rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User`s Guide


rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User`s Guide
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
Installation and User’s Guide
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Product Specifics ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Software Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 4
Before you begin ................................................................................................................................... 4
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL options to be reviewed prior to installing rsLink .......................................... 5
Microsoft Dynamics ™ RMS options to be reviewed ............................................................................ 5
Overview of rsLink transaction ..................................................................................................................... 6
A “Day in the Life” of an rsLink Purchase Order, Sales Order or Inventory Transfer transaction. ....... 6
A “Day in the Life” of a Customer, Vendor or Inventory transaction. .................................................. 6
Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS Reports from PartnerSource/CustomerSource ........................................ 6
rsLink Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Installing rsLink...................................................................................................................................... 8
Completing the rsLink Setup. .............................................................................................................. 12
Setup Options in Microsoft Dynamics™ SL ................................................................................................. 13
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Accounts Payable Setup Considerations .................................................... 13
Customer PO Receipt Matching Report .............................................................................................. 14
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Customer Setup Considerations ................................................................. 14
Handling Sales Tax for Each Store ....................................................................................................... 15
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Inventory Setup Considerations ................................................................. 15
Setup Options for rsLink.............................................................................................................................. 19
Connection tab .................................................................................................................................... 19
Registration tab:.................................................................................................................................. 21
Setup Tab: ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Setup – Shippers Tab........................................................................................................................... 24
Setup – Stores ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Custom Mapping ................................................................................................................................. 27
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Maintenance Tab ................................................................................................................................ 28
Running rsLink ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Attachment I - Screen Shots of Transaction Examples ............................................................................... 30
Attachment II - Trouble Shooting Section................................................................................................... 36
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Product Specifics
These instructions should only be implemented by users or resellers who are skilled in implementing
Microsoft Dynamics ™ SL and Microsoft Dynamics ™ RMS. Microsoft Dynamics is a trademark of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Software Requirements
Please note these are requirements/recommendations for rsLink – certain versions of Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL and RMS have their own specific requirements.
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
6.0 & 6.5 SP1
Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS
1.2, 1.3, 2.0
Microsoft SQL Server
2000 SP 3a, SP4, 2005
Server OS
Server 2003
Client OS
Before you begin
Before installing rsLink, you should make sure you have a complete backup of your Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL application software and corresponding databases. rsLink will add customizations to
03.270.00 – AP Vendor Maintenance and 10.250.00 – IN Inventory Items. Backup any customizations
you may have on these screens. You should also make a complete backup of your Microsoft Dynamics™
RMS Headquarters database.
Before proceeding you will need to determine the location of your Microsoft Dynamics™ SL software
installation. The rsLink setup wizard will attempt to search for the installation path and will allow you to
modify this information if necessary. You need to determine where you will run rsLink once it is
installed. It needs to be on a PC that has Microsoft Dynamics™ SL installed but not running.
The rsLink installation will need to know the following information:
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Application and System Database names.
Microsoft SQL Server name containing the Microsoft Dynamics™ SL databases.
Microsoft SQL Server ‘sa’ user password for the server containing the Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS Headquarters database name.
Microsoft SQL Server name containing the Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS Headquarters database.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Microsoft SQL Server ‘sa’ user password for the server containing the Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS
Headquarters database.
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL company id, user and password with the appropriate access rights.
Depending on which options you choose the SL user will need access to Inventory, Order
Management, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Purchase Order.
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL options to be reviewed prior to installing rsLink
There are a number of setup options to be considered for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL when using rsLink.
They are:
Will Vendors be transferred from Microsoft Dynamics™ SL to Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS?
Will Customers be transferred from Microsoft Dynamics™ SL to Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS or will
they be transferred from Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS to Microsoft Dynamics™ SL?
Will Sales Tax need to be transferred from Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS POS transactions to Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL Order Management shippers?
Will Inventory Items be pushed from Microsoft Dynamics™ SL to Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS? Only
items designated as Standard or Average cost will be copied to Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS.
