Key Relevant Provisions of the Corporate or Similar Law of


Key Relevant Provisions of the Corporate or Similar Law of
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Key Relevant Provisions of the Corporate or Similar Law of Member States, under
which securities are constituted
(Article 49(1) of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 (CSDR)
In accordance with Article 49(1) of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 23 July 2014 on improving securities settlement in the European Union and on central
securities depositories and amending Directives 98/26/EC and 2014/65/EU and Regulation (EU) No
236/2012 (CSDR), Member States shall ensure that a list of key relevant provisions of their corporate or
similar law of the Member State, under which securities are constituted, is compiled. Competent
authorities have to communicate that list to ESMA by 18 December 2014, and ESMA has to publish the
list by 18 January 2015.
The list included below has been compiled based on the information communicated by the national
competent authorities.
ESMA will update the information regularly based on further notifications received from the national
competent authorities.
Czech Republic
The Netherlands
The United Kingdom
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
18 December 2014
Bundesgesetz, mit dem das Alternative Investmentfonds Manager-Gesetz –
AIFMG erlassen wird
Bundesgesetz über Aktiengesellschaften (Aktiengesetz – AktG)
Bundesgesetz über das Bankwesen (Bankwesengesetz - BWG)
Bundesgesetz vom 22. Oktober 1969 über die Verwahrung und Anschaffung von
Wertpapieren (Depotgesetz)
Bundesgesetz über die grenzüberschreitende Verschmelzung von
Kapitalgesellschaften in der Europäischen Union (EU-Verschmelzungsgesetz –
Bundesgesetz über Sicherheiten auf den Finanzmärkten (FinanzsicherheitenGesetz - FinSG)
Bundesgesetz über Maßnahmen zur Sicherung der Stabilität des Finanzmarktes
(Finanzmarktstabilitätsgesetz – FinStaG)
Bundesgesetz über die Errichtung und Organisation der
Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde (Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehördengesetz - FMABG)
Gesetz vom 9. April 1873, über Erwerbs- und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften
Bundesgesetz über den Ausschluss von Minderheitsgesellschaftern
(Gesellschafter-Ausschlussgesetz – GesAusG)
Gesetz vom 6. März 1906, über Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung
(GmbH-Gesetz - GmbHG)
Bundesgesetz über Immobilienfonds (Immobilien-Investmentfondsgesetz ImmoInvFG)
Bundesgesetz über Investmentfonds (Investmentfondsgesetz 2011 – InvFG
Bundesgesetz vom 15. Juni 1978 über das internationale Privatrecht (IPRGesetz)
Bundesgesetz vom 19. Mai 1967, mit dem gesellschaftsrechtliche
Bestimmungen über die Kapitalerhöhung aus Gesellschaftsmitteln getroffen
werden (Kapitalberichtigungsgesetz)
Bundesgesetz über das öffentliche Anbieten von Wertpapieren und anderen
Kapitalveranlagungen und über die Aufhebung des WertpapierEmissionsgesetzes (Kapitalmarktgesetz - KMG)
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Bundesgesetz über die Einrichtung eines Prüfverfahrens für die
Finanzberichterstattung von Unternehmen, deren Wertpapiere zum Handel an
einem geregelten Markt zugelassen sind (Rechnungslegungs-Kontrollgesetz –
Gesetz über das Statut der Europäischen Genossenschaft (Societas
Cooperativa Europaea - SCE) – (SCE-Gesetz – SCEG)
Gesetz über das Statut der Europäischen Gesellschaft (Societas Europaea - SE)
– (SE-Gesetz – SEG)
Bundesgesetz über die Spaltung von Kapitalgesellschaften (SpaltG)
Bundesgesetz betreffend Übernahmeangebote (Übernahmegesetz - ÜbG)
Bundesgesetz über besondere zivilrechtliche Vorschriften für Unternehmen
(Unternehmensgesetzbuch - UGB)
Bundesgesetz über die Umwandlung von Handelsgesellschaften (UmwG)
Bundesgesetz vom 18. Oktober 1978 über den Betrieb und die Beaufsichtigung
der Vertragsversicherung (Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz - VAG)
Bundesgesetz über die Beaufsichtigung von Wertpapierdienstleistungen
(Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz 2007 – WAG 2007)
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
In the original language (Austrian)
In English
Bundesgesetz, mit dem das Alternative
Investmentfonds Manager-Gesetz –
AIFMG erlassen wird
No official English version available.
Bundesgesetz über
Aktiengesellschaften (Aktiengesetz –
Bundesgesetz über das Bankwesen
(Bankwesengesetz - BWG)
Bundesgesetz vom 22. Oktober 1969
über die Verwahrung und Anschaffung
von Wertpapieren (Depotgesetz)
Bundesgesetz über die
grenzüberschreitende Verschmelzung
von Kapitalgesellschaften in der
Europäischen Union (EUVerschmelzungsgesetz – EUVerschG)
Bundesgesetz über Sicherheiten auf
den Finanzmärkten
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
(Finanzsicherheiten-Gesetz - FinSG)
Bundesgesetz über Maßnahmen zur
Sicherung der Stabilität des
(Finanzmarktstabilitätsgesetz –
Bundesgesetz über die Errichtung und
Organisation der
Gesetz vom 9. April 1873, über
Erwerbs- und
Bundesgesetz über den Ausschluss
von Minderheitsgesellschaftern
(Gesellschafter-Ausschlussgesetz –
Gesetz vom 6. März 1906, über
Gesellschaften mit beschränkter
Haftung (GmbH-Gesetz - GmbHG)
Bundesgesetz über Immobilienfonds
(Immobilien-Investmentfondsgesetz ImmoInvFG)
Bundesgesetz über Investmentfonds
(Investmentfondsgesetz 2011 – InvFG
Bundesgesetz vom 15. Juni 1978 über
das internationale Privatrecht (IPRGesetz)
Bundesgesetz vom 19. Mai 1967, mit
dem gesellschaftsrechtliche
Bestimmungen über die
Kapitalerhöhung aus
Gesellschaftsmitteln getroffen werden
Bundesgesetz über das öffentliche
Anbieten von Wertpapieren und
anderen Kapitalveranlagungen und
über die Aufhebung des WertpapierEmissionsgesetzes
(Kapitalmarktgesetz - KMG)
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Bundesgesetz über die Einrichtung
eines Prüfverfahrens für die
Finanzberichterstattung von
Unternehmen, deren Wertpapiere zum
Handel an einem geregelten Markt
zugelassen sind (RechnungslegungsKontrollgesetz – RL-KG)
Gesetz über das Statut der
Europäischen Genossenschaft
(Societas Cooperativa Europaea SCE) – (SCE-Gesetz – SCEG)
Gesetz über das Statut der
Europäischen Gesellschaft (Societas
Europaea - SE) – (SE-Gesetz – SEG)
Bundesgesetz über die Spaltung von
Kapitalgesellschaften (SpaltG)
Bundesgesetz betreffend
(Übernahmegesetz - ÜbG)
Bundesgesetz über besondere
zivilrechtliche Vorschriften für
(Unternehmensgesetzbuch - UGB)
Bundesgesetz über die Umwandlung
von Handelsgesellschaften (UmwG)
Bundesgesetz vom 18. Oktober 1978
über den Betrieb und die
Beaufsichtigung der
(Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz - VAG)
Bundesgesetz über die
Beaufsichtigung von
(Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz 2007 –
WAG 2007)
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
19 December 2014
Code des socétés (Companies Code)
 In French
 English version is not available (see some extracts below)
In the original language (French)
In English
Dispositions générales : Articles 460 et
461 du Code des sociétés :
Article 460
The capital of companies limited by
shares may take the form of shares,
profit-sharing certificates, bonds and
These securities are either registered
or dematerialized.
Bonds that are issued solely abroad or
that are subject to foreign law may,
however, take the form of individual or
collective bearer securities.
Art. 460. Il peut exister dans les
sociétés anonymes des actions, des
parts bénéficiaires, des obligations et
des droits de souscription.
Ces titres sont nominatifs ou
Les obligations émises exclusivement
à l'étranger ou qui sont soumises au
droit étranger, peuvent cependant
prendre la forme de titres individuels
ou collectifs au porteur.
Art. 461. S'il y a plusieurs
propriétaires d'un titre, la société a le
droit de suspendre l'exercice des droits
y afférents, jusqu'à ce qu'une seule
personne soit désignée comme étant,
à son égard, propriétaire du titre.
Dispositions spécifiques aux titres
dématérialisés : Articles 468 à 475ter
du Code des sociétés
Art. 468. Le titre dématérialisé est
représenté par une inscription en
compte, au nom de son propriétaire ou
de son détenteur, auprès d'un
organisme de liquidation ou d'un
teneur de comptes agréé
Le titre inscrit en compte se transmet
par virement de compte à compte.
Le Roi désigne par catégorie de titres
les organismes de liquidation chargés
d'assurer la conservation des titres
dématérialisés et la liquidation des
transactions sur de tels titres. Il agrée
les teneurs de comptes en Belgique de
manière individuelle ou de manière
générale par catégorie
Article 461
If a security belongs to several
owners, the company may suspend
the exercise of the rights attached
thereto until a single person has been
designated owner of the share vis-àvis the company.
Article 468
Securities issued in dematerialized
form shall be evidenced by a book
entry in an account, in the name of its
owner or its holder, with a settlement
institution or a recognized registrar.
Securities for which a book entry has
been made are transferred by book
entry from one account to another.
For each class of securities the King
shall designate the settlement
institutions charged with the custody of
dematerialized securities and with the
settlement of transactions in such
securities. He shall recognize the
registrars individually or generally
according to the category of institutions
and their activity.
The number of dematerialized
securities in circulation at any time
shall, for each class of securities, be
entered in the name of the settlement
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
d'établissements, en fonction de leur
Le nombre des titres dématérialisés en
circulation à tout moment est inscrit,
par catégorie de titres, dans le registre
des titres nominatifs au nom de
l'organisme de liquidation [ou, le cas
échéant, du teneur de comptes agréé
en cas d'application de l'article 475ter
du présent Code.
L'inscription de titres en compte
confère un droit de copropriété, de
nature incorporelle, sur l'universalité
des titres de même catégorie inscrits
au nom de l'organisme de liquidation
ou, le cas échéant, du teneur de
comptes agréé en cas d'application de
l'article 475ter du présent Code, dans
le registre des titres nominatifs visé à
l'alinéa 4
La Banque Nationale de Belgique est
chargée de contrôler le respect, par les
teneurs de comptes agréés en
Belgique, des règles prévues par ou
en vertu de la présente Section. Pour
l'exercice de ce contrôle, pour
l'imposition de sanctions
administratives et pour la prise
d'autres mesures à l'égard des teneurs
de comptes agréés, la Banque
Nationale de Belgique
1° utilise, s'agissant d'établissements
de crédit, les compétences qui lui ont
été attribuées par la loi du 25 avril
2014 relative au statut et au contrôle
des établissements de crédit;
2° utilise, s'agissant d'entreprises
d'investissement, les compétences qui
lui ont été attribuées par la loi du 6
avril 1995 relative au statut des
entreprises d'investissement et à leur
contrôle, aux intermédiaires et
conseillers en placements;
3° utilise, s'agissant d'organismes de
compensation et de liquidation, les
compétences qui lui sont attribuées
par la loi.
Les dispositions correspondantes qui
sanctionnent pénalement la violation
des dispositions précitées sont
Art. 469. Les teneurs de comptes
agréés maintiennent les titres
institution or, where Article 475ter of
this Code applies, in the name of the
recognized registrar, in the register of
registered securities.
A book entry for securities confers a
joint ownership right, of an immaterial
nature, to all securities of that category
entered in the name of the settlement
institution or, where Article 475ter of
this Code applies, in the name of the
recognized registrar, in the register for
registered securities referred to in
paragraph 4.
The National Bank of Belgium is
responsible for supervising compliance
by recognized registrars in Belgium
with the rules laid down in or pursuant
to this Section. In view of carrying out
this supervision, as regards the
imposition of administrative sanctions
and the taking of other measures in
respect of recognized registrars, the
National Bank of Belgium shall:
1° in respect of credit institutions, use
the powers conferred upon it by the
Law of 25 April 2014 on the legal
status and supervision of credit
2° in respect of investment firms, use
the powers conferred upon it by the
Law of 6 April 1995 on the legal status
and supervision of investment firms, on
intermediaries and investment
3° in respect of clearing and settlement
institutions, use the powers conferred
upon it by the law.
The corresponding provisions that
impose criminal sanctions on any
infringement of the aforementioned
provisions apply.
Article 469
Recognized registrars shall keep the
dematerialised securities they hold for
third parties and for own account in
accounts with the settlement
institution, with one or more institutions
that serve, directly or indirectly, as their
intermediaries in respect of the
settlement institution, or with both the
settlement institution and one or more
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
dématérialisés qu'ils détiennent pour le
compte de tiers et pour leur compte
propre sur des comptes ouverts
auprès de l'organisme de liquidation,
auprès d'un ou de plusieurs
établissements qui agissent pour eux,
directement ou indirectement, comme
intermédiaires à l'égard de cet
organisme de liquidation, ou auprès à
la fois de l'organisme de liquidation et
d'un ou plusieurs des établissements
précités. Le cas échéant, les teneurs
de comptes agréés maintiennent les
titres dématérialises qu'ils détiennent
pour le compte de tiers et pour leur
compte propre sur des comptes
ouverts auprès du teneur de comptes
agréé visé à l'article 475ter, auprès
d'un ou de plusieurs établissements
qui agissent pour eux, directement ou
indirectement, comme intermédiaires à
l'égard de ce teneur de comptes agréé
visé à l'article 475ter, ou auprès à la
fois du teneur de comptes agréé visé à
l'article 475ter et d'un ou plusieurs
établissements précités.
Art. 470. Pour la constitution d'un
gage civil ou commercial sur les
valeurs mobilières dématérialisées
visées à l'article 469, la mise en
possession se réalise valablement par
l'inscription de ces valeurs à un
compte spécial ouvert chez un teneur
de comptes au nom d'une personne à
convenir. Les valeurs données en
gage sont identifiées par nature sans
spécification de numéro. Le gage ainsi
constitue est valable et opposable aux
tiers sans autre formalité.
Le constituant du gage est présumé
être propriétaire des valeurs mobilières
dématérialisées données en gage. La
validité du gage n'est pas affectée par
l'absence de droit de propriété du
constituant du gage sur les valeurs
mobilières dématérialisées remises en
gage, sans préjudice de la
responsabilité du constituant du gage
à l'égard du véritable propriétaire des
valeurs mobilières dématérialisées
remises en gage. Si le constituant du
gage a averti le créancier gagiste, au
of the aforementioned institutions.
Where applicable, recognized
registrars shall keep the
dematerialized securities which they
hold for own account and for third
parties in accounts with the recognized
registrar as referred to in Article
475ter, with one or more institutions
that serve, directly or indirectly, as their
intermediaries in respect of the
recognized registrar as referred to in
Article 475ter, or with both the
recognized registrar as referred to in
Article 475ter and with one or more of
the aforementioned institutions.
Article 470
In order to constitute a civil or
commercial pledge using
dematerialised securities as referred to
in Article 469, possession is validly
transferred by entering these securities
in a special account with a recognized
registrar in the name of a person to be
determined. The type of securities
pledged shall be identified but without
specifying their number. The pledge
that has been established is valid and
enforceable against third parties
without any further formalities.
The pledgor is presumed to be the
owner of the dematerialized securities
pledged. The validity of the pledge is
unaffected by the absence of
ownership right on the part of the
pledgor to the dematerialized
securities pledged, without prejudice to
the responsibility of the pledgor to the
beneficial owner of the dematerialized
securities pledged. If the pledgor has
previously given written notification to
the creditor who receives the pledge
that the pledgor is not the owner of the
dematerialized securities pledged, the
validity of the pledge is conditional
upon the owner of the said securities
authorizing that they be given in
Article 471
The owners of dematerialized
securities as referred to in Article 469
may not exercise their joint ownership
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
préalable et par écrit, qu'il n'est pas le
propriétaire des valeurs mobilières
dématérialisées données en gage, la
validité du gage est subordonnée à
l'autorisation du propriétaire de ces
valeurs mobilières de les donner en
Art. 471 Les propriétaires de valeurs
mobilières dématérialisées visées à
l'article 469 ne sont admis à faire valoir
leurs droits de copropriété visés à
l'article 468, alinéa 5 qu'à l'égard du
teneur de comptes agréé auprès
duquel ces valeurs mobilières sont
inscrites en compte ou, s'ils
maintiennent directement ces valeurs
auprès de l'organisme de liquidation, à
l'égard de celui-ci. Par exception, il
leur revient
- d'exercer un droit de revendication
conformément aux dispositions du
présent article et de l'article 9bis,
alinéas 2 à 4, de l'arrêté royal n° 62 du
10 novembre 1967 favorisant la
circulation des valeurs mobilières;
- d'exercer directement leurs droits
associatifs auprès de l'émetteur;
- en cas de faillite ou de toute autre
situation de concours dans le chef de
l'émetteur, d'exercer directement leurs
droits de recours contre celui-ci.
En cas de faillite du teneur de
comptes agréé ou de toute autre
situation de concours, la revendication
du nombre des valeurs mobilières
dématérialisées visées à l'article 469
dont le teneur de comptes agréé est
redevable, s'exerce collectivement sur
l'universalité des valeurs mobilières
dématérialisées de la même catégorie,
inscrites au nom du teneur de comptes
agréé auprès d'autres teneurs de
comptes agréés ou auprès de
l'organisme de liquidation.
Si, dans le cas visé à l'alinéa 2, cette
universalité est insuffisante pour
assurer la restitution intégrale des
valeurs mobilières dues inscrites en
compte, elle sera répartie entre les
propriétaires en proportion de leurs
Lorsque des propriétaires ont
autorisé le teneur de compte agréé,
rights as referred to in Article 468,
paragraph 5 except in respect of the
recognized registrar with whom these
securities are entered on an account
or, if these securities are held directly
with the settlement institution, in
respect of that institution. By way of
exception, the said owners are entitled
exercise a right of recovery, in
compliance with the provisions
of this Article and of Article
9bis, paragraphs 2 to 4, of
Royal Decree No 62 of 10
November 1967 facilitating the
circulation of securities;
exercise their shareholders’
rights directly with the issuer;
in the event of bankruptcy or
any other competitive situation
among creditors in respect of
the issuer, to exercise directly
their rights of recourse against
the latter.
In the event of bankruptcy of the
recognized registrar or any other
competitive situation among creditors,
the claim for recovery of the number of
dematerialized securities as referred to
in Article 469 owed by the recognized
registrar shall be exercised jointly on
all the dematerialized securities of the
same category entered in the name of
the recognized registrar with other
recognized registrars or with the
settlement institution.
If, in the case referred to in paragraph
2, the totality of the securities is
insufficient to ensure the return in full
of the securities owing that are entered
on the account, the total amount shall
be distributed among the owners in
proportion to their rights.
In cases where owners have
authorized the recognized registrar, in
accordance with the applicable law, to
dispose of their dematerialized
securities, and insofar as such
disposal takes place within the limits of
that authorization, the said owners
shall, in the event of bankruptcy of the
recognized registrar or any other
competitive situation among creditors,
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
conformément au droit applicable, à
disposer de leurs titres dématérialisés,
et pour autant qu'une telle disposition
ait eu lieu dans les limites de cette
autorisation, il ne leur sera attribué, en
cas de faillite du teneur de compte
agréé ou de toute autre situation de
concours, que les titres qui subsistent
après que la totalité des titres de la
même catégorie appartenant aux
autres propriétaires leur aura été
Si le teneur de comptes agréé est luimême propriétaire d'un nombre de
valeurs mobilières dématérialisées de
la même catégorie, il ne lui est
attribué, lors de l'application de l'alinéa
3, que le nombre des titres qui
subsiste après que le nombre total des
titres de la même catégorie détenus
par lui pour compte de tiers aura pu
être restitue.
Lorsqu'un intermédiaire a fait inscrire
pour le compte d'autrui des valeurs
mobilières dématérialisées visées à
l'article 469 à son nom ou à celui d'une
tierce personne, le propriétaire pour le
compte duquel cette inscription a été
prise peut exercer son action en
revendication auprès du teneur de
comptes agréé ou de l'organisme de
liquidation sur l'avoir inscrit au nom de
cet intermédiaire ou de cette tierce
personne. Cette revendication s'exerce
suivant les règles définies aux alinéas
1er à 4.
La restitution des valeurs mobilières
dématérialisées visées à l'article 469
s'opère par virement sur un comptetitres auprès d'un autre teneur de
comptes agréé, désigné par la
personne qui exerce son droit de
Art. 472. La saisie-arrêt n'est pas
autorisée sur les comptes de valeurs
mobilières dématérialisées ouverts au
nom d'un teneur de comptes agréé
auprès de l'organisme de liquidation
[ou, le cas échéant, auprès du teneur
de comptes agréé en cas d'application
de l'article 475ter du présent Code.
Sans préjudice de l'application de
l'article 471, en cas de faillite du
be allocated only those securities that
remain after the totality of the
securities of the same category
belonging to the other owners has
been returned to them.
If the recognized registrar is itself the
owner of a number of dematerialized
securities of the same category, it will
be allocated, upon application of
paragraph 3, only the number of
securities that remain after the total
number of securities of the same
category which it holds on account of
third parties has been returned.
Where an intermediary has had
entered, in its own name or in the
name of a third party, dematerialized
securities as referred to in Article 469
that are held for another party’s
account, the owner on whose account
this book entry was made may
exercise his/her claim for recovery with
the recognized registrar or the
settlement institution in respect of the
asset entered in the name of the said
intermediary or the said third party.
This claim for recovery is to be made
in accordance with the rules defined in
paragraphs 1 to 4.
The return of dematerialized securities
as referred to in Article 469 shall be
made by a transfer to a securities
account with another recognized
registrar, designated by the person
exercising his/her right to claim for
Article 472
No attachment may be made of
dematerialized securities accounts
held in the name of a recognized
registrar with the settlement institution
or, where Article 475ter of this Code
applies, with the recognized registrar.
Without prejudice to the application of
Article 471, in the event of bankruptcy
of the owner of the securities or in any
other competitive situation among
creditors, the creditors of the owner of
the securities may exercise their rights
to the available balance of the
securities entered in the account in the
name and for the account of their
debtor, after having deducted or added
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
propriétaire des valeurs mobilières ou
dans toute autre situation de concours,
les créanciers du propriétaire des
valeurs mobilières peuvent faire valoir
leurs droits sur le solde disponible des
valeurs mobilières inscrites en compte
au nom et pour compte de leur
débiteur, après déduction ou addition
des titres qui, en vertu d'engagements
conditionnels, d'engagements dont le
montant est incertain ou
d'engagements à terme, sont entrés, le
cas échéant, dans une partie distincte
de ce compte-titres, au jour de la
faillite ou du concours, et dont
l'inclusion dans le solde disponible est
différée jusqu'à la réalisation de la
condition, la détermination du montant
ou l'échéance du terme.
Art. 473. Le paiement des dividendes,
des intérêts et des capitaux échus des
valeurs mobilières dématérialisées à
l'organisme de liquidation ou, le cas
échéant, au teneur de comptes agréé
en cas d'application de l'article 475ter
du présent Code, est libératoire pour
L'organisme de liquidation ou, le cas
échéant, le teneur de comptes agréé
en cas d'application de l'article 475ter
du présent Code, rétrocède ces
dividendes, intérêts et capitaux aux
teneurs de comptes agréés en fonction
des montants de valeurs mobilières
dématérialisées à leur nom à
l'échéance. Ces paiements sont
libératoires pour l'organisme de
liquidation [ou, le cas échéant, pour le
teneur de comptes agréé en cas
d'application de l'article 475ter du
présent Code.
Art. 474. Tous les droits associatifs
du propriétaire de valeurs mobilières
dématérialisées et, en cas de faillite de
leur émetteur ou de toute autre
situation de concours de son chef, tous
les droits de recours contre celui-ci
s'exercent moyennant la production
d'une attestation établie par le teneur
de comptes agréé ou l'organisme de
liquidation, certifiant le nombre de
valeurs mobilières dématérialisées
the securities which, by virtue of
conditional commitments,
commitments whose amount is
uncertain or term commitments, may
be entered in a separate part of the
said securities account on the day of
the bankruptcy or of the competitive
situation among creditors, and whose
inclusion within the available balance
is deferred until the commitment has
been fulfilled, the amount has been
determined or the term has expired.
Article 473
The payment of outstanding dividends,
interest and capital on dematerialized
securities to the settlement institution
or, where Article 475ter of this Code
applies, to the recognized registrar
constitute full discharge as regards the
The settlement institution or, where
Article 475ter of this Code applies, the
recognized registrar retrocedes these
dividends, interests and capital to the
recognized registrars in proportion to
the number of dematerialized
securities entered in their name at
maturity. These payments constitute
full discharge as regards the
settlement institution or, where Article
475ter of this Code applies, the
recognized registrar.
Article 474
All shareholders’ rights of the owner of
the dematerialized securities and, in
the event of bankruptcy of their issuer
or any other competitive situation
among creditors, all rights of recourse
against the said issuer, shall be
exercised by producing a confirmation
drawn up by the recognized registrar
or the settlement institution attesting to
the number of dematerialized
securities entered in the name of the
owner or of his/her intermediary on the
date required for the exercise of the
said rights.
Article 475
In view of the implementation of
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
inscrites au nom du propriétaire ou de
son intermédiaire à la date requise
pour l'exercice de ces droits.
Art. 475. Afin de pourvoir à
l'exécution des articles 469 à 474, le
Roi peut fixer les conditions de la
tenue des comptes par les teneurs de
comptes agréés, le mode de
fonctionnement des comptes, la nature
des certificats qui doivent être délivrés
aux titulaires des comptes et les
modalités de paiement par les teneurs
de comptes agréés et l'organisme de
liquidation des dividendes, intérêts et
capitaux échus.
Art. 475bis. Les articles 2279 et 2280
du Code civil sont applicables aux
titres dématérialisés visés dans cette
Art. 475ter. Sauf pour les titres qui
sont admis à la négociation sur un
marché réglementé, les dispositions de
cette Section sont également
applicables aux titres inscrits en
compte auprès d'un teneur de comptes
agréé qui ne sont pas maintenus par
ce teneur de comptes auprès d'un
organisme de liquidation ou auprès
d'un établissement agissant comme
intermédiaire à l'égard de cet
Le teneur de compte inscrit à son
nom dans le registre des titres
nominatifs les titres dématérialisés en
circulation à tout moment, par
émission de titres.
La totalité de l'encours d'une
émission de titres dématérialisés d'un
émetteur ne peut être inscrite dans le
registre nominatif qu'au nom d'un seul
teneur de compte.
L'inscription de titres en compte
confère dans ce cas un droit de
copropriété, de nature incorporelle, sur
l'universalité des titres de la même
émission inscrits au nom du teneur de
compte dans le registre des titres
Articles 469 to 474, the King may lay
down the conditions under which
recognized registrars may hold
accounts, the way in which those
accounts operate, the nature of the
certificates that must be issued to the
account-holders and the means by
which recognized registrars and the
settlement institution shall pay the
dividends, interests and outstanding
Article 475bis
Articles 2279 and 2280 of the Civil
Code apply to the dematerialised
securities referred to in this section.
Article 475ter
Other than for securities admitted to
trading on a regulated market, the
provisions of this Section also apply to
securities that are enterd in an account
with a recognized registrar and that are
not held by the said recognized
registrar with a settlement institution or
with an institution serving as an
intermediary in respect of that
settlement institution.
The account-holder shall enter in
his/her name in the register of
registered securities those
dematerialized securities that are in
circulation at any time, listed by
securities issue.
The total outstanding value of an issue
of dematerialized securities by one
issuer may be entered in the register of
securities only in the name of a single
Entering securities on an account
confers, in such a case, a joint
ownership right of an intangible nature
to all the securities of the same issue
entered in the name of the registrar in
the register of registered securities.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
18 December 2014
Title of the
corporate law
or similar law
of the
Member State
hyperlink(s) to
the full text
Commercial Law
 In Bulgarian
 In English
Key relevant
provisions of
the corporate
or similar law
of the
State, under
securities are
Law on Public Offering of Securities
 In Bulgarian
 In English
In the original language (Bulgarian)
In English
Commercial Law:
Commercial Law:
Чл. 175. (1) Акцията е ценна книга, която
участвува с посочената в нея номинална
стойност в капитала.
Article 175 (1) A share shall be a security
which shall attest to the fact that its owner
participates in the capital stock with the
nominal value indicated on it.
Чл. 204. (1) (Изм. - ДВ, бр. 114 от 1999 г.,
в сила от 31.01.2000 г., изм. - ДВ, бр. 58
от 2003 г., изм. - ДВ, бр. 66 от 2005 г.)
Облигации може да се издават само от
акционерно дружество. Издаване на
облигации чрез публично предлагане
може да се извършва най-малко две
години след вписване на дружеството в
търговския регистър и ако има два
годишни финансови отчета, приети от
общото събрание.
Article 204 (1) (Amended, SG No.
114/1999, SG No. 58/2003) Debentures
may only be issued by a joint-stock
company. The issuance of debentures by
public offering may be done at least two
years after the company's recordation in the
commercial register at the earliest, and
provided it has two annual financial
statements that have been approved by the
general meeting.
Law on Public Offering of Securities:
Law on Public Offering of Securities:
Чл. 2. (1) (Доп. - ДВ, бр. 61 от 2002 г., бр.
39 от 2005 г., изм., бр. 86 от 2006 г., бр.
52 от 2007 г.) Ценните книжа са
прехвърлими права, регистрирани по
сметки в Централния депозитар, а за
държавните ценни книжа - регистрирани
по сметки в Българската народна банка
или в поддепозитар на държавни ценни
книжа, или в чуждестранни институции,
прехвърлими права (налични ценни
книжа), които могат да бъдат търгувани
на капиталовия пазар, с изключение на
платежните инструменти, като:
Art. 2. (1) (Am., SG, iss. 61/ 2002; iss. 39/
2005; iss. 86/ 2006, iss. 52/ 2007)
Securities are transferable rights registered
on accounts with the Central Depository,
and for the government securities –
registered on accounts with the Bulgarian
National Bank or with a sub-depository of
government securities or in a foreign
institutions, pursuing such business”
(dematerialized securities) or documents
evidencing transferable rights (materialized
securities) which may be dealt in on the
capital market, excluding instruments of
payment, such as:
1. equity shares in companies and other
securities, equivalent to equity shares in
equity companies, personal companies and
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
1. акции в дружества и други ценни
книжа, еквивалентни на акциите в
дружества, персонални дружества и
други юридически лица, както и
разписки за акции;
2. облигации и други дългови ценни
разписки за такива ценни книжа;
3. други ценни книжа, които дават право
за придобиване или продажба на такива
ценни книжа или които водят до парично
ценни книжа, валутни курсове, лихвени
проценти или доходност, стоки или други
индекси или показатели.
other legal entities, as well as depository
receipts for equity shares;
2. bonds and other debt securities,
including depository receipts for such
3. other securities, giving the right to
acquire or dispose of any such securities or
which result in cash settlement, determined
by means of securities, exchange rates,
interest rates or profitability, commodities or
other indexes or indicators.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Information not provided yet.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Information not provided yet.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Czech Republic
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
18 December 2014
Civil Code (89/2012 Coll.)
 In Czech
 English version is not available yet (translation is in progress)
Law on commercial corporations (90/2012 Coll.)
 In Czech
 English version is not available yet (translation is in progress)
Capital Market Undertakings Act (256/2004 Coll.)
