Number 10


Number 10
T H E S P O T LI G HT P a g e 1 2
What’s WRONG with THESE picture?
P. 2
P. 2
P. 5
THS’ Student Newspaper
Volume 4, Issue 10
T h u r s da y , N o v e m b e r 18 , 2 0 10
A THS Tradition Since 2007
P. 12
Do you really need
to advertise?
Celebrity looklook-a-like
Danielle Carere
Hermione Granger
Who’s your twin in Hollywood?
Clorrice Lake
Emmanuelle Chriqui
thespotlight asked two individuals to pick a celebrity they thought they looked like
… and this is what they said….. You decide!
Bullying Prevention Week
T H E S P O T LI G HT P a g e 2
It’s not a tumor, I’m just a pregnant man!
A scientific examination into the
possibility of male pregnancy
By Mr. Lorenzen
n the 1995 film
“J u nio r ”,
Ar no ld
played a scientist who
used in vitro fertilization
technology and hormone
therapy to make himself
pregnant and to ultimately
give birth to a normal baby.
Is this a far-fetched scenario? Do we have the technology to allow men to have
The answer is a qualified
yes - it is technically possible, but very dangerous to
both the man and the baby.
Making a man pregnant
would involve
known as “in
vitro fertilization”. In vitro
Latin, and the
embryos produced by this
tube babies. The are created
by extracting a healthy egg
cell from a female donor’s
ovary and fertilizing it in a
dish using donated sperm.
The fertilized egg is
implanted in a
uterus and
term in the
normal way.
Millions of
have been
born around
Wait a minute - doesn’t
this mean that a uterus is
still necessary to carry
a baby? Not
In rare cases
(about 1 in
10 000) a
woman will
b e c o m e
pregnant but
the fertilized
makes it to
the uterus - it somehow escapes from the Fallopian
tube which normally carries
Do we have the
technology to allow men to have
babies? The answer is a qualified yes ...
it down to the womb and
floats out into the open abdomen.
At this point the fertilized egg (or zygote as it is
now called) will attach itself
to any surface in the abdomen the way it would to the
wall of the uterus. Powerful
hormones then cause a placenta and umbilical cord to
grow at the point of attachment the way it would happen in a normal pregnancy.
Cases have been documented where women have
fetuses growing on a kidney, the intestines, the liver,
the spleen or the wall of the
Given a sufficient blood
supply at the point of attachment, it is possible for the
fetus to grow to full term.
Of course there is nowhere
How friendly is the Friendly City
By Nancy Flieler
a c l e a n s
Magazine, a
w e l l respected
Canadian publishing, recently released a list of Canada’s most dangerous cities.
If you can believe it, Belleville ranked a higher crime
rate then Toronto, Peterbor-
ough and Kingston, sitting
in 15th place (1st is the city
with the highest
crime rate in
are flabbergasted
at the results of
this list. Comments have been
heard such as,
“There is no way this is
correct. They must be on
Drugs,” or, “This is an insult to British Columbia. We demand
an apology and a
Royal Commission!
How dare Macleans
make a list which
paints BC in a bad
light.” The second of
these two anonymous comments comes be-
for it to go once it is fully
developed, so it must be
delivered by Cesarean section. There are documented
cases of healthy babies being born this way, but this
type of pregnancy
seriously disrupts the
blood supply and
tissue structure of the
abdomen and is very
hazardous to the
health of both the
mother and the baby.
Successful deliveries
are exceedingly rare.
If it is possible to
implant a zygote in
the abdomen of a
woman, why not in a
man? There is physically no difference between
the tissues and organs in the
abdomen of a man and a
woman, so technically it is
possible for a man to carry
an embryo fertilized in vitro
this way if the zygote was
surgically implanted in his
abdomen. It would have to
be delivered surgically by C
So, is it possible for a
man to get pregnant? Theoretically yes, but it would be
a life-threatening procedure.
