The Star - First Baptist Church Topeka


The Star - First Baptist Church Topeka
The Star
November 2015
First Baptist Church
3033 SW MacVicar Ave
Topeka, Kansas 66611-1811
785.267.0380 | [email protected]
Staff & Volunteers
Cheryl Henson, Senior Pastor
Corey Fields, Associate Pastor
Laura Cassidy-Moffatt, Associate Pastor
Robyn Aeschliman, Dir. of Faith Forest
Joe Barnes, Building Superintendent
Will Kubie, Organist/Pianist
Rick Kready, Director of Chancel Choir
Pam DeFries, Chancel Choir Pianist
Boopesh Kumar, CCLC Director
Steve Martin, Custodian
Kay Renyer, Day Care Director
Verlee Sanneman, Office Manager
2015 - First Baptist Mission Funding Summary
By Cheryl Henson, Senior Pastor
People regularly ask me, “Where does my money go? What ministry and missions
does it fund?”. Many say, “I can’t understand our line item budget, could you
explain it to me?” So here is an attempt to explain our budget in terms of the
narrative of our ministry.
One of our primary areas of ministry is education. In this area we find a multitude
of ways we reach out to all age groups to disciple and do the essential task of
spiritual formation. In this area are items like our Sunday School curriculum,
Vacation Bible School expenses, Christian
camping, small group ministry with seniors,
adults, young adults, college, and children. All
of our activities within Faith Forest and our events with children fall under this
banner as well as the pastor (Laura) who leads those areas of ministry. This ministry
area also includes our leadership training and funding for our library. It includes
ministry with special events or special recognitions as well as the very important
funding of childcare services. With all of these ministries and staff included, our
education ministry has an annual budget of $43,897.
A very special part of our Education area is our Daycare. The Daycare
is fee-funded and has a zero-based budget. Our director of 30 years,
Kay Renyer, consistently manages the expenses and income of the
Daycare to operate almost always with a surplus. She employs 8 fulltime care workers and several more part-time women who provide
exemplary care for approximately 40 infants and preschoolers. The fees
budgeted in 2015 were $353,600.00. The Daycare also receives
approximately $11,500.00 in lunch subsidy fees therefore their
budgeted items: salaries, meals, supplies, equipment, insurance,
utilities, and required continuing education, all combine to equal the
amount of fees received with any funds left over at the end of the year
going to the church. We are very blessed to have a well-managed program.
A second area of primary concern is Outreach, both locally and globally. It is in
this area that we fund the missions and evangelism arm of the church. Our
National and Regional missions receive $35,000. Other funds go to the Baptist
World Alliance, Topeka Rescue Mission, J.U.M.P (Justice and Unity Ministry
Project), and Cross Wind, our regional camp and conference center. Our
outreach committee also provides funding for community outreach and
marketing in many forms such as radio, newspaper, website and Facebook.
(continued on Page 10)
Whose Team Are You On?
By Laura Cassiday-Moffatt, Associate Pastor
have been here two months, and continue to enjoy
learning all that the church has to offer. Pastor
Cheryl, Pastor Corey, and Verlee are an immense
help, I am quickly learning all the intricacies of the
committees, visitation, and worship planning, as well as
learning more names and faces each week.
The committees for which I am the pastoral liaison
are: Children & Youth, Daycare,
Adult Ed, and Recreation
(including Upward Basketball
with Pastor Corey). I have
attended these meetings, as well
as White Cross, ABW circles,
Staff Relations, and the Terra
Heights Task Force. We also
attended the monthly pastor’s
cluster luncheon and a day
summit on ministry compensation
at Central Seminary on October 1st.
I have spent some time down in Faith Forest and
continue to be blessed and amazed at how gifted the
teachers and volunteers are, and how much the kids love
learning all about our Lord and His Word. I am also in
the process of visiting the adult Sunday School classes
as I am able. I also have been to assist in Children’s
Worship and to lead worship at Terra Heights Baptist
Church twice.
Thanksgiving Offering
This year as we draw closer to the season of Thanksgiving, let us be mindful of the many blessings we received this past year, and also remember those who
are less fortunate.
This year our Thanksgiving
Offering will be divided equally
between the Topeka Rescue Mission and three Topeka elementary schools: Bishop, McClure,
and Whitson. The funds going to
those three schools will provide
school supplies for the children,
but also clothing and snacks for
the homeless children who are
enrolled at these schools.