 In Czech
 English version is not available yet (translation is in progress)
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
In the original language (Czech)
In English
89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník
Díl 4 Cenný papír
Oddíl 1 Obecná ustanovení
§ 514 - § 524
Oddíl 2 Zaknihované cenné
§ 525 - § 528
Oddíl 3 Přeměna cenného
papíru na zaknihovaný cenný
papír a přeměna
zaknihovaného cenného
papíru na cenný papír
Pododdíl 1 Přeměna cenného
papíru na zaknihovaný cenný
§ 529 - § 535
Currently there is no official English
version available. The translation is in
Pododdíl 2 Přeměna
zaknihovaného cenného
papíru na cenný papír
§ 536 - § 544
90/2012 Sb., o obchodních
společnostech a družstvech (zákon
o obchodních korporacích)
Díl 3 Akcie a jiné cenné papíry
vydávané akciovou společností
Oddíl 1 Akcie
§ 256 - § 285
Oddíl 2 Vyměnitelné a prioritní
§ 286 - § 294
Oddíl 3 Cenný papír k
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
uplatnění přednostních práv
§ 295 - § 297
Oddíl 4 Upisování a nabývání
vlastních akcií
§ 298 - § 321
Oddíl 5 Veřejný návrh na koupi
nebo směnu účastnických
cenných papírů
§ 322 - § 341
Oddíl 6 Výměna akcií
§ 342 - § 343
256/2004 Sb., o podnikání na
kapitálovém trhu
Část osmá
Evidence investičních nástrojů
Hlava I
Úvodní Ustanovení
Díl 1 Úvodní ustanovení
§ 91
Díl 2 Druhy evidencí
investičních nástrojů
§ 92 - § 93a
Díl 3 Zásady vedení evidence
investičních nástrojů
§ 94 - § 99a
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
18 December 2014
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
Danish Act on Public and Private Limited Companies (the Danish Companies
 In Danish
 In English
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
In the original language (Danish)
In English
§ 1. Denne lov finder anvendelse på
alle aktieselskaber og
anpartsselskaber (kapitalselskaber).
1(1) This Act applies to all public and
private limited companies (limited
liability companies).
Stk. 2. I et aktie- eller anpartsselskab
anpartshaverne (kapitalejerne) ikke
forpligtelser, men alene med deres
indskud. Kapitalejerne har ret til andel i
kapitalselskabets overskud i forhold til
deres ejerandel, medmindre andet er
fastsat i selskabets vedtægter.
(2) The holders of shares in public and
shareholders) are not personally liable
for the
Stk. 3. Et anpartsselskab kan ikke
udbyde selskabets kapitalandele til
a right to a share of the profits of the
limited liability company in proportion
to their ownership interest, unless
§ 4. Kapitalselskaber omfattet af denne
lov skal have en selskabskapital, der
skal opgøres i danske kroner eller
euro, jf. dog stk. 3.
Stk. 2. Aktieselskaber skal have en
selskabskapital svarende til mindst
500.000 kr., og anpartsselskaber skal
have en selskabskapital svarende til
mindst 50.000 kr.
Stk. 3. Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen
kan fastsætte nærmere regler om
selskabskapitalen i en anden valuta
end danske kroner eller euro.
§ 5. I denne lov forstås ved:
1) Aktieselskab:
obligations of the limited liability
company, but are liable only to the
extent of their contributions. The
shareholders have
provided by the company's articles of
(3) A private limited company may not
offer its shares to the public.
4(1) Limited liability companies within
the meaning of this Act must have a
share capital to be denominated in
kroner or euro (but see subsection (3)).
(2) Public limited companies must
have a minimum share capital
corresponding to DKK 500,000, and
private limited
companies must have a minimum
share capital corresponding to DKK
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
partnerselskab, hvor kapitalejernes
indskudskapital er fordelt på aktier.
Aktier kan udbydes til offentligheden.
Kapitalejerne hæfter alene med deres
indskud i selskabet.
(3) The Commerce and Companies
Agency may prescribe detailed rules
governing the right to denominate the
2) Anpartsselskab:
Et kapitalselskab, hvor kapitalejernes
indskudskapital er fordelt på anparter.
Anpartsselskaber kan ikke udbyde
deres kapitalandele til offentligheden,
jf. § 1, stk. 3. Kapitalejerne hæfter
alene med deres indskud i selskabet.
capital in a currency other than Danish
kroner or euro.
5 In this Act, the following terms have
the following meanings:
3) Dattervirksomhed:
1. "Public limited company":
En virksomhed, der er underlagt
moderselskab, jf. §§ 6 og 7.
A limited liability company, including a
limited partnership company, in which
the capital paid in by the
4) Det centrale ledelsesorgan:
a) Bestyrelsen i selskaber, der har en
direktion og en bestyrelse, jf. § 111,
stk. 1, nr. 1,
b) direktionen i selskaber, der alene
har en direktion, jf. § 111, stk. 1, nr. 2,
c) direktionen i selskaber, der både har
en direktion og et tilsynsråd, jf. § 111,
stk. 1, nr. 2.
5) Det øverste ledelsesorgan:
a) Bestyrelsen i selskaber, der har en
direktion og en bestyrelse, jf. § 111,
stk. 1, nr. 1,
b) direktionen i selskaber, der alene
har en direktion, jf. § 111, stk. 1, nr. 2,
c) tilsynsrådet i selskaber, der både
har en direktion og et tilsynsråd, jf. §
111, stk. 1, nr. 2.
6) Ejeraftale:
shareholders is divided into shares.
The shares may be offered to the
public. Shareholders are liable only to
extent of their contributions to the
2. "Private limited company":
A limited liability company in which the
capital paid in by the shareholders is
divided into shares. Private limited
companies may not offer their shares
to the public (see section 1(3)).
Shareholders are liable only to the
of their contributions to the company.
3. "Subsidiary":
A business controlled by a parent
company (see sections 6 and 7).
4. "The central governing body":
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
der regulerer
ejer- og
ledelsesforhold i selskabet, og som er
indgået mellem kapitalejere.
-3a) the board of directors of companies
having a board of directors;
7) Ejerbeviser:
Bevis på ejerskab til en kapitalandel, jf.
§§ 59 og 60.
b) the executive board of companies
having only an executive board; and
8) Ejerbog:
c) the executive board of companies
having both an executive board and a
supervisory board (see section 111).
Den fortegnelse, som kapitalselskabet
skal føre over alle aktionærer eller
anpartshavere, jf. § 50.
5. "The supreme governing body":
a) the board of directors of companies
having a board of directors;
9) Ejerregister:
Det register, som Erhvervs- og
Selskabsstyrelsen fører over visse
kapitalejeres kapitalposter, jf. § 58.
b) the executive board of companies
having only an executive board; and
10) Fondsandele:
c) the supervisory board of companies
having both an executive board and a
supervisory board (see section 111).
Aktier eller anparter, der udstedes i
forbindelse med fondsudstedelse, jf. §
6. "Shareholders’ agreement":
11) Grænseoverskridende flytning af
Et kapitalselskabs flytning af et
kapitalselskabs registrerede hjemsted
fra et EU- eller EØS-land til et andet
EU- eller EØS-land.
12) Grænseoverskridende fusion eller
En fusion eller spaltning, hvori der
indgår kapitalselskaber, som hører
under mindst to forskellige EU- eller
EØS-landes lovgivning.
13) Hjemsted:
Den adresse her i landet,
selskabet kan kontaktes på.
14) Iværksætterselskab:
ownership and management of the
company entered into between the
7. "Share certificates":
Evidence of ownership of a share (see
sections 59 and 60).
8. "Register of shareholders":
A complete register of all shareholders
that must be kept by the limited liability
company (see section 50).
9. "Public register of shareholders":
The register kept by the Commerce
and Companies Agency that records
the shareholdings of certain
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Et anpartsselskab, jf. nr. 2, der ikke har
en registreret selskabskapital på
mindst 50.000 kr., og som opfylder
betingelserne i § 357 a.
shareholders (see section 58).
10. "Bonus shares":
Shares issued in connection with a
bonus share issue (see section 165).
15) Kapitalandel:
En aktie eller anpart, jf. §§ 45-49.
registered office":
16) Kapitalejer:
Enhver ejer
A limited liability company’s relocation
of its registered office from one EU or
EEA Member State to another EU
17) Kapitalklasse:
or EEA Member State.
En gruppe kapitalandele, hvortil der er
knyttet de samme rettigheder eller
12. "Cross-border merger or division":
18) Kapitalselskab:
EU or EEA Member States.
13. "Registered office":
The address in Denmark at which the
company may be contacted.
19) Koncern:
dattervirksomheder, jf. § 7.
A merger or division involving limited
liability companies which are subject to
the laws of at least two different
20) Ledelsen:
Alle de organer, som er nævnt i nr. 4
og 5. Et medlem af ledelsen kan være
et medlem af et selskabs tilsynsråd,
bestyrelse eller direktion.
21) Moderselskab:
Et kapitalselskab, som har en
bestemmende indflydelse over en eller
flere dattervirksomheder, jf. §§ 6 og 7.
22) Multilateral handelsfacilitet:
handelsfacilitet i § 40, stk. 1, i lov om
14. "Share":
A share as specified in sections 45 to
15. "Shareholder":
An owner of one or more shares.
16. "Share class":
A group of shares carrying the same
rights or obligations.
17. "Limited liability company":
A private limited company or a public
limited company, including a limited
partnership company.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
18. "Group":
23) Partnerselskab:
A parent company and its subsidiaries
(see section 7).
Et kommanditselskab, jf. § 2, stk. 2, i
virksomheder, hvor kommanditisterne i
selskabet har indskudt en bestemt
kapital, som er fordelt på aktier, jf.
kapitel 21.
24) Reassumption:
Midlertidig genoptagelse af boet efter
et kapitalselskab, efter at selskabet er
Selskabsstyrelsens it-system, jf. § 235.
25) Rederiaktieselskab:
rederivirksomhed, jf. § 112, stk. 2.
26) Registreringsdato:
Den dato, hvor en kapitalejers ret til at
deltage i en generalforsamling og
afgive stemme i tilknytning til sine
kapitalandele fastsættes.
19. "Management":
All of the bodies specified in
paragraphs 4 and 5 of this section. Any
member of management may be a
member of the company’s supervisory
board, board of directors or executive
20. "Parent company":
A limited liability company controlling
one or more subsidiaries (see sections
6 and 7).
21. "Limited partnership company":
A limited partnership (see section 2(2)
of the Danish Act on Certain
Commercial Enterprises (lov om visse
erhvervsdrivende selskaber)) in which
the limited partners have contributed a
certain amount of capital which
27) Reguleret marked:
Definitionen af et reguleret marked i §
16, stk. 1, i lov om værdipapirhandel
m.v. finder anvendelse.
28) Repræsenteret kapital:
Kapitalandele, der er repræsenteret på
generalforsamlingen og enten har
stemmeret eller er stemmeløse og
29) Repræsentationsret:
stemmeløse kapitalandele til at møde
på generalforsamlingen og til at indgå i
generalforsamlingen repræsenterede
is divided into shares (see Part 21 of
this Act).
22. "Restoration":
company after it has been deleted from
the IT system of the Commerce and
Companies Agency (see section 235).
23. "Public limited shipping company“:
A public limited company carrying on
shipping activities (see section 112(2)).
24. "Date of registration":
The date on which a shareholder's
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
del af selskabskapitalen. Kapitalandele
repræsentationsret, jf. § 46.
right to attend and vote on his shares
at a general meeting is determined.
25. "Capital represented":
30) Selskabskapital:
Det indskud, som kapitalejernes
hæftelse er begrænset til i medfør af
denne lov, jf. § 4.
represented at the general meeting
and carrying the right of representation
31) Statslige aktieselskaber:
provided by the articles of association.
Et aktieselskab, hvortil den danske stat
har samme forbindelse, som et
dattervirksomhed, jf. §§ 6 og 7.
26. "Right of representation":
§ 45. I kapitalselskaber har alle
kapitalandele lige ret i selskabet.
Vedtægterne kan dog bestemme, at
vedtægterne angive de forskelle, der
knytter sig til den enkelte klasse af
kapitalandele, og størrelsen af den
enkelte klasse.
-5A right that can be attached to nonvoting shares, allowing the shareholder
to attend general meetings and be
counted in the assessment of capital
represented at the general meeting.
Voting shares always carry a right of
representation (see section 46).
27. "Share capital":
§ 46. Alle kapitalandele har stemmeret.
Det kan dog i kapitalselskabets
vedtægter bestemmes, at visse
kapitalandele er uden stemmeret, og at
visse kapitalandeles stemmeværdi
afviger i forhold til øvrige kapitalandele.
The contribution amount representing
the extent of shareholder liability under
this Act (see section 4).
Stk. 2. Stemmeløse kapitalandele har
kun repræsentationsret, hvis det
fremgår af vedtægterne.
A public limited company with which
the Danish Government has a
connection similar to that of a parent
§ 47. Et kapitalselskab kan udstede
kapitalandele med nominel værdi eller
kombination heraf.
company and a
sections 6 and 7).
Stk. 2. Stykkapitalandele har ingen
stykkapitalandel udgør en lige stor
andel i selskabskapitalen.
45 In limited liability companies, all
shares carry equal rights. However,
the articles of association of a
company may
Stk. 3. Andelen i selskabskapitalen
provide that the company must have
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
bestemmes for kapitalandele med
nominel værdi efter forholdet mellem
stykkapitalandele efter antallet af
udstedte andele.
§ 48. Kapitalandele er frit omsættelige
og ikke indløselige, medmindre andet
følger af lovgivningen.
Stk. 2. Kapitalandele kan udstedes på
navn. Vedtægterne kan i så fald
omsætteligheden eller bestemmelser
vedrørende indløsning. Aktier kan
endvidere udstedes til ihændehaver.
navnekapitalandel kan ikke udøve de
kapitalejer, medmindre erhververen er
noteret i ejerbogen eller erhververen
har anmeldt og dokumenteret sin
erhvervelse. Dette gælder dog ikke
retten til udbytte og andre udbetalinger
og retten til nye andele ved
different share classes, in which case
the articles must specify the different
and size of each class.
46(1) All shares carry voting rights.
However, the articles of association of
a limited liability company may provide
that certain shares carry no voting
rights, and that the voting power of
certain shares differs from that of the
(2) Non-voting shares only carry a right
of representation if so provided by the
articles of association.
47(1) Limited liability companies may
issue par value shares or non-par
value shares, or any combination of
§ 50. Det centrale ledelsesorgan skal
hurtigst muligt efter selskabets stiftelse
oprette en fortegnelse over samtlige
(2) Non-par value shares have no
nominal value. Each non-par value
share represents an equal amount of
the share
Stk. 2. Ejerbogen kan føres, ved at
selskabet registrerer oplysningerne
efter § 52 og § 56, stk. 2, i Erhvervsog Selskabsstyrelsens it-system, jf. §
Stk. 3. Vedtægterne kan bestemme, at
ejerbogen føres af en person, som er
valgt af selskabet, på selskabets
vegne. Vedtægterne skal indeholde
oplysning om navn og adresse på den
person, der fører ejerbogen. Hvis det
er en juridisk person, er det
nærmere regler om, at personer kan
føre ejerbøger, herunder hvilke
betingelser den pågældende skal
(3) The amount of the share capital
represented by par value shares is
based on the proportion between the
value and the share capital, and the
amount represented by non-par value
shares is based on the number of
shares issued.
48(1) Shares are freely transferable
and non-redeemable, unless otherwise
provided by statute.
(2) Shares may be registered in the
names of the holders. The articles of
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
association may include restrictions on
§ 52. Ejerbogen for et kapitalselskab,
som har udstedt navnekapitalandele,
skal indeholde følgende oplysninger, jf.
dog stk. 3:
1) Kapitalejers samlede beholdning af
2) Kapitalejers og panthavers navn og
bopæl og for virksomheder navn, cvrnummer og hjemsted, jf. stk. 2.
3) Dato for erhvervelse, afhændelse
kapitalandelenes størrelse.
4) De stemmerettigheder,
knyttet til kapitalandelene.
statsborger eller en udenlandsk juridisk
person, skal meddelelsen, jf. § 53, stk.
1, vedlægges anden dokumentation,
der sikrer en entydig identifikation af
kapitalejeren eller panthaveren.
Stk. 3. For aktieselskaber, som har
udstedt ejerbeviser eller har aktier
udstedt gennem en værdipapircentral,
finder stk. 1 og 2 ikke anvendelse.
§ 53. Kapitalejeren eller panthaveren
skal underrette kapitalselskabet om
Meddelelse fra kapitalejeren eller
panthaveren skal være modtaget i
selskabet, senest 2 uger efter at
ejerskifte eller pantsætning er sket.
Meddelelsen skal indeholde de
oplysninger om den nye kapitalejer
eller panthaver, som er nævnt i § 52.
Ved overdragelse af kapitalandele
gælder der ingen noteringspligt, jf. dog
stk. 4. Ved overdragelse af aktier
gælder der ingen noteringspligt, jf. dog
§ 54, stk. 3.
Stk. 2. Underretning om ejerskifte eller
pantsætning indføres i ejerbogen med
transferability of registered shares, or
rules on their redemption. Shares may
also be issued to bearer.
49(1) No purchaser of a registered
share may exercise the rights
conferred on that purchaser as a
unless and until the purchaser has
been registered in the register of
shareholders or has given notice of his
of the shares to the company and
established good title to them.
However, this does not apply to the
right to receive
dividends and other distributions, or to
the right to subscribe for new shares
issued in connection with a capital
50(1) As soon as possible after the
formation of the company, the central
governing body must set up a register
(2) The company may keep the
register of shareholders by registering
the information specified in sections 52
Companies Agency's IT system (see
section 58).
(3) The articles of association may
shareholders must be kept by a person
designated by
the company to keep the register on its
behalf. The articles of association must
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
angivne oplysninger om den nye
kapitalejer eller panthaver, hvis der
ikke efter vedtægterne er noget til
hinder for erhvervelsen. Selskabet,
henholdsvis føreren af ejerbogen, kan
betinge indførelsen af, at erhververen
eller panthaveren dokumenterer sin
ret. Indførelsen i ejerbogen skal
Stk. 3. Selskabet henholdsvis føreren
af ejerbogen skal på forlangende af en
kapitalejer eller en panthaver udstede
bevis for indførelse i ejerbogen.
Stk. 4. Kapitalselskabet henholdsvis
føreren af ejerbogen skal give
ejerbeviset påtegning om, at notering
er sket, eller, når vedtægterne
bestemmer dette, mod deponering af
ejerbeviset udstede bevis for, at
notering er sket.
§ 61. For aktier udstedt gennem en
ledelsesorgan sikre, at centralen
hurtigst muligt får oplysninger om
følgende forhold og senere ændringer
postadresse og registreringsnummer i
registeret for kapitalselskaber.
2) Selskabets selskabskapital med
angivelse af antal aktier og størrelsen
vedkommende tillige aktionærens navn
og adresse. Hvis der er forskellige
aktieklasser, gives oplysningerne for
hver klasse.
3) Om der til nogle aktier er knyttet
særlige rettigheder eller forpligtelser.
4) Om aktierne skal noteres som
betingelse for stemmeret.
Stk. 2. Aktier kan ikke udstedes
gennem en værdipapircentral, før
selskabet er registreret i Erhvervs- og
set out the name and address of the
person charged with keeping the
register of shareholders. If that person
is a legal person, only the Central
Register (CVR) number needs to be
Companies Agency may prescribe
detailed rules permitting
requirements that must be met by such
52(1) Unless issued through a
securities centre, shares must be
entered in the register of shareholders
in numerical
order. For companies that have not
issued share certificates or have
issued registered shares, or whose
shares have not
been issued through a securities
centre, the register of shareholders
must contain information about all
holders of
shares and charges, the date of
acquisition, disposal of or charge over
the shares, the voting rights attaching
to the
shares, the names and addresses of
the shareholders or, in the case of
businesses, their name, Central
Business Register
(CVR) number and registered office. If
the shareholder or charge holder is a
foreign national or a foreign legal
the notice to be given under section
53(1) must be accompanied by other
documentation ensuring unambiguous
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Selskabsstyrelsens it-system.
identification of the shareholder.
Stk. 3. Ved kapitalforhøjelser skal det
centrale ledelsesorgan sikre, at
fortegningsrettigheder og rettigheder til
fondsaktier registreres med angivelse
af, hvor mange rettigheder der kræves
til nye aktier. Ved nye aktier skal det
angives, hvornår de får rettigheder i
selskabet. Er kapitalforhøjelsen ikke
kapitalselskaber, eller er en aktie
endnu ikke fuldt indbetalt, skal det
centrale ledelsesorgan foranledige
dette registreret i en værdipapircentral.
53(1) The shareholder or charge
holder must notify the limited liability
company of any change in share
Stk. 4. Det centrale ledelsesorgan skal
sikre, at gennemførelsen af en
registreres i en værdipapircentral
hurtigst muligt efter gennemførelsen.
Stk. 5. Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen
kan fastsætte nærmere regler om
afgivelse af oplysninger efter stk. 1-4.
§ 62. Hvis et aktieselskabs aktier skal
værdipapircentral de oplysninger, som
er nævnt i § 61.
Stk. 2. Aktieselskabets eventuelle
kontoførende institut på den måde, der
foreskrives i indkaldelsen fra en
selskabet skal give de oplysninger, der
foreskrives i indkaldelsen.
samtlige omkostninger forbundet med
udstedelse af aktier m.v. i en
værdipapircentral. Aktieselskabet skal
indgå aftale med et eller flere
regning kan
1) få deres aktier m.v. indskrevet og
or charge. The notice from the
shareholder or charge holder must be
received by the company no later than
two weeks
after the date of the change of
ownership or charge. The notice must
contain information about the new
shareholder or
charge holder as specified in section
52. Where shares are transferred, the
name of the new holder need not be
(but see section 54(3)).
(2) Any notice of a change of
ownership or charge must be entered
in the register of shareholders,
including particulars
of the new shareholder or charge
holder, provided that the articles of
association do not prevent the
The company or, respectively, the
keeper of the register of shareholders
can make registration subject to the
establishing good title to the shares or
charge. Entries in the register of
shareholders must
be dated.
(3) The company or, respectively, the
keeper of the register of shareholders
must provide evidence of registration
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
opbevaret der og
2) få meddelelse om udbytte m.v. og
årlig kontoudskrift.
Stk. 4. Aktionærerne har ret til selv at
udpege et kontoførende institut, der på
opgaver, som er nævnt i nr. 1 og 2,
aktieselskabet påtager sig opgaverne
for samme udgift, som aktieselskabet
skulle have afholdt til det institut,
selskabet har indgået aftale med.
the register of shareholders upon
request from a shareholder or charge
61(1) For shares issued through a
securities centre, the limited liability
company’s central governing body
must ensure
that the securities centre receives the
following particulars as well as
any subsequent
changes to
these as soon as possible:
§ 63. Er der forløbet 3 år, efter at
selskabets aktier er blevet indkaldt til
registrering i en værdipapircentral,
uden at alle indkaldte aktier er blevet
registreret i centralen, kan det centrale
ledelsesorgan ved en bekendtgørelse i
Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsens itsystem opfordre aktionærer til inden
for 6 måneder at sikre, at registrering
sker. Når fristen er udløbet, uden at
registrering er sket, kan det centrale
ledelsesorgan for aktionærens regning
værdipapirhandler, jf. § 4, stk. 1, i lov
salgsprovenuet kan aktieselskabet
bekendtgørelsen og afhændelsen. Er
salgsprovenuet ikke afhentet senest 3
år efter afhændelsen, tilfalder beløbet
§ 76. Kapitalejernes ret til at træffe
beslutninger i kapitalselskabet udøves
på generalforsamlingen.
Stk. 2. Kapitalejernes beslutninger på
træffes under fravigelse af lovens og
vedtægternes form- og fristkrav, hvis
samtlige kapitalejere er enige herom,
jf. dog stk. 5.
Stk. 3. Kapitalejernes beslutninger på
1. The company’s name, registered
office, postal address and registration
number in the register of limited liability
2. The company’s share capital,
including the number and size of the
shares, and, for registered shares, also
names and addresses of the
shareholders. Companies with more
than one class of shares must list the
by class.
3. Any particular rights or obligations
attaching to specific shares.
4. Any requirement for the shares to be
registered in order to carry voting
(2) No shares may be issued through a
securities centre until the company has
been registered in the Commerce and
Companies Agency's IT system.
(3) In connection with any capital
increases, the central governing body
must ensure that pre-emption rights
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
træffes under fravigelse af lovens
regler om form og frist, jf. dog stk. 5.
enstemmigt, og regler herom skal
optages i vedtægterne. § 106 finder
anvendelse på en ændring eller
Generalforsamlingen skal dog afholdes
ved fysisk fremmøde, hvis kapitalejere,
der ejer mere end 10 pct. af selskabets
kapital, fremsætter krav herom.
Stk. 4. Det centrale ledelsesorgan kan
bestemme, at andre end de personer,
som er opregnet i denne lov, kan
medmindre andet er bestemt i
Stk. 5. Kapitalejerne i statslige
aktieselskaber og i aktieselskaber,
som har aktier optaget til handel på et
reguleret marked i et EU- eller EØSland, kan ikke træffe beslutninger
under fravigelse af lovens regler om
form og frist, jf. stk. 2 og 3. Det samme
gælder for aktieselskaber, hvor det ved
lov eller bekendtgørelse er fastsat, at
pressen skal have adgang til
Stk. 6. Statslige
er åbne for
bestemmer andet, kan det centrale
ledelsesorgan beslutte, at der som
supplement til fysisk fremmøde på
generalforsamlingen gives adgang til,
at kapitalejerne kan deltage elektronisk
stemme elektronisk, uden at være
fysisk til stede på generalforsamlingen,
det vil sige, at der afholdes en delvis
elektronisk generalforsamling, jf. stk. 36.
Stk. 2. Generalforsamlingen kan
beslutte, at generalforsamlingen alene
afholdes elektronisk uden adgang til
fysisk fremmøde, dvs. som en
rights to bonus shares are registered,
and specify the number of rights
required for new shares. For new
shares, the
date from which they confer rights in
the company must be specified. If the
capital increase has not been
registered in
the register of limited liability
companies, or if a share has not yet
been fully paid up, the central
governing body must
register information to that effect with
the securities centre.
(4) The central governing body must
ensure that any resolution to reduce
capital, and the amount of the
is registered with the securities centre
as soon as possible after the resolution
is passed.
(5) The Commerce and Companies
Agency may prescribe detailed rules
on the information to be provided
under subsections
(1) to (4).
62(1) If the shares in a public limited
company are to be issued through a
securities centre, the company must
the securities centre with the
information specified in section 61 as
soon as possible.
(2) Any share certificates for shares in
the public limited company must be
delivered to an account-holding bank
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Beslutningen skal indeholde oplysning
om, hvordan elektroniske medier
anvendes i forbindelse med deltagelse
i generalforsamlingen. Beslutningen
skal optages i vedtægterne. § 106
finder anvendelse på beslutningen
samt på ændringer heri.
Stk. 3. Det centrale ledelsesorgan
fastsætter de nærmere krav til de
elektroniske systemer, som anvendes
ved en delvis eller fuldstændig
Indkaldelsen til generalforsamling skal
indeholde oplysning herom, ligesom
det skal fremgå af indkaldelsen,
hvordan kapitalejerne tilmelder sig til
elektronisk deltagelse, og hvor de kan
finde oplysning om fremgangsmåden i
forbindelse med elektronisk deltagelse
i generalforsamlingen.
Stk. 4. Det er en forudsætning for
afholdelse af såvel delvis som
generalforsamling, at kapitalselskabets
centrale ledelsesorgan drager omsorg
for, at generalforsamlingen afvikles på
betryggende vis. Det anvendte system
skal være indrettet på en sådan måde,
at lovens krav til afholdelse af
generalforsamling opfyldes, herunder
kapitalejernes adgang til at deltage i
samt ytre sig og stemme på
generalforsamlingen. Det anvendte
system skal tillige på pålidelig måde
kunne fastslå, hvilke kapitalejere der
deltager i generalforsamlingen, hvilken
repræsenterer, samt resultatet af
Stk. 5. Har et aktieselskab udstedt
ihændehaveraktier og ikke indført en
registreringsdato, jf. § 84, må det
ligeledes angives i indkaldelsen, jf. stk.
3, hvordan ejerne af sådanne aktier
skal dokumentere deres adkomst til at
registration notice issued by the
securities centre. The shareholder and
the company must
provide the information prescribed in
the registration notice.
(3) The public limited company must
pay all of the costs associated with
issuing its shares, etc. through a
centre. The public limited company
must enter into an agreement with one
or more account-holding banks
that the shareholders may, at the
company’s expense,
1. have their shares, etc. registered
and held in safe keeping by such
banks; and
2. receive notification of dividends, etc.
and an annual statement of their
(4) The shareholders are entitled to
appoint an account-holding bank of
their choice to provide the services
listed in
paragraphs 1 and 2, provided that that
bank agrees to provide these services
at the same cost to the public limited
company as would have been charged
by the bank with which the company
has an arrangement.
63 Where the company's shares are
required to be registered with a
securities centre, and three years after
the call
for registration has been made there
are still some shares that have not
been registered, the central governing
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
bestemmelser om afholdelse af
generalforsamling med de fornødne
afvigelser tilsvarende anvendelse på
delvis og fuldstændig elektronisk
may, by notice in the Commerce and
Companies Agency's IT system,
request that the shareholders register
their shares
- 21 within an additional period of six
months. Upon expiry of that six-month
period, the central governing body may
sell any
unregistered shares, at the expense of
the relevant shareholder(s), through a
securities dealer as defined in section
of the Danish Securities Trading Act.
The public limited company is entitled
to deduct the expenses incurred in
with the notice and sale of the shares
from the proceeds of the sale. Any
proceeds not claimed within three
years of
the sale will accrue to the public limited
Cancellation of share certificates
76(1) The shareholders’ rights to pass
resolutions are exercised at the
general meetings of the limited liability
(2) Shareholders can pass resolutions
at a general meeting without complying
with the requirements as to form and
notice in this Act and the company’s
articles of association, provided that all
shareholders agree to do so (but see
(3) Resolutions made by shareholders
at a general meeting can, in general,
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
be passed without complying with the
rules on form and notice provided by
this Act (but see subsection (5)). A
resolution to that effect must be
passed by
unanimous agreement, and rules that
provide for passing such resolutions
must be set out in the articles of
Section 106 applies to any amendment
to or abolition of such rules. However,
where shareholders holding more than
10% of the share capital so request,
general meetings must be held by
physical attendance.
(4) The central governing body may
determine that persons other than
those specified in this Act are entitled
to attend
general meetings, unless otherwise
provided by the articles of association.
(5) The shareholders of state-owned
public limited companies and public
limited companies whose shares are
to trading on a regulated market in an
EU or EEA Member State may not
pass resolutions without complying
the rules on form and notice provided
by this Act (see subsections (2) and
(3)). This also applies to public limited
whose general meetings must be open
to the press by virtue of statute or an
executive order.
(6) General meetings of state-owned
public limited companies must be open
to the press.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Electronic general meetings
77(1) Unless otherwise provided by the
company’s articles of association, the
central governing body may determine
that in addition to a right to physically
attend general meetings, shareholders
may be given the right to attend
including using electronic voting that
does not require physical attendance
at the meeting, so that the general
meeting will be partly electronic (see
subsections (3) to (6)).
(2) The general meeting may resolve
to hold general meetings electronically
without any opportunity for parties to
physically attend, so that the meeting
is held by electronic means alone (see
subsections (3) to (6)). A resolution to
effect must explain how electronic
media can be used to attend the
general meeting. The resolution must
be recorded in
the company’s articles of association.
Section 106 applies to the resolution
and to any amendments made to it.
(3) The central governing body must
electronic systems to be used to
conduct general
meetings that are held electronically, in
whole or in part. The notice convening
the general meeting must specify
shareholders can register to attend the
general meeting electronically and
where they
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
can find information
procedure for attending.
(4) General meetings may only be held
electronically, in whole or part, if the
central governing body of the limited
company ensures that the general
meeting can be properly conducted.
The system to be used must be set up
requirements of this Act for holding
shareholder rights to attend,
speak and vote at general meetings.
The system must also be able to
reliably determine which shareholders
attend the
general meeting, the capital and voting
rights represented by them, and the
outcome of voting.
(5) If a public limited company has
specifying a date of registration (see
section 84),
the notice convening the general
meeting (see subsection (3)) must also
specify how the holders of such shares
must also specify how the holders of
such shares must
establish their right to electronically
attend the general meeting.
