Study course annotations


Study course annotations
Supplement 16
Study course annotations
The title of the course:
The basics of gymnastics
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course: Professional Bachelor of Education in
Sports Science
Study year:
Year 1
Semester 1
Credit points:
1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. N.Jaruţnijs, assoc. prof. L.Ţilinskis, doc. L.Maļarenko,
assistant S.Aľisimova
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
Standard of general secondary education
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
Form understanding about kinds and means of gymnastics.
1. Form knowledge about the terminology of formal drill and
2. Introduce the discipline exercises, practical exercises, basic
positions and intermediary positions for arms, legs, head and
1. Know the kinds and means of gymnastics, the terminology
of formal drill and calisthenics;
2. Can exactly perform movements in different parts of the
body, keeping correct stance and perform practical exercises.
The content of the
Discipline exercises, calisthenics, practical exercises: marching,
running, climbing, wrapping the rope around oneself, lifting weight
and moving with it, hurdles.
Obligatory literature:
1. “Vingrošana skolā” U.Švinka redakcijā, Rīga: Zvaigzne,
1988. g.
Additional literature:
2. U.Švinks “Ierindas mācības vingrojumi”, Rīga, 1998. g.
3. U.Švinks ”Vispārattīstošie vingrojumi”, Rīga, 2002. g.
O.Tanne, N.Jaruţnijs “Ceļvedis vingrošanas teorijā un metodikā”,
Rīga, 2001 g.
Other sources of
Internet resources
The organization
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
Improve knowledge and skills in the exercises of formal drill,
calisthenics, and practical exercises.
Active involvement, the execution of control and home works, the
quality of performing the control exercises.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
The basics of acrobatics
Semester 1
Credit points:
1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
doc. G.Kobzevs, L.Ţilinskis, assistant S.Aľisimova
Requirements for
starting the course:
Standard of general secondary education
The aim of the
Form understanding about kinds and means of acrobatics.
Professional Bachelor of Education in
Sports Science
Year 1
The tasks of the
1. Form understanding about the terminology of the exercises of
2. Introduce the exercises of acrobatics: front rolling, rolls,
handsprings, positions, and pair and group exercises.
Planned results of
the study course:
1. Know the kinds and means of acrobatics, the terminology of
formal drill and calisthenics;
2. Can perform the exercises of acrobatics (front rolling, rolls,
handsprings, positions, and pair and group exercises), form acrobatic
combinations, make simple pyramids.
The content of the
The exercises of acrobatics, acrobatic jumps, pyramids, calisthenics,
the exercises of formal drill.
1. “Vingrošana skolā” U.Švinka redakcijā, Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1988. g.
2. U.Švinks “Pāru akrobātikas vingrojumu terminoloģija”, Rīga,
LSPA, 1991. g.
3. G.Kobzevs “Akrobātikas ABC”, Rīga, 2007. 92.lpp.
Bērnu un pusaudţu trenera rokasgrāmata. – Rīga: LR IZM, 2008. 196197.lpp.
Other sources of
Internet resources.
The organization Improve knowledge and skills in the exercises of acrobatics.
independent work:
Active involvement, the execution of home works, the conducting of
The criteria of
assessing the results the introductory part, quality of performing the control exercises.
of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the course:
The basics of aerobics
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Year 1
Semester 1
Credit points:
1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Doc. I.Ļubinska
equirements for
starting the course:
Standard of general secondary education
The aim of the course:
Form understanding about styles and means of aerobics
The tasks of the course:
1. Obtain knowledge about terminology of aerobics
2. Introduce basic steps of aerobics, their combinations
Planned results of the
study course:
1. Know basic terminology of the steps of aerobics.
2. Can exactly perform steps of aerobics and their combinations.
The content of the
Basic steps of aerobics, the combinations of steps of aerobics, arm
Obligatory literature:
Trenera rokasgrāmata-2. Rīga, 2006.g.
Bērnu un jauniešu trenera rokasgrāmata. Rīga, 2008.g. 215.lpp.
Additional literature:
Е.В. Мякинченко М.П .Шестакова „АЭРОБИКА теория и методика
проведения занятий”.
Other sources of
Internet resources
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Improve knowledge and skills in basic steps of aerobics and their
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
The criteria of assessing Active involvement, the execution of control and home works, the quality
the results of the studies: of performing the control exercises.
Study language:
The title of the course:
The basics of handball
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Credit points:
Semester 1
Teaching staff:
Lecturer R.Līcis
Requirements for
starting the course:
Standard of general secondary education
The aim of the course:
Provide theoretical knowledge and skills in handball, which are
Theoretical basic course of the branch
necessary for conducting sports classes, organizing the competitions and
managing them, as well as judging. Create prerequisites for developing the
skill and ability to teach the basics of the methods used in handball.
The tasks of the course:
Give the students the opportunity to learn the methodology of teaching
and improving the techniques of handball. Learn the necessary
acquirements for performing the techniques of handball on the level
necessary for demonstrating the required elements.
Planned results of the
study course:
The contents of the
Correct performance of the techniques and tactics of handball game.
Developed ability to use and strengthen the acquirements in study games and
competitions. Studies the rules of handball, the gestures of the judge and the
tasks of the secretary of the game.
1. The essence of handball, its history, the rules, the principles of
gradualism in teaching.
2. Introductory part exercises with the ball, exercises in movement.
3. Learning the techniques.
4. Learning the simplest tactics of handball.
Obligatory literature:
1. Handbola rokasgrāmata. Autoru kolektīvs. Bauska, 1994., 54 lpp.
Handbola spēles noteikumi. N. Graša redakcijā.Rīga,LSPA
1995.,24 lpp.
3. Hogedals L. Rokasgrāmata treneriem un vadītājiem. Rīga 1998.
Additional literature:
Other sources of
1. Meijers H. Sports skolā. Handbols.Rīga, SIA N.I.M.S. 1996.,66 lpp.
Interneta resources, methodical issues about judging, DVD and video
The organization and tasks Independent work in library and reading hall: studying the
of students’ independent methodology of technically correct performance of the elements of
handball; theoretical studies of the rules and gestures of judges.
Independent work in the gym: improving the techniques, preparing for taking
practical test.
The criteria of assessing the To receive the credit points, the student altogether must assemble at
results of the studies:
least 4 points. The points in assessment are obtained by calculating the
definite number of points for performing definite tasks.
Study language:
Latvian; English and Russian are also possible.
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the study
The contents of the course:
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of information:
The organization and tasks of
students’ independent work:
The criteria of assessing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
General pedagogy
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 1
1.5 ECTS
Doc. Ţermēna Vazne
Promote students’ pedagogic thinking; foster understanding of contemporary pedagogic
theories, pedagogic interactivity, the importance of study and upbringing in the process of
personality’s self-actualization.
- Promote understanding of basic guidelines in education of the XXI century;
- Foster the formation of pre-requisites for creativity of sport personalities;
- Promote understanding about the development of pedagogic theories in Latvia;
- Develop the skills of self understanding and self-assessment;
- Acquire knowledge about components of the structure of the personality, the factors
promoting and hindering the development of the personality;
- Develop student pedagogic research skills.
● Knowledge about the basic concepts of pedagogy, basic guidelines in education of the
XXI century, models of pedagogic interactivity, the contents of the components of
personality, and factors promoting self-actualization of the personality.
● Skills to analyze topical pedagogic problems, using the materials of scientific works in
pedagogy and psychology, ability to evaluate oneself and justify the self-assessment, the
ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice.
● Competence of working independently and in a team, using knowledge and
communicative skills.
1. Introduction into general pedagogy. Basic concepts of pedagogy. Basic guidelines in
education of the XXI century.
2. Educational paradigms in comparative aspect.
3. The evaluation of the components of the structure of the personality in the context of the
XXI century.
4. The aspects of pedagogue personality and pedagogic activity.
5. Pedagogic interactivity.
1. Vazne Ţ. (2006). Pedagoģiskās pamatnostādnes sporta pedagoga pedagoģiskajai praksei.
1. Mācīšanās ir zelts. (2001)Ziľojums, ko Starptautiskā Komisija par izglītību divdesmit
pirmajam gadsimtam sniegusi USESCO. 255.lpp.
2. Gudjons H. (1998). Pedagoģijas pamatatziľas. Zvaigzne ABC.
3. Mācīsimies sadarbojoties. Mācību grāmata, 1998.
4. Alens Verne (2000). Skolēnu izaugsmes veicināšana, Rīga
5. Smits E. (2000). Paātrinātā mācīšanās klasē. Pētergailis
6. Balsons M. (1995). Kāizprast klases uzvedību. Lielvārds.
7. Zelmenis V. (2000). Pedagoģijas pamati. RaKa
8. Ţukovs L. (1998). Ievads pedagoģijā. RaKa
Electronic data basis.
● Independent work with handouts from the book “Education for the XXI century”. The
task: perform the analysis of definite part of the book and justify its connection with
contemporary education.
● Independent work: write 5 definitions about particular basic concepts of pedagogy,
mention the author, book, page, and the year of publication.
● Independent work: formation of the model of an ideal teacher.
Final assessment is recorded into student booklet according to LASE regulations. The
assessment in points is obtained by totaling the number of points per particular tasks. The
assessment of the accomplishment of every task is diminished, if it is not performed on time
(without plausibe reason). Assessment covers knowledge, skills, the dynamics of
development and attitude.
The title of the course:
The basics of volleyball
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 1
Semester 2
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
doc. V. Lapiľš, doc. D.Krepša
Requirements for
starting the course:
Without special preparation and knowledge
The aim of the course:
Provide theoretical knowledge and acquirements in volleyball, which
are necessary for conducting sports classes, organizing the competitions
Theoretical basic course of the branch
and managing them, as well as judging. Create prerequisites for developing
the skill and ability to teach the basics of the methods used in handball.
The tasks of the course:
Give the students the opportunity to learn the methodology of teaching and
improving the techniques of volleyball. Acquire necessary acquirements for
performing the techniques of handball on the level necessary for
demonstrating the required elements. Studying the rules and methodology of
judging the game.
Planned results of the
study course:
Correct performance of the techniques and tactics of volleyball game.
Developed ability to use and strengthen the acquirements in study games and
competitions. Studied the rules of handball, the gestures of the judge and the
tasks of the secretary of the game.
The contents of the
The contents of the course is aimed at developing student skill to demonstrate
basic techniques of volleyball. In the preparatory part are included exercises
with ball. Games with ball.
Obligatory literature:
Lapiľš V. Volejbols. Mācīšanas metodika.
2002.,133 lpp.
Additional literature:
Lapiľš V. Servju uzľemšanas tehnikas pilnveidošana. Rīga: LSPA,
1995. 30 lpp. Lapiľš V. Viena spēlētāja bloķēšanas pamati volejbolā.
Rīga: LSPA, 1994., 27 lpp.
Internet information, methodical issues about judging, DVD and video
Other sources of
Rīga: Izglītības soļi,
The organization and tasks Independent work in library and reading hall: studying the
of students’ independent methodology of teaching technically correct performance of the
elements of handball; theoretical studies of the rules and gestures of
Independent work in the gym: improving the techniques, preparing for taking
practical test.
The criteria of assessing the To receive the credit points, the student altogether must assemble at
results of the studies:
least 4 points. The points in assessment are obtained by calculating the
Study language:
definite number of points for performing definite tasks.
Latvian, Russian.
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The contents of the
Theoretical basic course of the branch
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 2
1.5 ECTS
Doc. Ţermēna Vazne
Pre-knowledge in pedagogy, general and developmental psychology, physiology and anatomy.
Promote the formation of student understanding about theoretical foundations of study process in
connection with contemporary school practice and foster the development of student pedagogical thinking
- Promote student pedagogical orientation;
- Encourage the students to get independent insights into pedagogical process;
- Foster the ability to analyze theoretical and practical experience.
● Knowledge about the subject of investigation of didactics, didactical tasks, documents regulating the
contents of education, didactical principles, methods of learning and forms of organization of study work,
the components of the quality of education.
● Skills to justify common and different in the didactics of the XXI cent., characterize with practical
examples didactical principles, perform the classification of methods and comparative analysis, analyze the
● Competence to evaluate in teacher work different methods and practical approaches.
1. Introduction into didactics (didactics of the XX century and of nowadays).
2. Documents regulating the contents of education.
3. Study process, its functions and components.
4. Didactical principles and their practical importance in pedagogical work.
5. Study methods.
6. The forms of organization of study work and the analysis of the lesson.
Obligatory literature:
Ţukovs L. Ievads pedagoģijā (pamatkurss). Rīga: RaKa, 38-112.lpp.
Additional literature:
Albrehta Dz. (2002). Didaktika. Rīga: RaKa.
Ţogla I. (2002). Didaktikas teorētiskie pamati. Rīga: RaKa
Ţogla I. (1997). Vispārīgā didaktika. Rīga: LU
Rubana I. (2000). Mācīsimies darot. Rīga:RaKa
Other sources of
Electronic data basis.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
● Independent work: the creation of contents and plan of realization for social skills in the 1st lesson at
● Independent work: comparative analysis of study methods
● Independent work: comparative analysis of the kinds of pedagogic interaction
● Formation of a cross-word puzzle, based on knowledge acquired in the course of didactics.
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Final assessment is recorded into student booklet according to LASE regulations.
Study language:
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Part A study course
Year 1
Study year:
The title of the course:
The psychology of development
The code of the course: PBVI105
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Semester 1
Prof. Agita Ābele
Successfully completed secondary education.
The aim of the course:
Promote the formation of understanding about psychology as science and personality
psychological phenomena and their expressions.
The tasks of the
- introduce the students with basic theoretical directions of psychology;
- develop notion about the approaches of investigating personality;
- form understanding about the course of psychic phenomena and their expressions.
Planned results of the
Formation of the concept about theoretical directions of psychology, the approaches
of investigating personality, as well as knowledge and understanding about the
course of psychic phenomena and their expressions.
The content of the
Theoretical directions of psychology;
Investigation methods in psychology;
The approaches of investigating personality;
The progression of personality;
Cognitive processes, emotional and will conditions;
Individual peculiarities of a personality.
A.Ābele. Vispārīgā psiholoģija. 2000.
A. Vorobjovs. Vispārīgā psiholoģija. 2000.
A. Vorobjovs. No domas līdz zinātnei: psiholoģijas vēsture. 2005.
Compulsory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
R. Vuorinens, E.Tūnala. Psiholoģijas pamati. Psihe - garīgā pasaule.- 1998.
L.E.Borns, N.F.Ruso. Psiholoģija. - 2001.
V.Renģe. Psiholoģija: Personības Psiholoģija. 2000.
I.Šuvajevs. Dzīļu psiholoģija: personas, idejas un risinājumi. 2002.
Tiešsaiste www.psiholoģ
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Analytic description of one theoretical directions of psychology;
Independent research about one of psychic phenomena;
Mind map about cognitive processes;
Successfully performed Independent works;
The criteria of
assessing the results of
the studies:
Active involvement of the classes; successful assessment in knowledge testing
control work.
Study language:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
beginning the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
The content of the
Compulsory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results of
the studies:
Study language:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 2
Doc. Ţermēna Vazne
Knowledge in general psychology
Knowledge about the structure CNS and its functions.
The formation of understanding about the regularities and peculiarities of the development of
human being in different stages of his/her life, about possibilities in promoting the development
and growth of one’s own personality and other personalities. The formation of holistic approach in
the understanding and interpretation of problematic issues of psychic development of a
- Promote ability to characterize theoretically the development of human being and his life
coherences from the aspects cognitive, emotional development and social development;
- Provide knowledge about the causes of personality’s psychological comfort and
discomfort, about coherences between how feelings, activities, self-realization and
creative abilities;
- Promote ability to cooperate with different age children;
- Provide knowledge about research work and develop skills of research work in
pedagogue’s activity.
● Knowledge. The specifics of the subject of the psychology of development, connection with
other sciences, the terminology of the psychology of development, the stages of the development
of personality, the theories of, and different approaches in explaining the development of
● Ability to characterize independently every stages of the development of personality,
considering the changes and peculiarities somatic, social, cognitive and emotional development,
as well as formation the “I” image; justify the practical application of psychology in pedagogue’s
● Competence to evaluate theoretically and use different methodology and practical approaches
in pedagogue’s work.
1. The subject of the psychology of development. The criteria, driving forces and factors of
the development. The methods of investigation of the psychology of development.
2. The theories of development. (K.G.Jungs, A.Ādlers, Z.Freids, E.Ēriksons u.c.).
3. The stages of the development of personality (D.Elkoľins, Ē.Ēriksons, Ţ.Piaţe,
4. The characterization of child’s psychic development from birth to year 1; from year 1 to
year 3; from year 3 to years 6 and 7.
5. The levels of moral consciousness according to Colberg.
6. Child’s psychological readiness to school. The role of teacher ion forming child’s
7. The peculiarities of psychic development of teenagers, youngsters and adults.
Puškarevs I. Attīstības psiholoģija. R.: RaKa, 2001.
Svence G. Attīstības psiholoģija. R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1999
Špalleka R. Māmiľ, vai tu mani mīli? - R.: Preses Nams, 1998. 171.-173. lpp.
Balsons M. Kā izprast klases uzvedību. Lielvārde: Lielvārds, 1996. 49.-74., 123.-149. lpp
Boulbijs Dţ. Drošais pamats. Vecāku un bērnu savstarpējā pieķeršanās - cilvēka veselīgas
attīstības priekšnoteikums. R: Rasa ABC, 1998
Kempbels R. Kā patiesi mīlēt savu bērnu. - R.: SIA Amnis, 1998, 40.-44. lpp.
Кулагина И.Ю. Возрастная психология. - М.: Изд. УРАО, 1997. 58-57; 70-81; 82-107 c.
Kempbels R. Kā izprast pusaudzi. - R.: SIA Amnis, 1998
Karpova Ā. Personība. Teorija un to rādītāji. - R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1998.
Elektronic data bases.
● Independent work “The theories of development” (Jung, Adler, Freud, Erickson, Rodger,
Maslow, etc.).
● Independent work “Autobiographic memories of childhood and their analysis”, essay.
● Independent work “The peculiarities of psychic development of early childhood, elementary
school age, teenagers, youngsters and adults ".
Assessment in points student receive, totaling the number of points received about the
performance of separate tasks. Assessment covers knowledge, skills, the dynamics of
development and attitude.
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
Theoretical basic course of the branch
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 1
Semester 1, Semester 2
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Professor Gundega Knipše, assistant Ieva Kundziľa
Requirements for
beginning the course:
The aim of the course:
Secondary or secondary special education, including subjects of natural sciences:
biology, anatomy, physics, chemistry.
To obtain deep knowledge about the structure and functions of human body, the
influence of sports trainings on the development and growth of human body, about the
unity of form and functions. Students study the basics of the terminology of medicine
in Latin, which are used in anatomy, physiology and other disciplines of medicine, as
well as develop acquirements of morphologic investigations.
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
Form understanding about the structure of human body its development, especially
about the structure and function of the locomotory system, as well circulatory and
nervous systems, performing simple and complicated movements as well as about
changes, caused by sports trainings
2. Be able to analyze, in what movements is involved each joint, each muscle; be
able to analyze anatomically movements in sports.
3. In practical classes be able to find for themselves and for others the points of
bones, muscles, the points of their attachment, determine and analyze the activity
of muscle.
Students obtain knowledge about: skeleton, the bones of the limbs, muscles, their
structure; the structure and principles of operation of circulatory system, the structure
and role in movement regulation of each part of central nervous system, as well as
about changes, caused by regular sports trainings.
Students develop skills to show muscles, bones, parts of brain, etc. on moulages,
anatomic prepared specimens and posters.
Students develop competences to analyze muscle activity in different movements: in
which joints which muscles work in different sports movements.
The content of the
Introduction to subjects of anatomy and sports morphology as sciences. Methods.
Passive locomotory apparatus: osteology, sindesmology.
Passive locomotory
apparatus: miology, sports miology. Supply systems: circulatory system. Regulation
system: central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, vegetative nervous system.
Sports morphology: anatomic characterization of different body positions and
Compulsory literature:
M.Āboltiľa, G.Knipše, S.Umbraško. Cilvēka ķermeľa stāvokļu un kustību anatomiskā analīze, 1999.
M.Āboltiľa. Kustību anatomija. I daļa. Rīga, 1998.
M.Āboltiľa. Kustību anatomija. II daļa. Rīga, 1998.
M.Āboltiľa. Regulācijas sistēmas. 1998.
M.Āboltiľa. Apgādes sistēmas. 1998.
M.Āboltiľa, G.Knipše. Sporta mioloģija. 1992.
Additional literature:
G. Knipšes redakcijā. Anatomija. Roka. Kāja. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. 2008.
I.F.Ivaľickis. Cilvēka anatomija. M. 1985. (krievu val.)
V.Kalbergs. Cilvēka anatomija. I un II daļa. „Zvaigzne”, 1973.
K.Tittel. Beschreibende un funktionelle Anatomie des Menschen. Jena. 1970.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Prepare for tests about themes: torso ostheosindesmology, the ostheosindesmology of
upper limb, the ostheosindesmology of lower limb, torso miology, the miology of
upper limb, the miology of lower limb, circulatory system, nervous system. Write
report about the analysis of movements in one’s own sport. Prepare for control work
in anatomy.
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Student knowledge, skills and competences are assessed in 8 tests (ostheology,
sindesmology, miology, sports miology, anatomy of the circulatory system anatomy
of the central, peripheral and vegetative nervous systems), after having written the
report about the analysis of movements in one’s own sport. At the end of the study
course of anatomy the students have to take an exam.
Study language:
The title of the course:
The code of the course
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
beginning the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
The content of the
Compulsory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 1
1. 5 ECTS
Professor, Dr.phil. Aino Kuzľecova
Necessary previous knowledge: culturology, ability to operate with basic categories of
logics un ethics.
Develop further sports specialists thinking culture, necessary competences for objective
solution of human and society problems.
-learn to use methods of scientific cognition, develop skills and acquirements to interpret
and analyze independently philosophical texts, connect philosophical insights with art of
life and chosen profession;
- learn the history of philosophical ideas and their development nowadays, promoting and
analyzing the skill to understand the causes of emerging a philosophical issue, the
methods of solving them, forming definite opinions about main problem of
philosophy: a man as physically and mentally unity, the characteristics of
investigation human existence and the results of this investigation.
Develop competences:
- ability to formulate analytically and analyze basic concepts of philosophy, the range of
problems and the history of philosophy as means of expressing mental culture, structuring
student future study process;
- ability to analyze critically and creatively topical issues of philosophy, in connection with
other sports sciences and communicate about them;
- readiness to engage in public discussions, ability to analyze and solve many-sided
problems connected with philosophy and sports and put forward suggestions for their
1. The essence of the subject of philosophy. Basic principles of philosophical thinking.
2. Philosophy and world outlook. Types of world outlook.
4. The history of philosophy as means of expressing mental culture.
5. Topical issues of contemporary philosophy sports philosophy.
1.Kuzľecova A. Filozofijas vēstures aktualitātes.1.,daļa, 2.daļa – R.: LSPA, 1998.
2.Kūle M., Kūlis R. Filosofija. – R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1998.
3.Aristotelis.Nikomaha ētika. – R.: Zvaigzne, 1985.
4.Aurēlijs Marks. Pašam sev. – R.: Zvaigzne ABC,1991.
5.Platons.Menons. Dzīres. – R.: Zvaigzne ABC,1980.
6.Bēkons F. Jaunais organons. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1989.
7.Dekarts R. Pārruna par metodi. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1978.
8.Kants I. Prolegomeni. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1990.
9. Hēgelis V.V.F. Filozofijas zinātľu enciklopēdija. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1981.
12. Medina J., Morali C., Senik A. Philosophie. Magnard, 1988.
13.Sport Philosophy. Sport Science. Review. Volume 5, Number 2, 1966.
14.Stumpf S.E. From Socrates to Sartre. A History of Philosphy. Mc.Graw-Hill,
Inc., 1988.
Preparation for working out the report about freely chosen philosopher’s topical ideas
about studies or sports philosophy.
Requirements for obtaining 1.5 ECTS:
30 % - work during semester: lecture Active involvement, independent study of course
and working out a report;
35% - active participation in contact classes;
35% - differentiated test.
Final assessment is recorded into student booklets in the scale of 10 points according
to LASE documents. To obtain 1.5 ECTS for course, the student must assemble at least 4
The title of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Sports history
Part A study course
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 1
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
beginning the course:
The aim of the course:
1.5 ECTS
prof. Jansone R., lecturer Gulbe A.
Knowledge and skills in literature, history, geography, history of culture at the level of standard
of the basic education.
- promote the formation and development of student cognitive processes;
- be aware of sports history and be able to analyze it in chronological sequence;
- promote active attitude to life in identifying historical situations and problems and in their
- promote creative thinking;
- form the skills of applying knowledge in practical sport work.
The tasks of the course:
Learn the following knowledge and develop skills to interpret it:
- objective un subjective conditions leading to the origins of sports;
- sports movements, their organizers, historical personalities in sports in different time periods
(prehistory, Ancient times, Medieval Age, New Age);
- the formation of Olympic movement, its development, problems, its historical representatives
in Latvia and abroad: J.Dikmanis, Pierre de Coubertin;
- the origins of LOK (Latvian Olympic Committee), the importance of its renewal;
- Latvian sportsmen, participating in competitions abroad.
- Contemporary sports topicalities in Latvia and abroad.
- knowledge about sports history Olympic education, connection with other knowledge,
promoting professional qualification
- ability to perform scientific work and educational activity
- competence to use knowledge and skills in sports classes and in the framework of pedagogic
- The origins of sports and its initial development.
- objective, subjective and biologic pre-conditions, leading to the origins of sports.
- Sports in Ancient times (Mesopotamia, China, India, Egypt, and Greece).
- Sports in Medieval cities and towns, and in the countryside.
- the interaction of religion and sports in Medieval times (the upbringing of knights).
- Sports in New Age (XVII - XX cent.).
- the origins of sports in Latvia.
- Ancient Olympic Games, their cultural and historical importance.
- The origins of International sports movement, the foundation of IOC (International Olympic
Committee). Pierre de Coubertin.
- Olympic symbols.
- The history of Latvian Olympic movement. I. Dikmanis, V. Baltiľš.
- Olympic Games from Athens to nowadays.
1. Čika V.,Gubiľš G. Latvijas sporta vēsture (1918-1944).-Amerikas Latvian apvienības fiziskās
audzināšanas un sporta birojs,1970
2. Jansone R. Sporta vēstures pamatjēdzieni. Mācību līdzeklis.-Rīga: LSPA, 1999
3. Latvijas olimpiskā vēsture. LOK. 2003 Rīga
4. Muller N. Pierre de Coubertin. Olympism. Selected writings. Lausanne IOC, 2000. 864 p
5. Olympic Charter. Lausanne: International Olympic committee, 1997.92 p.
1. Olimpiskā kustība: Olimpiskās izglītības rokasgrāmata. Palīgs studējošai jaunatnei un
skolotājiem - Rīga: Latvijas Olimpiskā komiteja, 2004
2. Платонов В.Н., Гуськов С.И. Олимпийский спорт.- Киев.: Олимпийская литература,
Information available at Latvia Sports museum with test leaflet.
Planned results of the
The content of the
Compulsory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
Projects “Sports in my city/town”, “Olympic Games (city/town, state: free choice)”, test.
Systematic work in lectures and seminars, project work, the visit of Latvia Sports museum,
working out independent tasks.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
beginning the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the course:
The content of the
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
The basics of economics
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 2
1.5 ECTS Saulītis J.
For studying the subject there is not necessary any previous knowledge.
Provide knowledge about the essence of economics, its subjects (participants), their
interactivity and problems.
1) know and understand main problems of economics and the ways of its solution;
2) understand the essence of market economy;
3) understand the activity and interactivity of subjects, involved in economy;
4) understand the significance of the state in market economy.
The student should develop:
- understanding and ability to formulate promoting factors of contemporary
economics and its main tasks;
- ability to formulate the influence of economic factors on different spheres of
human activity, including the spheres education and sports.
- ability to find out and understand the factors of economic development and
their significance;
- understanding of the cyclic character of economic development, the forms of
their expressions;
- knowledge of the types of the politics of economics and their influence on the
development of economics.
- ability to justify and make decisions appropriate to the situation in
- ability to perform basic calculations for evaluating economic situation at the
basic level of national economics and commercial economics.
1. The subject of economics.
2. Systems of economics.
3. Indicators and factors of the growth of national economics.
4. Cyclic character of economic development: causes and consequences.
5. Money, bank system and monetary politics.
6. State budget and fiscal politics.
7. Demand, supply, the price of balance.
8. Entrepreneurship and its legal forms.
9. Production, its costs and profit.
10. International economic relations: forms un importance in contemporary
1. Bikse V. Ekonomikas teorijas pamatprincipi. – Rīga, 2007.
2. Nešpors V. Ievads ekonomikā. – R.: 2006.
3. Latvijas statistikas gadagrāmata 2008. – Rīga, 2008.
4. LR Ekonomikas ministrijas „Ziľojums par Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstību”
1. LR Finansu ministrijas biļeteni: http:/
2. Latvijas bankas publikācijas: http:/
3. LR Centrālās statistikas pārvaldes mājas lapa: http:/
Independent work is divided into 2 parts: 1st part concerns theoretical questions, 2nd:
their practical application.
To receive the credit points, the student altogether must assemble at least 4 points. The
points in assessment are obtained by totaling the definite number of points for
performing definite tasks. Assessment covers knowledge, skills, attitude and the
dynamics of progress.
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
beginning the course:
The aim of the course:
The theory of management
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 1
1.5 ECTS
Assistant, Mg.MBA S.Luika
The knowledge of Social Sciences at the level of comprehensive secondary school.
The tasks of the course:
1) Study theoretical basis of management;
2) Develop skills and acquirements in the realization of functions of the management.
3) Study the methods of management;
4) Develop skills and acquirements necessary to occupy the position of a manager.
Knows: basic functions of management, their characteristics, the role of manager in an
organization, management in non-commercial organization, functions of management, their
mutual correlations, their connections with resources and the efficiency of the organization, the
methods of management, the methods of administrative and organizational management, social
and psychological methods of management, economic methods of management, manager’s
functions, roles and styles of management, as well as the forms of communication, their
characteristics, verbal communication, the use of it, non-verbal communication.
Planned results of the
Study theoretical knowledge and develop practical acquirements in management to be able to plan
and manage an organization.
Can: set aims and put forward tasks, determine quantitative and qualitative indicators for control
process in definite organization, determine styles of management and characterize their
expression, make presentation.
Can: form management structure of an organization, work out the system of motivation for
definite contingent, work out position description, and make presentations.
The content of the
Compulsory literature:
Additional literature:
The origin and development of the theory of management;
Main functions of management;
The system of methods of management;
Manager and management;
1. Drucker Peter F. Management – England, HarperCollinsPublishers, 2008.
2. Edeirs Dţ. Efektīva komunikācija, - Rīga, 1999.
3. Forands I. Vadītāja darbība,- Rīga, 1994.
4. Forands I. Vadītājs un vadīšana,- Rīga, 1994.
5. Forands I. Personālvadība,- Rīga, 1994.
6. Forands I. Biznesa vadības tehnoloģijas, - Rīga, Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2006.for exellence.
7. Heller Robert. Management for exellence, - England, Dorling Kindersley, 2001.
8. Kuzľecova A. Profesionālā ētika – Rīga, Raka, 2004.
9. Līdumnieks A. Vadīšana, - Rīga, 1996.
10. Luika B. Sanāksmju organizēšana un vadīšana, - Rīga, 1997.
11. Praude V., Beļčikovs S. Menedţments, - Rīga, 1996.
12. Šķiltere D., Vadīšanas pamati,- Rīga, 1994.
13. Šķiltere D. Uzľēmuma vadīšana, - Rīga, 1998.
14. Мескон М., Альберт М., Хедоури Ф. Основы менеджмента – Москва, 1997
1. Kalemens R., Berijs G. Uzmanības menedţeri. 525 ieteikumi Jums,- Rīga, 1995.
2. Kembels D. Ja es esmu priekšnieks, kāpēc tad visi smejas, - Rīga, 1996.
3. Reľģe V. Organizāciju psiholoģija – Rīga, Kamene, 1999.
4. Петрушин В. Настольная книга kарьериста – Санкт-Петербург, «Питер», 2002.
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
1) Practical work about planning;
2) Report about the theory of management.
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
To obtain credits for course, the student must assemble at least 4 points. The assessment
in points is obtained by totaling the number of points per particular tasks. Assessment
covers knowledge, skills, the dynamics of development and attitude.
Study language:
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 1
1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
beginning the course:
Docent B.LUIKA, docent I.BUDVIĶE
The aim of the course:
Attīstīt sociālās, komunikatīvās un organizatoriskās pamatiemaľas.
The tasks of the course:
Obtain knowledge and skills in producing documents, in the organization of record-keeping
and archival work.
- know normative acts, regulating record keeping and work with documents in an organization
un can take them into account in their practical activity,
- can work out and draw up administration documents,
- can work out the text of documents according to Latvian literal language,
- can use office notes according to their meaning,
- know document circulation in an organization,
- can perform document registration,
- know document keeping in files, principles of working out nomenclatures of files,
- know document preparation for keeping and using.
The parts of the document: text, specifications, office notes.
The types of managerial documents, their contents.
Document circulation in an organization,
Document sorting in files, their keeping.
- Bahanovskis V. Praktiskā lietvedība.Rīga, Kamene, 2001., 253 lpp.
- Dokumentu izstrādāšanas un noformēšanas noteikumi MK 1996.g. 23. aprīļa noteikumi Nr.
- Kalējs J., Ābele M. Lietvedības pamati. Rīga, 2000., 190 lpp.
