Appaloosa News Spot - appaloosa horse breeders` society of south


Appaloosa News Spot - appaloosa horse breeders` society of south
Appaloosa News Spot
Vol 11 No 63 & 64
Oct 2013 & Jan 2014
Appaloosa of the Year 2013
Appaloosa of The Year 2013
award presented to Lee Hawkins
owner of Les Chevaux Chevalier
Spring Show 2013
Supreme Western Champion Male
Hesa Cool Star (USA)
owned by J.Smit from Two Moons
Stud and shown by M.Smit
Supreme Champion Male
Belloosa Gunshot
owned by Pauline Huff from Belloosa
Stud and shown by Mandy Schroder
Supreme Champion Female
Belloosa Astral
owned by Pauline Huff from
Belloosa stud and shown by
Michael Masina
Editor’s Note
Hi Everyone,
We have to offer a huge apology for combining these two issues. There was a delay
with the typing out of the AGM minutes at Stud Book and Christmas was upon us !
We have also had complaints about the backlog of registrations and we have now had a
promise from The Secretariat at Stud Book that this will be sorted out at last.
We thought long and hard about handing over our paperwork to them, and even Council
members have had complaints about our animals.
After endless hours of discussion, you will see that we have finally come up with a set
of restrictions to be applied to the breeding forward of some of the PSSM positive
animals. This makes our Society the strictest in the World, where PSSM is concerned.
We hope you have all enjoyed this lovely rain.....we experienced 6 dry months and
thought it would never end.
We look forward to seeing you all the Horse of the Year Show.
Greetings, Claire
A Spotted Horse seen in Krakow , Poland
The News Spot
Editors Note
The official quarterly publication of the
Appaloosa Horse Breeders Society of
South Africa dedicated to the promotion
and enjoyment of the Appaloosa horse.
President’s Letter
AGM Follow up
22– 23
PSSM Rules
Fee structure 2013
Awards Dinner
Summer Show
New Arrivals
Please send all your news and input to
our Editor Claire Amm at
[email protected], fax 051 9242567
or our Sub-Editor Mercia Smith at
[email protected]
Any opinions expressed in the articles,
contributions and newsletter pages are not
necessarily those of the Council or members of the AHBSSA. The editor reserve
the right to edit any contribution.
Important Late News
We welcome as co-opted council
members for 2014
Nov 15th
January issue
Feb 15th
April issue
Scott Moffatt–Tylucas Equine Stud
Jandre Boshoff—Machado Stud
May 15th
July issue
Aug 15th
October issue
Thank you for your willingness to
serve on Council
Any late contributions will be held over
until the next issue.
All trophies to be returned to
George Contos no later than
31 May 2014.
Don’t forget to visit our Website
Go to
Appaloosa. Remember all the latest show
results as well as all the advertisements
Photo’s for 2015 calendar to be sent from the latest News Spot will appear on
to George Contos no later than
this site. Another good reason to advertise
31 May 2014
in this publication.
President’s Letter
Greetings and complements of the
season to you all.
May 2014 treat you
as you wish it to.
I am really honoured to have been
chosen as your new
President, and I
will do my very best to live up to your expectations .
Your Committee looks quite a bit different
than the previous one but I can assure you
we will make it our business to look after all
of your interests in connection with our special breed.
I invite anyone of you who has a problem
with how we do things or who has a constructive suggestion as to how to improve
what we do , to contact me or any other
council member so we can try to attend to
it .
Our recent Championship show went off , in
my view anyway , the best it's ever been . I
am pleased to be able to report that the two
top level judges we used were very impressed overall with almost everything and
the quality of our animals .
Our AGM though rather stormy at times is
over . Our decisions have been made and
now we will go forward.
Our Awards evening was well attended and
there were a lot of smiling faces as the trophies and medallions were handed out . Well
done to all the recipients .
We are continuing to test for PSSM and
hopefully in the near future a broader picture
will gradually unfold as to its extent and in
time it's effect , if any , on our national herd
I hope to see many of you at Kyalami
for the Horse of The Year show where I'm
sure our breed will be looked at with envy
by many of the participants and spectators.
Regards Don Cropper
Groete en goeie wense aan al ons lede, en
mag 2014 net voorspoed bring.
Ek voel bevoorreg dat julle my as President verkies het, en ek sal my bes doen
om aan verwagtinge te voldoen.
Die nuut saamgestelde kommitee verteenwoordig heelwat nuwe lede, maar wees
verseker dat ons te alle tye die belang van
die lede en bevordering van ons spesiale
ras ten doel stel.
Ek nooi enigeen wat ‘n probleem met
enige aspek van die bestuur, of algemene
probleme ondervind en konstruktiewe
voorstelle tot verbetering wil lewer om
enige raadslid te kontak.
Ons Kampioenskap skou het volgens my
mening die beste nog afgeloop.
Dit was ‘n voorreg om van twee top vlak
beoordelaars net lof te ontvang vir die
skoureelings en kwaliteit van die perde op
Alhoewel soms ontstuimig het ons die
AJV agtergelaat, en konstruktiewe
besluite geneem in die belang van alle
lede vir die weg vorentoe.
Ons jaarlikse prystoekenning was baie
goed bygewoon en daar was heelwat
trotse ontvangers van medaljes en trofeë.
Geluk aan al die presteerders.
PSSM toetsing gaan voort en hopelik sal
ons in die nabye toekoms ‘n beter begrip
he van die impak, indien Enige, op die
nasionale kudde.
Hoop om soveel as moontlik van julle by
Horse of the Year skou in Kyalami te
sien. Ek vertrou ons ras sal weereens
uitstaan en waardeer word deur deelnemers en toesighouers.
Blanket Cover
Groete, Don Cropper
Minutes for the Annual General Meeting at Pierre van Rooyen Board Room, SA
Studbook, Bloemfontein, on Saturday the 16 th of November 2013 at 11:00
Notule vir die Algemene Jaarvergadering te Pierre van Rooyen Raadsaal, SA
Stamboek, Bloemfontein op Saterdag 16 November 2013 om 11:00
Val Cropper –Council Member/Raadslid
Claire Amm –Council Member/Raadslid
Siebert Vermeulen – SA Studbook/SA Stamboek
Anthony Smith
Cobus Smit
Marco Smit
Craig Vacy- Lyle –President
Pauline Huff
Lee Hawkins
Mercia Smith – Council Member/Raadslid
Ros Nightingale – Council Member/Raadslid
George Contos – Council Member/Raadslid
Hennie Oosthuizen
Maggie Riley – Council Secretary/Raad Sekretaresse
Don Cropper- Vice President/Vise-President
Danie Louw – Council Member/Raadslid
Sumari Taljaard – Secretary/Sekretaresse
Constantinos Contos
Hentie Prinsloo
Martin Sakinofso
Fiona Ross
Brett Miller
Sally Miller
Su Fairman
Roxanne Oosthuizen
Hennie Oosthuizen
The meeting was opened at 11:00 by the President, Craig Vacy-Lyle. A warm word
of welcome to Mr Chris Els of the Secretariat, Siebert Vermeulen of SA Studbook as
well as Sumari Taljaard, the new Secretary / Die vergadering is geopen om 11:00 deur
die President, Craig Vacy-Lyle. ‘n Spesiale woord van welkom aan Siebert Vermeulen van SA Stamboek en Sumari Taljaard, die nuwe sekretaresse.
As the notice of the meeting was given in time, the meeting was therefore declared as
properly constituted / Die kennisgewing van die vergadering is betyds uitgestuur en
die vergadering word as behoorlik gekonstitueerd verklaar
AGM (continued)
The attendance register is circulated and signed / Die bywoningsregister word gesirkuleer en onderteken.
Proxy vote forms were received from / Proksie stembriewe is ontvang vanaf: G.J.
Steyn, Jamie Lynn, Gareth Mare, Tamara Manton, Damien Dreyer, Anna Preston, Roelof Jordaan, Corlia Boshoff, Rika van Vuuren, J. Van der Schyf, Nikolas Kazandjis, Guy
Beuthin, Michele O`Kelly, Dawn Matthee, Marna Smith Stofberg, Nina Swart, Hannie
van Deventer, Deborah Buchan, A Fourie, Alet Fourie, J.A. Bezuidenhout, Willem Cilliers, Mandy Serdyn, Scott Moffatt, Candice Nightingale, RS Thompson, Lesly Terwin,
Nadine Terwin, Nadine Flanegan, Zuluwaters Trust, WJ Van Niekerk, Gaylen Bettiol,
Michelle A Honison, Ruth Leisegang, Debbie Blackburn, Doreen Butterworth.
Acceptance of the minutes of the last AGM
The acceptance of the minutes of the 2012 AGM, taken as read, proposed by Don
Cropper, seconded by Craig Vacy-Lyle. Passed unanimously / Die notule van die
AJV 2012 word as gelese beskou en aanvaar. Voorgestel Don Cropper, gesekondeer Craig Vacy-Lyle. Eenparig goedgekeur
3. Acceptance of the minutes of the last AGM
The acceptance of the minutes of the 2012 AGM, taken as read, proposed by Don
Cropper, seconded by Craig Vacy-Lyle. Passed unanimously / Die notule van die
AJV 2012 word as gelese beskou en aanvaar. Voorgestel Don Cropper, gesekondeer
Craig Vacy-Lyle. Eenparig goedgekeur
4. The Reports of Council / Verslag van Raadslede
Presidents Report – Craig-Vacy-Lyle
2013 has been a rewarding and a challenging year for the Appaloosa society. We are
seeing more and more Appaloosas excelling in a variety of equine disciplines and a
number of South African titles have been won by Appaloosas for the first time this
year. The demand for good Appaloosas is increasing in these difficult times with
people wanting there good temperaments, ease of keeping and versatility.
