uVsC foundation board - Utah Valley University


uVsC foundation board - Utah Valley University
foundation board message the year 2007 was an historic one at uvsc for many reasons.
First and foremost, the State Legislature approved the College’s request to be given university status. The
community is fortunate to have a public institution of higher education of the caliber of UVSC to educate
its young people. As of July 1, 2008, in addition to excellent baccalaureate degrees, the College will begin
offering select master degrees.
On behalf of the UVSC Foundation, I want to
As a group of community volunteers and supporters of UVSC, the Foundation is
express our appreciation to our local legislative delegation
dedicated to the success of the College. From our interaction with the institution,
for their support of the College and to the administration,
we assure you that UVSC is committed to providing a quality education. The College
faculty and staff for the excellent work they did preparing
administration, faculty and staff are dedicated individuals to whom you can entrust
the College for this historic transition.
the education of your children.
2007 was also a banner year for fund raising. Last year,
I hope you enjoy this annual report of the activities of the Foundation and the Office
$35 million in donations and pledges were given to UVSC.
of Institutional Advancement. 2008 will be another exciting year for the College.
This is 10 times the amount raised in 2006. While UVSC is
Please join us in the festivities throughout the year.
a state college, it will not be able to reach its full potential
without private financial support. Utah Valley University
is the community’s university and needs the financial,
as well as emotional, support of the community. Our
children and grandchildren will be the beneficiaries of
this kindness. The contributions given in 2007 are a
great way to launch the new UVU.
Paul Clyde
uvsc foundation chair
UVSC Foundation Board
Joseph A Ballstaedt Deborah H Bingham Kimberly G Brown
Tom W Heal
Dessa L Heppler
Richard L Hill
Paul B Clyde
Jeffrey S Kahn
past chair
Kevin R Cope
Thomas W Macdonald
Stephen M R Covey Howard L Edwards
Mary T Morris
Regina M Peacock
Not Pictured
M Michelle Scott
Timothy Stay
Toni D Sullivan
Shauna L Theobald
Ian K Wilson
executive director
Ralph J Yarro
Stanford J Ricks
Stephen W Gibson
William Raymond
Members by
virtue of University position
Kristopher S Coles
student body
Thomas C Powell
alumni president
Q Val Hale
vice president
institutional advancement
William A Sederburg
uvsc president
foundation committee members
Vaughn S Armstrong
Stephen D Clark
Jack R Christianson
Bonnie G Henrie
Stanley E Jenne
Amy Johnson
Molly Knowles
David W Reeves
Joseph Watkins
Jenny Wells
institutional advancement support staff
Sandra D Capell
Joanna M Cox
Jack R Jenks
Thomas R Rasmussen
Nancy L Smith
Foundation Members
The Foundation Board Members are friends of UVSC who have served on past
Foundation Boards. The Foundation appreciates their time and continued
commitment to the institution.
G William Aaron
Dave F Adams
Bill J Anderson
Russell B Anderson
Derelys D Anthony
Kenneth J Balser
Ray B Bartholomew
Leland M Bird
Roger D Bjarnson
Merrill Bushnell
Dan W Campbell
Joseph A Cannon
Craig J Carlile
Victor I Cartwright
Homer C Chandler
Dick L Chappell
James K Clark
Stephen Clark
Louise C Clyde
Wilford W Clyde
Jackie Coleman
Stanley E Collins
Stephen R Covey
Louis E Crandall
Ronald J Dallin
Leonard R Ellis
Paul A Elstro
Terrance J Flynn
Frank H Gardner
George T Gardner
Nadine Gillmor
David L Gunther
Lawrence Haines
David D Halladay
Ronald K Hawkins
Thone K Heppler
Gary R Herbert
J Marvin Higbee
Edward T Higgins
Douglas Horne
Mark J Howard
Merlynn K Jones
James B Lindahl
JoAnn B Losee
Philip B Marriott
James O Miner
Jay W Mitton
Doyle M Mortimer
Gregory S Nelson
Rebecca T Nelson
Renee Nelson
Val J Neuenswander
J Ross Nielsen
John E Nielsen
Norman L Nielsen
Douglas A Nielson
H. Don Norton
Don A Oldham
Joseph F Ollivier
Gilbert T Olsen
Glen A Overton
David K Palfreyman
Russell W Park
O Kay Peterson
James C Pinegar
Max L Pinegar
Louis M Pope
Brenda Powell
Florence B Ragan
Robert D Rasmussen
David W Reeves
Anagene D Roberts
Kerry D Romesburg
Darrel L Ross
Neal Savage
Steve Shallenberger
Andrew L Shelline
Barbara A Smith
Marlon O Snow
Wilson W Sorensen
Joseph D Squire
Brent R Sumner
Paul K Sybrowsky
Maria Vargas
Carol S Walker
Dale Warburton
John L West
Thomas S Whitaker
Craig Willett
Harold R Wing
Steve C Winn
Karl A Wrigley
Brent E York
Allen K Young
Foundation Highlights
uVSC Foundation Endowed Scholarship
One Million in Private Scholarship Funding
The Foundation endowed the UVSC Foundation Endowed Scholarship
in 2006. In fall 2007, the first awards were made to Chad Benson and
Jamie Finlinson who reported to the Foundation at the Board luncheon
in February 2008.
More than $1 million was awarded in fall 2007 through 164 private
scholarships funds. This is a dramatic increase from years past and an
exciting milestone for our institution. Thanks to the generosity of our
donors and commitment of the UVSC Foundation, private scholarship
funding continues to rise to meet the demand of our growing student
“We are so grateful to those who have established a scholarship fund.
These scholarships help students achieve their educational objectives
and make a significant difference in students’ lives, today and into the
future,” said Nancy Smith, Director of Donor Relations and Private
Chad, one of UVSC’s many nontraditional students, returned
to UVSC to study Technology
Management. He expects to
graduate in spring of 2009.
Jamie, a senior in the Elementary
Education program, is student
teaching and preparing to
graduate this spring.
Although the increase in private scholarship funds makes an impact
on educational opportunities, this one-million dollar landmark is only
a fraction of the amount needed to accommodate the growing student
body. With university status now official, the need for privately funded
scholarships continues to grow.
Distinguished Faculty Awards
As part of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the UVSC
Foundation, the Board established the UVSC Foundation Distinguished
Faculty Award in 2006 to honor fine faculty members with exceptional
credentials, a love of teaching and a desire to serve the educational
needs of students and the community. This award is given annually to
a faculty member who has a distinguished career in his or her field of
study and an exemplary record of teaching and service.
the exceptional merit grant program
for faculty and staff
In 1997, the UVSC Foundation Board of Directors established a grant
program for faculty and staff to show their gratitude to the campus
community for the major role they play in the success of Utah Valley
State College. The Foundation has awarded more than $377,000 to
assist 155 projects with up to $5,000 each. Many worthy projects have
been funded so far including:
· Certification and workshops for qualified interpreters for the Deaf
· Lecture series: Great Thinkers of the Twentieth Century
· UVSC Wee Care Center aids students needing child care while
pursuing their education
· School of Science and Health’s Wetlands Natural Study Area
· Providing much-needed defibrillators for the athletic department
2006 james g. harris, ph.d.
2007 norma gould, ph.d.
Financial Report
the year 2007 was one to remember at utah valley state
college. With the anticipation of becoming Utah Valley
University July 1, 2008, foremost in the hearts and minds
of community members and students, the Foundation
experienced a record-breaking year for gifts and pledges,
with more than $35 million pledged.
There are still many naming opportunities available
including a significant need for scholarships and funds to support
worthy projects that will help UVU fulfill its mission to provide a
quality education to our students.
The Foundation continues to carefully monitor and benchmark
investments against national averages and peer groups in an effort
to protect investments while producing above average earnings. The
average rate of return for all Foundation investments in 2007 was 8.9
The UVSC Foundation’s fiscal audited report ending June 30, 2007 may be
viewed online, or copies of audited financial statements are available upon
request by contacting (801) 863-8568.
Named Gifts
Woodbury School of Business (with new logo)
Noorda Regional Theatre Center for Children and Youth
Clyde Construction Management Program
Brent Brown Ballpark
Miles and Mary Morris Timpanogos Room – Library
Guy and Paul Fugal Writing Center – Library
George Sutherland Archives Reading Room – Library
Mark and Kerri Rawlins Family Media Room – Library
Jack and Holly Zenger Teaching Lab – Library
Stephen W and Bette Gibson Family Study Room – Library
Raymond and Janette Beckham Alcoves – Library
Nila Perry Siddoway Group Study Room – Library
New Endowed Funds
Bernon & Irene Smith Endowed Scholarship Fund
Lucille Stoddard Endowed Scholarship Fund
Jean Macdonald Endowed Scholarship Fund
Marilyn Brown Novel Award Endowed Fund
Melissa G McQuarrie Endowed Scholarship Fund
Monroe & Shirley Paxman Endowed Scholarship Fund
New Annual Funds
Alene Harrison Nursing Scholarship
Apex Scholarship
Bezzant Family Scholarship
Central Utah Risk Management Scholarship
Deborah Bingham Scholarship
Hispanic Education Scholarship
KEOH Environmental Studies Scholarship
Summit Engineering Group Scholarship
A Season of growth
july 1, 2008 will be a watershed day for utah valley state college and the community it serves.