(6) All of the provisions in this Act that
regulate the holding of general
meetings apply, with any necessary
to general meetings conducted in
whole or in part by electronic means.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
20 November 2014
1. Äriseadustik (Commercial Code)
 In Estonian
 In English
2. Eesti väärtpaberite keskregistri seadus (Estonian Central Register of
Securities Act)
 In Estonian
 In English
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
In the original language (Estonian)
In English
Commercial Code
Articles 34, 221-241, 250 (7-1), 300
(2), 338, 341-343, 350-351 359 (2-1),
Commercial Code
Articles 34, 221-241, 250 (7-1), 300
(2), 338, 341-343, 350-351 359 (2-1),
Articles 2, 7, 21, 23, 23-1, 25, 10, 13,
14, 14-1
Articles 2, 7, 21, 23, 23-1, 25, 10, 13,
14, 14-1
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
The changes in legislation are still pending and the legislative proposals are expected to be submitted to
the Parliament in January 2015.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
29 January 2015
Code de commerce (French commercial Code)
 In French
 In English
Code monétaire et financier (French monetary and financial Code)
 In French
 In English
Règlement Général de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers (RGAMF) (The
AMF General Regulation (GR)
 In French
 In English
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
In the original language (French)
In English
Code de commerce
French commercial Code
LIVRE II : Des sociétés commerciales
et des groupements d'intérêt
BOOK II: Commercial companies and
economic interest groups
TITLE I: Preliminary provisions
TITRE Ier : Dispositions
TITLE II: Provisions specific to
various commercial companies
TITRE II : Dispositions
particulières aux diverses
sociétés commerciales.
TITLE III : Provisions common
to various commercial
TITRE III : Dispositions
communes aux diverses
sociétés commerciales.
BOOK VI: Businesses in difficulty
BOOK II: Commercial companies and
economic interest groups.
LIVRE VI : Des difficultés des
LIVRE II : Des sociétés commerciales
sociétés commerciales.
Chapitre VIII : Des
sociétés par actions.
TITLE II: Provisions specific to
Securities issued by
joint-stock companies.
Article L228-1. (abstract) (Internal
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Article L 228-1. (extrait)
Les valeurs mobilières sont des titres
financiers au sens de l'article L. 211-1
du code monétaire et financier, qui
confèrent des droits identiques par
Les valeurs mobilières émises par les
sociétés par actions revêtent la forme
de titres au porteur ou de titres
nominatifs, sauf pour les sociétés pour
lesquelles la loi ou les statuts imposent
la seule forme nominative, pour tout ou
mobilières, quelle que soit leur forme,
doivent être inscrites en compte au
nom de leur propriétaire, dans les
conditions prévues aux articles L. 2113 et L. 211-4 du code monétaire et
Toutefois, lorsque des titres de capital
ou des obligations de la société ont été
admis aux négociations sur un marché
réglementé et que leur propriétaire n'a
pas son domicile sur le territoire
français, au sens de l'article 102 du
code civil, tout intermédiaire peut être
inscrit pour le compte de ce
propriétaire. Cette inscription peut être
faite sous la forme d'un compte
collectif ou en plusieurs comptes
individuels correspondant chacun à un
L'intermédiaire inscrit est tenu, au
moment de l'ouverture de son compte
auprès soit de la société émettrice, soit
de l'intermédiaire mentionné à l'article
L. 211-3 du code monétaire et
financier qui tient le compte-titres, de
déclarer, dans les conditions fixées par
décret, sa qualité d'intermédiaire
détenant des titres pour le compte
En cas de cession de valeurs
mobilières admises aux opérations
d'un dépositaire central ou livrées dans
un système de règlement et de
livraison mentionné à l'article L. 330-1
Transferable securities are financial
securities within the meaning of Article
L. 211-1 of the French monetary and
financial Code, that provide for
identical rights per securities type.
The transferable securities issued by
joint-stock companies take the form of
securities, with the exception of
companies in respect of which the law
or the articles of association impose
the registered form only for some or all
of the capital.
regardless of their form, must be
registered in the name of their holder
as provided for in article L. 211-3 and L
211-4 of the French monetary and
financial Code.
However, if the company's capital
securities have been admitted to
trading on a regulated market and their
holder is not domiciled in France within
the meaning of Article 102 of the Civil
Code, any intermediary may be
registered on behalf of that holder.
Such registration may be made in the
form of a joint account or several
corresponding to one holder.
When it opens its account with the
issuing company or with the authorized
account-keeping financial intermediary,
the registered intermediary is required
to declare its status, in the manner
determined by decree, as an
intermediary holding securities on
behalf of others.
When transferable securities are
admitted to the central security
depositary or delivered through a
settlement system as described in
article L.330-1 of the French monetary
and financial code, the transfer of
ownership is done in the conditions
defined by article L.211-17. In other
cases, the transfer of ownership
results from the registration of the
securities in the buyer’s account in the
conditions defined by a decree.
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du code monétaire et financier, le
transfert de propriété s'effectue dans
les conditions prévues à l'article L.
211-17 de ce code. Dans les autres
cas, le transfert de propriété résulte de
l'inscription des valeurs mobilières au
compte de l'acheteur, dans des
conditions fixées par décret en Conseil
Code monétaire et financier
LIVRE II : Les produits
BOOK II: Products
TITRE Ier : Les instruments
LIVRE III : Les services
TITRE III : Systèmes de
paiement et systèmes de
règlement et de livraison
d'instruments financiers
PART I: Financial instruments
BOOK III: Services
PART III: Payment systems
and systems used for
settlement and delivery of
financial instruments
Book II: Les produits
Livre II : Les produits
Titre Ier : Les instruments
French monetary and financial Code
Article L. 211-1 (extrait)
Les instruments financiers sont les
titres financiers (comprenant les titres
de capital émis par les sociétés par
actions ; les titres de créance, à
l'exclusion des effets de commerce et
des bons de caisse et les parts ou
actions d'organismes de placement
collectif.) et les contrats financiers
également dénommés " instruments
financiers à terme ", qui sont des
contrats à terme figurant sur une liste
fixée par décret.
Article L.211-2
« Les
comprennent les valeurs mobilières au
sens du deuxième alinéa de l'article L.
228-1 du code de commerce, ne
peuvent être émis que par l'Etat, une
personne morale, un fonds commun
de placement, un fonds de placement
Chapter Ier: Définition
et règles générales
Article L. 211-1. (abstract)
Financial instruments include both
financial securities (including Equity
securities issued by joint-stock
companies; Debt securities, with the
exception of bills of exchange and
interest-bearing notes and Units or
shares in undertakings for collective
investment) and financial contracts
also referred to as "financial futures"
which are futures contracts who
appear on a list established by decree.
Article L. 211-2
“Financial securities, which include
transferable securities as defined in
the second paragraph of Article L. 2281 of the Commercial Code, may be
issued only by the State, a legal entity,
a common fund, a real-estate
investment trust or a securitization
common fund.”
Article L. 211-3
“Financial securities, issued on French
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immobilier, un fonds professionnel de
placement immobilier ou un fonds
commun de titrisation. »
Article L.211-3
« Les titres financiers, émis en
territoire français et soumis à la
législation française, sont inscrits dans
un compte-titres tenu soit par
intermédiaires mentionnés aux 2° à 7°
de l'article L. 542-1. »
Article L.211-6
« Le compte-titres est tenu par
l'émetteur lorsque la loi l'exige ou
lorsque l'émetteur le décide. Dans les
autres cas, il est tenu au choix du
propriétaire des titres par l'émetteur ou
par un intermédiaire mentionné à
l'article L. 211-3.
Un décret en Conseil d'Etat précise les
conditions d'application du présent
article. »
Article L.211-7
« Les titres financiers admis aux
opérations d'un dépositaire central
peuvent être inscrits dans un comptetitres tenu par un intermédiaire
mentionné à l'article L. 211-3, sauf
décision contraire de l'émetteur.
Les titres financiers qui ne sont pas
admis aux opérations d'un dépositaire
central doivent être inscrits dans un
compte-titres tenu par l'émetteur au
nom du propriétaire des titres.
Toutefois, sauf lorsque la loi ou
l'émetteur l'interdit, les parts ou actions
d'organismes de placement collectif
peuvent être inscrites dans un comptetitres tenu par un intermédiaire
mentionné à l'article L. 211-3. »
Article L. 211-9
« Le teneur de compte-conservateur
sauvegarde les droits des titulaires des
comptes sur les titres financiers qui y
sont inscrits. Il ne peut utiliser ces
titres pour son propre compte que
dans les conditions prévues au 6° de
l'article L. 533-10. »
soil and under French legislation, are
recorded in a securities account kept
either by the issuer, or by one of the
intermediaries listed in paragraphs 2 to
7 of Article L. 542-1.”
Article L. 211-6
“The securities account shall be kept
by the issuer where the law so requires
or where the issuer decides to do so.
Otherwise, the owner of the securities
shall decide whether the account shall
be kept by the issuer or an
intermediary referred to in Article L.
A decree issued following consultation
with the Conseil d'Etat shall determine
this article's implementing provisions.”
Article L. 211-7
“Securities admitted to the operations
of a central depository may be placed
in a securities account kept by an
authorised intermediary referred to in
decided by the issuer.
Securities that are not admitted to the
operations of a central depository must
be placed in a securities account kept
by the issuer on behalf of the securities
owner. Nevertheless, unless forbidden
by law or the issuer, units or shares in
collective investment undertakings
may be placed in a securities account
kept by an intermediary referred to in
Article L. 211-3.”
Article L. 211-9
“The custody account-keeper shall
protect the rights of the account
holders concerning the financial
securities held in the accounts. He
may use these securities for his own
account only under the conditions set
forth in paragraph 6° of Article L. 53310.”
Article L. 211-10
“In the event of a court-ordered
reorganisation or liquidation procedure
being initiated against the intermediary
referred to in Article L. 211-3, the
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Article L. 211-10
« En cas d'ouverture d'une procédure
de redressement ou de liquidation
judiciaire d'un intermédiaire mentionné
à l'article L. 211-3, l'administrateur
conjointement avec l'administrateur
provisoire ou le liquidateur nommé, le
cas échéant, par l'Autorité de contrôle
prudentiel et de résolution, vérifie titre
financier par titre financier que
l'ensemble des titres financiers figurant
en compte chez un dépositaire central
ou chez un autre intermédiaire au nom
de l'intermédiaire défaillant, quelle que
soit la nature des comptes ouverts
chez ces derniers, sont en nombre
suffisant pour que l'intermédiaire
puisse remplir ses obligations vis-à-vis
des titulaires de compte.
En cas d'insuffisance du nombre de
ces titres, il est procédé titre financier
par titre financier à une répartition
proportionnelle entre les titulaires de
compte concernés ; ceux-ci peuvent
faire virer à un compte-titres tenu par
un autre intermédiaire ou par
l'émetteur les titres dont ils obtiennent
Pour la créance correspondant aux
titres financiers qui, faute d'une
encaisse suffisante chez le dépositaire
central ou chez un autre intermédiaire,
n'auront pu être restitués aux titulaires
de compte, ceux-ci sont dispensés de
la déclaration prévue à l'article L. 62224 du code de commerce.
Le juge commissaire est informé du
résultat de la vérification opérée par
liquidateur et, le cas échéant, de la
répartition proportionnelle des titres
financiers ainsi que des virements
effectués à la demande des titulaires
de compte. »
Article L. 211-11
« Aucune saisie, même à titre
conservatoire, n'est admise sur les
dépositaire central.
receiver or liquidator, acting jointly with
the provisional receiver or liquidator, if
any, appointed by the Autorité de
Contrôle Prudentiel, shall verify, for
each financial security, that the
number of securities held in an
account with a central depository or
with another intermediary on behalf of
the defaulting intermediary, regardless
of the nature of the accounts opened
with them, is sufficient to enable the
intermediary to meet its obligations
towards the account holders.
In the event of the number of securities
held being insufficient, an allocation of
securities shall be made among the
account holders in proportion to the
securities made available; the account
holders may arrange to have them
credited to an account kept by another
intermediary or by the issuer of the
securities, from whom they recover.
They are exempted from making the
declaration set forth in Article L. 62124 of the Commercial Code in respect
of the debt corresponding to the
financial securities that have not been
made available to the account holders
due to there being an insufficient
number thereof on hand with the
The bankruptcy judge shall be
informed of the result of the audit
carried out by the receiver or the
liquidator and, if applicable, the
proportionate allocation of financial
securities as well as the transfers
made at the account holders' request.”
Article L. 211-11
“No attachment, even of a protective
nature, of accounts opened with a
central depository shall be allowed.
No enforcement measure or protective
measure against an intermediary
referred to in Article L. 211-3 shall be
allowed in respect of financial
securities entered in an account
opened in his name in the books of
another intermediary referred to in the
same article where they do not belong
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Aucune mesure d'exécution forcée ou
conservatoire menée à l'encontre d'un
intermédiaire mentionné à l'article L.
211-3 n'est admise sur les titres
financiers inscrits sur un compte,
ouvert à son nom dans les livres d'un
autre intermédiaire mentionné au
même article, lorsqu'ils ne sont pas la
propriété du premier intermédiaire. »
Article L. 211-12
« Sous réserve des dispositions de
l'article L. 211-11, les saisies de titres
financiers sont régies par les
dispositions de la partie législative du
d'exécution. »
Article L.211-14
« A l'exception des parts des sociétés
civiles de placement immobilier
mentionnées à l'article L. 214-114 et
des parts des sociétés d'épargne
forestière mentionnées à l'article L.
214-121, les titres financiers sont
négociables. »
Article L. 211-15
« Les titres financiers se transmettent
par virement de compte à compte. »
Article L.211-17
« Le transfert de propriété de titres
financiers résulte de l'inscription de
ces titres au compte-titres de
Lorsque les titres financiers sont admis
aux opérations d'un dépositaire central
ou livrés dans un système de
règlement et de livraison d'instruments
financiers mentionné à l'article L. 3301, le transfert de propriété résulte de
l'inscription des titres au compte-titres
de l'acquéreur, à la date et dans les
conditions définies par le règlement
général de l'Autorité des marchés
précédents, lorsque le système de
règlement et de livraison assure la
livraison des titres financiers en
prévoyant un dénouement irrévocable
to the initial intermediary.”
Article L. 211-12
“Subject to the provisions set forth in
Article L. 211-11, attachments of
financial securities are governed by the
provisions of the legislative section of
the civil enforcement procedures.”
Article L. 211-14
“With the exception of shares in realestate investment companies referred
to in Article L. 214-114, and shares
held in forestry investment companies
referred to in Article L. 214-121,
financial securities are negotiable.”
Article L. 211-15
“Financial securities shall be
transmitted by book transfer.”
Article L. 211-17
“Transfer of ownership of financial
securities shall result from the entry of
these securities in the purchaser's
Where financial securities are admitted
to the operations of a central securities
depository or delivered within a
settlement and delivery system
referred to in Article L. 330-1, transfer
of ownership shall result from the entry
of the securities in the purchaser's
account, on the date and under the
conditions defined by the General
Regulation of the Autorité des Marchés
As an exception to the preceding
paragraphs, where the settlement and
delivery system ensures the delivery of
the financial securities by providing for
real-tim irrevocable settlement, transfer
to the purchaser shall only take place
when the purchaser has paid the price.
As long as the purchaser has not paid
the price, the intermediary who
received the financial securities is the
owner. The General Regulation of the
Autorité des Marchés Financiers shall
determine the detailed rules governing
transfer of ownership that are
applicable in the case set forth in this
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en continu, le transfert n'intervient au
profit de l'acquéreur que lorsque celuici a réglé le prix. Tant que l'acquéreur
n'a pas réglé le prix, l'intermédiaire qui
a reçu les titres financiers en est le
propriétaire. Le règlement général de
l'Autorité des marchés financiers
précise les modalités particulières de
transfert de propriété applicables dans
le cas prévu au présent alinéa. »
Article L.211-17-1
« I.-L'acheteur
d'instruments financiers mentionnés au
I de l'article L. 211-1 sont, dès
l'exécution de l'ordre, définitivement
engagés, le premier à payer, le second
à livrer, à la date mentionnée au II du
présent article.
Sans préjudice du règlement (UE) n°
236/2012 du Parlement européen et
du Conseil, du 14 mars 2012, sur la
vente à découvert et certains aspects
des contrats d'échange sur risque de
crédit, il est interdit à un vendeur
d'instruments financiers mentionnés au
I de l'article L. 211-1 et admis à la
négociation sur un marché réglementé
d'émettre un ordre de vente s'il ne
dispose pas sur son compte des
instruments financiers appelés à être
cédés, ou s'il n'a pas pris les mesures
nécessaires auprès d'une tierce partie
raisonnables sur sa capacité à livrer
ces instruments financiers, au plus tard
à la date prévue pour la livraison
consécutive à la négociation.
Il peut être dérogé au présent article
dans des conditions prévues par
décret après avis motivé du collège de
l'Autorité des marchés financiers.
Le prestataire auquel l'ordre est
transmis peut exiger, lors de la
réception de l'ordre ou dès son
exécution, la constitution dans ses
livres, à titre de couverture, d'une
provision en espèces en cas d'achat,
en instruments financiers objets de la
vente en cas de vente.
II.-En cas de négociation d'instruments
financiers mentionnés au II de l'article
Article L. 211-17-1 (Internal
“I. - The purchaser and the seller of
financial instruments referred to in
Article L. 211-1 are, upon the
execution of the order, definitively
bound, the former to pay, and the latter
to deliver, on the date mentioned in
paragraph II of this article.
n°236/2012/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 14
March 2012 on short selling and
certain aspects of credit default swaps,
a seller of financial instruments
referred to in paragraph I of Article L.
211-1 and admitted to trading on a
regulated market may not issue a sell
order if he does not have on his
account the financial instruments to be
sold, or if he has not taken the
necessary measures with respect to a
third-party in order to be reasonably
assured of his ability to deliver said
financial instruments, at the latest on
the date stipulated for delivery
following trading.
The provisions of this article may be
waived under conditions stipulated by
decree following a reasoned opinion of
the Board of the Autorité des Marchés
The provider to whom the order is
transmitted may require, upon
reception of the order or upon its
execution, that collateral in the form of
cash be placed in its books in the case
of a purchase, or the financial
instruments to be sold in the case of a
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
L. 211-1, le transfert de propriété
résulte de l'inscription au compte de
l'acheteur. Cette inscription a lieu à la
date de dénouement effectif de la
négociation mentionnée dans les
règles de fonctionnement du système
de règlement et de livraison lorsque le
compte du teneur de compte
conservateur de l'acheteur, ou le
compte du mandataire de ce teneur de
compte conservateur, est crédité dans
les livres du dépositaire central.
Cette date de dénouement des
d'inscription en compte intervient au
terme d'un délai inférieur à deux jours
de négociation après la date
d'exécution des ordres. Il peut être
dérogé à ce délai, pour des raisons
techniques, dans les cas énumérés
par le règlement général de l'Autorité
des marchés financiers.
Cette même date s'applique lorsque
les instruments financiers de l'acheteur
et du vendeur sont inscrits dans les
livres d'un teneur de compte
conservateur commun.
Les deuxième et troisième alinéas du
présent II prennent effet à la date
d'entrée en vigueur d'un dispositif
d'harmonisation équivalent au niveau
III.- L'Autorité des marchés financiers
peut prononcer les sanctions prévues
aux II et III de l'article L. 621-15 à
l'encontre de toute personne physique
ou morale qui exécute une opération
ayant pour objet ou pour effet de
contrevenir aux dispositions des I et II
du présent article. »
Article L.211-39
« Les droits ou obligations du
constituant, du bénéficiaire ou de tout
mentionnées au I de l'article L. 211-38
portant sur des titres financiers sont
déterminés par la loi de l'Etat où est
situé le compte dans lequel ces titres
sont remis ou constitués en garantie. »
Article L.330-1 (extrait)
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
interbancaires ou de règlement et de
s'entend d'une procédure nationale ou
internationale organisant les relations
entre trois participants au moins, sans
compter le gestionnaire du système,
défini au 5° du II du présent article, ni
définis au dernier alinéa du même II,
permettant conformément à des règles
normalisées au sens de la directive
98/26/ CE du Parlement européen et
du Conseil du 19 mai 1998 concernant
le caractère définitif du règlement dans
les systèmes de paiement et de
règlement des opérations sur titres,
l'exécution à titre habituel, par
compensation ou non, de paiements
ainsi que, pour ce qui concerne les
systèmes de règlement et de livraison
d'instruments financiers, la livraison
d'instruments financiers entre lesdits
Le système doit soit avoir été institué
par une autorité publique, soit être régi
par une convention-cadre respectant
convention-cadre de place ou par une
convention type. Le ministre chargé de
européenne des marchés financiers la
liste des systèmes bénéficiant des
articles L. 330-1 et L. 330-2 et leurs
gestionnaires respectifs.
III.- Les instructions et opérations de
compensation introduites dans l'un des
systèmes mentionnés au I produisent
leurs effets en droit et sont opposables
aux tiers, y compris si elles ont été
introduites avant l'expiration du jour
ouvrable où est rendu un jugement
judiciaires à l'encontre d'un participant
direct ou indirect et ce nonobstant
toute disposition législative contraire et
toute mention contraire de ce
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Article L.330-2
« I. Les règles de fonctionnement, la
convention-cadre ou la convention
type régissant tout système mentionné
à l'article L. 330-1 peuvent exiger des
institutions participant, directement ou
indirectement, à un tel système ou à
un système lié par un accord
dispositions de l'article L. 211-38 ou
l'affectation spéciale des valeurs,
titres, effets, créances ou sommes
d'argent pour satisfaire aux obligations
de paiement découlant de la
participation à un tel système ou à un
II. Les règles de fonctionnement, la
convention-cadre ou la convention
type précisent les modalités de
réalisation ou d'utilisation des biens ou
droits constitués en garantie.
III. Les dispositions du livre VI du code
de commerce ou celles équivalentes
régissant toutes procédures judiciaires
ou amiables ouvertes hors de France
ainsi que toutes procédures civiles
d'exécution ou tout exercice d'un droit
d'opposition ne font pas obstacle à
l'application des articles L. 330-1 et L.
Aucun créancier d'une institution
indirectement, à un tel système, ou
selon le cas, du tiers qui a constitué
les garanties dans le système, du
gestionnaire du système lui-même, ou
du gestionnaire d'un système lié par
un accord d'interopérabilité, ne peut se
prévaloir d'un droit quelconque sur ces
garanties, même sur le fondement des
dispositions susmentionnées.
IV.-Lorsque les instruments financiers,
effets, créances, sommes d'argent ou
tout instrument similaire émis sur le
fondement d'un droit étranger sont
inscrits dans un registre, un compte ou
auprès d'un dépositaire central ou d'un
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
système, régi par un droit étranger, de
dépôt centralisé situés dans un Etat
partie à l'accord sur l'Espace
économique européen, et remis ou
constitués en garantie pour satisfaire
aux obligations de paiement découlant
de la participation à un système de
règlement interbancaire ou de
règlement et de livraison d'instruments
financiers tel que défini à l'article L.
330-1, les droits du bénéficiaire de
ladite garantie, ou celui de tout
mandataire, agent ou tiers agissant
pour leur compte sont déterminés par
la loi applicable au lieu de ladite
inscription. »
Règlement Général de l’Autorité des
Marchés Financiers (RGAMF)
The AMF General Regulation (GR)
BOOK V - Market infrastructures
LIVRE V - Infrastructures de marché
TITRE VII - Transfert de propriété des
instruments financiers admis aux
opérations d'un dépositaire central ou
livrés dans un système de règlementlivraison
Article 570-1
« L'acheteur et le vendeur sont, dès
l'exécution de l'ordre, définitivement
engagés, le premier à payer, le second
à livrer les instruments financiers, à la
date mentionnée à l'article 570-2.
Le prestataire auquel l'ordre est
transmis peut exiger, lors de la
réception de l'ordre ou dès son
exécution, la constitution dans ses
livres, à titre de couverture, d'une
provision en espèces en cas d'achat,
en instruments financiers objets de la
vente en cas de vente. »
Article 570-6
« En cas de négociations effectuées
sur un marché réglementé ou sur un
système multilatéral de négociation,
l'acheteur bénéficie, dès le jour de
l'exécution de l'ordre, de la propriété
des droits financiers détachés entre le
jour de la négociation et la date de
l'inscription des titres en compte.
Par dérogation, les règles d'un marché
réglementé ou d'un système
TITLE VII - Transfer of ownership of
financial instruments accepted by a
central depository or settlement
Article 570-1
“As soon as an order is executed, the
buyer is definitively bound to pay for,
and the seller is definitively bound to
deliver, the financial instruments at the
date mentioned in Article 570-2.
The service provider to which the order
is transmitted may, upon receipt of the
order or as soon as it is executed,
require that a guarantee provision be
made in its books, in cash in the case
of a purchase and in financial
instruments in the case of a sale.”
Article 570-6
“For trades on a regulated market or
multilateral trading facility, the buyer
shall have title from the day of order
execution to any financial rights
detached between the trade date and
the date of entry in the buyer's
By exception, the rules of a regulated
market or multilateral trading facility
may provide that, for some or all of the
debt securities admitted to trading
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
multilatéral de négociation peuvent
prévoir que, pour tout ou partie des
titres de créance admis à la
négociation, l'acheteur ne bénéficie de
la propriété de ces droits financiers
qu'une fois intervenu, à son profit, le
transfert de propriété desdits
instruments financiers. »
thereon, the buyer shall have title to
such rights only after ownership of the
said financial instruments has passed
to him.”
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Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
15 December 2014
Regarding shares:
Aktiengesetz (German Stock Corporations Act)
 In German
 No official English translation available
Regarding bonds:
Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (German Civil Code)
 In German
 In English
Schuldverschreibungsgesetz (German Act on Bonds)
 In German
 No official English translation available
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
In the original language (German)
§ 8 - § 13
§ 16
§ 19
§ 20 - § 24
§ 53a
§ 54 - § 75
§ 118 - § 129
§ 131
§ 133 - § 137
§ 138 - § 142
§ 147 - § 149
Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch
§ 793
§ 794
§ 796 - § 799
§ 801 - § 808
Abschnitt 1 - Allgemeine Vorschriften
Abschnitt 2 - Beschlüsse der Gläubiger
§ 5 - § 22
Abschnitt 3 - Bußgeldvorschriften;
§ 23 - § 24
In English
Aktiengesetz (German Stock
Corporations Act):
No official translation available
Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (German
Civil Code)
Section 793-808
Schuldverschreibungsgesetz (German
Act on Bonds):
No official English translation available
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the
corporate law
or similar law
of the
Member State
hyperlink(s) to
the full text
Key relevant
provisions of
the corporate
or similar law
of the
State, under
securities are
18 December 2014
2. Ν. 2396/1996 «Επενδυτικές υπηρεσίες στον τομέα των κινητών αξιών, επάρκεια
ιδίων κεφαλαίων των επιχειρήσεων παροχής επενδυτικών υπηρεσιών και των
πιστωτικών ιδρυμάτων και άυλες μετοχές
*No hyperlinks provided
In the original language (Greek)
1. Κ.Ν.
Άρθρο 8β - Μετοχικοί τίτλοι - Μεταβίβαση
των μετοχών
7. Η μεταβίβαση μετοχών που έχουν
εκδοθεί σε άυλη μορφή γίνεται με σχετική
καταχώριση στο μητρώο όπου τηρούνται οι
κινητές αξίες, σύμφωνα με τις
εκάστοτε ισχύουσες σχετικές διατάξεις.
Προκειμένου περί ονομαστικών μετοχών,
ο εγγεγραμμένος στο μητρώο των κινητών
αξιών θεωρείται έναντι της εκδότριας
εταιρίας ως μέτοχος."
2. Ν. 2396/1996 «Επενδυτικές
υπηρεσίες στον τομέα των
κινητών αξιών, επάρκεια
επενδυτικών υπηρεσιών και
των πιστωτικών ιδρυμάτων
και άυλες μετοχές
Άρθρο 47
1. Επί άυλων ανώνυμων μετοχών,
μέτοχος θεωρείται ο εγγεγραμμένος στα
αρχεία του Κεντρικού Αποθετηρίου Αξιών.
2. Επί άυλων ονομαστικών μετοχών
έναντι της εκδότριας εταιρίας θεωρείται
μέτοχος ο εγγεγραμμένος στα αρχεία του
Κεντρικού Αποθετηρίου Αξιών, κατά
παρέκκλιση των διατάξεων του άρθρου 8β
του κ.ν. 2190/1920.
Άρθρο 51
In English
1. Codified Law 2190/1920 ‘’ On
Societes Anonymes’’
Article 8(b) – Share Certificates – Transfer
of Shares
The transfer of dematerialized
shares is effected through respective
registration in the registry where the
securities are kept pursuant to the relevant
provisions in force. In case of registered
shares, as far as the issuing company is
concerned the person that is registered in
the securities registry is deemed to be
shareholder of the company.
2. Law 2396/1996 «INVESTMENT
Article 47
1. In the case of dematerialised bearer
shares, the person registered in the CSD
registry is considered to be the shareholder
2. As for dematerialised registered shares,
the person registered in the CSD registry is
considered to be the shareholder as far as
the issuing company is concerned.
Article 51
Certificates provided by the CSD.
1. The CSD certifies the status as a
shareholder, the number of shares, either
totally or in parts, as well as any
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Βεβαιώσεις της ΑΕΑΠΟΘ
1. Η ΑΕΑΠΟΘ βεβαιώνει στο μέτοχο την
ιδιότητά του αυτή, τον αριθμό των μετοχών
του ολικά ή κατά τμήματα, ως και τις τυχόν
επιβαρύνσεις επ`αυτών. Η ΑΕΑΠΟΘ
χορηγεί σχετική βεβαίωση στο πρόσωπο
υπέρ του οποίου
είναι καταχωρισμένη ενεχύραση ή άλλη
επιβάρυνση. Κάθε βεβαίωση της ΑΕΑΠΟΘ
κατά το παρόν άρθρο πρέπει να έχει το
τον προορισμό
encumbrance on the shares. The CSD
grants a relative certificate to the person, in
favour of whom the pledge or any other
encumbrance is registered. The content of
each certificate issued by the CSD, within
the meaning of this article, should be in
agreement with its purpose.
2. If for the exercise of one’s
shareholders rights, the law provides for
the submission of a certificate issued by
the CSD where the transferable
securities of a listed company are kept,
2. Αν για την άσκηση μετοχικών
the relevant certificate is issued without
δικαιωμάτων τα οποία συνδέονται με
the previous block of the relevant
γενική συνέλευση, που συγκλήθηκε,
προσκόμιση βεβαίωσης από το φορέα,
στα αρχεία του οποίου τηρούνται οι
κινητές αξίες εταιρείας που είναι
εισηγμένες σε χρηματιστήριο, η σχετική
ν αξιών.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
18 December 2014
Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code
o In Hungarian
o English version is not available
Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market
o In Hungarian
o English version is not available
Government Decree No 284/2001. (XII.26.) on the Mode of the
Generation and Forwarding of Dematerialized Securities and the
Relevant Rules on Safety, as well as on the Opening and the Keeping of
the Security Account, the Central Securities Account and the Customer
o In Hungarian
o English version is not available
In the original language (Hungarian)
2013. évi V. törvény a Polgári
XXXI. Fejezet
Általános rendelkezések
XXXII. Fejezet
A részvény
XXXIII. Fejezet
A részvénytársaság alapítása
XXXIV. Fejezet
Részvényesi jogok és kötelezettségek
XXXV. Fejezet
A részvénytársaság szervezete
XXXVI. Fejezet
Az alaptőke felemelése
XXXVII. Fejezet
Az alaptőke leszállítása
In English
Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code
Chapter XXXI
General Provisions
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Foundation of Limited Companies
Chapter XXXIV
Rights and Obligations of Shareholders
Chapter XXXV
Organizational Structure of Limited
Chapter XXXVI
Increase of Share Capital
Chapter XXXVII
Reduction of Share Capital
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
XXXVIII. Fejezet
A részvénytársaságok átalakulására,
egyesülésére és szétválására
vonatkozó külön szabályok
XXXIX. Fejezet
A részvénytársaság jogutód nélküli
XL. Fejezet
Az egyszemélyes részvénytársaság
2001. évi CXX. törvény a tőkepiacról
III. Fejezet
IV. Fejezet
V. Fejezet
VI. Fejezet
VI/A. Fejezet
284/2001. (XII. 26.) Korm. rendelet
a dematerializált értékpapír
előállításának és továbbításának
módjáról és biztonsági szabályairól,
Special Regulations Concerning the
Transformation, Merger and Division of
Limited Companies
Chapter XXXIX
Dissolution of a Limited Company
Without Succession
Chapter XL
Single-member Limited Companies
Book Six
Law of obligations
Part Five
Title XXXI
Dematerialized securities
Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital
Part Two
Forms of issue and marketing of
Chapter III
Forms of issue of securities
§ 6-12/B
Chapter IV
Offering of securities and their
admission to trading on a regulated
§ 13-51
Chapter V
Obligation to provide information
relating to publicly offered securities
§ 52-61
Chapter VI
Provisions relating to public-interest
§ 62
Chapter VI/A
Regulations for terminating the
continued trading of shares admitted to
trading on a regulated market
§ 63-63/A
Government Decree No. 284/2001
(XII. 26.) on the methods of
transmitting dematerialised
securities, the relevant security
rules and on opening and keeping
securities accounts, central
securities accounts and customer
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
valamint az értékpapírszámla,
központi értékpapírszámla és az
ügyfélszámla megnyitásának és
vezetésének szabályairól
§ 1-14, § 17-19
§ 1-14, § 17-19
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
16 March 2015
Companies Act 2014
Companies Act, 1990 (Uncertified Securities) Regulations, 1996
In the original language (English)
Companies Act 2014
Part 17, Chapter 3 governs share capital in publicly traded companies.