If you are transferring Purchase Orders and or Sales Orders (Shippers) you will need to setup a
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Site for each store. The PO receipts will be received to this site and the
Order Management Shipper will be generated against this site. You will also need to make sure the
Inventory Site record for each item is created. The Inventory Site record will be created (if one does
not exist) in Microsoft Dynamics ™ SL once a receipt has been done, or some type of Inventory
transaction has occurred for the item/site.
If you are not integrating rsLink with Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Purchasing, Inventory, and/or Sales
Orders, rsLink will provide the option to post AP vouchers to specific Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
Accounts Payable accounts and sub accounts for each store. If you do not choose to do this the
default accounts will be used.
Once you have completed the rsLink installation, you will need to perform various setup options in both
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL and rsLink. See the section labeled Setup Options in Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
and Setup Options in rsLink for more detailed information.
Microsoft Dynamics ™ RMS options to be reviewed
If you are doing Inter-Store transfers, rsLink will update Microsoft Dynamics™ SL when the transfer
has been issued from the sending store and received at the receiving store. You may want to review
the settings in Headquarters Manager to enable the Automatic creation of inter-store issue and
receive inventory orders.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
rsLink will transfer items to Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS as a standard item type. You can use the
Custom Mapping process in rsLink to transfer the standard, average cost, or last cost from Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL.
Overview of rsLink transaction
A “Day in the Life” of an rsLink Purchase Order, Sales Order or Inventory
Transfer transaction.
A purchase Order, POS sales transaction or inventory transfer is created in a store. The
Worksheet 401 is processed manually or automatically based on the HQ/Store schedule. The
RMS transaction is transferred to HQ. At this point, rsLink knows to pick up the purchase order,
PO receipt, sales order or inventory transfer and rsLink will process based on the rsLink setups
and schedule. rsLink pulls transactions from the HQ tables only. Store transactions that have
not yet updated HQ will not be picked up in rsLink or transferred to Dynamics SL until they do.
Note: Once rsLink uploads a Purchase Order from Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS to Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL only changes to existing lines items will be transferred to Microsoft Dynamics™
SL. If you add an item to the Purchase Order in Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS, rsLink does not
transfer the item to the PO in Microsoft Dynamics™ SL. Changes to quantities will be
A “Day in the Life” of a Customer, Vendor or Inventory transaction.
When a customer, vendor or inventory Item is created or updated from Dynamics SL, rsLink
creates a RMS record in the HQ tables and creates HQ Worksheets for Inventory/items and
Vendor/Suppliers (if selected in the setup table). When the manual or scheduled 401 worksheet
is run, the rsLink worksheets and automated HQ worksheets will process. The following are the
HQ worksheets created by rsLink.
Inventory/Items – Worksheet 260 (Please contact SSYH if you would prefer worksheet 250).
Vendors/Suppliers – Worksheet 206
For Customers, a Worksheet is not created since the 401 worksheet will update the Global customer
information to the stores.
For customers created in RMS, rsLink will pick up the information and populate the Dynamics SL
Customer tables.
Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS Reports from PartnerSource/CustomerSource
There are some helpful Inter-Store Inventory Transfer List reports available from the Microsoft
support web-site. Go to the site and select Downloads & Updates>Reports Library>Microsoft
Business Solutions – Retail Management System>Microsoft Retail Management
System>Headquarters Modified Reports. There are a number of reports pertaining to Inventory.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
rsLink Installation
Installing rsLink
If you have Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS already setup in a production environment, all HQ transactions
need to be processed from and to the store prior to installing rsLink.
Before installation, please close out all current
applications running on your desktop. Using the rsLink
install shield provided by SSYH or your Partner, launch
the setup.exe application file and follow the instructions
on the screen.
1. Select Next>
2. Please review the license agreement and
choose accept or do not accept then
Select Next>
3. If you accepted the license agreement, the
following screen will appear. Select the
default install location or change the
location to where you wish to install rsLink.
The product should be installed in the
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL location. Select
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
4. Enter the MS SQL Server Name
and sa password where you
would like to install rsLink. Select
5. Enter the Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
system database to install rsLink.
Select Next>
6. Enter the Microsoft Dynamics™
SL application database. Select
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
7. Enter the name of your Microsoft
Dynamics™ RMS server and ‘sa’
password. Select Next>
8. Enter the name of your Microsoft
Dynamics™ RMS HQ Database.
