
2015 - 2016
Calvary Baptist Church
1405 Bolling Road, P. O. Box 383
Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870
252-537-9828 [email protected]
Dear AWANA Parents:
We are delighted that your child(ren) will be
joining our AWANA Mission Club at Calvary Baptist Church! The name AWANA
is an acrostic which stands for: Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. It’s
taken from the Bible passage found in II Timothy 2:15. You will find that
AWANA provides a special place for preschoolers, children and youth to make
new friends, play exciting games, have opportunities to learn and memorize
God’s Word, learn to apply that scripture to their life by becoming involved in
missions, and receive awards as encouragement for their efforts.
Awana helps churches and parents work together to develop spiritually strong
children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Our programs offer a
proven approach for evangelizing and discipling kids in the church and community. As a ministry leader for over 60 years, Awana is making an impact. A recent
national survey found Awana to be as important to our alumni's spiritual foundation as all other church activities combined. Among alumni who participated in
our programs for at least six years, 92.7 percent still attend church at least
weekly as adults! Each week, more than 1.5 million kids ages 2 to 18 participate
in Awana. Over 12,000 churches in the U.S. and nearly 13,000 internationally
run Awana programs that change young lives through biblical truth.
The success of your clubber’s AWANA year depends greatly on the involvement
of you, the parent. Here are some ideas to get you thinking about ways to help
your child have a super club year:
Help your clubber pass 2 sections each week, working to help him or her
understand and apply each memory verse. Initial each section that
your child completes before he shows it to his teachers.
Read every flyer brought home by your child…they are important!
Volunteer to be an AWANA listener—we need help listening to all the
sections the children have worked so hard to prepare each week.
Attend special events in which your child is involved.
Encourage your child in their efforts. Help them to understand the
importance of memorizing scripture and in becoming involved
in mission activity.
Our desire is that AWANA at Calvary Baptist Church continue to be a
growing experience for each child and adult.
In His Service,
Randy Martin, Pastor
C.H. Powell & Justin Fender, Awana Co-Commanders
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* All children, infants through grade 6, must be checked in and out by an adult. Check-in/
check-out forms for preschoolers are located in the preschool department and check-in/
check-out forms for Kindergarten—Grade 6 are located in the fellowship hall. Grades 7—
12 can sign themselves in and out. They will be released to leave the church only after permission is given to them by an adult Awana leader.
* Parents must completely fill out and sign an Awana Registration Form. Additional permission forms will need to be signed in order for your child to leave the church grounds
for any activities or trips. You will receive information and a permission form prior to the
event. If a child does not have transportation and must ride the church van either a
parent or guardian must come to the church to fill out a permission form for van
transportation at the beginning of each church year (September—August) prior to the
first time a child rides the van. If it is not possible for you to attend the first
Awana meeting that your child attends you may stop by the church office Monday—
Friday, 8:30 a.m.—4 p.m. Children that do not have a current signed permission form
will not be allowed to ride the vans to protect our van drivers and adult riders.
* All clubbers should bring their Bibles and handbooks to club meetings. We will use them.
* Dues of 50 cents will be collected each week. Dues help pay the cost of awards, etc.
and also teaches students to give willingly, with a cheerful heart, to the Lord.
* Your child will be receiving a very simple snack consisting of cookies and water. A more
elaborate snack will be served only on special occasions. Please be sure that you list any
food allergies on your child’s registration form.
* We require that each child, teen and adult wear tennis shoes and shorts or pants that
may help protect them from injuries during game time. (Please see dress code.)
* All AWANA leaders and staff must be respected and obeyed. All clubbers are expected
to take part in the entire club program. (This includes Game Time.)
* When in hallways, clubbers are to walk without talking to and
from events. Due to safety concerns, there is to be no running except during game time.
* Handbooks are given to a clubber after the entrance booklet has
been completed. If handbooks are lost, clubbers must purchase a
replacement. The cost is $10.00 for each book.
* Please do not arrive at Club prior to 6:20 pm. Leaders use this
time to prepare their room for the night’s session.
* All students should be picked up by an adult at 8:00 pm. If group time is running a little
late please be patient and wait until the Commander has completed announcements and
prayed with the children before they are released.
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September 2015—August 2016 (Yellow Form must be turned in to the office.