It is the day that Utah Valley State College officially makes the transition to Utah Valley University, marking a new era in the history of
the institution and bringing exciting changes to the community.
Perhaps the most outward indication of approaching university status is the addition of a beautiful five-story library being built east
of the Liberal Arts Building at UVSC’s Orem campus. UVU’s new library will officially open the same day that UVSC becomes UVU.
A Place of Learning and Engagement
The Library is approximately 190,000 square feet, which is six times the size of the
The Library has been connected with UVSC’s
current library located in the Losee Center. It features four teaching classrooms, four
transition to a university since the beginning; in fact, an
seminar rooms, three large computer labs and 33 group study rooms, in comparison to
updated and improved facility was one of the key points
the current library’s four group study rooms. The new facility has a larger accessibility
in the plan for university status. “A high-quality library
lab and more room for special collections, and will house UVSC’s Writing Center and
is key to any great institution,” said Michael Freeman,
a new, larger Copy Center. The library also contains a large 150-person auditorium
director of UVSC’s library.
on the south end, which will provide space for campus speakers and meetings.
The lead designer for the project is Jacob
With technological advances, such as having twice the number of computers
Alspector, an architect from New York, who has designed
available for students and a new fiber optic cable network, the Library is moving
several award-winning projects, including the Mid-
with current trends in technology, incorporating it into classical education to create
Manhattan and Science, Industry and Business Libraries
the best atmosphere possible for those who come to learn at UVU.
of the NY Public Library. Cooper, Roberts, Simonsen
and Associates (CRSA), a local architecture firm whose
space for other departments on UVSC’s growing campus. It will house the Media
projects include the Utah State Archives Building and
Services Department and UVSC’s Information Technology Department (IT). Thanks
complete restoration of the Brigham City Tabernacle, are
to the available space in the new building, all of UVSC’s campus servers will be
providing additional design help. Construction on the
located in one building, which is more convenient and efficient, and will allow the IT
library is being carried out by Utah’s largest nationally-
Department to more easily upgrade the campus network. UVSC’s Integrated Studies
ranked contractor, Layton Construction.
program will be moved from its current location in the Liberal Arts building to the
In addition to library services, the new building will provide much-needed
new library as well.
UVSC’s Provo Ca m p u s l i b r a r y , w h i c h o p e n e d i n
195 4, featured s e ve ra l hundre d volume s in a
multi-p urp o se building
I n 1 9 7 8 t h e c o l l e g e ’ s l i b r a r y m ove d t o a n e w
home on the Orem campus, sharing space in
t h e Le a r n i n g R e so u r c e C e n t e r
While there are a lot of quiet spaces designed for students to study
UV S C ’ s n ew library w ill u sh er in u n iversity
statu s J u ly 1, addin g an addition al f ive stories
an d 19 0 , 0 0 0 sq. f t. to th e Orem C am pu s
When the first library opened at CUVS in
individually, the library is also designed to serve as a meeting place where students,
1941, it was located in the administration office at the
faculty, staff and members of the community can engage with one another. There
Fairgrounds Campus in Provo. The librarian was Sylvia
is a café located on the first floor, which lends to a social, coffee-shop atmosphere
Fetterly Anderson and the complete library, which
that encourages both creative and scholarly interaction.
consisted of less than 50 volumes, was located on a shelf
above Anderson’s desk.
The Library is not only exciting for what is contained within its walls,
however. Equally remarkable is the building itself. The building is the first state
Grace Mayhew was the first librarian for the
building to be built under new state energy efficiency regulations. The windows
Provo Campus, which opened in 1954. The library was
are constructed of energy-efficient glass, and the lighting and heating systems are
housed in the multi-purpose building and shared
likewise efficient. In keeping with the rest of those who are Wolverines at heart,
space with the school bookstore, which Mayhew also
the architects and construction company has been “thinking green” in every
supervised. During Mayhew’s tenure as librarian, the
aspect of the building.
library increased from less than one hundred books to
several hundred volumes.
A Solid Foundation
The state-of-the-art Library is evidence of how far UVSC has come since its first
Utah Technical College, George Tanner was appointed as
days as Central Utah Vocational School. The growth of the institution is mirrored
the second school librarian. Tanner was president of the
in the growth of the institutional library, growing and developing as the school
Utah Librarian’s Association from 1974-75 and was the
likewise grew from name to name, status to status and campus to campus.
founding chairman of the Theatre Department at UVSC
In 1969, when the institution was known as
in addition to his impactful role as librarian. He worked with instructors in each
the Communities of Engaged Learners program, which will
department, encouraging them to purchase books and periodicals to both enrich
allow the institution to increase its interaction, visibility and
their programs and add to the institution’s growing library. Because of his efforts,
influence within the community.
the library grew from a few hundred books to more than 20,000 volumes.
In 1975, when the institution was known as Utah Technical College, an
And this is only the beginning.
additional building was added to the institution’s Orem campus, which included
space for the Learning Enrichment Center, which houses the current UVSC
Library. The building was designed by architect Frank Ferguson and was first
brighter,” remarked Val Hale, vice president of advancement at
used in 1978.
UVSC. “UVSC will continue to grow in size and influence in the
Carrol Reid was appointed dean of Learning Resources and Services and library
region. The addition of a state-of-the-art library and enhanced
director at UVSC in 1980. The number of books increased dramatically while Reid
academic programs will make the future UVU a key player in
served as director of the library.
higher education in the state from now on.”
“As wonderful as 2007 was for UVSC, the future is even
UVSC’s current Library Director, Mike Freeman, was appointed to that
position in 1995, and will continue in that capacity as the UVU library is moved
Book Donation Invitation
to the new building.
A Brilliant Future
The new Library is only one of the exciting changes that happened recently at
UVSC. In addition to receiving a unanimous vote for university status and $8
million of new funding from Utah Legislature, UVSC also experienced a recordbreaking year in donations from the institution’s loyal supporters. In 2007,
friends of the institution pledged an astounding $35 million, which will be used
to support various programs, including the new Woodbury School of Business
and the Noorda Regional Theatre Center for Children and Youth.
In addition to monetary success, UVSC is further developing its role
in the community of Utah Valley. President William A. Sederburg introduced
We invite you to donate a new, hard-bound copy of your
favorite book to the new UVU library. Your book will be
placed in the library collection and will acknowledge your
name inside the cover. Please support the library, and
help perpetuate a culture of higher learning at UVU by
responding to this special request.
Please mail your book to the UVU Development office at:
800 w. university parkway ms 111
orem, ut 84058-5999
Also, send with your book your name as you would like it
to appear on the acknowledgement inside the cover.
president’s message
it is an exciting time to be at utah valley state college as we transition to utah valley university on july 1, 2008.
The transition to university status enables us to strengthen our efforts on our core mission: providing a quality education and serving the
educational and economic needs of the region.
In connection with university status, the new
As we build new programs to meet these regional needs, we will continue to stress
library with 190,000 square feet—larger than the
our role in providing Career and Technical Education (cte). Currently, we are the
McKay Events Center—will be a wonderful addition to
second largest provider of cte in the state, educating 22 percent of all cte students.
the campus and provide students and faculty with the
As we look to the future we’ll remember our past.
necessary resources needed to be engaged in university
work. Our Center for Engaged Learning, established in
Thank you for all that you have done to bring us to this point. Our success is due in
Summer 2007, will continue to flourish and provide many
many respects to the generosity of our donors and service rendered from the UVSC
opportunities for the university and the community to
Foundation. I hope you will continue to help us provide quality education for our
work together in fulfilling community needs. We have
children and grandchildren as we become Utah Valley University.
developed 14 new baccalaureate programs over the past
two years, and will continue to add new programs that
make sense for the university and region we serve.
William A. Sederburg
the president’s circle honors those who have generously given
lifetime cumulative donations exceeding $25,000 in cash or in-kind
Membership is recognized in one of four President’s Circle levels:
Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze
$1 million +
The President’s Circle Platinum Level
honors lifetime cumulative gifts
that exceed $1 million in cash or
in-kind donations.
The President’s Circle Gold Level
honors lifetime cumulative gifts
that equal $250,000-$999,999 in
cash or in-kind donations.
The President’s Circle Silver Level
honors lifetime cumulative gifts that
equal $50,000-$249,999 in cash or
in-kind donations.
