bulletin - St. Francis of Assisi Parish


bulletin - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
June 12, 2016 • The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Love with your whole heart God and Jesus, his son, crucified for our sins, and never let his memory escape your mind;
make yourself mediate continually on the mysteries of the cross and the anguish of the mother standing beneath the
cross. Pray and be always vigilant. - St. Clare of Assisi (Letter To Ermentrude)
Good day, good people!
I am happy to share the bulletin cover with
those who were Confirmed on Tuesday.
These names are a visible sign that our parish is alive with the Spirit!
It’s been an honor to be a member of the
Transition Team. I feel like I have been
included in what Church is really about,
according to Vatican II, which is parishoners accepting
leadership—working together—to ensure that “Franciscan” is what this place is about. This team effort is another
visible sign that our parish is alive with the Spirit!
I have been vocal that the change in clerical staffing here
can actually be a good thing. It has been a wake-up call to
each of us in answering “What is my role in the life of St.
Francis Parish?” And I believe it’s certainly Spirit-led, which
then forces all of us—me included!—to ask “What more is
God inviting me to do around here?”
The Transition Team has organized a short Spirit and Life
gathering this afternoon (Sunday) from 1:15PM to 2:15PM
here in the church. We will explore the topic: “What Do
We Mean When We Say We Are Franciscans?” using our
parish mission statement as our guide. This is a community
event—that our parish is alive with the Spirit!
Another chance to do more would be to attend a threepart series on the Our Father prayer that will be on Thursday evenings, from 6:45PM until 8:00PM, beginning this
Thursday. Let’s find out what the Spirit is saying to each of
us in this familiar prayer, and also let’s explore together
what surprises the Spirit might be leading us to as a parish
community. I will be leading the sessions along with a Franciscan Friar whom I invited to join with us, Bro. Zeno Im,
OFM, studying at Holy Names College in Oakland.
Thanks for reading my thoughts….Oh, did I already tell you
that our parish is alive with the Spirit!
Bro. Mark
Confirmed in Christ
Aiden Andersen
Paul Bui
Isabelle Chan
Malia Gay
Miraya Gomez
Avery Gonsalves
Desmond Greer
Genevieve Hornback
Wesley Howell
Francesca Isler
Spencer Jones
Dominic Julian Lelouis
Caroll Norah Loupeda
Caoimhe McKenna
Jessica Mendez
Michael Moreno
Abigail Palko
Riley Piccione
Samantha Pinto
Joseph Ryan
Jessica Salyer
Emma Simmermon
Nathan Smith
Julie SooHoo
Sebastian Torres
Theresa Tran
David Valencia
Emma Woodhouse
stfrancisparish.com & facebook.com/SFAPSacramento
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil 5:15pm
Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, Noon
Weekday Masses
(in St. Clare Chapel)
or by appointment
Church Hours
M-Th 9:00am-3:00pm
Fri 9:00am-1:30pm
Deaf individuals are invited to fully participate in the life of the Catholic Church at our ASL Interpreted Mass each Sunday at noon.
All Are Welcome
Congratulate Our Grads
Our St. Francis Elementary Class of 2016
Alaine Blasé
Sofia Borrego
Sofia Bustos-Bennett
Ana Calderon
Dylan deGuzman
Annelise Hernandez
Mariah Hudnut
Francesca Isler
Kaveh Khajavi
Gabriella Koebnick
Samantha Lingao
Ariana Lopez
Jack Macaulay
Conner Moss
Mason Pahule
How to Live the Lord’s Prayer with Bro. Mark and
Bro. Zeno. Three sessions: June 16, 23, 30, all from
6:45-8pm in Brunsman Hall
Riley Piccione
Nicolas Pike
Karla Pinales-Rangel
Brandt Porteus
Emily Pu
Maria Quintana
Mario Ramos
Isabell Roa-Rodriguez
Mira Saab
Mia Sanchez
Graciela Soria
Chloe Splinter
Theresa Tran
Brandon Villaflor
George Waltz
Derek Yamada
id you know that St. Francis of Assisi wrote a commentary on the Lord’s Prayer? It is the only instance
in which we find an example of how Francis responded to his
early brothers’ request to teach them how to pray.
We will take time to discuss this 13th-Century commentary
and explore how we can make Francis’s thoughts come alive
in our parish and in today’s society.
Come join our three part series on the Lord’s Prayer. Three
consecutive Thursday evenings—you can attend one, two, or
the complete series. 75 minute sessions.