Select Next>
9. Enter the company id that will
be used in Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL for Microsoft
Dynamics™ RMS transactions.
Enter a User ID and Password
that has appropriate access
rights for updating Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL with Microsoft
Dynamics™ RMS transactions.
Select Next>
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
10. Select Install to begin the
installation or select Back to change
a setting.
11. . Select Finish to exit the Install Shield.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Completing the rsLink Setup.
rsLink includes customizations to several Microsoft Dynamics™ SL screens including AP Vendor
Maintenance (03.270.00) and Inventory Items (10.250.00).
Note: Prior to importing customizations, make sure you have a backup of any customizations you may
have on these screens.
To import the customizations, from the Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Menu Bar select Customize>Import
Customizations and navigate to SL\SSYH\rsLink\Customizations. Highlight the .cst files under file name
and click the select button to add to the Import List.
Note: If you have existing customizations on these screens, select the Options button and select Merge
for conflict resolution.
Click the Begin Processing button to
import the customizations.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Setup Options in Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Accounts Payable Setup Considerations
If you plan to integrate Accounts
Payable (Vendors) and Purchasing,
Vendors must be setup in Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL and “pushed” to
Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS. For
vendors to be pushed to Microsoft
Dynamics™ RMS, the “Link to RMS”
option must be checked. If you do
not want Vendors to be pushed to
Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS, the “Link
to RMS” option must be unchecked.
If a Company has purchased rsLink
with no integration to Purchasing,
Inventory and/or Sales Orders, the
Company can still post AP vouchers
to a specific General Ledger Accounts
Payable account and sub account for
each store. From the Vendor Master screen in Microsoft Dynamics™ SL, select the “RMS Link” button to
access the “rsLink Vendor Mapping Maintenance” screen.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Please note: This screen is valid only if the Company is using Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS Purchasing and
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Accounts Payable Only. For a transaction example, please refer to Attachment I
- 5. Microsoft Dynamics RMS PO Receipts  SL AP Invoice. If the Company is using Microsoft
Dynamics™ RMS Purchasing and Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Purchase Orders, the standard Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL GL posting logic will apply. For a transaction example on Purchase Orders, please refer to
Attachment I – 4. Microsoft Dynamics RMS PO & Receipts -> SL PO & Receipt.
Select or enter the Store ID. If you currently own Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Inventory, by pressing F3 on
the “Store/Site ID” field, you can select the Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Site/Store ID from the Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL Site table. Please note: you must first setup these Sites/Stores. Please refer to the
Section Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Inventory Setup Considerations subsection “Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
Inventory Sites/Stores”. If you do not own Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Inventory, simply type in the
Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS Store ID. Once you have selected the store ID, you can then select the
appropriate GL AP Account and Sub account for the each store.
If you are not integrating Inventory, Purchasing and/or Sales Orders, please skip to select “Setup Options
for rsLink”.
Customer PO Receipt Matching Report
A report has been included with rsLink that can be used in Microsoft Dynamics™ SL to help with
matching PO Receipts. The report is not automatically installed in the Microsoft Dynamics™ SL. The
report is called pomatching.rpt and is installed to the SSYH/rsLink folder.
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Customer Setup Considerations
Customers entered in Microsoft
Dynamics™ RMS must be setup as
Global in order for them to be
transferred to Microsoft Dynamics™ SL.
Customers entered in Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL will be designated as
Global when they are transferred to
Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS. For “Cash
Customer” Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS
orders, a default Cash Customer must
be setup in Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
Customer Maintenance Screen (for
integration with Microsoft Dynamics™
SL OM and AR). Anytime a Microsoft
Dynamics™ RMS Sales Order is created
without selecting a Microsoft
Dynamics™ RMS Customer, rsLink will process the sales transactions using the Cash Customer ID. You
will also select this ID in the rsLink Setup options later in this manual.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Handling Sales Tax for Each Store
In order to post
sales tax from a
Dynamics™ RMS
Sales Order to a
Dynamics™ SL
Shipper and to
avoid rounding
between the two systems, a miscellaneous Charges ID is used for sales tax charges. The standard Sales
Tax functionality for shippers will not be used. For each store, a Misc Id must be setup and assigned the
appropriate sales tax account and sub account. Do not select the “Taxable” option or double charges
may occur. Miscellaneous Charges in Microsoft Dynamics ™ SL is found in the Order Management
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Inventory Setup Considerations
If you plan to integrate Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Purchasing or Sales Orders, Inventory must be setup in
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL and “pushed” to Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS.
