To our guests... - Tusculum Church of Christ


To our guests... - Tusculum Church of Christ
Bible reading
This week’s Bible reading is Luke 7-12. Read up and be ready to share in
class next week.
sunday night connect
Tonight we will meet from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Teen Café for our “4:12
Groups.” Bring $5 for dinner and be ready to plug in and get to know your
group better.
fall retreat
If you are going on the Fall Retreat, you will be receiving details in the next
couple of days. Be here and ready to go this Friday a little before 6:00 p.m. for
a great weekend! There will be no activity next Sunday evening due to the Fall
Please let our teachers know if your child has any food allergies, items of
comfort, i.e. blanket, stuffed animal, or any other special things that would
make your child’s experience a great one.
save the date
Breakfast with Santa—Friday, December 9
Mark your calendars for February 17-19 for Winterfest. Sign-ups start soon!
water filters
We are up to $493 in our fundraising to buy water filters for families around the
world. Keep up the good work, teens!
Vol. 58, No. 44
To our guests...
From Steve...
Let me say up front that I know the subject of abortion is a very sensitive
and hotly debated topic, especially during a presidential election year. It
affects people at extremely deep levels, none more than those whose lives
are lost because of it. I have very close family members and friends,
whom I love dearly, that have tragically chosen to have abortions, and
their decision haunts them to this day. But by the grace of God and a
mother who refused to listen to people who tried to get her to abort her
seventh child, I could have been aborted 53 years ago.
calling it something that sounds more sterile, like “pro-choice” or
“termination of pregnancy.” But make no mistake about it; what they’re
really saying is this: “I support a mother and father’s rights to murder their
unborn child.” You know that. I know that. They know that. God knows
that. Everybody knows that. Paul described such people as those who
“suppress the truth with their wickedness” (Romans 1:18).
We were all visitors once, too, and we really are glad you’re here!
We know you may have some questions. We did. All we ask is
that you give us a chance to answer them and help you in any
way we can—no strings attached.
I am filled with what I consider to be righteous indignation when I see how
many Christians today have such cavalier attitudes about the murdering of
unborn children. With the help of satanic influences, misguided parents
and teachers, silver-tongued politicians, secular humanists, a culture in
moral free-fall, and left-of-the-Bible-thinking Christians, many have
convinced themselves, or have allowed themselves to be convinced, that
the child just days or hours from being born does not have the same value
or same rights to live as the child who has already been born.
Ushers are waiting to help you with anything you may need, as
well as direct you to restrooms, the nursery, etc. All you have to
do is ask, and we’ll do everything we can to help.
It is important for every woman who has ever had an abortion and every
man who has ever advised, tried to force, or threatened a woman to have
an abortion to know that they can find forgiveness from God if they’ll
repent. Abortion is not the unpardonable sin. However, God’s truth must
be told on this subject, and with that in mind, I am about to strongly
challenge the thinking of everyone who reads this, and I will not mince
words. This topic is too important to do that.
Think about it this way: How many votes do you think a political candidate
Today in America there is rampant immorality of every kind, none more (for any office) would get if he or she were to go on national television and
glaring in my opinion than the murdering of unborn children. Even late into say, “I believe parents should have the right to brutally murder their
the ninth month of pregnancy, a woman (often in concert with the baby’s already born child?” Just rip it to pieces and burn it in an incinerator or
father) and her doctor can conspire to brutally murder the child in her throw it into a drum full of chemicals and dissolve it—just like they do the
womb. It’s called a “woman’s right” and is protected by the highest court in unborn child.
the land.
You know that as a Christian or as a decent human being you would never
vote for a candidate who would say they’re for murdering babies/people
that are already born, yet you as a Christian voter may have somehow
justified in your mind voting for political candidates who champion the
killing of unborn people made in God’s image. That is your choice.
However, God will hold all of us accountable for our choices. “Blessed is
the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves” (Romans
Abortion has been called “The Silent Holocaust.” We cringe at the images 14:22).
of Hitler’s Nazi Holocaust and wonder, “How could people have been so
blind and so evil?” However, since 1973, when the Supreme Court handed I understand there are issues such as rape, incest, health of the mother,
down its decision in Roe v. Wade, there have been close to 60 million etc., and space does not allow me to get into those hypothetical situations
abortions in America alone. That’s 10 times more people murdered here. However, people use these rare situations as a screen shield to
through abortion than the number of Jews that died in the Holocaust. Yet justify “abortion on demand” for just about any reason.
people attempt to find every way in the world to justify it.
