Kia Ora Whanau - connecting whanau and Marae


Kia Ora Whanau - connecting whanau and Marae
Kia Ora Whanau
What a start to the new
year!, time is just racing
ahead as we quickly
approach the colder months.
There has been so much
happening out there, we
would love to hear about
what they‟ve been up to,
contact details are on the
back if you would like to
share a panui.
Da Wot Up Informer
Pikirangi Marae Working
Pikirangi Marae had a great
turn out for the working bee
held in January. The marae
was buzzing with whanau
spring cleaning and getting
around to odd jobs. An awesome weekend had by all,
tu meke whanau!
Marae Grants
Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi
has granted each
marae $15,000.00. Pikirangi
Marae was presented their
grant the weekend of the
working bee which was
humbly accepted by the
Marae Trustees and whanau.
Another cheque of $15,000
was presented to Ruamata
Marae Trustees at their
monthly Marae hui again
gratefully received and appreciated and some were
pleasantly surprised.
Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi
Trust know and understand
the challenges our Marae
Trustees face of trying to
keep our Marae available to
our people and the wider
community. Our Trust hopes
that this koha will in some
way help ease the burden on
our Marae Trustees.
Puzzle Wero
Not too many entered our
puzzle wero from the last
newsletter. Only two entries
were received. Both were
correct and trustees decided
to give both entrants a prize,
nga mihi kia korua.
Trust Logo
We have received a few entries received for our logo
which is good to see. If you
have any ideas for a logo get
them down on paper and get
it in to us. Please remember
that a explanation of your
logo design is needed and
the name of our Trust is included. Entries close 30 June
„11. Give it a go!
Maara Kai
Our maara has been put on
hold till the next growing
season. By the time funding
was approved by TPK we
were advised that we would
probably be better to wait for
next spring to do any planting. But to date we have
started to clear the area we
intend to plant. So watch this
Te Reo Maori Wananga
A weekend wananga was
held at Owhata Marae in
March open to anyone to
attend. This wananga was
full immersion but because
Inside this issue:
some had no or little understanding of Te Reo Maori,
English was added to the
mix so that everyone was
free to ask questions and to
have a better understanding
of what
was been said.
Everyone was impressed
about the wananga in the
way that there was no expectations of anyone to
achieve a certain goal. But
the challenge that was put to
everyone that attended the
wananga was to go home
and use what they have
learnt every day.
Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi
Trust AGM
19th of June „11 has been
set down for Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust AGM and
election of Trustees. Two
trustee positions are vacated
each year. This year the
current chairman Nireaha
Pirika and Trust Kaumatua
and Trustee Te Ruapeka
Taikato will be vacating
their positions but will also
be standing for re-election.
Information regarding the
nomination and voting process can be found at the back
of the panui.
E tangi nei, e mapu nei te
manawa kia ratou te hunga.
Kua ngaro ki te anu matao i
te parekura nui i tu ki Otautahi.
Anei matou o Ngati Uenukukopako otira Te Arawa whanui.
E tuku nei i te mihi aroha ki
nga morehu me nga whanau
katoa o Otautahi. E noho
nei i raro i te kapua pouri.
Kia kaha, kia manawanui.
Special points of interest:
CNI Iwi Collective
Whanau of Academics
Iwi Management Plan
 Iwi Management Plan
Photo from the past
 Te Pumautanga Update
Trustee Details
Te Pumautanga Update
To Korero
 CNI Iwi Collective
Central North Island (CNI) Iwi Collective
Furthurmore to highlighting how TPT fits
in, this is an overview of the CNI Iwi
Collective and an outline of the process
to where Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa is
Trust. Iwi associated with this trust are Ngai
Tuhoe, Ngati Manawa, Ngati Rangitihi,
Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngati Whakaue, Ngati
Whare, Raukawa and Te Pumautanga o Te
Five Central North Island Iwi agreed to
combine and enter into formal discussions with the Minister in charge of
Treaty Negotiations over the central
North Island Forest. They were Te
Arawa, Tuwharetoa, Tuhoe, Ngati Manawa/Ngati Whare.
Nga Kaihautu o Te Arawa was formed.
Disagreements between five Iwi of which
process to follow, i.e. Waitangi Tribunal
or Direct negotiations with the Crown.
