SKA Adventure Report - Aug 2012


SKA Adventure Report - Aug 2012
SKA Adventure
SKA Adventure was formed in February 2012 to involve SKA members and fellow Sikhs in
outdoor activities that will generate fun, provide exercise and promote networking across all
age groups. It’s motto to “Soar like an eagle and roar like a lion” is to create an atmosphere
during it’s activities of feeling free and adventurous and discover Mother Nature in the
green blob called Singapura. To date, four activities have been organised including cycling,
trekking, walking and kayaking.
Its first activity, cycling followed by barbeque, was held at Pasir Ris beach and park on 17 th
March. This was followed on 12th May with trekking held at MacRitchie reservoir along a 3
km cross-country route (Petai Trail) leading to a board walk. On 7 th July, the group
represented SKA at the Racial Harmony walk at Marina Bay. Recently, on 21 st July, the group
hired six dual seat kayaks and sailed in the pristine waters of MacRitchie reservoir.
Participation has averaged 15 persons per event. The Convenor, Malvinder S. Bandal, hopes
that through further promotion of SKAA activities, at least 20 Punjabis (citizens and
permanent residents) will take part in each event. Most events are open to all age groups,
from children above 8 years to medically fit elders. The Convenor welcomes suggestions
and interested persons can call him on Tel: 83222561.
The following activities are planned in the coming months and SKA members and nonmembers can regsiter their interest by calling Kala or Guch at Tel: 62981230 or 62986206.
The tentative dates and fees are indicated below and please note that food and light
refreshments are provided at all events.
September 2012
October 2012
Hill Climbing
December 2012
Trekking (Prunus Trail) followed by
Bukit Timah
Free / $5
Free / Free
$5 / $10
Kayaking: The Punjab frigate aligning for a harmonious sail.
Kayaking: The Punjabi fauj responding instantaneously to an event at the pier/pontoon.
Kayaking: Taking a breather with undergraduates Pereen and Manprit leading the moment.
Kyaking: Teachers P Grewal and Sukhjeet in their “Kashmiri houseboat”
Kayaking: Dr Gurmit Bhatia and son bonding
: Jasdev providing added courage to 9 year old Harveer. Potential mentor-mentee pair.
Kayaking: Coordinating for a possible Gurdwara Cup (Veteran) competition
Racial Harmony (Orange) Walk: Organised by One People and held at Marina Bay
Racial Harmony (Orange) Walk: 2.7 km route along side the Marina Bay Financial Centre Towers
Trekking: A one hour route of 3 km led by champion brisk walker Gurcharan Singh and wife Malkit.
Cycling: 3 km with regular breaks at Pasir Ris park. Sarjit Sona (Chairman Sports at SKA) cycling for
the first time after more than 30 years. Barbeque that followed catered for veg. and non-veg.