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The word Discipline has the same root meaning as disciple, which means learner or follower. This root
meaning implies a leader-follower relationship in which the follower learns proper conduct. The purpose of
discipline is to teach acceptable behavior, not merely a set of rules. To discipline is to teach or mold, resulting in a joyful, well-adjusted individual. On a different scale, discipline results in an organized, smoothrunning Awana Club and in Awana, discipline is positive. Instead of emphasizing punishment for misbehavior,
positive discipline encourages good behavior through rewards (bucks or game points). Clubbers quickly learn
that conforming to club standards is in their best interest. For example, awarding points to the Game Time
team that lined up the quickest encourages other teams to line up quickly as well. We want each club night
to be a good and positive experience for all clubbers. We cannot, however, allow unacceptable behavior to
disrupt club activities for others. At times, it may be necessary for the parent to become involved in assisting club leaders in bringing about appropriate behavior. Please be prepared to support AWANA leaders
in their positive discipline efforts.
The Five Count System will be used to quiet the entire group of clubbers. By the time the leader counts
and gets to 5, all clubbers and leaders are expected to be still, quiet, and looking directly at the leader who
is in charge.
The Three Count System is used on an individual basis. If a clubber continues to deliberately misbehave
throughout the night, the director of the club will give him/her a “one count”. This is basically a warning. If
the clubber continues to misbehave during the same club night, the director will give him/her a “two count”.
At this point either the director or commander will pull the clubber aside and discuss the matter. If a
clubber misbehaves a third time, the director will meet with the clubber’s parents and the clubber will be
put on a suspension for at least one week. This rule also applies while children are being transported to and
from church on church provided transportation.
Visitor Guidelines
1. All visitors must attend their age-appropriate class.
2. Information must be given at check in by the parents of the child that brought the friend so a permission form can be sent home with the child to be filled out.
3. Visiting students must have an Awana registration/transportation form completely filled out and signed
by a parent before riding church transportation. Parents may bring their child to church, fill out the forms,
and then the child will be allowed to ride home on vans.
Awana Rewards Card
Awana students have the opportunity to earn bucks to spend in the Awana stores. Bucks will not be given to
the children but an Awana Rewards Card will be kept by their teacher who will total their bucks each week.
Students have the opportunity to earn bucks by doing the following:
One Buck for each: Attendance, Bringing Dues, Bringing Bible, Wearing Tennis Shoes,
Bringing a Friend, Participating in the Nightly Theme,
Parental Signature in Handbooks
Five Bucks: For Each Scripture Verse Recited at each Awana Meeting
Ten Bucks: For Each Handbook Section Completed at each Awana Meeting
Please note: If your child can not possibly bring an item on the service project
theme nights they may write a note or draw a picture of the item in order to let
their teachers know that they remembered the project and the buck for the theme
night will be given to the child.
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Dress Code
“I also want women to dress modestly,
with decency.” 1 Timothy 2:9a
In an effort to provide the greatest opportunity to worship our Lord, we have created an Awana dress code. We ask you as parents and leaders to help us with the
following dress code that will be strictly enforced. During our active game times
we would not want any student or adult to be embarrassed due to unwanted exposure. T-shirts will be available for students and adults to wear if they are dressed inappropriately.
Awana Dress
1) Blouses, tops and shirts shall have no exposed shoulders,
chests or midriffs. Tank tops or spaghetti straps are unsuitable for church; however, sleeveless blouses are acceptable.
2) Slacks, jeans or shorts (finger tip length only) should be
worn. Due to game time no dresses or skirts should be worn to
3) Pants should fit appropriately at or near the waist. Wearing
pants far below the waist and covering up with large shirts is
unacceptable. No underwear should be seen.
4) Logos and sayings on clothing should be appropriate for
church settings.
5) Hats shall not be worn in the building.
6) Tennis shoes must be worn to every Awana meeting.
Awana Dress
Poor Health Policy
We do not like it when an illness prevents a child from coming to church but in order to
protect all of our children, we ask that you keep your child home if they have an illness
that involves; fever, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, any contagious disease, open sores or any
questionable illness. If a child becomes sick while at church the parent will be contacted to
pick up the child. The child will be taken to the office until you arrive and every precaution
will be taken to make the child as comfortable as possible.
(Please be sure your child is well before returning to church.)
General Guidelines
* Children & youth are to remain inside the church until an adult signs them out or until
they are given permission to leave.
* The kitchen is off limits to children and youth unless accompanied by an adult
or directed by an adult.
