Folder Roberto_ohne Beschnitt Marken.indd


Folder Roberto_ohne Beschnitt Marken.indd
Roberto Fonseca
Born in 1975 (Havana) into a musical family, Roberto Fonseca –
career took an unexpected turn. “I went to the EGREM studios to re-
despite having been described in many different ways (“the most
cord Angá Díaz’s album, invited by him, and when I got there I saw
promising and important talent in Cuban music”, “A true revelation
many people who were legends to me …, Rubén González, Cachaíto
who stands out among pianists of his generation”) – remains faithful
López, Guajiro Mirabal…… in two months my whole life changed.”
to the wish he has had since the beginning of his career: ”I want my
music to reach people who don’t know me, and I dream of one day
Shortly afterwards, he was invited to be support pianist to the great
becoming a point of reference for my audience…”
maestro Rubén González, as part of the renowned Orquesta de Ibrahim Ferrer and that same year he joined the management com-
He started studying piano at the age of 8, though his initial passion
pany Montuno. “My God, sharing the stage every night with Rubén
was percussion. This interest from such an early age would clearly
González was a real dream; I’d just stay there, staring at him play
influence his trademark “percussive” piano-playing style. His first
for hours”. A dream that toured all over the world, with over 400
“job” was as the drummer for a band doing covers of Beatles songs.
concerts, promoting Ibrahim Ferrer’s records next to great legends
At the age of 14, he created his first compositions, drawing inspi-
such as Cachaíto López, Guajiro Mirabal and Manuel Galbán, among
ration from the Afro-Cuban genre: “At school we used to regard
others. Playing at the most prestigious venues, such as Frankfurt
American jazz as a point of reference; I felt that my music would
Alter Oper (Frankfurt), Palais des Congrès (Paris), Albert Hall (Lon-
be a fusion of both genres … I liked lots of jazz musicians, such as
don), Beacon Theatre (New York), Sydney Opera House (Australia),
Herbie Hancock and Keith Jarrett, but also old American funk and
etc. Not a single review of Ibrahim’s concerts, from South America
soul classics”.
to Asia, would fail to mention Fonseca’s talent and his magnetic stage presence. Omara Portuondo, passionate about his style, invited
His appearance as a pianist, aged just 15, was a revelation at
him to take part in her tours, among them the Tokyo Jazz Festival in
Havana’s “Jazz Plaza” International Festival; he completed his aca-
2002, where he shared the stage with Herbie Hancock, Michael Bre-
demic training as both pianist and teacher. After this, his desire to
cker and Wayne Shorter: “I couldn’t believe it, when Herbie Hancock
improve and learn further led him to take a degree in Musical Com-
himself called me to play with him, I did not even sleep that night!!”
position at the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA). At the age of 21,
guided by the need to fuse his music with other styles, he embarked
That period of intense work, touring round the world, led Roberto
on a tour across Italy with singer Augusto Enriquez, which included
to realize that his music was ready for creating his own project. He
performances on the state TV channel, RAI. Roberto’s path would
dug deep to compose each of the songs that form “Zamazu”, the re-
cross, one year later, with saxophonist Javier Zalba (Irakere, Cuba-
sult of the integration of all his influences; Afro-Cuban music, jazz,
nismo), with whom he formed the group “Temperamento”.
classical music and traditional Cuban music.
In a year of intense creativity, he recorded and produced his first
He discovered that his music can create new possibilities: Meeting
album “En el Comienzo”, which won the award for best Jazz album
fashion designer Agnès B was the start of a relationship of mutual
at the Cubadisco´99 festival; he co-produced, arranged and played
admiration. Their rapport first emerged when Roberto started wea-
on Augusto Enriquez’s album, “Cuando Yo Sea Grande”, and recor-
ring her creations for all his performances, and took shape when Ro-
ded his first solo album “Tiene Que Ver” which he released in 1999,
berto played live for the Agnès B fashion show in Paris in July 2006.
receiving an award in the popular Cuban music category of the Trimalca competition, organised by UNESCO. His second solo work was
In mid 2004 Ibrahim Ferrer decided to carry out a project that would
quick to be released, and in 2000 he presented “No Limit”, recorded
be the climax of his artistic career, a record and a tour of his treasu-
and produced by Roberto for Japanese record label JVC. The same
red boleros, which would celebrate the singer’s love for the genre.
year he composed the soundtrack for the film “Black”, by French
His close relationship with Roberto and the trust he placed in his
director P. Maraval, and produced the record “Un montón de cosas”
musical abilities led to Roberto taking part in the first recordings.
for the Hip-Hop group Obsesión.
