Annual Report 2013-2014 - Down Syndrome Association of Greater


Annual Report 2013-2014 - Down Syndrome Association of Greater
Down Syndrome
Association of
Greater St. Louis
Table of Contents
Board of Directors and Staff..................................................................3
Letter from Incoming Board President.............................................4
Letter from Executive Director.............................................................5
Financial Information..............................................................................6
Photos from 2013-2014........................................................................10
Down Syndrome
Association of
Greater St. Louis
Annual Report
Board of Directors and Staff
Board of Directors as of June 30, 2014
Joe Harnar, President
Tom Fendya, Treasurer
Christine Alsop
Makini Anwisye
Betsy Brennan
Amy DeGuire
Ken Deutch
Donna Eisenberg
Dan Farrell
Todd Gentry
Dave Ruby, Secretary
Barry Haith
Mary Hart
Dr. John Hartweger
Megan Layton
Tim Monroe
Susan Pickert
Mary-Ellen Ritchey
Jeremie Ballinger, Executive Director
Emily Gillardi, Marketing and Communications Manager
Barbara Arnold, Office Manager/Development Assistant
Christy Klaus, Family Support Coordinator
Erin Suelmann, Director of Programs and Services
Abby Brandon, Volunteer and Events Manager
Our mission
The mission of the Down Syndrome
Association of Greater St. Louis is to
benefit the lives of people with
Down syndrome and their families
through individual and family
support, education, public
awareness and advocacy.
Annual Report
From the Incoming Board President
Thank you for your support of the Down Syndrome Association
of Greater St. Louis this year! I hope you enjoy reviewing our 20132014 annual report. It’s always inspiring to look back on the last year
and recognize the profound impact our organization – thanks to all of
you – has made on the lives of individuals with Down syndrome in our
As the report highlights, the end of fiscal year 2014 finds the organization
is in fantastic shape. Our financial condition remains strong and we’re very
pleased that situation has allowed us to continue to fund new programs
for our membership. We’ve continued to add programs for teens and
adults and have made our traditional programs more robust. Some of
our new programs include our Friend 2 Friend peer mentoring program,
and the expansion of our Down Syndrome Association University to
provide classes for people of all ages. We also offered more family events
this past year, as well as special events such as our football and hockey
camps. Finally, we are excited about our plans to achieve employment
opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome through classes and
outreach via DSAGSL’s Employment Initiative.
An annual report is certainly one opportunity to reflect on past accomplishments; but I’m also reminded there’s
much work yet to be done. DSAGSL is a great resource for individuals and families who’ve already connected with
us, but there are many in our community we haven’t yet reached. I recognize our responsibility to engage those
whose personal situations make it difficult for them to participate – those on the outskirts of the geographical area
we traditionally serve, those with social or economic barriers to engaging our services, or those whose life situation
simply leaves little time or energy leftover. That’s work still to be done and I look forward to making good progress in
these areas during the upcoming year. We welcome your help in doing so - please call us if you’re able to help in any
Lastly, I’d be remiss if I didn’t recognize some very important contributors to our mission’s success. First, thank you
to a truly great Board of Directors; thank you for your time, treasure and passion. I’m equally, and maybe even a little
bit more so, appreciative of our excellent staff. They are a simply fantastic team and each of them works so very hard,
every day, to benefit the lives of individuals with Down syndrome in our community. Finally, and most important
of all, thanks to each one of you reading this! Our organization truly is a collection of several thousand like-minded
individuals. You are what makes this organization work, and makes the work we do worthwhile. Please continue to
stay engaged and please continue to hold us accountable in meeting your needs.
Dave Ruby
President, DSAGSL Board of Directors
Annual Report
From the Executive Director
Hello, Friends As publications go, annual reports are typically written out of necessity.
This year, I couldn’t agree more with that sentiment – but not for the
reasons you might think. We send you this annual report, not because
it’s a standard publication. It’s because WE SERIOUSLY NEED TO
The state of our organization has never been stronger, and there are so
many exciting accomplishments to list from our 2013-14 fiscal year:
- DSAGSL’s move to our new headquarters at 8531 Page Avenue;
- The launch of our DSA University programming which serves people
with Down syndrome of all ages, and the development of DSAGSL’s
Employment Initiative to help connect our self-advocates with
meaningful employment opportunities;
- We are your award-winning DSAGSL, on the heels of winning the
Chairman’s Award from Old Newsboys Day in St. Louis, and being the
home of NDSC’s current Citizen Award winner for self-advocates, Ms.
Megan Layton;
- Becoming a leading voice for advocacy in Missouri through our
participation in Disability Rights Legislative Day, Government Advisory Council and Buddy Walk on Washington;
- Exploring new ways to support our members, such as awarding scholarships for conferences and self-advocates
pursuing education, and also contributing directly to Down syndrome cognition research;
- Continuing our trend of record-setting fundraising, as all of our major fundraising events reached all-time highs in
addition to our overall revenue total;
- And finally, our continued status as being the only local DSA in the country to meet all 20 Better Business Bureau
Why did all of this happen? Because of you, our DSAGSL family. You influence the decisions we make about
programming. You advocate for people with Down syndrome, and make sure they are respected and appreciated
in our community. And when we put out a call for support, you respond stronger than ever before through your
fundraising efforts. On behalf of our staff, THANK YOU for making it so exciting for us to come into work and to
celebrate success throughout the year.
As our staff and board look around the corner toward our 40th Anniversary in 2016, this organization is not taking
the approach of being “39 and holding”. We’re excited for the years to come, and we encourage you to consider
how you and your family can be a part of what we’re building. We look forward to seeing you at events, programs
and more in the year ahead!
Jeremie Ballinger, Executive Director
Annual Report
Financial Information
Statement of financial activities FY 2013-2014
Revenues & Support
Fundraising revenues
Grant income
Merchandise sales
Non-cash contributions
Program income
Other income
Unrealized gain on investment
Interest income
Total Revenues & Support
Program services
Management & general
Total Expenses
Net Assets - Beginning of Year
Net Assets - End of Year
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets
Annual Report
Fundraising revenues
Grant income
Merchandise sales
Non-cash contributions
Program income
Other income
Unrealized gain on investment
Interest income
3% <1%
Program services
Management & general
Annual Report
DSAGSL Programs
Health and Wellness
90+ hospital packets were distributed among 25 hospitals.
29 occupational and physical therapists attended a two day Talk Tools
conference hosted by the DSA.
35 support staff for aging individuals with disabilities were provided with
important information about health and mental wellness in aging adults
with Down syndrome.
80 medical professionals including genetic counselors, obstetricians,
maternal fetal medicine specialists, and labor/delivery nurses, received
information packets from our exhibit at the Mercy Ultrasound Conference.
20 College of Pharmacy students learned about Down syndrome and the
pharmacist’s role in the health of an individual with Ds.
30 student nurses at Maryville University were informed about the DSAGSL,
Down syndrome and volunteer opportunities.
The DSAGSL continued to offer 7 volunteers to staff the St. Louis Children’s
Hospital Down Syndrome Center.
35 riders, 18 of whom have the diagnosis of Down syndrome, ranging in
age from 8 to 30, participated in the Lydia Cox Memorial Bike Camp in June.
Each rider received a new fitted helmet and 32 riders received a new bicycle
at no cost.
• Coffee Talk monthly workshops provided monthly workshops for
parents and caregivers covering topics such as Alzheimer’s,
behavior, financial planning, inclusion, research.
• The Education Specialist Program was developed for Carbondale,
Illinois and recruited for the 2013-14 school year in partnership
with the Tri-County Special Education Cooperative.
• 80+ teachers, paraprofessionals, therapists and administrators
participated in the Education Specialist Program in Missouri and
• 266 participants from 67 school districts have completed the
Education Specialist Program since the program was implemented
in 2007.
• The DSAGSL hosted a Bodies and Boundaries Conference featuring
national speaker, Terri Couwenhoven, which was attended by
62 parents. Twelve self-advocated attended the concurrent teen
adult workshop.
• 24 members, both with and without Down syndrome, met
monthly for the official DSAGSL Toastmasters Word Masters Club.
Four self-advocates were elected as club officers.
• 25 volunteers and staff have been trained to be Community
Awareness Ambassadors.
• Community Awareness Ambassadors gave presentations to 40
schools, universities, day care facilities, community groups, and
staff at various Regional Center locations and reached over 3000+
teachers, students, and professionals.
Resources and Referrals
Nearly 500 books, DVDs and CDs are available for check-out by our families
from our resource library.
Over 500 hours were used by staff providing resources, referrals and support
to families and community members.
The DSA launched our newest resource and referral source, Sharing Our
Strategies (SOS), a private Facebook group for the nearly 192 members who
joined in the first three months.
Annual Report
The DSA also offers monthly e-News “Sharing our Strategies” which covers
the hottest topics in Down syndrome for members.
New Parent and Family Support
54 families were welcomed to our DSAGSL family since July 20123
• 23 of these families had a prenatal diagnosis.
• 32 families were referred to us by area genetic counselors, a visit to
the Down Syndrome Center or through their medical professionals.
• 10 parents contacted us personally.
• 23 parents are trained to provide new parent support.
• 200+ mentoring hours were provided this fiscal year.
• 35 mothers attended our New Mother’s Luncheon.
• 54 first birthdays were celebrated with a gift of 2 books.
• 20 families attended our first New Family Brunch
• 18 of our newly created Celebration Baskets were delivered
personally to families in the St. Louis area.
Community Groups
Community Groups are stronger than ever at the DSAGSL. They include the
Down Syndrome Group of the Lake of the Ozarks, Central Missouri Down
Syndrome Family Network, Heartland DSA, Jefferson County CG, Kirksville
CG, Kirkwood/Webster Moms, North County CG, and St. Charles CG.
Illinois community groups include the Metro East Down Syndrome Alliance
and Southern Illinois CG.
Special Events & Direct Programming
The DSAGSL launched several new direct programs serving individuals with
Down syndrome: Bodies and Boundaries, Therapeutic Playgroup, Art Club
for Teens and Adults, and Self-Advocates for Greater Experiences (SAGE). In
total, these new programs reached 35 new members with Down syndrome
over just three months.
Family Movie Night was launched and attended by 60+ families.
More than 2400 people came out to Walk in the Park at Busch Stadium,
making it our largest awareness event of the year.
The DSA had our first annual talent show. The evening was magical with 12
acts and over 50 performers and artists.
Night at the Magic House, made possible by a grant from the Saigh
Foundation, served nearly 200 individuals with Ds, their parents and
356 individuals attended the annual holiday party in December 2013 for
crafts, refreshments and pictures with Santa.
250+ people attended our second annual Arch-stravaganza in February
which was held in partnership with the St. Louis Arch and Jefferson
Expansion Memorial.
We held our first ever New Family Brunch for families of children under the
age of 1. Twenty-nine families attended.
World Down Syndrome Day celebrations were held across the region among
St. Charles and Metro-east Illinois community groups and in St. Louis.
230 individuals attended the Family Picnic, held in partnership with the
Albert Pujols Wellness Center for Adults with Down Syndrome at the
generously donated Knights of Columbus Hall in Florissant.
Approximately 3,000 people celebrated Down syndrome at Step Up for
Down Syndrome in Forest Park.