It would be better to do it
the old fashioned way.
cause BC dominates in the
top 15, having 7 of the most
dangerous cities in Canada.
Belleville sits in 15th, while
Toronto is 57th ,and Ottawa
is way down in 73rd. I
don’t understand it myself,
and think this crime rate this
is completely bonkers. You
can check it out for yourself
T H E S P O T LI G HT P a g e 1 1
Review: Toy Story 3
By Katherine Fell
Story 1 and 2
from your child-
hood? Well
Toy Story 3
just came out.
The child in
should go and
see it, just for
the sake of
entire series.
Andy is all
grown up, and
heading off to
While Andy never wants to
be parted from his favorite
toy Woody, he puts all his
other toys into a box to be
donated. Woody tries to rescue his friends, and ends up
being donated as well to Sunnyside daycare. The toys are
in a new world of daycare,
and are thrown around by all
the daycare children. The
daycare toy’s are plotting
against Woody and his
friends, and are
going to make
them be played
with by all the
unruly children.
Woody and his
friends have to
escape and get
back to Andy’s
house. The toys
go on a wild adventure to try and
make their way
back to Andy’s
house, and eventually beat all the odds and
make it back safety. This
movie is a perfect way to
spend time with that younger
sibling of yours, without being bored to death.
Babies Dream of Dead Worlds
By Meghan Beatty
hat do babies
before they
have memory? If you ask Gregory
Weir, they dream of deep
concepts for fantastic flash
games. In the game, you play
a rather rude-looking winged
creature, controlled easily
and evenly by arrow keys.
You start out in a tutorial,
then branch out into an RPG,
a coin-collecting game and a
racing game, each three levels
and all sharing a common
background plot. There are
also unlockable medals. The
coin-collecting levels are
really irritating, the randomly
added gravity forcing you to
refresh and go all the way
back to the beginning if you
mess up even once. The racing levels are very entertaining by comparison, driving
you to compete with yourself
and beat your own time. But
the RPG levels are the true
NOV. 23
NOV 23
gem of this conceptual game,
fully exploring the plot and
characters as well as providing a thoroughly enjoyable
experience. The graphics are
fan-favourite Weir style, simplistic 8-bit pixels. This style
works very well here, allowing you to get lost in the
game and not the pretty pictures. The “slingshot” control
gives the game a Tetris-like
effect; when you close your
eyes your mind keeps playing
it. Babies is not a game to
play when you're procrastinating or in a bad mood. Any
other time, it's wholly fabulous.
T H E S P O T LI G HT P a g e 1 0
Infectonator: World Domination
By Meghan Beatty
ou have a horde
of zombies at
your command
and your task is
to destroy the world. In Infectonator: World Domination it’s eat or be eaten. You
move from city to city,
clicking to unleash the zombie virus and then watch the
outcome. You can buy upgrades with points you earn
by scooping up money with
the mouse while zombies
terrorize the locals. You
start out in Africa, and
slowly make your way
around by destroying cities
to unlock other countries.
You can also earn special
zombies (including zombie
Ronald McDonald) when
you kill the heroes of particular cities. When you
start out you’re tempted to
just destroy the cities you
need to unlock the countries, but you soon develop
a bloodlust that will not be
satisfied until every last
pixilated human has
dropped. The controls work
very well, but the save
mechanism is confusing and
irritating until you realize
how it works. Not good for
an Internet game. The graphics are very simple and work
well at keeping things light
and humourous. The backgrounds make it easy to see
what’s going on. Although
at times when the zombie
horde becomes large, the
game slows up a little, but
it’s a minor annoyance.
There’s no plot to speak of,
but it’s terribly fun and
there’s even a surprise twist
when you reach Greenland.
In conclusion, braaaaaaaaaains. Available on Newgrounds.
Winter Sports (cont.)
(Continued from page 5)
tryouts, with various teams
having their first official
games in the coming weeks,
but this by no means means
you have missed the opportunity to join a team. Talk to
a teacher, stop by the gym
office, or keep your eyes
peeled for posters around
the school that give tryout/practice days.
again, and I can’t say it
enough, get involved Tigers,
you won’t be disappointed.