- Skujiľa V. Latvian valoda lietišķajos rakstos. Rīga, 1999., 148 lpp.
- Budviķe I. Mūsdienu Latvian literārās valodas kultūras jautājumi. Rīga, 2000. 48 lpp.
- Luika B. Lietvedības pamati. Rīga, 1997.,47 lpp.
The knowledge of Latvian according to the standards of general secondary education
The content of the course:
Compulsory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of literature:
The organization and tasks
of students’ independent
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Tilde computer dictionary.
Work out documents according to definite aim.
Study language:
To receive the credit points, the student altogether must assemble at least 4 points. The points
in assessment are obtained by totaling the definite number of points for performing definite
tasks. Assessment covers knowledge, skills, the dynamics of development and attitude.
The title of the
The didactics of gymnastics
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 1
Semester 2
Credit points:
1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. N.Jaruţnijs, L.Ţilinskis, assistant S.Aľisimova, doc.
At the level of general secondary education
Requirements for
beginning the course:
The aim of the
Form knowledge and develop skills about the means of gymnastics, the
methodology of teaching and conducting gymnastics classes.
The tasks of the
1. Acquire knowledge about the exercises of formal drill, calisthenics,
practical exercises, the methodology of teaching these exercises and
conducting gymnastics classes, including them;
2. Develop skills of performing the exercises of formal drill, calisthenics,
practical exercises, the methodology of teaching these exercises and
conducting gymnastics classes, including them.
Planned results of
the course:
1. Know the stages of teaching exercises, the methodology of teaching.
2. Be able to teach the exercises of formal drill, calisthenics, practical
exercises, the methodology of teaching these exercises and conducting
gymnastics classes, including them.
The exercises of formal drill, calisthenics, the exercises of introductorypreparatory part, practical exercises, balance exercises.
The content of the
1. “Vingrošana skolā” U.Švinka redakcijā, Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1988. g.
Additional literature:
O.Tanne, N.Jaruţnijs “Ceļvedis vingrošanas teorijā un metodikā”, Rīga,
2001 g.
Other sources of
Internet resources
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Improve knowledge and skills in performing the exercises of formal drill,
the exercises of calisthenics, and practical exercises.
Study language:
2. U.Švinks “Ierindas mācības vingrojumi”, Rīga, 1998. g.
3. U.Švinks “Vispārattīstošie vingrojumi”, Rīga, 2002. g.
Active involvement, the execution of home works, the evaluation of study
The title of the
The code of the
The didactics of acrobatics
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
beginning the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
1. Acquire knowledge about the exercises of acrobatics: handsprings,
cartwheel, rolls, positions, pair and group exercises;
2. Develop skills in teaching and conducting classes of acrobatics.
Planned results of
the course:
1. Know the classification of the exercises of acrobatics;
2. Be able to teach exercises of acrobatics and conduct classes in
The acrobatic jumps, pyramids, calisthenics, the exercises of formal drill.
The content of the
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 2
1.5 ECTS
doc. G.Kobzevs, L.Ţilinskis, assistant S.Aľisimova
At the level of standard of general secondary education.
Acquire knowledge and develop skills about the means of acrobatics,
the methodology of teaching and conducting classes of acrobatics.
1. “Vingrošana skolā” U.Švinka redakcijā, Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1988. g.
2. U.Švinks “Pāru akrobātikas vingrojumu terminoloģija”, Rīga, LSPA,
1991. g.
3. G.Kobzevs “Akrobātikas ABC”, Rīga, 2007. 92.lpp.
Bērnu un pusaudţu trenera rokasgrāmata. – Rīga: LR IZM, 2008. 196197.lpp.
Internet resources
Improve knowledge and skills in the exercises of acrobatics
Active involvement, the execution of home works, the evaluation of study
The title of the
The didactics of aerobics
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 1
Semester 2
Credit points:
1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
doc. I. Ļubinska
Requirements for
beginning the course:
At the level of standard of general secondary education.
The aim of the
Acquire knowledge and develop skills about the kinds of aerobics,
the methodology of teaching and conducting classes of aerobics.
The tasks of the
1. Acquire knowledge about performing the exercises of formal drill,
calisthenics, practical exercises, and the methodology of teaching and
conducting classes of aerobics.
2. Develop skills of performing the exercises of formal drill, calisthenics,
practical exercises, and the methodology of teaching and conducting classes
of aerobics.
1. Know the stages of teaching the steps of aerobics, the methodology of
2. Be able to teach basic steps of aerobics and conduct classes of aerobics,
calisthenics with basic steps of aerobics.
Basic steps of aerobics, the combinations of the basic steps of aerobics,
calisthenics with basic steps of aerobics.
Planned results of
the course:
The content of the
Trenera rokasgrāmata-2. Rīga, 2006.g.
Additional literature:
Е.В. Мякинченко М.П .Шестакова „АЭРОБИКА теория и методика
проведения занятий”.
Other sources of
Internet resources
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Control work, study practice, written works.
Active involvement, the execution of home works, the evaluation of study
The title of the
Handball didactics
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
beginning the course
Theoretical basic course of the branch
The aim of the
Ability to conduct classes of handball in the range determined in the
standard of general secondary education in the subject of Sports.
Knowledge in the didactics of handball and ability to use it in professional
The tasks of the
Obtain knowledge in the technology of teaching basic techniques and
tactics of handball determined in the standard of general secondary
Obtain knowledge about didactic principles and means of teaching basic
techniques of handball;
Be able to use the obtained knowledge in professional work.
Planned results of
the course:
The student will be competent to organize and conduct classes in handball
and competitions.
The content of the
The content of the course is comprised of theoretical knowledge, the
development of skills and ability to apply the developed competencies in
the activities of Sports teacher, conducting classes of handball.
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 2
1.5 ECTS
Lecturer R.Līcis
The level of knowledge, skills and acquirements should correspond to the
standard of general secondary education in the subject of Sports. The
student should have positive evaluation in the course “The basics of
Jansone R. Sporta izglītība skolā. – Rīga, RAKa, 1999.
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
DVD Discs, Internet addresses, etc.
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
To receive the credit points, the student altogether must assemble at least
4 points. The points in assessment are obtained by totaling the definite
number of points for performing definite tasks: conducting classes,
participation in tournament, control works, etc.
Study language:
Latvian (possible also Russian and English).
Work with the sources of information: studying the rules of the game,
working out the summary of study practice;
Participation in Study Year tournament of handball and its organization.
The title of the
The basics of track and field athletics
PBNPS 3011
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Theoretical basic course of the branches
Study year:
Year 1
Semester 2
Credit points:
1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:ľa, doc.M.Gailis, lecturer T.Lisicina, lecturer
S.Škutāne, assistant K.Kuplis
Track and field athletics at the level of standard of secondary school.
Requirements for
beginning the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
The aim of the
Create interest about track and field athletics and develop
understanding about track and field events included in school
education standard.
The tasks of the
Introduce the students with track and field exercises and track and
field events.
Planned results of
the course:
Competences: special exercises of athletics, the basics of
running, jumping and throwing events in correspondence with
State education standard in sports.
The content of the
Track and field exercises and track and field events.
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000. 50
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika. Rīga: LSPA, 2003. 27.lpp.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
In independent work students analyze special literature, work
out home tasks and train in performing track and field
exercises, improving their movement skills, as well as teach the
execution of track and field exercises to other students.
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Practical and theoretical test, demonstration of the acquired
exercises according to the criteria worked out by the department.
Study language:
The title of the
Volleyball didactics
PBNPS 3018
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Theoretical basic course of the branch
Requirements for
beginning the course
The level of knowledge, skills and acquirements necessary for beginning
the study course of volleyball didactics should correspond to the standard
of general secondary education in the subject of Sports. The student
should have positive evaluation in control works of the study course “The
basics of volleyball”.
Student theoretical knowledge and practical acquirements in teaching
techniques of volleyball, organizing the competitions and judging them.
Ability to conduct classes of volleyball in the range determined in the
standard of general secondary education in the subject of Sports.
Obtain knowledge in the technology of teaching basic techniques and
tactics of volleyball handball determined in the standard of general
secondary education;
Obtain knowledge about didactic principles, means and methods of
teaching basic techniques of volleyball;
Be able to use the obtained knowledge in professional work.
Learn to use special preparatory exercises of volleyball as means of
physical education in basic and secondary schools.
Use modern, to contemporary requirements corresponding principles and
insights of pedagogy and others sciences.
Demonstrate main techniques of volleyball.
Conduct (judge) the game of volleyball.
Work out the summary of study practice corresponding to the age, sex,
individual and social peculiarities of the learners.
Choose and use adequate methods and means of physical education,
corresponding to the aims set forward.
The content of the course consists of theoretical knowledge, the
development of skills and ability to apply the developed competencies in
the activities of Sports teacher, conducting classes of volleyball.
Lapiľš V. Volejbols. Mācīšanas metodika. Rīga: Izglītības soļi, 2002.,133
Jansone R. Sporta izglītība skolā. – Rīga, RAKa, 1999.
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the course:
The content of the
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 2
1.5 ECTS
Doc. V.Lapiľš, doc. D.Krepša
DVD Discs, Internet addresses, etc.
Work with the sources of information: studying the rules of the game,
working out the summary of study practice;
Participation in Study Year tournament of volleyball and its organization.
To receive the credit points, the student altogether must assemble at least
4 points. The points in assessment are obtained by totaling the definite
number of points for performing definite tasks: conducting classes,
participation in tournament, control works, etc.
Latvian (possible also Russian).
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The didactics of track and field athletics
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 1
Semester 2
Credit points:
1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff: I.Avotiľa, doc. M.Gailis, lecturer T.Lisicina, lecturer
S.Škutāne, assistant K.Kuplis
Study course: The basics track and field athletics.
Requirements for
starting the course:
PBNPS 3012
The course of Professional specialization of the branch
The aim of the
The basics of teaching track and field events, which are included in
pre-school, basic school and high school education standards.
The tasks of the
Introduce the students with track and field exercises and
Planned results of
the course:
The implementation of the contents of track and field in sports
The content of the
The didactics of track and field exercises and track and field
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000. 50
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika. Rīga: LSPA, 2003. 27.lpp.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
In independent work students analyze special literature, work
out home tasks and train in performing track and field
exercises, improving their movement skills, as well as teach the
execution of track and field exercises to other students.
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Practical and theoretical test, demonstration of the acquired
exercises according to the criteria worked out by the department.
Study language:
methodology of teaching track and field events.
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
The basics of physiology
Theoretical basic course of the branch
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Semester 1, Semester 2
prof. Inese Pontaga, doc. Vija Millere
Requirements for
starting the course:
Secondary or secondary special education, in the framework of which are studied subjects of
natural sciences: biology, anatomy, physics, chemistry, during Year 1 studies at LASE acquired
knowledge in anatomy.
The aim of the course:
Provide opportunity for young sport specialists to form understanding about the functions of
oxygen supply and functions of systems of movement organs, and mechanisms of their
regulation in human body. Provide the basis of knowledge, which is necessary for studying
other subjects of medical and biological block.
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the course:
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
Provide knowledge about the mechanisms of oxygen supply and their functions: in
circulatory and respiratory systems.
2. Provide knowledge about the types of muscle fibers, the mechanisms of contraction, about
particular kinds of contraction of muscle fibers, about regimens of muscle activity.
3. Form understanding about the role in muscle regulation of each part of central of central
nervous system and sensor systems.
4. Get introduced with main methods of investigating of the functions of human physiology
and form practical acquirements in determining functional indices, comparing with norm
analyze physiological changes as a result of physical load.
Students obtain knowledge: about functions and regulatory mechanisms of blood, circulatory
and respiratory systems, about mechanisms of contraction of skeletal muscles, about the types
of muscle fibers, regimens of muscle work, about the role of each part of central of central
nervous system and sensor systems in movement regulation, main methods of investigating of
the functions of human physiology.
Students develop skills: determine the frequency of heart activity, take arterial blood pressure,
determine the indices of outer respiration, measure the strength of static muscles.
Students develop competences: determine main functional indices of blood, circulatory and
respiratory systems, evaluate them, compare with norm or literature sources, evaluate muscle
work regimens and kinds of contractions, performing exercises on exercise unit and during
sports loads, and evaluate the role in acquiring movements of different parts of brain.
The subject of physiology. Methods of investigating in physiology. The physiology of blood.
The physiology of circulation. The physiology of respiration. The physiology of muscles.
General physiology of nervous system. Sensor systems, taking part in movement regulation.
The regulation of motoric movements by brains.
1. Millere V., Rocēna L. Asinis. Asinsrite. Elpošana. LSPA - Rīga, 1996., 79.lpp.
2. Pontaga I. Muskuļu fizioloģija. Mācību līdzeklis LSPA studentiem. LSPA – Rīga, 2007.,
42 lpp.
3. Pontaga I. Uzbudināmo audu fizioloģija. Nervu sistēmas vispārējā organizācija. Sensoro
sistēmu fizioloģija. Mācību līdzeklis LSPA studentiem. Rīga, 2001., 105 lpp.
4. Liepa Dz. Smadzeľu motorās sistēmas un veģetatīvās nervu sistēmas fizioloģija. Augstākā
neirālā darbība. Kustību aparāta fizioloģija. Rīga – LVFKI, 1988., 118 lpp.
5. Thibodeau G.A., Patton K.T. Anatomy and Physiology. St.Louis,Baltimore,Boston, etc.:
Mosby,1993,968. p.
6. Bell D. Core Concepts in Physiology. Lippincott – Raven Publishers, 1998, printed in
USA, 230 p.
1. Aberberga – Augškalne L. Fizioloģija rehabilitologiem. Rīga, Nacionālais Medicīnas
apgāds, 2002., 215 lpp.
2. Aberberga – Augškalne L., Āboltiľa – Āboliľa E., Aivars J., Gaile E., Valtneris A. Cilvēka
fizioloģija. Rīga, apgāds "Zvaigzne ABC", 1986., 456 lpp.
3. Bovell D., Nimmo M., Wood L. Principles of Physiology. A Scientific Foundation of
Physiotherapy. WB Saunders Company Ltd, 1996, printed in UK, 248 p.
1. Физиология мышечной деятелъности. Под ред.Я.М.Коца.-М.: ФиС, 1982., 448 c.
2. Gardiner Ph.F. Neuromuscular Aspects of Physical Activity. Human Kinetics, 2001,
printed in USA, 236 p.
Preparation for seminars about themes: blood physiology, heart physiology, the physiology of
circulation, the physiology of respiration, the physiology of muscles, the physiology of nervous
system and movement regulation. Write a report about the work of oxygen supply systems,
changes in muscles and opportunities of training them in their sport. Preparation for control
work in the basics of physiology.
Student knowledge, skills and competences are assessed in 6 seminars (blood, heart,
circulation. respiration, muscle and nervous system physiology), 3 laboratory works (blood,
muscle and nervous system physiology) and in writing the report about the work of oxygen
supply systems, changes in muscles and opportunities of training them in their sport. At the end
of the course there is a control work.
The title of the course:
The basics of biochemistry
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Secondary or secondary special education, in the framework of which is studied
organic and nonorganic chemistry, biology. The basics of biochemistry should be
studied in close connection with the basics of physiology.
The aim of the course:
Obtain knowledge about chemical composition of human body, biological functions of
biological compounds: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Obtain
knowledge and develop understanding about chemical basis of biological processes,
Theoretical basic course of the branch
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Semester 1, 2
doc. Maija Dzintare
energetic and plastic processes in human body.
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
Provide opportunity for young sport specialists acquire knowledge about chemical
composition of human body, chemical basis of life processes: biological compounds carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, about their composition and
biological functions, emphasizing main sources of energy of human body and
substances involved in producing energy.
Students obtain knowledge about:
1. chemical composition of human body,
2. chemical basis of life processes,
3. composition of biological compounds: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic
acids, their biological functions emphasizing main sources of energy of human body
and substances involved in producing energy.
4. Are introduced with ferments.
Develop competences for connecting Error! Not a valid chemistry with the
diet of sportsman, develop independent problem solving skills.
The content of the
Chemical composition of human body. Biological functions of biological compounds:
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, their main chemical changes in body.
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
V. Ūdre. Vispārējā un sporta bioķīmija I d., māc. grāmata LSPA studentiem, Rīga 1999.
1. D. Cēdere, J. Logins. Organiskā ķīmija ar ievirzi bioķīmijā, Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 1996.
2. Волков Н. И. Биохимия мышечной деятельности. Kиев, Олимпийская литература,
2000. c 504.
3. Murray R. K., Granner D. K., Mayes P. A., Rodwell V. W. Harper's Biochemistry (25th
edition). McGraw-Hill Publishing Co; 1999, p. 927.
4. Lieberman M. A., Marks A. Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach
(3rd revised North American ed.) Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2008, p. 1024.
5. Lehninger A. L., Nelson D. L., Cox M. M. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry (4th
edition) W. H. Freeman & Co, 2004.
6. Stryer L., Berg J. M., Tymoczko J. L. Biochemistry (5th edition). W. H. Freeman & Co,
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Preparation for seminars about themes: chemical composition of the body, functional
groups of organic compounds, disperse systems of the body, pH, buffer systems,
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, ferments. Preparation for control work.
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Student knowledge and competences are assessed according to qualitative indicator:
in the system of 10 points, and quantitative indicator: should be passed all seminars
and control works.
Study language:
The title of the course:
Didactics of swimming
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
The course of Professional specialization of the branch
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Semester 2
1.5 ECTS Upītis I., doc. Upmale V.M.
Requirements for
starting the course:
Positive assessment in basic course of swimming.
The aim of the course:
Acquire the methodology of teaching swimming.
The tasks of the course:
The methodology of teaching the following styles of swimming:
- preparatory exercises in water,
- back crawl,
- front crawl,
- breast stroke,
- dolphin.
Planned results of the
study course:
1. Students can demonstrate movement imitations on land for the following
swimming styles:
- back crawl,
- front crawl,
- breast stroke,
- dolphin.
2. Students know the exercises for teaching swimming.
3. Can apply in the correct order the exercises for teaching swimming.
The content of the
1. Theoretical knowledge about the following kinds of swimming: back crawl, front
1. Lielvārds A. Peldēšana / Rīga : Zvaigzne, 1987.
2. Upmale V.M. Peldēšanas mācīšanas metodika / LSPA. Rīga: Mācību metodiskais
līdzeklis, 2006., 94.lpp.
3. Upmale V.M. Peldēšanas veidu integrālā mācīšana / LSPA. Rīga, 1999, 34 lpp.
Additional literature:
Other sources of
crawl, breast stroke, dolphin.
2. Imitation exercises for swimming movements on land in the following swimming
- back crawl,
- front crawl,
- breast stroke,
- dolphin.
3. The methodology of teaching swimming.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Imitation exercises in the following styles of swimming back crawl, front crawl,
breast stroke, dolphin (demonstration in front of the mirror or with a partner).
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
1. The demonstration of imitation of swimming movements on land with explanations
about rational swimming techniques.
2. The demonstration of the exercises for teaching swimming with explanations about the
sequence of their application.
Study language:
The title of the course:
The basics of swimming
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The course of Professional specialization of the branch
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Semester 2
Credit points:
1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff: Upītis I., doc. Upmale V.M.
The aim of the course:
Studying the styles of sports swimming.
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
1. Acquired breathing rhythm in swimming.
Acquire breathing rhythm in swimming.
Study swimming in swimming style: back crawl,
Study swimming in swimming style: front crawl,
Study swimming in swimming style: breast stroke,
Study swimming in swimming style: dolphin.
Can swim 50 m in full coordination in swimming style: back crawl.
3. Can swim 50 m in full coordination in swimming style: front crawl.
4. Can swim 50 m in full coordination in swimming style: breast stroke.
5. Can swim 25 m in full coordination in swimming style: dolphin.
The content of the
4. Lielvārds A. Peldēšana / Rīga : Zvaigzne, 1987.
5. Upmale V.M. Peldēšanas mācīšanas metodika / LSPA. Rīga: Mācību metodiskais
līdzeklis, 2006., 94.lpp.
6. Upmale V.M. Peldēšanas veidu integrālā mācīšana / LSPA. Rīga, 1999, 34 lpp.
Additional literature:
Other sources of
Exercises for acquiring breathing rhythm in swimming.
Exercises for learning swimming style: back crawl.
Exercises for learning swimming style: front crawl.
Exercises for learning swimming style: breast stroke.
Exercises for learning swimming style: dolphin.,
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The analysis of the techniques of swimming styles: back crawl, front crawl, breast
stroke, dolphin.
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
1. The demonstration of breathing rhythm in swimming.
2. The demonstration of the techniques in swimming styles: back crawl, front crawl,
breast stroke, dolphin.
Study language:
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Semester 2
1.5 ECTS
Assistant, Mg.MBA Signe Luika
Secondary general education in the sphere of social sciences.
Obtain theoretical knowledge and develop practical acquirements in project management in
order to be able to work out and manage projects.
The tasks of the course:
1) Obtain necessary knowledge for working out the projects;
2) Find out the essence of projects, the roles of the participants, features and types of projects,
the functions of the participants, methods and instruments used in project management;
3) Get insight into processes and stages of projects;
4) Study the instruments of managing projects.
Planned results of the
study course:
Knows: the essence of project working out and management, the roles of the participants,
features and types of projects, the functions of the participants, methods and instruments used
in project management, as well as processes and stages of management.
Is able to: work out the model of project, form the team of project management, use the
knowledge of project manager.
Can: work out the model of project, organize and manage its realization, use the instruments of
project management,
implement the model of the project, form the team of project
The content of the
1. The essence of project, its characteristics.
Obligatory literature:
1) Baguley Phil. Project management. USA, 1999.
2) Emerick Donald, Round Kimberlee. Exploring Web Marketing& Project Management.
USA, 2000.
3) Geipele I., Tambovceva T. Projektu vadīšana.Valters un Rapa, Rīga, 2004.
4) Hanss D.Litke., Ilonka Kunova. Projektu vadība.- Rīga: Balta eko, 2003
5) Ilmete Ţ., Projektu vadīšana. – Rīga: LU PMC, 1999.
6) Kalve I. Apseglot pārmaiľu vējus. Biznesa augstskola „Turība”, Rīga, 2005.
7) Kerzner H., Project management. – John Wiley Sons LTD, 1997.
8) Lūiss Dţeimss P. Projektu vadīšanas pamati. Rīga, 1997.
9) Spinner M. Pete. Project management principles and practicies. USA, 1997.
10) Zommers J. Datorizēta projektu vadīšana, programma Microsoft Project. Rīga: Biznesa
augstskola „Turība”, 2000.
11) Reiters V. Kailā patiesība par projektu menedţmentu., Rīga, Vaidelote, 2004.
1. Forands I. Personālvadība,- Rīga, 1994.
2. Forands I. Biznesa vadības tehnoloģijas, - Rīga, Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2006.for
3. Heller Robert. Management for exellence, - England, Dorling Kindersley, 2001.
4. Russel D.Archibald. Managing High-tehnology programs and projects. - New York: John
Wiley Sons, 1992.
1) Working out the table of project progress
2) The presentation of the table of project progress
Additional literature:
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
2. The basics of project organization.
3. The functions of project manager and his/her role in the process of working out and
4. The phases of project development and management and their characteristics.
5. Financing the project.
6. The use of project management instrument: software “MICROSOFT PROJECT”.
To receive the credit points about the course, the student altogether must assemble at least 4
points. The points in assessment are obtained by calculating the definite number of points for
performing definite tasks. Assessed is student knowledge, skills, attitudes and individual
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Year 1
Semester 2
Credit points:
1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Lecturer, Mg.oec. Lolita Tīse
Requirements for
starting the course:
Integrating subject. It combines knowledge obtained in economics, the theory of management, record keeping,
labor rights
The aim of the course:
Develop understanding about economic activity of an enterprise and basic principles of bookkeeping
The tasks of the course:
1.Study recordkeeping in bookkeeping
2. Understand record keeping of the assets of the enterprise, their sources, economic processes and their
financial results, taking into account the principles of accounting, and normative acts in force.
Planned results of the
study course:
At the end of the course the student should develop:
Intellectual competences:
1. Understand economic activity of the enterprise from the point of view of recordkeeping in bookkeeping
2. Understand main tasks of recordkeeping in bookkeeping
3. Understand basic principles and peculiarities of bookkeeping
Professional and academic competences:
1. Learn and understand recordkeeping in bookkeeping in different types of enterprises
2. Understand main stages of working out the Annual report
Practical competences:
1. Be able to form in an enterprise specific, norm-based model of recordkeeping in bookkeeping
2. Ability to compile and process information in recordkeeping in bookkeeping
3. Ability to understand basic principles of working out Profit and Loss account
1. The organization of work in bookkeeping. 2. The concept of an account in bookkeeping. 3. The plan of
account in bookkeeping. 4. Determining financial result of economic activity of an enterprise. 5. Long term
settlements. 6. Stocks. 7. Debtors. 8. Money. 9. Equity and reserves. 10. Creditors. 11. Payments of wages and
deductions from them. 12. Annual report.
The content of the
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
1.Par grāmatvedību : LR likums // www.vid. gov. lv
2.Gada pārskatu likums : LR likums // www.vid.
3. Noteikumi par grāmatvedības kārtošanu un organizāciju : MK noteikumi // www.
4. Latvijas grāmatvedības standarti – http://
1. Grāmatvedības pamati : mācību grāmata / R.Grigorjeva, A.Jesemčika, I.Leibus, A.Svarinska Rīga : SIA
Latvijas Uzľēmējdarbības un menedţmenta akadēmija, 2006.-100lpp.
2. Kases operāciju uzskaites noteikumi : MK noteikumi // www.vid.
3. Darba likums. – http : // www. likumi. lv
Internet resources:, www.vid.
Practical tasks about double recordkeeping, obtaining financial result of economic activity of an enterprise,
working out Balance Sheet or Profit and Loss account, as well as calculating wages.
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Lecturer is an advisor in studying the theory and managing practical works. Students study theoretical material
independently. They independently analyze and estimate situations, make decisions, justify their opinion,
taking part in discussions.
Student assessment, demands for obtaining ECTS :
1. Work in practical classes: 30%
2. Control work: test, task: 70%
The content of the control work:
1.Theoretical part: test, 30% of assessment
2.Error! Not a valid link. part: carry out calculations, using the given information: 70% of assessment
Study language:
The title of the course
The methodology of research
The code of the course
The type of the course
Theoretical basic course of the branch
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
The level of the course
Study year
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course
The aim of the course
The tasks of the course
Planned results of the
study course
Year 1
Semester 2
0,75 ECTS
prof. Eduards Popovs , prof. Juris Dravnieks
The knowledge of Mathematics, Physics and informatics at the level of secondary
school, ability to work with computer
Introducing scientific work to young sports pedagogues
 Introducing with science and its importance in contemporary society;
 Develop ability to solve independently scientific problems using appropriate
 Develop acquirements of scientific work, the ability to generalize and
analyze the results of scientific work;
 Promote scientific approach to studies;
 Develop acquirements of creative work;
 Acquire the use of computer techniques in practice;
Corresponding to contemporary requirements for Professional Bachelor in Sports
The content of the course
The tasks of scientific work, methods and organization of scientific work.
Mathematical processing of the obtained results and their analysis in Sports
Obligatory literature
Dravnieks J., Popovs E., Paeglītis A. Sporta zinātnisko pētījumu tehnoloģija :
Mācību grāmata sporta akadēmijas studentiem. - Rīga : LSPA, 1997.
9 sources of literature
Additional literature
Other sources of
Study aids and the texts of lectures in electronic form in the homepage of LASE
Department of Informatics, the section of Distance Learning
The organization and tasks
of students’ independent
In the homepage of LASE Department of Informatics, the section of Distance
Learning can be found all necessary information, received the tasks, install
specially worked out software, send completed works to lecturers by electronic
mail. Twice a week are organized consultations.
Automatic control of knowledge, practical works, seminars, working off
unattended classes
The criteria of assessing the
results of the studies
Study language
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the study
The content of the course:
Basics of rights (labor rights, defense of children rights)
Professional Bachelor of Education in
Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 2
1.5 ECTS
visiting doc. A.Leitāne
Necessary previous knowledge in social sciences: politics and the basics of rights.
Enable the students to develop necessary competencies in the theory of employment rights in order to
perform in practice the regulation of the relations between employer and employee.
1) obtain academic and intellectual competencies about the theory of employment rights, their practical
importance in education and sports specialist employment legal relations;
2) develop professional and practical competencies, which are necessary for successful regulation of the
relations between employer and employee, taking into account LR Labor law and other Acts of
employment legislation.
As the result of the course the student:
- understands the system and terminology of employment rights, Labor law and normative Acts
connected with it; the system of social guarantees in LR and aspects of labor protection;
- can react strategically and analytically formulate legal aspects of employment and be able to
communicate about them.
- can apply the norms of labor legislation, in a legally correct way conclude a contract of employment
and give employee’s notice;
- can apply the laws of LR and other normative Acts, as well as take them into consideration working in
or managing an organization or enterprise in the sphere of education and sports.
1.LR Labor law and normative Acts connected with it.
2. The system and terminology of employment rights.
3. Labor collective contract. Labor contract.
4. Relations between employer and employee. Employer’s notice. Labor disputes and the methods of
their solution.
Obligatory literature:
1.Gailums, I. Darba likums. Komentāri. Tiesu prakse. 1.,2.,3. grāmata - Rīga. - Gailuma juridiskā
biznesa birojs, 2004
2.Ulmane, V. Darba tiesības. Darba aizsardzība. – Rīga. – Turība, 2004
3.Darba likums [spēkā ar 01.06.2002.]// Latvijas Vēstnesis. – 2001. – 06.jūlijs. - Nr. 105 (2492)
4.Darba aizsardzības likums [spēkā ar 01.01.2002.// Latvijas Vēstnesis. – 2001. – 06.jūlijs. – Nr. 105
5.Darba strīdu likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis. – 2002. – 16.oktobris. – Nr. 149 (2724)
6. LR Bērnu tiesību aizsardzības likums, 1998.
Additional literature: .
1. Streika likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis. – 1998. – 12.maijs. – Nr. 130/131 (1191/1192)
2.Valsts darba inspekcijas likums [spēkā ar 01.01.2002.] // Latvijas Vēstnesis. 2001.28.10 –188
9.Likums “Par valsts sociālo apdrošināšanu”
3.Valsts civildienesta likums
4. 27.12.2002. noteikumi Nr.580 “Noteikumi par minimālo mēneša darba algu un minimālo stundas
tarifa likmi”
5. MK 28.05.2002.noteikumi Nr.206 “Noteikumi par darbiem, kuros aizliegts nodarbināt pusaudţus, un
izľēmumi, kad nodarbināšana šajos darbos ir atļauta saistībā ar pusaudţa profesionālo apmācību”.
Other sources of information:
Internet resources:,,,
The organization and tasks of
students’ independent work:
The criteria of assessing the
results of the studies:
Control work, the tasks of practical work about the system and terminology
of employment rights, about Labor law and its connection with other normative Acts.
To receive the credit points about the course, the student altogether must assemble
at least 4 points. The points in assessment are obtained by calculating the definite number of points for
performing definite tasks.
Study language:
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Football bases
PBNPS 3015
Professional Bachelor of Education in
Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 1
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Doc. P.Rubīns, Assist. E. Pukinskis
The level of necessary knowledge and skills should correspond to the
requirements of Sport standard of general secondary education
The aim of the course:
To provide students with theoretical knowledge and skills in football
necessary to run sports classes, organize and run competitions, referee
competitions. To create preconditions for the skill to teach basic
elements of football.
The tasks of the course:
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching
technical elements of football and the methodology of their
For students to obtain the necessary skills to execute football elements
in the quality to be able to demonstrate the necessary elements
For students to learn football rules and the methodology of refereeing.
Planned results of the
study course:
A student has acquired how to execute elements of football technique
technically correctly, has learned tactics.
A student has the skill to apply and stabilize the obtained skills in
study games and competitions.
A student has learned football rules and a referee’s gestures.
The content involves acquiring football basic elements, history of
football, rules, teaching principles, exercises on place and in movement
with the ball, learning of technical elements, learning of the simplest
tactical elements, games and plays with the ball.
1. Ponomarjovs A. Futbola sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšana
skolā. – Rīga,1997. – 28 lpp.
2. Altbergs O., Jēkabsons T., Kupčs J., Laizāne S., Sporta spēles
skolā. – Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991.- 304 lpp.
Dţifords K. Futbols; Lieliskās spēles rokasgrāmata. – Rīga, Zvaigzne
ABC, 2004. – 96. lpp.,, programmes, methodological issues about
refereeing, DVD and video materials
Work in the library and reading room – execution of correct technical
elements, teaching methodologies for analysis, theoretical learning of
the rules and referee gestures.
Independent work in the sports field – in order to improve technical
elements to prepare for practical test.
Attending of football competitions – observation of the referee’s work
and its analysis.
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The
The content of the
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the
assessment in points includes the sum of definite points for separate
task execution: the rules, refereeing, and performance of technical
Study languages:
Latvian, English
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the
Study languages:
Football didactics
PBNPS 3016
Professional Bachelor of Education in
Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 2
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Doc.P.Rubīns, Assist. E.Pukinskis
The level of necessary knowledge and skills should correspond to the
requirements of Sport standard of general secondary education.
Positive assessment in the study course “Football bases”.
To provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in
football necessary to teach football elements, organize and referee
competitions, with the skill to run football classes within the
framework of Sport standard of general secondary education.
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching basic
technical and tactical elements of football envisaged in the Standard of
general secondary education.
For students to obtain knowledge about the didactic principles, means
and methods of teaching basic elements of football.
For students to be able to apply the obtained knowledge in professional
To know how to use football special preparatory exercises as a means
of physical education in basic and secondary school.