The DSA has over 400 volunteers that have served our organization this
Annual Report
Family Picnic
Step Up for
Down Syndrome
Annual Report
Birdies & Bass
Walk in the Park
Annual Report
2013-2014 Donors
Amtex Machine Products, Inc.
Bank of America
Nucor Steel, Arkansas
Proler Southwest
$5,001 - $10,000
Ms. Donna M. Eisenberg
Innovative Distribution Services
Port Pipe & Tube, Inc.
Ricochet Pipe, LLC
Mr. Loren Wims
$2,501 - $5,000
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Baniak
Brandt Engineered Products, Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Church
Flodraulic Group, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Barry L. Haith
Heartland Down Syndrome
Liberty Metal Recycling
Old Newsboys Day/Suburban
Patterson Tubular Services
Pioneer Pipe
Mr. William Reichhardt
The Patrick A. Shallow Foundation
Spartan Steel Products, Inc.
St. Joseph Catholic Church of
Mr. Mike Stout
Therapy Relief, Inc.
Tubular Products of Texas, Inc.
Variety the Children’s Charity of St.
Wells Fargo Capital Finance, LLC
$1,001 - $2,500
Alabama Hammer, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Babb
Mr. & Ms. Christopher Boucher
Cardinals Care
Community Health Charities of
Kansas & Missouri
Ms. Jessica Crockwell
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Dare
Mr. Zack Deeds
Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Deeken
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Dockery
First Community Credit Union
Global Stainless Supply
Independent Tubular
IREM St. Louis Chapter
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Jansen
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Kriegesmann, Jr.
Kaemmerlen Electric Co.
Knights of Columbus Council #3790
The Leonard Family
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Marian
Missouri Beverage Company
Premier Pipe
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Ritchey
Mr. & Ms. Eric J. Scott
Ms. Bren K. Souers
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Szczepan
Ms. Kelly Wehrle
Mr. & Mrs. Greg West
Up to $1,000
Pastor Roger Abernathy
Ms. Kathy Adams
Advanced Ergonomic Concepts, Inc.
Allstate Insurance Company
Ms. Christine A. Alsop
American Steel Fabrication Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Sanyika Anwisye
Architectural Control Systems, Inc.
Mrs. Angie D. Arcipowski
Barbara, Dan & Nate Arnold
Ms. Candice Arriola
Ms. Melissa Asher
AT&T United Way/Employee Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Baker
Mr. David Balak
Ms. Peggy Balducci
Mr. Kurt Balmer
Bank of America Charitable
Ms. Jennifer Bartley
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Bates
Ms. Megan Bates
Ms. Donna Battershell
Ms. Regina Beals
Beattie & Associates
Mrs. Sharon Beeman
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Belew
Ms. Sharon Belew
Ms. Kathleen Bellew
Mr. & Mrs. William Bensinger
Mr. & Mrs. David Benson
Mr. & Ms. Chad Bethel
Mr. & Mrs. Tom F. Binek
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. David Bixler
Block Hawley
Mr. & Mrs. James Boal
Ms. Audrey Thies & Mr. Daniel
Ms. Erin Bommarito
Mr. Brad Bontty
Mr. John Borders
Ms. Shea Bourgeret
Mr. Rocky Boyer
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Boyette
Mr. Daniel Breneman
Mrs. Betsy B. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. John Brewster
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Brinker
Brinkmann Constrctors
Mr. & Mrs. Logan Brodak
Ms. Patricia A. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Brune
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brusselback
Ms. Rene Buchanan
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Burwell
Ms. Susan Busch
Ms. Emily Bush
Mr. Jennifer Calvert
Mr. & Mrs. David Carrion
Mr. Donald Ceresia
Mr. Christopher J. Cerny
Ms. Melissa Chambers
Ms. Courtney Chazen
Ms. Monica Sharp & Mr. Eric
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Coldwell Banker Gundaker
Community Health Charities of
Ms. Bettina Comstock
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Connolly
Mr. & Mrs. Osmond Conrad
Ms. Dannette Hutton & Mr. Steven
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Corio
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Cox
Ms. Tanya Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Croce
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Crump
Ms. Cheryl Cummings
Ms. Kimbra L. Cunningham
Mr. Tim Daleen
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Daub
Dave Sinclair Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Davidson
Niwar Davis
Defenders MC, Gateway Chapter
Mr. & Mrs. John DeGuire
Ms. Julia Delaney
Chiragi Desai & Devang Desai
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Deutch
Mr. & Mrs. George Diehr
Mrs. Mary Dierkes
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Diveley
The Door Switch
Ms. Carrie Douglas
Down Syndrome Group of the Lake
of the Ozarks
Ms. Nancy Draffen
The Drunken Fish, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Duncan
Mr. Robert D. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Durell
Emerson Climent Technologies
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Endsley
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Engele
Ms. Ruth Eyres
Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Fahrenkamp, Jr.
Fairmount Vacation Station &
Ms. Kimberly Farkas
Mr. Daniel Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Fendya
Mrs. Erin Finn
Ms. Jeanne Finney
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Fish
Five Brothers Lawn & Tractor
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Flowers
Mr. Jason Flowers
Mrs. Juanita Franco
Franklin-Williamson Counties
Regional Office of Education
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fulks
Mr. Dennis D. Galaway
Ms. Sandra Gant
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest L. Garland
Ms. Nancy Garrity
Ms. Sheila Gassner
Ms. Diana Hess & Mr. Dave Gaule
Mr. J. Todd Gentry
Ms. Nadia Ghasedi
Ms. Cami Giertz
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gillardi
Give With Liberty
Glaxo Smith Kline Foundation
Ms. Marcia Glenn
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Goldenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Gossrau
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Grace
Ms. Alyssa Graycochea
Ms. Cathy Ann Greer
Ms. Amy Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Greiner
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Greiner
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Hackstadt
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hadican
Mr. Patrick Hadican
Hager Companies
Ms. Anne Hall
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Hammond
Ms. Jeanne Hancock
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Handrahan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hanks
Mr. Mark Hanneke
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Harnar
Mr. Fred Harre
Mary & Julie Hart
Dr. Anna Marie Hartweger &
Dr. John E. Hartweger
Mr. & Mrs. James Hauk
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Hawkins
Henderson Elementary PTO
Annual Report
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Henderson
Ms. Cassi Henderson
Ms. Pam Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Henke
Ms. Linda Henson
Hermann Oak Leather
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Hess
Mrs. Karrie Hetzler
Ms. Jan High
Ms. Sharla Hilker
Mr. Robert Hiltenburg
Hines’ St. Louis Pizza & Wings
Hochschild, Bloom & Company LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Hoelmer
Mr. & Mrs. David Holbrook
Ms. Diane Holbrook
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hopson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Horn
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Hoskin
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan L. Hughes
Ms. LaTonya Hughes
Dr. Justin Hugo
Ms. Dawn Hull
Ms. Beverly Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hutton
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Igou
Instant Imprints
Mr. Jason Jamieson
Ms. Sheila Janes
Mr. Don Jensen
Ms. Carrie Jensen
Ms. Stephanie Joellenbeck
Ms. Betty Johaningmeyer
Ms. Julie Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Jones
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Kane
Dr. Sarah Keck & Mr. Brian Keck
Mr. Daniel Keirnan
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Kitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Klaus
Mr. Cody Klein
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Klevorn
Ms. Leslie Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Knop
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Koerner
Ms. Matina Koester
Kohl’s Cares
The Kreilick Family Foundation
Mr. Michael Kretzler
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Kreutz
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Kronmiller
Mr. & Mrs. Natarajan Laks
Mrs. Jane LaMartina
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Lauer
Mr. & Mrs. Micah Lauer
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Lawrence
John Lawrie, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Layton
Annual Report
Ms. Megan Leonard
Mr. Joseph Little
Mr. & Mrs. David Lohmann
Long Elementary
Ms. Penny Long
Wendy Lotts
Mr. & Mrs. Willie Love
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Travis B. Lyday
Mr. & Ms. Chuck Lytton
Mr. Leo H. MacDonald
Ms. Sara Mackey
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mahoney
Mr. Nicholas Malawey
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Malone
Mrs. Aimee Mankus
Mrs. Helen Marecek
Mr. & Mrs. David Marstall
Mr. & Mrs. Emeric Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Marvin
Ms. Rose Mass
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mayfield
Mr. & Mrs. John McAteer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCray
Ms. Ellen McGee
Ms. Kathleen McIntosh
Ms. Judy McLaughlin
Ms. Carrie H. McLean
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Meier
Ms. Chrissy Melton
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Merry
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Meyerhoff
Ms. Mary E. Meyerhoff
Midwest Regional Bank
Mr. Larry Milam
Ms. Jennifer Miller
Mitchell James Salon
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Mitchell
Momentik Interactive, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Brett H. Moss
Ms. Naga Surekha Muddamsetti
Mrs. Pam Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Myers
Ms. Elizabeth A. Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Naegele
Mr. & Mrs. Bharat Naik
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Nersesian
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Newell
Ms. Karen Newman
Mr. Joe Niemeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Nienhaus
Ms. Ann West & Mr. Dev K. Niyogi
Mr. & Mrs. Orval M. Nobles
Mr. & Ms. Ivan L. Nobles
Mr. Bill Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Normile
Northwestern Mutual Financial
Ms. Angela Oberdeck
Shea O’Toole
P&G Paper Products Co
Mr. & Mrs. Yash Pal
Ms. Amy M. Pandalfo
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Parmley
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Passalacqua
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Passalacqua
Ms. Brianna Hoffmann & Mr. Nick
Ms. Rachael Patterson
Ms. Heather Perigo
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Peters
Phoenix Industrial Tires
Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Pickert
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Pickett
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Pike
Mr. Wayne Pike
Ms. Zaundrea Pinner
Pisces Equipment, LLC
Polsinelli PC
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pool
Mr. & Mrs. Ian C. Pooley
Teresa Porter
Ms. Sarah Pottebaum
Ms. Carol J. Powell
Ms. Judy B. Presberg
Robert & Catherine Protzel
Mr. & Mrs. Kenton J. Pyatt
Ms. Katie Pyatt
Ms. Gina Quinn
Mrs. Barbara Quirouet
Ms. Deborah Rally
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Rapplean
Mr. & Ms. David Rawlings
RBO Print Logistix
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Rebman
Ms. Kathryn Lang & Mr. Matt
Ms. Jean Relleke
Mr. Brian Rensing
Ms. Sharon Rhoades
Ms. Tiffany Rhoden
Mr. William Richter
Ride On St. Louis, Inc.
