Angelus Newsletter - St. Mary of the Angels


Angelus Newsletter - St. Mary of the Angels
Number 247
January, February 2015
The Angelus, January, February 2015
Dear Parishioners,
The Lenten Season is almost upon us. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, February 18th.
I would like to offer some reminders and suggestions. The three actions of Lent are fasting,
prayer, and almsgiving.
For fasting, the church has set some guidelines: on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday,
Catholics in good health ages18 to 59 are asked to eat one full meal with the possibility of two smaller meals
equaling the full meal; Catholics from the age 13 and up are asked to abstain from meat on all Fridays of Lent and
Ash Wednesday. In addition, you have the freedom to choose other ways of fasting that will help you to focus
more on Jesus than what you like.
The action of almsgiving invites us to share with others. I would like to make a few suggestions:
1) Use of the rice bowl– by having a simple meal such as soup and bread one day a week, you are reminded that
there are people throughout the world who go to bed hungry and are hungry throughout the day. The rice
bowls will be available beginning on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday.
2) “Help for the Homeless” collection—purchase cleaning supplies and hygiene products that will be distributed
through the Personal Service Center at St. Vincent de Paul. This collection will run from February 22nd to
March 15th.
3) Donation for Tuition Assistance– there are two places that tuition assistance is needed. One is in our own
backyard at St. Thomas More School and the other is at St. Francis Mission in Greenwood, Mississippi. The
Mission School is an outreach effort between the Franciscans of Assumption Province and the Franciscan
Sisters of Christian Charity in Manitowoc. Your donation to either one of these schools can be placed in an
envelope and placed in the collection basket or mailed to the parish or dropped off at the parish office.
4) Work needs to be done on the statues of the crib scene, especially the Three Kings. The amount of money
collected will determine how many statues will be repainted and repaired. The hope is for all of our figures.
Some money has already been donated in memory of a loved one. A determination will be made as to which
statues need the most work done on them. I will try to get an estimate as to the cost for each statue.
5) We are experiencing a very tight budget year. There have been a few weeks where the bookkeeper postponed paying a few bills because there wasn’t enough money in the bank to cover our expenses.
Lent is all about getting closer to Jesus and prayer helps us to do that. A few examples of prayer for Lent that may
enhance your experience.
1) Thee prayer for Catholics is the Mass. Making sure that Sunday Mass is part of your week is one good way to
pray. Examine how you participate during Mass (Do I sing, respond to the prayers, and listen attentively to
the readings at Mass? Do I sit or stand or kneel with reverence?)
2) Attend one of the weekday Masses. During Lent we have Mass each day of the week.
3) The parish will have available copies of the “Little Black Book”. Take one home and make 10 or more minutes
each day for personal prayer by reading the Scripture passage, the reflections on the verses from the Bible
and then talk to God about what you just read.
4) On Wednesday mornings of Lent after the Mass and Rosary, join with a group of adults who will study Pope
Francis’ exhortation The Joy of the Gospel. A study guide will be provided. The following Sundays at 6 pm
Green Bay, Wisconsin
this same program will be offered. We will begin the Sunday session in church for either Stations of the Cross
(February 22, March 8 and 29), Evening Prayer (March 1 and 22) or the monthly Holy Hour (March 15th)
5) Plan to attend the Liturgies of the Triduum-Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday.
I hope you find this information helpful as you plan for Lent 2015. I pray that it may be filled with many blessings and
moments of amazement as you open yourself to the Holy Spirit. Happy Lent!
One more item I want to bring to your attention. For St. Mary of the Angels Parish, the Angelus has been our parish
newsletter. In order for it to continue, we are in need of an editor. This person collects articles, writes some articles
and puts it in a word document. If you are interested in this position, please call Fr. Patrick at 437-1979. With that
being said, I want to thank Kathy Lawniczak for being the editor for the past year and a half. Your time and energy
and dedication is greatly appreciated.
Peace and Good!
