Getting Started with Tovek Tools


Getting Started with Tovek Tools
Getting Started with Tovek Tools
Tovek Tools Introduction
HOW TO INSTALL TOVEK TOOLS? .............................................................................................. 2 HOW TO CONNECT INFORMATION SOURCES WHERE I WANT TO SEARCH? .................... 2 HOW TO SEARCH IN INFORMATION SOURCES? ...................................................................... 3 MAY I VIEW DOCUMENTS IN DIFFERENT CONTEXTS? ............................................................. 6 MAY I IDENTIFY THE KEY TOPICS IN SEARCHED DOCUMENTS? .......................................... 7 MAY I CREATE A MORE COMPLEX QUERY THAT DESCRIBES A SPECIFIC TOPIC?.............. 8 MAY I CONNECT TOVEK TOOLS AND ANALYST’S NOTEBOOK?............................................ 9 WHAT OPTIONS ARE OFFERED BY THE TOVEK ENGINE QUERY LANGUAGE? ....................... 9
Getting started with Tovek Tools
This brochure is a simple guide for quick orientation in Tovek Tools and
should be used by users that have no experience with this product. More
detailed information can be found in product documentation or help.
This brochure focuses on product installation, connection, and indexing
of information sources and information retrieval. Advanced analytical functions
are mentioned only partially. Sufficient knowledge of the product requires
the completion of product training or advanced study of documentation.
How to install
Tovek Tools?
1. Run the installation file (ttxxx.exe).
2. Select the language of application.
Select Language.
3. Select the folder in which you want to install the application. It is
recommended to keep the default settings.
4. In the next window, select Specify a New One that you record
from a file.
Add a license.
5. Select the Typical installation. To choose individual applications
for installation or install CTK demo data, select Custom setup.
6. Run the installation.
How to connect
information sources
where I want
to search?
Index Manager application enables the preparation of information
sources needed for searching. This application provides indexing
of various types of documents, database records, or e-mails. Index
Manager also enables to connect already existing full-text sources.
1. At the end of the installation, select Run Index Manager and index
documents, or Start > Programs > Tovek Tools > Index Manager.
2. Select the documents that should be indexed. After selecting
the documents, you can specify the name of index, its description,
location, and language of indexed documents.
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Getting started with Tovek Tools
3. If you choose demo data installation, you will be automatically connected
to information sources Demo.CS and Demo.EN which include
a choice of Czech and English articles CTK (Czech News Agency) from
June 2009.
Selecting types
of documents for
On the screen shot
the user indexes files
on his computer
in directories Firma and
Moje. On left we can see
an overview of all
connected full-text
How to search in
Tovek Agent application enables to search in information sources.
1. Run Tovek Agent.
2. Our recommendation:
For easier work we recommend the Topic Agents View
(Tools -> Options -> Layout Window)
Topic Agents View.
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Getting started with Tovek Tools
3. Sources selection. In left panel, select information sources in which you
want to search. Three buttons in bottom can be used for selecting of all,
none, or update of sources.
On the screen shot
the user chose to search
sources ABCnews and
4. Adding Query. First of all, add a simple query, e.g. one or two words
separated by commas. Entering complex queries should be done after
the user becomes familiar with all possibilities of the query language.
5. Search results. After running the query, in the bottom window we can see
the list of results. Simple click on the respective document enables
to display the document with highlighted key words. The right corner
in the bottom shows the number of found documents and number of all
documents that were searched.
On the screen shot
the user entered query:
Afghanistan, Bin Laden
of searching
The result list shows
the documents sorted by
their relevance
to the entered query.
After clicking
on the document, we can
see at the bottom its
content with highlighted
key words.
400 documents were
displayed and 408 was
found in documents.
Totally 291 351
documents were
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Inserting, editing,
and deleting
of sources
Result list
according to its
relevance with
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Getting started with Tovek Tools
6. Query in time. For better orientation in the results, you can use the Query
in Time function (Tools -> Query in time or Ctrl + Q). This function displays
the number of documents on the timeline.
Query in time request
shows the number
of found documents
in time relation.