A student applying the obtained knowledge will have the skill: to use
modern adequate to nowadays requirements principles and cognitions
of pedagogy and other sciences; to demonstrate the main elements of
football technique; to run (referee) a football game; to write a study
praxis notes, correspondingly to the forwarded tasks to choose and use
adequate physical education methods and means; to carry out
pedagogical control and injury prevention, as well as give the first aid
if necessary.
The content involves theoretical knowledge and skill application
development for a sports teacher’s activity in the field of football.
Altbergs O., Jēkabsons T., Kupčs J., Laizāne S., Sporta spēles skolā. –
Rīga, Zvaigzne,1991.-304.lpp.
Jansone R. Sporta izglītība skolā. – Rīga, RAKa, 1999.
Futbols. Spēles noteikumi un tiesāšana.-Rīga ,LFF,2002.-112.lpp
Dţifords K. Futbols. Lieliskās spēles rokasgrāmata. – Rīga, Zvaigzne
ABC, 2004. – 96. lpp.
DVDs, the Internet addresses, notes of other sport game classes.
Work with information sources: repetition of football rules; writing of
the study praxis notes; understanding of correct execution of football
technical elements.
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The
assessment in points includes the sum of definite points for separate
task execution: pedagogical performance in the study praxis, skill of
self-analysis, writing the notes, observing of teaching didactics,
refereeing of a study game.
Latvian, English
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
Basketball bases
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Prof. A.Rudzītis, , Assoc. Prof. A.Spunde, Doc. J.Rimbenieks
The level of necessary knowledge and skills should correspond to the requirements of
Sport standard of general secondary education in basketball
The criteria of assessing the
results of the studies:
To provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in basketball
necessary to run sports classes, organize and run competitions, referee
competitions. To create preconditions for the skill to teach basic elements of
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching technical
elements of basketball and the methodology of their improvement;
For students to obtain the necessary skills to execute basketball elements in the
quality to be able to demonstrate the necessary elements correctly.
A student has acquired how to execute elements of basketball technique
technically correctly, has learned tactics.
A student has the skill to apply and stabilize the obtained skills in study games
and competitions
A student has learned basketball rules, court referee’s gestures and the game
scorer’s duties.
1. Basketball game, its history, rules, principles of teaching gradualness.
2. Exercises with the ball and in movement of the introductory preparatory part.
3. Learning of technical elements.
4. Learning of the simplest tactical elements.
Rokasgrāmata veiksmīgam trenerim. Rudzītis A. Grāvītis U. Rīga, Jumava
Basketbola vienkāršoti noteikumi. Spunde A. Rudzītis A. Rīga, LSPA, (2008)
Krause Jerry V. (1999) Basketball Skills & Drills. Jerry V. Krause, Don Meyer,
Jerry Meyer. Champaign, IL, Human Kinetics, 206 p.
The Internet information, methodological publications about refereeing, DVD
and video materials.
Work in the library and reading room – execution of correct technical elements,
teaching methodologies for analysis, theoretical learning of the rules and referee
Independent work in the sports hall – in order to improve technical elements to
prepare for practical test.
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The assessment in
points includes the sum of definite points for separate task execution.
Study language:
Latvian. Possible also in English
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the course:
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and tasks
of students’ independent
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Basketball didactics
PBNPS 3018
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 2
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Prof. A.Rudzītis, Prof. U. Grāvītis, Assoc. Prof. A.Spunde, Doc. J.Rimbenieks.
The level of necessary knowledge and skills should correspond to the
requirements of Sport standard of general secondary education. Positive
assessment in the study course “Basketball bases”.
The skill to run basketball classes in the amount envisaged in the Sport standard
of general secondary education. Knowledge in basketball didactics and ability to
apply it in professional activity.
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching basic technical
and tactical elements of basketball envisaged in the Standard of general secondary
For students to obtain knowledge about the didactic principles, means and
methods of teaching basic elements of basketball;
For students to be able to apply the obtained knowledge in professional activity.
A student will be competent to organize and run basketball classes and
The content involves theoretical knowledge and skill application development for
a sports teacher’s activity in the field of basketball.
Rokasgrāmata veiksmīgam trenerim. Rudzītis A. Grāvītis U. (2008) Rīga,
„Jumava” , 197 lpp.
Konspekti basketbolā un vispārizglītojošām skolām. 5-8 kl. 9-11.kl. Autoru
kolektīvs.- Rīga, LVFKI, 1989. – 102 lpp.
Altbergs O. Sporta spēles skolā. J. Kupča red. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991 . - 82.-102.
Jansone R. Sporta izglītība skolā. – Rīga, RAKa, 1999.
DVDs, Internet addresses, a.o.
Work with information sources: to learn the rules of the game; to write the notes
of the study praxis;
Participation in a basketball tournament and in its organization.
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The assessment in points
includes the sum of definite points for separate task execution – running of a
basketball class, participation in a tournament, tests, etc.
Latvian. Possible also in English
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Floorball bases
PBNPS 3019
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 3
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Assoc. Prof. I.Ķīsis
Without special preparedness and knowledge
To provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in
floorball necessary to run sports classes, organize and run competitions,
referee competitions. To create preconditions for the skill to teach basic
elements of floorball.
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching technical
elements of floorball and the methodology of their improvement;
For students to obtain the necessary skills to execute floorball elements in
the quality to be able to demonstrate the necessary elements correctly;
Learning of floorball rules and refereeing methodology.
For a student to be competent to organize and run floorball classes and
The content involves learning of theoretical knowledge and skills to apply
the acquired competences in a sports teacher’s activity.
1. Florbola spēles noteikumi. Rīga. Starptautiskā florbola federācija, 2002.
– 49 lpp.
2. Kandavniece A. Florbols skolā. Rīga, 1998. - 60 lpp
3. Kandavniece A. Florbola tehnika un taktika. Rīga, 2003.- 48 lpp.
4.Sporta spēles skolā. J. Kupča red. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991 . - 82.-102. lpp.
Dravniece I. Kustību rotaļas sportā. – Rīga, LSPA, 1995
Jansone R. Sporta izglītība skolā. – Rīga, RAKa, 1999.
Sporta spēles sākumskolā. (1.-4.kl). Autoru kolektīvs. Rīga. LSPA. 67 lpp.
DVDs, Internet addresses, a.o.
Work with information sources: to learn the rules of the game; to write the
notes of the study praxis;
Participation in a floorball tournament and in its organization.
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The assessment
in points includes the sum of definite points for separate task execution.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Floorball didactics
PBNPS 3020
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 3
Semester 5
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Assoc. Prof. I.Ķīsis
The level of necessary knowledge and skills should correspond to the
requirements of Sport standard of general secondary education. Positive
assessment in the study course “Floorball bases”.
The skill to run floorball classes in the amount envisaged in the Sport
standard of general secondary education. Knowledge in floorball didactics
and ability to apply it in professional activity.
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching basic
technical and tactical elements of floorball envisaged in the Standard of
general secondary education;
For students to obtain knowledge about the didactic principles, means and
methods of teaching basic elements of floorball;
For students to be able to apply the obtained knowledge in professional
A student will be competent to organize and run floorball classes and
The content involves theoretical knowledge and skill application
development for a sports teacher’s activity.
1. Florbola spēles noteikumi. Rīga. Starptautiskā florbola federācija, 2002.
– 49 lpp.
2. Kandavniece A. Florbols skolā. Rīga, 1998. - 60 lpp
3. Kandavniece A. Florbola tehnika un taktika. Rīga, 2003.- 48 lpp.
4.Sporta spēles skolā. J. Kupča red. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991 . - 82.-102. lpp.
Dravniece I. Kustību rotaļas sportā. – Rīga, LSPA, 1995
Jansone R. Sporta izglītība skolā. – Rīga, RAKa, 1999.
Sporta spēles sākumskolā. (1.-4.kl). Autoru kolektīvs. Rīga. LSPA. 67 lpp.
DVDs, Internet addresses, a.o.
Work with information sources: to learn the rules of the game; to write the
notes of the study praxis. Participation in a floorball tournament and in its
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The assessment
in points includes the sum of definite points for separate task execution –
running of floorball class, participation in a tournament, tests, etc.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Communication psychology
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. Agita Ābele
starting the
The aim of the
Required preliminary knowledge in: philosophy;
- general psychology;
- development and personality psychology.
The tasks of the
- to develop understanding about communication, its types and theoretical conceptions;
- to develop communication skills, to facilitate the development of the skill to analyze
communication situations and conflicts;
- to develop the skills of self-analysis and communication culture.
Planned results
of the study
Academic competences – the development of the notion about the theoretical approaches of
communication and interaction analysis;
Practical competences – the skills to use the learned theoretical questions to facilitate mutual
understanding and cooperation situations, to understand conflicts and how to solve them;
Intellectual competences – knowledge and understanding about communication process and its
expressions in professional activity.
The content of
the course:
Communication and the main theoretical bases.
Social perception, the development of the first impression, and psychological barriers;
Communication, requirements of a communicator and a listener;
Interaction in communication; means how to influence people and protection mechanisms;
Conflicts, possibilities to solve them to.
S.Omārova. Cilvēks runā ar cilvēku. R.: Kamene, 2009.
P. Pikeringa. Strīdi, nesaskaľas, konflikti. R.:Jānis Roze, 2000.
Dţ.Edeirs. Efektīva komunikācija. R.:Zvaigzne ABC,2000.
A.Pīzs. Ķermeľa valoda. R.: Jumava, 2006.
A.Vorobjovs. Sociālā psiholoģija. R.: Izglītības soļi, 2002.
V.Reľģe. Sociālā psiholoģija. R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 2002.
A.O.Nucho, M.Vidnere. Intervēšanas prasme. R.:RAKA 2003.
Other sources of
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Study language:
To facilitate the development of understanding about communication psychology as a science,
about the personality communication skills and their expressions.
Selection of communication situations and analytical evaluation. Report.
Peculiarities of pedagogical communication. Independent study.
Possibilities to solve conflicts. Mind map.
Successfully done independent works;
Active involvement of the classes;
Successful assessment of knowledge test work.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Social psiholoģija
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 2
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. Agita Ābele
starting the
The aim of the
Required preliminary knowledge in: philosophy;
- general psychology;
- development and personality psychology.
The tasks of the
To introduce with the main socio-psychological problems today and the methods of social
pedagogue activity;
To facilitate understanding about personality socialisation process;
To develop knowledge about the aspects of a personality social behaviour, group dynamic
processes and personality and group interrelation.
Planned results
of the study
Academic competences – the development of the notion about the theoretical basic directions of
social pedagogy and social psychology;
Practical competences – skills to use the learnt theoretical bases to characterize pedagogical
process, the development of cooperation skills and behavioural models;
Intellectual competences - knowledge and understanding about personality socialisation process
and the interrelation of social environment and personality, and its expressions in professional
The content of
the course:
Theories of social pedagogy and psychology; social pedagogue at school, socio-psychological
problems, process of personality socialisation, personality behaviour in groups; group dynamic
processes; big groups, mass and crowd psychology.
V.Reľģe. Sociālā psiholoģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2002.
A.Vorobjovs. Sociālā psiholoģija. R.:Izglītības soļi, 2002.
Z.Rudľicka. Sociālais pedagogs skolā. Rīga: RaKa, 2001.
M.Pļavniece, D.Skuškovnika. Sociālā psiholoģija pedagogam. Rīga: RaKa, 2002.
S.Omarova. Cilvēks dzīvo grupā. Rīga: LU, 2001.
Sociālais darbs skolā. R.:Jumava, 2001.
Skola visiem. Palīgs pedagogiem, psihologiem un vecākiem. R.:Skolu atb. centrs 2002.
A.Vilks. Deviantoloģija. R.:Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2001.
Other sources of
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Study language:
To introduce students with the basic questions of social pedagogy and social psychology, as well
as socio-psychological approach in personality investigation.
Evaluation of socio-psychological problems in pedagogical environment, with presentation
Socio-psychological characterisation of a sport team
Mind map about the stages of personality socialisation process.
Successfully done independent works;
Active involvement of the classes;
Successful assessment of knowledge test work.
The title of the course:
Sport theory
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
Theoretical basic
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Prof. V. Krauksts
Requirements for
starting the course:
General knowledge of the Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science in general study
courses acquired in LASE 1st study year
The aim of the course:
To create notion about sport theory.
To create the ability to run sports work on optimal level in state, municipal and non-governmental
sport organizations of different type.
1. To acquire the content of the Sport theory study course in the fields of knowledge, skills and
2. To acquire the ability to analyse the effectiveness of sport activity in state, municipal and nongovernmental sport organizations
Acquired theoretical bases of the study course
Acquired ability to apply Sport theory bases in sports specialist activity spheres
Acquired ability to analyse analytically the effectiveness of sport activity and to give
recommendations to improve sport event effectiveness
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the
Study language:
The content of the course includes a wide range of basic principles of sport theory and theoretical
competences in the work and running of sport organisations of any type
I. Ķīsis, „Sporta teorija”, LSPA
V.Krauksts, „Biomotoro spēju treniľu teorija”, LSPA
LASE homepage, Prof. V.Krauksts, „Sporta un treniľu teorija”
Internet sources
Sport magazines and other publications in the field of Sport theory
Students learn independently the content envisaged in the study course in addition to the content
given in lectures. They learn independently the Motor movement teaching theory and regularities,
as well as the theoretical bases of biomotor ability.
Active involvement
Control works and home works
Participation in seminars
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
Theoretical basic
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
2 CP/ 3 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Dr.biol., Prof. I.M.Rubana
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge in general physiology and bio-chemistry; skills to work independently with
information sources.
The aim of the course:
To provide possibility to acquire knowledge and skills in general and sport hygiene in
order to do a teacher, coach and physiotherapist’s Professional activity.
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
To introduce students with the main theoretical cognitions in food, children and
adolescent and sport hygiene.
2. To provide students with the possibility to acquire skills to evaluate the quality of
inner and outer environment, and their suitability to organize sport and
recreational events.
3. To facilitate the readiness to evaluate and recommend adequate nutrition and
hygienic work capacity maintaining means to athletes of different age and kind of
4. To facilitate understanding about the influence of lifestyle and environment on
athlete health and work capacity.
5. To provide readiness to apply children and adolescent hygiene cognitions in
Students have obtained the competences necessary for a sport specialist in general and
sport hygiene.
Obligatory literature:
Rubana I.M. Higiēna. LSPA. Rīga, 2000. 218 lpp.
Rubana I.M. Uzturs fiziskā slodzē. Rīga: Raka, 2009. 204 lpp.
Brila A. Infekciju slimību epidemioloģija. Rīga: Nacionālais apgāds. 200 lpp.
Additional literature:
Darba vides riska faktori un srādājošo veselības aizsardzība. [V.Kaļķa un Ţ.Rojas
red.] Rīga: Elpa, 2001. 489 lpp.
Rubana I.M. Sportistu uztura uzdevumi un pamatprincipi. Trenera rokasgrāmata
1.daļa. Rīga: LTTC, 2003. 215-239.lpp.
Rubana I.M. Uzturvielas sportistu uzturā. Trenera rokas grāmata - 2.Rīga: LTTC,
2006. 126.-155. lpp.
Rubana I.M. Uzturs jaunajiem sportistiem.
Bērnu un pusaudţu trenera
rokasgrāmata. Rīga, 2008. 70-89 lpp.
MK noteikumi „Higiēnas prasības vispārējās pamatizglītības , vispārējās vidējās
izglītības un profesionālās izglītības iestādēm”, 27.12.2003., Nr.610.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results of
the studies:
Study language:
Students have to prepare independently:
Evaluation of a sports hall microclimate, illumination and ventilation.
A presentation about epidemiology of contagious diseases.
Analysis of one day energy expenditure and menu.
Answers on the questions about the composition and quality of food-stuff.
A presentation about the influence of psycho-active substances on an athlete body.
A study and result presentation about the given theme in school hygiene.
Have to prepare to the differential test.
Differential to every independent task.
An exam in the end of the course.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Bases of sport biomechanics
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
Dr. habil.paed., Prof. Jānis Lanka
Knowledge and practical skills in the chosen sport
To provide knowledge and practical skills in bio-mechanics of the chosen
sport, in sport training bio-mechanical bases.
1) to introduce with general principles of movement direction, execution
mechanic and kinematic mechanisms in the chosen sport; 2) to provide
theoretical knowledge in mechanics and bio-mechanics of the chosen sport,
practical skills in analysis and evaluation of movement kustību technique
and tactics; 3) to introduce with bio-mechanic conditions of movement
learning and sport training.
A student knows structure, composition and characteristics of the movement
system; modern bio-mechanic conceptions of movement direction and
learning; bases of physical improvement, bio-mechanic control and
evaluation of sport technical and tactical proficiency. A student can make
movement mechanic and bio-mechanic analysis; evaluate sport technical and
tactical rationality, effectivenessand learning level, characterise peculiarities
of movement learning and physical preparation process according to one’s
age, sex, body composition and training peculiarities.
Bio-mechanic principles of movement organisation, bio-mechanic aspects of
learning motor activity, bio-mechanic bases of sport technical and tactical
proficiency, systemically-structural analysis of motor activity.
1. J.Lanka Biomehānika. - Rīga, 1995. - 130 lpp. 2. J. Lanka Augstlēkšanas
biomehānika. Rīga: LSPA, 1997. - 72 lpp. 3. J. Lanka Šķēpa mešanas
biomehānika. Rīga: Elpa-2, 2007. 335 lpp. 4. J. Lanka Fizisko īpašību
biomehānika (ātruma īpašības). - Rīga: LSPA, 2005. - 102 lpp.
1.Biomechanics in Sport. Zatsiorsky V.M. (ed). Blackwell Science, LTD,
Oxford, 2000. 2. Hay J. The Biomechanics of Sports Techniques. - Prentice
Hall, 1973. - p. 600. 3.
Биомеханика плавания. Зарубежные
исследования. - М.: ФиС, 1981. 4. Гавердовский Ю.К. Обучение
спортивным движениям. М:ФиС,2007. 911 стр. 5. Иссуррин В. Б.
Биомеханика гребли на байдарке и каное. - М.: ФиС, 1984. 6. Назаров
В.Н. Движения спортсмена. - Минск: Полымя, 1984. - 250 c.
Internet, scientifically-methodological issues
Students receive tasks for independent work and the list of advisable
literature. The main tasks of the independent work – to obtain additional
information about the given questions, to widen one’s knowledge, to see
how the acquired theories are linked with sport practice.
Students’ knowledge correspondence to the requirements of the programme
and the ability to characterize bio-mechanically the chosen sport are
Other sources:
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
Study language:
The title of the course:
Sport medicine
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
Theoretical basic
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
1 CP /1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. V.Lāriľš
Requirements for
starting the course:
Necessary preliminary knowledge in anatomy, physiology, correcting gymnastics,
sport theory, first aid.
The aim of the course:
To provide a possibility to learn the bases of sport medicine, skills and
competences, necessary in the work of sport pedagogue.
1. To give a notion about sport medicine subject, content and the main tasks, the
organization of sport medicine service.
2. To develop skills to state posture, somato-type and physical development;
3. To create understanding about the possible pathologic changes in the body
caused by sport classes;
4. To learn medically- pedagogical observation methods in sports classes.
Students obtain knowledge about sport medicine subject, content, tasks and the
organization of sport medicine service, understanding about the possible
pathologic changes in the body caused by sport classes and their prevention.
Students obtain skills to state posture, somato-type and physical development.
Students obtain competences in analysis and evaluation of physical development
and medically- pedagogical observation.
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
Sport medicine subject. Athlete medical tests. Stating of the body somato-type,
posture and physical development. Bases of sport pathology. Medicallypedagogical observation.
Obligatory literature:
1. Lāriľš V. Sporta medicīna.1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2004.- 100 lpp.
2. Auliks I. Sporta medicīna. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1985.- 167 lpp.
3. Ţukovskis I. Sporta medicīnas praktikums. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1991.- 118 lpp.
Additional literature:
1. Kent M. The Oxford dictionary of sports science and medicine.-3rd ed. –
Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007.- 624 p.
1.Trenera rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Jumava, 2004.- 407 lpp.
2. Trenera rokasgrāmata-2. Rīga: LTTC, 2006.- 312 lpp.
3. Bērnu un pusaudţu trenera rokasgrāmata. Rīga:LTTC,2008.- 215 lpp.
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Students independently have to write the protocols of practical classes, make
conclusions and recommendations about the results obtained in the practical
classes. Have to prepare a report independently.
Independent preparation to seminar classes and theoretical examination.
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Student knowledge, skills and competence are assessed in practical classes,
seminars and theoretical examination.
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Special terminology and communication (The English language)
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Doc. Berga I., Doc. I.Boge , Lect. Rudzinska I.
Knowledge, skills and competence in English corresponding to the Standard of
general secondary education.
Planned results of
the study course:
Knowledge of special terminology, professional lexis and the grammar structures
of English; the skill of public presentation and discussion, the skill of working
with special literature in English; developed inter-cultural and communicative
The content of the
Learning of special terminology in English for communication in speciality.
PBVI 103
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
3 / 4.5 ECTS
To acquire and develop special terminology and communication in English.
To provide a possibility to learn special terminology in English. Basing on
professional lexis and the grammar structures of English to develop the skills of
public presentation and working with special literature, to develop inter-cultural
and communicative competence.
1.Berga I, Boge I. Athlete Companion to Sports and Games, part I – Rīga, 2000.
2.Berga I, Boge I. Athlete Companion to Sports and Games, part II – Rīga, 2001
3.Berga I. Notice and Remember. - Rīga, 2001.
4. Berga I. Improve Your Athletics.-Rīga, 2004
5. Berg I. Gymnastics. – Rīga, 1999.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Dictionaries of sports terms, explanatory dictionaries of terms; Internet:
Study language
Reading of one’s own chosen text in English about one’s speciality, preparation
for a test, discussion and seminar according to the content of the study course.
Knowledge of general sports lexis (tests); presentations: the skills of public
presentation and independent work; attitude and group work skills when doing
course tasks, individual dynamics is stated by evaluating one’s growth of
knowledge and skills.
The title of the
The code of the
Professional communication ( questions of the Latvian language culture)
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Optional choice
Semester 3, 4, 5
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
1/1.5 ECTS – semester 3;
1/1.5 ECTS – semester 4;
1/1.5 ECTS – semester 5;
Doc. I.Budviķe
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge, skills and competence in Latvian corresponding to the Standard of general
secondary education.
The aim of the
To improve the quality of the Latvian language to communicate in specialty
The tasks of the
To introduce with the norms of the Latvian literary language that should be observed
when carrying out research work.
Planned results of
the study course:
Knowledge about how to work out research text according to the norms of the Latvian language
The content of the
Questions of the Latvian language practice to communicate in specialty
Other sources of
PBBIC 4014
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2; 3
1.Budviķe I. Mūsdienu latviešu literārās valodas kultūras jautājumi. - R., 2000., 48 lpp.
2. Rubīna A. Latviešu valodas rokasgrāmata:. Valodas kultūra teorijā un praksē. -R.,
Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC, 2005., - 188 lpp.
3.Latviešu valodas pareizrakstības vārdnīca. – R.:Avots, 1996.
4. Latviešu valodas vārdnīca. A-Ţ. – Rīga.: Avots, 2006.
Dictionaries of sports terms, foreign words
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
Text editing, tests, exercises, repeating of the literary language norms, working out of
research text
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Knowledge in orthography, syntax, stylistics; skill to work out research text; attitude when doing
course tasks; individual dynamics is stated by evaluating one’s growth of knowledge and skills.
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the course:
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
First aid
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Lect. B.Černovska
Knowledge of anatomy and physiology acquired at LASE in the first study year.
To provide a possibility to obtain the necessary medical knowledge and skills to prevent
injuries and to give the first aid, if there is an accident in a sports teacher’s or coach’s
professional work and in social life, according to the first aid provision programme of
the Republic of Latvia worked out and accepted by the Immediate Medical Aid
Association and Catastrophe Medical Centre.
1. To teach to evaluate the situation and set off danger, to act tactically correctly
according to the seriousness of the accident to save one’s life and maintain it, being
aware of ethical and moral responsibility.
2. To teach to maintain one’s life until professional help arrives , to set off worsening of
one’s condition as much as it is possible.
Having obtained theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the course a student
should be psychologically prepared and be able to act immediately and tactically
correctly on the place of an accident: to do reanimation (demonstrate execution), to
treat the wound and bandage it, to stop blooding, to do immobilisation and desmurgy on
any part of the body, to do anti-shock activities, to organise transporting, to know safety
measures to protect oneself, to be able to act tactically correctly in cases of different
diseases, poisoning and thermal damages.
Introduction in the first aid. Acting on the place of an accident Reanimation ABC
scheme to set off the most critical conditions, to save and maintain one’s life. Injuries,
wounds, their kinds, causes. Blooding. Shock. Injuries. Bandaging, tasks. Poisoning.
Thermal damages. Acting at sudden diseases.
L.Mauriľa “Pirmā palīdzība” grāmatā Trenera rokasgrāmata, Jumava, 2004,
353-377 lpp.
2. Madrevica I.,Krieviľš D. “Ko darīt?” 1997.,2000
3. Pirmā palīdzība praksē. Zvaigzne, abc,1997
4. Golubeva A. Skolēnu drošība.Nelaimes gadījumi. Pirmā palīdzība. Lielvārds.
Lielvārde , 1998
1. Ţukovskis I.,Eglītis E. Pirmā medicīniskā palīdzība, R.,1991.
2. Ţukovskis I., Akūtie pataloģiskie stāvokļi sportā, R., 1992.
3. J.Zeccardi, Everything you need to know about medical emergencies, 1997 by
Springhause Corporation.
To prepare independent work. To prepare for a seminar. An independent work
“Symptoms of acute blooding in logical sequence”. To write a report “The most
characteristic social life injuries according to age groups and their prevention”, to
prepare a presentation, role, a.o. To prepare for differential theoretical test and doing
manipulations practically.
Student knowledge and skills are assessed in theoretical test and two seminars
(demonstration of cardio-pulmonary reanimation, theoretical substantiation of the
actions to children and adults; presentation of the report “The most characteristic social
life injuries according to age groups and their prevention”), in practical classes – doing
different manipulations of the first aid, demonstrating a role play, a.o., and doing
theoretical test and performing reanimations.
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the study
The content of the course:
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of information:
The organization and tasks of
students’ independent work:
The criteria of assessing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
Physical exercises and health
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
Lect. B.Černovska
Knowledge of movement anatomy, physiology, sport physiology, biomechanics and
gymnastics acquired at LASE.
To provide necessary medical knowledge and skills for future sports teachers and other
sports specialists would get notion about remedial gymnastics: as preventive means to
strengthen and maintain health, to set off possible diseases; as medical means to
normalize pathologically changed body functions, to renew physical work capacity,
maintain them and be able to apply them in everyday professional work.
To create interest and understanding about application of remedial gymnastics on special medical group
pupils and on pupils having posture disorders to correct them.
To teach to analyse general and local influence of remedial gymnastics on the human
To provide knowledge about the principles of load dosing;
To teach to orientate and make decisions when choosing means and methods of
remedial gymnastics leading from diagnosis, disease development and physical
condition. To develop skills in practical classes.
A student should understand motivation and physiological substantiation of remedial
gymnastics application; should be able to apply the obtained knowledge and skills
organizing and running classes of correcting gymnastics; should be able to evaluate
posture practically; to compile theoretically substantiated and medically correct routine
of correcting gymnastics.
Aims and tasks of the study course, differences of the special medical groups (SMG) and
basic group pupils. Characterisation of SMG pupils. Peculiarities of the means, methods
and methodology, possibilities to organize classes at schools (group forming according to
diagnosis, age, physical condition and other individual peculiarities). Suggested physical
activities in pupil group with compatible diagnoses, tasks, means, methodological
elements of their application. Posture, factors to state it.
Mauriľa L. Ārstnieciskās vingrošanas pamati. Rīga, 1999*Mauriľa L., Tripāne T.
Ieteicamās fiziskās aktivitātes bērniem ar daţādiem veselības traucējumiem. Rīga, 1999
*Lāriľš V., Mauriľa L. Koriģējoša vingrošana jaunākā skolas vecuma bērniem I II daļa.
Rīga, 1995* *Mauriľa L. Fiziskās aktivitātes kardioloģijā. Rīga “Nacionālais apgāds”,
2005* *Lāriľš V., Mauriľa L. Ārstnieciskā vingrošana pie elpošanas orgānu
saslimšanām. Rīga 1992
*Purmale I. “Ārstnieciskā vingrošana skolā. Rīga “Raka”, 2006 *Āboltiľa M. Kustību
anatomija I daļa. LPSA, 2005 *Āboltiľa M. Kustību anatomija II daļa. LPSA, 1998
*Kļujevs M., Kocs J. Bērnu stājas veidošana, Rīga, 1987
* *Wilmore J.H., Costill D.L. Physiology of Sport and Exercise. Human
Kinetics, 1999, printed in USA, 710p *Sabine Langhus. Grundlagen und Techniken der
Bevegungstherapie. Lehrbuch, Sport und Gesundheit, Berlin, 2006 *J.M.Rothstein,
S.H.Roy, S.L.Wolf.The Rehabilitation specialist`s Handbook, F.A.DAVIS Company,
Philadelphia, 1997
Preparation for the report. Repetition of sport physiology basic course knowledge.
Preparation for the theoretically practical test. Selecting of correcting routines for definite
posture disorder. Preparation for the differential theoretically practical test.
Knowledge, skills and competences are assessed using regular tests and seminars and the
tests in the end of each theme in ten point system
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Special terminology and communication (The English language)
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Doc. Berga I., Doc. I.Boge , Lect. Rudzinska I.
Knowledge, skills and competence in English corresponding to the Standard of
general secondary education.
Planned results of
the study course:
Knowledge of special terminology, professional lexis and the grammar structures
of English; the skill of public presentation and discussion, the skill of working
with special literature in English; developed inter-cultural and communicative
The content of the
Learning of special terminology in English for communication in speciality.
PBVI 103
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
3 / 4.5 ECTS
To acquire and develop special terminology and communication in English.
To provide a possibility to learn special terminology in English. Basing on
professional lexis and the grammar structures of English to develop the skills of
public presentation and working with special literature, to develop inter-cultural
and communicative competence.
1.Berga I, Boge I. Athlete Companion to Sports and Games, part I – Rīga, 2000.
2.Berga I, Boge I. Athlete Companion to Sports and Games, part II – Rīga, 2001
3.Berga I. Notice and Remember. - Rīga, 2001.
4. Berga I. Improve Your Athletics.-Rīga, 2004
5. Berg I. Gymnastics. – Rīga, 1999.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Dictionaries of sports terms, explanatory dictionaries of terms; Internet:
Study language
Reading of one’s own chosen text in English about one’s speciality, preparation
for a test, discussion and seminar according to the content of the study course.
Knowledge of general sports lexis (tests); presentations: the skills of public
presentation and independent work; attitude and group work skills when doing
course tasks, individual dynamics is stated by evaluating one’s growth of
knowledge and skills.
The title of the
Information and communication technologies in sport
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Semester 4
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Prof. J. Dravnieks Prof. E. Popovs
Preliminary knowledge in mathematics, physics and informatics
corresponding to the Standard of general secondary education. Knowledge
obtained in the LASE study course „Research methodology”.
The aim of the
To introduce with information technologies
experimental research needs in sport
The tasks of the
To acquaint with possibilities of obtaining, processing and transmission of
research information.
To learn the means of data analysis and programming in MS Windows
environment, using Standard and free software. To acquaint with ways of
text modelling. To learn to make presentations.
A student knows possibilities to use IT in sport research and practice.
Is able to analyse data, programme, show results graphically, and present
them. Is able to choose professionally adequate IT for research and practical
tasks in sport.
Obtaining of information and its transmission. Structure of research printed
material. Statistical procession of experimental data and result reflection in
graphical way. Making of research presentation. Programming of research
and practical calculations.
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
(IT) for practical and
1. Dravnieks J., Popovs E., Paeglītis A. Sporta zinātnisko pētījumu
tehnoloģija [4 d.]. LSPA. Rīga, 1997.
2. Dravnieks J. Bakalaura pavārgrāmata [tiešsaiste]. LSPA. Rīga :
LSPA, 2008. Pieejams:
Dravnieks J.. MS EXCEL pievienojumprogramma STATISTIKA
[tiešsaiste]. LSPA. Rīga : LSPA, 2007. Pieejams:
3. Arhipova I., Bāliľa S. Statistika ekonomikā un biznesā :
Risinājumi ar SPSS un MS Excel. Datorzinību centrs. Rīga, 2006.
4. Akadēmisko darbu izstrāde : Mācību līdzeklis / T.Ľikiforova,
V.Krauksts, U.Grāvītis, U.Švinks, I.Vasiljeva. LSPA. Rīga, 2007.
Pieejams: un
Other sources of
Distance Study Centre of Informatics Department of LASE
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
Independent work in distance learning framework, using e-mail for
the communication with the teaching staff. Independent work data
downloading, sending to the teaching staff and receiving of the
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Average mark from assessments of doing tasks in contact classes,
independent tasks and the test.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Sport in multicultural environment
PBNT 206
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP / 1.5ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. U. Švinks
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
To provide knowledge and develop skills for work in multicultural
The tasks of the
1. To provide knowledge and understanding about multiculturalism
and the multicultural education.
2. To develop competences to run sports classes in multicultural
3. The development of multicultural approach teaching movement
games, plays and national kinds of sport.
A student has knowledge, skills and competences to run sports classes in
multicultural environment
Planned results of
the study course:
Theoretical basic
The content of the
Themes: 1) multiculturalism and the multicultural education;
2) development of intercultural competence in sports classes;
3) identity and sports;
4) bilingualism, multilingualism in running sports classes;
5) plays and games of different nations and ethnic groups.