If you think the already born child’s life should be protected against
The abortion issue is casually debated today as though it were nothing
more than a plank in a politician’s political platform. In reality, it is
horrifying to think that civilized people could be so blind, that they would
allow or support something so awful as the murder of an unborn child—
millions of them in fact.
murder, yet you think the unborn child’s life should not be protected
against murder, then I am sorry to inform you that you have probably been
brainwashed by Satan, society, a politician, a political party, or someone
who has convinced you that murdering people (born or unborn) is
somehow acceptable for a Christian, as long as the person is not outside
the mother’s womb when the murder takes place. Talk about “out of sight,
out of mind.” God help us! Please! Wake up, America? Wake up, church!
It is truly horrifying to think that Christians would in any way support the —Steve
murdering of unborn children or political candidates who proudly use
abortion rights as one of the main planks in their political platform to get Jeremiah 1:5—“I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.”
Jeremiah 19:5—“They have built the high places of Baal to burn their
children in the fire as offerings to Baal—something I did not command or
Think about it. Political candidates try to win votes today by proclaiming, “I mention, nor did it enter my mind.”—God
support a woman’s right (a father’s rights, too) to murder her unborn child.”
Oh, they don’t say it like that. They clean up their language semantics by
So, before gasping in horror when you see images of dead bodies piled on
top of one another in concentration camps like Auschwitz, Ravensbruck,
and Dachau in the 1940s, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if you
in any way are intentionally or unintentionally contributing to 3,000
murders per day of innocent unborn children in America—125,000 per day
Not sure where to go? Need something?
About our worship
First of all, we will never intentionally do anything to embarrass
you, such as ask you to stand so we can identify you. All of our
acts of worship are strictly voluntary, and you may participate
according to your comfort level. (Return communion cups to the
tray; please do not stack cups.)
There is an attended nursery available for children birth through
36 months. We also have Bible story coloring sheets and crayons
available in the Sprouts unattended common area, along with a
streaming of the service, for those who have children older than
36 months. An usher will be happy to show you the way.
Bible Study
Following our worship service, we invite you to stay for a time of
Bible Study. We know this can be intimidating, but we promise
you that, just like in our worship service, we will do our best to
make you comfortable. And we believe you’ll be glad you stayed.
A list of classes is available in the foyer.
Want to know more about us?
Tusculum 101 meets in Adult 3 the first Sunday of each quarter
during class time. This is a time for you to ask, listen, and learn all
about being part of the Tusculum family!
October 30, 2016
Have you ever heard this line,
“God won’t give you more than
you can handle.” That’s the
“phantom scripture” I will be
dealing with today.
We Shall Assemble
Welcome ..................................................... Walt Malone
Psalm 100
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
We Praise Thee, O God
Exodus 21:6
Pierce My Ear
Shepherd’s Prayer ................................. Bob Weatherly
And Can It Be?
Communion .................................................... David Gee
As the Deer Pants for the Water
Romans 12:1
Lord, Take Control
wifi available: TCC
Sermon. ................................................ Steve Cummings
Song of Encouragement
He Knows Just What I Need
Announcements .......................................... Walt Malone
hearts adoption program
Thanks to all of you that have participated in the HEARTS
Program. All of our students have been adopted. We are now
starting a 2nd round of adoptions. If you have not had an
opportunity to adopt a student, please stop by our table in the
Great Hall this Sunday. Also, if you feel like you would not be
good at this program and have been hesitant to adopt someone,
now that all of the students have been adopted at least once,
you can now adopt and not have as much pressure. You may
find out you are great at this, and our college kids love it for sure.
Please consider giving the HEARTS program a try. You will be
blessed as much as the students.—Thanks, Jeff Sublett
golden oldies (widows/widowers)
thankgiving sunday
Our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive is set for
Sunday, November 13. We need everyone to
participate in providing food. We are also
collecting money to purchase hams to go along
with these meals. You may give your money to
Mary Gill, Melanie Moon, or Linda Brock. If you know of a
family or individual who would benefit from a Thanksgiving meal,
please call the church office (833-1660).
