Agenda of Development Assessment Panel - 15


Agenda of Development Assessment Panel - 15
15 DECEMBER 2015 AT 6:00 PM
Mr D Wallace (Presiding Member)
Mr R Bateup
Mr C Buchanan
Ms L Caruso
Ms S Johnston
Mr J Watson
Mr S White
General Manager City Development, Mr T Sutcliffe
Development Services Manager, Mr A Taylor
Team Leader – Planning, Mr A Curtis
Principal Planner, Mr G Pantelos
Development Officer – Planning, Ms K Brown
Consultant, Ben Green & Associates, Mr B Green
Presentation of the Minutes of the Development Assessment Panel Meeting held
on 27 October 2015.
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
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Agenda - Development Assessment Panel Meeting - 15 December 2015
Agenda - Development Assessment Panel Meeting - 15 December 2015
Development Applications
361/2343/2014/3X ................................................................................................. 17
Construction of Brick Wall (To Be Constructed on Portion of Eastern
Boundary) at 10 David Road, Para Vista for B Sratford
361/1078/2015/3B ............................................................................................... 123
Partially Enclosed Loading Bays and Canopies, Office Relocation and Car
Parking at 5, 9-11 Playford Crescent, Salisbury North for SA Structural Pty
361/1550/2015/NB .............................................................................................. 227
Shop, Vehicle Store and Men’s Shed in Association with an Existing
Warehouse and Office (Non-Complying) at 83 Research Road, Pooraka for
The Salvation Army SA Property Trust Inc.
Status of Current Appeal Matters and Deferred Items
361/935/2015/3B ............................................... DAP Decision Date 21 July 2015
Farmers Market Independent of Existing Old Spot Hotel at 1955 Main
North Road, Salisbury Heights for Mark Aldridge t/a Farm Direct
Community Markets
Set for Hearing on Tuesday 8th December 2015.
Policy Issues Arising from Consideration of Development Applications
Development Assessment Panel Workshop – to be confirmed
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
27 OCTOBER 2015
Mr D Wallace (Presiding Member)
Mr R Bateup (6.03pm)
Mr C Buchanan
Ms L Caruso
Ms S Johnston
Mr J Watson
Mr S White
General Manager City Development, Mr T Sutcliffe
Team Leader – Planning, Mr A Curtis
Development Officer – Planning, Ms S Gallarello
Consultant, Ben Green & Associates, Mr B Green
Consultant, Mr B Fewster
The meeting commenced at 6.02pm.
The Presiding Member welcomed the members, staff and the gallery to the meeting.
Mr C Buchanan moved, and the Panel resolved that:
The Minutes of the Development Assessment Panel Meeting held on 22
September 2015, be taken and read as confirmed.
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Minutes of the Development Assessment Panel Meeting 27/10/2015
Minutes of the Development Assessment Panel Meeting 27/10/2015
Development Applications
Construction of Twenty (20) Two-Storey Dwellings at 7-9 Joseph Street, Salisbury
for D Condina
David Balaza, spoke on behalf of Sylvia Taylor resident of 2/8 Bridge Street, Salisbury,
against the proposal.
Peter Gordon, resident of 7/8 Bridge Street, Salisbury, spoke on behalf of self, Johanna
Lucia Marie de Groot, Barbara Goodfellow, Michelle van Pamelen, Veronica Marcon
and J Cufone, against the proposal.
Jeffrey Uern, resident of 10/8 Bridge Street, Salisbury, spoke on behalf of self, Mr D
Banks and Carleen Kendell, against the proposal.
Teresa Grasso, resident of 9A Wright Street, Salisbury, spoke on behalf of self, Peter
Grasso and Evelina Fiorita, against the proposal.
Janet Day, resident of 6/8 Bridge Street, Salisbury, spoke against the proposal.
Don Manuel, resident of 11 Wright Street, Salisbury, spoke against the proposal.
Lou Fantasia, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the proposal.
Mr R Bateup moved, Ms S Johnston seconded that:
That the proposed development is not considered to be seriously at variance with
the Salisbury (City) Development Plan – Consolidated 20 March 2014.
Pursuant to Section 33 of the Development Act 1993, Development Plan Consent
is GRANTED to application number 361/1435/2014/1A to construct Twenty
(20) Two-Storey Dwellings in accordance with the plans and details submitted
with the application and subject to the following conditions:
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City of Salisbury
1. The proposal shall be developed in accordance with the details and plans
2014/283/01B (dated as received 31 August 2015)
2014/283/03 (dated as received 5 June 2015)
2014/283/02 (dated as received 5 June 2015)
2014/283/4 (dated as received 5 June 2015)
2014/283/05 (dated as received 5 June 2015)
2014/283/06 (dated as received 5 June 2015)
2014/283/07 (dated as received 5 June 2015)
2014/283/08 (dated as received 5 June 2015)
2014/283/09A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
2014/283/10A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
2014/283/11A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
2014/283/12A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
2014/283/13A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
2014/283/14A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
2014/283/15 (dated as received 5 June 2015)
2014/283/16 (dated as received 5 June 2015)
2014/283/17A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
2014/283/18A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
2014/283/19A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
2014/283/20A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
2014/283/21A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
2014/283/22A (dated as received 14 August 2015)
Rear Elevation – Dwelling 3, 4, 13-20 (date received 5 June 2015)
Minutes of the Development Assessment Panel Meeting 27/10/2015
relating to Development Application Number 361/1435/2014/1A, except where
varied by the following conditions of consent.
To ensure the proposal is established in accordance with the
plans submitted.
2. An engineered Site Works and Drainage Plan shall be submitted to Council for
approval prior to Development Approval being issued. The plan shall detail:
Existing ground levels, proposed ground and bench levels, top of kerb
and water table levels and the proposed finished floor levels of the
Vehicle access arrangements, including the location and dimension of
proposed vehicle access points and driveway gradients;
The location of road and street infrastructure, such as public lighting,
street trees and side entry pits; and
On-site management and disposal of stormwater runoff from roofs and
impervious surfaces.
To ensure the land is developed in an orderly manner
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3. Stormwater must be disposed of in such a manner that it does not flow or
discharge onto land of adjoining owners, lie against any building or create
insanitary conditions.
To provide adequate protection against the possibility of
stormwater inundation to neighbouring properties.
4. The proposed landscaping shall be established on the site in accordance with the
approved plan (Landscape Plan prepared by New Dimension Design & Drafting
dated 31/08/15) prior to occupation of the development and shall must be
maintained in good condition at all times. Any such landscaping must be
replaced if it dies or becomes seriously diseased.
To maintain and enhance the visual amenity of the locality in
which the subject land is situated
5. The measures relating to tree root damage prevention, protective fencing,
mechanical damage prevention to trunk and crown, tree cultural practices and
general protection outlined in Section 5 of the Tree Report prepared by Project
dated 9 December 2014 shall be implemented throughout the construction phase
of the development with such measures maintained as required thereafter to
protect the health and longevity of the significant tree following the occupation
of the development.
To ensure the protection of vegetation.
6. All side and rear upper-storey windows shall comprise of fixed obscure glazing
or raised sills to a minimum height of 1.7 metres from the finished floor level of
the dwelling.
To minimise the impact on privacy to the residents of adjacent
7. Details of the proposed management arrangements for the refuse area for the
storage of rubbish bins and refuse collection arrangements shall be submitted to
and approved by Council prior to Development Plan Consent being granted.
To ensure the land is developed in an orderly manner.
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Horticultural Packing Shed (Industry) and Conversion of Granny Flat to Office
(Non-Complying Development) in Association with an Existing Horticulture use
by Marrone Produce Pty Ltd until 18 June 2017 (Retrospective Application) at 1858 Beadell Street, Burton for Marrone Produce
Linda Caruso declared conflict of interest in this item as her father made a
representation in relation to the item, and left the meeting at 7.34pm.
Mr S White declared an interest in this item and advised the Panel that there may be a
perception of bias, as he met with a representor on this item, on site, some 7 months
ago in his role as a Councillor, discussing the possible rezoning of the site but not the
current development application. Mr White did not consider however that he had a
conflict of interest in relation to the assessment of the development application.
Mr C Buchanan declared an interest and advised the Panel that there may be a
perception of bias, as he met with the representors on this item to discuss the possible
rezoning of the site but not the current development application, and was at the Council
meeting when the rezoning was discussed in his role as a Councillor. Mr Buchanan did
not consider however that he had a conflict of interest in relation to the assessment of
the development application.
Representors heard at the Development Assessment Panel meeting held on 22
September 2015 and noted in the minutes were not given the opportunity to address the
Panel at this meeting.
The applicant also did not address the meeting.
Mr J Watson moved, Ms S Johnston seconded that:
The proposed development is not considered to be seriously at variance with the
Salisbury (City) Development Plan – Consolidated 20 March 2014.
That Development Application No [361/1325/2013/NB] for horticultural packing
shed (industry) and conversion of a granny flat to office (non-complying
development) in association with an existing horticultural use by Marrone
Produce Pty Ltd until 18 June 2017 (retrospective application) at 18-58 Beadell
Street, Burton is GRANTED Development Plan Consent subject to the
Concurrence of the Development Assessment Commission and the following
reserved matters and conditions:
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Minutes of the Development Assessment Panel Meeting 27/10/2015
Reserved matters:
1. A stormwater management plan, traffic management plan and lighting plan shall
be submitted to Council for approval under the following reserved matters:
1.1 A stormwater management plan is to be prepared and submitted to Council
for approval prior to Development Plan Consent.
To ensure that stormwater is disposed of in a controlled
manner, and ensure the quality of Council’s downstream
drainage system is maintained.
1.2 A traffic management plan including provision and construction of allweather car parking and manoeuvring area is to be prepared and submitted
to Council for approval prior to Development Plan Consent.
To ensure that the development complies with Standards and
Best Engineering Practice.
1.3 A lighting plan is to be prepared and submitted to Council for approval prior
to Development Plan Consent.
To ensure that the development complies with RAAF
requirements and has minimal impact on adjoining residents.