1. Ceļvedis starpkultūru uzglītībai. Rīga, 2004.
2. Banks James A. An introduction to multucultural education, 1999.
3. Rhonda Clements, Suzanne Kinzler. Multicultural Approach to PE. 2003.
4.Kolins Beikers. Bilingvisma un bilingvālās izglītības pamati, 2002.
5. Maurice Roche (ed.). Sport, Popular Culture and Identity.1998.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Students write an independent work or group work on each theme and
present it.
Study language:
Successful presentation of independent works. Active participation in
studying themes. Self-assessment of acquiring the course.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Tourism bases and didactics
Semester 4
Credit points:
2 CP/ 3 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Lect. I.Liepiľa
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge and skills according to the Standard of general secondary
education in sport
The aim of the
To develop interest about kinds of tourism and understanding of tourism
educative aspect and role in interrelation and in attitude towards nature. To
introduce students with theoretical and methodological aspects of tourism
didactics, and with the basic knowledge of teaching and learning.
To introduce and develop interest about kinds of tourism and tourism events;
To provide pedagogical skills in running tourism events;
To provide theoretical knowledge and learn tourism basic skills.
To provide knowledge and skills in basic conditions of tourism learning didactics;
To provide theoretical knowledge and skills in teaching methodology of tourism
1. Acquired theoretical bases and practical skills of the study course
2. Acquired kinds of tourism and technical elements according to the school sport
3. Acquired tourism teaching and learning didactics, its theoretical and
methodological bases
The content of the course involves teaching of tourism bases and competence
application in a teacher’s professional work
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Professional specialization
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2.
1.D.Krauksta, A.Brūders “Tūrisms”, 1998.
2.A.Brencis “Aktīvais tūrisms”, 2003.
3.Izglītības ministrija, “Rotaļas un spēles tūrisma pasākumos”, 1987.
4.I. Liepiľa. Bakalaurs “Sporta tūrisms vispārizglītojošās skolās”, 2002
1. E.Ţīgurs “Tūristu salidojumi”, 1966.
Other sources of
1.Internet, a.o.
2.Sport magazines and other publications in the field of development of rowing
technically-theoretical ability
Students independently learn the content of the study course additionally to the
content given in lectures; as well as tourism technical elements, kinds of tourism
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
2.V.Ķikāns. “Kāpsim kalnos”, 1989.
3.Izglītības ministrija, “Rotaļas un spēles tūrisma pasākumos”, 1987.
4.I.Lukss. “Ar laivu Latvijas ūdeľos”, 1991
Active involvement; attitude towards the study course, control works and home
works, speaking in seminars
The title of the
Orienteering basis and didactics
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 2
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Assoc. Prof., Dr.paed. Baiba Smila, Lect. M.paed. Ligita Indriksone
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
Knowledge and skills according to the Standard of general secondary education
in sport
The tasks of the
Planned results
of the study
The content of the
Professional specialization – sports teacher
To introduce students with basic knowledge of orienteering and its didactics
1) To develop interest about orienteering;
2) To provide theoretical knowledge about orienteering and its history;
3) To provide theoretical knowledge and learn orienteering basic skills;
4) To provide theoretical knowledge about teaching methodology of orienteering
basic technique for beginners.
A student can recommend the safest kinds of technique in orienteering distance;
- can teach independently map orienteering to orienteering beginners, can create
understanding about orienteering map, its colours and symbols;
- can run orienteering classes.
- can prepare and draw a map (scheme) of school environment;
- can independently prepare orienteering exercises and games
1. Orienteering history. Orienteering events
2. Bases of orienteering didactics.
3. Orienteering sport map. Map symbols.
4. Orienteering technique. Safety rules.
1. Indriksone L., Smila B. Orientēšanās I daļa – Rīga: LSPA, 2000. – 83 lpp.
2. Indriksone L., Smila B. Orientēšanās II daļa – Rīga: LSPA, 2002. – 67 lpp.
3. Orientēšanās bērniem un jauniešiem/ Svenska Orientierinsgs forbundet – Rīga:
1997.-144 lpp.
Internet:; ;
Other sources of
4.Internet:; ; ;
Working out of a report –Teaching orienteering technique. Competence test.
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Qualitative research in sport science
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
1 CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Dr. paed., Doc. Andra Fernāte
Research methodology I; Sport theory; General pedagogy
To give students a possibility to learn qualitative research methodology in sport science.
To develop understanding about approaches in qualitative research in sport science
(Grounded Theory, Ethnometodology, Fenomenology, etc.);
- To develop skill to link an approach of qualitative research in sport science with the choice
of data obtaining methods;
- To develop skill to use qualitative data procession methods and interpret the obtained
results in sport science;
- To develop skill to evaluate critically one’s research activity in qualitative research in sport
science, to make conclusions and to evaluate their credibility.
Successful acquiring of the course allows a student to do qualitative research in sport science
independently, as he/she will be able:
- To understand approaches of qualitative research in sport science, qualitative research
methods and procedures of obtaining and analysing qualitative data;
- To choose adequate scheme of qualitative research;
- To analyse independently and evaluate the obtained qualitative data, choosing appropriate
methods of data procession and interpretation, making conclusions and evaluating
Qualitative approach to research in sport science, its potential and problems, kinds of research.
Principles, conception and planning of qualitative research. Methods of qualitative research,
their combination and triangulation. Methods of data obtaining, procession and interpretation.
Credibility of qualitative research and ethical aspects in sport science.
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
1. Pitney W. A., Parker J., Qualitative Research in Physical Activity and the Health
Professions. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2009.- 219.
2. Andrews D. L., Mason D.S., Silk M. L., Qualitative Methods in Sports Studies. Oxford:
Berg, 2005. - 226.
3. Gratton, C., Jones, I. Research Methods for Sport Studies. London: Routledge, 2004. -288.
4. Introduction: Entering the Field of Qualitative Research. In Denzin, N. K. and Lincoln, Y.
S. (eds) (2000) Handbook of Qualitative Research. London: Sage
5. Kroplijs A., Raščevska M. Kvalitatīvās pētniecības metodes sociālajās zinātnēs. – R.:
RaKa, 2004.
6. Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise Science (First Issue: 2009), Routledge
7. Science Direct. URL:
8. SpringerLink. URL:
To evaluate problems in qualitative research in sport science in the chosen sub-branch (sport
pedagogy, sport management, sport medicine, recreation). To work out independently a plan
of qualitative research in sport science in the chosen sub-branch. To obtain data,
independently process the data, analyse and evaluate results and make conclusions.
For a positive assessment the following will be evaluated:
- Active involvement of lectures and active participation in seminars (30%);
- independent works (50%);
- written test of the study course (20%).
Study language:
Other sources of
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the course:
Obligatory literature:
Sport Management
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3 or 4...
1CP / 1.5 ECTS
Doc. M.paed. B.Luika
The study courses:
- Management theory
- History of sport
To acquire the process of sports field management and its influencing factors.
To study:- sport development in Latvia, possibilities to improve it;
- the system of sport management in Latvia;
- sport policy, the mechanism of its realisation;
- the tendencies of sport development in Europe and the world.
 A student can understand the processes of sports field functioning and
 Can analyse the development of sports field, identify problems and work out
 Knows and can observe normative acts and other regulations and documents of
sports field.
 The state sport policy.
 Legal basis of the sports field.
 The system of sport management in Latvia.
 The place and role of non-governmental organizations in sport development.
 Planning of sport development. National sport development programme.
 Sport economical aspects, financing and sponsoring.
 Training and in-service training of sport specialists.
 Provision of sports centres.
 Sport statistical data, their analysis.
 Sports abroad.
Briľķis G. Komercializācijas procesi sportā – Rīga, LSPA, 1999.
Briľķis G. Sporta kustības centrālās vadības formas Latvijā – Rīga, 1993.
Brūne A., Apine R. Sports Latvijā – Rīga, 2001.
Forands I. Red. Latvijas sporta vēsture – Rīga, 1994.
Кузина В.В. Экономика физической культуры и спорта – Москва, 2001
Luika B. Sporta vadība (lekciju materiāli) – Rīga, LSPA, 2008.
Parrish R. Sports loww and policy in the Europen Union – Manchecter, New York: Manchester
University Press, 2003, 271 lpp.
Chaker A.N. Good Governance in Sport a European survey- Cuncil of Europe, september
2004, 101 lpp.
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
Latvijas III Sporta kongress – Rīga, LSP, 1996.
Latvijas IV Sporta kongress – Rīga. LSP, 2001.
Шааф Ф. Спортивный маркетинг – Москва, 1998
Ferrand A. Routledge handbook of sports sponsorship=successful strategiesLondon; New York: Routledge, 2007, 278 lpp.
- National Sport Development Programme 200. – 2012
- LR laws, MC regulations and other normative acts;
 Investigation and analysis of the normative acts;
 Studying of sport development factors, their analysis;
 Studying of sport organisation work in Latvia.
A student’s knowledge, skills and attitude are assessed.
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
Civil defence and sport ecology
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
Assoc. Prof. A.Paeglītis
Requirements for
starting the course:
A student should have preliminary knowledge in natural sciences according to the
Standard of general secondary education including medically-biological subjects, as
well as the knowledge about the Republic of Latvia legislation about the state and
municipal government structures.
To provide students with basic knowledge about ecology – from the aspect of
biological environment and social system. To provide students with basic
knowledge about the organisation and activity of civil defence structures in Latvia.
To introduce with the basic principles of work in emergency situations, as well as
with methodology of emergency situation and their prevention.
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
study course:
of the
The content of the course:
Obligatory literature:
The organization and tasks
of students’ independent
The criteria of assessing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
To give notions about the interaction of biological and social systems. To
understand the possible consequences of the interaction of these systems. To
provide basic knowledge about the structure of civil defence in Latvia. To introduce
with the main tasks of the state civil defence and its legal basis. To introduce with
the existing methodology application to state emergency situation in society. To
give notion about the sources of danger and the possibilities to evaluate the probable
A student should be able to orientate in the processes taking place as a result of
society and environment interaction; should have learned the principles of civil
defence structure work in emergency situations, and should be able to predict and
organize actions to decrease dangerousness in national economic complexes; should
orientate in the structures and legislation of civil defence of Latvia.
Ecological problems in society today. Characterisation of biosphere and ecological
problems. Biological systems and problems of eco-system. Biological systems. Ecosystems. Social systems – their development and stability. Application of system
analysis principles. System society - characterisation of nature interaction. Problems
of nature resource utilization in Latvia. Principles of Latvia and North-European
state nature conservation management.
1. E.Siliľš. Lielo patiesību meklējumi. Rīga, Jumava 2002
2. J.Niedrītis. Dabas vides aizsardzība un ekonomika, Rīga: Vide, 1993.,
3. Bīstamības avotu noteikšana un novērtēšana vietējā sabiedrībā, UNEP
IE/PAC- Rūpniecības un vides programmu darbības centrs, Rīga:, CA
Centrs, 1994., 86.lpp
4. Latvijas republikas likums “ Par Latvijas Republikas Civilo aizsardzību”
avīze “ Diena” 1993.g. 22. janvāris.
5. Likuma grozījumi un papildinājumi- LV “ Vēstnesis - ecology,
To study literature independently to prepare for seminars and test works.
The quality of the worked-out report, test work and attitude. Student knowledge is
assessed in 10 point scale according to the assessment scale used in LASE. Student
knowledge is assessed on theoretical level in seminars and tests.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Physiology of age periods
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1/ 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. Inese Pontaga, Doc. Vija Millere
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge acquired at LASE in the 1st study year in Anatomy, Bases of physiology
and Bases of bio-chemistry, in the 3rd semester of the 2nd study year in Sport
The aim of the
To provide basic knowledge about morphological and physiological changes in a growing body
and when aging, and sensitive periods of physical quality development.
The tasks of the
Theoretical basic
To characterise the regularities of growth and development, critical periods in a child’s
development, influence of environment and socially economic factors on growth and
To form knowledge basis about the development of the loco-motor system, nervous system
and highest neural functioning, about the visceral system and their function development in
a growing body and about the changes when aging.
To develop practical skills to evaluate physical development and physical work capacity.
To characterise conditions of the organism in sport loads and their peculiarities in children,
to characterise the role of physical exercises in the improvement of physical development
and in work capacity development.
Planned results of
the study course:
Students obtain knowledge about: age periodisation; anatomical and physiological peculiarities
of growing children in separate age periods; morphological and physiological changes when
aging; the role of physical exercises in the improvement of physical development and in work
capacity development and maintaining. Students acquire the skills: to measure human
anthropometrical parameters. Students acquire competences: to evaluate children and adults’
physical development, to evaluate approximately biological age and the degree of teenager
sexual development; to choose the most suitable sports loads and teaching methods for each
children’s age period; to choose suitable exercises for elderly people.
The content of the
Regularities of growth and development. Morphological changes in the organism in different
age periods. Physiological characterisation of a newborn, infant age, of the early, first and
second childhood children, teenagers and adolescents. Physiological changes when aging.
Āboltiľa M.. Kā aug mūsu bērns. Datorzinību centrs, 1998., 198 lpp.
Vīksne Z. Bērnu un pusaudţu vispārējā un sporta fizioloģija LVFKI, Rīga, 1987.-71.lpp.
Rowland T.W. Children’s Exercise Physiology. Human Kinetics, 2004, printed in USA, 298 p.
Other sources of
Millere R., Segleniece K. Bērna augšana un attīstība Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1977.-80.lpp.
Фарбор А.,Корниенко И.А.,Сонъкин В.Д. Физиология школьника.-М.:Педагогика,1990.-64.с.
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
To prepare for seminars about the following themes: 1) regularities of growth and development;
morphological changes in the organism in different age periods; physiological characterisation
of a newborn, infant age, and of the early childhood children; 2) Physiological characterisation
of the first and second childhood children, teenagers; 3) Physiological characterisation of
adolescents; physiological changes when aging. To prepare for the test in Physiology of age
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Student knowledge, skills and competences are assessed in three seminars (the themes see
above), in one laboratory work (methods of anthropometry). In the end of the study course
students have to take the test.
Детская спортивная медицина. Под ред. Тихвинского С.Б. и Хрущева С.В..М.:Медицина, 1991.-559.с.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Professional ethics
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP /1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof., Dr.phil. A. Kuzľecova
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
Preliminary knowledge in Culturology, Bases of philosophy and Introduction in ethics
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
- to create interest about the role of ethical values in the training of future specialist,
- to develop a specialist ethical competence, facilitating ethical, critical and creative
- to facilitate the quality and effectiveness of future specialist activity, to facilitate the
forming and development of professional morale;
- to facilitate awareness and observing of education and sport work ethical principles,
norms and values;
- to develop the skill to work, make and evaluate decisions and evaluate decisions in the
ethical aspect.
A student acquires the following competences:
- the skill to formulate and analyse the essence of professional ethics, basic notions,
problems, functions, to analyse the structure of professional morale, basic requirements
of corporative and sport ethics, principles, norms and values, conflict solving methods
and ethical management styles;
- the skill to analyse the ethic codes of the chosen professions, substantiate and
communicate about the topicalities of work ethics and work culture;
- the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activity – to substantiate one’s
own professional actions and to foresee their consequences; independently and in a team
to solve the problems of moral education, corporative ethics, corporative culture,
education and sport ethics using updated methods and ethical management styles;
- the ability to work out ethical codes; readiness to defend one’s opinion, to carry out
creative research and educating work in the chosen field of professional activity.
The subject of Professional ethics, its terminology, guidelines, specifics, functions and
sub-functions. The structure of professional morale (principles, norms, idols, values).
Sport ethics as sub-branch of normative ethics. Ethical values and their expression in
sport and professional activity. Corporative ethics and corporative culture. Codes of
professional ethics. Ethical code of LASE staff. Methods of solving interest and role
conflict. Ethical management styles.
1.Kuzľecova A. Korporatīvā ētika. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: LSPA, 2009.
2. Kuzľecova A. Profesionālās ētikas pamati.Ievads sporta ētikā. - Rīga: RaKa, 2003.
3. Sporta ētika kā normatīvās ētikas paveids. Mācību līdzeklis. – R.: LSPA, 2009.
4.Lasmane S., Milts A., Rubenis A. Ētika. – R.:: Zvaigzne, 1993.
5.Milts A. Ētika. Personības un sabiedrības ētika. – Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2000.
6.Josephon M.A. Training Program of Coaches on Ethics, Sportmanship and Character
Buildind in Sports – /Pursuing Victory with Honor//
// report-ethicssportsmanship.htm.
7. Singer P. Practical Ethics. Cambridge, 1993
Preparation for tests, working out of a report about ethical values and their expression in
sport and professional activity.
30 % assessment of work during semester: lecture Active involvement, to study
independently the literature envisaged in the course and work out a report; 35% active
participation in contact classes; 35% differential test.
The title of the course:
Research methodology
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
Theoretical basic
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 1, 2
Semester 2 , 3, 4
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS + 1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Prof. E. Popovs , Prof. J. Dravnieks
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the
Knowledge of mathematics, physics and informatics as envisaged in
the Standard of general secondary education, computer skills
To introduce new sports pedagogues into research work.
 To introduce with research and its role in society today;
 To teach methodology and means of solving research tasks
 To develop the skill of research work, the ability to generalize
and analyse research results;
 To facilitate research approach to studies;
 To help to acquire the skills to work creatively;
 To teach how to use computer in practice;
Planned results of the
study course:
Professional Bachelor in sport science corresponding to today’s
The content
Tasks, methods and organisation of research work. Mathematical
procession and analysis of the obtained results in sports science.
of the
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Dravnieks J., Popovs E., Paeglītis A. Sporta zinātnisko pētījumu
tehnoloģija : Mācību grāmata sporta akadēmijas studentiem. - Rīga :
LSPA, 1997.
9 literary sources
Other sources of
The texts of the study means and lectures in electronic format in the
homepage of the Distance Learning Centre of the Informatics
Department of LASE.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
In the homepage of the Distance Learning Centre of the Informatics
Department of LASE everyone can find all necessary information,
to receive tasks, install specially worked-out linking programmes,
to send home works to the teaching staff electronically. Two times a
week a student can meet the teaching staff for consultations.
Computerized knowledge control, practical works, a seminar,
compensatory work for the missed classes.
The criteria of
assessing the results of
the studies:
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results
of the study
The content of
the course:
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Study language:
Sport biochemistry
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
2 CP/ 3 ECTS
Doc. Maija Dzintare
Acquired the study course Bases of biochemistry (1.5 CP, code: PBNT215).
To provide students with acquiring theoretical and practical skills, providing knowledge and understanding
about chemical bases of life processes in a human body, as well as about the dynamics of energetic and
plastic processes during physical loads; practically learning the basic skills of biochemical research. The
basic task – to provide students with scientific bases for professional activity, to develop skills to solve
problems independently.
1. To introduce with energetic and plastic processes in the human body, that provides its physiological
functions, as well as renewal and development.
2. To characterize biochemical peculiarities of children and teenagers’ body.
3. To provide knowledge and understanding about purposeful changes of chemical reactions in the
organism during intensive physical loads and in the recovery period.
4. To introduce with the structural and functional changes of the organism, which develop due to regular
5. To develop practical skills for work in a laboratory to make biochemical analyses.
Students should know:
1. the dynamics of biochemical processes in the human body, their interconnection;
2. biochemical peculiarities of children and teenagers’ body;
3. changes of chemical processes in the organism during intensive physical loads and in the recovery
4. biochemical substantiation and methods of the development of physical qualities – strength, speed and
5. observing of biochemical peculiarities, when training physical qualities in children and teenagers.
Students have the skill to do simple analytical biochemical experiments, to use laboratory equipment.
Students have the competence to apply the knowledge obtained in the Biochemistry study course in sports
to analyse definite loads after the reaction what gives energy, what energy sources consume.
knowing biochemical basis to plan loads, the recovery length for training to give maximal effect.
General biochemistry. Metabolism. Energy exchange. Biological oxidation. Exchange of bio-compounds carbohydrates, fat and proteins. Exchange peculiarities of bio-compounds of a growing body.
Sport biochemistry. Chemical structure and action energy of muscles. Dynamics of biochemical processes
in the human body, when doing physical work of intensive various character. Biochemical substantiation of
fatigue. Biochemical processes during the recovery period. Biochemical substantiation of physical quality –
strength, speed and endurance increase regularly training. Gradualness and specifics of adaptation.
Biochemical substantiation of sport training principles.
V. Ūdre. Vispārējā un sporta bioķīmija I d., māc. grāmata LSPA studentiem, Rīga 1999.
V.Ūdre - Vispārējā un sporta bioķīmija II d., māc. grāmata LSPA studentiem, Rīga 2000.
1. Волков Н. И. Биохимия мышечной деятельности. Kиев, Олимпийская литература, 2000. c 504.
2. Maughan R., Gleeson M. The Biochemical Basis of Sports Performance. Oxford University press. New
York. 2004, p 253.
3. V.Ūdre - Biosavienojumu maiľas vienādojumi un shēmas, māc. līdz. LSPA studentiem, Rīga 1996.
4. V.Ūdre - Sporta bioķīmija, māc. līdz. LVFKI studentiem, Rīga 1991.
D. Cēdere, J. Logins. Organiskā ķīmija ar ievirzi bioķīmijā, Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 1996.
Murray R. K., Granner D. K., Mayes P. A., Rodwell V. W. Harper's Biochemistry (25th edition).
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co; 1999, p. 927.
Preparation for seminar themes in General biochemistry and Sport biochemistry. Writing of a report,
preparation for the test.
Student knowledge and competences are assessed according to qualitative parameter– knowledge is assessed
in 10 point system, and quantitative parameter– all seminars and the test should be passed.
The title of the course:
Applied swimming
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
1 CP / 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. Arvils Lielvārds
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge in general pedagogy, sport didactics, biomechanics, hydro-dynamics.
The aim of the course:
For a student to develop notion about the possibility of an accident on water. To
obtain knowledge and skills in doing preventive measures to set off accidents on
water, to learn life guard means and un skills to do measures after a victim is taken
on the land.
The tasks of the course:
To develop professional understanding about applied swimming.
Planned results of the
study course:
To acquire the applied swimming bases as knowledge, skills and competences in the
framework of the study course. To acquire the ability to evaluate and apply
measures of applied swimming in practical work.
The content of the
Kinds and elements of applied swimming, and their practical application. Preventive
measures to set off accidents on water.
Obligatory literature:
Lielvārds A. Peldēšana / Rīga : Zvaigzne, 1987., 165 lpp.
Additional literature:
According to the tutor recommendation.
Other sources of
Internet data bases.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Acquiring of the knowledge and skills of applied swimming bases.
Acquiring of the kinds and elements of the applied swimming.
The criteria of
assessing the results of
the studies:
Assessment of independent work. Understanding of kinds and elements of the
applied swimming and demonstration of preventive measures.
Study language:
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
Nutrition study
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
1 CP / 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. Dr.biol. Inta Māra Rubana
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge in physiology, biochemistry and hygiene.
The aim of the
To improve students’ knowledge about nutrition of a healthy individual.
The tasks of the
To improve students’ knowledge about food products, the changes of their consumption
in the course of society development.
To widen knowledge about nutrition in different life periods.
To facilitate understanding about nutrition in prevention obesity and chronic diseases.
To improve understanding about food supplements; about usefulness and safety of
their usage.
Planned results of
the study course:
As a result of the study course students: will be able to evaluate nutrition of a healthy
individual in different life periods; will understand the role of food in prevention of
chronic diseases; will be able to substantiate the usage of food supplements.
The content of the
Nutrition bases of a healthy adult. Nutrients. Food products. Nutrition for
children, old people, patients. Nutrition in prevention of obesity, diseases of
metabolism, cardio-vascular diseases, and cancers. Advantages and
disadvantages of diets to decrease the body mass. The role of antioxidants in
one’s food today. Advantages and disadvantages of food supplements.
Obligatory literature:
Z. Zariľš, L. Neimane. Uztura mācība. Rīga: Rasa, 2002.
SIA Medikamentu informācijas centrs. Uztura bagātinātāji. Rīga, 2002.
Larson R.Complete food and nutrition guide. Am.Dietetic assoc., 2006
Rubana I.M. Uzturs fiziskā slodzē. Rīga: Raka, 2010.
Other sources of
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietics (USA).
Proceedings of Nutrition Society (UK).
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
To work independently with literature.
To prepare overview about the given theme.
To prepare for seminars.
The skills to use adequate literature and prepare overview about the given theme.
The skills to analyse facts.
The ability to substantiate the choice of nutrition components, diet and food
In the end of the study course students have to pass a test.
Study language:
The title of the course:
Professional communication (the questions of the Latvian
language culture)
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
PBBIC 4014
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Credit points:
Year 2, 3
Semester 3, 4, 5
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Doc. I.Budviķe
The aim of the course:
To improve the quality of the Latvian language for
communication in speciality
The tasks of the course:
To introduce with the norms of the Latvian literary
language that should be observed when writing a
scientific work.
Planned results of the study
Knowledge about writing a scientific text according to the
norms of the Latvian language culture.
The content of the course:
The questions of the Latvian language practice for
communication in speciality
1 CP /1.5 ECTS – semester 3;
1 CP /1.5 ECTS – semester 4;
1 CP /1.5 ECTS – semester 5;
Knowledge and skills of the Latvian language according to
the Standard of general secondary school.
Obligatory literature:
1.Budviķe I. Mūsdienu latviešu literārās valodas kultūras
jautājumi. - R., 2000., 48 lpp.
2. Rubīna A. Latviešu valodas rokasgrāmata:. valodas
kultūra teorijā un praksē. -R., Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC,
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and tasks
of students’ independent
The criteria of assessing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
2005., - 188 lpp.
3.Latviešu valodas pareizrakstības vārdnīca. – R.:Avots,
4. Latviešu valodas vārdnīca. A-Ţ. – Rīga.: Avots, 2006.
Sporta terminu, svešvārdu vārdnīcas
Text editing, tests, exercises to repeat literary language
norms, writing of a scientific text
Knowledge in orthography, syntaxes, stylistics; the skill
to write a scientific text; attitude when doing course
tasks; individual dynamics - growth of knowledge and
skills during the course.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Professional communication (the English language)
Semester 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Credit points:
1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 3; 1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 4; 1/1.5 ECTS – sem. 5;
1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 6; 1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 7; 1/1.5 ECTS – sem. 8;
Teaching staff:
Doc. Berga I., Doc.Boge I., Lect. Rudzinska I.
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge and skills of the English language according to the Standard of
general secondary school.
The aim of the
The tasks of the
To improve special lexis and communication in the English language.
Planned results of
the study course:
Improved special lexis in the English language; the skill to work independently
with the special literature in English; developed intercultural and
communicative competence.
The content of the
Special literature in English to learn lexis and communicate in speciality.
Individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor paper.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory term dictionaries; Internet:
Reading of independently chosen texts in English according to the theme of
Bachelor paper, preparation for the discussion and seminar according to the
content of the study course.
Study language:
PBBIC 4014
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2, 3, 4
To provide a possibility to improve special lexis in the English language and the
skill to work with the special literature for the Bachelor paper, to develop
intercultural and communicative competence.
Individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor paper.
Knowledge in special lexis is assessed in the seminar and discussion; public
presentations and individual work skills are assessed by presentations; doing the
course tasks attitude and group work skills are assessed; evaluating the growth
of knowledge and skills during the course individual dynamics is stated.
The title of the course:
Professional communication (the German language)
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
PBBIC 4014
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Doc. Malahova L., Doc. Stirna N.
Knowledge and skills of the German language according to the Standard of
general secondary school.
The aim of the course:
To improve special lexis and communication in the German language.
The tasks of the
To provide a possibility to improve special lexis in the German language and the
skill to work with the special literature for the Bachelor paper, to develop
intercultural and communicative competence.
Planned results of the
study course:
Improved special lexis in the German language; the skill to work independently
with the special literature in German; developed intercultural and communicative
The content of the
Obligatory literature:
Special literature in German to learn lexis and communicate in speciality.
Additional literature:
Individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor paper.
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results of
the studies:
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory term dictionaries.
Study language:
Year 2, 3, 4
Semester 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 3; 1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 4; 1/1.5 ECTS – sem. 5;
1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 6; 1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 7; 1/1.5 ECTS – sem. 8;
Individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor paper.
Reading of independently chosen texts in German according to the theme of
Bachelor paper, preparation for the discussion and seminar according to the
content of the study course.
Knowledge in special lexis is assessed in the seminar and discussion; public
presentations and individual work skills are assessed by presentations; doing the
course tasks attitude and group work skills are assessed; evaluating the growth of
knowledge and skills during the course individual dynamics is stated.
The title of the course:
Nutrition at physical load
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP / 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof., Dr.biol. Inta Māra Rubana
Requirements for
starting the course:
Preliminary knowledge in sport biochemistry, sport physiology and hygiene.
The aim of the
To develop student understanding about the role of nutrition in provision of physical
work capacity.
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
To facilitate student understanding about the role of nutrition in health sport.
To develop the skills to evaluate everyday nutrition and if needed to correct it; to
plan nutrition according to age and chosen physical activities.
3. To facilitate understanding about nutrition peculiarities of people having different
Students have knowledge, understanding and skills to professionally supervise and
correct nutrition of health training group participants.
Obligatory literature:
Rubana I.M..Uzturs fiziskā slodzē. Rīga: Raka, 2010. 202.lpp.
Hickson J.F. Wolinsky I. Nutrition in exercise and sport/eds.. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, 1989. pp. 201-232, 309-345
Energy- yielding macronutrients and energy metabolism in sports nutrition/ eds. J.A
Driskell, I.Wolinsky. CRC Press, Boca Raton,1999. pp. 211-236.
Litt A. Fuel for young athletes. Essential foods and fluids for future champions. Human
kinetics, 2004. 188 p.
Bean A. The complete guide to sports nutrition. London: A & C Black, (4th edition)
2003. 187 p.
McArdle W. D., Katch F. I. and Katch V. L. Exercise physiology: energy, nutrition and
human performance. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, (5th edition), 2001. 313 p.
Williams MH. Dietary Supplements and Sports Performance. J.Int.Soc.Sports Nutr.
2005; 2, 1.pp. 43–49.
Williams MH.Ergogenic aids in sport. Champaign IL: Human Kinetics, 1983. 385 p.
Other sources of
Zariľš Z., Neimane L.Uzturmācība. Rīga: Rasa, 1998.
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
According to each task. A test in the end of the course.
Study language:
Studying of literature, preparation for seminars.
Situation analysis: nutrition evaluation and correction of people having different age
and different physical load.
Analysis of myths and facts about nutrition at physical load.
The title of the
Education of young leaders (Dream and team young leader programme )
The type of the
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 1
Semester 2
Credit points:
1CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Lect. Bula-Biteniece I.
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge and skills according to the Standard of general secondary school.
The aim of the
To facilitate student leadership skills. To develop a socially active citizen who actively
organizes and involves in different society events.
The tasks of the
To acquire knowledge and skills, and to know how to use them: leadership and team work.
Development of safe and creative environment for children of different age and needs.
Participation in intercultural dimension events. Leading of voluntary work. Attraction of
publicity and finances. Mentoring and consulting.
Student have acquired the following knowledge: about leadership styles and development of
effective team; about inclusion principles; about intercultural dimension aspects in social
environment; about planning and leading of human resources; about the principles of publicity
development. Skills: to work in a group and take responsibility; to make a plan of an event; to
develop inclusive, safe and creative environment; to integrate art and music activities in a
sports event; to work with children of different age and needs; to analyse activity of one’s own
and of other group members; to work with the young leaders (senior grade students);
Competences: of event planning and leading; of observing and evaluating one’s own and other
student activity, presentation and communication competences.
Leadership and team work. Inclusion of children having special needs in sports events. Leading
of voluntary work. Art and music activities in sport festivals. Mentoring and consulting.
Attraction of event publicity and finances.
Planned results
of the study
The content of the
Engstrēms Lars-Magnus. Bērnu un jauniešu sporta vadītājs / Lars-Magnus Engstrēms, Arturs
Forsbergs, Erwins Apitzch/ Zviedrijas Sporta Federācija; SISU ; Latvija-Zviedrija sadarbība
sportā. - 90 lpp.
Lekciju materiāli: studentu rokasgrāmata, Jauno Līderu profesionālās pilnveides
dienasgrāmata, ANO Bērnu tiesību konvencija, Festivālu organizēšanas kartes
Līderība un komandas darbs. Klubu veidošana. Publicitāte un līdzekļu piesaiste. Māksla ar
D+T. Brīvprātīgo novērtēšana. Bērnu ar īpašām vajadzībām iesaistīšana. / studentu
rokasgrāmatas un izdales materiāli.
Other sources of
information: and other homepages of other higher education institutions
involved in the net.
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
Writing of student professional development diary. Preparation and leading of a sports festival.
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Material of student professional development diary. Organized sport festival.
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Nordic walking bases
starting the
The aim of the
Knowledge and skills according to the Standard of general secondary school
The tasks of the
Planned results
of the study
- A student can assess dynamics of own achievements and development;
- can plan and state the content of Nordic walking classes;
- can independently go in for Nordic walking, choose adequate kinds of technique
according to the terrain;
- can independently run Nordic walking classes to beginners;
1. History of Nordic walking.
2. Methodology of teaching Nordic walking.
The content of
the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 2
1 CP/ 1.5ECTS
Assoc.Prof., Dr.paed. Baiba Smila, AWF Biala Podlaska Assoc.Prof. Dr paed.. Krzystof Piech
To introduce students with the didactics of teaching Nordic walking bases at school.
To introduce and cause interest about Nordic walking;
To provide theoretical knowledge about Nordic walking and its history;
To provide theoretical knowledge and skills about didactics of Nordic walking;
To introduce and develop understanding about the technique and teaching methodology of
Nordic walking.