On November 20, we will have a Thanksgiving lunch in honor of
our Golden Oldies group immediately after class. Following our
lunch, we’ll have a fun time together playing several rounds of
Bingo! If you are a widow/widower or shut in, please make plans
to join us for a time of fellowship together!
thanksgiving desserts
Plan on picking up your Thanksgiving desserts
at our Youth Missions Bake Sale on Sunday,
November 20.
Scriptures for the week: Luke chapters 7 thru 12
Verses of the Week: Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all
your heart.” (NIV) (Submitted by Sarah Everson)
remember our sick…
The following is a recent update. A full list of those to remember
in prayer is available in the literature racks in the Great Hall.
Danny Chandler is in room 713 at Summit Medical Center,
Hermitage, TN.
Ed Lankford, Room 209, Bethany Health Care (for rehab)
Judy Phillips, sister of Patti Burchett is in need of a marrow
donor and blood donors. Please keep her in your prayers. She
lives in Cookeville, TN.
Vernon and Juanita Sublett, parents of Jeff Sublett. Juanita
had surgery on Tuesday to replace her aortic valve (mini TRV
procedure) for aortic valve stenosis. Vernon is doing well after
a 2nd shock treatment to his heart.
Joe Hamlin, brother of Lonnell Parker, Room 428, Jackson
Memorial General Hospital, 708 W. Forrest Avenue, Jackson,
TN 38305
Marietta Walden, mother of Randy Walden, St. Thomas
Midtown, Room 2506, 2nd Floor, Select Specialty
Doris Rutledge, mother of Carol Dotson, Room 125, Bethany
Health Care Center
Annie McFarland (co-owner of Bar-B-Cutie). Prayers are still
needed. Send cards to 5221 Nolensville Road, Nashville, TN
37211, ATTN: Annie
our sympathy
RETURNED HOME: Lurene Bates, Sarah Jones, Carl Seals,
Marcelle Mash (at home with Myra)
The Annual Fall Ladies’ Retreat will be November 11-13. It
will be at The Retreat of Center Hill Lake in Smithville, TN.
Cost is $100, which includes food and lodging for the
weekend. Stop by Sign-Up Central to reserve your spot. Make
checks payable to Tusculum Church of Christ with “Ladies’
Retreat” in the memo. If you have questions, please see Beth
Watson. Deadline is TODAY!!!
men’s church league basketball
Men’s Church League Basketball begins in November. If you
are interested in getting on one of the 3 Tusculum teams,
please call or text David Gee at 615-479-5127.
Our sympathy is extended to David Waters and his family on
the death of his father, Fritz Watson. Arrangements were not
available at the time this bulletin was printed.
Our sympathy is extended to Tara Duke and her family on the
death of her grandfather, Louis Donald Deatheridge. A
private family burial was held on Wednesday.
men—save the date
Hey, guys...we have made a couple of changes because the
dates in March were conflicting with Williamson County Spring
Break. Our retreat is going to be April 7 & 8 (Friday and
Saturday night) at Nathan Bedford Forest State Park. We
have the same lodge reserved that we had last year. In a few
weeks, you will be hearing more details, but please go ahead
and block this weekend on your calendar so you won't miss
some good quality time in nature with God and with your
ladies’ retreat
Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for
human masters.” (NIV) (Submitted by Aren Everson)
Email comments/suggestions to: Ray Falconberry—[email protected]
room in the inn
JANUARY, AND MARCH. Grab your friends and sign up. If
you have questions, please contact Steve Hardesty. “Room in
the Inn” is a small group of 10 homeless men that will be
spending the night at our church building each Tuesday during
the 22 weeks of winter. It’s from 5 p.m. to 6 a.m. Each evening
teams will be in charge of preparing supper for a group of 20
(you can bring your kids and let them help serve) and preparing
the cots. We also need a couple of the men to spend the night
at the church building during the night until 6 a.m. the next
morning and prepare a simple breakfast for them before they
grief seminar
Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one,
GriefShare is a special weekly support group designed to help
you rebuild your life. We know it hurts, and we want to help.
The leaders for this support group are Dennis and Linda Green.
