Candace -3


Candace -3
Candace Frieze. Part # 3
Introduction to Messages with the Masters
by Candace Frieze, November 25, 2005
The messages in this section, to those of you new to this project, have been given
through me since January 31, 2005. The purpose was to announce the Second
Coming Project on the Internet. We chose to do this to not only provide knowledge,
but to gain support, as the Second Coming event is not what many in the world are
expecting. In fact, it will be a great deal more.
The beings involved in the messages are Sananda Immanuel (Jesus), Christ
Michael, the Creator Son of our Universe of Nebadon, and a variety of other Master
teachers. You will come to know them better through the messages. The messages
were given through me by the method of mental telepathy, which is common place
for communications on other planets, and in other realms. I have personally met
some of those that gave messages through me. There will be several more
messages yet, given in this manner, planned for after the NESARA announcement in
the USA.
We hoped to encourage people to dream a bit, create some messianic ideas, and
become rocks to those around them, who are unfamiliar with the reality of the event.
Many advanced souls on Earth had become a bit depressed, especially after 911,
and the messages restored their hopes and ambitions.
It was planned to have the Second Coming Event by June 30th, of 2005. However,
that did not happen. The Elite, that I label the BBB&G's (Big Bad Boys and Girls)
chose to cause a lot of trouble.
In early April, they were given notice by Christ Michael, to vacate their offices, and
they chose not to do so. These BBB&G's have worked hard to delay the Second
Coming, and as I write this today on November 25, this is close to happening. They
are making their final arrangements to leave the country, as such, a resignation.
They could have been forcefully removed, but that would make the Second Coming
appear an invasion, rather than a sacred event.
By the time you read this, hopefully this is happened, ushering in the first portion of
the Second Coming Event, what is called NESARA. This will be followed by various
contact activities with our star visitors from many places. We have a variety of star
visitors in our skies, who are here to share their methods of advanced living with
our planet's peoples, in an open manner. Then will come a large event, the actual
Second Coming Event, which will be worldwide and glorious.
This event inaugurates a period of change for the world. It opens the doors to many
here upon the planet, and our star visitors to heal, teach, and other wise enlighten
Earth's peoples.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 1
By reading all of the messages, you will enhance your knowledge greatly. You will
also take the journey that myself and my readers have taken since the first message
given January 31, 2005. You will visit some of the difficulties that were encountered
in the process. It was in sadness that we were unable to do the Second Coming
event on the previous timetable, but in the waiting many problems are being solved
that will make whole of the various parts flow much better. NESARA has continued
to spread around the world in the waiting, other nations are not waiting on the USA
to inaugurate changes for their peoples.
Many of the messages were written to answer questions posed by readers. We went
with the flow. I have left the messages as written then, only correcting a few missed
typo's. Some probably still have a few typing or spelling errors. I give much
information of my own through them also. I have added comments to several, and
these are dated at the end of whichever message I added comments. Some of you
may have trouble following the story, based on your particular knowledge when you
come to the website.
During the messages, I chose to make my readers aware of AbundantHope, my
organization behind this web
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 2
Table of Contents
Introduction to Messages with the Masters ........................................................... 1
Table of Content ........................................................................................................ 3
# 88 Identification of Cities to be Attacked in the USA ................................................ 5
# 89 The Truth Behind the Tsunami of 2004 ............................................................... 7
# 90 It Appears the False Flag Attack Will Happen ..................................................... 10
# 91 Just Hold the Peace ............................................................................................ 12
# 92 Curt Message from Aton ..................................................................................... 14
# 93 Germain Speaks to Casper ................................................................................. 15
# 94 We are Preparing YOUR Way............................................................................. 24
# 95 Mount Rainer is Getting Testy ............................................................................. 31
# 96 The Real Meaning of Separating the Wheat from the Chaff. .............................. 33
# 97 You Will NOT Win this One ................................................................................. 38
# 98 Christ Michael's Answers Some Questions About Stasis .................................. 39
# 99 We Have Our Glorious New Sun ........................................................................ 42
# 100 With Deep Gratitude On Valentine‟s Day .......................................................... 47
# 101 Impending Magnetic Pole Reversal .................................................................. 49
# 102 Update regards the Impending Reversal .......................................................... 54
# 103 We are the Arch Angels of the Resurrection. .................................................... 67
# 104 The Magnetosphere Will “Crap Out.” ................................................................ 70
# 105 Brief comment to the Dark Brotherhood ............................................................ 75
# 106 Things are Getting Interesting….., ................................................................... 76
# 107 Your Opinion Desired ........................................................................................ 82
# 108 Quickie from Esu ............................................................................................... 85
# 109 It‟s Showdown Time .......................................................................................... 86
# 110 Get Out of Our Way!!!!....................................................................................... 92
# 111 Let's get something out!!!!!, Talking Evacuation Rules ..................................... 93
# 112 We Have Thrown in the Rag. The Earth is Crying. ........................................... 99
# 113 Brief Banking Update by Christ Michael ............................................................ 105
# 114 Christ Michael offers Christmas Greetings to His Dark Brothers ...................... 107
# 115 Christmas Wishes from Esu and Nada ............................................................. 108
# 116 Jupiter is preparing the unveiling! God I hope so this time! .............................. 109
# 117 It's our Fifth Aniversary Today ........................................................................... 111
# 118 Introducing Tesla ............................................................................................... 119
# 119 Things are Getting HOT! ................................................................................... 124
# 120 New quake may manifest in Southern California. ............................................. 132
# 121 DISARM and WITHDRAW NOW! ..................................................................... 133
# 122 Update #23 ........................................................................................................ 135
# 123 Update #24 ........................................................................................................ 139
# 124 More Updating and an Issue about Monjoronson ............................................. 141
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# 125 GAIA SPEAKS .................................................................................................. 144
# 126 Today is Independence Day in the United States ............................................. 150
# 127 Update on the Gulf Situation ............................................................................. 155
# 128 The Current Plans ............................................................................................. 157
# 129 Offer to a Particular Group of Dark Brothers ..................................................... 162
# 130 Update by CM ................................................................................................... 166
# 131 Final Notice to the Dark ..................................................................................... 184
# 132 Venus is the New Planet ................................................................................... 188
# 133 The Time has arrived. The world will turn upside down and inside out ............ 196
# 134 Dear Thugs, Your Stalemate is about to End. ................................................... 197
# 135 There will be No mini stasis, It‟s all getting Done Now. ..................................... 198
# 136 Merry Christmas from CM and Esu ................................................................... 204
# 137 Tis the Time of the Resurrection ....................................................................... 205
# 138 New Year‟s Day Update .................................................................................... 210
# 139 Message to our Dark Brothers .......................................................................... 213
# 140 We are Allowing the Full Collapse Now ............................................................ 214
END ............................................................................................................................. 215
All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2011 AbundantHope - All rights reserved
Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 4
Identification of Cities to be Attacked in the USA
By Esu
# 88 July 9, 2008
Dearly beloveds, this is one of those for the dark side, so take little concern. Short and
brief and to the point I will be. To our dark brothers, otherwise known as the BBB&G‟s, I
remind you your time is dated. While we will no longer play the game of getting the less
than honest military to oust you, we can and will tell of the planned attacks in the USA and
expose it to the world.
The plan is to strike four cities. One is Denver Colorado, in the area just to the east of
downtown. The plan is to attack several small buildings and St. Joseph‟s Hospital. Texas
City, Texas is another area, around the refineries. Then Chicago, Illinois and this one is the
biggy and baddy, the blowing up of the nuclear reactor in the base of the Sears tower. You
seem to wish to hit some energy centers. The Sears tower is a big no no, because it is a
reactor and will spew huge radioactive material. Do remember that the fleet always
intercepts and assists in damage control, when reactors are damaged. There are star fleet
guardians continually on patrol within that building and without, and any attempt to set the
reactor off, will be met with and any sent for that task will find themselves rather dead of
body. You are setting them up for murder by the reactor going off.
The 4th is Kansas City and the plan is around destruction of the Federal Reserve Regional
Bank located there, which has apparently a goodly deal of evidence. Now, this is a
warning, we have stated we will not interfere with your plans, the American people do need
to learn a thing or two, BUT we will protect certain properties and we know where they are
and the entire plan. The current timing that you have decided upon, if we are informed
correctly and we believe we are, is about 2 weeks from now, with a little give and take,
depending on the positioning of your teams.
There is also a plan to “take out” some of ours during this process, and of course any that
attempt that will also find themselves no longer on this planet. Ours are very well guarded.
Now, this is your last chance at any hope for soul growth, because all those that participate
in ANY manner will be removed from the planet and be taken to the void. Every single
participant. We are on guard at all known locations.
I highly advise that you take this alert quite seriously and do not carry this out. If you do,
you guarantee that the stasis will occur within two weeks, and that during those two weeks
prior to stasis, we have another plan. We will show ourselves very openly, and we will not
allow any of the taking of the people of the United States into concentration camps. And
following the stasis, all of those will be under our hands, and will be used only for housing
of survivors if needed, and put to good and honest use.
Your underground areas are already fully under our control, and after stasis, these will be
vacant of any inhabitants other than star personnel. We still allow your presence there at
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 5
this time, because of the quantity of people employed and housed in these areas. These
will become shelters also if needed during further earth changes to come. And also for
those that are evacuated from the Pacific Rim that are to stay with the earth and have no
other housing for a time.
To our readers here on AbundantHope, the stasis process with the eruption of Jupiter, and
the sinking of LA is going to cause a lot of weather that is going to damage a great many
buildings that are not wind resistant, in addition to those lost during the quakes that will
result. There will be plenty of housing available in one way or another to all remaining
residents on the planet. Some of it on the surface, using vacant housing that survives,
some on military installations, and some in the underground bases. No one will be left
without some housing, but understand upon the shock of during the awakening, there will
be people “stranded” so to speak, and locals need to help them in the meantime. „
Candace: for new readers, we used a term I coined long ago for the dark brotherhood,
BBB&G‟s. It means Big, Bad, Boys and Girls. It was just BBB‟s for a bit, I added Girls,
because of Condi Rice and others in the group. I was surprised to see Esu pull up this old
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 6
The Truth Behind the Tsunami of 2004
by Soltec with some comments by Candace
# 89 July 21, 2008
Soltec: Dear ones, It is I Soltec, and the purpose of my little missive here is that it has
finally become approved by others that I might tell you what happened during the
Earthquakes and resultant Tsunami on December 26, 2004. Many on the Internet put out
that they feared it may have been man generated, meaning something deliberately caused
in some sort of warring for any of several causes that people conjured up and this is valid,
because quite a few of your earthquakes are the result of man intentional cause.
This one however, while caused by man, was “accidental.” But do not take that lightly, for
man is still highly to blame in his ignorance of his planet. Before I reveal the cause, do
understand that this area of the world sits on many fault lines and this will not be the first
major earthquake in that area.
That area is being or better said, was because the production is not going well now either,
pumped for natural gas. It is a huge natural gas field worth a great deal of money. It had
experienced some settling during many minor quakes in the region and was no longer
producing the quantity of flow it had once produced. And in fact, dear ones, all pumping
puts any area of earth at increased risk of quakes from settlement after material, be it solid
as in coal, or liquid as in gas and oil, will cause some loss of structure and quakes and
cave ins may well result. So goes also with the pumping of water out of aquifers also, and
many areas over aquifers are experiencing sink holes and quakes.
So, some bigheaded thugs decided to see if they could make some changes to open up
the obstructed flows and placed detonations in an attempt to do that. Being that the area
was greatly destabilized already from the excess pumping and inflowing water into empty
gas reservoirs, plus the natural response to the remodeling of the globe at this time, they
created that catastrophe. And hundreds of thousands paid with their lives. So be it, Many
make the dollar more important than lives.
You are overpopulated dear ones, well beyond now what your planet can support in all
ways. In the USA you want to pump more of this natural gas for auto use, you want to strip
more coal, for auto use, and the like, and no matter the stated clean technologies on coal
to gas conversion it is NOT clean and you will do ever more harm to your environment.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 7
It is too late. You did not develop the technologies brought by many to this planet, including
the more known Nicola Tesla. You have too many people with too many needs to fix this
now and you will pay the piper. China is in really dire shape, regards coal pollution for
electricity generation. A whole war in Viet Nam was fought not over “communism” and not
so much over oil as suggested, but over the huge natural gas resources in that corner of
the world.
Natural gas in particular tends to form in areas where the crust is thinner and in areas of
great cavernous formation and so it is around the Pacific Rim, and in fact under many parts
of your US of A. This is NO solution dear ones, even though natural gas burns cleaner and
is thus more suited for lighting, heating and stoves. Even if you start today, right now, and
put trillions of dollars into what others such as Tesla brought to you, it is TOO LATE. You
have signed your demise as of this current civilization and there is naught to be done,
except cleanse and start over.
By this I am not saying there will be a pole reversal cleanse, but there must be substantial
cleansing never the less. Your population must be brought down, and that is the purpose
of stasis, on planets that are not going to experience pole reversal as the method of choice
for cleansing. And then nature and all the other mistakes and errors of mankind will also
contribute over the many years until you learn to control your growth and become
Natures depopulation will continue, probably several times, until man can foresee the
future of not only his children (which he still doesn‟t do very well) but unto the 7th
generation AT LEAST. That is the meaning behind that statement in the bible. Man‟s
decisions affect unto at least the 7th generation, and in the case of planets with shortened
lives such as this one, longer than that. You must learn to plan 100‟s of years in advance!
What have you left for your children, your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren?
Many problems for many years. So be it.
Those of you who are awake and are joining in this effort by AbundantHope are the
blessed ones. Many are awakening to some degree in other countries now too. Russia is
being heavily taught by the masters now, as they have become more receptive. Actually
the people there were always more receptive to the ideas of God, even when under the
Bolsheviks, who are now out of Russia. We now can work there without that influence and
we are. Russia, under Putin, even though he has “moved aside” a bit, is doing much to
protect the world from the Zionists, having known them so personally and realizing their
You in American that serve AbundantHope are needing to become stronger, and you must
better study the issues and begin your thinking of how you will serve within a people who
refuse to look. There is question as to whether the American citizen, following the still
being set into process of the attacks, will even wake up then. The media has such control.
It will be for you to stand strongly in your KNOWING and not your beliefs. There is such a
difference and you will be told repeatedly that “ I believe such and such” and you must say,
I KNOW such and such. Inform yourselves well my beloveds, because the fear that will
envelop America will be far greater than 911, which was a surprise. Your government has
prepared as usual the pack of lies to blame it on others, and we are not sure until it
manifests whether it will be Islam and Iran, or the Russians. Either scenario is possible.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 8
Your “beloved Obama”, is busy right now in the Middle Eastern countries carrying out his
orders from his Zionist controllers. He is riling up in Afghanistan against Pakistan. Your
black ops folks have been very busy again lately, creating instability there and Obama has
told you many times you must get the soldiers out of Iraq and send them right on to
Afghanistan again, because the plan is to carry war into Pakistan, from Afghanistan. You
have in the “new age” community, one Matthew Ward through Suzy his mother, and who
has said Obama is a gifted star seed. In that, you know not to trust Suzy or Matthew for
your spiritual growth. Dear ones, stop following all of this, and look at the evidence if you
are accepting Matthew‟s version. Obama, by his fruits, is not a lighted man. Enough said.
Namaste, I wish you all well. Anthonius Soltec.
Candace: Soltec feels deeply, deeply saddened to me as I work with him today. Regards
the comments about Russia being taught by the Ascended Masters, there is a new
channel there who has been working since spring 2005, Tatyana. I
placed a couple of pieces through her on our website. Those of you who followed the
Prophets of Summit Lighthouse will be pleased to know that Mark Prophet, who passed
long ago, is teaching in Russia, under his name Lanello.
Just go the site and start with the first period of dictations and you will see him. He has a
few up and you will find the first one quite interesting, because Summit Lighthouse is no
longer the organization it was. Interestingly, on their current website, they are not being
honest as near as I can tell anyway, about Elizabeth Prophet. On a blog I found there is a
separate family site that is raising money for the care of Elizabeth who has become
disabled from Alzheimer‟s disease and I find no mention of this on the main site.
So many of the masters have a lot of material on this Russian site. It is translated into fairly
good English on the English version above but I noticed the more recent translations are
not as good as the first ones. Take that into mind as you read them. I don't know if the area
that shows what languages are available are actual sites in other languages, or this is just
translation software.
I have a piece going with Christ Michael, hopefully we will get it finalized today. Actually
this Soltec piece was to be part of that one but I decided to go ahead and publish it
separately. Take care, Candace
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 9
It Appears the False Flag Attack Will Happen
By Christ Michael through Candace
# 90 July 24, 2008
Hello, beloveds I am back, after a hiatus from the previous material. I am not going to
further on what I have given above, but add instead a bit of some more other information.
(Candace: I didn't even think about this statement when I posted the piece. I decided to not
post our previous piece we were working on yet, and thus I should have removed the
above statement. Just remove it from your translations, and start with "Barack
Barack Obama is being prepared to return to the United States and may possibly not
complete his full schedule of events, having already canceled meeting the troops in
There game is still on beloveds, we thought possibly they were delaying it, the activity
quieted, but indeed it is still on. We are unable to give dates still, regards the false flag
attacks on America, but it does appear they will be sequential instead of all at the
approximately same time. It is important for you ones to keep the faith and let people
know this is a false flag.
Right now, it appears George Bush will continue in office,( that is the clone), but also
possible, depending on the games to be played that he will be “ousted” along with the
others and Obama possibly falsely installed. They have a number of possible scenarios
planned and we don‟t know which one. Obama is NOT in line to become President in any
legal manner according to your constitution. As you know, if the President is killed, resigns,
or is incapacitated in any manner, the office then falls then to the Vice President, and then
on to the Speaker of the House and none of these individuals will likely be placed into
office. You are not ready for Nancy Pelosi, and neither are “they”
I hope all of you have taken some precautions such as being prepared for electricity
outages. It maters not if the lights are turned off by intent or from the results of damage.
This will allow work in the darkness of night. As I have stated we will NOT allow harm to
come to ours who have agreed to serve, (that doesn‟t mean you do not prepare), and we
will not allow the taking of anybody into concentration camps. Please make sure you have
gas in your cars, food not requiring refrigeration, (and you can eat first that food which
does!), flashlights and candles and the like. If any of you are known to be on water that is
pumped to you using electricity, you must also the minute any of this happens, put aside
some water and quickly.
Those of you who own guns, make sure they are operating and you have ammunition. This
is not so much to protect from the military but to protect against those that may be out of
control. During this time, there are those who are secretly with NATO and the UN who will
be activated and who have no problems serving he new world order. If arrests are made it
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 10
is likely foreigners under these uniforms who will carry out the deeds. These are primarily
Mexican and Russian Nationals. These ones are still here, your Russians, they have never
left that were placed into this country over the years and doing menial jobs in your country,
waiting their time.
DESCRIBED AS POSSIBLE. There will be no one receiving electronic sound orders
through the towers. But there are plenty of others but awaiting their call, uniforms ready, to
spring into service if required and these ones in leadership of these groups have
communications equipment with secret channels to receive information.
We have some plan in this, but not to be disclosed at this time. WE shall observe the
results in the United States and abroad for that matter, but this particularly involves the
response of Americans. Initially of course, nearly all Americans will think this an outside
attack, but as NATO and UN troops make their appearance, we hope that will change.
Undoubtedly the Internet will be taken down for a time, since thereon resides the truth.
We will do some hidden protection, as above. We have some plans, but for the most part,
Americans will experience this as they experience it, without our apparent presence. I
suspect you will all be reporting a number of mysterious fireballs however. (Emissions from
We can‟t at this time show ourselves, as this could be turned into an “alien attack” and that
will not do. It is not in the plans however, at this time, for this game.
I wish you well. I hope for your support. I expect you to do your own work in this and see
where it takes you. This is a time for great growth. We hope such growth will occur in many
in the population. We hope we will see the growth in the rest of the world; particularly
governments who have refused to stand up to the United States, or are part of the
problem. It will be interesting to the reactions of government in Europe. They are NOT
immune to another false flag, so perhaps this will serve as an awakening to them.
I personally hope this additional address, read by the dark brotherhood, will assist them in
deciding it is NOT a good idea to continue with this. And dear dark brothers, this is
because the American People are NOT used to being treated this way, the installation of
martial law planned and I think it will backfire hugely on you, when all is said and done.
These ones are not used to discomfort, nor are they used to foreign troops on their soil and
they will not tolerate American troops and police manhandling them. Take that in
consideration. I have faith the failing churches will see the act, wise up and rise up. Salu,
Christ Michael/Aton
Candace: My personal plea, is that those of you in the military who have failed to protect
the people of this country from the rogue government will now step into your shoes and
find your courage.
Also, to our readers I have a piece CM gave me about a week ago, not fully finished, but
he suggested I post it, but I am not posting it as part of this. Maybe tomorrow. I am not
exactly a happy camper right now.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 11
Just Hold the Peace
Christ Michael thru Candace
# 91 August 23, 2008
Dearly beloveds, this is Christ Michael for a simple brief update. The energies should be
feeling very intense to many of you. The work at controlling all the games is intense on
earth at this minute, and the 8-8-8 portal opening with the adamantine particle load is doing
it's work, of more or less upsetting the cookie cart. These are the smallest particles of
“matter, so to speak, and form the building blocks of all that is. These disrupt nonfunctional patterns and repair and buildup otherwise.
We continue to baby-sit the condition in Denver and the Olympics. The issue of Georgia
has quieted down. Putin has had his way, and the Zionists are licking their wounds. This
is marvelous news item for the planet, as the Zionists are feeling pretty checkmated right
now and are reconsidering all their options which are few. The banking continues to
dwindle as expected.
There has been good news over the summer, as the “void” has now occurred that is
needed, and that is the balance between the light and dark we have covered before that
must exist before we can enter the stasis period and start the long ascension process in
For the coming couple of weeks or so, I ask all to remain peaceful and draw these
adamantine particles through you and into earth, and out to the areas surrounding you.
Make a conscious effort at seeing peace happen. You will find of those around you
perhaps acting out from this action on the planet to their bodies and souls. Be kind, but
firm, and do not enter into big arguments which will do nothing but make it worse for them
and for you. Remain calm and peaceful and know the end is not far off and we can truly
begin anew. The dark side is in the pits so to speak and they know it.
Despite all the material on the net suggesting an imminent World War 3, it is not so, as
Russia holds the key of peace right now, in terms of not allowing the war into Iran. The
Zionists are nearly completely out of steam. Make peace wherever you can, and keep
building it higher. Do not buy into the Internet chatter of any sort of war. Mother Earth
needs your attention; it is a bit of travail for her right now. Direction attention to her. The
energies within her body are HUGE and she can use your calming spirit for those that
enjoy this.
Many of you should be feeling a mix of calm and inner storm. That is part of this process
unfolding since 8-8-8. Earth also is feeling this. Be careful to not let the inner storm out in
an uncontrolled manner. That is all for now. I am not able to allow further updating with
material that must be kept quiet. Just hold the peace. Namaste, I am Christ Michael/Aton.
Candace: Yep I know the calm and inner storm dichotomy. I would like to add a little story
here. I was asking Christ Michael recently again, about his real name. It is long and
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 12
complex and would take 1/2 a page or something like that to write it out and even then that
would not be very accurate. While chatting, I suddenly accessed my "ancient memory" as I
like to call it, and realized his name includes harmonics, and as such, is a "song." So
perhaps one day, somebody who can do music will put his name to "song." Understand
"Michael" is a simple term give for the Creator Sons in the Urantia Book. Our language
here is inadequate. But the Michaels all have personal names, in harmonics. Aton, is part
of his long name.
Monjoronson has put out his "real name" is not Monjoronson either. I suspect his name is
said in harmonics also. Perhaps the term "toning" might be a better word. That spelling
looks odd, don't know how to fix it. To "tone." Take care, Candace
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 13
Curt Message from Aton
Aton thru Candace
#92 Oct 9, 2008
To the Dark Brotherhood
Admiral Jhonka is in control. For you Bastards from Hell, stop what you are planning at this
moment, right now stop it! We are prepared to fully expose ourselves if you carry this one
step further. We have weaponry to end this. Enough Said. Aton of Nebadon
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 14
Germain Speaks to Casper
Thru Candace
# 93 October 16, 2008
Hi everyone, Germain desired to do some commenting around Casper and Christopher
Story‟s work. He asked me to get Casper latest update from today, and then he wished to
add to it. So this piece alternates between Germain and Casper, and I have some
commentary at the end.
Casper 10-16-08 midday (taken from
Casper: Deliveries were scheduled yesterday.
Germain: NO they were not and will not.
Casper: BUSH and allies blocked deliveries again yesterday.
BUSH and the D.C. Politicians are blocking distribution of the "Marshall Plan Money" to
AMERICAN CITIZENS as called for in the ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS and program funding
and in turn the world funding of the prosperity programs. The money left over after
the reconstruction of Europe after World War II, having been "traded" for decades, is
a huge sum of money distributed by BUSH to the Vatican, the Queen, Queen Beatrice and
others and subsequently recovered and made ready for delivery to the American people in
the form of debt forgiveness. Each American is to have up to $300,000. in debt forgiven be
it credit card debt, student loans, auto notes, mortgages, etc. etc..
Germain: The trading has been going for 200+ years and it matters not anyway. There will
be NO releases of any funding to globally rebuild this world until after the Stasis event.
This is very necessary. What you are seeing before you at this time, is OUR, meaning ME,
ESU and Christ Michael, preventing any of any sort of prosperity from flowing. This world
must fall first, before we can build anew. And thus there will be no release of “settlements”,
refunding, prosperity programs, by whatever name and game. This will enable the fall that
is necessary. Watch carefully the games each day as given on your television and read
between the lines.
The USA and the western countries of Europe are BROKE. They counted on ripping the
people of the planet of their wealth, and then planned to receive some more wealth from
“funding” in order to buy some more wealth and bail themselves out of the current pickle
they are in. These western countries, in particular the US of A owe China, Japan, and
Russia in particular huge sums of money that do NOT exist and printing using both a press
for paper money, and otherwise a computer for fiat money will not succeed. You dark
ones who read here, you are sunk, my brothers, time to bail.
There will be no $300,000 debt forgiveness to Americans only Casper. There will be full
debt forgivenness to the entire world, as the money system will start from scratch after
stasis. Stop fighting and worrying so much; this is God‟s hands my friend. In fact, debt
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 15
forgiveness and some of the paperwork of such will not be needed at all. All will be NEW. I
will not fully describe this plan here at this time. It shall be covered as the survivors awaken
from the long period of stasis and cleansing.
Casper: Now think carefully about this friends. Instead of allowing this windfall to the
American people the Politicians are blocking this and the delivery of packages and the
return to the Constitution for the sole purpose of retaining themselves in power and
avoiding the attendant exposures. It is TREASON, it is beyond Treason. Instead of this
glorious outcome for the people the pawns in Congress, most of whom understand exactly
what is going on, pass taxpayer funded "bailout" bills and now that the gates have been
opened will reach into our pockets as deep as necessary to preserve the existing and
utterly corrupt banking and monetary system as it is the source of their control and power.
They are willing to throw every business and every citizen in America "under the bus" to
hold onto their unconstitutional Corporations and their personal elitist control of the country
and indeed the privately owned central banking systems of the world knowing full
well great prosperity is ready for distribution worldwide.
Germain: Now Casper is correct in his first statements above. However, the American
citizens are NOT ready for these funds at this time. They would only take it and spend it
greedily and without adequate preparation before hand in understanding the purpose,
would turn around and continue to destroy the planet in their habits. As we have said
before NESARA became the idea, GESARA. There is no law in place internationally for
GESARA, it is a concept.
Neither was NESARA fully passed as law, Dove was misinformed. And even back then,
the navy seals were not sure of what they tried to enforce upon Congress, nor is anyone,
including even Ron Paul, aware of nature of these fundings. I AM NOT GOING TO FUND
the New World Order, period. And simply removing the American leaders does not solve
the global issues. The planet is very ill and she is going to be cleansed, thoroughly, during
stasis. This includes the people upon this planet, this long stasis will remove many, leaving
behind the good.
As long as the dark ones have signficant power, this use of my monies can‟t happen.
Stasis removes not only the negative politicans, bankers, and the like, but it also removes
those that deal in drugs, sex, and other low grade activities on this planet. They will gone in
total, it has been decreed by the Father Creator, First Source, to purge the planet during
the stasis period.
Casper: It gets worse. The creation of incredible sums of credit and fiat currency is added
to the national debt enslaving our grandchildren for generations to come. As this Treason
works it way through the system inflation and rising interest rates are the natural outcome.
The borrowings of the Government will compete against private market capital needs of
American Business eventually resulting in skyrocketing interest rates and inflation. Stated
simply, there is no price they are unwilling to FORCE US AND OUR CHILDREN TO
PAY in order to hold onto their personnel power, to preserve their Corporations and to
avoid exposure of their criminal activities which amount to a private MAFIA running
Washington D.C. for the benefit of each other, the Banks, Wall Street, the GSE's and the
JOHNS they actually work for.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 16
Germain: And dear ones, your grandchildren will not be around under the above at all,
because of the overpopulation and the lessening resources and a severly polluted planet. I
am going to make a statement that I don‟t think has been made before. Prior to 911, it was
considered strongly to simply roll over the planet and end the pain for all. Then the star
seeds began to awaken, and so it was decided to try again. Part of this has been covered,
but not the purging. By purging, the DNA of man was to be purged, period. Only souls
would be removed from the planet, no evacuation of living beings. It was thought it was
time to totally throw in the rag, and start over with a genetically superior man being
implanted after a long period of work on the planets genetics as a whole.
As people came forward, and I know Candace is sitting here cringing in her humbleness, (I
am indeed and paused the process for a few minutes to gain control-C), she is the one
who created the salvation plan, this idea we could perhaps have it both ways. A
intermediate solution in which perhaps the planet wouldn‟t be totally purged but rather
healed as a tool for learning. We do not actually know for sure if this will be successful, but
it is most certainly worth a serious attempt, and for this, approval had to come from First
Source and the people in the Central Universe.
The Creator, First Source is going to purge evil period as it exists in Nebadon at this time.
It can‟t go on to infect the newer creations. Or rather should be taken away, this is the
purging of the severe corruption that not only invaded mankind in Nebadon, but also the
lower heavenly dimensions. The galactic warring problem has to end and it infects not only
Nebadon, but several other universes within Orvonton.
Casper: BUSH and the D.C. politicians and his extended mafia make agreements, sign
documents, then without exception violate every agreement. They fight the deliveries
which are followed by announcements which puts them and their corrupt Corporation out
of business. They are fighting the Constitution and exposure of their crimes and freedom
for the people.
France, Germany, England, Japan and India WE hear, are the countries allied with Bush in
blocking the worldwide funding at the expense of the rest of the world and their own
Germain: It is MY team, as I have stated before that is preventing the deliveries.
However, that said, the Bush administration and others as suggested above by Casper do
not want them, they want the monies to continue their takeover of the world. Looking at the
larger picture however, for any of these monies to be released as this world exist now,
doesn‟t not solve anything in a time frame sufficient to begin the true healing of this world.
The planet is very ill, and can‟t support this large population, let alone the children and
grandchildren in generations to come.
It is not feasible, and I would suggest dear Casper, if you see this piece, that you take the
shape of this world into consideration. To use an American slang expression, “over my
dead body (and I can‟t die readers), will these funds be released at this time. This whole
show is going to fall flat on its face. It serves nothing to release monies to spiritually
unprepared people. Even those with a measure of spirituality often do not yet understand
how far this world has gone into illness. When you take antibiotics you purge some
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 17
nepharious organisms. But you also miss others, and these days many antibiotics don‟t
work, now extrpolate that to the whole globe. Non working “antibiotics” are NOT the
Casper: Overnight the Japanese Prime Minister said the U.S. Bailout is insufficient. In
other words this PAULSON/BUSH ally pops off with what amounts to a call for them to go
get more money from the American people. Japan pumped 2.4 Trillion Yen into their
system two weeks ago. This week the U.S. Government "guarantees" Mitsubishi's 9B
Investment in Morgan Stanley. This weekend Sarkozy meets with BUSH at Camp David.
These countries, their finance ministers and political leaders are fighting the funding of
their own countries and their own people in an attempt to hold onto their power structure
and world control for their personal benefit. This is their NEW WORLD ORDER and they
would construct it atop the ashes of their countries national sovereignty.
Germain: Casper dear one, this is Japan calling in its loans. And there is no money to pay
them, and not even the American people can cough up this money. Indeed Casper this is
their New World Order, and actually, they do wish to have these “settlements” and Wanta‟s
refunding, as Chris Story has called it now. By the way, Wanta backed out of his
agreement to accept less than the full amount, since it was unpaid, and now that original
$27.5 trillion needs to be handled. However, even this is NOT an issue at this time,
because the world will be funded by my team personally, starting over completely from
scratch AFTER the stasis. There is NO other way.
The world will be placed at that time on a universal currency, which ends many, many
games that can be played, and over the years will be taught how to trade and the goal
eventually, actually we hope in 10 years or so, to become independent of the need for
money at all. This concept will be taught and then coordinated by Sananda‟s ground crew
(AbundantHope) and through the universities that will be created to teach truth. The main
purposes of the universities will stem around monetary policies and learning to trade, and
then also on correct science so that proper technologies to come may be developed by
earth man himself. Come Casper, put on thy thinking cap.
Casper: The daily "SPIN" from BUSH, PAULSON, BERNAKE and world leaders belonging
to their MAFIA like NEW WORLD ORDER is designed to divert attention and obfuscates
the real reasons for what they present as their attempts to save the existing corrupt
system of banking and finance "for the people". The "people" will be infinitely better off with
debt forgiveness, honest and transparent banking, the Constitution and Politicians who
work for the country rather than the Corporation and those paying the largest bribes. The
"SPIN" is designed to cover the truth that the true motivation for taxpayer funded bailouts
rather than funding the programs and reflating the world with money which is not debt
based, is to preserve themselves in power and to avoid exposure of their dirty deeds
AGAINST the people. It is profoundly sick, self indulgent and TREASON. They are
attempting to continue the nation in Bankruptcy with still another 70 year "Bankruptcy of
Nations Contract" managed by their unconstitutional Maritime/Admiralty Court System and
when the truth of what they are doing becomes commonly known they may be facing a
rope in addition to the loss of their corrupt and unconstitutional power structures.
Germain: Indeed correct, I have no quabbles with the above statement by Casper. But
Casper, there is not another 70 years for good or bad, my brother. Every single
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 18
government on this planet needs rapid remodeling, that is why we went to GESARA. Some
countries are sitting better than others regarding their politicians at the helm, but all have
severe corruption problems to face, and we will clease and start over and remove these
Casper: It is not possible to further inflate their bubbles, ever greater bubbles being
necessary to the survival of the debt based monetary system. This is what previous
intentional bubbles were all about culminating in the most recent mortgage and
securitization bubble which finally caused the balloon to burst. Faced now with the
impossible proposition of continuing the game they still refuse to peacefully acquiesce in
the roll over to a sound monetary system and honest banking. They are now reduced to
playing DRACULA, thrashing about for a last drink of blood (money) from any conceivable
source so as to preserve themselves in power for one more day, one more hour.
What would $300,000. debt forgiveness mean to you, your friends, neighbors and family
members? Do you understand this is ready to go, not pie in the sky? Do you understand
that BUSH/PAULSON and the D.C. POLITICIANS are doing everything possible to stall
and/or block this distribution which spells FREEDOM for most citizens? Do you understand
that the MARSHALL PLAN DOCUMENTS specifically state that the money is to be paid
only to the citizens of the United States not their Government? And that BUSH has stolen
this money more than once to pay off his personal debts around the world only to have it
retrieved and made ready for the American people? And that he and PAULSON and their
MAFIA work around the clock every day using super computers to try and access this
money, the F&P money, the F.C. money, the PROGRAM money, etc. etc.?
Germain: Forget Marshall plan again Casper. The world banking must be totally removed,
otherwise this gift to the people will simply evaporate right out of their bank accounts. That
said, when the people are awakened, they will have money in their bank accounts, secure
money, and new cash to carry and use, that will be international. The existing cash will not
be needed to be traded in, it can be burned, it will be useless. It will not function. The
remaining details will be covered after stasis, as to how money will be accessed and work.
Star fleet will be gifting a goodly amount of love, time, and effort to assist a fairly
comfortable transition period, including necessary food and some transportation assistance
as the people awaken.
Casper: What do you suppose American citizens by the tens of millions might do with their
D.C. politicians when they learn of their intentional blockage of $300,000. debt forgiveness
for each citizen? Is not the time fast approaching when we should make this "secret"
available to them? Do you wonder what a "10,000,000 man march" on D.C. would look
like? A 50,000,000 man march?
Germain: Think again Casper, these are the people that let 911 slide, that continue to
pollute and use the Mother without thought of consequences, allow the war in Iraq and
Afghanistan and a host of other issues. These are obvious problems that average
Americans are not even looking at, so why should these be gifted with large funds of
money? America is NOT ready Casper. It failed the 911 test. The people don‟t understand
corruption. Sure they would be glad to have that money, but they would not use it correctly.
Nor will be prevent other scoundrels from coming into office. The American people have
repeatedly said it is fine and correct for scoundrels to be in office and are currently
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 19
supporting both of them at the head of the 2 major parties. Neither candidate is suitable to
lead, both are criminals and that is NOT OK. There is no lesser of the two evils, the whole
system is corrupt with the exception of a very small number who have no power at this
Casper: DO NOT DESPAIR. There are other forces in play and they were dealing with
yesterdays problems last night.
Deliveries may well be today. If not we will continue in this miserable endeavor and
together decide how best to let WE THE PEOPLE know the truth described above.
Germain: There will be NO deliveries. And yes, there are other forces in play, MINE,
dear one. And that said, I shall prepare to retire from this piece. There are several
scenarios which could manifest in the next few weeks, depending on the players and the
games. Stay glued and learn during this final days. Namaste, I AM GERMAIN, that Violet
Ray dude, the real deal.
Candace: Just continue to watch the action and learn. Christ Michael and Esu did not
desire to update further at this time. However I can state that it is highly possible at some
point that there will be announcement activities and arrests and replacement of the
American Government.
For our new readers, I will summarize what we have taught over maybe a couple years
now, regards stasis and Jupiter.
We plan to go into stasis a few weeks prior to when Jupiter is on the other side of the sun
from earth which is late January, into early February. This will be fairly destructive and will
likely cause the axis of earth to move 5-10 degrees, meaning we will have a new North and
South pole, and it‟s not known for sure which direction they will move. This is necessary
because otherwise the damage to earth would be beyong coping with. The sun will dilute a
lot of that energy.
The people and the higher mammels will be “paused”, sort of like pausing a DVD for a
period of a year or more. The body molecules are slowed down a great deal in this
process, and thus the body “sleeps” without need for nourishment. Higher mammals are
included because of food animals and people‟s pets. Life otherwise will continue normally
on the planet, and so will the weather. The soul doesn‟t “sleep” during this period, just the
body. Do not worry about this process, as anyone living on the planet around 1992 went
through a week of mild stasis as we encountered the photon belt. We were not prepared
for the several days of disruption and light so bright it would blind many people.
During this time, Jupiter will also be ignited into our second sun, and it will be a lot smaller
than our current sun, but it will continue it‟s yearly journey around our sun and thus be
visible at night, as it is right now, but will caste more light, making nightime when it‟s in our
night sky dusky, not completely dark. This is a normal way older solar systems grow, and
this combined with our planet entering light and life, and also being in a new energy circuit
will cause our solar system to become an eternal creation. Our current sun will thus not
burn out. At some distant point, Saturn may also become a sun. I come from a planet with
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 20
3 suns myself, a large one (Merope of Pleiades), and 2 much smaller suns, which came
into being much as this solar system will experience.
In this condition of more solar energies, dark souls can‟t incarnate on the planet, it moves
our planet and in fact our entire solar system into a higher vibration. Eventually our planet
will also not be tilted anymore, and when this occurs our magnetics will change also, and
prior to that time we have to develop new energy systems that will function in what is called
“monopolarity.” Our current methods will not work.
This whole process is called the ascension of our planet, and whole solar system into what
is called 5th dimension. Planets with life on them are Second Density planets. The other
planets and our Sun are First Density, and all will move at some point into 5th dimension of
their respective Densities. When Jupiter ignites into a sun, it will enter its 5th dimension,
and this will help bring the rest of the solar system into 5th dimension. The highest
dimension on evolutionary planets like earth with organic life on them is 9th dimension and
we will gradually move into increasingly higher dimensions over a long period of time.
Right now, we are in 4th dimension, which is the “get off the fence” dimension, meaning
people have to choose to move foreward in their individual evolution and become service
to others, or remain in service to self. Those choosing to continue to experience in the
dimensions below 4th will move on to other planets and realms, and will not be
participating in the ascension of the planet. Many will leave during the stasis period, and
many more over the coming 5 years or there abouts. The planets population may reduce
as much as 2/3. It is unknown at this time the final figure.
There will be many who leave also, simply because they have finished their work here and
it‟s time to return to previous realms, or move higher. Many are from other higher planets,
(called star seeds), and will return home if that is their wish. So not everyone leaving is
I personally am staying for about 1000 years or whatever is needed, and have undergone
a process where my body now regenerates as needed, rather than aging. As I type this
tonight, my body, since I am relaxed is regenerating. This occurs anywhere from once to
several times a day. I can feel it taking place. A number of people will be offered this
opportunity in the future.
There is much confusion in “new age” and in religion about these end times. Many new
agers think they will magically become able to mentally create every thing needed. There
is a lot of literature on the web and probably in some books suggesting the planet is
ascending into the higher astral realms and that is NOT so. The astral realms are NOT
physical and the planet will remain an evolutionary planet, simply moving higher and higher
in vibration over time. So enough for the time being of this little summary.
Christ Michael has a final date in mind to begin stasis. He declined to comment tonight, but
there are several possible scenarios that could manifest over the coming weeks. We may
or may not see the election in the USA, it could be canceled or delayed. We could see
martial law installed in the USA and possibly other countries. We could see the
announcement that the North American Union has be formed.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 21
We could see another false flag event to create the conditions for martial law, or the severe
downturn of the economy, or perhaps one or more large earthquakes which would be
expensive and further cause problems. Christ Michael has stated the martial law will be
short lived. Americans and others must come into reality of the situation at hand. We have
continually allowed bad leaders into office and not held them responsible in anyway for the
likes of the Iraq War, 911, Afghanistan, or financial issues.
We continue in this country to not see what we are doing to the environment either. During
stasis a lot of oil wells will close or be closed. The Pacific Rim will face a great deal of
destruction. Life will not be the same and many people will be gone. Life will certainly
change hugely and in this people will learn to come together again. Star fleet will provide a
goodly deal of gifted assistance for a time, as the idea is not to create an armeggedon
situation. There will be adequate food, and assisitance with transportion of certain types
and lots and lots of public teaching and support. Many star seeds will attend classes during
stasis aboard ships or go to inner earth, probably most to ships, and return to help keep
the worlds survivors stable and help lead them into co creative solutions to the new
problems facing the planet. We will build a durable sustainable global society that is
necessary before we can enter Light and Life.
As has been covered, many masters and avatars will be returning at some point to assist.
Many will walk this plane. Esu will walk this plane, but not until a bit later, when things are
stable and he can thusly be here safely, and we have the international headquarters
started up, where he will reside. We will not give further on this at this moment, except this
will be in the Denver Metro area of Colorado. Christ Michael will also have a center in
Colorado at some future date. I don‟t have a clue where Monjoronson will be after he is
ready to walk the planet.
There will be regional districts or areas covering all of the planet when we return, I hope
anyway. The rest of the needed regional directors will be found during the stasis period out
of those who will be aboard ship. Esu has a number in mind that have no idea he has them
in mind, consciously anyway. We currently have several selected and these are covered
on the website.
This is a small possibility, depending on the dark, that stasis will be postponed until after
Jupiter is on the other side of the sun but this is unlikely. The reason would be to allow for
some more maturity and events to play out. Stasis would then be started when Christ
Michael chooses, and likely long before the next time Jupiter is on the other side of the
sun. The way things are going, it would not be good to allow too much duress before
ending the pain with stasis.
During stasis, if the LA Basin doesn‟t go down by itself, it will be sunk. Stasis under any
timing or circumstances will last at least one year length, and possibly up to 2 years. There
is a great deal of work to do. There will be much cleansing of the environment, and the
destruction resulting from sinking LA and the Jupiter event will require some repair,
because when we come back, the Internet will be working, utilites will be working and the
like. It is NOT desired to return man to the cave man stage.
So enough for tonight. I have had a long day. I posted yesterday that I am taking some
needed time to finish preparing for my departure and will be doing less posting and no
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 22
email until I am caught up. I also need a little “alone” time for myself, reguvenation that we
all need from time to time. As I said, just keep learning and watching and make sure you
have small cash at home, and be prepared for untoward activities that might or might not
manifest. Take care beloveds, Candace
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 23
We are Preparing YOUR Way
By Christ Michael/ATON thru Candace
# 94 Nov 21, 2008
Dearly beloveds, it is time for an update from myself. This has been a tumultuous month
for all, including my fleet. Many of you who read at AbundantHope are undergoing intense
bodywork at night, in preparation for two purposes. One is so you can be dematerialized to
craft rather than having to be stood in a levitation beam. The other is that many of you will
during stasis be gifted with new cloned bodies, looking exactly like you, based on your
current DNA but improved as to what many of you label “psychic” skills. This body will
vibrate considerably higher and thus be in better resonance with the planet when you
return. You will be free of disease and in many cases looking a bit younger, depending on
your current age.
Before you can assume the cloned body, current aberrations in your DNA must be cleared,
both from genetic damage and whatever you contributed through stress that you do not
wish to carry to the new form. Many of you are exhausted and confused as the result of the
bodywork. Many of you have also downloaded during this month, if not before your higher
self, either your monad or your morontial soul depending on your status at this moment.
Those of you who are angels or Ascending Sons within Nebadon have a morontia soul.
Those angels from realms beyond Nebadon, and those ascending graduates of Nebadon
or other universes have a monad. Not to worry so much about what is what here, you will
understand more during stasis and we will have appropriate teaching after stasis for the
planet around these topics.
Candace, for example, has a monad. She downloaded this years ago, she can place the
date. (May 2002-C) She is an Ascending Son and a graduate of Paradise, being a Mighty
Messenger. The entire AbundantHope team is a mixture of Ascending and Descending
Sons from Havona. Some of you may be also, but it matters not, it matters the service.
What matters also is that you are embodying your soul, regardless of the source of your
soul. This simply means that your body has been prepared to accept your soul living within
Your soul will affect your current DNA patterns, remodeling them and this is important to be
finished before you enter your new cloned body, if that is what you will be doing. Some of
you who are 40 or younger may have “come in” with already improved DNA and assuming
a cloned body if you are otherwise healthy, may not be necessary. You can be remodeled
a bit if necessary. Most of you 40 and older, even if you brought in some higher DNA are
probably going to be offered a cloned body.
Most of the readers of AH have chosen to be “stay behinds,” a term Candace likes, to
counteract the term “left behinds” of that series of novels. Stay behinds chose this with
intent to serve after stasis. Those of you living in dangerous areas will be removed before
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 24
the ignition of Jupiter to ship or underground for your safety. You might “sleep” there until it
is time for you to awaken for the training that will begin a period of time after stasis, Jupiter
and the sinking of LA is complete.
If you live in a safe area you will be brought aboard wherever your angels and guides have
determined for you in advance, when the time is appropriate to do so. During the above
events and the clean up afterwards, the main crew of AbundantHope, some of whom are
still to be selected, will prepare the plans and the teaching.
Those of you to have cloned bodies will continue to be prepared for that during your
sleeping during the early part of stasis and even after you are lifted. It will vary for each
individual when the time is right to enter the new form. Those of you who do not need a
new form will continue your “remodeling” which is in the hands of your guardian angels. I
thought it appropriate at this time to let you know of this idea so you can ponder about it.
When you return you will also have on your chests a Christic Circle, which identifies you as
being on this team. You will learn more about that later, it is not for the details of this
process to be exposed at this present time. But know and ponder about it, some of you will
know of what I speak, as you will stand out loud and clear to those “left behind” as
opposed to those staying behind.
The stasis period may last as long as two years. It will last what it takes, and this is related
to the clean up and some massive earth changes that will occur during it. Rather than
putting mankind through a lot of different episodes of earth changes over say the next 100
years, we will do at least that much during stasis. The earth needs this to prepare for the
eventual entry into Monopolarity.
There must be considerably more changes than will be assisted during stasis, but this
allows perhaps at least 25 years before more major ground upheaval, and thus man may
properly prepare in advance. This allows thus also 25 years to get new technologies and
the like in place that are necessary to the actual ascension when it occurs. By actual
ascension in this case, I refer to going into the state of Monopolarity and we estimate
maybe 50 years but that is highly flexible. It would be best to have had enough axis
change and lands going up and down to balance the landmasses around the equator
before Monopolarity, but that is not a necessity. The necessity is the state of mind on the
planet, and the technologies consistent with Monopolarity.
While Esu and Ashtar identified about 1 million really advanced souls capable of
participating in the stasis training period and returning to lead afterwards, 1 million is
actually too many, so the cream of the crop will be around 100,000 selected from this
group. Those not attending “stasis” planning will work however at the soul level and will
have a sense of serving when all is said and done, but these ones will generally be
working at a lower level of responsibility. All of these 100,000 will be directly members of
AbundantHope, working under the Regional Directors. The other “stay behinds” who will
not be part of AH specifically, will however migrate easily into service under these ones.
One of the reasons for not selecting 1 million is to allow man that stays behind or is left
behind, to more fully participate so they can grow out of sheeplehood. Man must determine
the direction. Too many “bosses” would produce following instead of becoming sovereign.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 25
We still do not know how many will be left on the planet after the stasis period is over, that
is determined by soul choices and the effects of the increased energy activity on both the
people and the higher animals, as to whether the physical form survives or not. Actually, all
life forms on the planet will be affected by the increasing light from Jupiter, enhanced
vibration, and removal of the ozone layer. Some of the advancing robotoids will also be
“left behind” because this can greatly increase the numbers who receive Thought
Now, on to a couple other topics at this time. First, “Sorcha Faal” has put out something
regards Operation Plowshare and the supposed nuclear bombing for oil in the arctic. This
is a completely false story, we allow NO nuclear bombs anymore; the planet can‟t handle
the frequency increase they cause. It would greatly shorten the ascension process, and
this is a no no, and it has been artificially shortened already by the use of these
detonations. Operation Plowshare HAD exactly nothing to do with hunting for oil in the
Arctic. It had everything to do with the dark attempting to reverse the poles of the planet
and hopefully change the axis at the same time.
In the Phoenix Journals we covered about the attempt to do this back in 1908, which was
the event in Russia at that time. They didn‟t calculate correctly but the calculations are very
good now and would have been successful if allowed. It was not allowed. I have no idea
why those behind Sorcha are putting out this bit of nonsense at the moment. I discussed
this with Candace back when she was placing the piece from the Phoenix Journals on the
AH site.
There are rumors circulating on the net about lots of stuff to come in December. We do not
know what all will fully manifest between now and Christmas. There is a consideration of
just prior to going into stasis a large show and tell and this is NOT guaranteed, so don‟t
manufacture any dates. By this I mean the show, not stasis, but do not manufacture any
exact dates for stasis to start either. We have some interesting ideas about how much to
expose before stasis, and that depends on man and the games played during these next
weeks. (Candace: show means flyovers.)
Regards stasis, I will take the planet into stasis related to the current Jupiter ignition. And I
could let this ignition happen as we proposed last year prior to the stasis. People MUST
wake up. But the planet is terribly polluted and we must be about healing the planet and
this can‟t be done at the present time in front of the people.
The governments of earth remain highly resistant to any show and tell, but if you have paid
any attention lately, we have increased the sightings and we shall see how the dark ones
respond. Regards this idea there are many lighted ones who think the earth is not ready
yet, regards the religions, but when will they be ready, NEVER at this point? The hold is so
tight. The Catholic church will only admit there must be other life on other planets and it
could possibly be visiting it‟s followers and we pressuring the current pope and his staff to
move further along in that regard, and little is occurring. These ones would rather keep
their people ignorant. The evangelical groups are completely sheepled and serving the
dark and know it not and most of these ministers that lead will not enlighten their flock to
the great Satan they have assisted. Islam will do considerably better than Christianity in
this regard.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 26
Now, as to what my fleet has been doing over the fall months. A great deal. We placed
some replacements you might say into the earth banking groups. This means we removed
some influential darks ones, it is their judgment after all, and replaced them with our clones
of them, so that work might go in a more positive direction. They would have been
murdered outright and quickly if there was much “change” brought about, so these worked
carefully in what was taken to be new world order banking but with “improvements” that
better lead to what we expect to have in progress when the planet is brought out of stasis.
This includes distributions similar to NESARA expanded to GESARA (globally, instead of
US only-C) as we have covered before. This would include the “settlements” which were
off the Wanta monies and converted carefully to global monies for a higher purpose than
rewards for various agreements and the like that were not exactly spiritual in intent. Wanta
basically without his full knowledge was used to collect a great deal of money at the
expense of the Russian people via trading down the Russian Rupple. Enough said at this
point on the banking issues. We dare not expose more than what is known to the dark side
at this point, and this should be considered “hopeful” by you. A global banking system must
be in place as part of lifting the planet, and although this is less that perfect, it is a
springboard for the future.
Obama??? Well, on the Internet many supposed lighted beings told you to vote for him.
Those that did voted in a considerable antichrist personality. This is not even the real
Obama, he too was cloned many years ago by the dark to guarantee service to the New
World Order. (Candace- comparing current pics to ones before he gave that speech in
2004 at the DNC) However, to the American voters, who can not yet fathom voting for
anybody but the two individuals presented to them, this was the better choice. The old
McCains were but a ploy to guarantee Obama would appear to be elected. Was he truly
elected? No. Games played always.
The people just think they voted for him, and yet only the “electoral college” determines
such and most Americans learned little during this long period about the obvious
manipulation in front of their face. The votes for him were assisted by the large non-white
population who wished of course to see a mixed heritage man in office. Why you label
mixed heritage people as black is not of course correct at all. But so be it on planet earth.
We did appreciate Obama calling himself a “mutt” on television. Some honesty there but
also carefully chosen words to appeal to all of mixed genetic heritage in the US of A.
What else is going on with our help behind the scenes? Oh so very much beloveds. We
are everywhere possible PREPARING YOUR WAY. This is not for us to do all the work, it
is for the planetary peoples. We just prepare your way. You who will lead need a level
playing field, and we have created that. There are so many dark ones who are just not
themselves anymore as to fathom the mind. We did not however replace Obama. Had we
attempted to put a nice guy back in, it would have been immediately noticed and done
away with. We are as such sort of allowing some of the new world order plans that prepare
your way with some modifications that will come online and in which quite a few of you who
have been pre selected will carry out when you return after stasis. You know not the plans
consciously at this point, nor should you.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 27
Some of you have dropped away. This is saddening to us, but we hope you will return to
light service after stasis, we understand you are confused. Your higher selves and angels
know your intent. If you are supposed to remain, you will. Apparently some have run out of
patience. We have covered this before. It was necessary to announce stasis and Jupiter a
bit early in hopes of getting cooperation. Government MUST cooperate, and where it has
not, on a global level with this, there have been selected replacements as above.
Even if there had been cooperation, we would have delayed to provide the time necessary
to carry out any forthcoming plans. This team of AH did NOT know at their conscious level
of this so that the words would indeed be “real” to the dark. The light has to be on the sly
always beloveds, in operations against the dark. The dark in fact always lets itself be
known, because it slips up and many times out and out id‟s it‟s activities which are often
then not recognized by the peoples of earth for what they are. The people do not want to
believe it or don‟t know because they have not be taught about how games are played. An
example is the use of look-alikes and clones by the dark. The masses will just not accept
that possibility, especially in mind controlled America.