Discussions continue of which process to
follow. Nga Kaihautu did not want to
follow the Tribunal Process so they formally withdrew from the CNI Collective
and entered into direct negotiations with
the Crown. Ngati Manawa/Ngati Whare
also withdrew.
Government ask TPT to join with CNI
Collective concerning the central North
Island Crown forest licensed land. Government promise that it will in no way
affect the Deed of Settlement already
signed between Nga Kaihautu and the
CNI Deed of Settlement is signed and
passed into legislation.
Whenua and the accumulated rentals
were transferred into CNI Iwi Holdings
Settlement Package
least 3 adjudicators will be appointed by CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd to
reach a binding decision. No right of
appeal. Mana Whenua process now
in stage 3 with a completion date of
June 2011
NZUs or carbon credits.
90% by value of the 176,000 hectares of Crown forest lands with the
vast majority being part of the Kaingaroa forest.
These lands are currently rented out
to commercial businesses under
agreements called Crown Forest
Licences (CFLs)
All of the licence rentals accumulated on the settlement lands since
3 million NZUs or carbon credits
under the NZ Emissions Trading
Preferential rights to certain Crown
Mana Whenua process. In this process there are three stages:
i) Identification of mana whenua interest.
Each of the 8 Iwi identify which lands of
the settlement they consider to have mana
whenua over. Stage completed.
ii) Kanohi ki te Kanohi negotiations. Those
Iwi who have claimed mana whenua over
the same lands come together and decide
who has mana whenua. This stage unsuccessful .
Dispute Resolution. If parties cannot
come to any agreement then a mediator is used as a go between. The
mediator provides guidance but cannot make any binding decisions. If
this does not work then a panel of at
There was a disagreement of the allocation
of these credits by TPT and another Iwi,
who objected to the allocation of 8 equal
shares of the carbon credits. TPT maintain
that the NZUs should follow the land
therefore the results after the mana whenua
process should decide where the NZUs will
be allocated.
CNI Iwi Holdings Limited (CNIIHL)
This company was set up ,
To receive the settlement assets
To distribute the settlements assets
and any ongoing revenue from those
To safeguard the land and ensure it
is never put at risk.
The 8 Iwi will have equal shares and appoint 2 Directors each on to the Board.
Under the Settlement Package CNI Iwi
Holdings Ltd will hold all assets for up to
35 years as from July 2009 or sooner if they
so decide. After this term the land must be
returned to the Iwi/Hapu that have proven
their mana whenua.
Revenue received from CNI Iwi Holdings
Ltd for TPT is channeled straight into Te
Arawa Group Holdings (TAGH) which is
the business arm of Te Pumautanga o Te
Whanau of Academics
The Groot whanau are no strangers to
textbooks and late nights. Damin , Te
Ara and Shiloh, a son, mum and daughter team, have between them graduated
with a Bachelors in Hapu Development,
a Masters in Business and a Doctorate
in Psychology this year. How great is
that? an amazing achievement of our
whanau wouldn't you agree.
We had the chance to speak to Te Ara as
she travelled to the first noho for Putaiao at Te Wananga o Raukawa in
Otaki. She mentioned Damin is teaching
and furthering his studies at the moment
and since her graduation with a Masters
she‟s enjoying being a Kaiawhina/
Kaiwhakahaere for Marae Based Studies
Page 2
The new challenges that keep cropping up
and finding solutions to deal with them is
just part of the reasons she enjoys working
for Te Wananga o Raukawa. She also said
she gets pleasure watching the faces of her
students graduate and celebrating their
accomplishments with them. She believes
Te Ara Rose Groot
that her family is nothing special academically but she puts their success down to
plain hard work. Te Ara believes anyone
Damin Enoka Groot
can do it if they are prepared to put in the
hard work. Finally, Shiloh will be heading
Shiloh Rongomai Groot
off overseas to gain experience for about
10 to 15 years and then come back and
look at utilizing her profession that will
benefit her people.
Nga mihi miharo kia koutou te whanau
at Ruamata.
Groot ma...
Iwi Management Plan (IMP)
Why do we need a IMP for the Hapu?
What purpose will it serve? What is an Iwi
Management Plan?
The reason why we need an Iwi Management Plan is because there are certain legislative requirements within the Resource
Management Act (RMA) that local councils must provide. The RMA requires that
Maori values be recognized and provided
for. This includes Kaitiakitanga and
Rangatiratanga of each Hapu/ Iwi, this also
means that the principles of the Treaty of
Waitangi are taken into account in regard
to processes of sustainably managing the
natural and the physical resources of each
So what does that mean to you and me?