He arranged and co-produced the work in the EGREM studios in
November of that same year, producing over 10 songs in January
Roberto’s life changed with the start of the 21st century, not only
2005, as well as assuming the role of director of the world tour “Mi
because he released his third album, “Elengo”, but also because his
sueño: A bolero Songbook tour 2005”. Ibrahim Ferrer used to say
“This “muchacho”, despite having a jazz background, gets me and
dedicates this new album to all the people that welcomed him with
respects my music, and - boy, can the kid play…!“
open arms. His new record is called “AKOKAN”, which means heart
in Yoruba. “All the music that I compose is a part of me, and having
After two exciting tours with this project, August 2005 was a time
to choose has been really difficult…”
of great pain for Roberto, with the loss of Ibrahim Ferrer. This became the driving force behind the desire to finish his own album
“Zamazu”, and he did so in 6 months. He invited in Alê Siqueira, one
of Brazil’s major music producers, creator of great projects such as
Tribalistas, Flor de Amor (Omara Portuondo), Infinito Particular (Marisa Monte), etc. He travelled to Bahia for the pre-production stage
at Carlinhos Brown’s studio, and added the finishing touches to all
the collaborations on the album, including Brazilian percussion. At
that moment, a date was fixed for the album’s recording – January
2006 – as well as a place – La Habana.
With “Akokan” Roberto wants to bring the magic, strength and improvisation of a live show to the studio. Accompanied by his band,
the one that he has been playing with for the last 12 years, Roberto
as the record’s producer has encouraged creativity and chemistry
amongst the musicians. In “Akokan” we find a pure Roberto Fonseca. There are also two very special collaborations from artists that
Roberto admires, artists that have very different styles: Mayra Andrade, the Cape Verdean singer who wrote the words and sings on
‘Siete Potencias’, and Raul Midón, the American singer, wrote ‘Se-
And so, in barely 5 days in January, Roberto recorded over 2 hours
cond Chance’. On this track Roberto did the arrangements and Raul
of music. A creative output reminiscent of the classic jazz sessions.
played also guitar. In comparison to “Zamazu”, on this new album
Several musicians were included in the line-up for this fabulous al-
the piano is the true protagonist with some incredible piano solos
bum and several collaborations closed the 3-year creative cycle.
and a different way of playing, one enriched by many experiences
and the desire for us to feel his passion for life and music as the
Carlinhos Brown, Cachaíto López, Omara Portuondo, Vicente Amigo,
driving force of each piece.
Toninho Ferragutti, and friends such as Javier Zalba, Omar González, Ramsés Rodríguez and a further twenty or so musicians were involved. All were witnesses to a Roberto Fonseca seeking to connect
the most sensitive touch on the piano to the melody and forces of
rhythms that amalgamate the principal musical cultures of America,
Brazil and Cuba with those of the African continent. Compositions
of a beauty that touches the sublime, with lyrics of imagination that
inform the aesthetics of the album, a place where virtuosity submits
to emotion.
In 2006 he produced the Japanese singer Asa Feeston’s album and
collaborated as a musician on other albums, such as Timbalada’s latest. Together with Nick Gold from the World Circuit record label, he
put the last touches to co-producing what would have been Ibrahim
Ferrer next album, one that he recorded just before passing away.
It was released in 2007 under the name of “Mi Sueño”. This album
was nominated at the Latin Grammy Awards 07 for Best Traditional
“A fabulously gifted pianist, composer and bandleader... a gift for
Tropical Album.
melody that outshines more celebrated of a new breed
who can transcend musical boundaries through sheer quality.”
In the month of July, during the summer festivals in Europe, Roberto
The Guardian
shared the stage with Bebo and Chucho Valdés at Jazz in Marciac
and composed the song “Latin in Marciac” which the Festival used
for the opening and closing of its main concerts.
“An elegant line and an unhurried feel for time and space. Fonseca is a star.”
February 2007 saw the launch of his album “Zamazu” which has
The Independent On Sunday
received great reviews worldwide. He has toured and presented Zamazu in some of the most prestigious festivals worldwide, such as
Montreal Jazz (Canada) and Umbria Jazz (Italy) amongst others,
“Sensuous, fresh, modern – Roberto Fonseca brings the piano
and the public was left spellbound by his incredible talent. “Zama-
dazzlingly to life.”
zu” has been a tremendous success and has shown that Roberto is
The Daily Telegraph
a composer who has a unique style and an unmistakeable way of
playing. Columbia Pictures chose the track “Llego Cachaito” from
the “Zamazu” album for the Will Smith film “Hancock”.