3. Technique of Nordic walking. Safety rules.
4. Nūjo vesels! Praktiski padomi iesācējiem – Rīga: 36,6C, 2009.
5. Tim "T-Bone" Arem Nordic Walking a Total Body Experience- Book Surge, 2006
Internet recourses:
6. Walter C. Nordic Walking: The Complete Guide to Health, Fitness, and Fun.
7. Svensson M. Nordic Walking (Outdoor Adventures) -Kindle Edition, 2009.
8. Internet recourses: ; ;
Other sources of
and tasks of
Study language:
9. Sport magazines
Working out the report „ Nordic walking at school”
Competence test.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Adventure events
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Lect. I.Liepiľa, Assist. K.Ciekurs, Prof. D.Krauksta, Prof. J.Grants,
Doc. I.Kravalis
Subjects of general education of secondary education
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
To create a notion about adventure events, to improve physical and
mental condition. To acquire and improve the technical kinds of
adventure sports and to be able to apply them in practice.
The tasks of the
1. To acquire the bases of the technical kinds of adventure sports;
2. To improve physical condition, to get emotional satisfaction
Planned results of
the study course:
1. The bases of the technical kinds of adventure events will be
2. Physical and mental condition will be improved;
Adventure events, the technical kinds of adventure sports.
The content of the
Magazine „Tēvijas Sargs”, 2009.
Other sources of
1. Internet recourses,
2. Sport magazines
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
A student will independently train also outside LASE, will improve
physical and mental condition, will account the work done in the
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
For a student to get a positive assessment in adventure sports the
following is assessed:
- Active involvement, attitude, home works, working out of the plan
of adventure sports events
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results
of the study
Winter sports activities
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 3
Semester 6
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Prof. J.Grants
General education study courses, theoretical basic study courses of the field
To create notion about winter sports activities, their role and basic principles. To obtain
knowledge about the structure and didactic conditions of winter sports activities. To
obtain knowledge about various winter sports activities – kinds of sports and nontraditional means application, peculiarities, expressions and regularities for individuals
of different age, sex and nationality.
1. To acquire basic conditions and bases of winter sports activities given in the content
of the study course on the level of knowledge, skills and competences.
2. To acquire the ability to evaluate and assess the necessity of winter sports outside
activities to recover one’s physical and mental ability and health restoration, to make
more definite and state influence of separate winter sports on the effectiveness of
spending one’s leisure time.
1. Acquired theoretical bases of the study course.
2. Acquired theoretical bases of winter sports activities, theoretical and methodological
bases of the components.
3. Acquired bases of winter sports activity teaching in the specific field of recreation.
The content of
the course:
The content of the course includes teaching of the didactic principles of winter sports
activities with basic knowledge, skill and competence application.
1.Fritsch W.,Wilmann T.Skilanglauf Methodik und Technik.
Meyer&Meyer Vorlag, 2005.
2.Бутин И.М. Лыжный спорт. - Москва: Просвещение, 1988 - 191 с.
1.Latvian Skiing Federation:
2.International Skiing Federation: http://www.fis-ski.comInternet
3. Magazines and other publications
Students will independently learn the content envisaged in the study course additionally
to the one given in contact classes.
Students will independently learn the specifics of winter sports activity didactics variety
in different recreation events.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Study language:
1. Grants J.Mācīsimies slēpot!-Rīga: RaKa 2007.142 lpp.
2. Kops K. Distanču slēpošana – Rīga: LSPA, 1989. – 152 lpp.
1. Grants J. Fiziskā audzināšana, sports un vesels bērns. –
Rīga: Mācību grāmata, 1997. – 215 lpp.
Active involvement
Attitude learning the study course
Execution of control works and home works
Speaking in seminars
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Methodology of Nordic walking in recreation
Semester 6
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Assoc. Prof., Dr.paed. Baiba Smila, AWF Biala Podlaska Assoc.Prof. Dr paed..
Krzysztof Piech
Knowledge, skills and competences acquired in the study courses Nordic
walking and Nordic walking bases.
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results
of the study
The content of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 3
To acquire the necessary skills of a Nordic walking instructor to get the
qualification „Nordic walking instructor”.
1) To develop interest about Nordic walking;
2) To provide theoretical and practical skills in running Nordic walking classes to
people of different age, sex and physical condition;
3) To provide theoretical knowledge and skills in Nordic walking didactics.
- A student can assess pupil study achievements and development didactics;
- A student can plan and develop the content of Nordic walking classes
corresponding to pupils’ preparedness;
- A student can independently go in for Nordic walking, choose adequate to the
terrain kinds of technique;
- A student can independently run Nordic walking classes at school;
1. Bases of didactics of Nordic walking.
2. Teaching methodology of Nordic walking technique. Safety rules.
3. Development of bio-motor ability with Nordic walking.
4. Choice of Nordic walking equipment, preparation.
Nūjo vesels! Praktiski padomi iesācējiem – Rīga: 36,6C, 2009.
Tim "T-Bone" Arem Nordic Walking a Total Body Experience- Book Surge,
Internet recourses:
Walter C. Nordic Walking: The Complete Guide to Health, Fitness, and Fun.
Svensson M. Nordic Walking (Outdoor Adventures) -Kindle Edition, 2009.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
Study language:
Interneta recourses: ; ;
Working out of the report „Teaching methodology of Nordic walking”.
Competence test.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
for starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
To select movement games and exercises for the content of game classes according
to children’s physical and emotional preparation. To acquire the didactic principles
of organization of movement games, their running and modelling.
Planned results
of the study
Students have the following knowledge: about the choice of movement games to learn
basic skills; about the aims and tasks in each age period; about the development of social
relations; skills: to develop game plan based on children’s development degree of physical
and intellectual preparation; to create the environment, that facilitates children’s holistic
development; to motivate and assure children about to be confident; to work with
children’s parents; to integrate other subjects and apply innovative means in movement
games; competences: running of movement games; application of didactic means in
learning basic skills; competences of observation and assessment.
The aims and tasks of movement games in sports classes. Content, tasks, methods and
means of movement games. Modeling of movement games. Choice of games.
The content of
Other sources of
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Study language:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
1CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Lect. Bula – Biteniece I.
Acquired study courses of the 1st and 2nd year (semester 3) of Bachelor programme on the
level 4 – 10 points.
Acquiring of knowledge, skills and attitudes on the level the future specialists can provide
movement games to children. To acquire necessary life skills, to evaluate the role of
physical activities in the development of sustainable society.
Jansone R., Krauksts V., Sporta izglītības didaktika skolā. Rīga: RaKa, 2005.
Karlovska R Rāpošanas apmācība pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem. Liepāja: LPA, 2000,
Kuzľecova A., Karlovska R. Lēcieni pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem. R.: Izglītības soļi,
Elnebija I. Pakāpieni bērna attīstībā. R.: Pētergailis, 1999.
Lieģeniece D. Kopveseluma pieeja audzināšanā. Rīga RaKa, 1999.
Пензулаева Л.И. Оздоровительная гимнастика для детей дошкольного возраста (3-7
лет) : пособие для педагогов дошк. учреждений / А.И.Пензулаева. - Москва :
ВЛАДОС, 2001. – 127.c
Пензулаева Л.И. Подвижные игры и игровые упражнения для детей 3-5 лет : пособие
для педагогов дошк. учреждений / Л.И.Пензулаева. - Москва :"ВЛАДОС", 2003. –
Periodical issues: ”Skolotājs”, electronic recourses.
Writing of plans of movement games.
Presentation of plans of movement games
The title of the
Track and field athletics ( development of rapid force I)
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
PBBIC 4016
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Lect. T.Lisicina, Lect.S.Škutāne, Assist.K.Kuplis
Requirements for
starting the course:
Track and field athletics corresponding to the Sport Standard of
general secondary education, and preferable – the acquiring of the
study course „ Track and field athletics exercises for beginners”.
The aim of the
To create interest about athletics, its variety. To develop notion about
track and field athletics events and possibilities to apply jumpers’
exercises in other kinds of sport.
The tasks of the
To introduce with track and field athletics exercises to learn jumping,
and the exercise application to improve other sports.
Planned results of
the study course:
Competence in jumpers’ special exercises and the bases of rapid
force development.
The content of the
Track and field athletics exercises and jumping events.
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000. 50
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika. Rīga: LSPA, 2003. 27.lpp.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
A student independently studies special literature, does home works
and trains to execute track and field athletics exercises, developing
movement ability.
Study language:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Practical and theoretical test, demonstration of the acquired
The title of the course:
Track and field athletics ( development of rapid force II)
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
PBBIC 4062
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Doc.M.Gailis, Lect.T.Lisicina, Lect.S.Škutāne, Assist.K.Kuplis
Requirements for
starting the course:
Track and field athletics corresponding to the Sport Standard of
general secondary education, and preferable – the acquiring of the
study course „ Track and field athletics exercises for beginners”.
The aim of the course:
To create interest about athletics, its variety. To develop notion
about throwing events and possibilities to apply throwers’ exercises
in other kinds of sport.
To introduce with throwing event exercises. The exercise application
to improve other sports.
Competence in throwers’ special exercises and the bases of rapid
force development.
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
Track and field athletics exercises and throwing events.
Obligatory literature:
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60 lpp.
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000. 50 lpp.
Additional literature:
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika. Rīga: LSPA, 2003. 27.lpp.
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
A student independently studies special literature, does home works
and trains to execute track and field athletics exercises, developing
movement ability.
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Practical and theoretical test, demonstration of the acquired
Study language:
The title of the course:
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
Mountain tracking
PBBIC 4023
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 4
Semester 7
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Lect. I.Liepiľa
The study courses of general education, theoretical basic study courses of the field
To create a notion about mountain tracking as one of active tourism kinds, to acquire the
methodology of mountain tracking organisation and leading, to develop student interest
to participate in mountain tracking. To provide deeper theoretical knowledge and
practical skills in the methodology of mountain tracking organisation and leading.
3. To acquire the bases of mountain tracking on the level of knowledge, skills and
competences when learning the content of the study course.
4. To acquire theoretical knowledge and skills in the methodology of mountain tracking
organisation and leading.
5. To acquire the ability to evaluate the necessity of mountain tracking as an essential
outside activity in one’s physical and mental ability development, as well as in health
recovery process.
1. Acquired theoretical bases of the study course, as well as practical skills.
Planned results of
2. Acquired the bases of mountain tracking organisation and leading, its methodology.
the study course:
3. Acquired positive aspects of mountain tracking on the recovery process of one’s
physical and mental ability.
The content of the study course is linked with the application of mountain tracking
The content of the
knowledge, skills and competences in professional activity as mountain tracking
participant and organizer.
Obligatory literature: 1. „Climbing” 2000. gada 15.marts
2. „Kāpjam kalnos” Rīga, Avots, 1989 Valdis Ķikāns
3. No Oliľkalna līdz Everestam” Rīga, Jāľa Sēta 1997 red. L.Zariľa
Additional literature: 1. Training for climbing. Eric J. Horst ; A Falcon guide 2003
2. “Worls Mountaineering + Climbing” The builletin of the UIAA 2/98
“First 6. Decade of International Climbing Competitions under the Aegis of UIAA”,
Yurii Skurlato
1. Internet recourses:
Other sources of
Sport magazines and other publications
The organization and Students independently acquire the content envisaged in the study course additionally to
the one given in contact lectures, they will learn basic conditions of organisation and
tasks of students’
leading of mountain tracking, aspects of legislation, equipment– individual and of group,
independent work:
basic principles of group organisation, safety.
Active involvement, attitude towards learning the study course, home works, speaking in
The criteria of
assessing the results of seminars, participation in mountain hike.
the studies:
Study language:
The tasks of the
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Wrestling bases
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
1 CP/1.5ECTS
Teaching staff:
Doc. A.Pimenovs, Lect. N. Peļnika., Prof. L.Čupriks, Lect. U.Ciematnieks, Assist.
M.Lesčinskis, Assist. S.Saulīte
Physical condition corresponding the requirements of LASE
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
To create notion about wrestling bases and wrestling didactics, to know how to apply it in
sports teacher’s Professional work.
1.To acquire theoretical, methodological and practical skills in kinds of wrestling
(to develop pedagogical skills);
2. To substantiate scientifically the content, aims and principles of kinds of
3. To provide theoretical knowledge about the development tendencies of
4. To provide knowledge about the control forms of wrestling skills;
5. To provide knowledge about the methodological bases of study-training classes.
Knowledge and skills in kinds of wrestling (Graeco-Roman wrestling, free-style wrestling,
sambo and judo).
Learning of wrestling elements and technique. Learning of class combination of different
elements and their didactics.
1. P 1. Pimenovs A., Sporta cīľu veidi. Rīga: LSPA, 2006. 74lpp.
Obligatory literature:
2. A. Rudzītis. Dţudo. Rīga: Liesma, 1979. – 171 lpp
Additional literature:
1. Спортивная борьба. Учебник для институтов физической культуры (под
редакцией А. П. Купцова). Москва: Физкультура и спорт, 1978. – 424 с.
Other sources of
1. Internet
2. Sport magazines and other publications.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Independent studies of the theoretical part of the study course and preparation for the study
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
1.Demonstration of wrestling technique (examination).
2. Active involvement
3. Writing a report
Study language:
Annotations, 2nd study year
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Football bases
PBNPS 3015
Professional Bachelor of Education in
Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 1
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Doc. P.Rubīns, Assist. E. Pukinskis
The level of necessary knowledge and skills should correspond to the
requirements of Sport standard of general secondary education
The aim of the course:
To provide students with theoretical knowledge and skills in football
necessary to run sports classes, organize and run competitions, referee
competitions. To create preconditions for the skill to teach basic
elements of football.
The tasks of the course:
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching
technical elements of football and the methodology of their
For students to obtain the necessary skills to execute football elements
in the quality to be able to demonstrate the necessary elements
For students to learn football rules and the methodology of refereeing.
Planned results of the
study course:
A student has acquired how to execute elements of football technique
technically correctly, has learned tactics.
A student has the skill to apply and stabilize the obtained skills in
study games and competitions.
A student has learned football rules and a referee’s gestures.
The content involves acquiring football basic elements, history of
football, rules, teaching principles, exercises on place and in movement
with the ball, learning of technical elements, learning of the simplest
tactical elements, games and plays with the ball.
3. Ponomarjovs A. Futbola sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšana
skolā. – Rīga,1997. – 28 lpp.
4. Altbergs O., Jēkabsons T., Kupčs J., Laizāne S., Sporta spēles
skolā. – Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991.- 304 lpp.
Dţifords K. Futbols; Lieliskās spēles rokasgrāmata. – Rīga, Zvaigzne
ABC, 2004. – 96. lpp.,, programmes, methodological issues about
refereeing, DVD and video materials
Work in the library and reading room – execution of correct technical
elements, teaching methodologies for analysis, theoretical learning of
the rules and referee gestures.
Independent work in the sports field – in order to improve technical
elements to prepare for practical test.
Attending of football competitions – observation of the referee’s work
and its analysis.
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The
assessment in points includes the sum of definite points for separate
task execution: the rules, refereeing, and performance of technical
The content of the
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the
Study languages:
Latvian, English
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the
Study languages:
Football didactics
PBNPS 3016
Professional Bachelor of Education in
Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 2
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Doc.P.Rubīns, Assist. E.Pukinskis
The level of necessary knowledge and skills should correspond to the
requirements of Sport standard of general secondary education.
Positive assessment in the study course “Football bases”.
To provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in
football necessary to teach football elements, organize and referee
competitions, with the skill to run football classes within the
framework of Sport standard of general secondary education.
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching basic
technical and tactical elements of football envisaged in the Standard of
general secondary education.
For students to obtain knowledge about the didactic principles, means
and methods of teaching basic elements of football.
For students to be able to apply the obtained knowledge in professional
To know how to use football special preparatory exercises as a means
of physical education in basic and secondary school.
A student applying the obtained knowledge will have the skill: to use
modern adequate to nowadays requirements principles and cognitions
of pedagogy and other sciences; to demonstrate the main elements of
football technique; to run (referee) a football game; to write a study
praxis notes, correspondingly to the forwarded tasks to choose and use
adequate physical education methods and means; to carry out
pedagogical control and injury prevention, as well as give the first aid
if necessary.
The content involves theoretical knowledge and skill application
development for a sports teacher’s activity in the field of football.
Altbergs O., Jēkabsons T., Kupčs J., Laizāne S., Sporta spēles skolā. –
Rīga, Zvaigzne,1991.-304.lpp.
Jansone R. Sporta izglītība skolā. – Rīga, RAKa, 1999.
Futbols. Spēles noteikumi un tiesāšana.-Rīga ,LFF,2002.-112.lpp
Dţifords K. Futbols. Lieliskās spēles rokasgrāmata. – Rīga, Zvaigzne
ABC, 2004. – 96. lpp.
DVDs, the Internet addresses, notes of other sport game classes.
Work with information sources: repetition of football rules; writing of
the study praxis notes; understanding of correct execution of football
technical elements.
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The
assessment in points includes the sum of definite points for separate
task execution: pedagogical performance in the study praxis, skill of
self-analysis, writing the notes, observing of teaching didactics,
refereeing of a study game.
Latvian, English
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
Basketball bases
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Prof. A.Rudzītis, , Assoc. Prof. A.Spunde, Doc. J.Rimbenieks
The level of necessary knowledge and skills should correspond to the requirements of
Sport standard of general secondary education in basketball
The criteria of assessing the
results of the studies:
To provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in basketball
necessary to run sports classes, organize and run competitions, referee
competitions. To create preconditions for the skill to teach basic elements of
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching technical
elements of basketball and the methodology of their improvement;
For students to obtain the necessary skills to execute basketball elements in the
quality to be able to demonstrate the necessary elements correctly.
A student has acquired how to execute elements of basketball technique
technically correctly, has learned tactics.
A student has the skill to apply and stabilize the obtained skills in study games
and competitions
A student has learned basketball rules, court referee’s gestures and the game
scorer’s duties.
1. Basketball game, its history, rules, principles of teaching gradualness.
2. Exercises with the ball and in movement of the introductory preparatory part.
3. Learning of technical elements.
4. Learning of the simplest tactical elements.
Rokasgrāmata veiksmīgam trenerim. Rudzītis A. Grāvītis U. Rīga, Jumava
Basketbola vienkāršoti noteikumi. Spunde A. Rudzītis A. Rīga, LSPA, (2008)
Krause Jerry V. (1999) Basketball Skills & Drills. Jerry V. Krause, Don Meyer,
Jerry Meyer. Champaign, IL, Human Kinetics, 206 p.
The Internet information, methodological publications about refereeing, DVD
and video materials.
Work in the library and reading room – execution of correct technical elements,
teaching methodologies for analysis, theoretical learning of the rules and referee
Independent work in the sports hall – in order to improve technical elements to
prepare for practical test.
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The assessment in
points includes the sum of definite points for separate task execution.
Study language:
Latvian. Possible also in English
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the course:
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and tasks
of students’ independent
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Basketball didactics
PBNPS 3018
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 2
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Prof. A.Rudzītis, Prof. U. Grāvītis, Assoc. Prof. A.Spunde, Doc. J.Rimbenieks.
The level of necessary knowledge and skills should correspond to the
requirements of Sport standard of general secondary education. Positive
assessment in the study course “Basketball bases”.
The skill to run basketball classes in the amount envisaged in the Sport standard
of general secondary education. Knowledge in basketball didactics and ability to
apply it in professional activity.
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching basic technical
and tactical elements of basketball envisaged in the Standard of general secondary
For students to obtain knowledge about the didactic principles, means and
methods of teaching basic elements of basketball;
For students to be able to apply the obtained knowledge in professional activity.
A student will be competent to organize and run basketball classes and
The content involves theoretical knowledge and skill application development for
a sports teacher’s activity in the field of basketball.
Rokasgrāmata veiksmīgam trenerim. Rudzītis A. Grāvītis U. (2008) Rīga,
„Jumava” , 197 lpp.
Konspekti basketbolā un vispārizglītojošām skolām. 5-8 kl. 9-11.kl. Autoru
kolektīvs.- Rīga, LVFKI, 1989. – 102 lpp.
Altbergs O. Sporta spēles skolā. J. Kupča red. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991 . - 82.-102.
Jansone R. Sporta izglītība skolā. – Rīga, RAKa, 1999.
DVDs, Internet addresses, a.o.
Work with information sources: to learn the rules of the game; to write the notes
of the study praxis;
Participation in a basketball tournament and in its organization.
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The assessment in points
includes the sum of definite points for separate task execution – running of a
basketball class, participation in a tournament, tests, etc.
Latvian. Possible also in English
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Floorball bases
PBNPS 3019
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 1
Semester 3
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Assoc. Prof. I.Ķīsis
Without special preparedness and knowledge
To provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in
floorball necessary to run sports classes, organize and run competitions,
referee competitions. To create preconditions for the skill to teach basic
elements of floorball.
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching technical
elements of floorball and the methodology of their improvement;
For students to obtain the necessary skills to execute floorball elements in
the quality to be able to demonstrate the necessary elements correctly;
Learning of floorball rules and refereeing methodology.
For a student to be competent to organize and run floorball classes and
The content involves learning of theoretical knowledge and skills to apply
the acquired competences in a sports teacher’s activity.
1. Florbola spēles noteikumi. Rīga. Starptautiskā florbola federācija, 2002.
– 49 lpp.
2. Kandavniece A. Florbols skolā. Rīga, 1998. - 60 lpp
3. Kandavniece A. Florbola tehnika un taktika. Rīga, 2003.- 48 lpp.
4.Sporta spēles skolā. J. Kupča red. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991 . - 82.-102. lpp.
Dravniece I. Kustību rotaļas sportā. – Rīga, LSPA, 1995
Jansone R. Sporta izglītība skolā. – Rīga, RAKa, 1999.
Sporta spēles sākumskolā. (1.-4.kl). Autoru kolektīvs. Rīga. LSPA. 67 lpp.
DVDs, Internet addresses, a.o.
Work with information sources: to learn the rules of the game; to write the
notes of the study praxis;
Participation in a floorball tournament and in its organization.
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The assessment
in points includes the sum of definite points for separate task execution.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Floorball didactics
PBNPS 3020
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 3
Semester 5
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Assoc. Prof. I.Ķīsis
The level of necessary knowledge and skills should correspond to the
requirements of Sport standard of general secondary education. Positive
assessment in the study course “Floorball bases”.
The skill to run floorball classes in the amount envisaged in the Sport
standard of general secondary education. Knowledge in floorball didactics
and ability to apply it in professional activity.
To offer students the possibility to obtain knowledge of teaching basic
technical and tactical elements of floorball envisaged in the Standard of
general secondary education;
For students to obtain knowledge about the didactic principles, means and
methods of teaching basic elements of floorball;
For students to be able to apply the obtained knowledge in professional
A student will be competent to organize and run floorball classes and
The content involves theoretical knowledge and skill application
development for a sports teacher’s activity.
1. Florbola spēles noteikumi. Rīga. Starptautiskā florbola federācija, 2002.
– 49 lpp.
2. Kandavniece A. Florbols skolā. Rīga, 1998. - 60 lpp
3. Kandavniece A. Florbola tehnika un taktika. Rīga, 2003.- 48 lpp.
4.Sporta spēles skolā. J. Kupča red. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991 . - 82.-102. lpp.
Dravniece I. Kustību rotaļas sportā. – Rīga, LSPA, 1995
Jansone R. Sporta izglītība skolā. – Rīga, RAKa, 1999.
Sporta spēles sākumskolā. (1.-4.kl). Autoru kolektīvs. Rīga. LSPA. 67 lpp.
DVDs, Internet addresses, a.o.
Work with information sources: to learn the rules of the game; to write the
notes of the study praxis. Participation in a floorball tournament and in its
A student has to get at least 4 points in total assessment. The assessment
in points includes the sum of definite points for separate task execution –
running of floorball class, participation in a tournament, tests, etc.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Communication psychology
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. Agita Ābele
starting the
The aim of the
Required preliminary knowledge in: philosophy;
- general psychology;
- development and personality psychology.
The tasks of the
- to develop understanding about communication, its types and theoretical conceptions;
- to develop communication skills, to facilitate the development of the skill to analyze
communication situations and conflicts;
- to develop the skills of self-analysis and communication culture.
Planned results
of the study
Academic competences – the development of the notion about the theoretical approaches of
communication and interaction analysis;
Practical competences – the skills to use the learned theoretical questions to facilitate mutual
understanding and cooperation situations, to understand conflicts and how to solve them;
Intellectual competences – knowledge and understanding about communication process and its
expressions in professional activity.
The content of
the course:
Communication and the main theoretical bases.
Social perception, the development of the first impression, and psychological barriers;
Communication, requirements of a communicator and a listener;
Interaction in communication; means how to influence people and protection mechanisms;
Conflicts, possibilities to solve them to.
S.Omārova. Cilvēks runā ar cilvēku. R.: Kamene, 2009.
P. Pikeringa. Strīdi, nesaskaľas, konflikti. R.:Jānis Roze, 2000.
Dţ.Edeirs. Efektīva komunikācija. R.:Zvaigzne ABC,2000.
A.Pīzs. Ķermeľa valoda. R.: Jumava, 2006.
A.Vorobjovs. Sociālā psiholoģija. R.: Izglītības soļi, 2002.
V.Reľģe. Sociālā psiholoģija. R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 2002.
A.O.Nucho, M.Vidnere. Intervēšanas prasme. R.:RAKA 2003.
Other sources of
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
To facilitate the development of understanding about communication psychology as a science,
about the personality communication skills and their expressions.
Selection of communication situations and analytical evaluation. Report.
Peculiarities of pedagogical communication. Independent study.
Possibilities to solve conflicts. Mind map.
Successfully done independent works;
Active involvement of the classes;
Successful assessment of knowledge test work.
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Social psiholoģija
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 2
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. Agita Ābele
starting the
The aim of the
Required preliminary knowledge in: philosophy;
- general psychology;
- development and personality psychology.
The tasks of the
To introduce with the main socio-psychological problems today and the methods of social
pedagogue activity;
To facilitate understanding about personality socialisation process;
To develop knowledge about the aspects of a personality social behaviour, group dynamic
processes and personality and group interrelation.
Planned results
of the study
Academic competences – the development of the notion about the theoretical basic directions of
social pedagogy and social psychology;
Practical competences – skills to use the learnt theoretical bases to characterize pedagogical
process, the development of cooperation skills and behavioural models;
Intellectual competences - knowledge and understanding about personality socialisation process
and the interrelation of social environment and personality, and its expressions in professional
The content of
the course:
Theories of social pedagogy and psychology; social pedagogue at school, socio-psychological
problems, process of personality socialisation, personality behaviour in groups; group dynamic
processes; big groups, mass and crowd psychology.
V.Reľģe. Sociālā psiholoģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2002.
A.Vorobjovs. Sociālā psiholoģija. R.:Izglītības soļi, 2002.
Z.Rudľicka. Sociālais pedagogs skolā. Rīga: RaKa, 2001.
M.Pļavniece, D.Skuškovnika. Sociālā psiholoģija pedagogam. Rīga: RaKa, 2002.
S.Omarova. Cilvēks dzīvo grupā. Rīga: LU, 2001.
Sociālais darbs skolā. R.:Jumava, 2001.
Skola visiem. Palīgs pedagogiem, psihologiem un vecākiem. R.:Skolu atb. centrs 2002.
A.Vilks. Deviantoloģija. R.:Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2001.
Other sources of
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
To introduce students with the basic questions of social pedagogy and social psychology, as well
as socio-psychological approach in personality investigation.
Evaluation of socio-psychological problems in pedagogical environment, with presentation
Socio-psychological characterisation of a sport team
Mind map about the stages of personality socialisation process.
Successfully done independent works;
Active involvement of the classes;
Successful assessment of knowledge test work.
Study language:
The title of the course:
Sport theory
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
Theoretical basic
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Prof. V. Krauksts
Requirements for
starting the course:
General knowledge of the Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science in general study
courses acquired in LASE 1st study year
The aim of the course:
To create notion about sport theory.
To create the ability to run sports work on optimal level in state, municipal and non-governmental
sport organizations of different type.
6. To acquire the content of the Sport theory study course in the fields of knowledge, skills and
7. To acquire the ability to analyse the effectiveness of sport activity in state, municipal and nongovernmental sport organizations
Acquired theoretical bases of the study course
Acquired ability to apply Sport theory bases in sports specialist activity spheres
Acquired ability to analyse analytically the effectiveness of sport activity and to give
recommendations to improve sport event effectiveness
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the
Study language:
The content of the course includes a wide range of basic principles of sport theory and theoretical
competences in the work and running of sport organisations of any type
I. Ķīsis, „Sporta teorija”, LSPA
V.Krauksts, „Biomotoro spēju treniľu teorija”, LSPA
LASE homepage, Prof. V.Krauksts, „Sporta un treniľu teorija”
Internet sources
Sport magazines and other publications in the field of Sport theory
Students learn independently the content envisaged in the study course in addition to the content
given in lectures. They learn independently the Motor movement teaching theory and regularities,
as well as the theoretical bases of biomotor ability.
Active involvement
Control works and home works
Participation in seminars
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
Theoretical basic
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
2 CP/ 3 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Dr.biol., Prof. I.M.Rubana
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge in general physiology and bio-chemistry; skills to work independently with
information sources.
The aim of the course:
To provide possibility to acquire knowledge and skills in general and sport hygiene in
order to do a teacher, coach and physiotherapist’s Professional activity.
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
To introduce students with the main theoretical cognitions in food, children and
adolescent and sport hygiene.
7. To provide students with the possibility to acquire skills to evaluate the quality of
inner and outer environment, and their suitability to organize sport and
recreational events.
8. To facilitate the readiness to evaluate and recommend adequate nutrition and
hygienic work capacity maintaining means to athletes of different age and kind of
9. To facilitate understanding about the influence of lifestyle and environment on
athlete health and work capacity.
10. To provide readiness to apply children and adolescent hygiene cognitions in
Students have obtained the competences necessary for a sport specialist in general and
sport hygiene.
Rubana I.M. Higiēna. LSPA. Rīga, 2000. 218 lpp.
Rubana I.M. Uzturs fiziskā slodzē. Rīga: Raka, 2009. 204 lpp.
Brila A. Infekciju slimību epidemioloģija. Rīga: Nacionālais apgāds. 200 lpp.
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Students have to prepare independently:
The criteria of
assessing the results of
the studies:
Study language:
Darba vides riska faktori un srādājošo veselības aizsardzība. [V.Kaļķa un Ţ.Rojas
red.] Rīga: Elpa, 2001. 489 lpp.
7. Rubana I.M. Sportistu uztura uzdevumi un pamatprincipi. Trenera rokasgrāmata
1.daļa. Rīga: LTTC, 2003. 215-239.lpp.
8. Rubana I.M. Uzturvielas sportistu uzturā. Trenera rokas grāmata - 2.Rīga: LTTC,
2006. 126.-155. lpp.
9. Rubana I.M. Uzturs jaunajiem sportistiem.
Bērnu un pusaudţu trenera
rokasgrāmata. Rīga, 2008. 70-89 lpp.
10. MK noteikumi „Higiēnas prasības vispārējās pamatizglītības , vispārējās vidējās
izglītības un profesionālās izglītības iestādēm”, 27.12.2003., Nr.610.
Evaluation of a sports hall microclimate, illumination and ventilation.
A presentation about epidemiology of contagious diseases.
Analysis of one day energy expenditure and menu.
Answers on the questions about the composition and quality of food-stuff.
A presentation about the influence of psycho-active substances on an athlete body.
A study and result presentation about the given theme in school hygiene.
Have to prepare to the differential test.
Differential to every independent task.
An exam in the end of the course.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Bases of sport biomechanics
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
Dr. habil.paed., Prof. Jānis Lanka
Knowledge and practical skills in the chosen sport
To provide knowledge and practical skills in bio-mechanics of the chosen
sport, in sport training bio-mechanical bases.
1) to introduce with general principles of movement direction, execution
mechanic and kinematic mechanisms in the chosen sport; 2) to provide
theoretical knowledge in mechanics and bio-mechanics of the chosen sport,
practical skills in analysis and evaluation of movement kustību technique
and tactics; 3) to introduce with bio-mechanic conditions of movement
learning and sport training.
A student knows structure, composition and characteristics of the movement
system; modern bio-mechanic conceptions of movement direction and
learning; bases of physical improvement, bio-mechanic control and
evaluation of sport technical and tactical proficiency. A student can make
movement mechanic and bio-mechanic analysis; evaluate sport technical and
tactical rationality, effectivenessand learning level, characterise peculiarities
of movement learning and physical preparation process according to one’s
age, sex, body composition and training peculiarities.
Bio-mechanic principles of movement organisation, bio-mechanic aspects of
learning motor activity, bio-mechanic bases of sport technical and tactical
proficiency, systemically-structural analysis of motor activity.
1. J.Lanka Biomehānika. - Rīga, 1995. - 130 lpp. 2. J. Lanka Augstlēkšanas
biomehānika. Rīga: LSPA, 1997. - 72 lpp. 3. J. Lanka Šķēpa mešanas
biomehānika. Rīga: Elpa-2, 2007. 335 lpp. 4. J. Lanka Fizisko īpašību
biomehānika (ātruma īpašības). - Rīga: LSPA, 2005. - 102 lpp.
1.Biomechanics in Sport. Zatsiorsky V.M. (ed). Blackwell Science, LTD,
Oxford, 2000. 2. Hay J. The Biomechanics of Sports Techniques. - Prentice
Hall, 1973. - p. 600. 3.
Биомеханика плавания. Зарубежные
исследования. - М.: ФиС, 1981. 4. Гавердовский Ю.К. Обучение
спортивным движениям. М:ФиС,2007. 911 стр. 5. Иссуррин В. Б.
