NC TEACH Information Session_LEA_IHE meeting


NC TEACH Information Session_LEA_IHE meeting
 h#p://­‐teach Alison Winzeler, NC TEACH Director [email protected] Objectives:
•  To describe the NC TEACH program, including the coursework, the schedule, and the cost. •  To answer ques>ons regarding the NC TEACH program and make a connec>on if you have a teachers who need to get started this summer.
•  Began in 2004
•  Cohort of 24 teachers
•  Only Science,
English, Social
•  Other subjects were
added later
NC TEACH Subject Areas
18 hours of coursework
•  Social Studies
•  English
•  Math
•  Science
•  Social Studies •  Spanish
•  Language Arts •  French
•  Math
•  Chinese
•  Science
Coursework and Schedule
1-­‐ Spring 2014: Class is held one night per week ECI 471 – Educa>on Psychology ECI 472 – Classroom Management and Instruc>on 2-­‐ Fall 2014: Class is held one night per week and one Saturday per month ECI 473 – Subject Specific Methods ECI 474 – Curriculum and Instruc>on Prac>ces I 3-­‐ Spring 2015: Class is held one night per week and one Saturday per month ECI 475 – Peer Mentoring in Alterna>ve Licensure ECI 476 – Curriculum and Instruc>on Prac>ces II Other Lateral Entry Options
•  Business Marketing Education
Cheryl Caddell, [email protected]
12 hours
Specifically designed for Lateral Entry teachers currently in the classroom.
Delivered entirely online and through field experiences
Agricultural Education
(LEAP program)
21 hours delivered online
Requires application
Contact person:
Meg Smigielska, [email protected]
Two Start Options
or Summer
Application Due Dates:
November 1 (Spring Start)
March 15 (Summer Start)
A Teaching Position
1.  Applicants do not need to have a teaching job to be eligible for NC TEACH 2.  A successful internship or experience is required to be recommended for licensure: •  One year of successful teaching in a public school before •  A semester of student teaching aNer you have completed the NC TEACH coursework and their Plan of Study •  Night classes at Athens Drive High School •  6:30-­‐9:00 •  One night a week during the school year •  In summer, classes are held every night Class Schedule
•  Super Saturdays are one Saturday per month (Fall and Spring semesters) •  The Super Saturday are professional development in nature •  Offer topics such as Working with Parents, Differen>a>ng Instruc>on, and Coopera>ve Learning Affordable
Distance Educa>on rates: Courses are ½ the cost of regular tui>on Delivery Method
Face-­‐to-­‐face instruc>on taught by experienced classroom teachers Cohort Model
Designed to support Lateral Entry teachers Support, engage, challenge one another Questions?
Alison Winzeler
[email protected]