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Sites/Stores
A Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Site must
be created for each RMS stored id.
The SL site Id does not have to be
the same as the store id. A cross
reference will be setup in rsLink.
See the Setup Options for rsLink
section for setting up stores.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Inventory Item Setup
A default Inventory ID must be setup in Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL. This is needed for several reasons.
First, when rsLink is setup to validate Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL Inventory IDs and the
Inventory ID doesn’t exist, rsLink will use
ID to process the sales order transaction. Second, when rsLink is setup not to validate Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL Inventory IDs, this Inventory ID will be used in place of all Inventory Items whether the
Inventory Item exists in Microsoft Dynamics™ SL or not. This will be used primarily if companies do not
want to track Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS items in Microsoft Dynamics™ SL but would like to create
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Purchase Orders or Sales Orders.
For Inventory Items to be pushed to Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS, the check box “Link to RMS” option
must be checked. If you do not want to push Inventory Items from Microsoft Dynamics™ SL to Microsoft
Dynamics™ RMS, the “Link to RMS” option must be unchecked. Setup the Item Defaults to reflect the
Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS store Id. This is needed in order to process receipts and shippers. All receipts
will be processed against the Site Id for the store and the default bin location setup in rsLink. All shippers
will be processed against the Site Id for the store and the default picking bin setup in rsLink.
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
Inventory Sites/Stores
In order to process Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL OM Shippers
and PO receipts you may need
to setup the SiteId (Microsoft
Dynamics™ RMS Store ID) in
the Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
Inventory Sites screen. The
Inventory Site record will be
created (if one does not exist)
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
in Microsoft Dynamics ™ SL once a receipt has been done, or some type of Inventory transaction has
occurred for the item/site.
Insure that the inventory ID for the proper site is created in Solomon with appropriate default Bin
locations. The standard Microsoft Dynamics™ SL rules for Site IDs and Bin Locations will apply to the
setup and linking of Purchase Orders and Sales Orders. Inventory Items must be setup with a proper
Default Site ID and Default Picking Bin Location.
If the Warehouse Bin Location Validation in Solomon’s Inventory setup is set to Validate Location and if
rsLink attempts to create a Purchase Order Receipt an OM Shipper, an Error Code 101 could occur. This
is a result of an inventory item that has a default other then the Site Id/Store Id that the item is coming
from and or if a default Warehouse bin is not setup for the Site. Insure that the appropriate defaults are
setup in inventory.
Reference to Solomon Help under: Warehouse Location Validation
The warehouse profiles you define in the Inventory module control the warehouses/locations you are
permitted to enter in data entry screens throughout the Solomon Inventory, Purchasing, Order
Management, and Bill of Material modules. These profiles include the types of item(s) that can be stored
at inventory locations, the transactions that can be performed at these locations (receipts, sales, and
assemblies), and whether or not the items at these locations should be included in quantity available
If you want to use multiple warehouses, you should select this option on the Options tab of IN Setup
(10.950.00). Then you need to define the validation level you want to require for warehouse locations.
There are three options:
1. Validate Location -- A warehouse/location must be set up using Warehouse Bin Locations
(10.340.00) before Solomon recognizes it as a valid inventory location and uses it in
2. No Validation and Add to Table -- A warehouse/location does not have to be set up before
Solomon recognizes it as valid and
uses it in transactions. Solomon
adds all new warehouse/location
to the database automatically.
3. Warning But Add to Table -- A
warehouse/location does not have
to be set up before Solomon
recognizes it as valid. However,
Solomon prompts you with a
message before adding new
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
inventory locations to the database.
Also note that Solomon validates locations by site ID, location ID, inventory ID, and transaction type.