Ms. Gloria Robbins
Ms. Christy Roberts
Ms. Regina Roberts
Ms. Kimberly Robinett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robinson
Ms. Lindsey Roeder
Mr. George A. Rogers
Rognan & Associates
Ms. Alexandria Rollet
Mrs. Ruzica Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Roth
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Ruby
Mr. Ron Rucker
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Rutledge
Mrs. Susan Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Rydel
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Sandusky
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Sansone
Mr. & Mrs. Joel D. Sauer
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Sauls
Ms. Allison Schilling
Ms. & Mr. Kristin Schinzing
Mrs. Sara Schlecht
Ms. Beth A. Schroeder
Ms. Tracy A. Schubert
Janice Scully
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Schulte
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua M. Schultz
Ms. Lisa M. Schumpe
Mrs. Deanna Scott
Mr. Bill Seamon
Ms. Donna Sharpe
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Sheppard
Mr. & Mrs. John Schilling
Ms. Cathy Sickels
Mr. & Mrs. TJ Siebenman
Silver Creek Elementary School
Mr. & Mrs. Jim D. Simmons
Mr. Ken Simmons
SimplyThick, LLC
Ms. Kristin Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sinclair
Ms. Eula M. Slayton
Ms. Yolanda Smart
Dr. Sarah Smith & Dr. William
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Snodgrass
Southern Illinois Community Group
Ms. Maggie Spaeth
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Spangler
Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Spellmeyer
St. Louis Cardinals
St. Louis Life
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stanze
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Statzel
Ms. Carol Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Strate
Brittney Stueve
Ms. Erin Suelmann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Suelmann
Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Sullentrup
Mr. Peter Sullivan
Ms. Kathy Surman
Ms. Lisa Swenny
John S. Swift Family Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tallent
Dan Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Taylor
Mr. Todd Tevlin
Mr. Ralph E. Thies
Thoman Boothe American Legion,
Aux #338
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Thomas
Ms. Patricia Koster Thompson
ThyssenKrupp Steel USA
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tissi
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Todd
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tolman
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Ms. Kristin Tomlinson
Travelers Community Connections
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Trembath
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trout
Truman MCPTO
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Tullock
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Turner
Mary Tuttle’s Flowers
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Twigger
University Terrace Association
Ms. & Mr. Laura L. Vadalabene
Vanliner Insurance Company
Mr. Darryl Vennard
Mrs. & Mr. Danielle Vigano
Mr. John Vitale
Mr. Nick Vlamis
Ms. Elsie Voyles
Ms. Cheryl Wadlow
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Walck
Ms. Mary A. Walker
Ms. Janelle Walters
Mrs. Judith Walton
Mr. & Mrs. John Ward
Ms. Mareesa Watts
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Weber
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Weckherlin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wegmann
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Weissenbach
Wells Fargo Community Support
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Matt West
Ms. Sonya D. Whyte
Ms. Donna Wigger
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Wildman
Mr. Robert Williams, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Williams, Jr.
Ms. Robyn L. Wilson
Ms. Viola L. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wipfler
Mr. Chad Witte
WorldBridge Partners, LLC
Mr. Dwayne R. Worley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wynne
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Young
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Youngcourt, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Zivnuska
Step Up for Down Syndrome Sponsors
The Bedroom Store
Boomerang Tube
C. Bennett Premium Building
Charter Media
Lou Fusz Automotive Network
Hager Companies
IREM St. Louis Chapter
J.W. Terrill, Inc.
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods
Lathrop & Gage, LLP
MetLife Foundation
PNC Bank
Pujols Family Foundation
St. Louis Children’s Hospital
Step Up for Down Syndrome
1st Federal Savings & Loan
Jan Abbott
Linda Abell
Mark Abell
Jackie Abels
Angie Abfall
Robert Abraham
Rami AbuHamideh
Ruba Abusharif
Debi Achor
Patte Ackermann
Travis Acord
Jennifer Adams
Keith Adams
Edward Aderman
Steven Agers
Dinorah Aguilar
Kevin Akers
Babatunde Akinleye
Anas Alarmeeti
Phill & Lieschen Allen
Richard Allen
Tracy Allen
Brandi Allison
Cheryl Allison
Evelyn Allmon
Ginger Allred
Jodi Allred
Pamela Allred
Sunshine Allred
Violet Allred
Wylie Allred
Zoi Allred
Mahmoud Alshalabi
Molly Althage
Cindy Alvarez
Megan Alvis
Alice Amann
Scott Amann
Suzanne Amann
Macheal Amelung
American Century Investments
Nan Anderson
Patti Anderson
Jack & Barb Angus
Anthony Kane & Associates, Inc.
Glenn Appelbaum
Arch Coal Foundation
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Joseph Arcipowski
Malon Argint
Barbara, Dan & Nate Arnold
Martha Arnold
Mary Arnold
Deb Arrington
Tara Arrington
Artisan Contracting LLC
Melissa Asher
Andrew Atkinson
Andrea Avery Durway
Katherine Axtell
Lezlie Bacott
Maureen Bahr
Randy Bahr
Amy Baker
Lela Baker
Mary Baker
Sima Baker
Kurt Balderston
Lindsay Baldock
Barb Ballard
Carl & Judy Ballard
Cathy Balmer
Kathleen Balmer
Olivia Balmir
Allan Bambao
Dorothy Banocy
Elizabeth Baptista
Laura Baragiola
Majed Barakat
Mary Beth Barbeau
Rhonda Bardo
Lynda Baris
Jennifer Barker
Kathy Barkley
Heather Barksdale
Barley Automotive
Patsy Barlow
Carolee Barlowe
Christie Barnes
Cristen Barnes
Jennifer Barnes
Barbara Barry
Patrick Barry
Timothy Barry
Michelle Bartlow
Jane Bartold
Melissa Barton
Terrie Barton
Garrett Basch
Brittany Basler
Stephanie Bass
Edwin Batchelor
Beth Bates
Anna Bathon
Catherine Bathon
Cathy Bathon
Erica Bathon
Janice Bathon
Michele Bathon
Robert Bathon
Abel & Maryrose Batuure
Jack Baty
Stephanie Bauman
Melisa Baumann
Stacey Bealke
Janine Bearden
Susan Bearden
Brittany Beaugard
Alex Beavers
Cathy Beckemeyer
Becky Becker
Janet Becker
Laura Becker
Kevin Beckerle
Laura Beckert
David Beckham
Julie Beckham
Jane Beckman
Vicky Behrman
Brenda Beier
Erika Bell
Carroll & Dan Bellanger
Amanda Bellinger
Dee Bellinger
Mike Bellinger
Mikey Bellinger
Marisa Bellitto
Jodi Beltrani
Brenda Bennett
Charles Bennett
D Bennett
Jennifer Bensinger
Nancy Bensinger
Rich Bensinger
Brenda Benz
Gary Beresh
Jeff Bergner
Mary Ann Bergner
Jerry Bergtholdt
Wayne Berkbigler
Brian Bertucci
Dominic Bertucci
Gabriella Bertucci
Jennifer Bertucci
Nickole Beseau
Kelly Bethel
Chris Beuer
Sandra Beverly
Deborah Bicker
Bridget Bickimer
Cynthia Biggs
Joyce Biggs
Mary Billmeyer
Nancy Bippen
Ashlyn Birch
Debra Bishop
Emily Bishop
Kathy & David Bishop
Nicholas Bishop
Heather Bitter
David Bjerke
Paula Black
Antha Blackmon
Barbara Blair
David Blair
Terry Blair
Elaine Blakey
Kevin Bleisch
Bloomsdale Excavating Co., Inc.
Annual Report
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Amanda Blumenthal
Nicholas Blumenthal
James & Carol Boal
Lori Boehm
Portia Boehnke
Addison Bogad
Mike & Carrie Bogad
Erica Bogenpohl
Jayne Bohnert
Kate Bohnert
Clara Bolden
Greg Boles
Anne Bollinger
Mike Bollinger
Rick Bonanno
Jan Boncek
Courtney Bond
Ellie Bono
Suzanne Bosch
Beverly Boucher
Ralph & Janet Boucher
Robin Boucher
Tricia Boucher
Zachary Boucher
Karen Boulanger
Ashlie Boutte
Sandra Bowe
Mary Bowen
Michelle Bowen
Lauren Bowman
Jane Boyd
Tim Boyer
Matthew Boyett
Dot Boyher
Linda Boyle
Matt Brady
Christopher Brandt
Juanita Branson
Nancy Braun
Robert Bray
Gerri Breeden
Jean Breitenbach
Kate Brennan
Mary Brennan
Lisa Brinker
Lisa Brinkmann
Mary Brinkmeyer
Donna Brisco
Sharen Brock
Amanda Brown
Bill Brown
Doug Brown
Joi Brown
Kym Brown
Lauren Brown
Mary Elizabeth Brown
Pamela Brown
Paul Brown
Carla Browning
Janet Brown-Wise
Betsey Bruce
Bennie Bruenderman
Annual Report
James Brune
Shari Brune
Gail Brunig
Steve Bruns
Beth Bryant
Lloyd Bryant
Max Bryant
Neal Bryant
Beverley Brynda
Jane Brynda
Lisa Buchinski
Dawn Bucholtz
Cheryl Budwell
Nana & Grandpa Buehrle
Tom Buehrle
Tom & Kathy Buehrle
Kerry Buell
Tina Bueneman
Gina Bueneman-Cooper
Lori Bujnak
Linda Bunchek
Tasha Burke
Gregory Burkemper
Amy Burlbaw
Kelle Burmeister Gilmore
Monica Burnett
Judy Burnham
Linda Burns
Jay Burress
Jessica Burt
William Burton
Janice Buschman
Kenneth Buss
Rebecca Butts
Kathy Buxton
Travis Byerley
Andrea Byrd
Joyce Cain
Molly Calcaterra
Rachel Calcaterra
James Cali
Barbara Calkins
Natalie Callihan
Susan Callison
Carl Campbell
Joanne Campbell
Norma Campbell
Cynthia Campbell-Parsons
Michael Canada
Dino Cannella
Sandra “Sue” Cannella
Cheryl Cantwell
Cape Electrical Supply
Capital Crappie Club
Joyce Capshaw
Amy Carbone
Theresa Carey
Jeff & Bonnie Carlson
Mike Carlson Carlson
Ruth Anna Carlson
Daniel Carnevale
Sue Carnuccio
Phyllis Carrico
Michael Carroll
Kelly Caruso
Krista Cash
Nicolas Cattaneo
CH Robinson Company
Adelia Chace
Gloria Chafin
Laura Chamberlain
Genaya Chambers
Chapman Chapman
Douglas Chastain
Melissa Chastain
Tammie Chastain
Rajesh Chatrathy
Theresa Chazen
Jane Childress
Dianna Chisholm
Matthew Chisholm
Lalit Chouhan
Elizabeth Chrisco
Brittney Christensen
Brigitte Christine
Pamelia Christine
Jennifer Church
Elizabeth Cieslak
Karen Cima-Thornhill
Scott Cirelli
Cindy Clark
Gerald Clark
Molly Clark
Natalie Clark
Spencer Clark
Tiffani Clark
Gail Clarkson
Melissa Claus
Ed Clayton
Carolyn Clements
Michael Clithero
Chris Clohessy
Sandy Cluster
Sue Cobble
Jim & Phyllis Coffman
Mary Kay Cohen
Julie & Scott Cohn
Chris Cole
Clifford Cole
Jillian Cole
Karen Cole
Gregory Coleman
Janelle Coleman
Kendrick Coleman
Melinda Collazo
Dave Collins
Kellie Collins
Community Banks of Shelby County
Rollet Bros. Trucking Company
Linda Connolly
Sara Connolly
Paige & Kaylee Conoyer
William Conroy
William Conroy
Robinson Construction
Electrical Contractors
Brian Cook
Carisa Cook
Christine Cook
David Cooksey
Sandie Coombs
Alisa Cooperstein
Cheryl Cope
Jeff & Asra Corcoran
Tom Corcoran
Barbara Cordes
Donna Cornell
Jeannine Corno
Joe Cortese
Monte Cottle
Angela Coulson
Kevin Coupe
Mike Coupe
Rita Coupe
Patricia Coupe-Schuele
Paul Courter
Dee Courtois
Jeanette Cover
William Crabtree
Ty Crader
Elizabeth Craft
Jane Crane
Nell Crawford
Susan Creel
Colleen Cremer
Liz Crider
Mark Cross
Carmen Crossen
Shelley Crossen
Susan Crouch
Angela Crouse
Cathy Crowe
Kathy Crump
Cuivre River Electric Cooperative,
Michelle Culian
Mike Cullen
Mary Cummins
Kimbra Cunningham
Lattie Cunningham
William Curran
Robyn Curtis
Annette Cytron
Kay D
Kristin Dahl
Marvin Dahlhauser
Denny Dailey
Jennifer Dailey
NH Damalas
Susanne Daminski
Denise Damschroeder
Maggie Daniel
Charlene Dannenberg
Catherine Daub
Cathy Daub
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Danielle Daub
Erin Daub
Matthew Daub
Ron Daugherty
Kathleen Dauster
Angie Davidson
Ellen Davis
Sue Davis
Julia Dawkins
Marie Day
Maureen Day
Nadia Day
Catherine D’Costa
Diana Deak
Rene Decker
Victoria Dedic
Deborah DeHaven
Karen Deines
Kathryn Deitte
Brian & Shirley Delaney
Law Office of John Delaney
Robert Delaney
Afton Delvecchio
Steve DeMaster
Emil Denny
Jacqueline & Stephen Denobrega
Betty Denton
John DePond
Robert Detz
Jessica DeValkenaere
Don & Barb DeWalle
Christine Dickenson
Tom & Joanne Dickson
James Dieckhaus
Brian Dieckmann
Marguerite Dierssen
Terina Dillahay
Margaret Dillinger
Caroline Dixon
James Dobbs
Caroyl Dodge
Christine Dodson
Teri & Kelsi Doel
Pam Doellefeld
Susan Doering
Robert Dolgin
Janet Doll
Susan Dollins
David Domian
Sue Domian
Karen Donahue
Jennifer Donald
Paul Donatt
Shirlee Donnan
Rosemary Donovan
Debra Donze
Donze Construction, Inc.
