Oregon Snowmobile News


Oregon Snowmobile News
Prsrt Std.
U.S. Postage
Bend, OR
Permit No. 473
Volume 32, No. 1
Of ficial Publication of the Oregon State Snowmobile Association www.oregonsnow.org
Welcome to the New Season!
Peggy Sez...
by Peggy Spieger
OSSA Executive Director
Hello Snowmobilers! On
behalf of your OSSA Board of
Directors we welcome you to a
new beginning of a snowmobile
season of fun in the snow and
sun. Summer maintenance has
been done and our equipment is
ready to go on the snow. Several
clubs have had trail clean-up
days, tidying up after all winter
trail users and many clubs have
fall work days scheduled to clear
and sign trails as well as cut and
stock wood in the snow shelters.
Thank you all for your commitment and dedication.
Several things have happened
since the last issue of the OSN in
March. The Oregon Snowmobile
News schedule has changed. The
deadline for advertising will be
the 1st of the month. The deadline for pictures and news from
clubs will be the 5th of the
month. There may also be one
additional issue in April, if the
economy picks up and there are
advertising dollars to support it.
Please send all your good news
[email protected].
In April John Vogel and I went
to Washington, D.C. for the
annual Fly-in. All state associations participate and each of us
meets with all the elected officials from our own state which
makes for a very long and busy
day. Congressman Walden, gra-
cious as always, took the time to
meet with us personally even
though he was in the midst of a
hearing. The following morning
we attended a coffee, meeting
again with Senator Merkley and
his entire staff. The day before
the Congressional visits we had
presentations by high level officials from the Forest Service,
AMA, American Recreation
Coalition and the Americans for
Responsible Recreation. Christine Jourdain and ACSA do an
outstanding job organizing this
productive annual event.
Summerside, PEI was the site
of the annual ISC (International
Snowmobile Congress). This
intense week included Chapter
See Peggy on page 2
Snowmobile Economic Indicators Are Positive
Contact: Ed Klim
We enter the 2009-2010 season
with a positive outlook supported
by robust activity and vigorous
support for organized snowmobiling. Snowmobile registrations
in North America were up in
2009 compared to 2008. In the
2008-2009 season there were
765,275 registered snowmobiles
in Canada compared to 708,490
in 2007-2008 - an 8% increase in
registered snowmobiles (a trend
that started in 2003). In the
United States, snowmobile registrations this year were 1,652,642
compared to the previous year’s
1,635,361. This is a 1% increase
in the number of registered snowmobiles in the US, which is
heartwarming in today’s econ-
omy. North American families
are snowmobiling more now than
ever. They are realizing the fun of
snowmobiling and the opportunity to share wonderful experiences with family members and
2010 is another milestone year
for the manufacturers and the
snowmobile community. The
snowmobile manufacturers are
required to meet phase 2 of the
EPA emission standard with the
new 2010 models. These rigid
emission requirements, established by the EPA in 2002, are
being met by the manufacturers
through advanced technology,
new engine specifications with
dramatic improvement to the
quality of the product.
For the month of July 2009,
the global cooling continued. Climatologists across the northern
sectors of North America
reported a 70F BELOW AVERAGE temperature. In some
regions, this summer has been the
coldest in more than 100 years.
Based on initial reports, the
global cooling will continue and
we can expect good snowfall
with great snowmobiling temperatures this winter. The statistics,
regardless of what some extremists may report, bode well for the
continuation of mankind and the
return to normal weather patterns,
See Positive on Page 7
Gorge Goodtimers
by Jim and Mary Lou Farring
It has been a dry warm summer for the most part as we are
now looking forward to hunting
season and last minute snowmobile trail maintenance now that
the first fall rains are coming and
snow is predicted above the 6000
ft level this Labor Day weekend.
Club meetings and scheduling of
the season's events will be of
high priority to start with now
that summer vacations have
ended and school has begun.
Dreams of hitting the powder are
on our minds with our recently
purchased or overhauled sleds.
Old friendships will be renewed
and hopes of new found friends
to help carry on the traditions we
hold so near and dear to our
hearts will be strengthened and
our children / grandchildren will
be brought along side to learn
and experience some of the best
times of their lives. Let's make a
concerted effort to make this an
outstanding year by supporting
our local clubs and the OSSA.
Just a note of encouragement
from the Farring household. Ashlee Nicole Farring has been at
Camp Morrow Horse Camp for
most of the summer as a Junior
Wrangler and is fully recovered
from her serious bout with three
critical ailments this past winter.
She is looking forward to starting
Hood River Valley High School
on September 8. We want to
thank all of you who have given
support through your thoughts
and prayers by expressing your
concerns in so many different
ways throughout this whole
ordeal. The attached picture
shows her with Pheonix the horse
that adopted her the first day at
horse camp this summer. Thank
you so very much!!! Hope to see
you out on the snow SOON!!!!!
P.O. Box 6328 Bend, OR 97708
A Message From Your
John Vogel, OSSA President
We’ve had a lot going on in the last couple of months handling
the affairs of OSSA and getting everything ready for the new
upcoming snow season. I have visited with some clubs and helped
them work though some issues. This hot and very dry (no rain)
weather makes it hard to believe we will soon be out enjoying our
favorite winter sport. Hope everyone has had a good summer and
put in some time working on your trail systems. We need all the
volunteers we can get, summer and winter, to maintain a good and
safe trail system. Our grooming clubs have been working hard to
get the equipment ready to maintain our great trail systems.
The OSSA board and your local club members have been busy
this summer meeting with different people and attending meetings
in the name of winter recreation. Board members have attended a
variety of meetings in various locations around Oregon. In the
month of April, Peggy and I attended the Washington D.C Fly-In,
which is attended by several State snowmobile associations
throughout the United States. We meet with all our Senators and
Congressmen to voice our options on issues affecting our sport
and livelihood. This year the main discussion was on getting the
Highway Bill (RTP) funding renewed and issues of the road less
area closures.
Peggy Spieger and myself traveled by land, air and sea to Eastern Canada to represent Oregon at the International Snowmobile
Congress held in the town of Summerside on beautiful Prince
Edward Isle. The Congress is held annually in the North America,
with the location rotating to different areas. The Congress starts as
a three day event except the International Association of Snowmobile Administrators (IASA) (Peggy) start a day earlier. The
meetings start at 7:00 AM and go till 5-6 PM. Many of the meetings I attend are IASA, Western Chapter and America Council of
Snowmobile Association (ACSA).
I would like to remind everyone of the OSSA Convention that
will be held in John Day on January 19-24, 2010. The Grant
County Snowballers will be hosting rides all week long prior to
the convention. There will be more information to come by mail
and on our web site of all the activities happening during the
I would like to thank the OSSA Board Members for the time
and effort they put toward protecting and enhancing the sport of
snowmobiling. It is people like these individuals that keep the
sport alive. You will find a list of these individuals in the back of
this newspaper.
I would like to welcome Dobie Griffin as the new DirectorAt-Large District 5 and the new snowmobile club: Central Oregon
OSN Website In It’s 2nd Year
by Mike Lancaster
The Oregon Snowmobile News website, OrSnowmobileNews.com, is starting it's second year with this
issue. The site has been revamped from last year and
contains the last 14 print issues of OSN online and is
organized by year. There are plans to add older issues
as time allows.
Page 2
Peggy From Page 1
CCSO, Nuts & Bolts workshops,
and for me, IASA meetings. We
previewed the work in progress
reviewing Forest Service Standards for the Universal Signing
Guide, updating the Groomer
Instruction Manual and the status
of the Zero Tolerance-Don’t
Drink & Ride project. Christopher Douwes, FHWA Recreation
Trails Program Manager Washington, D.C., discussed the uncertain future of Recreational Trails
Program and the expiration of the
current Highway Bill that expires
September 30th. The House and
Senate do not agree on its future
ISC membership includes US
State Associations, Canadian
Provinces, and Sweden. Visiting
again this year were representatives from Russia.