Alan and Karen Ashton
Melanie Bastian
Jeff and Molly Knowles
Miles and Mary Morris
Bill and Margaret Pope
Brent and Charlene Ashworth
Ross* and Margie* Butler
Norman and Leah Castle
Kenneth Dolezsar* and Dee Mower
Ira and Mary Lou Fulton
Nadine Gillmor
Clark* and Francoise Hall
Reed E and Christine Halladay
Florence B Ragan
Boyd C and Jill J Smith
Harold R and Brigitte Wing
Jim Winkler*
Orin and Imogene Woodbury
Clyde Companies, Inc
Diamond Aircraft Industries, Inc
Geneva Recreation Association
George S & Delores Doré Eccles
Intermountain Healthcare
M Bastian Family Foundation Trust
Novell, Inc
Pacific Computing
Peery Foundation
Tekla, Inc
US Synthetic Corporation
Val A Browning Charitable Foundation
Dave F and Shelly E Adams
Bill J and Norma Anderson
Jerry C and Carolyn J Atkin
Ralph and Sylvia Bailey
David G and Jo Benson
Joseph S and Sharon S Berger
Roger D and Valerie L Bjarnson
Brent L and Kimberly G Brown
Daniel W and Peggy S Campbell
William H and Patricia Child
Phyllis J Christensen
Sherman L and Sheryle Cloward
Louise Clyde
Guy and Paula Fugal
Leland R and LaVern* Gappmayer
Stephen W and Bette M Gibson
Orville* and Betha* Gunther
Canyon Park Technology Center
EDS PLM Solutions
ESNET Management, Inc
Micron Technology, Inc
RDR Properties, LLC
The Ray & Tye Noorda Foundation
Woodbury Corporation
Bruce J and Deanna C Hammond
Kimball T and Caroline Harper
Gene and Betty R Harvey
Blaine T and Barbara Hudson
Dennis and Rebecca A Hunter
Jon M and Karen H Huntsman
J Paul* and Lorna Jewkes
Harold B* and Fay K* Jones
Kathy Kolbe
Richard T and Karen P Martin
Larry H and Gail K Miller
David N and Sharlene H Moore
Mary D Nelson
Jan E and Lucia P Newman
J Ross and Mary Jane Nielsen
Allyson Walker Ollivier
Joseph and Rynna Ollivier
Robert K* and Anne S Peper
Kyle and Brenda Powell
Marian K Ream
Kerry and Judy Romesburg
Rick and Vicki Salisbury
Bernon and Irene Smith
LaVorn* and Beatrice Sparks
Don R and Toni D Sullivan
Jack and Holly Zenger
Apple Computers, Inc
Ashton Family Foundation
B W Bastian Foundation
Beaumont Foundation of America
C & A Construction, Inc
Central Bank
Daniels Fund
Electrical Wholesale Supply - SLC
Family First Federal Credit Union
Far West Bank - Provo
Federal Express Corporation
Geneva Rock Products, Inc
Geneva Steel
George F & Lilly W Pearson Charitable Trust
Highland Water Company
Informix Software-IBM Corporation
InfoTrax Systems, LLC
Katofsky Family Trust
Losee Jewelers, LLC
McWane, Inc
Micron Technology Foundation, Inc
Mountain View Hospital
Mr Mac of Orem
Nancy Peery Marriott Foundation
Nestle USA - Food Division, Inc
Neways Worldwide, Inc
Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc
R&B, Inc
Rocky Mountain Power
Ruth E Bamberger and John E Bamberger Memorial Foundation
Sabina Trading International, Inc
Sierra West Jewelers
Springville Rotary Club
Tahitian Noni
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints Foundation
The GFC Foundation
The Jackson Howard Foundation
The Jon and Karen Huntsman Foundation
The Rudolph P Reese Family Trust
The Utah Amateur Wrestling Foundation, Inc
UCCU - Main
Utah Valley Home Builders Association
Utah Valley Regional Medical Center
UVSC Student Executive Council
Vriens Truck Parts
Wells Fargo Bank - Provo
Zions Bank – Main
The President’s Circle Bronze Level
honors lifetime cumulative gifts that
equal $25,000-$49,999 in cash or
in-kind donations.
Raymond E and Janette H Beckham
Angus H and Jenny E Belliston
Richard D and Zepha L Boggess
Bill and Marilyn M Brown
Aldo and Valerie Bussio
Victor I and Fae C Cartwright
Nathanael Y Cook
Rick C and Toni Farr
James G and Melinda Harris
John* and Lillian Hayes
Tom W and Sandra Heal
Vard* and Phyllis B* Johnson
Jeffrey S and Charleen Kahn
Ralph E Kroescher
Gerald M and Marilyn S Maass
Tom and Kaye Macdonald
Dave* and Michele McCoy
Wilson W Sorensen Society
the wilson w sorensen society recognizes those who have
established a charitable bequest, gift annuity or trust.
Wayne W and Kelly M Mortensen
Dale R and Teresa J Neibaur
Jon and Shauna Robertson
Robert P and Deborah M Romney
Dan K and Paula L Shaw
William R and Nila P Siddoway
Marlon O and Ann P Snow
Martin J and Melanie D Snow
Graig and Bonnie H Taylor
Alden B and Nancy Tueller
Dell R and JoAnn T Tyler
Gary J Willey
Allen K and Marty M Young
Jimmy and Debbie A Zufelt
A Plus Benefits, Inc
Alpine Air Express
Bank of American ForkAmerican Fork
Barber Brothers Mitsubishi
Camp of Champs
Capital Community Bank - Orem
CC Jackson Foundation
Central Utah Cancer Center
Chapter Z of PEO
Comcast Cable Services
Detroit Diesel Corporation
Eldred Sunset Manor Foundation
Esther Foundation, Inc
First Security Foundation
Golden Gate Family Foundation
H&S Investments
KEOH Family Foundation
La Quinta Inns & Suites
Marketing Ally Teleservices, Inc
Nature’s Sunshine Products, Inc
OK3 Air
Primavera Systems, Inc
Provo Land Title Co
Questar Corporation
Savage Industries, Inc
Southern Pacific Employees
SportsNuts.Com, Inc
Springville City
Super Ford Store & Truckland
Swire Coca Cola
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
The Daily Herald
The Sunshine Lady Foundation, Inc
The Walton Company
Timberline Software Corporation
University of Utah
US West Foundation
Utah County Association of Realtors
Utah Department of Commerce
West Valley City Fire Dept
Zions Bank - Provo
Dean S and Jean A Allan
Gary D and Susan P Allen
Herbert M* and Martha Allen
Darwin C and Dixie Allred
N Grandon* and LaNora* Allred
Roy J and Alice R Andersen
Gale B and Margaret U Armstrong
Gary D and Dorothy Astill
Scott J and Norma Aston
Dal Von and Vicki L Atkinson
John R and Iris B Bench
Sterling and Donna T Bench
R Ralph and Lindalie Benson
H Ross* and Jacqueline B Berrett
Roger Bjarnson
Kenneth Boehme
Margaret M Boehme
Opal M Bowen
Terry E and JoAnne P Bowns
Leslie H and Alma Boyce
Dennis H and Libby Lou Brown
C Victor and Eileen D* Bunderson
Milton R and Cathy W Burbidge
Kim B and Mary Kaye Campbell
Jim and Jacky H Caras
Wayne and Loraine E Carlton
David L and Sharon Carter
Neil V* and Donna M* Chappell
Neil T Child
Charles and Marilyn* Christensen
Phyllis Christensen
E Vernon and Jerry T Christopherson
Darrel L Clegg
LeRoy L and Wanda J Condit
Bernell W and Anne A Coons
Peter F and Eva E Cowan
Susan Illa Cracraft*
Gaius and Susan Crosby
Victor and Madge Davies
Richard E and Ruth W Davis
Russell W* and Mary B* Desserich
Delbert R and Janeen Dimick
Flora Duncan
Guy and Glenda Edwards
Norman and Zenda Edwards
Grant H* and Pauline C Elliott
Willard G and LaVon L Erickson
Wayne Kent* and DeAnn A Ethington
Scott L Featherstone
Harvey R and Gwen K Fitzgerald
E Kaye and Lona Fox
Kenneth N and Jillyne Fox
Kent and Kenna B Frazier
Miles F and Helga I Friedman
Donald S* and Joyce Fujino
Hal P and Marie Gadd
David M and Nancy M Gardner
James Craig and Pamela D Gilbert
William P Hales*
E Thomas Jr and Coleen S Hall
Bruce J and Deanna Hammond
Susanne H Hammond
John W and Nancy S Hardy
David J and Mary A Harris
Russell E* and Vicki Haymond
Henrietta Kate Herwig*
Joseph F Hill
Richard F Hill
Lynn M and Hope A* Hilton
Brent and Judy K Hoge
Jack B Holmstrom
Nora S Anderson Hopkins
G Jack and Joye R Hopkinson
David A and Marilyn B* Hughes
Douglas and RoniLynn Jenkins
Newell A* and Joy A* Johnson
David S and Ruby Kathleen Jones
Harold B* and Fay K* Jones
Jens J and Helen B Jonsson
Tom E* and MaryLu* Judd
Jeffrey Kahn
Edward E* and Kathryn H Kammeyer
Kenneth T and Marianne Kartchner
Keith R* and Mabel A Kelson
O James and Karen Klein
Susan B Lee
Olive W Lenox
Lambert H and Marilyn A Lewis
Robert W and Bonnie C Lewis
Raymond T and DeAnna Lloyd
Richard D and JoAnn B Losee
Ilene B Madsen
Mahogany Mountain
Grant L and Alice* Malquist
David C and Maideen Mason
Arvin R and Urla Jeane Maxfield