2. The applicant enter into a Land Management Agreement that includes the
essential terms:
a. Marrone will cease operating the packing shed and demolish the packing
shed building within three months of the land being rezoned to
b. If the land has not been rezoned to Residential by 19 June 2017,
Marrone will:
1. Cease operating the packing shed unless and until a further
development authorisation for the packing shed operations is
granted; and
2. On or before 18 September 2017 remove any unauthorised building
works form the land.
1. The proposal shall be developed in accordance with the details and Council
stamped approved plans lodged with the application except where varied by the
conditions herein.
Reason: To ensure the proposal is established in accordance with the
submitted plans.
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City of Salisbury
Arrange the site such that truck movements normally occur in a forward
in and forward out manoeuvre. It is understood the concrete apron has
been designed to enable such a manoeuvre and that signage and line
markings can be incorporated to assist drivers;
Provide signage to require the truck engine be turned off when in the
designate loading area as shown in Appendix A of this report;
Provide signage to require loading and unloading to occur in the
designated loading area as shown in Appendix A;
Install a broadband reversing alarm to the forklifts in accordance with
relevant safety requirements; and
Ensure operations at the site do not occur outside of existing operational
hours and not prior to 7am or after 10pm on any day.
Ensure the triangular gap in the southern wall of the rear packing shed is
filled in with a solid material which is sealed airtight at all junctions.
Construct a barrier to the southern side of the rear refrigeration system
such that the barrier blocks direct line of sight to the system when
viewed from the south western corner of the packing shed. The barrier
can be constructed from sheet steel and should be located within 2m of
the system, and sealed airtight at all junctions including the packing shed
and the ground.
Reason: To limit the effect of nuisance to residents.
The approved use operating times shall be limited to:
Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm;
Saturday 7am to 1pm
Reason: To limit the effect of nuisance to residents ensure the proposal is
established in accordance with the submitted plans.
No materials, goods or containers shall be stored in the designated carparking
area or driveways.
Reason: To ensure the carparking areas are always available for the purpose
they are designed. Further that the site be maintained in a clean and
tidy state.
All trade waste and other rubbish shall be contained and stored pending removal
in covered containers which shall be kept at the rear of the proposed building, in
areas screened from public view.
Reason: To maintain the amenity of the locality.
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2. The following acoustic measures, as stated in the acoustic report prepared by
Sonus dated August 2015, shall be implemented within 30 days from the date of
development approval:
Minutes of the Development Assessment Panel Meeting 27/10/2015
All loading and unloading of vehicles and manoeuvring of vehicles in
connection with the now approved land use shall be carried out entirely within
the subject land.
Reason: To ensure that vehicles associated with the land use do not cause
disruption of danger to vehicles adjoining public roads.
The advertisement and advertising structure shall be maintained in good repair
at all times.
Reason: To maintain the visual amenity of the locality.
Other than those advertisements depicted on the approved plans, no other
advertisements or advertising display including portable or A-Frame signs,
flags, streamers or bunting, shall be displayed on or about the subject land.
Reason: To restrict the proliferation of advertisements on site.
The maximum design vehicle permitted to service the development shall not
exceed a single unit heavy rigid vehicle of no greater than 12.5 metres in length
as per AS2890.2.
Reason: To minimise the impact of the development on adjoining residents.
10. The approved stormwater management plan, traffic plan and lighting plan shall
be complied with at all times.
Reason: To ensure orderly development.
This is not a building consent and a satisfactory application for Provisional
Building Rules Consent has to be submitted before Council can issue a
Development Approval.
Meeting adjourned for a break at 8.00pm, resumed at 8.07pm.
Linda Caruso re-joined the meeting at 8.07pm.
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City of Salisbury
Construction of Two Entrance Gates (9 Metres High), New Temple (16 Metres
High), Retrospective Alterations and Additions to Existing Place of Worship, and
Associated Carparking. at 364-386 (Allotments 301 & 302 in DP42298) Salisbury
Highway. Parafield Gardens for Khmer Buddhist Association of SA Inc.
Representors heard at the Development Assessment Panel meeting held on 22
September 2015 and noted in the minutes were not given the opportunity to address the
Panel at this meeting.
The applicant also did not address the meeting.
Mr C Buchanan moved, Ms L Caruso seconded that:
The proposed development is not considered to be “seriously at variance” with
the Salisbury (City) Development Plan – Consolidated 19 April 2012.
Pursuant to Section 33 of the Development Act 1993, Development Plan Consent
is GRANTED to application number 361/869/2013/1B for the construction of
two entrance gates (9 metres high), new temple (16 metres high), retrospective
alterations and additions to existing place of worship, and associated car parking
and landscaping in accordance with the plans and details submitted with the
application and subject to the following conditions and reserved matters:
Council Conditions
The proposal shall be developed in accordance with the details and plans relating
to Development Application Number 361/896/2013/1B, except where varied by
the following conditions of consent.
To ensure the proposal is established in accordance with the plans
All driveways and car parking areas shall be constructed with brick paving,
concrete or bitumen to a standard appropriate for the intended traffic volumes and
vehicle types. Individual car parking bays shall be clearly line marked.
Driveways and car parking areas shall be established prior to the approved use
commencing and maintained at all times to the satisfaction of Council.
To ensure access and car parking is provided on the site in a manner
that maintains and enhances the amenity of the locality.
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The designated landscaping areas shall be planted with shade trees, shrubs and
ground covers as appropriate to complement the approved buildings and site
layout and achieve a high level of amenity. Shade trees shall be planted
throughout the car parking areas and screening shrubs shall be located to obscure
views of large blank walls and less attractive elements of the development. All
landscaping shall be maintained (including the replacement of diseased or dying
plants and the removal of weeds and pest plants) to the reasonable satisfaction of
Council. All landscaping is to be completed within 3 months of the approved use
All loading and unloading of vehicles and manoeuvring of vehicles in connection
with the now approved land use shall be carried out entirely within the subject
To preserve the amenity of the locality during construction work.
Access to buildings and designated car parking spaces shall be designed and
constructed in accordance with the provisions as outlined in the 'Guidelines for
the Provision of Parking for People with Disabilities in South Australia' (March
1993) and in accordance with AS1428 Parts 1, 2 and 4.
To ensure the car parking areas are always available for the purpose
they are designed. Further that the site be maintained in a clean and
tidy state.
The proponent shall employ measures to eliminate dust emission from the site
during construction period so as not to cause nuisance to nearby residents.
To ensure that vehicles associated with the land use does not cause
disruption or danger to vehicles on adjoining public roads.
No materials, goods or containers shall be stored in the designated car parking
area or driveways.
To ensure the subject land is landscaped so as to enhance the visual
and environmental amenity of the locality.
Comply with DDA requirements.
All mechanical services to the building shall be designed, installed and operated
in such a manner that any person or persons working within or adjacent to the site
should not be subjected to any nuisance or inconvenience from noise or fumes.
To limit the effect of the mechanical services for activities on the
subject land within the site, thereby maintaining the amenity of the
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City of Salisbury
All trade waste and other rubbish shall be contained and stored pending removal
in covered containers which shall be kept at the rear of the proposed building and
screened from public view.
The outdoor storage area as identified on the plans shall be screened from public
view to the satisfaction of Council. Details of screening to be submitted with the
building plans
To protect the amenity of nearby residential property owners and
The design of the rear gates must include a 500mm high concrete plinth and two
concrete or steel bollards securely and permanently fixed into the ground in front
of the proposed gate and contained wholly on the subject land.
To ensure sufficient onsite car parking.
The proposed gates to Rhode Island Drive shall have a maximum width of 3.0m
and shall be open no more than two days a year for ceremonial purposes only
and in association with the existing Place of Worship. The gates shall be closed
and locked outside of these days at all times.
To maintain the amenity of the locality.
To prevent vehicular from the adjacent residential street onto the
subject land.
The conditions imposed herein shall be in addition to conditions that apply to the
subject property from previous approvals that remain active.
To ensure orderly development.
The following DPTI Conditions shall be complied with at all times:
The access points shall be located in accordance with GH Medoza Designs Site
Plan, sheet 3.
Reason: Comply with DPTI requirements.
The accesses shall be a minimum of 6.0 metres in width at the property
boundary and appropriately flared to the road to facilitate unimpeded
ingress/egress and minimise disruption to the free flow of traffic on the arterial
Reason: Comply with DPTI requirements.
The accesses shall provide a minimum of 1.0 metre separation from all roadside
infrastructure and street trees.
Reason: Comply with DPTI requirements.
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All gates to Salisbury Highway shall remain open during events and normal
operating hours and be setback a minimum of 6.0 metres from the front property
boundary to enable a vehicle to stand clear of the footpath while the gates are
being opened/closed.
Reason: Comply with DPTI requirements.
All vehicles shall enter and exit the site in a forward direction.
Reason: Comply with DPTI requirements.
The utilisation of trailer mounted variable message displays for advertising
purposes shall not be permitted on or adjacent to the subject land.
Reason: Comply with DPTI requirements.
Stormwater run-off shall be collected on site and be discharged without
jeopardising the integrity and safety of the arterial road. Any alterations to the
road drainage infrastructure required to facilitate this development shall be at
the applicant’s costs.
Reason: Comply with DPTI requirements.
Reserved Matters :
There are three reserved matters under Section 33(3) of the Development Act 1993.
Detailed designs and specifications for all civil engineering works, including
stormwater drainage, pavement design, car parking, water quality devices and
levels shall be submitted to Council for approval prior to Building Rules Consent
being lodged. Such work cannot commence prior to the written approval of
Council’s Development Engineering Division.
The car parking layout including car park spaces and aisle widths are to be
designed and constructed to comply with AS 2890.1 – Off-street Parking, Part 1
and Austroads “Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice Part 11 – Parking”.
Adequate onsite car parking in accordance with AS.NZS2890.3:2009 one (1)
disabled parking space should also be provided for at this site. Direction
pavement arrows and signage is to be provided and that the layout of the car
parking area operates at a low speed environment of 10km/h.
