2011 SepOct - Calvary Baptist Church, Midland, MI


2011 SepOct - Calvary Baptist Church, Midland, MI
Published by
Calvary Baptist Church
September/October 2011
“Your family’s opportunity place”
Volume 5, Issue 5
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team Meetings
evangelists, will be with us September 11-16, 2011.
Evangelist Pettit is widely known as a strong Bible preacher,
emphasizing revival and evangelism. He has conducted nearly
1,000 campaigns, crusades, and camps throughout the United
States and has preached in 14 foreign countries over the past 26
years. Having worked with teenagers for 34 years, he has a special
burden for young people and their problems. He spent his summers
serving as the camp evangelist and director at Northland Camp &
Conference Center in Dunbar, Wisconsin, for 29 years. Currently, he is the national
director of Cross Impact, a ministry to secular colleges through local churches.
Steve Pettit is a native of Columbia, SC. He was converted to Christ at the age of
nineteen while a freshman at The Citadel, the military college of SC. He surrendered to
the call to preach, and upon his graduation in 1978, he enrolled at Bob Jones University
in Greenville, SC. He received a Masters degree in Pastoral Studies in 1980. After
serving as the youth pastor at First Baptist Church in Bridgeport, Mi, for five years, he
began traveling as an evangelist. In 1997, Steve received three honorary Doctorate of
Divinity degrees from Bob Jones University, Northland International University, and
Ambassador Baptist Bible College. He and his wife Terry have four children and a sonin-law.
The meetings will be geared for the entire family. Beautiful music will be provided each
evening by his evangelistic team which has over sixteen professional recordings. Ben
Lamphere will conduct a special teen program called the “Cola Wars,” and Mark
Egerdahl will conduct a nightly children‟s program called “Spy Games 2011.” Each
night of the week will have a special emphasis with Friday night being Irish Sacred
Concert Night.
Please join us in praying for this special week of meetings. Mark your calendars and
plan to attend. We are asking the Lord to richly bless during this special week of
natural love which should exist in the home are all
wonderful opportunities for teaching the future
generations about God.
From the Den and Pen of
Dr. Dan Dickerson
Because of sin, we know that many parents do not
reflect God to their children. By God‟s grace,
every home can and should reflect the truth of
God to young and impressionable hearts.
Senior Pastor
Thoughts From a Cabin
in Canada
Lessons I learned from my Dad come flooding
back into my mind here in these cabins in
Canada. One lesson my Dad taught me is that
you spell love T-I-M-E. Dad in his calling as a
pastor took time for people. I saw God‟s love
through him as I saw him visiting the hospitals,
counseling and talking with people, and, yes, in
taking time for his children and family.
Psalm 146:9-10: The Lord preserveth the
strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and
widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth
upside down. The Lord shall reign forever,
even thy God, O Zion, unto all
generations. Praise ye the Lord.”
Matinenda near Blind River, Ontario,
Canada. As I share some thoughts with you, I am
praising God for His preserving power in the lives
of believers. I praise God for the beauty and
wonderful design of his creation which surrounds
me. I praise God as the Psalmist for God‟s
commitment to rule and reign in the lives of His
people throughout all generations, even until
Jesus returns.
My Dad was not an avid outdoorsman, but
because he had a son who had an interest in
fishing and hunting, he would adjust his schedule
and interests to meet my needs and launch out
into the unknown and adventurous. We came
with his sister, my aunt, to a cabin on a bay along
a 70-mile shoreline lake. We traveled eight miles
by boat just to sleep in cabins without electricity
or running water. We even saw bear tracks on
the sand, but fortunately we did not run into the
We have been learning from the book of Acts how
Paul became a spiritual father to many people as
he shared from Creation and the scriptures that
Jesus Christ is the risen Savior who will one day
judge every person who has ever lived. It only
makes sense that the beauty and design of the
seasons, the stars and planets, the systems of our
world and of our own bodies all demand an allwise, all-powerful designer and Creator God.
My Dad taught me that if we are to influence our
families and others for God by our lives, by our
evangelism, and by our discipleship, we must
show them our love by spending time
together. People do not care how much we know,
until they know how much we care!