Douglas A and Barbara McConochie
Dean M* and Alene R McDonald
Virginia L McGirl*
James R and Linda J McKee
Melvin and Muriel Meredith
Bruce B and Karen H Miller
John Joseph Morsch*
Dale R and Teresa Joan Neibaur
Howard B* and Mary D Nelson
Guy and Shirley H Olpin
Gilbert T and Claudia Olsen
Theron C* and Selma A* Olsen
Kenneth P and Renee Olson
Julie B Owens
Page Investment*
Vera L Palmer
Jerry and Nancy R* Parduhn
John W and Dottie C Parson
Scott W and Allison S Parson
Alan T Parsons
Robert L and Sharen E Perry
Paul Kay and Doris Wadley Peterson
Bryce* and Lorraine* Pollard
Bill and Margaret Pope
Edward H and Arlene E Poulsen
Russell W* and Veon Price
Wayne Reeves*
Karen Robison
John Salisbury*
Theodore N and Jennis W* Salisbury
Garry R and Kay Sampson
James W and Claudette M Scott
Bill R and Nila Siddoway
Don M and Pamela J Smith
Rodger and Marjalee Smith
Wilson W Sorensen
LaVorn G* and Beatrice M Sparks
John L and Terrill L Sperry
Wayne B and D Louise Stark
Mike and Sherry E Stidd
W James and Avon P Stoll
Keith D* and Joyce L Story
Robert M and Doris Stott
Robert L and Cynthia Sutch
Garth J and Ann C Swenson
David A and Kristine B Taylor
F Willis Taylor, MD*
Kenneth D and JoAnn B Taylor
Stephen K Taylor
Darrell E and Joan K Tew
Wayne and M Patrice Tew
Clint J Tomlinson
Terry L and Terrie Tomlinson
Roland L and Darla Tooley
Alden B Tueller
Fawn Walker*
Bruce A and Terry F Wallin
Ralph W Wallin*
Ralph W Jr and Diane C Wallin
Robert W and Joanette Wallin
Stephen L and Nelda S* Warnick
Michael G and Karlene S Wells
H Everett* and Kaye M Wendel
Firle J* and M LaVean* Wilkins
Jed B and Carol C* Willhite
Boyde G and Joan G Williams
Donald J and Beth P Wilson
Keith and Ada S Wilson
Max and Marjorie Wood
Michael R and Ruth Anne Wood
Keith W and Afton L Zobell
annual gift clubs honor those who have generously given
donations between January 1 and December 31, 2007, of cash or in-kind
donations of $41 or more.
Membership is recognized in one of the four gift clubs:
Heritage Club, Founders Club, Pioneer Club and ’41 Club.
Heritage Club $5,000+
The Heritage Club recognizes those
who have contributed cash or
in-kind donations of $5,000+
during the calendar year of January
1- December 31, 2007.
Bill J and Norma Anderson
Tom and Jean H Bailey
Melanie L Bastian
Ray and Jeanette Beckham
Joseph S and Sharon S Berger
Steven A and Rebecca Bishop
Bill and Marilyn M Brown
Daniel W and Peggy S Campbell
William H and Patricia Child
Nathanael Y Cook
Kenneth Dolezsar* and Dee Mower
Flora Duncan
Brandon D and Lacey A Fugal
Guy L and Paula Fugal
Stephen W and Bette M Gibson
Kimball T and Caroline Harper
Ken Harris
Bradley J and Vicki Jackman
Oscar F and Dorine S Jesperson
G Kevin Jones
Omar M and Nancy Kader
Tamara Lewis
Lerron E and Kellie S Little
Matt Lovelady
Thomas W and Kaye Macdonald
Miles D and Mary T Morris
Wayne W and Kelly M Mortensen
David A and Linda C Nearon
Mary D Nelson
Dale and Teresa Neibaur
Joseph F and Rynna S Ollivier
David B and Kathryn Paxman
John M Paxman
Anne S Peper
Louis M and Christine Pope
Florence B Ragan
Dan and Linda S Reeve
Jon H and Shauna R Robertson
William R and Nila P Siddoway
Boyd C and Jill J Smith
Bernon M and Irene E Smith
Robert L and Cindy Sutch
Dell R and JoAnn T Tyler
Keith and Ada S Wilson
Orin R and Imogene Woodbury
Allen K and Marty M Young
Jack and Holly Zenger
Jimmy and Debbie A Zufelt
Allred Family Trust
A-Plus Home Care & Hospice
APX Alarm
Argyle Family Foundation
Artisan Development
B W Bastian Foundation
Beaumont Foundation of America
Butts Construction
Canyon Park Technology Center
Central Bank
Central Utah Clinic
Clive T Roundy Construction, Inc
Clyde Companies, Inc
Creekside Investments LC
DCR Design, LLC
Electrical Wholesale Supply - SLC
Elk Valley Construction, Inc
Executive Excellence Publishing
Family First Federal Credit Union
Far West Bank
Federal Express Corporation
Foundation for the American West
Fulton Homes Sales Corporation
Gene Harvey Investment Co
Golden Gate Family Foundation
H & B Plumbing and Heating, Inc
Harward Irrigation Systems
InfoTrax Systems, LLC
Intermountain Healthcare
KEOH Family Foundation
Kim Brown and Associates
Landmark Excavating, Inc
Liberty Tax Service
Losee Jewelers, LLC
Mahogany Mountain
Mountain View Hospital
Nancy Peery Marriott Foundation
Nature’s Sunshine Products, Inc
Neways Worldwide, Inc
Novell, Inc
Orem Rotary Club
Papaya & Company
Park City Title Company
Peczuh Printing
Peery Foundation
Regional Supply, Inc
Ruth E Bamberger and John E Bamberger Memorial Foundation
Sierra West Jewelers
Stanworth & Associates, LLC
Sublime Net, Inc
SunGard Higher Education
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
Day Saints Foundation
The GFC Foundation
The HR Wing Family Benevolent Corporation
The Jackson Howard Foundation
The Jon and Karen Huntsman Foundation
The Money Management Group
The Preserve at Mapleton
Development Company, LLC
The R Scott & Melissa G McQuarrie Foundation
The Ray & Tye Noorda Foundation
The Utah Amateur Wrestling Foundation, Inc
UCCU - Main
Utah Valley Regional Medical Center
Wasatch Community Foundation
Woodbury Corporation
Zions Bank - Main
Founders Club $2,000-$4,999
The Founders Club recognizes those
who have contributed cash or
in-kind donatons of $2,000-$4,999
during the calendar year of January
1-December 31, 2007.
Scott H Abbott
Brent F and Charlene M Ashworth
Paul D and Julie Bean
Angus H and Jenny E Belliston
E Mark and Colleen B Bezzant
Marc C and Debbie Bingham
Ronald Boulter
Wallace J and Dianne C Carr
Ken and June E Christensen
Sherman L and Sheryle Cloward
Louise C Clyde
Eileen Dunn
Elaine E Englehardt
Kyle L Gardner
B D and Kathryn Gardner
MaryAnn Garrett
Reed E and Christine Halladay
Alene Harrison
Stott P and Renee Harston
Richard and Jeannine Henage
John P and Lynn Hoffmann
Winston G and Pamela Z Housley
Kraig and Susan K Jenson
Jeffrey S and Charleen Kahn
Ralph E Kroescher
Thad and Malinda Larson
Cory and Heidi Mahaffey
David N and Jessica A McArthur
Brad D and Shauna Mertz
Afsaneh Minaie
Christina M Mutch
James C and Alex Ogren
Monroe J and Shirley B Paxman
Michele R Petrites
Celeste C Pianezzola
Thomas C and LeeAnn Powell
Todd A and Debbie D Reid
Hugh J and Chris M Rode
Susan Salem
William A and Joyce Sederburg
James E and Lynda Sheffield
Chris and Stephanie Shurian
David Stanley
Douglas H Thayer
Max D and Ruth K Weaver
Chet and Jo Ann Whitehouse
Ace Test Preparation
C & R Stone, Inc
City of Orem
Close to My Heart
Corporate Alliance
Cove Mountain Electric, Inc
DST Distributors, Inc
Exchange Club of Utah Valley
First Security Foundation
Fort Knox Security Products
Gold’s Gym
Guy and Shirley Olpin Family wFoundation
Hoag Psychological Services, Inc
James & Carolyn Ritchie
Supporting Org
Key Foundation
Kross Consulting, LLC
Lehi City
Mountain Home Developers
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc
Petersen Medical
Phone Directories Company, Inc
Questar Corporation
Residence Inn By Marriott
Robinson, Seiler & Anderson, LC
Royal Engineering, Inc
Sallie Mae Bank
Second Nature
Second Nature Blue Ridge, LLC
Second Nature-Entrada
SOS Staffing Services - Salt Lake
Springville Rotary Club
SS Marine
Summit Capital Consultants, Inc
Tahitian Noni
Talon’s Cove Golf Club
The National Orchestral Association, Inc
The Scooter Lounge
Thomson Learning
Timpanogos Cyclery
Triple A Landscaping, Inc
Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems
Utah Valley Management Society
Wasatch Timber Post & Beam, LLC
Wells Fargo Bank - Provo
Wells Fargo Bank Northwest N A
Wright’s Air Systems, Inc
Pioneer Club $1,000-1,999
The Pioneer Club recognizes those
who have contributed cash or inkind donations of $1,000-$1,999
during the calendar year of January
1-December 31, 2007.