First Baptist has a relationship with these schools
through the Harvester’s BackSnack program. We try to
be the hands and feet of Jesus to package and deliver
the food to the schools for the children to eat over the
weekend during the school year.
Page 2
Wednesday Family night activities seem to be going
well, with increasing numbers each week. Robyn
Aeschliman and Stephanie Wolgast have been
wonderful volunteers to help with the children!
Youth Group has been meeting on Sunday evenings
and we have a good core group of 5 to 8 students with
committed volunteer leaders.
I have been leading a Women’s
afternoons 1:00-2:15 p.m. on the
book of Ruth. The group would
like to continue studying together
and we will be studying the other
women who are mentioned in
Matthew’s genealogy: Bathsheba,
Tamar, Rahab, and Mary.
Some of my favorite times have
been Thursday morning worship
with the Daycare children, followed by fellowship
We as pastors have made it a priority to visit with
each of the elderly and shut-ins in the months of
September and October, so I have had the opportunity
to meet with some “senior saints” to pray with them and
hear their stories, which has been a privilege.
In the next month I will learn first-hand all that is
involved in Upward Basketball and Cheerleading.
Whitney Casement and Pastor Corey are a great team,
and their excitement for this ministry is contagious! I
look forward to the relationship building that will take
place with all the volunteers.
There is certainly a lot to learn; thank you for your
guidance and patience as I continue to do so.
First Baptist Church
Pastor on Call Schedule
All pastors have Fridays off, please call the
church office, 267-0380, if you have a need.
Oct. 30-Nov. 1 - Pastor Cheryl, 338-2161
Nov. 6-8 - Pastor Corey, 379-3852
Nov. 13-15 - Pastor Laura, 508-641-1681
Nov. 20-22 - Pastor Cheryl, 338-2161
Nov. 26-29 - Pastor Corey, 379-3852
Dec. 4-6 - Pastor Laura, 508-641-1681
November 2015
Please remember in
your prayers. . . Sharon
DeVore; Sylvia Hall
(Ginny Peter’s sister); Bob Kidd (David Kidd’s father);
Warren Kinnett; Bob Knittel; Greg Knox (Jim & Letha
Zahourek’s nephew); Jeanne Kopp; Sandy Milligan;
Donna Rankin (Barb Norman’s sister); Shannon Rankin
(Barb Norman’s nephew); Shirley Rausch (Judy Mark’s
mother); Merlene Rogers; Helen Satzler; family of
Laura Semler; Joyce Smith (Walt & Charlotte Beye’s
daughter); Arul Thangaman’s father; Rick Willoughby;
Crystal Wolgast; their caretakers; and our homebound
New Members
We’ve had several children come forward this month
during the 10:45 a.m. worship service to accept Jesus
Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. They are:
Anastasia Cook, daughter of Kevin and Julie Cook;
Katelyn Ebert, daughter of Jeff and Rachel Ebert; Odin
Reif, son of Travis and Harlea Elder; and Haley Roth,
granddaughter (adopted daughter) of Patti DawsonYoung.
First Baptist’s Financial Report
Comparison of our actual tithes and offerings and what
our operating budget requires each week.
Amount Received ......... Amount Needed
Sept. 27................... $ 6,717 ....................... $10,815
Oct. 4 ........................ 12,625 ...................... 10,815
Oct. 11 ...................... 10,156 ...................... 10,815
Oct. 18 ....................... 7,050 ....................... 10,815
Year-to-date deficit at the end September: ($24,171.43)
Anastasia Cook
Katelyn Ebert
Odin Reif
Haley Roth
Stretching Forward for WMO
During October we have been collecting for World Mission
Offering, and our goal is $2,500.00. To date, we have
received $1,450.00. It is not too late to give. Please write
“WMO” on the memo line of your check. Please give
generously to this year’s World Mission Offering!
Are We Missing U?
We want our pictorial directory to be complete with
everyone’s photo. Lifetouch will be at the church November 3-7 to take photos. To sign up: 1) call the
church office, 267-0380; or online at: If you
happen to be out of town
during that time, call the
church office to have your
photo taken at another
church in the area.