“In the Lord’s Prayer we encounter in a practical way
the correct relationship between God and humankind,
between heaven and earth, between the religious and
the political, while maintaining unity throughout… In
fact, the Lord’s Prayer is a summary of the whole Gospel.” -Leonardo Boff, Franciscan theologian
High School
Bella Monteverde
(Bro. Zeno Im, O.F.M., is a young friar studying in the Bay Area.)
Christian Brothers High School
Former St. Francis Elementary student.
Brooke Uhlenhop
St Francis High School
Former St. Francis Elementary student.
A Documentary About One Man’s Struggle
With Faith, Love and Gender Identity
Natalie Ochoa
Gonzaga University, with BA in English and
Criminal Justice, minor in Theater Arts.
Graduating Magna Cum Laude.
Former St. Francis Elementary student, and
will be attending UC Davis School of Law in the Fall of 2016.
his down-to-earth, non-threatening and wholesome film
introduces us to Malcolm, a trans-gendered man in his first
year of United Church of Christ seminary. Uncertain about his
future, he embarks on a road trip across the U.S. While visiting
people holding various perspectives on gender identity, spirituality and love, he gains deeper insights into his life. With openness and compassion he gradually gains optimism about what his
future may hold.
Let Us Know!
re you or someone near and dear graduating
this year from 8th grade, high school or college?
Contact JD to share this wonderful news in our parish
bulletin, so that your parish family can celebrate this
achievement with you ([email protected]).
Join us Wednesday, June 22, in Brunsman Hall
6:00pm: Meet & Greet
6:30pm: Film, with discussion to follow
Ok to bring your dinner. Popcorn and cold drinks will be provided. Be
ready for stimulating post-film discussion.
For further information please contact Sandra Nelson at
[email protected] or Richard Hernandez at
[email protected]
All Are Welcome
Thank you, Fr. Sebastian!!
Parish Update from Fr. Ken
Bishop Soto has informed me that
Fr. Desmond O’Reilly has been
appointed new Pastor as of July 1.
Fr. Des is currently the pastor at Our
Lady of Lourdes in Del Paso area, and
was pastor at St. Charles Borromeo
in Sacramento. He was ordained for
the Archdiocese of Dublin 26 years
ago. He has been in the Diocese of
Sacramento about 10 years. Prior to
coming to Sacramento he served as a
high school teacher, hospital chaplain and parish priest. He is
very concerned that the Franciscan charism remain alive at St.
Francis. After spending time with him, I feel comfortable that
he will be able to continue to lead the parish in the footsteps
of Jesus and Francis and Clare.
Father Sebastian will be leaving our
parish at the end of June for his new
assignment in Southern California.
We wish him many blessings and
much good as he continues the
exploration of his priesthood in the
spirit of Francis and Clare. On the
weekend of June 25-26 we will be holding special gatherings after each Mass in his honor. More details to follow.
You are invited to drop a card into the collection plate to
express your appreciation and well wishes to Fr. Sebastian.
Save the date! The Installation of Fr. Desmond as Pastor will
take place on Saturday July 2 during the 5:15 Mass. Bishop Soto
will preside, and a reception will follow. All are welcome!
e will soon be offering training
to those who wish to serve
as Eucharistic Ministers at weekend
Masses. Persons of faith, at least 16
years old, fully initiated (Baptism,
Eucharist and Confirmation), who
have a love for the Eucharist and
want to share the joy of receiving the
Body and Blood of Christ with others are welcome. If you
can commit to being on a team that serves on the same
weekend every month and to coming early on your day of
service and staying after Mass to help clean the sacred vessels, then this ministry may be for you.
50 + Ministry – YOGA ( However all are welcome!)
lease join us for an hour of mindful yoga. Silence
the mind and relieve stress by
becoming more aware of the present.
Bring your yoga mat, loose clothing, a
towel (added cushioning for the knees
if necessary), and water, as we come
together in community during this
moving meditation.
Final Week!
Thursdays from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. from May 12 thru
June 16, 2016 in the Parish Center Chapel. For more information or questions, please contact Richard:RichardH@
stfrancisparish.com or 443-8084 ext 114.
If interested, please contact Beth White, Director of Liturgy,
at the Parish Office or [email protected].
Introducing our new Steinway Model D Grand Piano (pt. 3)
Our music ministry has been blessed with a wonderful
donation. An anonymous individual has agreed to donate
their 1985 9-foot Steinway & Sons, New York Model D-274,
“Rachmaninoff,” concert grand piano
to St. Francis!
your church.”