Tracey Dorenbusch
Karen Douglas
Barbara Dowdy
Marilyn Doyle
Holly Drainer
People’s Bank
Philip Drewes
Hannah & Maggie Driscoll
Kim Driscoll
Scott Drury
The Mark Dugan Family
Michael, Kerrianne, Conor & Sha
Janis Dumas
Dawn Duncan
Linda Duncan
Jackie Dunford
Courtney Dunn
Jennie Dunn
Lori Duresko
Felicia Durst
Carter Eade
Hannah Eade
Jeremy Eade
Susan Eade
Carol Earley
Mike & Carol Earley
Lauren Eck
Sandy Edds
Crystal Edmiston
Donna Edmiston
Greg Edmiston
Kim Edmiston
Iona Edstrom
Laura Edwards
Tyler Eggimann
Cynthia Eidam
Jeremy Eisele
David Eisenberg
Donna Eisenberg
James Eisenhauer
Jason Eisenhauer
Kathy Eisenhauer
Kendra Eldridge
Jason & Wendy Ellett
Brian & Jennifer Ellsworth
Trent Ely
Colleen Emge
Constance Emge
Ashlee Emig
Olumide Emuleomo
Patti Endejan
The Endejan’s
Greg Engelage
Ashley Engele
Dan & Pam Engelhard
Donald Enke
Christina Ensign
Maria R. Eppler
Linda Evans
Mary Evans
Stacey Everett
Margaret Eversmyer
Everything Equipment
Marcy Evitts
Annabel Eyrick
Jennifer Ezzell
Debbie Faber
Yvonne Fagan
Sergio Fagundo
Carey Falb
Nancy Falk
Droege Family
Frost Family
The Ennis Family
Emma’s Fan
Dan & Lisa Farner
Don Fasbender
Shirley Fasbender
Lucy Fasciola
Mary Faser
Lisa Fasse
Pat & Ferd Faulstich
MaryAnn Faust
Diana Fendya
Thelma Fennewald
Jennifer Ferguson
Vincent Ferrari
Greg Fey
Patty Fiden
James Fielding
Beverly Fields
Carol Fields
David & Heidi Fields
Grandpa, Marmi & Nicole Fields
Jeff & Neda Fields
John Fields
Martha Fields
Mary Fields
Matthew Fields
Greg Finch
Lisa Finegan
Robert Finegan
Cindy Finley
Erin Finn
Judy Finnegan
Fischer-Walter Memorial Post 4282
Chris Fitz
Daniel Flaherty
Michael Fleming
Florence Flieg
Geraldine Flieg
Jill Flieg
April Floerke
Flooring Systems, Inc.
Erin Flowers
Nancy Flynn
Luke Fogleman
Maurice Fonseca
Lisa Foote
MaryAnn Foppe
Denise Ford
Judith Ford
Janet Fore
Jason Forguson
Lisa & Kevin Forness
Matthew Foster
Roxanne Foster
Edward Fouke
Janie Fox
Jessica Fox
Stephen Fox
Fox & Austin Masonry & Concrete
Fox Redi-Mix, Inc.
Mary Francisco
Jarrod Frank
John Frank
Matt Frank
Mary Franklin
Susan Franson
Alison Fraser
Margret Frazier
Madison Medical Center
Ryan Freeman
Freeman Mortuary
Boyd French
Dale Frerking
Lois Frerking
Mary & Emma Frerking
Betty Frisella
Ryan Froehlich
Debra Froelich
Dana Fulbright
Anita Fuller
John Fuller
Patti Fuller
Kim Furrer
Sarah Fustin
Ken Gabel
Heather Gafeller
Teri Gaffney
Susan Gage
Jeremy Gagnon
Marita Gaines
Max & Cathy Galaway
Colleen Gale
Allison Gallagher
Kathy Gallagher
Ryan Gallagher
Marshall Galliers
Leslie Galvin
Gannett Foundation
Karen Garland
Alexandria Garza
Linda Gaule
Tim Gaule
Lauren Gelber
Barbara George
Jeanne George
Kelly George
Kelsey George
Jeanee Gerling
Amanda Getz
Maisam Ghannam
Mondonna Ghasedi
Judy Giacoma
Vicki Giaimo
Kristin Gianoulis
Jennifer Gibbs
Annual Report
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Ron Gibbs
Lisa Gibson
Wayne Gieson
Jill Gillman
Sallie Ginger
Ruth Gioia
Ellen Girresch
Robert Glaim
Sandi Glick
Ryan Glowczewski
Katie Goar
Taliilani & Larry Goeas
Barbara Goebel
Diana Goebel
Ryan Goebel
Joseph Goedde
Shannon & Trey Goede
Lisa Goellner
Denise Golden
Gregory Goldstein
Richard Goldstein
Rebecca Gonzales
Barbara Goode
R. E. Lee Goodin
Claire Goodman
Debra Gordon
Odelia Gordon
Andrea Goree
Christin Goree
Christine Goring
Howard Goring
Jacqueline Goring
Tracy Goring
Gracie Gosnell Jackson
Jason & JJ Gossrau
Jim Gossrau
Shirley Gossrau
Roger & Liz Goudschaal
Jean Gould
Valerie Gould Heithaus
Beth Graeff
Clinton Graham
Sandra Gramlick
Paul Graser
Fred Grass
Janet Grass
Lisa Grass
Lori Graves
Kevin Greaser
Alayna Green
Joan Green
Krista Green
Sharita Green
Billie Greenway
Carla Greenya
Debroah Greiner
Ninon Rose E. Greiner
Randy Greiner
Tom Greiner
Janet Greminger
Piper Griffin
Alison Griffith
Annual Report
Jane-Ellis Griggs
Meg Grimaud
Stacy Grindell
Elissa Grither
Titilola Gros
Gail Gross
Stacey Grote
Fishco Group
Annie Groves
Leo Grummel
Martha Gruszecki
Michael Gryglewski
Karen Guccione Englert
Ron Gudgel
Stacey Guillermo
Gully Transportation
Dennis Gunn
Jeanne Gunn
Charles Guthrie
Alex Gutierrez
GW Retaining Walls & Snow
Deborah Haas
Donna Haas
Sylvia Haas
Dan & Michelle Hadfield
Michael Hagenhoff
Cody Hager
Jim & Anne Hagerty
Mary Haislip
Barry Haith
David Haith
Sue Haith
Cathy Hall
Amber Haller
Aly Hamby
Connor Hamby
Craig Hamby
Heather Hamby
Samaa Hamed
Tarran Hamilton
Theresa Hammack
TJ Hammack
James Hammond
Ronald Hammond
Hammond & Reid Land Surveying
Bill Hanger
Kelly Hanlon
Christina Hannah
Susan Hannasch
Hanselman Family
Mark Hanson
Shannon Hanson
Debra Happel
Janet Hardison
Robert Hardy
Joe Harnar
Michelle Harrell
Beth Harrigan
Laura Harrop
Jeannette Hart
Latonya Hart
Mary Hart
Shane Hartje
Meredith Hartmann
Sheena Hartmann
Anna & John Hartweger
Papa & Grandma Hartweger
Gertrude Harvath
Sandra Hastings
Bettie Haug
Amy Hauk
John Hauk
Julie Hauk
Bridget Hawthorne
Regan Hayden
Ericka Hayes
Lynn Hayes
Kristine Hays
Bob & Amy Heaster
Shirley Heaton
Chris Hebron
Marie Heckel
Sherrie Heffington
Stasha Heffington
Thomas Heimann
Ron & Linda Heimos
Joseph Heithaus
Meg Heithaus
Lawrence Held
Betsey Helfrich
Justin Heller
Brent & Erica Hemrich
Deb & Mike Henderson
Cassi Henderson
Jeffrey Henderson
Kathi Henderson
Clint Hendricks
Kate Hendrix
Michelle Henebry
Carol Henke
Kim Henning
Anne Henrich
Cynthia & Bob Henrich
Jennifer Henrich
Justin Henrich
Carol Henrichs
Drew Henry
Christy Hensley
Robert Herberholt
Jacqueline Hermann
Vicky Hermann
Kim Herrin
Jacob Herschend
Lucy Hertel
Patricia Heskes
Dave Hess
Diana Hess
Mary Hess
Paul Hess
Randall Hess
Renato Hess
Karrie Hetzler
Lindsey Heuer
Melanie & Jeff Heveroh
Cynthia Hibbler
Mike Hickenbotham
Robert Higgins
Jean Hill
Tina Hill
Patricia Hill Mclaughlin
Jennifer Hilton
Nick Hilton
John Hinerman
Barb & Randy Hines
Shannon Hoback-James
Gary Hochstatter
Rita Hoehn
Amanda Hoekstra
Kelly Hoelscher
Carolyn Hoffman
Brianna Hoffmann
Brenda & Dick Hollander
Nicole Hollrah
Harry Holmes
Jackie Holmes
Mike Holmes
Stephanie Holmes
Andrea Holthaus
Samuel Holzer
Jen Hopkins
Kevin Hopkins
Mary Horstmann
Morgan Hosler
Mike Hoss
Lydia Hotop
Mike Hotop
Paul Hotop
Steven Hotop
Zach Hotop
Diane Howard
Joan Howard
Keith Howard
Tara Howard
Katie Hrdlicka
HSHS Medical Group, Inc.