Fr. Patrick
The Angelus, January, February 2015
March Anniversaries
March 4th…..….Glenn & Judy Anderson……..43 yrs
March 28th …...Mike & Paula Winter………...34 yrs
March 31st……..Steve & Tammy Steitzer…...25 yrs
February Anniversaries
“An anniversary is a time to celebrate the
joys of today, the memories of yesterday,
and the hopes of tomorrow. “
Feb. 5th........Leonard & Lucy Walczyk…..... .60 yrs
Feb. 8th........Robert & Elizabeth Parins........74 yrs
Feb. 10th......Myron & Rita Bessson.............70 yrs
Feb. 12th......Dan & Mary Kohlbeck…...........32 yrs
Feb. 14th......Rodolfo Amelia Haro..............34 yrs
With Lent just around the corner we do not
want to forget to give thanks for the beautiful
Advent/Christmas season our church just celebrated.
James Ouradnik…………………….……November 19th
Judy Fuchs……………………………..…….December 2nd
Joseph Van Hout………………………...December 13th
Emilie Flynn…………………………………December 14th
Esther Richter……………………………………January 5th
Bernadine Matzke………………….………….January 9th
Rose Przybelski……………………….……...January 17th
Patricia Dudkiewicz………………….……..January 16th
Those sights and sounds were created by generous volunteers who lent a hand in putting up the
decorations; choir members who spent many
nights of rehearsal in preparation for this feast;
and generous donors for flowers in memory of
loved ones.
We are more than grateful to the following willing responders, who helped in making our
church ready for Advent and Christmas and also
to those who so willing came back on January
12, 2015 to put away all the trees, wreaths, decorations for another year.
Liz Pagel, Michelle Warden, Guy DeGroot,
Frank Theys, Ian, Izabel, & Trini Spaulding, Mary
Jacobs, Bernie Skaletski, Bill LaLuzerne, Brian
Kohls, Deacon Paul Umentum, Pat Biersteker,
Al Hendricks, Dan Follet, Maury Tilot, Jim Gerczak, Dan Bradley, Dan Yurek, Jim Melotte, Fr.
Patrick, Mike & Beth Gajeski
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Lenten Prayer / Faith Sharing Opportunities
Educational Endowment Fund
By Mary Sedlacek
Paula Klaus
We will have a special Lenten Faith Program on
Wednesday Mornings beginning on Ash
Wednesday after the 7 am Mass and Rosary and
repeated on Sunday evenings at 6 pm. Sunday
will include prayer in church and then down to
St. Clare Hall for the session. Both Wednesday
and Sunday programs will be led by a combination of staff and parishioners.
St. Mary of the Angels Educational Endowment Fund has been serving the educational
needs of our parish since 1991. People living and
deceased have generously donated to ensure the
promotion of the Catholic Faith & Values: it is
through these generous donations that we all
benefit. Only the interest earned from this fund
is ever distributed so the fund is never depleted.
This money has helped with programs like; Simply Christmas, Mardi Gras, Youth Retreat Experiences, Tuition Assistance/Scholarships and our
Faith Formation program - just to name a few.
There are multiple ways that a person can donate:
Weekly we will be reflecting on Pope Francis’
book “The Joy of the Gospel” with a special
guide written by Bill Huebsch and will include a
DVD clip by Fr. Robert Barron.
Why not attend as part of your Lenten prayer
enrichment? Call the parish office if you have
any questions.
“God speaks in the silence of the heart, and we
listen. And then we speak to God from the fullness of our heart, and God listens. And this listening and this speaking is what prayer is meant
to be…” (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta)
Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would
do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in
order to help and enrich others by our own poverty. Let us not forget that real poverty hurts:
no self-denial is real without this dimension of
penance. I distrust a charity that costs nothing
and does not hurt. ( A tweet from Pop Francis)
Memorials: a monetary gift in memory of a
loved one.
Direct Donation: Money submitted to the parish office labeled for the Educational Endowment
Wills: A percentage of an Estate or a specific
amount of money, belongings etc. designated to
the St. Mary of the Angels Educational Endowment Fund.
