

s6 GIAO Dl)C vA fl.A..OT;).O
St):if~6 ISGDJ}r~GDCN-TX
xX H()I~
Quang Binh, ngciy.Ji
VI...,thong Me chuong trinh HQc b6ng
.JI.~1 petU . LeI.~t5
Cq Ita ~~'1Mf'
ch~fIS (.II" I(
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Kfnh giri:
thc'tng J2 ndm 2015
TilU0NC THPT, iflil'! ';
... NAM.
~~i .hOC ~uitngBiJili;,. ..
I-Ireu tnrong cac tnreng I]{CS &TIIP I, I HP I.
eo Cong van s6 310f20J51HUEMB1H0I ngay 10/12/2015 cua El~i Slr
.{11 Hungary tai Ha N9i v& vi~c tuyan chon hQc sinh then chuong trinh hoc
bAng Hungary, S6 Giao due va Ban tao Quang B1n11gLri ct~n cac d011 VI
"Chucng trinh HQc bfmg Hungary",
(GI,l'i kem C6ng van cua Dai
quem Hungary)
S6 Giao due va D£lO tao yeu diu C,lC dan vi thong bao n9i dung tren d6n
t?n hoc sinh eta tao di~u lci~ll elm esc em. duoc tharn gia "Chuang trinh Hoc
b6ng Hungary".
Trong qua trinh thuc hi~n, nSu co gi virong m~c) (.t~nghi lien h~ vS SOGiao d\lC va Bao tl;10 (qua phong GDCN-TX) thea dia chi email:
[email protected] ho~c lien h~ dAng chi NguySn Cao CucYng - Chuyen
vien phong GDCN-TX - So' GlaO dvc va Baa t'.lO, di~l1 tho<.ti 052.3820264;
MIL IIltOl1:
- Nlnr kinh g(ri;
- Gililn d0c St'r(etS b/e);
- LUll: VT, P.GDCN-T"X.
PH() GrAM n(}c
Tnln Bi.nll Nhan
sf>: 310/2015IHUEMB/HOI
£)~.i 511 glUtl? Hungary
tai Ha NOi xin kinh girl lai ehao d~n guy So' Ngoai
Vu (Quan h~ Qu6c t~),Sa GD&DT Quang Blnh va tran. trong kinh baa dmg
Phat trien nhan luc Hungary vira kh6i dong chuang trinh h9C b6ng cho nam h9C
2016-2017 cua Chinh phil co te~11a"Chuang trinh H9c b6ng Hungary" (Chung
toi co dinh kern h5 sa chi tiSt). Han nop FIB sa duoc quySt dinh boi Vu GD
Qu6c t8, B9 GD&BT Vi~t Nam,
Dai S11 quan Hungary tai Ha NOi kinh mong quy Sa chuyen thong bao
nay d&n cac tnrong PT, CaD ditng va f)~lih9C tren toan tinh Quang Binh.
D~li str 'luau Hungary tai fIs N9i cfing kinh mong Sa ngoai vu (Quan h~
Qu5c t~) tinh Quang Binh ct~c bi~t quan tam.
Ha l'{Qi,ngcry 10//212015
02 jUes clinh kiUTL
Noi nhan:
- Sb NgO(li V~l (Quan M Quae
- ,)X)' GD&DT QtJ(lflg Binh
Qudng Blnh
1,_I! he .t~.ilf:Jv:s k-J
v7~ kteJ
of Hungary in Hanoi presents its compliments to the
International Relations and the Department of Education and
of Quang Binh
has the honour to inform that the Ministry of Human
the Hungarian State scholarship "Stipendinm Hungaricum Programme" for
acadermc year 2016-2017 and has the pleasure to enclose the attachment." fhr further details.
deadline 'NiH be determined by the Ministry of Education and Training's
Internationa] Education Department
The Embassy of Hungary in Hanoi kindly asks for your
assistance in forwarding the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme
.In your province.
this opportunity to renew to the
Quang Binh Province the assurances
its highest
To: - UCI)artmcntoOnternntional.ReJations
. IJepartmeut of Education and Training
Binh Province
1. The Stipendium Hungarlcum Scholarship Programme
1.1. Mission ofthe.Programme
1.2. Available Schotarshlo Tvpes
1.3. Provisions Covered by the Scholarship
.2. E,lig.ibi1ity .•............