November 2015
Be sure and come to Family Fun Night on Wed.,
November 4 at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. It
promises to be an evening of fun with games
and cards. A movie will be shown for younger
children. Childcare will be provided. There will
be plenty of free snacks and drinks. Won’t you
come and join us?
First Baptist Church
Page 3
T-Shirt Sunday
Sunday, November 15
Be sure to wear your church t-shirt or polo shirt with our new mission statement, “Sharing Christ, Nurturing
People.” If you don’t have one, then wear another t-shirt. If you don’t have a church t-shirt or polo shirt, you
can still order one. The order form is enclosed in this newsletter. Payment is due with your order.
Day Care’s Christmas Program
Wednesday, December 2, 6:30 p.m., Gym
The congregation is invited to attend. We are looking for donations of cookies
for the reception. Contact the church office if you can provide 2 dozen cookies.
Search for Baby Jesus
Saturday, December 5, 9:00 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Children will search for baby Jesus throughout the building. It is an event where
parents can drop off children so they can have time to do Christmas shopping, house
cleaning, cooking, or baking. This is for children ages 3 to 5th grade. Childcare will
be provided for children who are younger than age 3. Middle or high school aged
children can participate as volunteers. To volunteer, contact Nancy Fleeker-Daniels,
Ladies Christmas Tea
Sunday, December 6, 2:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
This is open to all women and girls of the church and is sponsored by the American
Baptist Women. Program to be announced later. Contact the church office by Monday,
November 30, if you need child care. This is a free event.
First Baptist Church’s Annual Meeting
Sunday, Dec. 13 at Noon, Gym
The FBC annual meeting will follow the 10:45 a.m. worship service. Watch
for details regarding the luncheon. Items to be considered during the meeting
include: election of officers and the church’s budget.
Terra Heights Baptist Church will be joining us and will conduct their annual
meeting as well.
Page 4
First Baptist Church
November 2015
~ November 2015 ~
8:30 am Traditional Worship
12Noon Fellowship Lunch, F.H.
10 am-5 pm Pictorial Directory
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
2-9 pm Pictorial Directory
2-9 pm Pictorial Directory
2-9 pm Pictorial Directory
11 am KCADP, F. H.
11 am-7pm Pictorial Directory
6 pm Family Fun Night, F. H.
7 pm Chancel Choir
5 pm Badminton, gym
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
1 pm Women's Bible study
9:15 am Faith Forest
2:30 pm Adult Handbells
9:30 am Sunday School
5 pm Badminton, gym
5:30 pm Staff Relations
10:45 am Common Ground
7 pm Briarwood Neighb'd mtg.
6:30 pm Scouts
5:30 pm Staff Relations
4 pm Youth
7 pm JUMP @ El Shaddai
5:15 pm Living & Active
8:30 am Traditional Worship
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
12Noon Fellowship Lunch, F.H.
10 am Upward New Coachs'
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
1 pm Women's Bible study
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
4:30 pm Care Mtg.
7 pm Chancel Choir
5 pm Badminton, gym
9:30 am Sunday School
2:30 pm Adult Handbells
6 pm Committee Mtgs.*
10:45 am Common Ground
5 pm Badminton, gym
4 pm Youth
6 pm Roseberry Circle,
8:30 am Traditional Worship
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
12 Noon Day Care's Thanks'g
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
1 pm Women's Bible study
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
7 pm Board of Ministries
9:15 am Faith Forest
2:30 pm Adult Handbells
5:30 pm Day Care
1:30 pm Esther Jane Circle, F. H.
9:30 am Adult Sunday School
5 pm Badminton, gym
6:30 pm Scouts
6:30 pm Upward New Coaches
Luncheon, F. H.
5 pm Badminton, gym
Training, Chapel
10:45 am Common Ground
7:30 pm Upward Returning
4 pm Youth
Coaches Training
5:15 pm Living & Active
8:30 am Traditional Worship
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6:45 am Men's Breakfast
1-3 pm Pickleball, gym
9:30 am ConneXion Gathering
1 pm Women's Bible study
10:30 am All Staff mtg.
9:15 am Faith Forest
2:30 pm Adult Handbells
6 pm Children's Ed Mtg.