Douglas and Kayleen A Albee
Jeff and Ann Alexander
Don and Jeri L Allphin
Gwen N Anderson
C Brent and Marilyn Bargeron
Rheta Beach
Steven and Kristy W Beck
Randy and Vicki Beckham
J Scott and Annette P Bowen
David M and Toni L Carlson
Wilford W and Natalie E Clyde
Stephen M R and Jeri Covey
Gregory E and Penny Craner
James and Bette Jo Croft
Cory L and Elva M Duckworth
Howard L and Carolyn Edwards
Randy and Nancy Evensen
William and Nancy Evenson
Bryant F and Marianne M Foulger
Michael R and Dawn Francis
Michael J and Gretchen Freeman
David M and Nancy M Gardner
David P and Janet D Griffiths
Jake Gunther
Stuart R and Janice L Gygi
Val and Nancy A Hale
Vera A Hamilton
James G and Melinda Harris
Vaughn Heath
Rick and Bonnie G Henrie
Bradley G and Jana L Hoover
Daniel P and Linda Howells
Kenneth M and Bev Hurwitz
Michael V and Alice Jacobsen
John D and Deborah A Jarvis
Jack and Sharon Jenks
Stanley E and Christine Jenne
Will S and Patti A Jones
Cheryl A Kehl
Megan E Kennedy
Robert G and Brenda W Lovell
Michael D and Linda L Makin
Joe Masnica
Brent D and Angela J McLaws
Jay Meacham
Harold L Miller
Mike and Anne B Morrey
Gary H and Annette S Naisbitt
Orrin A and Jacquie H Nelson
Kent K and Sarah Nitta
Richard S Ohran
Jason F Payne
L D Peirce
Val L and Ann Peterson
Stanley and Karen W Pool
Blaine R and Katherine Porter
James V and Suzanne Price
Carolyn J Rasmus
Amanda C Rathbun
John D and Leticia D Ravenberg
Ann Reed
Peter B and Cris Robinson
Mark F and Mary M Robinson
Joshua D Ross
Samuel R and Nancy Rushforth
Reza Sanati
Brad and Bunney L Schmidt
Rick L and Michelle Scott
John T Shoaf
Frank and Lucille T Stoddard
Abraham C and Kathy Teng
Michael R and Cherilyn Toolson
George F and Christina Veit
Doug E and Mary O Warner
Laura Watson
Gary and Nada Wilkins
Don T and Ra’shelle D Wilson
Greg L and Kathy Wilson
Ian K and Jeanne Wilson
Roger B and Gwen E Woolstenhulme
Xiaomeng N Zhang
Ace Rents, Inc
American Liberty Insurance Co, Inc
Bartlett Insurance Agency, Inc
Bentar Development, Inc
Capital Group, LLC
Carpets America
Chapter Z of PEO
Competitive Taekwondo Club
Design Spectrum
Ecumenical College Fellowship Association
Educators Mutual Insurance
Eli Kirk
Founders Title Company
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Geneva Rock Products, Inc
IM Flash Technologies
Intermountain Healthcare Urban South Region
Lindon City
Livingston Mortgage, Inc
Magleby Companies, Inc
MBI Business Designs, Inc
Merrill Lynch
Miner Construction, Inc
Mity-Lite, Inc
Mr Mac of Orem
Niels Fugal & Sons Company
PEG Development, LLC
Pharmacia Matching Gift
Project Kids
Rocky Mountain Power
Safeguard Adolescent Services, LLC
Sign City
Southwest Airlines
Sports Clips
Strasburg Automotive Machine
Summit Engineering Group, Inc
Sunstone Hotel Properties, Inc
Tantrum Gear Shop, LLC
The Coach Karl Tucker Foundation
The Florence Bullock Ragan
Family Trust
The Ink Spot
The Risk Management Association
The Wiremold Foundation, Inc
Timpview High School
Top of the World
Trivani International
Twin Lab, Inc
US Bank - Bountiful
US Synthetic Corporation
Utah County Association of Realtors
Utah Fireplace
Utah Municipal Power Agency
Utah Valley Home Builders Association
Utah Valley Magazine
Van Boerum & Frank Associates, Inc
Venice Flooring, Inc
Vista Enterprises
Wal-Mart Foundation
Workers Compensation
Fund of Utah
Zions Bank - Provo
Zufelt Monteer Builders
’41 Club $41-$999
The ’41 Club recognizes those
who have contributed cash or inkind donations of $41-999 during
the calendar year of January
1-December 31, 2007.
Baktybek D Abdrisaev
Lynn L Adams
Thad C and Rosemary F Adams
Dennis N and Martha J Adamson
Phillip R and Barbara J Adamson
Kirke W Adamson
Peggy K Adams-Williams
Azucena Aguayo
Robert C and Marsha L Agudo
Carlos E Alarco
Boyd Alder
Allen B and Denise Alexander
Colleen Allen
William W and Elizabeth M Allison
Kevin D and Mechel P Allred
Wendell U and Virginia B Allred
Clay W Allred
Richard L and Barbara Allred
David S and Karen Allsop
Eugene and Andrea L Anaya
Dane Andersen
Kay L Anderson
Paul M and Mary Anderson
Neil J and Kathleen R Anderson
Allyson Anderson
Douglas D and Loretta Anderson
Wayne and Genan T Anderson
Kirk R and Laura Lee Anderson
Robert H Anderson
Nancy F Appleby
Teresa Aramaki
Mark and Laureen F Arnell
James Arrington
Scott R Asbell
John A and Marinda G Ashman
Don W and Mary Ashworth
Cindy L Aslett
Mindy S Atkinson
Sam P Atoa
Gary and Julie B Bagley
Alan K and Laura Bailey
Todd P and Lesli A Baker
Ellen D Baker
Ernest J and Angela M Ballard
William F Kelleher and Angela Banchero-Kelleher
Dee R and Mary F Bangerter
Kelvin R and Jodie L Banks
Paul D and Lori V Barber
Jonathan S Barclay
Paul D Barlow
Donna M Barnes
Steven D and Shelly G Barnes
Dennis and Ann Barney
Brian R and Stefanie J Barthel
Richard D and Mary Lou Bartholomew
Barry and Nancy L Bartlett
Kay Bauer
Boyd H and Alice Bauer
Virginia E Bayer
Benjamin W and Laurel J Bean
Cynthia A Behunin
Allan J and Julie B Bell
Margaret A Bellon
Lyn E Bennett
Robert C and Francine R Bennion
John W and Margaret W Bennion
Alvin K Benson
Steven W and Kristen C Bentley
Scott and Elaine A Bergeson
Delora P Bertelsen
Thiago Bezerra
Barbara L Biggs
Garth and Bonnie Bird
Allison D Bishop
Clark T and Nora H Bishop
Virden J Blackham
Tim R and Kimberlee A Blackham
Ted M Blaney
Simon Blundell
Lothaire and Connie W Bluth
R D and Angela Boardman
Chris T Boettcher
Kent and Ann Boley
Calvin A Bond
Cary A Boone-Jones
Bill J and Mardene M Boren
Steven A and Jeanne M Borget
Brad W and Ann P Botteron
Mark E and Debbie Bracken
David R and Linda M Bradford
James R and Elysia D Brady
Brian W and Rachel Braithwaite
Eugene H and Dorothy Bramhall
Jennifer L Breeden
John C and Sandra R Brewer
William W and Elaine Bridges
Daniel T Brigman
Charles and Robyn M Brimhall
Gregory G Briscoe
Jennifer Britter
Dale A and Polly J Broughton
Kathren Brown
Charles V and Shirlene M Brown
Christopher L and Annette C Brown
Mike and Andrea B Brown
Clayton D Brown
Steven C Bule
Michael S and Nancy O Bullock
W Brent and Connie R Bullock
Michael P Bunds
Gerald M Bunker
Dawn Burgess
Clint T Burgi
Brennan B Burke
Robin and Art Burnah
Brent D Burnham
Susannah W Burton
Nelson G and Nancy A Burton
Laura Busby
Merrill and Ann W Bushnell
Rusty E and Danielle C Butler
A D and Elaine Byrd
Eddy L Cadet
Fern M Caka
Duane B and Tamra S Call
Corey W and Michele Callahan
James C Callison
Sheri Campbell
Gordon R Campbell
Nancy S Cannon
Daniel B and Sandra D Capell
James V and Shelly L Cardall
Ernest L Carey
Gary G and Gaylene Carlson
Justin D Carlton
Gaya Carlton
Albert and Diane J Carter
Kenneth B and Nancy M Carter