Now, regards the material concerning the 42 months coming out on the net and we may
have covered before. This is in Revelations. It is NOT the period before ascension. It is the
big clean up period, and it is NOT covered under stasis, time wise. This period started at
the beginning of 2008. At the end of December, all that had not before made a firm
decision must make that decision about whether to stay and ascend or continue their life
streams on other lower physical worlds still not yet even 4d. As we have stated, you are 4d
at this time, which is the get off the fence dimension of severe testing.
So at the end of December, you are 12 months into the so called 42 months of massive
change. That leaves 30 months, give or take a few, for the remainder of the prophesied 42
months. When you come out of stasis, the count picks up again. It is stopped during stasis.
So if I do take the planet into stasis, say on January 1 (no guarantee of this-C), that means
after stasis, there is 30 months of huge trial left. We do not pull one tooth at a time out of a
mouthful of bad teeth. There is thus an approximate 42 month period of huge change. The
end of this period is not the date of ascension. It is simply the end of a 3 ½ year period of
intense work. If not for stasis, this period would need to in fact be far longer.
What should expect over the next weeks? Doubtfully the removal of the US government,
but possibly. There will be no distributions of funds until either a few days prior to stasis, or
after the return from it. It is highly unlikely there will be sufficient control of the banking to
distribute funds. If there are distributions, they will be quietly made to specific entities to
begin some needed changes.
If you are reading what Huber and others are putting out, ignore them. Huber works with
the A *A‟s which should be obvious from his messages dear ones. Shekhmet does not
work with the A &A‟s; this is a lie. You should perhaps review Candace‟s work with her in
the early days of this project. Candace OBSERVED personally the fake channeling of
Shekhmet, she KNOWS. (yes I do and a shock it was when it happened as I sort of liked
the A and A‟s but was asking a lot of questions about them.)
For those of you who have or are straying because the various channelings do not match
the work through Candace and Jess, please understand many are NOT knowledgeable of
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 28
our plans, and some are fakes. AbundantHope is our ground team partners dear ones, and
they are the ONLY ground team partners.
And dark side is out there too, like Huber, deliberately putting out false material. There will
be NO NESARA in the US of A. It is GESARA of the whole world being laid out. It was
discovered by reading the Akashic Records that Dove had been misinformed about Clinton
signing NESARA into law. He did not. That was rumor. Do not blame her, for her service
has been grand, and the NESARA plan was real, it just never manifested and will not
manifest as originally hoped. We gave it up, time is of the essence regards the condition of
GAIA and her life, and either we evacuate the planet and start over, or we do this
intermediate plan. We are doing this intermediate plan.
Please continue with your ideas for missions after stasis, and of course the initial work is
around stabilization of society, and then other mission work can start. Any of you attending
during stasis will also be planning mission work during that time.
At the time, should there be any announcements of star fleet, do what you always intended
to do, and re assure the people in your circles that you have long followed this and the star
visitors are here to help, and this is indeed the Second Coming Process. Namaste, ATON
Candace: The A &A‟s were once on Nancy Tate‟s website. They have their own site now
and it‟s been so long I don‟t recall the names and don‟t wish to go look them up on my old
computer. If you never heard of them, don‟t worry, or google Nancy Tate perhaps. I think
the A&A‟ s site is now called Sunrise of the Golden Disk, but I am not positive. They sell
fake channelings from Shekhmet. My work with her is from 2005 sometime and in the list
of my messages.
I listened into a phone conference the A&A‟s did in February of 2005 after I became public.
I was a guest. At the end of the 2-hour call, it was announced Mother Shekhmet had a
message. I assume from the voice, it was Mr. A doing this. I listened in horror as Mr. A
changed his voice over to a very slow garbled growl for the message, because Shekhmet
is a Lioness in origin. A Paschet to be specific, she calls herself. I don‟t know if Mr. A
pretended to be in a hypnotic state for a trance channeled message, or awake, such as
Daniel Raphael does, but under either condition, his natural voice would have prevailed.
There would have been a noticeable personality change, but not the SLOW….. GROWL.
I learned something that night about the A&A‟s. Before then I didn‟t realize they were total
fakes. I learned a lot more later too, but not needing recalling tonight. Well, maybe a small
memory. They apparently prepared their daily reports a few weeks in advance, including all
that stuff they report from the radio shows. They accidentally put some up once and got
caught red handed by their readers. But they continue on, last I observed still wanted $160
on a prorated basis for a “channeling” from Mother S. I will not put up Mark Huber‟s latest
on my site. If you belong to AHS, it is there. And it mentioned Mother Shekhmet in it.
Regards the comment by CM on my being a Mighty Messenger, you can go to, and use the search to find the coverage in the Urantia Book. The main
chapter in which Trinitized Sons are covered was written my Shekhmet in fact, and she is a
Mighty Messenger herself, but much, much older than I am, having come from one of the
earliest Universes in Orvonton. I am a recent “graduate.”
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 29
Henning also announced recently that he is Trinity Teacher Son, a Daynal. You can also
research that easily in the UB. I will leave it to the individual discretion of my team
members to announce anything about themselves. I was informed by First Source
personally in June 2007 of my status and I confirmed it with my Destiny Guardian Andrea
and Tom my soul mate who is my personal guide in this incarnation. Plus of course Christ
Michael and Esu. Esu is a Mighty Messenger also, and for longer than I am.
As above, I downloaded my monad in May 2002. I have the exact date in a Journal
somewhere. I think May 15, but I am not sure. When you embody your higher self you
become a lot smarter! And more confident. And those of you doing this are to have a place
of importance in rebuilding this world and preparing it for ascension into light and life,
otherwise you would not be embodying your soul. Your body had to undergo some
ascension changes before this became possible. You had to link up some of that “junk
Now the possible time frame of 50 years to ascension is an estimate as stated. There is
NO ascension on December 12, of 2012. That was simply an end date of a calendar by the
Mayan‟s. In fact the calendar was off, because it never matched the Gregorian calendar
which is off by about 8 years in the first place. That date was reached on October 19,
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 30
Mount Rainer is Getting Testy
Christ Michael thru Candace
# 95 December 12, 2008
Dearly beloveds, it is I Christ Michael to bring you some simple and brief updating. Things
are not doing any to well in Washington DC, and there continues to be the absurd idea that
a false flag attack will solve the problems. It will not and although in the USA there is still
considerable lack of awareness of the massive changes, we are doing what we are able
carefully to prevent another false flag attack, anywhere at this time. It is risky on the health
of the mother Planet, as the large fear factor would be very difficult for her.
There is almost certainly, but never positively some major quaking to occur, and this will be
more than sufficient stress to the populations of the USA and those along the Asian rim of
the Pacific Rim of fire. There is a possibility Mt. Rainer will add to the confusion also. We
have been down assessing it, and Candace found some pictures proving our presence.
Mt. Rainer is building huge pressure. Not all volcanoes give much notice of their intent, and
this is that type of volcano. In fact even Mt. St. Helens would have naturally done that, but
that volcano was stimulated by man‟s weapons, which is why she showed signs long
before her eruption. Such is not the case with Rainer. If this mountain does blow, we will
evacuate those that are scheduled for the ascension process in that region. This will draw
little attention because when this blows, if she does, it will be far beyond that which St
Helen‟s did. The pressure is huge, and it is quite beyond relieving it by our technology.
We hope before I take the planet into stasis to have some public announcement of our
presence, we are still working the details, nothing is written yet in stone on this. We most
surely would like a bit of teaching before the process begins, as this will ultimately assist
those that awaken to massive change. It will remain in their memory during stasis.
Your planet is really gnawing at her teeth in anticipation at this time. Many are becoming
sensitive and many around the world are feeling subtle rolling when in a quite mood. The
ground is trembling softly over much of the planet. We must be about the Father‟s
business. There are other volcanoes preparing large shows also about the planet. The
New Madrid is becoming a bit unstable also deep within it.
This full moon syzygy may or may not stimulate major quakes, but the conditions in
California are becoming dire. Rather than a couple large quakes to set up the issues there
have been many many smaller ones, as the whole area is simply loosening up, as best as
can be stated simply. It is gently “liquefying “ in the whole southern California area, from
the southeastern areas across to in particular at this time the San Jacinto fault zone. Your
scientists are perplexed. We have said for some time now the LA basin will go into the sea
and it is all just crumbling heavily now.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 31
It will take little to finish off the process. In addition to all the caverns becoming soggy, and
material moving down from the Yucca Flats testing ranges, the South San Andreas is also
“loosening” up. That area is generally pretty fixed and only experiences large quakes
separated by many many years. It is ready to go.
Now, if it goes, before I start stasis, at this point we will probably just go into stasis. The
area will liquefy over a few days at most, and the fear is going to be stupendous. We will
evacuate as necessary, while my team prepares the stasis process. The ships that initiate
this are all in place and we have run our tests to make sure it goes in perfection. But it
does take a short time to emit the necessary energies.
So I am saying, there is a possibility we will get no chance at education, because this
process may precede our plans, but then again, it may not. We are heavily, heavily
influencing those that wish to war, because no more war is “necessary” nor useful. Many in
government have been met by our representatives, some from off the planet to once again
be advised to stop the crap, in your honest terminology. This is enough tonight, Candace
was asking for an update for all of you. We all await and watch what the Mother will do. As
a final note, the many clusters of quakes that have occurred offshore of Washington and
Oregon, are related to the system of which Mt. Rainer is a part. Namaste, and remain in
peace and preparation. Aton.
Candace: Below is the link to the current California/Nevada quake map.
This link below shows where there have been large clusters of quakes recently around
Trona and close by areas. There was recently a 5+ quake in the Trona area that has now
dropped off the map. There are many more faults in the region than have been discovered
and labeled.
This is another link a bit more south. There was a 5.1 nearly a week ago in Ludlow, with
many, many aftershocks. To the northeast of this area there is a fault called the Death
Valley Fault, and this fault “drains” radiation from the Yucca Flats Testing Grounds in
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 32
The Real Meaning of Separating the Wheat from the
By Esu and Candace
# 96 December 28/29th, 2008
Hello beloveds, It is I Esu, Candace has returned from her trip and reminds me that you
would all like a bit of updating. We await the end of December for the final decisions of all
souls. We have kept otherwise a fair amount of quiet on the earth so that this may go
based on quiet and not on unrest.
Israel is over reacting as usual and it‟s important to see what direction some will take these
final days around that issue, which of course only affects those with an interest in Gaza
and the situation. Gaza of course has been seiged for months now by Israel, and this is
genocide by any book.
We await the first part of the year before we will supply major updating, should it be
needed. We prefer, regards the dark ones at this time to remain quiet. We continue to
hope for opportunity to provide a bit of announcement before the stasis event, and at this
point it is questionable, as it always has been around the opportunity to do so. At any
event, when we return from stasis, the public will be informed since the dark entities will be
out of the way.
I remind all of you that there will be great change in the population, as most souls desiring
to not participate in the ascension will be removed during this time. We have some
questions regards the “dead bodies.” Many of these will decompose quite naturally in the
environment in the areas of earth changes. Otherwise star fleet will likely remove them
where necessary. This will be confused as rapture by some, but the truth will be told.
The banking fiascos will continue per the dark sides intents and we will not interfere during
the remaining short time until the ignition of Jupiter. The public must experience that which
they have to some degree, depending on knowledge, allowed. We expect, because of our
actions to see Obama installed. The planet is rocking quite a bit on her axis, and will not
tolerate major emotional issues of those that would be affected by Obama‟s “demise.”
Which is but one of several scenarios still in planning by the dark.
So undo negativity will not be tolerated, and if it does occur, that will signal the going into
stasis for the planet herself. Also under consideration is allowing the people to be awake
during the ignition. This is just one of several of our own scenarios. This would not be
“seen” as Jupiter would be behind the sun. Do not forget the window of opportunity is
nearly 4 weeks long, from the time the planet is behind the corona of the sun, to when it
emerges into the corona on the other side.
If the people remain “awake” there will be noticeable changes and this is the preferable
scenario if we are unable to take over the airways for a bit of announcement and teaching
prior too. Of course we can forcefully take them over, but to do this requires that star fleet
personnel on the ground have to eliminate the opposing forces, who would otherwise
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 33
create quite some problems if we simply take over the satellites. We are still desiring
cooperation, as this would be the best scenario.
There will be NO funding from any of the stories by Casper and others until after stasis,
and the funding plans will likely be considerably different than prior attempts as such under
“NESARA.” Many under that program may actually not be around, as like everything, the
black co opted the plans and had themselves on the so call list structure. It is still to be
determined during stasis, exactly what the banking situation will be afterwards and it is not
fully known until the populations reductions who will be placed in charge.
When the planetary peoples and higher animals awaken, there will be adequate food
provided, and there must be a plan around money. We are also still studying the idea of
NO money, but this idea requires of course considerable help and teaching in the months
following the awakening. The “list structure of gifting” under NESARA has become quite
inadequate considering the stasis event and Jupiter ignition. It simply will not work.
Now Candace has had some email communications from those still with an address about
who will be on the list of people to be trained during stasis, the approximately 100,000 and
she has gotten some requests to be on that. This is not in her knowledge and she is not
collecting the names. These are choices based on referrals and the like by guardian
angels, and not in the realm of choosing through Candace.
I remind all, we have never in Nebadon done something quite like we are doing at this
time, and thus we don‟t have quite all the answers either. This is an experiment, and if
successful as time goes on, it will form a model for others to follow in dealing with the
darkness that invaded not only Nebadon, but other universes in Orvonton. We have been
learning by experience, and being that Orvonton‟s purpose revolves around exploring
“mercy” to it‟s fullness, it was discovered that there can be too much mercy, which has
allowed an excess of evil combined with machine intelligence to persist.
First Source and those of high rank in the creation have to deal with that which presents
itself, and being that creation is rather elderly at this time, with 6 superuniverses developed
before Orvonton, evil became an issue, particularly as combined with machine intelligence.
Older beings doing various experiments created new forms blended with angelic forms,
(your little greys for example), machine intelligence and other experiments and several of
these got out of hand. Mercy does not work well with that which is not of God. And these
errors must be rectified or the creation will be severely damaged. (Candace: understand
the 6 previous superuniverses are not fully finished and not even the first superuniverse is
totally in light and life.)
In your bible, you have it told the story of separating the wheat from the chaff. The chaff,
for the most part is these blended and strange life forms that do not serve, nor recognize
anything of Creator. They are in a sense part machine, and part life, and the experiments
went quite awry. It is not enough to attempt to separate the deviant mind developed by
using laboratory methods. It must be cleansed completely, by removal.
There will be great loss of life during stasis, or that which some have assumed was life.
Those of you who will be worked with aboard ship will have a better understanding of this
massive cleansing. The elevation of this world is greatly about the removal of energies not
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 34
of God, and the reason of this special prison world has been around collecting this
malformed energies all in one place. These are not suitable for imprisonment on the
Father‟s jail worlds. As you know, there are genetic hybrids easily created, the crossing of
related breeds and this is quite the norm in nature. But when it comes to mind, it is NOT
the norm and that is the problem that has invaded Nebadon and other universes.
Christ Michael‟s seed planet was contaminated with abnormal mind from the blending of
machine mind and human mind. Thus his choice to use this as a prison world to segregate
these issues and prevent further contamination of the larger creation.
I do not know how many will leave during this stasis. Machine mind doesn‟t work in the
higher energies Jupiter will add to the planet. Plus we add other energies also that it does
not function under. Many of the “robotoids” we have spoken of are of this abnormal mind
blend and can never grow. The DNA which generates mind is contaminated in these ones.
The only ones that have ever received a thought adjuster are the few that are of mixed
marriages, between the fully human and a partially human robotoid.
You will not be able to greatly expand your length of life on this planet as long as these
ones are upon it. It will continue to downgrade the DNA further. These ones never learn to
not war. They never learn to control their reproduction and the like. They never learn to
think critically, anymore than one of your computers could think critically. This is why it is
not possible for simple teaching about God to work with these ones.
The estimated period of stasis is 2 years, but this is a rough estimate at best. It could be
longer. Galactic scientists, both Ascending and Descending in origin will work to remove
every last trace of this damage from the genome of this planet. That is why we can‟t say
what the reduction in population will be.
We have worked above you for many years to lift up the genetics of this planet, and the
little greys have created hybrids that can‟t be allowed either and all of their hybrids will face
removal from this solar system. In many cases, the somewhat individual minds will face
uncreation, this is the only way to get the abnormalities removed.
So many of your black ops folks are of this abnormality. This is not just the normal “evil.”
This is something beyond evil. There is no true description for it. Most “evil” is by intent,
until one‟s “grow up.” These we are speaking of, never grow up morally. These will be quite
carefully “dissected” out of the creation. I hope this brief message will help all of you to
truly understand, that which is in revelations now, regards separating the Wheat, from the
Chaff. Of course, those not ready for ascension yet will also be removed to appropriate
worlds, as this is part of the normal process of ascending a planet. But Earth is special and
not of the normal process.
We have waited this long for this separation, because the DNA was so very contaminated,
it was necessary to rework some of it, so star seeds could incarnate to form the basis of a
new and healthy society. Some of you are so very frustrated with those that don‟t “get”
what you know. They will never “get” what you know and understand of God. Machine
mind never knows God.
The issues have been most complex and it‟s not enough to merely, say blow up a planet to
stop the problem, the problem is rather spread out, and pervades the lower astral realms.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 35
During stasis even some other animal/machine life forms that were contaminated will also
be removed. I think we mentioned that some of the unfit forms would be removed some
time in the past through these messages. This is quite enough to ponder this evening.
Continue to seriously work your planning of missions, and consider that the total removal
will be quite huge number of life forms that are not fully of the Creator.
Namaste, Esu
Candace: I was quite tired from my drive on my return trip and didn‟t put this up last night,
desiring a full night‟s sleep first and recovery from an irritated stomach. I feel much better
today. I had slept poorly the night on the way home, some strange person was exercising
or something over my room, non stop since they checked in and I finally called the office at
2:30 in the morning. I usually sleep through stuff like this, but a day of coffee on the road I
guess was disturbing my sleep anyway.
I did have a marvelous trip, having overcome my reticence to driving long distances alone.
I much enjoyed being in the company for 5 wonderful days, of a dear one (JB) of like mind,
never once having to be other than who I AM. That was quite a joyful experience and I am
much refreshed!
This was clearly the best “Christmas” I have experienced in all of my 61 years. And then on
my way home, I also enjoyed a lovely lunch and conversation with Dhyana Markely.
Of interest in this story of machine mind or artificial intelligence, is a bit of teaching in the
Lyricus material I have been expanding upon. I think this is discussed in my Part 3. It is
mentioned that civilizations who do not control machine intelligence do not do as well.
Machine intelligence can evolve faster than organic evolution.
There are many stories on earth, of combinations of man and machine. I believe there is
some of this in Dolores Cannon‟s books. Probably in her book titled Convoluted Universe
In my piece “Mother Shekhmet Speaks”, she told us she will be involved in re-developing
the missing links in our evolutionary seed planet. Those of you who have not read that
work will enjoy it. Summer 2005 I believe. You can search for it if interested.
Regards what would be noticed should Jupiter be ignited, and we aren‟t in stasis, is huge
auroras, dysfunction of satellites, sudden increases in earthquakes and incredible winds
and weather. If I recall correctly from last years information, there would be a shock blast
to earth about 4 days after the ignition. I would assume if not before, that the dark would
begin making their way to their underground shelters they have been building. They simply
will not be able to relieve the fear the public will have of something terribly wrong and split.
We could then do a quick teaching and take the planet into stasis at that time.
To you dark thugs who read here, understand you have no way out. Wouldn‟t it make
sense to finally allow star fleet to intercede? We can do much teaching and assist the
people in understanding what is occurring. In fact, I have no problem personally if all of you
just get up and leave right now to your areas of supposed safety. And what will you be safe
from, should you vacate?
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 36
There is nowhere you can truly run, and any of you with a soul, now‟s the time to make the
right choice isn‟t it? You have but a bit over 2 more days by my counting this morning. And
you know, if you make a thinking correct moral choice, you might just get a Father
fragment, if you currently do not have one, and thus the opportunity to explore taking the
eternal journey in service to the creation.
The new year of 2009 is going to be truly a NEW year. PLEASE VACATE AND ALLOW
greatly hindered with your propaganda how God works, God is going to need to take over
the airways to broadcast his message. Please stand down and allow this. In fact, enable
and take part in it, for your own potential growth. Please begin to discover the true joy of
service to others, service to God of Love and not your slave masters. I remind you who
“follow” Lucifer, that he chose to be uncreated, thus he will NOT be returning for you. And
following of this sort is called slavery, anyway. The idea is to become sovereign and stop
the following and giving your power to those not of God. Take care, Candace
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 37
You Will NOT Win this One
Christ Michael thru Candace
# 97 January 3, 2008
Dearly Beloveds who read at AbundantHope, Please be making contact with your various
officials around the world to protest the attack on Gaza. This is a final testing situation so to
speak for certain countries and the like.
Now, I have a note to the dark who read here for updating. You have already seen what
Hal Turner has put out, and I guarantee you there is considerably more going on than what
is exposed there. The major players have united against you Israel and just as it is being
said on TV that Gaza shall be your tomb, your tomb apparently has been already created,
and it is possibly now at this date TOO LATE to pull back, but I certainly suggest you do so
at once, in order to cut the potential death rate of your own citizens. It is well known you
have NO problems massacring your own either, or setting them up to be massacred.
You will not win this one and in order to preserve lives, because the Chinese, Russians,
and Iranians in particular have taken alliance against you and it is time to peacefully and
suddenly retreat. These other countries can well end it all for you, and star fleet will not
stand in their way.
That is enough for now.
Namaste, Christ Michael Aton.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 38
Christ Michael's Answers Some Questions About
By Christ Michael thru Candace
# 98 January 21 and 22, 2009
Candace: We started this yesterday. It was intended to be a bit longer, but he had
something come up and made it brief. I had stupid computer problems, gremlins last night
and it took me a search to find it, even though I had saved it in the file I keep channelings
in. Finally I had it in hand and a whole paragraph was totally messed, and so we
reconstructed that today and he added some more material, which I have added as a PS.
Dearly beloveds, It is I Christ Michael. This will be a brief courtesy update as we have
suddenly become engaged in a serious issue that is not of concern to this project but
something else. I had promised a somewhat longer message with Candace, perhaps a bit
I can say that the recent downing of the aircraft in the Hudson was our terminating a false
flag attack, but while certain investigating is going on by earth authorities, I will not reveal
details. We did tractor beam the craft into the river and get assistance to it by sending code
to the operators of the surrounding riverboats. I simply advise you to observe the varying
games at this point in the news and learn from that.
Candace has been getting questions about stasis and what to expect after a long period. A
large question is about whether bodies will be removed or not. In many cases yes, and in
others, nature will do what nature does. The people of earth need to realize immediately
that this was not a rapture as missing bodies would cause some to believe it was rapture.
Where guides are available to assess individual situations people will not wake up to
sharing their beds with a skeleton either. We will not be cutting the weeds and the like and
of course what happens to food and the like, it will be whatever is left over two years time.
People will not awaken to neatly trimmed lawns.
In regards to questions about the children: Star children who are staying but losing both
parents will awaken in a special area set aside for this purpose. Now in comment to that
statement, understand star kids and all reincarnating “children” are not children dear ones,
and some of these will return in cloned bodies, or even possibly their “real” light bodies.
The only “children” on your plane are the few that are animals moving up and which live in
your simple indigenous races, or the robotoid children. There are very few true “new souls”
out of the evolutionary process, having a first life as a child on your plane. You have
millions of animals on your other side awaiting the beginning of their incarnations in the
human type body, and actually some of these may well start into the purpoises and the
like, who are in many cases more advanced spiritually than you who have arms and legs.
In general children of robotoids will likely not survive at all. They tend to not receive
thought adjusters as children. Most of the robotoids who receive adjusters do so in
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 39
adulthood at some point. Children of parents that do have thought adjusters but are not
remaining, will find themselves in nurseries on the other side or on the mansion worlds if
they do not survive physically. If they do survive physically, they will also be cared for until
they can be placed in adoptive homes.
This will be amongst your first priorities, this and providing for the living animals that are
abandoned. In general children who have received a thought adjuster in this life and are
not ready for ascension and most would not be will find themselves on the mansion worlds,
if they made the 3rd circle, or again, in nurseries on your other side, or nurseries the other
side of worlds in which their parents may be moving.
I remind you, every ensouled person, whether in a child‟s body or not, has made their
decision as to whether they wish to continue their journey here or not, and all ensouled
people have angelic guardians who oversee this process.
We do also have the new planet, and individuals and whole families who have been
chosen this option will go in body to this planet. They will be awakened in intervals, as we
do not want too many enmass. Those going to the new planet in body from the areas
around the Pacific Rim will go first to that planet. You already have 200,000 living people
from this planet now on that world. No criminals are allowed on this new planet. Neither will
robotoids be going to that planet because it is being started only by somewhat more
advanced souls who have the durability to begin a new journey. At the end of stasis, there
will be perhaps 2-3 million people there.
Leave the children in our hands and not to worry. Do not forget we will be on the television
and radio immediately as the planet is coming out of stasis to provide the necessary
education. All has been provided for that which is necessary. Communications, heat,
lighting will be functioning. There will be adequate food in storage and will be delivered
promptly to stores. In some areas we will “drop” “manna” and other necessary supplies
until the people can resume. YOU WILL NOT BE LEFT BEHIND WITHOUT
When now you ask????? Any time dear ones, anytime. I will not give the details of
possibilities, these have been suggested before and Candace placed some commentary
recently. I will not alert the dark who read here in advance of the exact timing and
conditions. If there is emergency, we will go directly to stasis. Otherwise, you will “know” as
you watch each of the coming days. Simply live your lives normally, as you wait Patiently.
Namaste, Aton
PS, Added January 22, 2009: Now another commentary on Jupiter. It is not matching your
profiles and computer programs. It was not last year, and it has not for a period of time
now. Your scientists manipulate the data to keep people in not knowing. Some have also
asked the question about the moon, when you were in stasis during the entry into the
photon belt many years ago. Most of you should know by now that your moon is artificial,
created elsewhere and towed to this world. Consider that we could tow the moon so it
matches the expected cycles. Whether we did or not, I will leave you to ponder that. We
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 40
can also tow Jupiter or retard its progress to buy time. Besides the length of your year
changing, there are many other possibilities to consider in the broad game.
You will find in your Urantia Book that long ago another system came close to your sun
and drew off pieces of it that became some of your planets. Solar systems are built dear
ones, they are not necessarily “natural.” Another system was towed close to your sun to
cause chunks of it to separate. And you have planets which are not from your sun also
within it. Venus is one example. It was a wandering dead chunk of an old sun that was
called the destroyer when it visited your world periodically. It was placed in orbit, as part of
stabilizing this system, so it did not destroy again, and it is suitable to begin terraforming,
and that has started.
You must have a balanced solar system for light and life. This includes the outer gas
planets becoming suns, and this helps keep the balance of energies. You are being towed
into a different location, which you will also benefit from an eternal energy stream. In sense
it will be sort of like being forever in a photon belt, but without the full cleansing force of a
photon belt that you have experienced in previous cycles.
Are some of you old enough to notice the stars are not where they used to be? Lots of
natives, indigenous peoples have noticed. In fact many of your stars are not stars, they are
placemats of ships so your sky doesn‟t change too much at this time. You can‟t tell from
your back yard telescopes what is a ship and what is a star. If it changes color and/or
twinkles a lot, it is likely a ship dear ones, look skyward. Most of you have no idea what is
in your sky at night, except for perhaps the famous big dipper. And your 7 sisters are ships
for the time being too. You will remain circling Alcyone, but those real sisters have moved
considerably at the present time, from your view point.
We can and have retarded Jupiter‟s location. It buys time. We could just as well move it
forwards, had I decided on stasis earlier last year. You ones on the planet who consider
yourselves “modern” rarely even know what is in your skies. Candace has been watching
Jupiter now for a few years, and she is correct that it was still in her view recently, and that
last year it failed to show “on time” in the eastern morning sky. I will leave you guessing
Candace: I am not interested in adding much teaching to this. If they retarded Jupiter last
year, (which was not suggested to me, but would explain why it took so long to show back
up again last winter, then unless they moved it forwards, it is still running behind, isn‟t it?
So it was not in at its closest to us on the expected date this summer either. Oh well, fun to
watch and ponder.
Regards the comment above about making the 3rd circle, this is covered someplace in the
Urantia Book. There are 7 circles, but I really haven‟t a clue what is involved to obtain each
one. However, one has to obtain the 3rd circle (7th circle being the least spiritual), except
during end of cycle resurrections, to be able to go to the mansion worlds upon death.
People “sleep” i.e., reincarnate without past life memories, until they make the required
amount of spiritual progress.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 41
We Have Our Glorious New Sun
Christ Michael thru Candace
# 99 February 12, 2009
Oh MY, my dearly beloveds, we have a most bodacious glorious new sun! It has been
quite a challenge for the team from Paradise who does these things. This was a very
difficult situation, but one needed to ascend the planet and the solar system into Eternal
We could not have done this last year, because the involution process went terribly bad
and we had great risk of creating a black hole, or a ball of matter so tightly compressed
that the planet would have exploded into bits and pieces instead of flaring into a sun.
It is beautiful. I wish I could send a digital picture, but you shall see it soon enough, but
mostly likely after stasis, which will still seem soon enough! A digital pic would not do it
justice anyway. We are not sure of its ultimate size, the growth process will continue for a
bit of time.
Candace will place a little info at the end on this as there is a website where you can
observe evidence of its little puffs as it grows. Brilliant beautiful white high-energy sun! It of
course is not a large sun, but enough to stimulate the necessary changes for a solar
system to enter Light and Life.
This little sun will reenergize your larger sun. And the larger sun reenergizes the little sun,
a back and forth process. Your entire solar system is being towed gradually to a new
location closer to Alcyone and also into an energy river at some point which will also
sustain this solar system.
Right now the photon belt adds a great deal of energy and will add so to this new system
over the time you are in it. This new little sun is gobbling up energy like a new baby does,
and it is a new baby! As it gobbles up the food it needs it grows bigger, as all babies do,
until it reaches its adult size.
Now, we have this issue to discuss, of no big proton blast yet. Well, we initiated this sun on
Thursday January 29th. It took about six days for the process to bloom, which occurred on
Candace‟s time, late February 4th. A bit late, like all premature babies who are not fully
developed in some way. I say premature, simply because this little sun was made of really
compacted matter typical of this dark solar system, and thus was not a fully mature
baby as are normal gas planets being made into suns. This was not a full term baby, and
actually would never have been.
This has been a long and arduous process for all. I choose to not put out that we were
having problems delivering our baby last year. And so I choose that for purposes of
working with the dark ones, that we had announced early to allow more preparation. There
is a reason for my “madness” in this and I ask your forgiveness simply because you do not
sit where I sit.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 42
If we had never attempted to make Jupiter a sun, this solar system would have continued
to deteriorate and become eventually a type of black hole of compressed matter that would
eventually simply explode into a new creation. There are reasons this was not the desired
Now the folks that build solar systems are a special group of Descending Sons from
Paradise, which are more of less spoken of in the Urantia Book. This is not in the domain
of the Creator Sons and their sons. This level of creation is beyond almost anyone that
lives in the Central Universe, except for this group.
Now, because of the difficulties encountered, little of creation is as dark as it is here dear
ones. There were 3 possibilities in this covered above, but repeated here. We could have
an explosion of Jupiter into bits and pieces, an involution that would have produce a black
hole that would have sucked the solar system into it over time, or a sun. WE HAVE OUR
Now, because this process did not go in the normal circumstances of a more mature baby,
its evolution process into a sun did not go normally either. It was more gradual and did not
produce the big blast of protons that was expected. It did not scream the lusty new scream
of a big newborn. It made lots of little fusses and whimpers, putting out little puffs of
protons and other subatomic particles.
And it will continue for a time to send little puffs of them in your direction. You have
avoided some difficulty, such as having your satellites go out and the like. But the
pressures will continue to build and disturb the earth and her people. There is already
plenty of affects now in growing winds and bad weather. Earthquakes will come forth, and
there is a continuous measure of “static electricity” that has increased and will increase,
making people miserable. And shortly the sun will become obvious, in the later part of
March in your morning skies.
However, it will also shortly be visible on SOHO pictures and this is the reason behind the
new “bake out.” Dark side knows and yesterday some “graffiti artists” posted a couple of
photo shopped LASCO c2 images. Really bad job, but I guess they wanted to show you
something! They have their plans for how to deal with this. See if it manifests or not. They
can‟t cover it forever and many are headed to their underground shelters built for purposes
such as this. Apparently as near as we can make out, your new president does not know
yet. He will likely be taken to shelter too, or left to the mess; we are not sure.
Of course we are still going into stasis, and we have some other ideas to explore since we
didn‟t have the expected blast that would have convinced people something was terribly
wrong in their solar system. We are reconfiguring dates on this a bit, because I still desire
for earth‟s residents to realize something of the end times is coming.
Your dark friends also have some ideas, as evidenced by the SOHO pics and the sudden
bake out. Those images from yesterday are so very awful and they can‟t remake the mess
since Candace has announced them, and others are confused also who follow SOHO
regularly. We shall see how they play. As always, the dark don‟t create, they just mess up
everything they do.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 43
The satellite incident yesterday was no accident either. It may well be used to create
confusion as part of this story. One of them was dead, the other not. I won‟t give the
details, it is known who did this to us. I do think we will go into stasis before Jupiter
emerges as a new morning star apparent to all, because there are going to be lots of
weather problems. You have this already in the fires in Australia and the winds in America
and other places.
We still do not expect to be able to make any public statements, but if enough flee,
perhaps we can do something, an opportunity will arise, unless there is satellite damage.
And it could be the dark will do us a favor anyway by whatever game they might play and
we can use that. They have to play something! We will play with them as necessary. And
the game will likely be secret without updates unless I want to give them some clues as
part of the game.
So dear ones, it is time to let Candace post this after she adds a bit to it. We are definitely
on the red road to ascension of the Solar System. Namaste, Christ Michael, Aton, The Big
Cheese of Nebadon, with a big happy smile on his face!
Candace: Ok, I have posted the links before for watching the back of the sun. The best
one, which shows the changes is
which is updated each day about 16 UTC. This page has just the current image, plus
images of activity around North and South Pole. This Link has all the archived images
since mid January. This will “prove”
the little puffs mentioned above.
Regards the SOHO discussion, I placed a piece yesterday about the issue of some false
LASCO C2 images placed on SOHO yesterday. SOHO also has been taking a break
starting February 6 that was to last about a week if I recall correctly and there have been
no new EIT images there since then. However today, we are told there is a big bake out
going on. The equipment picks up moisture and they have little heaters or something like
that dry out the equipment and this is called a bake out.
Now, in the Urantia Book, you can check out Paper #29, called the Universe Power
Directors for beings that do this sort of thing and more. There‟s a bunch in that list and I will
let those interested go explore more at I have not re read it at this time,
and I don‟t remember all of what is there. Also there are several papers dealing with the
creation of our universe which mention and describe these beings. Paper 32 is quite
interesting, titled the Evolution of Local Universes. Paper 57, The origin of Urantia
described first the Nebula called Andronover, which is the parent nebula of our solar
system, and one of several Nebulas that became Nebadon.
Here are the first paragraphs:
IN PRESENTING excerpts from the archives of Jerusem for the records of Urantia
respecting its antecedents and early history, we are directed to reckon time in terms of
current usage--the present leap-year calendar of 3651/4 days to the year. As a rule, no
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 44
attempt will be made to give exact years, though they are of record. We will use the
nearest whole numbers as the better method of presenting these historic facts.
When referring to an event as of one or two millions of years ago, we intend to date such
an occurrence back that number of years from the early decades of the twentieth century
of the Christian era. We will thus depict these far-distant events as occurring in even
periods of thousands, millions, and billions of years.
Urantia is of origin in your sun, and your sun is one of the multifarious offspring of the
Andronover nebula, which was onetime organized as a component part of the physical
power and material matter of the local universe of Nebadon. And this great nebula itself
took origin in the universal force-charge of space in the superuniverse of Orvonton, long,
long ago.
At the time of the beginning of this recital, the Primary Master Force Organizers of
Paradise had long been in full control of the space-energies which were later organized as
the Andronover nebula.
987,000,000,000 years ago associate force organizer and then acting inspector number
811,307 of the Orvonton series, traveling out from Uversa, reported to the Ancients of
Days that space conditions were favorable for the initiation of materialization phenomena
in a certain sector of the, then, easterly segment of Orvonton.
900,000,000,000 years ago the Uversa archives testify, there was recorded a permit
issued by the Uversa Council of Equilibrium to the superuniverse government authorizing
the dispatch of a force organizer and staff to the region
Page 652
previously designated by inspector number 811,307. The Orvonton authorities
commissioned the original discoverer of this potential universe to execute the mandate of
the Ancients of Days calling for the organization of a new material creation.
The recording of this permit signifies that the force organizer and staff had already
departed from Uversa on the long journey to that easterly space sector where they were
subsequently to engage in those protracted activities which would terminate in the
emergence of a new physical creation in Orvonton.
875,000,000,000 years ago the enormous Andronover nebula number 876,926 was duly
initiated. Only the presence of the force organizer and the liaison staff was required to
inaugurate the energy whirl which eventually grew into this vast cyclone of space.
Subsequent to the initiation of such nebular revolutions, the living force organizers simply
withdraw at right angles to the plane of the revolutionary disk, and from that time forward,
the inherent qualities of energy insure the progressive and orderly evolution of such a new
physical system.
I bolded “duly initiated” above, since we have discussed that Jupiter needed to be, and
was “initiated.” While I was getting the little bit above from the UB online rather than typing
it out, this is the Thought for the Day posted on the site:
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 45
Today's "Thought to Ponder" from The Urantia Book:
The goal of eternity is ahead! The adventure of divinity attainment lies before you! The
race for perfection is on! whosoever will may enter, and certain victory will crown the efforts
of every human being who will run the race of faith and trust, depending every step of the
way on the leading of the indwelling Adjuster and on the guidance of that good spirit of the
Universe Son, which so freely has been poured out upon all flesh. [365:4]
And my what times we are in! We live today under the personal return presence of our
Creator Son, and are witness to the newest “baby” of our solar system! Be in Peace and
Joy, Candace
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 46
With Deep Gratitude On Valentine‟s Day
Christ Michael thru Candace
# 100 February 14, 2009
Dearly Beloveds, Tonight I offer you my deeply felt Gratitude for all that you have endured
with me over the past four years since Candace began to publicly serve. I know the
journey has been long. I have personal experience on this plane with that of 2000 years
ago. There was many a day that could get what you label depressing. A few responded at
those times and most were not sure and so it goes still today.
All of you have had to deal with members of your circles that are not accepting,
considering you anywhere from a nuisance, to being of Satan. Some of you have lost
children and marriages to your life choice to serve the cause.
Some of you have become divided from others in your observance of this material or the
choice to not believe it. Division of this sort, though personally distressing, is all about the
ascension and being now in 4d, the get off the fence dimension. It was time to choose
whom to serve in the big game, and you who have prevailed these last 4 years are the
Because of your service then, and your ability to stay the course at all odds, you are the
ones that shall build up the new earth. You have stood tall, and you are trusted with great
responsibility. I am personally and forever grateful.
Now that we have birthed the new baby, we can truly move forward. Light energy, the
photon carries a great deal of information, much more than the election. As these new
photons pervade earth, man shall finally rise up from his long slumber. This was so very
important to this solar system and to man and animal alike. We much needed Jupiter to
kick of the gall game. I am in great joy that those that build suns have been successful, as
this was a challenging job for them.
I appreciate greatly those of you who have had the courage to wait this extra year, so we
could do it right. Candace has read your kinds words to me and I thank you personally for
expressing the joy that is Jupiter. Always there is joy in the birthing of a new being. And so
it is now. I chose to use the “baby” story, as the thought of a baby always brings joy in
Now the real work begins beloveds. We must nourish the baby. You must accept the new
photons and spread them around. You do this by opening your crown chakra and mentally
drawing them through and then sending them out around you. In passing them through you
with love, you nourish the baby. Do this often, everywhere you go. Spread the gifts of the
new baby. Love everyone that comes into your presence and radiate the gifts of the
Father‟s love through his new son. (Sun).
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 47
I am still awaiting the decisions of the dark ones before initiating the stasis. By this I mean,
what game will they play? You have been patient so long, let your patience go just a bit
longer, and while you wait, do the exercise above. Nobody need know you are doing it, but
add in a smile where you have opportunity. That is all for now. You are my Valentines this
Valentine‟s Day and always. Namaste, in great love of your efforts, Christ Michael.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 48
Impending Magnetic Pole Reversal
By Christ Michael and Candace
# 101 March 18, 2009
Candace: 3.23: I short note on my chart. I discovered on the shadow cast on my table in
my south bedroom, that the sun due to the shape of the window actually hits it twice a day,
and so this wasn't an abnormal movement backwards. This evening I will try to get a chart
up separately from this piece, as I measure a couple more places and will redo it in a
manner that it will post correctly here and then I can update it each day.
Candace: I discussed what I was seeing with everybody I know “up there” and was
beginning to want something for you all, feeling it appropriate, but not wanting to put out
something too early. The sun seemed to nearly stop that morning of March 18th, and I
freaked a bit. Then it took off again. I have held this piece since then, wanting to acquire
more data and not put it out too early. Tonight Christ Michael dinged my head really
strongly and said he wanted it up now. He had agreed to my desire to wait a bit. I
completely re wrote my part and made a little chart of simple date through this evening,
Saturday, March 21, 2009. There was a coronal hole expected March 20, and this has
been minor and strange. I expected it to be bigger, it‟s not acting normally. I assumed the
coronal hole might well stabilize the magnetic field for a bit, which is one reason I wanted
to wait awhile. OK, on to the piece.
Christ Michael: Dearly beloveds, Candace will do a large quantity of filling you in at the
end of this regards the noticeable changes. The planet is going into magnetic pole reversal
and we have made the decision to not prevent it, but merely keep it slowed down.
Candace informed me of the sun rising 20 minutes LATE today, and that is a large clue
beloveds. I do not fully time your sunrise because I am parked out past Saturn‟s orbit right
now. (Candace: it was probably not that late, the previous measurement was EARLY. 20
minutes change from Monday to Wednesday is huge.)
Now this is a magnetic pole reversal, not a flip or axis change. This means the sun will
continue to slow down, maybe be more erratic in this for up to perhaps a day, perhaps
sooner, perhaps a bit longer. This means the planet is preparing to slow her rotation. Then
it will stop for a period of time, a few hours at most, and then the sun will begin moving
backwards to set again in the east, or nor rise at all for some of you. This is the period of 3
days of darkness as the planet gradually stops, reverses and keeps up the reversal until
the sun rises in the west.
This is the day of Judgment in your religious books, as many do not survive, and the earth
changes greatly pick up, but not to the degree they do from an large axis change. We will
keep the change very slow, lasting approximately a couple weeks which will slow the earth
changes. We do not wish to have massive lost of life from carbon dioxide in the air.
Now, once this is flagrantly obvious to earth residents, we will start the stasis process,
which will take about 4 hours. I desire earth residents that will survive this and awaken out
of stasis to see this. This is in part the result of Jupiter, and why we have kept its progress
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 49
greatly slowed, so we have more control. Those of you who think you are watching Jupiter
are watching “Star Ship Jupiter” as Candace likes to call it, and star ship Venus too dear
ones, which for the last year at least has been dancing in the sky periodically.
You on earth are not waking up much to this with Venus and other starships dancing at
night. But so be it. You will awaken rapidly shortly and many religions know of what pole
reversals are. If not by that name, the 3 days of darkness will get attention, when the sun
begins to move backwards.
The plans otherwise change not. There will not be a general evacuation, since most people
would not board ship anyway, and also because we will go into stasis and proceed as
expected. However, we have not said this before, this was going to occur during
stasis anyway, and the people would awaken to the western sunrise.
We have suggested there would be significant earth changes during stasis, and this is one
method of accomplishing that. We have done all we can do in terms of awakening a
sleeping people and it has not been successful. Yes, some, but not enough. So we allow
the Mother her freedom at this time. The pollution is huge, the dark have already installed
most of the New World Order excepting Russia and China, and there are awful things
coming your way. Since enough of earth residents have asked for intervention even if they
don‟t know what they are asking for, that is why we have gone with this other plan of the
last several years of coverage of such.
The length of stasis is not determined, as it is based on observation, time, and fixing of
issues, necessary earth changes and the like. Two years is but a simple estimate. We will
be putting most of the life on the planet into stasis, until the earth movements are stabilized
and the air cleansed enough of carbon dioxide to awaken the animal life. Plants will benefit
from the higher levels of carbon dioxide and this is useful and needed in fact. Some life
forms will be evacuated during the early parts, and all who are continuing the ascension
will be evacuated after stasis is in place to areas of safety IF in harms way. Build-ups of
carbon dioxide and other chemicals do not affect bodies in stasis. This is why a more
general stasis as been planned but not released for some time now.
Now I do suggest getting some batteries, as electricity may cease or be sporadic. We will
make sure all on earth are aware of this before the stasis starts. Some are asleep right
now, and may or may not see a rising sun when they awaken, but it won‟t be up any to
Now the planet might right herself a bit longer, but probably not. Have lighting if you
need it, and blankets for cold depending on your climate. A long night will be ahead for
some. Please, as soon as you notice the sun stopping, get in touch with all your circles and
let them know to not be afraid. We will not have access to TV and many of your dark are
attempting to flee now, they know. I will stop here and let Candace post her observations
so we can get this up. I will meet many of you during the stasis period and have no fear
over these few remaining hours, but do help others through it until stasis begins. Again,
wait until the evidence is huge, before contacting them.
Namaste, Christ Michael/Aton
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 50
Candace: Well, something went amiss over 3 weeks ago, on Monday February 23. I was
rather suddenly struck with quite severe vertigo to the point my eyes must have been
moving, because the furniture was moving back and forth. This persisted for perhaps an
hour, and settled a bit and I was able to barely drive to attend something of importance to
me. During the next several hours it came and went, and has been persistent since then,
mostly if I bend over and that sort of thing, but sometimes no bending required. . I did beg
for an answer as to what was going on, but was told no…… for now on that knowledge, but
my guess was the planet was rocking and rolling enough to disturb the balancing
mechanism of the ears. This has greatly decreased now. I haven‟t noticed eye movement
since that first day. I went complaining to Andrea my guardian angel but she refused to
suggest ideas except the Mother was having problems.
I have watched the Big Dipper for years. Last spring sometime somebody put out on the
Internet that the earth‟s tilt had changed and I didn‟t want to believe the degree of change
until The Big Dipper was hanging around where I normally watch it in the summer and it
seemed a bit south from what it used to be at that time of the year. This persisted; I didn‟t
notice it moving around.
Lately it moves north and south frequently, as it is currently in the North East in the
evening. I can‟t tell if it moves east west, but I can tell the north south by the amount of
tipping back of my head to see it. When it‟s north, I just have to lift my eyes. It has moved
south enough I have to really crank my head back. I make sure I stand in exactly the same
place on my driveway which lies north south. My home is set almost perfectly east/west
and North South.
Now about 2 ½ weeks ago which I can sort of date because of based on my activities then,
I was working on the computer early evening and noticed it was suddenly nearly dark at
7:10. I was messaging with a friend and that‟s why I remember the time. I was quite
disturbed by this, knowing it meant a disturbance in the earth‟s rotation. If sunset or sunrise
are early, this implies an increase in the speed of rotation. The sky was clear, so clouds
weren‟t the cause of the problem. It was just about dark enough for the stars to come out
On March 6, a person who was a professional astronomer for 41 years posted on a forum I
visit that the sun had since the day before (3/5) moved 15 degrees south at sunset. She
had been observing it for 2 months, because it wasn‟t moving very fast north apparently. I
am not fully sure of those details, but several people the last few days have been stating
the sun is still too far south for this time of year, which would explain her watching it for
these past 2 months. I concur to some degree, because the sun at mid day is just a bit
above my south window, which feels odd and I thought at times it wasn‟t as far south as it
should be for winter. I pay some degree of attention for the free heat through that window.
She recorded more movement over the next 24 hours and the total movement in 2 days
was 30 degrees south! It is supposed to move north after Solstice in December. (For those
in the Northern Hemisphere)
I began to notice sunrise times fluctuating back and forth for several days, over a span of
10 minutes or so, but did not write it down, and also some north south fluctuating at
sunrise. A member of my team who is outdoors at 7 in the morning regularly sometimes
was needing to turn on his car lights, and other times had sunlight already the past week or
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 51
so. Now the sunrise and set varies 1-2 minutes, each day. It should continue north until
June 20th, then move south again. I began to watch the sunset from a place where I could
easily see whether it was moving north or south, but again, not being careful about the
Well, Sunday March 17th, I decided I had best starting documenting all this better. CM and
Esu told we had an impending pole reversal and that a few weeks of this huge degree of
fluctuation are part of that process. There are daily changes, often even in an hours time,
of tilt and rotation. Each day I am marking more places in my house to chart shadow
moving etc. so I can easily see a difference. Last weekend, they said they had been
correcting the changes but a meeting was to be held to determine whether to throw in the
rag or not, and just allow the reversal. As you can see above, a controlled reversal was
going to be carried out during stasis. So the meeting was held and the decision made to
stop interfering with corrections. The reason I asked for the piece above if appropriate on
Wednesday is because I witnessed the sun apparently stopping for maybe an hour that
I am going to make a chart below of my observations recorded since Monday. Now the
sunrise and set times are not actual. They are the times at the locations I am watching that
I have chosen where I can observe also north south movement. I assume the sun is setting
a bit earlier than what charts say for Denver, because they aren‟t including the effect of the
mountains. In general this week sunrise is shortly after 7 am, moving to 7 am this morning,
and from 7:10 on this week for set. I determine “high noon” by shadow, when there is no
angle. It‟s easy to do. High noon should be roughly the middle period between rise and set,
so this is a few minutes after 1 pm, on MDT. We have roughly 12 hours from rise to set
right now. My sunrise position is when the disk is fully above my shed. By using my shed
with my east facing sliding window, the center section is perfect to determine direction.
Now the sun does begin to move south right after the rise. I do not have a clear view of
rise, a hill, castle and big tree create a problem right now. I don‟t feel like driving
somewhere that early to get a better view.
I placed some tape on a table in front of my south window. I have 2 places marked, and I
placed an earlier mark on the table a day later. If I don‟t have data for these locations, you
see either “none” meaning I hadn‟t set it up yet, or clouds. At set and rise I will put N or S
for direction of sun movement if available. The 2nd table mark is shortly before the sun
moves enough it doesn‟t come through that window anymore.
Date Sunrise High Noon sunset table #1 table #2
3/16 7:12 N none 6:56 N none none
3/17 estimated 7:25 none 6:53 N none none
3/18 7:32 N 1:35 clouds none none
3/19 7:30 S 1:15 6:53 N none 5:45
3/20 clouds 12:56 6:50 Way S! 3:29 4:50
5:30!!! Appeared Twice
sun came back!
3/21 7:27 N 1:31 S 6:28 Way N 3:05 5:00
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 52
Yesterday I chalked my driveway shadow at high noon to detect N/S movement. Today it
moved south of that mark by about 6 inches. Also I noticed south movement out my south
window today at least, didn‟t have to move my head so much to see the sun.
Interesting huh??!!!!!
There are others at AHS and personal friends noticing some changes. These occur often
and in short time. Just because somebody several times zones east of me had a normal
sunrise, doesn‟t NOT mean I had a normal sunrise! I have experience all sort of arguments
against this as I also post some of it on another board besides AHS. Lots of folks are
telling me this is impossible. The favorite comment, is well, the sun does move some each
day. NOT to the degree above and with these folks, no amount of my explaining holds any
water with them. There is fear.
One person on the other board posted that this had never happened in “recorded history”
so it was not possible. The professional astronomer has been “poo pooed” there as much
as I have. I did explain to that person that recorded history always Re-starts after pole
reversals, axis shifts and big asteroid hits. When I added more data to one thread going, a
cartoon character was placed about me being in “outer space.” But folks on that board are
concerned about all the anomalies in the magnetosphere, and the electron fluctuations etc.
And speaking of that, boy, we have had some long and longer episodes of
“magnetopause” the last week too, including one lasting more or less about 14 hours
yesterday, preceded by a short pause, and then one 6 hours on March 12. I know there
are some professionals worried. One person who watches the electrons was complaining
mid January about them. I am noticing changes in them myself by I don‟t know what it
So when does the reversal happen? I don‟t know. I am told it takes a few weeks, but we
are maybe 3 weeks now into this? I would NOT suggest it to others until it is obvious.
There is no preparation and you can only hope to relieve fear in talking about the celestials
will put the planet to sleep before the severe changes manifest. That is really all you can
do. If you start in early suggesting it, you will cause fear, or be the laughing stock of your
circles. I will keep you informed. I am thinking also of collecting my posts from AHS on this
topic. There are lots of questions and that is perhaps the best way to deal with them. Take
care, Candace
PS: I will send this to Patrick Bellringer on Please understand again,
for those of you who read there, that is NOT the big tipping of the axis he writes about. The
polarity "flips", but the planet does NOT, nor does is the axis going to reposition itself. This
is also NOT Nibiru's doing, it is NOT here.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 53
Update regards the Impending Reversal
Esu & Candace
# 102 April 9 & 10, 2009
Dearly beloveds, I gather many of you are wondering where is this impending pole
reversal. It is still impending. We are doing some adjustments so that it doesn‟t impend
suddenly and we have more control. Christ Michael is desiring on review with this advisors
to keep the planet stable a tad longer, as best as we can, for it is not possible forever, the
tension builds too much and most be released at some point.
There are some of you as I have been informed that think perhaps the message with Eve
suggests Easter Weekend, and I give no promise on that one, as we do not put out an
exact date for the dark ones and the exactness is determined a bit by the Mother.
SOON, beloveds, that was the essence of the message with Eve. We must control the
reversal and many discussions have taken place over where man is at this time vs. the
changes ahead of us. Sadly, again, few come forth except the alert ones on this issue with
Obama and his crowd in this world. Since when is it OK to cut back in Iraq and expand to
Afghanistan is an appropriate question to ask. While all souls made their decision by
December 31 to continue with earth or not, where they continue is a small issue still and
part of the overall balance.
Yes, it might be this weekend. But why should you place all your eggs into one basket,
those that are doing so? Life continues, no matter which realm in which you currently , as
in physical, not where you soul resides.
We have a decision made always and that you are always told as it is always true, until of
course nature modifies it for us too. We have slowed the reversal a bit, because it is not
desired for the planet to keeping speeding up and then apply her brakes, or this work of
the resurrection of the planet herself would be null and void for quite a long time, and this
joint venture of man and God to keep a civilization on this earth through the ascension
would also be null and void. This is not your desire is it????? I thought not.
All we are doing at this time is quieting the change a bit, so that the external rotation and
internal rotation of the planet are synchronous which allows a slow and graceful stop of the
rotation. This is close now. We shall dance this all with grace and perfect steps!
Now Candace read a letter to me from Daniel Raphael, who is contacting with some of you
and she will post the letter right here.
Hi Candace,
The more AH people I bump into the more I find that they are putting their lives on
hold waiting for stasis to come along and "take them away from all this" as several
have said, word-for-word.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 54
Having coached many people, (none in AH), over the last several years, I've found
that when people put their lives on hold, their lives are in a stasis mode...just waiting
for something. Much like "waiting for Godot." And life passes them by.
I don't know what your position on that is, and I'd be curious to know whether you
think AH people should put their lives on hold waiting for stasis, or whether they
should live their lives as they always have, and still prepare for stasis whenever it
does come. Do you have an opinion about that?
Curious to know -- Blessings!
Candace: Yes I do, and I wrote him back and I leave to you readers about what my
answer was.
Esu: You must live in the NOW as you find it dear ones, this is the proper way to set up
the future and you miss so many opportunities of ministry when you are always in get me
outta here future mode! You miss the ministry NOW. Keep up the ministry now for the
benefit of all around you.