Julie Hubert
Kim Hudson
Catrina Huebner
Annette Huelsman
Patricia Huelsman
Patti Huelsman
Brooke Huffman
Christine Huffman
David Hughes
Melissa Hughes
Tom & Suzy Hughes
Robert Hulett
Julie Humphress
Arlene Hunt
Robert G. Hunt
Samantha Hunt
Tina O. Hussmann
Evelyn Hussmann Corp.
Judy Hussmann Corp.
Andrew Hutchison
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Jill Hutchison
Kelly Hutchison
William Hutchison
Connie Hutton
Doug Hutton
J Kent Hutton
Karin Hyatt
Marvin Hyatt
Cliff Hyslop
Francisca Ikuenobe
Robie Imborek
Denise Imperial
Zahner & Associates Inc
Fred Ingram
Michelle Ingram
Shelby Ingram
Michelle Insco
Victor Irvin
Dalia Isa
Daughters of Isabella
Tammi Iseinoski
Marjorie Isringhausen
IT Architects
Irina Ivliyeva
Mary Jane Jack
Ann Jackman
Cheryl Jackson
Karen Jackson
Robert Jackson
Shauntae Jackson
Valerie Jackson
Teri Jo Jacob
Kristine Jamerson
Anita Jansen
Laura Jansen
Laurie Jansen
Kelli Jasper
Kathleen Jay
Patrick Jay
Donna Jenkins
Ashley Jennewein
Pamela Jennings
Kirby Jinkerson Jinkerson
Brigette Joachimstaler
Tara Johansen
John Heiserman, Inc.
Audrey Johnsey
Ann Johnson
Barbara Johnson
Debbie Johnson
Dianne Johnson
Gail Johnson
Julie Johnson
Marietta Johnson
Alana Johnston
Gail Jokerst
Alicia Jones
Barry Jones
Carolyn Jones
Diane Jones
Gregg Jones
Jack Jones
Tim Jones
Rhonda Jones,CDPE
Stephen & Emily Joseph
Eric Jost
Nora Joyce
Rita Joyce
Stephen Joyce
Anne Judge
Jennifer Jundt
Pam Junge
K & K Guttering & Exteriors, Inc.
Denise Kaatman
Crystal Kaelin
John Kamkutis
Marian Kammerer
Tim Kamp
Sudhakar Kanthamneni
Sandra Karney
Marc Karp
Judith Kassel
Barbara Kasten
Laura Kattner
Jerry Kauffman
Morgan & Lindsey Kauffman
Christy Kaufman
Julie Kaul
Sara Kawczynski
Kearns Park Fuzzball Club
April Kedro
Robert Keely
BruJo Keil
Lorraine Keilman
Sarah Kelbel
Barb Kelley
James Kelley
Mary Katherine Kelly
Tina Kelly
Marshall Kemp
Violet Kendall
Janice Kennedy
Tammy Kenniston
Benjiman Kent
Darlene Kerchner
Ronnie Kerin
David Kerins
Alicia Kerr
Bev Kersting
Todd Keske
Selina & Herbert Kihoi
Kevin Kiley
Killam & Englund Insurance Agency,
Erica Kimbrough
Roberta Kincade
Brent Kincaid
Bonnie Kindel
Donna & Paul Kindl
Anita King
John King
Patti King
Susan King
Kristy Kingsbury
Craig Kingston
Denise & Donald Kinne
Matt & Mary Kinsella
Elizabeth Kinser
Cheryl Kirby
Tish Kirchhoefer
Kelly Kirscher
Cate Kiso
John Kiso
Tracy Kiso
Wesley Kiso
Suzie Kisslinger
Donna Kjellstrom
Bob & Donna Klaus
Christine Klaus
Christy Klaus
Lisa Klaus
David Kleikamp
Molly Klein
Deanna Klevorn
George Klevorn
Jim Klevorn
Michelle Klevorn
Zoe Klevorn
Richard Klingelsmith
Mary Klug
Jeffrey Knese
James Knichel
Knights of Columbus, Council 1037
Knights of Columbus, Council 4596
Lisa Knipfel
Amy Knoblock-Hahn
Sarah Knoepp
Emily Knox
Bridgette Koeller
Eric Koenig
Jenn Koenig
Timothy Kohn
Jason Kolons
Patti Komara
Tom Kopinski
Sergey Koretskov
Shirley Kovacs
Michelle Kovarik
Rosemary Kovarik
Sharon Kowalski
Laura Kozak
Levente & Anna Kozak
Kari Kramer
Ginger Kraml
Heather Kraml
Jeff Kraml
Wanda Kraus
Evan Krauss
Marilyn Kreimer
Christy Kreuzer
Mark Krieger
Amanda Krotke-Crandall
Chris Krueger
Lynn Krueger
Rhonda Krueger
Brenda Kruse
Kevin Kruse
Margie Kruse
Peggy Kruse
Terri Kruse
Sandra Kucera
Helen Kuczek
Jaymie Kuenzel
Andrea Kuhlmann
Cindy Kuhn
Karen Kulengowski
Tim Kulengowski
Laura Kulma
Jessica Kunkel
Betty Kupawa
Veeka Kurinets
Tove Kussman
Jamie Kuttenkuler
Carrie Lacy
Jane LaFentres
Pat Laffoon
Maureen Lampert
Sandra K. Lampo
Elizabeth Lancaster
Sean Landgraf
James Lang
Janet Lange
Wanda Lange
Kathy Langreder
Ladonna Lanning
Merita LaPlante
Julie Laramie
Jason Larkins
Geraldine LaRose
Paige LaRose
Melissa Larson
Julie Lau
Joyce Laub
Jim Lauenstein
Rose Lauman
Aleen & Gene Lauver
Colleen Lawler
Kathy Lawrence
Bradford Layton
Hoa Le
Ramona Lebon
Gina Lee
Ben LeGrand
Chris Lein
Janice Leivian
Laura Leivian
Maureen Lenk
Betty Jo Leonard
Traci Lepper
Sue Lesher
Stacy Lester
Susan Lew
Amy Lewis
Donald Lewis
Kim Lewis
Wendy Lewis
Paula Lexington
Tom Lhamon
Annual Report
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Marla Liberman
Kathleen Lickteig
Megan Lienau
Wayne Lienau
Monica Lienhop
Rebecca & David Lilly
Patty Lindell
Robert Linden
Todd Lindley
Maria Lindsay
Devin Linton
Tonya Linton
Bonnie Linville
Chelsea Lipocky
Michelle Liscombe
CustomInk LLC
Lisa Lockheart
Terri Loeffler
Katie Loida
Carol Long
Penny Long
Keri Longaway
Julie LoPiccolo
Richard Lottes
Jenna Louters
Dianne Lowerre
Denise Lowery
Reannon Lowery
Marty Lowry
Roger & Pam Luchtefeld
Margaret Lucier
Tracy Ludwig
Peggy Luedde
Don Lueddecke
Lisa Lueddecke
Zinovy Lukatsevich
Tina Lurk
Linda Lutfiyya
Lisa Lutton
Ava Lutz
Eileen Lutz
Emily Lutz
Robert Lutz
William Lutz
Travis Lyday
Christopher Lydon
Ed Lynch
Jennifer Lynch
Sharon Lynch
Bonnie Lynn
Susie Lynn
Amy Lyon
Linda Lyons
Rhonda Mach
Sheri Maddox
Sesha Madireddi
Libby Magee
Addie & Emery Maggie
Michael Magliari
Lori Mahoney
Cindy Mainieri
Bruce Malicoat
Annual Report
Scott Malin
Katina Malliotakis
Ashley Malloy
Jennifer Maloney
John Maloney
Maria Maloy
Neal Manfredi
Christine Mann
Michael Mantia
Lila Marantz
Danny March
Karen Marchone
Douglas Marian
Geoffrey Marian
Michael Marian
Robert Marian
Stephen Marian
Cristina Mariano
Carolyn Marino
Nancy Marino
Teresa Mark
Sherri Marshall
Becky Martin
Bridget Martin
Teri Martin
Diana Marty
Jeff Marvin
Danielle Mask
Christine Mason
Karen Mason
Sarah Mason
Brenda Massey
Jane Massey
Lucinda Mathews
Patricia Mathews
Victoria Mathisen
Laura Matthews
Steve Maune
Tom Maurer
Alice Mayes
Tad Mayhall
Cynthia Mazzola
Unique McAfee
John McAteer
Kay McBrady
Peter McBrady
Sue McBride
Sean McClain
John McClung
Katie McClung
Michelle McCollum
Bryony McCormack
Shelly McCormick
Wallie McCraw
Joyce McCray
William McDaniel
Kelly McDevitt
Oma McDonald
Jan McElyea
Joe McEuen
Sandra McGee
Sarah McGrew
Katie McInnis
Cheryl McKenty
Janet McKnight
Matthew McLane
Jim McLaughlin & Family
Kristi McLean
Rosemary McMahon
Paula McMillan
Linda McNairy
Kate McNamara
Alicia McPherson
Debbie McQuaid
Jana Meecey
Shirley Meinecke
Lou Melgarejo
Aadie Melton
Jeanne Melton
Maddie Melton
Michelle Melton
Lori Mendez
Beverley Menillo
Diane Merchant
Mary Merchant
Jill Merrill
Dina Merry
Janet Merryfield
Laura Messbarger
Kristin Messey
Barbara Meyer
Brad Meyer
Claire Meyer
Deirdre Meyer
Jan Meyer
T.M. Meyer
Mary Meyerhoff
Therese Meyerhoff
Joanna Meyers
Maureen Mezines
Christine Michel
Cyrstal Middleton
Anissa Midyett
Robert Midyett
Hannah Miesner
Barbara Miller
Carrie Miller
Dave Miller
John Miller
Joshua Miller
Karen Miller
Kathleen Miller
Lee Miller
Lisa Miller
Pieter Miller
Priscilla Miller
Robin Miller
Roger Miller
Sandy Miller
Shelley Miller
Susan Miller
Tim, Sarah & Adelyn Miller
Deb Millett
Lindsey Millett-Bryant
Dawn Mills
Zachary Mills
Kathi Mimlitz
Linda Minks
David Missey
Stephen Missey
Mississippi Lime Co.
Carrie Mitchell
Daniel Mitchell
David Mitchell
Kimberly Mitchell
Marc & Peggy Mitchell
Mike Mitchell
Vince Mitchell
Shannon Mizikoski
Stacey Moder
Mogab & Hughes Attorneys, PC
Shannon Mohamed
Amar Mohan
Melinda Moix
Michele Molitor
Ashley Moll
Joe Mollish
Jean Monahan
Joe Monahan
Lou Monnig
Chrissy Monolo
Tim Monroe
Monsanto Fund
Amy Moore
Dan Moore
Doreen Moore
Frank Moore
Molly Moore
Anna & Levente Morello
Melanie Mormile
Erica Morris
James Morris
Martha Morris
Kate Morrison
Denise Morrow
Danny Morton
Michelle Morton
Jill Moss
Linda Moss
Erica Moyer
Kristin Muckerman
Jessica Muehling
Cynthia Mueller
Kurt Mueller
Sheila Mueller
Susan Mueller
Kathleen Mullen
Lisa Mullen
James Mundloch
Michelle Munie
Jeanne Munoz
Julie Munsch
Sheryl Munz
Tom Murdock
Erin Murphey-Richmond
Brian Murphy
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Carol Murphy
Chris Murphy
Joanne Musick
Caroline Mustaine
Jane Mustaine
Krista Muzzey
Myers Shoe Store
Charles Naegele
Mary Naegele
Scott Naeger
Mary Nagel
Joseph Nahm
Kathy Nahm
Rebecca Nahm
Doug & Caroline Nahm
Laura Nappier
Kristina Naseer
Heather Nash
National Sports & Recreation, Inc.