Michael D and Elaine C Carter
Clarissa Cartwright
Woodruff and Ruth Challis
Valerie Chandler
Dennis S and Lyn Chapman
Sonam R and Khando T Chazotsang
Clay D and Melissa J Christensen
Randall M Christensen
Janette O Christensen
Daniel D Christensen
Taran K and Nizhoni A Chun
Brooke Clark
Glen R and Jan M Clark
Christopher L and Lisa V Clark
Steven C and Patricia Clark
Lawrence S and Carole Clarke
Jerry L Clarke
Alan W Clarke
Phil L and Jennifer Clegg
Walter J Clifford
Bill W and Marilyn K Cobb
William O Coles
Kristopher S and Jacee Coles
Joseph D and Jacqueline P Colledge
Darryl and Anne M Collier-Freed
Joyce S and Gordon L Connelly
Philip H Cooper
Arnold N and Virginia Corbridge
Gretchen R Cornell
Bret L Cornell
Robert J and Julia Cousins
Henry and Jenny Cox
Mary K Cox
Norman and Joanna Cox
Charles F and Cheryl S Cozzens
Richard W and Marilie Crandall
Jeanie M Cranney
Marianne Craven
Malcolm D Crawford
Stephen F and Jessica Crook
Scott A Croshaw
Lonnie J Damon
Richard W and Yvonne J Davidson
Harry W and Vicki L Davis
Tina Davis
Merril and Susan Dayton
Craig and Lori Dean
Pat and Kathie Debenham
Robert M and Kathryn B Decker
Steve D Demille
Moses and Vicki A Densley
Jay A DeSart
Monica Detrick
Joseph A and Sandy Dinkins
Kevin L and Gayla D Distefano
Steve J and Val F Dixon
Mike and Kristie L Dockstader
Rebecca Dodds
Lee and Margaret Donaldson
Paul and Debra Donaldson
Michael A Dover
Catherine P Downing
Lewis E and Brenda Dudley
Onnie L and Teresa Duvall
Brent Eagar
Giovana Eaquinto Alisa
Dwight H and Leslie A Egan
Bryan K and Julie Eldredge
Reed Elliott
Jeffrey R and Amy N Engh
Dewayne and Joyce Erdmann
Jan and Rundassa Eshete
Kathy Evans
Kevin Eyraud
Wallace Fairbanks
Donna M Fairbanks
William M and Linda Fairbanks
Todd and Tiffany S Fairbourne
Midge Farkas
Suzette Farmer
Dennis Farnsworth
Briant J and Glenna R Farnsworth
Rick C and Toni Farr
Rowen S Faumuina
Georgia C Faux
David L Fearnley
John and Nancy Ferderber
Debora R Ferreira
Tricia L Ferrin
Rod Fife
Patricia Fillmore
Jared P and Julianne S Finch
Daniel K and Barbara J Fix
Steven A and Jolynn Y Fleming
Marsha Flint
David Flint
Amanda N Florence
Stan and Jacqueline Q Foote
Patricia C Forbes
Vincent T and Ericka Fordiani
C Brent Forsgren
Gregory C and Cathy Forte
Joseph C Fox
Gregory W Fox
Wendy Frahm
Lee E and Sharon L Francis
Patty Frehner
Kathryn French
John K and Susan Frischknecht
Robert L and Colleen O Fuller
David C and Natalie Fullmer
Denise B Fullmer
Margo Gaisford
Chris H and Dorice E Galbraith
Douglas A and Cynthia H Gale
Sterling and Shelli Gardner
Gary W Gardner
Steven M and Debra P Gardner
Frank H and Norma T Gardner
Norman D and Maggie M Gardner
Pamela J and Glen E Gardner
Gordon P and Leslie D George
Elaine George
Jed G Gibson
Stephen D and Kimberli A Gibson
Scott L and Susan Gifford
Christine S Gines
Lowell M and Yvone Glenn
Wayne H and Marva C Glover
W James Godfrey
Philip S Gordon
Norma J Gould
William E Gourlay
Matt Grant
Alycia Greathouse
Thomas A and Annette Griffiths
Richard H and Cynthia Grounds
Karli M Grover
Rebeka M Grulich
Kevin G and Lori L Guest
Roger D Gunn
Lorraine T Gunn
Heather Gurulé
Mike V Guymon
Carolyn Gwyther
Michael Haberman
Jay L and Jeannine M Hadley
Todd L and Lonnie J Hadlock
Larry Haines
Karl E Haisch
Gregory and Terri L Hales
Dan J and Kathlyn S Hall
Steven and Jeannette A Hall
Scotty and Karin R Halls
Barry K and Julie Hallsted
Joe F and Gail Ham
Laura J Hamblin
Ronald J and Alisa Hammond
Scott C and Barbara G Hammond
Kellie D Hancock
Cheryl A Hanewicz
Terry Hansen
Phyllis M Hansen
Roy H and Sue S Harada
Lawrence S Harper
Mary L Harriman
William E and Anna Rose Harris
Neil B Harrison
Larry D and Diane Hartman
Gene and Betty R Harvey
Stan V and Rae W Harward
Richard M and Janice Harward
Byron L and Terry Ann Harward
Don L Harward and Kathleen C Bingham
Dawn B Hatch
Marsha Haynes
Tom W and Sandra Heal
Shaun A and Angela T Heaton
David B and Jennifer M Heldenbrand
Lamar J and Colleen K Helquist
Joel H Helquist
James P and Mary E Hickman
Troy and Michelle Hickman
Melissa Hickman
Gordon K and Diane Hinckley
Andy J Hipsher
Cyntha C Hirst
Keith and Liz Hitch
Denise Hodgkin
Bryce E and Sherrie Holbrook
Regula Holdaway
Michelle Hollingsed
Hal and Kathryn Holmstead
Kurt Holmstead
Ken and Leeann Honeycutt
David A Hooper
Gary and Wendy Hoopes
Tony and Barbara Hopkins
Daniel M and Renee D Horns
Chris and Karla R Horton
Scott S and Jana Houle
Mark and Laurel Howard
Heather E Howerton
Cody and Kerri L Howlett
Talitha R Hudgins
Michelle Huggins
James V and Laura L Hughes
John T Hughes
Douglas C Huish
Robert C and Sue Hull
William and Tammy Hulterstrom
Marie J Hunter
Duane F Hutchings
Jong S Hwang
Terry and Louise Illes
John M and Carole Inglish
Ofa Ioane
Finau F Ioane
Zen Ishikawa
K Iwamoto
Gregory H and Valerie Jackson
Bruce H and Marta Jackson
Bart R and Janeal Jacobs
Curtis L Jacobsen
Kenneth and Abigail B Jaffe
Robert W and Patricia L James
Stan C and Lana J Jardine
Brian L and Cindy Jarrett
Duane E and J Kaye Jeffery
Mark E Jeffreys
Eric N and Petricia M Jellen
Scott and Darla Jenkins
Douglas and RoniLynn Jenkins
Cleleo L and Beth Jensen
Josh and Kellie N Jensen
Mark and Kay Jensen
Michael A and Rebecca L Jensen
Douglas C Jensen
Frankie B Jensen
Jack L Jensen
Quinn C Jensen
Gary R and Coy B Jensen
Chris R and Tamara Jensen
Jeffrey B Jensen
Mary Jenson
Marc D and Paulette Jerome
James K and Janet Johnson
Larry W and Celina Johnson
Ric L and Jolene O Johnson
Art and Janet W Johnson
Bill and Carolyn S Johnson
Allen C and Cheryl D Johnson
Bruce L and Christie H Johnson
Jeffrey and Kathleen C Johnson
Angela D Johnson
Gene L Johnson
Lee E and Michelle D Johnson
Deron B and Angie T Johnson
Shannon Johnson
David W and Mary J Johnson
Steven D Johnson
Andrew L and Brooke Johnston
Laura K Johnston
Christopher G and Luella O Jones
Gregory S Jones
Casey C and Sherida W Jones
Jan C and Sandi O Jonson
David S Jordan
Norman G and June Jorgensen
Kathryn H Kammeyer
Wendi M Karbakhsh
R M and Melissa J Kay
Reba L Keele
David C Keller
John H and Sharon Kennedy
N Craig and Helen M Kennington
Evelyn M Kimball
Julie King
David D and Mary Ann Kirk
Jorma J and Kathryn W Kirsi
Teresa Kitchen
Weston and Dorothy Kitchen
David and Martha Knowlton
Homer E Knudson
Harold L Koch
Lyle J and Karolla Koller
Olga R Kopp
Phil E and Mattie Kresge
Ruhul H and Nahid A Kuddus
Ed and Mary Lou Kulsick
Brent L Kummer
Numsiri C Kunakemakorn
Mary B Kurtz
Baldomero Lago
Pierre Lamarche
Matthew P and Corie A Lamb
Lou A and Kay G Lambert
Lisa Lambert
Nathan and Kristie Larsen
Mary E Larsen
Joseph M Larsen
Joyce K Larsen
Spencer T Larsen
Denise M Larson