As the earth graciously draws to a stop, you will be noticing. She will not slam her breaks,
but the sun will move ever gradually to a halt, over likely a few days even. Man will begin to
notice this unless he is completely blind. The sunrises will start later, the sets earlier as if
fall and winter are coming on, but much more rapidly. Your sun now is rising rather north
for this time of year and setting rather north also for this time of year.
People are noticing this, some anyway, and Candace checks various sites and can confirm
this. So simply pay some attention, and watch the mother show her grace, which we assist.
It is close dear ones, it is close.
You are currently in a coronal hole wind stream and actually this is useful at this time, in
helping slow the planet gradually. We will go into stasis just as soon as a lot of people are
noticing the slow down, as we do want to get some work done quickly, such as in
evacuation of those needing it, and gathering various supplies and equipment to be stored
for use later after we return from stasis.
We were ourselves pretty worried that our plans were made more difficult. It was decided
not to wait until full stoppage as the fear is not needed and also this gives us time to
retrieve goods and people before we can‟t enter the atmosphere for a time. There will be
huge volcanic actions and electric changes that keep our craft out too, so it was important
to place some new plans with the various groups since things are more tightly coordinated.
Mother is doing fine, we are pleased, and live your lives in the meantime to the fullest
possible. Namaste, Esu
Candace: I believe I covered this idea a bit in a post recently and also Esu mentioned it
with Jess, this idea that Mother is speeding up and she has been, at least in a goodly deal
of my measurements, I find this more often than slowing down. I have not had the best of
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 55
days for data collection of late, many clouds, and sometimes social interferences. I have
also gotten quite good at not hearing the timer. But we continue to have some erratic
behavior. I described a bit recently.
Now regards Daniel‟s letter and also my work here and there, people period are waiting
less than graciously. Christians are waiting for the big wars necessary to bring Jesus to get
them out of here! And many of you are having impatience and completely forgetting to live
life now. When you incarnate to serve, you must drink the cup, just as Esu/Christ Michael
did 2000 years ago and same as all the others since then and before.
My team has had these issues too to varying degrees, you are not alone. And many a time
Esu is not always the gracious waiter either, and wishes for his new role to be played out.
But life MUST go on, no matter where you live it. Getting outta here solves not your
problems, as there is no totally blissful life in heaven either, although certainly there are not
the money games and the like. And those that can‟t find their abilities to solve problems
because of awaiting for God to get here, may find themselves repeating this lesson!
I so wish we had the truth about reincarnation on this planet. You can live on a “hell” planet
just as long as you wish! If people understood this simple truth of repeating the lessons
until they are passed, I would hope most would desire to move quickly out of kindergarten.
There are many newagers I have run into waiting for their “bliss”, yet bliss in that nice state
of mind we get now and then when things went right and we are pleased. The eternal life is
NOT one of sitting at the feet of the Father. It is always challenging, and life and thus the
Father, and the creation could never even progress at all without the desire to strive and
grow. Keeping yourself in a state of “stasis” is not the best of options!!!!! We do need a bit
of R &R now and then, but not for long!
A person on AHS posted this a few days ago.
From The Power of Now - by Eckhart Tolle
The esoteric meaning of "waiting" PG 94
In a sense, the state of presence could be compared to waiting. Jesus used the
analogy of waiting in some of his parables. This is not the usual bored or
restless kind of waiting that is a denial of the present. It is not a waiting
where your attention is focused on some point in the future and the present is
perceived as an undesirable obstacle that prevents you from having what you
want. There is a qualitatively different kind of waiting, one that requires your
total alertness. Something could happen at any moment, and if you are not
absolutely awake, absolutely still, you will miss it. This is the kind of
waiting Jesus talks about. In that state, all your attention is in the NOW.
There is none left for daydreaming, thinking, remembering, anticipating. There
is no tension in it, no fear, just alert presence. You are present with your
whole Being, with every cell of your body. In that state, the "you" that has a
past and a future-the personality, if you like- is hardly there anymore. And yet
nothing of value is lost. You are still essentially yourself. In fact, you are
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 56
more fully yourself than you ever were before, or rather it is only now that you
are truly yourself.
"Be like a servant waiting for the return of the master", says Jesus. The
servant does not know at what hour the master is going to come. So he stays
awake, alert, poised, still, lest he misses the master's arrival. In another
parable, Jesus speaks of the five careless (unconscious) women who do not have
enough oil (consciousness) to keep their lamps burning (stay present) and so
miss the bridegroom (the Now) and don't get to the wedding feast (enlightment).
These five stand on contrast to the five women who have enough oil (stay
Candace: I have done some putting off, like say, not planting a garden one year, thinking
perhaps I would be unable to attend it and thus a worthless effort. Well, I could have had
some nice food that year! We are often doing this, and some more than others. I
understand personally this wondrous new idea we are creating and I desire also to have
my “galactic life” back too. And I had that chance back in 1998, a story I tell in the section
called “The Miracle That is Me.” The little story there is called, “Finding My Unfinished
Had I left, this project would not have been born and I would have missed an exciting, if not
sometimes irritating journey. There is work that is needed in the creation, which can only
be done while incarnate on mission work. Even in the Phoenix Journals somewhere, this is
discussed, that they want no martyrs and that those that choose to leave this place, will
miss a huge amount of learning that can‟t be had on The Other Side. That is WHY Christ
Michael and Esu are here now embodied (again) to walk this planet themselves once
again. This is a shared venture! And many of us came to do our part from within. Through
Jess, I believe it was Christ Michael, who said there are many who will have this marvelous
opportunity that is available on this planet.
There have been many contacts incarnate from the higher realms lost to this whole project,
from people just plain checking out!!!!! That is part of our problem keeping a story going
with qualified “channels.” They either don‟t get off the cigarettes and other bad nervous
habits and die of the result, they sometimes commit suicide, and sometimes they just
totally “loose it” mentally and no longer function. And some got careless and got checked
out by the dark side too as martyrs.
Many drink themselves to oblivion. Many here are not working such as I do, but play often
very difficult roles behind the scenes, and the use of drugs to relieve the stress is huge in
this group of ground crew. And then some of them just keep giving themselves a fix each
day by reading channeled material and make no effort to satisfy their own growth.
Otherwise. This is a major, major problem, with incarnates NOT waking up. Intentionally
sometimes, it‟s easier to just chase some money and live a pleasant life. Or go hid in the
hills somewhere. AH was not born to give you your daily fix!!!! Nor to take you away from it
all. The star visitors are here to provide contact experience, to prove they are here, and
assist you in some amazing ways to help the mission continue. This is a partnership
between those incarnate and those serving above.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 57
This IS a tough planet, but wanting somebody to come rescue you is never the answer,
unless you participate in your own rescue with co creation efforts of others. For example, I
was just talking today with a friend about how we have so little snow anymore. I remember
getting snowed in at a friend‟s house many years ago and having to stay there several
days, the blizzard was huge. There was only one way to get “outta there”, for everyone,
and that was shovel our way out, in a fun co creative way, it turned out. Lots of ministry at
that time. This new development they had moved into, had forgotten about the need for
plows in the budget!
You need to stay in life as this world is only going to go uphill by co creative effort of
shoveling our way through the big blizzards to come. There will be many challenges. AH
has looking for LEADERS and we have made that clear many times. There is not one of
you who “follows” this material who cannot lead at something or share a process of
Co creation with somebody. In fact, it is the groups of people that will come together in
joint creation that will build our new earth and no other way will it happen! I am not asking
anybody to lead all alone! That is why I have a team to share the responsibilities and
challenges. This is why there is a team on earth to partner with Christ Michael and the
creation, period, in helping to raise up this little world. And these teams have been forming
for some time and increasing. There are so many groups now dedicated in some manner
to building a sustainable civilization as to boggle the mind. But also the problem of
corrupting factors which prevents their coming together in greater power.
That is so evident in my corner of the world, where the folks that “follow” Ron Paul ( at
least 4000 in the Denver Metro area), the 911 movement and others locally, and the
leaders won‟t sit down frequently over lunch to discuss ways to bring the power together of
all into the most pressing issues. There is zilch interest in groups continually going to
media, our “elected” leaders and church groups to attempt to change the scene. Each
does their own thing, and missing a greater attempt. There is this idea that “when enough
of us know, everything will change.” Well, that idea is coming from dark infiltration,
because there are enough of us that know, but find it ok to just keep up the education. By
the time enough of us know, by their measure, I think it is then too late. Knowing is useless
without some action around the knowing. The famed “Holy Spirit” is misunderstood. In the
Urantia Book the Infinite Spirit is called the God of Action.
You have the grandest of opportunities for growth at this time, and if you will stay in the
game, the rewards will be huge, not just now, but later. If you are wanting to just get the
hell out of here, how could we depend on you to come back after stasis and carry on?
There will be huge challenges then. And staying in the game means not having to return in
some way here or elsewhere to catch up on the missing or unfinished lessons. Some of
your wanting “outta here” will regret it latter.
This has long been an issue for me and I post about it in many places on the net. You are
not the only ones tired of the game. But it is still a game, and you are playing a role in it.
This is a grand play in progress, don‟t toss it out the window. Many are posting in a variety
of forums how they are tired of earth and want out of here.
When I first became public, many pushed me heavily about the NESARA money and when
it was going to come rescue them and many of them weren‟t on any list! I once had a
couple write from Canada saying they needed next month‟s rent paid and where was
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 58
NESARA?! This is not an uncommon type story. Some had serious or not so serious tax
problems and other financial problems, run up credit cards and the like and wanted out of
that too. While our taxation is illegal, there are ways to play around that game and lessen
the problems.
In fact, I came to the conclusion based not only on readers, but also on those around me
and the world in general as I traveled via the Internet, that this place is still so steeped in
materialism that the NESARA venture would fail. Most people would party the money away
and in addition, it was seeming time was catching up and this not a sufficient enough
solution. But perhaps if we could have become public which was part of the deal……… but
I don‟t think so, really, under any deal.
A great world is built by God Conscious people, and true God consciousness is not here in
enough quantity to overcome the problems. The people of this world in general have
chosen a total caretaker government to full fill their needs. This New World Order has
nothing to do with the creation by the people, for the people. It is completely top down, not
bottom up.
Christianity seeks it‟s rapture into the skies. Some new agers seek Arch Angel Michael
taking them away to the New Golden Galaxy, for what I haven‟t yet figured out. This was
put out by Carolyn Evers, who was NOT channeling AA Michael at all in that statement. I
think we need a lesson on the function of angels for all on earth.
Recently on AHS, there was a discussion on the meaning of I AM THAT I AM. It basically
came as the result of my placing a short message by SaLuSa there, which ended in her
signing off as I AM THAT I AM. So people started, once again, placing God outside
themselves with this great I AM THAT I AM goal in the sky somewhere. There is in new
age literature the continuing in using terms such as I AM, in placing God outside of self,
and often defining the “great I AM” as a definition used for God and unobtainable by the
human. Some of you reading this may not like this statement, but that is WHAT you are
doing, as the discussion progressed, you continued to place I AM or I AM THAT I AM
outside yourself. Here is a post I wrote on the fly off the top of my head in response to the
discussion at hand.
Re: A truth about The I-AM.
The I AM THAT I AM statement is a statement made by the truly sovereign
individual who consciously guides their own life in balance with the laws of
creation. It is term of Christhood and above.
When I had my forum I encouraged people to sign I AM THAT I AM because it's a
powerful statement, and deep inside you all KNOW what that means. The problem on
this planet is that if you use it, some dark beings of intentional darkness, or
those in misunderstanding are going to bash you generously for it. As so it
happened. I quit using it for myself because folks like XXXXXXXXXXX love
to make attacks of it for the purpose of driving people away from AH. It is not
my goal to drive people away, so I use it in careful situations, due to the
ignorance and the imbalance the ignorance causes in bashing me for using it! So
I just stay quiet in that regard to maintain peace.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 59
However, I am a Christ and I certainly entitled to use it. And thinking back perhaps I should
have continue to use it, but again it feeds others to bash and cause confusion and claim
that the Bible said there would be many false Christs on this planet. And that is true, but a
lot of them are in organized Christianity and other organized religion. Some of the false
Christs claim to be Jesus reborn, but Jesus is not here by the method of birth at this time.
And here on this little forum, I WOULD LOVE TO SEE ALL OF YOU USING IT
I usually don't refer to myself as an Ascended Master, either, but the Ascended
Master is not yet a Christ, but certainly all Christs are Ascended Masters. I have been
bashed for this too.
The Father is not One who is I AM THAT I AM BECOMING. For in the Father there is
always the constant perfection and all knowing that exists at any point. Even
when you make the statement you are a Sovereign Being, I AM THAT I AM, you are
also never all knowing, as every creating person strives still to create beyond
the known, continuing as said, to make the unknown, known. I AM THAT I AM
BECOMING is a statement of the endless search for more. I AM THAT I AM, is not a
statement of being finished, it is a statement of sovereignty. It means you
control yourself and everything about you in consciousness awareness and in
An example that comes to mind is a friend who made the statement to me that God
wants people to be living in abundance and luxury. And this person said I have poverty
consciousness. Actually the only God that wants that, is you. And every human being
should have abundance, in terms of adequate housing for conditions, and adequate
food and clothing. But true abundance is of the mind to have opportunity to
grow, and if you are connected to the all, in a State of I AM THAT I AM, you
will find spiritual abundance no matter the physical abundance, or lack thereof. That is how
advanced souls that are imprisoned for doing good, manage to survive in prison,
their abundance is not of this world.
We have a huge population of people wanting bigger houses, a hundred pairs to
shoes to match a hundred different outfits, expensive collector animals as pets,
or race horses and the like, but they don't want or understand spiritual
abundance. We are too many for our technology and limited level of spirituality on this
planet, and it can't support this kind of abundance. So I live as best as possible,
making my personal choices in alignment with the planet herself, and with the
way I choose to live. If I were to go chasing after money for the better
material things of life, I would have no time to do this work, which is my
spiritual work.
I am pressured by some around me to keep the house cleaner, cleanliness is of
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 60
God, but truly, a polished house to show off to the world is not my goal. Almost
all my furnishings come from buying damaged merchandize or what others toss off,
either as gifts to me, or I get them at garages sales and the like. On a crowded
planet, and even if the planet was not crowded I know that things should be used
before they are discarded for balance. That said, we certainly should go about
discarding the internal combustion engine, but even then, the metal should be
recycled, using balanced energy to recycle it.
True abundance is a state of mind. You can live in pretty awful physical
conditions and still have spiritual abundance. Those spiritual folks jailed for
sometimes even their whole lives falsely, find spiritual abundance there in
working within their surroundings, and their minds at a higher level. In one book I
read, the term is called "making home". A person having spiritual abundance can
"make home" anywhere, in any circumstance.
Claim your I AM THAT I AM. To claim I AM THAT I AM BECOMING, is a statement
that you are yet insufficient and that is NOT so unless that “ I am
insufficient” is what you wish to be! Some of you here think you in insufficient
with your telepathy skills. I say you are not, but the universe is always
guiding you, you have only to answer the phone and it doesn't always have to be
a nice telepathic chat with a star friend. The life of the universe, which is
basically a massive organic computer system, is always there to inform you.
The animals and plants know this, it is man that thinks he has forgotten. Even
the body and mind of the robotoid is informed by life itself. And we would do
better to call God, LIFE in all its existences and realms. That to me was the
best teaching that came from Conversations with God. And as long as you exist,
you will always be communicating with Life.
Does your stomach growl when it is hungry? This is life informing life of it's needs and then
when you feed your stomach, meaning you body, you are the God (life) than gave that
your body, life, asked from God, you. And of course the food you gave your body, came
from life.
The body does not live on rocks (but that said, the rocks are broken down into
soil by the radioactive elements, which have their place and service also.)
Please START having the courage to make the statement I AM THAT I AM about
When I was growing up I was taught to sign personal letters with
"Sincerely Yours." And business letters with “Yours Truly.” Being the independent
self thinking person that I am, I don't particularly like those rules for
various reasons. My signature, Take Care, grew of the process of looking at
those rules. It works better for ME. It is a genuine response, I am asking
people to Take care, when I use it. It is my preferred general signature, which I
have used all my adult life, not being comfortable with Sincerely Yours.
Although I am sincerely yours, in terms of being a member of the widespread God
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 61
community and life, I am not always sincerely yours to the person I am writing.
So Take care, for me works for all, including business letters. I wish the one
reading the letter to genuinely Take Care.
Being Sovereign means being aware of your effects on others, and even when I
was doing my little ranting recently with my having a shitty day, the intent was
the effect on others. And you all had different reactions. I think maybe a
couple we encouraged to leave here by it, and that is purposeful, because many
who initially come to this mission do not resonate with it, and this gives them
the door to leave. Bxxxxxx deserved her firing by Jennifer, she was not truly
part of this movement. You have to work for the greatest good of all, and keeping
destructive undermining people in an organization is not for the greater good,
which is why planets are periodically "judged", as those that are not yet into
serving the greater good must be let go and placed elsewhere so the planet and
her life forms can survive.
Other of you loved seeing the "real me" and this brought greater bonding. I
haven't finished reading all those posts yet. But my rant, also contributed that
beautiful post by Jxxxxx. And so this group has grown for it, and the detractor
Bxxxxxx is not here to work her black magic, but she may still be trying if she
was collecting your email addresses. I am saddened to see Bxxxx and Fxxxx
leaving, but I also know they will be back, when they have their proof and have
grown enough. I was surprised that Bxxxx was able to leave so abruptly after
seeming supportive, but I think maybe he was not so supportive as it appeared.
Again, this is a co creative organization, needing the many individual gifts
and skills each of you have to offer, and not a guru organization of people
needing channelings. My work is mostly just reports and updating of the plans.
To be a guru to me, is to be a person who is not sure of self and needs a crowd
of supporters to validate self. I do not need this validation. I am merely
looking for those that wish to be part of the making of a new sustainable God
knowing society. God knowing people, know the God within, that they are a
fragment of the all, and they know they have to be in balance with That ALL.
And so we come to bring BALANCE to the ALL that is this planet, which has a larger
effect on the All out side this planet, since all is ONE, of the same stuff
whether a rock, a plant, an animal, or a HUman (which has grown out of animal in
origin), or angel or Creator Son. Or Source itself. I AM THAT I AM states one is
of source intelligence having “will” to self determine. I AM THAT I AM, Candace (and Take
PS. I would love to see more of you finding your courage to sign off posts with
Now, after the above post, another was trying to define I AM. “I AM” merely means that a
being is conscious of it‟s existence, and I AM starts in the upper level of animals. I think
most who have enjoyed a animal member in their family can state the animal was self
conscious of it‟s life. Herd animals rarely make this statement, but they can, especially if
raised heavily in close human contact. I never had a cat, most of my pets have been cats,
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 62
that were not aware they existed. And I tell you, from my telepathic conversations, a lot of
cats know they re embody, over and over. I have at least 2 that have come back to me and
they remembered me and I remembered them.
I AM is the being saying WOW! I AM. And it begins to think more often rather than
operating on automatic pilot.
OK, now some brief discussion on that “sun”. I continue to note changes. We have had lots
of clouds here lately. I did post some updating a few days ago of a brief nature. Others are
noticing, and here‟s a few most posts I have collected off of forums.
Sorry Roger, but it is. I am seriously disabled and I'm in bed at 5pm every night. It has
happened and I have checked it against old readings I have taken against my charts and
my compass.
To be quite honest, it shocked the sh*t out of me and I got up and took measurements and
they are waaaaay off.
I also have equinox here (in real earth time) as of a few days ago. Sun is about 15 deg
ahead and now the sunset is wrong as well.
I watch it every night as I'm facing that way in bed and the window is also facing WSW.
I wish I were wrong, watch it for yourself. I have been for years. (too many years as an
astronomer 4"mirror reflex telescope) and as an astrologer.
I'm capable of calculating RA and declination.
Believe me, as I am stunned as you are and if no one listens, then so be it, at least I tried.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
April 7th
by Lady in Red
ok I know someone posted about the sun riseing in diff locations........I sit on my porch
faceing east every morning, since the trees have leafed out I was thinking how nice it was
not to have the sun hitting me right in the eyes, but this morning...either my mesquite tree
moved itself over about 10 feet during the night OR the sun decided to rise more to the left
this morning as it was hitting me square in the face and not comeing up behind the tree like
the last few mornings..ok I know I will be called crazy but :P!! not gonna respond to anyone
calling me crazy lol...have a good day!...
I noticed the same ting this am as I drove my son to his pickup point for the school bus.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 63
That would put it more ENE than due E.
Will have to see what it does this afternoon and evening.
Its like it corrects and then over corrects over a period of about 3 weeks.
It was too far south from my vantage point, then moved back to W after about 3 days and
has been close to where it normally is for close to 2 weeks and then I saw the same thing
you did.
Also, like you I shall not be responding to the same sort of behaviour that went on last
Will not be responding AT ALL!!
Soooo, will continue to post any abnormalities I find.
p.s. I couldn't check it at all for almost a week due to crappy weather, but now that its been
70 here for nearly 4 days I can resume taking readings.
Keep paying attention Lady, I understand.
Folks can say what they want but no one can explain to me why direct sunlight hit the N
wall in my bedroom instead of the E wall for two days.
That would put the west coast farther S in relation to the sun.
It would sure explain why sats are malfunctioning, planes are crashing, animals are not
found where they should be.
April 9, 2009
From Lady in Red above: seems the sun rose a little more right this morning! Damn I wish
that tree would stay put overnight!!!!...Lady( and NO i am not smoking the wacky tobaccy!
:P(yet) lol
Today on GlP
I also noticed that the sun is of. I noticed 2 days ago that the sun was supposed to be more
to the northwest, but it was more to the southwest. According to heavens above the sunset
at that day was supposes to be on 278 C azimuth but for what i noticed it was at 265 more
to the south.
Correct me if I am wrong, but i am pretty sure my calculation was right
I live half-way up a high rise tower block in London.. & I have to say.. the 'sun' has been
acting strangely every morning, rising up behind different landscapes, sometimes central..
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 64
err.. more or less?! then it does a tangent some mornings .. rising way too far south! I'm
talking anywhere from north to south London. I would've thought the sun would have risen
in more or less the same spot every morning, pulling slightly to the south as we go into
I've been quite shocked to see the sun rising up to the left of Telecom Tower.. to the 'next'
morning (I kid you not!!), rising up behind the Crystal Palace TV transmitter to the south. I
mean.. come on! I've never seen that before.!!!!!
3/27 For what i notice the sun is too north. Now I know it is winter, but for what i gather this
is not as it supposes to be.
The comment below was made right after I made a post a few days ago on GLP about
tracking this for 3 weeks. -Candace
yep! Yer RIGHT! Keepin track too:-)
(I'm on a mountain and have a 360 view and markers.)
There, done with the posts. There is a website where you can check when “high noon”
should be for you, especially if you know your latitude and longitue coordinates, but if you
live in one of the cities on this list, you can use that data for an estimate. I use Denver as I
live just a bit north of Denver, but the longitude where I live is nearly identical and thus
serves ok for times.
Now yesterday, this website suggested high noon was suggested at being 1:01. It was
1:07 here. Another way to determine is to use when sun is supposed to rise and set, and
find the midpoint. Based on that, it‟s supposed to be 1:19 here yesterday. I don‟t use my
own rise and set times, because I have a hill to the east and mountains to the west and the
mountains are higher than the hill, but I could compute a bit anyway, and just allow a bit
more time to the west to compensate. I haven‟t done this. Partly because I don‟t always get
both rise and set times in any one day.
In fact, there are so often clouds west, I don‟t get many set times, but in general they days
are getting longer, as it should, the set times being later and later, but in the first two weeks
of record keeping the set times varied around a couple minutes and did not get later, in
fact it was earlier some days. I had times of 6:56, 6:53, 6:53, 6:50, 6:58. Then the few
times since then, have gone from 7:03 to 7:17, with many skipped days because of
weather and in a couple cases, I had other commitments and couldn‟t collect a time.
According to the above website, high noon has been from initially about 1:07, to 1:01 now
getting gradually earlier, but my times have ranged from 12:58 to 1:35. I may for fun,
collect the proper times to compare for each recorded time I have made.
Here‟s an interesting collection where I had a lot of days with only occasional misses, thru
3/29. We have had several storms since then. This is an afternoon station I set up on 3/20.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 65
The times are 3/20- 3:29, 3/21 3:05 3/22 3:13, 3/23 clouds, 3/24 3:21, 3/25 and 36 clouds,
3/27 3:45, 3/28 3:47, 3/29 3:45. Interestingly, on these later days at this station, which look
more stable, high noon was stable those days too. On Wednesday 4/8 the time was 3:30.
I assume there should be some change as the days grow longer, but the days grow longer
by 2-3 minutes a day, so these shouldn‟t swing as much as they do at times.
A late in the afternoon station I started on 3/19 at 4:00 PM, went suddenly to 4:40 2 days
later, then has gradually gotten earlier each day, down to 4:07 on 4/8. I would think it would
be getting a bit later, but since 3/24 in general the set became later on the days I have set
Today the rise time was 6:35. Yesterday it was 6:42! So today the rise time was 7 minutes
earlier than yesterday, rather than the customary 1-2 minutes. And the sun does continue
to move north with some days a bit south of the day before, both rise and set when I can
get figures. I have actually 18 stations. I don‟t “need” this many, but sometimes there is a
cloud for a short time, so frequent stations enable getting some times at least. I have had
some recent days when some stations didn‟t work, because there was a huge tilt change,
and then a day or two later, the tilt changed back the other way so I could get data. No
doubt sudden tilt changes can affect some of the “rotational” data collection.
We have a lot of clouds today, not sure what I will be able to collect. My first station after
rise, is when it comes over my shed. This has ranged on days when I can collect both,
from 16 minutes to 21 minutes today. Now, in these situations of rise, and over my shed, I
mark the time when the disk is completely viewable. In the set, which includes a fairly new
station using a neighbor‟s roofline to the west, I mark these as to when the disk is
completely set from view. I am NOT sure what method is used by astronomers on the
various websites for time and set. On rise and set, this is about a 3-4 minute period, of
when the disk is fully visible, or out of sight.
A person on AHS recently noticed high noon, (also called solar noon) as being 6 minutes
off and others post at times about odd things they notice and I get some emails and phone
calls to, describing erratic times.
There is an interesting post this morning by someone saying the birds started singing late
by a full hour today. While I didn‟t think of noticing this, I have some days noticed less
singing. I woke up with a really strange sensation of something changing during the night,
so I found that post interesting, as the person lives about 10 time zones east of me. Of
interest right now, there are NO birds singing as I finish this up, around 10:30 am.
Well, I had wanted to get this up last night, but wasn‟t finished. I was going to write another
piece anyway around this topic of “waiting” without “living” and since Esu addressed it, I
decided to just place it here. Keep watching around you! Be aware of nature, which
includes the sun or stars in the wrong place! So few are noticing, but it‟s great to see
others posting, even if not in quantity to forums. They get based pretty bad, as do I when I
post on them, for noticing changes outside the box, and I admire their courage to stand in
their shoes about their observations when challenged. Take care, Candace
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 66
We are the Arch Angels of the Resurrection.
Arch Angel Michael thru Candace
# 103 April 25, 2009
Dearly Beloveds, I AM Arch Angel Michael come to spend a few minutes with you today
and explain what an Arch Angel is as there is confusion greatly on this topic.
We beloveds, are the creations of The Father and Mother Creators of the local universes.
My parents are Christ Michael and Nebadonia, as she has been introduced to you.
On earth at this time, is a great gathering of the Arch Angels, in fact a large unit here since
before Michael bestowed himself upon your world. My name is not Michael. In fact it is a
title. My name is complex as are all of our names, but I am called the Arch Angel OF
Michael. I head the contingency of Arch Angles on your world. I am that big boss of them,
but then I look to Christ Michael as not only my Father but also my boss.
There is only ever One Arch Angel OF Michael on but one lowly world in a universe,
because we serve when the Creator Son himself bestows himself upon a world. And this
occurs only once in a universe, and you dear ones are so very blessed to have a double
bestowal in the return of Michael in this manner, for he has done what no other has done
before him, walk the bestowal world twice. And in this understand we mean all bestowal
worlds since time immortal. Not a single Avonal bestowal has returned incarnate to a
planet. NEVER.
This is a learning situation for all who come here at this time because this has never been
done before. We tread new waters, all of us, and we, my contingent will be serving this
planet as part of the Correcting Time for all the time that is required. We have no idea
ourselves what will be the final outcome, but we expect to see those in service on the
planet, via incarnation, to accomplish also great miracles. And you have already, in that
this will lead to the ascension into Light and Life and will have a most gracious additional
opportunity to assist in the making of cosmic history.
We are here at this time as the Arch Angels of the Resurrection. All planets are judged in
stages of their development, and in that sense this is no different. Incarnated older souls
will make their way wherever they should, and those “new souls” created on a world like
this, will make their way to the mansion worlds. They are the ones resurrected to eternal
life. You older ones are already of that status.
We are the ones that make that possible, this resurrection of new souls, in concert with the
destiny guardians. This is a tough world, and we would wish more would be starting their
true eternal journey. The number is not so great, but at the same time is greater than we
expected when the counts were done. Fully one billion young souls give or take a few will
be making their way to the mansion worlds. And many are so tough now, they will walk
considerably past the first seven mansion worlds.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 67
There have been 10 Billion older souls, the ones labeled the Galactic thugs and fallen
angels placed on this world over time and we are in wondrous awe, as fully 50% of these
ones will be released from prison and make their way either back to their former realms, or
make their way to higher planets of experience. While we would have loved more, this is
still awesome. Things finally got tough enough on them, they chose to return to the light
and another trip to an awful planet was not their desire.
Now these ones did not always make the progress we would have liked, but it was agreed
to allow them out of this prison world if they fixed 51% of their karma. Many will not really
be going to higher worlds yet, but there will be opportunity in various societies at earth‟s
level or a bit above to try their wings and gain trust.
Normally much more karma must be satisfied on the prison worlds, but Michael doesn‟t like
the process of uncreation and great amnesty and mercy was arranged. We wish them well.
They will be spread widely about, so as to not have too much concentration in case of
relapse. Many of these are not incarnate now, as they are waiting on the other side for
their release and in schooling still.
This resurrection, carried forth by the Arch Angels of the Resurrection has been occurring
already, for those finished with incarnation. Those still incarnate will experience the roll call
during the stasis.
Now a thing or two about me personally. “Young” arch angels do incarnate at times to gain
the human perspective necessary to understand their roles, but the Arch Angel of Michael
is NEVER incarnate dear ones. I am long past that. Very long past that.
Neither are Arch Angels EVER comets beloved. There is some material NOT by myself
circulating claiming me to have been Hale Bopp comet some years ago and now Comet
Lulin. A comet is never a being. It is a ball of ice and other matter that circulates solar
systems, drawn by the same forces that propel moons and planets. No way could a being
of any sort, be a comet. Suns and planets are beings, eventually at any rate, as their
consciousness grows, but a comet never grows a consciousness, let alone that of an Arch
Angel. An Arch Angel cannot become a ball of ice and matter.
There are also some claiming to be fragments of me. We do not fragment either. But we do
occasionally select ones to serve us in a personal way. We can also donate a bit of our
DNA, as we do have DNA, to a fetus, which provides a linkage directly to us, and this
person would be more like a son of one of us and not a fragment of one of us. You have so
much to learn yet, beloveds, so much to learn.
All of you who are going to stay on this planet, you who are ensouled and made that
choice have been having your DNA personally upgraded by the Arch Angles of the
Resurrection, dear ones. And so have some going elsewhere in physical form so that they
can make the journey. While I do not engage in that activity in the labs aboard ship, others
do, and the work is done actually by the life carriers and their students and associates.
Nobody is having their DNA affected in any other way but this, and the “angelics” by
whatever form are involved. The little greys are not angels and they were NOT given the
job of upgrading the DNA on this planet. This is properly taken care of by those of high
station. There are also some highly advanced geneticists such as Mother Shekhmet
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 68
working with the uplifting of the DNA on this planet. She is concerned with reestablishing
the stepping stones in the animal and plant life on this world. But the human upgrading is
done by God‟s scientists dear ones, and not by the average joe on this world at this time.
This is a different project than that of Adam and Eve. This is done in a laboratory, and not
by sexual breeding.
The DNA failed on this planet. The various teams have been reworking it greatly. It was
contaminated long ago, and it was left this way, and then a few marauders messed with it
too. These ones are of course gone now from not only this world, but this entire universe of
Nebadon. That‟s why it‟s the final battle between Good and Evil; the prisoners have been
handled for the most part now. There are no marauders in Nebadon at all now. Those still
developing “flight skills” are kept very close to “home” and not allowed to infest the rest of
the creation. That was an Orvonton decision, as this darkness can‟t continue, it got out of
hand for reasons you have already been informed.
This is enough for the time being. There will be more contact if time permits through
Candace,. She was a joy to work with for this short piece. Feel Blessed always for you are!
I AM THAT I AM, Arch Angel Michael, chief Arch Angel of the Resurrection.
Candace: Those of you interested might wish to get out your Urantia Books, or go to, and make a search of Arch Angles. I do not wish to do this tonight. It may
be spelled as one word in some sources, archangel, but Michael prefers it spelled as two
words, so I have done so.
I did one other piece with him a couple years ago, which was not posted to the front site
but to AHS. I have had quite a few personal discussions with him and I do not type up my
personal discussions, any more than any one would. I say this, because I have been
challenged on this, as some believe the higher being somehow moves the fingers of the
channel. There are some channels who are equipped this way, for various reasons.
These channels are often no telepathic and believe it or not, not all “angels” are telepathic
with humans directly, so that is why they use the beings as “sleeping prophets” and the
like. In the past, while this planet was still quarantined, this was the method of choice, as in
the case of Edgar Casey for example. People were not ready to accept telepathy either,
and so the “sleeping prophet” was more accepted.
Telepathy is MIND to MIND communication. It‟s really quite similar to talking on a phone or
having a personal conversation, except there is NO sound, not even a” little whisper.”
These words I perceive are obviously NOT my own thoughts. However, the Thought
Adjuster, when it makes contact usually this does feel as your own thoughts, and often
expressed in those “light bulb” type moments when something becomes clear.
Seeking Visionaries, who can and will create the many messianic missions needed to heal
Earth and her peoples, and bring balance. Seeking those who can constantly expand their
truth, and will strive earnestly to stand in that truth 100% of the time, making every moment
of everyday, a Holy Event. TWO OR MORE IN MY NAME. ~
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 69
The Magnetosphere Will “Crap Out.”
Christ Michael and Candace
# 104 May 24, 2009
Dearly beloveds, it has seemingly been some time sine I have issued an update. We have
been most busy. We are setting it up (again) so Iran may not be attacked, nothing new
there, just to let you know this has still been the game plan of the US of A and Israel.
Russian troops will be able to fully assist if anything occurs, as these are your battles to be
handled on the ground, but we do provide various kinds of assistance.
I have been kept informed of the endless material at Fourwinds by Casper, and
Whistleblower. Also of that posted by Christopher Story and Poof. Wanta‟s funds are long
gone. The funds for NESARA are long gone. These will not manifest. In regards to has the
best current truth, that would be Whistleblower, regards how the world itself is kept funded
with the Collateral Accounts, and these funds are what runs the world and not anything at
all related to NESARA and GESARA.
GESARA is not funded by ANY of man‟s funds. We have all the metals necessary and
worlds are not gifted with these until ready, and the gifts included in addition to monies,
hard monies, are the up and coming technology this is covered in PJ #50 and you may
refer to it. Candace has this up and has drawn attention before.
The NESARA idea was a fine one, and built up over 200 years but it did not manifest. And
your world was not really ready for it, UNLESS we could have the international attention
required as part of the Second Coming mission we have long covered in these reports.
There was some hope in 2004, and 2005, and a little more after that of manifesting this
whole program.
When I said we would go global as in GESARA, for ease of understanding, I am referring
to that which comes prior to the installation of Light and Life status on a world. We do need
the global banking system and it is not manifesting in any shape or form right now because
of the squabbling. These will manifest after stasis.
We will not let out any funding. If the NESARA funds could be recaptured, they would still
be useless at this point and stolen as there is failure to remove the thugs by the people
behind them or the masses. Christians and other religionists are all still focused on return
of various masters and not focused whatsoever on doing anything about helping out ON
the planet. The misunderstanding of God remains so great as to be insurmountable at this
Back in 2005 we put 25,000 star people in bodies on the ground to help in a large number
of areas. Some have had some success in furthering ideas needed around sustainability
and you are seeing the results of this, if you can look past MSM.
They are moderately successful in setting up some of the banking behind the banking you
might say, but not successful with the masterful thugs at all. We have lost quite a few to
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 70
bullets. We are very careful how and what is done. Any additional manifestation in banking
is done by hologram, they can‟t kill a 3d “movie.”
We placed 5000 people into the various religious organizations as “members.” This was a
complete failure by all accounts. The failure in Christianity and Islam was complete, and
we made NO progress whatsoever and pulled our people back out. While these ones didn‟t
suffer murder, you can imagine what they did suffer from foul tongues. It was the worst in
Christianity. You ones generally in that religion who have such foul mouths most certainly
will NOT be experiencing any sort of rapture/ascension. God does not need you in
There is no real hope left of getting anymore done. We are letting the planet, as you know,
go into its cleansing. We simply did not wish excessive cleansing, and so control the rate
of the collapse of the magnetosphere. The magnetosphere will collapse and this process is
exponential, which means the faster it goes the faster it goes, it is not linear, for those
without a math background. It is getting close, but can‟t be predicted as to the exact hour.
When the magnetosphere is down, or crapped out, as Candace likes to say, you will be
flooded with a lot of radiation of several types. Thus we move into stasis very rapidly as it
is going down. All life is going to put into stasis, because of this.
Jupiter is back out in the corona again, to assist the process “naturally.” There are other
“natural” processes also going on, which included large gamma ray blasts that are coming
from INSIDE your solar system and not from distance creations, although of course the
creation is always growing, and these events do occur.
Those of you watching Real Time, please note the times of many events since the
beginning of this year. Gamma Ray events outside of the Milky Way do not operate on
earth‟s time frame. They do not happen most often at about 22:00 UTC or midnight UTC.
These are “natural” in terms of from whence the energies come , but they come on OUR
time intentionally to carry a message. Your dark ones will continue to label them GRBs
from distance systems and put little pulsar looking things on their images of the sky. So be
Your wind stream, the solar wind as you label it has been very low for some time now.
Your sun is very quiet, but your solar wind was getting lower long before the last intense
solar cycle. It will take little to finish the crapping out of the magnetosphere. A large coronal
mass ejection should do it. Have some of you not noticed you have CMEs coming from the
sides and back of the sun, but not the front? Why not the front? Could it be your space
brothers are stimulating your sun now at places of their desire? So be it.
Until the magnetosphere goes down, there will be more signs. A few more quakes, those
of you sensitive picking up the gamma rays and the like, and huge weather changes.
Crops are in, some will be harvested and stored. It remains to harvest the people. Who will
be amongst them? As reported by AA Michael through Candace, more than we expected
but less than we hoped.
To get to “heaven” you must have a sense of goodness. Good, is God with an extra O in
English. What is good about the wars the Christians want to “bring on” Christ? Christ does
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 71
not settle down on worlds engaged in war. Only those engaged in goodness. Where are
you in American still, allowing this new thug in office to continue the wars? He stated he
would march right into Afghanistan and Pakistan and is it not so? The only good thing
about who you voted for, is that you were able to vote for a black man, who is not that
black as you notice. Obviously to ones who know not any better, which is most, he seemed
a better choice than the old man and the sexy “broad” as you refer to women.
I noticed not any real action around Israel when it attacked little Gaza. That said, some of
the Gazans are “Jews” by soul intent and since Israel was going to carry out their New
World Order, some in Gaza did need to experience the other side of the coin. These were
the slaughterers in their previous lives. Many had a hand in the genocide of your red
brothers. That doesn‟t however make it “right”, as the lesson was more for Americans and
Europeans who ignore what is of God and allow slaughter. Nobody incarnated to punish
these ones, that is not how God does things, they suffered at the hands of their own kind,
in fact at their own hands in that sense.
We move forward still with the new plans. I remain saddened that “things” did not work out
better. GAIA has had enough, we have helped with cleansing of pollution the best than can
be done behind the scenes, until we can work more actively. It is time. Namaste, I AM the
Big Cheese, broadcasting from my Big Cheese Mobile. ATON.
Candace: I met a lady who came to work in religion here in the Denver area from star
fleet. She was attending several different influential churches, including their various
Wednesday sessions and the like. She was having NO success, and she was nearly 7 feet
tall, and you think that in and of itself in a woman would command some attention. It did
not help, and her extensive knowledge of God was wasted. She was involved in other
areas here too, and left more than a year ago now.
I like many were not happy about Gaza this year (or Lebanon before), but the biblical
telling of those that kill by the sword shall be killed by the sword, so I guess there is justice
in that. I remember from Matthew‟s material that he says we all have to experience the
opposite side of the coin, and once say, a woman is raped, she has to be a rapist. This is
NOT so. And it would only perpetuate the problems on these worlds. But those who do bad
things, do have to experience at some point the opposite side of the coin, and there are
always plenty of thugs to carry that out. It would seem then that these serpents who were
placed into incarnations in Gaza, and probably other places, in a sense, die by their own
sword, or he sword of their kind at any rate.
As to the signature, The Big Cheese, of course you have seen this before. As to the
Cheese Mobile, that would be the Phoenix. Recently there was a long “cartoon” placed on
RumorMillNews about the Big Cheese and his Cheese Mobile, and this was obviously a
reference to Christ Michael. It was cute and funny in many places, but managed in my own
interpretation to put the blame on the star people and not where it belongs, it was missing
a bit of understanding. The Cheese Mobile was a yellow saucer.
I have asked for updates. Star crew has been VERY busy and Christ Michael was refusing
updates, as there are some topics not to be covered at this time. It has to be of a general
nature. He is still not updating about the Swine Flu issues, but this is a very real program
set up to depopulate and he felt he need not say anything about that, you should all know.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 72
I have had clouds again for quite a few days and 3 days of rain, which was seriously
needed. There are people posting to AHS who are watching a bit for me, and report delays
in sun set at long as 30 minutes and as little as 5 minutes. The last couple days of rise that
I was able to time, the sun was coming up a little later each of those days rather than
I did get to watch it one day set, come back up and set again, by the time I got back after 7
minutes of walking back home, and then looking out my kitchen window. Was a beautiful
sunset that night, flaming orange and red. It looked like the mountains were on fire, and
striking against the dark gray clouds above. There are also discussions on this continuing
to crop up on GLP.
I am watching a new site reflecting the magnetosphere and solar wind. I have looked for it
for it off and on all winter, my googling bringing up nothing, except maybe the correct site,
but I couldn‟t find the right page. Finally I opened every sort of link on it and found the
page. It updates periodically just like Real Time does. Real Time was out for 15 hours over
the night, starting at that “magic time” of about midnight UTC.
One reason I was trying intensely the last couple weeks or so to find this other site is that
one on the Holy Shit thread posts short movies from time to time from this site, and is
showing that the bow shock is often lopsided lately. The first day I started watching, it was
lopsided and then that evening it leveled out. You can easily see this in the angle of the red
“bug”. The next morning, the red bug was lopsided again. Came close late to leveling out
last evening, and was very lopsided again this morning and remained so until I started this
piece with CM. Now, as I am ready to post, it is back to normal.
The green to light blue constantly changing coloring to the right of the bug, is I assume the
solar wind coming in, and the math combines fluctuations of the wind speed, with other
computations. When the “bug” is lopsided, the bow shock is also skewed and sometimes
its blue with no green. I haven‟t really taken time to check out the math equations used,
except wind speed is part of it. I feel this site probably gives more information than Real
Time, but I don‟t yet grasp all of it. It certainly adds a lot of additional information. I do
make sense of the proton and electron images in the Fok Ring. I am assured when
chatting with Esu, that the “red bug” and bow shock should not be lopsided, and this is
preliminary to the failure of the magnetosphere. I have not bothered him for further
understanding right now.
OK, before I forget the LINK is And to
refresh your memories, Real Time is
This is the definition of bow shock from Wiki: In a planetary magnetosphere, the bow shock
is the boundary at which the speed of the solar wind abruptly drops as a result of its
approach to the magnetopause. The best-studied example of a bow shock is that occurring
where the solar wind encounters the Earth's magnetopause, although bow shocks occur
around all magnetized planets. The Earth's bow shock is about 100-1000 km thick and
located about 90,000 km (55,923 miles) from the Earth.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 73
The section from PJ #50 is under the category, New Readers Read Here First. I have twice
placed it on the first page now. I will let you go back and read it, and the discussed material
I believe is near the end of the section, in Chapter 2. NESARA was NOT of this plan, but a
goodly plan put in place long ago by Germain and funds started accumluating in Europe
first for these days, as that is where the banking was then. Germain did place funds
secretly to cover initial start up of important tasks such as the Internet, that must be in
place as a society is awakened into global responsibility. This is the only way to get true
material out into the hands of the public.
Oh, as I am posting this, I just remembered something. The last days I had to observe set
and rise, I had read on GLP that some were having the sun shine through northern
windows and they had not seen that before. I have one small north window, which I had
stuffed with a pillow over the winter, because it leaks cold air. I removed the pillow and
sure enough, the sun is shinning in at both rise and set. Less at set because of a bush and
tree, but some. Lots at rise, a wide swath. And it is at least an hour after rise until the sun
moves south enough to not shine through the window, so this has been going on for some
time. Take care, Candace
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 74
Brief comment to the Dark Brotherhood
Christ Michael thru Candace
# 105 May 25, 2009
To those of the dark brother hood, you did receive a small hint of the possibilities today
again about 2200 UTC. Just when will you take this seriously? You can't win at this and
we need to get to work. Thank you, This is ATON.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 75
Things are Getting Interesting…..
By George (CM/ATON) and Candace
# 106 May 28, 2009
Hello again beloveds, this us Aton or CM or Christ Michael, or Plain ole George
(Gyeorgos), and “things” are getting interesting. Let‟s see, dear dark ones, we play a game
of pretend let‟s attack North Korea, all the while setting up on Iran again???????
If I were you, I would be heading to those underground areas really quick now. Oh I see
you can‟t??? That would be because we won‟t admit you to them? But why does that
justify this continued game to support Israel in an attack on Iran???? No, it shall not be
BBB &G‟s for Iran is carefully and fully protected, and not only protected, but she herself
can make a mighty defense against you. Why do you wish to subject your American slaves
to the possible resulting punishments? Nay, that shall not happen either, but shouldn‟t they
know at least the risks?
We energized the magnetic field last night, it was deteriorating quickly and it is not quite
the time, as we assist the releasing of pressures massively first. Might be wise ole buddies
for you to save your military to actually assist in the event of some natural disasters that
could come you way while we release the pressures. This planet is not going down the
tubes, so to speak, and why you can‟t learn this idea is beyond those of us camped in your
Our plan is complete now, completely complete, to perfection, and tain‟t a thing you can
muster up to do about it, so how about getting the troops very quickly placed where they
can actually be of service?
We must relieve some pressure building in the Atlantic Rift. We must release some
pressure also in the Pacific Rim along the oriental countries. Speaking of those countries
that was no nuclear testing that happened in North Korea. You ones “took advantage” of a
release of energy, and built a lie to cover up for the other impending games. North Korea
does not have a single nuclear device, friends, and for that matter, neither do you, ones
that will “function” anyway.
If we must knock down any of these on your flying machines, you are going to loose some
fine pilots and some fine machines. Tis your choice.
You of the geology professions must have noticed an intense increase in the super little
micro quakes in California recently. These once averaged 25 or so a week, and now
average 300 or so a week. This is NOT our doing however, in terms of releasing. These
are wholly natural, and the state is crumbling generally, for the rifts forming underneath.
Any left living in those caverns at this time were advised to leave recently, as they are not
safe. There are many whom are not reptilians living down there. The ocean waters are
working their way in, and this goes beyond the suggested borders given to AH readers a
couple years ago or more, around LA. This is happening further inland and further north.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 76
(Candace: Reptilians were removed 2 ½ years ago now, about 8 billion of them for sorting
to elsewhere. Most are not suitable for ascension of this planet. )
The planet each day is not staying in its former set course because of the weakening
magnetic field. Indeed the sun is rising too far north and is continuing that course. Do you
realize if we did NOT control this process, your planet by mid summer, could actually roll
over? Because of the field condition at this time, you are not likely to experience a
“solstice” in which the sun would begin to journey south again. Ditto the opposite for those
in the southern hemisphere.
Now I didn‟t say “tilt” on it‟s axis above, I said ROLL OVER, and this is a different
procedure than a magnetic reversal. This will not happen however, but your scientists are
more than worried about this possibility looming on the horizon from their own studies. We
aren‟t coming back in thousands of years to start over. It will be a magnetic pole reversal,
and there is nothing you can do to affect that either. That is why some war games will not
be happening, which would further upset the delicate magnetic balance.
Now, you of the BBB &G‟s are advised however to step down and allow us to do some
preparations. In fact, we might even just remove you from our way. That idea is still being
discussed and not firm as we have not made the decision yet whether to commandeer the
airways and inform the people, or just let things go as nature will allow.
Don‟t forget, we will assist that “nature.” The planet is going to ascend, along with the rest
of the solar system. In fact much of the solar system already has. The reason Mars dear
buddies does not seem to have a magnetosphere is because it ascended quite some time
ago and has no need of one.
And if you could better study Jupiter right now, it remains “hidden” in the corona, you would
know it is no longer bi polar, having made its own ascension. And your sun, well dear
buddies you have long hidden that it is different from the public too. That could be “why”
you are not having sunspots that support your idea of the magnetism expected for this next
solar cycle? Have you considered the possibility there is NO next solar cycle coming?
Something to ponder I would suggest.
You continue to not look at our timely hints that have been going on since January with
your magnetosphere. We gave a small one on May 25, around that special time of 2200
Your gamma ray detection systems are detecting more of these all the time also but are
they not GRB‟s from distant creations. These are “heaven” sent by craft. They are
necessary to the remodeling of the human form. They are “harmful” to forms not in balance
and helpful to those that will be continuing the journey, and this means all of life forms, and
not just the “human” form on the planet.
Now our dear dark brothers, you can toss in the rag, and come into assistance and actually
help for the next couple of weeks, or whatever it takes to finish the releases and balancing
that must continue to occur, so the Mother doesn‟t slam the brakes. Or NOT, it is your
choice. You could at least get your respective troops HOME or place them where they can
be on benefit to others.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 77
We cannot predict exactly which weather changes are going to happen, but I suggest you
might well see some very early hurricanes and huge wind and water storms about the
planet. These will muster quickly, and in some countries they know of these and are
preparing their peoples as able. We can‟t predict exactly where ruptures will occur, but you
had a nice rupture after last night‟s intervention near Honduras.
The protons were heavy for a four hour period. You continue to have high “heat” today in
the solar wind as you perceive it. This is more like high heat in your ionosphere and this
will provoke quite a bit of action. We must have these releases before the Mother drops
her magnetic field. We will control the reversal to our specifications.
When the shield drops, the stasis will start, to protect the life forms. There will be two basic
phases of stasis, an initial total stasis for all life forms, while we take the planet through the
reversal, and then some of the life forms will be awakened once the polarity is
reestablished in the other direction.
Now, when the magnetic field collapses, this is “judgment day” for many. Those without
soul, will find their mental forms collapsing. There are a few select robotoids with hope that
will be carefully removed in body before then and there may or may not be little stories
circulating about rapture events. Also prior to the collapse some who are to fuse with their
adjusters will be doing that.
You have a story going around on the net, about some hearing “The Voice” and being told
it is time to exit, and there is valid basis to this story. However, dear readers of
AbundantHope, if you hear an electronic voice, this is not “the voice” of a guardian angel
preparing you. Mentally tell that angel. You will be protected anyway, but in the case of
many dark ones, including some of the dark ministers, these ones are ones the dark wants
to annihilate. It is difficult for us to control every little action on the planet, because many,
and I mean many dear ones, do NOT have guardian angels at all. They are not ensouled
and merely in a sense living machines, which is why they do not learn their lessons well.
There may be some “blood baths” going on within the rich and powerful ones, as this is
very typical during the ends times of struggles amongst them. Be not alarmed if stories
start hitting the news and the Internet. These are none of your business actually. Let them
slide and do not go along with your circles who may be freaking out.
Obviously the “swine flu” is NOT going to hit. This was a distraction game nearly
completely. What happened in Mexico City was a case of some murdering going on before
and during Obama‟s visit. Many murders may be listed as “swine flu.” Pay them no
attention yourselves, please. Be the rocks you came to be, during this upcoming transition
time before the field collapses. There may be little publicly, or stories may fly everywhere.
Many of you may have intense feelings of sadness during the times when the field is near
collapse. You may have headaches and other physical symptoms. You need not run off to
the doctor on every little thing. Sleep well as you may and support your body and
emotional needs naturally. During the prep times of a magnetic field approaching collapse
the energies will be very intense to almost everyone on the planet. You may find many of
your family members being very emotional, or withdrawn, striking out and other excessive
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 78
behaviors. Usually these energies exacerbate behavior that is already out of balance, so
the depressed person may actually commit suicide, and angry person become more so.
Some in your circles may in fact become dangerous. Do what is necessary in these
conditions to protect others. Trying to talk the person out of the problem is not likely to
work, so get others out of the way. Those that drink will seek to drink more. Those that
retire will retire more. Expect the unexpected. This will not go on very long. And it will end
suddenly as the shield comes down.
And put away your calendars, because this is not a situation that can be dated. We have
an estimate of perhaps a month, but it could a week, or 6 weeks. Our scientists constantly
now assess the situation and determine when we should release pressure. It is the
INTERNAL pressures building up that actually damage the field so to speak.
The mother wants to always reverse in these times, always. And thus we will prevent
certain war activities, which is why the dark brother s are themselves “revving up” both
because of the exacerbation of problem behaviors and because of their desire to somehow
beat God at the game. This war behavior is hoped to cause more destruction. This is what
destructive people do. It is hoped by them since they can‟t “win” that they can “win” by
harming the planet. These ones support evil down to the last straw, in thinking they should
honor their satanic version of God.
Be calm and in trust. Calm those around you as you can. And do not add to this condition
by your own fears of war mongering. I think shortly, there will enough weather and quakes
to consume their interest. This is enough for now. Those interested can follow along at the
various sites Candace has suggested if you wish to observe. Those of you attending
stasis, or otherwise going to continue in body, will be removed if a natural disaster comes
your direction during this period.
I would be advisable to have supplies on hand as you are able to do so. There could be
electrical outages and other events that might delay goods arriving in the stores. It would
not be a bad idea in case of electrical outages, which could be severe or temporary, to
have coolers and the like to help with fresh food preservation you already have, and to
stock up on canned and dried foods if needed. We can‟t predict who will be affected. We
were a little surprised by the Honduras quake for example last night. There would seem to
have been better places for a release. Namaste, ATON.
Christ Michael is known as Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, in the Phoenix Journals, thus
"George" above.
For those newer readers not understanding BBB &G‟s, it‟s an old term I created for our
black ops brothers and sisters. Initially it was just BBB‟s, for Big Bad Boys, and then with
Condi Rice and others, I added the G, for girls. We haven‟t used this for a long time now, I
was surprised at it being used today. So it‟s Big Bad Boys and Girls.
You can visit this link to observe the proton blast that took place down almost to the minute
over a four hour period shortly after 4 and 8 UTC.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 79,247 If you are reading this piece after
today, this may not show, as it updates continuously. So you might have better luck with
this site: As you can see, we had a “shock” as this site calls it. It
did not produce a geomagnetic storm, despite the warming of such.
The varying data comes from different satellites. GOEs satellites are much closer in, about
22,300 miles out and STAY in a single position rather than orbiting earth. These are
basically the “weather satellites.” Here is a clip about them, sorry I didn‟t save the link.
Google GOES.
They circle the Earth in a geosynchronous orbit, which means they orbit the equatorial
plane of the Earth at a speed matching the Earth's rotation. This allows them to hover
continuously over one position on the surface. The geosynchronous plane is about 35,800
km (22,300 miles) above the Earth, high enough to allow the satellites a full-disc view of
the Earth. Because they stay above a fixed spot on the surface, they provide a constant
vigil for the atmospheric "triggers" for severe weather conditions such as tornadoes, flash
floods, hail storms, and hurricanes. When these conditions develop the GOES satellites
are able to monitor storm development and track their movements.