I called the donor to check out the piano, played it, and
fell in love with its sound right away. I came back to work
and let our parish staff know about the
donation. A few days later I went back
to the donor’s place with our Plant
Manager to make sure the piano could
work in our space. He agreed it would
work very nicely. At that point we began
our calls to the donors of our Kawai
piano. This entire process took over a
month, and I’m thankful we can enjoy
this Steinway’s magnificent sound! Our
Steinway piano strengthens the already
vibrant liturgy at St. Francis, and I hope
our music ministry continues to facilitate
a meaningful worship experience for all!
any of you may recall the Sacramento Master Singers loaning their Mason & Hamlin piano to
St. Francis from December 2015-April
2016. After Easter Sunday I wrote
something for the bulletin noting that
the M&H piano would be moved out.
Around that time Fr. Ken received
a phone call from our anonymous
donor. When I saw Fr. Ken later, he
handed a sticky note that said “9 ft.
Steinway” with donor’s name and
contact info. My jaw dropped in stunned silence. It is truly
a once in a lifetime opportunity to have someone say to you,
“Hey, I’m looking to donate a Steinway & Sons grand piano to
Peace and all good,
Tim Mascarinas, Director of Music
Photo is of our Steinway D-274 Grand Piano with Music Director Tim Mascarinas
Your Financial Support
Regular Giving (Offertory)
(Includes direct deposit and credit card donations)
May 22
Year-to-date (7/1/15 - 5/22/16)
Last year
$ Change
% Change
(Includes direct deposit and online donations)
Building Fund
Donations (7/1/15 - 5/18/16)
Last year
$ Change
% Change
Step Ministry
Annual Catholic Appeal
Children’s Liturgy of the Word now begins the Summer
Schedule. Children will be dismissed from the 9:30 Mass
on the 2nd Sunday only: June 12, July 10, August14, and
September 11. The regular schedule resumes at the end of
Designated Donations
This Weekend!
Donations to date (7/1/2015 - 5/18/16)
Last year
$ Change
% Change
Root, Root, Root for the home team
St. Francis Parish Faith and Family Night
at Raley Field on July 8
- Everyone is invited!
- FREE TICKETS for current catechists!
- Enjoy a baseball game, a free concert,
and more!
For details or to place your order grab an
order form the literature racks, or check
out the order form on the parish website or
Facebook page! www.stfrancisparish.com
Donations (2017)
Last Year
Participation (2017)
245 parish families
Projected distribution to Parish
Questions? Contact [email protected]
Thank you for your generosity!
“We need to discover the gifts of each
person: may communities transmit their
own values and be open to the
experiences of others.”
Prayer Requests
- Pope Francis @Pontifex, June 6, 2016
For Those Who Are Ill or in Pain
Taina Valone, Michelle Palko, Bruce Collins, Mary Kuvakos,
Dara Fout, Rose Richards
Weekly Readings
For Those Who Have Been Called to Eternal Life
2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11;
Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36 — 8:3 [7:36-50]
Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7;
Mt 5:38-42
1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:3-6ab, 11, 16;
Mt 5:43-48
Wednesday:2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24;
Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Thursday: Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15
2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20;
Ps 132:11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23
Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5, 29-34;
Mt 6:24-34
Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9;
Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24
Fr. Howard Richard Hall, OFM
Mass Intentions for this Week
June 05 Sun. 7:30am Pro Benefa*
June 05 Sun.
9:30am Pro Populo
June 12 Sun.
12:00pm Jose Ortega†
*Pro Benefa: for benefactors; Pro Populo: for our parishioners
o request a Mass Intention or request to have your loved one
added to our bulletin prayer list, please contact SJeanay Willis
Bolden, Parish Secretary (443-8084 or [email protected]).
Send Healing Prayer Ministry prayer requests to healingprayer@
stfrancisparish.com, or contact Richard Hernandez (443-8084 x114
or [email protected]).
From The Transition Team
Prayer for The Church in Transition
This Weekend!
Spirit and Life Gathering
O faithful God, as your people,
we cherish our memories and
our history as a sacred gift.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
1:15 – 2:15 pm in the church
Topic: What Does It Mean When
We Say We’re Franciscan?
We ask you to guide us in our
time of transition.
We need your wisdom that we
might be receptive to
change, conversion and growth.
he Transition Team is
happy to announce our second Spirit and Life Gathering. It is our hope that these occasional Gatherings will
help us to continue to explore ways to embrace and live
our Franciscan charism, as well as to build community.