Earl Neal
Jennifer Nekvinda
Cathy Nelson
Drusilla Nelson
Scott Nesbitt
Jennifer Neske
Michael Netherton
Mary Neubauer
Grace Marie Newcom
Angela Newcomb
Jan Newgent
Marjorie Newsom
Lindsay Newton
Scott Newton
Cheryl Nichols
Christi Nichols
Christy Nichols
Jennifer Nicks
Lisa Nicoloff
Marcia Niedringhaus
Diana Niemeyer
Joseph Niemeyer
Rebecca Niemeyer
Anne Niven
Eric Noble
Ivan Nobles
Judith Nobles
Lily Nobles
Orval Nobles
Rachel & Eric Nobles
Shelby Nobles
Tammy Nolan
Courtney Norman
Shannon Norman
Kathryn Northcut
Kathryn Northcut
Camalene Northcutt
Jennifer Northcutt
Marilyn Norton
Mark Nosiglia
Christine Nowlin
Lesley Nygaard
Claren O’Bannon
Robert O’Blennis
Lauren O’Brien
Susan O’Connell
Patricia O’Connor
Teresa O’Connor
Darrel Oehler
Duane Oehmen
Nancy Oelklaus
Angel Oepping
Alisha Oetting
Evelyn Ofili
Pamela Ohain
Joann Ohara
Chioma Okafor
Julie Okupa
Mary Olds
Jennifer Olivas
Ian Olsen
Janet Olsen
Neil Olsen
Krissy Olson
Tom O’Neal
Timothy O’Neill
Amy Oppermann
Sarah Orlando
Amanda Ortmann
Shelly Osburn
Irene Oseguera
Marie Oshia
Julie Osman
Isibhakhomen Oteze
Natalie Ott
Amy Oven
Sarah Owens
Carol Oyedeji
P & H Mfg, Co.
Lawrence Padron
Mike Palazzola
Giovanna Palmi
Charles Parker
Vera Parker
Genevive Parks
Bethany Parr
Crystal Parres
Sally Passanisi
Ginny Patterson
Karen Patterson
Thi Patterson
Carolyn Patton
Lisa Pauley
Mike Pauley
Barb Payne
Donna Payne
Marlene Pearson
Jenn Pedersen
John Peel
Paige Penico
Kathy Pennington
Permidt Engineering Ltd.
Kirby Pestka
Karen & Gary Peters
Hannah Peters
Kelly Peters
Jeff & Jarica Peterson
Jeffrey Peterson
Mindy Peterson
Perry & Kathy Peterson
Chris Petroff
Leon Phillips
Deb Philo
Amy Phipps
Marcia Pickett
Todd Piefer
Austin Pierce
Judy Pierce
Teresa Pierce
Kim Pigue
Melanie Pilkington
Michael Pilkington
Susan Pisoni
Kristine Pitchford
Jennifer Pitre
Pizza Hut
Laura Placio
Linda Poirot
Christine Poldan
Mike Poldan
Andrew Polson
Melissa Pomerantz
Toni Ponnel
Kevin Pope
Susan Porfidio
Angela Porter
Teresa Porter
Trish Porter
Nikki Poslosky
Sarah Pottebaum
Regina Potter
Beverly Powell
Marilyn Powell
Sue Prapaisilp
Beth Prasse
Justin Pratt
Marilyn Presti
Jerry Pridemore
Dan Probst
Patricia Probst
Chris & Kate Prochaska
Pro-Mac Rentals, LLC
Kinnison Properties of MO
Jamey Prosser
Angie Prusinowski
Trish Pulver
Steve Purgahn
Amanda Purnell
Apryl Purnell
Betty Purnell
Carrie Purner
Jamie Pusateri
Alan Putnam
Alan & Sheila Putnam
Kathryn Putney
Bonnie Pyle
Kathryn Quaderer
Karen Quinn
Maryann Quinn
Carrie Rackley
Jeanene Radake
Maureen Ragsdale
Courtney Rahn
Elizabeth Rainey
Christopher Rakel
Karen Rakonick
Mark Ralfs
Miguel Ramirez
Gail Ramspott
Linda Rand
Diane Rapplean
Kurt Rapplean
Duane Raster
Emily Ratliff
Anna Ratzlaff
Mary Rawls
Alysa Raymond
Kathy Rebman
Kimberly Reck
Julie Redmon
Lauren Reed
Lu Ann Reese
Bridget Rehg
Phil & Heather Reichert
William Reichhardt
Lynn Reichmuth
Annie Reid
Rick Reid
Coen Reijgers
Hadley Reijgers
Jen Reijgers
Karl Reijgers
Spencer Reijgers
Sarah Reimer
Ryan Reinhardt
Sherry & Don Reise
Donna Rekowski
Breanne Remmert
Jeff Remmert
Kathi Remmert
Melissa Remming
Kerri Rendleman
Leslie Renz
Jessie Replogle
Laurie Rettenmaier
Martha Revene
Tiffany Rhoden
Lindsay Rich
Kim Richardet
Jill Richards
Josie Richter
Lori & Eric Richter
Jeff Riedy
Kamilla Riek
Macy Riek
Jill Rigdon
Michelle Rincon
Angela Rinderer
Lois Rinkenberger
Annual Report
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Tammy Riser
Denisse Rivas
Lisa Rivera-Serra
Patricia Robbins
Anna Roberts
Janet Roberts
Kelsey Roberts
Kendra Robins
Christine Robinson
Daniel Robinson
Marjorie Robinson
Anna Rodell
Rick Rogalski
Beverly Rogers
George Rogers
Jeff Rogers
Susan Rogers
Linda Rohde
Jill Rohr
Jordan Rojas
Dee Rollins
Mike Rolwes
Carol Romano
Nick & Peggy Romano
Emily Romanowski
June Rorick
Patricia Rosenberg
John Ross
Alexandra Rothermel
Jane Rothkopf
Sherry Roussin
Annie Rowan
Leah Rowley
Janice Royer
Nichole Royer
Robin Rozema
Brian Rubar
David Ruby
Leah Rudloff
Denise Ruebsam
Eleanor Rueter
Colleen Ruiz
Bobbie Russell
Charlie & Becky Ruud
Kevin Ryan
Lisa Ryan
Stacie Ryan
Susan Ryan
Charlene Rybacki
Sara Jane Rybarczyk
Jose Saaverdra
Jeannette Saban
Jamie Sadler
Pete Sage
Monica Sailer
Sandra & David Sailer
Saint Louis Blues Hockey
Ala’a Salem
Hidaia Salem
Kristine Salfisberg
Debby Sanchez
James Sanders
Annual Report
Claire Sandkuhl
Keith Sandler
Brian Sandrowski
Evana Sandusky
Joy Sanfilippo
Catherine Sansone
Kim Santucci
Sargent Construction Co.
Nate Sauer
Glenna Savoia
Cassie Saxon
Donna Scanlon
Joanne Scarabino
Pam Scarborough
Jan Scardina
Brittany Schadeck
Carol Schafer
Richard Schafer
Valerie Schaffer
Arthur Schaupeter
Lisa Schembri
Mike & Karen Scheve
Robert Schiffer
Dave Schilli
Kimberly Schindler
Ken & Stephanie Schleckser
Michael Schmid
Dee Dee Schmidt
Kara Schmidt
Katie Schmidt
Sheila Schmidt
Kae Schmitt
Sara Schmitt
Thomas Schmitt
Cindy Schmitz
Janice Schmitz
Patricia Schmoele
Gail Schneider
Lauren Schneider
Phyllis Schneider
Karen Schnettgoecke
Mary Schnoring
Kimberly Schooler
Gerald Schoor
Brent Schowe
Nick Schowe
Christine Schramm
Linda Schroeder
Sarah Schroeder
Tracy Schubert
Richard Schuler
Mary Schulte
David Schultheis
Jennifer Schumacher
Michael Schumann
Marianne Schwarm
Jennifer Sciarra
Maria Scopino
Denise Scott
Kathy Scott
Morgan Scott
R.L. Scott
Robert Scott
Thomas J Scott
Sarah Scull
Michael Scully
Ann Seabaugh
Willie Seals
Joan Seaton
Marilyn Seavers
Carol & Fred Sedgwick
Jill Seebeck
Danielle Sehnert
Noah Sehnert
Ryan Sehnert
David Seibel
Robert Seibel
Suzanne Seibel
Barbara Selby
Select Transportation, Inc.
Nancy Selsor
Olmedo Serrano
Stacey Sery
Andrew Sevic
Erika Sevic
Joe Sevic
Jerrica Shade
Shade Financial Services, Inc.
Amy Shanley
Gary Shappell
Akash Sharma
Vani Sharma
Anthony Sharp
Dave Sharp
Eric Sharp
Judy Sharp
Monica Sharp
Carrie Shaughnessy
Delores Shaw
Cheryl Sheard
Shelby County State Bank
Shelbyville Community Unit
David Shelton
Chris Shepherd
Dawn Sheridan
Anna M. Shipp
Michelle Shough
Stephanie Shreve
Jim Shuck
Cynthia Shuh
Christine Shutek
Eric Shutek
Dorothy Sieber
Matthew Siedhoff
Sandra Siedhoff
Thomas Siedhoff
Ali Siegel
Angela Siemer
Katherine Siemionko
Jeanne Sights
Katherine Sikaras
Stephanie Silbey
Robin Silverio-Cepikoff
Jessica Simkins Stiglish
Leslie Simmons
Alexis Simon
Chad Simon
Donald Simon
William Simpson III
Lydia Singh
Rahul Singh
Albert & Rose Sisson
Michelle Sissons
Jennifer Sisul
Larkin Skalas
Kristin Skyles
Susan Slattery
Cathy Slemmens
Suzanne Small
Lindsey Sminchak
Angela Smith
Beatrice & Felix Smith
Candace Smith
Charlotte Smith
Cindy Smith
David Smith
Dean Smith
Elaine Smith
Gale Smith
Glenda Smith
Holly Smith
Janet Smith
Jill Smith
Joan Smith
Judy Smith
Karen Smith
Katie Smith
Kyle Smith
Larry Smith
Lisa Smith
Marietta Smith
Samantha Smith
Shelton Smith
Sherry Smith
Tom Smith
Linda Smugala
Georgia Snodgrass
Aaron Snyder
Mary Soderholm
Software Solutions Interated
Larry Sokolowski
Jacoby Sommer
Stephen Sondermann
Eric Sontheimer
Elizabeth Soreano
Frank Sotolar
Phoebe Sousa
Damitra Spain
Elizabeth Spector
Speed Auto Transporters, LLC
Maura Speiser
Alan Sprague
Linda Sprau
Karen Spraul
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Maureen Sprinkle
Jane Spurgeon
Karen Stanko-Eaton
Rhonda Stapleton
Ste. Genevieve County Memorial
Briana Steele-Zerbini
Becky Stein
Kevin Steincross
Sherri Steinmeyer
Stellina Pasta Cafe, Inc.
