Juntarciego, Gerlene Kay, Maderazo, Rei Gilson L


Juntarciego, Gerlene Kay, Maderazo, Rei Gilson L
The Academic Experiences of Undergraduate
International Thomasian Students
Juntarciego, Gerlene Kay, Maderazo, Rei Gilson L.,
Malipero, Lisette Tricia, Masalunga, Stephanie
Descriptive design was used for the study. The transcribed data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The objective of this study is to determine the academic adjustment
experiences of the targeted students. The results of this study shows that most of the student prefer to choose UST because the university offers the desired course and
prefer choose to study in the Philippines because of the friendly Filipinos. Most informants adjusted to studying at UST by using the library and reading in advance. Seeking
help from staff, senior students and classmates; and having a group study are also used by informants in ensuring their successful adjustment to study at UST. Of the
responses received, first semester was commonly regarded as the most difficult time for making the adjustment to the new situation; however, international students can
adjust academically at the 1st to 2nd month of the 1st semester. The factors that aggravate the adjustment of international students are student-staff interaction, student –
student interaction, and developing independence while studying in the Philippines.
KEYWORDS: adjustment, adjust, international students, transition
The Philippines has been a center of attraction for international
students from all over the world. According to Asia Pacific Post, as of October 2012, a total of
24,680 foreigners had applied for study permits, which was more than thrice the applications in
2008 totaling 7,569. In spite of the fact that international students’ population is significantly
increasing in Philippine universities, very little is known about how they learn or what contributes
to their academic life. Increasing number of international students in the Philippines is predicted
to rise at least 23,000 by the end of the year, which is over four times the 2008 figure of 5,336
applications (Asia Pacific). Recognizing this increase, universities and colleges should make it a
point that they would be able to address the academic needs of the international students as
they seek good education in the country.
Adaptation to the new environment is critical for international
students’ way of learning at a university. Factors that influence their academic adaptation would
be of great help in the improvement of their adjustment. But as they adapt, they inevitably
encounter various problems and difficulties that inhibit them from blending with the environment.
These difficulties would affect their learning. Yet, there is limited information and data from
researches that investigated the student’s perspective and how the difficulties they meet along
the way affect their transition in college. However, the sources of the study have not given us full
comprehension on the student’s adjustment. Therefore, at the end of the paper, we will be
including some of the students’ advices to incoming freshmen. The main objective of this study
is to determine the academic adjustment experiences of the targeted students
Research Design
The researchers used the descriptive design, specifically survey.
International students enrolled in undergraduate courses in the academic year 2013-2014
at UST, were chosen as the target group for this study. However, it should be noted that an
International Students is a term use to refer to students who live away from their home
country. Therefore a student will qualify as international as along as he/she only resides
here in the Philippines to study.
The researchers to collect data in the study constructed a questionnaire, which is located
at the appendix section.
A survey was conducted from February 20 to February 26, 2014 to the entire pool of
international students. However, due to limited amount of time, and that the only way the
researchers can survey international students is either roam around the campus and give
the questionnaire to the targeted students manually, or the researchers would go to Tan
Yan Kee Building and find international students, who have free time. The researchers
have only surveyed 57 internationals students.
Data Analyses
The software used in this study was Microsoft Excel.
International accredited
Use of English as Medium
4 years
5 years
United States
Others: more than 5 years
Low cost of living
Western-based pattern of
Friendly Filipinos
Education Programs
Faster and Easy Visa
Graph 1. Nationality of the international student studying
in University of Santo Tomas
Graph 2. Current passport of the international student
studying in University of Santo Tomas
As seen on the above figure, majority of the
nationality of the respondents is Korean. Other
nationalities also resulted into a large number
of the respondents. Next to it is the Chinese
nationality while Filipino, Japanese, and
American nationality shares the same number
of respondents.
The graph shows that a greater part of the respondents
are currently carrying passports other than Chinese,
Korean, and US passports. Korean passport comes
second in the majority of current passports the
international students have. United States follows while
Chinese passports show a small share in the graph.
There are no known respondents carrying a Japanese
Graph 3. Expected number of years of stay of the
international student in the Philippines
The graph seen above shows the number of expected
years of stay of the international student in the Philippines.
Most of the international students are expected to stay in
the Philippines for 4 years. And some of them are
expected to stay in the Philippines for more than 5 years.
1st week of the semester
2nd week
3rd week
The university offers
desired major
Graph 4. The reason of international student for choosing
the Philippines for their study
The graph above shows that most international
student chooses Philippines for their study because
they find Filipino as friendly people. The second
reason they chosen Philippines was they find it as a
low cost of living. The third reason was Philippines
uses English as medium of instruction. The fourth
and fifth reasons were Philippines have a westernbased pattern of education and it was international
accredited university.