We need your grace to redirect our hearts that we may
be willing to continue offering
ourselves in joyful service to
one another.
This gathering will focus on our mission statement, and
address the question: What do we mean when we say
we’re Franciscan? The mission statement is a call to
share a joyous commitment to serve the poor, to protect
our planet, to love one another, to advocate for justice
and to follow in the footsteps of Francis and Clare. This
will be a time to reflect together on our mission statement, and share ideas about what we are called to do.
Do not allow fear, ignorance or pride to limit the work
of your Spirit, nor custom to prevent the creativity
within us from bearing fruit.
Open our hearts to the call of the Gospel.
Give us courage and renewed hope that we may meet
the challenges of being the Church of our time.
For questions or more information, contact Margaret
Healey ([email protected]) or Judy Miranda
([email protected])
Friar On The Way
I was overwhelmed by the care and best wishes that I
received prior to my departure. It is hard to believe that
so many expressed the effectiveness of my ministry in
their lives. I have always felt that none of us ever knows
the impact we have on others by being ourselves and sharing our experience of the gospel in a real and caring way.
It will be impossible for me to send notes of gratitude to
those who shared with me gifts for the “walking fund” and
the wonderful cards with heartfelt messages. The generosity of many is appreciated greatly. I am sorry I will not
be able to thank each of you personally from the deepest part of my heart. My “walking fund” is plentiful and I
promise I will have a good meal and some good wine.
As you can see from the picture, I did arrive in Santiago de
Compostela after a very long flight. I spent Monday night
in Santiago and, on Tuesday evening, flew to Lisbon to
begin my pilgrimage to Santiago.
I invite you to follow me on my blog at
My email is [email protected].
Peace and All Good! - kjl
Ongoing: All Are Welcome
The parishioners at St. Francis thank the Friars
for 120+ years of service
to our community!
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
During the Liturgy of the Word at our 9:30 am Mass, children K-4th grade are escorted from the church to the Parish
Center Chapel by an adult catechist for CLOW. No registration
required. Parents may accompany their children.
ou may know that the friars have been at St. Francis for more
than 120 years, but did you know how that history started?
Our story continues ...
Church Tours: 4th Sundays after Noon Mass.
Communion Visitation
On December 31, 1894, Fr. Augustine McClory,
OFM became our first pastor. He secured pledges
from his new parishioners, purchased land for
$7,000, and in January 1895, in temporary facilities,
conducted the first church services. The church
building was completed in two months, at a cost of
$14,000 and formally dedicated on April 7, 1895.
To request a visit for you or a loved one, please email:
[email protected]. Please include your
phone number in your email.
Contemplative Prayer
Mondays 6:00 pm in the Parish Center Chapel.
Tuesdays after 12:10 pm Mass in St. Clare Chapel.
Gospel Series
Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures, especially through
my lord Brother Sun, who brings the day; and you give light through
him. And he is beautiful and radiant in all his splendor! Of you, Most
High, he bears the likeness. - Canticle of the Creatures
Sundays 11:00 -11:45 am in the Parish Center. Reflection
and meditation on the gospel. More info: Mary (536-9753).
Healing Prayer
Email your prayer petitions to [email protected], or call the parish office (443-8084).
ith gratitude to the Friars of the Saint Barbara
Province, we celebrate and acknowledge the Pastors of St. Francis of Assisi church:
High School Youth Ministry
1st and 3rd Thursdays from 6:00-8:00 pm in the Parish Center.
Light dinner provided. Bring a friend! [email protected].
1895-1896 Augustine McClory, O.F.M.
1896-1900 Titus Hugger, O.F.M.
Feb-Sept. 1900 Pius Nierman, O.F.M.
1900-1904 Godfrey Heolters, O.F.M.
1904-1906 Victor Aertker, O.F.M.
1906-1912 Godfrey Hoelters, O.F.M.
1912-1914 FelixRaab, O.F.M.
1914-1917 Apollinaris Johmann, O.F.M.
1917-1922 Humilis Wiese, O.F.M.
1922-1923 FelixRaab, O.F.M.
1923-1924 Ildephonse Moser, O.F.M.
1924-1928 Solanus Crowley, O.F.M.
1928-1931 Clement Berberich, O.F.M.
1931-1937 Samuel Goggin, O.F.M.
1937-1943 Gregory Wooler, O.F.M.
1943-1946 Gilbert Zlatar, O.F.M.
1946-1958 Ike Powleson, O.F.M.