Grant County Snowballers and
the Grant County Chamber of
Commerce are busy planning a
week of rides and fun for the
OSSA Convention January 2324, 2010 with rides starting January 19th. More information is
elsewhere in this paper. National
Snowmobile Safety Week is January 10-17, 2010. Please take this
opportunity to emphasize the
importance of safe snowmobiling. This paper also includes a
list of safety instructors and some
classes already scheduled.
OSSA expresses our appreciation to Robert Froton for his
years of commitment and dedication as our webmaster.
would like to welcome our new
webmaster Kirk Snyder and
invite you to check out our website at www.oregonsnow.org.
Welcome to the Central OregonSnowbusters. The Moon
Country Board of Directors
advised OSSA of the decision the
Moon Country Board had made
to no longer be a grooming club.
A group of people dedicated to
the fun of snowmobiling as well
as grooming the trails for you
have formed a new club and are
looking forward to providing a
well groomed trail system in the
Mt. Bachelor area as well as fun
for all get-togethers.
The Forest Service is working
with glacial speed on the Kapka
sno-park EIS. The latest word is
it will be late fall or early winter
before that document is out to the
public. When it is released there
will be a 45 day comment period
at which time it will be extremely
important for you to send your
comments to the Forest Service
expressing your preferred alternative and the reasons why.
Lee Chastain has resigned his
position as Director at Large District 5. At the August meeting of
the OSSA Board, Dobe Griffin
was appointed to fill that position. OSSA thanks Lee for his
service and welcomes Dobe on
board. Directors at Large are the
grooming supervisors for their
respective districts.
So as we go into fall and the
myriad of activities you are having, please remember our goal is
to work together to preserve, protect and enhance the sport of
snowmobiling. We are thankful
to those who formed this association in 1973 and appreciate that it
has earned nationwide respect
and name recognition as we continue our endeavor to keep you
on the snow.
OSSA promotes Safe Snowmobiling.
Note: OSN-Oregon Snowmobile News; ISC-International
Snowmobile Congress; ACSAAmerican Council of Snowmobile Associations; IASA-International
CCSO-Canadian Council of
FHWA-Federal Highway Administration.
Mt Jefferson Snowmobile Club
By Patty Isaak
Greetings! Our club BBQ at
Silver Creek Falls was a great
warm day, lots of good food and
fun water fights. The Park
Ranger noticed our sign and
expressed that we were out of our
element. Indeed and we will
cross our fingers for a good snow
season to come.
Our first club meeting will be
September 16 , 7 pm at Pietro’s
Pizza. A quick reminder, our club
newsletter will be sent out by
email. This is a huge savings to
the club and faster than snail
mail. So, please remember to
check your email.
Our main shelter and trail work
party is scheduled for September
Well this is short and sweet.
See you soon!
Water balloon challenge.
Megan Benson enjoying the water slide.
Mt. Jefferson Snowmobile Club
Scheduled Club Rides
You got me, dad.
January 1
January 23
February 6
February 13
February 20
March 6
March 20
Ray Benson
Big Springs
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NXb\ lg# Fc[ DXe N`ek\i% @kËj k`d\ ]fi k_\ 8iZk`Z 9cXjk JXc\j <m\ek% N_\i\ pfl ^\k k_\ Y\jk [\Xcj fe e\n )'(' 8iZk`Z :Xk
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Page 3
Page 4
A poem
by Sherry Larson
To revive old memories, I’ve included this poem I wrote several
years ago. We no longer have with us several of these people:
Swede, Barb Rhea and Dick, but we’ll cherish their memories.
This year of big snow, the Lodgepole Dodgers will recall
with tons of snow and action we’ve really had a ball.
We’ve mishaps a-plenty, as you will plainly see
with lots & lots of riding, climbers we would be.
We have many all-stars, who gave us some real laughs,
including John Spieger, who does wheelie’s alas!
Then there’s Bill Schuman & John Bergen, some stumps did them in.
Along with mighty Shirley whose shoulder took the limb.
With Jack always stuck and/or lost, a bell we’ll provide,
to hang onto his booty, so he’ll be easy to find.
Ol’ Swede goes hell bent for leather, in his mighty Yamaha machine.
He yells “we can do ‘er” never again to be seen.
We have Ralph, the swimmer, who missed the new stop sign.
He landed in Paulina Lake with his knee, misaligned.
Then there's Terry Carpenter, who preformed “surgery” on the trail.
When he ran into Neal Ehlen, his machine was very frail.
Then Reda, two years running, pulls the starting rope clear out.
So she circles & circles while we're eating, no doubt.
Lodgepole Dodgers
Sherry Larson
After the April meeting, many
club members continued to work
during the summer months. President Tammy Bice, (besides
preparing for her son’s wedding,
doing a family reunion and beautifully landscaping their yard) has
been communication with several
agencies-Forest Service, ODOT,
OSSA, etc. to learn all of the in’s
and out’s of being a new President. She’s learning about land
use permits, mechanics involved
in getting the roads plowed and
other red tape necessary to keep
the club going.
We’ve had several board meetings, setting up the budget
preparing a calendar, doing
menus, deciding on our next fund
raiser, getting maps and ads
going for the next year, preparing
reports for the state and IRS.
We had a great turnout of club
members on Friday, June 19 for a
campout, prior to a work party on
the 20th. Many brought up motor
homes and campers and just had
a good ole’ fashioned chivaree!
(Dale, DID make it to the work
party, even after a long day of
fishing with some valley buddies.)
Jobs completed were: The
addition of 2 electrical circuits
inside 10-Mile warming hut for
our potlucks, refurbishing the
weathered table and benches
inside the building with Becky
Kraft doing the sanding and the
art work with her cohorts in all
the Bice Families. Bob Keller,
Ed Enright, Larry Dungey and
Gary Pankey, restacking the
wood inside the hut while looking for critter ants; adding foam
insulation to keep loose insulation in place (Dale mostly
worked on this). Litter cleanup
of the county road from 10-Mile
up to Paulina Lake Lodge Road
(Hayzel Pankey, Judy Bice, Brittany Bice, Tammy Bice, Louise
Kroeker, Jim Kroeker, Reda
Webb, Sherry Larson, Deana
Bonny, Gene Bonny). Some
interesting items were found,
some nameless. The guys and
gals clipped and cleaned up a lot
of brush after hot dogs and chili.
Prior to June 20, club members helped paint the ceiling in
the groomer shed, added fluorescent lights in the building and
pressure washed both 10-Mile
and 6-Mile buildings. The Forest
Service will supply oil stain to be
applied to both buildings.
The trail crew (Gene, Bob K.,
Jim K and Gary P.) marked trees
on trail 4.
Soon we will be making new
trail maps and getting ads to help
support the cost. Rick, Gene,
Gary and Jim K. are working to
accomplish that.
Becky Kraft and Dale Jellison
have worked hard to get our next
raffle going. It will be a jet boat
trip down the Rogue-104 mile
round trip for 4. Cash will be
given also ($100). Lodging will
be at Jots. The drawing will be at
the April potluck. Everyone in
the club will be called. So please
help out the club by purchasing
or selling tickets.
Sept. 18th will be another campout, the 19th cleanup day, picking up litter, etc and the first club
meeting of the year will be on the
Come and join us for some
fun! Bring items for Silent Auction. The next board meeting will
be Sept. 16th at Gene Bonny's at
Please note that the membership fee is now $40.