The SOHO and ACE satellites are much further out, about 1 million miles or 1.5 million
kilometers. These do not orbit earth, but rather orbit the sun between earth and the sun in
the L1 point. SOHO thus has a constant view of the face of the sun. ACE was put up in
order to provide some advance notice of events that might cause geomagnetic
disturbances. Below is from the SOHO site ,
An Uninterrupted View of the Sun
SOHO moves around the Sun in step with the Earth, by slowly orbiting around the First
Lagrangian Point (L1), where the combined gravity of the Earth and Sun keep SOHO in an
orbit locked to the Earth-Sun line. The L1 point is approximately 1.5 million kilometers
away from Earth (about four times the distance of the Moon), in the direction of the Sun.
There, SOHO enjoys an uninterrupted view of our daylight star. All previous solar
observatories have orbited the Earth, from where their observations were periodically
interrupted as our planet `eclipsed' the Sun.
Both these craft orbit the L1 point, which means they have their own orbit around this
imaginary point, which is perpendicular to the earth sun line. These are called Halo orbits,
and SOHO‟s halo orbit is about 1 million miles in diameter. I did not determine if the ACE
satellite‟s Halo orbit has the same diameter or not.
These are links for those interested, that I have posted several times before, where you
can watch the action about the magnetosphere I leave it to you to teach yourself what you
need to know. WIKI can be useful. click on the dials to get the actual data. From ACE Data from various sources. The
temperature and proton data on the bottom graphs often do not match ACE data, so I don‟t
know where the data comes from, its doesn‟t match SOHO data either. This is what I call
Real Time in some posts I make. It has interesting images of the magnetic field, pressure,
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 80
and continuous updating also of wind, protons and the AO/……… graphs are very
interesting to watch. This has some data from a couple of GOES
satellites. The X-Ray Flux reveals the intensity of solar flares when they occur. My newest favorite for constant updating
of various information concerning the magnetic field, with great imaging. Click the link at
the bottom to review material for the previous 2 weeks. This is most ground and ionosphere data.
The 4 hour blast showed up on a couple of the graphs. SOHO data collected by the University of Maryland. Shows the
big 4 hour event mentioned above. Archive site for the bottom
graphs on “Real Time.”
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 81
Your Opinion Desired
by Esu thru Candace
# 107 June 23, 2009
Dearly Beloveds,
I am come rather late this evening after a very long day in several conferences. I have first
a question to ask of all readers of this site. Do you wish to go forward now, regards the
magnetosphere which may bring about very quick change, or would you rather we hold it
back another few weeks for sake of your family members and circles so that they hopefully
become more aware?
We are going to be sending some big CME‟s your way, which are going to get some
attention of specific ones, and will cause very likely some problems with the satellites and
other communications systems. Those of you paying attention to the crop circles are
seeing hints of this, but the day predicted of July 7, is not necessarily the day these will
begin. That is because conditions are set up and then there is the response, and it is not
possible to state the exact time the response will occur.
We did entertain some a couple days ago with a large CM out to the side of the sun. This
was quite large and you are seeing a glance off of earth from the protons right now. And
there have been a few what are labeled GRB‟s which your scientists are having some
difficulty understanding from whence they came.
Your Bz is very low, the magnetosphere begins to weaken at greater rates, as it is
exponential. The wind, as Candace calls it is very slow. Now we can delay a tad longer,
not much on the mother, she is restless, but we can also let it rip, as some of you use that
expression on earth.
Now I wish for you to spend two full days thinking this over. It has to be about those
that you know, and not that you wish out of here! Do NOT consider yourself in this.
We would ourselves still prefer that people have some idea something is coming
and thus will be less upset when they find themselves in safety shortly before or
during stasis, depending on the circumstances that mount.
If we let it rip, we anticipate rapid changes. There will be problems with the communication
satellites and other energy manifestations. The earth is going to do what it was in March,
but more so, with the movements causing the sun to be irregular. We did stabilize the
planet a good deal as we were able for reasons known to us, and about the readiness of
man still at this date.
And what if we don‟t let it rip just yet, things will be somewhat more gradual, that is all. But
it also seems that gradual does not get attention. We must still take the planet through the
reversal slowly, but off course this can be done after people are asleep, so that is not so
much a worry. In fact if we let it rip, that is basically what we will do, get the planet into
stasis rapidly. The magnetosphere will come down rapidly and people will notice.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 82
This is such a touch and go situation for us. Please understand the huge complexity of
these actions, or the delaying of actions, either way. We are still wishing to have you all
back within a couple years or thereabouts and not have the extensive volcanism that is so
destruction to animal life. Partial reseeding is not what we wish to do, and that is for the
sake of the evolving animals here also.
After your two days of pondering, let your guides or myself know your intent in a logical
controlled manner. Again, it is not about you. This is an exercise in critical thinking and
leave the emotion out of it.
Now to the dark ones, there is great need to get something on television for the people. I
understand you do not wish to lay it out and deal with the huge fear, but please, could
something be put up that you have benevolent visitors? This would assist everyone
involved. I would actually prefer that you did lay it out gently, suggesting there is a rescue if
needed, and how badly off the planet is. We will guide this process, if only you will let us.
We will not send people to you, you kill them off. Aren‟t you also tired of shooting the
holograms? You are a most rude group of people. There are countries willing to start this
more open approach, and it will get about the Internet.
Regards the state of Iran, for shame, for shame, for shame. Obama, you sat on TV and
denied the CIA had anything to do with this. Well, it did. This was planned after you had
other difficulties starting up some more war in the region, so you played divide and
conquer. Our ones are there attempting to mend this. The person that won, won, fair and
square. And the CIA black ops are busy setting up these protests, and we don‟t mind
protests, but this is a set up to destroy the country because they will not cooperate with
you. They know truth and they know your games.
And since when are you playing the game of send us your money, and we will back off?
Yes, you are “broke” and setting up insurrection and bribes remains not the answer to your
problems. You have NO answer to your problems. Russia has delayed, on our advice, and
yes they do know about us, we have been aiding them since Chernobyl, destroying YOU.
They have delayed creating terrible weather storms and floods. That which you see is
Mother nature responding to the magnetic field changes, and that is a bit behind your
„computer‟ problems with the train crash in Washington DC yesterday. There is going to be
more of these events. You can help people, this is YOUR last chance to claim back
anything of your souls.
Incoming bad weather storms may well begin taking out dams and the like. California is in
huge disarray right now, and it‟s not just the money, the levies and the like are in big
trouble and it will take little to leave most of California without potable water, in addition to
the state‟s other problems. The water tables are rising hugely there. The cracking within
the caverns and substructures is terrible. You are going to have soon some really big
Now we have decided to take the benevolent way out of this, and not have the people
themselves have to experience your ineptness so greatly. Your grids, your water,
everything the world over of infrastructure was built poorly and is deteriorating. It will
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 83
deteriorate rapidly as the weather issues continue. Those technologies heavily under
computerized control will have some serious issues.
We would like the people to become aware, once again, that “God‟ and his angels are here
to assist this planet. We will not however, it remains against universal law, show up with
guns and demand you obey us. We know you hate us, we know you hate this planet, we
know you are cruel and without much, if any soul. You do not get to win this, there is NO
win, but there can be some compassion if only you would look at the possibility.
You have lost, it is time to make something “right”. I bid you well, to ponder that. Namaste,
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 84
Quickie from Esu
Esu thru Candace
# 108 Jul 19, 2009
Hello dear friends, Candace is begging on your behalf, and I suggested she tell you we are
still not quite ready to update and so she said for me to tell you, so here it is: We are NOT
ready to update yet, in a serious manner, but you should be realizing that there is quiite an
increase in actions at this point. We just gave the Magnetosphere a big wake up shock,
prep for the incoming CME that is a bit slow in coming in. Rest in peace and be patient,
This is Esu, over and out!.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 85
It‟s Showdown Time
By Esu, Christ Michael, and General Radetsky
With Candace
# 109 July 26, 2009
Esu: Hello beloveds, sorry for the long wait, we have been most busy. This will be a 3 part
message from Me , Christ Michael and General Radestky.
Now, you all have probably heard of strange things going on the solar system, a large
“impact” spot on Jupiter, a white spot on Venus, and other possibilities. This is all on the
holograms, and NOTHING for you to be concerned about but it has purpose to us. We are
preparing all of you for the possible/probable showing of the real Jupiter, and the populace
will be most confused with the stories that may be presented by the media.
Jupiter has been seen peaking out in the edge of the corona here and there all summer
and you have a rash of photos on the internet with some thinking its that mysterious Planet
X/Nibiru finally showing up. It is not. (Candace: And I may have one of them! I saw a little
round spot about 2:00 one day, on camera, not my eyes, that persisted, where camera
junk does not persist. I took two pics a day apart, and then it was gone the day after that.)
Now, several weeks ago, I asked for all of you that read here to send your opinions forward
on whether or not we should go ahead in a strong manner, the “let it rip” scenario. And that
is basically the chosen script in this play. We have been preparing earth for Jupiter‟s
coming out party with the CME‟s. Plus we are also conditioning change in the plates as we
have stated to reduce the stresses.
Jupiter is now carefully out in the corona all of the time and we will still tug and play a bit
and watch the results, so I can‟t give you a final date of the unveiling yet. But to ye dark
ones, we suggest you be getting some sort of your “shit together” on this.
This will cause some religious upheaval, political upheaval, and upheaval of the planet
herself. It will provide a reasonable measure of “let it rip.” We have in part been waiting the
timing also for when Jupiter is visible at bedtime, and it is now rising generally for many a
little before 10 pm. It would be thus good to have it coming up at around 9:30 so that it is
seen by 10 pm more easily.
There exists in most religions the idea of a bright light coming in the east, and this can
have various causes. In the current scenario, it will be Jupiter. A comment, this is an
“ascended” sun of sorts and is brilliantly white, being helium dominated like the main sun is
now. We do expect that the unveiling will bring about tilt and rotation issues that will
become much more noticeable than it was in late February and March. Calmness will be
the rule, beloveds, with those around you. Now the other reason for a great white light in
the east is mass evacuation and of course that is not now the game plan.
The bringing out of Jupiter will be most uncomfortable on the planet, and will very much
increase the issues with the magnetosphere. There will continue to be CME‟s, as this is the
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 86
only way to get your scientists attention. They do not understand the cause of these since
the sun is so inactive still. You have now, the same sunspot, 1024 that was last viewable
about a month ago, and we have kept it active for viewing again to fulfill the prophesy in
the crop circles that some saw. We haven‟t decided whether to enhance it further or not at
this point. It‟s a day to day basis thing.
(Candace: some interpreted something to imply a sunspot will travel completely around the
sun and show up again in about 33 days. One person I won‟t name in this report reported
that 1024, was the returning sunspot on Crop Circle Connector as there had been another
before that had spit x ray flares for awhile some weeks before. I myself didn‟t think that
was the same spot at all, as I checked Stereo Behind and 1024 was completely new,
showing up in it‟s baby stages about June 28th or 29th. It appeared suddenly rather than
slowly rotating into view.)
There is another CME that has been formed, and we await its arrival on your shores.
These can‟t be totally predicted to you on the arrival date, because space conditions vary
constantly. We have been waiting in our planning because of this current coronal
hole/small ejection scenario that is now ending. This has seemed longer than the normal
coronal hole resolution and so it has, there were little sputterings that also arrived in the
same time frame. We initiated a small CME that sputtered out essentially as it arrived. This
next one will be obvious. Space conditions are better.
Now I expect all of you, once Jupiter is brought out for show and tell, that you of course
explain what has been going on, but please NOT before. How and when it shows depends
on everything that it depends on, multiple variables as always. We will tow it further out of
the corona to test the results, and some of you are going to see hints on your cameras in a
few days or so, and you might have fun looking for a small bulge that can come and go.
Once we are ready, and we will not give notice, it will be towed out rapidly and seem
suddenly there. And starship Jupiter will be “laid to rest” from its duties.
We will not give the purpose just yet of that strange white spot of Star Ship Venus. But
there is a reason.
Now, some of your scientists are a bit worried about other things being sensed and
actually looked at. There is a brown dwarf. It orbits your sun in a large oval, not circular
orbit. It balances the energies of this solar system. It‟s not really a brown dwarf, but that is
what your scientists call it. It is NOT planet X either. But currently at this time, it is closer in
its orbit to the sun and is about to max out on that closeness. It does exert minor forces,
but nothing of major consequence will happen, so put aside any and all stories your elite
put out on the thing. It does not have a tail that will role over your planet. We expect the
Zeta stuff to increase, we shall see what they play. But you relax, as this thing that
counterbalances in your solar system is no big deal to you at this time.
All right, I pass the torch on to Christ Michael, Namaste, Esu.
Christ Michael: Yes, indeed dear readers, we have been most busy. We continue to
interfere in the money games, the swine flu games, and the rest of it. We continue to
prevent a full scale attack on Iran and we continue to not allow the release of the stolen
funds. They can‟t be released! They are effectively gone as we have posted before, and
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 87
the special precious metals that will back the new system are kept safe guarded. Candace
can give you a link if interested.
(Candace: This organization is directly tied to Nebadon,
and has been around since the mid 1800‟s as part of the game plan. It is owned and under
the control of a single person, and boy, that guy, Benjamin Fulford, nearly threatened him
recently. This organization has the real and genuinely higher vibration precious metals
stored in many places that WILL fund the planet after stasis.)
Christ Michael: It continues that when the magnetic field goes down we go into stasis and
it goes down when it does and it continues to weaken, and we stabilize it as needed for the
time being as the plans continue in their final development. As we have reported, those
ascending forward in any way are more than we expected, but not as good as we hoped.
But so it goes, and there are many that will face the consequences of obliteration of their
being by those of the superuniverse, who are the ultimate determining courts of this action,
as these ones may not further infest the creation.
Yes, you do have in fact 3 Obama‟s, and not a one of them is the original. Voter‟s elected a
soulless duplicate and there are two look a likes. The soulless duplicate was created
before we closed the cloning labs and clones are kept living longer than before, but you
see this one aging pretty fast. The gray haired version is the duplicate. The others are
synthetics, which means men close to looking like Obama were given selected genes from
the duplicate to cause certain changes genetically and also underwent mind control and
other conditioning and plastic surgeries.
The American people of course know none of this still, but at some point the story will be
told. The original is no more. Michelle was also changed out and the children are the same
but mind controlled to not notice the difference.
Regards the arrests in New Jersey, these were some who had some input into 911, but
Sorcha and the others are planting stories to focus the attention away to Israel and off of
the real culprits, although there was certainly influence from Israel through those having
dual citizenship. We continue to be abhorred but not surprised at the Christian Zionist
support for Israel, and these ones that can‟t think any to well about the nature of God. But
so be it, and for those ensouled ones participating in the hoax, they have their reward
coming, as the rulers of the creation are just.
Now a message to the dark ones It is time to vacate dark brothers. It is also time to begin
telling the truth. We shall see how you ones play with this Jupiter Story we are setting in
place. We have our plans and some of you suspect what they are in this final showdown
before stasis begins. We wish you to vacate. We have some stand-ins, not clones, waiting
to begin the spilling of the truth. You can leave. We will let you leave in fact. You can go to
some of your hidey holes you have made. Freely and easily. You have sealed your fate
regardless. Some have gotten quite nervous, like the resigning Sarah Palin. This is not a
lighted soul and she is freaked out. Time for the rest of you to exit “graciously” in the same
manner. HINT, HINT, HINT. Enough of this lecture, I leave more on that topic to General
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 88
Now, when we are in stasis, as we have suggested before, every living thing on the planet
goes into the pausing of energies. This protects them from the incoming radiation. The
whole of the reversal will take a few weeks, on our time frame, and of course, no one will
be aware of that. The planet is going to be rotated very slowly in the opposite direction.
Even the slow down is going to be slow, to decrease the destruction and there will be more
and more anomalies of all sorts from this, primarily in movement of the sun through the
sky, many storms of strange nature and the like.
The weather and quakes will continue to increase and this will be noticed by all, as the
MSM can‟t hide the weather. People will have notice dear ones, this is how it‟s done. The
changes. When the sun rises or sets a half hour off or more, this will be noticed by many
and the word spread. There will be many sudden storms. Candace‟s area received one of
these on the 21st, and it was partly because of the CME that made it so very strong. And
this one was minor compared to what will happen.
(Candace: And I discovered several days after this evening storm, which took place at
bedtime, how severe it had been, on GLP! Somebody from Denver posted a thread and
pics. I had not apparently watched any local news afterwards. I didn‟t have an destruction,
just a lovely but very intense storm with incredible (and fun) constant lightening from all
directions, some thunder, and 2 inches of rain. There were a lot of fallen trees, damaged
windows and the like in the western part of the city.)
Christ Michael: Now time wise, it depends. We want the crops mature, so they can be
harvested. But this is not a priority. It goes as it goes. You can expect that hole on Jupiter
to enlarge. The media is covering it. There will be other strange wonders in the heavens
like auroras further south, which have been occurring, but they may be seen all the way to
the equator and you folks in the southern portions may see some emanating also from the
Southern pole. There will be more and more showings of our craft, but many will not realize
they are craft. If you are around anybody noticing, make sure they know these are craft.
Go out and familiarize yourself with your current night sky, so you yourself know what
belongs there or not. Venus will be behaving strangely in the mornings also, which will only
get noticed by early birds at this point.
You might wish to pay some attention to the big dipper, because we are considering some
changes in it too. We may turn the lights off and on, on the ships. No stars in the sky
should get the attention of some! Most are ships dear ones. We have considered turning
them off for a couple days at a time, and turning them back on again. Hopefully your news
channels will have very busy lines. We have some other games to play too, but I will refrain
form describing them, but some of you should notice. This concludes my portion and
Candace will take a bit of a break, she always needs this, and then General Radetsky will
take up. Be in peace, and enjoy the upcoming shows. I AM THAT I AM, the Big Cheese of
General Radetsky: Hello dear ones, long time since I have posted! It‟s been an exciting
several months. We have worked up quite a plan for these ending weeks before stasis.
First, you notice above that Christ Michael has asked the dark ones to vacate. Most
already know of this and are considering how they will bow out. We have replacements
and no clues at all on who they may be to protect some of them on the planet. Ooops.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 89
Some on the planet, yes, but many NOT on the planet to step in dear ones as and if they
are needed.
The dark ones are none to crazy about being here when the perceived earth changes and
other shows manifest. They know not what to do before the public. And now, before I
forget, a warning to our dark brothers who did NOT step down when asked in 2005. DO
in that regard, all can move forward still, until the time of stasis. When stasis commences,
it is all over brothers, so make those choices now.
We will be giving some coverage of some of the awful things done these past few years,
including 911. There await ones to tell at least simply the story, because before stasis, the
people have a right to consciously know. The individual reactions of ensouled ones that
have been lied too will be recorded so their placement may be more accurate. This is
because of the mind control, that some have not been able to rise above. There have been
energies used that lower brain waves, but these have been all removed and hopefully
some are going to wake up. We need the sleeping star seeds to wake up!
Now, if you ones even attempt to make this Christed EVENT into an invasion, the minute
any word or intelligence surfaces that such a plan is imminent, OFF GO the satellites
buddies. And we can take out any number of other methods of media also. There are ones
well placed to carry this out, it shall not even hit the print. It does you ones NO GOOD to
serve your DEAD Lucifer. He was uncreated. Do not listen to your pope either as he is still
serving “Lucifer.” It is time to listen to the living God.
We intend to have some announcements and media coverage of the upcoming earth
changes that will be continuously manifesting. We will be in charge of certain media
coverage of same, and we will not be tolerating any inappropriate media coverage.
Those in high places in the media have also been informed of the coming
circumstances, If yea ones in higher media places do not play ball, you will be
counted in the group never to again see life. So make your choices well. You will
have to of course like all in sin and error be required to experience a proper
rehabilitation. It‟s your choice brothers, it‟s your choice.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 90
You see, your General is an arch angel incarnate. I am a very old and seasoned
being and I am fully in contact with my „higher self.‟ I have skills which you can only
dream of, even beyond those arch angels of Nebadon, because I am from an older
universe and have been there and done that, and there is nothing you can pull on
me. I have seen it all.
We mean business. The time is finally at hand. We gave you many chances the last
few years to do better and you failed. You seemed to think you could out maneuver
us, and that is never possible. We have only delayed the inevitable for soul growth
of all concerned, including the Mother Gaia. She is now fully ready to participate in
this final showdown herself. She wishes you gone and she desires her own
ascension which requires her, like all who ascend, to throw off the fleas, so to
In that regard she is no different of any soul who makes the great journey upwards.
She is fully conscious, she is a being who is going to preserve her form for the use
of those coming here to grow after the cleanse. Her form is the planet. So be it, I
think this is adequate. We are not revealing all the possibilities or time frames at this
moment, but I suggest you all pay some real attention, the time is short. I AM Arch
Angel Immanuel Jhonka, playing the role of General Radetsky.
Candace: For those newer ones to AbundantHope, the General has done some other
works with me, the first being in January, or possibly early February 2006. I had the forum
closed for cleaning for a few weeks, and we reopened with a piece by him. He has posted
under both names. The General was based on Mars at the time, and returned to further
assist the process on the ground. Yes, Mars, newbies, we have had a base there with the
Russians and good Aliens for more than 50 years.
I have had some long and enjoyable discussions with Kevin (his personal name). Turns out
he visited my home town to ski with his family during my teenage years. I hope I ran into
him on the slopes, but I doubt it. He is a few years older than me at this time. OK, this
needs posting, so I won‟t chatter on. Take care, Candace
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 91
Get Out of Our Way!!!!
Esu & Christ Michael, thru Candace
# 110 August 4, 2009
Esu: Beloveds, this is not a message for you, it‟s for the black ops brothers and sisters.
There is a plan aboard to put Mr. Clinton back in office, and it shall not be. You are
not going to install the dictatorship, we are not going to allow it. Yes, this current president
is NOT a citizen, and yes the American people WILL be allowed to see this. But you are
NOT to murder this clone you have placed into office and take over this country. There will
be dire consequences if you move on further down this path. I Am Esu, commander of
Earth forces at this time. Some of you know me well. Have a Good Day.
Christ Michael: There is this day a motivating of joint earth and star fleet forces. This is
under the capable direction of General Radetsky. We are ON the ground and taking care
of some major issues ole buddies, and we mean business. Stop immediately of your
plans. NOW!
The Big Cheese of Nebadon.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 92
Let's get something out!!!!!
Talking Evacuation Rules
Esu and Candace
# 111 October 3, 2009
Hi all, well, Esu and I are doing a piece. Christ Michael is on call with a problem and he
and I as I improve will do a very interesting update, based a bit around Daniel's recent
piece with Monjoronson, about his changed duties, and giving more responsibility to
Monjoronson and Machiventa.
Now this piece with Esu started out in a difficult manner like the last one I tried with Christ
Michael because of my tremendous vertigo and other problems related to Momma GAIA's
temper tantrum. My, temper tantrums are catching! I have been throwing them for a week
now. This has being hugely frustrating to. My ability to spell and hit even a few correct keys
had gone south.
How many of you feel really awful if drunk? I have never understood why people will drink
themselves drunk. I have done so at most, less than the fingers on one hand, because it's
so awful. I have been seriously 'drunk' almost a week now from the vertigo which got even
worse when the quakes hit South East Asia. I don't cry very much at all, but the tears keep
coming when I can't type, and I trip often. I have had little balance.
Andrea has helped a couple times, and finally I begged my Sky Doc AA Rafael for some
help. I have been so 'drunk' I guess it didn't even occur to me to ask him. He came in now
earlier today and examined my brain, and helped rebalance my fields because I can't even
remember to try this. As I felt him working on that, which feels exactly like I do when I
rebalance my fields, I then remembered what I do. I call it 'running energy', and I get a bit
relaxed either sitting up or laying down and open my crown and draw 'Christ energy, white
energy, God energy' into my head. You can feel your crown opening, your imagination
makes it so! It will tingle of sorts.
Then I draw the energy down through my rear chakras, the back of the spine, down to the
bottom of the spine and then run it up the front chakras. You don't have to fully understood
the locations, you can feel the energy stream though them. Then exit the energy out your
arms and surround your self with it, like being in a big bubble. You can flow it down to the
feet do and give some to GAIA. Play with it. AS you relax you get a pleasant tingly feeling
through you body that certainly beats being drunk or drugged in some way. It can work
way better than a cup of coffee. And I had not even thought about it, until I felt exactly what
Raphael was doing.
This is great to do with nice music, but it's not necessary and once you learn it, you can
use it for even a few minutes to break a stress. Don't just run it one time, keep it going for 5
to 30 minutes. It WILL help you relax and to get into a meditative state. If I have a short
night, or can't sleep, this can really help relax the body, so you wake up better. I run
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 93
energy also to help me raise my vibration before we do the beam me up Scotty thing if I
am awake. Maybe later I will go into that some more. That is what it does, it raises your
vibrations and while you run energy if you are angry, you can clean that up. It is really hard
to run energy and be pissed off at the same time!
Anyway, Raphael did something to rebalance the pressure in my inner ears. So I am
feeling better, the 'drunk' is gone and I finally was able to do a bit of needed housework.
Tonight I go to his 'hospital' ship to have an implant placed that will help keep this away.
This has been problem with motion since I was a small child. I always had to deal with
motion sickness when traveling in a car, and still do if it is a large car with air shocks on it
that make it feel like a rocking boat. I haven't ever taken a cruise for this reason. I do not
ride roller coasters and the like.. And I used to travel with a barf bag, sometimes even on
public busses. When I was going to nursing school in Denver and my husband to be was
still in Boulder where I meant him, he would borrow his pastors old Volkswagen, and come
get me for the weekend, and this car didn't produce vertigo and nausea! Needless to say,
our first car was a Volkswagen. I don't know if I was born this way or suffered an injury
when I was little or perhaps both. It is surely a problem now. I get this during phases of
ascension syndrome for years now, but it's short-lived and NEVER this bad. I had some
episodes last March when Jupiter was being dragged out and GAIA was over responding.,
but it was NOT like this. So now that my fingers are warmed up and its going better, I will
let Esu take over.
ESU: Hello dear ones, I started out for Candace above, but let her write to help her get into
the typing. By now most of you are aware of the increasing quaking in the South East Asia
regions. . This is a direct response to the constant flopping back and forth of Gaia. There
was no attack of any sort going on. She is soon to find the balance point and move into the
reversal process. Candace can add some observation on this subject. There is going to be
more and California is 'ripe' at this time. (Candace, I am getting tired and need to post this,
so any further commentary will come later.)
Now we have made another possible direction to take. The earth is really in struggle. And
we must control the rate as mentioned in past pieces. The dark side has increasing plans
of discord and wishes to solve it's financial issues by of course still attacking several cities
in the US and again more agitating in Iran and Afghanistan. This will cause the reversal
and then some and Gaia can't handle this. To you dark ones, we will simply if necessary
proceed into stasis, the ships have long be placed, so we can control everything and you
are left to 'dissolve' and no longer be. This is your end, during this process. I advise you
think twice about your games, because in pulling off a game you have signed your death
certificate. And that is a permanent death certificate.
Now, for you readers, if this option becomes necessary many of you in dangerous areas
will be evacuated. Some of you can be beamed, but others most board by levitation beam.
The craft comes down low and you step into the beam. Most of these craft are circular.
Usually they will have green and red lights, but there is assistance by others to Ashtar
Command, and so the lights may vary. Step into the beam, one at a time, and it simply
carries you up and will feel a bit like riding an elevator.
If you find yourselves a beam to step into, PLEASE dear ones step into it. You will have no
time. Do not worry, just do it. If at night, you will be awakened and taken outside to board.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 94
All are staffed by federation folks and they will have the trilateral insignia* of some sort,
which varies in type. A staff person will come down the beam and give instructions. They
have a list and will ask names if necessary, because you have a priority boarding 'pass.'
Others will be taken depending on timing. There in some situations be a period of time to
pick up folks, in others, if waves are coming, which affects you on coastal lines, just get on
that craft. High winds are another reason. The stasis process does take a couple hours to
complete. We have many craft now, for this purpose.
The purpose of this would be if the mother more suddenly begins the process, which could
be 'jerky' so to speak. Also during this final wait if you who have a boarding pass are in
harms way of a quake, volcanic eruption, and any other dire situation, until we do go into
stasis, will be lifted. We lifted a number of you in South East Asia and we will lift you if you
live in California or any other dangerous area. Those of you who are staying or going to the
new planet or elsewhere IN BODY will be lifted as needed.
If your soul is going, there is less concern and by that I mean, we will not endanger the
process to attempt to come into situations where it is too late, or we must get our craft out
quickly. Some of you have relatives nearby who are not necessarily needing to go in body,
but we will lift these ones anyway to reduce the stress if we are able to do so. Some areas
will face more evacuation that others. We normally will take pets, except in rapidly
deteriorating situations. The person assisting from the craft will advise you.
If you are told to board NOW, board now, and do not look back. You beloved animals
always reincarnate dear ones, and the animals are more tolerant of this than the rest of
you. And animals dematerialize better, and if they are to be rescued they will be brought up
by the beam me up Scotty method. (Candace, my cats have been placed back into my
home for their safety all the time. Special treat by my guards. Some of them are so used to
it, their faces just say, oh, well I am back in the house. NO concern.)
Some evacuations will be very specific, and you must accept this. There are some to not
continue and while painful to watch, they aren't going. Your 'passport' is your special chip
that is implanted and you are in the computer on the Ashtar Command ship, The New
Jerusalem, and it locates you constantly, and craft covering the area where you live have
that information. If you have family with you, they go. But others may not be boarding. So
just prepare yourself for the fact that others in the neighborhood may not be removed.
There are some places where there are huge populations and many will be offered to go
and if we pick up 'Thugs' these will be dealt with later.
Now after pickup obviously you go to mother crafts, and everybody participating is well
experienced in these processes. You will be asked to calm yourself, and if can't you will be
put into a sleep state. Do not worry about your children if they are not with you. We will get
everybody sorted and children are usually put into a sleep state, unless they are obviously
fine and wish to help and many star seed children will immediately realize what is going on
and pitch in. You will be pitching in where and when asked.
All the folks picking you up will be fully human appearing. We don't use other races during
evacuation that are unknown to the races on the planet. Now some of you during massive
pick ups who were intending to sleep in stasis, may in due time find yourself in stasis for a
time aboard ship. When some of the changes are past, you may be returned to safe
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 95
havens under the surface, many countries have built them and awaken gradually to begin
to socialize in those environments. Which you will enjoy as this becomes available while
work continues on the surface. Others in safe locations will just sleep unaffected.
Now, if you BBB&G's* pull off any of your plans with weapons, we will at our discretion
remove you immediately from the planet. You are not going to mess this up and endanger
others, and cause us to have to speedily come to action. At any time, for any reason, we
will initiate stasis so we have full control of the reversal process. It is possible Jupiter will
not expose himself, as the planet Earth is as you can see, is having increasing difficulties.
If we can work it a day or so before stasis, he can be seen, as those that believe in the
great light in the east can have that satisfaction. And I will of course NOT being coming
across the sky riding a white horse!
Now we are removing also some people here and there before stasis for other reasons, so
there may will be some 'raptured' people as those in certain churches believe. However,
these ones will be brought by levitation beam or dematerialization with whatever they are
wearing, or not wearing, and there will no neatly folded clothes left behind. I find it just
astounding that some cannot see these things they are taught, it takes only a bit of thinking
it would seem. If these are scene there maybe rapture stories circulating.
If you are coming up in these special situations, your mate and children will come up also,
as above, so no one is left behind in fear about where the others went. For those who
know Christians believing in the huge lies, the word will get around. Seek to correct them
as you wish at this point. So say if another quake is coming some will disappear, and there
may be craft visualized, just suggest that angels of the lord that are removing people from
harm. Or use something that seems appropriate in communication. Keep it simple. There
are MANY beloveds missing in these quakes and tsunamis that are not going to be found
because they are already with us, so simply expect more of this which may make the
news, or at least the internet.
We do not know the actual timing of stasis. It is all on the mother and our observations of
the situation. We have considerably less than one month so it appears at this time. Please
keep adequate food and cash around. Stay a little ahead. There is always the possibility of
damaged cables, and of your controllers calling a bank holiday or carrying out something
else nasty. Have some CASH. And keep your tank full. You can skip a meal at McDonalds
to provide the cash. Teller machines will not produce cash for you. Perhaps take most of
your money out of the bank and hide it safely and spend it as needed without waste if you
are one a 'budget.'
Now to one last topic. If you are suffering the physical problems, get more rest, and use
whatever works for you. If you have a system like Candace, where you are laid back nearly
completely, do get in touch with guardians who can get you attention. There is not a one of
you that cannot do that much. Do not talk loudly, THINK IT, this goes better. Many of you
who are sensitive are probably going to have more troubles, so talk to them. Use a sick
day now and then if needed. You can expect anger and impatience, headaches, nausea
and other GI problems. You can expect to be anywhere from a little dizzy to not being able
to stand up.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 96
This is quite similar to being severely drunk, and your systems have several stimuli that
can affect them. The same system of balance with the inner ears is affected by both
movement and drinking. I suggest this is NOT a good time to drink. Pamper your self,
KEEP HYDRATED but do not over drink of liquids if you develop vertigo, because that can
affect the pressure system in your ears. You may also experience earaches and increased
pain. If your temper is running short, do something about it before you kick the dog and hit
a child. This is going to be very sensitive on sensitive children and you do not need to
make it worse on them, and they may require a lot of attention if they feel ill.
Step out and help others. If they are not going to understand a pole reversal just say all the
earthquakes are causing problems of this sort. And believe me, LOTS of people are
wondering why they are having these problems, as they have no idea. You are likely to
have many at work complaining of similar symptoms and many are going to need to stay at
home. I think some employers are going to see many staying at home. But people driving
and working with heavy machinery should be staying at home. Watch out for these ones at
work, because many will be very crabby and it's not a good time to pick a fight with them,
because they may respond very negatively.
Many people are affected by this. There are some of low energy that are not, and it
depends on the body, like Candace's inner ears. There is also going to be some more
confusion, because the dark ones have succeeded in leaking out a severe flu type illness.
This is causing the gaunt of symptoms in the respiratory and GI tract. This is now rampant
in the Middle East and other such countries. If you see somebody with this, might be a
good idea to stay out of reach and not carry it around. Be washing the hands.
We just watched on TV a few days in the US of A, that people are being told that hand
washing isn't useful after all. And I don't think I have to tell you why. Just like in the days of
AIDS you were told you could not catch it off of water glasses, kissing and the like, and this
is because they were wishing it to spread. They were wishing to allow people with AIDs to
be able to continue work. Most of you have been immunized against many of the diseases
coming forth, but I would not count on your luck on this in every case.
Stay away form sick people, especially if they appear to have this new 'flu.' If this is making
rounds at your schools, please try to keep your kids at home, and put pressure on the
schools to send sick children HOME. This one is deadly and it's not the Swine Flu. But it
will be harsh on children and older people in particular. How did this one get put out there?
It was developed in a couple underground labs, and TESTED there against disliked
employees who then took it home to their families. You have no idea how many citizens
work underground, at several places. When it tested suitable, it was taken through the
tunnels and carried in vials and dumped in public areas where people are always touching.
You get it by sticking your fingers in your nose and mouth. PLEASE for yourself and the
sake of others who tread after you, be about washing your hands. This virus is not likely to
be used to quarantine folks for 'marital law'. They want this to spread.
Now that Candace is better, she should be in good shape tomorrow, except maybe a bit
sleepy from losing some sleep, we will probably be posting more, and she should start
catching up on unfinished business. Good Night! Esu.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 97
Candace: BBB& G's is a term I coined long ago, and which we haven't used much lately.
Big Bad Boys and Girls.
Trilateral Insignia: Usually a triangle with 3 equal sides. Different colors and schemes on
them. Most space commands use this type of insignia. Many are going to be glowing, of
higher vibration, and this is most useful because they are seen as angels in this world.
They will identify themselves.
Dematerialization: This is the beam me up method Scotty method. You are disassembled
and then re assembled on the craft.
Levitation Beam. This is like the little cartoons you see a lot nowadays. You stand in the
beam which feels something like a vacuum cleaner and you are sucked up into the craft.
These are always down low enough for breathing comfortably. Don't freak out, it isn't any
harder than riding an elevator. You will not fall out of the beam. Be brave and show the
way for others watching.
I hope to begin catching up tomorrow, I will get some long awating translations and some
more PJ chapters first. Then anything with WB that might be ready. My house is disgusting
and I am definitely going to finish some chores. I am feeling MUCH better tonight. We did
work on this in three sessions and it may be a bit choppy.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 98
We Have Thrown in the Rag. The Earth is Crying.
By Christ Michael & Candace
# 112 November 1, 2009
Dearly beloveds, Christ Michael here to speak a bit after a rather long absence it would
First, let‟s cover just a bit on what I have been doing. I recently posted through Daniel
Raphael that I have turned over more day to day management to Machiventa and
Monjoronson. There are some other planets that are part of the rebellion requiring a bit of
my personal attention right now, in this body that I am using.
One planet is particularly having troubles, and this is in Orion. We are currently removing
the last of the Reptilians also from that place, as we did on your world a couple years ago
or so. I am doing much there similarly to here. This world I am often visiting for a few days
at a time, is not quite as troublesome as your world, but longer away from light and life. It is
not in a solar system yet facing ascension, but in time, it will also come in the Galactic
Ecliptic and experience what your world is now experiencing for 3 years. It has yet to rotate
directly in line. Your world actually entered a little earlier because we are towing you to a
new energy stream, meaning the solar system is being towed, not just planet earth.
And regards the “towing”, Candace collects a lot of what she calls “crap” on GLP over this,
as if we have little tow trucks or something. We have only to tow “planet X” and the whole
solar system comes with it. Every solar system has a “planet X”, and it is through these
bodies that whole solar systems travel around their central stars. Your central star is
Alcyone. And in time, in your new energy stream, you will be much closer to Alcyone, and
thus not in the long dark period you have been in previously, of 11,000 years at a time.
You will be “in the light” all of the time, based on both the energy stream, and the effects of
your 3 suns, as Saturn will also be ignited in due time.
Regards being in that Milky Way galactic ecliptic, you should be noticing some of the rather
rapid effects regards your ascension syndromes, and that of your animals. Most of you
who are around animals should be noticing they are getting smarter too. The god particles
remodel everything!!!! There will be a great surge in evolution upon your plane.
Now, let‟s get into the not so nice stuff. Despite the now 3 years of work, by the particles
coming through to you, your dark ones just aren‟t getting a hint yet and it doesn‟t appear
they will at all. We did hope some would awaken a bit, with their reptilian and Anunnaki
controllers out of the way, but sadly, the difficulties remain huge.
Now Candace knew about OITC quite some time ago, but for safety reasons we did not
provide her directly with the name of the organization. OITC as suggested before, IS
GESARA. I hope all of you have visited the website, and viewed the excellent video‟s if you
are not yet convinced. If you are on dial up, find a computer, perhaps go to a library, where
you can view them.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 99
The results of going public with OITC, putting up the website and the like have been
dismal. There is no money for guns, so the thugs are not interested. It is far worse than
that actually. I don‟t know yet today, what for sure has gone so wrong on this world.
Usually confining thugs together gets results and an upliftment in the DNA, but this time it
wasn‟t successful. The angels that fell into the rebellion have done all right, but the other
galactic thugs didn‟t learn.
Out of concern for earth‟s peoples in general, we have prevented a large array of 911 type
attacks. Russia has been most helpful in this endeavor since they have so many
cosmospheres and have come into alignment with the divine plan. That allows for easier
following of the rules of intervention on a planet. These rules however on this one, MY
planet, are different.
We are going directly into stasis fairly soon. We do not believe bringing out Jupiter will be
of any help, but nevertheless, we may or may not. It is placed as far out as possible in the
corona from time to time and even has been exposed for short periods. It continues to
upset the balance on earth more than we would like. We wish to have that very slow
reversal, so going into stasis first will bring that completely under our control. We have
continued to keep a quiet sun for this reason.
Your scientists think that these few new suns spots are of the next cycle, but they do not
understand that the Sun is also going to be completely monopolar and it will not thusly
experience cycles. This is a slow transition into that state for the sun.
We are placing ships so folks can see them at rise and set. This is not very effective either,
because so many never even notice sunrise and sunset, which in normal societies are a
time of wonderment and prayer each day. You have lost all of any holy cycles and the
knowledge contained therein.
I would suggest that all of you during the remainder of time, sungaze each day where you
have opportunity, and MAKE that opportunity. It will help prepare you. You merely stand
outside preferably, or indoors if very cold or at work, and stare at the sun when it is low in
the sky. If it is too high, you will know, you won‟t be able to stare at it. This will raise up
your energy levels a bit and help in remodeling your brains.
I was going to give more information more for the dark ones, but it seems completely futile
to waste my breathe, so to speak. I do breathe in this body by the way. I will only say, that
in ignoring the OITC, you ones completely blew it. There is unlimited help to this world
through that organization, except for warfare.
Casper, and Bellringer, your story is NEVER going to happen. I have my people in control,
and that plan is NOT God‟s plan and never was. Those monies, which were traded, could
have been, but again, you lied and misused your trust. Some of the thugs actually stole
legitimate funds started by private individuals and companies.
Casper, I do know who you are and your purpose. These monies you keep writing about,
are Bush et all funds, and illicit funds at that. The metals that sort of backed them, will be
fully returned from where they sit, as they are NOT yours to continue to worsen the
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 100
conditions of this world. The IMF and similar organizations and banks will be dismantled
during the stasis, and the precious metals returned and placed in safe keeping. That Gold
in the hands of the IMF, even though being “sold” is not for sale, and will be recovered
physically for use after the return.
I suppose you all want the date of stasis. No bananas on that dear ones. Candace will still
go first, for her team, and they will be notified, but the rest, you will just find yourselves
when it happens wherever you should be. To put out any date, the dark ones would
attempt something more than they have attempted, and will also be off to “safe keeping” or
so they think, before it happens.
The magnetosphere is truly ready to flop. Flop it does, the vortexes will collapse on each
other. We will be going into stasis BEFORE this happens, again, so that we can control
this, which is probably why we will likely not bring out Jupiter. We will continue with
showing ourselves at night, rise, and set, until stasis. Your world, as above, is so out of
sync and the rumors of what makes up the appearance of God at the time of cleansing, is
all over the place, and we are sorry, but Jesus still isn‟t going to gallop across the sky on a
White Horse to gather the saints, er Christians.
There are many at this time leaving for the mansion worlds, and you have excess deaths.
There are also, as Esu mentioned in his last piece, the beginning of people becoming ill
from the released custom illness, and more than the Ukraine are in great fear right now.
The news just doesn‟t reach the United States, and you have in increase in this in the
United States and it‟s being labeled swine flu, and it is not. You do have some better health
care there, so it‟s less noticeable.
China faced a severe time during the “bird flu” days. This was an direct attack on them,
and they did place several areas under extreme quarantine, and even removed several
small towns of people entirely from the face of the earth to stop the spread. We did
intervene with some help in that scenario.
As to the swine flu vaccine, we have been going into the labs and disabling the virus that is
contained therein. This is only to keep what little peace remains on the planet in it‟s final
days. Many have petitioned to not allow the planet to go into complete chaos and prayers
were answered. But this cannot continue beloveds, because of the pollution to the planet.
We cleanse some places as we can, and we leave some of it, to be seen, so you would all
learn, but you did not.
We will be studying for a long time, just why the people of this planet did not learn, over the
eons. We will also be studying for some time, just why the star seeds did not awaken in
greater numbers. In fact, the star seeds have been some of the problem. They have
become incredibly blind. Their higher selves, to use that word, have been unsuccessful in
finding opportunity to download monads into the bodies being used. This is a perplexing
The “higher self‟ knows, but the lower self of the incarnation has been most resistant to
hearing “from above.” Yea ones are not fully incarnate into the body, your energies are too
high, and the communications go through the “silver cord” so to speak, and the silver cord
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 101
develops “shorts” , and the message is not received. Usually the ascension process of the
DNA makes the communications more accessible, but this did not happen for many.
(Candace: and I wonder how many did not listen to what was being sent?)
I am back here to stay until the planet is in stasis, the issues with the other planet and my
need to be there are resolved at this time. I needed to personally attend the issues with the
reptilians there. Beloveds, the reptilian form has not been successful. These ones are still
very cold blooded. Those who did develop worthy souls will continue on in other forms but
basically the reptilian form is being gradually removed from existence. They develop on
climatically hostile planets, and that hostility seems to be difficult to overcome. Some of
you who read here are preparing for various difficult jobs ahead, and thus I am giving this
little detail. Such is the nature of overseeing the creation and all that develops from it.
I will ask many of you to lay back. Do not continue to attempt to educate those around you
in these last days. I think Candace can even stop if she wishes on GLP, because as the
energies “churn” more, the dark are getting very nasty. And the dark includes family
members who are not awakened for some of you. It is not necessary for you all be faced
with the increasing intolerance and insults. Just be quiet and look the other way.
It can be deadly to upset some people in these times. Just do the yes sir or maam, when
faced with ridiculous requests and surround yourselves in your protective light. Mormon
underwear will NOT do that job! Talk about people who do not think, thinking that
underwear will keep you safe. That is a sad example of how good teachings are taken
down on this planet. That church is the worst for the corruption of teachings given it long
Do NOT frequent bars and the like right now. Those who get drunk are going to act out
even more, and as fear spreads from the rumors of illness and the like, people are going to
drink more, use drugs more, and become more dangerous. Do not intervene if you see any
sort of disagreements in public, and even at home, if there is danger. Walk away. Your
lives may be at stake.
Now, I have something to share with you. This has been a very long and very difficult
process for myself. My universe became infested. Some of this infestation was from other
universes; some of it developed in front of mine own eyes. I have mentioned before, we
must get a handle on this strange, not seen before darkness that has infested the lighted
creations. It is very intelligent. Your movie on Artificial Intelligence, touched on this. Some
of it is artificial. Some comes from machines learning to think, which have no sense of right
or wrong, no God sense and then not being handled properly by those that control
machines. Races also have stolen DNA and in the laboratory, downgraded it to make
slaves, who also have no God sense of right and wrong.
Creation is old. These problems however did not exist in the first 6 superuniverses. It is in
Orvonton they manifested. And this must be solved. I am a very “open” Creator Son to
finding ways to deal with this. It was my purpose in fact before I came to Nebadon. I have
long studied this, and we planned ways, actually to attract some of this to Nebadon, and
concentrate it, and get rid of it. And many of you who read this material are volunteers unto
that service. This must be stopped.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 102
It is not easy for me emotionally, myself. I do not enjoy having to uncreate something. All
universes do face problems of this nature however, there are some life forms that develop
that are not satisfactory. But what was a most difficult situation, was mine own angels that
“went south” to use your human phraseology. These are my personal creations, and it is
not easy to walk from family. Do not your own selves face difficulties with children who
seem to not turn out so well? Thus the story of the prodigal son, conveyed by me. I have
let my ones to go out and err, in hopes they would come home with new wisdom, and that
worked fairly well with the angels of mine and Nebadonia‟s creation.
Some failed. Lucifer failed, and when welcomed back, that was his failure, he would not
undergo any further rehabilitation to relearn and chose his uncreation, and that was
heartbreaking. He was not the evil Satanist suggested on your planet, but awfully
misguided, and he did let his ego get the best of him. He did want to be his own God, and
you still see remnants of this in the new age teachings. You are to come into alignment
with the creation, if you wish to climb that big ladder ahead. He made many management
errors. So we let him have earth, my seed planet, for a time, along with the thugs, and he
did realize eventually that he had bitten off more than he could chew and that he could not
be “god” of Satania, in the manner he had hoped.
We still have a great deal of work ahead. I have shed many tears myself, yes, the spirit
form of mine, while it doesn‟t shed literal tears, nevertheless I have cried. And so has
Mother Nebadonia. This was not an easy journey. The plan of placing the thugs together
was not altogether successful. These warring groups just don‟t seem to get the message,
and they have been repeatedly “welcomed home” or rather the offer made, and it doesn‟t
take. This is my universe, and I am going to have to do some more un-creating. We are all
learning from this, and I know we will be nipping the problems in the bud much sooner.
We so have to develop ways yet, to foresee these sooner. We have to not allowed quite so
much freedom of will in developing young worlds. Often these worlds have been given, as
yours was recently, technology they are not ready for by others, so tough new guidelines
are going up regarding the evolutionary and lower “heaven” worlds.
The higher councils of Orvonton have seen the light, so to speak, and know there must be
some toughness, otherwise, much will be swallowed up into black holes. Black holes are
not understood by your scientists. They are the garbage dumps. There are too many. This
is an enigma too. What does happen to them, in time, is they become suns again, the
matter, as it is compressed gets quite hot, and thus explodes. Nothing is ever lost, but we
sometimes also get suns where we don‟t want them yet!
This is because black holes are the densest matter can become, and they aren‟t
“moveable.” No “tug boats” designed yet that work. We sometimes have to move some
formations out of the way instead. When these explode, huge amounts of matter are
released for re use. They do not “suck” in additional matter as some of your scientists
suggest. But they are imploded matter where a creation went wrong, and the like attracts
like rule functions. (Candace: this reminds me of material in the banned Phoenix Journals,
about the heat compression produces.)
In summary, we are going into stasis at my command. I have been back and forth dealing
with this other issue that was necessary, but I must also be here personally for the initiation
of stasis. We have thrown in the rag. The earth is crying some more and the pollution
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 103
continues to worsen, and the lives of other classes of beings on this world are to be taken
into consideration, as this is a seed planet, and it is going back to it‟s purpose. The DNA
forms that are not in alignment will be removed by the process of the magnetic reversal,
more so than we have covered to date. And then we start over. Understand, I said DNA
forms, NOT souls, which include that soul/spirit in plants and animals. Soul on earth will
mature in healed forms. Namaste, Christ Michael.
Candace: The discussion on the Ukraine above came after I asked about it. It‟s being
covered on GLP and at least. I haven‟t seen much otherwise. Here‟s a
couple of the maybe better discussions on GLP. In this one, somebody
posted a section of Esu‟s last piece with me that I had completely forgotten about, asking if
the Ukraine issue could be related to his prediction.
I am back conversing with WB. We had some lost material folks. My special address on a
Verizen account that I was using exclusively for that project was canceled and anything
lost that I had saved there. TPTB have been messing with the email since we started.
Some of it is not arriving after being sent. WB doesn‟t get mine and I don‟t get his at times.
My sent file was erased entirely once, after I activated it, so I reactivated it, and then after
getting home from vacation, I was getting pages saying the server was having troubles,
and then finally, a notice the account was canceled.
OITC is taking some crap too out of our thugs. I am not allowed to elaborate at this point
on that. Please, be submitting some more questions to me, by going to our Contact Us
Section. I did reopen one of my addresses for questions. Please use it! Some of you live in
countries other than the US of A, and you could be asking relevant questions about
activities where you live and anything else that comes to mind.
I have collected some questions unrelated to WB and will post one or pieces answering
them, as there are others that might benefit. I simply haven‟t taken that up again since I got
back. I did need some more time off after I got home, haven‟t yet returned to “full time.” I
experienced yet another attack by microwaves in one of the airports I was in, requiring
emergency intervention after I got to my hosts home by AA Rafael and his team. I was put
in shape enough to enjoy the vacation with large amounts of steroid to keep down the
swelling, and keep up my energy but when I got home, I really wagged out for awhile and
still have a little belly pain. So have some patience with me. I am currently having a period
of being down in the dumps, I have perhaps been “murdered” once to many times. There
have been at least 5 attempts this year alone on me. Two of them in October. I am tired.
(And crying a bit myself too.)
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 104
Brief Banking Update by Christ Michael
By The Big Cheese, aka CM/Aton
#113 Dec 4, 2009
Good Morning dear readers of AbundantHope, some of you may be reading Chris Story
and others, talking of China calling it's debts or similar stories, and this is true beloveds.
Plus much more that is hinted at or not reported going on.
Now, it is very possible the bank holiday which means closing of the banks for a time to re
do everything that banks do when there is bankruptcy, could be before Christmas and
since the Federal Reserve Bank itself is involved, it may be all or several countries, but
surely the United States. Therefore, keep cash on hand, as plastic will not work.
Now regards Chris Story's story on NESARA, this is NOT the NESARA whereby
Americans would receive large amounts of money, as that was canceled long ago as we
have covered. However, there is still effort to arrest and remove the thugs from the USA
and possibly other places, and put in other measures, such as temporary leaders.
The bank holiday could be very long, as there is NOTHING in place that is satisfactory at
this time, including temporary leaders of the USA, but perhaps the pressure on CORP USA
will cause them to capitulate, thus allowing the proposed temporary government.
So please have cash on hand for needed necessities. You can use larger bills first, until
businesses run out of smaller bills to give change, and then have plenty of smaller bills on
hand for purchases. If you normally pay say $40 to refill your car, you could use $20's for
that, so gage your cash use on your expenses. If you normally shop for over $100 in
groceries, you can use a $100 bill for each $100 purchased and smaller bills for the
balance. It could happen there will be NO money for change, as retailers may hold the
smaller cash coming in for their employee needs.
There is plans to keep this silent enough, so there are not runs on banks other than by
insiders. However, get your cash NOW in case for expenses that are NECESSARY. Not a
good time to make unnecessary purchases.
Understand this could happen after Christmas, because the thugs want every last cent, but
it could happen any day now. BE WISE beloveds, I should not have to detail any more for
you. You should stock some food also again if needed. You can delay some of your
Christmas spending for later you know and just tell family and friends you will do it after the
bank holidays, and at sale time. I am your Big Cheese........ plan well.
PS. I would also suggest in your planning you do not depend on your own preconceived
date for stasis. The people of this world NEED to see the results of their carelessness, and
know we can start the stasis at my discretion, and assist the Magnetic Pole Reversal at my
However, it will be sooner rather than later, and if you wish to buy anything during the bank
holiday, if it should occur before stasis, and it is likely it will occur before stasis, unless
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 105
something else interceeds, such as a massive earthquake, you should have some money
on hand.
Candace: Right now the magnetics are not receiving much stimulus from the sun at all. I
am seeing solar wind speeds below 250, and once around 220. Maybe a tiny coronal hole
might come thru today, sort of doubt it, but if you see some small increases that would be
the reason. There have been a few farily good sized CMEs on other parts of the sun, not
facing earth, for the purpose of being seen, showing that they can occur, thus also on the
front of the sun, but for "strange" reasons are not right now. This would imply somebody is
causing the CME's, other than "nature."
I have had snow, haven't seen the sunfor 2 or 3 days, but it was out there this morning. I
didn't awaken in time to run up the street to catch it. Lately, it has been more stable, slight
movement to the south on rise, but a couple weeks or so ago, the tilt was flucuating each
day at MY rise. I assume it does at other times too, it would not be limited to when I see
the rise each day.
Continue to use patience, as it's a waste of time and energy to worry in excess. God is not
going to push the RED easy button, until its time to push it. I have caught star fleet feeding
extra protons to the hungry and starving vortexes to present their collapse.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 106
Christ Michael offers Christmas Greetings to His Dark
By Christ Michael/Aton Thru Candace
#114 Dec 25, 2009
Our Dear Dark Brothers, please click on the link below for a custom message from Christ
Michael. Please send it UP the chain.
Our regular lighted readers, enjoy it too!
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 107
Christmas Wishes from Esu and Nada
By Esu and Nada thru Candace
#115 Dec 25, 2009
Hi everyone, Esu and Nada send their Christmas Card to AbundantHope Readers. Click
on the link.
