December 2012 - disciples united methodist church


December 2012 - disciples united methodist church
On The Horizon
On The Horizon
December 2012
December 2
8:45 & 11:00
Hanging of the Greens ~ Both Services
Baptism ~ Isabel Grace Rowland
Advent Study
December 5
12 Noon
CDC Christmas Program & Silent Auction
December 9
Advent Study
Choir Cantata ~ Reception Following
Advent Study
5:00 – 7:00pm
Youth Christmas Party @ Mathena’s home
December 19
6:00 & 7:00pm
Caroling on the Greenville Trolley
December 23
8:45 & 11:00am
Lessons & Carols at both services
December 24
Christmas Eve Candlelight
December 16
Communion Service
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On The Horizon
Carriage rides make great gifts and
help GAIHN help homeless families
as well. Your company can sponsor
a night and reserve a series of consecutive rides as a gift to your employees or customers. Rides are
scheduled to depart from JB Lacher
Jewelers on the evenings of Friday,
December 14, and Monday-Friday,
December 17-21. Click here or on
the logo (below), or call 271-3424 for
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On The Horizon
New gloves, hats, and sweatshirts will be collected again this
year for The Place of Hope, the homeless day shelter at
United Ministries. Items do not need to be wrapped this
year. Please leave your contributions in the box located outside the choir room no later than Wednesday, December
19th. Please call Helen at 404-5071 if you need more information.
The next meeting of United Methodist Women will meet at Mimi's Cafe on December
11, 2012 for our annual Christmas Brunch. Mimi's is located on1125 Woodruff Road,
Greenville,SC. We invite all women of the church and friends to join us at 11:00AM.
Weekly Weigh-Ins ~ Helen Rowland, RN, will be doing weigh ins in the Fellow-
ship Hall every Sunday from 10:45—11:00am to chart weight loss and provide accountability regarding diet and exercise. All information remains confidential.
UM Men’s Club will meet Tuesday, December 11th at 6:30pm at DUMC.
will be having Beef & Chicken Chili. We are also looking for donations for our
“adopted” family for the holidays.
The new Flower Chart for 2013 in now posted in the hallway to the Education
Wing. Consider placing flowers in the sanctuary in memory or honor of someone and
to the Glory of God.
Please take a Prayer Request from the basket near the Ushers Station. It is our
privilege to pray for our Upper Room prayer partners around the world. Thank
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
WHEN: Tuesday, December 4, 2012
WHERE: Dellaventura’s Pizzeria 989-0100
337 S. Buncombe Rd., Greer
If possible, please RSVP to Robin 430-5804
All women of Disciples UMC and their friends are welcome to join us for food and fellowship as
together we travel along the road to Bethlehem during this season of Advent. Share where you
are on your journey with us, your sisters in Christ.
Helen Rowland reported that an on-going contribution of sweatshirts, gloves, scarves, hats, and
other necessities may be given throughout the year to Place of Hope. Please place items in the
bin across from the choir room. Food is ALWAYS needed for the United Ministries Food Bank.
Thank you to all the angels who give so selflessly all year long.
Youth Christmas Party
~ Sunday, December 16th from 5:00 –
7:00pm at the Mathena’s home (720 Windward Way, Greer, SC, 29650). Please
bring a drink and a snack or appetizer to share. Also, bring a gift ($10 or less)
for a Gift Exchange. Bring a friend, but, let Tammy or Amanda know ahead of
time. Hope to see everyone there!
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No Meeting in December
But Beads are Available and Great for Gifts!
Will Resume Monthly Meetings – 3rd Monday in January
We will have the Beads of Hope jewelry out on display in the church office on Sunday
mornings in December. This beautiful jewelry, made from recycled church bulletins, would make
a great and unique Christmas Gift. So take advantage of this easy way to check off some gifts
on your lists and help the ministry of Disciples UMC in the process. All proceeds will benefit
United Methodist Apportionments which is the missions arm of the United Methodist Denomination supporting the work of the church at local, district, state, and national levels as well as
around the globe.
If you need more information about Beads of Hope, contact Cheryl Turner at 297-3273 or
email her at [email protected].
Have a Wonderful Christmas and Blessings in the New Year!
