Henderson Motorcycles
Henderson Motorcycles
rooom! Water Street hub hosts charity motorcycle auction f I ~ I I By Kimberly Horg News CooespQndenI I I t Rob Weidenfeld/New Staff THE ONCE-OVER- Scott Vi and Shawn Eshenbaugh examine· new motorcycl~ at Saturday's auction in downtown Henderson. hiset: biker Rick SharP competes in the bike If you like bikes, Water Street in downtown Henderson was the place to be Saturday morning. The fust-ever Walk on Water Street party and Charity Motorcycle Auction took place from 11 am. to 7 p.m. at Staz's American Motorcycle. Hundreds attended. "I think .e. the turnout is good. This probably won't be the last event like this," said Staz DeStout, owner. The event had some $1,000,000 worth of big-name motorcydes to be auctioned. There was a motorcycle burn-out oontest, a slow-drag oompetition, and live performances by The Moanin' BlaCksnakes and Sweet AI and the Boys fium KOMI?. Food and retail vendors sold beer; meat and other necessities. Admission was free. All proceeds went to Henderson Allied Community Advocates (RACA) and HELP of Southern Nevada. Henderson Redevelopment . Agency, Lodus Broadcasting Station, and St. Rose Dominican Hospital helped to organize the event. "The sponsors who helped organize the event took:a lot of pressure offme," Staz said. "Almost half of my inventory went up for auction. Anything over the cost that I pay for the bike goes to charity." . See AUCTION ..!.. ;~age1~Henders.on 5, . .:".~ .. .-:~ .. ;-....~()IIJe. N.ewS Tuesday,February -..-- ... . -- -.2002 . - ". '. . -.-' ," : . ·iAUCTIO.N:<···~':· :From:~g~t;.:·.;·· .'~.Some of the moneY·benefited people:who lostther~~ i~ll~~~:~;-~~·a;~·fA>'~W;~~~·~~ ~~ certain'people tQ be ~t fA> cOn~ .. ~=~~~~'~ ~RUn. .. . the:contests.:Art Kant· a:~aiisici.i·eaf Show, and,· .: :is directoi- Ofthe LasVegas CrWsin' .Association Ine., anon-profit .organjiation., '. ;. ,', . .:. '"I am invOlved with keepirig tJie crowd back .:•• and I help' out . ~ the ~ liglit that theeonteStants depend ohfA>tell tlilm. :Whento start 8nd finiSh f;be cOiiteSt,'"Kam said. ' ._ ,. ' .:. Varlous·c:u:ttiDg.edge nlotorc.Yclesweri! a1lctiOned, suCh.as: RudeAlilerlC8n;:BigDog, American Ji:on 'BOISe, Harley-Davidson, -. ·Vict.Qry,'fitan, Odessy'fiikes, ~ and ~s Bike Works. Th~'crowlf~ the moto~ ftoDi J.1a.uLw i ' and the' . .·':a1iCi:iciD-was-·from 1 fA> 3. ~ biClders'OOWd~'for " finariciDg;by eaDiiig Stai"s 'iJi"advance or coUld bid'ciaSh.' St8Z said . . •..The bUl'Jl-01licontest started at 3 'and the slow drag c:o:mpetitiOn' ., ,tOllowed.:'i'he ~ Contest was based on spec:tator applaUsa .. ' 'i::=:t:::r~~~of~~' , for Harley DaVidsOii aDd JaPanese bikes.'· ~ :':' .., : ::-,- ";' , -""Irode.a.94~~e,Y.~~my~~~I " wanted 8ii.Ani~caii~1ie t.Owm.:~a J~bike.·,Piefer said. . ."IhaveJiked ~~:!3iDCelW8s'a~'Jd¢Jli¥~ about them. InthiScontestihvaslill abOUt"-\Vlio had the inoSt . ':.' '~~;~j~:~J~';C~'~l}l~;:~' ~b)mVei-furLmiVegasVan~~', SeanWebb,8aid~l~~·8nd . ·wanted. ·tosee'id! the different bikes:' · . St8z said, ~a bike is iike' breaking away~m.Yolir day~ ObligationS. I . hBvi.;8lviays'liked ~. My favorite motor~e,~ th«fRtide" American Soft Hill Chopper,'if;is.tbe nicest bike I ever rode." .
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