
Minutes of the nneeting of the Recreation and Amenities Committee held on 18 August 2014 at
6.30 pm in the Committee Room, Burnham Park
Mrs J Foster, Mrs S Collins, Mrs H Evans, Mrs M Hammon, P Kelly, R Slater
and P Wallis
Also present:
Clirs Mrs P Plant, A Samson and Mrs E Glover.
Officers in attendance:
H Selwyn-Jones, Parish Clerk and Mrs Jacqui Mansford, Assistant
Parish Clerk
There were no apologies for absence.
Declarations of Interest
ClIrs Slater and Mrs Collins declared an interest in the Bowls Club. ClIrs Samson and
Slater declared an interest in the Royal British Legion.
Public Forum
Cllr Mrs Glover expressed concerns of the overgrown paths along Stomp Road and the
foul smell. The Clerk reported that work will re-commence after 30'*" August [the end of
bird nesting] and he will chase Transport for Bucks for updates.
It was requested that this issue be an Agenda item for the next meeting.
Following an amendment "Cllr Slater also declared an interest in Royal British Legion",
the minutes were signed as an accurate record.
Clerk's Progress Report
The Clerk's update was received and noted:
Cllr Slater expressed concerns regarding the Clerk/RFO's 3 reports being tabled at the
George Pitcher
Pavilion - Quotes for electrics and roof insulation.
Following discussions on the ageing building, income received from the Pavilion and
whether three quotes should have been obtained, it was :
Proposed by Cllr Mrs Hammon and seconded by Mrs Evans
That the recommendation of the Clerk for approval to go ahead with the Brian Cadman's
"workaround" to remove the old obsolete control unit for the loft heating, supply and
install 3 new modern control units into the existing power distribution for the loft
heating system, replace the welded shut relays in the thermostats, and add an
additional tamper proof thermostat for the gent's shower room and to isolate 2 x roof
heating panels at a cost of £2,569 be recommended to Policy & Resources for approval.
Pavilion - Fire Alarm System.
The Clerk's report and action requested for approval to fit a radio linked lonisation
smoke detector system in the Pavilion as recommended by Bucks Fire Safety Officer was
received and it was requested that the work be carried out as soon as possible.
Intruder Alarm System
The Clerk's report on key issues :
The GPMG Pavilion intruder alarm has failed and is not working.
On inspection by SCS, who maintain the system it was found that the control panel has
failed - probably due to close proximity of electrical interference during a recent
thunder storm.
A quote from Mercury Security Systems to replace the control panel, checking and
retaining all existing detection equipment at a cost of £1,191 has been received.
It was agreed to recommend to Policy & Resources Committee for approval to instruct
Mercury Security Systems to install a new control panel.
Clir Slater wished it to be noted that he was unhappy with the service received from
Pitch Hire/Training
The clerk reported that this is continuing.
Burnham Park lights and bollards.
The Clerk reported that he had been in touch with Optima Group and was waiting to
speak to the original installation company. Members are concerned that the problem
with the bollards will affect the 'Light Up the Village' ceremony and were disappointed
at the amount of time this is taking.
Bowls Club
The clerk reported that invoices for 2013/14 and 2014/15 had been issued. It was
suggested that a meeting be arranged with the Bowls Club to discuss and settle the
outstanding amounts.
SBDC Notice Boards. The District Council has agreed to hand over 2 notice boards. One
placed outside the Public Toilets, Jennery Lane and the other outside Lent Rise School
on Stomp Road. The keys are awaited.
Concern was raised that two items - Income generation from use of grounds/parks and
Stomp Road Feasibility charges from Bucks CC had dropped off the Agenda. The Clerk
agreed to respond to the Committee.
Cllr Kelly raised various concerns e.g. income v expenditure based on figures presented
by the Clerk on 1?"^ July; future expenditure must be weighed against the continuing
outgoing costs; 02 burger van income not on the report issued on l?'"" July. He also
asked the Clerk to issue updated figures/forecast for this financial year, to enable the
committee to make an informed decision on future expenditure.
The Clerk undertook to respond to the Committee.
[7.40pm Cllr Kelly left the meeting]
The accounts for April, May and June had previously been circulated. Cllr Slater queried
a discrepancy with cleaning of the War Memorial. The Clerk informed the Committee
that there was a budget for this but that it had been allocated to another month. It was
suggested that it would be clearer if the annual budget was shown as well. The split of
50/50 for grounds staff overtime was also explained. Following a brief discussion, the
Accounts were Noted.
Street Lighting : Column No. 773 - Maypole Road
As agreed the Committee Chairman has visited the site and reported that the column
had been removed and the ground made good. The clerk reported that our insurance
does not cover damage to street lights.
Royal British Legion War Memorial
Cllr Slater reported on behalf of Jackie Slater, Secretary, RBLthat the grant submitted
w/as with the Grants Committee.
MVAS for Dropmore School
The Committee noted that that the PTA were to resolve the funding.
Asset Tour
The Committee Chairman suggested splitting the tour into two. Dates will be organised
for touring:
1. George Pitcher Memorial Grounds/Nature Reserve; and
2. St. Peters Close, Stomping Ground and Burnham Park.
Football Tournament
The Burnham Junior Tournament will take place on the weekend of 30'V31'* August
2014. The Committee members and all other councillors are welcome to attend.
Devolution of Services
Cllr Mrs P Plant gave a brief update on her discussions with other Parish Councils. Bucks
County Council want all Parish Councils to agree to take on grass cutting with a pro-rata
precept of £18K first year, then E16K for the next 3 years. Work to include hedging,
footpaths and public rights of way. A request has been received from Stoke Poges to cut
all their areas. It was agreed to a call a separate meeting where Committee Members
can look at the maps of the areas concerned before making a decision. Cluster
ourselves or sell our services?
Litter Bins/Dog Bins
Litter bins x 2 need replacing in the Park and Dog Bin x 1 at GPMG. It was agreed to
order: 2 x Broxap Derby Litter Bins including resin plinth @ £385 each and 1 x Earth
Anchors Dog Bin @ £197.95. Orders will be placed asap.
The meeting closed at 8.35 pm.
Date of next meeting: 6 October 2014.