PS, the artist that designed this card did a GREAT job with Esu's face and EYES in the
final image of the Sacred Heart in the card, that is why I chose it in part to use.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 108
Jupiter is preparing the unveiling! God I hope so this
By Christ Michael and Candace
#116 Dec 29, 2009
Hello Beloveds, my temper, as best my temper can be described is growing very short and I know
some of you are happy to hear that comment. Jupiter has been placed so that it will shortly be
viewable. Understand beloved's to keep it behind the sun, it has to go faster than earth, so it has
made nearly a 12 year cycle now, 9 years or so since last winter. We have merely paused it's
progress and it will now appear naturally as earth makes her own rotation around the sun, and
thus it will show first in the early mornings as you would normally expect it to do so after its normal
period of being behind the sun.
It shouldn't be too much longer and Candace thinks possibly she is seeing it on Stereo Behind. I
haven't personally looked, but may have a ground crew member take a look at it and advise me.
She can place a link and hopefully the NASA folks won't blot it out, but so be it, because blotting it
off an image will not stop it from showing up. I suggest you ones at NASA be about informing the
leaders of this world of the event when you begin to perceive it yourselves.
To the BBB&Gs, you are being very naughty and your time draws nigh. If any more serious
activities occur, I could take the option of bringing stasis sooner, but my preference is to have
Jupiter visible first, and let people began to notice more the quakes and the like that will result
from the energy increasing. Data on your earth recordings from the satellites should be changing
as the energy begins to reach earth. We have begun letting the sun also "wake up." And Candace
if she wishes can supply the links and discussion to this.
Dark ones, those of you with souls, it is not going to be pretty for you if I must take the planet into
stasis before the appearance of Jupiter, and I suggest you be finding your honesty before then,
because as all the earths traditions suggest, at the end of the cycle, the great light in the East will
appear. And so it shall. That is enough for now. Namaste, Christ Michael.
Candace: First, "BBB & G's: our older term I created long ago. Big, Bad, Boys & Girls.
Ok, the link to Stereo: Then click "Today's Images" on the left. Sometimes I can use just this 2nd link and sometimes
it doesn't work by itself. So find the Stereo Behind Cor 1 image on the left. It's GREEN. Now this
is the link to the most recent image, as I am writing this. and you
don't need to actually visit Stereo, just click on it. But if you want to check the progress each day,
then use the first or second link. I have pasted the pic in here, but depending on your computer,
you may get the perverbial empty box with a red x in the corner. Even I may get it after I post this,
but right now, as I post, it's here for me!
Now, whether you see it here, or need to go the last link above, there is this sort of oval spot to the
somewhat lower right. It would be normal for Jupiter to appear on this side of Stereo Behind if it's
coming out. It may not appear for several more days or longer on SOHO Lasco 2 or 3, because of
the difference in angles and where the telescopes are in their halo orbits. I am not sure when it will
come out visually in the early mornings at all, could be a couple weeks maybe????? But it would
come out before the sun rises, and then hopefully remain visible thru the day, as a tiny bright spot
in the sky.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 109
Now here's the link to the video and still from last March taken by Stereo Behind then, and if you
missed this, Jupiter is being moved back behind the sun because it was really upsetting earth, and
more time was desired. We covered this story back then, and I began at that time to cover the
changes in tilt and rotation of earth based on observing the sun. My attention was gotten to this
about the beginning of March or late February, when the sun set really early one evening.
NOTICE the piece talks about the SOLAR corona being tinted a bit to make it more viewable. The
solar Corona is in green around the bright spot that is TINY SUN Jupiter. For those possibly new
to this, or still in doubt, Starship Jupiter was out there ON time in February last winter, and NASA
admits the real Jupiter was not viewable. But yet folks were taking pics! That is because Star ship
Jupiter is showing a hologram and if you compare the pics now to those a couple years before,
there is substantial loss of detail with the hologram vs the real older pics of Jupiter. is the link, I almost forgot it!
likely disappear as it moves further out from this image, and it may not move further out much,
depending on where Stereo Behind is, in it's million mile diameter halo orbit. It might even appear
to move backwards, for all I know, depending on the halo orbit. And I am not teaching about the
halo orbits in this piece. I have done so here and there for months on end now.
Now another comment I just remembered. This year, if this was "real" Jupiter, it would be moving
behind the sun, meaning earth is moving so that Jupiter appears behind the sun, in the about mid
February, I guess anyway, because memory says it was sometime in January last year. I just
looked in January in my date book and I saw it was still on the horizon January 12. Past that I don't
know. Now we were seeing the Star Ship then, as Jupiter was kept behind the sun the year before
with the failed attempt at ignition in late December 2007, into early 2008.
The ignition finally was sucessful in 2009 in late January, and that is posted someplace in a piece
I did with CM then. Each year, because the Jupiter orbit is close to 12 times the earth orbit, it is
behind the sun about one month later, so thus my estimate above.
I checked on the next time Venus returns to the sky, and while I don't remember the date, it will be
at night, not the morning, in the western sky as usual when it returns at night. And Venus, is a star
ship too, because it's being terra formed right now. Many have taken pics the last couple years or
so, showing it moving around and putting on shows for people. Huge argument about that on GLP
last winter!!!
Ok, I think this is enough for the time being. If I have more on the progress later I will post it, but if
it is allowed to show on SOHO, it should show before it does in the morning, if it is not blotted out.
They are going to have trouble explaining that when it does. It is NOT the right time, as Star Ship
Jupiter is still viewable at night and should be until about mid February, based on my own last
years observations.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 110
It's our Fifth Aniversary Today
Esu and Candace
# 117 January 31, 2010
Hello beloved supporters of AbundantHope, today it is 5 years since Esu and I began our
public work together. Sometimes this seems like "forever" and sometimes, wow, it has
gone by so quickly, I can't believe it's been 5 years. And not without some frustations and
challenges for many of us. Our first 6 pieces were posted where I
was a writer. I am grateful for that opportunity that was extended to me by Shantz, as it
helped prepare me for this work. He actually called me up and asked me to post regularly
on his site, which I did for a time. That was about April 2004, I think. My pieces I posted
there are the first pieces that are listed on my messages section here on the site. I had
written an article about NESARA and sent it to several places, including him, as I had
discovered his new site via somebody else that was featured on it, on the web. John
Kaminsky I think.
At any rate, the first 6 pieces by me and Esu were also sent to Patrick Bellringer, to whom I
had sent some of my works on lewis news. Patrick had published a few of those. Rense
did too. Around the middle of February (2005) Patrick published all 6 pieces and we were
thrilled as that was an important goal. This went well for a time, but communications
deteriorated between us and it was truly time for me to build my own website anyway, as
the email was also becoming very cumbersome.
Mark, our AH webmaster came upon the scene and suggested a forum perhpas. A few
others wrote to suggest a yahoo group and about 6 of you actually created some for me!
But I wanted something more. I was a little resistant to a forum, having seen some I did not
like on the net. But Mark persisted and then I wrote him one day, besides a forum, I really
needed a regular website, and so it came to be. We opened the website on December 6,
We didn't have much money to spend and Mark selected a free software program to start
with. Well, that experience, while useful, was not the best of software and was ugly and we
tried a different skin, but the software just didn't suit my needs, so we put out a call for
donations and our readers responded and so we purchased one we both liked. However, I
am not so sure we should have updated recently, the newer one and old one are not
completely compatible as you have been observing. Be patient, we continue to work on it's
issues. Mark says, regardless of the incompatibilities, it is a better written package from a
webmasters point of view. But for me and the others that post, it's a bit of a pain as we
work out the bugs. NOT as user friendly.
We did have a great leased package for the forum, and it was met with raves. We even
provided several skins for our readers preferences. However, in due time, we had
problems there. About 1000 people were registered to it in a few weeks. It was not an open
forum, but required membership. We had some pretty bad members and early in 2006 we
shut it down for a couple weeks, got rid of some very unspiritual material and discussions. I
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 111
felt we needed something to limit the draw of unsuitable members. So I required people to
post a mission statement. That worked, very few wished to do this! I had begged for
missions with little success. Many readers just wanted a sloppy new age forum to place
sloppy posts and were not into serious discussions and that was NOT my purpose.
Eventually over months, about 100 people posted mission statements and became part of
the forum in that manner. However, we had problems with private material going off the
forum, and I wished really to spend more of my time building up the main site to reach and
interest more people. I was disappointed in such small numbers of people willing to post
mission statements, when the world is in such bad shape. I had the feeling than many
wanted starfleet to come fix this ailing world so they could have a nice place to live,
created by others, but that isn't how it works.
A planetary civilization must do the work. Too many on this planet do not understand that,
and thus the success of religions that promise what cannot be, to members. And there is a
similar understanding in new age for the most part. It is the resonsiblity of the members of
a civilization to make their world work. Period, and that concept remains largely
misunderstood on this world. Thus we have the obvious issues around 911 unsolved. huge
test, and the world flunked it. Particularly Ameircans, on whose land it occurred and who
were thus responsible.
It has thus been our purpose, mine and Esu's and we were eventually joined by Christ
Michael and others, to continue to attempt to better define what God is, and what are the
responsibilities of a civilization, individually and as a group. This planet is so far away from
understanding anything of God, that it staggers the imagination. Right down to some
Evangelical Christians who expect Jesus to ride across the sky on a white horse and
gather them off to heaven.
I started a thread once on GLP about what do you do for eternity in heaven for trillions of
years. The initial results were so bad I just walked from it. After other experiences there, it
was not worth the effort. In general the Christians were going to barbecue with their
families happily for trillions of years with Jesus, and new agers weren't worried about time
spent in heaven, because there is no time in heaven and they just figured they would have
some sort of endless bliss. HOW BORING.
Most that I have ever talked to about "heaven" have simply NO idea what heaven is,
except a place of some sort of eternal happiness with Jesus. They completely reject that
perhaps while in heaven for eternity, they will be learning and working, forever in fact. They
do not like that picture. But it is so, especially so, with the learning. Eternal life is a choice,
and it has requirements associated with it. IT must be earned.
Well, here we are. We are still awaiting the advent of Jupiter. This has been for me a
fascinating 5 years. When I started I had no real idea where this would go, but I was surely
at the time hoping the dark side would accept our various offers and we could be soon
seriously about our Father's Business in heaven.
I have grown hugely. And I thank all of you for your contributions to my personal growth. I
hope this journey has been of great value to those who have joined in it. I know many of
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 112
you are hurting badly and many of you have completely unsupportive families and circles,
and this is painful. I share that pain, because it is my story also.
But that is part of the point of being in 4d, the ability to stay your own truth, regardless of
pressure by others. This is a sorting techique at the end of cycles. It was stated 2000 years
ago, that "Jesus" did not come to bring peace, but set one against the other. This did not
mean WAR, it meant that the purpose was for people to learn to think individually, and
come out of the mind control features of society and darkness.
Some of you having read the Urantia Book, might remember the story about the first two
beings to earn Thought Adjustors on this planet, and they recognized they had to leave
their society and start over. It is coming out of "boxes" of mind created by others that
brings progress to the soul. Then those who are growing are supposed to find more "like
mind" and start progressive groups, and we are seeing this to a degree on this planet, but
not nearly enough yet.
It is you readers of this material that when we return from stasis, will help to get those
groups going with greater power. All mission groups associated with AbundantHope will
have celestial advisors and at least one TR who "channels" while awake orally before the
members, like Daniel Raphael does at this time, for example.
And well, speaking of Daniel, it was mine and his great joy that we live fairly close to each
other and thus we get together periodically. I haven't worked with Monjoronson for a time,
Daniel is doing quite well but I do chat with Monjororson from time to time and will again
shortly. Daniel is a really great guy, and I will also visit with him again shortly. We get along
I have made many friends which helps much with the loneliness from the lack of support
around me. Several of you have even met me while you were traveling in this area. I have
been to visit others, have done more traveling than I had in years and years. Even though I
have plenty of "off world" friends, we all need more local support as we walk this place.
I have found little support for what I do when I attend functions here with people who are
waking up. There are simply not waking up to this larger reality of how bad this world is
getting, the massive problems that are beyond repair without considerable help from
above, regards pollution, clean water, enough oxygen to breathe, and the mounting
numbers of us that walk the planet and our needs. We continue to eat animals, which
further restrict the ability of the planet to serve us. Please see "Eating" on your local PBS if
you have PBS in the US. This film provides a clear idea of the water consumption needed
to bring you a simple burger, as an example.
I love having communication with people all over the world. That is a delightful benefit. I
thank all of you who have shared portions of your life and your cultures with me.
Our website continues to grow. We are not the most popular, but that isn't the game. But
we grow, steadily from word of mouth and by folks searching and finding us somehow.
Some of you have told stories of how you found me because of complaints about
AbundantHope, and came to see what that was about and stayed around! So even bad
advertising has been good for us.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 113
Many of you have formed new dreams. I have received many letters from people who were
throwing in the rag on this world, and are now happy to be part of the change and growth
now and to come. New dreams have become possible. That is my case even, for myself.
New dreams, and it is the dreamers that move forth a civilization.
Of course, I had hope for more in some ways. I too tire at times of the wait, but eventually
feel the benefits of the waiting, and the learning that goes with it. We have gone to many
levels, thru many ideas and thinking together. Some of you are realizing you were always
telepathic, but didn't realize it, others are beginning to awaken it. It is after all the way of
NATURE. The animals all know this. It is man that has forgotten.
Well, it is getting later, already 9 pm where I live. If I don't get this published tonight, it will
be a day late. It is already for many of you. I took the below from Esu about 3 hours ago. I
had been awaiting for him to "find the time." It does have a bit of updating in it.
Thanks again to all of you who have persisted thru these 5 years, and all those who have
only recently discovered this site. And all of you inbetween! I am so blessed. Take care,
PS be patient with the typos and spelling, dark side got my tool bar on MS Word and I
have no spell check on Word Pad. Webmaster Mark has given me a link that may help to
restore it.
Esu: Good Day Beloveds, my 5 years goes by so rapidly doesn't it? We did not intend at
first with Candace to do this sort of public project, but the Phoenix Journal project was
terribly destroyed, then the Spectrum project also went sour, and others were not doing
well. Candace had passed a previous test of getting herself onto the net, so after a time,
we decided since she was eager to share, to take up the journey again.
This is had been a bit of difficult journey, as the resistance had grown, and we made a
decision since a great deal of material was now circulating on the net to not do the "daily
news" as we did in those other projects. The goal this time was to build AbundantHope, a
team with others on the ground, and the protection of all these ones has become a
considerable task.
A major reason we have not selected more regional directors is for this very reason, as the
bigger coalitions become, the more risk to our players on earth. And of course, there are
many who will serve after stasis that have never heard of AbundantHope and we will select
the remaining directors thus during the stasis period out of the large pool of those that
might be interested. We do still have some idea with some who have come thru AH for
some of these positions, but right now, it is better to wait before announcing them.
This has a been a tough 5 years for some of us on this side. The dark have really joined
forces, with like mind and the battle between those groups who would own the planet. It
great at this time and most of this battle is through financial avenues and the destructions
of corporations and businesses.
We have lost many who walked the earth these last years despite the protection offered.
Some have just needed to leave and take the opportunity when it arises, not protecting
themselves. Some are here in cloned forms and we have lost many cloned forms! When a
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 114
person has a clone of themselves, they can take greater risk and have. Similarly many of
us only use holograms on the ground.
We have accomplished much. Do not be concerned by what you may perceive as lack of
progress. There is great progress, and this program has grown in scope considerably.
Before AbundantHope, we would have simply cleansed the planet and walked away for a
time. By Cleanse, I mean allowed the pole reversal and axis changes, and then provided
assistance for a time, to allow life to reestablish itself sooner so the planet could be
populated with spiritual god conscious man in 500 years or so, instead of several thousand
that is usual, and which is occurring with many planets now in rest mode in other parts of
this war torn region of Nebadon. There are 496 planets in rest mode right now; so great
has the darkness been.
This is the Seed planet, it is Christ Michael's bestowal world, so the plan is a bit different
for this world. It is not desired for the benefits of those elsewhere in this universe and
others who are watching, to wait too long on the Bestowal and Seed planet. Thus we are
going to give this plan developed the last few years a try, that of the stasis and returning
the more evolved souls to the planet after the full cleansing of pollutants and negativity.
Now it is important to understand, that the world, while lovely and clean will be a harsher
place to live for some time afterwards, but you will have our partnership this time, which
was offered so many years ago and rejected by most of the people of earth, mostly thru
religion, but of course the governments themselves, the "elites' as they call themselves still
refuse to come into any sort of cooperation.
The plan is more thorough that we have declared at this point, but we will not cover that so
publicly yet at this time. You who are attending the teaching and planning sessions, those
roughly 100,000 people selected, actually I can give you the exact number, it is 99,278
people, are the only ones who will be "awake." The count is final. These ones of course
are from every culture and location on the planet and some of them will not be returning to
their native lands due to whatever earth changes occur during this time.
Some of you, in that case who will be amongst peoples who are staying with the planet,
but not from whence they came, these evacuated ones, who will be placed into a variety of
underground areas before being awakened. These ones will be awakened and allowed to
come into their new reality and then as places are made possible, return to the surface of
the planet.
Now, we have not be fully forthcoming in the numbers that might remain, and the estimate
at this time is about 1 billion. The 'shell shock' will be great. The reduction for the planets
sake really should be more, but it was felt these ones would benefit greatly from staying,
and many unconsciously of course, want to stay. We will be about having to get the best of
technology moving as rapidly as possible, as this is the most the planet can handle with
the best of technology and spirituality and much spirituality will still be missing, but assisted
by our teams and the shock of the situation.
AbundantHope will be somewhat renamed to reflect the partnership with myself and Christ
Michael during stasis, but we have not even considered yet what the name will be. We
wish to keep AbundantHope part of the name, so obviously it's going to be a larger name.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 115
I do not remember if we have covered this or not, but Christ Michael will himself have a
headquarters area on the planet and it will also be in Colorado, but separate from the
international planetary prince headquarters. However, that will not be in place on the
awakening; it will be built by the people when the time is right some years later.
We had a hope of getting the planet into light and life within 80 years. But I doubt this, as
does Monjoronson who originally suggested that idea. The building and other activities
must so change, in addition to the issue of establishing true sustainability. There will also
be shorter periods of stasis, in the coming years, and the public will know and be prepared,
to allow for some the continued and necessary rearrangement of the lands. We have
stated the land massses must be in resonable balance as part of the monopolarity, when
your planet will stand upright.
Candace: A few days ago I prepared a post for RMN's and mentioned how the behavior of
his planet must become upright, while mentioning tilt changes. We have a tilt, because we
are not yet an upright civilization, in fact we are a failed civilization, once again. When we
are an upright cilvisation, we enter monoplarity in which the planet is also upright without a
tilt, and thus we will have no seasons.
Esu: As you are aware, most of the land masses are above the current equator, but you
will even after stasis have a new equator with the axis shift that will occur fairly soon after
the magnetic reversal. You are not going to live in a great deal of comfort over many, many
years. But this method does considerably shorten the waiting of 500 or more years to
rmerely reintroduce man to the planet. The whole of the superunivese will be watching this
grand experiment.
Remember, also that NO Creator Son OR Avonal Son performing the Bestowals similar to
the Creator Son, have returned to actually involve themselves with the planet of bestowal
so directly. I suggest if you have not read our piece of long ago, #25 published on April
25th of 2005, that you do so. Your planet is thus UNIQUE in the creation. Christ Michael
will actually walk this planet again with you, when the energies are a bit higher and he will
have an accessible retreat area that all will attend that desire so, at least once in their
As we have said before, we will return with an intact internet, television and radio
communications. The cell phone network will be heavily damaged however, and may not
be operating at all. There are better methods than your cell phones anyway, and it would
be better to move in the direction of better invovations.
Now, it has been noticed that there seem to be large ships around the sun and this is so.
There are some also considerably closer to you than the sun, but we are adjusting the sun
at this point. We have the large evacuation ships much closer in, and also many other
mother craft have moved closer in. We will of course, be evacuating folks at various times
just before and after stasis, and many going in body to other places will be removed then,
and also later. We must remove those who are to survive, quickly from certain areas that
will experience tsunami's and the like. The energy of these waves can be harmful to even
the form in stasis. Not the soul, the form.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 116
The new planet of which we have spoken has now at this time about 300,000 earth folks
living on it. This explains some disappearances of people. These ones have laid the way.
During the stasis period, people choosing this growth experience will be taken in small
groups, rather than having masses of people plopped on the place. When normal planets
have some problems and need to move, they usually have at least some of their own
transportation and awareness, but so is not the case with earth. We will thus add gradually
to the population of that planet. At the end of stasis, it's population should be a few million,
which is still a huge adjustment, but there is great help there for the process. Absolutely no
criminal element will be going there. Nor staying with this planet.
Even people in the inner earth are going to have to vacate some areas that will be upset.
Despite the false imformation put out, they do not live in dimensions that would not be
affected. Earth is a physical 2nd Density planet and that does not change, ever, even with
the ascension. Rocks will move in many locations. If we were to be evacuating the whole
planet in fact, most of these folks would be moving for a time, except for the several
civilizations that can manufacture their own air to breathe. Most use surface air coming
thru various methods.
You are NOT all going into inner earth "crystal cities" as Sheldon Nidle puts out. Those
staying with the earth will be in a condition of stasis, except those that are on the big
planning committee, the numbers above. All staying however, since the soul does not
sleep will be receiving more education during the process which will assist their awakening
to the new world, less shock, let us say.
Sheldon suggests in the nature of his writing that all folks will go into inner earth. Well
beloveds, they can't handle over 7 billion of you there. Sheldon has become subject to
some misinformation. He has so long been involved in his original story, he has resisted all
attempts to "upgrade" to the new one. His sources also have this problem, so that doesn't
assist Sheldon in his change that is needed.
So, beloveds, that is mostly enough, this is after all our anniversary, but you have been
wishing an update. The anniversary is glorious beloveds and we are celebrating it in these
realms, for a great plan has been birthed. Be not impatient because great plans take time
to form. This was NOT our original plan, ever. But we did hope that the dark would come
into some sort of cooperation in those early days with the vision we presented at the time,
and they did not.
We would have liked that vision to manifest. However, it is doubtful that most embroiled in
religion would have adequately accepted it, as many were going to have to migrate
anyway to other places, and there was much fear. Few would have accepted my own
appearance on your television sets. Many on our social teams did not feel the planetary
peoples would adjust and the robotics are a huge problem in this arena. They are mind
controlled of course to the extreme, and would not have adapted.
The ones who did get thought adjusters will awaken at some point on the mansion worlds
as they have room to accept them. There are some borderline ones that other planets may
accept, but these planets are lower vibrations and there is the risk of enslavement. We
have still not finalized the plans for some of them. Some will survive the desolution that
occurrs naturally during the magnetic changes of the pole reversal. There is enough "spirit"
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 117
in them. The better forms of animals also survive the desolution, so not to worry about
Candace: Some of this desolution occurs during the pole reversal, but I myself am still a
bit lost on this topic. If some of you new readers missed the piece Leonette and Thoth did,
you can read it here.
he_Magnetic_Reversa_3610.shtml   Â
Esu: So dear ones, pause and celebrate for a time, for it is worthy to do so. The five years
of "waiting' has been so much more productive than some of you impatient ones are aware
of. Drop your impatinece over your problems and go with the flow more. It is not for us to
rush a project of this magnetitude just to relieve you of your discomforts. Some of you
know what I am speaking about here!
Be in great joy, for even the Father in Heaven in Paradise is overjoyed by the prospect of
what has been developed for this world. This has been personally for myself, the most
productive years in my very long existance, even beyond those of fleeing the clutches of
the dark in Lyra so long ago now, because we have done more than flea, we have created
a new option to explore. Namaste, Esu.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 118
Introducing Tesla
By Tesla and Candace
#118 Feb 12, 2010
HI everyone, I did this with Tesla in May 2008. I am not sure why I didn't publish it then
anymore. There was some reason. I simply forgot then in time. I have some other material
published about Tesla with a lot of corrections of the misunderstandings but again, I had
some difficulty expressing since I don't know electrical terms created by man in this
incarnation. I thought of putting some study into that and did for a time, but withdrew,
deciding to wait until during stasis to remember what I know. But reading back on a piece I
had worked on today, I was remembering more than I am right this minute! I was
obviously linked into "spirit" that day and drawing on either my own higher knowledge or
that knowledge that is simply there now for the taking in earth's "genetic mind."
You see, some of you have read about the Spirit of Truth bestowed on the planet at
Pentecost, which is covered in the Urantia Book. And there is a tad of mention in the bible
too, but the bible writers and those that messed the teachings up by intent, made the Spirit
of Truth into the Holy Spirit. Everything that was ever done by anything or anybody
intelligent on this planet is stored in the "genetic mind." Electrons! This recording of the
planetary records by electricity, is often label the planetary Akashic Records and these can
be viewed by a variety of methods which include during meditation and dreams. Also we
will someday construct some of those chambers that were used in the Star Trek stuff,
holodeks, to journey earth's records and play in them. Even in time you will be able to
journey using methods yet to come, to view records of other planets.
But back to the story of the Spirit of Truth. The day of the bestowal everything glowed and
lit up. That is because higher knowledge is stored on PHOTONS. What the Spirit of Truth
is, is the bestowal of new advanced knowledge into the genetic mind of the planet, there
for the taking by those capable of doing so. It is ADVANCED TRUTH. Electrons and
Photons can be "read." Thus the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, is for the purpose of
upgrading a planet's knowledge of higher ways and science. The Spirit of Truth is futher
upgraded for planets as they journey higher into truth and brilliance, as necessary. But
most know nothing of what this is.... sadly at this point, so degraded have the
understandings of the Spirit of Truth become in religion. I attempt to teach some of this on
boards to Christians without any acceptance at all of the idea.
I am posting this today, by Tesla, because I was reminded of it when posting the latest
message by S333 thur Vince in which Tesla and energy is mentioned. Now, as we ascend,
God's free energy of the ascending electron changes, and as I have said before, before we
enter monopolarity, we must get OFF the wires, and we must be using energy provided by
the very HOLY PHOTON. And you know, those thugs that run this planet, they have that
already in their underground campgrouds! But they deny it to the people on the surface.
You see Photon energy works in duality (bi polarity), and in mono polarity, but the electron
as we use it, does not work in mono polarity. We cannot enter the hallowed state of 2nd
Density, 5th dimension, UNTIL we have developed not only our spirituality, a sustainable
society in all ways, but also we must redo our energy delivery systems!!!!!
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 119
Ron posted a piece earlier today about the Ascending Body, and it discussed that photons
become a source of energy. And over time, your astral electron forms which
are the forms of animals and plants, will become spirit forms, made of photons! That is why
higher beings glow. As one ascends, ones' electrons as karma is cleared unite into
photons. Two electrons more or less crash together and become a photon. Eventually you
convert all your electrons to photons. This isn't very techical, but will do for the moment.
So of course as the earth ascends, this occurs not only in the people, it occurs in the
animals, and the planets, the air, everything, and that is what produces the GLOW. It
occurs in the forms, not the matter, but the structure of matter also changes, mostly just to
vibrating at a higher frequency. Complicated subject that is better taught later on and
something CHURCHES should be teaching about, karma, responsibility, soul growth, all
that stuff and NONE of them do that I have found anyway.
Photons hold much more information than electrons. And your spirit form grows in size, as
you add more photons (or electrons in animals). This is why some beings describe
themselves as HUGE or GREAT in size. As evidence, consider the difference between
dail up on the telephone lines, and high speed service delivered on cable, fiber optic cable.
Fiber optic cable uses photons, and so of course do lasers.
But at even that, the lowly electron can still store 3 GIGS of information. Now that should
say something about our digital computers which we think are so hot because they have,
what now, I have checked lately how much, but a 100 gig machine only stores what 33
electrons can store. Imagine that! That is why, one day, we will have LIVING computers
and not digital ones.
Introducing Tesla
By Tesla thru Candace
May 26,2008
Dear readers of AbundantHope, I AM Nicola Tesla. I lived upon your place once and
brought to you all sorts of advanced knowledge that would allow the world to be lighted,
literally, and have global communications. I brought simple technology to harvest the
natural electricity on your plane and drive motors with it. I also brought technology that
used correctly would provide beautous defense systems, and thus if used for that purpose,
put an end to warring on the earth plane. I also gave you what is called the Death Ray, but
it's purpose was not death.
Much of what I gifted to the earth was stolen by the dark scientists and others and
developed for nepharious means. All technology dear ones, can be used for good or bad, it
only depends on the hands to which it falls.
You now finally have the wireless technology I envisioned. I thought one day you would
hold in your hands a small device to link you with the world. You do now, your cell phones
and modifications of such.
Beloveds, the worst mistake your dark leadership made was to send electricity through the
wires into your cities. This is hugely wasteful, as the signal is lessoned by the wire, and
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 120
this has produced in fact electric signals that can and do harm you, because of the
intensity required. There are transformers everywhere on the planet and those that live
around them are none to healthy for the experience.
My system would have sent an electric energy through your ionosphere, where no loss
occurs, and it is easily picked up by receivers on individual buildings. Then the signal is
carried through the air in the building to lights, vacuum tubes actually and would light
these. Your incandescent and fluorescent bulbs are not what I envisioned for you.
These devices light by resistance for the most part, except fluorescents work a bit
differently. To make the ordinary bulb glow, a wire is required, which is of course
connected to the wiring in the house. Much is lost in this process. And the lights you sit
under thus lighted in this way, put out an energy stream not really good for you either. The
glowing vacuum tube is completely safe.
Most peoples on the earth today believe that fuel must be used to generate electricity.
They believe the electricity is made from the fuel. It is not. Electricity simply is. It exists
everywhere. It is a flow of electrons. Your astral bodies are made of electrons. Electrons
exist everywhere. They merely must be channeled or directed to where you wish them to
be and do work for you.
What your coal and gas fired plants do, is turn the rotors of the generator. Nothing more,
nothing less. You already have free energy, does not the wind turn the rotors for the wind
generators, and water from your hydroelectric dams? There is NO fuel used in those dear
ones, NONE, yet you think you must have fuel to run things. You do not need nuclear fuel
Electrons are not lost, ever. What is used as electricity simply returns to the environ after
the use to be reused again.
I brought you a generator of electricity that would run perpetually. The design of it
produced excess electricity, and all you have do beloveds, is simply capture that and use it
to run the machine that turns the rotor of the generator. All of you have an alternator on
your cars. It does NOT use the gasoline of your engine to make the electricity that is stored
in the battery.
Your cars need exactly no fuel. In California we watched a very fine electric car be
developed and tested and loved by the people. There was only one problem; it had to be
plugged in. Now dear ones, can't the wheels of those cars turn the rotor of a generator? Or
in fact, as above, if the system is created correctly, the wheels aren't needed to turn the
rotor, but it's a simple idea to use the wheels. So very simple. And yet you live on a highly
polluted planet from your use of carbon fuels.
You need not use any carbon fuels for anything. I gave you also technology, though the so
called "death ray" and related science to generate more than enough heat to make the
steels you want for that car. And the story goes on.
You can easily make a device, since you did wire your buildings, that is from the Tesla coil.
My system creates a spark, and the spark can be "caught" and delivered to the existing
wiring. But in time, as you enter Monopolarity, the wiring has to go. It is not consistent with
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 121
the monopolar planet. So new construction must be done differently, and old buildings
must have new technology put into them, as you can create it, to provide what is needed.
In the case of new construction, it would be advisable to build large Tesla coils and "beam"
the energy through the ionosphere. However, the small coil can be used to also "beam" it
into the building directly. Either is effective. In fact, with your older construction this is what
you would do. You can at first just connect the sparking to the house wiring, and later
refurbish the building with the necessary receivers and other equipment to pick up the
signal and disburse it.
The Tesla coil dear ones is monopolar. I called it unipolar back then. You see dear ones,
electricity is not understood. Electrons ARE. They don't have either a positive or negative
charge, and that is a great misunderstanding by your scientists. There is no negative
electricity, or positive electricity. It simply is, nothing more and nothing less.
Another method of home or small area lighting involves adding certain crystals to a special
base that makes a paint for your walls. With a small amount of heat, these will glow and
light your rooms with a lovely soft light. Not enough light for reading, but quite enough to
enjoy and move around. Basically a heat pump will supply the heat for this at night. It takes
little to cause the glowing.
Oh my, you have so much to learn and so much that has been hidden from you. It is time
that the people of earth stood against the monster.
I gave also a simple device, the dynamo, and you in America are not using it on your
bicycles even. It was at one time. This device sits on the hub of the wheel and generates
electricity, currently only for the light. Don't you think dear ones, the dynamo could also
power the bike for you? Yes it could. You would only need to turn the wheels yourself, but
the dynamo could help you drive that bike with much less effort. It would weight a bit more,
but it would be offset by the energy released that required less peddling by you. I highly
suggest the engineers of this planet be about adding an effective dynamo to the bicycle,
because that is the quickest way to help you through you coming energy shortages until
you remake your cars.
Can your cars be remodeled to run off the Tesla coil? No. NOT these ones, but they can
be converted, using a Tesla coil to pump compressed air or water into the pistons. This will
be expensive, and the coil is not yet in production to do this. Otherwise you are looking at
removing the engine and replacing it. Might as well start over with a new car, and recycle
the old one, as that would be costly indeed.
Now I would like to add a bit of interesting commentary about myself. I did not "die." I left
this plane and walked into inner earth. I underwent de-aging and transformation to the 4d
regenerating body type, because it was my intent to once again walk this plane, completely
as myself. I still look somewhat elderly so I match my pictures more or less. But I will walk
this plane again, and assist the scientists and the public into the truth of it all, via the
science and my story of the trouble that plagued me long ago.
Once I had been "controlled" and could no longer participate in the lighting of the earth, I
simply lived in a solitary manner, and spent my days in endless communication with "sprit"
as you might label such now. We decided I should leave this plane and return at a time
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 122
when the planet was ready to receive and so it shall be. There was a fake burial. A few
knew I would do this and it was better to carry forth a burial at the time, than simply my
disappearance. I have been resident in inner earth since that time. I do occasionally work
with some scientists on the earth plane, giving them of the necessary information, but thus
far, it has not been allowed to develop the electric car, and the little box, at most the size of
an air conditioner, for the electrification of current buildings. So Be It.
But I would add a passing comment, you also received the technology to energize the
monorail high speed train, without fuel expended also. Think on what you have missed.
But it was not lost to the dark scientists, who are using what I brought in your underground
areas. You have those high speed trains on several continents now, and these could be
used after your upcoming changes, unless damaged in some way. Many should run. And
the dark have outfitted you with some nice areas that surface folks could also use, nicely
self contained for their survival. They won't be using these however, for they are to be
removed. You can, and it will help relieve some of the over population issues at this time. I
AM Tesla, Good Day.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 123
Things are Getting HOT!
Christ Michael and Candace
# 119 February 28, 2010
Dearly beloveds, it is time for another update. I have purposely awaited the setting up of
Vince into his teaching mission and for Leonette to play her role. Candace chuckles on
this because, this time she is the one to chime in after the fact, instead of leading with new
work. We felt this would be useful in making this final attempt to connect with some of the
dark brothers, this change.
Now there have been ground crew distributing printed messages of Vince to known dark
brothers who could become of the light and are mostly trapped by the financial situations
they are in and need help out. We have had some „turn in their badges" so to speak, and
hopefully others will follow suit.
This message will also be printed and delivered in hopes of more following the lead of
those that have already done so. To these ones yet to come, it is imperative that you walk
away and you have my word that you and family will be protected from the thugs, so you
have not that fear now.
Understand that the normal people on this planet have an absolute right to hear the truth.
You will find yourselves, in fact, heroes for your leaving the ranks and this will greatly
assist us.
Your world is falling apart and that is becoming obvious. You have but a rather short time
to defect to the light, which is service to others. Most of you are simply "stuck" which is
what you have informed your guardians, and your guardians WILL arrange your safety, if
you but take my hand. This right now, for you to do so, will hugely relieve you of your
karma acquired by your choices in this particular life. Brothers, it is not about the big
house, the big salary, it is about SERVICE to mankind. If you take my hand, do you realize
that even a cottage without a floor would be a mansion?
Now, we aren't moving you to a cottage without a floor, but depending upon who you are,
you will either have protection similar to what Candace and other ground crew members
have, or if that is not enough based on the situation in which you are currently locked into,
you will be altogether removed to one of our areas underground, complete with your loved
ones, and there you can spill your beans in complete safety without any worry whatsoever.
In this scenario, do not worry about those that will miss you outside your immediate
families, and do not worry about the reactions of your families finding themselves
underground. There are counselors to assist them. The people of this world must have
truth. Now we could take over the airways and just do it, we do have the truth, but dear
ones, that would cause a fear reaction and it is also important for man of earth to solve his
problems. Thus this protection will allow man of earth to hear the truth from those who
have LIVED that truth. I know most of you are NOT happy about your entrapment, and this
offer is thus especially for you, as you have told your guides you want out of your
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 124
circumstances, but you also know your family is at great risk and you would not put them to
that risk. That is WHY this offer protects your family members and close friends.
Some of your close friends are also entrapped and when they see you have safely left with
your family, they will do the same. You, who are ensouled have the ability to let your
guides, even if you don't believe in them, know your stance and as soon as you do so,
your protection will start.
Regardless the truth will be told dear ones, but if you do not take this offer, you will not be
reducing your karmic debt, that is simply the law. Since you can inform your guides, there
is also NO risk of having to make a phone call. Today, this very Sunday, many of you are
going to receive this notice, and if not today, tomorrow on Monday.
You see dear ones, Jupiter IS coming out for her unveiling. The thugs, some of them, are
still ignoring this, and for them, it will be too late. And it will be too late for you also. When it
becomes easily visible, in perhaps 10 days or so, maybe a bit longer, as I said "easily"
meaning OBVIOUS, then your timing is nearly up. For at that time this offer is only good for
approximately 48 hours. If you are having difficulty "believing" this offer, you will believe it
then; we hope at any rate.
It is better to do it now however, but I do understand your fear of doing it now, because you
have heard some nasty material about the underground areas. However, we took them
over and have been cleaning them up since spring 2005, and preventing that which you
fear. We have removed all of the reptilians, which I did previously report, so they are no
risk to you.
The underground living conditions are in fact very nice and you will have every comfort.
Your new 9-5 jobs will be that of telling the truth, ON CAMERA, for our presentations in the
near future to the world.
Our Presentations, you ask? Yes, via our ground crew who will be carefully guarded so the
telecasts can be given without interference, but it is those on the ground who must give
these, because of trust built before the people.
Now, back to Jupiter, your new mini sun of a year ago, last February. It has grown a bit
brighter over the year, benefiting from the energies given it, and it's a little larger, but not a
lot, but VERY bright and you will not mistake it. You have many amateurs on the ground
with their backyard scopes eagerly awaiting it's appearance from behind the sun, and this
time, they will not be seeing a hologram, nor any of the old appearance before we made it
into a sun. In other words it's going to look like a sun.
Understand dear readers, it is very far away yet, as just today, the 28th of February, it is in
what you call opposition. This is about 9 AU's and this time, I will let your readers figure out
what that figure is. (Candace: hint: one AU is the distance from the sun to earth.)
Now, long ago Esu put out that in 7 days after this, the appearance of the white light,
depending on the source which tampered with the information, that it would be all over.
Some of the PJ material was tampered with, and you are not going to experience 7 years
of hell. You are going to experience stasis, just as we have said on our timing, which is
very likely going to be well past 7 days after the white light in the east appears.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 125
We are going to have the news before we go into stasis, and we are going to have some
demonstration of the fact that star fleet is here, after the basic truth is told regards your
money systems, 911, and other black operative stories. So the timing depends on the
I decided several months ago, to go ahead and pull the solar system further into the
photon belt. We have kept you at the edges where the density of photons is less. And we
are increasing our energy beams around the earth. Basically two types, gamma rays,
which change DNA and more photons and various colored light energies that will put
pressure on the inhabitants.
We have raised the actual vibration of the planet again. Well, we do this all the time and it
slips back to barely 4d, but during this intensive energy increase, the vibrations of GAIA
and her matter, atmosphere etc, will be increased "artificially" to about 2.433. This is going
to cause during the next couple weeks, some really intense "pressure" on the dark, and on
everybody. There is going to be people anticipating something coming and some will be
fearful and others in joy.
Candace: For new readers, this is a 2nd Density planet, with the potential of 9.999999
dimensions of vibratory rate. It remains 2nd density, always, because it is an evolutionary
planet, but dimensions are levels of vibration within a density, whic reflect the
consciousness of the people on the orb. We posted that at one point earth dropped below
2nd dimension with the world wars. 3rd dimension is simply the 3rd level vibration within
2nd density on this planet. And each dimension can be expressed in decimals, regards the
vibration. The Density refers to the vibrational structure of matter, and the dimension
refers to the consciousness of the inhabitants.
We can use 2 for Density, and then which ever number of dimensional vibration after it,
expressed as a decimal for our world. So if when we were right at the beginning of 3rd
dimensional vibration, we would state that as 2.3. The statement above of 2.433 means
we will be in 4th dimension of second density, about 1/3 of the way between the beginning
of 4d, and 5d. When the planet ascends to 5th dimension, this is expressed as 2.5. If one
lived on a 3rd density mansion world, then it is expressed as 3.5, say, if one is on the 5th
mansion world. 3.1 means the first mansion world. We are currently barely 2.4, barely in
4th dimension of 2nd Density.
The mansion worlds spoken of in the UB are 3rd DENSITY orbs. Suns, moons, and empty
planets are 1st Density worlds. WHen a world is implanted with life, it becomes a 2nd
Density world, have then many possible levels of dimensions on it. Our sun Jupiter,
because it is a sun now, is 1st density, 5th dimension. Our big sun is also 1st Density, 6th
dimension, so expressed as 1.6.
The higher in the architectural realms you go, the higher the Density number of the various
orbs and then each has it's particular vibrational dimension, which means level of
consciousness with the density. Paradise, the center of the Creation and home of the
Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit, is 13th Density. Hope this helps!
Christ Michael: While we did increase some energies the middle of February, what is
coming is greatly increased. Now to those gamma rays. Those moving up will benefit, as
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 126
this will further remodeling their DNA so they can be lifted, those ones that will be traveling
elsewhere, just prior to entry into stasis. In general these ones will thus not enter stasis,
but find themselves aboard ship. There will be many landings about the planet, and these
ones picked up in levitation beams.
In order that there is NO fear of this process, we must have exposed our purpose on TV
which must of course be done after the exposure of the thug activities, otherwise there will
be too much distrust and some folks aren't going to stand in the evacuation beams.
Now, basically we are going to evacuate the planet for the changes. However, those
staying with the planet will still be going into stasis because we do not wish for these ones
to know too much, to have an experience aboard ship or underground. These ones must
return bewildered and as they were of course and for their soul growth, get busy and
participate. They would not even wish to do this if they lived a comfortable life on ship for
the extended time of stasis.
The planet will be put into the stasis before the magnetic reversal starts, and for those new
readers, all life will be put into stasis at this time, to protect it from the damaging incoming
solar rays while the magnetic field is down and of course during the extensive earth
changes to follow.
Now, as you have been informed by THOTH thru Leonette months ago, during the time the
planet is motionless during that period, all that does not serve, leaves, and it leaves dear
ones, because "gravity" which you misunderstand, is paused at this time. It is not gravity
as you understand it, but more the centrifugal force. Gravity is the pressure of cold space
upon the planet. But it does not press you to the planet, otherwise you would be
What happens is that something sort of akin to centrifugal force, again, your language and
knowledge is not correct, so I must simply use the best available, ceases to exist, and that
is what holds you on the planet. During this time, all that does not serve, disintegrates and
flies off into space essentially.
And this will include, those disintegrating, the robots, and all the dark thugs that are not
going to continue on this planet, or continue anywhere. Now their dark electrons that are
misprogrammed will be collected , so as to not have contamination again of the planet, and
these become part of souls someplace else to cleanse. Adding small particles of dark
entities to the soul enables earlier thinking and problem solving.
This is a rather standard procedure, and these dark soul fragments go to other low 3 d
planetary souls to assist them. It is the nature of God, as covered with Vince, that is love,
and developing souls are altogether, so full of love, they run from darkness instead of
confronting it, and growing. Many of you here on earth thus received similarly in the past
and thus you "clear" up other's karma as it becomes your own, in this manner. You
reprogram these electrons. Electrons cannot be uncreated, they can only be
reprogrammed. Some of you lightworkers agreed to take on a heavy portion in fact, for
this very purpose.
So when do we go into stasis? As above when the news is done and there have been
some very obvious arrests. Jupiter can stay visible for well longer than the 7 days that is on
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 127
some religious material. The original teaching, is there are 7 days left once the white light
in the east appears, and this is a common teaching on all dark planets when there is going
to be a reversal and a cleansing. It gives people 7 last days to change their minds. It is a
fearful time for most.
This white light 7 days before an evacuation, for a pole reversal, whatever the case may
be for a planet, is not always a nice new sun. Many times here right on your own planet, it
has been experienced. It is customarily a very large ship, accompanied of course by many
shuttle craft for evacuations. The people of this planet at this time, are so full of mis
knowledge, and fear, they are not likely to step aboard the craft. And of course, in this
scenario with the coming ascension of the entire solar system and your planet, my planet,
in fact, turning the outer gas planets into suns, as has been explained before, is part of the
process, and so your "white light" will indeed be your new sun.
And some folks engaged in religion are going to remember this from their teachings.
Some are going to have soul memories and we are pretty sure, the news is going to
suddenly be more correct for this reason. As above, those entities in fear about walking
away with their families, we assume you will very suddenly be changing of your minds.
So an estimate, again, only an estimate, but perhaps a month, after Jupiter appears. And
Candace is going to place a link in this, because dear ones, it's about time and this little
sun is on SOHO exactly as I promised, when the time was "right." Candace likes to call it
"pulling rank" so yes, indeed that happened and there was resistance. Do understand, that
if needed we can cause some delay in the show. So what about the hologram? Well
beloveds, why not just wait and see? Candace isn't about to announce Jupiter is indeed
coming out until she sees it with her bare eyes, so I suggest you all be looking yourselves,
and awaiting until she sees it unaided with her eyes.
Perhaps most of you will notice on the same day as she.
Now to our regular readers, this huge increase the next two weeks of energies is going to
cause a lot of you various discomforts. And you are being heavily worked on at night to get
your bodies up to snuff. Some of you will be stepping into those beams yourself and do so
if offered.
You are having this increase in quakes, because of the energies from the last 2 weeks.
Man must see and understand if you live where it is "dangerous" and you are to remain in
body, for whatever reason, you will be lifted out or guided to a safe place, so please, if you
are being guided, LISTEN.
If you awaken say at night, and you live in an earthquake zone and you have this sense of
something impending, follow your guidance and if your family member won't listen, you go
anyway, you can always come back if you are "wrong."
Some of you who read at AbundantHope are not staying with the planet, and have likely
chosen to go to the new planet and serve there, and this must be in body, which is why if a
craft arrives to take you, step into the beam, don't wonder if you should. If you didn't need
to step into the beam, if you do this in "error", we can simply return you!
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 128
Had there been a large tsunami from the Chile quaking, as an example, for those of you
living in Pacific Islands, craft even now would be taking people aboard, so bodies are not
lost. But heed all warnings of this type and get to high ground.
I cannot say exactly where the coming quakes are going to be or what time. This is all
dependant on the mother and where the energies cause plate movement. It is possible that
California is going to get hit hard, so if you live there, be in preparation. And if LA goes into
the sea, as we have said could happen, this is going to be "allowed" meaning I am not
ordering stasis just for that reason. But KNOW that all who are supposed to continue on
this planet, or another planet, or for duties aboard ship, will be removed before any waves
hit or out of harms way with a large fracture.
Now to the teaching by Thoth recently with Leonette. There is mentioned the percentage of
body change needed to be preferably at 75%, and this is mostly accomplished except in
the late comers, and during this next two weeks, this is going to be harder on them than
you, so be patient and loving. All beings are likely to be uncomfortable and this increasing
energy will cause some folks to just check out. There will be an increase in deaths and we
shall await and see if the media is honest or not. Some who will check out are making
their first migration to the mansion worlds also. You cannot enter the mansion worlds in
this body type on earth, so checking out is necessary. To whom this happens mostly
depends on their current health and fear level.
You have had quite a bit of checking out already around the world but it's not been
covered. We of course did interfere as much as possible with the swine flu, with team
members entering known storage areas and decontaminating the deadly viruses in it, so
the thugs depopulation effort was not successful and dear ones, this is a topic that is going
to be covered during the public material.
We cannot say when the broadcasts will start and these are around just telling as much
truth as possible and there is the planned coverage of those already arrested and to be
arrested. We take this one-day at a time. There are huge teams in place behind the scenes
and I won't say where behind the scenes.
We do not know how long stasis will last. Longer than the earlier estimate of 2 years
because of the axis change we are going to allow. That is why there will essentially be
evacuation of the planet of life NOT going into stasis.
Crafts will be constantly cleaning up the air as volcanoes erupt, to maintain plant life, but
animal life will not be compatible with earth during the early months. Once the volcanism
has stopped, and as oxygen is adequate, animals will be awakened from the stasis. That is
the wild animals in general. Domestic animals such as those in zoos, feed lots and the like,
where human care is needed will be removed elsewhere and not allowed to suffer. Or in
some cases, like the massive animals farms for chickens, and cows, these animals will just
be immediately relieved of life so they do not suffer. Do not at this time worry about the
pets, for there are plans in that arena also. This will be carried out in all arena's with as
little suffering as possible.
Now, this is enough to digest for this day. I will likely be updating, or Esu updating more
frequently in the coming days and weeks. The biggest purpose of this piece is for our
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 129
darkened or entrapped brothers who need the material who will have it hand delivered to
them. Namaste beloveds, we are in the final times. Rest as you need to recover from your
body work during the night and be kind no matter how bad you feel to others who are not in
comfort from the increases energies.
Candace: Well, after I was finished taking this, I rested and spent some time on the
internet to change my mood before I returned to correct the piece. Well, we have some
decided evidence today that the energies coming from the sun are being increased. Take
a look at what I found on Stereo.
Now if the above links should change, and they sometimes do, just note the times, then go
and then select the size images you wish to see on COR 2 and pick from the list.
Also SOHO LASCO 2 is very interesting today, which you can navigate to on
Now, the biggy on Jupiter. For at last 2 years now, SOHO has been using the same little
round ball image to represent both Jupiter and Venus on the Lasco c2 and c3 images.
Well, a few days ago, that changed. Shortly before the little ball used currently for Jupiter,
entered in the range of view on Lasco c2 (red image), it changed on Lasco c3 to a bright
different configuration.
Here are links for size 512 and 1024 for Lasco c2. These update throughout the day, so
bookmark them.
Now in a few days, the images should be on Lasco c3 again, as Jupiter is currently behind
the occulting disk of c3. When the images return to Lasco c3, then it won't show on Lasco
c2 anymore.
Now, you will notice on the larger 1024 size images, that Jupiter is not perfectly round.
Well, it was NOT perfectly round a year ago either. You can check that here, which makes
this also more convincing. In fact this current Jupiter image has RAYS which the old ball
they used did not.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 130
AND, as above, I am not announcing this is actually Jupiter until I see it with mine own
eyes! And that could be in a week or so, just depending on how well it shines thru the
corona, or how far away from the sun, it has to be to perceive it. Now they way it works
normally, is that Jupiter when I re appears in our skies each year, has to rise before the
sun to be visible and I assume that occurs again, so if any of you wish to watch, you must
go out before sunrise. You can wait several more days before bothering. I will likely
update a bit on the front site. The advantage, if this is truly Jupiter and I am fairly sure it is,
and should star fleet pull it back or delay it's coming out, that should also show on the
Lasco images.
Here is a link from the 20th, showing the little round ball that was previously used to
represent both Jupiter and Venus.
20100220_1942_c3_1024.jpg ( 1024 size)
20100225_2342_c3_512.jpg (512 size)
These are examples After the switch from the round ball icon.
20100225_2342_c3_512.jpg (512 size)
20100225_2342_c3_1024.jpg (1024 size)
I think it was the 26th, the Lasco c3 image had something strange on it, which caused me
to do some checking, there was a funny ½ moon shape just before the image went behind
the occulting disk. I have been climbing the walls since in excitement. Because I think the
new images are actually our new sun! CM says yes, but again, when I see it with my
everyday eyes, that is when I too will completely know. I don't think the NASA folks would
play this game, and this new image of most likely the REAL Jupiter, has rays like a sun,
and these change some from image to image, not the same fixed shape as the old ball.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 131
New quake may manifest in Southern California.
S333 thru Candace
# 120 April 23, 2010
Dear ones, we are detecting a large increase in motion activity in Southern California,
north of the previous quake area from Easter Day along the Elsinore Fault line. This could
portend something serious and I advise any of you living in that area to prepare
yourselves. If this is a large manifestation we will lift people off for protection and place
them back which is something we often do after it is over. Most are unaware of this and
simply find themselves in a safe area and have no idea how that happened.
Soltec is unsure of how big this may become or if it will manifest within the next day or so.
But please prepare yourselves with survival supplies, because even if you are lifted out of
harms way, you may need them after the fact. This event should it manifest in a large
manner, will be at least one to two days out. Prepare yourselves tomorrow.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 132
Admiral Esu Sananda Immanuel Kumara
Thru Candace
# 121 May 19, 2010
Dearly beloveds, It is I Esu. This has been a awful day for us. I am very fatigued and those
of us in the decision making realms are going to rest over night and have a fresh meet up
in the morning to decided the next course of affairs. We were unable to do updating today.
Updating will likely resume either tomorrow, or Friday.
I have asked Candace to do this one, because she never gets upset about the tough stuff.
And it's time we made some use of her again, as she is healing nicely.
We are leaving most of our contact people, the boots on the ground in safe places as the
beaming back and forth is tiring to them. They need a day off and they shall have it.
The political arena is not easy to work within, neither is the media arena. Today we
removed 160 puppeteers from their posts. These will be missed and this should enable
some cooperation after these removals are noticed. They are being held safely in
underground areas built originally by the thugs of this world and are going to face quite a
bit of interrogation.
Now this is a special message from Me, to those dark ones who have the
assignment of reading here, and we expect you to pass this on.
There is NO way you can win this. We have said this many times. The planet YOU stole
from the Creation is going back to the Creation. This is a very special planet, because it is
a beauteous seed planet for the sole purpose of creating new souls. Yea ones cannot
create new souls you know, only dark one's can reincarnate into your children's forms.
Your days of your secession are numbered black brothers. Yea WILL come home to God
and the light, or you WILL perish, forever. Lucifer is no longer your God. He was uncreated
quite some years ago. Your Anunnaki overlords are long removed as are all the reptilians
who have mind controlled you. It is only you and I dear brothers, and I came to win this
It is I that is in charge of the boots on the ground, as to their daily activities. I have quite a
large army at my command, and while we prefer not to use weapons, but we do for self
defense and the defense of those in our service. We have taken out every single person,
for example, that you have sent to murder Candace. Not one has returned.
And she of course is not the only one you have attempted to "take out." This is God's
planet. All planets are the Father's. This planet is going to be reclaimed to the Father's
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 133
service and that is happening now and you have no other choice or place to go. We have
controlled every last underground area built by man since 1950 on this planet. And there
are a lot of them. We took final control over these in 2005, and this some of you know.
You cannot run to these places. You built many for your survival, and my dark brothers, the
lighted brothers get to use these during and after stasis as needed and you shall not have
All of those of you requiring removal will only spend a short time there with the others we
have removed before your fate is decided. I suggest disarming and withdrawing NOW.
We are taking exactly one United States time zones day to recoup and then we will get
very serious. The removals today were primarily in the main stream media and political
arenas. The Military are under our control completely and cannot and will not defend your
sorry little asses, excuse my "French" I am NOT in a good mood tonight.
Now I am a MASTER WARRIOR dear dark brothers. And I use LIGHT and KNOWLEDGE
when it works, but since it is not working with most of you, I can get quite nasty, and I will
get quite nasty. You can go down in shame, or you can surrender in Glory, it is but your
choice. This is your last chance, THIS WEEK brothers, to come back to your real home in
the abode of the Lord.
We are NOT damned antichrist Aliens. We will not put up with Fuck Off, from you. We
have well over 10 MILLION light ships in this area, brothers, and as to the United States,
you have exactly 2 Delta wing type craft left. Hardly a match up is it? We are prepared to
demonstrate this to some of you when our rest break is over if needed.
