Moose NewsletterJanuary


Moose NewsletterJanuary
The Antler
Belvidere Lodge #295
575 Beloit Road, Belvidere, Il 61008
(815) 544-9279 *
Volume 1
Lodge Officers
Belvidere #295
Rick Arwood
Past governor
Anthony Dini
Junior Governor
Gary Kalas
Bernie Parisot
Shannon Sickler
Ed Fitch
Randy Bunger
Clayton Warren
Bob Hammortree
Sgt, At Arms
John Reynen
Inner Guard
Fred Hart
Outer Guard
Ron Walters
Senior Regent
Dianne Hart
January 2016
Queen Is Exposed !!!
We had a Big Winner on Friday night December 18th Russ Woods and Mel Ricker
found the “Queen of Hearts,”
There were only 5 cards left on the
board and they found the “Queen” hiding
under number 16.
The Queen of Hearts winnings of $6,300
was presented to them at the close of the Children’s Christmas Party, on Sunday the 20th.
They received the check while sitting on
Santa’s lap. You could be the next Big Win-
Note from your Editor:
Because of the success of the Friday “Queen of
Hearts,” drawings, we have decided to also have
an “Ace of Diamonds” drawing
for our
Wednesday night crowd.
Now you will have two opportunities
to be “Lucky.” Ace pot now $1,075 .00
Jr. Regent
Margaret Farrey
Angela Sandeen
Elizabeth Johnson
Assistant Guide
Linda Mullins
Newsletter Editor
Bob Hammortree
Your Lodge Officers are attempting to bring
Quality Events and Entertainment to the
Lodge, for your enjoyment.
Santa and Mrs. Clause assisted our Governor Rick Arwood and Administrator
Ed Fitch, in presenting a replica of the
$6,300.00 check given to Russ Woods and
Mel Ricker.
Invite your friends and neighbors to join
you for dinner and then join the Moose !!!
Very seldom, if ever, do I as your Editor inject my opinion or
advice on what goes on in the Lodge. But I am making an exception to share my experience with you.
Saturday night December 5th the Lodge featured a group
called “Shindig.” This band featured music from the 60’s and
70’s. Now I am not much on music, but my wife knows all
about the song’s and artists that recorded them.
For the most part it is hard to get my wife to go out for an
evening. After 57 years of marriage I accept this. However I
took a shot and offered her a nice dinner and then the show
Well to my surprise, she accepted. The evening started with a
nice Pot Roast dinner and all the trimmings. (Note: Chef Kevin
Kelly served a delicious, tender and tasty Pot Roast.) After a
satisfying dinner we settled in for the Show.
Once the show started I sat back and enjoyed the music, but
that wasn’t the best part. Pretty soon I noticed that my wife was
singing out with the words to all the songs being featured. She
was really into it. We even had a slow dance during one of the
songs. Dancing to all the songs was encouraged by the Band.
Now you might wonder why I decided
To write about this. Well, your Board
of Officers are trying to bring quality
entertainment and some variety to the
Lodge. Hopefully, this effort will be rewarded by members coming out and
supporting this effort. The turnout for this event was fair, but
the enthusiasm of those attending warrants a return engagement.
With this in mind a return engagement has been scheduled for
April 30th. Please plan to attend this and any other activities
your Lodge schedules for your enjoyment. Your support is vital
for our success as a Lodge.
Lodge Birthdays for January
The Lodge would like to celebrate your Birthday by giving you A
FREE DRINK on the day of your Birthday. If the Lodge is closed
on your birthday, then the first day after your birthday when the
Lodge is open, stop in and enjoy your FREE DRINK, you buy the
first one and the second one is FREE!!!
David Anderson II
David Booker
Robert Boshaw
Gregory Brown
Harry Buck
John Cavalzani
James Cebas
James Cordray
James Cowart
Clarance Faber
Daniel Farrey
Ed Fitch
Frederick Frese
Don Greenlee
Merle Huntington
Ronald Johnson
Thomas Lacke
Gary Leek
(Note: Soup will be available every Friday - No Charge )
Dinners are being served from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Phillip Long
Patrick Murphy
William Murphy
Lavern Neff
Karl Nolan Jr.
Dean Page
Robert Peterson
John Porter
Bruce Rittschof
Patrick Sankey
Willard Schulstrom
Charles Sewell
Ralph Stambaugh
Denny Stemwedel
Gene Toepfer
Steve Ubersox
Gary Vangeisen
Linda Abernathy
Doneta Brandt
Christina Cantrell
Betty Flack
Sandra Hartwig
Kathleen Holte
Cindy Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Mina Johnson
Margaret Jury
Leanne King
Dianne Koch
Judy Meyer
January Dinners for your
Dining Pleasure !!!!!
Muriel Nowicki
Rena O’Howell
Mary Parrott
Betty Purington
Sherri Rempfer
Jacquelyn Schumacher
Diane Siebens
Joanna Smith
Susan Sterling
Colleen Tyler
Elodie Zeien
Casino Bus Trip
February 24th
Wed. Jan. 6th - Buffet - Chopped Steak / Pork Tenderloin &
Salad Bar
Fri. Jan. 8th - Fish Fry Buffet - Baked or Fried Cod - Fried
Catfish, Baked Potato & Salad
Wed. Jan. 13th - Buffet - BBQ Ribs & Chicken Breasts &
Salad Bar
Fri. Jan. 15th - Fish Fry Buffet - Baked or Fried Cod - Fried
Catfish, Baked Potato & Salad
Wed. Jan. 20th - Buffet - Baked & Fried Chicken & Salad Bar
Fri. Jan. 22nd- Fish Fry Buffet - Baked or Fried Cod - Fried
Catfish, Baked Potato & Salad
Wed. Jan. 27th - Buffet - Spaghetti & Scalloped Potatoes with
Ham & Salad Bar
Fri. Jan. 29th - Buffet - Baked or Fried Cod - Fried Catfish,
Baked Potato & Salad Bar
Upcoming Events !!!