COD’s Newest Offering
By Alison McWhirter
B l a c k
Ops, the
installment of COD,
the massively popular first person
shooter game, was
released on November 9, 2010. The
player resumes the
role of a foot soldier
in the 60's Cold War
era. In Campaign,
the playable characters are
special forces operatives
conducting black operations
behind enemy lines, and this
mode is filled with scripted
scenes. Black
Ops has kept
the online multiplayer mode
experience points and
systems, and it
also kept Zombie Mode, in
which the players take the role of Kennedy, Castro, Nixon, and
McNamara protecting the
U.S. Pentagon from a zombie invasion.
“The health system and
player customization is
good but the crappy thing
about it is the graphics and
maps. I still like it better
than Modern Warfare 2. 30
times better to be exact,”
said Kyle ‘Massive’ Bernard when asked his opinion.
Tyler Leavey also added
his two cents saying, “the
hit recognition is junk.”
Brandon Yates, COD
enthusiast who has 20 days
logged on Modern Warfare
2, claims, “Black Ops is
now the love of my life,
besides Mrs. Bray that is.”
By Michael Amesse
Fashion Boy
adly I do not own any hats
from lids myself, but I know
a ton of people who shop
their pretty often so I have a
good grasp on the store. I don’t really
where hats as they mess my hair up
easily, but every now and then ill
wear a cap, toque, or whatever depending on what I’m doing that day.
The hats at Lids are great, but I’m
sure everyone already knows that.
The quality is there, the price tag is
understandable, the service is pretty
good, and the selection is wider than
an elephants rear end. To be honest
I’ve never really understood the
whole idea of representing your team,
or showing you city on your hat.
Maybe its because I just don’t care
who u root for or wear you come
from, or maybe I’m just not in the
right mind-set to understand it. Whatever my standings on hat wear, the
fact remains the same that Lids is a
great store. Sometimes when I go in
though, I can feel a little overwhelmed with all the choices. Last
time I was there, my buddies and I
were looking for a hat for my friend
for his birthday. We must have spent
at least a couple hours there trying on
all different kinds and styles. He
eventually settled on a Metal Mulisha
hat that looked great and we left fulfilled. The price of course is a little
startling at first glance, but I have no
problem with paying $50 for a hat
that will last me a long time, rather
than a $20 hat that might last one
season. The hats fit well, and they
look great. End of story.
N E W S / S P O RT S
T H E S P O T LI G HT P a g e 3
Remembrance Day Assembly
themselves well during the
technical problems; choosing to continue on with the
assembly while the link was
re-established. The students
in attendance were, quite
possibly, the most respectful
we've ever had. The hush
during the moment of silence was so allencompassing, you really
could have heard a pin drop.
After all was said and done,
the assembly was incredibly
well-received. As Ms. ZandTripp puts it, “It was spectacular, with a variety of
presentations. I had goosebumps!”
By Meghan Beatty
his Remembrance
T renton
High was
treated to
a truly unique
school assembly. In
addition to the customary slide-shows,
music, and poppies
dotting the audience, attendees got to participate in a live video-chat
interview with actual sol-
diers serving in Afghanistan. A definite first for
THS, and a very effective
way of adding human faces
and voices
and politics surr o und in g
the war.
the soldiers were also able
to watch the assembly. Aisling Palleschi and Clorrice
Lake sung an excellent
choice of songs such as One
Tin Soldier.
The usual
slide-shows were freshened
up and played. And several
Remembrance Day poems
were read aloud with great
feeling by some of the organizers of the assembly.
After the moment of silence
at 11am, students had the
option to stay back and ask
the soldiers their own questions.
The organizers handled
Excessive texting linked to sex, drugs, risky behaviours
New study makes some provocative claims
By Alisha Struthers
n November 9th,
Star released a
article about a
study which shows how
texting has
b e e n
linked to
sex, drugs
and apparently other
risky beha v io ur s.