1958-1961 Harold Moran, O.F.M.
1961-1967 Giles Valcovich, O.F.M.
1967-1968 Basil Kelley, O.F.M.
1968-1969 Gratian Gabel, O.F.M.
1969 Ernest Wilson, O.F.M.
1969-1976 John Vaughn, O.F.M.
1976 Claude Riffel, O.F.M.
1977-1978 Enrique Parisi, O.F.M.
1978-1982 Herb Wheatley, O.F.M.
1982-1988 Mel Bucher, O.F.M.
1988-1995 Barry Brunsman, O.F.M.
1995-1999 Richard Juzix, O.F.M.
1999 Michael Harvey, A.F.M.,
1999-2002 Kenneth J. Laverone, O.F.M.
2002-2003 Micah Muhlen, O.F.M.
Jan-May 2003 Michel Gagnon, O.F.M.
2003-2012 Anthony M. Garibaldi, O.F.M.
2012-2016 Kenneth J. Laverone, O.F.M.
Sundays after 9:30 am Mass. Join us for coffee and donuts
in Brunsman Hall.
Library Hours: Thursdays, Noon - 2:00 pm and
1st and 3rd Sundays, 8:30 - 11:30 am in the Parish Center.
Little Lambs Nursery Program
Child care for children ages 1-3 during 9:30 am Mass. To
register, go to our Children’s Faith Formation link on our parish
website: www.stfrancisparish.com/children_formation.htm or
email [email protected].
Praying the Franciscan Crown
Saturdays, 9:00-10:00 am in the Parish Center Chapel. The
Franciscan Crown rosary dates from the 1400s and focuses on
the Seven Joys of Mary. More info: [email protected].
Taizé Prayer: Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, in the church.
T’ai Chi Chih
Saturdays: 9:05 am in St. Clare Chapel or, weather permitting,
in the park across from the church.
Wednesdays: 6:00 pm in the church (during Taizé Prayer).
School Prayer Service: Mondays at 8:10 am in the church
(when school is in session). All are welcome.
Thomas Merton Circle: More info: John (482-6976).
Young Adults (20’s-30’s)
Come try out our young adults groups called Christian
Life Communities (CLC). There is no commitment—just attend
once and go from there. Our CLCs are a place for growth,
companionship, and transformation. More info: Patrice at
[email protected].
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Parish Information
St. Francis Parish Center Offices: 1066 26th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.443.8084
Fax: 916.443.7356 • Website: www.stfrancisparish.com • Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm
St. Francis Elementary School: 2500 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.442.5494
Website: www.stfranciselem.org • Office Hours: Mon–Thur, 8am–4pm and Fri, 8am-2pm (during the School Year)
Associate Pastor
Director of Liturgy
Director of Music
Director of Faith Formation
Director of Outreach
Administrative Associate Plant Manager
Parish Programs Assistant
Parish Secretary and Wedding Coordinator
Parish Bookkeeper
Communion Visitation Ministry Coordinator
Infant Baptism Coordinator
Library Coordinator
Membership Coordinator
Parish Council Chair Young Adults Ministry Coordinator
Youth Ministry Coordinator In Residence at the Friary: Ken Laverone, OFM
Sebastian Sandoval, OFM
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ivan Hrga
[email protected]
Beth White
[email protected]
Tim Mascarinas
[email protected]
Skip Bacon
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Pamela Caballero
[email protected]
SJeanay Willis Bolden
[email protected]
Jacquie Embs
[email protected]
Peggy Briggs
[email protected]
Carol Spinella
[email protected]
Pat Pavone
[email protected]
Christelle Cobian
[email protected]
Richard Hernandez
J.D. Warrick
Joe Prassa
Margaret Healey
[email protected]
Traci Bean
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Patrice Clemons x104
Ray Bucher, OFM • Ken Laverone, OFM • Sebastian Sandoval, OFM
Mark Schroeder, OFM • John Summers, OFM
Register as a Member of Our Parish • Update Contact Information
Name 1:
(Last Name, First Name)
(Street Address)
Home Phone: (
Cell Phone: (
Name 2:
(Last Name, First Name)
(City, State)
(Zip Code)
Work Phone: (
Mass you attend:
[ ] 5:15pm [ ] 7:30am [ ] 9:30am [ ] Noon
Please place this form in the collection basket or
• Mail it: 1066 26th St., Sacramento CA 95816
• Fax it: 916-443-7356 or
• Register online: www.stfrancisparish.com/membership.htm
Children’s Names
Date of Birth