The seminar takes place on Sunday evenings from 5-6 p.m. in
the Children’s Wing Common Area and will run until November
20. Anyone is still welcome to come!
thank you
We have received a Thank You note from Harvey Hearn. It is
posted on the bulletin board.
kroger plus shopper’s card
If you have been using your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card to
help earn money for Tusculum’s Youth Mission Team, THANK
YOU. Each year, you have to re-enroll your card for the current
year. If you need help with re-enrollment or with registering your
card to the Tusculum Youth Mission Team, please stop by the
table in the Great Hall, and someone will be there to help you
through the process!
wei (world english institute)
teacher training session
You can be a missionary in the comfort of your own home and
teach the Bible to people from all around the world by becoming
a WEI internet teacher. Lee Allen will be here to host a WEI
Teacher Training Session on Saturday, November 5, at 9:00
a.m. in the TYM Café for anyone who is interested in, or just
curious about, becoming a WEI teacher. Bring your laptop,
iPad, or smartphone with you. Please sign the WEI Training
Session sheet at Sign-Up Central if you plan to attend.
warm coats from warm hearts
We are helping Granny White Church of Christ collect new or
gently used coats for Warm Coats from Warm Hearts. If you
have a coat you would like to donate, please place it in the box
located outside the office door by November 8.
nursery workers
Kathy Flanigan, Wyndee
Kirby, Nicki Soper, Linda
prepare communion
Minta Everson, Cindy
Mansfield, Norma Chadwell,
Ruby Darks, Sandy Lambert
chair duty
Gary Shaffer, Matt Yates,
Bonn Latimer, Jim Alderdice
privileged to serve
North Servers
1 Perry Chapman
2 Jacob Cummings
3 Mike Jett
4 Doug Wooten
5 Derek Robinson
6 Samuel Chapman
7 Jack Mayo
If you are unable to serve for the month or
any week during the month, please call
(North Side) Jim Pomeroy
(615-207-7416), or (South Side) call or
text Jack Cromer (615-429-5989) or
Brad Scott (615-406-5023).
care for baptismal clothing
Treva Doores
clean building today
Rick and Donna Clark
South Servers
1 Aren Everson
2 Joe Nims
3 Mark Nichols
4 David Garrett
5 James Wheeler
6 Johnny Bridgeman
7 John Hooper
8 David Waddell
5:00 Worship
October Speaker—Rick Hatcher
Opening Prayer—James Wheeler
Preside—Charles Watson
Closing Prayer—Brad Russell
If you are unable to serve, please call
Charles Watson (615) 832-2986 or
Rodney Richardson (615) 419-3302
Sunday A.M.
Worship ................................ 9:00 a.m.
Classes .............................. 10:30 a.m.
Sunday P.M.
Life Groups ....................various times
Chapel Life Group worship ... 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday ......................... 7:00 p.m.
Sunday A.M. ....................................... 634
Bible Study ........................................... 368
Wednesday P.M. .................................. 202
Contribution..................................... 18,456
Budget ............................................ 20,000
YTD Total ...................................... 917,571
YTD Budget Total.......................... 910,000
MAIN LINE...................................................... 615-833-1660
Benevolence.................................................... 615-833-1869
Counseling (AGAPE) ....................................... 615-781-3000
Hope & Inspiration Line ................................... 615-833-9259
Tusculum Information Line .............................. 615-833-0993
Missions ........................................... [email protected]
Outreach ............................................ [email protected]
Youth..................................................... [email protected]
Mary Gill, office ...................................... [email protected]
Melanie Moon, office ........................... [email protected]
Linda Brock, finance ............................... [email protected]
Steve Cummings, pulpit ......................... [email protected]
Chris Kirby, youth ................................... [email protected]
Ann Robinson, preschool......................... [email protected]
Rhonda Greenwood, elementary ........ [email protected]
P.R. Anderson ................................................. 615-557-2516
Kerwin Everson ............................................... 615-513-3515
Dan Florida ...................................................... 615-714-9358
Rob Frankum................................................... 615-969-6702
Jeff Neely ........................................................ 615-818-8444
Bill Peach ........................................................ 615-497-8242
Richard Thompson .......................................... 615-916-0838
Bob Weatherly ................................................. 615-429-4435
6117 Nolensville Road, Nashville, TN 37211
hearts adoption program
Thanks to all of you that have participated in the HEARTS
Program. All of our students have been adopted. We are now
starting a 2nd round of adoptions. If you have not had an
opportunity to adopt a student, please stop by our table in the
Great Hall this Sunday. Also, if you feel like you would not be
good at this program and have been hesitant to adopt someone,
now that all of the students have been adopted at least once,
you can now adopt and not have as much pressure. You may
find out you are great at this, and our college kids love it for sure.