Our Championship show was a huge success this year with record entries especially
in the ridden classes. This is very encouraging as ultimately the majority of our horses are being used for riding and this will help us to grow the demand for Appaloosas. Our children and juniors are also excelling on beautiful Appaloosas and they
feed into the bigger market later so our future is in good hands.
AGM (continued)
Vice-Presidents Report – Don Cropper
I was kept busy with the PSSM testing during the earlier part of the year and recently
with the preparations for this meeting very busy.
In between my duties as Show chairperson, meetings and handling the DNA I've been
forced to earn my keep as it were.
The DNA is running very smoothly now with nearly 400 parentage verifications completed and quite a few in the process. All new foals are entered into the Lid cat storage
system at A R C Genetics lab and are later parentage verified as part of their inspection for being allowed to be bred with. If there is any problem with their Application
to be registered we do this test immediately.
PSSM a lot will depend on the decisions taken during this meeting.
I am getting some rather unexpected, considering what has been spoken about and
published on this subject, feedback from members who own positive animals. They
are all saying they see no outward signs of any problems in them at all. Maybe we
should consider backing off a bit until more is known or apparent of the effects of this
disorder under our local conditions.
The testing for PSSM is also becoming a headache with the slow response from the
lab we are using so we may have to abandon our system in favour of one we still have
to work out.
Treasurers Report – Craig Vacy-Lyle
It has been a tough year for the country and the society from a financial point of
view. As we predicted the extra cost of using the secretarial services has made us
run at a loss for this year. We will need to increase our fees dramatically or find
innovative ways to supplement our income to generate the funds needed to carry
this expense in the years ahead.
It has also been one the most difficult years to collect outstanding amounts and a
lot of members have still not paid their membership or their accounts are in arrears. You would expect that people would know what they owe to the society and
make an effort to pay it on time but that does not seem to be the case.
We invested R 100 000. In an interest bearing call account and this has generated
some much need interest. We were blessed with good sponsorship for our Championship show this year and this helped to make it a great success.
The society is currently in a strong financial position but extra revenue will need
to be generated to ensure this healthy situation continues.
News Spot – Claire Amm
Looking back over the four issues of the News Spot that have appeared since our
2012 AGM, I see a big improvement in the amount of articles and contributions,
as well as the quality of the photographs. I am sure members will agree. We are
continuously looking for news and stories, and never miss an opportunity to follow up on any news of our horses 'spotted ' performing around the country
AGM (continued)
We distributed a questionnaire asking if we could send out the News Spot in electronic format, and got an almost unanimous response. Not only the juniors like to
stick pictures in their scrapbooks and even cut out photos of horses related to
theirs for family trees etc! So the printed copy stays!
We are going to continue our "Builders of the Breed" series, now that so many
new bloodlines have entered the country. So many of them are making a noteworthy contribution to our breed.
Thank you Mercia for your tireless efforts to get our publication out on time, not
any easy task with all your commitments.
Please keep sending us all your news, advice, tricks of the trade, fact
anything that you feel our readers will enjoy.
Our Reps find it difficult to get feedback from members – they send out emails or
sms’s and get little response and therefore have little news to send in.
We have one new Regional Rep in the Free State as Gert Oosthuizen has moved away
from the region and is very busy with his job and newly married life.
The new Free State rep is Moira Diesel who is keen to get involved.
Sally Miller (KwaZulu Natal) has resigned as they have moved to a new farm with lots
of animals and are building a new home and life there – they are so busy that there is
little time for much else.
(I did ask Richard from Cranford Stud if he would stand as Reg Rep but he says he
can’t be actively involved at the moment but would be willing to look into it next
Gaylen Bettiol has also resigned as she now has a full time teaching position, her family as well as running and maintaining a large farm single-handedly and feels she cannot
do justice to being a Reg Rep.
Marna Smit – Western Cape Region 1, feels that there are not enough members in her
region and would like to hand over to Mandy Serdyn (Western Cape Region 2) – I
have sent an email to her asking her to reconsider.
I have sent acceptances and thank you emails to those who have resigned, for their time
and effort so far.
I have sent a welcome email to the new rep – Moira Diesel
The AHBSSA webpage was still not updated with the Regional Reps even though details were sent through in September.
The reports are as follows :
NAMIBIA - Gielie Vermuelen
In Namibia we welcome Pieter Hugo as a new Appaloosa Breeder. Pieter’s details are
as follows: Cell nr: +264 811 278 522 and email address: [email protected].
In Namibia we are investigating the option of establishing our own Society and to become members of the Namibian Stud Breeders Association. The main reason for this
decision is based on the CEM requirements which are enforced in terms of Section 11
of the Animal Disease Act in RSA.
AGM (continued)
Hope you are well and thank you for all the effort you are putting into the regional
reps. However I think it would be best if you can give my region to Mandy Serdyn that
has been appointed as the other WC representative since I do not have any active
breeders or members in my part of the Western Cape. I am the only breeder/member
that I know of in this WC section and all the shows that we take part in is in Mandy's
section closer to Cape Town. If you want me to report on my stud I will do so gladly
otherwise I will just send all the show information through directly to Mandy or the
News Spot.
Some information :
June 2013 all breed showing show at the Just horses show1 first and 1 second place in the show riding for Painted Black Pearl Rock.
3rd placing for Painted Mosaic in the show riding.
This was the first ridden show for both of them and these are 4 year old broodmares
with Mosaic that weaned her foal in March 2013 (3 months before the show).
November 2013 all breed showing show at Evergreen showtotal of 4- first places for Painted Summer Rain in the show riding and one 3d in the
utility ridden class.
November 2013 Bon equine showing show will be attended by Painted Black Pearl
The other shows we are doing with the Knabstruppers, but will report on any Appaloosa activity at these shows. The horses are over all doing very well against the other
breeds. Also it will be possible for us (on my stud premises since we finished the arena
and show facilities) to host a small all breed show with Appaloosa classes. This will
be possible towards the end of next year.
FREE STATE – Moira Diesel
I did email all our members in the Free State, except for Les Chevaux Stud as they are
listed in another province on the breeders list I got off the web. I haven’t had anything
back from the Free State members to date and have had no queries either.
Will send out a little reminder today, but I’m disappointed to tell you that nobody has
sent any news.
Two of my emails were returned undelivered. Just been extremely hectic so I’ve not
phoned anyone yet either. Will make plan this morning to push, especially Machado
stud who seemed to do well at the championships – saw lots of rosettes on Facebook.
Will be in touch later to confirm.
We do have an issue with registrations; I’ve had buyers contacting me already, requesting the registration papers for their horses of which change of ownerships have been
sent in months ago. I understand the problems the society are having with registrations
at the moment, but buyers cannot care less about these problems, they paid for registered horses and they expect the paper work to be ready once they have paid the horse
in full.
The lack of registrations are also posing a problem to people wanting to advertise their
horses and since the registration process is taking so long, breeders and sellers alike
have to wait before advertising their registered stock, as there are many buyers that do
request registration numbers for advertised horses.
AGM (continued)
Certainly, as breeders, we are paying a pretty high fee to remain breeders with the society, keeping our stallions up to date with CEM and sending in covering certificates and
registration papers in timeously, we should certainly be able to get our paper work back
on time ????????
The one owner that contacted me with regards to her registration papers has informed
ME of how useless I am and that being a regional rep doesn’t give any pull with the
society – understandably it doesn’t, but I do not have an answer for her anymore since
Sumari has not returned my emails either.
One needs to ask oneself if it is at all necessary to spend vast amounts of money on
membership, CEM, registrations and change of ownerships if the horses that have been
bred already and registrations sent in on time is all worthwhile in the end.
AREA – nothing to report due to lack of response;
THAT AREA – nothing to report
The questions :
Are the Regional Representatives able to help or assist anyone in their regions with
AHBSSA queries and to what level – ie – can they get information from Stud Book?
do they have the time to become more engaged with members in their regions?
Are members close enough to one another to hold local shows?
if appears that some regional reps only have news from their own studs and little from
other studs in the regions;
Are the regional reps making use of the updated forms and information on the
AHBSSA website?
Show Chairperson`s Report - Don Cropper
Generally during the past year there has been a trend of a few less animals entered but
quite a few more ridden entries
Animals entered
Horse of the Year
Autumn Gold Cup
Tshwane/Spring Festival
Summer Show (which is not on this list) was moved to the Vaal show grounds and our
participation was a significant one overall. Even though our entries were small the
standard was high. So far this year this show has been cancelled.
AGM (continued)
Horse of the Year was well attended both in hand and ridden as was the Western still
at that time run by W S A S A where the Appaloosas dominated.
Autumn Gold Cup returned to Country Base and the entries far exceeded the time allocated to them which was a bit frustrating but all finally finished just as the light faded.
Tshwane/Spring Festival was another show where the time allocated didn't match up to
the increased entries, but with the help of the competitors and judge / s we managed
to run 2 x classes alongside of each other and ended up finishing before time on a
freezing cold day.
Our Championships was one with a few less horses (had George entered it would have
been more) but the number of entries increased quite a lot. All ran pretty smoothly and
we managed to keep close to our intended times as advertised over the 3 days. It was a
pleasure to watch how professionally our two judges managed the time table continually checking how the time was running and adjusting to suite. How pleasant it was for a
relatively new breeder to take the top honours with the superb young stallion he bred.
Everyone we've spoken to has said what a great show and how well it ran. I must say I
felt very proud to have been one of the main organizers of it.
Special thanks must go to all the entrants as without you guys there would be no shows
at all.
Then without my little enthusiastic and sometimes pretty volatile team Pauline, Ros, Mercia and Val the Boss lady none of this would have been possible at all
so special thanks to them. Of course the Champs this year wouldn't have been the success they were without Shannon our ring steward and her family and of course
Bridgette at the gate .Special mention of our President this year and his making sure
Val was ok and all the bits and pieces he did. Thanks Craig you surprised us all.
It looks like in the future we will need extra time allocated to us at the various shows.