The Educational Endowment Fund is a
great way to support Christian Education programs here at St. Mary of the Angels. Your donation will help continue building Catholic Education within our parish, both now and in the future. Isn't it the hope and dream of us all that
our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren carry on our Catholic faith and beliefs and
for us as well to be continually awake and alive in
our Faith?
Your donation will help support that!
The Angelus, January, February 2015
A Thought Provoking Quote
Brian Kohls
Recently, I came across the following quote attributed to Saint John Neumann: “Everyone who
breaths, high and low, educated and ignorant, young and old, man and woman, has a mission, has a work.
We are not sent into this world for nothing; we are not born at random; we are not here, that we may go
to bed at night, and get up in the morning, toil for our bread, eat and drink, laugh and joke, sin when we
have a mind, and reform when we are tired of sinning, rear a family and die. God sees every one of us. He
creates every soul, … for a purpose.”
Each of us has a purpose. Our life has a purpose. God created us for a reason. We may not know
all the details, but that is where faith comes into place. We need to place our faith in God and pray for
guidance regarding our life - no matter what stage of life we are in. Having a purpose should give us a
sense of optimism, because in God’s master plan, we play a role.
It is reassuring to be told that our earthly existence is more than working to pay our bills and saving some money for a rainy day or for retirement, eating and sleeping, laughing and joking, sinning and
then trying to reform our life (which includes the Sacrament of Reconciliation) and, for many of us, marrying and raising a family. Sometimes we get into a rut of a work life and a home life. We do the same
things week after week, month after month as the seasons change and the years pass.
The change in seasons or the changing of a calendar, with its New Year’s resolutions, can give us
an opportunity to evaluate - where we are in our life, what can be improved, what might be lacking, what
we can do away with, who is important, how we can change. The seasons of Advent and Lent, in the
church calendar, can be times of evaluation and growth.
Perhaps our purpose, our role, is to do the work we do for our employer and to bring Christ into
the workplace. Perhaps, our role is to love our spouse and raise our children to be come productive members of society and to build the Kingdom of God at the same time. Perhaps, our role is to show Christian
virtues to our relatives, neighbors and friends. Perhaps our role is to show love, respect for human life, be
good stewards of God’s creation and pray and praise God. Perhaps it is some or all of these things. Perhaps it is something more.
The quote also reminds me that each human life - young and old, strong and weak, male and female, employed or unemployed, the healthy, the sickly, the unborn, the handicapped, the dying - are important and have value. God sees beyond our limited senses of what has value and what doesn’t have
value. We are only on this Earth for a short span of time (compared to eternity) so we don’t know everyone’s purpose, everyone’s role in salvation history. Perhaps one seemingly “insignificant” life will have a
profound impact because that person showed Christian virtues to another person, not once, but many
times. Perhaps, that second person raised their children with a solid moral and Christian upbringing and
one of those children had a child who became a Supreme Court judge or a medical researcher working to
eliminate a deadly disease or a CEO of a company employing thousands or an ambassador working for
peace or an author with numerous books to their credit or, maybe, it was their son, who became a priest
and then a bishop and then a cardinal and then, a pope.
Every life has value. Every life has a purpose.
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Our Prayers of Thanks to God
Lenten Stations of the Cross
for all of His Wondrous Creations
During Lent, Stations of the Cross will take place at
St. Mary of the Angels at 6:00 pm on Sundays on the
following dates:
February 22nd, March 8th and March 29th.
Opportunities for participating in the Stations of the
These prayers of thanks were, with the help of their
teacher Barb Staszak, written by the first and second
graders at St. Thomas More.
Cross are also available at other churches in the area.
Cathedral – Friday at 5:30pm, Feb. 20; March 6;
March 20
Oh, God
St. John the Evangelist – Friday at 5:30pm, Feb. 27;
March 13; March 27
Thank you for the stars so bright!
St. Bernard – Fridays at 12:10pm and 7pm
Thank you for my wants to give.
St. Matthews – Sunday at noon
Thank you, Lord for everything!