" ••••
- •••••
_ •••••••
2.1. Eligible Sending Partners
' ••.••••••••••••.•
2.2. Available Host Institutions and Study Programmes
2.3. Language ProfiCiency
2.4. NOI1-eligibllity
3. The Application Process
3.1. Application Tlrnellne
3.2. Application Documents to be submitted to Tempus Public Foundation
3.3. Missing Documents
3.4..Submitting-the Application
3.5. Selection Procedure
3.6. Arrival and Studying in Hungary
4. contact Details
5. Annex
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1.. The Stipendium
Hungartcum Scholarship Programme
1.1. Mission ofthe Programme
The sttpendtum
Hungarlcum Scholarship Programme
was launched
in 2013 by the Hungarian
the number of foreign students in
Hungary and to encourage Hungarian higher education institutions to attract top foreign students;
Government The core mission of the programme is to increase
currently 41 sending partners are engaged in the programme,
Thousands of students from all around tire world apply for higher educational studies in Hungary each
year, In the academic year 2016/2017 approxlmatelv 3000 students can begin their studies in Hungary in
the framework of the Stlpendlum Hungarlcurn Programme.
The Prtlgramrne is managed by Tempus Public Foundation.
1.2. Available Scholarship Types
Stlpendtum .Hungarlcum scholarships
are available for bachelor, master, one-Her master, doctoral and
non-degree programmes (preparatory and specialisation courses). Both full time and part time study
modes are available in case of bachelor, master, one-tier master and doctoral studies.
at the end of
part time
5-6 years
2+2 years
0,5-1 year
full time
0,5-1 year
In the Hungarian education system, nne-tier master programmes are offered in the following study fields: general
medicine, pharmacy. dentistry. architecture, law, veterinary surgery. forestry engineering, etc.
1.3. Pr-ovisfnns Cover'ed by the Scholarship
Tuition-free education:
exemption from the payment oftuitlon fee
,.. Monthly stipend
non-degree, bachelor, master and one-tier master level: monthly HUF 40460 (cca EUR
130) contribution
to the living expenses, for 12 months a year, until the completion
doctoral level: according to the current Hungarian legislation, it is monthly HUF 100 000
(cca CUR325) at present - for 12 months a year, until the completion of studies- but the
legislation is to be changed, consequently the amount is expected to be raised.
,_. Accommodation
dormitory place or a contrlbuticn of HUF 30000 to accommodation costs for the whole
duration of the scholarship period
;... Medical insurance
health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act No. 80 of 1997.
national health insurance card) and supplementary medtcal lnsurance
2, Eligibility
2.1. Eligible Sending Partners
The Sfipendiurn Hungaricurn Programme is based on effective bilateral educational cooperation
agreements between the Ministry of Human Capacities of Hungary and the partner's Ministry responsible
for higher education. Applications will be considered eligible if the applicant is nominated by the
responsible authorttles of the sending partner.
For full time programmes, students can apply from the following sending partners: Algeria, Angola,
Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belorus, Cambodia, China (including the Hudec
scholarships), Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgla, India, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan!
Kenya, Korea, kurdtstan Reglollill Government/Iraq,
Laos, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova,
Mongolia, Morocco, r..1yanmat, Namibia, Nigeria, Palestine, The Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Tunisia,
Turkey, Turkmenistan,
Uruguay, Vietnam, Yemen
For part time programmes,
students can apply from the following sending partners: Belarus, Cambodia,
China (only Hudec applicants), Georgia. 1nella, Iran, Japan, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Mexico, Mongolia,
Myanmar, Turkey
2.2. Available Host Institutions and Study Programmes
27 Hungarian higher education institutions arc engaged in the Stipendlum Hungaricum Programme for
the 2016/2017 academic year with a total of 420
study programmes. Study programmes are generally
available in English and Hungarian languages, with some programmes offered in German and French as
well. The list of available study programmes and host institutions is accessible.on our website (see Annex
2 or click i1gre).