* The phone is to be used only with permission.
* At least two adults will accompany children on all activities.
* Church property should be respected at all times.
Examples: You should not sit on tables or stand on chairs,
sit on vanities, or stand on commodes in the bathrooms.
Inclement Weather
There will be no Awana on nights that Roanoke Rapids City
Schools are closed or released early due to weather conditions.
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(Cubbies must be 4 by September 1)
4 and 5 year olds have a special place in our Awana program! While they are not quite ready for all the activities older clubbers will participate in, their time each
Wednesday night will be equally exciting! Cubbies will
work through a handbook, memorizing age appropriate
scripture each week. They will also participate in handson mission projects, hear mission stories from around the world and participate in an exciting, ageappropriate game, craft or activity! Cubbie classrooms are located in the Preschool Department.
1. At home the Cubbie learns and recites each section to a parent or completes the required activity
with Mom or Dad.
2. The parent’s signature indicates that work has been completed. Please be sure to sign your child’s
book before club.
3. At club the clubber again recites each section to a Cubbies leader.
4. The leader’s signature certifies that the section has been satisfactorily passed.
5. Cubbies will be working together as a group to complete their handbook. Cubbie leaders and parents
will work together to help children catch up if they get behind. Each child will be praised and
rewarded for the progress they are making!
All Cubbies at Calvary will start with the Apple Acres Entrance Booklet. After these requirements are
passed off, Cubbies will start in the HoneyComb Handbook. The first handbook will be provided by the
church. A replacement handbook if needed is $10.00 and must be replaced by the parents. A zip-lock
bag will be secured to the inside front cover of the handbook. Please check this bag for patches earned
by your Cubbie throughout the year.
Handbook, Story Time, Craft/Activity and Snack Time Rotations
Song Time
Going Home
Vests can be purchased and worn after the Bear Hug Brochure is
completed. Returning Cubbies can wear their vests from the first
day forward. Tennis shoes should be worn each week.
Cubbies are required to be signed in and out by an ADULT on the sign in sheet by the classroom door.
Calvary does provide a nursery for infants - age 1
and a Puggles Awana Class for ages 2 & 3 for children
of parents (grandparents) that work in Awana
or parents that attend the Wednesday evening adult
Bible study. Children younger than 4 are not allowed
to ride church transportation to and from Calvary.
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2015 - 2016
Cubbies Calendar
Bear Hug Lesson 12
Bear Hug A
Bear Hug Lesson 13
Bear Hug B
Bear Hug Lesson 14
Bear Hug Lesson 1
Bear Hug Lesson 15
Bear Hug Lesson 2
Bear Hug Lesson 16
Bear Hug Lesson 3
Mission with Pastor Justin
Bear Hug Lesson 4
Bear Hug Lesson 17
Bear Hug Lesson 5
Special Day—Easter
Bear Hug Lesson 6
No Cubbies—Easter Holiday
Special Day—Thanksgiving
Bear Hug Lesson 18
No Cubbies—Veteran’s Day
Bear Hug Lesson 19
Cubbies Movie Night
Bear Hug Lesson 20
No Cubbies—Thanksgiving Holiday
Bear Hug Lesson 21
Missions with Pastor Justin
Bear Hug Lesson 23
Bear Hug Lesson 7
Bear Hug Lesson 24
Special Day—Christmas
Bear Hug Lesson 25
No Cubbies—Christmas Holiday
Awana Awards Ceremony!
No Cubbies—New Year Holiday
Bear Hug Lesson 8
Bear Hug Lesson 9
Bear Hug Lesson 10
Bear Hug Lesson 11
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6:20 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
K—Grade 12 students gather in the fellowship hall for the Awana Cheer, Registration - Everyone
flag ceremonies and prayer before they go to handbook or game time.
Leader: What does Awana stand for?
Response: Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed
Leader: What is the first goal of Awana?
Response: To reach boys and girls with the
gospel of Christ.
Leader: What is the second goal of Awana?
Response: To Train them to serve Him!
6:30 p.m. - 6:40 p.m.
Opening Assembly - Everyone
6:40 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. - Rotate
6:45 p.m. - 7:05 p.m.
Game/Snack Time - Grades 3 - 6
Handbook Time - Grade K - Grade 2
Handbook Time - Grades 7 – 12
(6:45 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.)