Valerie D Lasater
Carol Lavender
Frank and Barbara A Layden
Konchol Lee
Hyunmee Lee
Richard and Megan Legas
Glenn C and Carol N Lewis
Betty O Lewis
Barbara W Lewis
Ya Li
Jingdong Liang
Douglas J and M Gayle Lichti
Wade B Lindley
David O and Kenna K Litchford
Cory S Little
Nancy B Livingston
Scott B and Mary W Livingston
Rodney G and Melanie C Livingston
Marvin D and JoJean H Loflin
Jane M Loftus
Karen L Long
Keith Longmore
Alan S Loveland and Ellen M Hall-
Kerry V Loveless
Robert L and MaryEllen Loveridge
Kelsey M Luck
Carl Lueking
Nicholas C and Cathy S Lund
Michelle O Lundell
Barton D and Lynne C Lynn
Don and Karyn Lynn
David W and Nadine Macbeth
Marvin Mackin
David E Madsen
Francis A and Constance C Madsen
Greg P and Susan R Madsen
Peggy Madson
Eric J and Monette P Magleby
John C Mahoney
Drew and Mary L Major
Terry Malone
Wayne L and Julia Mangelson
Gary and Shauna Manwill
Amy L Markgraf-Jacobson
Deborah R Marrott
Cathy A Marshall
Larry B and Lynnae F Marsing
Tim D and Deanna Martin
Cameron K and Julie K Martin
Charles L and Kathie Mashburn
Marie F Mason
Allen C and Anne P Masson
Philip K Matheson
Kenneth E and Dana K Mathews
Nathan B Mathis
Michael K and Pauline Maughan
Jeff Maxfield
Gary J and Suzanne Maxwell
Dianne McAdams-Jones
Joanna McCormick
Richard B McDonald
Leonard and Patricia McDonald
Sandra L McGunigall-Smith
Catherine McIntyre
Bruce M and Beverly McMaster
Eldon L and Diane McMurray
Michael J and Kathryn R McPherson
Coleman L and Eleanor L McVea
David V Meadows
Job F and Louise B Measom
Gary J and Linda C Measom
Raymond E Mechling
Larry M and Lori P Mendenhall
Randall J and Carolyn H Merrill
James L and Venice Michaelis
Susan C Middleton
Louis L Miller
Duane B and Mary Ann Miller
Douglas G and Elisapeti Miller
Wayne K Miller
Kent and Linda K Millington
Michael L and Danna Minch
Elaine P Miner
Edwin O Miner
Julia A Mohr
Robert L and Dawna K Montgomery
E Grant and Elaine Moody
Richard L Moody
Jonathan B Moore
Rod I Morley
Lynn D Mortenson
Ben and Jennifer Moulton
Jennie L Mower
Merlin C and Lezlie Moyes
Brent W Moyes
Jolyn Mullin
Dale B and Nancy Murphy
Troy and Diane Murray
Julie J Musselman
Thell S and Donna Naegle
Blaine and Patricia A Nelson
Sandi K Ness
Marissa D Neumann
Carole J Newkirk
Karl Y Newren
Paul W Newsome
Julie Nichols
Troy R Nielson
Catharine Nixon
Matt J and Heidi W Norman
Lyle S and Jean C Norris
Alan and Joy Nybo
William B Nye
Russell A and Paula C Nye
James F and Michalene B O’Connor
Wade D and Sherri H Oldham
Martin F O’Loughlin
David R and Rosemary Olsen
Elden L and Karen S Olsen
Robert P and Linda D Olzack
Michael C and Elaine Openshaw
Susan Ormsby
Nichole Ortega
Jesus J and Kacie Ortiz
Richard J and Alana M Ovard
Glen A and Kim B Overton
Dee E and Ruth Oyler
Tom and Nancy M Pace
David K and Denise H Palfreyman
Allen W and Lori M Palmer
Susan B Palmer
Alexis A Palmer
Kenny D and Heather S Parcell
Bruce D Parker
Alan R and Jean Patterson
Jennifer Paul
Leonard P and Judith Pavia
Steven D and Regina M Peacock
Wayne Peay
Ron L and Debbie Peck
Darhl M Pederson
Curtis D Pehrson
John W and Gloria Pendlebury
Jill E Perelson
Danial L Perry
Don R and Carolyn P Petersen
Donald and Debra A Peterson
Todd S and Coleen M Peterson
John L and Janet B Peterson
Scott J and Abby Peterson
Sara Peterson
Nila Peterson
Terry and Jo Ann Petrie
Becky Pheysey
James K and Starla R Phillips
Cristina I Pianezzola
Nancy K Plagge
Shelley A Pollock
Kathy Pope
Robert Dennis Potter
Reed and Diane L Powell
Dan L and Leann B Preece
Stephen E Price
Stephen D Purdy
Max T and Beatrice G Pyne
Ramon T and Yvonne Quintana
Todd and Roxanne Randall
Dianne Randolph
Daniel W and Laurel E Rapp
Marsha Rasmussen
Bob D and Kristie J Rasmussen
Kirk G Rasmussen
Susan K Rasmussen
Thomas R and Diane F Rasmussen
David M and Shanna L Ratliff
Mark L and Kerri H Rawlins
Brad M and Michelle T Reedy
Stanley A and Annette J Reese
Jack L and Claudia C Reid
Richard E and Frances A Reiser
Bashawn M Relf
Christine K Renfro
Karen Reyneke
Daris C and Venna W Rice
Grant L and Christie Richards
Dyanne Riley
Larry and Myrna P Robertson
Scott and Rachael Robinson
Kim Robinson
Donald W Robinson
Mark W and Doreen S Robinson
Carl W and Jan J Robison
KC J Rock
Chris L Rockwood
Craig M and Kimberly Rollins
David E and Christy Roma
Lynley Rowan
Lynn and Peggy Rowell
Fred C and Linda L Rowland
Keith D and Priseilla Rowley
Vadra K Rowley
David and Deon Ruff
Stephen E Samuelian
Cody L Sanderson
Marni B Sanft
Sheldon and Deana Sargent
Donald R Savage
Robert and Valenda Scarbeary
Steve G Schaack
Robert G and Peggy Schlegel
Paul H Schneiter
Stephen E and Carol S Scott
Randy B and Vickie Searle
Michael D and Francine L Semken
Carl Shakespear
Kathleen Shell
Sandra W Shirley
Hal Shuler
Del K Shumway
Tyler A Shurtz
Susan Simmerman
Kenneth R and Janis P Simmons
Ryan P Simmons
Glenn O and Deborah Simmons
Jack W and Joanne L Sites
Grant P and Shari Skabelund
Bryan and Kelli Skinner
Elmer R Skloss
Timothy B and Julianne P Slocum
Gordon H and Sharon L Smith
Paul and Johanna Smith
Phil M and Cynthia M Smith
Sheldon R and Sarah Smith
LuAnn H Smith
Craig A Smith
Michael D and Kay A Smith
Scott D and Marsha M Smith
Courtney and Nancy L Smith
Lynn R and Donna N Smith
DJ and Roberta Smith
Douglas and Marian B Smoot
Michael J Snapp
Larry D and Debbie D Snarr
Phyllis Snedecor
Keith V Snedegar
Marlon O and Ann P Snow
Jim Snyder
Jae K Song
Kenneth E and Colleen T Sorensen
Shad E and Wendy Sorenson
Gary J and Loraine E Sotelo
Oertel N Sparks
Richard and Connie Spencer
Mary Squire
Alexander T Stecker
Rick A and Trudy Steele
Alan Stephens
Mark and Lori A Stevens
Steven R and Jeanee Stewart
Kenneth and Barbara D Stinchfield
Emmeline K Stockseth
Andrew J and Chelsea A Stone
Terry L and Ann D Stone
Jacquie Stratton
Kimberly T Strunk
Carole Sullivan
Carla M Summers
Brent R and Becky Sumner
Jack W and Jean Sunderlage
Joseph E Tait
Mark A Talbert
Paul A and Ann Tanner
Harry A Taute
Greg and Angela Taylor
KD Taylor
Steven C and Lorna M Teeter
Ramendra Thakur
David W and Tami Thayne
Paul H and Dorothy Theobald
Michael and Shauna L Theobald
Ryan L and Ann M Thomas
Scott and Deon Thomas
Douglas L and Eden A Thompson
Debra L Thornton
Randy and Kathleen Thorsteinson
Craig D and Shauna L Thulin
Paula B Tibbitts
Cathy Tipton
Stan and Beth Tolbert
Anton O Tolman
Spencer R and Jamie Torgerson
Guy R and Jenifer L Trowbridge
Doris A Trujillo
Curtis Turnbull
Paul M and Diana Urie
Glen McMullin and Julie Utley-
Machiel and Jennifer K Van Frankenhuijsen
David VanBlerkom
Renee VanBuren
Cyndi Vanwagenen
Kathryn E VanWagoner
Kenneth and Carol A Verbecky
Louise Vickerman
Marcus A and Janice B Vincent
