
General Information
Tour maps and all other related material will be handed out at the start of the
tour. If you have questions or would like additional information please call:
Stan or Pat Larson @ 262-251-1655 or e-mail at [email protected]
Paul or Pat Piotrowski @262-513-1089 or e-mail at [email protected]
Join us!! It will be a fun weekend for all! It just doesn’t get any better!
One of the fund raising events that the Central Wisconsin Chapter does is to help out at the Iola Old Car
Show and Swap Meet.
We are looking for volunteers from the other participating clubs in the Wisconsin Rapids Model A
Reunion to possibly help us out this year. This year's Iola show dates are July 11th thru the 15th.
The job is to raise and lower the ropes of the show car parking area, to allow the cars to enter and
exit. The shifts are 6 hours, and run from 6 a.m. to noon, and noon to 6 p.m.
By volunteering for one shift you will receive free show admission for the entire weekend, free parking
next to the main front entrance gate, and drink/food tickets. You may volunteer for as many shifts as
you want.
If you are interested in this, please contact Ken Brekke for the possibility of being put on a work
schedule for this event. He will have a work schedule put together in late-April, and will contact you to
confirm your shift.
Ken Brekke
2040 Aspen Lane
Plover, WI 54467
(715) 344-3029
[email protected]
MEETING DATE: Feb. 11, 2007
MEETING PLACE: St. Aloysius, West Allis, WI
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY: President Neil Besougloff at 1:30 p.m. with the reciting of the
Pledge of Allegiance.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Sonnen, Chuck Morgan, Carrie Frank, Bob Davisson, Mike
Quam, Paul Piotrowski and Rick Koepp.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEMBERSHIP MEETING: The Minutes of the January 14, 2007,
General Membership meeting were approved as written on a motion by Roger Olsen and seconded by
Carl Doro.
SECRETARY: Bob Sonnen. Bob reports that the Wisconsin Chapter now has 284 memberships after
having lost 34 members. The loss was due to members either quitting or failing to renew their dues.
TREASURER: Paul Piotrowski. Paul gave the Financial Report for Jan. ’07. A motion to approve the
Treasurer’s Report was made by Dave Rozman and seconded by Mike Kultgen. Motion Carried. Bills
were turned in. A motion to pay the bills was made by Roger Olsen and seconded by Carl Doro. Motion
carried. Income from the Swap Meet was turned in.
OUTDOOR MEETS: Rick Koepp. Rick gave a report about the upcoming Wisconsin Rapids
Reunion. He said that every Club is supposed to donate something to the reunion for the raffle prizes.
After a short discussion, Jim Kummer made a motion to donate $50 to the men’s raffle, $50 to the
women’s raffle and $25 to the children’s raffle. Motion seconded by Mike Kultgen. Motion approved.
Rick also reports that the Central Wisconsin Chapter that hosts the Iola Car Show needs help with parking cars in the show car area . If you want to help, call Rick for details. Rick also said he is looking for
hosts for several outdoor events. Stan Larson reviewed the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend Tour.
INDOOR MEETS: Chuck Morgan. Chuck reports that Jackie & June Mazo are stepping down from
doing the Annual Custard Social in December after having done them for the past nine years. They were
then given a warm round of applause. In order for the Custard Social to continue, someone new will
have to step up to the counter and take over. Chuck still needs hosts for next year’s Indoor Events.
TECHNICAL MEETS: Carrie Frank. Carrie announced the February Technical Seminar has been canceled. The March Seminar location has been changed from the Mail Truck Parts Store to a chrome plating company on 3rd and Oklahoma. She also said she will be conducting safety checks this year on
Model A’s as time permits.
his ideas for Club Accessories.
AWARDS AND SUNSHINE: Mike Quam. Mike reports that Marlene Stegner broke her ankle.
He has some awards left over from the Banquet and they will be mailed this week to the members who
were unable to attend.
PUBLICATIONS: Ed Schultz. No report.
OLD BUSINESS: Roger Olsen gave an update on the upcoming Swap Meet.
Neil announced that we need a Banquet Host for 2008.
Webmaster, Carl Doro, is looking for feedback about the web site.
NEW BUSINESS: The National MAFCA is dropping the liability insurance as of March 1st. Therefore, we [the Wisconsin Chapter] are looking to purchase our own insurance. President Neil is looking
into this and will keep us posted.
NEXT MEMBERSHIP MEETING: 1:30 p.m. Sunday, March 11th, at Gonzaga Hall/St. Aloysius
Church, West Allis.