Please consider giving the HEARTS program a try. You will be
blessed as much as the students.—Thanks, Jeff Sublett
golden oldies (widows/widowers)
thankgiving sunday
Our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive is set for
Sunday, November 13. We need everyone to
participate in providing food. We are also
collecting money to purchase hams to go along
with these meals. You may give your money to
Mary Gill, Melanie Moon, or Linda Brock. If you know of a
family or individual who would benefit from a Thanksgiving meal,
please call the church office (833-1660).
On November 20, we will have a Thanksgiving lunch in honor of
our Golden Oldies group immediately after class. Following our
lunch, we’ll have a fun time together playing several rounds of
Bingo! If you are a widow/widower or shut in, please make plans
to join us for a time of fellowship together!
thanksgiving desserts
Plan on picking up your Thanksgiving desserts
at our Youth Missions Bake Sale on Sunday,
November 20.
Scriptures for the week: Luke chapters 7 thru 12
Verses of the Week: Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all
your heart.” (NIV) (Submitted by Sarah Everson)
remember our sick…
The following is a recent update. A full list of those to remember
in prayer is available in the literature racks in the Great Hall.
Danny Chandler is in room 713 at Summit Medical Center,
Hermitage, TN.
Ed Lankford, Room 209, Bethany Health Care (for rehab)
Judy Phillips, sister of Patti Burchett is in need of a marrow
donor and blood donors. Please keep her in your prayers. She
lives in Cookeville, TN.
Vernon and Juanita Sublett, parents of Jeff Sublett. Juanita
had surgery on Tuesday to replace her aortic valve (mini TRV
procedure) for aortic valve stenosis. Vernon is doing well after
a 2nd shock treatment to his heart.
Joe Hamlin, brother of Lonnell Parker, Room 428, Jackson
Memorial General Hospital, 708 W. Forrest Avenue, Jackson,
TN 38305
Marietta Walden, mother of Randy Walden, St. Thomas
Midtown, Room 2506, 2nd Floor, Select Specialty
Doris Rutledge, mother of Carol Dotson, Room 125, Bethany
Health Care Center
Annie McFarland (co-owner of Bar-B-Cutie). Prayers are still
needed. Send cards to 5221 Nolensville Road, Nashville, TN
37211, ATTN: Annie
our sympathy
RETURNED HOME: Lurene Bates, Sarah Jones, Carl Seals,
Marcelle Mash (at home with Myra)
The Annual Fall Ladies’ Retreat will be November 11-13. It
will be at The Retreat of Center Hill Lake in Smithville, TN.
Cost is $100, which includes food and lodging for the
weekend. Stop by Sign-Up Central to reserve your spot. Make
checks payable to Tusculum Church of Christ with “Ladies’
Retreat” in the memo. If you have questions, please see Beth
Watson. Deadline is TODAY!!!
men’s church league basketball
Men’s Church League Basketball begins in November. If you
are interested in getting on one of the 3 Tusculum teams,
please call or text David Gee at 615-479-5127.
Our sympathy is extended to David Waters and his family on
the death of his father, Fritz Watson. Arrangements were not
available at the time this bulletin was printed.