Pledge to the American Flag—
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United
States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation 7:05 p.m. - 7:10 p.m. - Rotate
under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
7:10 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Pledge to the Awana Flag—I pledge allegiance to the Awana flag, which Game/Snack Time - Grade K - Grade 2
stands for the Awana clubs, whose goal is to reach boys and girls with Handbook Time - Grades 3-6
the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.
(7:10 p.m. - 7:50 p.m.)
Pledge to the Christian Flag—I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag
7:30 p.m. - 7:35 p.m. - Rotate
and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified,
risen and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe.
7:30 p.m. - 7:50 p.m.
Pledge to the Bible—I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word. Handbook Time - Grades K - Grade 6
I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its Game/Snack Time - Grades 7 - 12
words in my heart, that I might not sin against God.
HANDBOOK TIME The handbooks are the means by which the
7:50 p.m. - 7:55 p.m. - Rotate
clubber memorizes Scripture portions and earns awards. The goal is for 7:55 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Group Time
each clubber to complete one handbook per year on their grade level.
After completely their grade level handbook they
may go back to a handbook that they have not completed but will not be allowed to advance to
the next grade handbook. Using achievement-oriented curriculum materials and hands-on mission projects, AWANA emphasizes memorization, understanding and application of key Bible
verses. With a trained leader alongside to encourage and guide, clubbers develop a Biblebased view of how to know and serve God. Clubbers are rewarded for their achievements as
they progress through their handbooks and mission projects. Parental involvement plays a vital role in helping children to realize the importance of memorizing God’s Word. Parents taking time to work with your children on their memory verse will help them see that it is
something that you view as being worthwhile and important. Your child will also earn an
award for each section that has a parental signature.
GAME TIME Game time is an exciting and safe time of fun and friendly competition. All
children and youth are expected to participate in all games unless a parent communicates otherwise with a
leader. For safety reasons, everyone must wear tennis shoes and shorts or long pants to avoid injuries during
a fall. Game time takes place inside the Fellowship Hall or outside on the church lawn.
The club gathers for announcements and prayer before being dismissed.
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START ZONES: All students (Sparks & T & T) must complete all work in age level
Start Zones before beginning work in their age level handbooks. After completing their
Start Zone students can begin wearing the Awana uniform, Sparks vest or T & T t-shirts
which may be purchased by parents. An Awana leader can help you place an order.
HANDBOOK SECTIONS: The goal is for clubbers to work on their Handbook at
home throughout the week in preparation for club each Wednesday night. It is important
for Clubbers to bring their handbook and Bible with them to club each week. Sections of
the handbook must be passed in their entirety at one sitting. The listener may give 2
helps per section. (A section is anything in the handbook between places for signatures. A help is defined as a 1-3 word hint). Students will be encouraged to move
through their handbooks at their own pace. Each child will be praised and rewarded for
the progress they are making. Teachers will spend time each week, one-on-one, with each
clubber listening to them recite verses as well as helping and encouraging them to move
forward and progress through each Handbook section.
SPARKS Handbooks
Kindergarten - HangGlider Book
Grade 1 - WingRunner Book
Grade 2 - SkyStormer Book
Sparks will receive an Emblem, Pilot Wing Badges and achievement jewels as
they progress through each of their handbooks. Students will also receive a ribbon for the first two books completed and a Sparky Award Plaque and Award Pin
when they have completed all three of the Sparks Handbooks at the End of the
Year Awards Ceremony.
Truth & Training (T & T) Handbooks
T & T ”Ultimate Adventure”
Grade 3 - Handbook 1; Grade 4 - Handbook 2
Students will receive T & T Ultimate Adventure Discovery Emblems as they complete each
discovery in their handbook 1 or 2.
T & T “Ultimate Challenge”
Grade 5 - Handbook 1; Grade 6 - Handbook 2
Students will receive T & T Ultimate Challenge Award Emblems as they
complete each challenge in their handbook 1 or 2.
Clubbers can work towards earning the Alpha Award & Pin for completing one
third—12th grade handbook, the Excellence Award & Pin for completing two
3rd—12th grade handbooks, the Challenge Award & Pin for completing three
3rd—12th grade handbooks, and the prestigious Timothy Award & Pin for
completing 4 different 3rd—12th grade handbooks at the End of the Year
Awards Ceremony.
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7th-8th grade middle-school ministry
Trek Check Entrance Brochure features a solid gospel presentation to ensure
students are aware of the basics and to help them understand where they are
in their knowledge of God's Word. After completing the brochure students will receive the Trek One Bible
Study handbook.