A special thanks to Gene
Bonny for being trail boss. It's a
thankless job that involves so
much communication with the
Forest Service, getting his crew
organized and lots of other things
that few are aware of. All past
bosses, as well, should be complimented for doing a hard job.
See you in September!
and will never be able to catch
back-up. Even with Brushing
Grants, which are not easily
acquired, they can’t cover all the
State and all the trails.
So Hats off to theses members
for stepping up and lending a
May 30th: LOW trail clean Scott & Rachel Blower, Roy
Blower, Linda & Larry Blower,
Ed Fenner, Jeff Ranger
June 20th: Medicine Lake trail
clean - Ray Gibson, Ted Naccarati, Thomas Bentley
July 18th: Hyatt Lake - Scott &
Rachel Blower, Ed & Mary Fenner, Jeff & Cheryl Ranger, Keith
Aug. 29th 30th: Medicine Lake
Trail clean - Ray Gibson, Ted &
Barb Naccarati, Larry Redd,
Thomas Bentley.
Next on schedule:
Sept. 26th Saturday: Medicine
Lake Staining of Warming Hut
hope for a good turnout.
October 24th & 25th: Camp
out and Barbeque Trail clean at
Lake of the Woods and Fish
Lake. Camping and barbeque
will be at the Lake of the Woods
(Aspen boat ramp). Come and
join us even if you just want to
camp we have the place to our
Please RSVP so we know how
many to provide for; by e-mail,
phone, or note in an envelope.
[email protected]
541-892-5424 or mail PO Box
1125 K-Falls OR 97603 .
SEPT 27th~Crest Street Park on
Hilyard Ave. 1–4 pm ~ Please
bring a side dish and drink of
choice~~Club will provide Hamburgers, Hotdogs & Chicken!
Margie keeps the chatter going, whenever we stop for a break.
Forever a laugh a minute, her jokes we love to take.
Then Doris & Barb provide us some action, whenever they get hot.
They shed most of their clothing, by the time we're in the lot.
Then there's John “Flipper” Schassen, who garnered all the polls.
He's known on the snowmobile circuit, because he continually rolls.
Dick Seigle has a moniker, all of his own.
He's called “The deepest stucker” some have heard us moan.
Jim & Barb Rhea, are know to all the crowd.
Jim, a sexy professed ladies man, and Barb is so proud.
And we have our wonderful groomers, who keep our trails real smooth.
To them we're very thankful, for keeping us in the groove.
The Places we come to visit, will be remembered very long.
To Elk Lake, Manley's & the Tea Cup, we cherish right or wrong.
We've got Sticky Hill and the Saddle, The Burn & Spark Plug Hill to battle.
The Roller Coaster & Hell Hole, gave us one more goal.
Hot Springs Camp Ground, The Geothermal &North Peak
Leaves us so breathless, its very hard to speak.
The friendships will keep a shinin' in our club, I must confess
But with St. Scott to lead us, what else could we be, but blessed....
by Cheryl & Jeff Ranger
From the President
I would like to recognize all of
the people who have spent many
days of clean up on our trails this
past summer. I can’t tell you
enough how much you are appreciated, I know how hard it is to
take your personal time to take
part in these activities.
Things have changed greatly;
we have little timber sales these
days, and they were a big contributor in clearing the trails for
their equipment. Your BLM and
Forest Services are also under
great scrutiny of funding and lack
of funds for trail clearing. Thus
it’s becoming more and more of
an issue and if we don’t keep on
top of them, we will fall behind
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would like to thank
the clubs and
organizations that
sent in stories and
We would also
appreciate continued
This is your
Use it to let everyone
know what your
club or organization
is doing.
Remember WE NEED
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[email protected]
by Dennis Jordan
Well, here we are with the first
newsletter of 2009-2010 season.
I hope that everyone had a great
summer. Hope there were good
vacations whether just at the lake
camping, fishing, water sports or
if you went on a cross country
I have tried very hard over the
years to not be too political in my
letters, but at this time we maybe
in for the fight of our life to keep
our snowmobile, hunting, fishing, camping and general outdoor
recreation open for all of us to
use. There are two environmental groups proposing wilderness
areas in our prime snowmobiling
areas. The first is called Crater
Lake Wilderness; this proposed
wilderness area will take away
Lake of the Woods, Fish Lake,
Thousand Springs, Hamacker,
and Diamond Lake riding areas.
The second is the proposed
Siskiyou Crest National Monument. (We know what happens
when you start it as a Monument.) This will close the Wagner Creek area. There will be
more details at the October 6th
meeting, but if each and every
one of us does not write a letter
to our representatives in Washington DC, the environmentalists
will surely win. Board Member
David Jordan has taken this on as
a true cause and has put together
packets for our local businesses,
user groups, and the general public to stop this from happening.
In other snowmobile news,
some of you may have already
heard or seen that there is a new
Ski-Doo dealership in Southern
Welcome to Water
World and Ted Dole. I was contacted by Ted and informed that
Ski-Doo is conducting a club
fund raiser for snowmobile clubs
across the country. All you have
to do is get on the Ski-Doo website and print the ten dollar certificate and present it to Water
Schedule of Events
September 2009
1-30th Annual Blood Drive Challenge
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
White City Fire Station
October 2009
General Meeting/Dinner 6:00 p.m.
Swap Meet
Thousand Spring Work Party /BBQ
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
17-18th 17th Annual Snowmobile Expo
D & S Harley
Thousand Springs
White City Fire Station
Puyallup, WA
November 2009
General Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Kid's Snowmobile Safety Class
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
D & S Harley
White City Fire Station
December 2009
General Club Meeting, 7pm
Christmas Tree Ride & Chili Feed
Rogue Winter Banquet
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
No Host Family Ride
D&S Harley
Thousand Springs
Diamond Lake Resort
White City Fire Station
Thousand Springs
January 2010
General Club Meeting/Dinner, 6pm
Ladies Ride/Turkey Fry
18-23rd OSSA Convention
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
Avalanche Class & No Host Ride
D&S Harley
John Day
White City Fire Station
Thousand Springs
February 2010
General Club Meeting with Pie Auction
D&S Harley
Mt. Bailey $3000 Poker Run
Diamond Lake Resort
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
White City Fire Station
Play Day/Chicken/Steak Feed
Lake of the Woods
March 2010
General Club Meeting, 7pm
Candlelighters Ride
Board Meeting 6:00
No Host Family Ride
D&S Harley
Thousand Springs
White City Fire Station
Fish Lake
April 2010
General Club Meeting/Dinner, 6pm D&S Harley
10-11th End of Season Hurrah
Thousand Springs
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
White City Fire Station
World and then Ski-doo will
donate to the club the amount of
the certificates up to $1500.00.
Ted is already planning an open
house for some time late in October. Dates and details to follow!
For all that were unable to
attend the summer campout, you
missed a great weekend even
though the weather was marginal.
We had some great evenings
around the campfire (and I do
mean around the campfire), good
food, and excellent company.
Huge thanks to Paul and Sheyla
Hildebrand for putting this all
together. We had another great
Bunco tournament; the big winner was Dennis Hamlin. My wife
however insists that since Blair
couldn't cheat two years in a row,
he had his daughter and son-inlaw do it for him. They also
became members of our club…
Welcome Gary and Vi!
District 5 News: Dobe Griffin
has been elected by the OSSA
board to serve as the Director at
Large for District 5. Dobe will
be in charge of the grooming program for all four clubs in the District. I was also fortunate enough
to meet this summer with the
other three Presidents from District 5 and we have a few fun
events planned for all the clubs to
get together this next winter.
OSSA has been working very
hard to rebuild the trust and
working relationship with Rogue
Snowmobilers and I encourage
each of you to continue your support of OSSA.