My Dad taught me another lesson, and that is
the importance of daily communication with
God by reading God’s Word and praying. In
reading God‟s Word we are listening to God‟s
thoughts, mind and truth. We are learning about
God‟s person and plans and revelation in far
deeper ways that we can glean simply by seeing
God‟s wisdom and power and Godhead in His
creation. The written Word of God teaches us
God‟s plan of saving our souls and forgiving our
sins through faith in Christ‟s death and
resurrection. The Word of God teaches us about
As people created in the image of God, we are
unique among all the rest of creation. We have
minds and emotions and volitional choice, along
with the God-like quality of creativity and a Godgiven conscience.
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to
pray, He taught them to pray, “Our Father, which
art in Heaven, Hallowed (holy and set apart) be
thy name.” God tells us that the love and
intimacy which can take place through the parents
who give life to their children and through the
(Continued on next page)
(Continued from previous page)
My father grew up on Germantown Ave. in
Philadelphia with a family of six. He lived in a
God‟s plan to set us apart from the power of sin in
second story apartment above the Germantown
our daily lives through the process of
Gospel Hall where they all worshipped. In 1917
sanctification. The Word of God teaches us about
when my father was only 5, his father wired the
God‟s future plans to one day set us apart from the Gospel Hall with electricity as a volunteer,
very presence of sin through glorification and our
determined to have the job completed in time for
transformation into immortal bodies
Sunday morning worship. Grandpa worked
which will never know sin, illness or
steadily on the project from Monday after
dinner until Wednesday night when he
paused for the weekly prayer time. He
It was here in these cabins, on
continued the next day and pressed forward
vacation, that Dad continued his daily
on into the weekend. The last two nights
walk of faith with God, just as he did
he worked he had a high fever, but he kept
when we were home in civilization. His
going by wrapping cold cloths around his
Bible and way of life came with him to
head. By Sunday morning the lights were
Canada, and the watching eyes of a son
on, but Grandpa couldn’t go to the service to see
took it all to heart. Dad in many ways was my
them, because he was in bed with the flu. He
image of God and it was through him that I learned
stayed in bed all the next week too. In spite of the
how to view God. I was so blessed to have a Dad
doctors coming to care for him, he grew worse. By
who sought to be daily filled and controlled by
now, Grandpa was delirious with fever, tossing and
God‟s Holy Spirit.
turning, his bed clothes wet with perspiration. In a
moment of lucidity, Grandpa looked at my then 5Another important lesson my Father taught
year-old father and with tenderness in his eyes, put
me was the importance of looking daily for
opportunities to tell others about Jesus. It was his arm around him and uttered the words, “Don’t
cry, hush now, God is in it!” A few minutes later he
not unusual for me to see my Dad talking to
died. Fast forward now to a Sunday when I was
someone about Jesus at a gas station, or on
now 5. About 50 people have gathered around in a
vacation, or just in everyday life. I regularly saw
my Dad pass out Gospel tracts and share the good circle to partake in the Lord’s Supper. In the
news of Jesus with others. There are some lessons middle of the table, covered with a white cloth were
the elements and I as a 5 year old was lying there
which are better caught than taught!
on the floor oblivious to the event or the
All of these and many more lessons about God are
elements. As my Dad stood to pray, I remember
part of a legacy my father has left me and a legacy looking up at him, and as I listened to him pray I
I hope to pass one to my children and
thought, “Whoever he is talking to means more to
grandchildren. Even up here on the lake, when we him than anyone else does. The greatest gift my
could not get into town, we would have church
parents and grandparents gave me was the
together on Sunday with everyone we could
realization that I was not the most important
gather. My Dad was constantly teaching me by his person in their lives. Neither was my
life about the value of God. That brings me to a
brother! (Pause) Neither were they to each
closing true story about another man who learned
other! No one was more important to them than
about God by the lives of his grandfather and
God. I learned that everyone’s life is a story whose
point is discovered only when that story is lifted up
into the larger story of God! We are not the
There is an excellent book entitled “Thanks
point! None of us! God is! And until we see our
Dad.” It is a compendium of authors and brief
story as a subplot in His eternal drama, we will
stories of how people were impacted by their
never see the meaning of life. I learned that lesson
fathers. It was written by Ken Gear. One author
from my father as he taught me the value of
wrote these words:
Women’s Ministries Leader: Mrs. Cheryl Dickerson
Calvary Baptist Church and are striving to be a ministry of
excellence. For three weeks, beginning September 18 th during the
evening service, instead of Prime Time classes as we know them,
there will be Prime Time for Women (as well as a Prime Time for
Men). We will be discussing spiritual gifts and discipleship.