Who would ever have thought that a few years ago when we couldn't even make up
proper classes because there were so few entries.
The children's classes are coming on now but we need to do better
The only real concern is the Part Bred classes both Sport horse and Pony. They're not
really going well at all. We need many more participants if they are to grow, though
Lucia did a sterling job this year at the Afridome with her ponies.
Last but not least our society needs to say a very big thank you to our sponsors for
without you guys things would be much harder or even impossible to achieve.
AGM (continued)
PRO – George Contos
I would like to report that in the Public Relations Department, no major upheavals this
year. We had a few problems of people complaining about their paperwork, but things
seem to be going a bit smoother now with the appointment of Sumari Taljaard as our
new secretary at SA Studbook and the Secretariat. Members must please still bear with
us, things are improving and we are almost there.
There have been some problems regarding the PSSM status of some horses notably
some recent imports and members have expressed concern, and have told them these
issues will be addressed at this AGM hopefully today solutions will be found to the satisfaction of all that have expressed such concern.
I am again happy to announce that the Appaloosa Calendar has been printed and is
available for sale would like to ask all to promote and support the Calendar, as it is not
only a great advertising tool for our horses, but also an important source of revenue for
our Society would also like to emphasize that whoever can, must please approach me
for next year's Calendar effort and commit to sponsoring a page so that we can fulfill
our quota to make it possible to print another one in the coming year. Remember, I am
not asking for sponsorship for myself, as some people when ie approach them in this
regard, treat me as they are doing me a favour or that I am doing this for myself. I am
doing this for all of us and our horses and I am performing this duty out of goodwill for
all and would appreciate that people understand that. A warm request though...Please
provide me with a good quality picture as some I received this year were of rather poor
quality and this does have a negative impact on the calendar and how it is received by
the public and members who we canvass to buy one.
We had some great sponsors this year, notably ones organized by Cobus and Marco
Smit of Two Moons Stud who also added to those, by digging deep in their own pockets. In addition, I would like to thank all other sponsors who helped, via their contributions, oil the wheels that turn our Society and help keep it on the move. Sponsorships in
general are down though and I would be thankful if people could source some more for
us this coming year.
Finally I would like to thank all members of Council and any others that have put so
much of their time and effort to helping our Breed reach the success levels it has enjoyed in recent years. If we stick together and work as one there is no other Breed that
will be able to keep up with our growth and rising popularity in South Africa…
The enthusiasm displayed by the young riders and handlers during 2013 was remarkable
The entry numbers are slowly but certainly increasing every year, only surpassed by the
quality of riding that proves of enormous amounts of time, discipline and dedication
For the first time we had enough young Western entries to have separate under 18 classes at Pretoria Spring Show, as well as at our National Championship show in Parys.
A number of kids riding Appaloosas have done exceptionally well at SANESA inter
schools participation, and we take pride in their achievement and behavior at these
shows. You are truly great ambassadors of our breed.
AGM (continued)
What was also very noticeable was that so many competitive disciplines were covered
and quite often by the same horses.
Versatility is key and continued development will grow the perception of Appaloosas
can do it all.
While most breeds are showing a decline in show participation, ours are growing –a
truly encouraging sign.
Die entoesiasme wat deur ons jong ruiters en hanteerders by elke skou in 2013 openbaar het was merkwaardig.
Die hoeveelheid inskrywings neem stadig maar seker elke jaar toe, terwyl die bevoegdheid van die ruiters teen ‘n baie vinniger pas vorder, wat getuig van baie tyd, dissipline
en toewyding.
Vir die eerste keer het ons genoeg Western inskrywings in ons onder 18 ouderdomme
gehad om by Pretoria Spring Show en Appaloosa Nationale Kampioenskappe in aparte
klasse te kon deelneem.
Heelwat van ons Appaloosa ruiters het uitstekend gedoen tydens die SANESA tussen
skole byeenkomste, en ons is trots op hulle prestasie en gedrag by die skoue. Julle is
waardige ambassadeurs vir ons ras.
Wat veral uitgestaan het was die groot verskeidenheid dissiplines waarin deelgeneem
is, en veral die feit dat dieselfde perde gereeld soveel veelsydigheid openbaar het. Ontwikkeling van multi dissipline deelname groei die persepsie dat Appaloosas in alle
areas kan presteer.
Terwyl meeste rasse ‘n afname in skou deelname toon, toon ons ‘n groei onder die
jeug. ‘n Baie bemoedigende tendens.
Report from Council Secretary 2013—Maggie Riley
Figures for membership are as follows. Breeders 77, Ordinary members (non breeders)
56 plus 6 family members and 12 juniors/children and two life members. As we have
had difficulty collecting subscriptions for membership fees this year, it is a reasonably
healthy position comparing well with previous years.
The problems with fee collection and distribution of the News Spot in early 2013 were
caused by the postal strike. Members either never received invoices and the magazine
or received them well into the year.
Our administration also was somewhat disrupted in the early part of the year as Liezel
left to have her baby and our new secretary was unable to cope with the work. She was
not helped by our Council Secretary having gone overseas to assist her daughter with
the birth of her first grandchild. Consequently Maggie was unable to be of help to
Melanie, being without internet contact except when able to use the local library.
We were pleased to welcome Sumari as our secretary in June. Sumari had worked for
several years with Alet, doing registrations for our Society at the Stud Book offices.
She was therefore familiar with our breed and its special features. We look forward to
the continuing improvement in our administration.
Membership forms for new members have been sent to the Council Secretary to this
point, but this will change and Sumari will receive these. We do not accept membership
AGM (continued)
without payment and it is convenient for her to check, with our financial administrators, payments received. We may have to institute some minor changes to our system
when members change status in either direction between being a breeder and a non
breeder, but these are not going to cause members any loss of sleep.
As much of our communication as possible is conducted via email, to keep down costs
and to transmit information quickly, please make sure that the secretary has a correct
email address for you, if you do not receive emails then she does not have an address
for you. Members without emails are still receiving information by post or SMS for all
major communications.
I urge all members to promote the Society when selling their horses, to help us to continue the development of the Society, maintaining and increasing the membership base
and enabling us to follow the progress of our horses in the various disciplines.
5. The Financial Statement and Auditor’s Report
Mr Craig Vacy-Lyle read and briefly disucssed the financial statements for 2013. The
acceptance of the Financial Statements and Auditor’s report was proposed by Craig
Vacy Lyle seconded by Danie Louw and passed unanimously by the meeting with the
agreement that the new council will make the necessary adjustment to the financial
statement. / Mnr Craig Vacy-Lyle lê die finansiële state vir 2013 aan die lede voor.
The finansiële state en ouditeursverslag is eenparig goedgekeur met die ooreenkoms
dat die inkomende raad die nodige verandering aan die state sal bring en goedkeur.
Voorgestel Craig Vacy-Lyle, gesekondeer Danie Louw
6. Motions (see details, discussion order on the documents enclosed for AGM)
Mosies (sien besonderhede op aangehegte dokumente vir AJV)
Proposed by: Craig Vacy-Lyle
Seconded by: Don Cropper
Proposal for the control of PSSM in breeding herds for presentation and discussion
prior to changing our Constitutions Bye-Laws The intention is to only allow the very
best positive horses to be bred from under very strict control measures as listed below.
It is therefore proposed that:
1)All suspected horses must be tested for PSSM at the expense of the owner. This
will be at the discussion of council.
2) All positive horses must be reflected as such on their records and their certificates
must be returned to Stud Book to have them recorded as such.
3) Current horses that have passed their breed inspection and that have since tested
positive may only be bred to negative ones.
4) All progeny from these horses must be tested for PSSM when the application to
register them is made. Those that test negative will be registered in the normal way.
Those that test positive must be recorded as such on their records and may only be
Birth Notified.
5) Positive colts will only be fully registered after minimum score of 80% has been
achieved during their breed inspection and they have been recommended for breeding.
Their registration certificate will be issued showing they are PSSM positive and they
AGM (continued)
will only be permitted to breed 20 foals after which their breeding permit will be
withdrawn. All their progeny must be tested as in 4) .Those positive colts that do not
get 80% in their inspection will only be registered after they have been gelded when
their certificates will be recorded as PSSM positive. They may not be bred with.
6) Fillies that are positive and obtain a score of 70% in their breed inspection and are
recommended for breeding will be issued with registration certificates showing they
are positive for PSSM and may only be bred to negative stallions. All their progeny
must be tested as in 4) They may not be used for embryo flushing unless only negative embryos are cultivated.
Fillies that do not get 70% in their breed inspection will only be registered after they
have been spayed. They may not be bred with.
7) The society does not recommend breeding with PSSM positive horses unless they are
of an exceptional quality and would improve the general quality of the breed.
NB: To ensure we follow 7.
8) The inspection for positive horses should be done by a vet (familiar with equines)
plus a breed inspector (ours or other breed).
After they have scored the animal they need to be told the animal most likely will
breed some positive foals and what the society is doing about this disorder. They
then will be able to make an informed decision whether to recommend the animal
for breeding.
9) Any animal that is positive and is recommended for breeding will have the process
used reviewed by Council who will make the final decision whether the process
followed was sufficient and correct.