Each applicant is entitled to apply for up to three different study programmes, in order of preference.
After submitting the application, the order of preference cannot be changed by the applicant.
Applicants are eligible to apply for those scholarship types and study fields that are determined in the
educational cooperation programmes in effect between Hungary and the specific sending partner (see
Annex:I or click }Jere).
2.3. Language Proficlency
Applicants are eligible to apply only
if they meet the minimum language criteria set by the chosen host
higher education institution (see Annex 2 orrJ.ick here).
Study programmes In English language: students shall have a level of English proficiency required by the
host institution.
Study programmes
in Hungarian language:
students shall participate in a one-year preparatory
Hungarian language course before starting their higher education studies. In addition to the Hungarian
language. subjects related to the chosen field of studies will also be taught in Hungarian.
Study programmes 1:11 other languages: students shall have a level of proficiency in the language of the
study programme required
by the host institution.
2.4" Nou-ellgibiltty
Applications will not be considered in the following cases:
Hungarian citizens (including
with dual clttzenshlps]
;.. former Stipendiurn Hungaricum scholarship holders, who are re-applving for studies in the same
cycle of education (e.g. bachelor, master, doctoral)
3/l'he Application Process
3.1. Applicatton Tlrneline
3.2. Application Documents to be submitted to Tempus Public Foundation
NOTE: No hard copies are required from any of these documents by Tempus Public Foundation at the
time of application. The Sending Partners might require hard copies.
all applicants
- minimum 1 page, typed with Times New Homan 12
point font size letters
· written in
- for study programmes in Hungarian language: proof of
Hungarian language proficiency, with a.rnlnlmuru level
determined by the host institution (see section 2.3.)
· for study programmes in other languages: proof of
language proficiency, with a mlnlmum level determined
tile host institution
- bachelor
ali applicants
all applicants
all applicants
level: copy of secondary school graduation
certificate or equivalent
" master level: copy of bachelor degree certificate or
• one-tter master level: copy of secondary
graduation certificate or equivalent
- doctoral level: copy of master degree certificate Or
• non-degree level: certificate according to the
of sattsfactorv health condition
not earlier than 1
all applicants
all applicants
from a physician to prove that. the applicant does not
have the following Illnesses: AIDS, Hepatltis A, B, C or
other e
...• copy of that page of the passport which contains the
anal data of the a licant
- minimum 2 pages, typed with Times New Homan 12
point font size letters, written in the language of the
- two Letters of Recommendation from the applicant's
former or current academic tutor or supervisor
• written in the language of the selected study
- photographs of three works of art
I sketches
the date of creation)
all applicants
applicants of
applicants of
applicants of
Painter, Graphic
artist and
Sculptor study
applicants of
• audio track of three works (indicating the date of the
programmes in
the field of
3.3. Missing Documents
Certain missing documents are accepted after the appllcatlondeadllne, provided that the applicant could
not possibly obtain the document by the deadline of application. The following missing documents can be
submitted after the application deadline, but no later than rs" August;
;.. high school certificate:
)" bachelor degree certificate:
? master degree certificate:
only for applicants registered forthe last semester of their
secondary school studies
only for applicants registered for the last semester of their
bachelor programme
only for applicants registered forthe last semester of their
master programme
certificate of language proficiency: only for applicants awaiting their' language test results at
the time of application
3.4. Submitting the Application
a) Tempus
Public Foundation
All applications shan be submitted through the online application system of Tempus Public Foundation.
After registration, the applicants are able to access the application su~rface and upload the required
documents. Please note that no applications will be accepted without the online subrrtlsslon and after the
deadline. No hard copies are required.