In closing, please check the
website for updated news, photos
and our calendar of events for the
2009-2010 season. Hope to see
all of you at our October 6th
meeting at D & S Harley. Travis
and Don have a great meal
planned for this first meeting of
the year.
As always (maybe a month or
two early) THINK SNOW!!!!!
Are You Prepared To Give
Up Your Public Lands?
This is addressed to any individual, organization or business
that does not want their public
land taken from them. Several
environmental groups are trying
to do just that. Soon we will
have a packet available with
maps of the proposed wilderness,
a petition opposing the proposed
wilderness and key talking points
so every individual can write a
letter in opposition to their State
Senator. Also included will be
the addresses to send your letter
Oregon Wild is trying to turn
450,000 acres of multiuse land
into wilderness from Hwy. 140
to Hwy 58 which includes Crater
Lake, which is already a
National Park.
Siskiyou Wild Land Center has
proposed a wilderness of
150,000 acres along the Siskiyou
Crest. This will be a total of
600,000 acres which is roughly
half the size of Jackson County.
These areas have a lot of wilderness already, the question would
be why is more needed? These
areas are known for their beauty
why take it away from so many
who already enjoy it.
Key Points Multi-Land Use - All of these
lands are multiuse areas which
means everyone has the right to
enjoy them. Off Highway Vehicles, Snowmobilers, Hunters,
Hikers, Dog Sleds, Mountain
bikes, Nordic Skiers, Snowshoers, Fishing, Logging, &
Open Range Cattle. If a Wilderness is allowed in these areas
everyone will be affected.
Economic Impact - Southern
Oregon is an outdoor Haven for
all types of recreation enthusiasts. The businesses that support
all recreation will feel a huge
finical impact due to their sells
dropping since there will be no
where left to go recreate. Such
business affected by this will be
any business that sells off highway vehicles, snowmobiles, hiking gear hunting gear or fishing
gear. Any store that sells anything for the outdoors and we
cannot forget about Mountain
Lodges, Hotels, and Resorts.
An additional concern will be
with the Forest Services possible
inability to manage these areas.
Please support our Multi Use
Lands and write a letter to your
State Senator in opposition to
Oregon Wild and other wilderness groups trying to take your
land from you.
A Call To Arms
Be prepared to fight for our
rights to keep these areas open to
snowmobiling and all outdoor
We will keep you informed as
to the status of this fledgling
fight but we will require your
An immediate need is for
those of you who are interested
in the political side of these types
of issues to join up and help us
stay on top of them.
Dave Jordan & Gene Bowling
Page 5
need additional people to stay on
this and other issues that can
effect our lifestyles. Contact
either one if you have any interest in volunteering some of your
Gene also has a Multi-Use
Trail meeting on the second
Tuesday of every month to evaluate our situations with our outdoor groups and to help each
Outdoor Clubs Blood Drive
It is not too late to join in this
year’s blood drive. Last year’s
blood drive was a squeaker but
the Southern Oregon Nordic
Club beat us in the challenge.
Let’s not let that happen again!!!!
No excuses this year. I don’t
want to hear how you rough and
tough men who break ribs and
still snowmobile or who have
gone through the pain of tattoo’s
are afraid of needles! No more
Now if you truly are unable to
give blood, I challenge you to
find two other people to give in
your place.
The summer months and especially September are difficult for
the American Red Cross. This
year the situation is even worse
as long time donors with financial difficulties have chosen to
sell plasma to other organizations
instead of donating.
Besides the reward of giving
the gift of life to others, giving
blood is good for you too. There
are many benefits to giving blood
including lowering your cholesterol levels.
Please call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE
or go online at www.givelife.org
today and schedule your appointment to give blood in the month
of September. If you are a regular donor and your scheduled
appointment falls just before or
after the month of September,
call Kim Greenwaldt and you can
still get credit for your donation.
First General Meeting
What:First Club General
Where: D & S Harley
When: Tuesday, October 6th
at 6:00 for dinner and 7:00 for the
meeting and prizes
Make plans to attend our first
general meeting of the year on
October 6th. This is a can’t miss
evening of dinner, discussion and
prizes. We plan on giving away
another BBQ this year to a lucky
member of the club. You must
turn in your membership by 7:00
that night and be present to win
the BBQ.
Don’t forget to bring your
canned food items for the food
2009 Summer Campout
Now that the summer campout
II is over, it’s time to reflect on all
the good times we had and things
that we learned. For those who
were unable to make it up, you
truly missed a great time. All in
all we had over 50 different
including the family pets) either
come up for the day or campout
for the week and we used 14
campsites. This year’s campout
more than double in size from
last year and the weather
remained mostly in check the
entire week. Below are a few
things that I had learned about a
few members over the weekend.
Dobie enjoys BUNKO and is
now looking for a group to join
so he can play every month.
Ladies, if you need an alternate
player to fill in for your BUNKO
group, please do not hesitate to
call. For those who thought that
Dobie was a very calm and mild
mannered gentleman, put a deck
of cards in front of him with a
chance to shout BUNKO, and
watch what happens.
The Hildebrand’s apparently
like the melted snow better (also
known as water). Paul actually
got his boat off the trailer and in
to the lake. As if this wasn’t
enough, they actually started the
boat and took several people on
inner tube rides.
This phenomenon happened several time
See Rogue on Page 7
Page 6
Rogue From Page 5
and I have included pictures to
prove to those who have to see to
If you ever need to rake up
pinecones, be sure to bring your
own rake. (see Dennis J. for questions about this)
We will be looking for a new
golden helmet recipient at this
year’s banquet as Barbara Hamlin
made it the entire weekend with-
out an incident.
And lastly, we had more snowmobile members at our summer
campout, than other clubs get for
their main rides during the snowmobile season.
November 7th 2009
D & S Harley upstairs meeting
room 9:00am to 2:00pm
Class is FREE to all participants
Page 7
Anyone under the age of 16
must have a Safety Class Certificate to operate a snowmobile. If
you’re 16 or older you must have
a valid driver’s license or a Safety
Class Certificate to operate a
Registration and books will be
available at your local Snowmobile dealers after October 1st
Any questions please contact:
Dennis Jordan at 541-826-6326
American Council of Snowmobile Associations
6th Annual Land Access
Membership and Fundraising
will be the focus of the Land
Summit which will be held Saturday, September 19th in Denver.
Marketing and Managing a
Membership Program will provide techniques, tools and tips
which will be helpful as you plan
and present your membership
program to current and potential
Getting Involved in Fundraising will focus on getting the
strategic process in place during
these economic times. Not only
will you learn practical fundraising strategies, you'll learn how
fun and easy it is to raise money!
We will also explore private sector funding sources.
We also hope to have representatives from the Forest Service
with us to provide us an update
and overview from the Regional
Office in Denver.
If you have not yet registered,
there is still time. The registration form (which includes hotel
information) can be found at
Multiple Use Trails for Winter Recreation
The ACSA is proud to
announce a new document, Multiple Use Trails for Winter Recreation - Facts and Myths about
Amber and Mikayla roasting marshmallows.
Jim plays Bunco.
Snowmobiling is currently printing.
Every State Snowmobile Association participated in the ordering of this document and plans to
distribute the booklet to land
managers, legislators from the
local level to the federal level,
and many others to show them
the positives of snowmobiling.
The document clearly and concisely talks about economic
impact, impacts on the air, water
and wildlife, social conflicts and
planning for multiple use.
Contact your state association
to obtain a copy.
GAO Releases OHV Study
The GAO recently released a
report to the Subcommittee on
National Parks, Forests and Public Lands on OHV Use on Public
Lands. In the 60-page report, the
GAO examined the trends in and
status of OHV use, including
reported environmental, social
and safety impacts; agencies'
strategic planning for management; actions taken by the agencies manage OHV use; and current
For this study, OHVs included
off-road motorcycles, dune buggies and other four-wheel-drive
During the study, Park Service
officials reported OHV use con-
stitutes less than 10% of the
recreation on their lands. Most
officials from all three agencies
also said that OHV-related environmental impacts occur on less
than 20% of their lands. Most
officials said that social and
safety impacts, such as conflicts
with nonmotorized users, occasionally or rarely occurred.