The article
read that
“teens who
day or more are more likely
to have had sex or used alcohol and drugs than kids
who don't send as many
messages.” The study also
showed 1 in 5 teenagers as
being considered “Hyper
Texters”, and 1 in 9 teenagers as “Hyper Networkers”
(or teens who spend more
than 3 hours on social networking sites like twitter,
facebook and myspace per
day). The study showed that
“Hyper Texters” are nearly
three-and-a-half times more
likely to have had sex then
their peers who don't text as
much, as well they are also
more likely to have been in
physical fights, binge drink,
more and are on the internet
more of course your going
to be more aware of what is
around you, but that doesn't
mean your going to get involved in everything just
because your becoming
more aware of it. Personally
I believe there is some truth
in this study, because a lot
of teenagers who frequently
text or use social networking sites are more likely to
be open to these risky behaviours, but isn't that just
because they have a wider
social network of friends?
What about the teenagers
who have the same network
but don't have a cell phone
or don't go on the internet
that much? In the end you
can't just put blame on cell
phones and social networks
because no matter what this
stuff is going to happen,
with or without these devices.
Students’ Council Corner
and/or use illegal drugs or
take medication without a
I myself am as this article would say a “Hyper
Texter” as well as a “Hyper
Networker”, so does that me
I go out and drink every
weekend, take pills without
a prescription, and have
sex? Not all teenagers are
the same. I know teens that
don't have cell phones have
done those things. I will
admit that yes, if you text
After tallying all of this past week’s points the new
standings are in:
1 – Noack
2 – Culkin
3 – Apperley
4 – Tripp
5 – Reynolds
T H E S P O T LI G HT P a g e 4
A Student Vision, A United Voice
By Emily Tetzlaff
11th to November
every school board in Ontario came together in the
Sheraton hotel, Toronto, for
the 10th annual Ontario
Student Trustee Association
(OSTA-AECO) Fall General Meeting. We were not
only celebrating the 10th
year anniversary but were
discussing, listening and
debating issues which impact the Ontario education
Each student trustee
represents a school board,
within the province, and
every student within their
board. We speak and vote
on behalf of our own boards
but together we represent
the voices of the 2 million
students of Ontario. We
help to shape and better our
education in the present, and
for the future.
This weekend
was the Fall General
Meeting and we
were brought together to
discuss issues on aboriginal
education, environmental
concerns, constitutional
amendments, elections of
the board of directors, and
most importantly to discuss
hat is with
Twilight? I
mean a lot
read it. So what you know
what it did to vampires? It
turned them into something
that if you saw it you would
laugh at it. VAMPIRES
Drug Bust
By Julianne Marshall
veryday you walk
down the halls of
and I bet that you
pass someone who has done
drugs at one point or another. I bet that most of you
have either tried or at least
thought about doing it. I
have never done drugs but I
meetings we attended the
10 year gala which hosted
Student Trustees, Alumni,
board Trustees, two former
Ministers of Education and
other members of the education system, at the pres-
SCARY!!!!!! I mean look at
the Blade movies the vampires are scary not sparkly.
Twilight basically turned
vampires in to a joke. I
mean they sparkle don’t
drink blood from humans or
anything else people would
expect from vampires. I can
trash Twilight because I
read the first book. It’s like
Stephenie Meyer
was trying to market
younger children, so
she had to make the
vampires more palatable to parents.
I think she single
vampires. What was
she thinking? Oh,
wait I know I’ll make vampires wimpy and pathetic. I
feel powerful because I
turned a well known monster into a joke. She’s a
devout Christian. I’m not
sure of this but
have good track
records. I mean
take a look at the
witch hunts in
New England in
general and Salem, Massachusetts in particular.