Inventory ID and transaction type validation makes it easier for you to handle cases such as these:
Location V is a picking location where items are picked for orders, but not received.
Location W is a reserve stock location where items are received, but not sold.
Location X is a chemical storage tank where only item A can be stored.
Location Y is a staging area that can store a variety of items.
Location Z is a quality-control area where customer returns are stored; these items cannot be
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Setup Options for rsLink
1.Launch rsLink by either clicking on
the desktop rsLink icon or selecting
rsLink>Launch rsLink
2. Click the Setup Button.
Connection tab
The information on this
screen is entered during the
rsLink install process. You
can make changes to these
options after the initial
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Solomon Connection:
Server Name:
SL SQL Server Name.
Application Database Name:
SL Application Database Name
System Database Name:
SL System Database Name
SQL User
Should be the SQL ‘sa’ user id
SQL Password
sa’ password
SL Cpny ID
SL Company id that will be used with RMS.
SL User ID
SL User id with appropriate access rights
SL User Password
SL User password
RMS Head Quarters Connection:
Server Name:
RMS SQL Server Name.
Database Name:
RMS HQ Database Name.
SQL User
RMS ‘sa’ user id
SQL Password
RMS ‘sa’ password
Recycle Every:
This number depends on how often you want rsLink to run. To have
rsLink run automatically once this option is set, click the Run Link
icon. You will see the current time displayed along with the Next
Update time. The Next Update time is when rsLink will run. Do not
have Microsoft Dynamics™SL open when rsLink is running.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Registration tab:
Company Id:
Enter your SL Company ID that has been assigned by Microsoft. You can find this in
the Utility>Registration Customer tab application in SL.
Enter the rsLink registration key provided by SSYH.
After you enter the SL Company Id and Registration Key, click Save.
Click the Verify button to check to make sure the information entered is correct. You
will be allowed to save invalid information (you will receive a failed verification) but
when you try and run rsLink you will encounter errors.
Exit this tab and return to the main rsLink menu.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Setup Tab:
Active Links:
Check this to option to have SL vendors update RMS.
Inventory Master Records
Check this option to have SL Inventory Items update RMS.
Check this option to have customers update RMS or SL. This will depend on
the setting under Customer Setup.
Purchase Orders
Check this option to have RMS Purchase Orders and Receipts update SL
Purchase Orders and Receipts.
AP Vouchers
Check this option if you want RMS to create SL AP Vouchers based on RMS
receipts. NOTE: You cannot check this option if you have checked Purchase
Orders. This is only used if you do not use Dynamics SL Purchasing.
Check this option to have RMS POS Transactions create SL Shippers.
RMS Transfers In/Out
Check this option to have RMS Inventory Transfers create SL Inventory
Customer Setup
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Note: Customers setup in Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS need to be global/enterprise customers in order to
transfer to Microsoft Dynamics™ SL.
Choose one of the following options:
(Not Selected) – New customers will not be created between RMS and SL.
Solomon  RMS – This option indicates that new customers entered in RMS will be
created in Solomon.
RMS  Solomon – This option indicates that new customers entered in SL will be created
in RMS.
Choose one of the following options:
(Not Selected) – Updates to customers will not be reflected in RMS or SL.
Solomon  RMS – This option indicates that changes to customers in RMS will be
reflected in SL.
RMS  Solomon – This option indicates that changes to customers in SL will be reflected
in RMS.
AP Voucher Setup
Use Custom
Mapping For
Based on
This option is only valid if you are not using Dynamics SL Purchasing.
Check this option if you want to use different AP Accounts in SL based on the RMS
Store Id. These accounts are entered in SL Vendor Maintenance>RMS Link.
If you leave this option unchecked, the default AP accounts will be used when
creating AP Vouchers.
Inventory Setup
Check this option if you want the Inventory Id entered in an RMS transaction (PO, POS),
to be transferred to SL.
This ID will be used if you have the Validate Inventory Id’s unchecked. When you transfer
RMS transactions (PO,POS) to SL, this ID will be used for all transactions. This ID will also
Uncheck this option if you do not want the Inventory ID entered in an RMS transaction
(PO,POS) to transferred to SL. The Default Inventory Id (See below) will be used.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
be used if you have the Validate Inventory Id’s checked and one can’t be found when
transferring RMS transactions to SL.