A detailed landscaping plan shall be provided to the satisfaction of Council
detailing the species and location of proposed landscaping, integrated with the
general site and parking layout.
The details requested shall be submitted to council for approval prior to issue of
Development Plan Consent.
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City of Salisbury
Status of Current Appeal Matters and Deferred Items
Development Application 361/935/2015/3B - DAP Decision Date 21 July 2015
Farmers Market Independent of Existing Old Spot Hotel at 1955 Main North
Road, Salisbury Heights for Mark Aldridge t/a Farm Direct Community Markets
Matter has been listed for a directions hearing on 10 November 2015, following an
order from the Court that a Statement of Agreed facts be filed by 3 November 2015.
Policy Issues Arising from Consideration of Development Applications
Development Assessment Panel Workshop
Deferred until the November Panel meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.19pm.
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Minutes of the Development Assessment Panel Meeting 27/10/2015
Item 5.1.1
15 December 2015
B Stratford
Construction of Brick Wall (To Be Constructed on Portion of
Eastern Boundary)
10 David Road, Para Vista
Ben Green, Consultant Planner
Application Type
Public Notification
Referrals - Statutory
Referrals – Internal
Development Plan Version
Assessing Officer
Meeting Date
Category 3
Representations received: 4 valid (3 support / 1 opposed)
Representations to be heard: 1
Salisbury (City) Development Plan
Consolidated 20 March 2014
Ben Green – Planning Consultant
Development Plan Consent granted subject to Conditions
15 December 2015
Assessment Report
Attachment 1:
Attachment 2:
Attachment 3:
Attachment 4:
Attachment 5:
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Representations Received
Applicant's Response
Courtyard Photographs
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury
Consolidated 20 March 2014
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ITEM 5.1.1
Item 5.1.1
Development Plan Consent is sought for the construction of a brick wall that adjoins an
existing brick wall on the boundary between 10 and 12 David Road, Para Vista. The
height of the existing boundary wall between the two properties is approximately 4.1
metres. Along the face of the existing wall is a section where the height of the wall has
been ‘stepped down’ in height by approximately 1.3 metres for a length of 4.3 metres.
It is the intent of the applicant to construct a wall in front of the existing brick wall to
increase privacy and reduce noise. The proposed wall is 4.1 metres high and 4.3 metres
in length and will continue the height of the existing wall along the common boundary.
On the applicant’s side of the brick wall is adjacent to an area of private open space that
features an in-ground swimming pool. On the other side of the wall the neighbours
have further enclosed their area with a curved roof pergola structure which is used as an
area for private open space/entertaining. The enclosed pergola structure is a
continuation of the neighbours drive-through carport and adjoins what appears to be a
living area of the dwelling.
The ‘stepped down’ portion of wall has been enclosed on the neighbours side with
perforated polycarbonate sheeting that matches the roof of the pergola structure (the
roof is not perforated). For all intents and purposes the pergola structure on the
neighbours side is an enclosed structure apart from the roller doors at either end that
provide access to the street and to the rear yard of the dwelling.
The applicant is proposing to construct a brick wall in front of the existing brick wall to
act as a barrier for noise attenuation and privacy. It is understood and was evident
during an inspection of the site that the enclosed space of the adjoining property at 12
David Road generates an audible echo and amplification of noise. The noise source is
not considered to be outside of what is generally accepted in a domestic environment
yet the enclosed environment happens to create a heightened level of reverberation. The
applicant has indicated that the reason for the wall is to subdue this noise and increase
The pergola structure on the adjoining property was lodged in 2002 (DA 361/1849/02)
and received Development Approval in August of the same year. There is limited detail
on the file relating to the enclosure of the side portion of the wall however it would be
debatable whether the enclosure constitutes ‘building work’ and therefore
‘development’ pursuant to the Development Act 1993.
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City of Salisbury
Item 5.1.1
ITEM 5.1.1
Aerial View:
Source: Dekho
The locality is considered to be residential in nature and contains detached dwellings and
associated outbuildings on various sized allotments with generous frontages. The locality
portrays a conventional residential allotment pattern that provides for ample curtilage around
dwellings. Dwellings are typically of the late 1970s / early 1980s with well maintained yards.
The locality portrays a pleasant environment in which to live.
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Item 5.1.1
ITEM 5.1.1
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City of Salisbury
Item 5.1.1
ITEM 5.1.1
Pursuant to Section 38 and Schedule 9 of the Development Act 1993 and Regulations 2008,
and the provisions of the City of Salisbury Development Plan for a Category 3 form of
development it was determined that public notification was required.
Form of Notification:
Valid Representations received
Representations received
R & V Kotorac of 12 David Road, Para Vista
D & S Barnard of 1 Ross Court, Para Vista
P Markou of 3 Ross Court, Para Vista
G Leonard of 7 David Road, Para Vista
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Letters to adjoining
property owners and
Advertisement in
Wish to be Heard
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ITEM 5.1.1
Item 5.1.1
Summary of Representations received
Visual appearance from
neighbouring property. The
wall will block open and
unobstructed view.
Applicant’s Response
The wall will not be
visible by the neighbour
as the gap presently has
smoky grey polycarbonate
sheets attached which are
opaque. The view lost is a
view into the applicants
yard. The new brick wall
will not be visible from
their property.
Officer’s Comments
The proposed wall will be
visible from the neighbouring
property through the existing
polycarbonate sheeting.
The sheeting does restrict some
overlooking into the adjoining
property currently and the wall
will block any such potential for
overlooking entirely.
Loss of natural light. The
wall will block out a lot of
mid to late afternoon sun from
outdoor space.
The area is also enclosed
with a polycarbonate roof
that already provide
excellent lighting. There
are a number of lights in
the enclosed space.
The area of wall to be
enclosed is about 5m2
which is presently blocked
by polycarbonate sheeting
so any change to heating
would almost be minimal.
The roof sheeting would
determine the temperature
and lighting of the room.
The polycarbonate infill does
provide the outdoor area with a
degree of natural light.
Ample filtered natural light will
still be achieved through the
polycarbonate roof that spans
over the whole space.
Loss of ventilation. The wall
will prevent the outdoor area
of neighbours from being
The outdoor area has 3
roller doors that would
allow significant air flow.
It is proposed that there is
an open air cavity
between the proposed wall
and the polycarbonate
The wall will be constructed to
allow an open air cavity for
ventilation of two brick courses
and with the double roller doors
on the southern side of the
space and a single roller door
on the northern side of the
space there will continue to be
more than sufficient ventilation.
Damage to existing footings
and walls. The wall has some
large cracks and are concerns
about any excavation causing
more damage.
The wall is in excess of 30
years old and appears to
be structurally sound and
stable. IF the neighbour
agreed the existing gap in
the brick wall could be
bricked up quite easily on
the existing footing.
The new footing has been
The applicant has provided a
footings construction report,
engineering drawings and
structural calculations
supporting the design of the
proposed strip footing and
reinforced brick wall that has
been prepared by Cox
Consulting Engineers to meet
Page 22
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Safety issues. The soil is
highly reactive and could be
unstable over time
specified by a highly
respected structural
engineering company and
meets all building
relevant Australian Standards
Building Code of Australia.
The structural engineer
has advised that the brick
wall must comply with
regulations and provide
enough strength to
withstand cyclonic
conditions and is designed
not to fall down in strong
Refer to comment above.
Representations received and the Applicant’s response are provided as
Please note Officer’s consideration of representations and Applicant’s response
are included in assessment of the proposal.
Seriously at Variance
Pursuant to Section 35(2) of the Development Act 1993 it is recommended that the Panel
determine that the proposal is not “seriously at variance” with the Salisbury (City)
Development Plan – Consolidated 20 March 2014.
The following reasons are proffered to support this recommendation:
 The proposed wall is adjacent a longer boundary wall of similar bulk and scale on the
neighbours property.
 The proposed wall will increase the amenity enjoyed by the applicant and reduce
unnecessary impacts from noise reverberation.
 Ample access to sunlight and ventilation will be maintained to the adjoining dwelling
and private open space areas as a result of the development.
If it can be demonstrated that the proposed development has minimal or no unreasonable
external impacts, then consent could reasonably be expected.
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 23
Item 5.1.1
ITEM 5.1.1
Item 5.1.1
ITEM 5.1.1
Assessment against Development Plan Objectives and Principles
Primary Development Objectives and Principles of Development Control (PDC)
Development Plan
Zoning & Land Use
The existing residential land uses are not affected by
the proposed development.
The Development Plan supports residential
development that reflects a variety of buildings styles
that are designed to harmonise with existing built form
in terms of mass, scale, colours and textures of
The proposed ancillary residential development to the
existing detached dwelling is of comparable mass,
scale and siting to the existing boundary wall of the
The existing brick wall is a dominating structure when
viewed from the subject land. In this context the
proposed structure is considered to be acceptable even
though it has a height in excess of four metres and is
sited adjacent an internal allotment boundary.
The proposed development provides increased privacy
for the private open space of the subject land. The
ground level on the adjoining allotment is higher than
the subject land and the existing scenario could give
rise to some loss of privacy but not to an extent that is
considered unreasonable. It is understood that the
primary intent of the proposed development is to assist
with domestic related noise attenuation, which is
impacting on the applicant’s amenity. This is
considered to be a valid justification for wanting to
enclose the “gap” in the wall.
The private open space of the adjoining dwelling is not
considered to be detrimentally affected to a significant
degree by the enclosure of the wall. It is conceded that
the neighbour will lose access to some natural light
into the space, however given that the remainder of the
structure is covered in a translucent polycarbonate
sheeting material, access to natural light is not
considered to be completely restricted.
Residential Zone Provisions
Objective(s) 3, 6
PDC 1, 2
Appearance of Land and
Buildings (Amenity)
General Section: Residential
Objective(s) 1
PDC 1, 21, 22, 29, 30, 35
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Materials, Colours &
The enclosed outdoor area impacted by the wall is not
the only private open space available to the dwelling.
The dwelling has access to a substantial rear yard and
adequate private open space. It is arguable that the
area affected is a secondary area of private open space.