Paper Recycling Update
S P Recycling has decided to cease collection operations in our market area. In
the near future our collection bin will be removed.
Currently, we are not planning to have another recycling collection bin place on
2012 Adult Fellowship Schedule
Mark your Calendars Now So You Don’t Miss A One!
January or February 2013 – Sunday Brunch TBD
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Did you correctly guess that last month’s Pew-Mate is none other than
Anyone that loves beach music, The Temptations, who’s favorite song is “My Girl”, and most of
all, LOVES chocolate, is a friend of mine!! Coconut pie, cheese and crackers and Thanksgiving dinner are high on the list of faves, too!
This month’s pew-mate was born right here in South Carolina, to Grace and Bill, and has a
A history buff (Civil War and World War II), our P-M is definitely a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fan
(you know, the football team that wears orange). Our P-M watches all their games!
Formerly a teacher, our P-M is a tennis player and enjoys cooking. Favorite color is blue and it
makes sense that a favorite flower is the hydrangea.
“The Help” is a favorite book and our Pew-Mate loves the 23rd Psalm and John 3:16. Favorite
hymn? “Amazing Grace”.
Parent of two children, our P-M enjoys doing for others. One year at Christmas, with help from
church, friends, and family, our P-M celebrated Christmas by giving each child a big bag of
clothes and toys to 45 needy children in the Charleston area. Our P-M’s joy was to see the
smiling faces of these children when they received their gifts.
If you are driving slowly in the left lane, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT!!! This is our P-M’s pet
Can you guess who the December Pew-Mate is????
S/PPRC Training for current and new committee members will
be held on Sunday, December 2, from 3:00—4:30pm at St.
Matthew UMC in Greenville (next door to the Cleveland Street
YMCA). Please plan to have at least one person from your committee in attendance!
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DUMC Outreach to Pendleton Place Children’s Shelter / Native American Elder Basket
This Christmas DUMC is reaching out to the children’s shelter at
the Pendleton Place here in Greenville. Let’s remind these children about the love of God through our generous donations.
There is a list of names of the children and their wishes on the
ornaments on the Norfolk Island Palm in the narthex (you may buy 1 or 2 gift items from the
list for the children) and/or spend equal amount on the items on the general list for the Shelter.
Some of the donations from the general list will go to the Native American Elder Baskets.
Let’s put a smile on the faces of these children and elders by making their wishes come true! All
items need to be turned in by Sunday, December 16 th, 2012.
For more information about how you can help please contact Catherine Cuneo – 864-414-2673,
Barbara McInerney – 864-268-9334 or Nate – 864-525-9761
Dear Pastor Debra,
This past couple of months have been a very difficult experience for our family
with my diagnosis and treatment, but the journey has been a little easier because
of the love, support and care you and Rev. Jon, Bill Whipple, staff and members of
DUMC have shown to our family. We would like to sincerely “Thank You” and
the entire DUMC Family for the kindness, support and assistance you individually
and collectively provided to us during this journey. Your prayers, love and support mad a difference!
You all have been our family away from home and we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. God
richly bless you all!
Love Janet, Nat and Natalie
Advent Study: “When God Comes Down” by James A. Harnish will be the
featured Study for Adults. The five-week study has begun on Sundays, and
ends on Sunday, December 23rd. Class will begin at 3:30pm and end at
5:00pm. The cost for this Study is $5 for the book. Please sign-up at the
narthex table.
In this study, James A. Harnish explores the lives of people who witnessed
the miracle in the Incarnation. He invites us to reflect on their stories and,
in our reflection, to become witnesses with them to the one light that will
never be overcome.
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Prayer List
Sandra Lee Bible
Clark Gaston Jr.