9:30 am Adult Sunday School
5 pm Badminton, gym
6:30 pm Scouts
--- Office & Day Care closed for Thanksgiving ---
10:45 am Common Ground
4 pm Youth
5:15 pm Living & Active
29 Hanging of the Greens
9:30 am Decorate the Church
Nov. 10 - Committee Mtgs
9 am Professional Staff mtg.
6 pm Recreation
10:45 am Combined Worship
1 pm Women's Bible study
6 pm Worship
No 8:30 or 9:30 worship
2:30 pm Adult Handbells
6:30 pm Outreach
service, or evening
5 pm Badminton, gym
6:30 pm Property
Training, Chapel
11 am Upward Returning
C h 'Coaches
T i i Training,
McFarland's Restaurant
5:15 pm Living & Active
15 T-Shirt Sunday
7:15 pm Finance
7:15 pm Risk Management
September 16, 2015
Members Attending: Robyn Aeschliman, Deane Burgess, Whitney Casement, Shirley Davis, Pam DeFries,
Rachel Ebert, Corey Fields, Matt Harader, Dave Harrison, Cheryl Henson, Theresa Hodges, Bill Kelly, Mary
Jane King, and Dennis Slimmer.
At 7:30 p.m., Matt Harader gave a leadership devotional, centered around Matthew 5:7: “Blessed are the
merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” God provided that those who show mercy shall receive mercy from
both others and God. Matt led in prayer.
Action Items
Approval of 08/19/15 meeting minutes: Dave Harrison moved and Robyn Aeschliman seconded to
approve the 08/19/15 minutes, as written. Motion carried.
Financial report: Matt Harader reported that receipts were down in August, leaving the church with a net
income of -$4,359.92. The year-to-date net income at the end of August was -$17,906.98, slighter better than
at this time last year. September’s first two weeks of receipts were very good. The Finance Committee
moved to approve the August 2015 financial report. Motion carried.
New Business
Transportation for members who need rides to church: The Care Committee reported the growing need for
transportation to church for some members who no longer drive. There are liability concerns for members
who may fall, either using the church’s 15-passenger bus or having volunteers pick up and return members. It
was noted that Brewster Place and Aldersgate will provide rides, but for a high fee. Other suggestions
included talking with Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging and Washburn’s Safe Ride program for options. In
addition, there was some discussion of providing streaming services at Brewster Place at 10:45 on Sundays in
its chapel. Another suggestion was to provide a valet service to help those who need it at the church, assisting
them getting out and into cars and even driving their cars to parking places.
2016 slate of officers: Pam DeFries stated that the Nominating Committee will meet soon and asked Board
members to let her know if they are not willing to serve in 2016.
Annual report: Cheryl Henson reminded that every committee should file its annual report by Oct. 31,
preferably by e-mail to Verlee. Each ministry area should also review its budget and give estimates for 2016
to Matt and the Finance Committee by Oct. 13. The Board will review the budget in October and publish it
by the middle of November.
Church directory: Cheryl announced that a new pictorial church directory will be made this year, with
photographs being scheduled for Nov. 4-7. Members may sign up online in a week or so and, starting in
October, people may sign up after church services. LifeTouch has offered several discounts for those who
wish to purchase their portraits, including a $10 discount for every family, a $5 discount for families who
bring canned goods (which will be given to the church for Doorstep), and a 20% discount for members of the
military, fire fighters and police as well as for seniors (60 and older).
Membership report: The Membership Secretary moved and Matt Harader seconded to accept a request
for membership by baptism for Braydon Fields. Motion carried.
New dates for the calendar:
• Sept. 26
Barbeque at Terra Heights, 4:00-6:00 p.m.—bring lawn chairs and side dishes
• Nov. 4
Game night at the church, 6:00-8:00 p.m., sponsored by Adult Education
Area Reports
Recreation: Whitney Casement stated that Upward evaluations start next month, scheduled from 6:00-7:30
p.m. on Oct. 27, 29 and 30 and from 9:30-11:00 a.m. on Oct. 31. No basketball experience is necessary for
the evaluations. Volunteers are needed to take brochures to USD 501 schools by the end of September.
Outreach: This group discussed getting a team of volunteers to greet Upward families and invite them to
church, connecting with the families through their kids. The church will also sponsor this year’s Crop Walk.
Care: In addition to discussing transportation for homebound members, the group is planning an Effective
Listening and Caring Seminar this fall, inviting Terra Heights to attend as well.