Enter an SL Inventory Id. Click the button to the right of the field for a list of items.
Enter the Default Bin location for Inventory purposes. This Bin location will be used for all
SL Inventory transactions received from RMS. This bin must be setup as the default put
away bin for the RMS store site id in SL.
Setup – Shippers Tab
Default Cash
Customer Id:
Enter an SL Customer ID that will be used when a customer is not entered
during a POS transaction. Click the button to the right of the field to select
from a list. There is an option for returning a blank. This is used for the initial
install and should not be selected.
Default Customer Id:
Enter an SL Customer ID that will be used when an invalid customer is found
during the rsLink update to Microsoft Dynamics™ SL. There is an option for
returning a blank. This is used for the initial install and should not be selected.
Sales Order Type:
Enter an SL Order Type that will be used to create Shippers from POS
transactions. Click the button to the right of the field to select from a list.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
There is an option for returning a blank. This is used for the initial install and
should not be selected.
Default Project:
Enter an SL Project ID that will be used to create Shippers from POS
transactions. This will only apply if Project Controller is installed. Click the
button to the right of the field to select from a list. There is an option for
returning a blank. This is used for the initial install and should not be selected.
Default Task:
Enter an SL Task ID that will be used to create Shippers from POS
transactions. This will only apply if Project Controller is installed. Click the
button to the right of the field to select from a list. There is an option for
returning a blank. This is used for the initial install and should not be selected.
Default Ship Via
Enter an SL Ship Via code that will be used to create Shippers from POS
transactions. Click the button to the right of the field to select from a list.
There is an option for returning a blank. This is used for the initial install and
should not be selected.
Payment Types:
RMS Tender Code
Enter the RMS tender code. Press F3 or double click on the cell for a possible
value lookup.
RMS Tender
Enter the RMS tender description.
SL Payment Type ID
Enter the corresponding payment type to cross reference in SL. Press F3 or
double click on the cell for a possible value lookup.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Setup – Stores
RMS Store ID
Enter the RMS Store Id. Include any leading zeros. Press F3 or double click on the cell
for a possible value lookup.
SL Inventory
Site ID
Enter the corresponding SL Site ID. Press F3 or double click on the cell for a possible
value lookup. The site id does not need to be the same as the RMS store id.
Create WS for
Check this option to have rsLink automatically create the worksheets needed to
update Vendor Information. Leave this option unchecked if you plan on creating the
worksheets manually.
Create WS for
Check this option to have rsLink automatically create the worksheets needed to
update Inventory Information. Leave this option unchecked if you plan on creating the
worksheets manually.
Sales Tax Id
Enter the Sales Tax Id for the store. This tax id must be setup as a Miscellaneous
Charge in SL. See earlier section Handling Sales Tax for Each Store.
Select A to make the store Active, I to make the store Inactive.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Custom Mapping
Use this screen to setup mapping fields between SL and RMS. Extreme care should be taken when
adding additional fields. You must know the corresponding fields between RMS and SL. Field types must
be the same between the two systems. Also fields with a Pick list/Possible Values type should not be
Link By Table
Show All custom mapping fields
Solomon Vendors
Show custom mapping for SL Vendors
Solomon Customers
Show custom mapping for SL Customers
RMS Customers
Show custom mapping for RMS Customers
Solomon Inventory
Show custom mapping for SL Inventory
RMS Receipt Detail
Show custom mapping for RMS Receipt Detail
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Maintenance Tab
Use this screen to view various table data. Highlight the table to view and click Show Pending Records.
You are then given the choice to view Not Processed, Processed, or Skipped records.
This will display data that has not been processed in RMS or SL (depending on the
table selected).
This will display the data that has been processed in RMS or SL (depending on the
table selected).
This will display data that has been skipped and will not be processed.
Clear Holding
Click this button to clear the RMS Customer, SL Customer and SL Inventory Links.
