UN Urban Sustainable Development Goal and Sweden in


UN Urban Sustainable Development Goal and Sweden in
UN Urban Sustainable Development Goal and Sweden in Interna8onal Perspec8ve David Simon, Director Mistra Urban Futures Area of Advance Built Environment Ini8a8ve Seminar 8 September 2015 INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT Importance of Goal 11 having prac8cable targets and indicators –  huge diversity of urban condi8ons worldwide 4-­‐month pilot project March-­‐June 2015 –  funding from Mistra, Sida, MUF –  Use MUF local interac8on plaSorms & Bangalore as testbeds: co-­‐produc8on between researchers and local authori8es GENERAL FINDINGS Indicators / Data Collec8on -­‐  Targets and indicators not always aligned -­‐  Measuring what is measurable -­‐  Limited capacity for non-­‐tradi8onal data -­‐  Limited capacity to assess GIS data -­‐  Need for unit harmonisa8on -­‐  Annual repor8ng not always relevant Defini8ons -­‐  Discrepancies between defini8ons provided and local defini8ons/reali8es Urban Boundaries -­‐  Few ci8es able to provide data -­‐  Need improved data collec8on methods 11.1 HOUSING/INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS -­‐ Target is overall considered complicated to measure -­‐  All ci8es struggled to provide robust and reliable data -­‐  Lack of comparability across the five ci8es -­‐  Ra8onale why single out “ slum” when global target -­‐  Exclusively use term “informal se]lement” -­‐ Alterna8ve indicators tenure type/security of tenure Formal se+lement Formal se+lement Informal se+lement Rural area with urban characteris7cs Kisumu, Kenya 11.2 TRANSPORT -­‐ Accessibility, safety, vulnerable situa8ons à not included -­‐  Energy efficient vehicles and goods distribu8on à missing -­‐  Assump8on of formal and scheduled public transporta8on -­‐  Poor to par8al data availability for 11.2.1 -­‐  Distance stated as “the crow flies” -­‐  Frequency as peak, off-­‐peak or an es8mated average -­‐  Annual is repor8ng not considered relevant 11.3 LAND USE -­‐  Equitable and efficient land use à missing -­‐ 11.3.1 considered poten7ally useful / too blunt -­‐  Average density à ignore varia7ons in density -­‐  Present ra7o in both graph and map -­‐  Details on how to calculate needed -­‐  Annual repor7ng is not considered relevant