7. Export of results. To view found documents, Tovek Agent offers various
options for output (txt, html, xml). In order to export chosen documents,
select them by clicking left mouse button (simultaneously with the Shift
or Ctrl buttons). From the Tools menu, select Html/Xml Export…
Documents selection
for the export
to the chosen format.
for export
Export of selected
documents in HTML
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May I view
documents in
different contexts?
Getting started with Tovek Tools
InfoRating application enables to view documents in different contexts.
The application shows the link between content of searched documents
and defined topics.
1. Importing documents. The Tovek Agent application exports selected
documents to the application InfoRating (in a similar way as export
to HTML).
2. Topics for contextual analysis. In the left section of the application
by mouse right-click select the option for entering more queries (queries
may be even more complicated).
On the screen shot
the user imported chosen
to the InfoRating
application. After that,
the user chose Entering
more queries and defined
the following topics:
Topics, which I‘m
interested in.
3. Contextual analysis view. After entering the query, the results are displayed
in context analysis or according to the relationship between the content
of documents searched and defined topics/questions. The results can
be viewed in form of matrix, chart, or graph. The icons on right side allow
to modify the graphical output.
View of results
in contextual analysis.
The results are viewed
in form of matrix. User
found that in 21
documents USA and
Russia are mentioned
at the same time.
for editing
Intersection of queries
illustrates the relations
between the content
of documents and
defined topics
List of documents
and their relation
to defined topics
4. Export of results. Similarly as Tovek Agent, the InfoRating enables
to export the results of analysis into various formats.
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Getting started with Tovek Tools
The user has
the possibility to display
the results of contextual
analysis in the diagram.
The user has
the possibility to display
the results of contextual
analysis in the timeline.
May I identify
the key topics
in searched
© 2011 TOVEK
Harvester application enables to automatically identify the key topics
in the documents.
1. Import of documents. From the Tovek Agent application export the selected
documents to the Harvester application (in a similar way as export
to HTML).
2. Content analysis. Harvester automatically identifies important topics and
links between them. In the list of keywords we can find trends, scores,
number of pairs and the number of documents in which these keywords
3. Export of results. Similarly as in Tovek Agent application, the Harvester
enables to export the results in various formats.
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The user has made
a content analysis which
automatically identified
the keywords
from the respective
Getting started with Tovek Tools
Topics and
links between
them are
Trends found
in the vicinity
of defined
List of documents
to selected topics
May I create a more
complex query that
a specific topic?
Words found
in the vicinity
of defined topics
Query Editor application enables to create more complex queries. This
application is intended mainly for advanced users with knowledge
of the Tovek Engine Query Language.
More complex queries (topics) enable to specify all words, phrases, and other
search features in a structure that can be used to describe the topic. Queries
created in Query Editor can be used in other applications of Tovek Tools.
Complex query (topic)
created by an expert with
knowledge of the Tovek
Engine Query Language.
© 2011 TOVEK
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May I connect
Tovek Tools and
What options are
offered by the
Tovek Engine
Query Language?
Getting started with Tovek Tools
Only for Analyst’s Notebook product users:
The connection of Tovek Tools and Analyst’s Notebook is provided
by Fulltext Plug-in for Analyst’s Notebook. Through this link, the users can
view and analyze textual information in the Analyst’s Notebook.
This is an example used for illustration with the usage of the basic
operators of the Tovek Engine Query Language.
Find all documents that contain word RUSSIA and in its surrounding is one
of the following words: URANIUM, GAS, COAL (LIGNITE). The documents
should not contain the word GOLD.
.NEAR/10 (russia, (uranium, gas, (coal .OR lignite))) .AND .NOT gold
Operators used by the Query Language
finds all words forms russia – russian, russians etc. (usage of quotes enables
to search only the main form "russia")
coal .OR lignite
presents two word forms
uranium, gas
the comma between the words means .BEST, which corresponds
to the logical .OR, moreover increases the weight of documents
in which the words appear more than once.
.NEAR/10 (russia, uranium)
distance between these words should not exceed 10 words (n words).
.AND .NOT gold
Excludes from the list all documents containing the word gold.
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