Charles A and Sandra L Vogel
Mike R and Lucinda Vowles
Jans B Wager
Ronald and Connie T Wagner
Jeena J Wagner
Jeniveve J Wahlquist
Raymond L and Claire Walker
Christine Walker
Robert O and Barbara Walsh
Lynne N Ward
Neil K and Jeannie Warner
Junko Y Watabe
Mary S Waterman
Colette M Watson
Mina L Wayman
Doug W Weaver
Robert R Webber
Robert and Maraia T Weingarten
Janis Wellington
Leah G Welte
Craig and Deanna Werner
Susan Westercamp
Chuck and Raquel R Westover
JoAnn B Westover
Debi Wheatley
Lynn Whimpey
Keith A White
Diane Whitesell
Laurelyn M Whitt
Raymond M and Susan Whittenburg
Kent E and Linda Wickham
Mark L and Vicki Wiesenberg
Gary B and Sharon Wiest
Randy and Penny Willard
Claudia Williams
Reynold Williams
Gregory B and Kristin Williams
Forrest G Williams
Gregory W and Leslie Williams
David R Wilson
Robert T Wilson
John T and Margrete Wilson
Benjamin T Wilson
Quentin R and Sheryl B Wilson
David B and Jeralynn T Winder
Roger B and Danae D Wise
Brent and Jo Anne M Wood
Kent R and Melanie Wood
Robin Woods
Chris and Heidi J Woodward
Robert E and Kathleen B Woolf
Ann Woolley
Kenneth M and Athelia T Woolley
Letty Workman
James L and Janet Wright
David P Yells
Dallas H and Rhoda V Young
Alan K and Jan L Young
Diana Young
Scott Zimmerman
James T and Joyce Zufelt
Action Transmission
Allen’s Camera
Allied Waste Services
American Family Insurance
American Land & Leisure
American Quilting
American Valuation Services, Inc
Angel Wings Foundation
ATK Foundation
Bajio Mexican Grill
Ball Investments, Inc
Bank of Utah
Barnes Banking Co
Belliston Family Foundation
Birrell Bottling Co
Blake L Matthews Dental Group
Bloomington Country Club
Buffo’s Termite & Pest Control, LLC
Callister Nebeker & McCullough
Capelli Institute of Hair
CasaBlanca Resort
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Center Street Musical Theatre
Certified Collision Repair
Cirris Systems Corporation
Claim Jumper Restaurant
CLAS Ropes Course
Cleggs Car Care
Clydeco Building Supplies
Comfort Inns & Suites
Conley Equipment Company, Inc
Cookies by Design
Cozy Closet
Cracker Barrel
Craig A Peterson Consulting, LLC
Crossroads Academy, Inc
Crystal Inn
Custom Power Products, Inc
Darrington Tree Experts
David Miller Construction, Inc
Daynes Music
DeKatos Literary Club
Democratic Women of Utah County
Deseret First Credit Union
Discount Tire Co
Dream Dinners
Dwight C & Lorna May Flickinger Family Foundation
Eaglewood Golf Course
East Mountain Dental
Elberta Water Co
Elite Grounds
Ferg’s Distributing
Fieldstone Homes Utah LLC
Firestone Auto Care
Gap Foundation Gift Match Program
Garden Furniture Mill
Garff Construction Corp
Gene Harvey Chevrolet Sales
Goldman, Sachs & Co Matching
Gift Program
Goldsmith Co Jewelers
Gunnies Sporting Goods
Western Wear
Hale Center Theater
Hall Educational Consulting, Inc
Hampton Inn & Suites - Orem
Hillside Tire & Auto
Hines Mansion
HobbyTown USA
Homestead Resort
Honest 1- Auto Care
Horrocks Engineers
Hospitality Association
Howe’s Therapeutic Massage
I M Home Furnishings
Ideal Image Laser Hair Removal
IHC Amerinet
Image Builder Security Gates
In Cahoots
Interform Graphics
J & B Excavating, Inc
Jiffy Lube
Journeys Adolescent Services, LLC
JT Entertainment
Kade’s Place, Inc
KCM Dental
Kevin Madson & Associates, Inc
Kids on the Move, Inc
Kneader’s Bakery
Knighton Vision
Kyco Services
LA Boxing
La Quinta Inn
La Quinta Orem
Layton Construction
Leikela, Inc
Linx Satellite, Inc
Lonestar Chiropractic Center
Los Hermanos Mexican
Restaurants, Inc
Mandalyn Academy
Marriott Courtyard St George
MAS Computer Recyclers, Inc
Midwest Electric, Inc
Milestone Marketing, Inc
Mirage Products
Missionary Mall
Mizuno USA
Mountain America Credit Union N Orem
Mountain America Federal
Credit Union
Mr E’s Sports Cards & Collectibles
Mulligan’s Golf & Games
MVP Sports, Inc
NBA D League - Utah Team
Orem Owlz
Outback Steakhouse
Parks Sportsman
Pat’s BBQ
Paul Mitchell The School
Phoenix DeVentures, Inc
Pinedale Auto Supply
Pinnacle Security Group
Ponderosa Oilfield Service, Inc
Premier Ford
Priddis Music
Provo Craft & Novelty Warehouse
Provo Rotary Club
Provo/Orem Chamber of Commerce
Ralph L Wadsworth Construction Company, Inc
RC Willey Home Furnishings-Orem
Real Salt Lake
Reams Family Foods
Relax the Back
Remedez Hair Spa
Robert N Porter DVM
Rocky Mountain Gas Association
Roman Catholic Diocese of
Salt Lake City
Ryan Brown Holdings, Inc
Sacramento Kings
Sags Shortstop
Scoreboard Sports
Second Nature-Cascades, Inc
Security/Metrics, Inc
Sight & Sound
Sons of Utah Pioneers Mountain Valley Chapter
SOS Staffing Services - Orem
Split Rock
Staker & Parson Companies
Stephen Hales Creative, Inc
Story Rock
Studio 210
Summit Creek Construction, LLC
Sunshine Greenhouse
Super 8 Motel
Tangible Express
Taylor’s Boat
Thanksgiving Point Gardens
The Andre Agassi Charitable Foundation
The Gunnell Family Foundation
The Inn at Entrada
The Links at Sleepy Ridge
The Mortgage Company
The Quarry
The Reserve at East Bay
The Torque Shop
Tin Cup Holdings, LLC
Tri-County Concrete
Tri-Phase Electric
Tschopp & Whitcomb, PA
Uinta Golf
United States Steel Foundation, Inc
University of Utah
Utah Grizzlies Hockey
Utah Humanities Council
Utah Olympic Park
Utah Symphony & Opera
Ute Car Wash
Vector Associates, LLC
W W Clyde & Co
Water World
Western Community Bank - Orem
Wing Enterprises, Inc
Wireless Giant
World Wide River Expeditions
Wright Family Trust
Young Living Essential Oils
For questions regarding giving opportunities, please contact the Utah Valley State College
Office of Institutional Advancement through one of the following:
other uvsc development officers:
Val Hale
Vice President of
Institutional Advancement
(801) 863-8568
Jack Jenks
Glenn O. Simmons
Director of Planned Giving
(801) 863-8824
Nancy L. Smith
Associate VP of Development
Director of Donor Relations
& Private Scholarships
Bill Bridges
Alan Cherry
Director of Major Gifts
Development Officer
(801) 863-8331
(801) 863-8094
(801) 863-8896
(801) 863-6479
Cristina Pianezzola
Jim Erickson
Director of Annual Giving
Development Officer
(801) 863-8204
(801) 863-7155
Ali Johnson
Development Officer
(801) 863-7575
Randy Beckham
Assistant Dean of Advancement,
Woodbury School of Business
(801) 863-8458
Barbara Hammond
Assistant Dean of Advancement,
School of Humanities, Arts,
& Social Science
(801) 863-6246
Louise Illes
Assistant Dean
School of Science and Health
(801) 863-6040
Brad Mertz
Assistant Athletic Director
External Relations
(801) 863-5112
Don Savage
Assistant Dean for Advancement,
School of Technology
and Computing
(801) 863-8629
For more information about Utah Valley University
visit uvu.edu.