MOTION TO ADJOURN BY: was made by Mike Kultgen and seconded by Mike Yokofich at 2:35
Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Sonnen
Wisconsin Chapter
Model A Ford Club of America
The Presidents Notes—March 2007
Just two days after your 2007 board of directors had its first meeting, the board had its first challenge:
the national Model A Ford Club of America notified our club that its national liability insurance policy,
which covered our Wisconsin Chapter and 300 other chapters, would expire March 1, 2007. There
would be no new policy to immediately take its place.
The annual premium for the national policy rose from $3,500 per year to an alarming $92,000 per year
after an accident claim was settled following an injury at a MAFCA chapter swap meet in California.
MAFCA is shopping for a new liability policy but made it clear to our chapter that a new national
policy would not be in place before the old policy expired March 1. I learned all of this in a telephone
conversation with one of the members of the national board.
Since our club must have liability insurance to safely operate, our board of directors has done some
shopping of its own and will have purchased a liability policy by the time you read this.
Our club liability policy should not be confused with our individual automobile policies that cover our
Model A’s if they be involved in an accident. The liability policy offers our club protection in the event
we are held responsible for injuries to non-members or cause property damage during our indoor meets
at St. Aloysius Church, our picnic, any parades we participate in, our annual February swap meet, and
any other regular club activities.
This new insurance policy is a standard policy and to the best of our knowledge it is similar to the
policy that was in place until March 1 under MAFCA.
Without such a policy, we would be unable to rent our meeting room at St. Aloysius, participate in
parades, and rent the Washington County Fairgrounds building for our swap meet. Those halls and
events demand proof of insurance coverage.
We don’t know yet when MAFCA will have a new policy in effect, nor do we know if it would cover
all of our club events as it has in the past. Needless to say, this lapse in insurance coverage at the
national level is disappointing, especially as our chapter, one of the largest in MAFCA, marks its 49th
year of affiliation.
Fifty-year club member Wally Klager, who spoke at our banquet in January about the early years of
our chapter, recently mailed me a photocopy of a page of The Restorer magazine from Nov.-Dec. 1958,
announcing that we were the seventh chapter to join MAFCA. Our national charter is dated Nov. 5,
1958. Many Wisconsin club members have told me – while unhappy now that our club must now buy
its own insurance – that they still are looking forward to 50 years with MAFCA in 2008.
If you would like to learn more details about our club’s liability insurance policy, just give me a call or
send me an email. – Neil Besougloff
Reminiscing with the Historian
FIFTY YEARS AGO, 1957 – No information available for March
FORTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, 1962 – At the close of the business meeting, movies were shown, including
a Laurel and Hardy two-reeler in which old cars were wrecked.
FORTY YEARS AGO, 1967 – The annual Model A Ford Dance was held at Kuglitsch’s Arcade on
Greenfield Avenue. Music by the Harmony Lads was featured, along with free beer, for $2.00 per ticket.
THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, 1972 – The annual club dance was held March 4th at Gonzaga Hall. The
“Bring Your Own Bottle” idea went over big because almost every table had at least one bottle on it. John
Franks sold the most tickets. 220 people attended.
THIRTY YEARS AGO, 1977 – A new award was initiated by Jerry Manning to honor the best of lost
wheelers. The recipient was Gene Engel. The Michael Brojanac family was honored as the outstanding
member for 1977.
TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, 1982 – The technical seminar for March was held at Avenue Brake Shop.
A DuPont representative was on hand to answer questions on paint and paint products.
TWENTY YEARS AGE, 1987 - The spirit of the Irish prevailed to inspire eight rugged Model A’ers to
dig out of six inches of snow to attend the Shamrock Club’s annual St. Patrick’s Day parade. Our club
members saved the day; the Model T Club and others cancelled. Participating were Benno and Doris
Muellner, Howard and Dorothea Ehlers, Gary Koser, Don and Lou Schoenke, Wes and Betty Campbell,
Bret Bartel, Fred and Cathy Bleidorn, Gene Engel, daughter Marilyn and husband Chris with a large snowman as his pick-up’s cargo.
FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, 1992 – A brief meeting was held in St. Aloysius’ School Hall and was followed
by an ice cream social. About 110 people were on hand. The chairpersons were Dennis and Anne Wacker
and Karen Sukkert.
TEN YEARS AGO, 1997 – A shoebox swap meet was held in March after the indoor meeting. Hosts were
Bob and Kitty Schaefer.