Worship: The Worship Committee is recruiting—if anyone has an interest in helping to plan worship
services, please contact Mary Jane King or another member of the committee. Kathy Slimmer will be
creating decorations for the church during October and November. Hanging of the Greens is scheduled for
Nov. 19 during the Sunday School hour.
Children and Youth Education: In a written report, the committee discussed plans for a December event,
such as Birthday Party for Jesus or another activity. Pastor Laura is putting together a discipleship class for
current third graders and up this fall.
Adult Education: The group discussed both current and future Wednesday Family Night programs.
Staff Reports
Cheryl Henson provided a written report, including:
• Wednesday Family Night got off to a good start Sept. 9, with a session on teaching children financial
responsibility, a new program called Moments for Moms, and children’s choir taught by Will Kubie.
• ABW will host the area Tri-River Rally on Monday, Sept. 21, and is planning ABW Sunday on Oct.
• All finance officers of the church are asked to attend the Economic Summit at Central Seminary on
Oct. 1, where they will hear from experts in the area of pastoral and church finances.
Corey Fields, in a written report, announced that a keyboard was purchased for the ConneXion band, Broken
Bread, using the remaining money from Charlie Stryker’s memorial. It joins the bass and electric guitars on
the stage that were purchased in memory of Larry Golden. He also stated that Upward’s newly recruited team
will operate independently, but under the auspices of the recreation committee. Whitney Casement will again
serve as the assistant director for basketball and Dawn Dennis is returning to direct cheerleading.
Laura Cassidy-Moffatt provided a written report, pointing out her activities with children and youth as well
with elderly and shut-in members.
At 8:40 p.m., with no further business, Dennis Slimmer closed the meeting with prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Norma Phillips, Church Clerk
First Baptist Topeka T-Shirt orders
First Baptist Topeka Polo Shirt
Child S
Child M
Total amount due:
Child L
Child S
Total amount due:
Child M
Child L
Create a Legacy of Faith
Stories From the Neighborhood
By Gary Smith, President FBC Foundation
By Corey Fields, Associate Pastor
If a brother or sister is without clothing and in
need of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in
peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not
give them what is necessary for their body, what use is
that? James 2:15-16
We'll call him David. He's a single young man who
lives alone. He served in Afghanistan fresh out of high
school. He struggles in social situations due to his
PTSD. He came to the picnic in what is probably one of
the few shirts he has - an old, dirty T-shirt. His mother
was with him, and she ate as if she hadn't eaten in
weeks. David says he's starting classes at Washburn
soon, majoring in theater. He wants to be an actor. One
must wonder if he is drawn to acting and playing the life
of another because of the deep pain he experiences in his
We'll call her Trista. She too has served in the
military. When she married her husband, I'm sure she
had great hopes for their life together. It lasted long
enough to have two children, but then it fell apart. A
nasty divorce, and then her mother passed away only a
few months later. Trista, her father, her children, and
their tiny dog moved into the cheapest place they could
find in hopes of picking up and moving on. They didn't
even have a stove when they moved in. Trista is a
delight to talk to and did not avoid us when she came
outside, but came over to talk.
Those are just two people we have met in the Terra
Heights neighborhood. As you may recall, our
partnership with them is not just about revitalizing their
church but seeking how God is at work in that
neighborhood and how He is calling us to serve and
minister to them. There is tremendous need in the
neighborhood, but also tremendous assets and people
who have gifts just waiting to be tapped into. Several
women love doing crafts. One man works on cars. Gene
Childers, who often attends our 8:30 service, is the
neighborhood chaplain for all intents and purposes.
While I was there one day, 2 boys rode up on
skateboards looking for Gene and his lemonade or treats.
All the kids know him, and he often gives them
Christian DVDs to take home and watch, or he
sometimes plays them right there at his house.
Even in the midst of pain, and even with serious
neighborhood problems like drugs, God wants to do an
amazing thing. We are on an adventure with Terra
Heights Baptist Church, seeking God's will for them.
How does God want to use you in this ministry effort?
The book of James reminds us of the important
difference between words and actions. We can’t just
talk about helping our neighbors in need, we must also
take action and make it happen.