Биомеханика гребли на байдарке и каное. - М.: ФиС, 1984. 6. Назаров
В.Н. Движения спортсмена. - Минск: Полымя, 1984. - 250 c.
Internet, scientifically-methodological issues
Students receive tasks for independent work and the list of advisable
literature. The main tasks of the independent work – to obtain additional
information about the given questions, to widen one’s knowledge, to see
how the acquired theories are linked with sport practice.
Students’ knowledge correspondence to the requirements of the programme
and the ability to characterize bio-mechanically the chosen sport are
Other sources:
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
Study language:
The title of the course:
Sport medicine
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
Theoretical basic
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
1 CP /1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. V.Lāriľš
Requirements for
starting the course:
Necessary preliminary knowledge in anatomy, physiology, correcting gymnastics,
sport theory, first aid.
The aim of the course:
To provide a possibility to learn the bases of sport medicine, skills and
competences, necessary in the work of sport pedagogue.
1. To give a notion about sport medicine subject, content and the main tasks, the
organization of sport medicine service.
2. To develop skills to state posture, somato-type and physical development;
3. To create understanding about the possible pathologic changes in the body
caused by sport classes;
4. To learn medically- pedagogical observation methods in sports classes.
Students obtain knowledge about sport medicine subject, content, tasks and the
organization of sport medicine service, understanding about the possible
pathologic changes in the body caused by sport classes and their prevention.
Students obtain skills to state posture, somato-type and physical development.
Students obtain competences in analysis and evaluation of physical development
and medically- pedagogical observation.
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
Sport medicine subject. Athlete medical tests. Stating of the body somato-type,
posture and physical development. Bases of sport pathology. Medicallypedagogical observation.
Obligatory literature:
1. Lāriľš V. Sporta medicīna.1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2004.- 100 lpp.
2. Auliks I. Sporta medicīna. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1985.- 167 lpp.
3. Ţukovskis I. Sporta medicīnas praktikums. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1991.- 118 lpp.
Additional literature:
1. Kent M. The Oxford dictionary of sports science and medicine.-3rd ed. –
Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007.- 624 p.
1.Trenera rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Jumava, 2004.- 407 lpp.
2. Trenera rokasgrāmata-2. Rīga: LTTC, 2006.- 312 lpp.
3. Bērnu un pusaudţu trenera rokasgrāmata. Rīga:LTTC,2008.- 215 lpp.
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Students independently have to write the protocols of practical classes, make
conclusions and recommendations about the results obtained in the practical
classes. Have to prepare a report independently.
Independent preparation to seminar classes and theoretical examination.
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Student knowledge, skills and competence are assessed in practical classes,
seminars and theoretical examination.
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Special terminology and communication (The English language)
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Doc. Berga I., Doc. I.Boge , Lect. Rudzinska I.
Knowledge, skills and competence in English corresponding to the Standard of
general secondary education.
Planned results of
the study course:
Knowledge of special terminology, professional lexis and the grammar structures
of English; the skill of public presentation and discussion, the skill of working
with special literature in English; developed inter-cultural and communicative
The content of the
Learning of special terminology in English for communication in speciality.
PBVI 103
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
3 / 4.5 ECTS
To acquire and develop special terminology and communication in English.
To provide a possibility to learn special terminology in English. Basing on
professional lexis and the grammar structures of English to develop the skills of
public presentation and working with special literature, to develop inter-cultural
and communicative competence.
1.Berga I, Boge I. Athlete Companion to Sports and Games, part I – Rīga, 2000.
2.Berga I, Boge I. Athlete Companion to Sports and Games, part II – Rīga, 2001
3.Berga I. Notice and Remember. - Rīga, 2001.
4. Berga I. Improve Your Athletics.-Rīga, 2004
5. Berg I. Gymnastics. – Rīga, 1999.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Dictionaries of sports terms, explanatory dictionaries of terms; Internet:
Study language
Reading of one’s own chosen text in English about one’s speciality, preparation
for a test, discussion and seminar according to the content of the study course.
Knowledge of general sports lexis (tests); presentations: the skills of public
presentation and independent work; attitude and group work skills when doing
course tasks, individual dynamics is stated by evaluating one’s growth of
knowledge and skills.
The title of the
The code of the
Professional communication ( questions of the Latvian language culture)
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Optional choice
Semester 3, 4, 5
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
1/1.5 ECTS – semester 3;
1/1.5 ECTS – semester 4;
1/1.5 ECTS – semester 5;
Doc. I.Budviķe
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge, skills and competence in Latvian corresponding to the Standard of general
secondary education.
The aim of the
To improve the quality of the Latvian language to communicate in specialty
The tasks of the
To introduce with the norms of the Latvian literary language that should be observed
when carrying out research work.
Planned results of
the study course:
Knowledge about how to work out research text according to the norms of the Latvian language
The content of the
Questions of the Latvian language practice to communicate in specialty
Other sources of
PBBIC 4014
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2; 3
1.Budviķe I. Mūsdienu latviešu literārās valodas kultūras jautājumi. - R., 2000., 48 lpp.
2. Rubīna A. Latviešu valodas rokasgrāmata:. Valodas kultūra teorijā un praksē. -R.,
Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC, 2005., - 188 lpp.
3.Latviešu valodas pareizrakstības vārdnīca. – R.:Avots, 1996.
4. Latviešu valodas vārdnīca. A-Ţ. – Rīga.: Avots, 2006.
Dictionaries of sports terms, foreign words
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
Text editing, tests, exercises, repeating of the literary language norms, working out of
research text
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Knowledge in orthography, syntax, stylistics; skill to work out research text; attitude when doing
course tasks; individual dynamics is stated by evaluating one’s growth of knowledge and skills.
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the course:
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
First aid
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Lect. B.Černovska
Knowledge of anatomy and physiology acquired at LASE in the first study year.
To provide a possibility to obtain the necessary medical knowledge and skills to prevent
injuries and to give the first aid, if there is an accident in a sports teacher’s or coach’s
professional work and in social life, according to the first aid provision programme of
the Republic of Latvia worked out and accepted by the Immediate Medical Aid
Association and Catastrophe Medical Centre.
1. To teach to evaluate the situation and set off danger, to act tactically correctly
according to the seriousness of the accident to save one’s life and maintain it, being
aware of ethical and moral responsibility.
2. To teach to maintain one’s life until professional help arrives , to set off worsening of
one’s condition as much as it is possible.
Having obtained theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the course a student
should be psychologically prepared and be able to act immediately and tactically
correctly on the place of an accident: to do reanimation (demonstrate execution), to
treat the wound and bandage it, to stop blooding, to do immobilisation and desmurgy on
any part of the body, to do anti-shock activities, to organise transporting, to know safety
measures to protect oneself, to be able to act tactically correctly in cases of different
diseases, poisoning and thermal damages.
Introduction in the first aid. Acting on the place of an accident Reanimation ABC
scheme to set off the most critical conditions, to save and maintain one’s life. Injuries,
wounds, their kinds, causes. Blooding. Shock. Injuries. Bandaging, tasks. Poisoning.
Thermal damages. Acting at sudden diseases.
L.Mauriľa “Pirmā palīdzība” grāmatā Trenera rokasgrāmata, Jumava, 2004,
353-377 lpp.
6. Madrevica I.,Krieviľš D. “Ko darīt?” 1997.,2000
7. Pirmā palīdzība praksē. Zvaigzne, abc,1997
8. Golubeva A. Skolēnu drošība.Nelaimes gadījumi. Pirmā palīdzība. Lielvārds.
Lielvārde , 1998
4. Ţukovskis I.,Eglītis E. Pirmā medicīniskā palīdzība, R.,1991.
5. Ţukovskis I., Akūtie pataloģiskie stāvokļi sportā, R., 1992.
6. J.Zeccardi, Everything you need to know about medical emergencies, 1997 by
Springhause Corporation.
To prepare independent work. To prepare for a seminar. An independent work
“Symptoms of acute blooding in logical sequence”. To write a report “The most
characteristic social life injuries according to age groups and their prevention”, to
prepare a presentation, role, a.o. To prepare for differential theoretical test and doing
manipulations practically.
Student knowledge and skills are assessed in theoretical test and two seminars
(demonstration of cardio-pulmonary reanimation, theoretical substantiation of the
actions to children and adults; presentation of the report “The most characteristic social
life injuries according to age groups and their prevention”), in practical classes – doing
different manipulations of the first aid, demonstrating a role play, a.o., and doing
theoretical test and performing reanimations.
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the study
The content of the course:
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of information:
The organization and tasks of
students’ independent work:
The criteria of assessing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
Physical exercises and health
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
Lect. B.Černovska
Knowledge of movement anatomy, physiology, sport physiology, biomechanics and
gymnastics acquired at LASE.
To provide necessary medical knowledge and skills for future sports teachers and other
sports specialists would get notion about remedial gymnastics: as preventive means to
strengthen and maintain health, to set off possible diseases; as medical means to
normalize pathologically changed body functions, to renew physical work capacity,
maintain them and be able to apply them in everyday professional work.
To create interest and understanding about application of remedial gymnastics on special medical group
pupils and on pupils having posture disorders to correct them.
To teach to analyse general and local influence of remedial gymnastics on the human
To provide knowledge about the principles of load dosing;
To teach to orientate and make decisions when choosing means and methods of
remedial gymnastics leading from diagnosis, disease development and physical
condition. To develop skills in practical classes.
A student should understand motivation and physiological substantiation of remedial
gymnastics application; should be able to apply the obtained knowledge and skills
organizing and running classes of correcting gymnastics; should be able to evaluate
posture practically; to compile theoretically substantiated and medically correct routine
of correcting gymnastics.
Aims and tasks of the study course, differences of the special medical groups (SMG) and
basic group pupils. Characterisation of SMG pupils. Peculiarities of the means, methods
and methodology, possibilities to organize classes at schools (group forming according to
diagnosis, age, physical condition and other individual peculiarities). Suggested physical
activities in pupil group with compatible diagnoses, tasks, means, methodological
elements of their application. Posture, factors to state it.
Mauriľa L. Ārstnieciskās vingrošanas pamati. Rīga, 1999*Mauriľa L., Tripāne T.
Ieteicamās fiziskās aktivitātes bērniem ar daţādiem veselības traucējumiem. Rīga, 1999
*Lāriľš V., Mauriľa L. Koriģējoša vingrošana jaunākā skolas vecuma bērniem I II daļa.
Rīga, 1995* *Mauriľa L. Fiziskās aktivitātes kardioloģijā. Rīga “Nacionālais apgāds”,
2005* *Lāriľš V., Mauriľa L. Ārstnieciskā vingrošana pie elpošanas orgānu
saslimšanām. Rīga 1992
*Purmale I. “Ārstnieciskā vingrošana skolā. Rīga “Raka”, 2006 *Āboltiľa M. Kustību
anatomija I daļa. LPSA, 2005 *Āboltiľa M. Kustību anatomija II daļa. LPSA, 1998
*Kļujevs M., Kocs J. Bērnu stājas veidošana, Rīga, 1987
* *Wilmore J.H., Costill D.L. Physiology of Sport and Exercise. Human
Kinetics, 1999, printed in USA, 710p *Sabine Langhus. Grundlagen und Techniken der
Bevegungstherapie. Lehrbuch, Sport und Gesundheit, Berlin, 2006 *J.M.Rothstein,
S.H.Roy, S.L.Wolf.The Rehabilitation specialist`s Handbook, F.A.DAVIS Company,
Philadelphia, 1997
Preparation for the report. Repetition of sport physiology basic course knowledge.
Preparation for the theoretically practical test. Selecting of correcting routines for definite
posture disorder. Preparation for the differential theoretically practical test.
Knowledge, skills and competences are assessed using regular tests and seminars and the
tests in the end of each theme in ten point system
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Special terminology and communication (The English language)
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Doc. Berga I., Doc. I.Boge , Lect. Rudzinska I.
Knowledge, skills and competence in English corresponding to the Standard of
general secondary education.
Planned results of
the study course:
Knowledge of special terminology, professional lexis and the grammar structures
of English; the skill of public presentation and discussion, the skill of working
with special literature in English; developed inter-cultural and communicative
The content of the
Learning of special terminology in English for communication in speciality.
PBVI 103
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
3 / 4.5 ECTS
To acquire and develop special terminology and communication in English.
To provide a possibility to learn special terminology in English. Basing on
professional lexis and the grammar structures of English to develop the skills of
public presentation and working with special literature, to develop inter-cultural
and communicative competence.
1.Berga I, Boge I. Athlete Companion to Sports and Games, part I – Rīga, 2000.
2.Berga I, Boge I. Athlete Companion to Sports and Games, part II – Rīga, 2001
3.Berga I. Notice and Remember. - Rīga, 2001.
4. Berga I. Improve Your Athletics.-Rīga, 2004
5. Berg I. Gymnastics. – Rīga, 1999.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Dictionaries of sports terms, explanatory dictionaries of terms; Internet:
Study language
Reading of one’s own chosen text in English about one’s speciality, preparation
for a test, discussion and seminar according to the content of the study course.
Knowledge of general sports lexis (tests); presentations: the skills of public
presentation and independent work; attitude and group work skills when doing
course tasks, individual dynamics is stated by evaluating one’s growth of
knowledge and skills.
The title of the
Information and communication technologies in sport
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Semester 4
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Prof. J. Dravnieks Prof. E. Popovs
Preliminary knowledge in mathematics, physics and informatics
corresponding to the Standard of general secondary education. Knowledge
obtained in the LASE study course „Research methodology”.
The aim of the
To introduce with information technologies
experimental research needs in sport
The tasks of the
To acquaint with possibilities of obtaining, processing and transmission of
research information.
To learn the means of data analysis and programming in MS Windows
environment, using Standard and free software. To acquaint with ways of
text modelling. To learn to make presentations.
A student knows possibilities to use IT in sport research and practice.
Is able to analyse data, programme, show results graphically, and present
them. Is able to choose professionally adequate IT for research and practical
tasks in sport.
Obtaining of information and its transmission. Structure of research printed
material. Statistical procession of experimental data and result reflection in
graphical way. Making of research presentation. Programming of research
and practical calculations.
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
(IT) for practical and
5. Dravnieks J., Popovs E., Paeglītis A. Sporta zinātnisko pētījumu
tehnoloģija [4 d.]. LSPA. Rīga, 1997.
6. Dravnieks J. Bakalaura pavārgrāmata [tiešsaiste]. LSPA. Rīga :
LSPA, 2008. Pieejams:
Dravnieks J.. MS EXCEL pievienojumprogramma STATISTIKA
[tiešsaiste]. LSPA. Rīga : LSPA, 2007. Pieejams:
7. Arhipova I., Bāliľa S. Statistika ekonomikā un biznesā :
Risinājumi ar SPSS un MS Excel. Datorzinību centrs. Rīga, 2006.
8. Akadēmisko darbu izstrāde : Mācību līdzeklis / T.Ľikiforova,
V.Krauksts, U.Grāvītis, U.Švinks, I.Vasiljeva. LSPA. Rīga, 2007.
Pieejams: un
Other sources of
Distance Study Centre of Informatics Department of LASE
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
Independent work in distance learning framework, using e-mail for
the communication with the teaching staff. Independent work data
downloading, sending to the teaching staff and receiving of the
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Average mark from assessments of doing tasks in contact classes,
independent tasks and the test.
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Sport in multicultural environment
PBNT 206
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP / 1.5ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. U. Švinks
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
To provide knowledge and develop skills for work in multicultural
The tasks of the
4. To provide knowledge and understanding about multiculturalism
and the multicultural education.
5. To develop competences to run sports classes in multicultural
6. The development of multicultural approach teaching movement
games, plays and national kinds of sport.
A student has knowledge, skills and competences to run sports classes in
multicultural environment
Planned results of
the study course:
Theoretical basic
The content of the
Themes: 1) multiculturalism and the multicultural education;
2) development of intercultural competence in sports classes;
3) identity and sports;
4) bilingualism, multilingualism in running sports classes;
5) plays and games of different nations and ethnic groups.
1. Ceļvedis starpkultūru uzglītībai. Rīga, 2004.
2. Banks James A. An introduction to multucultural education, 1999.
3. Rhonda Clements, Suzanne Kinzler. Multicultural Approach to PE. 2003.
4.Kolins Beikers. Bilingvisma un bilingvālās izglītības pamati, 2002.
5. Maurice Roche (ed.). Sport, Popular Culture and Identity.1998.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Students write an independent work or group work on each theme and
present it.
Study language:
Successful presentation of independent works. Active participation in
studying themes. Self-assessment of acquiring the course.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Tourism bases and didactics
Semester 4
Credit points:
2 CP/ 3 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Lect. I.Liepiľa
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge and skills according to the Standard of general secondary
education in sport
The aim of the
To develop interest about kinds of tourism and understanding of tourism
educative aspect and role in interrelation and in attitude towards nature. To
introduce students with theoretical and methodological aspects of tourism
didactics, and with the basic knowledge of teaching and learning.
To introduce and develop interest about kinds of tourism and tourism events;
To provide pedagogical skills in running tourism events;
To provide theoretical knowledge and learn tourism basic skills.
To provide knowledge and skills in basic conditions of tourism learning didactics;
To provide theoretical knowledge and skills in teaching methodology of tourism
1. Acquired theoretical bases and practical skills of the study course
2. Acquired kinds of tourism and technical elements according to the school sport
3. Acquired tourism teaching and learning didactics, its theoretical and
methodological bases
The content of the course involves teaching of tourism bases and competence
application in a teacher’s professional work
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Professional specialization
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2.
1.D.Krauksta, A.Brūders “Tūrisms”, 1998.
2.A.Brencis “Aktīvais tūrisms”, 2003.
3.Izglītības ministrija, “Rotaļas un spēles tūrisma pasākumos”, 1987.
4.I. Liepiľa. Bakalaurs “Sporta tūrisms vispārizglītojošās skolās”, 2002
1. E.Ţīgurs “Tūristu salidojumi”, 1966.
Other sources of
1.Internet, a.o.
2.Sport magazines and other publications in the field of development of rowing
technically-theoretical ability
Students independently learn the content of the study course additionally to the
content given in lectures; as well as tourism technical elements, kinds of tourism
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
2.V.Ķikāns. “Kāpsim kalnos”, 1989.
3.Izglītības ministrija, “Rotaļas un spēles tūrisma pasākumos”, 1987.
4.I.Lukss. “Ar laivu Latvijas ūdeľos”, 1991
Active involvement; attitude towards the study course, control works and home
works, speaking in seminars
The title of the
Orienteering basis and didactics
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 2
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Assoc. Prof., Dr.paed. Baiba Smila, Lect. M.paed. Ligita Indriksone
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
Knowledge and skills according to the Standard of general secondary education
in sport
The tasks of the
Planned results
of the study
The content of the
Professional specialization – sports teacher
To introduce students with basic knowledge of orienteering and its didactics
4) To develop interest about orienteering;
5) To provide theoretical knowledge about orienteering and its history;
6) To provide theoretical knowledge and learn orienteering basic skills;
7) To provide theoretical knowledge about teaching methodology of orienteering
basic technique for beginners.
A student can recommend the safest kinds of technique in orienteering distance;
- can teach independently map orienteering to orienteering beginners, can create
understanding about orienteering map, its colours and symbols;
- can run orienteering classes.
- can prepare and draw a map (scheme) of school environment;
- can independently prepare orienteering exercises and games
1. Orienteering history. Orienteering events
2. Bases of orienteering didactics.
3. Orienteering sport map. Map symbols.
4. Orienteering technique. Safety rules.
6. Indriksone L., Smila B. Orientēšanās I daļa – Rīga: LSPA, 2000. – 83 lpp.
7. Indriksone L., Smila B. Orientēšanās II daļa – Rīga: LSPA, 2002. – 67 lpp.
8. Orientēšanās bērniem un jauniešiem/ Svenska Orientierinsgs forbundet – Rīga:
1997.-144 lpp.
Internet:; ;
Other sources of
4.Internet:; ; ;
Working out of a report –Teaching orienteering technique. Competence test.
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Qualitative research in sport science
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
1 CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Dr. paed., Doc. Andra Fernāte
Research methodology I; Sport theory; General pedagogy
To give students a possibility to learn qualitative research methodology in sport science.
To develop understanding about approaches in qualitative research in sport science
(Grounded Theory, Ethnometodology, Fenomenology, etc.);
- To develop skill to link an approach of qualitative research in sport science with the choice
of data obtaining methods;
- To develop skill to use qualitative data procession methods and interpret the obtained
results in sport science;
- To develop skill to evaluate critically one’s research activity in qualitative research in sport
science, to make conclusions and to evaluate their credibility.
Successful acquiring of the course allows a student to do qualitative research in sport science
independently, as he/she will be able:
- To understand approaches of qualitative research in sport science, qualitative research
methods and procedures of obtaining and analysing qualitative data;
- To choose adequate scheme of qualitative research;
- To analyse independently and evaluate the obtained qualitative data, choosing appropriate
methods of data procession and interpretation, making conclusions and evaluating
Qualitative approach to research in sport science, its potential and problems, kinds of research.
Principles, conception and planning of qualitative research. Methods of qualitative research,
their combination and triangulation. Methods of data obtaining, procession and interpretation.
Credibility of qualitative research and ethical aspects in sport science.
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
9. Pitney W. A., Parker J., Qualitative Research in Physical Activity and the Health
Professions. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2009.- 219.
Andrews D. L., Mason D.S., Silk M. L., Qualitative Methods in Sports Studies.
Oxford: Berg, 2005. - 226.
Gratton, C., Jones, I. Research Methods for Sport Studies. London: Routledge, 2004.
Introduction: Entering the Field of Qualitative Research. In Denzin, N. K. and
Lincoln, Y. S. (eds) (2000) Handbook of Qualitative Research. London: Sage
Kroplijs A., Raščevska M. Kvalitatīvās pētniecības metodes sociālajās zinātnēs. – R.:
RaKa, 2004.
Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise Science (First Issue: 2009), Routledge
Science Direct. URL:
SpringerLink. URL:
To evaluate problems in qualitative research in sport science in the chosen sub-branch (sport
pedagogy, sport management, sport medicine, recreation). To work out independently a plan
of qualitative research in sport science in the chosen sub-branch. To obtain data,
independently process the data, analyse and evaluate results and make conclusions.
For a positive assessment the following will be evaluated:
- Active involvement of lectures and active participation in seminars (30%);
- independent works (50%);
- written test of the study course (20%).
Study language:
Other sources of
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the course:
Sport Management
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3 or 4...
1CP / 1.5 ECTS
Doc. M.paed. B.Luika
The study courses:
- Management theory
- History of sport
To acquire the process of sports field management and its influencing factors.
To study:- sport development in Latvia, possibilities to improve it;
- the system of sport management in Latvia;
- sport policy, the mechanism of its realisation;
- the tendencies of sport development in Europe and the world.
 A student can understand the processes of sports field functioning and
 Can analyse the development of sports field, identify problems and work out
 Knows and can observe normative acts and other regulations and documents of
sports field.
 The state sport policy.
 Legal basis of the sports field.
 The system of sport management in Latvia.
 The place and role of non-governmental organizations in sport development.
 Planning of sport development. National sport development programme.
 Sport economical aspects, financing and sponsoring.
 Training and in-service training of sport specialists.
 Provision of sports centres.
 Sport statistical data, their analysis.
 Sports abroad.
Briľķis G. Komercializācijas procesi sportā – Rīga, LSPA, 1999.
Briľķis G. Sporta kustības centrālās vadības formas Latvijā – Rīga, 1993.
Brūne A., Apine R. Sports Latvijā – Rīga, 2001.
Forands I. Red. Latvijas sporta vēsture – Rīga, 1994.
Кузина В.В. Экономика физической культуры и спорта – Москва, 2001
Luika B. Sporta vadība (lekciju materiāli) – Rīga, LSPA, 2008.
Parrish R. Sports loww and policy in the Europen Union – Manchecter, New York: Manchester
University Press, 2003, 271 lpp.
16. Chaker A.N. Good Governance in Sport a European survey- Cuncil of Europe, september
2004, 101 lpp.
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Latvijas III Sporta kongress – Rīga, LSP, 1996.
Latvijas IV Sporta kongress – Rīga. LSP, 2001.
Шааф Ф. Спортивный маркетинг – Москва, 1998
Ferrand A. Routledge handbook of sports sponsorship=successful strategiesLondon; New York: Routledge, 2007, 278 lpp.
- National Sport Development Programme 200. – 2012
- LR laws, MC regulations and other normative acts;
 Investigation and analysis of the normative acts;
 Studying of sport development factors, their analysis;
 Studying of sport organisation work in Latvia.
A student’s knowledge, skills and attitude are assessed.
Study language:
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
Civil defence and sport ecology
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
Assoc. Prof. A.Paeglītis
Requirements for
starting the course:
A student should have preliminary knowledge in natural sciences according to the
Standard of general secondary education including medically-biological subjects, as
well as the knowledge about the Republic of Latvia legislation about the state and
municipal government structures.
To provide students with basic knowledge about ecology – from the aspect of
biological environment and social system. To provide students with basic
knowledge about the organisation and activity of civil defence structures in Latvia.
To introduce with the basic principles of work in emergency situations, as well as
with methodology of emergency situation and their prevention.
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the course:
study course:
of the
The content of the course:
Obligatory literature:
The organization and tasks
of students’ independent
The criteria of assessing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
To give notions about the interaction of biological and social systems. To
understand the possible consequences of the interaction of these systems. To
provide basic knowledge about the structure of civil defence in Latvia. To introduce
with the main tasks of the state civil defence and its legal basis. To introduce with
the existing methodology application to state emergency situation in society. To
give notion about the sources of danger and the possibilities to evaluate the probable
A student should be able to orientate in the processes taking place as a result of
society and environment interaction; should have learned the principles of civil
defence structure work in emergency situations, and should be able to predict and
organize actions to decrease dangerousness in national economic complexes; should
orientate in the structures and legislation of civil defence of Latvia.
Ecological problems in society today. Characterisation of biosphere and ecological
problems. Biological systems and problems of eco-system. Biological systems. Ecosystems. Social systems – their development and stability. Application of system
analysis principles. System society - characterisation of nature interaction. Problems
of nature resource utilization in Latvia. Principles of Latvia and North-European
state nature conservation management.
6. E.Siliľš. Lielo patiesību meklējumi. Rīga, Jumava 2002
7. J.Niedrītis. Dabas vides aizsardzība un ekonomika, Rīga: Vide, 1993.,
8. Bīstamības avotu noteikšana un novērtēšana vietējā sabiedrībā, UNEP
IE/PAC- Rūpniecības un vides programmu darbības centrs, Rīga:, CA
Centrs, 1994., 86.lpp
9. Latvijas republikas likums “ Par Latvijas Republikas Civilo aizsardzību”
avīze “ Diena” 1993.g. 22. janvāris.
10. Likuma grozījumi un papildinājumi- LV “ Vēstnesis - ecology,
To study literature independently to prepare for seminars and test works.
The quality of the worked-out report, test work and attitude. Student knowledge is
assessed in 10 point scale according to the assessment scale used in LASE. Student
knowledge is assessed on theoretical level in seminars and tests.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Physiology of age periods
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1/ 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. Inese Pontaga, Doc. Vija Millere
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge acquired at LASE in the 1st study year in Anatomy, Bases of physiology
and Bases of bio-chemistry, in the 3rd semester of the 2nd study year in Sport
The aim of the
To provide basic knowledge about morphological and physiological changes in a growing body
and when aging, and sensitive periods of physical quality development.
The tasks of the
Theoretical basic
To characterise the regularities of growth and development, critical periods in a child’s
development, influence of environment and socially economic factors on growth and
To form knowledge basis about the development of the loco-motor system, nervous system
and highest neural functioning, about the visceral system and their function development in
a growing body and about the changes when aging.
To develop practical skills to evaluate physical development and physical work capacity.
To characterise conditions of the organism in sport loads and their peculiarities in children,
to characterise the role of physical exercises in the improvement of physical development
and in work capacity development.
Planned results of
the study course:
Students obtain knowledge about: age periodisation; anatomical and physiological peculiarities
of growing children in separate age periods; morphological and physiological changes when
aging; the role of physical exercises in the improvement of physical development and in work
capacity development and maintaining. Students acquire the skills: to measure human
anthropometrical parameters. Students acquire competences: to evaluate children and adults’
physical development, to evaluate approximately biological age and the degree of teenager
sexual development; to choose the most suitable sports loads and teaching methods for each
children’s age period; to choose suitable exercises for elderly people.
The content of the
Regularities of growth and development. Morphological changes in the organism in different
age periods. Physiological characterisation of a newborn, infant age, of the early, first and
second childhood children, teenagers and adolescents. Physiological changes when aging.
Āboltiľa M.. Kā aug mūsu bērns. Datorzinību centrs, 1998., 198 lpp.
Vīksne Z. Bērnu un pusaudţu vispārējā un sporta fizioloģija LVFKI, Rīga, 1987.-71.lpp.
Rowland T.W. Children’s Exercise Physiology. Human Kinetics, 2004, printed in USA, 298 p.
Other sources of
Millere R., Segleniece K. Bērna augšana un attīstība Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1977.-80.lpp.
Фарбор А.,Корниенко И.А.,Сонъкин В.Д. Физиология школьника.-М.:Педагогика,1990.-64.с.
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
To prepare for seminars about the following themes: 1) regularities of growth and development;
morphological changes in the organism in different age periods; physiological characterisation
of a newborn, infant age, and of the early childhood children; 2) Physiological characterisation
of the first and second childhood children, teenagers; 3) Physiological characterisation of
adolescents; physiological changes when aging. To prepare for the test in Physiology of age
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Study language:
Student knowledge, skills and competences are assessed in three seminars (the themes see
above), in one laboratory work (methods of anthropometry). In the end of the study course
students have to take the test.
Детская спортивная медицина. Под ред. Тихвинского С.Б. и Хрущева С.В..М.:Медицина, 1991.-559.с.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Professional ethics
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP /1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof., Dr.phil. A. Kuzľecova
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
Preliminary knowledge in Culturology, Bases of philosophy and Introduction in ethics
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
- to create interest about the role of ethical values in the training of future specialist,
- to develop a specialist ethical competence, facilitating ethical, critical and creative
- to facilitate the quality and effectiveness of future specialist activity, to facilitate the
forming and development of professional morale;
- to facilitate awareness and observing of education and sport work ethical principles,
norms and values;
- to develop the skill to work, make and evaluate decisions and evaluate decisions in the
ethical aspect.
A student acquires the following competences:
- the skill to formulate and analyse the essence of professional ethics, basic notions,
problems, functions, to analyse the structure of professional morale, basic requirements
of corporative and sport ethics, principles, norms and values, conflict solving methods
and ethical management styles;
- the skill to analyse the ethic codes of the chosen professions, substantiate and
communicate about the topicalities of work ethics and work culture;
- the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activity – to substantiate one’s
own professional actions and to foresee their consequences; independently and in a team
to solve the problems of moral education, corporative ethics, corporative culture,
education and sport ethics using updated methods and ethical management styles;
- the ability to work out ethical codes; readiness to defend one’s opinion, to carry out
creative research and educating work in the chosen field of professional activity.
The subject of Professional ethics, its terminology, guidelines, specifics, functions and
sub-functions. The structure of professional morale (principles, norms, idols, values).
Sport ethics as sub-branch of normative ethics. Ethical values and their expression in
sport and professional activity. Corporative ethics and corporative culture. Codes of
professional ethics. Ethical code of LASE staff. Methods of solving interest and role
conflict. Ethical management styles.
1.Kuzľecova A. Korporatīvā ētika. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: LSPA, 2009.
2. Kuzľecova A. Profesionālās ētikas pamati.Ievads sporta ētikā. - Rīga: RaKa, 2003.
3. Sporta ētika kā normatīvās ētikas paveids. Mācību līdzeklis. – R.: LSPA, 2009.
4.Lasmane S., Milts A., Rubenis A. Ētika. – R.:: Zvaigzne, 1993.
5.Milts A. Ētika. Personības un sabiedrības ētika. – Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2000.
6.Josephon M.A. Training Program of Coaches on Ethics, Sportmanship and Character
Buildind in Sports – /Pursuing Victory with Honor//
// report-ethicssportsmanship.htm.
7. Singer P. Practical Ethics. Cambridge, 1993
Preparation for tests, working out of a report about ethical values and their expression in
sport and professional activity.
30 % assessment of work during semester: lecture Active involvement, to study
independently the literature envisaged in the course and work out a report; 35% active
participation in contact classes; 35% differential test.
Study language:
The title of the course:
Research methodology
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
Theoretical basic
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 1, 2
Semester 2 , 3, 4
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS + 1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Prof. E. Popovs , Prof. J. Dravnieks
The aim of the course:
The tasks of the
Knowledge of mathematics, physics and informatics as envisaged in
the Standard of general secondary education, computer skills
To introduce new sports pedagogues into research work.
 To introduce with research and its role in society today;
 To teach methodology and means of solving research tasks
 To develop the skill of research work, the ability to generalize
and analyse research results;
 To facilitate research approach to studies;
 To help to acquire the skills to work creatively;
 To teach how to use computer in practice;
Planned results of the
study course:
Professional Bachelor in sport science corresponding to today’s
The content
Tasks, methods and organisation of research work. Mathematical
procession and analysis of the obtained results in sports science.
of the
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Dravnieks J., Popovs E., Paeglītis A. Sporta zinātnisko pētījumu
tehnoloģija : Mācību grāmata sporta akadēmijas studentiem. - Rīga :
LSPA, 1997.
9 literary sources
Other sources of
The texts of the study means and lectures in electronic format in the
homepage of the Distance Learning Centre of the Informatics
Department of LASE.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
In the homepage of the Distance Learning Centre of the Informatics
Department of LASE everyone can find all necessary information,
to receive tasks, install specially worked-out linking programmes,
to send home works to the teaching staff electronically. Two times a
week a student can meet the teaching staff for consultations.