The covered area is essentially a drive through carport
and entertaining area with direct access from the
dwelling. Roller doors are evident at either end of the
area which when open will provide for ample crossflow ventilation.
The design of the proposed wall has also allowed for
some ventilation in the form of a two brick gap so that
the entire covered area of the adjoining allotment is not
completely sealed.
As the materiality of the wall will mainly be viewed
from the subject land, it is anticipated that the
proposed brick will either match or complement the
existing wall in terms of size and colour. A suggested
condition of approval has been included in the
recommendation to ensure the proposed wall
complements the existing.
General Section: Design and
Objective(s) 1
PDC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
The Development Plan indicates that where a building
is sited on or in close proximity to a side boundary that
the boundary wall should be sited and limited in length
and height to minimize:
(a) the visual impact of the building as viewed
from adjoining properties
(b) overshadowing of adjoining properties and
allow adequate sunlight to neighbouring
There will be a visual impact to the adjoining property
owner however given the degree of enclosure it is
opined that the wall will have more of a visual impact
on the subject land than the adjoining allotment given
the sheer size and dominance of a large expanse of
masonry wall.
Loss of some light will occur however the existing
roof structure will maintain adequate levels of natural
light to the dwelling and private open space of the
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 25
Item 5.1.1
ITEM 5.1.1
ITEM 5.1.1
Item 5.1.1
Private Open Space
Private open space is an important requirement for all
residential development. The proposed brick wall will
improve privacy for the subject land in terms of
creating a visual barrier from neighbouring land but
also reducing the impact of noise from adjoining land.
Both dwellings will continue to retain existing
satisfactory levels of private open space in line with
the requirements of the Development Plan.
Whilst the land uses on the subject land and the
adjoining allotment are both residential in nature and
therefore compatible, the Development Plan
encourages development to be sited, designed and
constructed to minimise negative impacts of noise and
avoid unreasonable interference between uses.
The noise generated within the outdoor area of the
adjoining dwelling is understood to be domestic in
nature yet is highly audible given the nature of the
built form constructed on that property. It is not
unreasonable that the applicant seeks to minimise the
impact of noise on their own property and the
proposed development is considered to satisfactory
achieve this.
The Development Plan encourages the design and
location of buildings to ensure that direct winter
sunlight is available to adjacent dwellings with
particular consideration given to:
(a) windows of habitable rooms, particularly living
(b) ground-level private open space
(c) upper-level private balconies that provide the
primary open space for any dwelling
(d) access to solar energy.
As detailed in the above assessment, there will be
some loss of sunlight, however this is not considered
to be unreasonable given the nature of the existing roof
structure which will continue to allow light penetration
that satisfies the relevant provisions of the
Development Plan.
As detailed elsewhere in this assessment the covered
outdoor area of the adjoining dwelling is not the only
area of private open space available for the dwelling as
there is large back yard to the rear of the dwelling.
General Section: Residential
PDC 21, 22, 24, 25
Acoustic Privacy
General Section: Interface
between Land Uses
Objective(s) 1, 2
PDC 6, 7
Zone Provisions
PDC 35
Solar Access
General Section: Residential
PDC 10, 11, 12
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
The Development Plan also seeks to ensure ample
direct sunlight during the winter solstice. Given the
translucent nature of the roof sheet, ample sunlight will
continue to be achieved.
An assessment against the relevant Development Plan provisions indicates that the proposal is
generally in accordance with the relevant General Section and Residential Zone provisions.
The development is generally consistent with the relevant provisions with regards to siting,
design, acoustic privacy, private open space and solar access. The Development Plan
encourages development that is sympathetic to the scale of development in the locality and
with the context of its setting with regard to bulk, scale, materials and colours.
Given the characteristics of the site and the existing boundary wall the proposed development
is considered to be reasonable as the overall size of the proposed development is not
considered excessive and the wall will not impact on the adjoining land to a significant
Further to the above, the proposed development generally conforms with the intent of the
Development Plan and on balance is worthy of consent.
That the Development Assessment Panel resolve that:
The proposed development is not considered to be seriously at variance with the
Salisbury (City) Development Plan – Consolidated 20 March 2014.
Pursuant to Section 33 of the Development Act 1993, Development Plan Consent is
GRANTED to application number 361/2343/2014/3X for Construction of Brick Wall
(To Be Constructed on Portion of Eastern Boundary) in accordance with the plans and
details submitted with the application and subject to the following conditions:
1. The proposal shall be developed in accordance with the documentation and Council
stamped approved plans, except where varied by the conditions herein.
2. The selection of brick for the wall shall match and/or complement the existing brick
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 27
Item 5.1.1
ITEM 5.1.1
Item 5.1.1
ITEM 5.1.1
This document should be read in conjunction with the following attachments:
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Representations Received
Applicant's Response
Courtyard Photographs
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 29
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 30
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 31
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 33
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 35
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 36
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 37
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 38
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 39
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 40
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 41
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 42
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 43
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 44
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 45
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 46
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 47
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 48
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 49
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 50
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 51
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 52
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 53
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 54
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 55
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 56
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 57
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 58
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 59
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 60
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 61
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 62
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 63
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 64
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 65
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 66
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 67
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 68
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 69
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 70
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 71
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 72
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 73
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 74
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 75
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 76
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 77
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Page 78
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Representations Received
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 2 - Representations Received
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 79
Representations Received
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 2 - Representations Received
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Representations Received
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 2 - Representations Received
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 81
Representations Received
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 2 - Representations Received
Page 82
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Representations Received
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 2 - Representations Received
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 83
Representations Received
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 2 - Representations Received
Page 84
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Representations Received
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 2 - Representations Received
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 85
Representations Received
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 2 - Representations Received
Page 86
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Representations Received
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 2 - Representations Received
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 87
Representations Received
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 2 - Representations Received
Page 88
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Representations Received
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 2 - Representations Received
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 89
Applicant's Response
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 3 - Applicant's Response
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 91
Applicant's Response
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 3 - Applicant's Response
Page 92
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Applicant's Response
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 3 - Applicant's Response
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 93
Applicant's Response
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 3 - Applicant's Response
Page 94
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Applicant's Response
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 3 - Applicant's Response
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 95
Courtyard Photographs
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 4 - Courtyard Photographs
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 97
Courtyard Photographs
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 4 - Courtyard Photographs
Page 98
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Courtyard Photographs
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 4 - Courtyard Photographs
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 99
Courtyard Photographs
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 4 - Courtyard Photographs
Page 100
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 101
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Page 102
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 103
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Page 104
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 105
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Page 106
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 107
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Page 108
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 109
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 111
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 113
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 115
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 117
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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City of Salisbury
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 119
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
Item 5.1.1 - Attachment 5 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan City of Salisbury Consolidated 20 March 2014
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Page 121
Item 5.1.2
15 December 2015
SA Structural Pty Ltd
Partially Enclosed Loading Bays and Canopies, Office Relocation
and Car Parking
5, 9-11 Playford Crescent, Salisbury North
5900/539 and 5857/16
Ben Green, Consultant Planner
Zone/Policy Area
Application Type
Public Notification
Referrals - Statutory
Referrals – Internal
Development Plan Version
Assessing Officer
Meeting Date
Category 2
Representations received:
2 (1 in support / 1 opposed)
Representations to be heard: 1
Salisbury (City) Development Plan
Consolidated 18 December 2014
Ben Green, Planning Consultant
Approval with Conditions
15 December 2015
Assessment Report
Attachment 1:
Attachment 2:
Attachment 3:
Attachment 4:
Attachment 5:
Attachment 6:
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Internal Referral Responses
Representations Received - Category 2
Applicant's Response to Representations
Environmental Noise Assessment
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council
Consolidated 18 December 2014
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda 15 December 2015
Page 123
ITEM 5.1.2
Item 5.1.2
Development Plan Consent is sought for the construction of a partially enclosed loading
bay with canopy, light weight acoustic wall and car parking in association with an
existing industry in Playford Crescent, Salisbury North.
The applicant is SA Structural, a significant employer in the Northern Suburbs and
contributor to the structural steel manufacturing supply chain in South Australia and
major projects throughout Australia.
SA Structural process and fabricate structural steel in its main premises on the subject
land which spans across the properties of 7 and 9-11 Playford Crescent, Salisbury
North. Recently SA Structural was successful in obtaining a grant to assist in
purchasing more advanced processing equipment to streamline operations.
The new machines and equipment are proposed to be housed within the existing
workshop with current loading and unloading activities to remain unchanged other than
a (low height) materials handling conveyor and cross-transport system which feeds
material in and out of the workshop in an efficient manner.
The partially enclosed loading bay and canopy proposed is similar to a lean-to type
structure on the southern side of the existing workshop located at 9-11 Playford
Crescent. The canopy will cover an area of approximately 672m2 and has a height to its
eaves of 5.5 metres. A three degree roof pitch is proposed with the highest portion of
the canopy being approximately 6.5 metres at the point where it adjoins the main
workshop. The walls of the partly enclosed portion of the canopy are painted precast
concrete panels. There is a colorbond roof that covers the entire area. It is also
proposed to replace the gravel surface of the area around this side of the building with
hardstand concrete.
Unloading of material will occur on the northern side of the existing workshop in an
open-air environment. This area of the allotment contains a large SA Water easement
that contains a water main. The easement is not proposed to be built upon except for a 4
metre high painted light weight acoustic wall that is proposed along the western
boundary in the vicinity of the unloading area for a length of 21.6 metres that returns
along the northern boundary for a length of 9.1 metres. The light weight acoustic wall
is proposed to minimise potential noise impacts on other land uses in the locality.
Small roller shutters are also to be positioned at the infeed and outfeed locations of the
conveyor (on either side of the building) to mitigate noise transmission emanating from
the workshop.
A number of on-site car parks will be removed from the northern side of the workshop
to allow for a more efficient use of the unloading area however it is proposed to offset
this loss of car parking with the formation of 31 off-street car parks on an a separate
allotment at number 5 Playford Crescent. This land forms part of the subject land for
the purposes of this application.