“Mesmerising. A joy.”
Straight No Chaser
2008 has been a year full of work and experiences that have inspired Roberto’s new compositions. Each situation, person and culture
from the countries that he has visited have been a source of ins-
“A heroic dose of charisma.”
piration. Roberto is very thankful for what he has received and he
Time Out
Nació en 1975 en el seno de una familia de músicos. A la edad de 15
Né en 1975 au sein d’une famille de musiciens, Roberto Fonseca a
años, Roberto Fonseca fue una revelación en el Festival Internacional
été, à l’âge de 15 ans, la révélation du festival international « Jazz
“Jazz Plaza” en La Habana. Después de diplomarse en composición
Plaza » de la Havane. Après avoir obtenu un diplôme de compositi-
musical en el Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA), grabó su primer álbum
on musicale à l’Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA – Institut supérieur
que recibió el premio del “Mejor Álbum Jazz” en el Festival Cubadisco
d’art), il a enregistré son premier album qui a reçu le prix du «
en 1999. A principios del siglo XXI, la vida de Roberto da un giro al
Meilleur Album Jazz » au Festival Cubadisco de 1999. Au début du
convertirse en sucesor de Rubén González en la Orquesta de Ibrahim
21ème siècle, la vie de Roberto a connu un changement lorsqu’il a
Ferrer. Después de participar en más de 400 conciertos con Ferrer
été choisi pour succéder à Rubén González dans l’Orquesta (Orchest-
fungió también como arreglista y coproductor del último álbum del
re) d’Ibrahim Ferrer. Après plus de 400 concerts avec Ferrer, il s’est
cantante, “Mi Sueño” que fuera nominado para el Grammy en 2007.
également chargé de l’arrangement et la co-production du dernier
Considerado como el “más importante y prometedor talento en la
album du chanteur, « Mi sueño », qui a été nommé aux Grammy
música cubana”, Roberto ha actuado igualmente al lado de artistas
Awards en 2007. Considéré comme « le talent le plus prometteur
tales como Omara Portuondo, Bebo y Chucho Valdéz, Herbie Han-
et le plus important de la musique cubaine », Roberto a également
cock, Michael Brecker y Wayne Shorter.
accompagné des artistes tels qu’Omara Portuondo, Bebo et Chucho
Valdéz, Herbie Hancock, Michael Brecker et Wayne Shorter.
Con la aparición de “Zamazu” (2007) Roberto Fonseca se integra a
las escenas internacionales y es reconocido actualmente como uno
La sortie de « Zamazu » (2007) a permis à Roberto Fonseca d’accéder
de los músicos más talentosos y carismáticos de los últimos años.
aux scènes internationales et il est aujourd’hui reconnu comme étant
Cualquiera que haya tenido la ocasión de asistir a sus conciertos
l’un des musiciens les plus talentueux et charismatiques de ces der-
con Ibrahim Ferrer ha podido presenciar a la manera única en la
nières années. Tous ceux qui ont eu la chance d’assister à l’un de ses
que Roberto toca el piano, combinando la precisión del ritmo con la
concerts avec Ibrahim Ferrer ont été impressionnés par la manière
emoción intensa. “Zamazu” lo confirma ampliamente, manteniendo
singulière qu’a Roberto de jouer du piano alliant rythme précis et
la elogiosa opinión de la prensa como un talento único. The Guardian
émotion intense. « Zamazu » en a apporté la confirmation et la pres-
lo ha llamado “pianista, compositor y director musical fabulosamen-
se a continué de louer un talent unique. Le journal britannique The
te dotado”, “alguien de una nueva estirpe que puede trascender las
Guardian a dit de Roberto qu’il était « un pianiste, compositeur et
fronteras musicales a través de una calidad pura.” The Independent
chef d’orchestre fabuleusement doué » « un (musicien) d’un nouveau
On Sunday aclamó su “elegante línea y el reposado sentimiento del
genre qui est capable de transcender les limites de la musique grâce
tiempo y del espacio. Fonseca es una estrella.”