One way we can make sure our church continues to
“make it happen” is by adding to our congregation’s
endowment fund. As this fund grows, we’ll be able to
buy more “coats” for everyone in need. One of the easy
ways to support the church, at a level far greater than
you may realize, is by using appreciated securities (like
stocks and bonds). When you transfer appreciated
securities to our
you avoid capital
gains taxes and
the full amount
can be used by the church for mission. So, instead of
cashing appreciated securities and paying capital gains
taxes and income taxes, you make a larger donation and
receive the full tax deduction as allowed by law. Please
contact a financial advisor before making this type of
By supporting the endowment fund you have the
opportunity to create a legacy of faith that will
positively impact our congregation’s ministry long after
your lifetime. Gifts you can give later include bequests
and memorials. These can be designated for “where the
need is greatest” or a particular favorite program or
mission activity. These funds open new horizons for
our congregation to reach even more people with
Christ’s love, allowing new programs to emerge as
needs are made known to future generations.
Please see any of the trustees below on how you can
leave a legacy at First Baptist.
FBC Foundation Trustees: Jillinda Ansell, Whitney
Casement, Jack Eakins, Gale DeVore, Fred Loseke, Bill
Ogle, Melinda Schoemaker, Gary Smith, and Harold Wolgast
Trunk or Treat at Terra Heights
Come and decorate your trunk and pass out candy to the children at the
Terra Heights neighborhood on October 31 at 6:30 p.m. Or you may drop
off candy at the FBC church office. Please no lollipops or Tootsie Rolls.
November 2015
First Baptist Church
Page 9
Continued from Page 1
The Outreach committee has only $200 for miscellaneous evangelism and would love to increase this amount and
sponsor more community events such as the concert we were able to have in 2014. Our committee also sponsored the
new church tee-shirts. If you didn’t order one you will have another chance soon. A portion of our funds go to provide
welcome gifts for visitors. Each visitor receives a small bag of Hershey kisses and a welcome card. With all of these
ministries included, our Outreach area has an annual budget of $42,675.
There are, of course, basic fixed expenses associated with operating a
facility of our size. We are blessed with two men who do a tremendous
job of keeping our church building and grounds in top shape. Joe
Barnes, our building superintendent, has been with us for 28 years.
Steve Martin, our custodian, is finishing 8 years. Our building is
38,722 square feet. It contains over 30 toilets, including those in the
Day Care rooms. Some of the costs in this area include paper supplies.
Shepherd’s Center alone brings 4,000 people through our doors each
year and that requires a lot of bathroom supplies. Air conditioning,
heating, church van, tools, equipment, insurance, kitchen equipment,
elevator maintenance, and fire extinguishers fall into this category.
With all of these ministries and staff included, our building and grounds has an annual budget of $177,693.00. This
calculates to $4.60 cents per square foot to maintain our facility and ground each year.
The office division includes the services of our office manager, Verlee Sanneman, who finished seven years with the
church. Our copier, paper supplies, offering envelopes, postage, The Star newsletter, computer software, both
financial and security software are included in this area. A wide variety of office supplies or basic equipment are
included in this amount. Any special mailing such as our mission letters or letters to the congregation also fall into this
category. With all of these ministries and staff included, our administrative/office area has an annual budget of
Our Care and Recreation ministries seem the least funded on a line item
budget, while in reality these two areas require a disproportionate amount
of time from the pastors and volunteers. While all three pastors work to
provide pastoral care, for the purpose of this narrative we have placed
Pastor Corey in this area since he works most closely with the Care
committee and Upward Basketball. Upward Basketball serves around 150
children each year and provides a faith-based sports experience and
Christian mentoring to children in kindergarten through 6th grade. From
October through the end of February, families enter our doors and are
ministered to and taught Christian values. In addition, Corey works closely
with the Care committee to provide special one-on-one care to our 28 home
-bound members and numerous hospital and therapy patients. Our Care committee funds also provide for hospitality
time, social events, congregation care, and training sessions. We have a parish nurse who offers her services for free.
We have a wellness committee who are meeting to consider ways they might expand health and wellness in the
congregation. The Care committee works diligently to find rides for people to worship and also make sure the altar
flowers are delivered to those in need of encouragement. With all of these ministries and staff included, our Care and
Recreation areas have an annual budget of $45,502.
A final area of mission funding is worship. Worship is fundamental to who we are.