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Landscape plantings are evident around the perimeter of the main workshop and it is the
intent of the applicant to retain this and maintain the landscaping at an increased height
than at present.
The following details provide a history of approvals on the subject land:
9-11 Playford Crescent, Salisbury North
 361/2280/2002/LD, Land Division
 361/1607/2004/3B, Industry (steel fabrication) with associated offices, car parking and
 361/1746/2006/1B, Second storey office addition to existing industry
 361/2727/2009/1B, Storage yard (For structural steel and three shipping containers)
associated with existing industry (steel fabrication) and offices
 361/320/2010/1B, Extension of operating hours
o The approved operating hours are:
Monday to Friday
7am to 6pm
7am to 6pm
No work or activity to occur on Sundays or Public Holidays
5 Playford Crescent, Salisbury North
 361/1967/2012/2B, Change in use to outdoor storage yard and coating booth in
association with General Industry (steel fabrication) for temporary period until July
 361/1661/2014/2B Storage yard in association with General Industry (steel
From the above it is evident that there is an extensive history of these allotments being used in
conjunction with one another for some time.
This application does not seek to change the use of the land or any of the associated operating
conditions such as the hours of operation. This application is simply for the built form
components as described above and the establishment of car parking on the adjacent site to
offset the amount removed.
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Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Context Map:
Source: Dekho
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ITEM 5.1.2
Item 5.1.2
Locality Outline:
Playford Crescent is characterised by a mixture of medium to large size warehouse and
general industry land uses. The subject land is unique in that it has a main frontage to
Playford Crescent and adjoins Commercial Road to the east, Basgter Road to the north and
the railway to the west. Commercial Road is a major collector road that is identified by DPTI
as a potential arterial road which serves the surrounding industrial and residential areas.
Penfield Golf Club is located on the north-eastern side of Commercial Road whilst land on
the western side of the railway is located within the Residential Zone.
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ITEM 5.1.2
Item 5.1.2
Site Photographs
Photo 1:
Veiw of the driveway to the loading bay ( location of proposed canopy) –
east side of workshop
Photo 2 :
Existing transportable offices to remain
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Photo 3 :
View of the unloading area west side of the existing workshop and location
of the proposed acoustic walls.
Photo 4:
Existing carpark located at 5 Playford Crescent to be expanded to
accommodate 31 onsite spaces
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Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Photo 5:
View of the loading bay east side of the workshop and proposed canopy and
boundary wall location from the southeast on Langford Road
Photo 6:
View of the loading bay east side of the workshop and proposed canopy and
boundary wall location from the south on Langford Road
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Photo 7:
View of the unloading bay west side of the workshop and location of the
proposed acoustic boundary location from the southwest on Bagster Road,
Commercial Road intersection
The subject land is situated within the Industry Zone as shown on Map Sal/25 pursuant
to the Salisbury Council Development Plan Consolidated 18 December 2014. The
existing approved use of the land is for a general industry. The proposed development
seeks to continue the existing use of the land however proposes additional built form to
allow for a more efficient use of the land.
General industry is neither listed as being a complying or non-complying form of
development in the subject Industry Zone in this location and therefore the application
is to be assessed as a ‘consent on-merit’ form of development.
Pursuant to Section 38 of the Development Act 1993 and Schedule 9 Part 2 18(c)
(Clause 6 (g)) of the Development Regulations 2008 the proposed development was
considered to be a Category 2 form of development for the purposes of public
notification. As such letters were sent to adjoining property owners advising them of
the application and of their right to make a representation in relation to the proposed
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Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Notification Map:
Subject Site
Notified Property
Supported Proposal
Opposed Proposal
Form of Notification:
Letters to adjoining
property owners and
Valid Representations received
Representations received
T Dew of 18 Langford Terrace, Salisbury North
C Chew of 7 Playford Terrace, Salisbury North
Wish to be Heard
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Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Summary of Representations received
Oppose development on the
site as any change will
increase noise that is already
high level noise.
Applicant’s Response
The applicant did not
provide a formal written
response to the
representations apart from
providing further
amended plans and an
Acoustic Report.
Concerned that the existing
land use is a warehouse and
shouldn’t be used as a
workshop. Any further
enclosed areas will be another
area to work in all weather
and the accompanying noise.
Concerned with the zoning of
the area
Additional parking in lot 5 is
needed to reduce off-street (on
street?) parking requirements
on Playford Crescent
Officer’s Comments
The applicant engaged Sonus
Pty Ltd to prepare an
Environment Noise Assessment
in relation to the proposed
extension which forms an
attachment to this report and is
discussed in further detail in the
assessment below.
The approved land use is for
general industry and the
proposed development does not
seek to amend the use. The
proposed canopy will assist to
enhance the operations on site
yet the partially enclosed
sections and the acoustic wall
will result in a better outcome
by reducing potential noise
impacts associated with the
activities on site.
Subject land is located within
the Industry Zone pursuant to
Map Sal/25 of the Development
The proposed development
incorporates 31 car parks on 5
Playford Crescent to offset the
amount removed in lieu of the
unloading area north of the
existing workshop on 9-11
Playford Crescent.
Representations received and the Applicant’s response are provided as
Please note Officer’s consideration of representations and Applicant’s
response are included in assessment of the proposal.
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ITEM 5.1.2
Item 5.1.2
Seriously at Variance
Pursuant to Section 35(2) of the Development Act 1993 it is recommended that the Panel
determine that the proposal is not seriously at variance with the Salisbury (City) Development
Plan – Consolidated 18 December 2014.
The following reasons are proffered to support this recommendation:
 The proposed development supports the continuation of the existing lawful use on the
subject land and allows for this to occur in a more efficient manner.
 The land use is an envisaged form of development within the zone.
 The facility will not generate unreasonable nuisance or noise that will unduly impact
other uses within the locality.
 The noise from the additional noise sources is below the goal level of the Environment
Protection (Noise) Policy 2007.
If it can be demonstrated that the proposed development has minimal or no unreasonable
external impacts, then consent could reasonably be expected.
It is considered that the proposed development is not ‘seriously at variance’ with the City of
Salisbury Development Plan.
Assessment against Development Plan Objectives and Principles
Primary Development Objectives and Principles of Development Control (PDC)
Development Plan
Zoning & Land Use
The subject land is situated within the Industry Zone
of the Salisbury Council Development Plan.
Industry Zone
Objective(s) 1, 2, 3
PDC 1, 2, 3
General Section: Orderly and
Sustainable Development
Objective(s) 1, 2, 3, 4
Objective 1 of the Industry Zone seeks: ‘a zone
primarily accommodating a wide range of industrial,
warehouse, storage and transport land uses.’
The proposed development will enable the
continuation of an appropriate form of development in
accordance with this objective.
The following forms of development are listed as
envisaged land uses within the Zone::
- industry
- office in association with and ancillary to industry
- transport distribution
- warehouse
The activities undertaken on site are considered to fall
within the definition of an industry and therefore an
envisaged form of development within the zone.
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Appearance of Land and
Buildings (Amenity)
General Section: Design and
The design and appearance of the proposed
development is industrial in nature and will
complement the design elements of existing built form
in the locality.
The Development Plan seeks a high level of design
that responds to and reinforces the positive aspects of
the local built form. The proposed development will
be visible on all sides due to the uniqueness of the
allotment having exposure to roads (and railway) on
three sides. The built form will have industrial
characteristics such as tilt up panel which is not
unfitting with the locality and neighbouring
Objective(s) 1
PDC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
General Section: Industrial
Objective(s) 1, 3, 5, 6
PDC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The locality is characterised by other industrial land
uses and built form, and the proposed structure is
considered to be consistent in appearance with other
development in the locality.
Industry Zone
Objective(s) 1
PDC 4, 5, 8, 9
The proposed development is considered to be an
envisaged expansion to the existing workshop as an
ancillary structure for the betterment of the existing
land use whilst further mitigating impacts on adjoining
The Development Plan anticipates buildings to be
designed and sited to avoid extensive areas of
uninterrupted walling facing areas exposed to
streetscapes, yet the Industry Zone encourages
building facades facing land zoned for residential
purposes to not contain openings or entrance ways that
would result in the transmission of noise that would
adversely affect the residential amenity.
The existing workshop borders the railway to the west
which acts as the separation between the Residential
and Industry Zones. The four metre high acoustic wall
and the rear of the canopy structure are proposed to be
sited on this boundary in line with the existing
workshop. Although the Development Plan seeks to
avoid large expanse of wall, in this instance the
walling on the boundary is considered appropriate to
shield the nearby residences from potential impacts
arising from the industry uses occurring within the
Industry Zone.
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Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Materials, Colours &
General Section: Industrial
The structures sited on the boundary will be painted in
a colour to match the remainder of the built form in a
“Colorbond surfmist” colour and will be treated in an
anti-graffiti coating to reduce the possibility of
vandalism. Graffiti is evident on the existing buildings
located on the boundary, however the use of antigraffiti coating should assist to minimise vandalism on
the new built form.
Where development is sited on or close to a boundary,
the Development Plan seeks to minimise the visual
impact of the building as viewed from adjoining
properties. As discussed above the railway and road
on the opposite side of the railway provides a buffer
between the subject land and the Residential Zone.
The periphery of the railway corridor features existing
landscaping to assist in screening the railway and
adjacent existing industries.
Taking all factors into consideration including the
visibility of the site from all angles, the proposed
development is considered to have a negligible impact
on the amenity of the subject land and locality.
The Development Plan seeks to improve the amenity
of industrial areas and contains specific policy relating
to building facades facing non-industrial zones, public
roads or public open space.
Objective(s) 6
The proposed development is considered to
satisfactorily meet the requirements of the
Development Plan in this regard as:
General Section: Design and
Objective(s) 1
PDC 1, 2, 3
Industry Zone
it utilises a variety of building finishes
does not solely consist of metal cladding
the materials proposed are of low reflectivity
design elements have been included to add
visual interest and reduce the perceived bulk
such as ‘dummy’ horizontal joins
In accordance with the zoning requirements, the
resulting building through the use of various
architectural elements will enhance the appearance of
the locality and add additional interest to the
streetscape whilst importantly mitigating noise at the
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Building Height and
General Section: Industrial
Objective(s) 6
Council wide provisions seek development on
boundaries of non-industrial zones to be restricted to a
height of 3 metres with a building envelope to be
within a 31 degree projected plane above the
horizontal line into the development site.