Our sympathy is extended to Tara Duke and her family on the
death of her grandfather, Louis Donald Deatheridge. A
private family burial was held on Wednesday.
men—save the date
Hey, guys...we have made a couple of changes because the
dates in March were conflicting with Williamson County Spring
Break. Our retreat is going to be April 7 & 8 (Friday and
Saturday night) at Nathan Bedford Forest State Park. We
have the same lodge reserved that we had last year. In a few
weeks, you will be hearing more details, but please go ahead
and block this weekend on your calendar so you won't miss
some good quality time in nature with God and with your
ladies’ retreat
Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for
human masters.” (NIV) (Submitted by Aren Everson)
Email comments/suggestions to: Ray Falconberry—[email protected]
room in the inn
JANUARY, AND MARCH. Grab your friends and sign up. If
you have questions, please contact Steve Hardesty. “Room in
the Inn” is a small group of 10 homeless men that will be
spending the night at our church building each Tuesday during
the 22 weeks of winter. It’s from 5 p.m. to 6 a.m. Each evening
teams will be in charge of preparing supper for a group of 20
(you can bring your kids and let them help serve) and preparing
the cots. We also need a couple of the men to spend the night
at the church building during the night until 6 a.m. the next
morning and prepare a simple breakfast for them before they
grief seminar
Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one,
GriefShare is a special weekly support group designed to help
you rebuild your life. We know it hurts, and we want to help.
The leaders for this support group are Dennis and Linda Green.
The seminar takes place on Sunday evenings from 5-6 p.m. in
the Children’s Wing Common Area and will run until November
20. Anyone is still welcome to come!
thank you
We have received a Thank You note from Harvey Hearn. It is
posted on the bulletin board.
kroger plus shopper’s card
If you have been using your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card to
help earn money for Tusculum’s Youth Mission Team, THANK
YOU. Each year, you have to re-enroll your card for the current
year. If you need help with re-enrollment or with registering your
card to the Tusculum Youth Mission Team, please stop by the
table in the Great Hall, and someone will be there to help you
through the process!
wei (world english institute)
teacher training session
You can be a missionary in the comfort of your own home and
teach the Bible to people from all around the world by becoming
a WEI internet teacher. Lee Allen will be here to host a WEI
Teacher Training Session on Saturday, November 5, at 9:00
a.m. in the TYM Café for anyone who is interested in, or just
curious about, becoming a WEI teacher. Bring your laptop,
iPad, or smartphone with you. Please sign the WEI Training
Session sheet at Sign-Up Central if you plan to attend.
warm coats from warm hearts
We are helping Granny White Church of Christ collect new or
gently used coats for Warm Coats from Warm Hearts. If you
have a coat you would like to donate, please place it in the box
located outside the office door by November 8.
nursery workers
Kathy Flanigan, Wyndee
Kirby, Nicki Soper, Linda
prepare communion
Minta Everson, Cindy
Mansfield, Norma Chadwell,
Ruby Darks, Sandy Lambert
chair duty
Gary Shaffer, Matt Yates,
Bonn Latimer, Jim Alderdice
privileged to serve
North Servers
1 Perry Chapman
2 Jacob Cummings
3 Mike Jett
4 Doug Wooten
5 Derek Robinson
6 Samuel Chapman
7 Jack Mayo
If you are unable to serve for the month or
any week during the month, please call
(North Side) Jim Pomeroy
(615-207-7416), or (South Side) call or
text Jack Cromer (615-429-5989) or
Brad Scott (615-406-5023).
care for baptismal clothing
Treva Doores
clean building today
Rick and Donna Clark
South Servers
1 Aren Everson
2 Joe Nims
3 Mark Nichols
4 David Garrett
5 James Wheeler
6 Johnny Bridgeman
7 John Hooper
8 David Waddell
5:00 Worship
October Speaker—Rick Hatcher
Opening Prayer—James Wheeler
Preside—Charles Watson
Closing Prayer—Brad Russell
If you are unable to serve, please call
Charles Watson (615) 832-2986 or
Rodney Richardson (615) 419-3302
Sunday A.M.
Worship ................................ 9:00 a.m.
Classes .............................. 10:30 a.m.
Sunday P.M.
Life Groups ....................various times
Chapel Life Group worship ... 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday ......................... 7:00 p.m.