Sts. Peter and Paul – Sunday at 3pm
Thank you for the sun and moon
Thank you for my house to live.
St. Philip the Apostle – Friday at 8:05am and in Spanish Friday at 7pm
Dear God,
St. Willebrord – Wednesday after the noon Mass
approx. 12:35pm
Thank you for all of your creation!
A Variety of Stations of the Cross to help deepen
our prayer life as we walk the Way of the Cross will
be held at Resurrection parish:
You created animals, birds, the sea, trees and me!
Thank you God for my mom and dad
Thank you God for my family,
Friday, February 20 Stations in Taize Prayer style @
7:00 PM (youth-led)
Friday, March 6 Women at the Foot of the Cross
Stations @ 7:00 PM
Friday, March 27 6:00 PM HOLY HOUR with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers, silence, readings, and at 6:50 PM; Traditional Stations of the Cross
and Benediction.
my body and clothes, friends, good food, Jesus,
Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
fun, animals and roof over my head!
Love, Riley
God, thank you for my mom and dad,
my baby sitters - Jim and Sandy.
Sandy has cancer, so please God help her stay
The Angelus, January, February 2015
Thank you to everyone who provided funds for flowers in
memory of their loved ones to make our church beautiful for
the celebration of Jesus’ birthday.
Mary Jacobs........................................................................................................................Ruth & Frank Dziengeleski
M/M Gerald Pomprowitz....................................Don & Betty Verheyden, John & Delores Pomprowitz, Eric Sanders
John Maes........................................................................................................Jeanne Maes, Helen & Clarence Maes
M/M John Tuyls...................................................................................................................Lorraine & John Maloney
Theresa Beerntsen.......................................................................Mel Beerntsen, The Beerntsen & Walczyk families
Jeanette Jakubowski..........................Peter & Marko & Margaret Jakubowski, Mike, Dan, Terry & Earl Van Gompel
Jerry & Don VanRoy, Marie & Elmo Meadorusk
Joyce Janus.............................................................................................................................Leo Janus, Joan Hansen
Lila Wertel.............................................................................................................................................Adam Pivonka
M/M Gerald Kehoe...................................................................................................The Steinhorst & Kehoe families
Don & Mary Paulson.................................................................................................................Leonard & Alice Meer
Janice Lanser......................................................................................................................................Matthias Lanser
M/M Stanley Waslowski.................................................................................................................Robert Waslowski
Virginia Miller.........................................................................................George Krupka and Clarence Miller families
Herman VanBeckum..........................................................................................................Felicia (Fuzzy) VanBeckum
Robert Pigeon family………...….......................................................................................................Bob & Gert Pigeon
Leona Waraksa..................................................................................................................Rybicki & Waraksa families
Bernadine Simon.........................................................................................John F. Simon, Simon & Walczyk families
Leona Pelishek...........................................................................................Robert Pelishek, Rosik & Pelishek families
M/M Stephen Demerath.......................................................Deceased members of the Demerath & Green families
M/M Robert Foster..................................Living & deceased members of the Foster, Van Laanen & Rueckl families
M/M Joe Theisen......................................................................................................................................Doris Knapp
Mary Thomas...................................Earl & Gert Thomas, Sr. Mary Ellen Rombech, O.S.F., Thomas & Welles families
Maxine Zehren……………………………………………………………….………………………………….Peter & Martha Jakobowski family
Michelle Warden & Liz Pagel…………………………………………Francis & Martha Warden, Karen Warden, John Warden,
Fr. Ralph Merkatoris, Leland & Clarice Pagel
Agnes Schuh………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….Leo Schuh
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Robert Kaminski...........................................Edward & Estelle Kaminski, Tammy Lynn Kaminski, Patricia A. Delaruelle
Robert Rivett...............................................................................................................................................Robert Rivett
M/M Lyle Boncher......................................................................................................The Lyle & Dolly Boncher families
Mr. Jerry Niespodzany...................................................................................................Stanley & Frances Niespodzany