4th week
Advance reading
The university is
Study in the library
The university has diverse
The whole semester
Others: 2nd semester
1st-2nd month of the 1st
Group study with friends
The university has a global
Watching videos to
improve listening skills
Asked help from guidance
counsellors or professors
Joining social organization
Graph 5. The reason of the international student for choosing
the University of Santo Tomas for their study
The graph explains that half of the students
answered “the university offers desired course”
when asked about their reason in choosing the
university. A big portion of respondents also
answered “the university has a global
perspective…”. On the other hand, “the university is
affordable”, “the university has diverse faculties”,
and others show a similar number of respondents
who answered them.
Social interaction
Graph 6. Activities done by international student to cope up
with their academic difficulties
Most of the students study in the library in order to
cope up with their academic difficulties in the
university. A fair part of the graph also shows that
the international students are doing some advance
reading in order to cope up. Moreover, group study,
watching videos, asking for help from guidance
counselors, and joining social organizations share
the same portions in the graph.
Unable to ask questions
Social and academic support from
family and friends
Participation in group discussion
Graph 7. Most difficult time of international student in
adjusting to the new environment
One whole semester
Most international student has a difficult time in adjusting to
the new environment in their 1st week of the semester in the
university. The second big portion of the graph shows that
student find it difficult in adjusting to the new environment in
their 2nd week of stay in the university. And some find it difficult
in adjusting in their 3rd and 4th week of the semester or even in
the whole duration of the semester.
Not yet academically
# of students who say
they have received
academic support from
the university
# of students who say
they have received no
academic support from
the university
Easy access to library and other
academic resources
Difficulty in understanding the
Having a study buddy
Difficulty in adapting to different
accents etc.
Educational system
Academic demands
Easy interaction with teachers and
Difficulty in expressing ideas and
taking down notes
Others: the lesson was difficult
Graph 9. Situations that the International Students find the
hardest to adjust to academically
Adapting to the different accents and interacting
social are the hardest situations the international
students find the hardest to adjust to. Next is
difficulty in expressing ideas and taking down notes
and difficulty in understanding the lesson.
Furthermore, the inability to ask questions,
participation in-group discussions, and others show
an equal portion of the number of respondents
who answered these.
Graph 10. Situations that help the international students to
adjust easily
The graph shows that majority of the international
students found it easy to adjust academically if they
are receiving social and academic support from
family and friends. Having a study buddy also
helped them at a great extent. Having easy access
to the library and other academic sources, the
educational system, and easy interaction with
teachers and students also help but only to a small
Ha, T.H. (2013). Ted: Ideas Worth Spreading. The neuroscience of sleep: Russell Foster at
TEDGlobal 2013.Retrieved from http://blog.ted.com/2013/06/11/the-neuroscience-of-sleep-russell-foster-at-tedglobal-2013/
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health. (August 2011).
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute.Your Guide to Healthy Sleep. Retrieved from http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/sleep/healthy_sleep.pdf
One school year
Graph 8. The length of adjustment time of the international
As seen above, big portion of the graph shows that
international student have adjusted in the academic
changes they’ve experience in the 1st – 2nd month of the
1st semester. The second big portion of the graph shows
that some international student took one whole
semester to be able to adjust in the academic changes
they’ve experienced while some are not yet
academically adjusted.
Graph 11. Academic support received by the students
More than half of the number of international
students answered that they have not received
academic support from the university. Still the
remaining portion shows the number f students
who answered that they have received academic
support from the university.
• Majority of the students are Koreans, most of the student prefer to choose
UST because the university offers the desired course and prefer to choose
the Philippines because of the friendly Filipinos
• Most informants adjusted to studying at UST by using the library and
reading in advance; seeking help from staff, senior students and
classmates; and having a group study are used by informants in ensuring
their successful adjustment to study at UST.
• Most international students experience academic adjustment in the 1st –
2nd month of the 1st semester
• The factors that aggravate the adjustment of international students are
student-staff interaction, student – student interaction, and developing
independence while studying in the Philippines.
Pagel, J.F., et al. (16 November 2010). US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of
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Wolfson, A.R., et al. (2003). Sleep Medicine Reviews, 7 (6), pp. 591-506. Understanding
Gais, S., et al. (2006). CSH Press Learning & Memory.Sleep after learning aids memory recall.
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American Academy of Sleep Medicine.(2008). AASM News Archive.Insomnia Significantly
Affects the School Performance of College Students.Retrieved from http://www.aasmnet.org/articles.aspx?id=884
American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (15 June 2009). Science Daily.Better Sleep is
Associated With Improved Academic Success.Retrieved from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/06/090610091232.htm
Lowry, M., et al. (2010).Spring 2010, 3.The Link Between Sleep Quantity and Academic
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