Back in the day you could
accuse your neighbor of
being a witch and there was
nothing they could do about
have been asked if I do, or if
I want to. In fact there has
been a few instances where I
almost have, but I always
ended up saying no. I am in
grade 11, and I can guess
that there is grade nines that
do them probably almost
everyday. Even though I
have never done them, I am
not going to say that they
are terrible, and that you
should never do them.
The fact is that in high
school the opportunity is
there. It happens. No, drugs
are not good for you, and
you can get addicted, and
they can take over your life.
Someone becomes addicted
almost everyday. Now there
are different groups of people who do drugs. There are
the ones who do them daily,
the ones who only do them
once in a while, the ones
who think about it, and the
ones who are against it.
There are people in between but these are the
main groups. I am not telling you to do drugs, but I
am not telling you not to do
drugs. I don’t think it is
smart to do them, but its
high school, its stressful
and drugs can be a way out.
All I say is that if you do
drugs, be smart about it,
don’t do them everyday,
don’t make a habit out of it.
Most of all, don’t let them
ruin your life, and lets face
it if you don’t make mistakes, how are you ever
going to learn?
REMUS rants
By Nathaniel Remus
our progress in becoming
Since the
annual general meeting in
May 2010 we have been
working hard to become
incorporated, which allows
us to have more freedom
and a more powerful voice
in our education.
After two long days of
tigious Sutton Place Hotel.
It is an amazing year to
be a trustee because of the
forward steps being taken.
We fully advocate for the
students of Ontario. As the
HPEDSB student trustee I
represent not only our
school but all students from
the other 7 high schools and
the 45 public schools. I am
here to voice our opinions
to the board and to OSTAAECO, so if there are any
questions or an issue about
the education system as a
whole, our school or our
board, I would love to help
out. I will be attending two
more conferences in my
term and many board meetings in which I could bring
forward these concerns.
S P O RT S / O P I N I O N / A & E
here's a reason
heavyweight contender Roy Nelson will not appear at UFC 125, and it's not
because the UFC is unable
to find him a new opponent.
UFC president Dana
said that Nelson
(15-5 MMA, 2-1 UFC) is
currently contractually
bound to another fight promotion.
Nelson headlined an
MMA/boxing hybrid card
Jones Jr. promoted in March
2009 entitled "March Badness", and was defeated by
T H E S P O T LI G HT P a g e 9
heavyweight contender Jeff Monson via unanimous
to the Florida
Commission, Nelson earned
$30,000 for his efforts.
After the loss to Monson,
Nelson joined the cast of
"The Ultimate Fighter 10"
and beat four opponents to
win the reality show. The
All You Need is Kanye
By Alison McWhirter
o, Beatles, I’m
really happy for
you, and Imma
let you finish,
but Coldplay is the greatest
British band of all time! The
e g o
that is
Kan ye
w h o
to be
t h e
of our generation, has recently expressed his opinion
that Coldplay is going to go
down in history as the greatest British band ever to
come out of the United
Kingdom. The rapper stated,
"In 30 years, when Coldplay
are old men, people will
look back and say, 'These
guys were more talented
than The Beatles.' I have
worked with Chris Martin
and the man is a genius - as
a performer and a songwriter he is on the same
level as John Lennon.” The
Beatles are critically acclaimed to be the most innovative, influential, iconic
and talented
band in the
popular music, and in my
Coldplay is
mediocre at
best. On an
Never Mind
Buzzcocks, cold sores were decided to be cooler than
Coldplay. To decide that
Coldplay is the greatest
British band, surpassing The
Rolling Stones, The Who,
The Clash, Pink Floyd and
Led Zeppelin, is a bold
statement, and quite frankly,
I’ve had enough of Kanye’s
bold statements. I think it’s
time he learned shut his
arrogant mouth.
heavyweight then knocked
out rising prospect Stefan
Struve in March, but fell
short in a fight against Junior Dos Santos.
Nelson was scheduled to
meet one-time contender
Shane Carwin in the com a i n
event of
1 2 5 ,
which is
dated to
be Jan. 1
but Carwin withdrew from the fight
after suffering a back injury
in training.