Sunday A.M. ....................................... 634
Bible Study ........................................... 368
Wednesday P.M. .................................. 202
Contribution..................................... 18,456
Budget ............................................ 20,000
YTD Total ...................................... 917,571
YTD Budget Total.......................... 910,000
MAIN LINE...................................................... 615-833-1660
Benevolence.................................................... 615-833-1869
Counseling (AGAPE) ....................................... 615-781-3000
Hope & Inspiration Line ................................... 615-833-9259
Tusculum Information Line .............................. 615-833-0993
Missions ........................................... [email protected]
Outreach ............................................ [email protected]
Youth..................................................... [email protected]
Mary Gill, office ...................................... [email protected]
Melanie Moon, office ........................... [email protected]
Linda Brock, finance ............................... [email protected]
Steve Cummings, pulpit ......................... [email protected]
Chris Kirby, youth ................................... [email protected]
Ann Robinson, preschool......................... [email protected]
Rhonda Greenwood, elementary ........ [email protected]
P.R. Anderson ................................................. 615-557-2516
Kerwin Everson ............................................... 615-513-3515
Dan Florida ...................................................... 615-714-9358
Rob Frankum................................................... 615-969-6702
Jeff Neely ........................................................ 615-818-8444
Bill Peach ........................................................ 615-497-8242
Richard Thompson .......................................... 615-916-0838
Bob Weatherly ................................................. 615-429-4435
6117 Nolensville Road, Nashville, TN 37211
Bible reading
This week’s Bible reading is Luke 7-12. Read up and be ready to share in
class next week.
sunday night connect
Tonight we will meet from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Teen Café for our “4:12
Groups.” Bring $5 for dinner and be ready to plug in and get to know your
group better.
fall retreat
If you are going on the Fall Retreat, you will be receiving details in the next
couple of days. Be here and ready to go this Friday a little before 6:00 p.m. for
a great weekend! There will be no activity next Sunday evening due to the Fall
Please let our teachers know if your child has any food allergies, items of
comfort, i.e. blanket, stuffed animal, or any other special things that would
make your child’s experience a great one.
save the date
Breakfast with Santa—Friday, December 9
Mark your calendars for February 17-19 for Winterfest. Sign-ups start soon!
water filters
We are up to $493 in our fundraising to buy water filters for families around the
world. Keep up the good work, teens!
Vol. 58, No. 44
To our guests...
From Steve...
Let me say up front that I know the subject of abortion is a very sensitive
and hotly debated topic, especially during a presidential election year. It
affects people at extremely deep levels, none more than those whose lives
are lost because of it. I have very close family members and friends,
whom I love dearly, that have tragically chosen to have abortions, and
their decision haunts them to this day. But by the grace of God and a
mother who refused to listen to people who tried to get her to abort her
seventh child, I could have been aborted 53 years ago.
calling it something that sounds more sterile, like “pro-choice” or
“termination of pregnancy.” But make no mistake about it; what they’re
really saying is this: “I support a mother and father’s rights to murder their
unborn child.” You know that. I know that. They know that. God knows
that. Everybody knows that. Paul described such people as those who
“suppress the truth with their wickedness” (Romans 1:18).
We were all visitors once, too, and we really are glad you’re here!
We know you may have some questions. We did. All we ask is
that you give us a chance to answer them and help you in any
way we can—no strings attached.
I am filled with what I consider to be righteous indignation when I see how
many Christians today have such cavalier attitudes about the murdering of
unborn children. With the help of satanic influences, misguided parents
and teachers, silver-tongued politicians, secular humanists, a culture in
moral free-fall, and left-of-the-Bible-thinking Christians, many have
convinced themselves, or have allowed themselves to be convinced, that
the child just days or hours from being born does not have the same value
or same rights to live as the child who has already been born.
Ushers are waiting to help you with anything you may need, as
well as direct you to restrooms, the nursery, etc. All you have to
do is ask, and we’ll do everything we can to help.
It is important for every woman who has ever had an abortion and every
man who has ever advised, tried to force, or threatened a woman to have
an abortion to know that they can find forgiveness from God if they’ll
repent. Abortion is not the unpardonable sin. However, God’s truth must
be told on this subject, and with that in mind, I am about to strongly
challenge the thinking of everyone who reads this, and I will not mince
words. This topic is too important to do that.
Think about it this way: How many votes do you think a political candidate
Today in America there is rampant immorality of every kind, none more (for any office) would get if he or she were to go on national television and
glaring in my opinion than the murdering of unborn children. Even late into say, “I believe parents should have the right to brutally murder their
the ninth month of pregnancy, a woman (often in concert with the baby’s already born child?” Just rip it to pieces and burn it in an incinerator or
father) and her doctor can conspire to brutally murder the child in her throw it into a drum full of chemicals and dissolve it—just like they do the
womb. It’s called a “woman’s right” and is protected by the highest court in unborn child.
the land.