Kenneth Divoky.................................................................................................Jane & Stanley Divoky, George Johnson
Diane Brodbeck......................................Edward Wynimko, Stanley & Wanda Szymonik, Frank Sr & Kunda Brodbeck,
Frank Brodbeck Jr., Victoria Anderson
M/M Daniel Bradley................................................................................Joan Bradley, Jerry, Terry, Tom & Pat Bradley
Coe Gleffe...................................................................................................................................Merlen Gleffe, Ken Bos
Mary Wilquet................................................................................................................Eunice, William & John Wilquet
Mrs. Wifred Mineau...................................................................................................................................Toby Mineau
Mildred Garstecki.........................................Michael & John Garstecki families, Sr. Laura Garstecki, Sophie Faltynski,
Ronald Lemense
M/M Gerald Niespodzany.................................................Stanley & Frances Niespodzany, Anthony & Helen Soucoup
Donna Jaskolski.........................................................................................Joe Jaskolski, the Jaskolski & Rueckl families
Joan Peart........................................................................................................Larrein Heilman, Ken Peart, Ron Knight
Ruth VanBeek........................................................................................................................................Bernadine Wirtz
Ann Minor....................................................................................................................................................Merle Minor
Lucy DeWan......................................................................................................................John DeWan, Margie Vincent
Thomas Gasior....................................................................Maria, Frank, & Michael Gasior, Wilusze Przybla families,
Holl, Nager, Fisher & Segall families, Peer & Broekman families,
Chip, Tom, Peter, Doug, Max & Tom Janelle
William Mahlock.......................................................................................................................................Mary Mahlock
Janice Bodart......................................................................................................Vern Bodart, Bodart & DeWitt families
Frances Kubale...............................................................................................................................................Bob Kubale
Jean Tremel................................................................................................................................................Frank Tremel
M/M Al Hendricks.....................................................................................................The DeGroot & Hendricks families
M/M Joel Collar..............................................................................................................................Virgil & Rita Paradise
Kathleen Kaminski....................................Ceil & Stanley Kaminski, Michael Kaminski, Sharon Kaminski, Marty Davis,
Sophie & Louis Kaminski
M/M Darold Danielski..........................................Gordon & Gertrude Danielski, Peter & Anna Piontek, Carol Piontek
Naomi Wolf.................................................Ed Wolf, Mother & Father, Naomi Wolf & Peter Irving Banthice & family
The Angelus, January, February 2015
Naomi Wolf……………………………………………………….………………………….Ed Wolf & Mother &Father, Naomi Wolf & Peter,
Irving Banthic & family
Virginia VanBoxel........................................................................Deceased members of the VanBoxel &Flemal families
Susan Kaye....................................................Donald Kaye, Rueben & Suzanne Piaskowski, Bernard & Julia Piaskowski,
John & Bernie Rysnowski, Rose Kaye & family
M/M Darold Danielski……………………………...Gordon & Gertrude Danielski, Peter & Anna Piontek, Ray & Carol Piontek
Diane Blozinski…………………………………………………………………………………...……………..Brett Erickson, Jack & Peter Blozinski
M/M Roger Timm........................................................................................................................Edward & Urania Kukla
M/M James Forbes................................................................................................................................Jessica DelBianco
M/M Michael Winter.................................................................................Rod & Sara Cobb, Curtis & Hildegard Winter
Elaine Hilke........................................Tom Hilke, Jim Hilke, Mother Couillard, Deaceased members of the Hilke family
M/M Gerald Watzka.........................................Mary & Edward Ebeling, Joe & Emma Watzka, Clarence Ledvina, the
Ledvina & Watzka families
Thank You also to the following who also contributed to the flower fund: Gerald Delaruelle, M/M Terry Doxtater,
Leanne Snell, Mary Lou Sedlacek, M/M Lee Sedlacek, Debra Heyden, Eleanor Balza, M/M Jim Gerczak, Kim Dingeldein,
Joan Miller, Mrs. Louis Greatens, M/M Carl Lewis, M/M Mark Donarski, M/M Terry Doxtater, M/M James Gallagher
and M/M Chester Dudkiewicz.