Lawanda Droke (Helen Rowland’s Mom)
Sam & Gerda Hook (Mary Berry’s family)
Anne Marie Fields (Pat Joye’s daughter)
Michelle Fluegge (Debby Balcer’s Sister)
Sammy Rushing
Chalonda Williams (Deployed to Kuwait)
Sue Anderson
Karen Kane (Barbara McInerney’s sister)
Rev. Charlie Summey
The Perkins family
Dick & Joan Walker (Sally Deming’s friends)
Faye Fox
Bob Farmer
Hannah Webb
Family of Frank Herrin
Lilly Kate Cook & Robert & Katie Cook
(Linda Guthrie’s daughter &grandbaby)
Janet Kwami
Ree Salas
Frank Gary
Patty Hammond & Family
Family of Carl Balcer (Mark Balcer’s dad)
Dean Varner
Gary Center
Dick & Lanneau Grant
Berta Chesney
Matt Davis & his parents
Barbara Garrett
Ann Steen (Nancy Nielsen’s sister)
Judy Price (Debby Balcer’s sister-in-law)
Parker Michael Webster (Briana McInerney Webster son)
December 2012
Tony Bryson
Jake Jordal
Jack Rowland
William Smith
Jan Price
Rebecca Burney
Mary Clark Gaston
Steven Mathena
Alexander Cantrell
Mary Gaston
Howard Ware
Dot Crawford
Jordan Burney
Robert Busbee
Daniel Golob
Patrick McInerney
Megan Bayer
Bill Whipple
Corrine “Cory” Little
Brandon Butler
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On The Horizon
Advent is coming! That means it’s time for poinsettias to fill the chancel area! Once again this
year, we are asking you to bring a poinsettia or two to church on Dec. 16 th to be displayed
through the Christmas Eve service. Any size and any color are just fine. You can give it in Memory or Honor of someone by filling out the form below and turning it in to the church office
by Dec. 9th. If you want to take yours back home on Christmas Eve, just put your name on the
back of it and take it after the service. Questions, please contact Tammy Mathena (313-7883).
Given By:
In Memory of:
In Honor of:
On The Horizon
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Oh, What Fun!!
Christmas Caroling on the Greenville Trolley
through the Neighborhoods Around Our Church
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
An Event for the Whole Church Family
~ Adults,Youth, Children, and Friends ~
Departing from the Church Parking Lot
6:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Arrive 15 minutes Prior to Departure Time For
Instruction & Seating – The Trolley Must Stay On
Schedule. We Leave on time and do not wait for
late arrivals.
Sign-Up ASAP on the Narthex Bulletin Board to Assure Your Seat
To help defray the trolley cost we suggest a donation of $5.00 for adults, but please don’t
let this suggestion keep you from participating – donate what you are able. Place cash or checks
payable to Disciples UMC in the Adult Fellowship mailbox by the choir room.
We also need donations of cookies or snacks for the refreshments in the narthex before
and after your ride, and we need volunteers to distribute flyers along the trolley route. If you can
help with either of these or if you have any questions, contact Tom or Cheryl Turner (297-3273)
or email them at [email protected].
We regret that the trolley is not wheelchair accessible.
It does not have a chair lift or space to secure a wheelchair.
Come, enjoy, no singing ability is required. Lisa Blackwood is leading the caroling, and
we have plenty of talented singers to help us carry the tunes of our favorite Christmas Carols.
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On The Horizon
Spirit Singers 2013
South Carolina United Methodist
Conference Youth Choir
The Spirit Singers is an auditioned group of teens from across South Carolina who love spreading the Gospel through song. This ministry of song, fellowship, leadership, and worship that glorifies and praises God.
Spirit Singers 2013 Auditions:
February 16, 23, March 2 and March 16 & 17
Auditions are open to youth who want to share their God-given talents with others. Singers will
enter into a covenant experience of hard work which pays off with wonderful rewards as Christ is
proclaimed through song.
The level of musicianship of singers has risen dramatically over the years. The brief audition will
check, among other things, a singer’s range, pitch, accuracy, listening retention, and ability to
harmonize and blend. Selection in the choir is based on talent, vocal quality, and one’s willingness to “fit into the group” to sing for the Lord.
The director needs a few solo voices, but many choral voices are needed to create a beautiful,
blended sound. The size of the group will be partially determined by the need to create a vocally
balanced SATB (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) choir. This is a selection process, and some who
audition may not be chosen. Whatever the outcome of the audition, each singer should continue
to use his/her gift for the glory of God.
Eligibility: Teens between the ages of 13-17 on or before June 18, 2013 and are active in a
United Methodist Church or UMYF program are eligible to participate in this choir.
For more information please contact either Kathy Jo Long, Director or Judy Suggs, Choir Dean.