The GAO recommended that
the Forest Service and BLM
improve their strategic planning
and take other actions to help provide quality OHV opportunities
while protecting federal lands and
resources. The agencies generally concurred with GAO's findings and recommendations.
For a copy of the GAO report,
contact the ACSA office.
Congress Returns to D.C.
Members of both the House
and Senate are scheduled to
return to D.C. next week. They
have many issues before them,
including the Highway Bill,
Wilderness Designations, Health
Care, Cap and Trade and on on.
I know many of you had the
opportunity to visit with your legislators when they were home and
I congratulate you on your efforts.
I encourage all of you to keep in
contact with your legislators
while they are in D.C.
See Council on Page 8
Trying to stay warm around the campfire.
Positive From Page 1
which includes considerable
snowfall and average winter temperatures.
Last year showed a continued
increase in sale of parts garments
and accessories as many individuals fixed up their snowmobiles
and purchased new garments and
accessories to help them enjoy
the winter. Based on last year’s
level of activity we expect 20092010 to be a quality year for the
snowmobile industry.
Last year, snowmobilers averaged over 1300 miles of riding,
which was a 20% increase from
the previous year. The increase in
riding, along with the increase in
snowmobile registrations resulted
in a strong tourism impact report
for snowmobiling. Restaurants,
Motels, and related businesses all
benefitted from an excellent
2008-2009 snowmobiling season.
Over $28 billion dollars in economic activity occurred in North
America – related to snowmobiling in the 2008-2009 season.
This year you can expect to see
more young faces on the trail.
Survey results show that the average snowmobiler is now one year
younger than last year – so
younger folks are joining the
snowmobiling family and bringing a renewed level of enthusiasm
and confidence to the market.
We are looking forward to a
great snowmobile season this
year. I recommend you take the
time to inspect the new snowmobiles and discover the amazing
technology that is now available
for all of us to enjoy.
Some of the smore made it
into the mouth.
Join us for our
Large selection of New & Used Sleds to Choose From
2010 Polaris Snowmobiles are here.
2008 Trail RMK
25 Used Sleds To Choose From
2009 600 RMK 144 Track
Central Equipment Co., Inc.
3008 Biddle Road • Medford, OR 97504
See our new & used sleds at www.centralequippolaris.com
Page 8
Council From Page 7
As you may recall, the Highway Bill expires September 30th.
It appears the House and Senate
continue to disagree about both
short-term and long-term spending on the highway program.
The Senate and the White House
would like to extend the existing
law while the House would like
to write a new 6-year law.
At the same time, the Senate
would like transfer $20 billion
into the Highway Trust Fund to
keep the program solvent for 18
The House only
approved a transfer of $7 billion
and hope to address the fund's
insolvency in the new bill.
There are also proposals for
new Wilderness designations that
have been introduced and discussion for additional legislation to
be introduced locking up hundreds of thousands of acres of
public lands. Again, as Congress
reconvenes, we will keep you
advised of their discussions.
Another "hot" topic will be the
emergency fire-fighting bill. The
full House and the Senate Appropriations
included $332 million emergency
fire-fighting contingency fund in
2010 appropriations.
Congress also approved a $250
million emergency supplemental
for fiscal 2009 in an Iraq War
spending bill in June.
The costs of fire suppression
have increased on an annual basis
and have forced the Forest Service to borrow from other programs and Congress has not
always repaid those programs.
We will keep you advised on
the progress of these legislative
It is very important that you
maintain relationships with your
elected officials, from the local
level to the highest level. If you
need assistance on contacting
your officials, please contact the
ACSA office.
Lodgepole Dodgers
The Groomer That Could
by Bob Keller
The ‘Little Tucker Groomer’
sat outside all alone in deep snow
behind the Forest Service building at Pauina Lake located 3
miles above the 10-Mile Snow
Park dreaming of the day it could
be in a warm cozy building.
Well, its dream came true in
2000-but before we go there, let’s
look at the men who worked and
drove in those cold days. After
talking with some of these men, I
found that memory has a way of
slipping away, but we will give it
our best shot. Some names that
stand out are Norm Stone, Jim
Burrow, Bill McCully, Ed Enright
and Neil Gruhlke. A big thanks to
these men and others who braved
the cold snow each year and gave
us great tails at Paulina-East
Lake’s 10-Mile Snow Park.
Let’s look at a typical day in
the life of a groomer prior to
2000. We drive up to the 10-Mile
Snow Park, leave our warm vehicle, dig out a snow-covered
snowmobile for a three mile ride
up to the Paulina-East Lake Forest Service building where we
find our ‘Little Tucker Groomer’
covered with ice and snow. We
dig it out and start the engine for
our 6-10 hour trip (grooming
duty). After a night of grooming
we find our fuel tank buried in
the snow. After digging out and
refueling, we dig out the snowmobile for our 3-mile ride back
to the 10-Mile Snow Park. Dig
out our vehicle (now covered
with snow) for a ride home.
Does this sound like fun?
Finally in 2000 we built a storage building at the 10-Mile
Snow Park. It is 30 feet wide and
50 feet long with overhead doors
at both ends for a drive through.
Electricity was installed allowing
lights, door openers and heat.
Inside the grooming shed we
installed a concrete floor leaving
the center with gravel for the
groomer’s snow melt off. When
the fuel tanks were moved down
to the storage building, we added
a second fuel tank giving us
2000 gallon storage capacity. A
pump was installed allowing us
to refuel the groomer while
parked inside the grooming shed.
More improvements have con-
tinued since 2000. A roof and
fenced enclosure were installed
over the fuel tanks. We installed a
floor drain and concrete over the
gravel in the shed floor. In 2007,
a 120 gal water tank was installed
and a pressure washer to keep
things clean. Next we installed an
engine-exhaust system to remove
the fumes from inside the building. We have just completed
repainting the ceiling and
installed new high-efficient florescent lighting. Oh, did I mention we have a refrigerator for
cold drinks?
The improvements seem to
continue each year with added
tools and equipment for grooming and maintenance. We retired
‘Little Tucker Groomer’ in 2005
after it enjoyed a warm building
for 5-years. Today we groom
with a 2006 BR350 Camoplast
Cat now called Prinoth a large
terrain master blade in front with
a tiller and packer bar behind giving us smooth trails.
Happy Trails from the New
Kid on the Block.
Schedule of Events
2009-2010 Season Activities Schedule
by Dinah Walsh
While most clubs have had the
summer off, the Walker Rim Riders have maintained a full schedule of activities that compliment
our winter snowmobiling. In
May, we connected with the Forest Service for chainsaw certification; in June, we offered a GPS
training program; in July, we held
a CPR and First Aid class; and in
August, we goofed off by having
a club picnic in Crescent Lake.
On September 26th, we will
perform trail maintenance during
the day and have our club meeting at 6:30 PM at KJ’s Restaurant
in Crescent Lake Junction.
Should the remodel at KJ’s not be
completed, we will move to the
Fire Hall for the meeting. For a
complete schedule of activities
for 2009 and 2010, please check
out our web site at www.walkerrimriders.com.
In addition to planned rides this
season, we will be having a
RADAR RUN on January 2,
2010 on the airport runway at
Crescent Junction Snow Park.
This fundraiser will be for our
club and charitable activities.
Planned activities include merchant sponsors, hot food and beverages.
include door prizes, a swap meet
and a winner’s purse!