God leads each woman of CBC in unique and varied ways to minister for Him. Some have taught knitting
classes or quilting classes. There have been little girls‟ tea parties with godly themes to teach etiquette,
courtesy, friendship and spiritual lessons. Many help others at times of bereavement or need. Some
lead Bible studies for growth or evangelism. Others have had a “Blessing Night” for young women. There
are lunches, talks, walks, and prayer times to disciple and help meet needs. The list could go on and
on. Each woman has a high calling and a spiritual gift from God but sometimes are hesitant to know how
to use that gift most effectively for Him.
This fall‟s Prime Time will be structured to lay out a format for Women‟s Ministries at CBC. So, as a
Calvary woman would you begin to pray about how God might want to use you in ministry for
Him? Perhaps you‟ve seen an activity, class, or ministry somewhere else and you‟d like to see that
developed here. Maybe you want to be a part of something but don‟t know how to develop it. We could
certainly consider your ideas and heart‟s desires and expand the Women‟s Ministries in our church for His
So. . . think about it, pray about it and attend the Prime Time in September with a hungry heart to
discern your spiritual gift, build relationships with others and be a vital part of God‟s great high calling for
the women at Calvary Baptist Church.
Women’s Bible Studies
Beginning in mid-September, Bible studies for women of all ages will begin:
Mrs. Cheryl Dickerson leading – meets in Fireside Room.
Mrs. Cheryl Dickerson leading - meets at Pam
O‟Shaughnessey‟s home
This year‟s study (title) has not been finalized at this point.
Maria Warren and Danelle Dickerson will teach a Bible study on Tuesday nights at
7:00 p.m. This year it begins on September 20th at Maria‟s home. They will be
studying Glimpses of God (a study of the names of God) by Debi Pryde. The book
order is going in on Sept. 5th and the price is $11.00. if you need any other
information or if you are interested, please contact Danelle or Maria.
(Newer women in the church: one of these studies would be an excellent way to
get to know other church women!)
new G.R.O.W. Ministry. During the past year, over 60% of
our people have been involved in writing letters, making phone
calls, and making personal home visits. Our goal was to involve
each of our church members in an area of outreach within his or
her own comfort zone. Each Thursday night it is exciting to see
so many people involved in fulfilling the Great Commission.
G.R.O.W. is based on the principle of sowing and reaping and
the truth that God rewards our work. For the first eight months
of 2011, the Lord has blessed us each Sunday. During the first 7 months of this year, we have
seen the average attendance in church grow from 506 per Sunday to 525. Our smallest
attendance on a Sunday in 2010 was 392; in 2011 the smallest attendance was 444. Our
largest attendance in 2010 was 605 as compared to 655 in 2011. So far this year we have
grown by 4% in our overall attendance. While numbers are not our overall goal, it is exciting to
see the Lord reward our work. Thank you to all who have been involved. We are looking
forward to another rewarding year as we re-enlist members on our new G.R.O.W. teams this
September. Come and grow with us as we reach out to our community!
Harvest Fest
year our teens will have the privilege of
hearing from evangelist Tom Farrell and his
Flushing began a youth rally called Harvest
Fest. As the years progressed, this activity
attracted more and more churches. The Youth
Group at Calvary began participating in 1993
and has attended nearly every year since then.
This activity has grown to the point that on
September 24, 2011, over 2,000 teens and
sponsors from churches across Michigan,
northern Ohio, and Indiana will attend. This
year is the 20th anniversary of Harvest Fest,
and it is very exciting to know our teens will be
a part of this always amazing day!
Over the years we have seen many young
people from our church and many others make
decisions for salvation, baptism, dedication,
and godly living. It is these decisions that
make the effort of Harvest Fest worth it all.
- Pastor Mark Dickerson
Harvest Fest provides great opportunities for
fun. Throughout the day teens will be able to
compete in dozens of midway games, a
volleyball tournament, the obstacle course,
dodgeball, paintball, a high ropes course, and
much, much more. The sponsors can also
compete in these activities and choose to get
soaked in the dunk tank or the gallows.