9th—12th grade high—school ministry
Faith's Foundations is used as an entry point for high-school students. It
focuses on clearly and creatively outlining God's salvation plan, while combining memory work and personal Bible studies. Two different Bible Study Handbooks that include 12 lessons each will be available for Journey students to complete handbook assignments.
What should parents know about Awana youth ministry?
Sixty years of experience in youth ministry has provided Awana ®
with invaluable lessons, skills and wisdom that is used in Awana
Youth Ministries. Awana has been delivering phenomenal youth
ministry resources and improving on them for decades. Grasping
the great experience and traditions of the past, Awana remains
committed to not changing the message, but being relevant in
our methods.
We know that true disciples are developed over time and there
are no shortcuts. Everything Awana provides is created to intentionally support discipling students for the long haul.
Our middle–school program, TREK, and high-school program,
Journey, feature an energetic look, biblically based content, life
application and an emphasis on Scripture memory. The materials
used provide youth pastors and leaders with relevant tools for
in-depth, focused discipleship. Lessons are challenging and
thought provoking yet accessible to students from all spiritual
Why are parents crucial in discipling children or teenagers?
Scripture is clear that parents are the primary spiritual leaders of their children. EAwana has designed
Parent's Guides to go with Awana class studies so the material doesn't just stop in our classrooms, but
heads home to the kitchen table. Scripture-focused, gospel-centered curriculum is the cornerstone of our
ministry. (Please see back cover for AWANA at home website information.)
Scholarship Opportunities
The Awana scholarship college or university program connects students with opportunities for ongoing education by rewarding them with financial scholarships from quality institutions. Recognizing the high caliber
of students that emerge from Awana Ministries, these schools are eager to provide scholarships for students who have reached various levels of achievement within the Awana curriculum. Additional information
can be found on the Awana websites.
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2015 - 2016 Calvary’s Awana Calendar
Awana Kick-Off, Student Registration and Parent’s Orientation Meeting
Service Night—Support Education! Bring school supplies for a local school.
Nerdy Night—Dress like a NERD!!!!!! Nerds given for each completed Bible verse.
School Spirit Night! Wear your school colors.
Crazy Hair/Hat Night! - Stuff the Box Night! Complete Sections Count!
Pastor Appreciation Night - Make a card for Pastor Randy & Pastor Justin.
Service Night—Blessed to be a Blessing— Bring an item for the Samaritan Purse
Shoeboxes. (Small toys, crayons, pencils, etc.—No glass or liquids.)
Family Life Center Grand Opening—Special Guest: Awana Missionary Kevin Chewning
Wear Club Color Night! Cubbies (Blue), Sparks (Red), T & T (Green), Trek & Journey (Black)
Fall Out Night! Wear fall colors!
Special Guest: Chuck Hasty, RR Police Chief— Speaking on Safety Issues!
Sat. Oct. 31 Table or Treat at Calvary 5:30 p.m. until candy is gone!
All kids invited to attend but must come with adults.
Uncle Sam Night! Dress in Red, White & Blue! Honor Veterans!
No Awana—Veteran’s Day (School Closed)
Awana Movie Night
No Awana—Thanksgiving Holiday
Service Night! Decorate a Christmas Tree with Gloves & Mittens for Angel’s Closet.
Double Bucks Night—Everything counts double!
Ugly Sweater Night! Wear a ugly sweater! Mission Possible—Lottie Moon Emphasis
Happy Birthday Jesus—Dress Like Christmas! Lottie Moon Offering Collected!
No Awana—Christmas Holiday
No Awana—New Year’s Eve Holiday
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2015 - 2016 Calvary’s Awana Calendar
Special Guest—Parent’s invited to participate in Awana games & activities.
Service Night! White Night!—Bring toothpaste for Angel’s Closet—Make a snowman
out of Commander C. H. using a 5 ft piece of toilet paper given for each section.
Inside/Out Night! Wear clothes inside out.
Jammin’ in the Jammies! Wear your pajamas but you must wear tennis shoes too!
Double Bucks Night!-Everything counts double.
Souper Bowl Night—Bring a can of soup for the Angel’s Closet.
Spread the Love—Wear hearts! - Make a card for a shut-in.
Rainbow Night—Wear all of the Awana colors– red, yellow, blue & green.