The existing workshop which has a maximum height
of 9.75 metres and proposed canopy and associated
walls are sited on the site boundary and not the zone
boundary which is located approximately along the
centre line of Bagster Road to the north-west and
adjacent the railway line to the south-west of the site.
For the 31 degree projection to apply, the existing
building and proposed canopy and walls would need to
be within 12 metres of the zone boundary.
Industry Zone
The existing building and proposed canopy and walls
on the site boundaries will be located a minimum of 15
metres from the zone boundary and well within the 31
degree building envelope.
Given this the proposal satisfies the requirement of
Site Coverage
Industry Zone
Principle of Development Control 6 of the Zone
provides requirements for primary road setbacks in
relation to the height of structures. There is no built
form proposed between the primary street frontage and
the front façade of the building. As the main
workshop is sited at the end of a cul-de-sac, the
proposed canopy structure on the southern side of the
building is effectively adjacent an internal common
The height of the proposed structure is considered
necessary for its intended use and is lower in scale
than the existing workshop. Given the size, bulk and
scale of other development within the locality and in
particular those in Playford Cresecent, the proposed
development is considered appropriate.
The Industry Zone indicates that industrial buildings
should not occupy more than 50% of the total area of
the site upon which they are located.
9-11 Playford Crescent has a site area of
approximately 5,850m2. The existing workshop and
proposed canopy extension have a combined area of
1,776m2 plus the office and amenities component of
the workshop.
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Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
The site coverage of the allotment is less than 50% and
therefore satisfies the above provision.
Interface between Land
Uses / Acoustic Privacy
General Section: Interface
between Land Uses
Objective(s) 1, 2
PDC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
The objectives of this section of the Development Plan
encourages development to be located and designed to
prevent adverse impact and conflict between land uses;
and also protect community health and amenity and
support the operation of all desired land uses.
Development should be sited and designed to
minimise negative impact on existing and potential
future land uses considered appropriate in a given
General Section: Industrial
The proposed development includes the construction
of a light weight acoustic wall on the boundary of the
interface with the Residential Zone on the opposite
side to the railway. On the southern side of the
workshop the partially enclosed canopy includes
precast panel walls on the same boundary. The intent
of this wall is to minimise land use conflict and any
noise generated from the subject site becoming a
nuisance to residences in the locality.
Objective(s) 5, 6
PDC 5, 6, 7
Following receipt of the representations during the
public notification period the applicant engaged
Acoustic Engineers, Sonus Pty Ltd to prepare an
environmental noise assessment of the site to ensure
what is being proposed meets with the relevant
guidelines. The assessment considers noise at the
closest residences located on Langford Terrace.
The assessment concluded:
 The noise from the additional noise sources
associated with the application will be more
than 5dB(A) below the relevant goal noise
level of the Environment Protection (Noise)
Policy 2007, even when applying the most
stringent application of its requirements.
 The concrete wall proposed at the interface
with the railway corridor will make no
noticeable difference to the railway noise
experienced at residences.
 The proposed development will achieve all
provisions of the Development Plan related to
environmental noise.
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The Industrial Development Module of the General
Section of the Development Plan contains specific
policy for development within 50 metres of the
Residential Zone.
The following is a list of criteria and a comment in
relation to the proposed development:
a) Demonstrate appropriate acoustic
performance – as above, the applicant has
provided a satisfactory environmental noise
assessment report.
b) Ensure that all noise sources including
machinery, outside loading, unloading and
other service areas are located away from the
Residential Zone boundary – the applicant has
attempted to ensure compliance with this
policy, however given the existing constraints
of the site and the location of existing
operations it is difficult. As the
unloading/loading occurs on the western side
of the subject land, the acoustic wall and rear
wall of the canopy have been provided to
reduce the impact of activities on the subject
land becoming a nuisance to the adjoining
Residential Zone.
c) comprise buildings of masonry or equivalent
construction to minimise the transmission of
noise with openings located away from
residential properties – the proposal
satisfactorily achieves this provision.
d) limit operating hours to between 7am and 6pm
– there is no change in operating hours
proposed. Existing conditions limit the hours
of operation to these times.
e) Where there is a railway on the boundary
development should:
i. Ensure the rear walls of the industrial
premises are sited on the rear boundary
of the allotments – The proposed
development is sited on the western
boundary at the interface with the
railway corridor meeting this provision.
ii. Incorporate building materials that will
minimse reflection of railway traffic
noise towards the residential area
opposite – the Sonus report concludes
that the concrete wall proposed at the
interface with the railway corridor will
make no noticeable difference to the
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Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Item 5.1.2
railway noise experienced as indicated
by the adjoining resident.
Vehicle Access / Car
Parking / Traffic
General Section: Transport
and Access
Objective(s) 1, 2
PDC 13, 22, 23, 25, 28, 32,
33, 34, 35, 36
In light of the above, the proposed development is
considered to be appropriate and the land use does not
give rise to any unreasonable interface issues with the
Residential Zone.
The Development Plan provisions seek to ensure that
new development provides safe and convenient access
for vehicles and pedestrians and the provision of
sufficient on-site car parking.
In terms of car parking provision, Table Sal/2 – Off
Street Vehicle Parking Requirements prescribes
differing car parking rates for the office and non-office
components associated with an industry:
Office component = 1 space per 30m2
Non-office component of 200-2000m2 = 1 additional
space for every 75m2
The workshop component is not changing as a result
of the proposed development. The existing workshop
has a floor area of 1,776m2 which equates the need for
24 car parks plus the amount required for the ancillary
offices which is in the order of approximately 2-3 car
As part of the proposal there are a number of car parks
removed from the northern side of the workshop to
allow for the better utilization of the unloading area.
There will be 19 car parks remaining around the
curtilage of the workshop with an additional 31
proposed to be utilised on 5 Playford Crescent.
Across the entire subject land there are 50 car parks
available which is considered to be satisfactory in
meeting the on-site car parking requirements of the
Development Plan.
Vehicular access will continue as per normal via
Playford Crescent. The proposed plans indicate that
there is existing area for the maneuvering of trucks and
large vehicles on and through the site to Australian
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The proposed development is not likely to be
detrimental to the free flow and safety of vehicular
traffic within the locality and/or the surrounding road
General Section: Industrial
Objective(s) 6
The Industrial Development module of the
Development Plan encourages landscaping to be
incorporated as an integral element of industrial
development along non-industrial zone boundaries.
The subject land contains existing areas of landscaping
on the periphery of the site. It is the intent of the
applicant to maintain this landscaping at a taller height
than currently maintained.
Industry Zone
PDC 19
The existing landscaping when grown higher is
expected to provide appropriate softening of the visual
impact of the existing and proposed elements of built
Principle of Development Control 19 of the Industry
Zone makes specific reference to the subject land and
locality by reference to land within the portion of
Salisbury North bounded by Commercial Road to the
north and railway lines to the east and west. This
principle seeks a landscape reserve with a 5m width
along the boundaries of the site abutting the railways
that consist of thick plantings, designed for effective
visual screening and noise attenuation, consisting
along the length of the reserve.
In reviewing the cadastral boundaries within the
locality it would appear that this landscape buffer was
required at the time of land division. There is a 5
metre buffer between the subject land and the railway
reserve with a larger buffer on the northern and north
eastern boundaries abutting Commercial and Bagster
Roads. It is understood that this reserve is within
Councils ownership and it would appear that the
landscape plantings have not occurred.
If this buffer reserve was to include landscaping into
the future, this combined with the landscaping
provided on the subject land would effectively screen
the site of the development from view.
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Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Item 5.1.2
The proposed development is considered to be fundamentally appropriate in the Industry
Zone. The development will allow for the continuation of an existing established business
and is considered to be an appropriate form of development in terms of bulk, scale and
appearance. The proposed light weight acoustic wall and partially enclosed canopy will result
in a better outcome for residences in the adjoining residential zone as the noise emanating
from the workshop will be reduced.
The land use is consistent with the predominant character of the locality and Playford
Crescent that incorporates a variety of industrial uses. The land use has been occurring on the
subject land for a considerable period of time and the issuing of Development Plan Consent
will allow the business to continue its operations, albeit in a more efficient fashion and with
less impact on adjoining residents.
Having consideration to the Council Wide and Zoning provisions the proposed development
generally conforms with the intent of the Development Plan and on balance is worthy of
Development Plan Consent subject to conditions.
That the Development Assessment Panel resolve that:
The proposed development is not considered to be “seriously at variance” with the
Salisbury Council Development Plan – Consolidated 18 December 2014.
Pursuant to Section 33 of the Development Act 1993, Development Plan Consent is
GRANTED to application number 361/1078/2015/3B for the construction of a partially
enclosed loading bay with canopy, light weight acoustic wall and car parking in
accordance with the plans and details submitted with the application and subject to the
following conditions:
1. The conditions imposed herein shall be in addition to conditions that apply to the
subject property from previous approvals that remain active.
Reason: To ensure orderly development.
2. The proposal shall be developed in accordance with the documentation and Council
stamped approved plans lodged with the application, except where varied by the
conditions herein.
Reason: To ensure the proposal is established in accordance with the submitted
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3. All driveways, car parking and truck parking areas shall be constructed with either
brick paving, concrete or bitumen to a standard appropriate for the intended traffic
volumes and vehicle types.
Reason: To ensure access and car parking is provided on the site in a manner that
maintains and enhances the amenity of the locality and complies with best
engineering practice.
4. Access to, from and within the site is to be designed and constructed to comply with
AS 2890.2 – Facilities for Commercial Vehicles.
Reason: To ensure that the development complies with Standards and Best
Engineering Practice.