Speculation ran rampant
about Nelson's replacement;
an initial rumor stated
Mirko "Cro Cop" requested
to step into Carwin's shoes.
Brock Lesnar asked for the
fight in the weeks following
his loss to Cain Velasquez at
UFC 121, but Dana White
said no. Then Nelson was
removed from the event
"These guys go out and
sign with these rinky-dink
little promotion companies
and sign these bad contracts,
and let's just say Roy Nelson
is involved in a bad contract
right now that he had before," White said. "There's a
couple of different organizations out there that do it."
While White was quite
quiet about the promotion,
he did hint that it may be a
long time before Nelson
frees himself.
Review: The Beatles 19621962-1966
and 19671967-1970 tain songs like “A Day in
By Ryan Sweanor
he Beatles have
had their entire
rereleased recently
so for those who didn’t have
the money to buy it originally,
y o u r
the remastered
versions of the Red and
Blue albums. These albums
served as greatest hits albums for The Beatles when
released in 1973. They con-
the Life”, “Here Comes the
Sun”, “Yellow Submarine”,
“Can’t Buy Me Love”,
“Eight Days a Week” and
more. With 4 CDs in total,
this collection can last you a
long, long time. Only one
problem, some loved songs
like “Twist and Shout”,
“Helter Skelter” and “I’ve
Got a
Feeli n g ”
the cut,
but the
list already contains great
songs. A must for any
Beatle fan who doesn't already have the collection.
T H E S P O T LI G HT P a g e 8
Harry Potter: The End
to a Generation
By Raven Roe
Robyn Neri
Cameron Bywater
My style is comfy and clean cut.
I like to dress as if I’m a comfy
intellectual; an Oxford professor
on a lazy day, cardigans really
help me achieve this look. My
favourite store is Lulu Lemon,
even though it’s a bit expensive
considering my grocery store
salary. I like to have my hair long
and straight, I keep things simple.
My ultimate style icon is Audrey
Hepburn, she knew how to keep a
stylish simplicity and she always
looked classy. The 50's was a
really good decade style wise.
With my style, I’m always ready
for dirty work. Last year, Outer
Limits, the glory days, really helped
define my style. I’ve migrated away
from the Sergeant wear military
look and I’ve broadened my clothing horizon to more of a suburban
camper. I like the out doors and my
style really reflects that, I only wear
clothing that I can survive the wilderness in. I use beverages as accessories, right now I’m rocking a
Sunny D but my preference is a root
beer. I’m pretty original, no one
mimics my style and I don’t mimic
other people’s style. I do have to say
the women love the army men and
the outdoors-y men, so I never stop
his phenomenon
started in 2001,
has been translated into 67 different languages, and has
e a r n e d
o v e r
$5,417,096,705 worldwide.
Any ideas? It goes by the
name of Harry Potter, and
is about to come to an end
in the next few months.
On the 16th of November 2001, I and many others only 8, 9 and 10 years
old at the time, witnessed
the beginning of a
film series
t h a t
w o u l d
life in the
film industry as
we know
first novel
had come
bring screen and visions of
a scrawny, dark-haired
boy, the life inside of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
and Wizardry, and the idea
of being a wizard and not
even knowing it captured
the hearts of mesmerized
young viewers all over the
world. It was the newest
and greatest sensation in
the world of film. Harry
Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was the first
of seven novels and films
to come. In 2002 came
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 2004
brought us Harry Potter
and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 2005 was Harry Potter
and the Goblet of Fire, then
in 2007 came Harry Potter
and the Order of the Phoenix, next was Harry Potter
and the Half Blood Prince
in 2009, and finally, this
November 2010, Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 will be released
in theatres on Friday the
The years of success for
the Harry Potter films and
have continued for a
whole decade
when the final
film is released in July
2011. There
is much anticipation and
excitement for
what is assumed to be
the best out of
all the Harry
Potter films. Many people
have already booked tickets to this event. It’s my
understanding that they are
already all sold out in the
Belleville Galaxy theatre,
so make sure to get there
early Friday night in Trenton! Ladies and gentlemen, even if you haven’t
been a Harry Potter fanatic
growing up like I have, still
get out there and see the
final movie, it will be
N E W S / S P O RT S
T H E S P O T LI G HT P a g e 5
Go Away Hall Snoggers
By Meghan Beatty
nyone who has
spent a minimum of ten
minutes in the
hallways of Trenton High
has noticed them. Young
couples so involved with
each other they feel the
need to demonstrate it to
everyone. Kissing, cuddling
and playing tonsil hockey
every chance they get.