Kathy Jo Long: (803)-327-8356 / [email protected]
Judy Suggs: (803)-417-8010 / [email protected]
Important Information: Application Deadline: Postmarked February 1, 2013. Once the application and non-refundable $35 fee have been received the applicant will be mailed information
which will include the audition date, time and location.
Applications are located in the narthex if interested.
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On The Horizon
Thank You!!
A BIG Thanks to all who stayed after the 11 AM Service Sunday to decorate
the sanctuary. We were done and out the door by One O'clock. Wow! It
looks beautiful thanks to many hands.
Journey to the Manger
On the weekend of December 7, 8 & 9, SUMC will present Journey to The Manger,the drivethrough nativity that recreates the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Journey to The
Manger is an inspirational presentation on three nights in which thousands of people find themselves among the sights and sounds of Bethlehem,just as it might have been at the time of our
Savior’s birth.
This year Journey to The Manger will be presented on Friday and Saturday nights,
6:30 – 9:30 PM, and Sunday night, 5:30 – 8:30 PM.
This is Simpsonville United Methodist Church’s gift to the community. Journey To The Manger is open to the public and free of admission. Arriving guests should proceed to the Hillcrest
Marketplace Shopping Center at 667 S. E. Main Street, site of the Sports Club Simpsonville,
which will serve as the staging area for visiting cars and buses. For additional information, visitors can contact the church office at (864) 967-3071, extention 202.
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Attention all Young Adults (college students, singles and couples).
The Young Adult Class is studying “The Beginning of the Gospel”. Week after week participants learn about applying God’s Word to their lives. The class meets in the Young Adult Classroom in the CDC wing. All young adults are invited to participate.
Class facilitators are be Richardson Garrett and Nat Buah-Kwofie.
An Advent Study Has begun (Nov. 25 – Dec. 16). The study “When God Comes Down” focuses on God’s action in Jesus Christ. Classes are on Sunday afternoon. Cost is $5.00 per
book. Join us when you can.
Would You Like to Facilitate a Class?
If you are interested in participating in a small group study or in being a facilitator, please
speak with Jon Ward, Adult Education Committee (864-230-4664) who will assist with organizing and selecting a study of interest.
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On The Horizon
Having Fun
Can Be Murder!
November 2nd Murder Mystery Party was a fun night. 27 people participated in the Adult Fellowship’s first ever Murder Mystery Party. The
night included great hors d’ouevres & desserts and lots of fun with a
great deal of intense sleuthing in an attempt to solve the who-done-it.
Three tables of 8 pre-World War II European dignitaries gathered in the
deluxe railroad dining car (AKA – Fellowship Hall). Some of the notables
included a duke, a princess, a journalist, an undercover agent, Mal
Conntint, RAF Pilot Captain Wey Awfcorce, and a dazzling daughter of a
French Perfume King.
After a great deal of intense discussion and investigation the party concluded with each player divulging his
or her motive and alibi related to the murder. And the
murderer was ------------------.
On The Horizon
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On The Horizon
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Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain
Here is my best advice for enjoying the holidays without sabotaging your waistline and your health.
1. Stay away from the appetite-stimulating “Great White Hazards”. This notorious
group of easily digested carb foods including white flour products, white rice,
white potatoes, and sugars/sweets make you hungrier. Holidays are already a
dietary pitfall for most and these foods add insult to injury. Choose whole
grains, beans, sweet potatoes, and winter squashes as much healthier
alternatives to the starchy white stuff. Try bean salad instead of potato salad;
brown rice over white rice; 100% whole grain crackers or breads over white
bread; sweet potatoes or winter squash over white potatoes. And just say NO to
the rolls and biscuits!
2. Fill your tummy up first with foods that have lots of bulk but minimal calories,
i.e. the “big, yet skinny” fruits and veggies. Physical bulk (stuff) in the GI tract
provides great appetite suppression. At holiday gatherings, go straight to the
fruit and veggie platter first and really indulge; use high fat/oil-based dips
sparingly. If available, make bean dips (hummus) your first choice. Eat a big
tossed salad or a couple of servings of a veggie side dish before the rest of the
meal. Fill at least half of your plate with fruits, veggies, and bean dishes before
serving the rest of your meal. ]
3. Don’t let yourself get too hungry! It takes fewer calories to prevent marked
hunger than it does to deal with it once it occurs!
a. Do not skip a meal earlier in the day to “save up” for the holiday feast. Eat
a robust breakfast with an abundance of fiber and a nice dose of protein
for better appetite control over the remainder of the day. Have a snack
an hour before you arrive at a holiday gathering. My top snack choice
would be a small handful of nuts along with a piece of fruit (apple) or fresh
raw veggies (handful of carrots) dipped in hummus.