Section 1021 governs allotment of shares and other securities and
contains provisions relating to the duty to deliver particulars of allotment
on a prescribed form to the Registrar.
Section 1031 governs certain securities or money-market instruments
constituting consideration for allotment-subsections (6) and (7) make
provision for the delivery of particulars to the Registrar.
Part 17, Chapter 7 regarding uncertificated securities.
Sections 1085, 1086 & 1087 provide the Minister with the ability to
make legislation concerning dematerialisation.
Part 23, Chapter 1, 2, 3 & 4 concerns the public offer of securities, financial
reporting by trading companies and contains provisions concerning
prospectus law, market abuse law, and transparency (regulated markets)
Chapter 1, Sections 1348 to 1364 concerning public offers of
securities, provides the statutory basis for regulations transposing the
Prospectus Directive (2003/71/EC) (transposed into Irish law as S.I
324/2005). These provisions are taken from Part 5 of the Investment
Funds, Companies and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2005.
Chapter 2, Sections 1365 to 1371, on market abuse law, provide the
statutory basis for regulations to transpose the Market Abuse Directive
(2003/6/EC)- (transposed into Irish law as S.I 342/2005) These sections
re-enact Part 4 of the Investment Funds, Companies and Miscellaneous
Provisions Act 2005.
Chapter 3, Sections 1372 to 1378, adapts the provisions on directors’
compliance statements to apply to a traded company.
Chapter 4, Sections 1379 to 1384, deal with the transparency
obligations of publicly quoted companies and provide the statutory
framework including the basis for the making by the Minister of
regulations to transpose the Transparency Directive (2004/109/EC)(transposed into Irish law as S.I 277/2007). These sections derive from
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Part 3 of the Investment Funds, Companies and Miscellaneous
Provisions Act 2006.
S.I. No. 68/1996 - Companies Act, 1990 (Uncertificated Securities) Regulations,
These Regulations make provision for the transfer without a written instrument,
and the evidencing otherwise than by a certificate, of title to a unit of a security,
in accordance with a computer-based system and procedures known as the
"relevant system". The relevant system centres on a person known as the
"operator". The legal framework underlying the operation of the relevant system,
together with the criteria which the operator and the relevant system must meet,
are enshrined in these Regulations.
Chapter II provides for a range of matters relating to transfers of title to
securities (including transfer of uncertificated holdings, transfer from
uncertificated to certificated holdings and vice-versa) through a
dematerialised system, the recording and registration of such transfers
and the obligations imposed on participating issuers in regard to this and
certain other matters.
Chapter III provides for the approval of an operator or recognition of an
operator already approved by a competent authority of a Member State
of the EU, by the Minister. Provision is also made for the Minister to
delegate his approval and supervisory functions.
Chapter IV makes provision to prevent persons sending dematerialised
instructions, and persons on whose behalf they are sent, denying
particular matters relating to them. It also makes provision for persons
receiving such instructions to accept with certain exceptions, that the
information contained in them and matters relating to them are correct.
Chapter V makes provision for certain notices to be issued in respect of
minority shareholdings resulting from a take-over situation.
Chapter VI contains certain supplementary and incidental provisions
designed to overcome evidential problems which may arise in relation to
system entries.
The Schedule to the Regulations sets out the requirements for approval
and continuing operation of a person as an operator
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
18 December 2014
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
Codice civile - Civil code approved by Royal decree no. 262 of 16 March
o In Italian
o No official English translation available
Decreto legislativo 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58 - Testo unico delle
disposizioni in materia finanziaria (Testo Unico della Finanza) Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 (Consolidated Law on
Financial Intermediation)
o In Italian
o In English
Regolamento di attuazione del decreto legislativo 24 febbraio 1998, n.
58, concernente la disciplina degli emittenti adottato dalla Consob con
delibera n. 11971 del 14 maggio 1999 (Regolamento Consob Emittenti)
- Consob regulations no. 11971 of 14 May 1999, implementing the
provisions concerning issuers laid down by Legislative Decree no. 58 of
24 February 1998
o In Italian
o In English
Regolamento recante la disciplina dei servizi di gestione accentrata, di
liquidazione, dei sistemi di garanzia e delle relative società di gestione
adottato dalla Banca d’Italia e dalla Consob con provvedimento del 22
febbraio 2008 - Bank of Italy and Consob rules governing central
depositories, settlement services, guarantee systems and related
management companies adopted on 22 February 2008
o In Italian
o In English
In the original language (Italian)
Codice Civile – Libro V – Titolo V
– Capo V – Società per azioni: in
particolare, articoli 2346-2360;
2367; 2370; 2372; 2377, 2378;
2379; 2393-bis; 2395; 2396;
2408-2409; 2409-decies; 2409undecies;
2410; 2411; 2415; 2416; 2422;
2433; 2433-bis; 2437 ss.; 2441;
In English
(Please refer to the hyperlink
English version not available
Civil Code – Book V – Title V Chapter V – Company limited by
shares: in particular, articles
2346-2360; 2367; 2370; 2372;
2377, 2378; 2379; 2393-bis;
2395; 2396; 2408-2409; 2409decies; 2409-undecies; 2409noviesdecies; 2410; 2411; 2415;
2416; 2422; 2433; 2433-bis; 2437
ss.; 2441; 2447-octies
Testo Unico della Finanza:
Consolidated Law on Financial
Parte IV (Disciplina degli
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
emittenti): in particolare,
Titolo III, Capo II, Sezione II
(Diritti dei soci); Sezione IIbis (Società cooperative);
Sezione II-ter (Deleghe di
(Sollecitazione di deleghe);
risparmio e altre categorie di
(Organi di amministrazione);
controllo): Art. 148
issuers): in particular, Title
III, Chapter II, Section II
(Shareholder rights); Section
II-bis (Cooperatives); Section
II-ter (Proxies); Section III
Section IV (Savings shares
and other classes of shares);
Section V (Internal control
bodies): Art. 148
Parte III, Titolo II, Capo II
(Disciplina della gestione
accentrata): in particolare,
articoli 83-quinquies; 83sexies; 83-septies; 83-octies;
83-undecies; 83-duodecies;
Part III, Title II, Chapter II
(Central depository system
regulations): in particular,
articles 83-quinquies; 83sexies; 83-septies; 83-octies;
83-undecies; 83-duodecies;
(Please refer to the link above)
(Please refer to the hyperlink
Regolamento Consob Emittenti:
in particolare, Parte III, Titolo IV
(Esercizio del diritto di voto);
Titolo V-bis, Capo I (Nomina degli
organi di amministrazione e di
(Please refer to the hyperlink
Regolamento recante la disciplina
dei servizi di gestione accentrata:
in particolare, Parte I, Titolo II,
(Comunicazioni, certificazioni e
(Please refer to the hyperlink
Consob regulations n. 11971 of
14 May 1999: in particular, Part
III, Title IV (Exercise of voting
rights); Title V-bis, Chapter I
(Appointment of management and
control bodies)
(Please refer to the link above)
Bank of Italy - Consob rules
governing central depositories: in
particular, Part I, Title II, Chapter
II, Section IV (Communications,
certificates and notices)
(Please refer to the link above)
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
16 January 2015
Komerclikums (Commercial Law)
 In Latvian
 In English (second search item)
Finanšu instrument tirgus likums (Financial Instruments Market Law)
 In Latvien
 In English (first search item)
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
In the original language (Latvian)
In English
Commercial Law
226.pants. Akcija un ar to saistītās
tiesiskās attiecības
(1) Akcija ir vērtspapīrs, kas apliecina
akcionāra līdzdalību sabiedrības
pamatkapitālā un dod viņam tiesības
atbilstoši attiecīgās akcijas kategorijai
piedalīties sabiedrības pārvaldē,
saņemt dividendi un sabiedrības
likvidācijas gadījumā — likvidācijas
(2) Akcija nav dalāma.
(3) Tiesiskās attiecības, kas rodas
sakarā ar publiskajā apgrozībā
esošajām akcijām, regulē šis likums,
ciktāl Finanšu instrumentu tirgus
likumā nav noteikts citādi.
Section 226. Stock and the Legal
Relations Associated with It
(1) Stocks are securities, which certify
the stockholder’s participation in the
equity capital of a company and gives
them the right, in conformity with the
relevant category of stock, to take part
in the administration of the company,
to receive dividends and, in the case of
the liquidation of the company, a
liquidation quota.
(2) Stocks are indivisible.
(3) The legal relations which arise in
relation to stock which is in public
circulation shall be regulated by this
Law insofar as the Financial
Instrument Market Law does not
specify otherwise.
228.pants. Vārda akcija un
uzrādītāja akcija
(1) Akcija var būt vārda akcija vai
uzrādītāja akcija.
(2) No vārda akcijas izrietošās tiesības
ir personai, kura kā akcionārs
ierakstīta akcionāru reģistrā.
(3) No uzrādītāja akcijas izrietošās
tiesības ir personai, kuras finanšu
instrumentu kontā akcija ir iegrāmatota
saskaņā ar Finanšu instrumentu tirgus
likuma noteikumiem.
(4) Akcionārs var prasīt sabiedrībai, lai
tā konvertē viņam piederošās
uzrādītāja akcijas par vārda akcijām un
otrādi, ja statūtos paredzēta
229.pants. Akciju forma
(1) Vārda akcijas var būt papīra formā
Section 228. Registered Stock and
Bearer Stock
(1) Stock may be registered stock or
bearer stock.
(2) The rights arising from registered
stock belong to the person who, as a
stockholder, is entered in the register
of stockholders.
(3) The rights arising from bearer stock
belong to the person the share of
whom has been registered in the
financial instrument account in
accordance with the provisions of the
Financial Instrument Market Law.
(4) A stockholder may request that the
company convert the bearer stock
owned by them into registered stock
and vice versa if the articles of
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
vai dematerializētas.
(2) Uzrādītāja akcijas var būt tikai
234.pants. Akcionāru reģistrs
(1) Vārda akciju un to turētāju uzskaitei
valde nodrošina akcionāru reģistra
236. pants. Uzrādītāja akciju
(1) Valde nodrošina uzrādītāja akciju
iegrāmatošanu Latvijas Centrālajā
depozitārijā saskaņā ar Finanšu
instrumentu tirgus likuma noteikumiem.
Finanšu instrumentu tirgus likums
53.pants. Finanšu instrumentu
tirdzniecības uzsākšana
(2) Finanšu instrumentu tirdzniecību
regulētajā tirgū drīkst uzsākt tikai pēc
to iegrāmatošanas Latvijas Centrālajā
depozitārijā. Šī prasība neattiecas uz
publiskajā apgrozībā arī ārpus Latvijas
Republikas un jau iegrāmatoti citā
(3) Latvijas Centrālais depozitārijs
iegrāmato finanšu instrumentus pēc
tam, kad ir noslēdzis līgumu ar
emitentu vai personu, kas lūdz
pārvedamu vērtspapīru iekļaušanu
regulētajā tirgū, un saņēmis Latvijas
Centrālā depozitārija noteikumos
paredzētos dokumentus.
association provide for conversion.
Section 229. Form of Stock
(1) Registered stock may be issued in
printed form or dematerialised.
(2) Bearer stock may only be
Section 234. Register of
(1) For the entering of registered stock
and their holders, the board of
directors shall ensure the maintenance
of a register of stockholders.
(2) The correctness of the record in the
register of stockholders with his or her
signature shall be certified by the
chairperson of the board of directors or
a member of the board of directors
authorised by the board of directors.
Section 236. Registration of Bearer
(1) The board of directors shall ensure
record of bearer stocks in the Latvian
Central Depository in accordance with
the provisions of the Financial
Instrument Market Law.
(2) A stockholder has the right to
transfer bearer stock entered in the
Latvian Central Depository to his or her
financial instruments account.
Financial Instruments Market Law
Section 53.
Commencement of
Trade in Financial Instruments
(1) Trade in transferable securities in a
regulated market may be commenced
not sooner than three days following
the placing of the prospectus on the
Internet home page of the relevant
market maker.
(2) Trade in financial instruments in a
regulated market may be commenced
only following the entry thereof in the
accounts of the Latvian Central
Depository. This requirement does not
apply to financial instruments, which
are also in public circulation outside
the Republic of Latvia and have
already been entered into the accounts
in another state.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
(3) The Latvian Central Depository
shall enter the financial instruments
into the accounts after it has entered
into a contract with the issuer and has
received the documents prescribed by
the regulations of the Latvian Central
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
18 December 2014
Akcinių bendrovių įstatymas (The Law on Companies)
 In Lithuanian
 No official English translation is available yet
In the original language (Lithuanian)
2 straipsnis. Akcinė bendrovė
uždaroji akcinė bendrovė
3. - 4.
Official translation is not available yet.
6 straipsnis. Steigėjai
7 straipsnis. Bendrovės steigimo
sutartis ir steigimo aktas
8 straipsnis. Steigiamos bendrovės
akcijų pasirašymas ir apmokėjimas
1.- 10.
38 straipsnis. Bendrovės nuosavo
kapitalo sudėtis
1. - 2.
40 straipsnis. Akcijos
1. -17.
41 straipsnis. Akcininkų asmeninių
1. - 3.
44 straipsnis. Akcijų pasirašymas
1. - 10.
45 straipsnis. Akcijų apmokėjimas
1. - 12.
In English
45 straipsnis. Akcijų apmokėjimo
nepiniginiu įnašu, bendrovei didinant
įstatinį kapitalą, ypatumai
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
46 straipsnis. Akcijų perleidimas
1. - 8.
49 straipsnis.
1. - 8.
50 straipsnis. Įstatinio kapitalo
didinimas papildomais įnašais
1. - 4.
51 straipsnis. Įstatinio
didinimas iš bendrovės lėšų
1. - 4.
52 straipsnis.
1.- 11.
55 straipsnis. Obligacijos
1. - 11.
56 straipsnis.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
18 December 2014
Loi du 10 aout 1915 concernant les sociétés commerciales (Law of 1915,
august, 10 concerning commercial companies)
o In French
o In English
Loi du 6 avril 2013 relative aux titres dematerialises (Law of 2013, April, 6 on
dematerialised securities)
o In French
o In English
Loi du 3 septembre 1996 concernant la depossession involontaire de titres
au porteur (Law of 3 September 1996 concerning the involuntary
dispossession of bearer securities)
o In French
o In English
Loi du 28 juillet 2014 relative à l’immobilisation des actions et parts au
porteur et a la tenue du registre des actions nominatives et du registre des
actions au porteur (Law of 2014, July, 28 on immobilisation of bearer shares
and units)
o In French
o In English
Loi du 1er aout 2001 concernant la circulation de titres (Law of 2001,
August, 1 on the circulation of securities)
o In French
o In English
Loi du 5 aout 2005 sur les contrats de garantie financiere (Law of 2005,
august, 5 on financial collateral arrangements)
o In French
o In English
Loi du 17 décembre 2010 concernant les organismes de placement collectif
(Law of 2010, December, 17 relating to undertakings for collective
o In French
o In English
Loi du 22 mars 2004 relative a la titrisation (Law of 2004, march, 22 on
o In French
o In English
Loi du 12 juillet 2013 relative aux gestionnaires de fonds d’investissement
alternatifs (Law of 2013, july, 12 on alternative Investment Fund managers)
o In French
o In English
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
In the original language (French)
1) Loi du 10 aout 1915 concernant
les sociétés commerciales
§ 3 – Des actions et de leur
Art. 37. à Art. 49bis.
§ 8. – De l’émission des
Art. 80. à Art 98.
Source (extract) : Texte coordonné au
14 août 2014, Version applicable à
partir du 18 août 2014. Réalisé par le
Service central de législation avec le
concours deIsabelle Corbisier Chargée
de cours à l’Université du Luxembourg,
André Prüm Doyen de la Faculté de
Droit, d’Economie et de Finance de
l’Université du Luxembourg, Jean-Paul
Spang Avocat au Barreau de
Directrice Legitech
2) Loi du 6 avril 2013 relative aux
titres dématérialisés
Chapitre Ier – Dispositions
Art.1 à Art. 3
Chapitre II – Emission de et
conversion en titres
Section 1 – Emission de titres
Art. 4. à Art. 7
Section 2 – Conversion en titres
Art. 8. à Art. 12.
Chapitre III – Transmission des
titres dématérialisés
Art. 13. à Art. 14
Chapitre IV – L’émetteur
Art. 15. à Art. 18
Chapitre V – Des organismes de
liquidation et des teneurs de
compte central
Art. 19. à Art. 21
Chapitre VI – Dispositions
modificatives et finale
Art. 22. à Art. 30.
3) Loi du 3 septembre 1996
concernant la dépossession
involontaire de titres au porteur
In English
Law of 1915, august, 10 concerning
commercial companies
§ 3. The shares and the transfer
Art. 37. – 49bis
§ 8. The issue of bonds
Art. 79. – Art. 98
Source (extract): “Loi concernant les
concerning commercial companies- les
traductions de la législation, Philippe
Avocat à la Cour, Etude
Elvinger, Hoss et Prussen, Service
central de législation, 2003.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Art. 1. à Art. 14
4) Loi du 28 juillet 2014 relative à
l’immobilisation des actions et
parts au porteur et à la tenue du
registre des actions nominatives et
du registre des actions au porteur
Chapitre 1er – Dispositions
Art. 1. à Art 4.
Chapitre 2 – Sanctions pénales
Art. 5.
Chapitre 3 – Dispositions
Art. 6.
5) La loi du 1er aout 2001 concernant
la circulation de titres
Section 1 – Champ d’application
Art. 1.
Section 2 – Définitions
Art. 2.
Section 3 – Des titulaires de
Art. 3. à Art 10.
Section 4 – De l’intégrité du
Art. 11. à Art 12.
Section 5 – Du teneur de
Art. 13. à Art 18.
Section 6. Des règles spéciales
applicables aux teneurs de
compte opérant à titre principal
un système de règlement des
opérations sur titres
Art. 19. à Art 23.
6) Loi du 5 aout 2005 sur les contrats
de garantie financière
partie I: Dispositions générales
Art. 1. (8) «instruments
7) Loi du 17 décembre 2010
concernant les organismes de
placement collectif
Art. 8. à Art. 12.
Art. 28. à Art. 29.
Art. 33. à Art. 39.
Art. 80.
Art. 88-3.
Art. 95.
Art. 99.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
8) Loi du 22 mars 2004 relative à la
Art. 7.
Art. 22.
Art. 63.
Art. 66.
Art. 70.
9) Loi du 12 juillet 2013 relative aux
gestionnaires de fonds
d’investissement alternatifs
Section 4 – Dépositaire
Art. 19. Dépositaire
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
18 December 2014
Companies Act (Chapter 386)
 In English
 In Maltese
In Maltese and In English
§85.; §§ 97. – 103.; §§117.-120.; §§123.- 124.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
The Netherlands
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
14 November 2014
Burgerlijk Wetboek (Dutch Civil Code)
In Dutch
In English (unofficial translation)
In the original language (Dutch)
In English
Key provisions under which naamloze
vennootschappen constitute their
securities: Articles 2:95-97 of the
Dutch Civil Code
Article 2:95 Corporation is not allowed
to subscribe for its own shares
A naamloze vennootschap (N.V. or
NV) is a public limited company (open
corporation). The company is owned
by shareholders, and the company's
shares are not registered to certain
Article 2:96a Pre-emptive subscription
right of shareholders
Artikel 95
Article 2:96 Power to issue new shares
Article 2:96b Exemption for
Investment Companies
Articles 2:96 and 2:96a do not apply to
an Investment Com-pany with Variable
Artikel 96
Artikel 96a
Artikel 96b
De artikelen 96 en 96a gelden niet
voor een beleggingsmaatschappij met
veranderlijk kapitaal.
Artikel 97
Article 2:97 Allotment of shares for a
smaller amount than the announced
amount of issuance
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate
law or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full
12 December 2014
Ustawa Kodeks Spółek Handlowych z dnia 15 września 2000 r., tekst
jednolity: Dz.U.2013.1030, z póź Commercial Companies Code of
15.09.2000, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2013.1030, w. further
Ustawa o obrocie instrumentami finansowymi z dnia 29 lipca 2005 r.,
tekst jednolity: Dz.U.2014.94, z póź Act on trading in financial
instruments of 29.07.2005, con-solidated text: Journal of Laws 2014.94,
w. further amend-ments
Ustawa o obligacjach z dnia 29 czerwca 1995 r., tekst jednolity:
Dz.U.2014.730, z późn. zm. Act on Bonds of 29.06.1995, consolidated
text: Journal of Laws 2014.730, w. further amendments
Ustawa o funduszach inwestycyjnych z dnia 27 maja 2004 r.,
tekst jednolity: Dz.U.2014.157, z póź Act on investment
funds of 27.05.2004, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2014.157,
w. further amendments
Ustawa o listach zastawnych i bankach hipotecznych z dnia 29
sierpnia 1997 r., tekst jednolity: Dz.U.2003.99.919, z późn. zm.
Act on covered bonds and mortgage banks of 29.08.1997, consolidated
text: Journal of Laws 2003.99.919, w. further amendments
Rozporządzenie Ministra Finansów z dnia 12 maja 2010 r. w sprawie
szczegółowych warunków, jakie musi spełniać rynek oficjalnych notowań
giełdowych oraz emitenci papierów wartościowych dopuszczonych do
obrotu na tym rynku, Dz.U.2010.84.547. Regulation of the Minister of
Finance of 12.05.2010 con-cerning detailed conditions which need to be
fulfilled by an official quotation market and issuers of securities admitted,
text: Journal of Laws 2010.84.547
*Due to on-going process of extensive regulatory amendments, aimed at
adjusting the national legal framework to new EU regulations, there are
unfortunately no publicly available translations into English of the Acts described,
which the KNF would recommend as reliable and up-to-date.
Key relevant provisions
of the corporate or
similar law of the
Member State, under
which securities are
In the original language (Polish)
In English
Ustawa Kodeks Spółek Handlowych
– The Commercial Companies Code
The Commercial Companies Code
Reguluje tworzenie, organizację,
funkcjonowanie, rozwiązywanie,
łączenie, podział i przekształcanie
spółek handlowych (art. 1). Stanowi
zasady emisji i obejmowania akcji w
przypadku emisji założycielskiej oraz
emisji, subskrypcji i przydziału w
przypadku podwyższenia kapitału
Regulates the creation, organisation,
functioning, dissolution, merger,
division and transformation of
commercial companies; lays down
principles for issue and assumption of
shares and pre-emptive rights in case
of a registered capital of a newly
created company, as well as issue,
subscription for and allotment of
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
zakładowego spółki (art. 313 i in.).
Jednym z typów spółki handlowej jest
spółka akcyjna (zgodnie z art. 1 par.
Kodeks ustanawia szczegółowe
zasady funkcjonowania spółek
akcyjnych w Polsce, powstanie
spółki, prawa i obowiązki
akcjonariuszy, organy spółki, zwykłe
oraz warunkowe podwyższanie
kapitału zakładowego, obniżenie
kapitału zakładowego, rozwiązanie i
likwidację spółek, odpowiedzialność
cywilnoprawną (Dział II Tytułu III) oraz
łączenie, podział i przekształcenie
spółek, w tym spółek akcyjnych (Tytuł
Wprowadza pojęcie „spółki publicznej”
w rozumieniu przepisów ustawy o
ofercie publicznej i warunkach
wprowadzania instrumentów
finansowych do zorganizowanego
systemu obrotu oraz o spółkach
publicznych (Dz. U. 2013.1382 z późn.
zm.). Zgodnie z przepisem powyższej
ustawy, spółką publiczną jest taka
spółka, której co najmniej jedna akcja
jest zdematerializowana tj.
zarejestrowana w centralnym
depozycie papierów wartościowych
jako wpis elektroniczny.
Kapitał zakładowy spółki akcyjnej dzieli
się na akcje o równej wartości
nominalnej (art. 302). Wartość
nominalna akcji nie może być niższa
niż 1 grosz (art. 308). Akcje są
niepodzielne. Mogą być wydawane w
odcinkach zbiorowych (art. 333 par.1).
Spółka może wydawać akcje o
szczególnych uprawnieniach, które
powinny być określone w statucie
(akcje uprzywilejowane). Akcje
uprzywilejowane, z wyjątkiem akcji
niemych, powinny być imienne (art.
351 par. 1). Akcje uprzywilejowane,
będąc imiennymi, nie mogą być
dopuszczone do publicznego obrotu.
Akcje mogą być imienne lub na
okaziciela (art. 334 par.1), wszystkie
akcje są zbywalne (art. 337 par. 1).
shares and pre-emptive rights in case
of increase of the capital (art. 313 and
others). One of the commercial
company types is a joint-stock
company (spółka akcyjna,
abbreviation: S.A., according to art.1
para. 2).
The Code lays down detailed rules
concerning the functioning of a jointstock company in Poland, including:
creation, rights and obligations of the
shareholders, governance, increase of
the share capital from own company
funds, contingent increase of the share
capital, reduction of the share capital,
dissolution and liquidation of a
company, civil liability (Chapter II of
Title III), merger, division and
transformation of companies including
joint-stock companies (Title IV).
Introduces the concept of a ‘public
company’ by reference to the Polish
Act on public offering… of 29.07.2005
(consolidated text: Journal of Laws
2013.1382 with amendments;
implementing the Prospectus
Directive). The Act referred to above
defines a public company as a
company which has had any of its
shares dematerialised i.e. registered
as a book-entry in a CSD.
Equity capital of a joint-stock company
shall be divided in shares of equal
nominal value (art. 302). A minimum
nominal value is set at 1 grosz (0.01
PLN, art. 308), single share may not
be divided, shares may be issued in
tranches (art. 333.1). The company
statute may provide for preferred stock
being issued, which should not be
bearer shares (art. 351.1); preferred
stock as not bearer shares cannot be
admitted to trading in organized
Joint-stock companies can issue
bearer shares and shares registered in
the name of a shareholder (art. 334.1)
and can be moved (art. 337.1).
However, only bearer shares can be
traded in organized trading venues.
Registered shares must be
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Jednakże, przedmiotem obrotu na
rynkach regulowanych lub MTF mogą
być tylko akcje na okaziciela. Akcje
imienne przed dopuszczeniem do
obrotu zorganizowanego muszą zostać
zamienione w akcje na okaziciela.
Co do zasady, spółka nie może
nabywać wyemitowanych przez nią
akcji (akcje własne); jednakże Kodeks
wprowadza wyjątki od tej zasady,
których spełnienie uprawnia do tego
spółkę akcyjną, w szczególności
spółkę publiczną (art. 362).
Kodeks wprowadza szczegółowe
zasady funkcjonowania Walnego
Zgromadzenia, w tym prawo
akcjonariusza do głosowania w sposób
odmienny z każdej z posiadanych akcji
(art. 411 ).
Zgodnie z art. 431 par. 1,
podwyższenie kapitału spółki
następuje w drodze emisji nowych
akcji lub podwyższenia wartości
nominalnej dotychczasowych akcji.
Objęcie nowych akcji może nastąpić w
1) złożenia oferty przez spółkę i
jej przyjęcia przez
oznaczonego adresata;
przyjęcie oferty następuje na
piśmie pod rygorem
nieważności (subskrypcja
2) zaoferowania akcji wyłącznie
akcjonariuszom, którym służy
prawo poboru (subskrypcja
3) zaoferowania akcji w drodze
ogłoszenia zgodnie z art. 440
par. 1, skierowanego do osób,
którym nie służy prawo poboru
(subskrypcja otwarta).
transformed into bearer shares to be
admitted to trading in organised
As a general rule, joint-stock
companies are not allowed to
purchase their own shares, however a
joint-stock company, and a public one
in particular, is entitled to do so in
certain conditions, set out by the Code
(art. 362).
The Code introduces detailed rules on
the functioning of the General Meeting
of shareholders, including the legal
possibility of split-voting by each
shareholder (art.411 ).
According to Article 431 para. 1, an
increase in the share capital can be
effected through issuing new shares or
increasing the nominal value of the
existing shares. The taking-up of
shares of a new issue may be
performed through:
1) private placement;
2) offering the shares exclusively to
shareholders with the pre-emptive
rights (closed offering);
3) offering the shares through an
announcement made pursuant to
Article 440 para.1, to addressees who
do not have the pre-emptive rights
(open offering).
Shareholders shall have the priority
right to take up the newly issued
shares in proportion to the number of
shares currently held (pre-emptive
rights), according to art. 433 para. 1.
Act on trading in financial
Zgodnie z art. 433. par.1,
akcjonariusze mają prawo
pierwszeństwa objęcia nowych akcji w
stosunku do liczby posiadanych akcji
(prawo poboru).
Act lays down the rules and conditions
for authorisation and conducting
business of trading or intermediation in
trading in securities and other financial
instruments, the rights and obligations
of entities engaged in such trading and
the supervision thereof (art.1.1).
Ustawa o obrocie instrumentami
Defines ‘organised trading’ as trading
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Ustawa reguluje zasady, tryb i warunki
podejmowania i prowadzenia
działalności w zakresie obrotu
papierami wartościowymi i innymi
instrumentami finansowymi, prawa i
obowiązki podmiotów uczestniczących
w tym obrocie oraz wykonywanie
nadzoru w tym zakresie (art.1 ust. 1).
Wprowadza definicję „obrotu
zorganizowanego”, którym jest obrót
papierami wartościowymi lub innymi
instrumentami finansowymi na rynku
regulowanym albo w alternatywnym
systemie obrotu (art. 3 pkt 9).
Zgodnie z art. 5 ust.1, papiery
wartościowe będące przedmiotem
oferty publicznej lub dopuszczone do
obrotu na rynku regulowanym lub w
alternatywnym systemie obrotu
podlegają obowiązkowej rejestracji w
depozycie papierów wartościowych
Umowa o rejestrację akcji w depozycie
papierów wartościowych stanowi także
podstawę do rejestrowania w
depozycie papierów wartościowych
praw poboru z tych akcji (art.5 ust. 9).
Ustawa stanowi również podstawę
obrotu prawami do akcji tj. papierami
wartościowymi, z których wynika
uprawnienie do otrzymania
niemających formy dokumentu, akcji
nowej emisji spółki publicznej,
powstające z chwilą dokonania
przydziału tych akcji i wygasające z
chwilą zarejestrowania akcji w
depozycie papierów wartościowych
(art.3 pkt 29). Pozwala to na
dokonywanie sprzedaży tych praw
natychmiast po ich uzyskaniu. Obrót
nimi podlega tym samym zasadom, co
obrót akcjami, których dotyczą:
podlegają kwotowaniu w tym samym
systemie obrotu oraz rozrachunkowi w
tym samym systemie rozrachunku
prowadzonym przez centralny depozyt.