You are not going to destroy this seed planet. This paradise planet. You stole it from God
and God is here himself in person and is taking it back. I am his CHIEF COMMANDER, I
am ADMIRAL Sananda. You want war, you will get war, brothers, and it shan't be pretty.
Today you made 126 attempts to fire on various members of our command. And as you
know, there was some self defense that took place. Your private armored troops did not
fair well. And as above, we removed some substantial numbers of your overlords. So be it,
it was your cause, and you have yet to learn about cause and effect very well.
Be well advised, after our recoup tomorrow, we are coming for YOU. End of Story. I
suggest you return to God post haste. Namaste, Esu Sananda Immanuel Kumara
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 134
Update #23
Esu, S333 and Christ Michael
# 122 May 26, 2010
Esu: Hello beloveds, well the time seems to be fast approaching. Yesterday, CM reported
of the mother hemorrhaging internally, and we were able to clear to blockage so the
energy could flow where it should.
Candace did a work with some friends above, about the location of this fault, and if you
have not yet found it, you might like to take a look so that you can see where this event will
start. All energy flows in rings similar to what occurs when the pebble hits the water, and
so it shall with this, plus it will reverberate thru the planet and cause more quakes, releases
and probably some volcanization.
We know many of you will be shocked, but you must rapidly come into quietness and let
your self help the others around you. Again, any of you living in dangerous areas will be
evacuated if need be along with many others.
Candace just disturbed me to send some advice to Mother Gaia to remind her there are
evacuations plans. She has been working with Momma as she likes to now call her. Over
the hours to days after the first quake there will be many more, and as we have suggested
the Mid Atlantic Ridge will have a massive quake, likely in about the same latitude as this
quake coming and thus both sides of South America will be hit.
There will be much destruction in all the South Pacific Islands, and Hawaii. Tsunami's will
take a terrible toll around the world. The energy from the affects on South America will
travel north and set off many quakes on the coastal areas of North America also in at most
a few days time.
We still expect LA basin to collapse into the sea as the Tsunami's from the first event will
cause sufficient "loosening" to cause that. Hopefully some Californians will evacuate after
the first tsunami.
This should also upset the volcanoes in in the Pacific Northwest of North America. When
the Mid Atlantic Ridge quakes and shakes, a lot of damage into the gulf of Mexico area will
occur as well.
The coastal regions of Europe and the east Coast of the United States will probably fare
fairly well in this initial set of events. The west African coast will see some damage. The
Indonesian area will be devastated.
We think that the New Madrid fault will be affected at some point, due in part to gulf area
issues that will work themselves backwards thru the Mississippi Delta.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 135
This will be a very big and devastating week or so until things settle. We do hope to get on
TV and radio before stasis. Stasis will take place when it has to take place, and if there is
too much damage, particularly volcanism, we will have to move to it without becoming
public. This is why we are supporting Mother Gaia to get going, so the damage is less and
does not force our hand into stasis before we can become public.
There will be food shortages very rapidly. We hope you have set aside some food. The
banks will be folded for at least a short time. We will install something to get them running
again as soon as it is possible. The dark ones still in residence in various sectors such as
the money and media sectors are going to be removed during the initial events so they are
out of our way completely. There is no hope for these ones coming to serve, many would
try to merely shore up more wealth as they cannot imagine any other way.
Candace: Understand with these affects in the ocean and atmosphere, there WILL be a
huge loss of ability to deliver food and supplies and that may well include gasoline also.
You have had the upper hand knowledge, so prepare if you have not already.
Esu: Now, some of you near the events may be lifted and then put back on the ground if
there is ground left for you. You must assist in areas where there is survival and you will
come back until stasis begins. We will not put you back in areas where you have no means
to communicate with others, so do not worry on that. You will however be conscious and
won't find yourselves back without your memories. So you may learn a bit while on the
craft and you will be expected to help aboard the craft until you are returned, if you are
returning. There will be many people evacuated who have NO idea of us and you will be
helping us make them comfortable.
Those going to other worlds in body will obviously be lifted. And likely a few that aren't
going to other worlds, we will not hugely "sort" whoever comes to the beams. Anyone will
have some benefit from the experience and some could after the fact choose to go to other
worlds. We can maintain "extras" for some time, on craft.
Candace has in the past placed links or photos of large evacuation craft. These hold many
millions of people so some are going to have quite an experience.
Ok, I will leave now and hand the microphone over to S333. CM may or may not join us
shortly he was called to attend to a problem and I must go help out also.
S333: Alright beloveds, Here I am. I will but lecture you a bit. No matter how shocked you
are and some of you will be shocked, again, you must maintain your composure, and very
rapidly. Long ago, it has been said on AH that you must be ROCKS. And so it is. We can
anticipate what we think will happen, but we can't know what fully happened until it is done
Since there will be shortages, some of man, when his tummy is empty may become very
restless and in fact dangerous. AVOID THESE PEOPLE. If you have saved up some food,
do NOT let others know of it, as they will have no trouble relieving you of the food. We will
as needed actually put fleet members of the ground to take some control and beloveds,
please understand, by control, some of these ones will send troubled out of control
individuals to the "other side". We will not allow certain ones to become gang leaders.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 136
We will get on the air ways when we can. But rumors will fly. Those of you that have guns,
keep them handy, and although you must help out, do not shut yourselves totally behind
closed doors in fear. The coming CMEs plus the energy disturbances created by large
quakes, will cause communication problems and we hope to repair a lot of this as areas
settle down so WE can use them.
Cables running under oceans may well break. Some of you may not be able to reach the
AH website, and you must be on your own, standing in your shoes, and not running to read
what you must do here, because that kind of advice is not going to be here anyway. Some
of you are too dependent on channeled material.
We will however, do everything we can do to assist keeping the AH website online. It's
servers are state side. We do plan to have full coverage publicly as the mess settles down.
We hope to have Candace herself on that broadcasting team. In fact during this time, there
will be lots of new people who will visit the site for information. It will probably get
congested so all of you don't necessarily need to be glued to the site, let others have a
The TV coverage will not be huge. It is too late to cover some of the dark deeds, but the
main ones will be covered, such as the 911 event for example. Most of the time will be
given over to some teaching about God, and about the coming stasis events and what to
expect. We may before stasis even give some folks opportunity to choose to board craft to
explore other options. We prefer to give the public knowledge for the forthcoming events
and our roles, so those that ARE returning after stasis, will remember this, and able to
except star fleet members on the ground and in your skies when they awaken.
We have not made final decisions yet about uncloaking and when it should be done. There
are simply too many people, who will be already scarred out of their wits. These will have
so much fear they will pass this plane. These last few weeks are important to the soul
growth of those here before stasis that survive the events forth coming.
After the initial events which should hopefully be over in a week, then the earth will feel
exhausted and having vented will settle down a great deal for the remaining time.
We will be working during night times to help restore communications, fix some water line
breaks and those kind of activities. There may be quiet a few who will wonder if god is
working miracles. No not miracles, just restoration to prevent some of the ugliest problems
that man is capable of when he has not food, water, or shelter.
NOW I REPEAT HERE, watch out for some strangers and their actions. If people do no
want to hear you, shut up. This is a time to serve basic needs and no tell religion of any
sort. Scared people who do not know truth can attack you as DEMONS.
In fact during this time we expect some battles between religion with certain areas. Man
does not understand God. Many will however come into service of helping their neighbors,
and this is needed and desired. But some will become very dangerous. If you are operating
in any sort of shelter that springs up, and you have ones who are dangerous, you do NOT
try to help them. Put them outside to the elements and SHUT THE DOORS. There are
people who will develop very abnormal minds and you do not allow them to harm others.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 137
You have to look at the highest good. And the highest good in some cases will be to close
the doors and shut dangerous people away.
Fear in these ones will likely cause them to quickly succumb and be out of the way. There
will be many deaths dear ones, simply due to fear. The body will put out many chemicals
and people will drop dead. LET THIS HAPPEN and put your efforts with the living. You
must use "triage" per se.
Candace: for those doing translations, "triage" is the sorting of people into 3 categories:
those who have no hope, those who need attention NOW and those who can wait a bit.
S333: Too many of you are too nice sometimes, and this will be a time for clarity. You must
keep yourselves under control, because otherwise you will not hear the advice of your
guardian angels. It will be them informing you, not us generally in these conditions. HEED
your "instincts" thusly.
Ok I release the podium to Christ Michael
Christ Michael: OK, beloveds, I left a bit to attend some details needing my input.
Candace took a short walk and when I dinged her head, she was just entering her
driveway and remembered where she was once on it, when I contacted her from a craft
some years ago now, the day of the 2004 presidential elections in the United States. I
had come down in a craft, right over her home, part of my giving support to her at the time,
making this "real."
The pressure is strongly brewing now in the "unknown" but now known to you fault line.
There is already subtle movement and small waves being generated. Most of you should
KNOW when the quaking gets serious. The preliminaries are mostly from movement of
magma right now. Pretty soon the fault will start its big slip and the energy will be carried
also to the Tonga Trench which should experience a lot of movement also.
There is not much more for me to speak on at this time. Please do read Don Hines
message today. It is important. Do not forget I am much more than the body who called
himself Hatonn for a time. I AM my whole creation. This body is but a tool for my return at
this time.
During stasis, those of you attending will be coming into a lot of memory about how this
works. It can be explained largely by science in fact. Your "string theory" is hitting on this
concept and we notice it has been largely shut down the last few years from publication in
the western world.
The Russians already remember and know much. They have explored this entire solar
system in craft and taken many measurements. During stasis, much of this will be
translated into English and put on the web for all to study, as they have time and interest
while they build the new world.
We move forward now. Be prepared, be brave, be honest unless you need to lie to save a
life, and come into full service and listen to your inner self in all situations. Checking out
now, it's back to work. I AM Christ Michael/Aton of Nebadon.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 138
Update #24
Christ Michael & Candace
# 123 MAY 29, 2010
Dearly beloveds, It is I Aton. I apologize for the length of time for an official update. We
have been most busy.
We are continuing to have great trouble with the BBB & G's and we have a new plan. I will
not disclose it, but it WILL work. We are delaying, or rather not assisting GAIA for just a
couple days until this plan is fully operative. But know we ARE completely removing all
dark ones who stand in the way and there is a replacement program for them, and that is
the part that we do not disclose as to how this is being done.
There should continue to be increasing quakes however, as GAIA continues to fully birth
the "head" according to the allegory we are using at this time, in the birthing process.
Regards the unusual magnetosphere which Candace is pondering, yes this in intentional
and it begins the early process of the Magnetic Pole Reversal. More like the preparatory
stages for it.
This is of our doing. We have simply used nature's ways to open up the magnetosphere
without benefit of storm. When energies do come in the from the sun they will impact the
planet more than before.
You will see this more and more in the coming days and couple weeks. We are merely
setting the stage for the reversal at this time. The reversal will STILL take place AFTER
you are in stasis. As we have explained before, the life forms, all of them must be
protected during this time, as the energies that enter would otherwise cause much DNA
We can however and WILL leave a few frequencies open to so speak so that unwanted life
forms that do not register with the God frequencies will simply leave at that time.
This has been covered at one time by Thoth in particular thru Leonette. That which is not
of God does leave when the rotation stops, as this disturbs the "spiritual" gravity circuits
and that which does not serve literally flies off the planet, and then is "scooped up" by
certain members of this large team and destroyed before it can transverse the heavens.
Thus it will not infect other creations.
I can say that this new solution to the thugs WILL allow for us to have the necessary
cooperation to be on the airwaves with some minimal education before stasis begins. This
is necessary primarily for those that will return in body to this planet, and those going in
body to other worlds.
That is all for now beloveds, I know this is short and brief, but we must have some security
to our plans. Candace is aware of the process however. It does go a bit with the snake and
rat vision she described. Namaste and be about any more preparations you need to
accomplish before TSHTF as used on your place. ATON.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 139
Candace: TSHTF=The Shit Hit's the Fan. You can also see the post I made during my
night about the Magnetosphere. This incoming NON storm is now decreasing.
BBB &G's=Big Bad Boys & Girls, a term I coined long ago for the dark brothers and sisters.
Link to Leonette's piece with Thoth
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 140
More Updating and an Issue about Monjoronson
Esu thru Candace
# 124 June 1, 2010
Hello beloveds, this is Esu. The energy is continuously building in several regions on your
place, and not just the Pacific Rim. There are many inland areas affected as well which
include various oilfields which are becoming more unstable as the mother's blood is
The plan we discussed is in place, as has been said thru Hazel. It is operative at this point.
Please carefully watch and listen to your news and you will discern this. And I am not
directing this solely the United States, for all major countries will be shortly releasing truths,
possibly some more resignations and some of these dear ones are because these lower
ones on your ladders are not comfortable with changes in their overseers.
Please be about noticing and documenting these, and you might help Candace out for a
short time, by sending her some pieces you may see, by email, as she will be away on
special assignment for another day or two and will not be seeing the news or spending
much time on the Internet. She has been heavily involved in a project today and has not
probably yet seen the news. (true, only on the computer really early and NO TV and little
TV and computer yesterday too.)
We ask that YOU take your own responsibility for watching the show and not be running off
to get your information totally by channeling. Do your own homework. Watch carefully as
this may appear something of a cat and mouse game.
Although this has not anything to do with certain changes coming ahead, Candace just
interrupted to watch a story by an unknown media person about the carnage aboard the
relief vessel that was carrying supplies to Gaza. She was a little shocked to actually watch
a spokesman for Israel, claim they were attacked by the people aboard the boat. Friends, I
hope some will raise a little holy hell on this one.
Since WHEN, were people attacking Israel soldiers, when it was Israel forcefully boarding
the ship in international waters? Looks like self defense to me brothers. So they picked up
whatever was available to defend themselves and Israel soldiers who boarded a ship not
their own, with weapons, are seen as the "victims" in this. On my, and there will be plenty
who will sadly believe this one, that Israel was the victim in this scenario. We are man's
minds? No right with God.
Ok returning to our subject. Christ Michael has been called away during Candace's rest
period she required after her morning experience, so I am doing it for him.
Are you prepared beloved's? If you live along coastlines and in quake areas, do you have
adequate water, food, and other supplies? Some of you test the devil so to speak and are
not prepared whatsoever. We give you all this time so you can be prepared.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 141
If you are not prepared as to your own physical needs, this will limit your ability to cope
with those around you. As we have said, we may lift some of you very temporarily and then
plop you back to where you live after the initial danger has passed. Is your house, literally
your house ready? If this manifests under huge conditions and the large Pacific quake will
cause a great deal of catastrophe, your stores world wide could be closed down very
rapidly for various reasons. It is not for you to hope you can rush out the door when the
news hits, and if some communications are seriously affected, it may NOT hit immediately
in some regions.
Please look at where you live and prepare yourselves. Stores have only a few days
supplies of food and other materials, and you will be standing in long lines perhaps with
others to get what you need, and there my be empty shelves before your turn arrives.
While we suggest to you that you have smaller change and bills on hand, what if there is
nothing to purchase????? It will do you no good.'
The mother is in fuller labor now. The „head," as our allegory is not yet out, but any of you
who have watched normal birth know that after the head is out, which takes great work on
the part of the mother, then the shoulders must rotate thru the birth canal. And then,
usually WHOOSE the babe is born. In our allegory, that big whoosh is the big quakes.
This is not the ascension WHOOSE dear ones, but it surely then prepares the way for the
new babe to begin its transformation into an adult, a process that takes many years. Thus
the ascension process takes many years. After the birth of the babe, the greatest work
then begins, does in not, in the providing for the babe? You are going to provide for this
new babe over those long years. Nourishing it into adulthood. Nourishing the ascending
souls into spiritual maturity.
Now, I am going to ask Candace to take a few minutes to read the latest work with
Monjoronson and Daniel Raphael, because there is obviously misunderstanding on the
parts of some that have read it.
She has been reading of some worries and complaints and she finds nothing wrong at this
point with what she has heard, but before I continue with her, I need her to be aware of the
full content of that piece. (Candace: OK I will be right back. OK I read it and then I posted
to AHS where there is a bit of a flurry going on and in this piece there is not ONE wrong
concept in it. I will have it posted ahead of this work with Esu.)
Esu: Now beloveds, your homework assignment is to READ that piece in it's entirety and
take your own pulse. What were some of you expecting? That you would return to a
perfect world? You are returning to raise the babe. And learn something more of the
processes you need for your future careers. And I don't mean just your earth careers. I
mean your own heavenly careers over a very long time span.
You did NOT volunteer here to be lazy. You volunteered to share in Christ Michael's
experience he once had, and so much more. You are the ones who will truly say at some
point in your distant futures, that you ran the great race, that you have the finest of "insider"
experience behind you, in preparing for the great worlds and universes to come.
The Father wishes his Ascending Sons to assume these tasks. For it will be YOU who
have run the race and therefore KNOW the race, in the manner of Been There and Done
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 142
That. No part of creation, even those higher architectural spheres is built on lollipops
beloveds. Learn that now.
Those out there putting out silly channelings that promise you will be carried off to the wide
blue yonder or will experience a magic ascension are WRONG, and they are keeping
many of YOU from seeing the reality.
Now, I ask you read the piece. And then when Candace is relieved of her other duties in a
day or two, perhaps we can go over this. And perhaps we can't, because even we do not
know down to the minute when this will manifest. And we will, meaning mostly your
guardians who work with you, KNOW HOW you have reacted to what is coming once it
We advise you to drop the lollipops and perhaps take up a good hammer of some sort.
You are to be ROCKS, and not new born babes needing coddling. We have expected this
reaction to Monjoronson's work with Daniel Raphael. Daniel is always willing to carry this
tough work, these words needing to be said for Monjoronson.
I will now get back to my routine of this day, which is anything but routine. Do your
homework assignment and then we meet another day after you have processed the tough
meat of truth within it. Namaste, Esu.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 143
Esu , Christ Michael and Gaia
# 125 June 14, 2010
Esu: Hello my beloveds, it has been more than a busy week for all of us. Matters have now
changed with GAIA's large saying of the right No's and the right Yes'. This is something
everyone who is on the ascension path has to learn to do and it takes much practice.
There is always the ability and desire to not rock the boat, so to speak, but if you are
climbing into the Father's way, you must begin to rock the boat.
For those "new souls" it is rocking the boat that brings the thought adjuster. I covered this
to some degree long ago in a piece we did about the animals, Candace and I, in those now
long ago early days of this project. Candace once did a piece with Christ Michael on how
he has been rocking the Creator Son boat for a long time, leading to a new way of moving
the creation forward.
We have discussed how the animals must also grow, and when each animal suddenly
realizes it is an individual, it stands up and says I AM. I AM is what starts the human
journey, it's not the end like so many think who will not use the statement about
Most herd animals don't find their I AM except those with loving human contact who as
thus removed a bit from the herd. We are now seeing some sweet animal souls who have
long found their I AM actually now receiving real thought Adjusters, not just temporary
ones needing training, and these ones, even while still in the animal form, are now baby
humans. Real humans, with real God mind because the are making CONSCIOUS
decisions and choices and truly desiring to move forward and upward.
Now, how does this story relate to our beloved GAIA? In a way GAIA, while she long has
her I AM, and is thus self conscious, she was before then much like the animal herself. Her
MIND is the mind and record of everything that has even happened on this planet. Her soul
is a giant Akashic Record and one day you will become more skilled at accessing her
But for the many eons she did not know herself as separate from the Creation, and in the
journey upward , EVERY mind HAS to do this at some point. It has to become a PERSON.
Person has nothing to do with a body. But of course GAIA has a body, it's the planet. But
there are many created Spirit beings who have Spirit forms, which are real and bounded,
but not a body as understood in the material realms.
Your SOUL beloveds, IS your MIND. Well, GAIA spent some long time after she said I AM,
but not so long a time really, and realized she was indeed a PERSON. It always takes the
mother planet a long time before she realizes she exists SEPARATE from those maturing
on her.
Before that time the Mother of a planet, is more like what you term the elementals, a fairy
as such. Very much a group soul of many parts blended together so much, there is not a
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 144
unique mind. Now, once the mother planet, now a Planetary Supreme, when she realizes
she exists as a mind, the work does begin for her ascension. Once she is a reasoning
being herself, and not engrouped with the Mother Spirit of the Universe, in this case
Nebadonia, she cannot long tolerate the darkness on this world or any other world. GAIA
for a long time actually resisted this awareness because of the great darkness here.
But because of the experience of the great darkness she will be one of the greatest
mothers in Nebadon and I want you all here who are progressing towards being
administrators in the existing and new creations to under that your experience of this great
darkness is what will propel you into great masters of the light. For you do not know except
by first knowing the darkness.
GAIA has done it all in this sense. She is ready to assume her true role as the Planetary
Supreme, conscious of her many parts now and able to make informed decisions. This
was tough on her, letting go of the old, saying NO, and choosing the New. Many of you
have to make similar choices on this world, or you are depressed and stagnant.
Depression and the resulting stagnation are always a blessed message to say you need to
get back into co creation with God. ALWAYS. And dear ones, now and then, I myself get
bored and stagnant for a short time and I have had a bit of depression myself over the
massive losses we have experienced over the years. Being a Sananda does not relieve
one of emotion and great sadness. It does not guarantee there is always bliss and joy.
Now I will release the podium to Christ Michael. Namaste, Esu.
Christ Michael: Well dear ones, here I am. And pursuant to the discussion of Esu, even
Creator Sons and the Father himself experience emotion, for it is part of personality. I am
returned because of my own sadness and depressions about this sector of my creation
and like all of you have to clear your own souls of that which is troubling in our experience
and lighten it, so must I.
I like you, have to look carefully at all the possible options and outcomes. Man as he grows
in spirit learns to do the same and thus anticipate and create his life, by planning where
possible how he will act in a future event. That IS the creative process. With being able to
discern some future and how one might play in that, there would be NO creation, beloveds.
This creation would not be in existence at all. There are all those massive systems that you
can perceive from your telescopes, and all those you can't see with them that make up a
mighty creation. You circle around the outer rim of the creation, and Paradise itself and
innumerable black space bodies prevent you from seeing much of what exists. In fact a
great deal of what you do see, is new creations forming in outer space. The creation is
.Nebadon could not exist without my ability to create in my thought and of course that
includes the abilities added of those I first create of my angelic realms on forward to the
periods of life implantation to the coming of ascending Sons into my universe. I am a
dreamer and so are you.
Dreams are of HUMAN, and beloveds, here is something to digest. I AM ALSO HUMAN,
just much progressed past you. I am of course a spirit being and borrowing a body for this
project, but never the less HUMAN. I am a product of the Father. All who have individual
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 145
minds of the ability to think forward, to dream new possibilities are HUMAN, even those of
the angels of my creation.
Does it not say in the bible, that man shall become LIKE the Angels. That means he will
move PAST "man" the animal that does not think yet, and INTO HU-man. (Higher
Universal Man) Now as Esu said, we are getting some animals that are touching on the
Human mind and receiving thought adjusters. OK, how does this relate then to GAIA?
GAIA beloveds, is Human herself now and faced with all those wondrous challenges
ahead. You become of the Father when your fuse with your adjuster, and beloveds, most
of you that read here did that long ago so don't dwell on trying to do that, it is long done.
GAIA in her merging with the FATHER is Merging with ME as her creator, but also WITH
the Universal Father thru me and separate from me. Her first merging is more with Me and
when she and her life forms enter Monopolarity, the state of Light and Life, this will bring
about the Advent of God upon this planet, to GAIA personally and all who have or will have
reached this point.
Fusion with the thought adjuster, which is the Father Fragment, a piece of the Universal
Father's mind, is the ADVENT of God upon the god seeking mortal who has elevated
himself to that point. When man fuses with his Father Fragment, he is then Eternal. He has
made the choice of Eternal Life. He is a REAL ETERNAL BEING. Until then, he is
GAIA first "fuses" which means blending of two or more minds into one mind, with ME. But
this does not mean she is not a separate entity. She remains so but now she is part of my
knowing, she has more access to my knowing, we are one mind, while still retaining our
individual journeys into knowledge. She IS a PERSON now, and her fusing with ME makes
her a PERMANENT personality in the Kingdom of GOD. She will shortly as this process
happens, become like you when you once fused with your thought adjuster.
GAIA when she fuses with me, BECOMES ETERNAL. THIS is HER Ascension, and its not
the only one, just the first one of record. She will be written into the BOOK of LIFE. It's not
a state of perfection, but it's a state of having chosen ETERNAL LIFE. So many souls do
not and not all planets chose this.
Now when GAIA and her peoples enter Monopolarity, Light and Life, that is her FUSION as
such with the Universal FATHER in Paradise. Most of you Fused with that Father, through
you Father Fragment LONG ago. My, Candace herself is a very OLD soul and fused so
long ago in Nebadon, and then completed the long journey to Paradise and graduated a
Mighty Messenger.
But she's a young Mighty Messenger, that happened only shortly before she took on this
public project. Esu also became a Mighty Messenger shortly after he left his Earth
incarnation with me which was his final test to become a Mighty Messenger himself.
Ascending Graduates of Paradise are Sanandas. Thus you now know also that Candace is
a Sananda.
Now the Planetary Supreme in a way also must become sort of a Mighty Messenger in her
long training too. She will never bear that title, but she must continue her own journey of
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 146
learning when to say NO and when to say Yes. As must all. It comes as wisdom over time.
She has some long learning yet ahead of her and she's going to have to move on the fast
tract, because of the Correcting Time. (Candace: A Mighty Messenger is one who has
survived and worked thru a major rebellion. They are rebellion tested. There are many
types of graduates of Paradise, with different backgrounds and specialties. In this piece,
Christ Michael is saying that GAIA is rebellion tested.)
This time period for your planet, which you adopted for a time, most move along a bit faster
and that is why you are all here, because this planet is so far behind in all ways. You must
regularly join with GAIA and give her the pats on the back she needs, that ALL NEED, and
that my beloveds includes myself. OK Candace is chuckling here, because you see, she
often pats the Creator Son on the back when she sees the merit of the choices coming
down. Hey Christ, this is really cool, is what I often hear. Oh, a Mighty Messenger pats the
Creator Son on the back for a job well done? Certainly so. This is a group project and there
should be patting on the back, whenever something goes right! Don't you all do that? Well,
I hope so.
That's what is meant by bringing God down to your level. When this glorious planet enters
light and life, when there is the ADVENT of God upon this place, so will God on High be
blended with God on Low. The God lost and not seen for so long, rises up to Fuse with the
God on High, Blends with it. Now that is all the magic to see, in that strange and silly term
in the Urantia Book called fusion. It is the blending of a lower mind with the higher mind
that pervades the creation, the Mind of the Father.
GAIA is now well on the way to that goal. She will likely fuse with me during stasis, but it
may be a bit later, it matters not, she's on her way now, she said the
Right NO and the Right YES.
Now we have a treat for you. GAIA is HERE with us, and Candace will take a short break
to recoup and then GAIA will take the Podium. Be Blessed one and all, I AM THAT I AM
(which also you are), Christ Michael Aton.
GAIA: Hi my beloved members of AbundantHope, I AM GAIA. And I am here mostly today
to state a warm and huge THANKYOU for all your work in helping me Say NO and Yes at
the same time. Candace and Don have walked with me a lot, as have many others of you
here and many more also around the world who heard the call, but of course never heard
of AbundantHope.
A few years ago when I began to talk with Candace she gave me a lot of encouragement
then about the new process being developed on this planet, in which there would be
MANY MESSIAHS, all working together as one but carrying out individual roles and talents
to lift me and my creations up into real Glory. This sustained me a great deal, but then as
the wars progressed on my surface, and more people are entering into just the physical
pleasures and some really dark behaviors in sexuality, music and the arts, I slipped a bit
more and more into a depression. The darkness was again winning and moving past the
light and it had lots of support.
My depression worsened. I did not know what to do about it. And I was not asking for
enough help. We all need help in this journey. Now in the recent weeks, you have come
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 147
magnificently to help me and the depression began to lighten. I began to feel your love and
I began to consider maybe I could come again into the idea of creating, and it's the idea of
co creation which is never singular. I begin to really, really see that a great light was
coming together on my surface and the purpose of this light was in fact to HELP ME. And I
am so grateful for it.
I get much encouragement from the angels and those in the higher realms, but beloveds, I
so need this from you, because it is you ON my surface that must help me move up. I can
not enter light and life without a civilization on my body. Had the decision been used of
many years ago that the planet would be fully cleansed and reseeded as happens to
many, so much is lost and my own ascension would be delayed because it is entwined
with the Mind upon my surface, as I cannot enter Light and Life without people on this
planet, merging their minds with me. I cannot merge one day with the Father of Paradise
myself without YOU.
This was a depressing thought in and of itself. I did not wish to have a totally new
civilization of people from elsewhere, to make my own ascension into Light and Life. This
is used on many planets, but you see beloveds, I am a SEED PLANET for the developing
new souls from scratch, and I could not just wash it all away. I desired with the most
earnest of desires to carry some of my evolutions with ME.
And you are now going to help this happen, a great experiment and I am convinced this
will work and satisfy my desires to be blended with those whom were created here. Now of
course, all advancing souls leave their home planets, even the seed planets and journey
forward. But I was looking at a really huge lose and it pained me terribly. If my own children
at least some of them, could not travel with me, it was like abandoning them to the
wilderness. All of you do not like to see your children lost and cast out and maybe even
"dead', meaning uncreated.
I know there is always a dividing and sorting. Many of my children I know will move to other
families, other worlds who are willing to adopt them and give them a further chance
because they are not yet ready for what we are doing. And this is fine with me, because it
is good and I am grateful for the offer to continue caring for my children. And you see,
when these children who are being fostered out to other Planetary Mothers, are grown up
a bit more, they will return into my bosom to grow some more, until they themselves are
ready to the greater journey into their god hood. This is "OK". It's wonderful in fact. It is like
your children who leave to go learn and come back home at some point.
But a full cleansing, this was not acceptable as to ME. I can handle others, like the story in
your bible of the prodigal son, leaving and returning to embrace, but I didn't want all of my
children leaving! I felt that some were almost ready and under the right conditions might be
able to stay with me as they venture into their God hood. In this discussion I am not
including the dark ones who were sent here to work out their karma, but some of these
ones ARE finally ready, and while not my "blood children" so to speak, I did adopt them,
just as other Mothers in the creation are going to adopt some of mine for a time. I have an
awfully large family.
These ones that have grown enough, will continue under my adoptive arms until they fly
away in the proper manner. And some of my children who evolved here are also near a
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 148
state of readiness too. Actually I have in a way, few children of my own, because when the
Sirian Sun was blown to bits long ago, evolving souls were placed on my surface as they
had NO mother at all, and I embraced them AS MY OWN just as some of you have taken
in children as your own that have no parents. You know NO difference, these are YOUR
children even if another mother birthed them and so it is with these ones that I adopted
long ago. They are my children just as much as if I had birthed them myself.
We all need help dear ones. I needed the help and YOU CAME. I AM SO BLESSED and I
Candace: I was going to add some teaching and commentary. While I knew I was going to
work with GAIA today, in fact I asked for her to be part of this message, I was not prepared
for this. I am a mess of tears right now. This piece is done and it needs no commentary
from me.
But that said, I am so happy to have my forum up again. There is new life in it now. So far
there are about 55 new missions of all sorts. I haven't tried to count how many of the
original members have returned, but it's quite a few so far. Please do not think you cannot
be a messiah because the word seems so huge. The Many Messiah idea of my dreams is
being made manifest.
Welcome aboard. We need as I have posted before, all sorts of messiahs. Big ones, little
ones, medium ones. We need your many and varied special skills. Do not ever hide your
head and think you cannot possibly be a messiah, because we came to be just that. It is
what is needed and it is going to WORK. Hold your heads high. Take care, Candace.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 149
Today is Independence Day in the United States
By Aton thru Candace
# 126 July 4th, 2010
Dearly beloveds, today is independence day in the United States, and sadly I look below
me to discover little independence left is this once great nation, or least the potential it had.
However, it was also formed out the destruction of an entire race of people over the entire
western Hemisphere, and a massive genocide. But nevertheless, it was formed and we put
our efforts behind it, with the construction of the Constitution, which had long been
Germain's dream. That dream for him, had long been thwarted as he hoped for same
within Europe in the days of Napoleon. And before in fact.
Europe overflowed quite literally into your world and your Khazars got busy very quickly
eliminating a race of red men. At one time the two continents were heavily populated by
people living within their means but a little overpopulated still. Today in the United States
alone, the population is 3 times larger, not counting your "illegals" than the entire north
American continent at that time some 5 centuries ago.
You are going to witness before stasis, some of your returning karma. Now here, I am not
implying guilt to the readers of AbundantHope, this is a generalized statement of the
population. And I would though, you of AbundantHope, just where is your liberty and your
Independence on this independence day? It most certainly is not up there in those polluting
fireworks that shall further harm the mother this day.
I would ask those of you who have any time after reading this, I you are attending those, to
please be a little bit of the way shower and suggest the pollution to the planet's air and
ground from this massive shows. Ask those around you, about what sort of enslaved
beings off in China and other places, sat in poor surroundings for poor wages, making
these fireworks. Ask those around you the cost of OIL in shipping them to this country. This
is the method of Buddha which he taught so long ago, that one must look at the entire
process. What chemicals go into these and what effects do they have on your air, and the
ground. Where were these chemicals made and did the people making these in foreign
factories suffer health problems from them? Was land destroyed to remove them from the
ground or what was required in their manufacture?
Some of you will be home from those shows before you read this, so I do have a
homework assignment for you. Candace herself does not know the origin of the gun
powders and other resources that go into these. So, you are to do some research and find
these things out and send them to her and she can gather your suggestions together and
post them.
Beloved's, even you who are in training on this world for higher management positions, be
it eventual creator sons, or other responsibilities, you must in YOUR LIFE become aware
of your own affects on this planet. We are watching in absolute HORROR, my beloveds of
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 150
the general lack of interest in this oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, not only in the United
States but most of the western world, and other "western countries."
There is more interest in China beloveds that in your home countries of the western
cultures, around this condition in the gulf. We can plug this, it would cause some tsunami
activity though and we will not for tis the learning of you ones on the surface about how
you have despoiled a planet.
And you my "star seeds" did little yourself in this over the years. Candace is just now
remembering the piece she did with Buddha long ago and it might be nice to put that link in
this piece, where she and others just sort of gave up.
There are many worried on the planet, just where are the action groups! There are
essentially NONE about this spill. Few people are even restricting their use of gasoline,
fertilizers, cleaning agents and other products made from the mother's blood. We see
nearly NONE. And it is dreadful to behold from where I sit.
In your DAILY lives you must find the courage to demonstrate better yourselves until I
determine it is time to place the planet in stasis, and I can give a hint about when that
could happen. It could happen any time the planetary citizens wake up and CRY out for
our help, known to them as "GOD."
I have actually asked the Mother be patient a tad longer while I watch what is going on
beneath my very feet and around me. I say this, because I go to and from ship, and so
sometimes it's beneath my feet, and sometimes around me.
The pollution is not just the oil, the greater "pollution" is the lack on concern and normally
planetary peoples wake up to what they are doing to their planet before this time. We
customarily support the mother planet, or any other orb, for a time while the people wake
up and they are NOT waking up. Even the robots should be wary at this time, for it is
opportunity for them to come into elementary thinking and earn an adjuster and there are
few adjusters and far between right now for these ones. This is some of the reasons I have
made some delays, because I would LOVE (and so would Candace) to see a remnant of
these ones come into thinking. Candace sees it as an incredible waste, and it is.
But this is for YOUR learning beloveds, you must at this time connect with your higher
estate of being and come into some final actions yourself. For many of the star seeds
remain part of the problem. I have in the piece today with Kibo that if you could find your
ONENESS with God, this would be long over, and the groups are kept separated and not
finding that.
Candace bitches now and then that there are so many groups now, but they will not find a
common goal, of which she sees as doing something to contain the political corruption
FIRST and then we can get to other needs and she is quite right.
Allow the thugs continual control over you and you cannot accomplish the other actions the
planet needs. How many of you WRITE personal letters to your "elected ones" regularly? I
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 151
know some of you are new to reading this, but email letters are handled by computers and
never seen.
Rallies and the like are ineffectual as Candace has observed and she quit attending them.
These make people feel good but no action results. Ditto all the various petitions online
that are never delivered and have no power. They are created by the blackops folks to
convince people they have done some good for their world.
I Am seeing more and more people getting generally worried and praying to God to help
out, in their miserable lives, but God helps those who help themselves, remember????
God will help you along, but you must move your own engine FIRST. God does not do it
for you. You on earth in general have got to recognize that all together you are God and
that is not seen. So the GOD of earth, remains quite an uniformed and useless being, in
that sense.
All of you who read here, need to find your courage in your day to day lives. You must
prepare and we know most of you have NOT. I have delayed a bit yet, just for YOU to
prepare and you must prepare in two ways for the coming cataclysms before stasis, by
stocking up appropriately because the stores will run short quickly. LET OTHERS LAUGH
AT YOU, dear ones. For you shall have the last Laugh, as this progresses. SHOW the
way. You do not have to say, Will Christ Michael Aton told me too. Do it because say, you
fear the effects of the oil spill, there are extreme weather issues and with your good
Christian neighbors, how about, IT's THE END TIMES and there is increasing changes
and you just want to be prepared and be able to take care of your children, or mothers and
fathers, or the neighbors and the like. (Candace: will some of them will think Jesus is going
to rapture them out before it gets bad, and if this is what they wish to believe, well they too
shall learn otherwise. I worry more than a bit about those ones expecting Jesus on the
White Horse. )
That is enough to show the way and if they laugh, too bad. Oh your wife or husband will
not support this???? Well, where is YOUR strength in your relationship. Do it anyway. For
they will NOT be disappointed at the appointed times.
When the oceans roar, and the fury begins, shipping and air flight will rapidly end. Goods
from across the seas will not arrive. Local supplies will quickly be used up and may even
be undeliverable in some cases, and those of you who will not store dry and canned goods
at this time, will watch your own families suffer the consequences. Now put off the
afternoon movies, and the extra things you purchase and do not need and buy food, toilet
paper, candles, lanterns not needing batteries, possibly gas camp stoves and gas to run
If you have frozen foods, you will need to COOK them, if you do loose your electricity, to
preserve them until you can eat them. Store at least some water, because some areas are
ON electric water pumps and it cannot be delivered to you if the electricity is down. It could
be down for hours, or days or longer.
Think NOW about how little water you can get by on and where you are going to "potty"
yourselves if you cannot flush. I am not kidding my beloveds. YOU MUST do this and I
cannot hold off much longer on those earth changes. You will get prepared and rapidly, or
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 152
yea will do without and watch the suffering of those around you. You are entitled to have
that experience if you wish.
Earth peoples before stasis are going to see what they have not been responsible for.
There are going to be massive deaths and grief. People will be dying that manufacture
your cheap goods and plow your fields. Do not spend money on new clothing; spend it on
food and supplies.
You have not long to wait and you should be demonstrating the way at this time. Do not let
your spouses control you! DO IT for them, they will be thanking you. NO MOVIES , NO
PAID ENTERTAINMENT, if you need money for food, get rid on your TV's and everything
else, the news will be on radios, believe me beloveds, if news can be delivered. Many of
you ARE money poor, but you can get what you need if you give up the expenses you do
not need to pay.
Many of you have a complete cable package, phone, Internet, and TV. Drop some of that.
Where are your abilities to reason? I have tried to prepare you for what, a couple years
now, or more and some of you continue to say "prove it to me" and then I will get the
supplies. OK, you will have your proof in due time but you won't be getting your supplies if
your checking account is empty at the time and there is run on the stores and everything
triples in price.
During this time of great trauma that is coming on you, believe me dear ones, bill collectors
will not be at your doors. If you have to skip the utility bill to buy food for storage, do and
make payment arrangements with said company. You have options to create cash,
besides using your credit cards and some of you have no credit left.
Buying canned goods may be expensive. By whole beans, grains, and nuts and the like.
You can figure out how to prepare these, and you will need some water storage to cook
and sprout them. Now if you cannot cook, you can eat soaked lentils, chickpeas and grains
without cooking. Other beans need to be sprouted more before they are digestible, or you
will likely have a big belly ache to deal with. These are CHEAP in bulk. And the waters to
soak and sprout these seeds, are water your body will use when you eat them, so it is not
wasted water.
I have held off beloveds until people really want God to help, on the stasis and they are
going to suffer a lot before then. I have given you more than enough opportunity to
prepare. You cannot serve me very well if your families are crying for food. And you best
be locking up that food too, because your unprepared neighbors may wish to relive you of
it when the going gets tough for them.
Do store canned goods as you have money to purchase them, they can be eaten right out
of the can! But if you funds are limited, go for bulk foods. Some of you will giving up your
meat you know! If you think you have to have it, it will be in the cans you have purchased,
keep that in mind. Because these changes are going to end the meat industry on this
planet especially in the cities, very quickly and rightfully so. Many of you morn the animals
in the gulf, but fail to see the total destruction your food animals deal with daily. They have
gifted you heavily and beyond what is required of them, and these ones shall also have
their rest.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 153
On this day, and the ones to come, those of you yet unprepared, can use some of your
real freedom to make decisions on stocking up, even though you are enslaved at this time
and have NO independence. AND on that note, this is true for all of this world not just
those in the United States, who are celebrating a false independence day. I bid you
farewell for today, and I hope you will choose to FARE WELL. Namaste, which remember,
means from the God within me to the GOD WITHIN YOU. I am Aton.
Candace: in terms of storing water, you NEVER do have to wash your dishes. They can be
wiped and allowed to air or sun dry before use again. Some of you may be lucky to have
streams nearby but many do not. There are few streams where I live and during the
summer they get awfully dry. You will learn to very carefully clean your teeth and all other
areas where you use water. Look ahead and study your water use.
YOU CAN begin now to collect outside water if you have homes. Or at least finding
containers to collect it should you find your water off and you are lucky to get some rain.
And if the water gets low, in apartment buildings, I hope management is going to provide
methods of collecting rain from roofs. This may not always be "clean water" but it will
sponge bath you and the like. There will be deaths from lack of enough water to consume.
It comes right after air in importance to the physical system.
I have experimented with washing my short hair, and once I did it with under a quart of
water. Dampen just enough, a few drop of shampoo to get the grease, then use a towel to
remove MOST of the shampoo, and then a rinse. It works. And if you have long hair, well,
OFF it comes.
Many will be cutting their hair way back. If you do that, a wet rag will clean it. Or better
probably a spray bottle with a little water.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 154
Update on the Gulf Situation
Christ Michael
# 127 July 19th 2010
Hello beloveds this is Christ Michael and its time for a bit more of an update. We
considered covering what is going on in the Gulf of Mexico in some detail a few days ago
and this is risky to our workers to go to far.
But tonight we will make some simple statements. Please be reading what is in the
alternative news some of which is being posted on AH for details because they are largely
correct and this prevents targeting of my people if the material comes from elsewhere.
Things are generally worse than what is being told. And none if it is correct on your
mainstream TV but well won't go further on what is wrong. You should be seeing the
difference between the alternative news and mainstream.
We can say this is an extinction level event for that local region when it does manifest.
Those of you who read her who live along especially the US of A borders need to consider
your future. When the methane "cloud" erupts, we have little to no time to pick up unless
you can be dematerialized to ship and most of you can't survive that but we can bring your
souls aboard and out of the fray.
The air will become dangerous quickly and the evacuating small craft cannot work in the
methane and other chemical and in fact some of their systems would help cause fires to it.
This event put the screws to our plans in essence. BP did NOT do this intentionally in the
beginning, the blow out was real. But they have made it worse and they are not telling it all,
which is why you must search the web yourself.
The rumor of the 100 mile long crack is quite true and there are many forming as I speak
that are new. The whole area is deteriorating rapidly and your stupid stories on the news
are not correct at all. There is the plan to keep the masses living in the area uniformed and
I can state the federal government has NO intention of attempting any evacuations. The
decisions are made to let the area go as it will go.
They do not truly have good stocks of food anymore in their FEMA camps, and they do not
have the money to suddenly hire adequate personal and you see, most of your military and
local national guards are overseas.
This methane event will basically be the end. I positioned the stasis ships a couple weeks
ago again, as we watch and determine the amount of methane released. If we can safely
hold a bit we will wait, because man needs to see this. If the methane is of too high a
degree we go into stasis and get the plant and animal life thus protected in this manner.
We cannot risk to let the concentrations get to high to living beings, or we have too much
loss to return.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 155
We cannot state exactly when this event will happen. Meanwhile mother is moving again
and you are also seeing more quakes. The military as suggested somewhat on alternative
news is planning also more warfare and there is some interference to reduce this going on
and I will not subject my workers to more danger to expose what is going on.
To make a long story short, as you all have well known, the dark brotherhood is
determined to take this world out with it but you have no worry of that happening.
While some of you are very upset of the wildlife and this oil leak, understand during the
pole reversal and other changes that will manifest, much oil is released when the plates
move during these events. But the methane release is generally not nearly what we
expect. With life in stasis we can clean the methane and all the other pollutants that will
manifest. We have the best of the best here for that purpose.
There is nothing we can truly due to modulate this activity building in the Gulf. There is
more than one well leaking also and that is beginning to hit your alternative news and
perhaps the mainstream here shortly.
But the main stream news is not going to provide any coverage of the extreme dangers
sincle they do not wish to have to engage in any rescues in that region. The other
countries will not fair well either around the gulf, but the massive explosion of methane well
occur closer to the US of A borders and thus the greater risk.
There will be one or more large tsunamis. Candace: after we were finished with the piece, I
went to copy it to place it on the site and it disappeared completely, all the typing. So I
closed it and then decided to see if any of it survived. It did up to the word tsunamis above
because he took a break of about 20 minutes, during which I made corrections. None of
my corrections were left, so I corrected it all again, I hope. He told me to just try to
summarize what was said, so I will hopefully remember the bulk of it. We have having
many sorts of "disappearing' problems of late, including on the forum. This is very
The tsunami's are caused by the large displacement, and there be also be huge winds
from this. Then the seabed of course collapses producing a lot of quakes. There is a
circular plate in the gulf offshore of Louisiana and this puppy is going to move. A lot of the
methane is under it. It will upset much moving north and there may even be significant
activity or rupture of the New Madrid.
He advised that we could go into stasis nearly immediately or at a time after the worst is
over, depending totally on the situation at hand. He stated they did something to stall the
area east of the Tonga trench as this would worsen the gulf situation from what it is now. I
am not remembering some of the more exacting details, it was not that much. But you are
to be logically prepared, because if they don't go immediately to stasis, there will be a huge
immediately shortage of goods and transportation of such. I think this is main of what was
covered after our break. I never had the copy feature erase a piece before, unless I
accidentally hit some key I didn't mean to hit, but I would think the undo typing feature
would work. I need to get this up. I will hit save just in case before I copy.
Sorry about the difficulties. Take care, Candace
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 156
The Current Plans
By CM thru Candace
# 128 August 2. 2010
Hello beloveds, my what an interesting day in your news. Obama is closing out the war in
Iraq and bringing all but 50,000 troops home? I hope you all are not buying into that one,
because dear ones, in the last couple of years, you haven't had much more than 50,000
American troops there in the first place! And there are still foreign mercenaries and US
aligned local mercenaries there too. But you got what you wanted there, the oil and the
resources and the troops remaining are to protect the wealth from the Iraqi people. Many
are not being hired by the oil firms that divided the place up. They are using slave folks
from elsewhere, a lot of elsewhere's in fact. So be it. Sadly.
We have so little hope for America to wake up on this. Now, we have said some time ago
this whole war is an operation of genocide. It has been about a year since I gave Candace
any figures about the actual losses in that area of the world, and today I will stick with the
standard two, Iraq and Afghanistan.
The total civilian losses to death, as a direct result of these wars is intense and increasing
greatly despite the lack of reporting on such. By direct result of these wars here, I mean all
deaths from injuries and taking fire, and all deaths from the diseases and malnutrition, bad
weather and all the like that is directly related to the war activities of primarily the United
States. So here are those figures.
Iraq: 8,564,190 Candace: a year ago this was a little over 5 million. I don't have those
figures anymore.
Afghanistan: 11, 962, 843. Candace: OMG. Because last year it was a little under 5
million and the two figures together were about 10 million total. This is more than double, if
my math is right.
CM: Now, to those "Jews" who follow these and are still believing or enforcing is a better
word, the lie of 6 million Jews lost in world war 2 in camps, this is far more and these
people have suffered worse, because you see, those camps, from which only 300,000 total
were lost, provided nicely for their workers. Enough food, good entertainment, plenty of
prostitutes and the like. Grand music. These ones lost in these two countries had none of
this. There was and IS great suffering.
And we have seen no cutting back by the "churches" supposedly in my name, in their
efforts to continue to support these wars for American and Israel. The harvest will not be
good of these ones.
Now, lets move on to the next big topic in the news. The Gulf of Mexico situation.
Anderson Cooper as been somewhat brave and worthy of doing the best they will allow
him to do, on exposing this sham of the "closure" of the leaking well. Beloveds there are
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 157
now 32 leaking wells, and the big blowout is a massive hole in the ground and can never
be capped.
There is indeed a line about 100 of your miles long, which is leaking generously, more so
every day. I will not put Candace at risk to give the coordinates on that. Beloveds, there is
NO cap. There is NO BOP the nonexistent cap is on. That area was blown to smithereens,
as you say.
We have caught them "deleting" oil from the satellite images since the "cap" story
and beloveds Candace is jumping for joy, because over the weekend, the crew forgot to
delete the oil from the images around the blowout area. It's all there for the world to see.
The oil began to move up the Atlantic around the tip of Florida in very early June. Its well
on it's way to the rest of the world. And more coming. From our perspective the surface of
most of the gulf has anywhere from a significant layer to sheen and the oil that is settling
down, is in fact much more that what is on the surface.
Today it is being reported on your news that the booms are being brought in. True. By the
truck loads. These ones are preparing to get out of there dear ones, the ones in the know.
And the ones in the know include a lot of those clean up workers, and the teams doing the
booms out on the ocean. THEY are sick and they know and they are turning in their
BP is in fact moving out of the area, getting their own out of the way. Well away. The
pressures are increasing daily. More oil is flowing than before. All these "leaking" wells are
leaking and eroding from these increases in pressure. It is only a matter of time. Now, why
are they removing the booms? Because they are trying to create the idea all is fine.
We stopped that last storm, on my orders in fact. We may stop the next one. These poor
people need a chance and time to realize what is going on and let some of them choose to
make their way out of there. The stories are spreading. Some will attempt to leave, in fact
many already are, but soon, as the waves begin increasing even from the next storm and
they see what is really happening as this stuff washes in greater quantity on their shores,
they will become afraid and they will leave, and we will give some time for them to do so by
keeping the storms modest and not of hurricane strength. The people need to see. Stories
will fly
The air is toxic there. It is getting worse all over the planet and many of you have
headaches and tiredness are breathing bad air. All over the planet. There are numerous
other methane and oil leakages over many other oil beds on the planet. Many seafloors
are "adjusting", and so are many land areas.
There was a small 3.0 quake in Louisiana dear ones, this is due to the "leaks". Plates are
moving. The people there are also feeling these plate movements, even though the news
keeps it quiet. I will let those of you there who read here determine your choices. You are
tagged, there may be evacuations, all depending on need and some of you could help with
that. But if you are ill, get out. You cannot help if you cannot breathe yourself.
Candace: today I checked on Louisiana's quake history because I haven't seen any I
remember. Well, I didn't find real current data, but there were 2 tiny ones from 1990+ to
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 158
2006. I didn't fully remember the first year stated. I talked to a friend today, who is NOT in
that area, and she felt a "ripple" today where she lives. More and more are reporting land
shaking or rolling movements and ripples under their feet. The animals are feeling them
CM: The fires in Russia are extreme. The rains in Pakistan are extreme. There will not be
normal harvests in many areas of the world this fall, for those parts of the world with "fall."
There will be more shipping problems. The ocean floors are on the move, and there are
increasing wave actions.
There may be more airline crashes, as the winds are not stable. We have
purposely kept the sun reasonably quiet during this long min, otherwise we would be done.
The people must see some truth.
Will we get on TV? We do not know. It's on the list, it's prepared for, but we don't now. It
depends on all sorts of situations. Can we take over the news, yes we can. Not a problem.
But will the people listen or experience more fear? I have to take the pulse the people
before we get on the news and the gulf may not allow that, or much of it.
We have been saying for several months now, we are at the tipping point. We started this
heavily last winter, and so we continue that story. Many of you readers here are still not
fully awake, some of you still just wanting out of here, but dear ones you came to assist
your fellow man, until that point when stasis or evacuations occur, You assist in any
evacuations. You stand strong with your families and friends and show the way as you
can. They may well finally listen to you when the going gets a bit tougher.
Now, since I talked a bit more than we have about the leaks, and we have officially stated
there are NO caps, what is it then the cameras are watching? Well, notice beloved there is
mostly blue/green waters and occasionally fish, jellyfish and humans are seen. The waters
one mile down do not have these life forms, nor are they this color. These are being filmed
just off shore of Louisiana dear ones. In shallow water. Now a couple days ago, some
claimed there was yet another big blowout or whatever of oil. No beloveds, there was only
a big plume of oil floating by.
These are completely faked. And have been since they announced the public coverage of
this "spill". This was all to dupe the American public and not just the Americans, but
everyone in the world who could or might be affected.
Now, as this methane begins to erupt, there will be teams high above it that will suction
what is possible to suction off. It is not possible to get it all, but we do not want this heavy
pollution to the air, which will force stasis before it can blow. We have considered that, one
of many options on the table. But it is important for your world to know truth. We can do
little at all about the quakes and tsunamis, in fact nothing. But we will siphon the methane,
because I am NOT ready to do stasis until we have this situation under control and we see
how the world responds.
There absolutely will be the triggering of some or all of the New Madrid. The circular plate
on the south borders on Louisiana will see to it, because that is going to move hugely as
the methane escapes. We did NOT plan on this one dear ones. But it came and we deal
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 159
with the
"what is."
Now this activity coupled with all the other activities, will set off quakes elsewhere. We
"sealed" the big area off the Tonga Trench for a time, after the Gulf of Mexico problem
became obvious as to severity. How it is sealed matters not on the technology we have.
We can "unseal" it too, let me just say that, which is enough.
California is in terrible shape. The levies there, which hold back the sea so people can
have fresh water, are shaking loose. Millions can quickly loose their fresh water. The dam
above Nashville Tennessee is a mess and may well go. With or without activity on the New
The wildfires will continue to erupt about the planet. Increasing methane levels will assist
their spread. The air will become more toxic. The gulf alone is causing changes in the
weather around the planet. You have drought contrasted with flooding. The flooding in
Pakistan is karmic. Mother is tired, very tired of the activities going on there.
The Chinese have a lot of potential doom coming quickly now. There are great dams there
becoming unstable, including the massive Three Gorges Project. The ground movements
are forcing the rupture of oil pipes, and this will include also Alaska. There are many gas
and oil pipelines that could fail all over this world where they run.
There are the "cave-ins" of land, in many countries all over the world. Not just your
sinkholes, major cave-ins going on and there will be more, many more as earth readjusts
from what man has done. Many of these are because of material removed from drilling of
water, oil and mining. Some are due to underground waters seeping thru various cracks
here and there. The world is full of fault lines that have not been mapped that will expose
GAIA is moving. We are not preventing her movement, but we have kept the sun
reasonably quiet, and it wants to move too. We have created a great many CME's that are
not earth directed to "vent" your sun, to buy you just a little bit more time.
Now if this all seems harsh, the original plans were to let you live through the harshness
until the natural axis change, not pole reversal, Axis change. This is not just a tipping, there
is change in where the north and south poles lie. We have had it on the table to create this,
a small one of 2 degrees, to jump-start the process, but it seems the gulf is jump starting it
just fine. And it was MAN that did this. By this, I don't mean the blowouts were intentional; I
mean that they drilled where they could not manage the pressure issues. The area also a
lot of salt banks under those southern US of A states along the gulf, and these break
easily, and dissolve easily. Need I say more?