Throughout the day everyone will take three
breaks from the fun and games to meet
together under the big top tent. Typically, a
group of musicians will perform some fun
music to get the crowd involved and warmed
up before the speaker shares God‟s Word. This
Effective Parenting
in a Defective World
(How to Raise Kids who Stand out from the Crowd)
Parenting Class Begins
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
6:30-8:00PM – Church Library
Calvary Baptist Church
6100 Perrine Road, Midland, MI
Taught by Pastor Dan & Cheryl
Chapter Titles
Building Relationships
How to Develop Your Child’s Full Potential
God’s Process for Teaching Obedience
How to Discipline Your Child Effectively
Punishment versus Discipline
Words That Discipline
Five Smooth Stones
When All Else Fails
October is Pastor Appreciation Month
here are many ways we can show appreciation to our pastors. But there
is no greater gift you can give our pastors and their families than to pray
for them throughout the year. October has been set aside as a special time
to pray for and come alongside our spiritual leaders.
To help you be committed intercessors to lift them up in specific, fervent
prayer, we have prepared copies of an article by Nancy Leigh DeMoss of
Revive Our Hearts (used by permission). These handouts are available on
the new bookshelf section in the gallery. Please pick up a copy and use it
throughout the month, and even during the months to come.
For Those Over 60
We hope you had a great summer and are
now getting ready for fall.
Our group will have a catered luncheon in
September (date to be determined).
Children from the school will serenade us.
There will be a business meeting.
Please bring your ideas and thoughts.
Pastor David and some teachers will
talk to us about needs in the classrooms
that we may be able to help with.
Sharron Abbott will talk about the
outdoor work that needs to be done at
the missionary houses and church.
We will discuss a day-long color tour to
Beulah and the Frankfort area, including
the Gwen Frostic studio, Point Betsy
Lighthouse, lunch at the Cherry Hut and
a visit to Frankfort Village.
Watch for details on this
exciting day trip!
Individual classes are available at Calvary
Baptist Academy.
In 7th-12th grade, a student can take any
class a la carte without enrolling full time.
We want to be a help to those who have
chosen to home school but could benefit
from the teacher/classroom experience in
specific subjects such as fine arts,
advanced math and sciences, Spanish etc.
We also allow home school families to be
involved in the athletic department. If you
would like to learn more about these
opportunities or more about CBA, contact
Pastor David Warren. We would love to
team with you and your family.
the subject away. He backs up every statement
with Scripture. In section 4 he talks about death
touching only the body; it does not touch the
By Sandy Keck
person. He lives right on, just in a different place.
There is no break in the continuity of his thinking,
as it is very personal to each one who has
of his being. His memory is more keenly alive than
grieved. I grieved more over my father's death than
ever. He can think, and feel, and know, and
my mother's, because the relationship was much
experience pleasure and delight. I cried for my
different. Leo grieved more over the death of my
mom finally being able to love me with a perfect
dad than his dad because his dad died when Leo
love. All of her emotional garbage was replaced
was eleven, so he had many more years and
with right thinking, for there is no room in heaven
memories with my dad.
for sin and suffering.
I have not had very many close friends in my life,
In section 7, the author talks about the children of
but the ones I have had have lasted until the
God at death often getting a glimpse of Heaven as
separation of death. As a young woman, I was
it opens up to receive them. I think my mom did,
grieving the loss of a very fine woman that I
as her last words were,"I love you, Jesus. I love
admired when the Lord spoke to my heart and
you, Jesus. I love you, Jesus. I want to go home." I
said," Take the good that you saw her do and
was not at my mother's death bed, so all I could do
incorporate it into your own life." I knew her as a
was pray. The last eighteen days of her life, I was
strong woman who persevered through a lot of
told no more phone calls or visits. So I did not know
trials. She was a good teacher for me.
she died until someone called me. When I heard
Rachel Bailey was one of those strong women who
about her final words, I was astounded, because
set an example for me to follow. She fought a very my continual prayer for her had been, ”Please,
tough battle against ALS, and she kept the faith to
Lord, let my mom see you, and let her desire be to
the end. The last few weeks became very difficult
go home." Even though years of discord kept us
as her lungs were not working and the build up of
apart at a time most families gather together, the
CO2 affected her thinking and behaviors. She
Lord answered my prayers, and connected us in a
struggled until the night she dreamed she was in
way only He could do.