à son excellence ». Le journal britannique The Independent On Sunday a salué chez Roberto « son élégance et l’impression de paix se
Roberto ha grabado su Nuevo álbum “Akokan” (término Yoruba para
dégageant dans le temps et l’espace. Roberto Fonseca est une star. »
decir “corazón”) en los estudios Egrem de La Habana, Cuba. Acompañado por los músicos que han trabajado con él durante más de
Roberto a enregistré son nouvel album intitulé « Akokan » (qui sig-
12 años, expresa la fuerza y la magia de una actuación en vivo,
nifie « cœur » en dialecte yoruba) au Studio Egrem de La Havane à
transformándola en un álbum de estudio. Llevándonos por un viaje
Cuba. Accompagné par les musiciens qui travaillent avec lui depuis
musical a través de diferentes países y culturas, ha invitado a dos
plus de 12 ans, il a su extraire la force et la magie d’une interprétati-
músicos muy especiales que siempre ha admirado: Mayra Andrade,
on en direct pour la transformer en un album studio. Nous emmenant
cantante caboverdiana autora de la letra y cantante de “Siete Po-
avec lui dans un voyage musical à travers des cultures et pays diffé-
tencias” y Raul Midón, cantante estadounidense y guitarrista que
rents, il a invité deux musiciens très spéciaux qu’il admire de longue
escribió “Everyone Deserves A Second Chance”; para esta pista Ro-
date : Mayra Andrade, chanteuse du Cap Vert qui a interprété et écrit
berto compuso los arreglos que Raul cantó e interpretó a la guitarra.
les paroles de « Siete Potencias », et Raul Midón, chanteur et gui-
Aunque el piano es el verdadero protagonista de este álbum. Roberto
tariste américain qui est l’auteur de « Everyone Deserves A Second
Fonseca ha indagado profundamente en su instrumento entregándo-
Chance » - pour ce morceau, Roberto a composé les arrangements et
nos un estilo diferente de interpretación, enriquecido a través de to-
Raul a chanté et joué de la guitare. Le piano reste toutefois le vérita-
das las experiencias de su vida. “Akokan” presenta los sentimientos
ble protagoniste de cet album. Roberto Fonseca est allé chercher au
más profundos de Roberto alcanzados en algunos solos increíbles y
plus profond de son instrument, nous permettant ainsi d’apprécier
en una atmósfera pura.
un style différent d’interprétation, une interprétation enrichie par
toutes les expériences de sa vie. « Akokan » exprime les sentiments
les plus profonds de Roberto capturés dans des solos incroyables et
une atmosphère pure.
Im Alter von 15 Jahren war Roberto Fonseca bereits die Sensation
beim internationalen “Jazz Plaza”-Festival in Havanna (Kuba). Nach
seinem Abschluss des Kompositionsstudiums am Institutu Superior
de Arte (ISA) nahm der 1975 geborene Pianist dann sein erstes Album auf, das auf dem Cubadisco Festival von 1999 auch prompt als
„Bestes Jazzalbum“ ausgezeichnet wurde. Mit dem Millennium mach-
te Roberto einen weiteren großen Schritt: Er wurde Rubén González’ Vertreter und Nachfolger im Orchester von Ibrahim Ferrer. Nach
mehr als 400 Konzerten mit Ferrer arbeitete Roberto Fonseca – das
„vielversprechendste und wichtigste Talent der kubanischen Musik“—
auch als Arrangeur und Ko-Produzent für Ferrers letztes Album, „Mi
vocal & guitar
Sueno“, das 2007 für einen Grammy nominiert war. Auch mit Omara
Portuondo, Cachaito, Angá Diaz, Carlinhos Brown, Bebo und Chucho
Valdéz, Herbie Hancock, Michael Brecker, Wayne Shorter u.v.a. war
Roberto Fonseca schon zu hören.
Mit seinem ersten ENJA-Album „Zamazu“ (2007) erreichte Rober-
also available:
to Fonseca die internationalen Bühnen, wo er als einer der eindrucksvollsten, charismatischsten Musiker der letzten Jahre gefeiert wird. Alle, die ihn mit Ibrahim Ferrer im Konzert erlebt haben,
waren bereits von Robertos einzigartiger Klavierkunst beeindruckt
Roberto Fonseca;
Sheet Music:
– einer Kombination aus präziser Rhythmik und intensiver Emotion. Das Album „Zamazu“ hat diesen Eindruck gefestigt, die Presse
jubelte noch lauter. „Es handelt sich schlicht um ein Meisterwerk“,
schrieb die Jazzthetik, „eine Platte, die ohne Übertreibung als eine
der schönsten bezeichnet werden kann, die die kubanische Musik bis
heute hervorgebracht hat.“ Die Süddeutsche Zeitung erkannte „die
Handschrift eines kommenden Weltstars“, das Diners Club Magazin
witterte bereits „eine neue Legende der kubanischen Musik“, „ein
Talent der Extraklasse“.