We would like to welcome
Chuck Shepard and Hoodoo
Recreation to Crescent Lake.
They have recently purchased the
Crescent Lake Lodge & Resort
9:00 AM Trail Maintenance
6:30 PM Club meeting held @ KJ’s
9:00 AM Fire Wood for Warming Hut
6:30 PM Club meeting held @ KJ’s
9:00 AM Club ride Crescent Lake/Timpanogas Lake Shelter
6:30 PM Christmas social & Meeting @ Fire Hall Community
Center, white elephant gift exchange & potluck
(Bohemia Club Welcome)
9:00 AM Radar Run
6:30 PM Club meeting @ KJ’s
9:00 AM Candle Lighters @ Crescent Lake Warming Hut
9:00 AM Club ride to Elk Lake for lunch
6:30 PM Club meeting @ KJ’s
(Appoint Officer/Board Nomination Committee)
9:00 AM Club ride to Lemolo Lake for lunch
6:30 PM Club meeting @ KJ’s
(Present Officer/Board nominations)
9:00 AM Club ride to Waldo Lake (bring your lunch)
6:30 PM Club meeting @ KJ’s
(Officer/Board Elections 2010-2011 Officer/Board members take office)
and the RV Park which has been
paved and will be open all year at
Crescent Lake Junction. We are
looking forward to a great relationship with wonderful facilities
and activities.
Walker Rim Riders are headquartered out of Crescent Lake.
We have hundreds of miles of
trails and a great grooming program. We ride between Mt.
Bachelor to the north and Diamond Lake to the south. If you
are looking for great riding, great
facilities, and great sponsors, we
would be excited to have you
join our club. Go to www.wakerrimriders.com and click the
word ‘Here’ on Membership
Application Download. Annual
dues are only ten dollars. You are
welcome to belong to more than
one snowmobile club and need
only pay OSSA dues once. Our
mailing address is P.O. Box
1090, Crescent Lake, OR 97733.
Mt Hood Snowmobile Club
by TJ Reilly
This will be my 2nd year as a
member of the MHSC. When I
initially joined, I did so only to
support my newfound hobby. I
had no intention of getting
After attending a few of the
meetings, I met many folks with
similar interests and have developed new friendships. I am now
a board member and am very
involved. I’ve helped both years
at the work parties and have
helped give rides at Candlelighter’s Day.
My introduction to the club
was via the club’s web site. I
didn’t know there was a snowmobile club until I did some
searching on the web. Kirk Snyder, one of our newer members is
now volunteering his time to
maintain the OSSA and the
MHSC web sites. I am sure that
we will gain many more new
members from this venue.
This summer I went up to
Frog Lake and Skyline Snow
Park to drive the trails and re-do
the snow-park maps. The new
Frog Lake Snow Park map is
now online and can be downloaded. I redesigned the map
with a newbie or out-of-towner in
mind. It’s easy to read and has
mileage and helpful tips included.
I have been impressed at how
many people volunteer their time.
We have had several work
party’s from wood cutting to
stump grinding. Work parties for
September and October will be
working on new signs and stocking wood at shelters.
Todd Call is our new club
president and is doing many new
things to enhance our club
including trying to get more of
the new members involved.
Our club is currently in the
process of working with the
USFS in trying to get a warming
hut at Frog Lake Snow Park,
which we hope to have completed in the upcoming years.
Oregon State Snowmobile
Safety Instructors
(541) 255-0615
(541) 884-2423
(503) 581-7596
LA PINE, OR 97720
(541) 536-5863
(503) 897-2915
(541) 938-7066
(541) 388-3099
(541) 673-3787
(541) 963-5345
(541) 386-5584
(541) 426-3854
(541) 963-4334
(541) 826-6326
(541) 742-4563
(503) 695-2911
(541) 885-2815
(541) 575-1088
(541) 542-2202
(541) 793-3341
Page 9
2009 - 2010 OFFICERS & CLUBS
OSSA President
John Vogel
782 Foxley Road
Hood River, OR 97031
(H) 541-386-5584
(F) 541-386-5584
[email protected]
*Mt. Hood Snowmobile Club 1-A
OSSA Past President
John Bastian
P.O. Box 100
Canyon City, OR 97820
(H) 541-575-3640
(F) 541-575-3640
[email protected]
OSSA Vice President
Vera Riser
P.O. Box 7156
Bend, OR 97708
[email protected]
OSSA Executive Director
Peggy Spieger
P.O. Box 435
LaPine, OR 97739
(H) 541-536-3668
(F) 541-536-4099
[email protected]
[email protected]
District 1 Director
John Gardner
27850 SE Hwy 212
Boring, OR 97009
(H) 503-668-5282
(W) 503-663-3544
(F) 503-663-5359
[email protected]
District 2 Director
Griffin Green
P.O. Box 253
Turner, OR 97392
District 4 Director
Rick Bice
20430 Klahani Dr.
Bend, OR 97702
District 5 Director
Scott Blower
2865 Galaxy Way
Grants Pass, OR 97527
[email protected]
District 6 Director
Ron Greb
61572 Aspen Lane
Canyon City, Oregon 97820
(H) 541-575-5650
District 7 Director
Duane Miles
36232 Holbrook Spur Lane
Halfway, OR 97834
(H) 541-742-5151
(C) 541-540-5151
[email protected]
District 8 Director
Leonard (Buckshot) Carter
51451 Hwy 11
Athena, OR 97813
(H) 541-566-3401
(C) 541-969-7833
[email protected]
Director at Large District 1 & 2
Nate Pattee
12323 Silverton Rd. NE
Silverton, OR 97381
Director at Large District 3 & 4
John Spieger
P.O. Box 435
LaPine, OR 97739
(H) 541-536-3668
(F) 541-536-4099
[email protected]
Director at Large District 5
Dobe Griffin
2425 E McAndrews Rd.
Medford, OR 97504
[email protected]
Director at Large District 6
Mike Choate
608 Fairview
Burns, OR 97720
Director at Large District 7 & 8
Denny Farwell
P.O. Box 896
Halfway, OR 97834
(H) 541-742-4563
(W) 541-742-2726
[email protected]
*denotes grooming clubs
Club Membership Dues $25
P.O. Box 3322
Clackamas, OR 97015
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Cheryl Mary
240 SE 136th Ave
Portland, OR 97233
[email protected]
*Columbia Gorge Power Sledders 1-C
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Marvin Hansen
P.O. Box 342
Cascade Locks, OR 97014
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Karen Hansen
P.O. Box 342
Cascade Locks, OR 97014
[email protected]
*Walker Rim Riders 4-D
*Cascade Connection 5-F
*Panhandle Snowmobile Club 7-C
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Doug Wardell
5401 Eastridge South
Salem, OR 97062
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Kathie Allison
1313 Mill Street
Springfield, OR 97477
[email protected]
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Ken Makinson
215 shady Dr.