heaven. The next day she started saying her
So, what would be my Lesson Learned about grief?
goodbyes and was ready to go. She died to this life
God has made the way for us. Our faith and trust in
a few hours later. Her last words were, "I've
Him and what He has prepared for us will see us all
arrived." It is difficult to grieve too long for
the way through till we see Him face to face. John
someone who needed to be released from the
14:1-3: Let not your heart be troubled: Ye believe
suffering. I did most of my crying for her while she
in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house
was alive.
are many mansions; if it were not so , I would have
When my mom died, Diane Dickerson gave me a
told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go
small booklet from the church office called The
and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and
Child of God Between Death and the Resurrection,
receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye
by Judson B. Palmer. It has really helped me to
may be also.
understand death, and it took a lot of my fears on
The Men‟s Retreat has been cancelled
A Letter from Samuel Tzou
Dear Calvary Family,
I want to take some time to thank you for all of your
support the last few months during my trip to
Zambia. It was an incredible pleasure being able to
share with you a few Sundays back about the
different ministries that I was involved with in
Zambia. One of the things I unfortunately wasn‟t
able to stress during my testimony that I would like
reiterate is how much of a blessing you all were and
have been to me up to this point.
One common question that I often got in Zambia
was: if I wasn‟t a minister in America, and if I
taken any
theological training, how was I able to give the gospel
First and foremost, all of the credit is and should be given to
the Lord. It was the Holy Spirit that guided me, giving me the
words to think and the thoughts to think. What I would like to
suggest, however, is that the Lord has used so many
individuals just through my time growing up at Calvary to turn
me into the individual that I am today.
My familiarity with Scripture and desire to study it no doubt
stems from the
inspiration of
programs such as
AWANA. Through
scripture memorization to my adult leaders (Mr. Lee, Mr.
Hunt), passages from John 1 or Matthew 28:20 became
embedded deep into my mind. Encouragement from
passages from Luke 12 or Psalm 1 stem from the spiritual
food and lessons I received from Sunday School Lessons
starting at a young age (Mrs. Abbott, the Mayers, the
Monroes, Mrs. Everson, the Moores, the Coats). Those early
Sunday mornings have served as a great reminder of how
much our Lord in Heaven loves us and cares for us.
While I did not attend Calvary Baptist Academy for my
education, the things that I have learned through this
church family from the children‟s programs up through youth group (Pastor Mark) until now, I am forever
grateful for the solid foundation that I have learned through the tireless support of teachers and prayer
God Bless, and may you find this information as encouraging as you all have been to me.
Samuel Tzou
Sam‟s blog with more details about his trip can be found at
By Marilyn Garrison (1994)
I‟m lost and nigh to perish, I cannot find my way;
Rescue, Lord, my frigate, and tow me to the bay.
A harbor safe at midnight, from waves that gain by fetch;
Their angry rolls come crashing, for long and cruel the stretch.
I‟m listing hard to starboard, my hull is battered sore;
The sea is in my belly, the yards can‟t take the more.
The foremast sways and weakens... her royal‟s lost at sea;
The mains‟l‟s torn by gales... her tatters blowing free.
Oh, bear me to that harbor, safe anchored in the slip;
Else storm and waves a‟rolling will sink my crippled ship.
A watery grave means nothing, just one more lost at sea;
Oh, Lord in mercy save me, lest that one more is me.
Calm waters bring no danger, calm waters bring no wind;
This madd‟ning calm is worse than life‟ s angry sea. I‟ve sinned
In waters deep and churning, calm waters tempt me sore;
But now where is the refuge from silent storms on shore?
These waters calm, an insult to masts that proudly rise...
To sails all furled in gaskets „gainst silhouetted skies.
Quick! Mend the broken yards! Quick! Mend the hull that leaks!
Quick! Send me out a‟sailing where waves have whitish peaks!
I‟d rather face the tempest, hell‟s waves to thrash my side;
Than die amid the calmness with sails unstruck, untied.
Until again I‟m threatened, and cannot find my way;
Again I‟ll pray to Jesus, “Come tow me to the bay.”
(Our thanks to Marilyn for allowing us to use her lovely poetry in the newsletter.)