While all the world's a
stage, I don't recall buying
tickets for Frenchapalooza.
Frankly, making out in
the hallways is disrespectful
and inconsiderate to the people around you. Yes, I know
you love each other., but
you can be affectionate
without making everyone
around you feel voyeuristic.
It's just as rude as eating
with your mouth open, nobody wants to see it. Period.
It's also very difficult to
“just not look” when it's
Aviva Track Update
By Nancy Flieler
he Aviva Commu nit y
Fu nd
Competition is a
contest that allows anyone
to enter a particular idea
t h e i r
family and
surrounding community to
vote for it
winning a
amount of
money to
put the idea into action.
There is a variety of bids in
this area, but Trenton High
is putting their support behind Mr. Armstrong’s hope
for a new THS Track.
Our school and the
“THS Track Quest” has
made it to the semi finals of
the competition thanks to
the efforts of our community, school, staff and students. Our head coordinator, Mr. Armstrong, and his
Alumni team have many in
school and out of school
promotions likes announcements over the radio, flyers,
pamphlets and much more.
We have the city of Quinte
West, Chamber of Commerce and many local or-
everywhere and comes complete with stereo sound. Not
helping the
that teenagers are perpetually
s e l f control. I'm
not proposing
public displays of affection, but we
are at school and being at
school means having a cer-
tain standard of behaviour.
You aren't allowed to snog
at your job and it
should be the
same here. It's
really ridiculous
that teachers can
scold kids for
wearing hats but
not for necking
in the doorway
of their math
class. Let's be
real here. We
were supposed to
politeness and respect in
kindergarten, it's a bit late to
be needing a reminder.
Little joy in Leaf land
By Nancy Flieler
bel o v e d
Leafs are in a deep
hockey slump. The
team started off winning five consecutive
games which got all
of Leaf Nation’s
hopes up, but people
like Mr. Tsarouhas
(an avid Senators
fan) knew that the
Leafs were not going to get
very far. With that being
said, the leafs are now at a
seven consecutive game
losses. “I cry
sleep at night.
We were on
top for awhile
but now were
not even going to win the
Mrs. Culkin.
Is she right?
Keep watching the Leaf
games to keep
Walker on her good side.
Winter Sports Wonderland
By Lexi Allison
ganizations helping us vote.
We are very proud Tigers,
but for this effort to come
full circle everyone needs to
continue to send in their
votes with the voting for the
finals beginning on December 2nd at 12pm. If Duncan
hasn’t already asked you to
vote then I will! Let’s vote
as much as we can so we
can get a brand new track
for our beloved school
t took less than a
week for THS to
move on from the
success of the Fall
sports season and start
looking ahead to what they
could accomplish in the
sports offered during the
Winter season. Boys and
girls have plenty to look
forward too with the huge
variety of options offered,
from sports that rely on the
cold Winter conditions to
sports which let students get
out of the cold and spend
some time working out in a
gym. Wrestling, ice hockey,
badminton, and swimming
can be played by both boys
and girls, while girls volleyball and boys basketball are
also offered. Most teams
are already underway and
have had their respective
(Continued on page 10)
T H E S P O T LI G HT P a g e 6
Bullying Awareness and
Prevention Week
By Alisha Struthers
his week from November 15th to 19th
i s
A n t i Bullying
week. Because of this,
members of
Social Justice League
are selling
'silence buttons' in the
front foyer
thr o u g ho ut
The silence
buttons are
$2 each and
towards the end of the week,
there will be bracelets going on
sale along with the buttons. The
bracelets are purple and pink
and read “Band Together
Against Bullying.” So for $2
you get a button and a bracelet.