FIVE YEARS AGO, 2002 – After the March meeting, a Pinewood Derby was held and very well attended.
There were 50+ pinewood derby cars built by chapter men, women, and children.
Organizing the event were Tom Smith and Eric Haban.
Special thanks to Jim and Nancy Rusnak for their generous
assistance and sharing of expertise. They have helped us feel
confident about taking the historian position, and passed on a
well-organized archive of material.
Art and Sue Blazek
The Annual Banquet as seen from the eyes of the Editor…………………….
The food was delicious, the music was great and the decorations were spectacular!
Our hosts, Dave & Carol Rozman and Mike & Sandy Yokofich did a great job planning
and preparing this evening. The slide show of old club pictures and the old club movie
clips was very entertaining! Some wonderful memories graced the screen.
During the awards ceremony, 50 year member Wally Klager, who was also a founding
member of the club, gave a wonderful speech. Wally says he is the only one in the club
older than his car. Wally says he is a true Ford man…. He was born at the Henry Ford
Hospital in Detroit, went home in a Ford Model T, that he can remember riding in during
his early childhood. Learned to drive in a 1937 Ford V-8, this car was Fords first all steel
topped cars. In the 1950’s Wally can remember seeing Model A’s on the streets of
Milwaukee. Having seen these cars. Wally always wanted a Model A with a rumble seat.
But acquired a Model A with a trunk and later turned that trunk into a rumble seat. He
remembers buying a Model A for $95.00. It had 4 good tires so he figured $75. for the
tires and the other $20 for the car. Wally stated to me that when this club started, it had
about 6 or 7 members. They got together to look at their cars, ask questions and give advice to each other on car problems and where to find parts. Later on the club drifted into
having events and making it more family orientated. I want to thank Wally Klager for all
his years of dedication to the club and for his most entertaining and wonderful story.
Congratulations to those members who received awards!
Out Going Board Members:
Neil Besougloff
Kitty Schaefer
Paul Piotrowski
Mike Quam
Out Going Historian
Jim & Nancy Rusnak
50 Year Members
Betty Campbell
Lee & Karen Pagel
Wallace & Jan Klager
40 Year Members
Robert & Peg Nikolai
Ronald & Eleanor Schneider
Dennis & Marge Pierce
Scott Tilton
25 Year Members
Lawrence LaMire
Ralph & Sharon Drzewiecki
James & Bonnie Henrichs
Robert & Marsha Heinrich
George & Carolyn Wartner
Phillip & Kathy Trimberger
Herbert E. Brumder Jr.
Kenneth & Shirley Lennartz
10 Year Members
Eric & Marilyn Kindwall
Ted & Shari Jackson
Tom Check
Phil Makurat
Ronald & Dona Finco
Greg & Jusy Wuenstel
Jack & LouAnn Metzger
Our true blue Ford member
Wally Klager, during his
40 year members left to right:
Dennis & Marge Pierce
and Scott Tilton
Rookie of the Year:
Mark Ackermann
25 year members
Bob & Marsha Heinrich
Dan Kane is awarded the Bent Rim Award
By Mike Yokofich (left) and Lasts years
recipient Mike Kultgen (center)
Mike & Sue Quam award
Bob & Barb Sonnen as Member of the Year.
Marty Jannsen (left)
awards Paul Piotrowski the
van and trailer award. In
hopes Paul gets a Model A
Photos by Barb Sonnen &
Dave Rozman
Custard Social- Jackie, June & Katie Mazo
Banquet- Roger & Jan Olsen and Mike & Sandy Yokofich
Model A Bingo- Calvin & Paul Sillman
Flag Display- Mike Brojanic
Spring Start Up Tour- Jerry & Mary Flynn and
Wally & Sally Kaufman
May Overnighter Tour- Stan & Pat Larson
Sharon WI Tour- Ron, Diane and Laura Smith
Kettle Morraine Tour- Mark Ackerman and Jim Kummer
SC Johnson Wax Tour- Roger & Jan Olsen and Pat & Paul Piotrowski
OUR MC’s…….