You know that as a Christian or as a decent human being you would never
vote for a candidate who would say they’re for murdering babies/people
that are already born, yet you as a Christian voter may have somehow
justified in your mind voting for political candidates who champion the
killing of unborn people made in God’s image. That is your choice.
However, God will hold all of us accountable for our choices. “Blessed is
the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves” (Romans
Abortion has been called “The Silent Holocaust.” We cringe at the images 14:22).
of Hitler’s Nazi Holocaust and wonder, “How could people have been so
blind and so evil?” However, since 1973, when the Supreme Court handed I understand there are issues such as rape, incest, health of the mother,
down its decision in Roe v. Wade, there have been close to 60 million etc., and space does not allow me to get into those hypothetical situations
abortions in America alone. That’s 10 times more people murdered here. However, people use these rare situations as a screen shield to
through abortion than the number of Jews that died in the Holocaust. Yet justify “abortion on demand” for just about any reason.
people attempt to find every way in the world to justify it.
If you think the already born child’s life should be protected against
The abortion issue is casually debated today as though it were nothing
more than a plank in a politician’s political platform. In reality, it is
horrifying to think that civilized people could be so blind, that they would
allow or support something so awful as the murder of an unborn child—
millions of them in fact.
murder, yet you think the unborn child’s life should not be protected
against murder, then I am sorry to inform you that you have probably been
brainwashed by Satan, society, a politician, a political party, or someone
who has convinced you that murdering people (born or unborn) is
somehow acceptable for a Christian, as long as the person is not outside
the mother’s womb when the murder takes place. Talk about “out of sight,
out of mind.” God help us! Please! Wake up, America? Wake up, church!
It is truly horrifying to think that Christians would in any way support the —Steve
murdering of unborn children or political candidates who proudly use
abortion rights as one of the main planks in their political platform to get Jeremiah 1:5—“I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.”
Jeremiah 19:5—“They have built the high places of Baal to burn their
children in the fire as offerings to Baal—something I did not command or
Think about it. Political candidates try to win votes today by proclaiming, “I mention, nor did it enter my mind.”—God
support a woman’s right (a father’s rights, too) to murder her unborn child.”
Oh, they don’t say it like that. They clean up their language semantics by
So, before gasping in horror when you see images of dead bodies piled on
top of one another in concentration camps like Auschwitz, Ravensbruck,
and Dachau in the 1940s, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if you
in any way are intentionally or unintentionally contributing to 3,000
murders per day of innocent unborn children in America—125,000 per day
Not sure where to go? Need something?
About our worship
First of all, we will never intentionally do anything to embarrass
you, such as ask you to stand so we can identify you. All of our
acts of worship are strictly voluntary, and you may participate
according to your comfort level. (Return communion cups to the
tray; please do not stack cups.)
There is an attended nursery available for children birth through
36 months. We also have Bible story coloring sheets and crayons
available in the Sprouts unattended common area, along with a
streaming of the service, for those who have children older than
36 months. An usher will be happy to show you the way.
Bible Study
Following our worship service, we invite you to stay for a time of
Bible Study. We know this can be intimidating, but we promise
you that, just like in our worship service, we will do our best to
make you comfortable. And we believe you’ll be glad you stayed.
A list of classes is available in the foyer.
Want to know more about us?
Tusculum 101 meets in Adult 3 the first Sunday of each quarter
during class time. This is a time for you to ask, listen, and learn all
about being part of the Tusculum family!
October 30, 2016
Have you ever heard this line,
“God won’t give you more than
you can handle.” That’s the
“phantom scripture” I will be
dealing with today.
We Shall Assemble
Welcome ..................................................... Walt Malone
Psalm 100
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
We Praise Thee, O God
Exodus 21:6
Pierce My Ear
Shepherd’s Prayer ................................. Bob Weatherly
And Can It Be?
Communion .................................................... David Gee
As the Deer Pants for the Water
Romans 12:1
Lord, Take Control
wifi available: TCC
Sermon. ................................................ Steve Cummings
Song of Encouragement
He Knows Just What I Need
Announcements .......................................... Walt Malone