Show your support and your
courage to not
stand back and be
silent. Stand up
and be heard.
Make a difference, bullying is
a growing problems in schools,
that's why we
need to band together and make
a change. Together we can all
make this world a
better place for
everyone. It just
takes one person
at a time to stand
up and say "I'm against bullying."
Conan is back (on
By Lexi Allison
fter a long absence
from the television
late night scene,
Conan O’Brien has
made an outstanding
He scored a
huge victory
over his late
night television
million viewers
Letter men’s
3.4 million viewers. The show
featured Seth Rogan, Ricky
Kidz In The Hall
I really liked that one of the soldiers actually came from THS
- Chelsea Lauzer Gr. 11
I really enjoyed the conference
Cassidy Suijker Gr. 12
Gervais, Lea Michele (from
Glee) and finished off with a
performance from Jack White
of White Stripes fame. People
have said that Conan wouldn’t
be able to compete in the big
leagues after NBC shoved him
aside like garbage, but he still
managed to achieve great success even on a
network like
TBS that often
isn’t included
in a basic cable
package. Will
the goodwill
for Conan continue or fade
away as time
goes on? You
decide. If you
show, we can
make us laugh.
T H E S P O T LI G HT P a g e 7
& DON’Ts
e all know that
Joshua Steven
Vanderdussen is
loved by all the
students at THS and makes an
impact in our community, but
there is still something that hasn’t been considered. This would
be the teachers of our beloved
school, since who else has
watched over him these past
years and has looked for any
signs of improvement in this
individual. I had the opportunity to discuss Dussen with
some of the teachers who taught
him in the past, as well as witnessing his various acts, and
this is what they had to say.
Mr. Tsarouhas: “Who is
Ross Vanderdussen...I don’t
have time for this question I’m
too busy as it is voting on
Mr. Tees: “I hope his father
Mr. Vanderdussen doesn’t sell
his DJ equipment, because that
may become Joshua’s profession in life.”
Mrs. Zantripp: “He is an
interesting young lad who gives
mind boggling presentations in
University English courses,
specifically his ‘Blades of
Glory’ one in grade 11 with
mind blowing images.”
Mr. Manlow: “JVD (Joshua
Vanderdussen)…is that a disease or a cure? Hopefully he
will find the help he needs”
Mr. Faulds: “He is lucky that
breathing is a reflex, and I’ll
never forgive him for stealing
my diet coke in the middle of
math class.”
Mrs. Walked: “Well he’s a
part of this high school, but what
on earth is that poor Maxine
Mr. Clair: “There are a lot of
words that come to mind;
sweaty, slow, unpopular, menace
to society, but I think it can be
summed up in one
Mr. Meindl: “I’m going to
speak about him athletically…well if I come up with
anything I’ll let you know. His
girlfriend on the other hand is
amazing athlete, and with some
luck he’ll be the assisting water
Mr. Armstrong; “Quit calling
my wife on her cell phone, she’s
not your mother…and VOTE
Mr. McDougall: “Well I
would like to tell Dussen to
please stay away from me at all
times, and especially at lunch
when he steals my onion rings.”
By Kevin Essebier
What is your favourite part of the Remembrance Day Assembly?
Seeing all of the pictures of the
fallen soldiers
-Michelle Brown Gr. 12
Having the teachers and students involved by reading poems
and singing
- Sam Bailey - Grade 10
Learning about the soldiers in
- Emma Brant Gr. 10
Loved Ms. de Melo Singing
- Drake Vanderwater Gr. 11