Now what of Mexico and the other states around the gulf? Well they may fair a little better
than the US of A because of the locations of the wells that are blowing out, and that
circular plate next to Louisiana. But they will still have problems with Tsunami actions. So
will poor Cuba. Those other islands further out will fair better. Cuba will actually protect the
coast along the northern portions of South America. We will be evacuating Cuba, all of it
when it is time. We are showing our selves more there at night, stimulating curiosity and
it's going better than it is in America.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 160
We are doing a lot of show and tell in this world particularly in areas where evacuations
may be required.
Now, there is also a major fault line, or lines on the eastern Mediterranean. Israel is going
to pay dearly as well Greece and other countries. We are heavily showing ourselves in
those regions. Giuseppe in Italy told Candace about the show of at least 100 craft. We are
making big shows around this world. America will not look yet, we shall wait to do more
there when they make it worth out time and effort.
Russia is beginning to evacuation its people into some of their safer underground areas.
They are providing directions and education to many about them. Ditto China. Everybody
but America and much of Europe, knows something is going on. The governments of
Russia and China will take care of their people as able. The United states, although having
huge underground basis, and we have cleaned the reptilians out of them, have some
room, but they are not willing. The ones in California and Nevada will not do well during the
coming earth changes in that region.
Now I think this is enough for the time being. Continue your preparations, continue to LIVE
DEAR ones and stop just wanting out of your jobs and family problems. YOU CAME TO
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 161
Offer to a Particular Group of Dark Brothers
By Esu thru Candace
# 129 August 7, 2010
Beloveds it is I Esu updating a bit today. Actually this is meant mostly for the dark readers
so let me address them directly first.
Dear Dark Brothers: To what ungodly purpose are you playing this terrible lie in the Gulf
Oil Scenario? The people in that region have a RIGHT to truth and to have the opportunity
to make arrangements to either leave. And you can let US on the air so we can tell them
they can leave and that we can also evacuate them Those that can move and go live with
relatives have a right to do so and take whatever belongings they have with them they do
not want lost.
Dark Brothers, we are going to evacuate that area! That is because we have our kind
living there and we will take the children of light as we always do. But these ones need an
opportunity to move under their own created conditions.
You have lied and lied and lied. This latest that the Gulf is now nearly free of oil and in
which you have had people supposedly flying over the area and not seeing oil as you
know, is a complete fabrication.
Now we are offering you a deal! Release the information and let us on the air, and you too
shall live to see another day and another lifetime. Those of you participating in this awful
charade will not see another lifetime UNLESS you do cooperate with us. We have our own
on the ground as we have stated for months now, who can and will step up the plate and
handle this.
We could like to evacuate a bit on the early side in fact. The pressures are building daily in
that region and although we cannot determine down the day how much time is left, that is
the mother's right, it beckons closer every day.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 162
Back when we made offers to you around the potential ignition of Jupiter, (and dear
readers, it is a sun, don't misunderstand this), to assist in the salvation of the peoples who
would be affected. You did not accept and we did the ignition over a slow period and of
course behind the sun, but it lessoned the effects on the planet and our many craft stood
between earth and the sun to mitigate the energies so that you had another day or
considerably more days to make your journey into the light.
You were expecting a second CME, and joyfully, as you thought it would perhaps bring
about that which you desired and we mitigated that one too. And you KNOW that.
The sun is being awakened however and we chose what we mitigate and what we don't.
This for those of you involved with these horrendous decisions by the military and BP, your
final chance. I need say no more, because some of your bosses are informed of more
details than we will place in this notice.
For the regular readers of AbundantHope, Candace will now place the links necessary to
view the satellite pictures. We have not let her do this because we were hoping many
others on the web who run alternative sites would take that responsibility and this has not
happened; most of them too bought the story as presented, although some have wondered
how that oil just went away so rapidly.
It did not go away, the big main gusher continues as we have covered and there are as
recently covered 38 wells with significant problems in the Gulf, besides the blowout. We
will continue to NOT release the coordinates of the long area that will be the main site of
the large methane rupture.
I am asking all who read here at AH and have posting rights to various forums to post,
post, post notices with the links to the satellite site. People need to know. As you are
able, infiltrate any forums and websites in the Southern United states. Mexican and
Central American readers can please do the same. The word is NOT getting out enough.
Post to any personal blogs you have also. Find yahoo groups you can post on. There is
more than GLP out there and we are very disappointed in GLP for not standing up to the
plate on this one. Even some of our own have started threads there only to have them
immediately disappear and so they have started threads in a more discreet way and when
the mods find them, off they come.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 163
Please post also to any Christian sites you are aware of. You must do this work, it is not
truly all of our responsibility. We were only testing the waters on GLP so to speak.
This is enough for the time being, I will let Candace do her short portion to this. Namaste,
Esu, Visible Planetary Prince.
Candace: Rather than placing links to channelings here on this topic, please just write you
won stuff and make a personal statement that you have been observing the satellite
images and it seems there is plenty of oil left! Just try to get people to think. You could
also explain that BP drilled 2 wells there, one a year ago, which is fine and that is used as
a cover up with the cap story and the other one was the blow out and is not fixable, it's a
big gaping whole. If you start brining Esu and fleet into the picture, you are going to turn
people off. Try showing those at work the satellite images too. Just pretend to be john Q
concerned citizen expressing your confusion.
There is only one link you need and I think if I bookmarked it I will include also a video that
has surfaced on the tale of two wells. Someplace here I posted a link to a pdf file about
the two wells that were drilled. One was done a year ago, and the other was scheduled to
be drilled this winter with capping around April 20. The "cap" they are covering in the
media is nothing more than the cap that was on the first well. These were exploratory
wells and if they produced oil, they could be put into production when needed. And that is
also a new story now, they are saying BP will drill, drill, drill AGAIN in that region since it
has produced! And I bet a lot of people think this is just fine and the story serves to show
that BP is responsible enough to drill again, lessons learned I suppose and that they can
clean up any messes. And of course, if BP is so comfortable about exploring there
"again", then they are futher lying to the people to help them choose to stay there and face
the methane eruption. GAWD.
Here is the link to the satellite site:
It opens to a page of thumbnails and you click on it and download the image to your
computer, which you can then enlarge according to your operating system and browswer.
You can email these links of the pics that are particularly good if you wish to others.
Now, you will see that you can also click on something that says download KMZ. IF you
have google earth on your computer, it will open the image in google earth so you can
locate it better than using an old atlas in your lap. Well that was the method I was using,
because I didn't have google earth. OK, now I DO thanks to a PUSHY friend!!!!!! It wasn't
so hard after all! I didn't every realize that there is a free version of Google earth you can
put on your computer.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 164
However, when further exploring the website today, I discovered another feature. In the left
menu, it says "spacial map". Click on that! The latest image comes up in google earth on
the website. AND you can look up any day you wish to see all the images of that particular
day. There is a pop down list of the images which are taken from several satellites. This is
better than having google earth on your computer! The maps are a little bigger and zoom
really easily.
Always explore websites! Ditto my forum. I have been going here for a few weeks now
and had not clicked on that feature. I clicked on others, even the "download KMZ" which
informed me I needed google earth probably, I don't remember now.
Here's a blog link that was finally on RMN's a couple days ago. You could pass this
around to show you aren't the only one that is "nuts." But suggest to people that there are
a lot more places with OIL that is visible. Remind them also that there is a LOT of oil not
visible in deep water.
Ok, here's the link I hoped I had above: There is a little messed up dating, but it gets the
point across. There have been others, but this is the only I think I have right now. Seems
like we have posted a video by somebody else at some point that covers the two wells.
The Tale of Two Wells
Now, this morning we had website issues again, and the forum was down and we couldn't
post here , but that problem is now solved. Our server is getting attacked a lot and also
during certain times the internet is busy, and you may get that message that your browser
can't find us ( or others of your favorite high use sites), so just come back and try a little
later. When the thugs are shoving automated hits of one sort or another at us, the server
temporarily can get busy and be unavailable.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 165
Update by CM
Thru Candace
# 130 Oct 16, 2010
Also inclusion of the First Paper of the Urantia Book, The Universal Father
Hello beloveds, Christ Michael here for the long needed update, Candace has been pushy
about it. Ye ones wish this of course even if she sometimes posts our plans minus the
channeling, she still receives the information.
Now recently I worked with Hazel, about your oneness with me you MUST demonstrate. It
is time to be doing that 24/7 even though you may be ignored. Show the way. Cut down
the use of your automobiles, find out where you are wasteful or stuck in materialism and
cut it back and let people KNOW why. There is so much you could be doing besides
wishing for Stasis.
American's response to the Gulf of Mexico disaster was nothing less than completely
dishonorable to God and the mother planet. So be it, I guess. The density grows and it is
difficult for us to work against it.
As Esu said recently thru Adam the new levels of "acceptance" grow lower and lower, as at
what point will you all rebel against the beast? We are NOT seeing evidence yet, in almost
any place on earth, but in particular the so called "advanced" western nations.
Ye all are born, even the robotics knowing something of Godness and yet there is no
movement in that direction. Well enough on that sad topic, ye all want to know what the
Mother is doing.
Well, it seems, as Candace likes to joke, it will become necessary for a Caesarian section
to deliver this child of God on to this planet. A mighty wake up call and we are trying to do
our best in this, but the density almost seems to grow 2 steps back for every step forward.
In other words there is NOT progress. At least one step backwards for every 2 steps
forward is progress.
We have to "fight" this constantly with injections of light. So such it is on a backward world
like this one. As has been covered we are going with the axis SHIFT. Candace posted on
this recently. The first few days went well, and I was pleased, and then everything just
"froze up" so to speak. We have been increasing the energies heavily trying to "loosen up"
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 166
the matter so it will move. We need a bigger change to get man's attention. This is on
going and we shortly think the axis will move again for us. We want a bigger more sudden
movement for the attention of such.
What is going on Arkansas so many are asking? Well, it's the New Madrid, which is
expanding into old fault lines. Not a situation of pumping or fracting for gas. The Gulf of
Mexico situation is terrible. There is oil in most of it, and clearly visible if your controllers
would let the pictures be posted from airplanes.
Link to one image: Shocking aerial photo of shoreline in Orange Beach, AL near Florida
So much oil and natural gas have come forth that the pressure is equalizing and the risk
thus down somewhat on that long fissure line we have spoken of before. That is why the
blowout has not yet occurred. But this does not mean it is over. Have you ones any idea
exactly how much oil and gas came out of those underground caverns that caused this
equalization? (Candace: It's still coming, this does not mean it is stopped, it means the
pressure is less.) It is not even in your number system within your understanding.
The GOM is now at least 50% oil and the currents are not working correctly for several
reasons. Europe and the eastern coast of the United States are not going to have those
warm currents thru the coming winter. Man has deliberately brought on his own ice age
cometh again. While the blowout was NOT intentional, everything there after WAS. The
thugs do know their science in that regard and they know they have created a climate
changing event and that was in fact their purpose. (Candace: The above statement on the
weather does NOT imply we are going to have winter.)
Now, back to the axis shift. We are hoping for a much larger one, up to one degree at least
this time in a single movement. This may take a bit more time to set up, but we are playing
"catch up" here. Man must be awakened before stasis to what he has done.
We are still going to require the mini stasis we have spoken of. It will happen still with the
GOM incident, because we must get in there and remove those pent up gasses. We must
also remove the huge buildup of oil. We have huge tanker ships here that you can hardly
image as to size, that will remove this oil and liquid gases during the mini stasis.
The animal life in the whole of the gulf is all but dead. This huge collection must not be
allowed into the general circulation of this world, it is too much. It is actually good this is
building ONLY in the gulf and the natural circuits are thus broken.
Each of you can observe this on your satellite images. Storms coming in from the
Caribbean are turning around and heading back to sea before they enter the Gulf. They
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 167
are not moving up the coast of the United States as they should. You see dear ones, not
only are we talking the circulating currents of water in the Gulf, but the currents of the
storms. They are inter twined. You should be where you can find ears to hear, stating this
and showing people. (Candace: Tropical Weather : Weather Underground has a chart near
the lower part of the page, where you can select different zones in the tropics. Select
infrared and animation to see the flows. I have watched several storms now that did not
enter the Gulf and instead angled over cuba and back out into the mid area of the Atlantic
Ocean. )
Now to our thugs: We are going to remove all of you during the mini stasis, in every facet
of your control. The "elected" offices, the appointed offices, the Media, many corporate
chairmen and the like. We will also removed those in the sex trades and related
debauchery. The numbers will be quite large. We have replacements in place for after the
mini stasis, but I will not detail how at this point. We ARE going to give the people as best
an education as we have time about who we are.
We will be also as the disasters occur, be removing those in the specific areas of disaster,
that are leaving the planet for all the reasons we have detailed before. Some of the
younger souls will experience their "resurrection" and be removed to the mansion worlds.
Many, as we have stated before are leaving to the "new planet" that has been prepared.
Candace: Recently I was re reading sections of the Urantia Book, and came across this
statement, about moving populations to replacement planets.
Page 582, Paper 51: (582.3) While there is this dematerializing technique for preparing the
Adams for transit from Jerusem to the evolutionary worlds, there is no equivalent method
for taking them away from such worlds unless the entire planet is to be emptied, in which
event emergency installation of the dematerialization technique is made for the entire
salvable population. If some physical catastrophe should doom the planetary residence of
an evolving race, the Melchizedeks and the Life Carriers would install the technique of
dematerialization for all survivors, and by seraphic transport these beings would be carried
away to the new world prepared for their continuing existence. The evolution of a human
race, once initiated on a world of space, must proceed quite independently of the physical
survival of that planet, but during the evolutionary ages it is not otherwise intended that a
Planetary Adam or Eve shall leave their chosen world.
Candace: The PJ's also discuss that the planet will be emptied and cleansed and there is a
new planet prepared. Just to back up what we have been posting. Those from the higher
realms of Nebadon, as mentioned above, the Melchizedeks, Life Carriers come to a planet
that is to be either lost, or emptied for a time, many years in advance to prepare those of
God for the event. By "survivors" above, it means those that are adjuster in-dwelt. It is
mentioned several times that people must make their decisions so they can be prepared to
be evacuated.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 168
In the case of massive nuclear detonations, people have to be dematerialized, as they
can't get down close to the planet, and so only adjuster in dwelt folks are removed. They
have only 15 minutes to empty the planet. Often times the bodies are not prepared, but the
soul still goes. In cases of more time, like am impending pole reversal, they can get closer
and take people in a beam, but many don't survive this physically either, if not prepared in
advance. In these cases more people and animals are removed in their bodies however.
This new planet of which we speak, was prepared with the idea this planet would be
emptied. They take NO criminals to new worlds.
The planet is not going to be fully emptied under our current plans, because of the stasis,
and returning peoples after such. But for new readers, this planet is very overpopulated
and many people are going to MOVE, a lot of them. Some by loosing their bodies and
incarnating elsewhere, others by direct removal to this new planet, other planets and also
just aboard craft for long periods of time if there are no other places for these still living
ones. They can be given much education before their normal passage from life. We have
many people here with craft from material/physical worlds, because this IS a physical
planet. Sadly, our thugs created the "rapture" story which seems to be around the
evacuation, and for unknown reasons, christians in particular seem to think at the time of
the rapture their physical bodies go to heaven. NOT SO. These bodies do not work on the
architectural worlds.
Christ Michael: And, during the disasters that are coming forth, we will assist in the feeding
of the people of earth before the big stasis, so there is not suffering from lack of food. This
will be a short period. It will be a benevolent period where people will see "God" in action.
Now, as to the recent October 13 date where it was put out there would be world wide
showings, ask yourself this question. DID WE state this, or was it the dark ones? A few
craft were shown, some of our comrades decided to do this, such as the ones over New
York city, but this was NOT our plan. In fact the dark are happy for it, for to them, it shows
we aren't "real" since we didn't show. Or they make it look like we put out false information
when the show and tell does not happen. Notice there was a goodly deal of dark ones also
suggesting it would be Operation Blue Beam. There were in fact "blue beams" seen. They
were not our "blue beams." Operation Blue Beam will not happen on my watch.
(Candace: I will let readers that never heard of Operation/Project Blue Beam, do their own
research on the web. )
There are quite a few readers of AH that fully expected this big show and tell, and if it was
on MY orders, it would have been put out thru Candace. Enough on that one.
This weekend we are intensifying our efforts and our activities of the last few days. The
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 169
density of matter cannot be suddenly changed, it is a gradual process. Understand many
of you will have intense physical symptoms from this. Candace is hearing of folks making
trips to the hospital over the chest pains that occur. As the planet shifts to a new axis, this
may produce vomiting, vertigo, strange pains and disorientation. Be prepared. And once
the plates begin to move there are going to be an abundance also of very strange and
frightening noises. (Candace: I have twice recently had chest pain with pain down both
arms. I mentioned that before on the front site.)
There were widespread reports on the web last week as this process was gently started of
both earth changes and the physical discomforts. These will be much worse this weekend
as the energies are increased and the axis begins to move again. It will take, once the axis
starts to shift, about 6 to 12 hours to make a whole degree, if we are lucky on that one, and
the symptoms of people throughout the world will be huge. Just be aware of this. And of
course there will be quakes and other disasters. The changes to date with the axis have
weakened many structures and these ones could collapse. You can expect bridges and
building collapse, sink holes, huge ground fractures and more. And you can expect a
sleepy planetary people to go into large fear. You can expect all sorts of reactions around
you and a lot of propaganda may hit the internet.
We wish to accomplish at least 2 degrees total. We are actually about 0.55 to date since
we started over a week ago, in small increments. The increments must increase in size this
time. You can also expect problems with your reception from satellites, because the
reception points are not going to line up. We can and well move satellites necessary to our
announcement process, but we will not move them until during the short stasis. You can
expect your GPS systems to malfunction also.
This is enough for this time. Be prepared. And store your own food where you can
beloveds, for it is the right thing to do, and the right thing to demonstrate. Many of you
have refused this because your DOOM did not happen, but all should always be prepared
for the DOOM.
This is a world where the people are going to react very poorly. Particularly those used to
comfort. Everything they know will be shaken when their earth shakes and they have no
preparations for such. Prepare your own "houses." For doing such IS of God. Now, it's
back to work for myself. You see, Eternal Life is not about living in fuzzy bliss, it's about
work, everyone works! There is no one who has accomplished eternal life that is not at
work. That is why so many turn it down! They do not wish to grow themselves, which
requires work. Be in Peace. I AM Christ Michael Aton.
Candace: I took to re reading the first papers in the Urantia Book some weeks ago,
actually some quite recently as I was recovering my health after the recent microwave
attack and the loss of another computer and ensuing problems. By the way, I will state
here my deep gratitude to all our readers who sent contributions to get me yet another
computer!!!! For without which I cannot do my work and stay in contact with all of you!
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 170
Anyway, I have several favorites places there, and was sorting thru them, and decided
instead to just post whole papers, those of about the Universal Father, initially. So I am
putting Paper 1 here for your reading. Some of you have yet to even open the Urantia
Book and perhaps this will encourage you to take that brave step into the 2000+ page
behemoth. So here we go and I will you decide which parts of this first chapter sing to your
own hearts, for even new age has a lot of problems understanding the person of the
Universal Father. Take from I highly suggest purchasing a copy to mark
up. Mine is full of such and lots and lots of paper clips too. For those confused by
"universes" the creation did not come into being all at once, and continues to grow, and
creations are grouped into "local universes" for management. Yes the creation IS
managed. There ARE governments. There are 700,000 universes conceived to date and
many more in "outer space" coming into creation. Each has at it's helm, a Creator Son of
God. We belong to Nebadon, whose Creator Son, is Christ MIchael and who is personally
present at this time using a body, for he is spirit, so that he is "visible" to us. I am bolding
some parts in this that I feel especially important in beginning to grasp the concept of God.
The Urantia Book
Paper 1
The Universal Father
(21.1) 1:0.1 THE Universal Father is the God of all creation, the First Source and Center of
all things and beings. First think of God as a creator, then as a controller, and lastly as an
infinite upholder. The truth about the Universal Father had begun to dawn upon mankind
when the prophet said: "You, God, are alone; there is none beside you. You have created
the heaven and the heaven of heavens, with all their hosts; you preserve and control them.
By the Sons of God were the universes made. The Creator covers himself with light as
with a garment and stretches out the heavens as a curtain." Only the concept of the
Universal Father - one God in the place of many gods - enabled mortal man to
comprehend the Father as divine creator and infinite controller.
(21.2) 1:0.2 The myriads of planetary systems were all made to be eventually inhabited by
many different types of intelligent creatures, beings who could know God, receive the
divine affection, and love him in return. The universe of universes is the work of God and
the dwelling place of his diverse creatures. "God created the heavens and formed the
earth; he established the universe and created this world not in vain; he formed it to be
(21.3) 1:0.3 The enlightened worlds all recognize and worship the Universal Father,
the eternal maker and infinite upholder of all creation. The will creatures of universe upon
universe have embarked upon the long, long Paradise journey, the fascinating struggle of
the eternal adventure of attaining God the Father. The transcendent goal of the children of
time is to find the eternal God, to comprehend the divine nature, to recognize the Universal
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 171
Father. God-knowing creatures have only one supreme ambition, just one
consuming desire, and that is to become, as they are in their spheres, like him as he
is in his Paradise perfection of personality and in his universal sphere of righteous
supremacy. From the Universal Father who inhabits eternity there has gone forth the
supreme mandate, "Be you perfect, even as I am perfect." In love and mercy the
messengers of Paradise have carried this divine exhortation down through the ages and
out through the universes, even to such lowly animal-origin creatures as the human races
of Urantia.
(22.1) 1:0.4 This magnificent and universal injunction to strive for the attainment of
the perfection of divinity is the first duty, and should be the highest ambition, of all
the struggling creature creation of the God of perfection. This possibility of the
attainment of divine perfection is the final and certain destiny of all man's eternal
spiritual progress.
(21.2) 1:0.5 Urantia mortals can hardly hope to be perfect in the infinite sense, but it is
entirely possible for human beings, starting out as they do on this planet, to attain the
supernal and divine goal which the infinite God has set for mortal man; and when they do
achieve this destiny, they will, in all that pertains to self-realization and mind attainment, be
just as replete in their sphere of divine perfection as God himself is in his sphere of infinity
and eternity. Such perfection may not be universal in the material sense, unlimited in
intellectual grasp, or final in spiritual experience, but it is final and complete in all finite
aspects of divinity of will, perfection of personality motivation, and God-consciousness.
(22.3) 1:0.6 This is the true meaning of that divine command, "Be you perfect, even as I
am perfect," which ever urges mortal man onward and beckons him inward in that
long and fascinating struggle for the attainment of higher and higher levels of
spiritual values and true universe meanings. This sublime search for the God of
universes is the supreme adventure of the inhabitants of all the worlds of time and space.
1. The Father's Name
(22.4) 1:1.1 Of all the names by which God the Father is known throughout the universes,
those which designate him as the First Source and the Universe Center are most often
encountered. The First Father is known by various names in different universes and in
different sectors of the same universe. The names which the creature assigns to the
Creator are much dependent on the creature's concept of the Creator. The First Source
and Universe Center has never revealed himself by name, only by nature. If we
believe that we are the children of this Creator, it is only natural that we should eventually
call him Father. But this is the name of our own choosing, and it grows out of the
recognition of our personal relationship with the First Source and Center. (Candace: I use
the term First Source, myself)
(22.5) 1:1.2 The Universal Father never imposes any form of arbitrary recognition,
formal worship, or slavish service upon the intelligent will creatures of the
universes. The evolutionary inhabitants of the worlds of time and space must of
themselves - in their own hearts - recognize, love, and voluntarily worship him. The Creator
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 172
refuses to coerce or compel the submission of the spiritual free wills of his material
creatures. The affectionate dedication of the human will to the doing of the Father's will is
man's choicest gift to God; in fact, such a consecration of creature will constitutes man's
only possible gift of true value to the Paradise Father. In God, man lives, moves, and has
his being; there is nothing which man can give to God except this choosing to abide
by the Father's will, and such decisions, effected by the intelligent will creatures of the
universes, constitute the reality of that true worship which is so satisfying to the lovedominated nature of the Creator Father.
(22.6) 1:1.3 When you have once become truly God-conscious, after you really discover
the majestic Creator and begin to experience the realization of the indwelling presence of
the divine controller, then, in accordance with your enlightenment and in accordance with
the manner and method by which the divine Sons reveal God, you will find a name for the
Universal Father which will be adequately expressive of your concept of the First Great
Source and Center. And so, on different worlds and in various universes, the Creator
becomes known by numerous appellations, in spirit of relationship all meaning the same
but, in words and symbols, each name standing for the degree, the depth, of his
enthronement in the hearts of his creatures of any given realm.
(23.1) 1:1.4 Near the center of the universe of universes, the Universal Father is generally
known by names which may be regarded as meaning the First Source. Farther out in the
universes of space, the terms employed to designate the Universal Father more often
mean the Universal Center. Still farther out in the starry creation, he is known, as on the
headquarters world of your local universe, as the First Creative Source and Divine Center.
In one near-by constellation God is called the Father of Universes. In another, the Infinite
Upholder, and to the east, the Divine Controller. He has also been designated the Father
of Lights, the Gift of Life, and the All-powerful One.
(23.2) 1:1.5 On those worlds where a Paradise Son has lived a bestowal life, God is
generally known by some name indicative of personal relationship, tender affection, and
fatherly devotion. On your constellation headquarters God is referred to as the Universal
Father, and on different planets in your local system of inhabited worlds he is variously
known as the Father of Fathers, the Paradise Father, the Havona Father, and the Spirit
Father. Those who know God through the revelations of the bestowals of the
Paradise Sons, eventually yield to the sentimental appeal of the touching
relationship of the creature-Creator association and refer to God as "our Father."
(23.3) 1:1.6 On a planet of sex creatures, in a world where the impulses of parental
emotion are inherent in the hearts of its intelligent beings, the term Father becomes a very
expressive and appropriate name for the eternal God. He is best known, most universally
acknowledged, on your planet, Urantia, by the name God. The name he is given is of
little importance; the significant thing is that you should know him and aspire to be
like him. Your prophets of old truly called him "the everlasting God" and referred to him as
the one who "inhabits eternity."
2. The Reality of God
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 173
(23.4) 1:2.1 God is primal reality in the spirit world; God is the source of truth in the mind
spheres; God overshadows all throughout the material realms. To all created intelligences
God is a personality, and to the universe of universes he is the First Source and Center of
eternal reality. God is neither manlike nor machinelike. The First Father is universal spirit,
eternal truth, infinite reality, and father personality.
(23.5) 1:2.2 The eternal God is infinitely more than reality idealized or the universe
personalized. God is not simply the supreme desire of man, the mortal quest objectified.
Neither is God merely a concept, the power-potential of righteousness. The Universal
Father is not a synonym for nature, neither is he natural law personified. God is a
transcendent reality, not merely man's traditional concept of supreme values. God is not a
psychological focalization of spiritual meanings, neither is he "the noblest work of man."
God may be any or all of these concepts in the minds of men, but he is more. He is a
saving person and a loving Father to all who enjoy spiritual peace on earth, and who
crave to experience personality survival in death.
(24.1) 1:2.3 The actuality of the existence of God is demonstrated in human
experience by the indwelling of the divine presence, the spirit Monitor sent from
Paradise to live in the mortal mind of man and there to assist in evolving the
immortal soul of eternal survival. The presence of this divine Adjuster in the human
mind is disclosed by three experiential phenomena:
(24.2) 1:2.4 1. The intellectual capacity for knowing God - God-consciousness.
(24.3) 1:2.5 2. The spiritual urge to find God - God-seeking.
(24.4) 1:2.6 3. The personality craving to be like God - the wholehearted desire to do
the Father's will.
(24.5) 1:2.7 The existence of God can never be proved by scientific experiment or by the
pure reason of logical deduction. God can be realized only in the realms of human
experience; nevertheless, the true concept of the reality of God is reasonable to logic,
plausible to philosophy, essential to religion, and indispensable to any hope of personality
(24.6) 1:2.8 Those who know God have experienced the fact of his presence; such
God-knowing mortals hold in their personal experience the only positive proof of the
existence of the living God which one human being can offer to another. The
existence of God is utterly beyond all possibility of demonstration except for the contact
between the God-consciousness of the human mind and the God-presence of the Thought
Adjuster that indwells the mortal intellect and is bestowed upon man as the free gift of the
Universal Father.
(24.7) 1:2.9 In theory you may think of God as the Creator, and he is the personal creator
of Paradise and the central universe of perfection, but the universes of time and space are
all created and organized by the Paradise corps of the Creator Sons. The Universal
Father is not the personal creator of the local universe of Nebadon; the universe in
which you live is the creation of his Son Michael. Though the Father does not
personally create the evolutionary universes, he does control them in many of their
universal relationships and in certain of their manifestations of physical, mindal, and
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 174
spiritual energies. God the Father is the personal creator of the Paradise universe and, in
association with the Eternal Son, the creator of all other personal universe Creators.
(24.8) 1:2.10 As a physical controller in the material universe of universes, the First Source
and Center functions in the patterns of the eternal Isle of Paradise, and through this
absolute gravity center the eternal God exercises cosmic overcontrol of the physical level
equally in the central universe and throughout the universe of universes. As mind, God
functions in the Deity of the Infinite Spirit; as spirit, God is manifest in the person of the
Eternal Son and in the persons of the divine children of the Eternal Son. This interrelation
of the First Source and Center with the co-ordinate Persons and Absolutes of Paradise
does not in the least preclude the direct personal action of the Universal Father throughout
all creation and on all levels thereof. Through the presence of his fragmentized spirit
the Creator Father maintains immediate contact with his creature children and his
created universes. (Called the Thought Adjuster in the UB. It is a fragment of the
Universal Father, a piece of his mind, that indwells YOUR mind, thus you are made
in the image of God.)
3. God is a Universal Spirit
(25.1) 1:3.1 "God is spirit." He is a universal spiritual presence. The Universal Father is an
infinite spiritual reality; he is "the sovereign, eternal, immortal, invisible, and only true God."
Even though you are "the offspring of God," you ought not to think that the Father is like
yourselves in form and physique because you are said to be created "in his image" indwelt by Mystery Monitors dispatched from the central abode of his eternal presence.
Spirit beings are real, notwithstanding they are invisible to human eyes; even though they
have not flesh and blood.
(25.2) 1:3.2 Said the seer of old: "Lo, he goes by me, and I see him not; he passes on
also, but I perceive him not." We may constantly observe the works of God, we may be
highly conscious of the material evidences of his majestic conduct, but rarely may we gaze
upon the visible manifestation of his divinity, not even to behold the presence of his
delegated spirit of human indwelling.
(25.3) 1:3.3 The Universal Father is not invisible because he is hiding himself away from
the lowly creatures of materialistic handicaps and limited spiritual endowments. The
situation rather is: "You cannot see my face, for no mortal can see me and live." No
material man could behold the spirit God and preserve his mortal existence. The glory and
the spiritual brilliance of the divine personality presence is impossible of approach by the
lower groups of spirit beings or by any order of material personalities. The spiritual
luminosity of the Father's personal presence is a "light which no mortal man can approach;
which no material creature has seen or can see." But it is not necessary to see God
with the eyes of the flesh in order to discern him by the faith-vision of the
spiritualized mind.
(25.4) 1:3.4 The spirit nature of the Universal Father is shared fully with his coexistent self,
the Eternal Son of Paradise. Both the Father and the Son in like manner share the
universal and eternal spirit fully and unreservedly with their conjoint personality co-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 175
ordinate, the Infinite Spirit. God's spirit is, in and of himself, absolute; in the Son it is
unqualified, in the Spirit, universal, and in and by all of them, infinite.
(25.5) 1:3.5 God is a universal spirit; God is the universal person. The supreme personal
reality of the finite creation is spirit; the ultimate reality of the personal cosmos is absonite
spirit. Only the levels of infinity are absolute, and only on such levels is there finality of
oneness between matter, mind, and spirit. (which you all seek in becoming LIKE the
Father. )
(25.6) 1:3.6 In the universes God the Father is, in potential, the overcontroller of matter,
mind, and spirit. Only by means of his far-flung personality circuit does God deal directly
with the personalities of his vast creation of will creatures, but he is contactable (outside of
Paradise) only in the presences of his fragmented entities, the will of God abroad in the
universes. This Paradise spirit that indwells the minds of the mortals of time and there
fosters the evolution of the immortal soul of the surviving creature is of the nature and
divinity of the Universal Father. But the minds of such evolutionary creatures originate
in the local universes and must gain divine perfection by achieving those
experiential transformations of spiritual attainment which are the inevitable result of
a creature's choosing to do the will of the Father in heaven.
(26.1) 1:3.7 In the inner experience of man, mind is joined to matter. Such material-linked
minds cannot survive mortal death. The technique of survival is embraced in those
adjustments of the human will and those transformations in the mortal mind whereby such
a God-conscious intellect gradually becomes spirit taught and eventually spirit led. This
evolution of the human mind from matter association to spirit union results in the
transmutation of the potentially spirit phases of the mortal mind into the morontia realities
of the immortal soul. Mortal mind subservient to matter is destined to become
increasingly material and consequently to suffer eventual personality extinction;
mind yielded to spirit is destined to become increasingly spiritual and ultimately to
achieve oneness with the surviving and guiding divine spirit and in this way to attain
survival and eternity of personality existence.
(26.2) 1:3.8 I come forth from the Eternal, and I have repeatedly returned to the presence
of the Universal Father. I know of the actuality and personality of the First Source and
Center, the Eternal and Universal Father. I know that, while the great God is absolute,
eternal, and infinite, he is also good, divine, and gracious. I know the truth of the great
declarations: "God is spirit" and "God is love," and these two attributes are most
completely revealed to the universe in the Eternal Son.
4. The Mystery of God
(26.3) 1:4.1 The infinity of the perfection of God is such that it eternally constitutes him
mystery. And the greatest of all the unfathomable mysteries of God is the phenomenon of
the divine indwelling of mortal minds. The manner in which the Universal Father sojourns
with the creatures of time is the most profound of all universe mysteries; the divine
presence in the mind of man is the mystery of mysteries.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 176
(26.4) 1:4.2 The physical bodies of mortals are "the temples of God." Notwithstanding
that the Sovereign Creator Sons come near the creatures of their inhabited worlds and
"draw all men to themselves"; though they "stand at the door" of consciousness "and
knock" and delight to come in to all who will "open the doors of their hearts"; although there
does exist this intimate personal communion between the Creator Sons and their mortal
creatures, nevertheless, mortal men have something from God himself which actually
dwells within them; their bodies are the temples thereof.
(26.5) 1:4.3 When you are through down here, when your course has been run in
temporary form on earth, when your trial trip in the flesh is finished, when the dust that
composes the mortal tabernacle "returns to the earth whence it came"; then, it is revealed,
the indwelling "Spirit shall return to God who gave it." There sojourns within each moral
being of this planet a fragment of God, a part and parcel of divinity. It is not yet
yours by right of possession, but it is designedly intended to be one with you if you
survive the mortal existence.
(26.6) 1:4.4 We are constantly confronted with this mystery of God; we are nonplused by
the increasing unfolding of the endless panorama of the truth of his infinite goodness,
endless mercy, matchless wisdom, and superb character.
(26.7) 1:4.5 The divine mystery consists in the inherent difference which exists between
the finite and the infinite, the temporal and the eternal, the time-space creature and the
Universal Creator, the material and the spiritual, the imperfection of man and the perfection
of Paradise Deity. The God of universal love unfailingly manifests himself to every
one of his creatures up to the fullness of that creature's capacity to spiritually grasp
the qualities of divine truth, beauty, and goodness.
(27.1) 1:4.6 To every spirit being and to every mortal creature in every sphere and on
every world of the universe of universes, the Universal Father reveals all of his
gracious and divine self that can be discerned or comprehended by such spirit
beings and by such mortal creatures. God is no respecter of persons, either spiritual or
material. The divine presence which any child of the universe enjoys at any given moment
is limited only by the capacity of such a creature to receive and to discern the spirit
actualities of the supermaterial world.
(27.2) 1:4.7 As a reality in human spiritual experience God is not a mystery. But when an
attempt is made to make plain the realities of the spirit world to the physical minds of the
material order, mystery appears: mysteries so subtle and so profound that only the faithgrasp of the God-knowing mortal can achieve the philosophic miracle of the recognition of
the Infinite by the finite, the discernment of the eternal God by the evolving mortals of the
material worlds of time and space. (Candace: there are at this time over 5 trillion
evolutionary worlds of evolving God minded individuals.)
5. Personality of the Universal Father
(27.3) 1:5.1 Do not permit the magnitude of God, his infinity, either to obscure or eclipse
his personality. "He who planned the ear, shall he not hear? He who formed the eye, shall
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 177
he not see?" The Universal Father is the acme of divine personality; he is the origin and
destiny of personality throughout all creation. God is both infinite and personal; he is
an infinite personality. The Father is truly a personality, notwithstanding that the infinity of
his person places him forever beyond the full comprehension of material and finite beings.
(27.4) 1:5.2 God is much more than a personality as personality is understood by the
human mind; he is even far more than any possible concept of a superpersonality. But it is
utterly futile to discuss such incomprehensible concepts of divine personality with the
minds of material creatures whose maximum concept of the reality of being consists in the
idea and ideal of personality. The material creature's highest possible concept of the
Universal Creator is embraced within the spiritual ideals of the exalted idea of divine
personality. Therefore, although you may know that God must be much more than
the human conception of personality, you equally well know that the Universal
Father cannot possibly be anything less than an eternal, infinite, true, good, and
beautiful personality.
(27.5) 1:5.3 God is not hiding from any of his creatures. He is unapproachable to so many
orders of beings only because he "dwells in a light which no material creature can
approach." The immensity and grandeur of the divine personality is beyond the grasp of
the unperfected mind of evolutionary mortals. He "measures the waters in the hollow of his
hand, measures a universe with the span of his hand. It is he who sits on the circle of the
earth, who stretches out the heavens as a curtain and spreads them out as a universe to
dwell in." "Lift up your eyes on high and behold who has created all these things, who
brings out their worlds by number and calls them all by their names"; and so it is true that
"the invisible things of God are partially understood by the things which are made." Today,
and as you are, you must discern the invisible Maker through his manifold and
diverse creation, as well as through the revelation and ministration of his Sons and
their numerous subordinates.
(28.1) 1:5.4 Even though material mortals cannot see the person of God, they should
rejoice in the assurance that he is a person; by faith accept the truth which portrays
that the Universal Father so loved the world as to provide for the eternal spiritual
progression of its lowly inhabitants; that he "delights in his children." God is lacking in
none of those superhuman and divine attributes which constitute a perfect, eternal, loving,
and infinite Creator personality.
(28.2) 1:5.5 In the local creations (excepting the personnel of the superuniverses) God has
no personal or residential manifestation aside from the Paradise Creator Sons who are the
fathers of the inhabited worlds and the sovereigns of the local universes. If the faith of the
creature were perfect, he would assuredly know that when he had seen a Creator Son he
had seen the Universal Father; in seeking for the Father, he would not ask nor expect to
see other than the Son. Mortal man simply cannot see God until he achieves
completed spirit transformation and actually attains Paradise.
(28.3) 1:5.6 The natures of the Paradise Creator Sons do not encompass all the
unqualified potentials of the universal absoluteness of the infinite nature of the First
Great Source and Center, but the Universal Father is in every way divinely present in
the Creator Sons. The Father and his Sons are one. These Paradise Sons of the order
of Michael are perfect personalities, even the pattern for all local universe personality from
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 178
that of the Bright and Morning Star down to the lowest human creature of progressing
animal evolution. (Candace: Look for Hazel's piece recently,I Am the Way, The Truth and
the Life: )
(28.4) 1:5.7 Without God and except for his great and central person, there would be
no personality throughout all the vast universe of universes. God is personality.
(28.5) 1:5.8 Notwithstanding that God is an eternal power, a majestic presence, a
transcendent ideal, and a glorious spirit, though he is all these and infinitely more,
nonetheless, he is truly and everlastingly a perfect Creator personality, a person who
can "know and be known," who can "love and be loved," and one who can befriend
us; while you can be known, as other humans have been known, as the friend of God. He
is a real spirit and a spiritual reality.
(28.6) 1:5.9 As we see the Universal Father revealed throughout his universe; as we
discern him indwelling his myriads of creatures; as we behold him in the persons of his
Sovereign Sons; as we continue to sense his divine presence here and there, near and
afar, let us not doubt nor question his personality primacy. Notwithstanding all these farflung distributions, he remains a true person and everlastingly maintains personal
connection with the countless hosts of his creatures scattered throughout the
universe of universes. (for the adjuster indwelt human, thru that portion of your
mind, the thought adjuster. Even until and after you have reached Paradise.)
(28.7) 1:5.10 The idea of the personality of the Universal Father is an enlarged and truer
concept of God which has come to mankind chiefly through revelation. Reason, wisdom,
and religious experience all infer and imply the personality of God, but they do not
altogether validate it. Even the indwelling Thought Adjuster is prepersonal. The truth and
maturity of any religion is directly proportional to its concept of the infinite personality of
God and to its grasp of the absolute unity of Deity. The idea of a personal Deity becomes,
then, the measure of religious maturity after religion has first formulated the concept of the
unity of God.
(29.1) 1:5.11 Primitive religion had many personal gods, and they were fashioned in
the image of man. Revelation affirms the validity of the personality concept of God which
is merely possible in the scientific postulate of a First Cause and is only provisionally
suggested in the philosophic idea of Universal Unity. Only by personality approach can any
person begin to comprehend the unity of God. To deny the personality of the First
Source and Center leaves one only the choice of two philosophic dilemmas:
materialism or pantheism.
(29.2) 1:5.12 In the contemplation of Deity, the concept of personality must be
divested of the idea of corporeality. A material body is not indispensable to personality
in either man or God. The corporeality error is shown in both extremes of human
philosophy. In materialism, since man loses his body at death, he ceases to exist as a
personality; in pantheism, since God has no body, he is not, therefore, a person. The
superhuman type of progressing personality functions in a union of mind and spirit. (you
are NOT your body!-C)
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 179
(29.3) 1:5.13 Personality is not simply an attribute of God; it rather stands for the totality of
the co-ordinated infinite nature and the unified divine will which is exhibited in eternity and
universality of perfect expression. Personality, in the supreme sense, is the revelation
of God to the universe of universes.
(29.4) 1:5.14 God, being eternal, universal, absolute, and infinite, does not grow in
knowledge nor increase in wisdom. God does not acquire experience, as finite man
might conjecture or comprehend, but he does, within the realms of his own eternal
personality, enjoy those continuous expansions of self-realization which are in
certain ways comparable to, and analogous with, the acquirement of new experience
by the finite creatures of the evolutionary worlds.
(29.5) 1:5.15 The absolute perfection of the infinite God would cause him to suffer the
awful limitations of unqualified finality of perfectness were it not a fact that the Universal
Father directly participates in the personality struggle of every imperfect soul in the wide
universe who seeks, by divine aid, to ascend to the spiritually perfect worlds on high. This
progressive experience of every spirit being and every mortal creature throughout the
universe of universes is a part of the Father's ever-expanding Deity-consciousness of the
never-ending divine circle of ceaseless self-realization. (Candace: I bolded "worlds" above,
because ALL beings live ON Worlds. They do not live in space. Heaven is NOT space up
there. This is difficult for many to comprehend, and they will yell loudly that heaven is NOT
planets. Well, YES IT IS! The worlds of heaven are specially constructed, but worlds they
are. Heaven is not a place of some placid bliss. )
(29.6) 1:5.16 It is literally true: "In all your afflictions he is afflicted." "In all your
triumphs he triumphs in and with you." His prepersonal divine spirit is a real part of you.
The Isle of Paradise responds to all the physical metamorphoses of the universe of
universes; the Eternal Son includes all the spirit impulses of all creation; the Conjoint Actor
encompasses all the mind expression of the expanding cosmos. The Universal Father
realizes in the fullness of the divine consciousness all the individual experience of
the progressive struggles of the expanding minds and the ascending spirits of every
entity, being, and personality of the whole evolutionary creation of time and space.
And all this is literally true, for "in Him we all live and move and have our being."
6. Personality in the Universe
(29.7) 1:6.1 Human personality is the time-space image-shadow cast by the divine Creator
personality. And no actuality can ever be adequately comprehended by an examination of
its shadow. Shadows should be interpreted in terms of the true substance.
(30.1) 1:6.2 God is to science a cause, to philosophy an idea, to religion a person,
even the loving heavenly Father. God is to the scientist a primal force, to the
philosopher a hypothesis of unity, to the religionist a living spiritual experience.
Man's inadequate concept of the personality of the Universal Father can be
improved only by man's spiritual progress in the universe and will become truly
adequate only when the pilgrims of time and space finally attain the divine embrace
of the living God on Paradise.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 180
(30.2) 1:6.3 Never lose sight of the antipodal viewpoints of personality as it is conceived by
God and man. Man views and comprehends personality, looking from the finite to the
infinite; God looks from the infinite to the finite. Man possesses the lowest type of
personality; God, the highest, even supreme, ultimate, and absolute. Therefore did the
better concepts of the divine personality have patiently to await the appearance of
improved ideas of human personality, especially the enhanced revelation of both human
and divine personality in the Urantian bestowal life of Michael, the Creator Son.
(30.3) 1:6.4 The prepersonal divine spirit which indwells the mortal mind carries, in
its very presence, the valid proof of its actual existence, but the concept of the
divine personality can be grasped only by the spiritual insight of genuine personal
religious experience. Any person, human or divine, may be known and comprehended
quite apart from the external reactions or the material presence of that person. (Candace: I
marked "personal" above, because religion, as every master has taught on this plane, is
PERSONAL, and can be in NO church. Your growth and spirituality can only be
undertaken and experienced by YOU. There is NO person who can provide this FOR YOU.
Only YOU can seek for yourself. Teachers can only teach, they cannot confer God upon
you in any way. God IS within YOU already.)
(30.4) 1:6.5 Some degree of moral affinity and spiritual harmony is essential to friendship
between two persons; a loving personality can hardly reveal himself to a loveless person.
Even to approach the knowing of a divine personality, all of man's personality
endowments must be wholly consecrated to the effort; halfhearted, partial devotion
will be unavailing.
(30.5) 1:6.6 The more completely man understands himself and appreciates the
personality values of his fellows, the more he will crave to know the Original Personality,
and the more earnestly such a God-knowing human will strive to become like the Original
Personality. You can argue over opinions about God, but experience with him and in him
exists above and beyond all human controversy and mere intellectual logic. The Godknowing man describes his spiritual experiences, not to convince unbelievers, but for the
edification and mutual satisfaction of believers.
(30.6) 1:6.7 To assume that the universe can be known, that it is intelligible, is to assume
that the universe is mind made and personality managed. Man's mind can only perceive
the mind phenomena of other minds, be they human or superhuman. If man's personality
can experience the universe, there is a divine mind and an actual personality
somewhere concealed in that universe.
(30.7) 1:6.8 God is spirit - spirit personality; man is also a spirit - potential spirit
personality. Jesus of Nazareth attained the full realization of this potential of spirit
personality in human experience; therefore his life of achieving the Father's will
becomes man's most real and ideal revelation of the personality of God. Even though the
personality of the Universal Father can be grasped only in actual religious experience, in
Jesus' earth life we are inspired by the perfect demonstration of such a realization and
revelation of the personality of God in a truly human experience.
7. Spiritual Value of the Personality Concept
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 181
(31.1) 1:7.1 When Jesus talked about "the living God," he referred to a personal Deity - the
Father in heaven. The concept of the personality of Deity facilitates fellowship; it favors
intelligent worship; it promotes refreshing trustfulness. Interactions can be had between
nonpersonal things, but not fellowship. The fellowship relation of father and son, as
between God and man, cannot be enjoyed unless both are persons. Only
personalities can commune with each other, albeit this personal communion may be
greatly facilitated by the presence of just such an impersonal entity as the Thought
(31.2) 1:7.2 Man does not achieve union with God as a drop of water might find unity
with the ocean. Man attains divine union by progressive reciprocal spiritual
communion, by personality intercourse with the personal God, by increasingly
attaining the divine nature through wholehearted and intelligent conformity to the
divine will. Such a sublime relationship can exist only between personalities.
(31.3) 1:7.3 The concept of truth might possibly be entertained apart from personality, the
concept of beauty may exist without personality, but the concept of divine goodness is
understandable only in relation to personality. Only a person can love and be loved.
Even beauty and truth would be divorced from survival hope if they were not attributes of a
personal God, a loving Father.
(31.4) 1:7.4 We cannot fully understand how God can be primal, changeless, all-powerful,
and perfect, and at the same time be surrounded by an ever-changing and apparently lawlimited universe, an evolving universe of relative imperfections. But we can know such a
truth in our own personal experience since we all maintain identity of personality
and unity of will in spite of the constant changing of both ourselves and our
environment. (C- Constant change, oh my gosh, even in "heaven", even by those
who live in heaven?" YES. how else could it be? Eternal life would be a terrible bore
if not so.)
(31.5) 1:7.5 Ultimate universe reality cannot be grasped by mathematics, logic, or
philosophy, only by personal experience in progressive conformity to the divine will
of a personal God. Neither science, philosophy, nor theology can validate the personality
of God. Only the personal experience of the faith sons of the heavenly Father can effect
the actual spiritual realization of the personality of God. (C-I run into people all the time
who think they have to give up free will. NO, to progress you use your free will obtained
experientially to chose that which is RIGHT.)
(31.6) 1:7.6 The higher concepts of universe personality imply: identity, selfconsciousness, self-will, and possibility for self-revelation. And these characteristics further
imply fellowship with other and equal personalities, such as exists in the personality
associations of the Paradise Deities. And the absolute unity of these associations is so
perfect that divinity becomes known by indivisibility, by oneness. "The Lord God is one."
Indivisibility of personality does not interfere with God's bestowing his spirit to live in the
hearts of mortal men. Indivisibility of a human father's personality does not prevent
the reproduction of mortal sons and daughters.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 182
(31.7) 1:7.7 This concept of indivisibility in association with the concept of unity implies
transcendence of both time and space by the Ultimacy of Deity; therefore neither space
nor time can be absolute or infinite. The First Source and Center is that infinity who
unqualifiedly transcends all mind, all matter, and all spirit.
(31.8) 1:7.8 The fact of the Paradise Trinity in no manner violates the truth of the
divine unity. The three personalities of Paradise Deity are, in all universe reality
reactions and in all creature relations, as one. Neither does the existence of these three
eternal persons violate the truth of the indivisibility of Deity. I am fully aware that I have at
my command no language adequate to make clear to the mortal mind how these
universe problems appear to us. But you should not become discouraged; not all of
these things are wholly clear to even the high personalities belonging to my group of
Paradise beings. Ever bear in mind that these profound truths pertaining to Deity will
increasingly clarify as your minds become progressively spiritualized during the
successive epochs of the long mortal ascent to Paradise. (Candace: there is argument
between christianity and Islam, in this regard. Islam honors the one God, Christianity
honors god in three persons, except it's concept of the Trinity is terribly flawed. These one
will delete each other on this planet if allowed, so bad is the mis understanding of God, and
our thugs KNOW that, that is why they pit these two religions against each other.)
(32.1) 1:7.9 [Presented by a Divine Counselor, a member of a group of celestial
personalities assigned by the Ancients of Days on Uversa, the headquarters of the seventh
superuniverse, to supervise those portions of this forthcoming revelation which have to do
with affairs beyond the borders of the local universe of Nebadon. I am commissioned to
sponsor those papers portraying the nature and attributes of God because I represent the
highest source of information available for such a purpose on any inhabited world. I have
served as a Divine Counselor in all seven of the superuniverses and have long resided at
the Paradise center of all things. Many times have I enjoyed the supreme pleasure of a
sojourn in the immediate personal presence of the Universal Father. I portray the reality
and truth of the Father's nature and attributes with unchallengeable authority; I know
whereof I speak.]
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 183
Final Notice to the Dark
Esu thru Candace
# 131 October 19, 2010
Dearly beloveds, this is Esu with a brief update. First, for our readers of AH, we are
preparing the final big energy surge that should cause the axis to shift a degree or more
very late this day at the earliest. We can‟t predict an exact time. The energies will be
VERY INTENSE beloveds, during our final “push.” We are expecting at least a full degree
and it could be more, and we will not interfere with where it goes, it goes where it goes.
The shift IS towards the northern pacific ocean roughly between Alaska and Russia, as the
general location for the new North Pole, and of course you already have a new North Pole,
that as of Christ Michael‟s update, 0.55 degrees from it‟s previous location.
Now, this final push, as I said will be intense for those sensitive. Many folks will notice but
will have no idea what is wrong. You can expect all sorts of behaviors out of people and
animals the next several hours. Chest pain will be common and for those of you that are
aware, it‟s not a medical problem for you, but others may find themselves visiting
emergency rooms for all sorts of reasons. During the actual shift which will take 6 to 12
hours, there may be a great deal of fright, strange booming noises, even odd weather with
lightening, as this does effect your ionosphere.
We have No exact idea of where quakes will manifest. There are many possibilities. We
are pretty sure Southern California will not go into the sea at this time, but the whole west
coast of the United States should experience a variety of intense quakes. We may see a
good sized quake somewhere on the New Madrid also, mostly likely the southern portion.
The whole of the Pacific Rim should shake, and there will likely be many quakes in areas
previous having little record of such around the world.
IF it becomes obvious there is going to be a release of methane in the Gulf of Mexico area,
we will immediately start the short term or mini stasis. Our craft for stasis are positioned
around the globe to manifest this within a 2 hour time period, and it will of course START
over the Gulf of Mexico area, as that must be in stasis absolutely first.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 184
IF ANY of You are out driving and begin to get sleepy, please get off the road. You will
simply awaken back up where you got off the road, and can get back on again. Weather is
not an issue for a stasis at all. We will return from the mini stasis on the same schedule it
started. So say it starts at 10 o‟clock, you will be back at 10 o‟clock.
We estimate the mini stasis to last 2-4 days. Let me clarify, it starts IF the Gulf starts on an
emergency basis, but if it does not, we still have a mini stasis, just on OUR time schedule
based on conditions, because we are still also going to remove the dark ones, and we will
likely, if the Gulf does not erupt on it‟s own, erupt it ourselves on our time schedule, as we
do not wish to come back from the mini stasis and then have to do another.
At any rate, as a reminder, when we do come back from the mini stasis, the dark will be
removed, and we will be on television and radio at least, and on the internet where it runs.
There could be damage to some under sea cables, or underground ones, so there may be
sporadic internet service.
Now as Christ MIchael mentioned, if there are places with much damage after this shift, or
any other shift, or after the mini stasis, we will FEED people. which includes providing
water if necessary also. We cannot guarantee however, that gas lines and electricity lines
will all be operational. So some folks are going to have to find their ingenuity. During the
mini stasis itself, we are not repairing these things, the focus will be on having
communications and to that end, we will also drop satellite capable radios for areas that
have no TV.
If we are dropping food, before the mini stasis, people ARE GOING to SEE US. We will of
course remove all those going in body from areas of quakes as necessary and some souls
will also at these times be removed for resurrection on the mansion worlds, those that are
3rd circle. There will thus be missing people, but of course, most are going to assume
losses due to the earth changes and the like. Those removed for resurrection on the
mansion worlds, will of course be leaving bodies behind.
So there may be some confusion on this issue in those areas affected. Now, regards
sightings, and those having their resurrection, the craft that do this, are large and circular.
They may not be seen, but yea have seen images already of them on the net, or at least
the light patterns they make in the sky. You had images of these in Russia for example
last winter when we picked up people with the “swine flu” and other conditions, and your
media of course did not cover this.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 185
(Example of such craft, and another).
On the return from the mini stasis, Candace, and several known reporters will be on
television. I won‟t give more details about the replacements in government at this time. If
things work out, I will also after a few days be on Television myself. And possibly also
there will be Mohammed, Krishna, and Maitreya, but these ones will be on in those regions
of the world that match the religions founded after their visits. United States and Western
Christians in general are not going to accept them at this time. We may have these others
on in some places in Europe where there has been a large muslim migration, if possible.