4. Make exercise a priority! It’s a fantastic safeguard against weight gain and helps
compensate for holiday indulgences. It’s also the perfect tonic for the stress and
On The Horizon
anxiety we all experience during the holiday season (many people binge when
stressed). Taking a long walk right after a large holiday meal can aid in digestion
and is fantastic for alleviating the bloat and fatigue that naturally ensues after
eating too much.
5. Be prudent in satisfying your sweet tooth. Fresh fruit salad, a fruit-based
dessert, or a piece of high quality dark chocolate would be my top dessert pick. If
you prefer other goodies, be very mindful of your portions.
6. Get your beauty rest! Provocative new science reveals that sleep deprivation
enhances appetite and increases cravings for high risk foods like sweets, chips,
breads and pasta. Additionally, sleep deprivation zaps energy and enthusiasm
for exercise. Strive for at least 7 hours of quality sleep the night prior to your
holiday gatherings.
7. Eat mindfully – give every meal, every snack and every bite your undivided
attention. Eat slowly and be conscious of how delicious your food tastes - savor
the whole experience. Don’t linger over the buffet table or hover over the hors
d’oeuvres nibbling as you engage in conversation. Get up from the table
immediately after finishing your meal to reinforce that eating has come to an
end. And pre-plate everything (meals, hors d’oeuvres, dessert etc). We tend to
eat less if we can view it all before we start.
Enjoy the holidays and your health!
Copyright 2012, Dr. Ann & Just Wellness LLC
Wellness Delivered. Pure & Simple
1 Pitt Street / Charleston, SC 29401/ Tel: 843.329.1238 / Fax: 843.973.3499 /
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On The Horizon
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Important Numbers:
Church Office
185 Riley Smith Road
Greenville, South Carolina 29615
(864) 297-0382
Pastor Email – [email protected]
Associate Pastor Email—
[email protected]
Associate Pastor—(864) 288-6929
OUR MISSION: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Church e-mail [email protected]
Congregational Care:
tures a climate of caring and spiritual growth within its membership, cele-
[email protected]
Church Fax
Church Parsonage
We strive to be a growing family of faith that nur-
brates inclusiveness and racial diversity as a reality and continuing goal
(864) 297-5423
within its membership and witnesses for fairness, compassion, and love
among all God’s people.
(864) 297-0213
Child Development Center (864) 297-6951
Counseling Center
(864) 297-5101
Lay Leader, Mary Berry (864) 918-4528
Youth Leader—[email protected]
– Please
sign up to purchase flowers. The cost is $40. The sign up sheet
is on the bulletin board in the hall.
Monday – Thursday from
9:00am to 1:00pm
to get Newsletter articles in for the following
month is on the 25th of every month. You can
either e-mail it to the church office or put it in
Cheryl’s mailbox.
BULLETIN DEADLINE – The deadline for announcements is Wednesday by 12noon.
Content for the order of worship is Monday 12 noon.
ANNOUNCEMENT FORMS – If you would like an announcement placed in the bulletin and/or newsletter please fill out an Announcement Form, located on Cheryl Lehnert’s
door. Please place completed the form and leave in the box on the door or put it into Cheryl’s
We are on the web!
Debra Griffis-Woodberry - Pastor
Jon Ward—Associate Pastor
Cheryl Lehnert - Communications Secretary
Bill Whipple - Congregational Care
Barbara McInerney - Child Dev. Center Director
Patty Hammond - Pianist/Organist
Amanda Geddings—Youth Director
Steven Mathena—Music Director
Dr.. Rachel Matthews – Dir. of Counseling Center/Counselor
Chalonda Williams – Gospel Choir, Pianist
Newsletter—Cheryl Lehnert
Sandy Bryson