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Okinawa Traditions
Typhoons and
A visit to Okinawa experiencing and exploring
the heart of traditional Karate-Do
By Brad Wells
n early July of last year with typhoons approaching, generations of Karateka from
Okinawa and the United States gathered in Naha, Okinawa, at the Tokashiki Dojo.
What they had in common was the fact that they have studied practiced and taught
in the tradition of the Nagamine Dojo for decades. Their common purpose was to honor
their commitment to continuing the teachings and essence of Grand Master Shoshin
Nagamine’s art.
There is a growing sentiment that these types of opportunities must be sought out and,
ever more pressing by the tremendous loss of karate masters in recent years. These were
masters of not only Shorin-ryu, but also Goju-ryu, Uechi-ryu, Kempo, and Motoburyu. The masters lost where men whose own training was firmly rooted in the KarateDo prior to World War II and the many changes that occurred with the globalization of
the arts. Traveling to Okinawa is often said to be going to the “birthplace of Karate”. It
is also where you find its heart.
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Shoshin Nagamine was internationally renowned many years before
his death in 1997. He was once a police superintendent who stepped
down from his position to open one of the first public schools of Okinawan Karate. From that resignation, he went on to receive the Order
of Rising Sun, Fifth Class, from the Prime Minister’s Office for his
contributions to Karate, chief among them the creation of “Matsubayashi-ryu”.
O’sensei Nagamine’s own instruction is credited to men through
whom you can trace Okinawa- Te to its very deepest roots. His first
instructor was Sensei Arakaki a student of Shinpan Gusukuma, and
Chosin Chibana (founder of Kobayashi Shorin-ryu). The second of the
three instructors was the great Chotoku Kyan. The third was Motobu
Choki who began his studies of karate under Anko Itosu, continuing
under Matsumura Sokon, Sakuma Pechin and Kosaku Matsumora.
It is the outcome of these teachings that Master Shōshin Nagamine’s
art represents and what the generations of students gathered every
morning to train in at the Hombu Dojo. Among them Takeshi Tamaki: 9th Dan: Hanshi, Kyudan and president of International Shogen-Ryu Karate-Do Kyokai. Also present was Masahiko Tokashiki: 8th
Dan Kyoshi, Hachidan Vice President, and Sadahiro Makino sensei,
who was kind enough to act as Translator. Tamake Sensei (the most
senior living student of the Nagamine Dojo) began his training at the
Nagamine Dojo in 1955, at the age of 15. Also present 18-year-old
yadanshi student Asataro Shiroma fortunate enough to be a student of
Tamaki sensei. Shiroma, who was born nearly 60 years after his own
sensei’s birth, represented the face of the generations who continue to
learn the art.
The American group of fourteen led by Jerry Figgiani, 8th Dan
and president of the Shorin Ryu Karatedo International (S.R.K.D.I.)
found themselves in a whirlwind, both metaphorically and literally.
The group was begun at the urging of Sensei Joseph Carbonara. Carbonara was a senior student of the first instructors sent to teach in the
US by O’sensei Nagamine Ansei Ueshiro and Chotoku Omine.
The word Typhoon comes from the Chinese word “tai fung” great
wind. When it is influenced in English by the Greek term “tuphon”
it is whirlwind. The days in Naha were an incredible whirlwind that
brought a tremendous change in the relationship between the two
groups. As the S.R.K.D.I. members entered the dojo they noticed a
copy of the Shomei-sho (certificate) that recognized the official affiliation between the two organizations hanging on the front wall of the
dojo. The certificate hung there with the photos of Okinawan Karate
masters Choki Motobu, Kensei Taba, and Shoshin Nagamine.
The Shomei-sho presented in 2013 on the last evening of the
S.R.K.D.I. trip to Okinawa is very unique and special given contemporary martial arts in general’s divisiveness. But in fact, it is indicative
of the earliest days of Karate-do when the Okinawa Karate-do Federation was founded and “Matsubayashi-ryu” was one of the styles represented. Also represented in the Okinawa Karate-do Federation where
other styles of Shorin-ryu, along with Goju-ryu, and Uechi-ryu. Of
Martial Arts Masters
course, today it is difficult enough to get factions of the same style to agree, let alone
various ones to form an alliance such as the Okinawa Karate-do Federation. But history
shows that such division has not always been the case and it is good I think to reflect on
that from time to time.
“The certicate
of cooperation
was the culmination of bonds that
went back over a
half century between the dojos
of New York, and
The certificate of cooperation was the culmination of bonds that went back over a
half century between the dojos of New York, and Naha. But to Figgiani it was a humbling almost overwhelming experience. He was momentarily taken back thinking of
Sensei Joseph Carbonara’s encouragement, just six years earlier. Since then the undertaking was made possible by the hard work, effort and support of Figgiani’s students and
contemporaries, without which the journey would have never taken place, let alone
achieved so much.