We have to reduce some of the fear where we can.
We hope to have a week or more on the public media before the big stasis. This depends
on both conditions and acceptance of our work.
Now, that is the general updating for our AH readers. The larger purpose of this short
message, is to our dark readers. As we have constantly said, you WILL be removed, and
your time is most short. In fact, as the shift becomes more obvious, we have some
“clones” that will be in some of your places so that the people “think” their elected ones are
in service during this coming frightening time.
Do not even continue to play the game you started this morning with shooters near the
Pentagon. Despite what is put out, there were several, and some of them were your
goodly “marines” at their best. We broke in and stopped the worst of this. Nor will you
attack Pakistan over your fake Osama bin Laden being found there. The man is long
dead. And I assure you, your current “Obama” and the tapes you have produced with him
once again as an actor in a beard, will NOT be shown on television. We have our contacts
who will notify us immediately of any such activity, and if we have too, we will disable said
satellites used. You are NOT creating another war here. Period.
Also, you are not closing any banks and playing your currency game at this time. The
people although ignorant, are not going to further suffer your games.
Now Casper, Ben Fulford, and Sheldon Nidle, your packies and all this other disinfo you
are involved in, to get rich, are not going to manifest either. The Amero, Ben, is also NOT
going to manifest. As far as the “banking” goes, the people of this world will see exactly NO
change in the banking, except for banks left with problems due to say, broken internet
cables and phone service, or other destruction from the ensuing earth changes.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 186
I could sign this “Namaste” for your dark ones, but this has nothing to do with the God
within me to the God within you, because you have NO god within you. I AM however
directly in charge of the current activities in the prevention of your schemes. I AM ESU
KUMARA, SON of SANAT KUMARA and not on my time will you cause any more trouble,
as I am also walking this planet behind the scenes right now. Some of you are going to be
getting a strong glimpse of me and you will know it is ME.
I will however say Namaste to the good readers of AbundantHope! Be in Peace. Esu.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 187
Venus is the New Planet
Christ Michael thru Candace
# 132 October 29, 2010
Dearly beloveds, pay little to no notice to the wild games today around the supposed items
found from Yemen. Our thugs are just at their game again and it will not happen. The
items are of let‟s just say “CIA” implants for the purpose of engaging the world in another
terror scheme. Nobody from Yemen is behind this. There are teams from my side
involved in ending this and your TV‟s should be shortly either singing another tune, or
suddenly dropping the topic. This is planned of course around creating a reason to attack
Iran, even though the story is placed to come from Yemen.
We had some long meetings of this, there are some who consider the attack on Iran
should be allowed so the attackers learn a very difficult and painful lesson, but GAIA is
exhausted from all of this, and doesn‟t wish to see that on her surface and I concur of
But some of ye ones in the world, particularly in America, meaning the US of A on the
American continent, will be looking at some karma for not learning what is right in God‟s
world, and that‟s enough said at this time. STILL these people are buying into this story
today! Still they have not learned to observe the games and do something about it. So be
Now, about the Axis Shift. The Gulf of Mexico is intervening in this. The shifting is not
necessarily causing this, it is simply pressures building again after a temporary period of
relative stability. The problem is most of the Gulf sea floor is rising, which we have not
chosen to cover before, and not just the areas close to shore where the fault system or
more readily said, the fracture system is. We truly have a mess there now, and this
accumulating ground swelling is advancing up underneath the whole of the southern
Mississippi basin and marching somewhat westward as evidenced by the quakes in
The recent images Candace posted to the net about the oil approaching the western side
of the Mississippi delta is OIL and not an algae bloom. The nature of the currents under the
Gulf are swirling that oil around in the manner of a funnel cloud, and that is further
eroding the Sea floor there and moving large amounts of sunken and unseen surface oils
towards the shoreline.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 188
Yesterday we attempted to move the axis a bit more, because the situation in the Gulf
seemed to have temporarily quieted. But shortly after we applied the necessary energies,
the swirling increased and we stopped and went into a session of meetings which have just
concluded. We did succeed in a small amount of axis shift since the last report of 0.9
degrees, it‟s about 1.05 now.
It appears we are going to have to go into the mini stasis and finish the axis shift during
that time. We have many craft down observing the Gulf situation. I haven‟t decided yet
whether to wait a short time more or just go into the mini stasis and get it over with. Now,
just because we are “vacuuming up” the oil and methane coming forth, does not prevent
any of the quakes or resultant tsunami‟s.
Because of the wide area of swelling, in fact it will be worse and the massive quaking
resulting will do quite enough to initiate some of the other fracture zones around this world,
just as much as the fault line we sealed off after the GOM of Mexico situation made itself
clear. (Candace: This last spring or so, we covered that there was a large unknown fault
line west of the Tonga Trench, which was later sealed, as the GOM blowout had not
happened at that time.)
We could have gone in after the dark ones began their schemes and interfered yes, with
some of their plans, but they and those that support the oil business must learn some
tough lessons so we did not interfere, nor did we “seal” anything in the gulf floor. Sealing
was not the solution there anyway, there is so much oil now making it‟s way up and it‟s not
just about the blowout that occurred, that area is weak and the earth changes to date, are
moving forward anyway in that area.
We are ready to institute as we have covered before, the mini stasis the minute the GOM
starts to fully erupt. We will of course be down working immediately even if the people are
not fully in stasis, and we worry not about that one. The mini stasis may last up to week at
this point, because we have a lot of cleaning to do. All life will be in stasis, as the plants
will not do well either with the massive methane coming up.
There will be really widespread destruction. Now depending on the widespread
destruction, we may choose to simply keep the planet in stasis and do without any
announcements at all. There is a big “depends” going on here. Some of the expected
plate movements may also release massive amounts of methane and other chemicals of
various sorts in other parts of the world. There are 3 undersea volcanoes we are watching
and also there are a couple more on the surface that are ready to erupt. The iceland
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 189
volcanoes are showing increased underground movement, as well at the volcanos in the
Pacific Northwest, primarily Helena and Rainier at this time. There is a volcano that
erupted also today in Kamchatka, Russia.
Now there are people we wish to evacuate as the planet is going into the mini stasis, or
even possibly a bit before. We will evacuate also everyone around the Gulf of Mexico that
is staying with the planet or needs their body otherwise, before or as the mini stasis
starts. We do not want everyone in the mini stasis.
What I am saying here, is that some of you and your families, or people you know, are
going to be lifted if they are going to the new planet in body. So IF we do have an interlude
between mini stasis, and the big stasis, these ones are already going to be gone and
please don‟t assume they were dark side that were removed.
There are about 1 million people who will be populating the new planet, in addition to those
already there. Not all 1 million of these ones will be taken immediately to the new planet,
but they will live aboard the evacuation craft and then be placed on the new planet as it is
ready to accept them. They will know however, they are going there as soon as this can
be explained to them following the lift off. There are also some others going to other
planets and these will be lifted also, but their numbers are less than those going to the new
world being prepared.
Now, many of you have been curious about the new planet. It is Venus, dear ones. And I
threw some hints of this in the Phoenix Journals. We still keep it out of sight and it‟s in a
somewhat different orbit, well let me just spell the beans here, it‟s time. It is in
approximately the same orbit as Earth beloveds, we just keep it on the other side of the
sun and this is sometimes the cause of those Nibiru stories you hear.
We have said before that the Venus you all see, is star ship venus. Just as Jupiter‟s
revolution is kept so it stays out of view with the sun in the middle, so it is with Venus.
Actually you have not witnessed the real Venus in a long time, as terraforming is not an
instant process. And the planet was too close to the sun for it‟s full terraforming.
Now, Earth and Venus will continue to share the orbit for a long time. At some point in the
future the orbits will be separated somewhat, as earth will actually need to be a bit further
from the sun. Mercury is being rotated out gradually more to the former orbit of Venus, as
there will be terraforming started there eventually also. There is a small inner planet that I
believe we have mentioned before and your scientists know of it, that will be gradually
moved into Mercury‟s orbit.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 190
All the orbits of the planets thru Mars will be adjusted over time. It is totally possible for life
bearing planets to share the same orbit or nearly so. If you have read any of the UB,
about the architectural spheres, you know this occurs there. Of course these ones don‟t
have suns like you do, in the evolutionary systems, but never the less, planets can follow
each other in the same or close orbit. It‟s easily done. In fact in systems with several
planets with life on them, it has to be that way, so they have the same energies. Mars, lets
just keep spilling beans here, will also be in approximately the same orbit with Earth and
Venus. They can be staggered a bit according to the needs of the planet and it‟s size. But
they will not be so widely separated as the current orbits are.
There will be periods of stasis in the more distant future, both for continued remodeling of
Earth, but also the solar system, because life has to be protected when we tug another
planet into the same orbit also. These periods of stasis around the tugging of planets, will
be much shorter however, than the upcoming stasis of 4 or more years.
Candace is now asking WHEN was Venus moved into Earth‟s orbit? Well beloveds since
around the time of the deluge. You have always since then, been watching a star ship
showing a hologram.
We are remodeling this entire solar system into an eternal system, and as man becomes
more human than he currently is, he will need some more living room, since poor little
planet earth cannot by herself handle all these people. So now Candace is asking, alright,
how many planets will orbit with earth? Just three for the foreseeable future, but time will
tell. (Candace: I am remembering a bunch of general knowledge right now, and I know
that people can also develop technologies to HEAT their orbs and thus the distance from a
sun becomes less a factor.)
Another reason I am talking here about the removal of those who need to remain in form,
before the mini stasis or with the beginning of the mini stasis, is not all of you who read at
AH have chosen to stay here. Some of you readers here will find yourselves definitely
aboard ship rather soon now, and don‟t pack, we have everything you need.
Those that can be dematerialized will be, others have to step into the beam, so if a lot of
small craft show up, board ship. If you wish identification first, just ask, but if you have a
sky full of craft, you can assume this is what is going on. If you accidentally board ship and
you are staying with the planet, have no worry. Because actually some folks staying with
the planet are going to be removed too, which brings me to this final topic of the night.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 191
All of you staying with the planet after stasis will be removed, all one billion of you in fact.
But we are taking the ones going to other places first, and then the other of the billion will
be brought to ship at intervals during the long stasis, and they must awaken on ship, due to
the conditions on the planet. Everyone who is staying is going to get a personal education
during stasis, before they return. When we wake the planet from the big stasis, these ones
will not be thus waking up wherever they dropped off and of course, those who live where
the damage will be huge can‟t return to their homes anyway.
The survivors will already KNOW what happened and that THEY are the winners. This
will help insure our progress. Those of the nearly 100,000 will be removed much sooner,
as soon as we have everything stable and are ready. Initially fleet will be very busy. Those
that are likely to become regional directors and other higher levels will obviously be
removed much earlier.
Surprise!!!!! We made that decision some time ago actually, but chose to not cover it
before today. The 1 billion survivors will return to the planet quite consciously and many
actually will for a time probably be housed in the underground areas first. The surface
housing remaining may not be in good shape. This means that those of you “attending”
stasis, as we have put it before, that will be on the AH team in some capacity, will actually
be doing some planning WITH the survivors near the later part of stasis.
Most of the one billion, will likely be removed from the “sleep” of stasis to ship in the last
year or so, but some will be awakened earlier possibly who have some leadership
Candace‟s smiling, SHE JUST realized she knows this, enjoy opening up a LOT of your
packies beloved. And you other ones on the AH team to date, you will be opening a lot of
yours too! And also many of you that read here but do not for sure know your roles yet.
Candace: Well, I am happy about this because one of my worries has been over the
reactions people will have at that time. I have often attempted to role play and imagine I
am one of them waking to the dramatic changes that will be present. I was suspecting
Venus but couldn‟t get a “straight” answer on that one, because none of us are allowed
that at this time.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 192
Now one of the questions I couldn‟t get answered either, but I see it is probably in one of
my packies, is that during the magnetic reversal, while the planet is still and straight up
and down, all that is NOT of God ceases to exist. This was covered nicely with Thoth and
Leonette some time ago. You can search her section for it. So my beloved Michael, how
about the answer, you know what I have been asking here, and I suspect I know the
answer, but how about YOU giving it for our readers? There are many UNgodly ones who
must be removed, and we have said I think, they will just pass?????
Christ Michael: Now, beloveds, those that must remain in body, will all be removed at
some point before the reversal. I know it says somewhat differently above, but let me
explain in greater detail. Many will stay in the state of stasis however, until it‟s time to
awaken them, on ship.
During the magnetic pole reversal, those life forms not of God will cease to exist, as both
the quiet of the earth from revolution plus the incoming solar rays cleanse the planet.
Remember during the reversal the magnetosphere will also be “down.” And to that end,
those animals and plants that are to remain will be put into a very special vibratory state of
stasis, in which they are “untouchable” and unharmed. But we are removing physically all
surviving humans who need their current bodies to craft. The non survivors, such as the
robots and all over life forms simply perish and they will be in a different vibratory rate, one
not of God, and I won‟t explain those details, some of YOU KNOW THIS already in your
hearts, but they also do not suffer in the process.
Everything OF God, has a higher vibratory rate. The animals and plants that are
destructive to the planet will all be gone during that phase. While some will worry about
the xrays , gamma rays and the like, it is more the vast amount of photons coming in
during the reversal that remove that which is not of God. Photons ARE of God. God IS
Light, in that instance.
Now, IF we have the mini stasis followed with some announcements, we are removing the
darkened ones of this world, as we have said, in human format by simply removing them.
Some are going to other prison worlds or the void planet. We pick them up in levitation
beams, during the mini stasis. Their bodies do not survive that process. They are too dark.
It‟s that simple, and they are known, each one. Their souls are picked up however, and
taken where they are going, which most time will be as cavemen, of a beginning
They will be incarnating by birth, except those that go to the void or prison planet. These
ones are provided a morontial form that does not reproduce for their lessons there.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 193
This routine is typical of a world under the end times of the current cycle, the judgement,
as it were. There is always a magnetic pole reversal, and those not of God simply cease
to exist and it matters not if they are “man,” insect, plant or other animal. The stasis is
always used before the reversal so there is NO suffering. The malformed “spirits”
associated with these not of God, simply disassociate.
We have given that the lower forms including man, have minds in which the information is
stored on electrons. During the magnetic reversal, these simply disperse, as there is NO
soul that binds them. They become part of all the other electrons of the planet. And of
course the body form used just dies and decomposes. You will be losing a lot of plant and
animal forms during the reversal. There is always evolutionary life that develops that is
less than it should be and overly parasitic on others forms of life. The magnetic reversal
removes negative viruses and bacteria too.
Now we have covered before, I think usually Esu on this one, that man carriers a lot of
contaminated DNA. Now the ones returning, who carry ANY of this DNA, because there is
some terrible contamination here brought on primarily by the black operatives over time,
will not be able to reproduce. Thus you will not immediately face any issues of
There will walk the planet certain ones, not unlike the original Adam and Eve, except more
of them, who will reproduce. And those of you returning in NEW forms, may be able to
reproduce. There are some people returning who have DNA that is alright, but with the
increasing marriages between races, not so many of them. We HAVE to cleanse the
negative characteristics from man‟s games in the laboratories over time.
We also have to cleanse the “machine mind” that has developed and in fact was
imprisoned here also. It is this mind that had caused the Galactic wars, and that is another
story and we have hinted at it before, but do not need to openly cover that at this time.
We have mentioned that many star seeds have come in with improved DNA and IF they
married people of their kind, and not within the contaminated DNA these children will
reproduce of these ones. And many of your young star seeds haven‟t married yet, and so
these ones, if they pair with another with clean DNA, they will be able to bear children.
That has been part of the solution going of for a number of years, and why so many star
children are coming in at this time. Sort of a different method but yet similar in some ways
to the Adam and Eve missions when successful.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 194
There will be NO defective DNA passed onto other humans after stasis. NONE. This will
absolutely guarantee the uplifting of man alone, but he will also need our help, because of
his contaminated mind. These souls remember, that are returning still have up to 49%
uncleared karma. But these ones will NOT pass that uncleared karma unto any future
children. Many of you who have incarnated here over time, have purposely incarnated
within certain family lines to clear that very karma stored in the DNA. There is LOTS of
“WAR” Karma still in man‟s genetics.
Now I see Candace is tiring. I want this up this evening, and she can add modifications or
teaching later if she desires and if the mini or permanent stasis does not intervene in that
time. She will summarize this a bit perhaps for clarity if she wishes. Be in Peace.
Candace: I am not going to summarize tonight, just get it up after making sure I don‟t have
something stupid in it, from typos or poorly constructed sentences and missing words. I
may add more tomorrow, you are free to write me mail if you have my address, or thru the
contact form if you don‟t understand and perhaps I can then add something.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 195
The Time has arrived.
The world will turn upside down and inside out
Christ Michael/Aton thru Candace
# 133 Nov 20, 2010
Dearly beloveds, recently thru Kibo I said I would turn the world upside down and inside
out by the end of the year. We are well into that process and it‟s “on time.” We made
some changes that slowed the earth changes temporarily which is why there is not so
much going on in that regard, we needed the time. You sun for example is very quiet again
and we interfere with the energies coming in.
We WANT ANNOUNCEMENTS for a short time and this is nearly now in place. We have
stated there would be walking on the ground actual fleet personnel. There are. We have
stated we would have “cloned” replacements for many on your world, so there is alignment
with us. These are more than “cloned” they are inhabited by fleet beings. We have just
today finished with that effort and all is ready in this regard.
We have been sending out official packets (earth packets on paper-C) to many of your
dark ones which are not necessarily replaced, but whom have received some rather strong
“marching orders.”
Just prior to the announcement period we will have the mini stasis, so the rest of those in
the way can be removed out of sight. Today we are preparing now to increase the process
of the earth changes, and many of you will feel this that are sensitive.
Candace will shortly be joining us, just prior to starting the mini stasis, so she can be
prepared for announcements. Everything is very nearly totally in place. Many of those that
left with Obama did not return beloveds, there was a point in that. We have replaced
Obama, but I won‟t point out the rest of the replacements. All the replacements have
adequate protection to insure the process, but do not expect brand new media coverage,
or flagrant change right at this time. Change goes on behind the scenes before it becomes
obvious up front.
You will not see the new year. It is as I said before with Kibo. Steady yourselves, because
there will be change shortly. This is all I wish to cover for the time being. We will not risk
our workers.
As you can see, all the proposed plans of the dark that circulated on the net for early
November did not manifest. It was prevented, and that alone is evidence for you ones.
Be in Peace, PLEASE beloveds. WE ARE IN CHARGE and the intervention in place. Even
others are posting to the net now of this situation. Many know. Show thy love to a world
that is greatly in need. I am Christ Michael/Aton. Ye who read here are blessed.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 196
Dear Thugs, Your Stalemate is about to End.
Esu, CM, S333, Siraya, General Radetsky,
and the Media consultant to remain unnamed
thru Candace
# 134 Dec 6, 2010
Dear Thugs, Those listed above are giving notice that ye will be gotten out of the way, so
that the ones “stranded” in the various military bases in the US of A, will be gotten home to
their families one way or another. You cannot prevent this.
OUR Obama went over to Afghanistan to bring home the troops. They are also coming
home from Iraq, as ye ones have noticed. We will now go pick up others from various
other US Military Bases around the world and begin bringing them home also. The
numbers will be over 500,000, generously so.
The backlog of folks cannot be covered up much longer. There WILL be earth changes
during the mini stasis, and these ones will be needed to serve their own country. If
necessary, we can plop them right nearby their homes so they can knock at their family‟s
doors. This will be rather hard to cover up you know. As you can guess, since we have
provided the transport back to the shores of the United States, these troops are aware of
our benevolence and the method by which they arrived home. They will not be needing to
lie to their families.
Now you can do this RIGHT and with Glory, or you can do it Wrong without Glory, but
either way it‟s gets done. Enough is now enough gentlemen and ladies in the way. Merry
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 197
There will be No mini stasis, It‟s all getting Done
CM, General Radetsky, Esu, S333, And Our Faithful Media guy. And AA Michael who
was late to the meeting, thru Candace
Also at the end is a short update with CM thru Steve from the forum.
# 135 Dec 21, 2010
Christ Michael: Hello dear ones, we are all gathered around Candace at this time and we
will all speak but this is CM to start off the brief show. We are making HUGE progress
beloveds, do not be impatient, you are going to much like the show that is coming. We
ARE able to now skip mini stasis unless the Gulf should blow big time. There will likely be
some major quakes during the LONG announcement period, but that‟s OK.
We have removed many. We made major removals for education and sadly and as
expected I guess, many didn‟t wish to switch direction. We had some that did, and are
back on your place, but most couldn‟t change of their programming even with all the
wondrous evidence and some personal appearances by the several of us. We are hoping
to take the announcement period now to a few weeks of time. This is my gift to these my
younger sons and daughters who have had so little chance to understand because of the
heavy control. This is partly my gift also to Candace, who wanted all of them to have what
they do not know, because they cannot make a valid decision without being informed and
she is right. So there will be a lot of information.
(Candace: this is true and I have shed some rather large tears at times over that which
people believe is true about God and is not and they lack motivation from the bad teaching
alone. I am often literally appalled at what I encounter on other forums, and with those I
encounter personally in my area. Even the star seeds are lacking and that is anther
discussion all together. I think we should try this experiment and see how it works, there is
certainly nothing to loose for the attempt. )
We have a huge show planned of wondrous materials of truth, which will cover of course
how the dark side took over, the wars your soldiers fought, not knowing they were serving
corporate interests and not their country. We hope too, Candace is smiling, to convince
people that Esu will not ride his white horse across the sky to pick up his favorites .
Initially the announcements will cover the political and money scenario‟s and then we
carefully move into full disclosure of our purpose. As part of this, there will be live TV crews
aboard even my own craft and several others, to provide a real picture of us.
Eventually if time allows, in addition to nightly displays, we will offer rides to and from the
craft that can people can handle the energies of. Physical people must have physical
ships, but we will also effort to give a real idea of the Light Ship that traverses the higher
heavens, i.e. the architectural worlds of Nebadon and Orvonton.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 198
As Candace did report to those of you on the forum we were over Denver for actually 8
days in a row. We are only there now and then at this moment. The importance of that
area is related to our direct takeover of the underground some several years ago now and
it will serve our needs after the long stasis until we have set up our properties on the
surface in the Denver area. As some of you know, the International headquarters are to be
based there. Now I leave you to “the General”.
General Radetsky: Hello one and all. Some of you who have followed this for a long time
now know of me. For those that don‟t, I am Admiral Jhonka, an a
Arch Angel from another universe who has lent my expertise to this world. I am incarnate
as General Radetsky on your plane. Amongst my duties as an American General of very
high rank and obscured from the main public, has been the co-ordination and oversight of
the joint alien-US-Russian base on Mars. I have also provided a great deal of service to
this 2nd Coming project in recent years.
My crew is in charge of the return of the American soldiers to their homes, preferably
before Christmas. About 80% of those serving overseas in the combat regions wished to
join with us, and the rest chose to stay where they are. We will also be returning soldiers in
other countries over the announcement period. This will be a joyous event, as it does
signify the end of the wars and the beginning on peace of Earth. We have prevented the
mess in the Korean scenario that you have been hearing about. NO MORE WAR people,
as those that continue to learn war are not candidates for this world. I now give the podium
over to the Media Person.
Media Person (and dear friend) who must remain unidentified at this time: Well dear
ones, there are those of us who are in service despite the appearances we must maintain.
I too am an Arch angel incarnate and you will know of me before much longer because I
am chairing the initial media announcements and will appear often through the whole
period. There are several of us and you will be most surprised. Many media people
though, had to be replaced for this project, they would not come into service and we don‟t
want them anyway, as there would be that behind the scenes corruption where possible.
The committed dark stay committed to the end, sadly so, but that is the nature of man on
these evolutionary planets.
We have long be preparing, well long in earth years, about 3 years the upcoming
presentations. We are going to cover EVERYTHING over those weeks and soap operas
are not on the menu. We will have the news, and we will have us, and that is basically the
programming that will be available. We are happy to say that “V” will be canceled. Those
media who were replaced are needed thru out the world to maintain the normalcy. And so
it goes. I now yield to S333.
S333: Well beloveds, I am saying a bit more about myself than has been previously given.
Like CM and Esu, I am embodied at this time. I am from Orvonton, and my speciality is
resolving financial problems on these lower worlds. You should maybe have guessed at
that from my previous works presented here on AbundantHope. I am using a semi
material body as I must walk this plane. I have actually been here in this form for 26 years
now and I have been working with Candace on another project of which you will probably
be informed about in some way shortly, but I leave that issue to the parties concerned.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 199
The new system is designed and ready and we are removing the old from it, such as a lot
of banking folks. The economic money system will be kept reasonably stable during the
announcement period and it is the work of my team that has kept the destruction of this
world monetarily at bay. I actually live under the Himalayas at the big city and base
operated by Nebadon on this planet. It is Nebadon‟s headquarters. Some of you will be
visiting there at some point. This is enough for this brief update and I step down to let Esu
finish the piece. Namaste dear ones.
Esu: Well dear ones, while I am to end the piece, I temporarily step aside for AA Michael
who has come aboard a bit late and just made Candace aware of his presence.
AA Michael: Well, well, there must always be the late comer to the party. And so here I
am. The biggest reason dear ones for this extended grace and mercy to the ones of this
planet, is simply in part, the “harvest” has not been as large as needed, and in this regard I
do not speak of the fallen angels and thugs who were sent to learn here. That one has
been alright, not as much as we wish, but more than expected as the statement goes.
This other Harvest is that of the earth souls growing up here in this seed planet. We really
do need to increase this and thus this final effort to do so. Seed planets provide the new
souls to journey thru other planets as they mature.
We are hopeful this experiment, and an experiment it is, will greatly enhance that. And we
hope also that there will be a great reclamation of the robotoids also, who have not
deserved what they have received. We do have special plans for them. Even with
announcements they will not get thought adjustors, their thinking is not good, but we are
going to provide them another opportunity to better develop their thinking on a mix of other
planets and aboard craft. There are a lot of them.
They are not good at problem solving and making cave men of them does not work. This
again is an experiment as there are so many on your plane, and we shall see if we can
stimulate their minds in other ways, such as the use of computers to teach problem solving
thinking. They do not have the long experiential journey that normal souls on a seed
planet have. Normal seed souls start out as the plants initially, are moved up thru various
animal forms thereafter and know survival from that experience.
The robot has little going for him and especially on a world like this. The few that do get an
adjustor do so under medium conditions. They are overwhelmed by both responsibility in
industry management and also overwhelmed when they are raised in abject poverty.
Neither causes healthy organic mind growth. These ones are essentially living machines.
We will attempt to help them grow gently into thinking during the remainder of their normal
life spans and see how it works.
Now, I must scurry back to my business at hand, and release the podium to Esu.
Esu: Alright dear ones. Let me start with this topic of the underground under Denver. This
was to be the NWO headquarters, as both Italy and Britain are not going to do well during
the changes. The Denver Metro area, all of Colorado in fact was experiencing rapid
growth in real estate there for this reason. Many of the these jobs coming were IN the
massive underground built up over many years. It runs from near Pueblo in the south, up
to north of Ft. Collins, under the mountains. Denver International Airport is a major entry
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 200
hub into this large complex. Candace in fact lives nearly over some tunnels running west
from there and knows well the “Taos hum” produced by the nuclear tunneling machines
during the construction of that airport.
Mine and AH International Headquarters will be in this region. We have already made
some important purchases of facilities but these may be damaged by some of the earth
changes and at any rate will not be complete at the end of stasis. So we will be using a lot
of this underground as needed for a period of time. I actually have “offices” underground
there at this time and we have brought at lot of the detainees thru there.
There are extensive tunnel systems from this area to other major underground bases the
dark were so kind to construct for us throughout North America. Yes, they got carrots for
it, big time, so they would build it for these times. We have always hoped not to have to
fully evacuate the planet, and even if we did, these areas will remain useful with little harm
for our use. China and Russia actually built large underground bunkers for their population,
but the western countries, have built only for the continuation of the “elite” or so we tricked
them to believe.
These underground areas all over the globe that you have read about ARE part of our
plans for this world. It is after all the Bestowal Planet of Christ Michael and it will be a
marvelous Jewel all the while also being restored as a seed planet of a higher mind, as
another seed planet has been developed for providing the experience for new souls.
Always there is one or more seed planets per major section of this universe.
Your earth animals, as part of being in the Milky Way Ecliptic will be making their own
sudden growth also over the next 1000 years and many will stand up and walk. Your
beloved pets are FUTURE humans dear ones, and your younger brothers. Treat them with
the respect they deserve for that. They are not just soulless “animals.”
They too are on a journey upward. Many will even receive thought adjusters. Some already
have, and the classes for these ones on your other side are growing. Candace herself has
two former family members (cats) in attendance there after their passings from this plane
who received thought adjusters, well, because they learned to think and solve problems,
which is of God mind, so the adjusters came. Many more animals will be moved into
human forms over time.
Now, we will in time build a large International Headquarters on the surface and we have
purchased land for that reason, about 10,000 acres as they are known in the United
States. We will be developing a large university system there that will have global fingers
to all the Regions, under our Regional Directors. We expect between 50 and 75 regions,
depending on the earth changes and surviving populations. Each with a Regional Director.
As some of you know there are several chosen already and named. We have more named
but for protection have not announced them and still more to be determined during the long
Man is likely on many portions of the planet to remain under ground on the awakening. We
have said they will be awakened early and this will be possible because they will be placed
generally underground, but some may need to be housed on craft. All will have an
experience with living or visiting craft however that are returning after the stasis.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 201
Besides the slow and careful magnetic pole reversal during stasis there will also be several
axis shifts because we must be about remodeling the surface. Man is going to get quite an
experience, as there will be more stasis periods during which he may return underground
for periods of time for more changes, but these will be less dramatic than during this
stasis. During some of them, maybe stasis won‟t be needed, but man may be moved
down again for his safety if major earth changes are expected.
This is ALL experimental dear ones. This whole project has never been done anywhere
before, ANYWHERE. And the creation is quite large. I do not just mean nowhere in
Nebadon, or nowhere in Orvonton. I mean NO WHERE at all. And those of you in training
here for those advancing management jobs, over planets, solar systems, system
headquarters, constellation headquarters of the local universes and on up to even Creator
Sons, of those distant creations forming, are going to get an awfully lot of experience
during these next few thousand years of bringing this planet into its full glory as a bestowal
planet always is.
Well, this is truly enough for tonight. Find your patience, we are almost there. Some of you
will have some special opportunities during the announcement period as you walk this
planet. You know of us and you will make grand “middle men” at this time to help people
over their fear. Some of you have volunteered for example to be in those live movies, and
to help people take short trips aboard craft as they find their courage. There are other
opportunities also where you can step in during those several weeks.
I offer my greatest of gratitude for your service and for sticking this out to the end. You
have learned much from it and can share that with others, especially helping to understand
we just don‟t wave magic wands. You must surely understand that rather personally now!
Be in Peace. I AM Esu.
Candace: Understand here, we are no longer “loosing” a week to a mini stasis, the removal
of the dark and MANY other events are occurring NOW and in previous weeks that would
have been done during the mini stasis. While I cannot cite specific examples, I am aware
very personally of some of what has taken place. We must still protect ones here.
I also know more of what is planned during the announcement period. It is still the goal to
turn this planet upside down and inside out starting at least before December 31. I have
NO problem with this extended announcement period, for what it should produce, we hope,
will be of a state of glory for many and a much better understanding that will enable a very
improved state of being for many.
We are planning top notch job. And we could possibly even delay, depending on Momma
GAIA‟s body, the big stasis for a short time, while people get some real experience they
need that will help them wherever they are to go. Creator Sons are always concerned with
upliftment and providing as many as possible that will accept it the opportunity of eternal
life. We can get thru some of the earth changes for the experience of such. And there is a
plan to lift people off in these areas, and it would be nice if it could be a conscious lift off.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 202
While planets get overpopulated at times, the creation does not and there is always room
for more. The Creator Son and his courts do not judge people when there is an issue on
uncreation of their souls. They are Creators. Thus the courts of the Superuniverse have
this role when it is necessary. We would hope as time marches on in the whole of the
creation that we would reach a point where NO souls were lost.
Eternal life is a choice but many truly don‟t want it, which is sad. And it‟s not understood
on this planet at all. The new ager thinks he will be floating in space in bliss somehow, or
going to such as AA Michael‟s new golden galaxy, and the religionists think they will be in
heaven partying with friends in the company of Jesus, or Mohammed or whoever. They
don‟t realize just how long eternity is. We must change this image somehow and preferably
in these coming weeks. Folks don‟t even KNOW where “heaven” is or what it is and they
need to know this.
OK, Steve from the forum, who has produced a previous update, was given another
by CM earlier today. Here it is.
CM: OK, a quick update for the ground crew. As has been mentioned by Candace, we are
now expecting to be able to dispense with the mini-stasis completely.
The announcement period will be several weeks long, and there may still be briefings on
ship at times throughout that period, though the energies are now high enough that some
of you should be almost completely in your "higher selves" and capable of functioning
without this if necessary. We are expecting to be very visible both on TV and on the ground
during this time, and will intervene where it is necessary and safe to do so where there are
earth changes, disruption to civil infrastructure, or other problems.
In many ways you should consider this period a "head start" on the work that will be
needed after stasis, with both ground crew and fleet personnel integrating themselves into
and working with existing communities on the ground, communities that will function as
"missions" to spread understanding and reassurance in the face of the life-altering events
that are about to unfold. The high level of the energies now arriving on the planet should
help people's acceptance to a certain extent, but you will still need to call upon all your
inner resources in order to assist those around you to process monumental changes as
their world-view is turned, as promised, upside-down and inside out!
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 203
Merry Christmas from CM and Esu
# 136 Dec 25, 2010
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 204
Tis the Time of the Resurrection
Arch Angel Michael thru Candace
# 137 Christmas Day, 2010.
Dearly beloveds, some time ago Candace and I did a piece on the resurrection. I AM the
Arch Angel of the Resurrection, and Arch Angel Michael is more properly a title. The arch
angel of resurrection on any planet at the time of ending and resurrection is always under
the name of the bestowal son, in these cases. Thus Since Michael of Nebadon is your
bestowal son, I am thus the Arch Angel of the Resurrection and go by “Michael.” Candace
can post the link to our piece done in times past.
Now as an education here, a planet under goes many cleansings, any normal evolutionary
planet, when it becomes overpopulated or there are any of various sorts of end times. Life
is given a period of time to evolve on any evolutionary planet, seed planet or otherwise,
and then with the normal coming of an Avonal or Creator Son, there is at some point a final
judgement of all the souls who have worked thru the planet over time, prior to the entry into
Light and Life.
At the time of this final judgement, before light and life, only souls of a higher nature
incarnate into a planet. It is not longer a suitable place for the experiencing of younger
souls. It becomes a higher grade in school as such.
For Mother Earth (GAIA, Urantia) it is that time. Already in fact only 5d or higher level
souls may incarnate into this planet, but that does not of course prevent the birth of the
robotoids or automatons as they are often called. There are no dark beings incarnating
into this planet since 1995 in fact. There are only the automatons and the Son‟s of God
coming in or repeating incarnations if that is already the attained level and appropriate to
have another life.
Please beloveds, this that I am covering does not affect most or perhaps any readers of
AbundantHope. You are still awakening to the fact that you are way beyond the evolutions
of this planet. Most of you are at superuniverse level or higher that have come to serve.
Those still in the local universe schools, while they come to planets like this for experience
they don‟t awaken particularly well to who they are. They usually think they are on a first
life and become entangled in religions on a world such as this, but they gain valuable
thinking/problem solving experiences nevertheless. They are far from perfected beings yet.
(Candace: All of you who are attracted to this material, are not doing your ascension,
meaning fusion with the thought adjuster. You did that a very long time ago. You could
not be superuniverse or Havona folks otherwise. That said, "ascension" also means
growth, and that never does stop, but in terms of earth teachings, the ascension of an
earth soul does mean fusion. There are many trials and testings before this occurs. You
would not believe how many star seeds here, have paid for false classes to earn their
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 205
ascension! And they earned it perhaps a hundred thousand years ago or more or well
more than that. And NONE of these classes would provide that anyway. Many have been
conducted supposedly by St. Germain. Beloved's it is a souls guardian angels that set that
all up, the lesson plans. Nothing you can take on earth can prepare for this. Lots of fraud
in both churches and new age. )
Now, during the upcoming weeks, there will appear in many areas of your planet a
number of perfected or nearly perfected beings. These are the volunteers we have spoken
of that are coming into cloned look alike forms replacing those who are being removed.
Most are already in action, but we are getting a few more yet into place as we finalize
Look at your news and look for your familiar faces therein who look younger and refreshed
and it should become obvious to you. As we take over the air waves this is mostly all that
those on the planet now are going to see, the shining light behind the eyes will be very
obvious, even on television. They will be setting a huge example.
They are here very short term, until the stasis and then may vacate if they wish. Not only
are they in the media and government, there are many others in various corporations,
businesses and the like, including some replaced religious leaders also. During these
upcoming times of teaching, accompanied by some earth changes, we need the higher
Sons of God on the planet, the dark ones cannot accommodate this.
(Candace: we have already pointed out that we have a “new Obama and Michelle” but
these have only been shown twice, the other Obama‟s are otherwise still being used for
the time being. Those of you that saw the Barbara Walter‟s special that was done on
Thanksgiving Day and shown on Black Friday saw the new couple and the real love
between them was palpable.)
In most cases, with the dark ones, if they are married and have family, the family is likely
completely replaced also. There would be too much stress of the existing ones of living
with a very highly lighted person that was obviously very changed. Do not worry on these
ones, because all are sorted as to service now and that is the way it is.
Now is the time of the Resurrection of both the souls and of Lady Gaia herself. We have
covered this before thru various ones. As we have informed you there will be around 1
billion souls who have barely earned the right to travel up with Gaia and they are given this
right for only one reason. As a seed planet, these souls have not yet grown to full stature
and are unready to move up in the normal methods of choice. These actions we have
taken are strictly to increase the “harvest” which is far to small.
There are many who thus cannot resurrect yet and most will travel to other worlds moving
at a pace with their progress or lack thereof.
We originally considered removing everybody as they passed and letting a lot more 5d
folks into here, but decided instead to allow what you are calling, the 51% people to stay
and be given further opportunity to grow. Now this chore or job of who and what is
resurrected, is of my mission.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 206
Understand Christ Michael, Esu, Monjoronson and others have no role in this. They have
no role in the uncreation of anyone either, others have that task, specifically the courts of
the superuniverse, except in the case of younger souls who simply “opt out” of eternal life.
This planet has been tough and the “opt in” choices are considerably less than normal.
Candace: Please consider reading paper 15 of the UB on the superuniverse. Section 12
talks of the tribunals. )
Now as you have been taught, during the Magnetic pole reversal everything that is not of
God falls off the planet. Even if it‟s in stasis. We are thus going to have to remove a lot of
folks before the reversal, and then put them back on, of course AFTER the stasis and the
changes with it. (Candace: LONG stasis here, not a mini one, there is no magnetic pole
reversal should the mini stasis we discussed occur. In fact we have had several mini stasis
periods on this planet, starting that we have shared back in 1992 when we entered the
photon Belt and there have been short 1 -2 day period since, which is partly a reason why
the seasons are not matching our calendars as well).
As part of this teaching process coming up, we plan to have people informed of star fleets
purpose and this being the 2nd Coming as best they understand it. Most of these ones
cannot be dematerialized to craft, none actually, who are so borderline, and many cannot
even board by levitation beam. Their bodies would be consumed by the process.
So as the teaching announcement process goes on, because we are also going to pick up
robotoids, we must have people board craft by stairs, or small antigravity platforms. This
requires landing or hovering a bit above the surface. This is time consuming and not so
practical, but we have to have them off the planet before the stasis starts. We have not
covered this before because of the constant changing of plans and the many discussions.
It will be some of your roles, to help convince these people where you live, to board craft
by whatever means. There are likely going to be some significant earth changes and
many need to see these changes and us, during the period of announcements. We would
want to thus lift people out of areas facing danger. We will not be successful in getting all
of them, but without some teaching and trying to get folks comfortable, those that would
board ship would be very few. It is desired these ones get additional experience IN body,
even if they will not be returning to the planet after stasis.
Now those 1 billion staying with the planet, still have to be off the planet too, and so will all
of you who are staying on to serve. We will be starting the magnetic pole reversal shortly
before stasis is started. It will occur slowly to prevent too much change in landscapes,
and we will be picking up people hugely at that time, before the planet stills herself. We
know not the exact timing yet on the pickup because sometimes shit happens, as you all
are fond of saying and even in “heaven” things happen according to their own timings and
distractions. All of you must by now understand that during your wait.
At the time during the teaching process that we begin to show of our selves, you in the
know, MUST at that time put aside your worries about how you will be reacted too. You
must support us and explain you have long been prepared for this. The teaching process
will have another benefit because folks that know nothing of AH or us, or are even in denial
of us will wake up, those sleeping star seeds here, and come into this service also. Some
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 207
of your family members are going to finally “get it.” Some may not and if they do not under
reasonable conditions, put your time elsewhere. If they are not amongst those staying after
the long stasis, it matters not. Do not keep trying to give pearls to people that want only
rocks. It is after all, the final sorting. Well almost, there will continue to be sorting after the
long stasis as people pass then, because some aren‟t going to earn their ascension.
Normally at these end times, the children of the planet, are mostly ready for fusion with
their thought adjusters, which is generally around the consciousness state of 6d. Not
always, some are a little earlier, some a little later, but it‟s a general statement. These ones
who are the 51% groups are still within 4d consciousness, and so they will get a chance to
make it to 5d consciousness at least with the planet. When they do, they then have other
choices available to them for their growth. They may or may not fuse before the end of
their lives or on further births into the planet. All is individual. (Candace: the ascension of
people on this planet is not a mass ascension as put out thru various incorrect new age
sites, controlled by CIA or not. Ascension is fusion with the thought adjuster. Each soul
has to make their own way on their own time.)
These one billion, as stated will be awakened before the end of stasis. When they are
boarded to craft, they will be put into stasis on craft, because they are not to have yet
earned this experience and are not to watch what is done during stasis. They are not
ready for the teaching that will fit them better when they are awakened to the repaired
planet. They will get some preliminary teaching once awakened on ship.
As to the animals, if they are of God they just rest in the stasis, and survive very nicely the
time when the planet is upright and still during the magnetic pole reversal. They are also
put into stasis however, because the stress of a pole reversal is terrifying and of course,
since there will be much volcanization with the reversal and with the axis changes, they
must be in stasis, because their bodies would otherwise die of oxygen deprivation. We
ALWAYS put a planet into stasis when the animals must be protected for anything major of
this sort. So they will happily sleep.
Those of you returning to the planet, will have your pets provided for, and depending on
what you are doing they may stay with you during stasis or sleep thru stasis and return to
you later. Please do not write questions of this sort to Candace, she has so little time lately
between her responsibilities with us and never ending time consuming issues with the dark
harassments. You can wait and find out when it happens. We will also be doing teaching
that may answer many your questions, because the rest of the planet has a lot more
questions than you will have!
You will find your own selves awakening more and more even from our teaching, it will set
off memories that will help you as you open up your various packies you have been given.
(Candace: not to be confused with Casper packies, please. Not money, packets of
information stored in your mind to be read at the proper time when they are coded to open
up to you or you find and open them yourselves. Last time the word packies was used in
one of my pieces, a bunch of you thought it meant Casper‟s packies. Your higher mind and
even your lower mind with these bodies, your “ego mind”, store material sort of like you
store material in files on your computer. These packies are thus files of information on the
“hard drive” of your mind.)
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 208
We do not know how long the teaching period will be. It depends on the people and the
planet. We have done some things to delay earth changes, including the GOM so to have
time. With the Gulf of Mexico, we have pushed the areas of problems back in time, so to
speak, a de aging as it were. This restores the matter in the affected leaks to the condition
of not leaking for a time. It is as if, you are say 60 and now are like you were when you
were 25. Moved back in time. This moving back in time causes it‟s own pressures
however, and as we move into the announcement teaching process, we will moved these
stressed areas back forward to this time as there has to be a counter balancing. This
cannot continue indefinitely.
I hope this little piece will be helpful to the many of you waiting in your impatience, again
for a bit of a magic wand. This whole now current process has been created only in the
last 1 1/2 to 2 years and the time and balance is very complex. This is experimental and
thus we had to derive new parameters for everything. You will be in awe as you see it
unfold. We have here in this sense, a delay in the normal resurrection process in these
sorts of evolutionary end times that is our gift ( and recompense) in a way, for the many
failures on this planet that have given rise to a people not yet ready to ascend.
But Gaia is ready, the harvest is too low, and thus we have created this solution. Everyone
who is anyone in the higher realms are going to be watching this and talking this for a very
long time, especially if it works! We will have tread new waters. We hope this will be so.
Good evening and Merry Christmas. I am Arch Angel Michael of the Resurrection, of the
Creator Michaels‟ seed planet.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 209
New Year‟s Day Update
Christ Michael thru Candace
# 138 Jan 1, 2011
Good evening beloveds, well it‟s evening for Candace. Yes I realize this is January 1st
and we are a bit behind. (for some now it‟s Jan 2nd-C) The work goes on. The issues are
not fully finished on our to-do list, and that‟s ok dear ones, because when this goes live, it
will be close to perfect. Perfect won‟t happen, but we have to lessen the problems.
Now as we have taught you, we have been doing a lot of replacements all over the globe
in various political offices, and in the media. Candace has mentioned now the
announcement/teaching process will if we can, run about 3 months. It will be a glorious but
difficult time.
Beloveds, we are taking down everything in this world that must collapse. Included in that
collapse will be many organizations, particularly some corporations. There may be
collapse of the ability to fully deliver food and necessities, and we have huge stockpiles to
assist this. No one will go hungry or without your proverbial toilet paper, in terms of what is
considered necessary.
We have long been telling you, you must prepare and now is still a good time to have
some stocks of necessities. There will be considerable unemployment from this. Now is
there a plan in that, yes. As we collapse the financial industry, you will have all your debts
written off. Will not written off, they will no longer exist. We are collapsing the banking
system completely. So there will be no house payments, credit card payments, student
loans, any type of banking debt. Nor any tax debt either. So you will not face loosing of
homes and autos. But there may be great restrictions in gasoline for them.
For those that rent, nearly all tenements have loans, which will also be written off. People
may well have to force their landlords to reduce or eliminate rents. There will considerably
less need to spend money. People will be solving their problems which can include moving
of families together and the like. Man will have to solve some of his issues around this.
People have to see the collapse. There will be great gnashing of teeth, as guilt overcomes
some people who have made the wrong decisions of how they live. There will be
considerable loss of comforts, especially for the well off people. There will be deliveries of
fuel however for heating and the like and the electricity will stay up, whether there is money
to pay for it or not.
I know not how to teach these ones other than let them experience what has been created,
and how it comes down. Most people have no idea of the complexities it takes to run a
world. They have no idea where things come from, how things are manufactured, how
items reach them. In fact most don‟t care even if they are aware and these are the ones
that need perhaps the hardest lessons.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 210
Now be not in fear of this. Life will in fact improve spiritually as people turn to each other
for a change. Many will not be as rich materially, but will be enriched spiritually. During
this period people will be offered the opportunity to MOVE to craft and some of their future
destinations. The declining conditions should help motivate those choices.
There IS something we will be doing shortly and I can‟t announce that, but it‟s essential
and a lot of you are going to be pleased as this will help in your service.
Now, I had told Candace if we weren‟t on TV in a hour we would do the update she has
been begging for. So here we are. The initial announcement will come over your
Emergency broadcast system in the United States. There will be an address by the newly
placed Obama. This will then be carried around the world by normal media. The
announcement process will begin in a day or two after.
Now, you should be seeing the need for our replacements. Those who are dark and not
cooperating will flee and there must be responsible people in power. Most will look close
enough to the originals, using various technologies we have, to pass and a little makeup
will help. These are basically clones, inhabited by “star fleet” personnel, in other words
ensouled and these ones all are very aware of their roles. When you inhabit an adult body,
rather than an infant, the memory is solid. These ones carry enough of the programs from
the ones they have “copied‟ to have physical mannerisms that will be ok to those viewing
We have to this point replaced 8923 people. There will likely be more. We have been
setting up “traps” to engage those that are problems and removing them. We cannot have
unseen problems after the process starts. Amongst those unseen problems are people that
have multiple personalities which are easily put into place by very simple commands of
their controllers. These commands CAN be material on the television, and we don‟t need
people picking up guns and going into stores and starting up shooting sprees as but one
There is a great deal, has been for the last several months in fact, studying for these ones
that have been embedded in the churches, as this has been a huge program, to get certain
ones to discredit us as being demons from space and the like. Some of you are seeing this
in action in fact on various forums, and one of the things we will do is shut down quite a
few forums, so these ones have no outlet to spoil our show.
There are many other examples, but I leave those to your imaginations. We must have a
tight ship, so we do not sink. We are almost there. We keep discovering new folks that
must be replaced, and making a clone takes 36 hours plus about another 36 hours of
programming to them after the soul inhabits them. So 3 days before this person can walk
this plane. That is the main reason for this delaying.
We have cleaned up all the holes within the announcement systems, and will be bypassing
man‟s satellites with our own communications for the television. That is why you were told
there will be us and the news and that is it for those 3 months. People will be getting off
their soap operas. We will control it all. We have plenty of “entertainment” planned
including a lot of teaching from DVD‟s already on this plane. This will all be better than any
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 211
soap operas, let me assure you. No shopping channels on TV either. What will man
do???? Well, he is going to discover his spirit.
This is enough for now. We are truly close. Again, there is something planned that will not
be covered publicly coming soon. We hoped to have the presidential speech tonight, but
there were some more holes found, again, not in the transmissions planned but other
holes. We are realizing we need to close up many avenues of communication, which may
have to include all radio, except in places that have inadequate television. We will not
close the internet, but we have entered many codes to take down internet sites that are
going to fight this.
Man does not have the free will to destroy what God plans to give as education. It is as
simple as that. He will not destroy the free will of others. People are going to get a fair
opportunity to make up their minds, minus the deliberate deceiving. On Candace‟s favorite
forum, God Like Productions, there have been a group of folks raising a lot of hell there
and making outlandish claims that we are here to evacuate people and then kill them by
gassing them aboard ship. This is but one small example of that which we must have a
handle on. We were appalled personally that this topic was even broached by the
individuals that started the thread, and other threads. This is why certain forums will not
run and that includes many Christian forums and websites, at least for a time. Sherry
Shriner, you are one of those on that list who will not be broadcasting either. Interestingly,
those forums and the like within Islam are far less a concern that Christian ones.
Many of you here will be able to soon use knowledge that is in your “packies” that will
assist you in your helping others. We have many on the planet now for this purpose also,
ones living here that are part of our nearly 100,000 that will be in training during the stasis
and be placed on various teams of AbundantHope to step into place after the stasis. WE
have spoken of this before. There are many good people who have of course never heard
of AbundantHope that will also step into service at this time locally where they live. It will
be almost automatic for them. As man adjusts, more will naturally come into service.
There will be also be a variety of earth changes during this time, which is one reason we
are getting the troops home all over the world. Be not concerned how this is going to
manifest at this time, but these ones need to be around to serve within their various
countries. War is ending, and if you want a little proof on that, notice your news has nearly
left the wars behind! We move forward. Be patient as always and focus on how you will
help as this world comes down. I still advise above, that yea ones stock up on essentials,
including your medicines and the like as you can. The goods we have gathered will be
distributed as necessary in your grocery stores and the like. We can transport some foods
from southern countries to northern ones as planes are not going to fly much during this
time either. People are going to see us helping them out.
But you do not need to stand in food lines, if you stock up yourselves, particularly
necessities important to how you live. Enough for tonight, I am at work as are most teams
for several more hours. Be in Peace, please. I am christ Michael/Aton.
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 212
Christ Michael
# 139 January 3, 2011
Gentleman: This is the supreme commander of Nebadon. What do you fail to
understand about that? We are being absolutely as nice as we can be, but if the
ones of you who will be reading this, do not stand down, you WILL be stood down.
We have had enough. Michael of Nebadon
(those who translate, you need not translate this brief message.)
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 213
We are Allowing the Full Collapse Now
Christ Michael thru Candace
# 140 February 15, 2011
Hello beloveds, It is I, Christ Michael. This has been a horrid past several weeks. The
darkness is fully descending now, and mother cannot be held back. We made a decision
about two weeks ago to go ahead and allow the sun to discharge normally towards earth
and you are seeing many sunspots and have a full retinue of flares and CMES. Candace
can update on that part at the end of this.
We are now actually backing off our efforts to allow the collapse to fully happen. We have
said it would all be sudden as the dark whirlwind goes down the drain, just as you see
water swirl down a drain. It‟s a tornado, in effect.
We have a plan, that has long been ready for this time. It will be activated shortly that
brings an end to this darkness BEFORE we start the announcement process. I will not
release the nature of this. We hoped to have quite a showing with the various countries
with the people, and once the dark watched the work within Egypt, and the coverage on TV
they quickly halted their other plans. They were to allow peaceful demonstration as a
teaching to the world and they have clamped down behind the scenes. Iran is surely
facing a mess right now, because of that.
The New Madrid as suggested by Father (Papa, First Source), thru Bela, is very unstable.
We are releasing also the energies in the Gulf of Mexico, so that it can proceed as nature
directs. There are other areas released also, so that what can happen will happen.
The people still need to have some discomfort in the western nations, and we will not
prevent it and it is necessary in order that we can “pitch” in and our help be accepted. The
teaching is still planned, do not worry on that. But this other event will precede it.
It is not likely our Obama will be making an emergency announcement YET, but the
opportunity will be provided for that when the first major catastrophe in the United States
occurs. Those of you near that New Madrid area, and around the gulf of Mexico, again,
need to have preparations. We thought California might have a major event recently but it
settled a bit for now, but still may occur.
You will know when that whirlpool begins, it will be very obvious. This is enough for the
time being, there is little we can or should release. It will appear we are doing little
however, and that would be true on the surface, but we work very quietly, so please do not
expect regular updating. Simply prepare yourselves. Namaste, Christ Michael/Aton
Candace: Well currently on USGS we have 8 “red” quakes for the week. There are quite
a few sunspots on the sun, you can see that on There is one
spitting BIG flares. We had a M 6.6 flare a couple days ago with a CME and yesterday a X
7.2 flare from the same sunspot and a much larger CME that probably will only take a
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 214
couple days or so to arrive and we should feel that in some, one of the largest I have seen,
that is aimed right at us. People are feeling some of this stuff, more and more and I have
been busy on GLP around the topic, their minds are becoming more open as they figure
that the sun is affecting their bodies People have commented that their ascension
symptoms have increased a great deal starting in December in fact.
Those that wish to see the CME that was Early UTC today, about 2 UTC I think, (15th),
can go to Stereo and look over the Red images for stereo A and B. Actually here is the
link for the 15th. click on which ever size image you wish under the Cor 2 images, which
will produce thumbnails you can view. CME‟s off the front of the sun
will show on the right on Stereo Behind, and on the Left of Stereo Ahead. There were no
Lasco images on SOHO published during the time of the CME which was thought by
others to be a “full halo” CME. I did find images for some of those in the part, they look like
the whole sun is exploding! Here‟s an example.
Yesterday we got both a coronal hole, and I am pretty sure, the CME that happened also
with the M 6.6 flare. The BZ really dropped out and I and other felt that too, as the
energies came into the magnetosphere pretty heavily. You can visit this site to see some
data from the recent M and X flares.
Those of you who enjoy keeping tract of solar and weather data, may enjoy this collection
that is continuously updated And maybe send the creator a few
bucks if you like the service. Its a one man show. I find it very useful as I can see so
much in a single source. I even started watching the weather since it‟s available there too,
as to the satellite images. Click any of the thumbnails for a larger version. Most of the
thumbnails are big enough already, I don‟t usually need to do that.
You are all quiet aware of the weather changes, the animals having difficulties and the like,
that is all over the web. So it goes. Take care, Candace
-- AH - Candace #3 -- page. 215