Extreme care should be used when selecting this option. You will be prompted to
continue. Once you clear the data from the tables, you will not be able to process the
information that was removed. For audit trail purposes, we recommend entering an
“S” for skip in the status field (instead of deleting the records) for records you do not
want to process.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Running rsLink
To run rsLink, click on the Run Link Button on
the main rsLink screen.
Click the start button to start
rsLink manually. To run rsLink at a
set interval, leave rsLink running
on this screen. The rsLink
Processor will run automatically
based on the schedule setup on
the Connection Tab. As
transactions are processed
messages will display on the
screen. Use the Event Viewer to
view the messages. Remember
when running rsLink do not have
Microsoft Dynamics ™ SL open.
Event Viewer
Use this screen to view messages that are
generated. Click the time period you wish to
view or enter a from/to date to view a specific
date or range of dates.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Attachment I - Screen Shots of Transaction Examples
1. Microsoft Dynamics SL Vendors  RMS Suppliers
2. Microsoft Dynamics SL Customers  RMS Customers
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
3. Microsoft Dynamics SL Inventory Items  RMS Items
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
4. Microsoft Dynamics RMS PO & Receipts  SL PO & Receipts
Note: Once rsLink uploads a Purchase Order from Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS to Microsoft Dynamics™ SL
only changes to existing lines items will be transferred to Microsoft Dynamics™ SL. If you add an item to
the Purchase Order in Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS, rsLink does not transfer the item to the PO in
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL. Changes to quantities will be transferred.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
5. Microsoft Dynamics RMS PO Receipts  SL AP Invoice
6. Microsoft Dynamics RMS Sales Orders  SL Sales Order Management (Example 1)
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
7. Microsoft Dynamics RMS Sales Orders  SL Sales Order Management (Example 2)
8. Microsoft Dynamics RMS Sales Orders  SL OM  SL Accts Receivable (order will eventually end up in SL
AR with normal SL Sales Order processing)
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
9. Microsoft Dynamics RMS (partial) InterStore Transfer  SL Inventory Adjustment
Example: Created an Interstore Transfer out of
store 1 to store 2. A Transfer Out for 1 Apple and 2
RMS-INV1 was created. Issued 1 Apple and 1 RMSINV1. A Dynamics SL Adjustment was created to
reduce 1 Apple and 1 RMS-INV1 from Store/Site 1.
When the remaining RMS-INV1 is issued, another
Dynamics SL Adjustment will be created for another
reduction of 1 RMS-INV1 from Store/Site 1.
Please note: Until Store 2 receives the items,
there will be an appearance that they do not
exist in Inventory. To obtain this
information, please run the Inventory
Movement report in RMS HQ Manger. SSYH
plans to add an interstore site feature in a
later release. When added, an
Interstore/Site ID will be updated with the
intransit quantities. Once Store 2 receives
the items, the quantities will be transferred
from the interstore/Site ID to Store 2. This
feature will be added based on the volume of
customer request.
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Store 2 Receives the partial order for 1 Apple and 1
RMS-INV1. A Dynamics SL Inventory Adjustment is
created to increase the quantities in Store/Site 2
Regular Transfer Outs and Transfer Ins create the
same Dynamics SL Inventory Adjustment. For
example, if Store 1 transfers out 2 apples, a
Dynamics SL Inventory Adjustment screen to reduce
2 apples from Store 1 is created.
Interstore Transfers originated out of the
Headquarters module will work the same as if they
originated out of the Store.
Please note:
We do not support manual changes to the RMS Item quantity field. A Transfer In or Transfer Out must be
Since RMS Transfers update the Dynamics SL Adjustment screen, we do not support shipping charges on
Transfers. Shipping charges for Sales Orders and Purchase Orders are supported.
A Dynamics SL Adjustment will only be created if a Transfer Out or In is issued or received or the status in
the RMS Purchase Order SQL table is 1 or 2.