MOTION 2 (by Council)
Proposed by: Don Cropper
Seconded by: Craig Vacy-Lyle
It is proposed that Bye-Law 1 be amended as follows:
Before any animal is recorded or registered in any section of this Stud Book, proof will
be required if necessary that it has been verified to be free of any known inheritable
Genetic Disorder except PSSM (where a special ruling will apply) as detailed in the
Appendum (at the end of Bye-Laws
MOTION 3 (by Council)
Proposed by: Don Cropper
Seconded by: Craig Vacy-Lyle
It is proposed that Bye-Law 10 be amended as follows:
10.1(g) Proof will required that any animal other than those mentioned in (f)
above has been verified free of any specific inheritable Genetic Disorder except PSSM
(where a special ruling will apply ) which the Society may have good reason to suspect
such animal may carry as detailed in Appendum 1(at the end of Bye-Laws
AGM (continued)
MOTION 4 (by Council)
Proposed by: Don Cropper
Seconded by:
Craig Vacy-Lyle
It is proposed that Appendum 1 attached the Bye-Laws be amended as follows:
d) PSSM Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (A special ruling will apply)
MOTION 5 (by Council)
Proposed by:
Don Cropper
Seconded by:
Craig Vacy-Lyle
It is proposed that Bye-Law 1 be amended as follows:
The recording and registration system of the society shall consist of the Stud Book
Proper Section, the Appendix Section, the Basic Section and Part-Bred Section. Each
member having animals registered or recorded in any of these sections shall, to the
satisfaction of the General Manager or his representative, keep a proper record of the
animals in his stud and their breeding.
The reason for this motion is to ensure our Part Bred fall under the same ruling in
the second paragraph of 1 Stud Book as those already included.
Proposed by:
Maggie Riley
Seconded by:
Danie Louw
It is proposed that the Constitution be amended as follows:
The affairs of the Society shall be controlled and administered by a
Council consisting of nine (9) members, (at least two thirds of whom must be ordinary
registering members-breeder members), who shall be elected by ballot at an Annual
General Meeting and shall hold office until the next AGM after election, when three
(3) members as determined by the drawing of lots shall retire. At the succeeding
AGM, the next three of the members, longest in office, to retire shall be determined by
lot. Thereafter, at each AGM the three (3) members longest in office shall retire. Retiring 12 members shall be eligible for re-election, provided that when they have
completed two terms of office they shall be obliged to stand down for a minimum
period of one year. Provided further that they may be co-opted to serve on Council
within the one year period should there be no other qualified member willing to
Proposed by:
Don Cropper
Seconded by:
Danie Louw
It is proposed that the Bye-Laws be amended as follows
AGM (continued)
1.2.1 Appendix A
(a) The progeny of a basic section animal bred to a registered Appaloosa of either Appendix A, Appendix B or Stud Book Proper status shall be eligible for registration
as an Appendix A animal: Provided that they conform to all the registration and
inspection requirements.
(b) The progeny of an Appendix A section animal bred to a registered Appaloosa of
Appendix A status shall be eligible for registration as an Appendix A animal:
Provided that they conform to all the registration and inspection requirements.
1.2.2 Appendix B
(a) The progeny of an Appendix A animal bred to another Appendix A, Appendix B or
Stud Book Proper animal shall be eligible for registration in Appendix B, provided
they conform to all the registration and inspection requirements.
(b) The progeny of an Appendix B section animal bred to a registered Appaloosa of
Appendix B status shall be eligible for registration as an Appendix B animal:
Provided that they conform to all the registration and inspection requirements.
The reason for asking for this change is these breeding do nothing to raise the Appaloosa content of the resulting foal so why should the Appendix rating increase. In
time these changes will lead to the Appendix rating of an animal reflecting the Appaloosa content of an animal more accurately than it does at present.
Proposed by: Don Cropper
Seconded by: Danie Louw
It is proposed that the Bye-Laws be amended as follows:
10.1 The only requirement for the registration of an animal shall be the acceptance of a
due and valid notification of its birth: Provided that –
(h) No new application for registration will be eligible to enter the Appendix section
of our Stud Book if the Appaloosa content of it is less than 30% Such Animal,
provided it qualifies, may enter the Basic Section or the Part Bred Section of the
registry where those rules covering its use for breeding will apply.
AGM (continued)
The reason for asking for this change is simply because we are Appaloosa breeders
and over the years through extensive use of permissible outcrosses to "
improve the
breed. Our breed is gradually moving away from what attracted us to it in the first
place. These rules if passed could only be applied in 11months from now as any animal born before then would have been bred under the present rules.
Proposed by: George Contos
Seconded by: Mercia Smith
It is proposed that the Logix system be used for registration of horses in the Appaloosa
Horse Breeders' Society of South Africa from now on.
Proposed by: George Contos
Seconded by: Mercia Smith
It is proposed that the Logix system be one of the options one can use to register horses
in the Appaloosa Horse Breeders' Society of South Africa from now on.
Proposed by: George Contos
Seconded by: Mercia Smith
It is proposed that Logix or any other viable means deemed necessary, be available free
of charge, to all members of AHBSSA to be able to view pedigree's of any animals
registered in the AHBSSA registry at all times.
7. Election of members to Council/Verkiesing van Raadslede
Mrs Claire Amm and Mrs Mercia Smith are re-elected as Council members. Mr Danie
Louw does not stand for re-Election. Mrs Pauline Huff is elected as council member.
Unanimously accepted / Mev Claire Amm en mev Mercia Smith is herverkies as
Raadslede. Mr Danie Louw stel himself nie weer verkiesbaar nie. Mev Pauline Huff
is verkies tot raadslid. Eenparig aanvaar.
8. General / Algemeen
The backlog in registrations and certificates are discussed. Sumari provides a list of
certificates for the breeders to look at and give feedback on what is still outstanding.
Die uitstaande registrasies en sertifikate word bespreek. Sumari voorsien die lede van
‘n lys van sertifikate waarop hul moet terugvoer gee oor wat ontvang is en wat nie.
Mr Hentie Prinsloo asked Siebert Vermeulen if it is Studbook that requested all breeders to do CEM testing as that is the story doing the rounds. Siebert explains that is not
Studbook but that they are only enforcing the law. Mr Hentie Prinsloo vra aan Siebert
Vermeulen of dit Stamboek is wat die toetsing van CEM op telers afdwing. Siebert
verduidelik aan hom dat dit deur die wet bepaal word en Stamboek net die wet gehoorsaam.
Craig thanked everyone for their input. The meeting adjourned at 19:40 /Craig bedank
almal vir hulle insette. Die vergadering verdaag om 19:40.
AGM Follow up
Greetings from your President and Council
This correspondence is to update you on what's happening over the voting at
the AGM followed by some figures re PSSM testing .
The voting and proxy issue .
This was not handled at all well and has caused all sorts of problems including
uncertainness, confrontation and even some resignations all fuelled by
emails .
First off, I wish to apologize for this, it wasn't pre planned that way but the
circumstances at the time led to how it happened. Our members opinions and
votes are encouraged and respected , constructive input is welcomed at all
times. Council has decided that due to the way the Final Notice of the AGM
and the proxies were sent to you all it was inappropriate to apply rule 18,
which appears to prohibit proxies from being used for voting, when changes
to the Constitution are involved, at that time .
Since the AGM we have attempted to recount the voting including the proxy
votes and it was found that the motions 1, 2, 3 and 4 did not get the necessary
majority needed so there will be no changes to our Constitution in connection
with these motions. When we tried to recount for Motions 5 - 11 it really wasn't clear what the members voting wanted as the proxy forms were filled with
blanks and at least one proxy holder didn't vote on these motions. Council has
decided rather than assume what was intended it would be more appropriate to
not make any changes to our Constitution in respect of Motions 5 - 11.
At present your council is working out a system to accommodate as many of
your different views on this PSSM issue as is humanly possible. You will be
informed of the outcome of this shortly.
So in short, we are very sorry for what happened and will endeavour to make
certain such a mistake is never made again. This will be done by sticking firmly to our Constitution's rules regarding meetings and voting .
The issue of rule 18 re voting where changes to our Constitution are involved
will be sorted out and made clear before next year's AGM .
We also would like to invite those of you who have left our Society over this
affair to maybe reconsider and give us another chance especially if you own a
special horse like an Appaloosa .
You are so important to us , as is every member , and to the future of our chosen breed in Southern Africa . Losing just one member is devastating to us .
Resolutions regarding breeding with currently licensed PSSM positive stud animals.
We intend to use the existing rules in our Constitution to change the status of
these animal's breeding permits from normal to restricted . The reason for
adopting this policy is part of an attempt to try and repair the damage done
with these emotive issues to our Society already and to avoid further confron19
AGM Follow up (continued)
tation and divisiveness amongst our members.
Basically the rules will be similar to those put forward at the AGM under Motion 1 , which the Council still need to finalize the finer details of . We will
notify you as soon as these details are settled , so you'll be able to see exactly
where you stand with this problematic situation .
We are looking forward to seeing future negative progeny resulting from this
move and in return you breeders are expected to act responsibly with all the
resulting positive progeny to ensure they don't cause any further avoidable
spreading of this disorder.
Please be assured that your Council is looking at every angle and we are trying our best to accommodate everyone involved.
PSSM figures in Southern Africa .
The Society has tested at the cost of the owners 102 animals. We know of 50
positive animals .
We are still busy with 5 more whose results haven't been completed yet and
there are a further 8 that still need to be tested .
That is all of the imported animals not tested independently by their owners
and their progeny up to but not including all of this year's foals .
Of those 7 stallions and 8 mares were licensed to breed before they were
found to be positive for PSSM .
Of these 1 stallion is p/p .
All of the positive animals so far have a link to the imported animals or semen .
The intention now is to add the results of all the tests onto our data base where
they will be available via the Logix system once we are able to use it .
Your Society does not encourage breeding with PSSM positive animals and
any agreement reached over this will be for a select few animals only. No further breeding from any other positive animal is planned or permitted .
As your part of eradicating , or if this is found to be impossible, isolating
PSSM , your Council strongly recommends you to test your older breeding
animals and that way we will find if there are any suspect lines to follow .
PSSM is reasonably common in many breeds including ours and the official
outcrosses we use for both regular and sport horse breeding possibly even ponies . Just because your animals appear healthy and are not related to any
known suspect lines or any American Quarter Horse line does not mean they
will not carry this disorder.
PSSM Rules
.AHBSSA Reëls vir teling met sekere PSSM positiewe perde.