Zgodnie z art. 7 ust. 1, prawa ze
zdematerializowanych papierów
in financial instruments done on a
regulated market or MTF (art. 3 point
To be admitted to trading in a
regulated market or MTF, or subject to
a public offering, shares need to be
dematerialised and registered in a
CSD as an essential precondition (art.
Registration of issuer's shares in a
CSD is also the basis for registration of
pre-emptive rights attached to these
shares in a CSD in the future (art.5.9).
Pre-emptive rights are tradable
Act is a basis of trading in allotment
certificates (rights to shares, prawa do
akcji - PDA) which are securities,
allowing buyers of new share issues to
sell shares alloted almost right away,
before the shares are introduced to
organised trading (art.3 point 29).
Trading in allotment certificates is
subject to the same regulations as
trading in shares. Allotment certificates
are quoted in the same trading system
as the one in which the shares are
subsequently to be traded and settled
in the CSD under regular rules.
The rights attached to dematerialised
securities shall according to art. 7.1
proceed from the moment when such
securities are first registered in a
securities account and are legally
ascribed to the securities-account
holder (a securities account is
maintained at the level of a CSD
participant, according to the two-tier
account structure).
Transfers of securities are made
through book-entry between CSD
participant accounts, where a
participant means an investment firm
authorized to offer investment services
to clients. The balances on securities
accounts kept by the participants
should correspond to the balance on a
relevant account kept by the CSD (art.
57.2). The account structure i.e.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
wartościowych powstają z chwilą
zapisania ich po raz pierwszy na
rachunku papierów wartościowych i
przysługują osobie będącej
posiadaczem tego rachunku (rachunek
papierów wartościowych jest
prowadzony w systemie uczestnika
centralnego depozytu a więc- w
systemie firmy inwestycyjnej, zgodnie
z zasadą dwupoziomowej struktury
Na podstawie art. 8a mogą być
prowadzone rachunki zbiorcze dla
zagranicznych instytucji
depozytowych, firm inwestycyjnych i
banków. Podmiot, dla którego
prowadzony jest rachunek zbiorczy
(posiadacz rachunku zbiorczego) nie
jest uważany za uprawnionego z
zapisanych na tym rachunku
zdematerializowanych papierów
wartościowych. Do ustalania osób
uprawnionych z takich papierów
wartościowych co do zasady nie
stosuje się przepisów prawa polskiego.
Osoba wskazana przez posiadacza
rachunku jest uważana na terytorium
Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej za osobę
uprawnioną z papierów wartościowych,
zapisanych na tym rachunku.
Ustawa nakłada na emitentów reżim
ochrony informacji poufnych oraz
okresów zamkniętych tj.
uniemożliwiających osobom
powiązanym ze spółka zbywania lub
nabywania akcji danej spółki (emitenta,
art. 158-159).
Ustawa o obligacjach
Ustawa określa zasady emisji,
zbywania, nabywania i wykupu
Obligacje mogą emitować:
1) podmioty prowadzące działalność
gospodarczą, posiadające osobowość
prawną, a także spółki komandytowoakcyjne,
1a) spółdzielcze kasy
oszczędnościowo-kredytowe oraz
Krajowa Spółdzielcza Kasa
2) gminy, powiaty, województwa,
participant accounts at the CSD level
and securities accounts at the
participant level, make up an indirect
holding system, in which the CSD does
not follow the identity of end
beneficiaries of securities transactions,
however their identity can be exposed
easily at the justified supervisory
request at the participant level (unless
it is a chain of foreign intermediaries,
as allowed by the omnibus account
mechanism; in this case, the Act
requires that the identity of the end
beneficiaries of securities transactions
can be furnished by foreign
institutions- omnibus holders, if
requested by the KNF, according to
art. 8b.1).
According to art. 8(a), the mechanism
of omnibus accounts is available for
clients of foreign financial institutions CSDs, investment firms and banks.
Polish law does not apply in
determining beneficiaries of rights
arising from securities in omnibus
accounts. Within the territory of Poland
rights arising from dematerialised
securities registered in an omnibus
account will be understood to belong to
the person indicated by a foreign
institution holding the account for its
clients (i.e. omnibus account holder). If
the institution does not indicate the
owners of securities, it will be entitled
to benefit from the rights arising from
According to art. 8(b).1, At the demand
of the KNF, the holder of an omnibus
account (foreign institution) can be
required to furnish data to identify the
beneficiaries of rights arising from
securities registered in an omnibus
account. If the holder of an omnibus
account has no information enabling to
identify such beneficiaries, holder is
required to indicate the client, at whose
account securities in the omnibus
account are registered.
The Act also imposes on issuers a
regime of protecting confidential
information, restricted periods for the
trading by persons connected with the
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
zwane dalej "jednostkami samorządu
terytorialnego", a także związki tych
jednostek oraz miasto stołeczne
3) inne podmioty posiadające
osobowość prawną, upoważnione do
emisji obligacji na podstawie innych
4) instytucje finansowe, których
członkiem jest Rzeczpospolita Polska
lub Narodowy Bank Polski, lub
przynajmniej jedno z państw
należących do Organizacji Współpracy
Gospodarczej i Rozwoju (OECD), lub
bank centralny takiego państwa, lub
instytucje, z którymi Rzeczpospolita
Polska zawarła umowy regulujące
działalność takich instytucji na terenie
Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i zawierające
stosowne postanowienia dotyczące
emisji obligacji.
Ustawa reguluje również emisję
obligacji zamiennych oraz obligacji z
prawem pierwszeństwa.
Ustawa o funduszach
Ustanawia zasady emisji certyfikatów
inwestycyjnych tj. papierów
wartościowych emitowanych przez
fundusz inwestycyjny zamknięty. W
formie na okaziciela, certyfikaty
inwestycyjne mogą być przedmiotem
oferty publicznej lub dopuszczenia do
obrotu na rynku regulowanym, lub
wprowadzenia do alternatywnego
systemu obrotu, jeżeli statut funduszu
inwestycyjnego tak stanowi (art. 117 w
połączeniu z art. 121 ust. 1).
Ustawa o listach zastawnych i
bankach hipotecznych
Ustawa określa zasady emisji,
zbywania, nabywania, wykupu i
zabezpieczenia listów zastawnych,
które są papierami wartościowymi.
Uprawnione do ich emisji są banki
hipoteczne (art. 3).
issuer (art. 158-159).
Act on bonds
Lays down principles for issue,
transfer, acquisition and redemption of
bonds, issued by:
 entities with legal personality
and limited joint-stock
partnerships, performing
economic activity,
 units of territorial selfgovernment, unions of such
units, the Capital City of
 other entities with legal
personality, entitled to issue
bonds by other legal acts
 financial institutions, of which
the Republic of Poland, or the
National Bank of Poland, or at
least one of the states of
OECD is a member.
Act applies to issues of convertible
bonds and bonds with pre-emptive
rights attached.
Act on investment funds
Lays down principles for issue of
investment certificates i.e. a particular
type of tradable securities, issued by
closed-end investment funds. Contrary
to units in investment funds, which are
not tradable instruments, investment
certificates are eligible for a public offer
and admission to trading, if the
statutes of the fund stipulates that (art.
117, read in connection with art.
Act on covered bonds and
mortgage banks
Lays down principles for issue,
transfer, acquisition, redemption
and collateralisation of covered
bonds - securities, which can be
issued by mortgage banks (art. 3).
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
hyperlink(s) to the full text
18 December 2014
Código dos Valores Mobiliários (CVM) – Securities Code
o In Portuguese
o In English
Código das Sociedade Comerciais (CSC) – Companies Code
o In Portuguese
o In English
Código do Registo Comercial (CRC) – Commercial Registration Code
o In Portuguese
o Not available in English
Other legislation :
 Decreto-Lei n.º 408/91, de 17 de Outubro – obrigações de caixa DecreeLaw no. 408/91, of 17 October – Legal framework of cash bonds
o In Portuguese
o In English
Decreto-Lei n.º 69/2004, de 25 de Março – Regime Jurídico do Papel
Comercial- Decree-Law no. 69/2004, of 25 March – Legal regime of the
commercial paper
o In Portuguese
o In English
Decreto-Lei n.º 453/99 de 5 de Novembro – Titularização de Créditos
Decree-Law no. 453/99, of 5 November – Securitisation
o In Portuguese
o In English
Decreto-Lei no. 63-A/2013, 10 Maio – Regime Jurídico dos Organismos
de Investimento Coletivo - Decree-Law no. 63-A/2013, of 10 May –
approves the legal framework of Collective Investment Undertakings
o In Portuguese
o Not available in English
Decreto-Lei no. 172/99, 20 Maio – Regime Jurídico dos Warrants
Autónomos – com as alterações introduzidas pelo Decreto-Lei n.º
70/2004, de 25 de Março- Decree-Law no. 172/99, of 20 May –
o In Portuguese
o In English
Decreto-Lei no. 375/2007, 8 Novembro – Regime Jurídico do Capital de
Risco- Decree-Law no. 375/2007, of 8 November – Venture Capital
o In Portuguese
o In English
Código do Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Singulares (CIRS)
Tax Code: Income and Gains of Individuals – approved by Decree-Law
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
no. 442-A/88, of 30 November
o In Portuguese
o In English
Código do Processo Civil (CPC)
Civil Procedural Code – approved by Law no. 41/2013 of 26 of June
In Portuguese
Not available in English
Código Civil (CC)
Civil Code – approved by Decree-Law no. 47344 of 25 November 1966
In Portuguese
Not available in English
Código da Insolvência e da Recuperação de Empresas (CIRE)
Insolvency Law – approved by Decree-Law no. 53/2004 of 18 March
In Portuguese
Not available in English
Regime Jurídico dos Contratos de Garantia Financeira
Legal framework on financial collateral arrangements – approved by
Decree-Law no 105/2004 of 8 of May
In Portuguese
Not available in English
Key relevant provisions of In the original language (Portuguese)
In English
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
1. Applicable law
1. Applicable law
under which securities are
CVM – Artigo 39º – Capacidade e CVM – Article 39 – Capacity and form
CVM – Article 40 – Contents
CVM – Artigo 40º – Conteúdo
CVM – Article 41– Transfers and
CVM – Artigo 41º – Transmissão e guarantees
CVM – Article 42 – Material reference
CVM – Artigo 42º – Referência
2. Identification
2. Identification
constitution and capacity to issue
the securities)
constitution and capacity to issue
CSC – Article 5 – Personality
the securities)
CSC – Article 9 – Elements of the
CSC – Artigo 5º – Personalidade
articles of association
CSC – Artigo 9º – Elementos do
CRC – Article 3 (1), a), l), z) –
Commercial companies or civil law
CRC – Artigo 3º (1), a), l), z – companies having a commercial form.
Sociedades comerciais e sociedades (N/A )
civis sob forma comercial
CSC – Article 348 (1 to 3) – Capacity
N/A: Not available in English
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
CSC – Artigo 348º (1,3) – Emissão de
Decreto-Lei nº 408/91 – Artigo 2º –
Entidades emitentes
Decreto-Lei nº 69/2004 – Artigo 2º –
Decreto-Lei nº 453/99 – Artigo 2.º –
Entidades cedentes
Decreto-Lei 172/99 – Artigo 4.º –
Entidades emitentes
3. Issue
Decree Law 408-91 – Article 2 –
Decree Law 69/2004 – Article 2 –
Decree Law 583/99 – Article 2 –
Decree Law 172/99 – Article 4 –
3. Issue
CSC – CAPÍTULO V (Artigos 373º389º) – Deliberações dos accionistas
CVM – Artigo 45º – Categoria
CVM – Artigo 47 – Formalidades
CVM – Artigos 48º - 50º – Conversão
de valores mobiliários
CVM – Artigo 51º (5) – Reconstituição
e reforma judicial
CSC – Artigo 299 –
nominativas e ao portador
CVM – Artigo 52º – Valores mobiliários
nominativos e ao portador
CVM – Artigo 97º – Menções nos
CVM – Artigo 98º –
concentração de títulos
CVM – Article
CVM – Article 47– Previous formalities
CVM – Articles 48 - 50 – Conversion of
the form of representation
CVM – Article 51 (5) – Reconstitution
of securities
CSC – Article 299 – Registered and
bearer shares
CVM – Article 52 – Registered and
bearer form
CVM – Articles
CVM – Article
securities details
CVM – Article 98– Division and
concentration of certificated securities
CSC – Artigo 272º
obrigatório do contrato
CSC – Chapter V (Articles 373-389) –
Shareholders resolutions
CVM – Article 45 – Category
CVM – Artigo 46º – Formas de
to issue bonds
CSC - Artigo 276º – Valor nominal do
capital e das acções
CSC – Artigo 280º – Subscrição
CSC – Article 272 – Mandatory content
of the articles of incorporation (N/A)
CSC – Article 276– Nominal value of
the capital and of the shares (N/A)
CSC – Article
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
CSC – Artigo 296º – Utilização da
reserva legal
CSC – Article 296 – Utilisation of
Statutory Reserves
CSC – Artigo 297º – Adiantamentos
sobre lucros no decurso do exercício
CSC – Article 297 of the CSC –
Advances of Profits during the
Financial Year
CSC – Artigo 298º – Valor de emissão
das acções
CSC – Article 298 – Issued-value of
the shares (N/A)
CSC – Artigo 302º – Categorias de
CSC – Article 302 – Category of
CSC – Artigo 317º – Casos de
aquisição lícita de acções próprias
CSC – Artigo 324º Regime das acções
CSC – SECÇÃO V – Artigos 341º-344º
– Acções preferenciais sem voto
CSC – Artigo 345º
preferenciais remíveis
CSC – Artigos 346º e 347º –
Amortização de acções sem/com
redução de capital
CSC – Article 317– Acquisition of own
CSC – Article 324– Own shares
CSC – Section V – Articles 341-344 –
Preferred Shares without voting rights
CSC – Article 345 –
Redeemable Shares (N/A)
CSC – Articles 346 and 347 –
Withdrawal (redemption) of shares with
and without decrease of capital
1. Increase and decrease of capital
CSC – Artigo 456º – Aumento do
1. Increase and decrease of capital
capital deliberado pelo órgão de
CSC – Article 456– Increase of capital
decided by the management body
CSC – Artigo 457º – Subscrição
CSC – Article 457– Incomplete
CSC – Artigo 458º – Direito de
CSC – Article 458– Preference right
CSC – Artigo 459º – Aviso e prazo
para o exercício da preferência
CSC – Artigo 460º – Limitação ou
supressão do direito de preferência
CSC – Artigo 463º – Redução do
capital por extinção de acções próprias
CSC – Article 459– Advice and time to
the exercise of the preference right
CSC – Article 460– Limitation and
suppression of the preference right
CSC – Article 463– Decrease of capital
by extinction of own shares
2. Bonds
CSC – Artigo 348º (4) – Emissão de
CSC – Artigo 349º – Limite de emissão
de obrigações
CSC – Artigo 350º – Deliberação
2. Bonds
CSC – Article 348 (4)– Bonds Issue
CSC – Article 349 – Limit of bond’s
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
CSC – Artigo 351º – Registo
CSC – Article 350 – Decision to issue
CSC – Artigo 353º – Subscrição
pública incompleta
CSC – Article 351 CSC – Registration
CSC – Article 353– Public subscription
CSC – Artigo 354º – Obrigações
CSC – Artigo 355º (4 e
Assembleia de obrigacionistas
CSC – Artigos 360º Modalidades de obrigações
CSC – Article 354 – Own bonds
CSC – Article 355 (4 and 7) –
Bondholders general meeting
Other securities
1. Cash bonds (Obrigações de Caixa)
– Decree-Law no. 408/91, of 17
October as amended
Artigo 6º – Representação
Artigo 7º – Amortização e reembolso
Artigo 8º – Menções dos títulos
CSC – Articles 360 -372 – Modalities
of bonds
Other securities
1. Cash bonds – Decree-Law no.
408/91, of 17 October
Article 7 – Amortisation and early
2. Commercial
Comercial) – Decreto-Lei nº.
69/2004, 25 de Março)
Artigo 8º – Registo da emissão
Artigo 9º – Reembolso
Artigo 10º – Forma de representação
Article 8 – Information to be shown on
the certificates
2. Commercial Paper – Decree-Law
no. 69/2004, of 25 March
Article 8 – Registration of the issue
Article 9 – Redemption
3. Securitization (Titularização de
créditos) – Decreto-Lei nº. 453/99,
5 de Novembro
Article 10 – Forms of representation
Artigo 31º – Natureza e emissão das 3. Securitization – Decree-Law no.
453/99, of 5 November
unidades de titularização
Artigo 33º – Reembolso antecipado
das unidades de titularização
Artigo 60º – Requisitos gerais
obrigações titularizadas e pagamento
de despesas com a emissão
Artigo 64º – Requisitos e limites da
emissão (não estão sujeitas aos
requisitos e limites estabelecidos no
n.º 2 do artigo 348.º e no artigo 349.º
Article 31 – Nature and issue of
securitization units
Article 33 – Anticipated redemption of
securitization units
Article 60 – General Requirements
securitization bonds and payment of
Issue Expenses
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
do CSC)
4. Units or shares in a Collective
Investment Undertaking (Unidades
de Participação em Organismos de
Investimento Coletivo) – DecretoLei nº 63-A/2013 10 de Maio
Artigo 6º – Valores mobiliários
representativos do património
Artigo 7º – Regime das unidades de
Artigo 8º (3 e 5) – Participantes
Artigo 55º – Termos da subscrição,
reembolso e variação do número ou
valor das unidades de participação
Article 64 – Requirements and limits to
the issue (not subject to article 348
and 349 of the CSC)
4. Units or shares in a Collective
Investment Undertaking – Legal
Framework of the Collective
Investment Undertaking – Decree
Law no. 63-A/2013, of 10 May
Article 6 – Securities comprising the
assets of the Collective Investment
Undertaking (N/A)
Article 7 – Participation Units (N/A)
Article 8 (3 and 5) – Participants (N/A)
Warrants – Decreto-Lei nº 172/99
Artigo 5º – Deliberação de emissão
Artigo 6º – Limite de emissão
6. Venture Capital – (Capital de risco)
– Decreto-Lei nº 375/2007 8 de
Article 55 – Subscription, redemption
and change of the number and value
of the participation units in a closed
end Collective Investment Undertaking
5. Warrants – Decree-Law no. 172/99
Article 5 – Resolution pertaining to the
Article 6 – Issue limit
Artigo 17º – Unidades de participação
Artigo 23º – Aquisição de unidades de
participação pelo Fundo de Capital de
Artigo 31º – Aumento de capital
6. Venture Capital – Decree-Law no.
375/2007, of 8 November
Article 17 – Investment units
Artigo 32º – Redução de capital
Article 23 – Acquisition of investment
units by the Venture Capital Funds
Other aspects
Article 31 – Capital increase
7. Compulsory Acquisition for the
purpose of total control (Aquisições
tendentes ao domínio total)
Article 32 – Capital reduction
Other aspects
CSC – Artigo 490º – Aquisições
7. Compulsory Acquisition
tendentes ao domínio total
purpose of total control
CVM – Artigos 194º - 195º – Aquisição
potestativa / Efeitos
CSC – Article 490 of the CSC –
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Acquisitions leading to total control
8. Information to be provided by the
CSD to the issuer and vice-versa
CVM – Articles 194 and 195 –
Compulsory takeover / Consequences
CVM – Artigo 93º – Noção
8. Information to be provided by the
CSD to the issuer and vice-versa
9. Tax Information
CVM – Article 93 – Information to be
o provided to the issuer
Rendimento das Pessoas Singulares –
Artigo 120º – Entidades emitentes de
9. Tax Information
valores mobiliários
10. Attachment of securities and bank
CPC – Artigo 774.º – Penhora de
títulos de crédito
CPC – Artigo 780.º – Penhora de
depósitos bancários
11. Legal
company law disputes
CPC – CAPÍTULO XIV – Exercício de
direitos sociais
SECÇÃO I – Do inquérito judicial à
Artigo 1048.º – Requerimento
Artigo 1049.º – Termos posteriores
Artigo 1050.º – Medidas cautelares
Artigo 1051.º – Decisão
Artigo 1052.º – Regime das custas
SECÇÃO II – Nomeação e destituição
de titulares de órgãos sociais
Artigo 1053.º – Nomeação judicial de
titulares de órgãos sociais
Artigo 1054.º – Nomeação incidental
Artigo 1055.º – Suspensão ou
destituição de titulares de órgãos
Artigo 1056.º
Exoneração do
Code of Personal Income Tax – Article
120 – Entities that issue securities
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
SECÇÃO III – Convocação
assembleia de sócios
Artigo 1057.º – Processo a observar
SECÇÃO IV – Redução do capital
Artigo 1058.º – Oposição à distribuição
de reservas ou dos lucros do exercício
SECÇÃO V – Oposição à fusão e
cisão de sociedades e ao contrato de
Artigo 1059.º – Processo a seguir
Artigo 1060.º – Oposição ao contrato
de subordinação
conversão e depósito de ações e
Artigo 1061.º – Direito de pedir o
averbamento de ações ou obrigações
Artigo 1062.º – Execução da decisão
Artigo 1063.º – Efeitos da decisão
Artigo 1064.º – Conversão de títulos
Artigo 1065.º – Depósito de ações ou
Artigo 1066.º – Como se faz o
Artigo 1067.º – Eficácia do depósito
SECÇÃO VII – Liquidação
participações sociais
Artigo 1068.º – Requerimento e perícia
Artigo 1069.º – Aplicação aos demais
casos de avaliação
SECÇÃO VIII – Investidura em cargos
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Artigo 1070.º – Processo a seguir
Artigo 1071.º – Execução da decisão
12. Insolvency Law – rules on the
insolvency estate, rules on lodging,
verification and admission of
claims; rules on governing the
effects of insolvency proceedings
on current contracts; powers of the
general body of creditors; rules on
the distribution of proceeds and
payments to creditors (CIRE)
TÍTULO III – Massa insolvente e
intervenientes no processo
CAPÍTULO I – Massa insolvente e
classificações dos créditos
Artigo 46.º – Conceito de massa
Artigo 47.º – Conceito de credores da
insolvência e classes de créditos sobre
a insolvência
Artigo 48.º – Créditos subordinados
Artigo 49.º – Pessoas especialmente
relacionadas com o devedor
CAPÍTULO IV – Efeitos sobre os
negócios em curso
Artigo 107.º – Operações a prazo
TÍTULO VI – Administração
liquidação da massa insolvente
CAPÍTULO III – Liquidação
SECÇÃO I – Regime aplicável
Artigo 156.º – Deliberações da
assembleia de credores de apreciação
do relatório
Artigo 158.º – Começo da venda de
Artigo 159.º
Artigo 160.º – Bens de titularidade
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Artigo 161.º –
Artigo 162.º – Alienação da empresa
Artigo 163.º – Eficácia dos atos
Artigo 164.º
Artigo 165.º – Credores garantidos e
Artigo 166.º – Atraso na venda de bem
objeto de garantia real
Artigo 167.º – Depósito do produto da
Artigo 168.º – Proibição de aquisição
Artigo 169.º – Prazo para a liquidação
Artigo 170.º – Processamento por
SECÇÃO II – Dispensa de liquidação
Artigo 171.º – Pressupostos
TÍTULO VII – Pagamento aos credores
Artigo 172.º – Pagamento das dívidas
da massa
Artigo 173.º – Início do pagamento dos
créditos sobre a insolvência
Artigo 174.º – Pagamento
credores garantidos
Artigo 175.º – Pagamento
credores privilegiados
Artigo 176.º –
credores comuns
Artigo 177.º – Pagamento
credores subordinados
Artigo 178.º – Rateios parciais
Artigo 179.º – Pagamento no caso de
devedores solidários
Artigo 180.º – Cautelas de prevenção
Artigo 181.º – Créditos sob condição
Artigo 182.º – Rateio final
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Artigo 183.º – Pagamentos
Artigo 184.º – Remanescente
Artigo 198.º – Providências específicas
de sociedades comerciais
Artigo 203.º – Conversão e extinção
independentes do consentimento
Artigo 205.º – Oferta de valores
Artigo 282.º – Direitos sobre valores
mobiliários e sistemas de pagamento e
mercados financeiros
13. Beneficial rights over securities
CC – Artigo 1467.º – Usufruto de
títulos de participação
14. Financial collateral arrangements
Legal framework approved by the
Decrew-Law no. 105/2004 of 8 of May
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
16 December 2014
Law on trading companies no. 31/1990
 In Romanian
 English version is not available
In the original language (Romanian)
In English
Societățile pe acțiuni
Despre acțiuni
Joint-stock companies
- În societatea pe acţiuni, capitalul
social este reprezentat prin acţiuni
emise de societate, care, după modul
de transmitere, pot fi nominative sau la
- Acţiunile nu vor putea fi emise pentru
o sumă mai mică decât valoarea
- Valoarea nominală a unei acţiuni nu
va putea fi mai mică de 0,1 lei.
- Acţiunile trebuie să fie de o egală
valoare; ele acordă posesorilor drepturi
- Se pot emite acţiuni preferenţiale cu
dividend prioritar fără drept de vot.
- Dreptul de proprietate asupra
acţiunilor nominative emise în formă
dematerializată se transmite prin
declaraţie făcută în registrul
acţionarilor, semnată de cedent şi de
cesionar sau de mandatarii lor. Prin
actul constitutiv se pot prevedea şi alte
forme de transmitere a dreptului de
proprietate asupra acţiunilor.
- Orice acţiune plătită dă dreptul la un
vot în adunarea generală, dacă prin
actul constitutiv nu s-a prevăzut altfel.
- Societatea nu poate subscrie propriile
- Unei societăţi i se permite să
dobândească propriile acţiuni, fie
direct, fie prin intermediul unei
persoane acţionând în nume propriu,
dar pe seama societăţii în cauză.
- O societate nu poate să acorde
avansuri sau împrumuturi şi nici să
constituie garanţii în vederea
subscrierii sau dobândirii propriilor sale
acţiuni de către un terţ.
- In the joint-stock companies the
registered capital is represented by
shares issued by the company, which
can be registered or bearer shares
according to the transfer way.
- The shares cannot be issued for an
amount lower than their nominal value.
- The nominal value of a share shall
not be lower than 0,1 lei.
- The shares have to be equal in value;
they grant equal rights to the
- Preference shares which benefit of
priority dividends without the right to
vote may be issued.
- The property right over registered
shares is transferred by the statement
made in the shareholders' register of
the issuer, subscribed to by the
assignor and the assignee or by their
proxies. Other modalities to transfer
the property right over registered
shares could be prescribed by articles
of incorporation.
- Each paid for share gives the right to
a vote in the general meeting, provided
the articles of incorporation do not
prescribe otherwise.
- The company cannot purchase its
own shares.
- The company may purchase its own
shares either directly or by proxies
acting in their name but on its behalf.
- A company cannot grant any
advance of money, lend its own money
or mortgage its own property in order
to create conditions for a third party to
subscribe or purchase its own shares.
- Taking its own shares as a mortgage
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
- Constituirea de garanţii reale asupra
propriilor acţiuni de către societate, fie
direct, fie prin intermediul unei
persoane acţionând în nume propriu,
dar în contul societăţii, este
considerată a fi dobândire.
- Subscrierea, dobândirea sau
deţinerea de acţiuni ale unei societăţi
pe acţiuni de către o altă societate la
care societatea pe acţiuni deţine, direct
sau indirect, majoritatea drepturilor de
vot sau ale cărei decizii pot fi
influenţate în mod semnificativ de
societatea pe acţiuni este considerată
ca fiind efectuată de către societatea
pe acţiuni însăşi.
- Acţionarii care oferă spre vânzare
acţiunile lor prin ofertă publică vor
proceda conform legislaţiei pieţei de
Despre adunările generale
- Adunările generale sunt ordinare şi
- Adunarea generală ordinară se
întruneşte cel puţin o dată pe an, în cel
mult 5 luni de la încheierea exerciţiului
- Pentru validitatea deliberărilor
adunării generale ordinare este
necesară prezenţa acţionarilor care să
deţină cel puţin o pătrime din numărul
total de drepturi de vot. Hotărârile
adunării generale ordinare se iau cu
majoritatea voturilor exprimate. Actul
constitutiv poate prevedea cerinţe mai
ridicate de cvorum şi majoritate.
- Pentru validitatea deliberărilor
adunării generale extraordinare este
necesară la prima convocare prezenţa
acţionarilor deţinând cel puţin o
pătrime din numărul total de drepturi
de vot, iar la convocările următoare,
prezenţa acţionarilor reprezentând cel
puţin o cincime din numărul total de
drepturi de vot.
- Adunarea generală este convocată
de consiliul de administraţie, respectiv
de directorat, ori de câte ori este
- Termenul de întrunire nu poate fi mai
mic de 30 de zile de la publicarea
convocării în Monitorul Oficial al
României, Partea a IV-a.
be it directly or through persons that
act in their own name but on behalf of
the company is understood as a
purchase of its own shares.
- The subscription, acquisition or
holding of shares in a joint-stock
company by another company in which
the company holds a direct or indirect
majority of voting rights or whose
decisions may be influenced
significantly by the company shall be
regarded as performed by the joint
stock company itself.
- Shareholders who offer their shares
for selling in a public offering will
proceed under capital market law.
General meetings
- The general meetings are ordinary
and extraordinary.
- The ordinary meeting is convened at
least once a year, within 5 months as
from the end of the financial year.
- With a view to ensuring the validity of
the proceedings of the ordinary
meeting it is necessary to have the
shareholders' attending it representing
at least one fourth of the total voting
rights. The decisions of the general
ordinary meeting are taken with the
majority of expressed votes. The
articles of incorporation may provide
higher requirements of quorum and
- With a view to ensuring the validity of
the proceedings of the general
extraordinary meeting, is necessary
upon the first convening the
attendance of shareholders
representing at least one fourth of the
total voting rights and upon the
subsequent convening, the attendance
of shareholders representing at least
one fifth of the total voting rights.
- The general meeting shall be
convened by the board of
directors/directorate any time it is
- The gathering term cannot be shorter
than 30 days as from the publication of
the meeting convening in the Official
Gazette of Romania, Part IV.
- The document calling together the
meeting shall be published in the
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
- Convocarea se publică în Monitorul
Oficial al României, Partea a IV-a, şi în
unul dintre ziarele de largă răspândire
din localitatea în care se află sediul
societăţii sau din cea mai apropiată
- Pentru societăţile listate se aplică
dispoziţiile relevante din legislaţia
specifică pieţei de capital.
- Au dreptul de a cere introducerea
unor noi puncte pe ordinea de zi unul
sau mai mulţi acţionari reprezentând,
individual sau împreună, cel puţin 5%
din capitalul social.
- Acţionarii pot participa şi vota în
adunarea generală prin reprezentare,
în baza unei împuterniciri acordate
pentru respectiva adunare generală.
- Hotărârile luate de adunarea
generală în limitele legii sau actului
constitutiv sunt obligatorii chiar pentru
acţionarii care nu au luat parte la
adunare sau au votat contra.
- Hotărârile adunării generale contrare
legii sau actului constitutiv pot fi
atacate în justiţie, în termen de 15 zile
de la data publicării în Monitorul Oficial
al României, Partea a IV-a, de oricare
dintre acţionarii care nu au luat parte la
adunarea generală sau care au votat
contra şi au cerut să se insereze
aceasta în procesul-verbal al şedinţei.
Despre administrația societății
Sistemul unitar
- Societatea pe acţiuni este
administrată de unul sau mai mulţi
administratori, numărul acestora fiind
totdeauna impar. Când sunt mai mulţi
administratori, ei constituie un consiliu
de administraţie.
- Prin actul constitutiv sau prin hotărâre
a adunării generale a acţionarilor se
poate prevedea că unul sau mai mulţi
membri ai consiliului de administraţie
trebuie să fie independenţi.
- Consiliul de administraţie alege dintre
membrii săi un preşedinte al
consiliului. Prin actul constitutiv se
poate stipula că preşedintele consiliului
este numit de adunarea generală
ordinară, care numeşte consiliul.
- Consiliul de administraţie se
întruneşte cel puţin o dată la 3 luni.
Official Gazette of Romania, Part IV,
and in one widely circulated
newspaper in the locality of the
company's registered office or in the
nearest locality.