Pump the Pastor Night! Try to stump Pastor Randy! Bring in one hard Bible question.
Boot Camp Night! Wear camouflage. Service Project—Noodle Night! Bring pasta or sauce.
March Madness Sports Night!—Wear favorite team colors.
F. R.O.G. Night! —Wear lots of green as you FULLY RELY ON GOD!
Stuff the Box Night! Sections Count!
Celebrating Jesus Night! (Annie Armstrong Mission Offering Collected.)
No Awana—Easter Holiday
Silly Sock Night! Double Bucks Night! All awards are doubled!
LifeSaver Night—Special Guest
Receive lifesavers for each completed section!
Service Night—We Can Do It Night—Bring can food for the Baptist Children’s Homes.
Birthday Jamboree! Celebrating all birthdays!
Obedience Night—Special Guest
Wacky Tacky Night! Wear Mismatched Clothes!
Awana Celebration! Ice Cream Social Night!
Awana Ceremony—Parent’s Please Attend.
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Pastor: Rev. Randy Martin
Calvary’s Awana Co-Commanders: Mr. C. H. Powell & Rev. Justin Fender
Age Level Teachers & Leaders
Nursery (Infants - Age 1): Michele Wrenn, Director; Erma Ford, Eddie Wrenn
Puggles (Age 2 & 3):
Debbie Medlin, Director; Betty Jenkins, Lynn Medlin
Cubbies (4 & 5s):
Sarah Taylor, Director; Seretha Pittman, Doris Powell, Kelly Massey,
Must be 4 by Sept. 1
Freddi Davis, Judy Hale, Donna Fender, Leigh Ann Davis, Lisa Hunsucker
Sparks (Kindergarten) :
Tina Sledge, Director; Sallie Faison, Robie Vincent
Sparks (Grade 1):
Ruth Anne Newsome, Director; Rose Martin, Kathy Bunn, Andrea Goodwin
Sparks (Grade 2):
Wendy Mason, Director; Sonya Hollowell, Rob & Terry Woodard, Linda Mason
Truth in Training (Grade 3): Susan Gums, Director; Cindy Stephens, Susan Mclaughlin, Amber Sandeford
Truth in Training (Grade 4): Brenda Vincent, Director; Novella Casey, Sheryl Clark, Kathy Hughes,
Mae Pearson, Lauren Doughtie
Truth in Training (Grade 5): Terry Mason, Director; Pat Coons, Susan Ferguson
Truth in Training (Grade 6): Penny Claiborne, Director; Angie & Greg Andleton
Trek (Grades 7 & 8):
Sheila Davis, Director; Wanda Matthews, Andy Hale
Journey (Grades 9 - 12):
Vivian Birdsong Director; Brent Mason, J. L. & Angie Nelson
Game Directors:
Tim Davis, Director; Butch Coons, Ryan Carr, David Carr, Justin Sandeford,
Louise Flagg, Butch Birdsong, Josh Ferguson, Joel Taylor, Brian Massey
Support Staff
Linda Moore & Kelly Manning
Office Assistant (Counter):
Ben Jones
Rotation Director:
Justin Sanderford
Store Managers:
Andi Hux, Director, Michael Hux, Carolyn Allen
Ann Harris, Carolyn Ashby, Co-Directors
Snack Servers:
Sharon Deaton, Director; Sheldon Deaton, Clayton Casey,
Frank Derzis, Candi Caudle
Catherine Seuis, Lynn Conner, April Phillips, Laura Griffies,
Carolyn Allen, Andrea Midgette, Kathy Sadler,
Stephanie Heath, Brandon Heath
Van Drivers & Riders:
Clayton Casey, Linwood Mason, Brent Mason, Ben Jones,
Travis Newsome, Linwood Mason, Frank & Vicky Derzis
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- Centered on the Gospel.
- Memorizing Scripture.
- Exciting & FUN.
- Training children & youth to serve.
- Building Leaders.
Our prayer is that all children & youth
throughout the world
will come to KNOW, LOVE, & SERVE
Calvar y Baptist Church
AWANA Awards
May 25, 2016
6:30 p.m.
See awana.org/athome for
more information
& free parent resources.
Check out the
North Carolina Awana
web site: ww.awananc.com
Google Awana to find lots
of additional information.
Please read all
flyers sent home
during the year
to learn about
activities and
special events.
Calvary’s website: www.cbcrr.org