Literaturverzeichnis für die Arbeit “Der unspezifische


Literaturverzeichnis für die Arbeit “Der unspezifische
Literaturverzeichnis für die Arbeit “Der unspezifische Rückenschmerz (letzte Aktualisierung
Teil 2 I - Z
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Zambreanu,I., Wise,R.G., Buchanan,T.J., Huggins,J.P.,
Smart,T.S., Vennart,W., Tracey,I.
Pharmacological modulation of pain-related brain activity
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Relationships between joint motion and facet joint capsule
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Commentary: Does needle injection cause disc degeneration?
News in the continuing debate regarding pathophysiology
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MacLean,J.J., O’Brien,M., Stokes,I.A.F
Measurements of proteoglycan and water content distribution
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Nicoll,S.B., Michalek,A.J., Walter,B.A., Gupta,M.S.
Role of biomechanics in intervertebral disc degeneration and
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fibers innervating the lumbar intervertebral discs in rats
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