Sein neues Album „Akokan“ (Yoruba für „Herz“) entstand im legendären Egrem-Studio in Havanna (Kuba). Begleitet von jenen Musikern, die seit mehr als 12 Jahren mit ihm arbeiten, gelingt es Roberto Fonseca hier, die Kraft und Magie einer Live-Performance in ein
Studioalbum zu packen. Zu seiner Albumreise durch verschiedene
Länder und Kulturen hat er auch zwei ganz besondere Musiker eingeladen, die er seit langem bewundert: Mayra Andrade, die kapverdische Sängerin, die auf „Siete Potencias“ den kreolischen Text sang
und schrieb, und den blinden Amerikaner Raul Midón, der „Everyone
Deserves A Second Chance“ geschrieben hat – Roberto hat es arrangiert, Raul singt und spielt Gitarre. Doch der eigentliche Hauptdarsteller auf dem Album ist das Klavier: Roberto Fonseca ist tief in
sein Instrument getaucht und erfreut uns mit seiner besonderen,
von Lebenserfahrungen gesättigten Spielweise. „Akokan“ eröffnet
uns einen Blick ins Innere seines Herzens – eingefangen in einigen
unglaublichen Soli und einer prickelnden Atmosphäre.
Roberto Fonseca
20.05. F – Paris, Comedy Club
21.05. UK – London, ICA
23.05. F – Coutances, Jazz Sous Les Pommiers
03.07. D – Ludwigsburg, Schlossfestspiele
04.07. F – Oloron Ste-Marie, Jazz à Oloron
07.07. B – Mons, Festival
08.07. DK – Copenhagen, Jazz Festival
12.07. UK – Harrogate, International Festival
29.07. D – Kassel, Kulturzelt
30.07. D – Schloss Vollrads, Rheingau-Festival,
02.08. D – Karlsruhe, Zeltival
13.08. F – Marciac, Festival
16.08. F – Chedigny, Blues in Chedigny
23.10. A – Wien, Konzerthaus
24.10. H – Budapest, Palace of Arts
25.10. D – München, Prinzregententheater
26.10. CH – Basel, Stadtcasino
27.10. D – Darmstadt, Centralstation
30.10. SF – Tampere, Old Customs Hall
01.11. D – Berlin, Kesselhaus
02.11. D – Hamburg, Fabrik
05.11. CH – Genève, Bâtiment des Forces Motrices
06.11. F – Conflans St. Honorine, Bâtiment des Forces Motrices
07.11. B – Turnhout, De Warande
08.11. D – Leverkusen, Fabrik
10.11. D – Bremen, Glocke
20.11. F – Saintes, Teatre Gallica
21.11. F – Conilhac, Jazz en Terre d’Aude
More to be confirmed.
“A n e w l e g e n d i n C u b a n m u s i c ” – D i n e r s C l u b M a g a z i n e
R O B E RTO F O N S E C A piano, voice
JAV I E R Z A L B A flute, clarinet, baritone
O M A R G O N Z Á L E Z bass
R A M S É S R O D R I G U E Z drums
J O E L H I E R R E Z U E LO percussion
M AY R A A N D R A D E vocal
R AU L M I D Ó N vocal & guitar
Produced by Roberto Fonseca,
co-producer Matthias Winckelmann
“Akokan” was recorded at the end of 2008 in the Egrem Studio in Havana, Cuba. Roberto
was accompanied by the musicians that have worked with him for more than 12 years. The
repertoire for this new work is a selection of his own compositions, inspired by all the experiences, situations and people that have influenced Roberto’s life.
On “Akokan” Roberto has taken the strength and magic of a live performance and transformed it into a studio album. He has delved deep into his piano for this record letting us
enjoy a different style of playing. “Akokan” shows us Roberto’s true heart reflected in some
incredible solos and a pure atmosphere.
For this occasion, Roberto invited two very special musicians that he has long admired:
Mayra Andrade, the Cape Verdean singer who sung and wrote the lyrics to “Siete Potencias”,
and Raúl Midón, the American guitarist who wrote “Everyone Deserves a Second Chance”.
E N JA R E C O R D S M . W i n c ke l m a n n G m b H
F r u n d s b e r g s t r. 1 5
80634 München
Wo r l d w i d e b o o k i n g a n d t o u r i n g :
Montuno Producciones
C / Ro s e l l o n 2 4 8 5 0 - 2 a
08008 Barcelona
w w w. e n j a r e c o r d s . c o m
w w w. my s p a c e . c o m / e n j a r e c o r d s
w w w. e n j a m u s i c . c o m
w w w. m o n t u n o. c o m
[email protected]
i n f o @ m o n t u n o. c o m