1. Alle perde wat vermoedelik PSSM positief is moet op diskresie van die Raad
getoets word om hul status te bevestig. Die kostes verbonde aan die toets sal vir
die eienaar(s) se eie rekening wees.
2. Die status van positiewe perde sal op hul rekord en sertifikate reflekteer.
3. Huidige perde wat inspeksie geslaag het en daarna positief getoets het, se
teelpermit sal gekanselleer word en ‘n ingeperkte teelpermit sal uitgereik word.
Hierdie permit sal slegs teling toelaat met perde wat negatief getoets en bevestig
is vir PSSM. Elke hings sal toegelaat word om 12 vullens oor ‘n tydperk van 5
aaneenlopende jare en merries 8 aaneenlopende jare te teel. Hierdie periode
begin op 18 Januarie 2014. Verder mag hulle nie vir buite dekkings gebruik
word nie. Teling mag slegs plaasvind in die eienaar se eie stoet.
4. Alle nageslag van hierdie perde, moet vir PSSM getoets word, wanneer
aansoek vir registrasie gedoen word. Nageslag wat negatief getoets is, sal
geregistreer word en sal eers ‘n teelpermit bekom nadat die perd op die ouderdom van twee jaar vir ‘n tweede keer n/n getoets is.
5. Nageslag van n/P1 x n/n teling
Geen verdere teling sal toegelaat word met positiewe hingste of merries nie.
Hulle sal alleenlik ten volle geregistreer word, nadat chirurgiese bewys gelewer
is dat hulle nie kan teel nie.
6. Nageslag van P1/P1 x n/n teling
n/P1 Hingste sal slegs geregistreer word nadat ‘n minimum telling van 80% by
keuring behaal is en as teel dier aanbeveel word deur die inspekteur en ‘n paneel
van Raadslede. Registrasie sertifikate sal uitgereik word, waarop die PSSM
status verskyn. ‘n Ingeperkte teelpermit sal uitgereik word wat sal toelaat dat 12
vullens binne ‘n tydperk van 5 aaneenlopende jare geteel mag word. Na afloop
van die 5 jaar, sal die teelpermit herroep word. Alle nageslag moet getoets word
soos in 4.
n/P1 Merries sal slegs geregistreer word nadat ‘n minimum telling van 70% by
keuring behaal is en as teel dier aanbeveel word deur die inspekteur en ‘n paneel
van Raadslede. Hul Registrasie sertifikate sal uitgereik word soos per hingste
hier bo en hul sal toegelaat word om vir 8 aaneenlopende jare te teel waarna hul
teelpermit herroep sal word. Al hul nageslag moet getoets word soos in 4
Hier bo. Hulle mag nie gebruik word vir embrio spoeling nie, behalwe waar
slegs negatiewe embrio`s gebruik word vir voortplanting.
7. Indien die metode van embrio spoeling gevolg word, waar ‘n merrie
toegelaat word om slegs ‘n negatiewe embrio te ontwikkel, sal daar geen
beperking op die getalle wees nie, en sal daar ook geen tydsbeperking
toegepas word nie; op voorwaarde dat enige n/n dier wat voortgebring
word, weer vanaf 2 jarige ouderdom getoets word alvorens ‘n teelpermit
PSSM Rules (continued)
uitgereik word.
8. Die Genootskap beveel nie teling met PSSM positiewe perde aan nie, tensy
hulle van uitstekende kwaliteit is en hulle sal bydra tot die verbetering van die
9. Die inspekise van ‘n positiewe perd moet gedoen word deur ‘n perde arts,
of deur ‘n goedgekeurde ras inspekteur (eie of ander ras).
Enige dier wat positief is en aanbeveel word vir teeldoeleindes, as deel van
inspeksie en verdere goedkeuring deur die paneel van Raadslede, sal foto`s en
videomateriaal beskikbaar gestel moet word.
10.Alle positiewe diere, of hulle gesondheids probleme wys al dan nie, is die
verantwoordelikheid van die eienaar/teler en mag nie verkoop of weggegee
word as daar nie kan bewys word dat die perd nie verder kan teel nie.
12. Alle tydsperiodes wat na verwys word in hierdie skrywe sal wees vanaf 18
Januarie 2014, met die uitsondering van n/P1 nageslag van die P1/P1 x n/n
teling. Dit sal ‘n aanvang neem sodra die diere oud genoeg is om te begin teel
en nie later as hul 3de verjaarsdag.
NB Hierdie ooreenkoms is ooreengekom in goedertrou om sekere telers die
kans te gun om negatiewe vullens te teel van hierdie uitsonderlike diere wat
die PSSM geen dra en wat eers geidentifiseer is nadat hul teelpermitte
uitgereik is. Sou enige van hierdie telers opsetlik die Raad of enige ander te
ler mislei deur enige positiewe dier verkoop of weg te gee, wat nog kan teel,
sal daardie dier se teelpermit dadelik teruggetrek word.
AHBSSA Rules for breeding with certain PSSM positive horses.
All horses suspected with being PSSM positive must be tested at the
discretion of Council to check their status. The costs involved will be met by
the owner (s).
2. The status of positive horses will be reflected on their records and on their
certificates, which must be sent to Stud Book to reflect this.
3. Current horses that have passed their breed inspection and that have since tested
positive will have their regular breeding permit cancelled and be re-issued with a restricted breeding permit, allowing them to breed only to horses proved negative for
PSSM. Each horse will be permitted to breed 12 foals over a consecutive 5 year period for males, and a consecutive 8 year period for females. These periods begin January 18th 2014. Furthermore they may not be used for outside coverings, breeding being permitted within the owners stud only.
4. All progeny from these horses must be tested for PSSM when the application for
Registration is made. Progeny tested negative will be provisionally registered and
will only be licensed for breeding after being tested n/n a second time after the age
of 2 years.
PSSM Rules (continued)
5 Progeny from n/P1 x n/n breeding
No further breeding will be permitted with positive colts and fillies. They will only be
registered after being surgically rendered incapable of breeding.
6. Progeny from P1/P1 x n/n breeding
n/P1 Colts will only be registered after a minimum score of 80% has been achieved
at inspection and they have been recommended as suitable for breeding by the Inspector and a panel of Council members. Registration Certificates will be issued showing
the PSSM status. A restricted breeding permit will be issued allowing them to breed
12 foals within a consecutive 5 year period, after which their breeding permit will be
withdrawn. All resulting progeny must be tested as in 4.
n/P1 Fillies will only be fully registered after a minimum score of 70% has been
achieved at inspection and they have been recommended as suitable for breeding by
the Inspector and a panel of Council Members. Their Registration certificates will be
issued as per colts above, and they will be allowed to breed for 8 consecutive years
after which the breeding permit will be withdrawn. All their progeny must be tested
as in 4. They may not be used for embryo flushing except where only negative embryos are used for cultivation.
7. If the method of testing the newly fertilized embryos and only allowing a mare to
grow a negative one is used, there will be no restriction on the numbers, nor will there
be a time limit imposed, provided that any n/n animal produced is tested again from
the age of 2 before a breeding permit is issued.
8. The Society does not recommend breeding with PSSM positive horses unless they
are of an exceptional quality and will contribute to the improvement of the breed.
9. The inspection of a positive horse must be done by an equine vet, or by an approved breed inspector (own or other breed).
10. Any animal that is positive and is recommended for breeding as part of the inspection will require further confirmation by review of a panel of Council members, using
photos and videos.
11. All positive animals whether showing health problems or not are the responsibility of their owner/breeder and may not be sold or given away unless having been rendered incapable of breeding.
12. All time periods mentioned above commence on January 18 2014, with the exception of n/P1 progeny of the P1/P1 x n/n breeding, which will begin as soon as
they are old enough to breed, and not later than their 3 rd birthday.
NB. This agreement has been made in good faith to allow certain breeders the chance
to breed some negative foals from these excellent animals which carry the
(undesirable) PSSM gene, only identified after the issuing of their breeding permit.
Should any of the breeders involved in this dispensation deliberately mislead Council
or others, give away or sell any positive animal still capable of being bred with involved in this dispensation, Council will cancel the restricted breeding permit for the
animal concerned.
Blanket Cover ( Sept’13– Jan’14)
I usually begin this piece with the welcome of new members but I need firstly to draw your
attention to those email addresses which we have on our system, which result in the notices
being bounced back. Please check, and if one of these is your email address which has an error
in it or maybe it was your email address and has now been changed please inform Sumari, our
secretary at Stud Book of any changes.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]. Also
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
As this is not an exhaustive list will you please check that you have been receiving
emails in September and October about the AGM and the Awards Dinner amongst
other items from the Society. If you have not please get in touch with Sumari so that
we may have correct information about our members.
We welcome the following Non Breeder members since September 2013:
Dr G. Du Preez
Hannie van Deventer from Potchefstroom.
Yolanda Steyn from Paardekraal
Roedolf van Niekerk
Also two family members
Tamara Manton from Natal
Constantionos Contos from Free State
We have had a number of potential Breeders make enquiries too but so far no membership forms have been submitted. I welcome Lee Anne Arnon whom I believe is a
breeder member. If you have joined since September an your name is not here, my
apologies. Not all the membership forms came through to me. Please contact me on
[email protected]
Our wonderful Appaloosa Calendars have been available since August and Maggie
Riley has contacted members with email addresses, individually, to promote these as
Christmas gifts and for personal use. We, on Council, have put out a request that each
member buys two calendars. The money generated is channelled to Shows and
Events, which can be enjoyed by all members. If you have not ordered yours yet,
please email Sumari , she has a few left.
Sadly in late December we had to bid farewell to our beloved Appaloosa Maluti Juluka, 27 years old. His sudden massive loss
of weight came as a real blow. We were
fortunate to have such a wonderful horse
who carried us sometimes brilliantly,
sometimes like a wilful teenager in the
Show Ring and Dressage Arena. He was
out there for over 15 years making the
Appaloosas visible, usually in a good way.