The online application
system opens in January 2016. The deadline for submitting
the complete
application package: 1 March 2016.
h] Sending Partner
All applications shall also be submitted to the responsible authority of the Sending Partner. Each Sending
Partner might have different deadlines and requirements for submitting the application material.
Applicants are strongly advised to contact the responsible authority at their Sending Partner as SOOIl as
possible and inquire about the exact procedures. For contact details of the responsible authority of the
Sending Partner, please visit our website or click here.
The responsible authority of the Sending Partner wlll review and pre-select the 'applications based on the
formally correct applications. A nomination list, Including a reserve list will he forwarded to Tempus Public
Foundation by the Sending Partner no later than 25 March 2016. Applications will be considered only if
the appllcant Is nominated by the Sending Partner. No other appllcatlonswill be considered.
3.5. Selection Procedure
3) First round of selection:
Applications are considered
the formal check (March 20:Ui)
formally eligible if all criteria are met:
applicant is eligible for participation in the Stlpendlum Hungartcurn Programme
applicant has applied for a scholarship type available within the framework
of the Stlpendlurn
Hungarlcum Programme and available for applicants of tlte Sending Partner
applicant has applied for a study programme and a host institution participating in the
programme and available for applicants of the Sending Partner
applicant has submitted the application and all documents as required no later than the
application deadline (except for cases listed in section 3,3.)
)- applicant has proved his/het language proficiency (Please note that the institutional language
requirements will be checked during the Instltutlonal examination process.)
The list of formallv eligible applications is forwarded to the responsible authority of the SendtngPartner
for review and pre-selection. A nornlnatlen list, including a reserve list will be forwarded to Tempus Public
Foundation by the Sending Partner no later than 25 March 201.6..
Applicants are Informed about the result of the first round ofselectlon
b) Second round of selection:
the institutional
no later than 5 April 2016.
Applicants who have submitted an eligible application to both Tempus Pu.~lic Foundetten and the Sending
Partner and have been nominated (including reserve list) by the responsible authorities of the Sending
Partner, proceed to the second selection polnt: the institutional entrance examinations. Based on the
.......•.._ .••.•................
application form and the formal check, each applicant can participate in up to three Institutional entrance
The exact date and method of the entrance examination
varies by institutions. The methods of
examination are available on our website (see Annex 2 or click here). Each applicant
will be informed
about further details directly hy the host institutions.
The final decision about the application is made based on the application preferences, the entrance exam
the capacities of the host institutions involved in the programme, and the educational
cooperation agreements
in effect between Hungary and the Sending Partner.
Applicants are informed about the final result of application
later than 2Z June 2.016.
3.6. Arrival and Studying in Hungary
In order to gail; a Scholarship Holder status, successful applicants must accept their scholarship and its
in the online application
scholarships until the deadline
system until 15* August 2016. Those who do not accept their
are considered
withdrawn from the scholarship.
The scholarship
regulation can be found on our website, wwwstlpendiuml)lHmarlcun1.hu.
Successful applicants are
provisions will
expected to make their own travel arrangements to Hungary- no flnanclal
be provided for travel expenses by the Hungarian side. Scholarship Holders are expected to
obtain their visa and arrive to Hungary no later than 151 September
2016 (for study programmes.starting
-- or the date set by the host institutions. No visa, administrative services or
additional contribution is given to family members or accompanying persons.
in the Autumn Semester]
The applicant who Is granted the scholarship must enrol to the hesttnstltutlcn in the semester in which
he was granted admission. If s/he does not enrol within one month after the beginning of the academic
year/semester or the deadline provided by the host institution, s/he will be excluded from of the
scholarship programme. In justlfied cases, the applicant can ask for postponing his/her studies for up to 1
year before the end of September.
Scholarship Holders are required to sign a scholarship contract with the host university including studv-
related details and the rights and obligations of the Scholarship Holders (seesample on our website).