- For listed companies the relevant
provisions of the capital market law
- One or more shareholders
representing individually or jointly at
least 5% of the share capital have the
right to request the introduction of new
items on the agenda.
- Shareholders may attend and vote at
the general meeting by proxy, under a
mandate granted to the general
- Decisions taken by the general
meeting within the law or the articles of
incorporation are mandatory even for
the shareholders who did not attend
the meeting or voted against.
- The decisions of the general meeting
which are contrary to the constitutive
act or which represent an infringement
of the law can be sued within a 15
days' period from the publication in the
Official Gazette of Romania, Part IV,
by any of the shareholders who did not
take part in the general meeting or
voted against and requested that this
should be noted in the meeting's
Company's administration
The unitary system
- The joint stock company is managed
by one or more administrators, the
number being always odd. When there
are several administrators, they
constitute a board of directors.
- The articles of association or by
decision of the general meeting of
shareholders may provide that one or
more members of the board should be
- The board of directors elects from its
members a chairman of the board. The
articles of association may stipulate
that the chairman of the board is
appointed by the ordinary general
meeting, which appoints the board.
- The board shall meet at least once
every 3 months.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
- Consiliul de administraţie este
însărcinat cu îndeplinirea tuturor
actelor necesare şi utile pentru
realizarea obiectului de activitate al
societăţii, cu excepţia celor rezervate
de lege pentru adunarea generală a
- Consiliul de administraţie poate
delega conducerea societăţii unuia sau
mai multor directori, numind pe unul
dintre ei director general.
- Directorii sunt responsabili cu luarea
tuturor măsurilor aferente conducerii
societăţii, în limitele obiectului de
activitate al societăţii şi cu respectarea
competenţelor exclusive rezervate de
lege sau de actul constitutiv consiliului
de administraţie şi adunării generale a
- The board is responsible for carrying
out all the necessary and appropriate
actions to achieve the objects of the
company, except those reserved by
law for the general meeting of
- Board of directors may delegate the
management of the company to one or
more directors, appointing one of them
as general director.
- Directors are responsible for taking
all the measures related to the
company's management, within the
limits of the company’s object and
subject to the exclusive powers
reserved by law or by the articles of
incorporation to the board of directors
and to the general meeting of
Sistemul dualist
Prin actul constitutiv se poate stipula
că societatea pe acţiuni este
administrată de un directorat şi de un
consiliu de supraveghere.
A. Directoratul
- Conducerea societăţii pe acţiuni
revine în exclusivitate directoratului,
care îndeplineşte actele necesare şi
utile pentru realizarea obiectului de
activitate al societăţii, cu excepţia celor
rezervate de lege în sarcina consiliului
de supraveghere şi a adunării
generale a acţionarilor.
- Desemnarea membrilor directoratului
revine consiliului de supraveghere,
care atribuie totodată unuia dintre ei
funcţia de preşedinte al directoratului.
B. Consiliul de supraveghere
- Membrii consiliului de supraveghere
sunt numiţi de către adunarea
generală a acţionarilor, cu excepţia
primilor membri, care sunt numiţi prin
actul constitutiv.
- Numărul membrilor consiliului de
supraveghere este stabilit prin actul
constitutiv. Acesta nu poate fi mai mic
de 3 şi nici mai mare de 11.
- Membrii consiliului de supraveghere
pot fi revocaţi oricând de adunarea
generală a acţionarilor, cu o majoritate
de cel puţin două treimi din numărul
voturilor acţionarilor prezenţi.
- Durata mandatului administratorilor,
The dual system
- The articles of association may
stipulate that the joint stock company
is managed by a directorate and a
supervisory board.
A. Directorate
- The management of the company
rests exclusively on the directorate,
which fulfils the necessary and
appropriate actions to achieve the
objects of the company, except those
reserved by law for the supervisory
board and the general meeting of
- The members of the directorate are
appointed by the supervisory board,
which also appoints one of them as
chairman of the directorate.
B. The supervisory board
- The members of the supervisory
board are appointed by the general
meeting of shareholders, except for the
first members, who are appointed by
the articles of incorporation.
- The number of members of the
supervisory board is established by the
articles of incorporation. It may not be
less than three and not more than 11.
- The members of the supervisory
board may be revoked at any time by
the general meeting of shareholders,
by a majority of at least two thirds of
the votes of the attendant
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
respectiv al membrilor directoratului şi
ai consiliului de supraveghere, este
stabilită prin actul constitutiv, ea
neputând depăşi 4 ani. Ei sunt
reeligibili, când prin actul constitutiv nu
se dispune altfel.
Auditul financiar, auditul intern şi
- Societatea pe acţiuni va avea 3
cenzori şi un supleant, dacă prin actul
constitutiv nu se prevede un număr
mai mare. În toate cazurile, numărul
cenzorilor trebuie să fie impar.
- Situaţiile financiare ale societăţilor
supuse obligaţiei legale de auditare
vor fi auditate de către auditori
financiari - persoane fizice sau
persoane juridice -, în condiţiile
prevăzute de lege.
- Societăţile ale căror situaţii financiare
anuale sunt supuse auditului financiar
vor organiza auditul intern potrivit
normelor elaborate de Camera
Auditorilor Financiari din România.
Despre emiterea de obligaţiuni
- Valoarea nominală a unei
obligaţiuni nu poate fi mai mică de 2,5
- Obligaţiunile din aceeaşi emisiune
trebuie să fie de o valoare egală şi
acordă posesorilor lor drepturi egale.
- Obligaţiunile pot fi emise în formă
materială, pe suport hârtie, sau în
formă dematerializată, prin înscriere în
- Subscripţia obligaţiunilor va fi făcută
pe exemplarele prospectului de
- Valoarea obligaţiunilor subscrise
trebuie să fie integral vărsată.
- Deţinătorii de obligaţiuni se pot întruni
în adunare generală, pentru a delibera
asupra intereselor lor.
- Obligaţiunile se rambursează de
societatea emitentă la scadenţă.
- Înainte de scadenţă, obligaţiunile din
aceeaşi emisiune şi cu aceeaşi valoare
pot fi rambursate, prin tragere la sorţi,
la o sumă superioară valorii lor
nominale, stabilită de societate şi
anunţată public cu cel puţin 15 zile
înainte de data tragerii la sorţi.
- The term of office of the
administrators/members of the
directorate and of the supervisory
board is established by the articles of
incorporation and it cannot exceed 4
years. They are re-elected, when the
articles of incorporation provide
The financial audit, the internal
audit and the auditors
- The joint-stock company will have
three auditors and a substitute unless
the articles of incorporation stipulate a
higher number. In all cases, the
number of the auditors must be an odd
- The financial statements of
companies subject to statutory audit
shall be audited by financial auditors natural or legal persons - as provided
by law.
- Companies whose annual financial
statements are subject to the financial
audit will hold internal audit according
to rules issued by the Chamber of
Financial Auditors of Romania.
Bond issue
- The nominal value of a bond cannot
be lower than 2,5 lei.
- The bonds of the same issue must
have equal value and give equal rights
to their possessors.
- The bonds may be issued in a
material form, on paper, or in a
dematerialized form by registration in
an account.
- The subscription of bonds will be
made on copies of the issue
-The value of the subscribed bonds
must be fully deposited.
- The bondholders can gather in a
general meeting to deliberate upon
their interests.
- The bonds are reimbursed by the
issuing company when they fall due.
- Before falling due the bonds of the
same issue and of the same value can
be reimbursed, by drawing lots, at an
amount higher than their nominal value
established by the company and
publicly announced, at least 15 days
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
- Obligaţiunile convertibile pot fi
preschimbate în acţiuni ale societăţii
emitente, în condiţiile stabilite în
prospectul de ofertă publică.
Despre situațiile financiare anuale
- Consiliul de administraţie, respectiv
directoratul, trebuie să prezinte
auditorilor interni şi auditorilor financiari
cu cel puţin 30 de zile înainte de ziua
stabilită pentru şedinţa adunării
generale situaţia financiară anuală
pentru exerciţiul financiar precedent,
însoţită de raportul lor şi de
documentele justificative.
prior to drawing lots.
- The convertible bonds may be
converted into shares belonging to the
issuing company under the conditions
established in the public offer
Annual financial statements
- The Board of directors/directorate
must provide internal auditors and
financial auditors at least 30 days
before the day fixed for the annual
general meeting with the annual
financial statements for the previous
financial year, accompanied by their
report and supporting documents.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
18 December 2014
Title of the corporate
law or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full
Ley 24/1988, de 28 de julio, del Mercado de Valores (Ley del Mercado de
Real Decreto 116/1992, de 14 de febrero, sobre representación de valores
por medio de anotaciones en cuenta y compensación y liquidación de
operaciones bursátiles (Real Decreto 116/1992).
Real Decreto 505/1987, de 3 de abril, por el que se dispone la creación de
un sistema de anotaciones en cuenta para la Deuda del Estado (Real
Decreto 505/1987).
Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, de Enjuiciamiento Civil (Ley de Enjuiciamiento
Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2010, de 2 de julio, por el que se aprueba el texto
refundido de la Ley de Sociedades de Capital (Ley de Sociedades de
Real Decreto 1784/1996, de 19 de julio, por el que se aprueba el
Reglamento del Registro Mercantil (Reglamento del Registro Mercantil).
Key relevant provisions
of the corporate or
similar law of the
Member State, under
which securities are
In the original language (Spanish)
(artículo 31):
El sistema de registro de valores
español (renta variable) es un sistema
de doble escalón, compuesto por un
registro central a cargo de un
depositario central de valores (DCV),
Iberclear, y registros de detalle a cargo
de las entidades adheridas a Iberclear.
El registro central refleja el saldo para
cada categoría de valores y cada
entidad adherida. Los registros de
detalle de las entidades adheridas
expresan, con referencia a cada valor,
el saldo que le corresponde a cada
titular registral. En el registro centra, el
saldo de valores del que sea titular la
entidad adherida y el saldo que tenga
registrado a nombre de terceros
deberán estar en cuentas separadas.
In English
(article 31):
The Spanish registry system of
securities (equities) held in book-entry
form is a two-tier system, composed by
a central registry, managed by the
central securities depositary (CSD)
Iberclear, and the second-tier registry,
in charge of the participating entities of
expresses the total amount of
securities for each category of
securities and each participating entity.
The second-tier registry managed by
the participating entities expresses, as
regards each security, the amount of
securities to which each registered
security holder is entitled. In the central
registry the assets which the
participating entity holds for its own
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Real Decreto 505/1987:
representación mediante anotaciones
en cuenta de la deuda pública de
Ley del Mercado de Valores
(artículos 6 al 12 ) y Real
Decreto 116/1992 (artículos
1 al 54):
Estas normas establecen el régimen
representados mediante anotaciones
en cuenta: constitución de los valores,
naturaleza del derecho sobre los
constitución de gravámenes, derechos
y deberes derivados de los valores,
ejercicio de tales derechos en relación
con el emisor y con terceros, régimen
jurídico de los certificados, régimen de
responsabilidad de las entidades
encargadas del registro, principios del
registro de valores […].
Ley del Mercado de Valores
[artículos 12 bis, 44 bis, 58.5
y 70 ter 2 f)]:
account must be separated in a
different account from the assets which
it holds for its clients.
This piece of legislation sets forth the
legal regime of the public debt
represented by book-entry form.
Ley del Mercado de Valores
(artículo 92):
Las entidades encargadas de la
llevanza del registro contable deben
inscribir en el registro oficial de la
CNMV la emisión de cada una de las
emisiones de valores representados
mediante anotaciones en cuenta.
Artículo 517.2.7º de la Ley
de Enjuiciamiento Civil:
(articles 6 to 12 bis) and
(articles 1 to 54):
These legal provisions set forth the
legal regime of securities held by
means of book entry form: creation of
the securities, nature of the entitlement
entitlement, transfer of securities,
creation of liens on securities, rights
and obligations deriving from the
securities, exercise of such rights in
the relationship between the issuer
and holders or any third parties, legal
regime of the securities certificates,
rules on the responsibility of the
entities entrusted with keeping the
book entry, principles of the registry of
the securities […].
Estas normas establecen el régimen
jurídico aplicable en caso de concurso
de las entidades participantes de un
depositario central de valores, con
respecto a los valores inscritos en el
registro a cargo de dichas entidades.
Royal Decree 505/1987:
[articles 44 bis, 58.5 and 70
ter 2 f)]:
These legal provisions set forth the
applicable legal regime in the event
commenced against a participating
entity of a CSD, with regards the
securities registered in the book entry
records managed by such entities.
Securities Market Act (article
The entities entrusted with keeping the
book entry shall register the issue of
the securities held in book-entry form
in a public registry at the CNMV.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Otorga a los certificados de los valores
representados mediante anotaciones
en cuenta expedidos por las entidades
encargadas de los registros contables
el carácter de título ejecutivo en un
The certificates of the securities held
by means of book-entry form are
deemed to be directly enforceable in
court .
Ley de Sociedades de
Capital y Reglamento del
Registro Mercantil:
La Ley de Sociedades de Capital
establece los distintos derechos
de los accionistas de una sociedad
anónima, entre los que se
sociales, los derechos económicos
y el derecho de asistencia y
participación en la junta general,
que incluye el derecho al voto.
Con respecto al derecho de
asistencia a la junta general, el
artículo 179.3 dispone que “en la
sociedad anónima los estatutos
podrán condicionar el derecho de
asistencia a la junta general a la
accionista, pero en ningún caso
podrán impedir el ejercicio de tal
derecho a los titulares de acciones
representadas por medio de
anotaciones en cuenta que las
respectivos registros con cinco
días de antelación a aquel en que
haya de celebrarse la junta […]”.
La Ley de Sociedades de Capital
regula el régimen jurídico aplicable
a la emisión de obligaciones,
incluyendo, entre otras cuestiones,
los derechos de los obligacionistas
y las normas relativas a la figura
del sindicato de obligacionistas,
obligatoria en la emisión de
Article 517.2.7º of the Rules
of Civil Law Procedure:
Corporate Enterprises Act
and Regulation of the
Mercantile Registry:
The Corporate Enterprises Act
sets forth the rights of the
shareholders in a joint stock
company, among which the
following are highlighted: the right
to obtain relevant corporate
information, the right to challenge
corporate agreements, economic
rights and the rights to participate
in and attend a general meeting,
which includes the voting rights.
As regards the right to attend the
general meeting, article 179.3
provides that “In joint stock
companies, the by-laws may
subject the shareholders’ right to
attend the general meeting to
advance proof of their eligibility.
circumstances may the by-laws
restrict that right for holders of
registered shares or shares
represented by book entries that
have been entered in the ledgers
five days in advance of the date of
the meeting […].
The Corporate Enterprises Act
regulates the legal regime of the
issue of bonds, which includes,
bondholders’ rights and the rules
relating to the bondholders’
syndicate shall be created when
bonds are issued in Spain (articles
401 to 433).
The certificate proves in court the right over the shares included in it.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
obligaciones en España (artículos
401 a 433).
Obligación del DCV de comunicar
al emisor datos sobre la identidad
y contacto de los accionistas
registrados en el segundo escalón.
A tal efecto, debe requerir de sus
oportuna información sobre la
identidad de sus accionistas con
ocasión de la celebración de las
juntas generales de accionistas o
cuando lo solicite la sociedad
(artículo 497 de la Ley de
Sociedades de Capital y artículo
22 del Real Decreto 116/1992).
Obligación del DCV de registrar
los derechos de suscripción
preferente de las emisiones de
acciones que tenga registradas y
de realizar un cuadre a lo largo del
periodo de negociación de los
mismos (artículos 306.2 de la Ley
de Sociedades de Capital y
artículo 42 del Real Decreto
La Ley de Sociedades de Capital y
el Reglamento del Registro
Mercantil regulan el régimen
jurídico de los poderes de
representación y apoderamientos
en la sociedad anónima española
(Artículos 209, 210, 215, 233, 234
y 249 de la Ley de Sociedades de
Capital y 95, 124 y 149 a 152 del
El Reglamento del Registro
Mercantil establece los actos y
acuerdos sociales de un emisor
cuya inscripción es obligatoria en
la hoja abierta en el Registro
Mercantil a cada sociedad, así
como los principales efectos
jurídicos de la inscripción de actos
Mercantil (artículos 6 a 9 y 94).
The CSD shall notify the issuer of
identification and contact details of
the shareholders registered in the
second tier registry. To that end,
the CSD shall request from its
participating entities the relevant
information about the identity of
the shareholders either where a
shareholder meeting is to be held
or where the issuer requests it
(article 497 of the Corporate
Enterprises Act and article 22 of
the Royal Decree 116/1992).
The CSD shall register the preemptive rights which derive from
the issue of registered shares and
carry out the reconciliation of such
pre-emptive rights throughout their
negotiation period (articles 306.2
of the Corporate Enterprises Act
and article 42 of the Royal Decree
The Corporate Enterprises Act and
the Regulation of the Mercantile
Registry regulate the legal regime
of the representation powers and
the powers of attorney of the
Spanish joint stock companies
(Articles 209, 210, 215, 233, 234
and 249 of the Corporate
Enterprises Act and articles 95,
124 y 149 to152 of the Regulation
of the Mercantile Registry).
The Regulation of the Mercantile
Registry sets out the acts and
corporate agreements of an issuer
which shall be registered in the
Mercantile Registry, as well as the
main legal effects of such
registration (articles 6 to 9 and 94).
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
14 November 2014
Národná legislatíva v oblasti regulácie emitentov cenných papierov:
Act No.566/2001 on securities and investment services
566/2001 o cenných papieroch a investičných službách
o In Slovak
o In English
Commercial Code 513/1991 - Obchodný zákonník č. 513/1991
o In Slovak
o English version is not available
Act on Bonds 530/1990 - Zákon č. 530/1990. o dlhopisoch
o In Slovak
o In English
Act on Collective investment 203/2011 - Zákon č. 203/2011 o kolektívnom
o In Slovak
o In English
In the original language (Slovak)
- Zákon č.
In English
Zákon č. 566/2001 o cenných
papieroch a investičných službách
Vydávanie cenného papiera
The Act on securities and
investment services 566/2001:
Issue of a security
(1) Cenný papier je vydaný okamihom,
keď má všetky náležitosti ustanovené
zákonom alebo osobitným zákonom a
keď sa zákonom ustanoveným
spôsobom stane
majetkom prvého majiteľa alebo ak je
v prípade zaknihovaného cenného
papiera pripísaný na
účet majiteľa, klientsky účet alebo
držiteľský účet.
(1) A security is deemed issued at the
moment it contains all the particulars
defined in
this Act or in a separate law and when
it becomes the possession of its initial
owner in a way established by law or
where, in the case of book-entry
security, it is credited to an owner’s
account, client account or holder’s
(2) Na postup pri vydávaní cenných
papierov sa vzťahujú ustanovenia
tohto zákona,
ak osobitný zákon neustanovuje inak.
(3) Na žiadosť emitenta cenných
papierov centrálny depozitár pridelí
cennému papieru bezodkladne ISIN.
(2) The provisions of this Act shall
apply to procedures to be followed by
an issuer when issuing securities,
unless otherwise provided by a
separate law.
(3) On the request of an issuer of
securities, the central depositary shall
assign an ISIN number to a security
without delay.“
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Obchodný zákonník ( 513/1991)
English version is not available
Oddiel 1
§ 154 - §161
Zákon č. 530/1990 o dlhopisoch
Oddiel 2
Náležitosti dlhopisov
§ 3,
§ 4,
Act on bonds 530/1990
Particulars of bonds
Article 3
Article 4
Oddiel 3
Splácanie menovitej hodnoty dlhopisov
§ 12
Repayment of the par value of bonds
Article 12
Oddiel 2
Štátne dlhopisy
§ 19
Government bonds
Article 19
Zákon o kolektívnom investovaní č.
Predmet úpravy
Act on Collective investment
Scope of the Act
Vymedzenie základných pojmov
Basic Definitions
Podielový list
Unit Certificate
§ 12
Zmena podoby listinného podielového
Conversion of a paper unit-certificate
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to its full text
15 January 2015
Company Act (ZGD-1) (Uradni list RS, št. 42/06, 60/06 – popr., 26/07 – ZSDUB, 33/07 – ZSReg-B, 67/07 – ZTFI , 10/08, 68/08, 42/09, 33/11, 91/11, 100/11 –
sklep US, 32/12, 57/12, 44/13 – odločba US in 82/13)
 In Slovene
 In English
Book Entry Securities Act (ZNVP) (Uradni list RS, št. št. 23/99, 75/02 – ZIZ-A,
47/04 – ZFZ, 114/06, 67/07 – ZTFI, 58/09 in 78/11)
 In Slovene
 In English
Market in Financial Instruments Act (ZTFI) (Uradni list RS, št. 67/07, 100/07 –
POPR., 69/08, 40/09, 88/10, 78/11, 55/12 IN 105/12 – ZBAN-1J IN 63/13 – ZS-K)
 In Slovene
 In English
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
In the original language (Slovene)
Company Act (ZGD-1):
 Poglavje 4
Book Entry Securities Act (ZNVP)
 Poglavje 3
 Poglavje 4
 Poglavje 9
Market in Financial Instruments Act
Poglavje 2
In English
Company Act (ZGD-1):
 Chapter 4
Book Entry Securities Act (ZNVP)
 Chapter 3
 Chapter 4
 Chapter 9
Market in Financial Instruments Act
Chapter 2
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
18 December 2014
Aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) - Companies Act
o In Swedish
o English version is not available
Kupongskattelagen (1970:624) – Dividend Withholding Tax Act
o In Swedish
o English version is not available
Skatteförfarandelagen (2011:1244) - The Tax Procedures Act
o In Swedish
o English version is not available
In the original language (Swedish)
In English
Aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) Companies Act
Kupongskattelagen (1970:624) –
Dividend Withholding Tax Act
Begreppet avstämningsbolag
The concept of CSD company
1 kap. 10 §
Chapter 1, section 10
Ett avstämningsbolag är ett aktiebolag
vars bolagsordning innehåller förbehåll
om att bolagets aktier skall vara
registrerade i ett avstämningsregister
enligt lagen (1998:1479) om
kontoföring av finansiella instrument
A CSD company is a company the
articles of association of which contain
a clause stating that the company’s
shares shall be registered in a CSD
(central securities depository) register
pursuant to the Financial Instruments
(Accounts) Act (SFS 1998:1479) (CSD
Panthavares samtycke till att
avstämningsförbehåll tas bort ur
Pledgees’ consent to deletion of CSD
clause from the articles of association
3 kap. 7 §
Chapter 3, section 7
Ett beslut om ändring av
bolagsordningen som innebär att
avstämningsförbehåll tas bort blir giltigt
endast om de som har panträtt i
bolagets aktier skriftligen har samtyckt
till beslutet.
A resolution to alter the articles of
association entailing deletion of a CSD
clause shall be valid only where all
parties holding security interests in the
company’s shares have given their
written consent to the resolution.
Conversion clause
4 kap. 6 §
Chapter 4, section 6
I bolagsordningen får det tas in ett
förbehåll om att en aktie av ett visst
slag under vissa angivna
förutsättningar och på närmare angivet
sätt skall kunna omvandlas till en aktie
av annat angivet slag
A clause may be incorporated in the
articles of association pursuant to
which a share of a particular class
may, under certain stated conditions
and in a manner stated in detail, be
converted to shares of another stated
class (conversion clause).
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Om en aktie omvandlas, skall detta
genast anmälas för registrering i
Where a share is converted, such fact
shall be immediately reported for
registration in the Companies Register.
En omvandling är verkställd när den
har registrerats i aktiebolagsregistret
samt antecknats i aktieboken eller, om
bolaget är avstämningsbolag, i
A conversion is effected when it has
been registered in the Companies
Register and entered in the share
register or, where the company is a
CSD company, in the CSD register.
Anmälan om förvärv av
hembudspliktiga aktier
Notice of acquisition of shares which
are subject to post-sale purchase
4 kap. 30 §
Den som förvärvar aktier som enligt
bolagsordningen skall hembjudas skall
snarast efter förvärvet anmäla
aktieövergången till bolagets styrelse.
Anmälan skall innehålla uppgift om
den ersättning som har lämnats för
aktierna och de villkor förvärvaren
ställer för inlösen.
Övergår en hembudspliktig aktie i ett
avstämningsbolag till en ny ägare,
skall den centrala
värdepappersförvararen underrätta
styrelsen om övergången i samband
med att frågan om införande av den
nye ägaren i aktieboken prövas.
Bolaget skall underrätta den nye
ägaren om anmälningsskyldigheten
enligt första stycket.
Anmälan enligt första stycket skall
också göras när hembudsplikt inträder
enligt 29 §.
4 kap. 31 §
När en anmälan enligt 30 § har gjorts,
skall detta genast antecknas hos
bolaget med uppgift om dagen för
anmälan. I bolag som inte är
avstämningsbolag skall anteckningen
göras i aktieboken. I avstämningsbolag
skall anteckningen i stället göras i en
särskild bok. Beträffande denna bok
gäller vad som föreskrivs om aktiebok i
5 kap. 2 och 3 §§.
Bolaget skall lämna en underrättelse
om hembudet till varje
lösningsberättigad med känd
Utövande av vissa ekonomiska
Chapter 4, section 30
Any person who acquires shares
which, pursuant to the articles of
association, must be offered for
purchase pursuant to post-sale
purchase rights shall notify such fact to
the company’s board of directors
immediately after the acquisition. The
notice shall contain information
regarding the payment made for the
shares and the terms imposed by the
transferee for purchase pursuant to
post-sale purchase rights.
Where shares in a CSD company
which are subject to post-sale
purchase rights are transferred to a
new owner, the central securities
depository shall notify the board of
directors of the transfer in conjunction
with the examination of the inclusion of
the new owner in the share register.
The company shall notify the new
owner regarding the notification
obligation pursuant to the first
Notification pursuant to the first
paragraph shall also be made upon the
entry into force of an obligation
regarding post-sale purchase rights
pursuant to section 29.
Chapter 4, section 31
Where notice has been given pursuant
to section 30, such shall be
immediately noted by the company
together with the date of the notice.
Companies which are not CSD
companies shall make the annotation
in the share register. CSD companies
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
rättigheter i avstämningsbolag
4 kap. 39 §
I avstämningsbolag skall en aktieägare
eller förvaltare som på
avstämningsdagen är införd i
aktieboken och antecknad i ett
avstämningsregister enligt 4 kap. lagen
(1998:1479) om kontoföring av
finansiella instrument, med den
begränsning som följer av 41 § tredje
meningen, antas vara behörig att
shall, instead, make the annotation in a
separate register. Such register shall
be governed by the provisions
governing share registers set forth in
Chapter 5, sections 2 and 3.
The company shall provide notice of
the offer to purchase to every post-sale
purchase rights holder with a known
postal address.
Exercise of certain economic rights in
CSD companies
1.ta emot nya aktier vid fondemission,
Chapter 4, section 39
2.ta emot teckningsrätt vid nyemission
av aktier eller emission av
teckningsoptioner eller konvertibler,
In a CSD company, a shareholder or
nominee who, on the record date, is
entered in the share register and
entered in a CSD register pursuant to
Chapter 4 of the Financial Instruments
(Accounts) Act (SFS 1998:1479) shall,
subject to the limitation set forth in
section 41, third sentence, be
assumed to be authorised to:
3.ta emot vinstutdelning,
4.ta emot betalning i samband med
minskning av aktiekapitalet för
återbetalning till aktieägarna, och
5.ta emot betalning i samband med
utskiftning vid bolagets likvidation.
4 kap. 40 §
Den som är antecknad i ett
avstämningsregister enligt 4 kap. 18 §
första stycket 6–8 lagen (1998:1479)
om kontoföring av finansiella
instrument skall i stället för aktieägaren
antas vara behörig att utöva de
rättigheter som avses i 39 §.
Utlämnande eller utbetalning till fel
4 kap. 41 §
Om den som har tagit emot
värdepapper eller betalning enligt 38,
39 eller 40 § inte var rätt mottagare,
skall bolaget ändå anses ha fullgjort
sin skyldighet. Detta gäller dock inte
om bolaget eller, i fråga om
avstämningsbolag, den centrala
värdepappersförvararen insett eller
bort inse att det var fel mottagare. Det
gäller inte heller om mottagaren var
omyndig eller hade en förvaltare enligt
föräldrabalken med uppdrag att
förvalta hans eller hennes aktier.
Uppdelning och sammanläggning av
1. receive new shares in the event of
bonus issues;
2. receive subscription rights in
conjunction with new issues of shares
or issues of warrants or convertible
3. receive dividends;
4. receive payment in connection with
a reduction of the share capital for
repayment to the shareholders; and
5. receive payment in connection with
a distribution of assets in the event of
the company’s liquidation.
Chapter 4, section 40
A person who is entered in a CSD
register pursuant to Chapter 4, section
18, first paragraph, points 6-8 of the
Financial Instruments (Accounts) Act
(SFS 1998:1479) shall, in lieu of the
shareholder, be assumed to be
authorised to exercise the rights
referred to in section 39.
Distribution or payment to wrong
Chapter 4, section 41
Notwithstanding that the recipient of
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
4 kap. 46 §
I syfte att uppnå ett för bolaget
ändamålsenligt antal aktier får
bolagsstämman besluta att antalet
aktier ökas genom att en eller flera
aktier delas upp på ett större antal
aktier (uppdelning av aktier) eller
minskas genom att två eller flera aktier
läggs samman till ett mindre antal
aktier (sammanläggning av aktier).
I avstämningsbolag ska ett beslut
enligt första stycket innehålla uppgift
om avstämningsdag eller
bemyndigande för styrelsen att
fastställa en sådan dag.
Avstämningsdagen får inte bestämmas
så att den infaller innan beslutet om
uppdelning eller sammanläggning har
registrerats. Lag (2009:37).
4 kap. 47 §
Ett beslut om uppdelning eller
sammanläggning av aktier är giltigt
endast om samtycke har lämnats av
1.samtliga aktieägare som på dagen
för bolagsstämman eller, i
avstämningsbolag, på den dag som
avses i 7 kap. 28 § tredje stycket är
införda i aktieboken som ägare till
aktier av visst slag som inte motsvarar
ett helt antal nya aktier (överskjutande
aktier), och
2.i fråga om överskjutande aktier som
är förvaltarregistrerade och vars ägare
på den dag som avses i 1 inte är
införda i aktieboken, förvaltaren.
Samtycke enligt första stycket krävs
inte av aktieägare vars samtliga
överskjutande aktier är föremål för
handel på en reglerad marknad eller
en motsvarande marknad utanför
Europeiska ekonomiska
samarbetsområdet. Samtycke krävs
inte heller av förvaltare, om samtliga
överskjutande aktier som omfattas av
förvaltningen är föremål för sådan
handel. Lag (2007:566).
4 kap. 49 §
Ett beslut om uppdelning eller
sammanläggning av aktier ska genast
securities or payment pursuant to
sections 38, 39 or 40 was not the
correct recipient, the company shall
nevertheless be deemed to have
performed its obligation. The aforesaid
shall not apply, however, where the
company or, with respect to a CSD
company, the central securities
depository, knew or should have
known that it was the wrong recipient.
Nor shall the aforesaid apply where the
recipient was a minor or a person for
whom a guardian has been appointed
pursuant to the Code on Parents,
Guardians and Children with the task
of managing the recipient’s shares.
Share splits and reverse share splits
Chapter 4, section 46
In order to achieve an appropriate
number of shares for the company, the
general meeting may resolve to
increase the number of shares by
splitting one or more shares into a
larger number of shares (share split) or
reduce the number of shares by
consolidating two or more shares into
a smaller number of shares (reverse
share split).
In a CSD company, a resolution
pursuant to the first paragraph shall
include information regarding a record
date or authorisation for the board of
directors to fix such day. The record
date may not be fixed such that it falls
prior to registration of the resolution
regarding a share split or reverse
share split. (SFS 2009:37).
Chapter 4, section 47
A resolution regarding a share split or
reverse share split shall be valid only
where consent has been granted by:
1. all shareholders who are entered in
the share register on the day of the
general meeting or, in a CSD
company, are entered in the share
register on the day stated in Chapter 7,
section 28, third paragraph, as owners
of shares of a certain type which are
not equivalent to a completely new
number of shares (excess bonus
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
anmälas för registrering i
aktiebolagsregistret. Antalet aktier
ändras när beslutet registreras.