Esther Seams
Amy Ellithorpe
Corban Walton
Maria Warren
Marilyn Dumont
Dennis Warren
Doreen Stiles
James Fisher
Krista Shepard
Zachary Gantzer
JoAnna Kipfmiller
Jason Green
Jonah Bright
Alana Ward
Mary Donnelly
Aaron Coats
Mildred White
Kevin Strzynski
John Schmidt
Cindy Bright
Elizabeth Curtis
Brenda Keech
Alex Money
Katie Filipiak
Rosemary Hall
Jessica Day
Amy Murphrey
Steven Miller
Sonja Wallenback
Shana Lunsford
Judith Koster
Greg Ward
Shane Astrike
Claudia Hautala
Carrie Lewis
Addison Draves
Emma VanDenBerg
Samantha Robison
John Martin
Jonathan Jezowski
Ethan Pauls
Teresa Warren
Kala Bradley
Kourtney Bradley
Kaytlyn Bradley
Hannah Mathieson
Michelle Andrews
Doug Bradley
Warren Nellis
Michael Cox
Alicia Hovinga
Elizabeth Coats
Seth Theaker
Eddie Scholtz
Ben VanHolstyn
Sarah Green
Glenda Grabowski
Dale Mayle
Jake Stinson
John Wyman
Amy Kellogg
April Robison
Suzanne Raschke
David Foor
Brian Powers
Patty Robison
Elisabeth Randall
Ian Theaker
Ken & Sandy Mathey
Bruce & Pat Field
David & Ashley Bergman
Gabe & Stephanie Humphrey
Jim & Janice Fisher
Jeff & Heather Gantzer
Brian & Amy Ellithorpe
Tom & Sandy Singletary
Ruth Wollesen
Uni Harlow
Jeremy Rodgers
Jim Raschke
Cody Ankenbrandt
Michael Lee
Martin Money
William Snover
Tara Lewis
Marsha Gamber
Eileen Capaldo
Jeff Gantzer
Marilyn McWethy
Ashley Bergman
Sarah Stinson
Andrea Balch
Aaron Engel
Joel Mayer
Johnny Hunt
Diane Neeb
Doug Kipfmiller
Noah Vannest
Kirk Bradley
Judy Engel
Mitch Thomas
Christopher Carter
Sandy Keck
Sam Bright
Kendall Mathey
Janae Winkles
Buck Tillotson
Ann Martin
Bill Randall
Carrie Elledge
Brienna Schmidt
Matt & Sarah Bright
Mike & Wendy Ullery
Ralph & Doreen Stiles
Kevin & Ann Strzynski
Jim & Thelma Diment
Darrell & Mary Jane Seegmiller
Sam & Sheri Bright
Paul & Cindy Prevatte
Mitch & Cyndi Thomas
Dave & Lynnea McCargar
Buck & Becky Tillotson
Brian & Nancy Money
Calvary Baptist Church
6100 Perrine Road
Midland MI 48640
Phone: 989-832-2991
Fax: 989-832-7443
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cbcmidland.org
Calvary Communicator
Vol. 5, Issue 5
I have been through the valley of weeping,
The valley of sorrow and pain;
But the God of all comfort was with me,
At hand to uphold and sustain.
As the earth needs the clouds and sunshine,
Our souls need both sorrow and joy;
So He places us oft in the furnace,
The dross from the gold to destroy.
When he leads thro‟ some valley of trouble,
His omnipotent hand we trace;
For the trials and sorrows He sends us
Are part of His lessons in grace.
Well, He knows that affliction is needed;
He has a wise purpose in view,
And in the dark valley He whispers,
“Hereafter Thou‟ll know what I do.”
As we travel thro‟ Life‟s shadow‟d valley,
Fresh springs of His love ever rise;
And we learn that our sorrows and losses
Are blessings just sent in disguise.
So we‟ll follow wherever He leadeth,
Let the path be dreary or bright;
For we‟ve proved that our God can give comfort;
Our God can give songs in the night.
A poem from Streams in the Desert
August 9th reading
Author Unknown
Oft we shrink from the purging and pruning,
Forgetting the Husbandman knows
That the deeper the cutting and paring,
The richer the cluster that grows.
DID YOU KNOW? As of May 2011, the King James Version of the Bible was 400 years old.