Well it means the Government are saying
to local government that they must now
form a partnership with local Hapu/Iwi.
That our Rangatiratanga and Kaitiakitanga
status over our rivers, streams, lakes,
waahi tapu, urupa, maunga, whenua etc is
That they now must acknowledge the
guiding principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
How do they know which river, stream,
lake, maunga, whenua etc comes under
our Hapu/Iwi? How do they know where
our waahi tapu sites are?
This is where an Iwi Management Plan
comes in. We let the council know our
boundries for the Hapu/Iwi. We mark all
sites of significance to our people and
have it recorded so that councils are able
to plan for the future while factoring in
our sites of importance to our Hapu/Iwi.
Local government must now consult those
Hapu/Iwi and learn the Maori values of
those Hapu/Iwi, so that they can have at
least an insight into where each Hapu/Iwi
are coming from. All of those reasons
I‟ve just mentioned are in itself a good
justification to have an Iwi Management
So how does this help the Hapu or Iwi?
Effectively it‟s letting the council know
who they need to contact or consult in
our area. Secondly we have a document
that outlines our Rangatiratanga and
Kaitiakitanga status, written and approved by us. All our waahi tapu sites
are recorded, maps of our Hapu boundaries included, stories from our tupuna,
history and the list goes on. So then this
would invariably become a valuable
resource in the future.
Do we have a IMP?
The answer is no, but we are in the process of applying for funding so we can
korero to the Hapu and inform the Hapu
of the benefit this would be for us all.
Photo from the Past
Back: Wally Ratana (piano), Mita Galvin (guitar), Alec Galvin (drums), Haukiwaho Retimana (guitar)
Front: Wattie Galvin (sax), Jackie Ratana (sax), Hinaki Walker (banjo)
This photograph was taken inside Tutanekai around about the 1950‟s. Do you know the name of the band and can you give a little bit of
history about them? Was this a special occasion you can remember—if so, let us know for our panui. It was a regular occurrence way
back then to have dances at the Marae in Te Arawa, and no doubt lots of sweethearts met at these dances!
Page 3
Cause, Signs and Symptoms of Rheumatic Fever
Often starts with a sore throat (a streptococcal infection) which hurts to swallow and a few
weeks or months later the following symptoms may develop:
sore or swollen joints
jerky movements
a skin rash
a fever
unable to get out of bed
stomach pain
inflammation of the heart
Fortunately rheumatic fever is preventable provided sore throats are treated correctly.
By taking sore throats seriously, we can help
prevent life long illness and suffering for our
tamariki &whanau
For more information contact
Grace Ransfield NZRN
Rheumatic Fever Coordinator
Korowai Aroha Health Centre
292 Hinemoa Street
07 3488454 phone extn: 225
07 3491597 fax
[email protected]
Page 4
Rheumatic fever is a serious disease that can lead to permanent heart damage
It is almost three times more common in the Bay of Plenty than in New Zealand overall
Those most at risk are our own Maori tamariki/rangatahi aged 5-15 years
If your child, niece, nephew or any other whanau member has a sore throat
that lasts longer than 24 hours take them to the doctor or Health Clinic.
Have a throat swab and get treatment
If your doctor prescribes antibiotics make sure your child takes them exactly
as prescribed so all the strep bugs are killed.
Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze
Make sure to wash and dry your hands properly
Try not to share or drink out of someone else’s drink bottle.
Rheumatic Fever is one of the least preventable diseases.
“He korokoro ora he manawa ora, mo tatau katoa”
“A healthy throat to a healthy heart for all of us”
This proverb or whakatauaki highlights the link between a sore throat and rheumatic heart disease. An untreated strep throat can lead to
rheumatic fever which could progress to permanent heart damage. The whakatauaki is also a reminder that strep throat is contagious.
Page 5
If you recognize any of our whanaunga in this picture please drop us a line.
Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Update
Kia ora te whanau o Ngati of the Christchurch earthquake. With the
guidance of Roger Pikia and Nero Panapa,
a team of medical staff and administration
The paramount kaupapa of
people were deployed to assist in ChristTe Pumautanga o Te
church. Te Arawa woked alongside Ngai
Arawa(TPT) is “to become a
Tahu and Tainui Iwi based at Te Rehu
leading economic entity
Marae in Christchurch. The team were
within Te Arawa”
able to relocate some 30 plus people afWith the collective strength and unity of the fected whanau and assisted in many other
Affiliates and the positive guidance of the areas of need.