Efter registreringen ska nödvändiga
ändringar genast göras i aktieboken.
I avstämningsbolag ska anmälan
genast göras till den centrala
värdepappersförvararen om att
beslutet har registrerats. Lag
4 kap. 50 §
Om en aktieägares innehav av aktier
av visst slag inte motsvarar ett fullt
antal nya aktier, övergår överskjutande
aktier i bolagets ägo vid den tidpunkt
då beslutet om uppdelning eller
sammanläggning registreras eller, i
avstämningsbolag, på
Aktier som har tillförts bolaget på det
sätt som anges i första stycket och
som vid den tidpunkt som anges i 47 §
första stycket var föremål för sådan
handel som avses i andra stycket i
samma paragraf ska säljas på
bolagets bekostnad. Försäljningen ska
ske utan onödigt dröjsmål och
verkställas genom ett
värdepappersinstitut. Den betalning
som flyter in vid försäljningen ska
fördelas mellan dem som ägde
aktierna vid tidpunkten då dessa
övergick i bolagets ägo efter deras
andel i de aktier som har sålts.
I fråga om aktier som vid den tidpunkt
som anges i 47 § första stycket inte var
föremål för sådan handel som avses i
andra stycket i samma paragraf
tillämpas 19 kap. 6 §. Lag (2009:37).
Skyldighet att föra aktiebok
5 kap. 1 §
I ett aktiebolag skall det finnas en
aktiebok. Aktieboken skall innehålla de
uppgifter om aktier och aktieägare som
föreskrivs i denna lag. Den skall ha till
ändamål att
1. ligga till grund för utövandet av
aktieägares rättigheter mot
bolaget, och
shares); and
2. in respect of excess bonus shares
which are registered to a nominee
shareholder and the owner of which is
not registered in the share register on
the day referred to in section 1, the
Consent pursuant to the first
paragraph shall not be necessary from
shareholders for whom all of their
excess bonus shares are the subject to
trading on a regulated marketplace or
a comparable marketplace outside of
the European Economic Area. Nor is
consent required of a nominee for
whom all surplus shares which are
covered by the nominee holding are
the subject to such trading. (SFS
Chapter 4, section 49
A resolution regarding a share split or
reverse share split shall be
immediately notified for registration in
the Companies Register. The number
of shares shall be changed when the
resolution is registered.
Following registration, necessary
changes shall be immediately made to
the share register.
In a CSD company, notice that the
resolution has been registered shall be
immediately made to the Central
Securities Depository. (SFS 2009:37).
Chapter 4, section 50
Where a shareholder’s holding of a
certain type of shares is not equivalent
to a full quantity of new shares, title in
the excess bonus shares shall pass to
the company on the date when the
resolution regarding a share split or
reverse share split is registered or, in a
CSD company, on the record date.
Shares acquired by the company in the
manner stated in the first paragraph
and which, at the time stated in section
47, first paragraph, are subject to such
trading as referred to in the second
paragraph of that section, shall be sold
at the company’s expense. The sale
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
2. ge bolaget, aktieägare och
andra underlag för att bedöma
ägarförhållandena i bolaget.
5 kap. 2 §
Aktieboken skall föras med
automatiserad behandling. I bolag som
inte är avstämningsbolag får
aktieboken även föras i bunden bok
eller i ett betryggande lösblads- eller
5 kap. 3 §
Aktieboken skall bevaras så länge
bolaget består och under minst tio år
efter bolagets upplösning.
shall take place without unnecessary
delay and shall be executed via a
securities institution. The payment
which is realised in conjunction with
the sale shall be divided among those
who own the shares at the time when
title therein passes to the company in
proportion to their interest in the
shares sold.
With respect to shares which, at the
time stated in section 47, first
paragraph, were not the subject of
such trading as referred to in the
second paragraph of that section, the
provisions of Chapter 19, section 6
shall apply. (SFS 2009:37).
Om aktieboken förs i vanlig läsbar
form, skall den bevaras i sin
ursprungliga form. Övergår bolaget till
att föra aktieboken med hjälp av
automatiserad behandling, skall den
gamla aktieboken bevaras under minst
tio år efter det att uppgifter om
bolagets samtliga aktier fördes in i den
nya aktieboken.
Obligation to maintain a share register
Om aktieboken förs med
automatiserad behandling, skall
uppgifter som har tagits bort ur
aktieboken bevaras i minst tio år.
Uppgifterna får bevaras i vanlig läsbar
form eller i annan form som kan läsas,
avlyssnas eller på annat sätt uppfattas
enbart med tekniskt hjälpmedel.
1. to constitute a basis for exercise of
shareholders’ rights vis-à-vis the
company; and
5 kap. 4 §
I fråga om behandling av
personuppgifter i aktiebok som förs
med automatiserad behandling finns
bestämmelser i personuppgiftslagen
(1998:204). Bolaget är
personuppgiftsansvarigt för den
behandling av personuppgifter som
förandet av aktieboken innebär. I
avstämningsbolag är det, sedan ett
avstämningsregister har upprättats, i
stället den centrala
värdepappersförvararen som är
Bestämmelserna i personuppgiftslagen
om rättelse och skadestånd gäller vid
behandling av personuppgifter i
aktiebok och vid annan behandling av
Chapter 5, section 1
A company shall have a share register.
The share register shall contain any
and all information regarding shares
and shareholders as prescribed in this
Act. The purpose of the share register
shall be:
2. to provide the company,
shareholders and others with
information in order to assess the
ownership structure of the company.
The structure of the share register
Chapter 5, section 2
The share register shall be maintained
using automated processing. In a
company which is not a CSD
company, the share register may also
be maintained in a bound book or in a
secure loose-leaf or card system.
Chapter 5, section 3
The share register shall be maintained
for such time as the company is in
existence and for a period of not less
than ten years after dissolution of the
Where the share register is maintained
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
personuppgifter enligt denna lag.
5 kap. 5 §
I ett bolag som inte är
avstämningsbolag skall aktieboken
innehålla uppgift om
1.varje akties nummer,
2.aktieägarnas namn och
personnummer, organisationsnummer
eller annat identifieringsnummer samt
in ordinary readable form, it shall be
stored in its original form. Where the
com-pany switches to maintenance of
the share register using automated
processing, the old share register shall
be stored for a period of not less than
ten years after information regarding
all of the company’s shares has been
entered in the new share register.
5.i förekommande fall, att aktien
omfattas av förbehåll enligt 4 kap. 6, 8,
18 eller 27 § eller 20 kap. 31 §.
Where the share register is maintained
using automated processing,
information which has been deleted
from the share register shall be stored
for a period of not less than ten years.
The information shall be stored in
ordinary readable form or in any other
form which may be read, listened to or
otherwise understood only through use
of technical devices.
Aktierna skall tas upp i nummerföljd.
Chapter 5, section 4
5 kap. 6 §
The Personal Data Act (SFS
1998:204) sets forth provisions
governing the processing of personal
data in share registers that are
maintained using automated
processing. The company is the
controller of personal data with respect
to the processing of personal data
involved in the maintenance of the
share register. In CSD companies,
after a CSD register has been
prepared, the central securities
depository shall, instead, be the
controller of personal data.
3.vilket slag varje aktie tillhör, om det
finns aktier av olika slag i bolaget,
4.huruvida aktiebrev har utfärdats, och
I de fall som avses i 4 kap. 43 § ska
såväl aktieägaren som
rättighetsinnehavaren föras in i
aktieboken med uppgift om namn och
personnummer, organisationsnummer
eller annat identifieringsnummer samt
postadress. Dessutom ska i
aktieboken antecknas vad som gäller
om rättigheten. När det styrks att
rättigheten har förändrats eller upphört,
ska detta antecknas.
Om en god man på grund av ett
förordnande enligt 11 kap. 3 § första
stycket 5 föräldrabalken förvaltar aktier
för en blivande aktieägares räkning,
ska den blivande ägaren på anmälan
av den gode mannen föras in i
aktieboken som aktieägare med
anteckning om förordnandet och
grunden för detta.
Ingår aktier i en värdepappersfond
enligt lagen (2004:46) om
värdepappersfonder eller i en
specialfond enligt lagen (2013:561) om
förvaltare av alternativa
investeringsfonder, ska fondens
förvaltare föras in i aktieboken som
aktieägare i stället för
fondandelsägarna. Därvid ska även
fondens beteckning antecknas. Lag
The provisions of the Personal Data
Act concerning rectification and
damages shall apply to the processing
of personal data in share registers and
to other processing of personal data
pursuant to this Act.
A company which is not a CSD
Content of the share register
Chapter 5, section 5
The share register of a company
which is not a CSD company shall
contain information regarding:
1. each share’s number;
2. the shareholders’ names and
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Innehållet i aktieboken
5 kap. 11 §
I avstämningsbolag skall aktieboken
innehålla uppgift om
1.aktieägarnas namn och
personnummer, organisationsnummer
eller annat identifieringsnummer samt
2.det antal aktier varje aktieägare
3.det antal aktier varje aktieägare
innehar av olika aktieslag, om det finns
aktier av olika slag i bolaget, och
4.i förekommande fall, att aktierna
omfattas av förbehåll enligt 4 kap. 6
eller 27 § eller 20 kap. 31 §.
Bestämmelserna i 6 § gäller även i
fråga om avstämningsbolag.
Ansvaret för aktieboken m.m.
5 kap. 12 §
Om ett avstämningsförbehåll tas in i
bolagsordningen i samband med att
bolaget bildas, skall 7–9 §§ tillämpas
till dess att bolaget har registrerats i
aktiebolagsregistret och ett
avstämningsregister har upprättats.
Införs ett sådant förbehåll genom
ändring av bolagsordningen, skall 7–9
§§ tillämpas till dess att förbehållet har
registrerats i aktiebolagsregistret och
avstämningsregister har upprättats.
När avstämningsregistret har
upprättats, skall den centrala
1.föra och bevara aktieboken,
2.pröva frågor om införande av
aktieägare i aktieboken,
3.svara för utskrift av aktieboken, och
4.avstämma aktieboken.
Styrelsen ansvarar för att det träffas ett
avtal med en central
Införing av aktieägare i aktieboken
personal ID numbers, company
numbers or other identification
numbers as well as postal address;
3. the class to which each share
belongs, where there are different
classes of shares in the company;
4. whether share certificates have
been issued; and
5. where appropriate, that the share is
subject to a clause pursuant to
Chapter 4, sections 6, 8, 18 or 27 or
Chapter 20, section 31.
The shares shall be entered in
numerical order.
Chapter 5, section 6
In those cases referred to in Chapter
4, section 43, both the shareholder and
the rights holder shall be entered in the
share register with information
regarding name and personal ID
number, company number or other
identification number as well as postal
address. In addition, the share register
shall contain an annotation regarding
the provisions governing the right.
Upon proof that the right has changed
or lapsed, such fact shall be noted.
Where a guardian appointed pursuant
to Chapter 11, section 3, first
paragraph, point 5 of the Code on
Parents, Guardians and Children
manages shares on behalf of a future
shareholder, the future shareholder
shall, upon application by the guardian,
be entered as owner in the share
register, together with a notation
regarding the appointment and the
reason therefor.
Where shares are included in a UCITS
pursuant to the Swedish UCITS Act
(SFS 2004:46) or a special fund
pursuant to the Alternative Investment
Funds (Managers) Act (SFS
2013:561), the name of the manager of
the fund shall be entered in the share
register as shareholder in lieu of the
holders of units in the fund. In
conjunction therewith, the fund’s
designation shall also be noted. (SFS
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
5 kap. 13 §
Den som har antecknats som
aktieägare på ett avstämningskonto
enligt lagen (1998:1479) om
kontoföring av finansiella instrument
skall genast föras in i aktieboken, om
inte annat följer av denna lag.
Införing av förvaltare i aktieboken
5 kap. 14 §
Har en aktieägare i ett
avstämningsbolag lämnat sina aktier
till någon annan för förvaltning, kan
denne (förvaltaren) på aktieägarens
uppdrag föras in i aktieboken i stället
för aktieägaren. Detta förutsätter dock
att förvaltaren
1.har fått medgivande av den centrala
värdepappersförvararen till registrering
som förvaltare, och
2.uppfyller de villkor som gäller för
införing av ägare i aktieboken.
I det fall som avses i första stycket
skall det i aktieboken anmärkas att
aktien innehas för någon annans
räkning. Beträffande förvaltaren
antecknas i aktieboken samma
uppgifter som enligt 11 § skall föras in
om aktieägare.
I lagen (1998:1479) om kontoföring av
finansiella instrument finns
bestämmelser om
1.medgivande enligt första stycket,
2.förvaltares skyldigheter, och
3.skyldighet för bolaget och den
centrala värdepappersförvararen att
tillhandahålla en sammanställning av
uppgifter från förvaltare om aktieägare
med mer än 500 förvaltarregistrerade
5 kap. 15 §
Om den som äger förvaltarregistrerade
aktier vill delta i en bolagsstämma,
skall han eller hon på begäran av
förvaltaren tillfälligt föras in i
aktieboken. Efter den tidpunkt som
CSD companies
Content of the share register
Chapter 5, section 11
The share register of a CSD company
shall contain information regarding:
1. each shareholder’s name and
personal ID number, company number
or other identification number as well
as postal address;
2. the number of shares held by each
3. the number of shares of different
classes held by each shareholder,
where the company has shares of
different classes; and
4. where appropriate, the fact that the
shares are subject to a clause
pursuant to Chapter 4, sections 6 or 27
or Chapter 20, section 31.
The provisions of section 6 shall also
apply to CSD companies.
Responsibility for the share register,
Chapter 5, section 12
Where a CSD clause is included in the
articles of association at the time of
formation of a company, sections 7–9
shall apply until such time as the
company has been registered in the
Companies Register and a CSD
register has been prepared. Where
such a clause is inserted by means of
alteration of the articles of association,
sections 7–9 shall apply until such time
as the clause has been registered in
the Companies Register and a CSD
register has been prepared.
When the CSD register has been
prepared, the central securities
depository shall:
1. maintain and store the share
2. examine matters concerning the
entry of shareholders in the share
3. be responsible for printouts from the
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avses i 7 kap. 28 § tredje stycket skall
aktieägaren strykas från aktieboken.
5 kap. 16 §
Har det införts ett
avstämningsförbehåll genom en
ändring av bolagsordningen och har
ett dessförinnan utfärdat aktiebrev inte
visats upp enligt 4 kap. 6 § lagen
(1998:1479) om kontoföring av
finansiella instrument, får uppgifter om
aktien i den äldre aktieboken föras
över till den aktiebok som förs av den
centrala värdepappersförvararen. I
samband med överföringen skall det
anges att aktiebrevet inte har visats
upp. Om uppgifterna inte förs över,
utgör den äldre aktieboken fortfarande
aktiebok i fråga om aktien.
5 kap. 17 §
En ägare till en aktie för vilken det har
utfärdats aktiebrev innan bolaget blev
avstämningsbolag kan inte, i fråga om
därefter beslutad utdelning eller
emission, få utdelning, utöva
aktieägares företrädesrätt att teckna
nya aktier, teckningsoptioner eller
konvertibler eller, vid fondemission, få
ny aktie, förrän
1.anteckning på ett avstämningskonto
har skett enligt 4 kap. 6 § lagen
(1998:1479) om kontoföring av
finansiella instrument, och
2. aktieägaren har förts in i den
aktiebok som förs av den centrala
5 kap. 18 §
Om det har förflutit fem år sedan
avstämningsförbehållet registrerades
och ingen har förts in som ägare eller
som förvaltare till en aktie som är
införd i den aktiebok som förs av den
centrala värdepappersförvararen, får
bolaget uppmana aktiens ägare att
anmäla sig till den centrala
Uppmaningen skall innehålla en
upplysning om att rätten till aktien går
förlorad om någon anmälan inte görs.
Uppmaningen skall ske genom
kungörelse i Post- och Inrikes
share register; and
4. prepare share registers as per the
record date.
The board of directors shall ensure
that an agreement is reached with a
central securities depository.
Entry of shareholders in the share
Chapter 5, section 13
Unless otherwise stated in this Act,
any person who has been registered
as a shareholder on a CSD account
pursuant to the Financial Instruments
(Accounts) Act (SFS 1998:1479) shall
be immediately entered in the share
Entry of nominees in the share register
Chapter 5, section 14
Where a shareholder in a CSD
company surrenders his or her shares
to another person for management,
upon request by the shareholder such
person (the nominee) may be entered
in the share register in lieu of the
shareholder. The aforesaid requires,
however, that the nominee:
1. has received consent from the
central securities depository to be
registered as nominee; and
2. fulfils the conditions governing the
entry of owners in the share register.
In the case referred to in the first
paragraph, it shall be noted in the
share register that the share is held on
behalf of another person. The same
information in respect of nominees as
required in respect of shareholders
pursuant to section 11 shall be entered
in the share register.
The Financial Instruments (Accounts)
Act (SFS 1998:1479) contains
provisions regarding:
1. consent pursuant to the first
2. the nominee’s obligations; and
3. the obligation of the company and
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Tidningar och i den eller de
ortstidningar som styrelsen
Om det inte har kommit in någon
anmälan inom ett år från
uppmaningen, får bolaget sälja aktien
genom ett värdepappersinstitut.
Betalningen för aktien tillfaller bolaget
men aktiens tidigare ägare har, om
aktiebrevet lämnas in, rätt att av
bolaget få ut samma belopp med
avdrag för kostnaderna för
uppmaningen och försäljningen. Det
inlämnade aktiebrevet skall förstöras.
Aktiebokens offentlighet
5 kap. 19 §
I ett avstämningsbolag skall en utskrift
eller annan framställning av aktieboken
hållas tillgänglig hos bolaget och hos
den centrala värdepappersförvararen
för alla som vill ta del av den. I en
sådan utskrift eller framställning skall
aktieägarna och förvaltarna tas upp i
alfabetisk ordning. Utskriften eller
framställningen får inte vara äldre än
tre månader.
the central securities depository to
provide a compilation of information
from nominees regarding shareholders
with more than 500 nomineeregistered shares.
Voting rights registration
Chapter 5, section 15
Where a person who owns nomineeregistered shares wishes to participate
at a general meeting, he or she shall
be temporarily entered in the share
register, upon request by the nominee.
After the time referred to in Chapter 7,
section 28, third paragraph, the
shareholder shall be deleted from the
share register.
Transfer of information from older
share registers
Chapter 5, section 16
En aktieägare skall inte tas upp i en
utskrift eller framställning enligt denna
paragraf, om hans eller hennes
aktieinnehav uppgår till högst 500
aktier. Om en aktieägare äger samtliga
aktier i bolaget, skall dock hans eller
hennes aktieinnehav alltid redovisas.
Where a CSD clause has been
adopted through an alteration of the
articles of association and a share
certificate issued prior thereto has not
been presented pursuant to Chapter 4,
section 6 of the Financial Instruments
(Accounts) Act (SFS 1998:1479),
information regarding the share which
is contained in the older share register
may be transferred to the share
register which is maintained by the
central securities depository. In
connection with the transfer, it shall be
stated that the share register has not
been presented. Where the information
is not transferred, the older share
register shall continue to constitute the
share register in respect of the share.
Chapter 5, section 17
6 kap. 10 §
The owner of a share to whom a share
certificate has been issued before the
company became a CSD company
may not, with respect to dividends or
issues resolved upon thereafter,
participate in dividends, exercise
shareholders’ pre-emption rights to
subscribe for new shares, warrants or
convertible instruments or, in the event
of bonus issues, to receive new
shares, before:
Var och en som begär det har rätt att
mot ersättning för kostnaderna få en
aktuell utskrift av aktieboken eller del
av den.
Av 4 kap. 5 § lagen (1998:1479) om
kontoföring av finansiella instrument
framgår att aktiebrev eller
interimsbevis inte får utfärdas för aktier
i avstämningsbolag.
Anmälan av aktieinnehav
8 kap. 45 §
En styrelseledamot och en
verkställande direktör skall när de
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tillträder sitt uppdrag till bolaget
anmäla sitt innehav av aktier i bolaget
och i andra bolag inom samma
koncern, om det inte har skett
dessförinnan. Förändringar i
aktieinnehavet skall anmälas inom en
månad. De anmälda uppgifterna skall
antecknas i aktieboken.
Första stycket gäller inte i den
utsträckning styrelseledamoten eller
den verkställande direktören är
anmälningsskyldig enligt lagen
(2000:1087) om anmälningsskyldighet
för vissa innehav av finansiella
Utfärdande av emissionsbevis
11 kap. 5 §
I ett aktiebolag som inte är
avstämningsbolag skall bolaget på
begäran av en aktieägare med
fondaktierätt eller teckningsrätt utfärda
emissionsbevis för de gamla aktierna. I
ett sådant bevis skall det anges hur
många bevis som skall lämnas för
varje ny aktie, konvertibel eller
teckningsoption. Beviset skall lämnas
ut till aktieägaren mot uppvisande av
det aktiebrev på vilket fondaktierätten
eller teckningsrätten grundas. Det skall
antecknas på aktiebrevet att
emissionsbevis har utfärdats.
Emissionsbevis behöver inte utfärdas
1.emissionen innebär att varje gammal
aktie berättigar till en ny aktie,
konvertibel eller teckningsoption, eller
2.en kupong som hör till ett aktiebrev
får användas som emissionsbevis.
Första stycket tillämpas också när en
innehavare av teckningsoptioner eller
konvertibler har rätt till teckning av nya
aktier, teckningsoptioner eller
Av 4 kap. 5 § lagen (1998:1479) om
kontoföring av finansiella instrument
framgår att emissionsbevis eller
teckningsoptionsbevis inte får utfärdas
för aktier eller andra finansiella
instrument som har registrerats enligt
1. an annotation has been made on a
CSD account pursuant to Chapter 4,
section 6 of the Financial Instruments
(Accounts) Act (SFS 1998:1479); and
2. the shareholder has been entered in
the share register which is maintained
by the central securities depository.
Chapter 5, section 18
Where five years have elapsed since
registration of the CSD clause and no
person has been entered as the owner
or nominee of a share which is entered
in the share register maintained by the
central securities depository, the
company may caution the owner of the
share to register with the central
securities depository. The caution shall
contain information that the right to the
share will be forfeited in the event no
application is made. The caution shall
be published in Post- och Inrikes
Tid-ningar and in the local newspaper
or newspapers determined by the
board of directors.
Where an application for registration is
not submitted within one year from the
date of the caution, the company may
sell the share through a securities
institution. Proceeds from the sale of
the share shall accrue to the company;
however, the former owner of the
share shall be entitled to receive an
equivalent sum less deductions for
costs incurred in connection with the
caution and the sale, provided the
share certificate is surrendered. The
surrendered share certificate shall be
Public nature of the share register
Chapter 5, section 19
In a CSD company, a printout or other
presentation from the share register
shall be available at the offices of the
company and at the central securities
depository for all persons who wish to
review it. In such a printout or
presentation, the shareholders and
nominees shall be listed in alphabetical
order. The printout or presentation may
not be more than three months old.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
den lagen. Lag (2007:317).
11 kap. 8 §
I ett avstämningsbolag skall
fondaktierätter och teckningsrätter
registreras enligt lagen (1998:1479)
om kontoföring av finansiella
Om bolaget har tillförsäkrat innehavare
av teckningsoptioner eller konvertibler
rätt till teckning av nya aktier,
teckningsoptioner eller konvertibler och
teckningsoptionerna eller
konvertiblerna har registrerats enligt
lagen om kontoföring av finansiella
instrument, skall också rätten till
teckning registreras enligt samma lag.
Lag (2007:317).
Registrering av emissionsbeslutet
12 kap. 10 § andra stycket
Efter registreringen skall nya aktier
genast föras in i aktieboken.
I avstämningsbolag skall anmälan
genast göras till den centrala
värdepappersförvararen om att
emissionen har registrerats.
Tilldelning av aktier
13 kap. 18 § andra stycket
Tilldelade aktier skall genast föras in i
I avstämningsbolag skall anmälan
genast göras till den centrala
värdepappersförvararen om att
styrelsen har fattat beslut om
13 kap. 32 § andra stycket
När styrelsen har fattat ett beslut enligt
31 § och, i förekommande fall,
aktieägarna har underrättats enligt
första stycket, får teckning, tilldelning
och betalning av aktier äga rum enligt
vad som i övrigt gäller enligt detta
kapitel. Nya aktier får dock inte föras in
i aktieboken förrän bolagsstämman har
godkänt emissionsbeslutet.
Tilldelning av aktier
14 kap. 36 § andra stycket
Each and every person who so
requests shall be entitled, against
payment of compensation for the
costs, to receive a current printout from
the share register or part thereof.
A shareholder shall not be included in
a printout or presentation pursuant to
this section where his or her
shareholding does not exceed 500
shares. However, where a shareholder
owns all shares in the company, his or
her shareholding shall at all times be
CSD companies
Chapter 6, section 10
Chapter 4, section 5 of the Financial
Instruments (Accounts) Act (SFS
1998:1479) provides that share
certificates or interim certificates may
not be issued in respect of shares in
CSD companies.
Notification of shareholdings
Chapter 8, section 45
A member of the board of directors
and a managing director shall, upon
assuming office, notify the company of
their holdings of shares in the
company and in other companies
within the same group, unless such
has taken place prior thereto. Changes
in the shareholding shall be notified
within one month. The notified
information shall be entered in the
share register.
The provisions of the first paragraph
shall not apply insofar as the board
member or the managing director is
subject to a notification obligation
pursuant to the Notification Obligation
(Holdings of Financial Instruments) Act
(SFS 2000:1087).
Issuance of issue certificate
Chapter 11, section 5
A company which is not a CSD
company shall, upon request by a
shareholder in possession of a bonus
share right or subscription right, issue
an issue certificate in respect of the old
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Tilldelade aktier skall genast föras in i
I avstämningsbolag skall anmälan
genast göras till den centrala
värdepappersförvararen om att
styrelsen har fattat beslut om
tilldelning. Om teckningsoptionsbevis
har utfärdats, skall de förses med en
anteckning om att optionsrätten har
Konvertering till aktier
Anteckning i aktiebok m.m.
15 kap. 37 § första stycket
Vid konvertering skall de nya aktierna
genast föras in i aktieboken.
I avstämningsbolag skall anmälan
genast göras till den centrala
värdepappersförvararen om att
konvertering har skett.
Registrering m.m.
20 kap. 21 §
Om minskningen av aktiekapitalet har
genomförts med indragning av aktier,
skall de indragna aktierna genast
strykas ur aktieboken. I
avstämningsbolag skall styrelsen
genast anmäla till den centrala
värdepappersförvararen att
minskningen har registrerats.
Rätten till lösenbeloppet
22 kap. 4 §
Rätten till lösenbeloppet skall antas
tillkomma den som till
majoritetsaktieägaren överlämnar ett
aktiebrev med anteckning om
överlåtelse eller ett lösenbevis enligt
13 § andra stycket. I avstämningsbolag
skall rätten antas tillkomma den som
enligt lagen (1998:1479) om
kontoföring av finansiella instrument är
1.registrerad som ägare till aktierna,
2.antecknad på konto i
avstämningsregister som berättigad till
22 kap. 14 §
shares. Such a certificate shall state
the number of certificates to be issued
in respect of each new share,
convertible instrument or warrant. The
certificate shall be surrendered to the
shareholder upon presentation of the
share certificate on which the bonus
share right or the subscription right is
based. An annotation shall be made on
the share certificate that an issue
certificate has been issued.
Issue certificates need not be issued
1. the issue entails that every old share
shall carry an entitlement to one new
share, convertible instrument or
warrant; or
2. a coupon attached to a share
certificate may be used as an issue
The provisions of the first paragraph
shall also apply where the holder of
warrants or convertible instruments
holds a right to subscribe for new
shares, warrants or convertible
Chapter 4, section 5 of the Financial
Instruments (Accounts) Act (SFS
1998:1479) provides that issue
certificates or warrant certificates may
not be issued in respect of shares or
other financial instruments which have
been registered pursuant to that Act.
(SFS 2007:317).
Registration of bonus share rights and
subscription rights in CSD companies
Chapter 11, section 8
In a CSD company, bonus share rights
and subscription rights shall be
registered pursuant to the Financial
Instruments (Accounts) Act (SFS
Where the company has covenanted
to a holder of warrants or convertible
instruments a right to subscribe for
new shares, warrants or convertible
instruments and the warrants or
convertible instruments have been
registered pursuant to the Financial
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Om det har beslutats om
förhandstillträde till aktier i ett
avstämningsbolag, skall aktierna, på
begäran av majoritetsaktieägaren,
registreras med denne som ägare
enligt lagen (1998:1479) om
kontoföring av finansiella instrument.
Samtidigt skall aktieägares rätt till
kommande lösenbelopp och ränta
registreras enligt samma lag.
Verkningar av en skiljedom avseende
22 kap. 20 §
När en dom avseende lösenbeloppet
har vunnit laga kraft gäller följande. I
ett bolag som inte är
avstämningsbolag skall ägarna till de
aktier som skall lösas in till
majoritetsaktieägaren överlämna sina
aktiebrev med anteckning om
överlåtelse. I ett avstämningsbolag
skall, utom i fall som avses i 21 §,
aktierna på begäran av
majoritetsaktieägaren registreras med
denne som ägare enligt lagen
(1998:1479) om kontoföring av
finansiella instrument.
Nedsättning av fastställt lösenbelopp
22 kap. 21 §
Har aktiebrev eller lösenbevis inte
överlämnats till majoritetsaktieägaren
inom en månad från den dag dom
avseende lösenbeloppet vann laga
kraft eller är, i fråga om
avstämningsbolag, aktieägare i ett
sådant bolag okänd, skall
majoritetsaktieägaren utan dröjsmål
låta nedsätta lösenbeloppet för en
sådan aktie eller för aktie som avses
med sådant lösenbevis enligt lagen
(1927:56) om nedsättning av pengar
hos myndighet. Något förbehåll om rätt
att återta det nedsatta beloppet får inte
Om nedsättning har skett enligt denna
paragraf, får majoritetsaktieägaren
utöva de rättigheter som aktierna ger
från och med den tidpunkt då beloppet
sätts ned hos länsstyrelsen.
Instruments (Accounts) Act, the right
shall also be registered pursuant to the
same Act. (SFS 2007:317).
Registration of the issue resolution
Chapter 12, section 10, second
Following the registration, new shares
shall be immediately entered in the
share register.
With respect to CSD companies, the
central securities depository shall be
notified immediately that the issue has
been registered.
Allotment of shares
Chapter 13, section 18, second
For a CSD company, the central
securities depository shall be notified
immediately that the board of directors
has adopted a resolution regarding
Board resolution regarding an issue
subject to approval by the general
Chapter 13, section 32, second
When the board of directors has
adopted a resolution pursuant to
section 31 and, where applicable, the
shareholders have been notified
pursuant to the first paragraph,
subscription, allotment and payment
for shares may take place pursuant to
the other provisions of this Chapter.
However, new shares may not be
entered in the share register until the
general meeting has approved the
issue resolution.
Allotment of shares
Chapter 14, section 36, second
For a CSD company, the central
securities depository shall be notified
immediately that the board of directors
has adopted a resolution regarding
allotment. Where warrant certificates
have been issued, a notation that the
warrant has been exercised shall be
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Ett aktiebrev, som ännu inte har
överlämnats till länsstyrelsen, ger inte
annan rätt för innehavaren än att mot
överlämnandet av aktiebrevet få ut
lösenbeloppet och ränta. I
avstämningsbolag skall, om
nedsättning har skett, aktierna på
begäran av majoritetsaktieägaren
registreras med denne som ägare
enligt lagen (1998:1479) om
kontoföring av finansiella instrument.
30 kap. 1 §
Till böter eller fängelse i högst ett år
döms den som
1.uppsåtligen bryter mot 1 kap. 7 eller
8 §,
2.uppsåtligen eller av oaktsamhet
underlåter att enligt denna lag föra
aktiebok eller hålla aktiebok tillgänglig,
3.uppsåtligen eller av oaktsamhet
bryter mot 8 kap. 18 § andra
meningen, 20 § första stycket eller 21
§ andra stycket, eller
4.uppsåtligen eller av grov oaktsamhet
bryter mot 21 kap. 1, 3, 5 eller 10 §.