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes
January 6, 2015
Members Present: Fr. Patrick, Mary Jacobs, John Gillis, Joe Theisen, Carol Ouradnik,
Parishioners present for the open forum presentation: Deacon Paul Umentum, Al Hendricks, Jim
Lawniczak, and Dennis Ouradnik
Open Forum: Joe Lawniczak, Naletta Burr, Denise Dauplaise and Gene Hackbarth, all experts in the area of historic preservation of buildings, were invited to come and speak to the Council regarding possibilities for future use and development of the friary/church property. The four experts shared their time
and knowledge with the Council, and expressed a willingness to assist us in the future if a decision is
made to go forward with a “repurposing” plan for developing the property within the guidelines required
for the historic preservation designation.
Old Business: Mary Jacobs reported that the parish web site is coming along, with all the work
Melinda Roberts has been doing to improve it. A lot of people seem to be using the website. The roller
rink link is helping to generate interest and volunteers. Melinda will be meeting again with Mary Sedlacek
regarding the faith formation area and Jeff Kaftan later regarding the school. There have been a few conflicts over the use of the roller rink and gym and other areas of the school building with regard to the
scheduling of events and activities. A meeting is planned with all pertinent parties to work things out and
set some policies and guidelines.
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Finance Committee Meeting
Dec. 16, 2014
Present: Al Hendricks, Mary Jacobs, Mary Paulson, Bill Laluzerne, Father Patrick, Art Olsen
Absent: Dan Bins, Dennis Ouradnik
Open Forum: Steve and Holly Webster
Roller Rink update: Rink is going well with earnings of $800-$1100 per week. Skating with Santa
is scheduled this weekend. New Volunteers have
been generated through the Volunteer Center
through Melinda’s efforts. The new Google Phone
has been wonderful. Visitors to the Rink website
is way up. 3200 visitors have been logged. New
Years Eve is the next big event and the Pie selling
fund-raiser has risen to a count of 40.
Coordination with school has been tough. Steve
and Holly manage the calendar for the rink as well
as other areas of the school for times after 5 p.m.
This is both to manage space and sell space to
groups (such as Tai Kwan Do) as an income-maker
for the Parish.
They question if just the gym, social hall and cafeteria need to be managed. Right now, the school
personnel schedule meetings in these areas which
are already booked for events. We need to schedule a meeting with Principal Jeff Kaftan, the new
secretary, they are aware of the calendar
and the need to submit a request for use ahead of
time for these 3 spaces. We need to set a date for
a meeting with Father, Art, James Forbes, Jeff and
LPI and Online Giving:
Kick-off weekend should be designated. Flyers are
here. Bill will follow-up with Mary Chris to review the
flyers. We need to consider when we need to launch
the program.
Meaning of ‘what is a member in good standing’
needs to be addressed. Bills are harder to pay. We
need more units. A drive for involvement means
more commitment and more dollars. We need to
continue our efforts around Easter. A quarterly
‘giving’ report might be helpful to assess if Parishioners have contributed and ask if they have met their
We should go through the contribution list after Jan
and request additional giving. Revisit new efforts
and LPI around Easter
No School news
Endowment: $13,000+ to distribute
No Family Services – Lease is being maintained as has
been per Al Hendricks.
Marketing update:
Things will be quiet for the holidays. Bill updated us
on Melinda’s Marketing activities. We are past the
allotted budget and need to review in order to authorize additional budget.
Mary J. will meet with Mary and Beth in Faith Formation to see what the possibilities for Faith Formation on the website. Also seeking their ideas for
growing participation in the program and in growing
the parish.
Next efforts may include meeting with the Diocese
again with Bill, Mary and Melinda, begin training Holly for updates, pursuing Fund-raising efforts and
Congratulations to
Laverne Boucher who
was recently named
“Resident of the
Month” at Allouez
Parkside Village.
The Angelus, January, February 2015
Catholic Diocese of Green Bay
Non-Profit Org
Saint Mary of the Angels Parish
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