Feb. 3rd - The Wednesday Dinner will be sponsored and
prepared under the direction of Ron & Pam Walters.
Menu will be Swiss Steak, Potato, Vegi, & Salad Bar.
Details to follow, plan to stay for some fun after
Feb. 24 -
Bus Trip to “Jumers” Casino - Posters are now
up in the Lodge with all the details. It’s a great trip
Sign up early so you have a seat on the Bus. The
signup sheet is at the Bar.
March 5th - K of C St. Patricks Day party
These trips have turned out to be “Fun” for everyone !!!
March 12th - “Dueling Pianos” - Sing Along, Dancing,
Comedy, Song requests and a whole lot more.
The cost is $25.00 per person to sign up, and you will receive
$5.00 of that back in Casino credit when we arrive at “Jumers.”
March 26th - IOU St. Patricks Day Party.
Trip Includes:
Free Coffee and Donuts at the Lodge - 7:30 am until departure
at 8:30 am.
Enjoy three Bingo games on the way to the Casino. “Cash Prizes”
Free Buffet Lunch at “Jumers” Casino
Free Drink ticket upon returning to the Lodge
$1.00 off a Baked/ Fried Chicken dinner upon return to
the Lodge
Check the Lodge posters for details and sign up at the Bar.
April 2nd - Mystery Bus Trip - Spend the day visiting 4 or 5
other Moose Lodges and see what they have to offer
for Moose members. Look for details to come.
April 30th - “Shindig,” A 60’s Cover Band will be returning
to entertain us. This was a great show and those
attending said they would be back. Watch for
Posters and information in the Lodge.
Other coming events are a Trivia Contest, A trip to an Ice Hogs
Game, and the Annual Boone County
Council on Aging Dinner.
Watch for Details to be posted in the Lodge !!!
Children’s Christmas Party was a “Big Hit” with the Children and Guests!!!
Along with the gifts from Santa, three items
were raffled off. There was a wagon filled
with gifts which was won by Valeri Bucket.
Two large boxes, one for a boy and one for a
girl were filled with at least $100.00 worth of
gifts. Winning the Boys box was Jacob Saylrs
and winning the girls was Mari Lynne Frank
Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and one of
Santa’s Elf’s made an appearance to hand
out Season’s greetings and gifts for all the
children present.
Thank you so very much for all the help
and support in organizing the Children’s
Christmas Party.
Lots of planning, Shopping, wrapping and
lots of laughing was had by all.
Very nice time for the Women and the Men
of the Moose working together.
Special Note of Thanks !!!
Through the course of the “Queen of
Hearts” Friday night Drawing, one individual was buying tickets and was lucky to
have the winning ticket on several occasions. He won the nightly cash prize, but he
didn’t find the “Queen.”
Prior to his going on vacation he stopped
in the Lodge and dropped off a check in the
amount of $300.00 for the Children’s
Christmas Party.
When you see Bob Peterson, please thank
him for his generous contribution, in support of the Children’s Christmas Party
From the Lodge Officers and WOTM
Officers, a great big “Thank You,” goes out
Your Governor, Rick Arwood wants everyone to know how much he and his Board of
Officers appreciated the wonderful Children’s
Christmas Party. It was a great event put on
with cooperation from the Men and Women
of this Lodge.
True the organization, planning, shopping
and wrapping of gifts, along with handling of
the days events was done mostly by the
women, the men provided background support.
Special thanks to the WOTM and their
volunteers. Now some words from the person
who headed up the committee. Angela Sandeen.
Rick Arwood Governor
Angela Sandeen
There were games for the children and
also a coloring contest with one winner in
each age group.
Queen of Hearts Winner
Wednesday and Friday Night Stars !!!
Now Worth
This is a list of the Volunteers who helped
with the Children’s Christmas Party. If I forgot someone, thank you so much for all your
Angela & Mark Sandeen
Bev & Gary Kalas
Kathy & Ed Fitch
Terri & Matt Ragano
Elizabeth & Don Johnson
Katie & Anthony Dini
Millie Geroux
Marge Farrey
Dan Farrey
Rick Arwood
Carol Mischle
Kevin Kelly
Lunch Now Available Wed & Fridays !!
The Lodge will be open for Lunches on Wednesdays and Fridays from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. We hope
that you will support this and realize we are doing
everything we can to please our members.
The menu will include Burgers, Hot Dogs, Brats,
Chicken Strips and Tenderloins. Also Chips and Fries.
Full Service Bar will be open !!!
Great news for our Loyal
Bingo Players
Even your regular Wednesday and Friday Dinner
Volunteers got into the Christmas Spirit. Here relaxing after a long night of serving our members
are Santa helpers, Pat Parisot, Bernie Parisot, Millie Geroux and Cindy Grosvenor.
There will be some new games added
along with some other features in order
to make the Bingo experience more
At the last Thursday Bingo before the
Holiday break there were promotional
items handed out to encourage players
to return and also to invite a friend.
With a full service bar available and a
kitchen staffed by the WOTM, everyone should be comfortable and enjoy
the evening. Come out and join us!!!
The Christmas wagon raffle
was won by Eleanor Balonek,
with her was her daughter Cynthis Drda. Both have been long
time Bingo players