En central värdepappersförvarares
underlåtenhet att fullgöra de uppgifter
som anges i 5 kap. 12 § andra stycket
skall inte medföra ansvar enligt första
stycket 2.
Till straff som anges i första stycket
döms också den som uppsåtligen
medverkar till ett beslut att utse en
styrelseledamot, styrelsesuppleant,
verkställande direktör eller vice
verkställande direktör i strid med 8
kap. 12 eller 32 §, om åtgärden är
ägnad att dölja vem eller vilka som
utövar eller har utövat den faktiska
ledningen av bolaget. Detsamma gäller
den som uppsåtligen åtar sig ett
sådant uppdrag i strid med 8 kap. 12
eller 32 §.
Trots vad som sägs i 35 kap. 1 §
brottsbalken får påföljd för brott enligt
första stycket 4 mot 21 kap. 1, 3 eller 5
§ eller för brott enligt tredje stycket
made thereon.
Conversion to shares
Registration in share register, etc.
Chapter 15, section 37, first
Upon conversion, the new shares shall
be entered immediately in the share
register. For a CSD company,
notification that conversion has taken
place shall be given immediately to the
central securities depository.
Registration, etc.
Chapter 20, section 21
Where the reduction of the share
capital has been effected through
retirement of shares, the retired shares
shall be immediately deleted from the
share register. For CSD companies,
the board of directors shall
immediately notify the central
securities depository that the reduction
has been registered.
The right to the purchase price
Chapter 22, section 4
The right to the purchase price shall be
assumed to vest in any person who
surrenders to the majority shareholder
a share certificate bearing an
endorsement of transfer or a
redemption rights certificate pursuant
to section 13, second paragraph. For a
CSD company, the right shall be
assumed to be vested in any person
who, pursuant to the Financial
Instruments (Accounts) Act (SFS
1998:1479), is:
1. registered as owner of the shares;
2. registered on an account in a CSD
register as the person entitled to the
purchase price.
Advance vesting of title
Chapter 22, section 14
Where a decision has been made
regarding advance entry into
possession of shares in a CSD
company, the majority shareholder
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
dömas ut, om den misstänkte har
häktats eller fått del av åtal för brottet
inom fem år från brottet.
I de fall som avses i 9 kap. 41 § och 10
kap. 16 § skall det inte följa ansvar
enligt 20 kap. 3 § brottsbalken. Lag
Kupongskattelagen (1970:624) –
Dividend Withholding Tax Act
Ansvar för innehållande, redovisning
och betalning av kupongskatt
En central värdepappersförvarare ska
vid utbetalning av utdelning innehålla
kupongskatt, om det inte av tillgängliga
uppgifter om den
utdelningsberättigade framgår att
denne inte är skattskyldig.
Kupongskatt ska vidare innehållas om
utdelning inte har kunnat ske till följd
av bristande uppgift om den
Uppgift som avses i första stycket ska
lämnas skriftligen till den centrala
värdepappersförvararen i samband
med begäran om införing i aktieboken
eller anmälan om registrering på
avstämningskonto av uppgift som
avses i 4 kap. 18 § första stycket 6–8
lagen (1998:1479) om kontoföring av
finansiella instrument, samt i övrigt när
värdepappersförvararen begär det av
den som avses med införingen. Ändras
något förhållande som är av betydelse
för bedömning av frågan om
skattskyldighet enligt denna lag, ska
uppgiftslämnaren utan dröjsmål
skriftligen anmäla detta till
Den centrala värdepappersförvararen
ska senast fyra månader efter
utdelningstillfället lämna den
utdelningsberättigade skriftlig uppgift
om det belopp som innehållits i
kupongskatt för denne. Lag (2011:69).
En central värdepappersförvarare skall
senast fyra månader efter
shall, upon request, be registered as
owner of the shares pursuant to the
Financial Instruments (Accounts) Act
(SFS 1998:1479). At the same time,
the shareholder’s right to the future
purchase price and interest shall be
registered in accordance with the
same Act.
Effects of an arbitral award regarding
the purchase price
Chapter 22, section 20
Where an award regarding the
purchase price has become final, the
following shall apply. For a company
which is not a CSD company, the
shareholders who are to be bought out
shall surrender their share certificates
bearing an endorsement of transfer to
the majority shareholder. For a CSD
company, other than in cases referred
to in section 21, the majority
shareholder shall, upon request, be
registered as owner of the shares
pursuant to the Financial Instruments
(Accounts) Act (SFS 1998:1479).
Deposit of purchase price
Chapter 22, section 21
Where share certificates or
redemption rights certificates have not
been surrendered to the majority
shareholder within one month of the
day on which an award regarding the
purchase price became final or, with
respect to a CSD company, where the
shareholders of such company are
unknown, the majority shareholder
shall, without delay, cause the
purchase price for such share or for
shares to which such redemption rights
certificate relates to be deposited in
accordance with the Public Authorities
(Deposit of Money in Escrow) Act (SFS
1927:56). No reservation may be made
regarding the right to withdraw the
deposited amount.
Where a deposit has taken place
pursuant to this section, the majority
shareholder shall be entitled to
exercise any rights carried by the
shares commencing the date on which
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
utdelningstillfället lämna Skatteverket
uppgift om
the amount was deposited with the
County Administrative Board.
det sammanlagda
beloppet av utbetalade utdelningar för
vilka skattskyldighet ej förelegat,
A share certificate which has not yet
been surrendered to the County
Administrative Board shall not carry
any rights for the holder other than the
right to receive the purchase price and
interest upon surrender of the share
certificate. For a CSD company, where
deposit has taken place the majority
shareholder shall, upon request, be
registered as owner of the shares
pursuant to the Financial Instruments
(Accounts) Act (SFS 1998:1479).
storleken av utbetalad
utdelning och innehållen kupongskatt
för varje skattskyldig,
det sammanlagda
beloppet av utdelning som ej kunnat
utbetalas till följd av bristande uppgifter
om den utdelningsberättigade,
det sammanlagda
beloppet av innehållen kupongskatt.
Inom samma tid skall den centrala
värdepappersförvararen inbetala
innehållen kupongskatt till
Vad i andra stycket sagts gäller inte
kupongskatt på utdelning som avses i
första stycket 3). Sådan skatt inbetalas
senast vid utgången av det kalenderår
då utdelningen utbetalas, dock senast
vid utgången av det femte kalenderåret
efter året för utdelningstillfället. Lag
Skatteförfarandelagen (2011:1244) The Tax Procedures Act
Skyldighet att göra skatteavdrag
10 kap. 2 §§
Den som betalar ut ersättning för
arbete, ränta, utdelning eller annan
avkastning som är skattepliktig enligt
inkomstskattelagen (1999:1229) ska
göra skatteavdrag enligt
bestämmelserna i detta kapitel.
Skatteavdrag ska göras vid varje
tillfälle då utbetalning sker.
10 kap. 15 §§
Skatteavdrag ska göras från sådan
ränta och utdelning som lämnas i
pengar och som kontrolluppgift ska
lämnas om enligt 17 eller 19 kap.
Skatteavdrag ska också göras från
sådan annan avkastning som
Chapter 30, section 1
Fines or terms of imprisonment not
exceeding one year shall be imposed
on any person who:
1. intentionally violates the provisions
of Chapter 1, sections 7 or 8;
2. intentionally or through negligence
fails to maintain a share register
pursuant to this Act or to make such
share register available;
3. intentionally or through negligence
violates the provisions of Chapter 8,
section 18, second sentence, section
20, first paragraph or section 21,
second paragraph; or
4. intentionally or through gross
negligence violates Chapter 21,
sections 1, 3, 5 or 10.
The failure of a central securities
depository to perform the duties stated
in Chapter 5, section 12, second
paragraph shall not result in liability
pursuant to the first paragraph, point 2.
Penalties as stated in the first
paragraph shall also be imposed on
any person who intentionally
participates in a resolution to appoint a
member of the board of directors, an
alternate member of the board of
directors, managing director or deputy
managing director in violation of
Chapter 8, sections 12 or 32, where
the measure was intended to conceal
the identity of the person or persons
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
kontrolluppgift ska lämnas om enligt 17
kap. 1 § andra stycket eller 19 kap. 1 §
andra stycket, om avkastningen
betalas ut tillsammans med ränta eller
utdelning som avses i första stycket.
Skyldighet att återbetala skatteavdrag
10 kap. 20 §
Om den för vars räkning skatteavdrag
har gjorts kan visa att ett avdrag har
gjorts med för högt belopp och
beloppet ännu inte har betalats in till
Skatteverket, ska den som har gjort
skatteavdraget skyndsamt betala
tillbaka mellanskillnaden mot kvitto.
Återbetalning som grundas på ett
beslut om preliminär A-skatt i samband
med konkurs eller utmätning ska göras
till konkursboet respektive
Skyldighet att lämna skattedeklaration
(det krävs av den som ska göra
26 kap. 2 §
En skattedeklaration ska lämnas av
den som är skyldig att
göra skatteavdrag eller betala
arbetsgivaravgifter eller som har gjort
ett skatteavdrag utan att vara skyldig
att göra det,
den som är
skattskyldig enligt
mervärdesskattelagen (1994:200),
den som ska
registreras enligt 7 kap. 1 § första
stycket 4, 5 eller 6,
den som är skyldig att
jämka ingående mervärdesskatt enligt
8 a kap. eller 9 kap. 9–13 §§
den som är
skattskyldig för punktskatt enligt någon
av de lagar som anges i 3 kap. 15 §,
den som är
skattskyldig enligt lagen (1991:586) om
särskild inkomstskatt för utomlands
bosatta eller lagen (1991:591) om
who exercise or have exercised the
actual management of the company.
The aforesaid shall also apply to any
person who intentionally undertakes
such an appointment in violation of
Chapter 8, sections 12 or 32.
Notwithstanding the provisions of
Chapter 35, section 1 of the Criminal
Code, the sanctions for an offense
pursuant to the first paragraph, point 4
in violation of Chapter 21, sections 1
through 5 or for an offense under the
third paragraph may be issued where
the suspects have been jailed or
charged for the crime within five years
from the occurrence thereof.
No liability pursuant to Chapter 20,
section 3 of the Code of Judicial
Procedure shall be imposed in those
cases specified in Chapter 9, section
41 and Chapter 10, section 16. (SFS
Kupongskattelagen (1970:624) –
Dividend Withholding Tax Act
Responsibility for withholding,
reporting and payment of coupon tax
Section 7
A central securities depositary shall,
upon paying out dividends, withhold
coupon tax, unless availa-ble
information regarding the person
entitled to dividend shows that the
person is not taxable. Fur-thermore,
coupon tax shall be withheld if it has
not been possible to issue a dividend
due to deficient information about the
person entitled to receive the dividend.
Information as is referred to in the first
paragraph shall be submitted in writing
to the central securities depositary in
connection with the request for entry
into the share register or notification of
entry in a settlement account of the
information referred to in Chapter 4,
section 18, first paragraph, points 6–8
of the Financial Instruments Accounts
Act (1998:1479), and otherwise when
the central securi-ties depository
requests it from the person to whom
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
särskild inkomstskatt för utomlands
bosatta artister m.fl. och som ska
redovisa och betala skatt enligt 13 kap.
6 och 7 §§.
Skyldighet att lämna kontrolluppgifter
17 kap. 1 §
Kontrolluppgift ska lämnas om
Kontrolluppgift ska också lämnas om
annan avkastning än kapitalvinst som
hänför sig till fordringsrätter och som
utgör intäkt i inkomstslaget kapital.
17 kap. 3 §
Kontrolluppgift ska lämnas av den som
har tillgodoräknat eller betalat ut ränta
eller annan avkastning.
Uppgiftsskyldiga är andra juridiska
personer än dödsbon.
19 kap. 1 §
Kontrolluppgift ska lämnas om ränta
och utdelning på delägarrätter.
Kontrolluppgift ska också lämnas om
annan avkastning än kapitalvinst som
hänför sig till delägarrätter och som
utgör intäkt i inkomstslaget kapital.
19 kap. 3 §
Kontrolluppgift ska lämnas av den som
har tillgodoräknat eller betalat ut ränta,
utdelning eller annan avkastning.
20 kap. 1 §
Kontrolluppgift ska lämnas om
avyttring av andelar i
en värdepappersfond,
ett sådant fondföretag som
driver verksamhet i Sverige enligt 1
kap. 7 § lagen (2004:46) om
en specialfond, eller
en utländsk specialfond som
marknadsförs i Sverige enligt lagen
(2013:561) om förvaltare av alternativa
investeringsfonder. Lag (2013:585).
20 kap. 3 §
the entry pertains. If there is a change
in any cir-cumstance of significance to
the assessment of the question of tax
liability in accordance with this Act, the
person submitting the information shall
without undue delay notify the central
securities depository thereof.
The central securities depository shall,
no later than four months following the
time of the dividend, inform the person
entitled to the dividend in writing about
the amount withheld in coupon tax for
that person. Law (2011:69).
Section 8
A central securities depository shall, no
later than four months following the
time of the dividend, submit to the
Swedish Tax Agency information
the total amount of paid-out
dividends for which there was no tax
the size of the paid-out
dividend and with-held coupon tax for
each tax subject,
The total amount of dividend
that could not be paid out due to
deficient information about the person
entitled to the dividend,
the total amount of withheld
coupon tax.
Within the same period, the central
securities de-pository shall pay the
withheld coupon tax to the Swedish
Tax Agency.
That which is set out in the second
paragraph does not apply to coupon
tax on dividends referred to in the first
paragraph, 3). Such tax shall be paid
no later than the end of the calendar
year in which the dividend is paid out,
although no later than the end of the
fifth calendar year following the year of
the time of the dividend. Law
Skatteförfarandelagen (2011:1244) The Tax Procedures Act
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Kontrolluppgift om avyttring genom
inlösen eller avyttring som avses i 44
kap. 8 a § inkomstskattelagen
(1999:1229) ska lämnas av
sådana fondbolag som avses i
1 kap. 1 § första stycket 8 lagen
(2004:46) om värdepappersfonder eller
av ett förvaringsinstitut, om
förvaltningen av värdepappersfonden
eller fondföretaget har övergått till
AIF-förvaltare som förvaltar
sådana fonder som avses i 1 § 3 och
4, eller av ett förvaringsinstitut, om
förvaltningen av fonden har övergått till
förvaltningsbolag som driver
verksamhet i Sverige enligt 1 kap. 6 §
lagen om värdepappersfonder, och
fondföretag som driver
verksamhet i Sverige enligt 1 kap. 7 §
lagen om värdepappersfonder.
Om ett förvaltningsbolag, ett
fondföretag eller en utländsk AIFförvaltare har slutit avtal med ett
värdepappersinstitut om att ombesörja
försäljning och inlösen av andelar, ska
kontrolluppgiften i stället lämnas av
Om en andel är förvaltarregistrerad
ska i stället förvaltaren lämna
kontrolluppgiften. Lag (2013:585)
21 kap. 1 §
Kontrolluppgift ska lämnas om
avyttring av andra
delägarrätter än sådana som avses i
20 kap. 1 § och av fordringsrätter, om
inte kontrolluppgift ska lämnas enligt 2,
slutförande av options- och
terminsaffärer, som inte innebär
förvärv eller försäljning av egendom,
utfärdande av optioner.
21 kap. 3 §
Kontrolluppgift ska lämnas av
värdepappersinstitut i de fall
Obligation to make tax deductions
Chapter 10, sections 2
Persons who pay remuneration for
work, interest, dividend or other return
taxable under the Income Tax Act
(1999:1229) shall deduct tax in
accordance with the provisions of this
Tax shall be deducted on each
payment occasion.
Chapter 10, sections 15
The tax deduction shall be made from
such interest and dividend that are
issued in money and for which a
statement of earnings and tax
deductions shall be provided pursuant
to Chapter 17 or 19.
Tax deductions shall also be made
from such other return regard-ing
which a statement of earnings and tax
deductions shall be provided in
accordance with Chapter 17, section 1,
second para-graph, or Chapter 19,
section 1, second paragraph, if the
return is paid out together with interest
or dividend referred to in the first
Obligation to reimburse tax deductions
Chapter 10, section 20
If the person on whose behalf the tax
deduction was made can show that a
deduction was made in too high an
amount and that the amount has not
yet been paid into the Swedish Tax
Agency, the person that made the
deduction shall reimburse the
difference upon receipt without undue
Reimbursement based on a decision
regarding preliminary tax deducted
from income at source in connection
with bankruptcy or distraint shall be
made to the bankruptcy estate or the
Swedish Enforcement Agency,
The obligation to submit a tax return
(required by persons who shall deduct
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
de medverkar vid avyttring av
delägarrätt eller fordringsrätt och
kontrolluppgift inte ska lämnas av dem
som avses i 2–7,
värdepappersinstitut i de fall
de registrerar en option eller en termin
eller på annat sätt medverkar vid
utfärdandet av optionen eller vid
slutförandet av options- eller
garantimyndigheten enligt
lagen (1995:1571) om
insättningsgaranti eller lagen
(1999:158) om investerarskydd,
den som har betalat ut
ersättning vid avyttring genom inlösen,
försäkringsgivare som har
betalat ut ersättning på grund av en
sådan försäkring som ett
värdepappersbolag har tecknat för
skadeståndsskyldighet som det kan
komma att ådra sig när tjänster utförs i
rörelsen, och
den som för eller har fört ett
investeringssparkonto vid avyttring
som avses i 44 kap. 8 a §
inkomstskattelagen (1999:1229). Lag
22 kap. 17 §
Kontrolluppgift ska lämnas om
schablonintäkt vid innehav av andelar i
sådana fonder och fondföretag som
avses i 20 kap. 1 §. Lag (2013:585).
22 kap.19 §
Kontrolluppgift ska lämnas av
sådana fondbolag som avses i
1 kap. 1 § första stycket 8 lagen
(2004:46) om värdepappersfonder eller
av ett förvaringsinstitut, om
förvaltningen av värdepappersfonden
eller fondföretaget har övergått till
AIF-förvaltare som förvaltar
sådana fonder som avses i 20 kap. 1 §
3 och 4, eller av ett förvaringsinstitut
om förvaltningen av fonden har
övergått till institutet,
Chapter 26, section 2
A tax return shall be submitted by
persons who are obliged to
deduct tax or pay employers’
contributions or who have deducted
tax without being obliged to do so,
persons taxable under the
Value Added Tax Act (1994:200),
persons who shall be
registered pursuant to Chapter 7,
section 1, first paragraph, point 4, 5 or
Persons obliged to adjust
opening VAT according to Chapter 8a.
or Chapter 9, sections 9–13of the
Value Add-ed Tax Act,
persons taxable for excise
duty pursuant to any of the laws set
out in Chapter 3, section 15, and
Persons taxable under the Act
on Special Income Tax for Foreign
Residents (1991:586), the Act on
Special Income Tax for Non-Resident
Artists and Athletes (1991:591) and
who shall report and pay tax in
accordance with Chapter 13, sections
6 and 7.
The obligation to submit statements of
earnings and deductions
Chapter 17, section 1
A statement of earnings and
deductions shall be submitted regarding interest income.
A statement of earnings and
deductions shall also be submitted
regarding return other than capital
gains attributable to debt instruments
and which constitutes capital income.
Chapter 17, section 3
A statement of earnings and
deductions shall be submitted by
persons who have been credited with
or paid out interest or other return.
Persons obliged to provide the
information are legal persons other
than estates.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
förvaltningsbolag som driver
verksamhet i Sverige enligt 1 kap. 6 §
lagen om värdepappersfonder, och
fondföretag som driver
verksamhet i Sverige enligt 1 kap. 7 §
lagen om värdepappersfonder.
Om ett förvaltningsbolag, ett
fondföretag eller en utländsk AIFförvaltare har slutit avtal med ett
värdepappersinstitut om att ombesörja
försäljning och inlösen av andelar, ska
kontrolluppgiften i stället lämnas av
Om en andel är förvaltarregistrerad
ska i stället förvaltaren lämna
kontrolluppgiften. Lag (2013:585)
Skyldighet att lämna kontrolluppgifter
för begränsat skattskyldiga
23 kap. 2 §
Kontrolluppgifter enligt 15 kap., 16 kap.
1 § om ersättning som avses i 16 kap.
3 § 4 samt 4 § 1 a, 2 a och 3 a, 17, 19,
20 och 21 kap. samt 22 kap. 2, 3, 9–
11, 17–21, 23 och 24 §§ ska även
lämnas för fysiska personer som är
begränsat skattskyldiga.
Kontrolluppgift enligt 22 kap. 10 § ska
också avse omständigheter som
medför eller kan medföra avskattning
enligt 5 § första stycket 6, 6 a eller 7
lagen (1991:586) om särskild
inkomstskatt för utomlands bosatta.
Lag (2013:772).
Skyldighet att lämna
34 kap. 3 §
Den som är skyldig att lämna
kontrolluppgift enligt 15–22 kap. ska
senast den 31 januari året närmast
efter det år som kontrolluppgiften gäller
informera den som uppgiften avser om
de uppgifter som lämnas i
Generell dokumentationsskyldighet
(den som ska lämna kontrolluppgift ska
bevara dokumentation i skälig
Chapter 19, section 1
A statement of earnings and
deductions shall be submitted regarding interest and dividend on
A statement of earnings and
deductions shall also be submitted
regarding return other than capital
gains and which is attributable to
securities and which constitutes capital
Chapter 19, section 3
A statement of earnings and
deductions shall be submitted by
persons who have been credited with
or paid out interest, dividend or other
Chapter 20, section 1
A statement of earnings and
deductions shall be submitted regarding the divestment of units in
such a foreign collective
investment undertaking conduct-ing
operations in Sweden pursuant to
Chapter 1, section 7 of the Investment
Funds Act (2004:46),
a special fund, or
a foreign special fund
marketed in Sweden under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers
Act (2013:561). Law (2013:585).
Chapter 20, section 3
A statement of earnings and
deductions regarding divestment
through redemption or sale as referred
to in Chapter 44, section 8a of the
Income Tax Act (1999:1229) shall be
submitted by
such fund management
companies as are referred to in
Chapter 1, section 1, first paragraph
point 8 of the In-vestment Funds Act
(2004:46) or by a custodian, if the
management of the investment fund or
foreign collective investment
undertaking has been transferred to
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
39 kap. 3 §
Den som är uppgiftsskyldig enligt 15–
35 kap. ska i skälig omfattning genom
räkenskaper, anteckningar eller annan
lämplig dokumentation se till att det
finns underlag för att fullgöra
uppgiftsskyldigheten samt för kontroll
av uppgiftsskyldigheten och
Inbetalning av skatter på ett särskilt
konto för skattebetalningar
62 kap. 2 §
Skatter och avgifter ska betalas in till
Skatteverkets särskilda konto för
Skatten eller avgiften är betald den
dag betalningen har bokförts på det
särskilda kontot.
62 kap. 3 §
Skatter och avgifter som ska redovisas
i en skattedeklaration ska vara betalda
senast den dag då deklarationen ska
ha kommit in till Skatteverket.
För den som redovisar mervärdesskatt
på beskattningsunderlag som
exklusive unionsinterna förvärv och
import för beskattningsåret beräknas
sammanlagt överstiga 40 miljoner
kronor, är förfallodagen för
skatteavdragen och
arbetsgivaravgifterna i stället den 12, i
januari den 17, i månaden efter
the institution,
AIF managers managing such
funds as are referred to in section 1,
points 3 and 4, or by a custodian, if the
management of the fund has been
transferred to the institution,
foreign management
companies conducting operations in
Sweden pursuant to Chapter 1, section
6 of the Investment Funds Act, and
foreign collective investment
undertakings conducting operations in
Sweden in accordance with Chapter 1,
section 7§ of the Investment Funds
If a foreign management company, a
foreign collective invest-ment
undertaking or a foreign AIF manager
has entered agreements with a
securities institution regarding
conducting the sale and redemption of
units, the statement of earnings and
deductions shall instead be submitted
by the securities institution.
If a unit is nominee-registered, the
manager shall submit the statement of
earnings and deductions instead. Law
Chapter 21, section 1
A statement of earnings and
deductions shall be submitted regarding
the divestment of other
securities than those referred to in
Chapter 20, section 1 and of debt
instruments, unless a statement of
earnings and deductions shall be
submitted in accordance with 2,
closing of options and futures
transactions, which do not involve the
acquisition or sale of property, and
issuing options.
Chapter 21, section 3
A statement of earnings and
deductions shall be submitted by
securities institutions in cases
when they participate in the sale of
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
securities or debt instruments and a
statement of earnings and deductions
shall not be submitted by the per-sons
referred to in 2–7,
securities institutions in cases
where they register an op-tion or a
future or in another way participate in
issuing the option or when closing the
option or future transaction,
credit market companies,
the guaranteeing authority in
accordance with the Deposit
Guarantee Act (1995:1571) or the
Investor Protection Act (1999:158),
Persons who have paid out
remuneration upon divestment through
insurers who have paid out
remuneration due to such an insurance
policy as has been purchased by an
investment firm for liability for damages
which it may incur when rendering
services in its business, and
Persons who operate or have
operated an investment sav-ings
account upon divestment, as is
referred to in Chapter 44, section 8a
of the Income Tax Act (1999:1229).
Law (2011:1289).
Chapter 22, section 17
A statement of earnings and
deductions shall be submitted
regarding standardised income for
holdings of units in such funds and
foreign collective investment
undertakings as are referred to in
Chapter 20, section 1. Law (2013:585).
Chapter 22, section 19
A statement of earnings and
deductions shall be submitted by
such fund management
companies as are referred to in
Chapter 1, section 1, first paragraph
point 8 of the In-vestment Funds Act
(2004:46) or by a custodian, if the
management of the investment fund or
foreign collective investment
undertaking has been transferred to
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
the institu-tion,
AIF managers managing such
funds as are referred to in Chapter 20,
section 1, points 3 and 4, or by a
custodian, if the management of the
fund has been transferred to the
foreign management
companies conducting operations in
Sweden pursuant to Chapter 1, section
6 of the Investment Funds Act, and
foreign collective investment
undertakings conducting operations in
Sweden in accordance with Chapter 1,
sec-tion 7§ of the Investment Funds
If a foreign management company, a
foreign collective invest-ment
undertaking or a foreign AIF manager
has entered agree-ments with a
securities institution regarding
conducting the sale and redemption of
units, the statement of earnings and
deductions shall instead be submitted
by the securities institution.
If a unit is nominee-registered, the
manager shall submit the statement of
earnings and deductions instead. Law
The obligation to submit statements of
earnings and deductions for limited tax
Chapter 23, section 2
Statements of earnings and deductions
in accordance with Chap-ter 15,
Chapter 16, section 1 regarding
remuneration referred to in Chapter 16,
section 3, point 4 and section 4, points
1a, 2a and 3a, 17, 19, 20 and Chapter
21 and Chapter 22, sections 2, 3, 9–
11, 17–21, 23 and 24 shall also be
submitted for natural persons who are
limited tax subjects.
Statements of earnings and deductions
pursuant to Chapter 22, section 10
shall also refer to circumstances that
entail or that could entail a balancing
tax payment in accordance with
section 5, first paragraph, points 6, 6a
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
or 7 of the Act on Special Income Tax
for Foreign Residents (1991:586). Law
The obligation to submit a statement of
Chapter 34, section 3
Persons who are obliged to submit a
statement of earnings and deductions
pursuant to Chapters 15–22 shall, no
later than 31 January of the year
immediately following the year to which
the statement of earnings and
deductions pertains, inform the person
to whom the information pertains of the
information submitted in the statement
of earnings and deductions.
General documentation obligation
(persons who shall submit a statement
of earnings and deductions shall store
the infor-mation to a reasonable
Chapter 39, section 3
Persons who are obliged to provide
information pursuant to Chapters 15–
35 shall, to a reasonable extent,
through accounts, notes or other
appropriate documentation, ensure
that there is source material to fulfil the
obligation to provide information and
for verifying the obligation to provide
information and taxation.
Paying in taxes to a specific account
for tax payments
Chapter 62, section 2
Taxes and charges shall be paid into
the specific account of the Swedish
Tax Agency for incoming tax
The tax or charge is paid on the date
the payment was entered in the
specific account.
Chapter 62, section 3
Taxes and charges reported in a tax
return shall be paid no later than on
the date on which the Swedish Tax
Agency shall have received the tax
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
For persons reporting value added tax
on a taxation basis which, excluding
EU-internal acquisitions and imports
for the tax year, is expected to exceed
SEK 40 million, the due date for tax
deduc-tions and employers’
contributions is instead the twelfth, in
Janu-ary the seventeenth, of the
month following the reporting period.
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
United Kingdom
Title of the corporate law
or similar law of the
Member State with
hyperlink(s) to the full text
18 December 2014
Companies Act 2006 - An Act to reform company law and restate the greater
part of the enactments relating to companies; to make other provision relating to
companies and other forms of business organisation; to make provision about
directors' disqualification, business names, auditors and actuaries; to amend
Part 9 of the Enterprise Act 2002; and for connected purposes.
Government Stock Regulations 2004 - These Regulations make provision in
respect of the administration of Government stock.
Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 - These Regulations make
provision for the transfer of a written instrument, and the evidencing otherwise
than with a certificate, of a title to a unit of security, in accordance with a
computer based system and procedures known as the “relevant system”. The
relevant system centres on a person known as the “Operator”. The legal
framework underlying the operation of the relevant system, together with the
criteria which the Operator and relevant system must meet, are enshrined in
these Regulations.
Companies (Model Articles) Regulations 2008 - These Regulations set out
model forms of articles of association for the three main types of company – a
private company limited by shares, a private company limited by guarantee and
a public company.
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 - The Act provides the framework
within which a single regulator for the financial services industry, the Financial
Services Authority, will operate. Schedule 2 sets out a list of “activities” and
“investments” which, together, indicate the broad scope of activities which are
potentially regulated under the Act.
 Contents
 Schedule
Stock Transfer Act 1963 - An Act to amend the law with respect to the transfer
of securities.
Stock Transfer Act 1982 - An Act to amend the law relating to the transfer,
registration and redemption of securities, and for purposes connected therewith.
Key relevant provisions of
the corporate or similar
law of the Member State,
under which securities are
The Companies (Shares and Share Capital) Order 2009 - This Order makes
provision in relation to shares and share capital for the purposes of various
provisions of the Companies Act 2006.
In English
Companies Act 2006
Part 2: Company Formation
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This Part of the Act is about how companies are formed.
Part 3: A Company’s Constitution
This Part deals with various matters relating to a company’s constitution.
Part 8: A Company’s Members
This Part of the Act defines who are a company’s members, provides
rules relating to a company’s register of members and overseas branch
registers and, subject to certain exceptions, prohibits a company from
being a member of its holding company.
Part 9: Exercise of Members’ Rights
This Part of the Act introduces new provisions dealing with the ability of
indirect investors to exercise governance rights.
Part 13: Resolutions and Meetings
The provisions in this Part replace most of Chapter 4 of Part 11 of the
1985 Act on meetings and resolutions.
Part 17: A Company’s Share Capital
This Part of the Act deals with various matters relating to a company’s
share capital.
Part 18: Acquisition by Limited Company of its Own Shares
Part 20: Private and Public Companies
The provisions of this Part set out the two major differences between
public and private companies.
Part 21: Certification and Transfer of Securities
Last update 9 Arpil 2015
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
Part VI: Official Listing – EC law requires each member State to
nominate or create a competent authority to maintain an official list of
securities, to regulate the admission of securities to the Official List, and
to monitor issuers’ adherence to the listing rules thereafter. The
provisions of this Part implement these requirements of EC directives.
Part XVII: Collective Investment Schemes - this Part comprises six
chapters concerning collective investment schemes, including unit
trusts, open-ended investment companies (“oeics”) and overseas
schemes. It includes provisions relating to the authorisation of schemes,
their trustees, managers and operators and also to the rules applicable
to them. The Part also makes provision for overseas collective
investment schemes which may be promoted in the United Kingdom.
Schedule 5 effectively deals with authorisation of collective investment