Roseburg, OR 97470
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Brandy Purkett
71 Oleta Ct.
Roseburg, OR 97470
[email protected]
Club Membership Dues $15
PRESIDENT, Whitey Bloom
48183 Cornucopia Hwy
Halfway, OR 97834
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Mary Herold
48090 Cornucopia Hwy
Halfway, OR 97834
[email protected]
*Wallowa County Gamblers 7-G
*Sisters Sno-Go-Fers 4-E
Club Membership Dues $10
448 18th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
[email protected]
269 NW Helmholtz Way
Redmond, OR 97756
[email protected]
Sledheads Snowmobile Club 4-F
Club Membership Dues $15
PRESIDENT, Roy Moorhouse
13963 S. Vick Rd.
Mollala, OR 97038
SECRETARY, Kristi Moorhouse
13963 S. Vick Rd.
Molalla, OR 97038
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Scott Weaver
P.O. Box 713
Gilchrist, OR 97737
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Barry Haight
P.O. Box 243
Crescent, OR 97733
[email protected]
The Gorge Goodtimers 1-E
*Chemult Mountain Trail Riders 4H
Oregon Cascade Snow Riders 1-D
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Jerry Thomas
4033 Summit Dr.
Hood River, OR 97031
[email protected]
3347 Ehrck Hill Rd.
Hood River, OR 97031
[email protected]
Bohemia Sno-Sledders 2-A
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Marty Pittman
37690 Wallace Cr. Rd.
Springfield, Oregon 97478
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Kathie Allison
1513 Mill Street
Springfield, OR 97477
[email protected]
*Mt. Jefferson Snowmobile Club 2-C
Club Membership Dues $20
PRESIDENT, Terrill Isaak
8524 Shaff Rd. SE
Turner, OR 97392
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Marie Wargnier
5254 Bobbie Ct. N.
Keizer, OR 97303
[email protected]
*North Santiam Snowmobile Club 2-D
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Doug Eilers
PO Box 493
Detroit, OR 97342
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Lois McWhirter
P.O. Box 512
Detroit, OR 97342
[email protected]
Moon Country Sno-Mobilers 4-A
Club Membership Dues $15
PRESIDENT, Pieter Van Gelderen
P.O. Box 5596
Bend, OR 97708
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Diane Van Gelderen
P.O. Box 5596
Bend, OR 97708
[email protected]
Club Membership Dues $7
PRESIDENT, Pat Schaffner
P.O. Box 142
Chemult, OR 97731
[email protected]
P.O. Box 25
Chemult, OR 97731
*Central Oregon Snowbusters
Club Membership Dues $15
PRESIDENT, Wally Buckman
19245 Apache
Bend, OR 97702
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Barb Allwardt
60439 Zuni Rd.
Bend, OR 97702
[email protected]
*Klamath Basin Snowdrifters 5-A
Club Membership Dues $20
PRESIDENT, Bruce Cullen
P.O. Box 1125
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Diane Cullen
P.O. Box 1125
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
[email protected]
*Rogue Snowmobile Club 5-B
*High Desert Snow Drifters 6-A
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Mike Huseby
351 1/2 Monroe
Burns, OR 97720
982 E. Jefferson
Burns, OR 97720
*Grant County Snowballers 6-B
Skyline Snowmobile Club 8-B
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Anthony Kodesh
P.O. Box 382
John Day, OR 97845
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Sheryl Miller
857 E. Main
John Day, OR 97845
[email protected]
*Burnt River Snowmobile Club 6-C
Club Membership Dues $10
P.O. Box 178
Unity, OR 97884
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Annette Evans
787 Skyhawk Dr.
Ontario, OR 97914
[email protected]
*Sumpter Valley Snowmobilers 6-D
Club Membership Dues $10
P.O. Box 3
Sumpter, OR 97877
[email protected]
P.O. Box 3
Sumpter, OR 97877
[email protected]
*Hi-Desert Storm Troopers 6-E
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Frank Kadrmas
P.O. Box 81
New Pine Creek, OR 97630
SECRETARY, Richie Johnston
19421 Thomas Creek Rd.
Lakeview, OR 97630
Club Membership Dues $20
PRESIDENT, Dennis Jordan
221 Teakwood Drive
Eagle Point, OR 97524
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Kim Greenwaldt
3996 Avenue H
White City, OR 97503
[email protected]
*Over the Hill Snowmobile Club 6-G
*Chiloquin Ridge Riders 5-D
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Marvin Schenck
130 Hawthorne
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Cathy Briggs
P.O. Box 620
Chiloquin, OR 97624
[email protected]
Club Membership Dues $10
P.O. Box 27
Paisley, OR 97636
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Carol Jones
P.O. Box 220
Paisley, OR 97636
*LaGrande Sno-Drifters 7-B
Club Membership Dues $20
PRESIDENT, Greg Blackman
10304 White Birch Ln.
Island City, OR 97850
[email protected]
64003 Booth Lane
La Grande, OR 97850
[email protected]
*Ochoco Snow Sports 4-B
Club Membership Dues $20
P.O. Box 502
Prineville, OR 97754
[email protected]
SECRETARY, Katie McGrath
797 SE Knight St.
Prineville, OR 97754
[email protected]
*LaPine Lodgepole Dodgers 4-C
Club Membership Dues $10
P.O. Box 70, LaPine, OR 97739
P.O. Box 2521
La Pine, Oregon 97739
SECRETARY, Lee Willoughby
14725 Long Leaf Pine
La Pine, OR 97739
[email protected]
Club Membership Dues $15
PRESIDENT, Gary Bethscheider
P.O. Box 536
Joseph, OR 97846
SECRETARY, Marty Thompson
P.O. Box 508
Enterprise, OR 97828
Club Membership Dues $10
60488 Hwy 204
Weston, OR 97886
SECRETARY, Marilyn Russell
605 Ankeny St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362
[email protected]
*Four Corners Snowmobile Club 8-C
Club Membership Dues $10
PRESIDENT, Cliff Dougherty
65450 Spur Loop
Heppner, OR 97836
SECRETARY, Mike Gorman
53784 Hwy 74
Heppner, OR 97836
(H) 541- 676-9623
[email protected]
*Tollgate Trailfinders 8-E
Club Membership Dues $25
PRESIDENT, Greg Webber
3313 S Vancouver St.,
Kennewick, WA 99337
1821 SW 18th St.
Pendleton, OR 97801
[email protected]
OSSA Charity Chair
Peggy Spieger
P.O. Box 435
LaPine, OR 97739
(H) 541-536-3668
(F) 541-536-4099
[email protected]
[email protected]
Safety Training Chair
Kelly Fough
4166 Carson Dr., SE
Salem, OR 97301
(O) 503-581-7596
(C) 503-910-8336
[email protected]
Blue Ribbon Liaison
Joni Mogstad
4797 Old Dillard Road
Eugene, OR 97405
[email protected]
Oregon Snowmobile News
Mike Lancaster
P.O. Box 6328
Bend, OR 97708
(F) 541-388-7186
[email protected]
Kirk Snyder
818 SW 3rd Ave. #144
Portland, OR 97204
(W) 503-702-2149
(F) 503-978-7229
[email protected]
Last Name:
First Name:
Spouse’s Name:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
No. of Employees in Business:
Club Name:
No. of Family Members:
No. of Machines:
July 1st to June 30th
State Association Dues
Club Dues
Total Enclosed for OSSA
Donation to Legal Action Fund $
Oregon State Snowmobile Association P.O. Box 435 LaPine, OR 97739 1-888-567-SNOW (7669)
New $25
Renew $25
Business $25
Contributing $50
(Business or Individual)
Page 10
by Diane Van Gelderen
Our new Board of Directors of
Moon Country is composed of: P.
[Van] Van Gelderen (President),
Dan Galecki (Vice President),
Diane Van Gelderen (Secretary),
Jan Pittman (Treasurer), Chuck
Tolboe (Member At Large), Dave
Lynn (Member At Large), Faye
Pittman (Member At Large),
Toby Garus (Member At Large)
and Larry Riser (Advisor).
The new Board is in place and
coming up to speed. So many
questions, issues and so little
time. Oh well, that is life. We
have found that there are quite a
few web sites that provide information and keep their readers up
to date on specific issues. Some
of them are Snowmobile Alliance
Western of States (www.snowmobile-alliance.org) which covers and monitors closure of lands;
Dutchman Task Force ([email protected]) is a e-mail
information source which tracks
local issues to name but a few. If
you would like to be added to
their e-mail list, please contact
them. These are great sites in
order to stay current on issues
and to keep up with what is happening.