Computerized knowledge control, practical works, a seminar,
compensatory work for the missed classes.
The criteria of
assessing the results of
the studies:
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results
of the study
The content of
the course:
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
Sport biochemistry
Theoretical basic
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
2 CP/ 3 ECTS
Doc. Maija Dzintare
Acquired the study course Bases of biochemistry (1.5 CP, code: PBNT215).
To provide students with acquiring theoretical and practical skills, providing knowledge and understanding
about chemical bases of life processes in a human body, as well as about the dynamics of energetic and
plastic processes during physical loads; practically learning the basic skills of biochemical research. The
basic task – to provide students with scientific bases for professional activity, to develop skills to solve
problems independently.
6. To introduce with energetic and plastic processes in the human body, that provides its physiological
functions, as well as renewal and development.
7. To characterize biochemical peculiarities of children and teenagers’ body.
8. To provide knowledge and understanding about purposeful changes of chemical reactions in the
organism during intensive physical loads and in the recovery period.
9. To introduce with the structural and functional changes of the organism, which develop due to regular
10. To develop practical skills for work in a laboratory to make biochemical analyses.
Students should know:
6. the dynamics of biochemical processes in the human body, their interconnection;
7. biochemical peculiarities of children and teenagers’ body;
8. changes of chemical processes in the organism during intensive physical loads and in the recovery
9. biochemical substantiation and methods of the development of physical qualities – strength, speed and
10. observing of biochemical peculiarities, when training physical qualities in children and teenagers.
Students have the skill to do simple analytical biochemical experiments, to use laboratory equipment.
Students have the competence to apply the knowledge obtained in the Biochemistry study course in sports
to analyse definite loads after the reaction what gives energy, what energy sources consume.
knowing biochemical basis to plan loads, the recovery length for training to give maximal effect.
General biochemistry. Metabolism. Energy exchange. Biological oxidation. Exchange of bio-compounds carbohydrates, fat and proteins. Exchange peculiarities of bio-compounds of a growing body.
Sport biochemistry. Chemical structure and action energy of muscles. Dynamics of biochemical processes
in the human body, when doing physical work of intensive various character. Biochemical substantiation of
fatigue. Biochemical processes during the recovery period. Biochemical substantiation of physical quality –
strength, speed and endurance increase regularly training. Gradualness and specifics of adaptation.
Biochemical substantiation of sport training principles.
V. Ūdre. Vispārējā un sporta bioķīmija I d., māc. grāmata LSPA studentiem, Rīga 1999.
V.Ūdre - Vispārējā un sporta bioķīmija II d., māc. grāmata LSPA studentiem, Rīga 2000.
5. Волков Н. И. Биохимия мышечной деятельности. Kиев, Олимпийская литература, 2000. c 504.
6. Maughan R., Gleeson M. The Biochemical Basis of Sports Performance. Oxford University press. New
York. 2004, p 253.
7. V.Ūdre - Biosavienojumu maiľas vienādojumi un shēmas, māc. līdz. LSPA studentiem, Rīga 1996.
8. V.Ūdre - Sporta bioķīmija, māc. līdz. LVFKI studentiem, Rīga 1991.
D. Cēdere, J. Logins. Organiskā ķīmija ar ievirzi bioķīmijā, Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 1996.
Murray R. K., Granner D. K., Mayes P. A., Rodwell V. W. Harper's Biochemistry (25th edition).
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co; 1999, p. 927.
Preparation for seminar themes in General biochemistry and Sport biochemistry. Writing of a report,
preparation for the test.
Student knowledge and competences are assessed according to qualitative parameter– knowledge is assessed
in 10 point system, and quantitative parameter– all seminars and the test should be passed.
results of the
Study language:
The title of the course:
Applied swimming
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
1 CP / 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. Arvils Lielvārds
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge in general pedagogy, sport didactics, biomechanics, hydro-dynamics.
The aim of the course:
For a student to develop notion about the possibility of an accident on water. To
obtain knowledge and skills in doing preventive measures to set off accidents on
water, to learn life guard means and un skills to do measures after a victim is taken
on the land.
The tasks of the course:
To develop professional understanding about applied swimming.
Planned results of the
study course:
To acquire the applied swimming bases as knowledge, skills and competences in the
framework of the study course. To acquire the ability to evaluate and apply
measures of applied swimming in practical work.
The content of the
Kinds and elements of applied swimming, and their practical application. Preventive
measures to set off accidents on water.
Obligatory literature:
Lielvārds A. Peldēšana / Rīga : Zvaigzne, 1987., 165 lpp.
Additional literature:
According to the tutor recommendation.
Other sources of
Internet data bases.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Acquiring of the knowledge and skills of applied swimming bases.
Acquiring of the kinds and elements of the applied swimming.
The criteria of
assessing the results of
the studies:
Assessment of independent work. Understanding of kinds and elements of the
applied swimming and demonstration of preventive measures.
Study language:
The title of the course:
The code of the course:
Nutrition study
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
1 CP / 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof. Dr.biol. Inta Māra Rubana
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge in physiology, biochemistry and hygiene.
The aim of the
To improve students’ knowledge about nutrition of a healthy individual.
The tasks of the
To improve students’ knowledge about food products, the changes of their consumption
in the course of society development.
To widen knowledge about nutrition in different life periods.
To facilitate understanding about nutrition in prevention obesity and chronic diseases.
To improve understanding about food supplements; about usefulness and safety of
their usage.
Planned results of
the study course:
As a result of the study course students: will be able to evaluate nutrition of a healthy
individual in different life periods; will understand the role of food in prevention of
chronic diseases; will be able to substantiate the usage of food supplements.
The content of the
Nutrition bases of a healthy adult. Nutrients. Food products. Nutrition for
children, old people, patients. Nutrition in prevention of obesity, diseases of
metabolism, cardio-vascular diseases, and cancers. Advantages and
disadvantages of diets to decrease the body mass. The role of antioxidants in
one’s food today. Advantages and disadvantages of food supplements.
Obligatory literature:
Z. Zariľš, L. Neimane. Uztura mācība. Rīga: Rasa, 2002.
SIA Medikamentu informācijas centrs. Uztura bagātinātāji. Rīga, 2002.
Larson R.Complete food and nutrition guide. Am.Dietetic assoc., 2006
Rubana I.M. Uzturs fiziskā slodzē. Rīga: Raka, 2010.
Other sources of
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietics (USA).
Proceedings of Nutrition Society (UK).
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
To work independently with literature.
To prepare overview about the given theme.
To prepare for seminars.
The skills to use adequate literature and prepare overview about the given theme.
The skills to analyse facts.
The ability to substantiate the choice of nutrition components, diet and food
In the end of the study course students have to pass a test.
Study language:
The title of the course:
Professional communication (the questions of the Latvian
language culture)
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
PBBIC 4014
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Credit points:
Year 2, 3
Semester 3, 4, 5
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Doc. I.Budviķe
The aim of the course:
To improve the quality of the Latvian language for
communication in speciality
The tasks of the course:
To introduce with the norms of the Latvian literary
language that should be observed when writing a
scientific work.
Planned results of the study
Knowledge about writing a scientific text according to the
norms of the Latvian language culture.
The content of the course:
The questions of the Latvian language practice for
communication in speciality
1 CP /1.5 ECTS – semester 3;
1 CP /1.5 ECTS – semester 4;
1 CP /1.5 ECTS – semester 5;
Knowledge and skills of the Latvian language according to
the Standard of general secondary school.
Obligatory literature:
1.Budviķe I. Mūsdienu latviešu literārās valodas kultūras
jautājumi. - R., 2000., 48 lpp.
2. Rubīna A. Latviešu valodas rokasgrāmata:. valodas
kultūra teorijā un praksē. -R., Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC,
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and tasks
of students’ independent
The criteria of assessing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
2005., - 188 lpp.
3.Latviešu valodas pareizrakstības vārdnīca. – R.:Avots,
4. Latviešu valodas vārdnīca. A-Ţ. – Rīga.: Avots, 2006.
Sporta terminu, svešvārdu vārdnīcas
Text editing, tests, exercises to repeat literary language
norms, writing of a scientific text
Knowledge in orthography, syntaxes, stylistics; the skill
to write a scientific text; attitude when doing course
tasks; individual dynamics - growth of knowledge and
skills during the course.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Professional communication (the English language)
Semester 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Credit points:
1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 3; 1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 4; 1/1.5 ECTS – sem. 5;
1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 6; 1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 7; 1/1.5 ECTS – sem. 8;
Teaching staff:
Doc. Berga I., Doc.Boge I., Lect. Rudzinska I.
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge and skills of the English language according to the Standard of
general secondary school.
The aim of the
The tasks of the
To improve special lexis and communication in the English language.
Planned results of
the study course:
Improved special lexis in the English language; the skill to work independently
with the special literature in English; developed intercultural and
communicative competence.
The content of the
Special literature in English to learn lexis and communicate in speciality.
Individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor paper.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory term dictionaries; Internet:
Reading of independently chosen texts in English according to the theme of
Bachelor paper, preparation for the discussion and seminar according to the
content of the study course.
Study language:
PBBIC 4014
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2, 3, 4
To provide a possibility to improve special lexis in the English language and the
skill to work with the special literature for the Bachelor paper, to develop
intercultural and communicative competence.
Individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor paper.
Knowledge in special lexis is assessed in the seminar and discussion; public
presentations and individual work skills are assessed by presentations; doing the
course tasks attitude and group work skills are assessed; evaluating the growth
of knowledge and skills during the course individual dynamics is stated.
The title of the course:
Professional communication (the German language)
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
PBBIC 4014
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
Doc. Malahova L., Doc. Stirna N.
Knowledge and skills of the German language according to the Standard of
general secondary school.
The aim of the course:
To improve special lexis and communication in the German language.
The tasks of the
To provide a possibility to improve special lexis in the German language and the
skill to work with the special literature for the Bachelor paper, to develop
intercultural and communicative competence.
Planned results of the
study course:
Improved special lexis in the German language; the skill to work independently
with the special literature in German; developed intercultural and communicative
The content of the
Obligatory literature:
Special literature in German to learn lexis and communicate in speciality.
Additional literature:
Individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor paper.
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results of
the studies:
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory term dictionaries.
Study language:
Year 2, 3, 4
Semester 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 3; 1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 4; 1/1.5 ECTS – sem. 5;
1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 6; 1CP /1.5 ECTS – sem. 7; 1/1.5 ECTS – sem. 8;
Individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor paper.
Reading of independently chosen texts in German according to the theme of
Bachelor paper, preparation for the discussion and seminar according to the
content of the study course.
Knowledge in special lexis is assessed in the seminar and discussion; public
presentations and individual work skills are assessed by presentations; doing the
course tasks attitude and group work skills are assessed; evaluating the growth of
knowledge and skills during the course individual dynamics is stated.
The title of the course:
Nutrition at physical load
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
The level of the course:
Study year:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP / 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Prof., Dr.biol. Inta Māra Rubana
Requirements for
starting the course:
Preliminary knowledge in sport biochemistry, sport physiology and hygiene.
The aim of the
To develop student understanding about the role of nutrition in provision of physical
work capacity.
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
To facilitate student understanding about the role of nutrition in health sport.
To develop the skills to evaluate everyday nutrition and if needed to correct it; to
plan nutrition according to age and chosen physical activities.
6. To facilitate understanding about nutrition peculiarities of people having different
Students have knowledge, understanding and skills to professionally supervise and
correct nutrition of health training group participants.
Obligatory literature:
Rubana I.M..Uzturs fiziskā slodzē. Rīga: Raka, 2010. 202.lpp.
Hickson J.F. Wolinsky I. Nutrition in exercise and sport/eds.. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, 1989. pp. 201-232, 309-345
Energy- yielding macronutrients and energy metabolism in sports nutrition/ eds. J.A
Driskell, I.Wolinsky. CRC Press, Boca Raton,1999. pp. 211-236.
Litt A. Fuel for young athletes. Essential foods and fluids for future champions. Human
kinetics, 2004. 188 p.
Bean A. The complete guide to sports nutrition. London: A & C Black, (4th edition)
2003. 187 p.
McArdle W. D., Katch F. I. and Katch V. L. Exercise physiology: energy, nutrition and
human performance. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, (5th edition), 2001. 313 p.
Williams MH. Dietary Supplements and Sports Performance. J.Int.Soc.Sports Nutr.
2005; 2, 1.pp. 43–49.
Williams MH.Ergogenic aids in sport. Champaign IL: Human Kinetics, 1983. 385 p.
Other sources of
Zariľš Z., Neimane L.Uzturmācība. Rīga: Rasa, 1998.
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
According to each task. A test in the end of the course.
Study language:
Studying of literature, preparation for seminars.
Situation analysis: nutrition evaluation and correction of people having different age
and different physical load.
Analysis of myths and facts about nutrition at physical load.
The title of the
Education of young leaders (Dream and team young leader programme )
The type of the
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 1
Semester 2
Credit points:
1CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Lect. Bula-Biteniece I.
Requirements for
starting the course:
Knowledge and skills according to the Standard of general secondary school.
The aim of the
To facilitate student leadership skills. To develop a socially active citizen who actively
organizes and involves in different society events.
The tasks of the
To acquire knowledge and skills, and to know how to use them: leadership and team work.
Development of safe and creative environment for children of different age and needs.
Participation in intercultural dimension events. Leading of voluntary work. Attraction of
publicity and finances. Mentoring and consulting.
Student have acquired the following knowledge: about leadership styles and development of
effective team; about inclusion principles; about intercultural dimension aspects in social
environment; about planning and leading of human resources; about the principles of publicity
development. Skills: to work in a group and take responsibility; to make a plan of an event; to
develop inclusive, safe and creative environment; to integrate art and music activities in a
sports event; to work with children of different age and needs; to analyse activity of one’s own
and of other group members; to work with the young leaders (senior grade students);
Competences: of event planning and leading; of observing and evaluating one’s own and other
student activity, presentation and communication competences.
Leadership and team work. Inclusion of children having special needs in sports events. Leading
of voluntary work. Art and music activities in sport festivals. Mentoring and consulting.
Attraction of event publicity and finances.
Planned results
of the study
The content of the
Engstrēms Lars-Magnus. Bērnu un jauniešu sporta vadītājs / Lars-Magnus Engstrēms, Arturs
Forsbergs, Erwins Apitzch/ Zviedrijas Sporta Federācija; SISU ; Latvija-Zviedrija sadarbība
sportā. - 90 lpp.
Lekciju materiāli: studentu rokasgrāmata, Jauno Līderu profesionālās pilnveides
dienasgrāmata, ANO Bērnu tiesību konvencija, Festivālu organizēšanas kartes
Līderība un komandas darbs. Klubu veidošana. Publicitāte un līdzekļu piesaiste. Māksla ar
D+T. Brīvprātīgo novērtēšana. Bērnu ar īpašām vajadzībām iesaistīšana. / studentu
rokasgrāmatas un izdales materiāli.
Other sources of
information: and other homepages of other higher education institutions
involved in the net.
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
Writing of student professional development diary. Preparation and leading of a sports festival.
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Material of student professional development diary. Organized sport festival.
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Nordic walking bases
starting the
The aim of the
Knowledge and skills according to the Standard of general secondary school
The tasks of the
Planned results
of the study
- A student can assess dynamics of own achievements and development;
- can plan and state the content of Nordic walking classes;
- can independently go in for Nordic walking, choose adequate kinds of technique
according to the terrain;
- can independently run Nordic walking classes to beginners;
1. History of Nordic walking.
2. Methodology of teaching Nordic walking.
The content of
the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 2
1 CP/ 1.5ECTS
Assoc.Prof., Dr.paed. Baiba Smila, AWF Biala Podlaska Assoc.Prof. Dr paed.. Krzystof Piech
To introduce students with the didactics of teaching Nordic walking bases at school.
To introduce and cause interest about Nordic walking;
To provide theoretical knowledge about Nordic walking and its history;
To provide theoretical knowledge and skills about didactics of Nordic walking;
To introduce and develop understanding about the technique and teaching methodology of
Nordic walking.
3. Technique of Nordic walking. Safety rules.
9. Nūjo vesels! Praktiski padomi iesācējiem – Rīga: 36,6C, 2009.
10. Tim "T-Bone" Arem Nordic Walking a Total Body Experience- Book Surge, 2006
Internet recourses:
11. Walter C. Nordic Walking: The Complete Guide to Health, Fitness, and Fun.
12. Svensson M. Nordic Walking (Outdoor Adventures) -Kindle Edition, 2009.
13. Internet recourses: ; ;
Other sources of
and tasks of
Study language:
14. Sport magazines
Working out the report „ Nordic walking at school”
Competence test.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Adventure events
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Lect. I.Liepiľa, Assist. K.Ciekurs, Prof. D.Krauksta, Prof. J.Grants,
Doc. I.Kravalis
Subjects of general education of secondary education
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
To create a notion about adventure events, to improve physical and
mental condition. To acquire and improve the technical kinds of
adventure sports and to be able to apply them in practice.
The tasks of the
1. To acquire the bases of the technical kinds of adventure sports;
2. To improve physical condition, to get emotional satisfaction
Planned results of
the study course:
1. The bases of the technical kinds of adventure events will be
2. Physical and mental condition will be improved;
Adventure events, the technical kinds of adventure sports.
The content of the
Magazine „Tēvijas Sargs”, 2009.
Other sources of
1. Internet recourses,
2. Sport magazines
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
A student will independently train also outside LASE, will improve
physical and mental condition, will account the work done in the
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
For a student to get a positive assessment in adventure sports the
following is assessed:
- Active involvement, attitude, home works, working out of the plan
of adventure sports events
Study language:
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results
of the study
Winter sports activities
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 3
Semester 6
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Prof. J.Grants
General education study courses, theoretical basic study courses of the field
To create notion about winter sports activities, their role and basic principles. To obtain
knowledge about the structure and didactic conditions of winter sports activities. To
obtain knowledge about various winter sports activities – kinds of sports and nontraditional means application, peculiarities, expressions and regularities for individuals
of different age, sex and nationality.
8. To acquire basic conditions and bases of winter sports activities given in the content
of the study course on the level of knowledge, skills and competences.
9. To acquire the ability to evaluate and assess the necessity of winter sports outside
activities to recover one’s physical and mental ability and health restoration, to make
more definite and state influence of separate winter sports on the effectiveness of
spending one’s leisure time.
1. Acquired theoretical bases of the study course.
2. Acquired theoretical bases of winter sports activities, theoretical and methodological
bases of the components.
3. Acquired bases of winter sports activity teaching in the specific field of recreation.
The content of
the course:
The content of the course includes teaching of the didactic principles of winter sports
activities with basic knowledge, skill and competence application.
1.Fritsch W.,Wilmann T.Skilanglauf Methodik und Technik.
Meyer&Meyer Vorlag, 2005.
2.Бутин И.М. Лыжный спорт. - Москва: Просвещение, 1988 - 191 с.
1.Latvian Skiing Federation:
2.International Skiing Federation: http://www.fis-ski.comInternet
3. Magazines and other publications
Students will independently learn the content envisaged in the study course additionally
to the one given in contact classes.
Students will independently learn the specifics of winter sports activity didactics variety
in different recreation events.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Study language:
3. Grants J.Mācīsimies slēpot!-Rīga: RaKa 2007.142 lpp.
4. Kops K. Distanču slēpošana – Rīga: LSPA, 1989. – 152 lpp.
2. Grants J. Fiziskā audzināšana, sports un vesels bērns. –
Rīga: Mācību grāmata, 1997. – 215 lpp.
8. Active involvement
9. Attitude learning the study course
10. Execution of control works and home works
11. Speaking in seminars
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Methodology of Nordic walking in recreation
Semester 6
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Assoc. Prof., Dr.paed. Baiba Smila, AWF Biala Podlaska Assoc.Prof. Dr paed..
Krzysztof Piech
Knowledge, skills and competences acquired in the study courses Nordic
walking and Nordic walking bases.
Requirements for
starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results
of the study
The content of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 3
To acquire the necessary skills of a Nordic walking instructor to get the
qualification „Nordic walking instructor”.
12) To develop interest about Nordic walking;
13) To provide theoretical and practical skills in running Nordic walking classes to
people of different age, sex and physical condition;
14) To provide theoretical knowledge and skills in Nordic walking didactics.
- A student can assess pupil study achievements and development didactics;
- A student can plan and develop the content of Nordic walking classes
corresponding to pupils’ preparedness;
- A student can independently go in for Nordic walking, choose adequate to the
terrain kinds of technique;
- A student can independently run Nordic walking classes at school;
1. Bases of didactics of Nordic walking.
2. Teaching methodology of Nordic walking technique. Safety rules.
3. Development of bio-motor ability with Nordic walking.
4. Choice of Nordic walking equipment, preparation.
15. Nūjo vesels! Praktiski padomi iesācējiem – Rīga: 36,6C, 2009.
16. Tim "T-Bone" Arem Nordic Walking a Total Body Experience- Book Surge,
17. Internet recourses:
18. Walter C. Nordic Walking: The Complete Guide to Health, Fitness, and Fun.
19. Svensson M. Nordic Walking (Outdoor Adventures) -Kindle Edition, 2009.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
Study language:
Interneta recourses: ; ;
Working out of the report „Teaching methodology of Nordic walking”.
Competence test.
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
for starting the
The aim of the
The tasks of the
To select movement games and exercises for the content of game classes according
to children’s physical and emotional preparation. To acquire the didactic principles
of organization of movement games, their running and modelling.
Planned results
of the study
Students have the following knowledge: about the choice of movement games to learn
basic skills; about the aims and tasks in each age period; about the development of social
relations; skills: to develop game plan based on children’s development degree of physical
and intellectual preparation; to create the environment, that facilitates children’s holistic
development; to motivate and assure children about to be confident; to work with
children’s parents; to integrate other subjects and apply innovative means in movement
games; competences: running of movement games; application of didactic means in
learning basic skills; competences of observation and assessment.
The aims and tasks of movement games in sports classes. Content, tasks, methods and
means of movement games. Modeling of movement games. Choice of games.
The content of
Other sources of
and tasks of
The criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Study language:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 2
Semester 4
1CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Lect. Bula – Biteniece I.
Acquired study courses of the 1st and 2nd year (semester 3) of Bachelor programme on the
level 4 – 10 points.
Acquiring of knowledge, skills and attitudes on the level the future specialists can provide
movement games to children. To acquire necessary life skills, to evaluate the role of
physical activities in the development of sustainable society.
Jansone R., Krauksts V., Sporta izglītības didaktika skolā. Rīga: RaKa, 2005.
Karlovska R Rāpošanas apmācība pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem. Liepāja: LPA, 2000,
Kuzľecova A., Karlovska R. Lēcieni pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem. R.: Izglītības soļi,
Elnebija I. Pakāpieni bērna attīstībā. R.: Pētergailis, 1999.
Lieģeniece D. Kopveseluma pieeja audzināšanā. Rīga RaKa, 1999.
Пензулаева Л.И. Оздоровительная гимнастика для детей дошкольного возраста (3-7
лет) : пособие для педагогов дошк. учреждений / А.И.Пензулаева. - Москва :
ВЛАДОС, 2001. – 127.c
Пензулаева Л.И. Подвижные игры и игровые упражнения для детей 3-5 лет : пособие
для педагогов дошк. учреждений / Л.И.Пензулаева. - Москва :"ВЛАДОС", 2003. –
Periodical issues: ”Skolotājs”, electronic recourses.
Writing of plans of movement games.
Presentation of plans of movement games
The title of the
Track and field athletics ( development of rapid force I)
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
PBBIC 4016
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Lect. T.Lisicina, Lect.S.Škutāne, Assist.K.Kuplis
Requirements for
starting the course:
Track and field athletics corresponding to the Sport Standard of
general secondary education, and preferable – the acquiring of the
study course „ Track and field athletics exercises for beginners”.
The aim of the
To create interest about athletics, its variety. To develop notion about
track and field athletics events and possibilities to apply jumpers’
exercises in other kinds of sport.
The tasks of the
To introduce with track and field athletics exercises to learn jumping,
and the exercise application to improve other sports.
Planned results of
the study course:
Competence in jumpers’ special exercises and the bases of rapid
force development.
The content of the
Track and field athletics exercises and jumping events.
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000. 50
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika. Rīga: LSPA, 2003. 27.lpp.
Other sources of
The organization
and tasks of
independent work:
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
A student independently studies special literature, does home works
and trains to execute track and field athletics exercises, developing
movement ability.
Study language:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Practical and theoretical test, demonstration of the acquired
The title of the course:
Track and field athletics ( development of rapid force II)
The code of the course:
The type of the course:
PBBIC 4062
The level of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 4
Credit points:
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Doc.M.Gailis, Lect.T.Lisicina, Lect.S.Škutāne, Assist.K.Kuplis
Requirements for
starting the course:
Track and field athletics corresponding to the Sport Standard of
general secondary education, and preferable – the acquiring of the
study course „ Track and field athletics exercises for beginners”.
The aim of the course:
To create interest about athletics, its variety. To develop notion
about throwing events and possibilities to apply throwers’ exercises
in other kinds of sport.
To introduce with throwing event exercises. The exercise application
to improve other sports.
Competence in throwers’ special exercises and the bases of rapid
force development.
The tasks of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
Track and field athletics exercises and throwing events.
Obligatory literature:
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60 lpp.
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000. 50 lpp.
Additional literature:
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika. Rīga: LSPA, 2003. 27.lpp.
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
A student independently studies special literature, does home works
and trains to execute track and field athletics exercises, developing
movement ability.
The criteria of assessing
the results of the studies:
Practical and theoretical test, demonstration of the acquired
Study language:
The title of the course:
The code of the
The type of the
The level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course:
Mountain tracking
PBBIC 4023
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year 4
Semester 7
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Lect. I.Liepiľa
The study courses of general education, theoretical basic study courses of the field
To create a notion about mountain tracking as one of active tourism kinds, to acquire the
methodology of mountain tracking organisation and leading, to develop student interest
to participate in mountain tracking. To provide deeper theoretical knowledge and
practical skills in the methodology of mountain tracking organisation and leading.
To acquire the bases of mountain tracking on the level of knowledge, skills and
competences when learning the content of the study course.
To acquire theoretical knowledge and skills in the methodology of mountain
tracking organisation and leading.
To acquire the ability to evaluate the necessity of mountain tracking as an
essential outside activity in one’s physical and mental ability development, as well as
in health recovery process.
1. Acquired theoretical bases of the study course, as well as practical skills.
Planned results of
2. Acquired the bases of mountain tracking organisation and leading, its methodology.
the study course:
3. Acquired positive aspects of mountain tracking on the recovery process of one’s
physical and mental ability.
The content of the study course is linked with the application of mountain tracking
The content of the
knowledge, skills and competences in professional activity as mountain tracking
participant and organizer.
Obligatory literature: 1. „Climbing” 2000. gada 15.marts
2. „Kāpjam kalnos” Rīga, Avots, 1989 Valdis Ķikāns
3. No Oliľkalna līdz Everestam” Rīga, Jāľa Sēta 1997 red. L.Zariľa
Additional literature: 1. Training for climbing. Eric J. Horst ; A Falcon guide 2003
2. “Worls Mountaineering + Climbing” The builletin of the UIAA 2/98
“First 6. Decade of International Climbing Competitions under the Aegis of UIAA”,
Yurii Skurlato
2. Internet recourses:
Other sources of
Sport magazines and other publications
The organization and Students independently acquire the content envisaged in the study course additionally to
the one given in contact lectures, they will learn basic conditions of organisation and
tasks of students’
leading of mountain tracking, aspects of legislation, equipment– individual and of group,
independent work:
basic principles of group organisation, safety.
Active involvement, attitude towards learning the study course, home works, speaking in
The criteria of
assessing the results of seminars, participation in mountain hike.
the studies:
Study language:
The tasks of the
The title of the
The code of the
The type of the
Wrestling bases
The level of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Study year:
Year 2
Semester 3
Credit points:
1 CP/1.5ECTS
Teaching staff:
Doc. A.Pimenovs, Lect. N. Peļnika., Prof. L.Čupriks, Lect. U.Ciematnieks, Assist.
M.Lesčinskis, Assist. S.Saulīte
Physical condition corresponding the requirements of LASE
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the
The tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
The content of the
To create notion about wrestling bases and wrestling didactics, to know how to apply it in
sports teacher’s Professional work.
1.To acquire theoretical, methodological and practical skills in kinds of wrestling
(to develop pedagogical skills);
2. To substantiate scientifically the content, aims and principles of kinds of
3. To provide theoretical knowledge about the development tendencies of
4. To provide knowledge about the control forms of wrestling skills;
5. To provide knowledge about the methodological bases of study-training
Knowledge and skills in kinds of wrestling (Graeco-Roman wrestling, free-style wrestling,
sambo and judo).
Learning of wrestling elements and technique. Learning of class combination of different
elements and their didactics.
1. P 1. Pimenovs A., Sporta cīľu veidi. Rīga: LSPA, 2006. 74lpp.
Obligatory literature:
2. A. Rudzītis. Dţudo. Rīga: Liesma, 1979. – 171 lpp
2. Спортивная борьба. Учебник для институтов физической культуры (под
редакцией А. П. Купцова). Москва: Физкультура и спорт, 1978. – 424 с.
Other sources of
3. Internet
4. Sport magazines and other publications.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Independent studies of the theoretical part of the study course and preparation for the study
The criteria of
assessing the results
of the studies:
1.Demonstration of wrestling technique (examination).
2. Active involvement
3. Writing a report
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Course tasks:
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
2 CP/ 3 ECTS
Dr.oec. TatjanaTAMBOVCEVA
Acquirement of study courses: Management theory,
Management psychology
To discuss matters related to financial management, to teach
students to identify financial condition and to identify options
to improve existing financial management methods, and to
improve financial condition of enterprise. By use of course
information, students will be able to identify options for
improving economical indices in short and long period of time.
-To acquire theoretical statements on financial management matters;
-To prepare students for determination of financial condition of enterprise;
-To simulate situations and try to find solutions for them;
- To acquire various methods of financial management.
Planned results of
Course content:
Knows theoretical statements of financial management.
Knows methods of financial management.
Is able to choose, assess and apply financial management
method in particular situation.
Can prepare documents what are required for financial
1. Introduction in financial management, financial system
2. Public financial management, formation of state budget
3. Financial system of company and its aims.
4. Credit system. Methods of credit calculation.
5. Bank system, financial operations and credit tenders.
6. Shares, their kinds. Classification and assessment of
7. Management of company assets and capital.
8. Investment management.
9. Financial risk management. Formation of financial plan.
10. Insolvency management of company.
1. Rurāne M. Finanšu menedţments : mācību.- R.: Rīgas Starptautiskā ekonomikas
un biznesa administrācijas augstskola, 2006 .- 383 lpp.
2.Saksonova S. Uzľēmuma finanšu vadības praktiskās metodes .- R.: Merkūrijs
LAT, 2006.- 225 lpp.
1. Dienas Bizness. Finanšu vadības rokasgrāmata. – R.: Korporatīvo finanšu
kompānija „LAIKA STARS” .
2. Rurāne M. Uzľēmuma finansu vadība. – R.: Turības mācību centrs, 1997.-
3. Stewart B. Sport Funding and Finance. Netherlands: Elsevier. 2007.-215 pp.
4. Fried G., Shapiro S., DeSchriver T. Sport Finanse (2nd ed.). Sheridan Books.
2008.- 400 pp.
5. Жариков В. В., Жариков В. Д. Управление финансами: Учеб. пособие.
Тамбов: Изд-во Тамб. гос. техн. ун-та, 2002. 80 с.
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Normative acts regulating the work with finances.
Internet resources.
Examines theoretical statements of financial management.
Prepares document.
Elaborates works on solution options for various financial management
criteria of study
Study language:
Course title:
Course code
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Knowledge, skills, competence, attitude.
Latvian, English
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
2CP / 3 ECTS
Assoc. prof., dr.oec Juris SAULĪTIS
Study subject is based on general knowledge obtained in secondary
educational institution. Study subject is the base for all subjects related
with economics and business.
To give knowledge in theory of microeconomics and its application in
1) to clarify general conceptions of microeconomic theories;
Course tasks:
2) to understand theory of demand and supply, theory of consumer’s
behaviour, theory of production and costs, basic problems of production
factors, theory of public choice.
Planned results of In result of course acquirement student:
- understands nature of margin theory and can formulate its practical
- knows general conceptions of microeconomics and options of their
- is able to calculate indices applied in microeconomics.
1.Subject of microeconomics
Course content:
2. Theory of demand and supply.
3. Theory of consumers’ selection.
4. Production and balance of production.
5. Production and producer’s costs.
6. Maximization of company profit in conditions of absolute competition.
7. Maximization of company profit in conditions of absolute monopoly.
Company operation in conditions of monopoly competition and
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
Market of production factor.
Interaction between market and public (state) institutions.
 Dzelmīte M., Volodina M. Mikroekonomika. – Rīga: „Izglītības soļi”,
 Gods U. Mikroekonomika. – Rīga: „Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2008.
 Nešpors V. Ievads mikroekonomikas teorijā. – Rīga: Kamene, 2008.
4. Nešpors V., Ruperte I., Saulītis J. Mikroekonomika. – Rīga: Kamene,
5. Nešpors V. Mikroekonomikas teorija. Mācību līdzeklis patstāvīgam
darbam. – Rīga: RTU, 2000.
6.Škapars R. Loģistiskās shēmas mikroekonomikā. – Rīga: LU, 2006.
7.Oļevskis G. Mikroekonomika: saimniekošanas subjektu rīcība preču
tirgū. – Rīga: LTVSVI, 1996.
