excellence - atrium


excellence - atrium
e x c e l l e n c e
e x c e l l e n c e
Prestigious, top of the line business furniture designed
to satisfy the most demanding segment of costumers. It’s
natural charisma goes hand in hand with quality workmanship and innovative technology achievements. It offers
carefully selected and constantly up-to-date materials
such as leather combined with smooth high gloss surfaces and aluminium / gold-plated rims and accessories.
Ta i l o r e d f o r p u r e s a t i s f a c t i o n
Design by: Bozo KNEHTL
Full office setup consists of:
- a d a p t a b l e c o n f e re n c e t a b l e o r o n e o f t h e w o r k - d e s k v a r i a t i o n s ,
- storage cabinet with automatic plasma lift system and
- l e a t h e r w a l l s h e l v i n g s e g m e n t w i t h d r a w l e r / c a b i n e t u n i t s .
Profound design
brings elegancy
into the seriousness
of the classical
working environment.
Rotatable Netbox
– 3 built-in electrical sockets
– 2 RJ45-Network sockets
– other optional accessories (VGA, USB)
TV lift system
– remote controlling
– up to 42” plasma or LCD
– horizontal and vertical alignment
Electrical “push-to-open” drawler system
– smooth SERVO-DRIVE opening
– full extension
– silent closing
Elegant table design
– premium materials
– leather and aluminium/gold combination
Glass shelves with optional LED lightning
– elegant and stylish lights behind shelves
– glass shelve edge illumination
Leather wall cowerings with optional shelves
– excellent durability
– easy cleaning
– “holder-free” shelving
– one optional leather colour
Electrical “push to open” drawler unit
– smooth on touch opening
– full extension
– silent closing
– inside lightning
Manual “push-to-open” doors
– inside lightning
– door knobs free, on touch opening