You could say the support, certificate, and relationship dated to the time when American servicemen were allowed to enter Nagamine dojo in Okinawa, following World War
II. Eventually these men returned to the United States and some begin teaching, including James Wax, Shōshin Nagamine’s first American black belt. Then the Grand Master,
handpicked first Ansei Ueshiro and then Chotoku Omine to go to the United States
and teach. Sensei Terry Maccarrone, an early student of Ansei Ueshiro has commented
on the importance of these men being sent to the United States and then students
within their lineage like Jerry Figgiani being sent to Okinawa to represent the American
dojos. He went on to explain their demonstration of “respect and cultural awareness
was evident” and Okinawan sensei’s “felt comfortable with the foreign interests”. Sensei
Terry Maccarrone believes it is this great interest in Okinawa as a cultural experience
that is still evident today within members of the S.R.K.D.I. that contributes to the
strong ties the group has seen with Okinawa.
Sensei Maccarrone in fact encouraged Figgiani to train with Carbonara, who was a
student of Omine. It was in this way that members of the S.R.K.D.I. benefited from Ansei Ueshiro and Chotoku Omine instruction, both of whom were senior most instructors
at the Nagamine dojo prior to being sent to America. This technical expertise was invaluable in the early years of the development of the East Coast dojos understanding of
the art. That technical guidance today continues with the announcement that Takeshi
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Tamaki Sensei will serve as Technical Director to the Shorin Ryu
Karatedo International organization.
This opportunity under the guidance of Takeshi Tamaki Sensei is
indicative of a relationship that seems a bit like the eye of a typhoon
itself, with the winds of change blowing in the kind of relative stillness firmly planted in the teachings of Shōshin Nagamine. The practice of the style does not take place in a vacuum. It is not immune
to the differences of opinion that are common once a great leader
has passed. What intrigues the writer is the growing number of karateka that look to the commonalities between interpretations, and the
search for the in-depth meaning of the Masters word’s and teachings.
Tamaki Sensei serving as Technical Director of the S.R.K.D.I. will
serve as a continuation of the training experience the group has had
visiting Okinawa. The groups practice began at 6:30 in the morning an hour before breakfast when they gathered to train in kata.
Weather permitting outside (in the wind). If not, in the basement
of the hotel they would review and prepare for the day’s visit to the
dojo. Prior to training at 7:30 AM, generally there would be breakfast
at the hotel. At 10:30 AM the group would be picked up by van
for sightseeing including visits to Shurijo Castle, and Nakagusuku
Castle, as well as paying respects to the late Taba Sensei at his family
shrine and gravesite. Sightseeing was followed by afternoon training,
many hours of hard work, exploring the nuances of kihon, basic and
advanced kata, as well as kihon and kata for bo.
Hours in the dojo were always followed by a meal. Topics of history, culture, and of course the techniques and kata that have been
practiced that day and in preceding sessions were discussed. During
one such meal Zenpo Shimabukuro Sensei Head of Shorin Ryu Seibukan Karate joined the group. He explained he always enjoys meeting karate enthusiasts and talking with them about Okinawan Karate
and history. He made the point that he had known Tamaki sensei for
many years, reminding them that he is the oldest student of Shoshin
Nagamine sensei. He went on to communicate how fortunate they
were to have their association with Tamaki sensei to help preserve
Matsubayashi style (Shogen-ryu). Adding “I hope you can promote
the style in the United States.” These are interesting comments coming today from a master who has dojo’s of his own in the United
States. His visit and subsequent communications are a wonderful
example of the Okinawan philosophy promoting the art as a whole.
Okinawan Karate can be a very different experience when you
actually train in Okinawa. Sensei David S. Hogsette a member of
the party (An English professor) wrote of the group’s visit “Training in Okinawa under the highest-ranking Shorin Ryu sensei’s is an
experience that cannot be accurately described in words. It must be
experienced individually.”
One of the biggest examples of this was mentioned by every interviewed member of
the group was the Okinawan Masters support for what Sensei Ed Chin (a direct Chotoku
Omine) referred to as Figgiani’s bringing in a “new era of Shorin Ryu”. Every member of
the group that I have talked to commented in some way on a discussion stemming from
Tamaki Sensei stating how he liked Sensei Figgiani’s imagination for bunkai. In substant
Martial Arts Masters
Okinawa Traditions
correspondence, it was conveyed that “Tamaki Sensei is extremely satisfied with Jerry’s
actions.” And that he feels “He is striving to take kata to the next level to ensure students can continue to grow in this art form.”