5. Stormwater systems shall be designed and constructed to cater for minor storm flows
(Industrial / Commercial ARI = 10 years). The design of the stormwater system shall
ensure that no stormwater is discharged onto any adjoining land. Surface stormwater
is to be managed in a manner that ensures no ponding of water against buildings and
structures, no creation of any insanitary condition, and no runoff into neighbouring
property for the major storm event ARI – 100 years.
Reason: To ensure flood protection of buildings.
6. The boundary walls of the existing building and proposed structures shall be kept and
maintained free of graffiti at all times.
Reason: To enhance the amenity of the locality
This document should be read in conjunction with the following attachments:
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Internal Referral Responses
Representations Received - Category 2
Applicant's Response to Representations
Environmental Noise Assessment
Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18
December 2014
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Item 5.1.2
ITEM 5.1.2
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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City of Salisbury
Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 1 - Application, Drawings and Supporting Information
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Page 179
Internal Referral Responses
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 2 - Internal Referral Responses
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Page 181
Internal Referral Responses
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 2 - Internal Referral Responses
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City of Salisbury
Internal Referral Responses
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 2 - Internal Referral Responses
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Internal Referral Responses
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 2 - Internal Referral Responses
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City of Salisbury
Representations Received - Category 2
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 3 - Representations Received - Category 2
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Representations Received - Category 2
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 3 - Representations Received - Category 2
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Representations Received - Category 2
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 3 - Representations Received - Category 2
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Representations Received - Category 2
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 3 - Representations Received - Category 2
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Representations Received - Category 2
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 3 - Representations Received - Category 2
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Representations Received - Category 2
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 3 - Representations Received - Category 2
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City of Salisbury
Representations Received - Category 2
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 3 - Representations Received - Category 2
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Page 191
Applicant's Response to Representations
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 4 - Applicant's Response to Representations
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Applicant's Response to Representations
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 4 - Applicant's Response to Representations
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City of Salisbury
Environmental Noise Assessment
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 5 - Environmental Noise Assessment
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Environmental Noise Assessment
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 5 - Environmental Noise Assessment
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Environmental Noise Assessment
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 5 - Environmental Noise Assessment
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Environmental Noise Assessment
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 5 - Environmental Noise Assessment
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Environmental Noise Assessment
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 5 - Environmental Noise Assessment
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Environmental Noise Assessment
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 5 - Environmental Noise Assessment
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Environmental Noise Assessment
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 5 - Environmental Noise Assessment
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Environmental Noise Assessment
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 5 - Environmental Noise Assessment
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City of Salisbury
Environmental Noise Assessment
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 5 - Environmental Noise Assessment
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
Item 5.1.2 - Attachment 6 - Relevant Sections of the Development Plan Salisbury Council Consolidated 18 December 2014
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Page 225
Item 5.1.3
15 December 2015
The Salvation Army SA Property Trust Inc
Shop, Vehicle Store and Men's Shed In Association With An
Existing Warehouse and Office (Non-Complying)
83 Research Road, Pooraka
Karyn Brown, Development Officer Planning, City Development
Zone/Policy Area
Application Type
Public Notification
Referrals - Statutory
Referrals – Internal
Development Plan Version
Assessing Officer
Meeting Date
Industry Zone
Non-Complying – Category 3
Representations received:
Representations to be heard:
Urban Policy and Planning
Salisbury (City) Development Plan
Consolidated 6 August 2015
Karyn Brown
Approval with Conditions
24 November 2015
Assessment Report
Attachment 1:
Attachment 2:
Attachment 3:
Attachment 4:
Application Form and Drawings
Internal Referral Response
Relevant Development Plan
Development Plan Consent is sought for a shop, vehicle store and men’s shed in association
with an existing warehouse and office.
The Salvation Army currently leases three properties in the general area and through this
application is seeking to consolidate facilities and staff at the site.
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Page 227
Item 5.1.3
ITEM 5.1.3
The primary purpose of the proposed development would be as a warehouse and storage
facility for the collection and sale of second hand goods as well as a vehicle store with an
associated men’s shed workshop to be located at the rear of the existing warehouse.
The proposed change of use includes the following:
Retailing of second hand goods in the shop component at the front of the building;
Storage of large donations (eg. white goods, furniture etc);
Garaging of emergency services vehicles (including four utes, two trucks and a bus);
Work area within the warehouse to sort through donated goods for recycling; and
A men’s shed workshop to engage men in skill-building and community networking
and enable minor repairs and cleaning of donated goods.
No building work or additional signage is proposed as part of the application.
A copy of the proposal plans are contained in Attachment 1 of this report.
Council granted Development Approval (DA 361/339/2005/1B) for a warehouse, office and
ancillary showroom of about 100m2 in area on the site on 29 June 2005. The approval was
subject to conditions. In addition, Council granted Development Approval (DA
361/933/2006/1B) to vary condition nine (9) in DA 361/339/2005/1B on 13 April 2006 to
increase the showroom area from 100m2 to 250m2.
The use was assessed at the time as a warehouse with showroom. The showroom component
was deemed acceptable and ultimately approved, as the showroom was considered to be
ancillary to the warehouse given that it would comprise less than 10% of the overall floor area
of the building.
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City of Salisbury
Item 5.1.3
ITEM 5.1.3
Aerial View:
Source: Dekho
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Page 229
Item 5.1.3
ITEM 5.1.3
Subject Site
Notified Property
Source: Dekho
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City of Salisbury
Item 5.1.3
ITEM 5.1.3
The site is described as Allotment 12, 83 Research Road, Pooraka and consists of one regular
shaped Torrens Title allotment. The site has an area of 4839m2 and has a frontage to
Research Road of 44.61 metres.
The site is flat and there are no easements registered on the land.
The existing building is constructed in two parts. The portion of the building at the front of
the site is constructed with a canopy structure fixed to the front and side of the building. The
other component of the building comprises an attached shed and lean-to.
The use is proposed to occupy the whole of the site, having a total floor area of 2492m2,
295m2 of which will comprise retail area.
Car parking for up to 39 vehicles is provided to the front, side and rear of the existing
building, served by a main access driveway and manoeuvring area, all sealed in bitumen.
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Page 231
ITEM 5.1.3
Item 5.1.3
The site is positioned within the industrial area of Pooraka, bounded by Main North Road to
the west, Bridge Road to the east, Maxwell Road to the north and Langford Street to the
south. Parafield Airport and Mawson Lakes are situated on the opposite side of Main North
Road to the north-west.
The locality is defined principally by visual reference to the site and traffic movements along
Research Road. The locality is characterised by a range of industrial, warehousing, storage
and transport uses, having frontage to Research Road and Whit Street. Buildings generally
comprise large floor plates, having generous setbacks from Research Road.
Locality Outline
Source: Dekho
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City of Salisbury
ITEM 5.1.3
Item 5.1.3
Site Photographs
Photo 1: View of site from Research Road
Photo 2: View of building and driveway from Research Road
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Page 233
Item 5.1.3
ITEM 5.1.3
The subject land is situated wholly within the Industry Zone under the Salisbury Council
Development Plan Consolidated 6th August 2015. In this Zone a ‘shop’ is listed as being a
non-complying form of development except where the gross leaseable area is less than 250
square metres and is located within the Greater Levels Policy Area 8, Pooraka Policy Area 11
or the suburb of Greenfields. Given that the gross leaseable floor area for shop exceeds
250m2 and the site is not located within a Policy Area or the suburb of Greenfields, the
application is a non-complying development form of development, and is referred to the Panel
for determination consistent with Council’s delegation.
The application was treated as a Category 3 form of development for the purposes of public
notification, pursuant to Section 38 and Schedule 9 of the Development Act 1993 and
Development Regulations 2008, and the provisions of the City of Salisbury Development
Plan. The application was advertised between 23rd October 2015 and 6th November 2015.
Council did not receive any representations during the Category 3 public notification period.
Economic Development and
Urban Policy
No objection to the proposal as the shop component appeared
to be ancillary to the use of the site for storage and would not
be expected to result in interface issues with adjoining uses.
A copy of the internal referral comments are contained as
Attachment 3.
Site Characteristics
Site Area
Site Dimensions
Site Gradient
Design Characteristics
Site Coverage
Buildings only
Building Height
Primary street
Boundary Walls
Frontage: 44.61m
No change
No change
No change
Not Applicable
0m (eastern boundary)
5.5m (western boundary)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
90m (eastern boundary)
Not Applicable
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
No change
Not Applicable
City of Salisbury
ITEM 5.1.3
Car Parking & Access
Number of parks
Affected Trees
Street Infrastructure
Electricity pole
Telecommunication pit
Item 5.1.3
18m (southern boundary)
58 spaces
39 spaces
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
No change to access
No impact on infrastructure
No impact on infrastructure
No impact on infrastructure
No change to existing
No change to existing
Not Applicable
Not affected
Seriously at Variance
Pursuant to Section 35(2) of the Development Act 1993 it is recommended that the Panel
determine that the proposal is not seriously at variance with the Salisbury (City) Development
Plan – Consolidated 6 August 2015.
The following reasons are given in support of this recommendation:
 The proposed uses, being a shop, vehicle store and men’s shed will be associated with
an existing warehouse and office use, which is approved on the site;
 The proposed retail component is not substantially greater in terms of floor area than
the previously approved showroom use;
 The proposal is compatible with other uses within the locality and does not prejudice
the continuation of other established uses within the Industry Zone;
 Adequate levels of off-street parking are provided;
 The overall development will not have a detrimental impact on the character of the
Assessment against Development Plan Objectives and Principles
Primary Development Objectives and Principles of Development Control (PDC)
Development Plan
Zoning & Land Use
General Section: Industrial
Objectives 1, 3-6
PDCs 1, 3 and 6
The subject land is situated within the Industry Zone
under the Salisbury Council Development Plan.
Objective 1 of the Industry Zone seeks: ‘a zone
primarily accommodating a wide range of industrial,
warehouse, storage and transport land uses.’