We owned him for over 20 years.
Maggie Riley,
(and 26 year old Maluti Juluka.)( not me
Maggie Riley
AGM (continued)
Membership Fee Structure Jan - Dec 2013
Existing Members
Ordinary Registering Member: ( Breeders)
Annual Membership Fee
R 1 270.00
Annual Studbook Fee
R 210.00
R 1 480.00
Ordinary Non Registering Member
Annual Membership Fee
R 350.00
Junior Member
Annual Membership Fee
R 210.00
Family Member
Annual Membership Fee
R 210.00
New Members:
Ordinary Registering Member: ( Breeders)
Annual Membership Fee
R 1 270.00
Annual Studbook Fee
R 210.00
Studbook Joining Fee
R 230.00
R 1 710.00
Ordinary Non Registering Member
Annual Membership Fee
R 350.00
Joining Fee
R 370.00
Junior Member
Annual Membership Fee
R 210.00
Joining Fee
R 230.00
Family Member
Annual Membership Fee
R 210.00
Joining Fee
R 230.00
Registration Fees as from 01 January 2013
Registration Fees
R 290.00
Transfer of ownership
Registration Book
R 175.00
DNA Test
R 160.00
Basic Section Recording (TBH/AQH/ARH etc)
R 230.00
Notice of Death
Notice of Gelding
Parentage Verification
Awards Dinner
The 2013 Appaloosa Awards Dinner took place on November 16th at
Anta Boga in Bloemfontein.
An excellent meal interspersed with the Awards presentations was enjoyed by all. The children present were amazingly cheerful considering
the event started much later than we had planned.
The presentation was under the able command of 2013 AHBSSA President Craig Vacy Lyle, charmingly assisted by his partner Yona.
Details of the awards are given in this News Spot. The most prestigious
awards are "Appaloosa of the Year," "Appaloosa Sport Horse of the
Year" and ( new this year) "Appaloosa Pony of the Year". These are
awarded to give recognition to those horses which have best represented the breed in the various equestrian disciplines in open competition
with other breeds, and also in Appaloosa Shows. We salute the owners
and their support teams in these achievements and recognize the commitment and dedication required to produce an animal to this level.
Appaloosa of the Year award presented to Lee Hawkins for Les Chevaux
Chevalier by Craig and Yona
Awards Dinner
Craig and Yona
receiving the
Appaloosa Sport
horse of the Year
Award on behalf of
Nina Swart for
Hunter’s Gowells Gold
George Contos Breeder of the
Year 2013 receiving his award
from Yona
Pony of the Year
Award presented to
Kyla Van Vuuren for
Kondos Andraki
Awards Dinner (continued)
Rika Van Vuuren awarded
the Victor Ludorum award
for Kondos Molleloa here
with Adriaan Van Vuuren
and George Contos
Marco Smit awarded
Stallion of the Year trophy
for Financial Freedom
(USA) by Craig and Yona
with Elizabeth Kuhn
Hennie Oosthuizen awarded
Champion Halter Horse by
Yona and Crag
Christy Duvenhage
awarded High Achiever
For Jaydee Africa’s
Dream By Yona and Craig
Awards Dinner (continued)
Pauline Huff awarded Championship
bronze trophyby Craig and Yona for
Belloosa Gunshot
Kyla and Danielle Van Vuuren
with their awards presented by
Craig and Yona
Medallion Points
Africas Miss Galaxy
Africas Wap
Alpha Fire n Gold
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
Alpha Toby's Ultra Violet
Alpha Wap’s Khwezi
Alpha Wap’s Windchimes
Arrayed In Silver
Belloosa Astral
Belloosa Gunshot
Belloosa Talulah
Big Sky Utah
Dasan Kiowa
K Maher
R van Vuuren
C Amm
Xube Shonge
V cropper
J smit
P Da Silva
C Keys
Bronze Silver
Medallion Points (continued)
Dasan Kiowa
C Keys
Financial Freedom
J Smit
Hesa Cool Star
J Smit
Hunters Gowells Gold
N Swart
Jaydee African Dream
C Duvenage
Kiowa Sahara
R Nightingale
Kondos Andraki
R van Vuuren
Kondos Eagles Vision
m smith
Kondos Elinas
R.van Vuuren
Kondos Foveros
G Contos
Kondos Hellenic Pride
Kondos Mphatlalasane
Kondos Molleloa
R Van Vuuren
Kondos My Boy
Kondos Yioryaras
Lebombo Simply Stunning
Lebombo Stud
Les Chevaux Chevalier
L Hawkins
Les Chevaux Dominique
Xube Shonge
Les Chevaux Dawn child
I venter
Les Chevaux Katie Middleton
l Burger
Les Chevaux Lady Godiva child l retief
Meadowlark Cincinnati (Malandi) V.Cropper
Meadowlark Cincinnati (Paige) V.Cropper
Meadowlark Figaro M
R Van Vuuren
Meadowlark Toby's Double O
V Cropper
L. Hawkins
Nightingales Okavango
N. Marler
Otters Creek Chocolat (Wiane) Xube shonge
Otters Creek Kimsun
Xube shonge
Painted Crystal Clear
Xube shonge
Sandflats Sandstorm
Storm Runner
J Smit
Teachers Command
J Smit
Top Spot Cinderella
A Fourie
Two Moons Josh Freedom
J Smit
Two Moons Real Storm
J. Smit
A special THANK YOU to all
the helpers at the shows:
Organisers, gate stewards, secretary, announcers, others, etc.
Your help is invaluable and appreciated.
Anyone else who would like to offer to
help at the shows, please contact any of the
showing committee members.
HOY KEP 15-16 Feb 2013
Autumn Gold Cup Inanda 5-6 April 2014
Spring Show Pretoria 30 –31 August 2014
Championships Parys 24-26 October 2014
We would like to run our shows at the
best level - please let us have feedback
or suggestions if you feel we could make
show time easier for you and your horses.
We will try to accommodate all suggestions, and will address any issues at our
following showing committee meeting
Our committee members are as follows:
082 464 3508 (Chairman)
082 742 6420 (Convenor)
082 598 8377 (Secretary
082 670 1121
Spring Show 2013
Class Description
Potential Western Breeding Stock— Under 2 Years
Two Moons Once Upon A Time
Painted Summer Rocks
D Buchan
Neal Smith
H V Deventer
Xube Shonge
Western Breeding Stock – Stallions over 2yrs
Hesa Cool Star (USA)
Marco Smit
J Smit
Western Breeding Stock – Mares over 2yrs
Luvetare Nasheeta
Carl Smith
Tanya Hornschuh
Arrayed In Silver (USA)
Marco Smit
J Smit
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
Neal Smith
Xube Shonge
Potential Western Riding Horse In-Hand – under 2 years
Two Moons Once Upon A Time
D Buchan
H Van Deventer
Painted Summer Rocks
Neal Smith
Xube Shonge
Potential Western Riding Horse In-Hand – stallions over 2 years
Hesa Cool Star (USA)
Marco Smit
J Smit
Potential Western Riding Horse In-Hand – mares over 2 years
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
Neal Smith
Xube Shonge
Arrayed In Silver (USA)
Marco Smit
J Smit
Western Riding Horse In-Hand – Gelding over 2yrs
Meadowlark Cincinnati
Two Moons Real Storm
Milanda Steyn
Marco Smit
Val Cropper
J Smit
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Class Description
Western Pleasure Horse – Child
Otters Creek Chocolat
Wiane Avenant
Xube Shonge
Painted Crystal Clear
Surika Struwig
Xube Shonge
Western Pleasure Horse – Junior/Novice
Otters Creek Kimsun
Nele Beetge
Pierre Beetge
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
J VD Schyff
Xube Shonge
Painted Condelizia
Mercia Smith
Xube Shonge
Thunder Fire Bird
V A Theron
Xube Shonge
Champ Otters Creek Kimsun
Nele Beetge
Pierre Beetge
Reserve Otters Creek Chocolat
Wiane Avenant
Xube Shonge
Western Show Riding Horse – Junior/Novice
Meadowlark Cincinnati
Milanda Steyn
Val Cropper
Otters Creek Kimsun
Nele Beetge
Pierre Beetge
Otters Creek Chocolat
Wiane Avenant
Xube Shonge
Painted Crystal Clear
Surika Struwig
Xube Shonge
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
Mercia Smith
Xube Shonge
Painted Condelizia
Mercia Smith
Xube Shonge
Thunder Fire Bird
Vanessa A Theron Xube Shonge
Champion Meadowlark Cincinnati
Milanda Steyn
Val Cropper
Otters Creek Kimsun
Nele Beetge
Pierre Beetge
Trail Horse – Child
Otters Creek Chocolat
Wiane Avenant Xube Shonge
Painted Crystal Clear
Surika Struwig
Xube Shonge
Trail Horse – Junior/Novice
Otters Creek Kimsun
Painted Condelizia
Meadowlark Cincinnati
Thunder Fire Bird
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
Nele Beetge
Mercia Smith
Milanda Steyn
V A Theron
J vd Schyff
Pierre Beetge
Xube Shonge
Val Cropper
Xube Shonge
Xube Shonge
Trail Horse – In Hand ( Any sex under 3 years
Two Moons Once Upon A Time
D Ann Buchan