A thank you to the past boards
for their work and effort.
The Board held a brunch for
the membership where recognition and awards were given out:
Snowmobile quilt went to Susie
Wirges; Box of Chocolates drawing went to Barbara Bosy;
Whoopsie award went to David
Burnham; Snowmobiler of the
Year went to Jan Pittman; The
Frank Ellis Outstanding Award
went to the Grooming Crew;
Larry and Jean Lancaster were
recognized for their help in keeping the club successful since the
very beginning. The club has
been out doing things: road clean
up and park clean up; clearing
dead trees around Wanoga; and
doing litter clean up at Moon
Mountain. After the road and
park clean up, we had a BBQ and
induction of the new Board of
Directors. The litter clean up
yielded some strange items that
included a car battery along with
the expected items that can get
dropped such as spark plugs, beer
cans, etc. (always empty beer
cans and never full ones). A very
special thank you to Dave,
Chuck, Russ, and the many others who gave of their time and
effort to help in these events.
We have asked our membership in what direction did they
want the club to go toward and
we got responses that included
classes for new riders and safety,
more rides, etc. As a result, we
will be scheduling more guest
speakers/demos to address these
types of issues.
Dan Galecki
will be conducting snowmobile
101 classes for new riders. Our
schedule of rides is growing.
There is the mid week “ Over
The Hill Gang” rides along with
rides out of the area. Our club
calendar is filling up with rides
and events. A common consensus
is that if we make the club events
fun, informative, open and
friendly then the club will grow
and prosper.
Some of our upcoming events
are: Board meetings on the first
Monday of the month starting in
October (at Boston Pizza); Road
clean up followed by a potluck
on Saturday, October 17th. We
will have rides to LeMolo, Three
Creeks, Elk Lake, Ochaco’s,
Crater Lake, Walt Haring,
Paulina , our standing Wednesday” Over The Hill Rides” to various places to name a few of the
places. All of our rides are controlled by snow, safety and
weather conditions. All of our
plans and scheduled events are
subject to change at the whim of
Mother Nature.
We are looking forward to a
year of fun rides, learning techniques, safety and most of all just
enjoying ourselves. From all of
us to all of you, be safe, be
healthy and we will see you on
the trails. Snow is just around the
Page 11
Ochoco Snow Sports
by Ron Clure
Hello everyone, I just want to
say, I am really looking forward
to the up coming winter session.
This is my first “REAL” season
to do many exciting things for the
Ochoco Snow Sport Snowmobiling Club.
Last year I, Ron Clure, was
voted president of OSS club
along with vice president, Dale
McCallister, secretary Katie
McGrath, and board member
Richard Coleman (groomer chairman), Mark Gimes, Darren
Jones, and Tony Clure. As a club,
we are now able to hold different
events such as the taco feed and
movie we held last session for
club members and anyone else
that wanted to see what the
Ochoco Snow Sport was about.
This event was held at the Pine
Theater in Prineville and sponsored by Pineville Power Sport; It
turned out to be a great success.
This event is something that will
be occurring this session.
As a club, we are developing
new trail signs and maps for the
Ochocos to help make navigation
easier for all, as well as create
everyone’s experience in the
Ochocos a good one. In addition,
we received a grant to build a
grooming shed/shelter. This project was completed in the fall of
2008. We are thrilled to be able to
utilize the shed for different club
events and storage for the
This year if a person decides to
become a member of the club,
the fee will only be $10.00
instead of $20.00. This is ONLY,
if they sign up by September
30th so we can take advantage of
the “BRP Skidoo” million-dollar
club support program. I also want
to share that we have received a
newer groomer from Halfway
This year we are starting out
with a picnic at Harwood Park in
Prineville on September 18th
2009. Expect to see Pro Caliber
of Bend (Skidoo, Yamaha) as
well as Cascade Motor Sports
(Polaris), in addition to playing
games and receiving prizes.
Make sure to mark your calendars for the picnic, the taco feed
in December, the new poker run
in January, several club rides, and
tailgate parties in the Ochocos.
For more information on
events and more, email us at
[email protected]
JOIN The Oregon State Snowmobile Association
and your favorite snowmobile club. . .
Benefits of Club Membership
Cooperative enjoyment in club activities, rides and play days.
Assistance through club membership in formalizing legislation for snowmobiles.
Learning new areas to ride and familiarity with areas through joint rides.
Strength in state organization through local club organization and input.
Opportunity to gain knowledge of snowmobiling through club meeting speakers.
Obtaining a feeling of “Belonging” of common bond experience.
Meet new people and make new friends.
Promote and understand safe snowmobiling.
To protect and preserve the rights and freedoms to enjoy the sport of
To help preserve and promote our natural resources.
Assist in search and rescue missions.
The ability to enjoy snowmobiling activities as a family and at a price reasonable
for doing so.
Helping provide a trail groomer.
Club organization enables members to gain licensing dollars from gas tax back
from state to local clubs.
Helping to discourage bad snowmobiling practices.
Assistance in formulating and conducting youth driver education clinics.
Promote sanitation and non-littering in all areas used for snowmobiling.
Serve as a catalyst in service to state and federal agencies in providing new snow
mobiling trails and parking facilities.
Calendar of events for yearly activities.
Club membership brings recognition to the member from both state and federal
agencies and prestige in that recognition.
OSSA YEAR July 1st to June 30th
K New $25
Last Name:
First Name:
Spouse’s Name:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Club Name:
No. of Family Members:
K Renew $25
K Business $25
No. of Machines:
State Association Dues
Club Dues
Total Enclosed for OSSA
Donation to Legal Action Fund $
OSSA Executive Director
Peggy Spieger
P.O. Box 435
LaPine, OR 97739
(541) 536-3668
Fax: 541-536-4099
[email protected]
Local Club Name:
Join your local club and your State Association NOW!
Thanks to them we have groomed trails, shelters and parking lots.
Page 12
John Nolte
Club President
Greetings Sno-Go-Fers
I know it is still a bit early to
start thinking of snow especially
with this incredibly beautiful
warm weather still embracing the
high desert but if you have
noticed; our days are getting
shorter and the nights cooler. Old
Man Winter will come calling
before we know it which means
it is time to get club activities
started. The first activity will be
the Kickoff Dinner scheduled for
November 7th at Tollgate so
mark your calendars.
The first club meeting was
held Saturday, September 12th at
the Three Creeks snow shelter.
If you remember, last year it
was decided to have our club
meeting at the first ride of the
month at Three Creek shelter.
The meeting will be held after
the ride around 3 PM. Hopefully
this will make it more convenient
for everyone instead of a mid
week meeting.
A calendar of events and rides
will be included in a future
newsletter. We also have a calendar of events on our new web
site that will be kept up to date
with any changes. We thank Virgil LeBlanc for all his efforts on
the club behalf with the excellent
job on the calendar, it is fabulous.
A Preliminary schedule has
been added to the club YAHOO
1.Access website at: http://calendar.yahoo.com/sisterssnogofers
2.Click on Event List, it is the
5th tab over on the top
You will see the dates
9/12/2009 through 2/6/2010.
To see the last 4 events click
Next on the top right of the
screen above “Type”.
If you click on any Event you
see some additional details.
Phazer Mountain Lite Yamaha
for granddaughter. Must be in
reasonably good shape.
Also, 2-Place trailer, covered
or not.
Ron Greb - 541-575-5650
Lane County’s
Central Oregon
151 Main St. Spfld OR 97477
(541) 747-3525
by Barb Allwardt
Comments from the new club
on the block for the Mt. Bachelor area. The clubs purpose is to
enjoy the snow and the camaraderie of others. If interested in
joining our club or need more
information call:
Wally Buckman - President
541-410-7821 or Barb Allwardt Secretary 541-318-5251.
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