East Troy Fly In- Neil Besougloff
Picnic- Mike and Sue Quam
Mike Yokofich & Dave Rozman
Congregational Home Car Show- Dan Kane
Racine Zoo Car Show- Bob Heinrich
Thresheree– Jim & Nancy Rusnak
Ten Chimneys Tour- Kitty Schaefer
Mitchell Manor Car Show- Carl & Lu Doro
Lake Geneva Cancer Run- Wally & Sally Kaufman, Dori Burke, Cheryl Prochnow
Tudor Oaks Car Show- Dennis Pierce
Fall Tour- Chris & Kate Rozman
Ghost Gallop- Mike Kutlgen, Karry Kultgen and Rick Koepp
Dessert Swap- Stan & Pat Larson
Christmas Party- Ed & Lorraine Schultz and Mike & Sue Quam
Table Top Swap
Hosted by Dennis & Marge Pierce
Gentlemen and Ladies start your swapping! That was the cry that rang out across the meeting hall at the
February 12, 2007 indoor meeting as buyers hurried to see what irresistible goodies the sellers had to offer.
There was a good turnout of members as seventeen sellers presented their wares for all to see. The buyers
moved between tables looking for that one indispensable item that they had to have. As with any swap
type of event, some found something and others did not. Several sellers reported brisk sales while others
said that it was slow for them. All things considered
it seemed as though the revival of the old Shoe
Box Swap event was well received.
Photos By
Barb Sonnen
E-Mail Address Change, Phone and
address changes:
Wanted: A good cylinder head….call Russ
Moss, phone 920-233-8715
Do you have an E-Mail address? Has
your E-Mail address changed? Have you
moved? Changed your phone
number? Please, please let us know!!
Wanted: ‘28-‘29 Headlight socket ferrule. Must
be 1/2” across, not 9/16”. For both, call Al
Stanton. (920) 927-5311.
For Sale: 1930 Model A Pick-Up, $5500. For
more information contact Wally McCord. (608)
For Sale: One-wheel trailer, suitable for pulling
behind a Model A. $200
If you would like to add your name and
E-Mail address to the Wisconsin
Chapter's Roster and our email list for
notices and newsletters, Please contact
our secretary, Bob Sonnen at
414-771-1692 or E-Mail Bob at
[email protected]
Classified Ads
This Chapter attempts to include all classified
ads received. The ads will be limited to six
lines and they shall be auto related unless
space permits. Ads will be
included on a first come first serve basis.
Bob & Kathy Oleson have a new email
address: [email protected]
Do you have a technical question?
Do you need help or advice on
restoration or maintenance of your
Model A?
Call on the Tech Help Line experts:
Mike Brojanan 414-464-7814
Wally Kaufman 262-6283003
Gary Gillen 262-662-9595
For Future Ads, Please contact:
Ed Schultz
N83W15288 Manhattan Drive
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
Phone: 262-251-3043
Publications Committee Chair
More Banquet Photos
By Barb Sonnen
Call Ed Schultz for paid
ad information.
10:30 Am to
3146 S. 27th St.
(414) 671-2118
Home Sellers? * I will provide free home
warranty to aid in selling your home.
Home Buyer’s * I will pay for your home
*Call for Details!
First Weber Group Realtors
David Dohmeyer, Broker Associate
Offfice Direst (2620 754-6621
Home Office (262) 251-0391
Wisconsin Chapter Member
Al Downs
Mailtruck Model A
Brand new home Same old parts
Please call for hours
8509 S. Howell Ave.
Oak Creek, WI 53154
We now offer shipping and Model A
New Membership Application
Name_____________________________ Spouse__________________ __ Date_________________
Address____________________________________________________ ____________________
City_______________________________ State______________________ Zip__________________
Phone(_____)________________ E-Mail________________________________________________
Child or Children's names____________________________________________________________
Model A’s_________________________________________________________________________
Send To:
I understand that my $20.00 dues include membership only
in the Wisconsin Chapter, MAFCA, Inc. until the end of the
Current calendar year. The Wisconsin Chapter MAFCA, Inc.
Recommends that you consider joining the National Model A
Ford Club of America with the additional dues of $30.00
Payable to them.
Subject to change by National MAFCA and /or
Wisconsin Chapter.
Ed Schultz
Vice President/New Member
Wisconsin Chapter, MAFCA
PO Box 26006
Wauwatosa, WI 53226-0006
Phone 414-483-6539
***MARCH 2007**
Wheeling the “A”
Wisconsin Chapter MAFCA
Marilyn Brojanac, Distribution
N61 W15975 Beechwood Dr.
Menomonee Falls. WI 53051
Address Service Requested
What is out on the lawn all summer and is Irish…………………………....Patty O Furniture
Presorted Standard
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 2684
Milwaukee, WI