Continued growth in the art was stressed by the sensei’s on Okinawa. Both Tamaki
Sensei and Tokashiki Sensei discussed that a book even one such as master Nagamine’s
book, The Essence of Okinawan Karate-do, cannot possibly cover everything and should
not be followed too closely. They explained their belief that a book is in many ways limited by what it can transmit. This from the perspective of Tamaki Sensei and Tokashiki
Sensei men who received direct daily instruction from Sensei Nagamine and Sensei
Taba. From that experience they came to understand the importance of imagination.
These are the type of differences that go to the heart of the matter that split many
followers of Masters who are no longer with us. It is a form of orthodoxy that believes
that if it was not written or cannot be quoted from direct conversation, interview, or
film, etc. it should not be practiced. In the case of those following the teachings of the
Nagamine dojo, it is particularly curious as the master himself wrote in The Essence of
Okinawan Karate-do “...we concentrate our senses and minds on finding a way to defeat
the opponent. Utilizing the physical power, intelligence and karate technique we have
so far achieved.” (1)
Sensei Nagamine’s words “so far achieved” seems to allow for growth. That’s what
many love so much about Matsubayashi-ryu. Its practice utilizes intelligence instinct
and imagination. Indeed, Nagamine wrote about, such utilization “this seems to be
simple and ordinary, yet it is sometimes neglected and disregarded even by the experts.”
(2)This quotation can be seen to be revolutionary by some, but it was published as early
as 1976
This kind of historical and cultural perspective, along with technical guidance during
the training was of paramount importance to the group. As an example of instruction
that can be difficult to put into words. Sensei Nestor Ramos spoke of how the training
consisted of, among other things, the nuances of the “internal body mechanics” in relation to the creation of power within the relatively small and quick movements. While
very impressed with the execution of the Okinawan masters, Ramos conveyed to me
being equally impressed to the point of astonishment with how “very forthcoming” the
master’s were. Commenting on how the instructors spent the time on the floor discussing and refining technique rather than countless repetitions on the deck. It was this kind
of “openness” that was relayed over and over by the group as one of the most remarkable
experiences they had.
The trip to Okinawa was once again demonstration of the group’s decades of interest
and commitment to the study of the essence of Okinawan karate-do and culture. This
was again recognized by the Okinawan Masters, just as it had been the case decades
before. When asked for the purposes of this article about Jerry Figgiani’s group, the
leadership of International Shogen-Ryu Karate-Do Kyokai leadership replied that they
are “totally satisfied with the cultural exchange and hope that this continues for many
years to come.”
As this last visit came to an end they gathered for the last evening at the Tokashiki
Dojo. Each of the members of the party had an opportunity to express their appreciation for the experience by performing their favorite Kata for the entire group. They did
so in the dojo on whose front wall, along with photos of Choki Motobu, Kensei Taba,
and Shoshin Nagamine hang the certificate of affiliation between Kokisai Shogen-Ryu
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Karate-Do Kyokai, and the Shorin Ryu Karatedo International, something that when
Joseph Carbonara encouraged the start of the organization in 2009 “would have been
inconceivable for me” explained Figgiani
As part of the direct affiliation with the Kokisai Shogen-Ryu Karate-Do Kyokai, all
Yudansha members of the SRKDI may travel to and train in Okinawa at the Tokashiki
Dojo, as well as receive a certificate of rank recognition from the Hombu Dojo in Okinawa signed by Tamaki Sensei.
In the ceremony at the dojo, including Okinawan dancing and music befitting the
group’s cultural interests sensei Figgiani read the certificates aloud to the members of
the American group as they were presented with individual yudansha certifications by
Sensei Takeshi Tamaki. The ceremony concluded with Figgiani receiving his eighth
Dan certificate from master Tamaki, and the formal announcement of Sensei Takeshi
Tamaki becoming the technical advisor for the Association.
Many members of Sensei Figgiani’s group making the trip to Okinawa expressed how
difficult it was to really articulate their experience. Sensei Arthur Drago who began his
training in Shorin ryu in 1964 (in the direct lineage of Ansei Ueshiro) put it this way
in his over 50 years “of martial arts practice, the chemistry of our guests and travelers,
reached beautifully to us all in the training and exchange of cultures!
“The trip to
Okinawa was once
again demonstration of the group’s
decades of interest and commitment to the study
of the essence of
Okinawan karatedo and culture.”
The Hombu Dojo in Okinawa has expressed how pleased they were with the level of
cultural exchange as well as the level of Karate witting to Sensei Figgiani “Tamaki and
Tokashiki Sensei are very pleased with what you are doing with Shorin Ryu. They hope
that our relationship continues to grow enabling generations to continue to learn this
That is exactly what Figgiani’s intention is, to continue to honor Sensei Carbonara’s
wishes and to provide an open and collaborative environment for the study and practice
of Shoshin Nagamine’s teachings.
Martial Arts Masters