Kristal Stemler
Micaela Sten
Jacqueline Stenger
Donna Marie Stephens
Judith Stephens
Lawrence Stephens
Leslie Stephens
Regina Stevenson
Rodney Steveson
Betty Stewart
Stifel Nicolaus
Brenda Stimac
Stacie Stimac
Mrs. Stephen Stipes
Ann Stock
Dolores Stolarski
Jackie Stoll
Jeanne Stoll
Jeanne Stolzer
Trisha Stortz
Laura Story
Becky Stout
Stacey Straubinger
Pamela Strecker
Ryan Strecker
Melissa Streeter
Judy Streufert
Donald Strick
James Strickland
Sue Strickland
Karen Stroud
Karen Strusz
Lynn Stuart
Julie Stuckmeyer
Gloria Stukenbroeker
Amanda Stump
Jackie Stump
Amanda Stuppy
Jean Sturmfels
Susan Sugg
Brett Sulcer
Rachel Sullentrup
Tessa Sullentrup
Timothy Sullentrup
Christine Sullivan
Janett & Jim Sullivan
Jessica Sullivan
Kayla Sullivan
Marcus Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
Nancy Sullivan
Julie Sutterer
Jeremy Sutton
Michael Sutton
Victoria Sutton
Lindsay Sweeney
Ryan Sweeney
Lisa Swenny
Lauren & Kevin Switala
Marsha Swithers
Elizabeth Swoboda
Arlette Szczepan
Chris Szczepan
Greg Szczepan
Nick Szczepan
Lisette Sztukowski
Tarek Taha
Mary Tainter
Janet Talcott
Dolores Talleur
Ann Talley
Ashley Taylor
Cindy Taylor
Glenn Taylor
Johanna Taylor
Martha Taylor
Pamela Taylor
Rich Taylor
William Taylor
Marvin Teckenbrock
Marilyn Tenholder
Kelly Thacker
The Murph’s Famous, Inc.
The Point Liquor & Drive Thru
Leah Thibodeau
Brenda & Ronald Thomas
Dana Thompson
Joe & Kathleen Thompson
Marty Thompson
Sharon Thomure
Daniel Thornton
Raymond Tick
Sharon Tick
Dave Tiefenauer
Karol Tiemann
Linda Tierney
Maryelle Tierney
Jennifer Tiller
Christina Tillotson
Dolores Timberman
Kathy Tipton
Lisa Tobar
Jaime Toby
Sarah Todt
Marcia Tolcou
Caleb Torrence
Elizabeth Tossey
Barb Toth
Ric Tourville
Tammy Tourville
Tammy Tourville
Toyoda Gosei
Shelly Trauterman
Mike Trautman
Alicia Trebus
Tricounty F.S., Inc.
Laura Triebe
Lisa Trower
Terry Tsalamandris
Carrie Turek
Michael Turek
Brian Twenter
Charles Twenter
Conny Twenter
Doris Twenter
Gretchen Twenter
Kyle Twenter
Ron Twenter
Sharon Twenter
Katherine Tynan
Linda Ufkes
Ted Ufkes
Shannon Ullom
Rachel Umbreit
Everything Under One WOOF
US Marble & Granite, Inc.
Anthony Valenti
Lindsey Valenti
David Valentine
Erin Valentine
Lisa Van Amburg
Ann Van Gorden
Nicole Vance
Terry VanDerAa
Dan Vandersand
Ryan Vanderver
Amelia Vandeven
Amy Vandeven
Austin Vandeven
Eric Vandeven
Kristin Vandeven
Madelyn Vandeven
Marilyn Vandeven
Melissa Vandeven
Spencer Vandeven
Warren Vandeven
Janice Vandyke
Gale Vanhoozier
Tiffany VanMatre
Phil Varner
William Vassar
Martha Vehlewald
Amber Veinfurt
Dawn Vellines
Kimberly Venarsky
Curt Vernon
Morgan Vetter
Stephanie Vetter
Thomas Villata
Leonard Vines
Vintage Auto
Kathleen Vitale
Tim Vivian
Lisa Vlamis
Alice Vockell
Kevin Vogt
David Voloto
Deb VonderHaar
Donna VonderHaar
Andrew Voss
Carl Voss
Dennis Voss
Jeannie Voss
John Voss
Julie Voss
Kurt Voss
Andrea Waddington
Chris Wagener
Laura Wagener
Annie Waggener
Brock Waggoner
Kathy Wagstaff
Mark Wald
Crystal Walker
Jeri Walker
Karen Walker
Tina Walker
Gayle Walkington
Judith Wall
Gretchen Wallace
Wallis Family
Sharon Walls
Darby Walters
Theresa Wand
Ashley Wanersten
Matthew Wanersten
Amanda Ward
Amy Ward
Andrew Ward
James Ward
Pamela Ware
Robert & Paula Warhoover
Ryan Warhoover
Cocoa Warn
Donna Warner
Michelle Warren
Sarah Warren
Kathy Waser
Luthera Waser
Teresa Waters
Angela Watson
Chelsea Watson
Mary Louise Watt
Doug Watts
Stephanii Watts
Brandon Weber
Cassie Weber
Ed & Kim Weber
Kay Weber
Mandy Weber
Margaret Weber
Edie Wece
Edward Wegman
Margaret Wegman
Sue Wegner
Robyn Weilbacher
Elliot Weiler
Ernie Weiler
Betty Weinkle
David Weisrock
Phyllis Weisrock
Annual Report
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Marianne Weiss
Michael Weiss
Uche & Adesua Wejinya
Bruce Wekenborg
Dean Wekenborg
Jared Welch
Jackie Wengert
Carla Werk
Mike Werkmeister
Christian Werner
Marilyn Wessel
Susan West
Ral Wheeler
Ralph Whitaker
Ryan Whitaker
Alison White
Christopher White
Dennis White
Katie White
Linda White
Rosslyn White
Sharon White
Violaine White
Kayla Whiteside
Linda Whittemore
Jennifer Whitten
Doylene Wichlenski
Barbara Wick
Claudia Wicki
Jackson Wieczorek
Tyler Wieczorek
Olive Wiegers
Steve Wiegers
Ann Wiese
Kathleen Wiesehan
Ashley Wild
Mary Wild
Brian Wilden
Scott Wildman
Janet Wile
Gary Wiles
Kathy Wilhelm
Linda Wilhelm
Liam Wilkens
Mandy Wilkens
Michael Wilkens
Todd Wilkens
Dana Wilkerson
Buddy Willer
Sharon Willett
Amy Williams
Denise Williams
Eve Williams
Kelley Williams
Kristin Williams
Lowanda Williams
Maureen Williams
Penny Williams
Scott & Eve Williams
Todd Williams
Jeff Willoughby
Beth Wilmes
Fairy Wilson
Annual Report
Julia Wilson
Julie Wilson
Laura Wilson
Robyn Wilson
Amy Winget
Steve Winheim
Terese Winheim
Andrea Winter
Hannelore Winter
Mary Winter
Barbara Wipfler
Chelsea Wipfler
Laura Wirrick
Jamieson Wishman
Lauren Wishman
Mark Witthaus
Matthew Wobbe
Melissa Wobbe
Jessica Wolbert
Heather Wolfe
Rachel Wood
Jan Woodward
Andrea Wooliver
Marsha Wortham
WOTM Chapter 2281
Emilie Wozniak
Freda Wright
Stacy Wright
Sharon Wuelling
Lynnince Wurtz
Shannon Wyatt
Britt Wynne
Robert Wynne
Donna Wynveen
Dennis Wyyne
Marilyn Wyyne
Joyce Yahl
Sarah Yap
Ed & Susan Yates
Nancy Yedlin
Vanny You
Claire Young
David Young
Dennis Young
Walter Young
Judy Youngblood
Stephanie Youngblood
Keith Yuen
Kian Yuen
Layla Yuen
Peymon Yuen
Sherien Yuen
Ericka Zambo
Kimberly Zander
Kathy Zeigler
Janice Zeikle
Karen Ziegler
Greg Zielinski
Jonathan Ziglar
Bobbi Zigrang
Jill & Rich Zimmermann
Nancy Zindars
Jennifer Zink
Eileen Zlotopolski
Renee Zlotopolski
Step up for Down Syndrome
Matching Gift Donors
Bank of America Matching Gifts
The Boeing Company (Walk Match)
CIGNA Foundation
Elsevier Foundation
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
ISC Cares/American Stave Company
JP Morgan Chase
Merck Partnership for Giving
Monsanto Fund
PNC Foundation
Third-Party Events
The Zack Deeds Benefit Concert
IREM St. Louis Chapter
Lydia Cox Memorial Golf
Puttin’ for Down Syndrome
Relay & Run for 21
Scopus Family & Friends Fest
Working Wonders 4 Downs
Mr. & Ms. Daniel T. Arnold
Ms. Stephanie Badgett
Ms. Loretta Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremie Ballinger
Ms. Donna Battershell
Bed Bath & Beyond
BEST Transportation of St. Louis
Bill Gianino’s Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Logan Brodak
Ms. Emily Bush
Carol House Furniture, Inc.
Chris’ Pancake & Dining
D.A.D.S St. Louis
Dave & Buster’s
Mr. Domenic DeAngelo
Mr. & Mrs. John DeGuire
Dierberg’s Markets
Down by the Station
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group
Drury Hotels, LLC
Edible Arrangements
Ms. Donna M. Eisenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Elliott
European Wax Center
Favazza’s on the Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Fendya
Mr. Bryan Fox
Mrs. Sharon Gillardi
Santa Jim George
Hank’s Cheesecakes
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Harnar
Mary & Julie Hart
Hautly Cheese Company, Inc.
Hidden Valley Ski Resort
Hines’ St. Louis Pizza & Wings
Mr. & Mrs. David Holbrook
Holiday Inn Viking Route 66
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Holmes
Holt & Patterson, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hutton
Innsbrook Resort Course
Jay B. Smith Funeral Homes
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Kane
Kangaroo Kids
Kennelwood Pet Resorts
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Klevorn
Kreis Restaurant
Krispy Kreme
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Layton
Lazy River Grill/Yellowstone Cafe
Lion’s Choice Restaurant
Logan College
Ms. Ruby A. Malicoat
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Marian
McGurk’s Irish Pub & Garden
New Space
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Nienhaus
P’sghetti’s Pasta & Sandwiches
Pink Magnolia
PRP Wine International
Rib City
Richter’s Florist
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Ritchey
Russo’s Gourmet Catering
Sam’s Steakhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Sandusky
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Shana Watkins Photography
Ms. Bonnie Sheppard
Six Flags St. Louis
Southwest Airlines
St. Louis Blues
Stone Hill Wine Co., Inc
Strauss Peyton
Sunshine Drapery & Interior Design
Taylor Roofing
Team Central Gymnastic Academy
Ted Drewes
The Cup - Chesterfield
The Magic House
The Schlafly Tap Room
Three Kings Public House
Upper Limits
Walmart #2600
West County Lanes
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
In Memory of...