The Scholarship Holders are expected to observe the regulations of the host institution and continua their
studies in good faith, to the best of their' abilities, in order to meet the academic requirements
of the
study programme and thus finish the programme successfullv.
The Sttpendlum Hungarlcum scholarship entitles scholarship holders to carry out studies onfy in
Hungarian higher education institutions, therefore scholarship holders may not apply for any other
scholarship programmes outside Hungary. [e.g. Erasmus+,CEEPUS).No other Hungarian scholarships can
be awarded parallel to the Stipendlurn
Hungarlcurn scholarship.
At the end of their study period or academic year as Stlpendiurn Hungaricum Scholarship
students are obliged to submit a Student Report to Tempus PubHcFoundation until the given deadline.
4. Contact Details
Please contact our website for more details about the programme and for frequently asked questions.
Please contact the Stlpendlum Hungarlcum Unlt of Tempus Public Foundation in one of the following
ways in case you need any further information.
)- Website of the programme
Frequently Asked Questions
click here
We recommend all applicants to visit the Study in Hungary website (www.studvlnhllrigarv.hu) for detailed
Information about life and education in Hungary.
5. Annex
Annex. 1: List of eligible study programmes determined in the educational workptans
In effect
between Hungarv and the specific Sending Partner -click here tei dO.ltL!l!gaq
Annex 2: List of eligible host institutions, study programmes, institutional language criteria and
institutional methods of examinations - clickhere
to download
Studying in Hungary means to study in Europe. Hungary
joined the European Union more than a decade ago and it
is also part of the Schengen Area. In terms of higher education, the most significant European effort was to ensure
comparable. compatible and coherent higher education
systems throughoutEurope.As a result of this initiative. the
so-called Bologna Process was launched and the European Higher Education Are.. was established - both of which
Hungary is a member of.Those who decide to study in Hungary can take advantage of the excellent quality of its education and be part of its European and global networks!
Area has
tifle and
tion and
as a member of the European Higher Education
been G_ontributingto several international scienacademic networks. A wonderful blend of tradimodernity, vitality and performance along with
traditional and modern campuses serve as excellent environment for starting an international career. International
students are attracted
.the high quality of education,
peyond, and a wide. va-
• The Hungarian university training dates back to the 12th
- SeveralHungarian universitles gained impressive evaluations at International Student Satisfaction surveys.
• AUour higher education institutions are located either at
the capital or at traditional university towns with buzzing international student communities.
<Affordable living costs and extremely favourable cost-tovalue ratio.
- Safe and friendly living environment.
• 90% of the foreign alumni are satisfied with the service
of the Hungarian higher education and would recommend their Hungarian institution to the new students
from their country.
• Within the top 15 countries with the. highest number of
scientific Nobel Prize Winners per capita.
The Stipendium Hungartcurn Programme started In 201:3
as a part of the Hungarian Government's "Global Opening Policy". As a result now 41 partners from at! over the
world are able to send their students to Hungarian higher
education institutions. Thousands of students apply for
higher educational studies in Hungary
academic year 2016/2017 ,,,...,,rN"'n-.
can begin their studies in Hungary
of the Stipendium Hungaricum
• Agriculture, Natural
• Arts (VIsualand performing)
• Business, Management and
• Medicine and Health Sciences
• Humanities. Education, Behavioural
•IT.Computer Sciences, Mathematics
• Law,Social Sciences
• Natural Sciences
• Technology, Engineering, Architecture
• Tourism. Recreation
FeU tirne .$t.udb~s:
SA/BSc (~ndergraduate, 3-3.5 years)
MA/MSc (graduate, 1-2 years)
Doctoral studies PhDiDLA (3-4 years)
One-tier programme (5 years)
~Ptrt··t'ime studies
· no tuition fee
• monthly stipend:
for Bacheloror Master level; -EUR 130
for Doctoral level; -EUR 325
• free dormitory places (or contribution to "."'.,~.".,
rnodation: -fUR 100)
• medical insurance
. Egypt"
Iraq 1