H Van Deventer
Champion Otters Creek Chocolat
Reserve Otters Creek Kimsun
Wiane Avenant
Nele Beetge
Xube Shonge
Pierre Beetge
Champion Meadowlark Cincinnati
Milanda Steyn
Val Cropper
Otters Creek Kimsun
Nele Beetge
Pierre Beetge
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Alpha Toby’s Colourburst
Hesa cool Star (USA)
Meadowlark Cincinnati
Otter’s Creek Chocolat
Otter’s Creek Kimsun
Painted Condelizia
Arrayed in Silver (USA)
Painted Crystal Clear
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Painted Summer Rock’s
Two Moons Once Upon a Time
Thunder Firebird
Two Moons Real Storm
Class Description
Combined Appaloosa Foal at foot – up to 6mths accompanied by own
Dam (ONLY foal to be judged) and Appaloosa Filly 6mths -12mths
Two Moons Once Upon A Time
D Buchan
H Van Deventer
Lebombo American Dream
R Oosthuizen
Lebombo Stud
Lebombo Touch of Frost
R Oosthuizen
Lebombo Stud
Appaloosa Sport Horse Colts and Stallions all ages
Africa's Wap
Rika Van Vuuren Rika Van Vuuren
Kondos Ayamemnon`
Rika Van Vuuren Rika Van Vuuren
Painted Summer Rocks
Neal Smith
Xube Shonge
Appaloosa Colts 1 yrs but under 2 yrs
Lebombo El Dorado
R Oosthuizen
Lebombo Stud
Kondos Navarhos
Louise Kotze
J V Der Schyff
Appaloosa Colts 2 yrs but under 4 yrs
Lebombo Simply Stunning
Kondos Tumelo
R Oosthuizen
Jennifer Sinclair
Lebombo Stud
Jennifer Sinclair
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Class Description
R Oosthuizen
Lebombo Stud
Champion Lebombo Simply Stunning
R Oosthuizen
Lebombo Stud
Reserve Lebombo El Dorado
Appaloosa Stallion 4yrs but under 12yrs
Champion Belloosa Gunshot
Mandy Schroder P Huff
Reserve Perdeberg Warchant
G Piketh
B Piketh
Nightingales Kalahari
L Havenga
L Havenga
Champion Belloosa Gunshot
Mandy Schroder P Huff
Reserve Lebombo Simply Stunning
R Oosthuizen
Lebombo Stud
Appaloosa Filly 1yr but under 3yrs
RTA'S Perfect Lady
Kondos Shakira
Michelle Reed
David Reed
Appaloosa Filly 3yr but under 4yrs
Rika Van Vuuren Rika Van Vuuren
Appaloosa Mare 4yrs but under 6yrs
Belloosa Astral
Michael Masina
Pauline Huff
RTA'S Sundance
Simone Reed
David Reed
Arrayed In Silver (USA)
Marco Smit
J Smit
Appaloosa Mare 6yrs but under 12yrs
Les Chevaux Dominique
Mercia Smith
Xube Shonge
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
Neal Smith
Xube Shonge
RTA's Savannah
Simone Reed
David Reed
Senior Champion Mare
Champion Belloosa Astral
Michael Masina
Pauline Huff
Les Chevaux Dominique
Mercia Smith
Xube Shonge
Supreme Champion Female
Champion Belloosa Astral
Michael Masina
Pauline Huff
Les Chevaux Dominique
Mercia Smith
Xube Shonge
Junior Geldings under 4 years
Nightingales Okavango
Natalie Marler
Natalie Marler
Lee Hawkins
Lee Hawkins
Two Moons Real Storm
Johannes Sere
J Smit
Meadowlark Figaro M
Rika Van Vuuren Rika Van Vuuren
Senior Geldings over 4 years
Kondos Andraki
Kyla Van Vuuren Rika Van Vuuren
Kondos Molleloa
Rika Van Vuuren Rika Van Vuuren
Big Sky Utah
Nina Da Silva
N Da Silva
Les Chevaux Chevalier
Lee Hawkins
Lee Hawkins
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Senior Geldings over 4 years
RTA'S Bold Desire
David Reed
David Reed
Meadowlark Cincinnati
Paige Godwin
Val Cropper
Alpha Wap's Go Lightly
R Oosthuizen
H Oosthuizen
Nightingales Monarch
R Oosthuizen
Lebombo Stud
Supreme Champion Gelding
Champion Kondos Andraki
Kyla Van Vuuren
Rika Van Vuuren
Natalie Marler
Natalie Marler
Nightingales Okavango
Traditional Costume Class – Any age class
Jaydee African Dream
Christy Duvenage
Christy Duvenage
RTA'S Bold Desire
David Reed
David Reed
Belloosa Astral
Michael Masina
Pauline Huff
Kondos Tumelo
Sam Nyote
Jennifer Sinclair
Africa's Wap
Nightingales Kalahari
Nightingales Monarch
Kondos Molleloa
Kondos Elinas
Rika Van Vuuren
L Havenga
R Oosthuizen
Rika Van Vuuren
Kyla Van Vuuren
Kondos Ayamemnon
Rika Van Vuuren Rika Van Vuuren
RTA'S Sundance
Simone Reed
Kondos Andraki
Kyla Van Vuuren Rika Van Vuuren
Meadowlark Figaro M
Rika Van Vuuren Rika Van Vuuren
Kondos Shakira
Rika Van Vuuren Rika Van Vuuren
Kondos Navarhos
Louise Kotze
Jaqui VD Schyff
Jaydee African Dream
C Duvenage
C Duvenage
Nightingales Okavango
Natalie Marler
Natalie Marler
Lee Hawkins
Lee Hawkins
Development Class – In Hand
Most Colourful Appaloosa
Rika Van Vuuren
L Havenga
Lebombo Stud
Rika Van Vuuren
Rika Van Vuuren
David Reed
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Class Description
Best Child Handler
Kondos Braveheart
Les Chevaux Lady Godiva
Kondos Elinas
Kondos Mathata
Meadowlark Toby's Double O Seven
Jaydee African Dream
Otters Creek Chocolat
Painted Crystal Clear
Lucia Retief
Isabella Venter
Kyla Van Vuuren
Danielle V Vuuren
Abbygail Gaunt
C Duvenage
Wiane Avenant
Surika Struwig
Lucia Burger
Lucia Retief
Rika Van Vuuren
Rika Van Vuuren
Val Cropper
C Duvenage
Xube Shonge
Xube Shonge
Best Child Handler
Kondos Mathata
Les Chevaux Lady Godiva
Kondos Elinas
Danielle VVuuren
Isabella Venter
Kyla Van Vuuren
Rika Van Vuuren
Lucia Retief
Rika Van Vuuren
Show Riding Pony Lead Rein under 8 Years
Danielle V Vuuren
Kondos Mathata
Rika Van Vuuren
Painted Crystal Clear
Anzel Avenant
Xube Shonge
Show Riding First Pony Children 8-14 Years
Painted Crystal Clear
Les Chevaux Lady Godiva
Kondos Andraki
Surika Struwig
Isabella Venter
Kyla Van Vuuren
Xube Shonge
Lucia Retief
Rika Van Vuuren
Show Riding Pony Children under 14 Years
Painted Crystal Clear
Kondos Elinas
Les Chevaux Lady Godiva
Wiane Avenant
Kyla Van Vuuren
Isabella Venter
Abbygail Gaunt
Xube Shonge
Rika Van Vuuren
Lucia Retief
Val Cropper
Wiane Avenant
Kyla Van Vuuren
Kyla Van Vuuren
Xube Shonge
Rika Van Vuuren
Rika Van Vuuren
Meadowlark Toby's Double O Seven
Show Riding Pony Children under 14 Years
Painted Crystal Clear
Kondos Elinas
Les Chevaux Lady Godiva
Champion Painted Crystal Clear
Kondos Elinas
Surika Struwig
Xube Shonge
Wiane Avenant
Xube Shonge Stud
Best Turned out Horse & Rider—Juniors under 18 years
Jaydee African Dream
Big Sky Utah
Kondos Braveheart
Christy Duvenage
N Da Silva
Lucia Retief
Christy Duvenage
N Da Silva
Lucia Burger
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Junior Show Riding Horse All disqualified
Jaydee African Dream
Kondos Braveheart
Les Chevaux Chevalier
Les Chevaux Dominique
Dasan Kiowa
Otters Creek Kimsun
Christy Duvenage
Lucia Retief
Lee Hawkins
Wiane Avenant
Danielle Bedeaux
Nele Beetge
Christy Duvenage
Lucia Burger
Lee Hawkins
Xube Shonge
Cindy Keys
Pierre Beetge
Junior Show Hunter
Big Sky Utah
N Da Silva
N Da Silva
Kondos Braveheart
Lucia Retief
Lucia Burger
Dasan Kiowa
Danielle Bedeaux Cindy Keys
Jaydee African Dream
Christy Duvenage Christy Duvenage
Les Chevaux Chevalier
Lee Hawkins
Lee Hawkins
Les Chevaux Dominique
Wiane Avenant
Xube Shonge
Otters Creek Kimsun
Nele Beetge
Pierre Beetge
Champion Big Sky Utah
N Da Silva
N Da Silva
Reserve Kondos Braveheart
Lucia Retief
Lucia Burger
Best Turned out Horse & Rider— Adults
Kondos Molleloa
Perdeberg Warchant
Alpha Wap's Go Lightly
Nightingales Monarch
Africa's Miss Galaxy
Grand West Devine Juweel
Les Chevaux Dominique
Sharad Perfect Storm
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
Meadowlark Cincinnati
Nightingales Monarch
W Engelbrecht
G Piketh
R Oosthuizen
R Oosthuizen
Rika Van Vuuren
B Piketh
H Oosthuizen
Lebombo Stud
Adult Show Riding Horse Novice Mares & Geldings
Kerryn Maher
S Van Onselen
Vanessa A heron
A Erasmus
Jeanene vd Schyff
P Godwin
R Oosthuizen
Kerryn Maher
S Van Onselen
Xube Shonge
S Van Onselen
Xube Shonge
Val Cropper
Lebombo Stud
Adult Show Riding Horse Novice Stallions
Willem Engelbrecht Rika Van Vuuren
Africa's Wap
Nightingales Kalahari
Perdeberg Warchant
Kondos Molleloa
Sharad Perfect Storm
Africa's Miss Galaxy
Les Chevaux Dominique
Grand West Devine Juweel
Nightingales Monarch
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
Alpha Wap's Go Lightly
L Havenga
G Piketh
Adult Show Riding Horse Open