Attachment II - Trouble Shooting Section
POS Sales Transactions
Since Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Order Management, Inventory and Purchasing are extremely flexible;
there are many situations that can cause warnings and errors to appear during the rsLink Run Process
function based on your Microsoft Dynamics SL setup. Each company may want to treat these warnings
differently. A SQL table, xrsErrorControl, stored in the Dynamics SL application database, was created
to manage possible POS Sales Order/Shipper transactions errors or warnings during the rsLink Run
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Processes. SSYH is using the Microsoft Dynamics SL objects to post POS sales transactions to the
Dynamics SL Shipper screen. During this process, many fields for the Shippers and Inventory records
are validated. You can control these flags using this table. These error messages will come standard
with installation and can be edited or new error/warning messages with desired “Actions” can be added
manually to this table. Warning: This is not intended to be used by a novice user. This is for the
experienced administrator or Dynamics SL Partner. Please contact SSYH for “Administrator” training.
Section: SHP (shippers), currently this applies only to shippers.
ErrNum_SOL: Solomon’s Error Number
ErrNum_SYS: System Error, (this is a non-Solomon error )
Descr: Internal reference use only.
Msg: If the error is logged the program will record the actual error message. The MSG field will be
appended to the actual error description in case you want to give the user more information such as ,
“refer to page 5 in the user’s guide.”
Action: Determines what to do if the error occurs.
RN=Resume and no logging, RL=Resume and log, AB=Abort Batch, AL=abort line (note: any aborts will
always produce a record in the log)
Error Code 101
If the Warehouse Bin Location Validation in Solomon’s Inventory setup is set to Validate Location and if
rsLink attempts to create a Purchase Order Receipt, or an OM Shipper, an Error Code 101 could occur.
This is a result of an inventory item that has a default other then the Site Id/Store Id that the item is
coming from and or if a default Warehouse bin is not setup for the Site. Insure that the appropriate
defaults are setup in inventory.
Customer not transferred from Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS to Microsoft Dynamics™ SL.
Check to make sure the customer is set as global/enterprise customer in the Store Operations Manager.
You can also check the New customers default as global customers option in Store Operations
Manager>Configuration>Options>Customer Options.
Error 15378: The Quantity Shipped is more than what is in stock for Inventory Item ‘item number’.
Error 15429: There is not enough quantity on hand in this Warehouse Bin Location for this item.
There are three ways to fix this issue. The first is to make sure you have enough stock for the item in
Microsoft Dynamics™ SL . When rsLink is run again, the order will process. The second option is to let
the order get created in Microsoft Dynamics ™ SL and the system will not release/process the order until
there is enough Inventory. Do this by setting an option in the xrsErrorControl table. See the section
above, POS Sales Transaction, on how to enter this information. The third option is to set Allow Negative
Quantities in the Microsoft Dynamics™ SL IN Setup screen.
rsLink for Microsoft Dynamics™ SL Installation and User’s Guide
Shipping record not found. If an RMS POS sales transaction has shipping charges without a Carrier
selected, RMS does not create a shipping record in the SQL tables causing the actual payment record
to be more than the invoice total.
You will have to mark the rsLink transaction as skipped and manually enter this transaction in Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL. To mark the record as skipped click the Setup button on the rsLink screen, click the
Maintenance tab, and then select the Shippers:RMS in the By Table field. Click Show Pending Records.
You will need to change the status for the record in this screen to S and then click Save. This will skip the
record from being processed.
15395: The Payment total cannot be greater than the invoice total.
This has been identified as a bug in Microsoft Dynamics™ SL version 6.5 SP1. If you encounter this error
you will need to mark the rsLink transaction as skipped and manually enter this transaction in Microsoft
Dynamics™ SL. To mark the record as skipped click the Setup button on the rsLink screen, click the
Maintenance tab, and then select the Shippers:RMS in the By Table field. Click Show Pending Records.
You will need to change the status for the record in this screen to S and then click Save. This will skip the
record from being processed.
Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS Item entered at the store level.
If you enter an item at the store level (not in HQ), rsLink will use the Default Item from the rsLink Setup
tab, Default Inventory Id.
You add a new item to an existing Purchase Order in Microsoft Dynamics™ RMS and it did not transfer
to the Purchase Order in Microsoft Dynamics™ SL.
Only changes to existing line items on the Purchase Order will be transferred to Microsoft Dynamics™
SL. If you need to add a new line item you will need to create another Purchase Order.