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Page 235
Item 5.1.3
ITEM 5.1.3
The use of the term ‘primarily’ is somewhat
ambiguous and does not discount the establishment of
other uses that are not specifically listed as envisaged
land uses within the Zone provided that their impact
on the site and locality are appropriately considered
and assessed.
The proposed change of use generally accords with the
envisaged land uses listed in PDC 1 of the Zone apart
from the shop component
PDC 2 of the Zone suggests that shops should not
occur unless it can be demonstrated that they primarily
serve businesses in the zone and do not detract from
the function of any centre zone or centres generally.
It is important to note that the shop and office
components are for the purpose of supporting the
storage and warehouse aspects of the development and
are integrally linked to the overall site operation. The
development is not considered to incorporate a retail
use that would detract from nearby centres as the
development is for the storage, repair and sale of
second hand and donated goods.
The locality contains a wide range of land uses and a
shop use would not be considered to prejudice the
continued development of the zone for its intended
purpose and nor does it threaten the continuance of
adjoining land uses.
In summary, the proposed development is considered
to be appropriate in the proposed location, despite part
of the development being a non-complying form of
The General Section of the Development Plan suggests
that a shop with a gross leasable area of greater than
250m2 should be located within a centre zone and that
shops located outside of the zones that envisage retail
development should:
General Section: Interface
Between Land Uses
Objective 1
PDCs 1-2
Industry Zone
Objectives 1-2
PDCs 1-3
Centres and Retail
General Section: Centres and
Retail Development
Objective 1
PDC 10, 11, and 12
 be of a size and type that will not hinder the
development, function or viability of any
 not demonstrably lead to the physical
deterioration of any designated centre; and
 be developed taking into consideration its
effect on adjacent development.
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Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
City of Salisbury
Car Parking and Access
The total floor area of the building is 2492m2, of
which 295m2 is proposed retail floor area.
The proposed development is not considered to be of
such a size that it would hinder or detract from the
function of nearby centre zones. The shop component
of the development is associated with the use of the
site for the sorting and storage of second hand goods
and is not expected to result in interface issues.
The Development Plan provisions seek to ensure that
development provides safe and convenient access for
vehicles and pedestrians and the provision of sufficient
on-site car parking.
In terms of car parking provision, Table Sal/2 – Off
Street Vehicle Parking Requirements prescribes car
parking rates for office areas and non-office areas
within the Industry Zone as well as shop areas.
Office areas require 1 space per 30m2 and non-office
areas require 1 space per 50m2 (up to 200m2) and 1
space per 75m2 (between 200-2000m2).
Shops require 7 spaces per 100m2 of floor area where
located outside of a centre zone.
The proposed development has been categorised as a
receiving depot for secondhand goods with associated
shop and ‘men’s shed’ workshop for the purposes of
this assessment and therefore requires the following
number of car parking spaces:
Shop area
Office area
Non-office area 1886m2
Based on the above areas, the development should be
served by 58 (57.9) off-street car parks.
The site is provided with 39 on-site customer parking
spaces including one disabled car parking space,
located at the front of the site. Sixteen of the available
car parking spaces are available at the front of the site
while the remaining 23 car parking spaces are located
to the side and rear of the existing building.
All spaces are accessed via the existing crossover and
driveway located adjacent the western property
Council Wide
Form of Development
Objective(s) 2
PDC 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
38, 39, 40
Zone Provisions
City of Salisbury
Development Assessment Panel Agenda - 15 December 2015
Requires 21 spaces
Requires 10.4 spaces
Requires 26.5 spaces
Page 237
Item 5.1.3
ITEM 5.1.3
Item 5.1.3
ITEM 5.1.3
10. The proposal therefore results in a shortfall of 20
11. To address concerns regarding the shortfall of spaces,
it was requested that the applicant provide a traffic and
parking report. The applicant has provided a report
which considers the overall demand for car parking
spaces required and has concluded that the
development will generate demand for 34 car parking
spaces, thus resulting in a “surplus” of 5 car parking
spaces. The main reason for the reduced demand
anticipated by the planning consultant is because:
a) The rate applied for ‘industry, warehouse’
store’ was adopted instead of the rate applied
for ‘shop’; and
b) Car parking for the emergency services vehicle
storage area will not generate any demand for
on-site car parking.
The above approach is considered to be reasonable,
given that the ‘shop’ component is not expected to
generate the same level of demand as that experienced
by more conventional type retail. In addition, the area
occupied by the emergency services vehicle storage
area will clearly not generate any vehicle demand.
Given the above, the level of car parking provided onsite is considered to be adequate to service the
proposed development.
Manoeuvring and Access
Council Wide
Form of Development
Objective(s) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
PDC 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29
Zone Provisions
In addition to the above, all of the car parking spaces
are sealed and designed in accordance with Australian
Standard 2890.
12. As mentioned earlier, the site is served by an existing
two way access point connected to an internal
manoeuvring area which serves the car parking spaces
at the front of the building and extends adjacent the
eastern side boundary in order to serve the rear car
parking spaces. The manoeuvring area is sealed and is
designed to allow for safe and convenient entry and
exit of car parking spaces and for entering and leaving
the site in a forward direction. The existing car
parking and access arrangements will not be altered as
a consequence of this Application. This aspect of the
development is considered to be acceptable.
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City of Salisbury
ITEM 5.1.3
The applicant submitted a Statement of Effect in accordance with Regulation 17(5) of the
Development Regulations 2008. A copy of the Statement of Effect is contained in Attachment
2. The Statement of Effect must include:
(a) A description of the nature of the development and the nature of its locality; and
(b) A statement as to the provisions of the Development Plan which are relevant to the assessment
of the proposed development; and
(c) An assessment of the extent to which the proposed development complies with the provisions
of the Development Plan; and
(d) An assessment of the expected social, economic and environmental effects of the development
on its locality; and
(e) Any other information specified by the relevant authority when it resolves to proceed with an
assessment of the application (being information which the relevant authority reasonably
requires in the circumstances of the particular case).
The key expected social, economic and environmental effects of the development on its
locality are summarised as follows:
a) Promote community activity by encouring volunteers to be involved in the collection
and sorting of second-hand and donated goods;
b) Provide a Men’s Shed dedicated to the restoration of second-hand goods;
c) Provide a central point for the sale of low-cost clothing, furniture, homewares and
other goods to the local community.
d) Encourage the re-use and sale of used goods within the community;
e) Increase the viability and productivity of Salvation Army’s operations by
consolidating three sites into one.
f) Encourage re-use of second-hand goods, thereby reducing amount of waste to landfill;
g) The proposed activity is compatible with existing uses within the locality and will not
result in any unreasonable off-site impacts for adjacent land uses.
As stated above, the proposed development will have positive social, economic and
environmental effects on the locality.
Development Plan Consent is sought for a shop, vehicle store and men’s shed in association
with an existing warehouse and office. The application was assessed as a non-complying
development, given that the shop component is not excluded from the non-complying list.
The application was subject to Category 3 public notification with no representations being
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Item 5.1.3
Item 5.1.3
ITEM 5.1.3
A shop is not an envisaged form of land use within the Industry Zone. Despite this, the shop
component is to be essentially linked and will complement the storage/warehouse operation
undertaken by Salvos, thus differentiating this activity from traditional types of retailing. At
the same time, the development is not considered to provide a type of retail use that would
detract from nearby centres as the development is for the storage, repair and sale of second
hand goods and donated items. Consequently, the shop use in association with the existing
warehouse and office is considered to be an appropriate land use on the site.
No other building works are proposed nor will there be any alteration to existing car parking
or vehicular access and manoeuvring arrangements. In terms of on-site car parking provision,
the applicant has submitted further details in order to justify the level of car parking, the
assumptions of which are considered to be appropriate.
Overall, the proposed development generally conforms with the intent and relevant provisions
of the Development Plan and accordingly is worthy of Development Plan Consent, subject to
concurrence of the Development Assessment Commission and subject to conditions.
That the Development Assessment Panel resolve that:
The proposed development is not seriously at variance with the Salisbury (City)
Development Plan – Consolidated 6 August 2015.
Pursuant to Section 33 of the Development Act 1993, Development Plan Consent is
GRANTED to application number 361/1550/2015/NB for a shop, vehicle store and
men’s shed in association with an existing warehouse and office (non-complying) in
accordance with the plans and details submitted with the application, subject to the
concurrence of the Development Assessment Commission and subject to the following
The proposal shall be developed in accordance with the details and Council stamped
approved plans lodged with the application, except where varied by the conditions
The conditions imposed herein shall be in addition to conditions that apply to the
subject property from previous approvals that remain active.
To ensure the proposal is established in accordance with the submitted
To ensure orderly development.
The total floor area of shop as shown on the Approved Site Plan shall not exceed
295m2 at any time.
To ensure the development is constructed in accordance with the approved
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No materials, goods or containers shall be stored in the designated car parking area or
driveways at any time.
All trade waste and other rubbish shall be contained and stored pending removal in
covered containers which shall be kept at the rear of the proposed building, in an area
screened from public view at all times.
To ensure the car parking areas are always available for the purpose they
are designed. Further that the site be maintained in a clean and tidy state.
To maintain the amenity of the locality.
All loading and unloading of vehicles and manoeuvring of vehicles in connection with
the now approved land use shall be carried out entirely within the subject land.
To ensure that vehicles associated with the land use does not cause
disruption of danger to vehicles on adjoining public roads.
This document should be read in conjunction with the following attachments:
Application Form and Drawings
Internal Referral Response
Relevant Development Plan
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Item 5.1.3
ITEM 5.1.3
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 1 - Application Form and Drawings
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Application Form and Drawings
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 1 - Application Form and Drawings
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 1 - Application Form and Drawings
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 2 - Correspondence
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Internal Referral Response
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 3 - Internal Referral Response
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Internal Referral Response
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 3 - Internal Referral Response
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Internal Referral Response
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 3 - Internal Referral Response
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Internal Referral Response
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 3 - Internal Referral Response
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Internal Referral Response
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 3 - Internal Referral Response
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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Relevant Development Plan
Item 5.1.3 - Attachment 4 - Relevant Development Plan
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