We come together to worship our Creator and Redeemer. Some of the basics under
worship include: organist, musicians, altar flowers, communion supplies, music
supplies, and instrument care and maintenance. Funding is also provided for special
programs such as Christmas Eve or Easter Sunrise Service.
Continued on the next page.
Page 10
First Baptist Church
November 2015
Continued from Page 6
Also included is the expense of our senior pastor who provides leadership for this area. With all of these ministries
and staff included, our worship area has an annual budget of $87,448.
One of the large hidden expenses of the church are the required benefits for our staff.
These funds provide necessary health insurance, retirement, disability and dental
insurance, and social security taxes for our support staff that is very hard to afford
otherwise. Business expenses for the pastors such as continuing education or mileage for
hospital and home visitation are included in this area. Many of us never see the cost of our
personal health insurance because our employers pay it, but that benefit, though its costs
are escalating, is one of the essential benefits for attracting and retaining effective church
staff. Social security offsets and workman’s compensation taxes factor in as well. With all
of this included, our annual budget for staff benefits totals $105,834.
This is just a general picture of where the 2015 budget was allocated. I hope that you can visualize the effectiveness
of your funds. First Baptist is an excellent steward of your money. We are transforming lives for Christ. We are
serving our community. We are sharing Christ, nurturing people. Thank you for your generous part in the ministry
of the church. We have dreams of doing so much more. We would like to start more small groups, a senior ministry,
community outreach, afterschool programing…and the possibilities are limited only by our finances. As you
prayfully consider your giving in 2016, please help us continue to expand our ministry to our community and
ABW Circles Invites all Church Women
2015-2016 Upward Season
We have two circles that will be meeting during
November. Select a date and
time that is convenient to your
 Roseberry Circle will meet
Monday, Nov. 9th, at
McFarland’s Restaurant in the Gage Shopping
Center at 6:00 p.m. for dinner and program.
 Esther Jane Circle will meet 1:30 p.m. Thursday,
Nov. 19, in the Fellowship Hall, following the
Thanksgiving dinner with the day care families.
Upward Basketball needs volunteers for
its upcoming season. We need gym
monitors, coaches, scorekeepers,
referees, and people to visit with the
parents on game day about First Baptist.
Some volunteer positions don’t require
any basketball experience. If you would
like to volunteer, please email
Whitney Casement at
[email protected].
2015 Crop Walk—Several young families and youth
from First Baptist participated in this year’s crop walk.
November 2015
First Baptist Church
Page 11
F i r s t B a p t i s t Ch u r c h
The FIRST BAPTIST STAR (USPS: 194-960) is published monthly for
$25.00 per year by the First Baptist Church, 3033 SW MacVicar Ave.,
Topeka, KS 66611-1811. Periodicals postage paid at Topeka, Kansas.
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Topeka, Kansas 66611-1811
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Topeka, Kansas
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Changes to The First Baptist Star,
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The sunrise photo on the cover was taken
by Whitney Casement.
Note: Dated Material Enclosed
Sunday, November 29 at 9:30 a.m.
You are invited to come and help decorate the church
during the Sunday School hour. There will be just one
worship service at 10:45 a.m. in the sanctuary. After
worship, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a soup
luncheon, sponsored by the Worship Committee.
As a reminder, there will be no 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. worship
services. During the Sunday School hour we will be
decorating for advent.
Upcoming Dates
Consecration Sunday  November 1
Bring your 2016 commitment card with you to worship.
November 1 - Consecration Sunday
November 4 - Game Night, 6 p.m., Fellowship Hall
November 3-7 - Photos taken for Pictorial Directory
November 8 - Rev. Nathan Marsh
Rev. Marsh is ABCCR’s Associate Executive Minister. He
has previously served as pastor in Baptist Churches in
Kansas and Oklahoma. He is completing the Doctor of
Ministry program in Congregational Health from Central
Baptist Theological Seminary. Nate is married to Cosette
who serves as the Young Women’s Coordinator for the
American Baptist Women of the Central Region.
November 19 - Day Care’s Thanksgiving Luncheon
November 20 - Casting Crowns concert @ TPAC, contact
the church office for tickets.
November 29 - Decorating for Christmas, 9:30 a.m.
December 13 - FBC & THBC Annual Meeting, 12Noon