TPT Management team, TPT has risen
Te Matatini-2011
above the “grievance mode” in achieving
part if not all of the identified key strategic TPT contributed $10,000 to assist those
kapa haka groups that competed at this
years Matatini in Gisbourne. It was good
Christchurch Relief Fund
to see Te Matarae o Rehu win the competiTPT committed a putea of $100,000 to- tion. After the nationals all the Te Arawa
wards the Te Arawa Relief effort to victims groups put together a benefit for the
Christchurch Relief Fund. Other Iwi also
preformed at the benefit and they raised
$100,000 of which TPT also donated about
$14,000 to the benefit.
Te Arawa Group Holdings (TAGH)
TPT have ratified the shareholders Agreement between TAGH and Class B shareholders, ie Affiliates. Upon allocation and
registration of shares as per the Shareholders Agreement, a moratorium will be effective from March 2011 for 3years. Payments
of dividends will not be paid before 2014.
Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa have now
moved into new offices with Te Arawa
Group Holdings and Te Arawa River Iwi
Trust situated at Marguerita St.
Tō Korero
I like Hone Harawira because he has no
hassle in telling it how he see it. Recently I
attended a hui with Tariana Turia and one
of the Kaumatua said he had got a call from
someone up north and they said they were
going to march down to parliament and so
asked him what was his stance on Hone.
Postal Address
Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust
PO Box 7378
Rotorua 3010
New Zealand
He said “Ngapuhi will always be Ngapuhi.
They will always do what they want to do,
regardless of what others think. Why does
he have to tow the party line I ask. Is that a
political way of trying to shut someone up.
He‟s only voicing what our Maori people
are thinking and saying. Can we not learn
from the past. Don‟t do any deals behind
closed doors with any government. Have
it so that all can see and hear. Is that not
what Maori do on the Marae. Keep the
fight going Hone you got my vote.
Head Office
Pikirangi Marae Resource Building
932 Te Ngae Rd
07 3482838
Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust Standard Election of Trustees
Call for Nominations to Elect 2 Trustees
10am - 19th June 2011, Ruamata Marae
Nomination Information
Registration & Nomination forms can be obtained from the Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust
Head Office. All forms must be completed correctly and submitted.
You must be registered and validated with the Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust Register to
be eligible to support nomination, accept nomination on the day of these elections.
All Nominees must be able to show Ahi Kā. (All Nominees will be processed by Kaumatua for eligibility)
All Nominators and Nominees must be present at time of election.
All Nominees will be contacted by Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust on confirmation of
eligibility prior .
Any Nomination forms incorrectly submitted will not be accepted.
The new elected Trustees will be notified before results are advertised.
Notice of results to be advertised in Daily Post, Friday, 24th June 2011
.All Nominations and Registrations will close on the 10th June 2011, 5pm.
Voting Information
You must be registered and validated with the Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust Register to
be eligible to be apart of the voting process for these elections.
All eligible beneficiaries must be present at meeting to vote.
Office Hours: 12 noon - 5pm
Phone: 07 348 2838
Mobile: 022 684 4267
Fax: 07 348 0187
Address: c/- Pikirangi Marae, 932 Te Ngae Rd, Rotorua 3074
Email: [email protected]
Registrations and nominations will close on 10th June at 5pm
being a person of Ngati Uenukukopako descent, and
registered with Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust hereby nominate:
Name of Nominee
Address of Nominee
to be elected a Ngati Uenukukopako Hapu Trust Representative at the Elections Meeting to be held on Sunday19th June
scent, and registered with TPOT hereby second the nomination:
also being a person of Ngati Uenukukopako de-
Signature of Person Nominating
Signature of Person Seconding Nomination
AND I hereby declare that I am not precluded from holding office as a Trustee and am willing to be a Trustee if elected.
Signature of Nominee
Please Return by Friday, 10th June 2011 before 5.00 pm to:
Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust
P.O.Box 7378
Te Ngae Post Shop
Rotorua 3042
Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust Head Office
C/- Pikirangi Marae
932 Te Ngae Rd