Rich & Susie Busch
Ms. Susan Busch
Raymond “Buddy” Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Baker
Ms. Lucy J. Campion
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Foege
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Newell
Mr. Wayne Pike
Ms. Carol J. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. John Schilling
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wilton
James Courtney
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Brun
Nancy R. Daggett
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Buckhold
Mr. & Mrs. Cris R. Carstens
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Conover
Ms. Colleen Daggett
Ms. Mackenzie Damon
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Dexter
Mr. Randall Dodds
Ms. Patricia S. Durk
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Merlin Flesner
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Flesner
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Freels
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Hammett
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Jibben
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Knight
Mr. & Mrs. John Leenerts
Janice & Ben Myers
Mrs. Angela Norris
Ms. Diane M. Pieper
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Schaffer
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Schlosser
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Schutte
Mr. Darren W. Smith
Amy & Jeff Summy
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Taute
Mr. Gary D. Taylor
Ms. Rhonda Wells
Mr. & Mrs. William F. White
Ms. Patricia A. White
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wright
Charles R. Dinwiddie
His Friends at Boeing
Mr. & Mrs. Craig L. Brown
Ms. Mary Karen Duffy & Mr. Charles
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Erker
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald
Mrs. Leonette A. Freeman-Rung &
Mr. Jim Rung
Mrs. Tiffany Grubert
Mr. & Mrs. Gary N. Hach
Ms. Elaine Lerch
Pat Rogers
Ms. Barbara J. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Gene R. Saathoff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sikora
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stabile
Ms. Rita Switzer
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Willenbrink
Judy Goetting
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Dueker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Koester
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Nagel
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Piel
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Wesbecher
Peggy L. Disana
Mrs. Patricia Bueltmann
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Deeken
Bernalee Petzold
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Revelle
Ms. Anne Stranghoener
Ms. Anne Stranghoener
Glen Jackson
Carpenters’ Local 1596
Peggy Disana & Fred Kornfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Deeken
Alice M. Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Beckring
Body by Won, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cherba
The Chipman Family
Ms. Carolyn Dolan
Ms. Barbara Eagleton
Ms. Patricia A. Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Holloran
Ms. Margaret E. Huck
Mr. & Mrs. John Lang
Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson
Mr. & Ms. Hugh McPheeters
Mr. Daniel Mullen
Ms. Jacquelin Naunheim
Dr. & Mrs. J. Tracy Schreiber
Donald R. Economon
Ms. Jacquelyn R. Stich
Patrick Ferris
Ms. Emma Fernandez
Eric Copeland Freeman
Ms. Patricia Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Cranwell
Ms. Laura J. Dunsmoor
Mrs. Kathleen Eagan
Mr. & Mrs. Vinson Freeman
Ms. Sandra K. Freeman
Ms. Sylvia Frenzel
Mrs. Donna Heberer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Martin
Mrs. Mary Jo Pickens
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Rook
Miss Kelly Stemmler
Lorraine Gillespie
Ms. Nancy Draffen
SimplyThick, LLC
Ashley Haught
Ms. Marcella Urhahn
Linda K. Johnson
Mrs. Lori Koskinen
Mrs. Wendy Miller
Cornelius T. Lane, Jr.
Terry K. Bangert
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Barnes
Mrs. Patty Baxendale
Ms. Kathryn Beauchamp
Dr. & Mrs. Bob Brangle
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic E. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Christian, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kerby Claney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cremins
Dr. Michael Crowley
Division of Workers’ Compensation
Mr. David M. Dolan
Mr. Tim Dudenhoeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Eagan
Ms. Barbara M. Eberle
Ms. Lois C. Etling
Dr. & Mrs. Rocco J. Fiordelisi
Mr. Leonard J. Frankel
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Fraser
Frontenac Salon & Spa, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm L. Greeno
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Grubb, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Gruener
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gunn
Mrs. Julie W. Harig
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Heath
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Hegeman
Mr. John Hickey
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Hindle
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hobelman
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome T. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Jost
Ms. Frieda F. Kaemmerlen
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Kearney
Mr. & Mrs. George Kearney
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Koster
Ms. Elizabeth Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Lahey, Jr.
Ms. Karen S. Leeker
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Leydon
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Lorenzini
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Martin
Ms. Lucy A. McCalpin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. McMillin
Ms. Susan B. Meiners
Ms. Joan Metzger
Ms. Jill C. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Muth
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Niemann
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Oates
Ms. Janet O’Neal
Mr. Kobi Platt
Julie & TJ Redmond
Mr. Michael T. Reedy
Ms. Hattie B. Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard K. Sandweg
Mr. Richard Sarnowski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Schaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Scheer
Mr. & Mrs. Meinrade Schilly
Ms. Rhonda Schmid
Ms. Jane V. Siebenman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Sullivan
Ms. Patricia Koster Thompson
Mrs. Alice A. Todt
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Trojahn
Mrs. Amelia Trollinger
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Uhlenbrock
Mrs. Bridget Unger
Mr. Matt Viehmann
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Virtel
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Vitello
Webster Hills Preschool Staff
Ms. Jeanne M. Welborn
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Wendling
Westborough Country Club
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Woodard
Richard Lawrence
Ms. Deborah Himmelsbach
Clyde McCloud
Chuck & Trish Howard
Mr. John Sanders
Norman & Chris Sanders
Paul & Julie Sanders
Rose & Larry Sanders
Kathleen S. Meyer
Ms. Helen Alster
Mr. & Mrs. Neal E. Alster
Mr. Larry Barsky
Mr. Terrence Chartrand
Mr. Thomas Chartrand
Ms. Cindy Gebelein
Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Homa
Mrs. Jane LaMartina
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Meyer
Ms. Madonna W. Pfeiffer
Annual Report
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Ms. Diane Rau
Ms. Karen Sanders
Mrs. Daesha Thurman
Austin Michael Mosher
Abby Mosher
Thomas E. & Sadie Bernice Nichols
The Nichols Family
Christine N. Nitzsche
Ms. Sharon R. Arthur
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Beattie
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Beattie
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Blue
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Brake
Mr. & Mrs. Allan R. Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne D. Brewer
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Candler
Chester Chrysler Center, Inc.
Ms. Rebecca A. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Crabill
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie F. Doiron
Ms. Tara L. Dueker
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Dueker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin H. Everding
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Fehr
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin G. Frederick
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Galle
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Gasser
Goetting Farms, Inc.
Grace Church Ministries
Mr. Paul L. Greatting
Ms. Christina Guebert
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred D. Harbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayer
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Orville F. Heller
Ms. Lana Holloway
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Homringhausen
Ms. Nancy A. Horrell
Ms. Rita M. Jeffreys
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley K. Jones
Ms. Shelba L. Kempfer
Ms. Angela N. Knop
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Knop
Ms. Barbara A. Koester
Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Koester
Mr. & Mrs. Victor E. Korves
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Krull
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin R. Kueker
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron L. Lange
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Lemon
Mr. & Mrs. George Lesinger
Mr. & Mrs. Kalin Liefer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Liefer
Ms. Jane C. Lucht
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Martinez
Mrs. Carol Matzenbacher
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus McConachie
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McConachie
Ms. Joyce A. McDaniel
Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Mehring
Ms. Retha R. Meyerhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Moll
Ms. Gina Montroy
Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Mueth
Ms. Kimberly F. Naeger
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Nagel
Ms. Darlene Pour
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton A. Rehmer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Roehrkasse
Ms. Nancy J. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Sahr
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Schmoll
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Schoenbeck
Ms. Louella Schoenbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Schoenbeck
Mr. Joel Schutt
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Seemann
Ms. Sara E. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Slavens
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Thies
Ms. Kristie Thummel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tindall
Mr. Bruce N. Uchtman
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Wagner
Dr. Kenneth R. Wehrenberg
Mrs. Karen Wetzel
Mr. Harry P. Wetzel
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer H. Wetzel, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Witthaus
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Green
Mr. James M. Kenley
Ms. Jacqueline Quinn
Ms. Jan E. Rocco
Ms. Winifred Wooten
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Zak
Ivan Javier Parada
Ms. & Mr. Kristin Schinzing
In Honor of...
Marjorie C. Raftery
Ms. Mary DiMaria
Dianna Rock
Anheuser-Busch Sales Co. of Denver
Richard Leo Runyon
Sensient Colors LLC
Margaret A. Schrum
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Furrer
Ms. Patricia M. Goessling
Mrs. Mary Hose
The Kurtz Family
Ms. Cynthia M. Kveton
Ms. Pauline Kveton
Mr. & Mrs. John Marino
Mr. Gustav A. Nelson
Barbara J. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. David Bold
Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tharp
Daniel E. Stanton
Ms. Carolyn Czerwinski
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fluri
Mr. & Mrs. Al Fressola
Violet Statzel
Ms. Wanda L. Stilwell
Lois Sterbenz
Reine Knobbe
Jane Vacho
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Speidel
Robert William “Robbie” Welby
Mr. & Mrs. Ron McKee
Alayna Wells
Ms. Ruth M. Naber
Ms. Lisa M. Schumpe
Derek Austin Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Werner
Lucille Whitaker
Mr. Dan Taylor
Jacob White
Ms. Shanda Heath
Mandi & Jeremie Ballinger
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Hawkins
Sophia Boucher
Mrs. Pam Mueller
Jayden Bunch
Mr. Thomas Prigge
Caleb & Joshua Caines
Ms. Karen-Sue T. Duncan
Corbin Dahl
Ms. Kristin Dahl
Lizzie Diehr
Mr. & Mrs. George Diehr
Evelyn Marie Gallagher
Ms. Terese Winheim
Hawthorne Elementary
CustomInk, LLC
Sandra Sue Jones
The Nichols Family
Karsen Allen Keck
Pastor & Mrs. Ronald H. Cox
Cal Koster
Mrs. Leann Sander
Ms. Lesley Bertrand
Ms. Patricia Koster Thompson
Bill Kowalski
Robert & Catherine Protzel
William Kriegesmann
Ms. Angela Oberdeck
Paula Mass
Ms. Rose Mass
Kennedy Meyerhoff
The Mystery Fairies
Michael Nester
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Baca
Long Elementary
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Nester & Family
Truman MCPTO
Samuel West Niyogi
Ms. Catherine Bettag
Mr. & Mrs. Herve P. Guillemot
Ms. Kate E. Julian
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LeGrand
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Schiller
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Sperry
Mrs. Amy Sprang
Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Welsh
Ms. Ann West & Mr. Dev K. Niyogi
Netochukwu Kambi Nsofor
Mr. & Mrs. Ngozi Nsofor
Anna Reineri
Ms. Marcia Glenn
Lilly Relling
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Steiner
Olivia Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Schultz
Carol & Jerry Smith
Ms. Jill Gilbert
Nicholas Strate
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Strate
The Tegtmeier Family
Lafayette Square Restoration
Wyatt Sevic
Mrs. Aimee Mankus
Annette Weber
Ms. Amy M. Pandalfo
2013-2014 Donors (cont.)
Maddi West
Mr. & Mrs. Greg West
Olivia White
Mr. Joseph Little
Lisa Wildschuetz
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Hornback
Kama Barnabo & Joe
Ms. Karen Dopher
Annual Report

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