Willem Engelbrecht
Adult Show Hack Novice
A Erasmus
Kerryn Maher
Vanessa A Theron
S Van Onselen
R Oosthuizen
Jeanene vd Schyff
R Oosthuizen
L Havenga
B Piketh
Rika Van Vuuren
S Van Onselen
Kerryn Maher
Xube Shonge
S Van Onselen
Lebombo Stud
Xube Shonge
H Oosthuizen
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Class Description
Adult Show Hunter Novice Mares & Geldings
Africa's Miss Galaxy
Kerryn Maher
Kerryn Maher
Sharad Perfect Storm
A Erasmus
S Van Onselen
Grand West Devine Juweel
S Van Onselen
S Van Onselen
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
Les Chevaux Dominique
Jeanene vd Schyff
Vanessa A Theron
Xube Shonge
Xube Shonge
Adult Show Hunter Novice Stallions
Willem Engelbrecht Rika Van Vuuren
Africa's Wap
Nightingales Kalahari
Perdeberg Warchant
L Havenga
G Piketh
L Havenga
B Piketh
Adult Show Hunter Open
Kondos Molleloa
Willem Engelbrecht
Rika Van Vuuren
Kondos Molleloa
Willem Engelbrecht
Rika Van Vuuren
Africa's Miss Galaxy
Kerryn Maher
Kerryn Maher
Kondos Molleloa
Big Sky Utah
Willem Engelbrecht
N Da Silva
Rika Van Vuuren
N Da Silva
Utility Pony Class Lead rein under 8
Kondos Mathata
Danielle Van Vuuren Rika Van Vuuren
Painted Crystal Clear
Anzel Avenant
Xube Shonge
Utility First Pony
Otters Creek Chocolat
Surika Struwig
Xube Shonge
Painted Crystal Clear
Surika Struwig
Xube Shonge
Kondos Andraki
Kyla Van Vuuren
Rika Van Vuuren
Utility Pony Children under 14
Kondos Elinas
Kyla Van Vuuren
Rika Van Vuuren
Meadowlark Toby's Double O Seven Abbygail Gaunt
Val Cropper
Otters Creek Chocolat
Wiane Avenant
Xube Shonge
Painted Crystal Clear
Wiane Avenant
Xube Shonge
Les Chevaux Lady Godiva
Isabella Venter
Lucia Retief
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Class Description
Utility Horse Junior under 18
Les Chevaux Dominique
Wiane Avenant
Xube Shonge
Dasan Kiowa
Danielle Bedeaux
Cindy Keys
Chrichadi Aquarelle
Ingrid Cronje
D Grub
Otters Creek Kimsun
Nele Beetge
Pierre Beetge
Les Chevaux Chevalier
Lee Hawkins
Lee Hawkins
Kondos Braveheart
Lucia Retief
Lucia Burger
Adult Utility Novice
Les Chevaux Dominique
Vanessa A Theron Xube Shonge
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
Jeanene vd Schyff Xube Shonge
Africa's Miss Galaxy
Kerryn Maher
Kerryn Maher
Meadowlark Cincinnati
P Godwin
Val Cropper
Danielle Bedeaux
Cindy Keys
Champion Dasan Kiowa
Carmen DeBeer
Xube Shonge
Reserve Otters Creek Chocolat
Working Hunter Pony—jumps not to exceed 35cm
Painted Crystal Clear
Wiane Avenant
Xube Shonge
Chrichadi Aquarelle
Ingrid Cronje
D Grub
Otters Creek Chocolat
Wiane Avenant
Xube Shonge
Kondos Elinas
Kyla Van Vuuren
Rika Van Vuuren
Junior Working Hunter —jumps not to exceed 45cm
Big Sky Utah
N Da Silva
N Da Silva
Otters Creek Kimsun
Nele Beetge
Pierre Beetge
Les Chevaux Chevalier
Lee Hawkins
Lee Hawkins
RTA's Savannah
Simone Reed
David Reed
Dasan Kiowa
Danielle Bedeaux
Cindy Keys
Les Chevaux Dominique
Wiane Avenant
Xube Shonge
Adult Working Hunter Novice—jumps not to exceed 55cm
Africa's Wap
Willem Engelbrecht Rika Van Vuuren
Africa's Miss Galaxy
Kerryn Maher
Kerryn Maher
Meadowlark Cincinnati
P Godwin
Val Cropper
Nightingales Monarch
R Oosthuizen
Lebombo Stud
Alpha Toby's Colourburst
Jeanene vd Schyff Xube Shonge
Les Chevaux Dominique
Vanessa A Theron Xube Shonge
Adult Working Hunter Open—jumps not to exceed 60cm
Kondos Molleloa
Willem Engelbrecht Rika Van Vuuren
Willem Engelbrecht Rika Van Vuuren
Champion Kondos Molleloa
Africa's Wap
Willem Engelbrecht Rika Van Vuuren
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Africa’s Miss Galaxy
Alpha Toby’s Colourburst
Africa’s Wap
Alpha Waps Go Lightly
Arrayed in Silver (USA)
Belloosa Astral
Belloosa Gunshot
Big Sky Utah
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Chrichadi Aquarelle
Grand West Divine Juweel
Kondos Andraki
Kondos Braveheart
Dasan Kiowa
Jaydee African Dream
Kondos Ayamemnon
Kondos Elinas
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Kondos Mathata
Kondos Navarhos
Kondos Molloloa
Kondos Shakira
Kondos Tumelo
Lebombo American Dream
Lebombo Eldorado
Lebombo Simply Stunning
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Lebombo Touch of Frost
Les Chevaux Dominique
Meadowlark Cincinnati
Meadowlark Toby’s Double O Seven
Les Chevaux Chevalier
Les Chevaux Lady Godiva
Meadowlark FigaroM
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
Nightingale’s Kalahari
Nightingale’s Monarch
Nightingale’s Okavango
Otter’s Creek Chocolat
Otter’s Creek Kimsun
Painted Crystal Clear
Painted Summer Rock’s
Perdeberg Warchant
Spring Show 2013 (continued)
RTA’s Perfect Lady
RTA’s Bold Desire
RTA’s Sundance
RTA’s Savannah
Sharad Perfect Storm
Two Moons Once Upon a Time
Two Moons Real Storm
New Arrivals (continued)
Hunters He’s A Dream
Hunters Prince Charming
Xube Yoki
Xube Yoki
Young stock
Kondos Xanthos
Hunters Yellows PH
Nina Swart and Hunter Gowells
Gold won the 70cm South African Eventing
Championship at Shongweni in
September 2013– lead from the
dressage which was brilliant. He
also won the KZN Eventing
70cm Championship earlier last
They have moved up to 90cm
show jumping, and he won his
last class show jumping and will
move up to Elementary dressage
after the FEI World Dressage
Challenge in October.
He scored a 69.5 and 67.5 in the
dressage and went clear and in
time in both the jumping and
cross country. There were entries from all over the country
with all breeds being represented. This shows the versatility of
the Appaloosa and there ability
to compete at the highest level.
Nightingale Stud News
Nightingales Palmer Jay – Eventing and
also wiping up at Milnerton Riding Club –
First place in the Express Eventing with
owner Bayley Roberts
Xube Shonge Stud News
Nightingale Marcasite represented
North West Interschool's with his
rider Emily Rippon – 70cm –
double clear
It is with sadness we had to part with our beloved stud stallion Kondos Ayori Mou
( Kondos Eagle’s Vision x Kondos Quality Street) on 24 Jan 2014 after an accident.
Only 6, but all exceptional foals bred in his short life. Rest softly our precious boy.
Your stallions at stud, horses for sale, tack, feed, lessons,
training and other services.
Payments must be made to the treasurer and proof of payment must accompany the advertisement which can be posted to the NEWS SPOT.
P.O. Box 78, Ladybrand, 9745 or
Emailed to : [email protected] / [email protected]
Full page
Half page
Quarter page
Single insert
Additional 50% for full colour
R 25 (text only)
Know Your Committee
Don Cropper
Maggie Riley
Claire Amm
President / DNA
Society Secretary
News Spot Editor
082 4643508
072 1771087
083 2280223
Val Cropper
Show Convenor
Fax 2 mail
082 7426420
086 5718360
082 7726434
074 4298461
Pauline Huff
Public Relations Officer
Vice-President / Sub Editor
Regional Representatives/
Show Committee Secretary
Youth/ Show committee
Gauteng: Pretoria
: East Rand
Western Cape
Free State
North West/Cape
Eastern Cape
KwaZulu Natal
Regional Representatives:
Mandy Serdyn
Moira Diesel
Gielie Vermeulen
George Contos
Mercia Smith
Ros Nightingale
Young stock
082 598 8377
082 6701121
082 3985400
082 4963812
+264 081 1283171
Sumari Taljaard
Secretary / Registrations
+27 51 4100 900
News Spot layout and printing by
Mercia Smith - Xube Shonge Appaloosa Stud
More Champions Spring Show 2013
Meadowlark Cincinnati
Supreme Western Ridden Champion
owned by Meadowlark Stud and ridden
by Milanda Steyn
Kondos Andraki
Supreme Gelding Champion
Owned by Rika van Vuuren
Painted Crystal Clear
Champion Child’s Pony owned by
Xube Shonge Stud and
ridden by Surika Struwig
Kondos Molleloa
Supreme Ridden Champion owned by
Rika van Vuuren and ridden by
Willem Engelbrecht
Otter’s Creek Chocolat
Champion Trail Horse
Owned by Xube Shonge Stud and ridden
by Wiane Avenant (jnr)
Dasan Kiowa
Supreme Champion Utility Horse
Owned by Cindy Keys ridden by
Danielle Bedeaux(jnr)