8.Oļevskis G. Mikroekonomika: saimniekošanas subjektu rīcība raţošanas
faktoru tirgū. – Rīga: LTVSVI, 1997.
9.Samuelson P.A., Nordhaus W.D. Microeconomics. – Mcrow-Hill Book
Company, 1989.
10.H.Hуреев Р.Н. Курс микроэкономики. – 1998.
Annual Latvian year book of statistics as electronic resources.
Distributed time for independent works is divided in two parts: first part
for preparation of theoretical issues, but the second one for their practical
criteria of study
To receive credit points for this study course in total assessment has to be received at
least 4 grades. Assessment in grades student receives by summarizing identified number
of points for execution of separate tasks. There are assessed knowledge, skills, attitude
and individual development dynamics of students.
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim :
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Study courses: basics of commercial activities,
microeconomics, macroeconomics.
To acquire theoretical knowledge and to develop practical
skills in business.
1) To introduce actualities in business,
2) To give understanding on importance of Business plan, order
and principles of its creation;
3) To inform on economical aspects of business.
Knows: business forms, legal aspects of business,
Can: chose appropriate form for starting business, to assess
environment of starting business – opportunities, threats, to
analyze the most important problems and make decisions in
objective manner.
Is able: to develop Business plan and to start business
1. Business nature. Business conception, aims. Business
kinds. Business industries in Latvia.
2. Business forms.
3. Legal and organizing issues of business establishment.
4. Business environment.
5. Financing sources for business.
6. Small and medium enterprises (SME).
7. Efficiency of entrepreneurship and its influencing factors.
1. Alsiľa R., Gertners G. Uzľēmējdarbības plānošanas
principi un metodes.- R.: RTU. 2005.- 47 lpp. ISBN 998432-322-6
2. Diderihs H. Uzľēmumu ekonomika. - Rīga: Zinātne,
3. Hofs K.G. Biznesa ekonomika. – Rīga: J.Rozes apgāds,
4. Rurāne M. Uzľēmuma finansu vadība. – Rīga: Turības
mācību centrs, 1997.
5. Saksonova S. Uzľēmuma finanšu vadības praktiskās
metodes .- R.: Merkūrijs LAT, 2006.- 225 lpp.
6. Vedļa A. Uzľēmējdarbības kurss. - Rīga, 2000.
7. Ţivītere M. Komercdarbības (biznesa) plāns. – Rīga: KIF
„Biznesa centrs”, 1999.
1.Forands I. Biznesa vadības tehnoloģijas. Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2006.
2.Šķiltere D. Uzľēmuma vadīšana, - Rīga, 1998.
Normative acts regulating commercial activity
Other available
Internet resources.
sources of
Elaboration of Business plan
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
To receive credit points for this study course in total assessment has to
be received at least 4 grades. Assessment in grades student receives by
criteria of study
summarizing identified number of points for execution of separate tasks.
There are assessed knowledge, skills, attitude and individual
development dynamics of students.
Study language:
Latvian, English
Course title:
Course code
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP /1.5 ECTS
Assoc. prof., dr.oec Juris SAULĪTIS
Study programme envisages previous acquirement of microeconomics
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Aim of macroeconomics as study subject is investigation of economic
regularities in level of national economics.
1) to understand macroeconomic regularities as background for formation
of economical policy;
2) to determine main aims and directions of economical policy;
3) to understand regulating mechanism of national economy;
4) to be able to assess socially economic consequence of made decisions.
In result of course acquirement student:
- understands nature, trends of economic growth, reasons of
changes, and to formulate them;
- knows basic indices, factors of macroeconomic development, as
well as its regulation mechanisms.
- can calculate indices of macroeconomic processes and their costs.
o Nature, aims and methodology of macroeconomics.
o Economic growth and its indices.
o Macroeconomic balance.
o Inflation as consequence of reasons and socially economic
o Unemployment as kinds of reasons and socially economic
Other available
sources of
o State budget and fiscal policy.
o Money, bank system and monetary policy.
o Model of macroeconomics IS-LM and its practical meaning.
o International economic relationships.
1. Bikse V. Ekonomikas teorijas pamatprincipi. – Rīga, 2007.
2.Gods U. Makroekonomika. – Rīga: „Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2002.
3. Saulītis J., Šenfelde M. Ievads makroekonomikā. – Rīga: RTU, 2004.
4. Šenfelde. Makroekonomika. 3.izd. – Rīga: RTU, 2009.
5.Abel A.B., Bernanke B.S., CrousHose D. Macroeconomics. 6th ed.Pearson Education, Inc., 2008.
6.Bode R., Parkin M. Foundation of Macroeconomics. – Addison –
Wesley Publishing Company, 2002.
7. Blanchard O. Macroeconomics. 4th ed. – Pearson education, Inc.,
8. Доллан Э.Дж. Макроэкономика. – М. ‫׃‬Дело и сервис¸2005. – 95с.
9. Annual Latvian year books of statistics
10. Annual reports of the Bank of Latvia.
11. Reports of LR Ministry of Economics on development of Latvian
Electronic resources of these institutions.
Organization and
tasks of students’
criteria of study
Distributed time for independent works is divided in two parts: first part
for preparation of theoretical issues, but the second one for their practical
Study language:
To receive credit points for this study course in total assessment has to be received
at least 4 grades. Assessment in grades student receives by summarizing identified
number of points for execution of separate tasks. There are assessed knowledge, skills,
attitude and individual development dynamics of students.
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
2CP / 3 ECTS
Knowledge of general secondary education in field of social sciences.
To acquire theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in marketing
of sports and fitness.
To acquire marketing planning and management in sport and fitness
To clarify general conceptions of marketing, meaning of marketing
and its place in sport and fitness enterprise.
Acquire price determination policy and strategy.
To get acquainted with consumers’ behaviour in the market.
Knows: marketing specificity of sport and fitness enterprise, its meaning,
factors what influence decision making in marketing.
Can: differentiate factors what influence marketing decision making in
enterprise, to define ethical marketing decisions.
Is able: to develop strategy of sport and fitness marketing, to form
marketing policy of prices in sport and fitness enterprise, to determine
consumers’ behaviour in the market.
1. Marketing nature.
2. Product, analysis of product elements, classification in sport and
fitness enterprise.
3. Price determination policy and strategy.
4. Place of products distribution and distribution channels.
5. Enhancement processes for product realization.
6. Consumer and his/her behaviour in the market.
7. Meaning of market research in process of strategic marketing decision
8. Market research process and its practical application. Qualitative and
quantitative researches. Market segmentation.
9. Resources of secondary data and their analysis. Application of
secondary data in process of market research.
10. Consumer’s decision making process
1. Praude V., Beļčikovs J. Mārketings. Rīga: Vaidelote, 1999.
2. Dţounss G. Mārketinga lēmumi. Rīga: VIF, 1994.
3. Autoru kolektīvs. Tirgzinības pamati. Rīga: Jumava, 1998.
4. Denisons D., Tobi L. Ievads reklāmā. Rīga: Kamene, 2000.
5. Cutlip S. M. Effective Public Relations. Prentice Hall, 1999.
6. Kotler Ph.& Armstrong G. Principles of Marketing. Prentice Hall, 2000.
7. Lovelock Ch. & Wright L. Principles of Service Marketing and Management. Prentice
Hall, 2001.
8. Rogenbuka I. Uzľēmējdarbības ētika. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1999.
9. Hemblina K. Īsi par marketingu. Rīga: Komercizglītības centrs, 1995.
10. David A.Aaker, V.Kumar , George S.Day. Marketing Research.
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
John Wiley&Sons, 2000.
11. Lehman D.R., Gupta S. and Steckel H., Marketing Research.
Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1998.
3) Elaboration of marketing strategy.
4) Elaboration of realization price strategy.
5) Presentation of marketing strategy and price.
To receive credit points for this study course, in total assessment there has to be
received at least grade 4. Assessment in grades student receives by summarizing
identified number of points for execution of separate tasks. There are assessed
knowledge, skills, attitude and individual development dynamics of students.
Latvian, English
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP /1.5 ECTS
ts for
commencing Preliminary knowledge in Management theory.
of study
Course aim: To extend knowledge on strategic management, as well as to form
understanding on structure of strategic planning and implementation
of strategic plans in practice on the base of world’s experience.
1. To get acquainted with background of strategic planning.
2. To acquire analysis and structure of strategic planning;
3. To get acquainted with newest achievements in strategic
- Students know and are able to explain basics of strategic
results of
- Students are acquired information on analysis and structure of
strategic planning, as well as on newest achievements in
strategic planning;
- Students can interpret and critically analyse business models
of strategic planning.
1. Structure of strategic planning;
2. Strategic planning and analysis (strategy, industry, resources);
3. Analysis of competitiveness and its planning in enterprises;
4. Corporative strategic planning;
5. Description and analysis of business strategies what are
popular in the world.
1.„Contemporary Strategy Analysis”: Grant, Robert M., Malden:
Blackwell 2005;
2.Nevils Leiks: „Stratēģiskā plānošana”, Multineo, 2007;
1.„The Boston Consulting Group on Strategy”, Carl W. Stern,
Michael S. Deimler, John Wiley & Sons, 2006;
2.Harvard Business Review (ikmēneša menedţmenta ţurnāls);
3.„Funky Business”, Kjell A Nordstrom, Jonas Ridderstrale, Book
House Publishing 2001;
4.”Entrepreneurial Strategies”, Arnold C. Cooper, Sharon A. Alvarez,
Alejandro A. Carrera, Luiz F. Mesquita, Roberto S. Vassolo,
Blackwell 2006.
sources of
n and tasks
of students’
criteria of
Independently and in groups to investigate information of strategic
planning, as well as to be informed on latest mews in strategic
planning and business world in whole.
Student’s skills to outline and formulate basics of strategic planning.
Student’s skills to present group work.
Student’s skills to interpret and critically analyze models of business
Latvian and English.
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
Professional Bachelor in Sports
0.5 CP /0.75 ECTS Andrejs TAMBOVCEVS
Acquirement of study courses: Management theory,
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics
To discuss theoretical knowledge and skills of practical work
what are required for making researches in economics and
business, as well as research methods which should be applied
in these researches. To teach students how to use these
methods in researches, elaboration and defence of course
papers, Qualification Papers, etc.
Course tasks:
- To acquire theoretical statements on research planning issues;
- To discuss various economically-mathematical methods.
- To simulate situations and try to find solutions for them;
Planned results of
Course content:
Other available
sources of
Organization and
-Knows theoretical statements on research planning issues.
-Knows various economically-mathematical methods.
-Can choose, assess and use appropriate method in appropriate
-Is able to prepare data for application of particular methods.
11. Introduction in research planning. Information sources
for research making in economics and business.
12. Classification of research methods.
13. Mathematical methods in economics.
14. Statistical methods in economics.
15. Decision making methods.
1. Pētījumu metodes ekonomikā un biznesā: mācību līdzeklis /
Autoru kol.- R.: Rīgas Starptautiskā ekonomikas un biznesa
administrācijas augstskola, 2005 .- 93 lpp.
2. Alsiľa R., Gertners G. Uzľēmējdarbības plānošanas principi
un metodes.- R.: RTU. 2005.- 47 lpp. ISBN 9984-32-322-6
3. Лугинин О., Фомишина В. Экономико-математические
методы и модели. Теория и практика с решением задач.
M.: Феникс, 2009.- 440 стр.
1. Vasermanis E., Šķiltere D., Krasts J. Prognozēšanas
metodes. Mācību līdzeklis.- R.: LU, 2004.- 121 lpp.
2. Revina I. Ekonometrija. Mācību līdzeklis.- R.: LU, 2002.270 lpp.
3. Goša Z. Statistika. Mācību grāmata. R.: LU, 2004.- 334 lpp.
Internet resources.
Ability to obtain, process and analyse information what
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
contains set of knowledge on physical data and correlation
between them.
Inquires economically-mathematical methods.
Prepares research data for usage of various methods.
Knowledge, skills, competence, attitude.
PBBIC 4070
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1 CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Mag. paed. Doc B.LUIKA
Acquirement of study courses: Sports management,
To ensure option for students to acquire planning, organization and
management of sport competitions.
To acquire:
- legal background of sports competition;
- planning, organization of sport competitions;
- economical background for sport competitions.
 Knows normative acts what regulate organization of sport
competitions, is able to observe them;
 Can plan competitions, their process according to set aims and
 Is able to develop regulations of sport competitions, sport activities
according to determined aims;
 Is able to plan financial provision of competition.
1. Sport competition, its role in sport development;
2. Legislation what regulates organization of sport competition;
3. Planning of sports competitions;
4. Regulations of sport competition;
5. General provisions of sport competitions;
6. Assessment systems of sport competitions;
7. Financial provision of sport competitions;
8. Production of opening activities for sport competitions;
9. Materially technical provision of sport competitions.
17. Briľķis G. Komercializācijas procesi sportā – Rīga, LSPA,
18. Forands I. Red. Latvijas sporta vēsture – Rīga, 1994.
19. Кузина В.В. Экономика физической культуры и спорта
– Москва, 2001
4. Степанов О.Н. Маркетинг в сфере физической культуры и
спорта – Москва, 2007, 254 с.
9. Akselrods S., Borzenkova L. Sacensību organizēšana
fizkultūras kolektīvos –Rīga, „Liesma”, 206 lpp.
Шааф Ф. Спортивный маркетинг – Москва, 1998
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
criteria of study
Study language:
Studying of legislation.
Elaboration of documents (Regulations, Cost estimates, Scenario,
Participation in organization and umpiring of sport competitions.
There are assessed: theoretical knowledge, conformity of practical
works to tasks; practical participation in sport activities; attitude.
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Professional communication ( issues of Latvian
PBBIC 4014
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
2nd , 3rd
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 3rd sem.;
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 4th sem.;
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 5th sem.;
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 6th sem.;
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
commencing acquisition
of study course:
Knowledge, skills and abilities of Latvian according to
Secondary education standard.
Course aim:
To improve Latvian quality for communication in
Course tasks:
To introduce the norms of Latvian literary language
what have to be observed in elaboration of scientific
Planned results of studies:
Knowledge on elaboration of scientific text according to
norms of Latvian culture.
Course content:
Issues of Latvian practice for communication in
Compulsory literature:
1.Budviķe I. Mūsdienu latviešu literārās valodas kultūras
jautājumi. - R., 2000., 48 lpp.
2. Rubīna A. Latviešu valodas rokasgrāmata:. valodas
kultūra teorijā un praksē. -R., Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC,
2005., - 188 lpp.
Additional literature:
Other available sources of
Organization and tasks of
students’ independent
Assessment criteria of
study results:
Study language:
3.Latviešu valodas pareizrakstības vārdnīca. – R.:Avots,
4. Latviešu valodas vārdnīca. A-Ţ. – Rīga.: Avots, 2006.
Dictionaries of sport terms, foreign words
Correction of texts, tests, exercises, strengthening of the
norms of literary language, elaboration of scientific text
Knowledge in orthography, syntaxes, stylistic;
ability to elaborate scientific text; attitude by
performing course tasks; individual dynamics –
growth of knowledge, skills and abilities during the
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Professional communication (Russian)
PBBIC 4014
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
2nd , 3rd
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 3rd sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 4th sem.; 1CP/1.5
ECTS – 5th sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 6th sem.;
Doc. Malahova L.
Knowledge, skills and abilities of Russian according to
Secondary education standard.
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
To improve special vocabulary and communication in
Course tasks:
To give opportunity to acquire special vocabulary in Russian
and ability to work with special literature for elaboration of
Bachelor Paper, develop cross-cultural and communicative
Planned results of
Improved special vocabulary in Russian; ability to work
independently with special literature in Russian; crosscultural and communicative competence.
Course content:
Special literature in Russian for acquirement of vocabulary
and communication in speciality.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory dictionaries of
Study language
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Professional communication (German)
PBBIC 4014
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
2nd , 3rd
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 3rd sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 4th sem.;
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 5th sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 6th sem.;
Reading of independently selected texts in Russian according
to theme of Bachelor Paper, preparation for discussion and
seminar according to content of study course.
Knowledge in sport vocabulary is assessed with tests; public
presentations and skills of individual work: with
presentations; attitude and team work skills: by performing
course tasks; individual dynamics is determined by assessing
development of knowledge, skills and abilities during the
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
Course tasks:
Doc. Malahova L., Doc. Stirna N.
Knowledge, skills and abilities of German according to
Secondary education standard.
To improve special vocabulary and communication in
To give opportunity to acquire special vocabulary in German
and ability to work with special literature for elaboration of
Bachelor Paper, develop cross-cultural and communicative
Planned results of
Improved special vocabulary in German; ability to work
independently with special literature in German; crosscultural and communicative competence.
Course content:
Special literature in German for acquirement of vocabulary
and communication in speciality.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory dictionaries of
Study language
Reading of independently selected texts in German
according to theme of Bachelor Paper, preparation for
discussion and seminar according to content of study course.
Knowledge in sport vocabulary is assessed with tests; public
presentations and skills of individual work: with
presentations; attitude and team work skills: by performing
course tasks; individual dynamics is determined by assessing
development of knowledge, skills and abilities during the
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Professional communication (English)
PBBIC 4014
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
2nd , 3rd
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 3rd sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 4th sem.; 1CP/1.5
ECTS – 5th sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 6th sem.
Doc. Berga I., Doc.Boge I., Lekt..Rudzinska I.
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
Knowledge, skills and abilities of English according to
Secondary education standard.
Course tasks:
To give opportunity to acquire special vocabulary in English
and ability to work with special literature for elaboration of
Bachelor Paper, develop cross-cultural and communicative
Planned results of
Improved special vocabulary in English; ability to work
independently with special literature in English; cross-cultural
and communicative competence.
Course content:
Special literature in English for acquirement of vocabulary and
communication in speciality.
To improve special vocabulary and communication in English.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory dictionaries of terms;
Study language
Reading of independently selected texts in English according
to theme of Bachelor Paper, preparation for discussion and
seminar according to content of study course.
Knowledge in sport vocabulary is assessed with tests; public
presentations and skills of individual work: with presentations;
attitude and team work skills: by performing course tasks;
individual dynamics is determined by assessing development
of knowledge, skills and abilities during the course.
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Lect. I.Smukā, prof. D.Krauksta, lect. I.Liepiľa
Course tasks:
To acquire:
Planned results of
Course content:
To acquire planning and organization of camps, content formation and realization
- theoretical and legal provisions for camp organization;
- planning process of camp, provision of resources;
- elaboration of camp content according to definite aim;
- specificity of session and training organization in children and youth camps.
- knows theoretical aspects of camp organization;
- is able to observe normative acts related to camp organization;
- is able to plan required resources for camp organization;
- is able to plan content of camp according to definite aim;
- knows specificity of session and training organization in children and youth camp;
- can plan sessions according to the aim of camp.
1) Management process in organization of camps.
2) Legislation.
3) Planning of staff, finances, materials, technical and information resources.
4) Content elaboration according to definite aims.
5) Planning and organization of sessions and trainings.
1. Brūders A. Nometľu mācība. Metodiskais izdales un darba materiāls LSPA 2.un 3.kursa
studentiem.-LSPA-Rīga, [b.i.], 2000.-71 lpp.
2. Nometľu vadītāja rokasgrāmata. Metodiskais materiāls.-Rīga: IZM, VJIC, LNA, 2009176 lpp.
3. I.Liepiľa., I.Smukā „Metodiskie ieteikumi aktīvās atpūtas un fizisko aktivitāšu
pasākumiem lokālās administratīvās teritorijās (pašvaldībās). SVA, LR Izglītības
ministrija, 2008.g.
Comprehensive study courses, theoretical basic courses of the field
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
criteria of study
Study language:
1. Kornels Dţ. Spēles dabā.- Rīga: Bērnu vides skola, 1994.
2. Praude V.,Beļčikovs J. Menedţments.- Rīga: Vaidelote, 2001
3. Projekta menedţments.-Rīga: Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2006
1. Internet site:, and other related Internet sites.
2. Magazines and other kinds of publications on basics of camp teaching
Students will independently acquire content envisaged in study course in
addition to content, explained in contact lectures.
Active involvement; attitude towards study course; execution of tests and
home works; practical activities in elaboration of camp project and in work
of camp
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Course tasks:
results of
literature :
sources of
and tasks of
criteria of
study results:
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP /1.5 ECTS
Mg.mag., guest assistant M.Jakovļeva
preliminary knowledge: Introduction in ethics; Basics of professional
ethics; Management basics; Communication psychology
to deepen ethical competence of prospective specialists by giving
knowledge in business etiquette
to acquire basic principles of business cooperation, forms and methods of
formal and informal communication.
skills and abilities to use practically obtained knowledge of business
etiquette and culture of behaviour for achievement of common aim;
ability to solve business cooperation issues independently and in team, to
organize business contacts and realize communicative processes.
1. Business etiquette as component of business culture.
2. Etiquette of interrelationships between manager and employees.
3. Appearance of business person.
4. Characterization of business etiquette types. Language culture and
service calls. Greetings and acquaintance. Telecommunication culture.
Business cards. Business protocol, presentations, receptions.
1.Dubkēvičs L., Ķestere I. Saskarsme. Lietišķā etiķete. – R.: Jumava,
2.Kincāns V. Etiķete sadzīvē, lietišķajos kontaktos, starptautiskajās
attiecībās. – R.:SIA Biznesa partneri, 2000.
3.Kincāns V. Lietišķā etiķete un protokols. – R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1997.
4.Kuzľecova A. Lietišķas sadarbības etiķete. – R.: LSPA, 2000.
5.Latiševs U. Lietišķas sarunas un lietišķie kontakti.- R., 1995.
6.Toisena Ģ. Kā jāuzvedas darba vietā. – R.: Iļjus, 1996.
7.Pincus M. Everyday Business Etiquette. – Barron's, 1996
Elaboration of report on freely selected theme of study course,
preparation for differential test.
Requirements for obtaining 1 credit point: 30 % assessment of semester
work: Active involvement of lectures, independent studies of intended
literature and elaboration of report;
35% active participation in contact lessons;
35% differential test.
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1 CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Associate professor A.Pimenovs, lecturer N. Peļnika, prof. L.Čupriks, lect.
U.Ciematnieks, assist. M.Lesčinskis, assist. S.Saulīte
Personal condition according to LSPA requirements.
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Course tasks:
To create notion on basics of self-defence, didactics of self-defence and to be able
to use them in professional activities.
Course task is to teach defence and counter hold technique mentioned in
programme, to form and strengthen skills to execute these techniques towards
attack with hits, with hands and legs, locks, throws, painful holds, choking,
counter-attack with bladed weapons.
Planned results of
It will be created the skill to execute basic exercises of self-defence and to select
their usage in appropriate situations.
Course content:
Acquirement of self-defence elements and technique. Acquisition and application
of various techniques, classes’ combination towards various kinds of attack.
1. M. Arājs. Aizstāvaties bez ieročiem. Rīga: Grāmatu zieds, 1973. – 120 lpp.
2. V. Kolosovs. Pašaizsardzības paľēmieni. Rīga, mācību grāmata, 1994. – 64
1. A. Pimenovs. Sporta cīľu veidi. Rīga: LSPA, 1998. – 41 lpp.
2. A. Liepiľš. Boksa tehnikas pamati. Rīga: LVFKI, 1975. – 55 lpp.
3. А. Тарас. Искусство рукопашного боя. Минск, 1991. – 112 с.
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
Sport magazines and other kinds of publications.
Independent studies of theoretical part of the course and preparation for study
practice .
criteria of study
1. Demonstration of self-defence technique in fight in standing position and lying
position (exam).
2. Active involvement
3. Report writing
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Course tasks:
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
2 CP/ 3 ECTS
Dr.oec. TatjanaTAMBOVCEVA
Acquirement of study courses: Management theory,
Management psychology
To discuss matters related to financial management, to teach
students to identify financial condition and to identify options
to improve existing financial management methods, and to
improve financial condition of enterprise. By use of course
information, students will be able to identify options for
improving economical indices in short and long period of time.
-To acquire theoretical statements on financial management matters;
-To prepare students for determination of financial condition of enterprise;
-To simulate situations and try to find solutions for them;
- To acquire various methods of financial management.
Planned results of
Course content:
Knows theoretical statements of financial management.
Knows methods of financial management.
Is able to choose, assess and apply financial management
method in particular situation.
Can prepare documents what are required for financial
16. Introduction in financial management, financial system
17. Public financial management, formation of state budget
18. Financial system of company and its aims.
19. Credit system. Methods of credit calculation.
20. Bank system, financial operations and credit tenders.
21. Shares, their kinds. Classification and assessment of
22. Management of company assets and capital.
23. Investment management.
24. Financial risk management. Formation of financial plan.
25. Insolvency management of company.
1. Rurāne M. Finanšu menedţments : mācību.- R.: Rīgas Starptautiskā ekonomikas
un biznesa administrācijas augstskola, 2006 .- 383 lpp.
2.Saksonova S. Uzľēmuma finanšu vadības praktiskās metodes .- R.: Merkūrijs
LAT, 2006.- 225 lpp.
1. Dienas Bizness. Finanšu vadības rokasgrāmata. – R.: Korporatīvo finanšu
kompānija „LAIKA STARS” .
2. Rurāne M. Uzľēmuma finansu vadība. – R.: Turības mācību centrs, 1997.254.lpp.
3. Stewart B. Sport Funding and Finance. Netherlands: Elsevier. 2007.-215 pp.
4. Fried G., Shapiro S., DeSchriver T. Sport Finanse (2nd ed.). Sheridan Books.
2008.- 400 pp.
5. Жариков В. В., Жариков В. Д. Управление финансами: Учеб. пособие.
Тамбов: Изд-во Тамб. гос. техн. ун-та, 2002. 80 с.
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Normative acts regulating the work with finances.
Internet resources.
Examines theoretical statements of financial management.
Prepares document.
Elaborates works on solution options for various financial management
criteria of study
Study language:
Course title:
Course code
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Knowledge, skills, competence, attitude.
Latvian, English
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
2CP / 3 ECTS
Assoc. prof., dr.oec Juris SAULĪTIS
Study subject is based on general knowledge obtained in secondary
educational institution. Study subject is the base for all subjects related
with economics and business.
To give knowledge in theory of microeconomics and its application in
1) to clarify general conceptions of microeconomic theories;
Course tasks:
2) to understand theory of demand and supply, theory of consumer’s
behaviour, theory of production and costs, basic problems of production
factors, theory of public choice.
Planned results of In result of course acquirement student:
- understands nature of margin theory and can formulate its practical
- knows general conceptions of microeconomics and options of their
- is able to calculate indices applied in microeconomics.
1.Subject of microeconomics
Course content:
2. Theory of demand and supply.
3. Theory of consumers’ selection.
4. Production and balance of production.
5. Production and producer’s costs.
6. Maximization of company profit in conditions of absolute competition.
7. Maximization of company profit in conditions of absolute monopoly.
Company operation in conditions of monopoly competition and
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
Market of production factor.
Interaction between market and public (state) institutions.
 Dzelmīte M., Volodina M. Mikroekonomika. – Rīga: „Izglītības soļi”,
 Gods U. Mikroekonomika. – Rīga: „Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2008.
 Nešpors V. Ievads mikroekonomikas teorijā. – Rīga: Kamene, 2008.
4. Nešpors V., Ruperte I., Saulītis J. Mikroekonomika. – Rīga: Kamene,
5. Nešpors V. Mikroekonomikas teorija. Mācību līdzeklis patstāvīgam
darbam. – Rīga: RTU, 2000.
6.Škapars R. Loģistiskās shēmas mikroekonomikā. – Rīga: LU, 2006.
7.Oļevskis G. Mikroekonomika: saimniekošanas subjektu rīcība preču
tirgū. – Rīga: LTVSVI, 1996.
8.Oļevskis G. Mikroekonomika: saimniekošanas subjektu rīcība raţošanas
faktoru tirgū. – Rīga: LTVSVI, 1997.
9.Samuelson P.A., Nordhaus W.D. Microeconomics. – Mcrow-Hill Book
Company, 1989.
10.H.Hуреев Р.Н. Курс микроэкономики. – 1998.
Annual Latvian year book of statistics as electronic resources.
Distributed time for independent works is divided in two parts: first part
for preparation of theoretical issues, but the second one for their practical
criteria of study
To receive credit points for this study course in total assessment has to be received at
least 4 grades. Assessment in grades student receives by summarizing identified number
of points for execution of separate tasks. There are assessed knowledge, skills, attitude
and individual development dynamics of students.
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim :
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP/1.5 ECTS
Study courses: basics of commercial activities,
microeconomics, macroeconomics.
To acquire theoretical knowledge and to develop practical
skills in business.
4) To introduce actualities in business,
5) To give understanding on importance of Business plan, order
and principles of its creation;
6) To inform on economical aspects of business.
Knows: business forms, legal aspects of business,
Can: chose appropriate form for starting business, to assess
environment of starting business – opportunities, threats, to
analyze the most important problems and make decisions in
objective manner.
Is able: to develop Business plan and to start business
8. Business nature. Business conception, aims. Business
kinds. Business industries in Latvia.
9. Business forms.
10. Legal and organizing issues of business establishment.
11. Business environment.
12. Financing sources for business.
13. Small and medium enterprises (SME).
14. Efficiency of entrepreneurship and its influencing factors.
8. Alsiľa R., Gertners G. Uzľēmējdarbības plānošanas
principi un metodes.- R.: RTU. 2005.- 47 lpp. ISBN 998432-322-6
9. Diderihs H. Uzľēmumu ekonomika. - Rīga: Zinātne,
10.Hofs K.G. Biznesa ekonomika. – Rīga: J.Rozes apgāds,
11.Rurāne M. Uzľēmuma finansu vadība. – Rīga: Turības
mācību centrs, 1997.
12.Saksonova S. Uzľēmuma finanšu vadības praktiskās
metodes .- R.: Merkūrijs LAT, 2006.- 225 lpp.
13. Vedļa A. Uzľēmējdarbības kurss. - Rīga, 2000.
14.Ţivītere M. Komercdarbības (biznesa) plāns. – Rīga: KIF
„Biznesa centrs”, 1999.
1.Forands I. Biznesa vadības tehnoloģijas. Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2006.
2.Šķiltere D. Uzľēmuma vadīšana, - Rīga, 1998.
Normative acts regulating commercial activity
Other available
Internet resources.
sources of
Elaboration of Business plan
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
To receive credit points for this study course in total assessment has to
be received at least 4 grades. Assessment in grades student receives by
criteria of study
summarizing identified number of points for execution of separate tasks.
There are assessed knowledge, skills, attitude and individual
development dynamics of students.
Study language:
Latvian, English
Course title:
Course code
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP /1.5 ECTS
Assoc. prof., dr.oec Juris SAULĪTIS
Study programme envisages previous acquirement of microeconomics
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Aim of macroeconomics as study subject is investigation of economic
regularities in level of national economics.
1) to understand macroeconomic regularities as background for formation
of economical policy;
2) to determine main aims and directions of economical policy;
3) to understand regulating mechanism of national economy;
4) to be able to assess socially economic consequence of made decisions.
In result of course acquirement student:
- understands nature, trends of economic growth, reasons of
changes, and to formulate them;
- knows basic indices, factors of macroeconomic development, as
well as its regulation mechanisms.
- can calculate indices of macroeconomic processes and their costs.
o Nature, aims and methodology of macroeconomics.
o Economic growth and its indices.
o Macroeconomic balance.
o Inflation as consequence of reasons and socially economic
o Unemployment as kinds of reasons and socially economic
Other available
sources of
o State budget and fiscal policy.
o Money, bank system and monetary policy.
o Model of macroeconomics IS-LM and its practical meaning.
o International economic relationships.
1. Bikse V. Ekonomikas teorijas pamatprincipi. – Rīga, 2007.
2.Gods U. Makroekonomika. – Rīga: „Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2002.
3. Saulītis J., Šenfelde M. Ievads makroekonomikā. – Rīga: RTU, 2004.
4. Šenfelde. Makroekonomika. 3.izd. – Rīga: RTU, 2009.
5.Abel A.B., Bernanke B.S., CrousHose D. Macroeconomics. 6th ed.Pearson Education, Inc., 2008.
6.Bode R., Parkin M. Foundation of Macroeconomics. – Addison –
Wesley Publishing Company, 2002.
7. Blanchard O. Macroeconomics. 4th ed. – Pearson education, Inc.,
8. Доллан Э.Дж. Макроэкономика. – М. ‫׃‬Дело и сервис¸2005. – 95с.
9. Annual Latvian year books of statistics
10. Annual reports of the Bank of Latvia.
11. Reports of LR Ministry of Economics on development of Latvian
Electronic resources of these institutions.
Organization and
tasks of students’
criteria of study
Distributed time for independent works is divided in two parts: first part
for preparation of theoretical issues, but the second one for their practical
Study language:
To receive credit points for this study course in total assessment has to be received
at least 4 grades. Assessment in grades student receives by summarizing identified
number of points for execution of separate tasks. There are assessed knowledge, skills,
attitude and individual development dynamics of students.
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
2CP / 3 ECTS
Knowledge of general secondary education in field of social sciences.
To acquire theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in marketing
of sports and fitness.
To acquire marketing planning and management in sport and fitness
To clarify general conceptions of marketing, meaning of marketing
and its place in sport and fitness enterprise.
Acquire price determination policy and strategy.
To get acquainted with consumers’ behaviour in the market.
Knows: marketing specificity of sport and fitness enterprise, its meaning,
factors what influence decision making in marketing.
Can: differentiate factors what influence marketing decision making in
enterprise, to define ethical marketing decisions.
Is able: to develop strategy of sport and fitness marketing, to form
marketing policy of prices in sport and fitness enterprise, to determine
consumers’ behaviour in the market.
11. Marketing nature.
12. Product, analysis of product elements, classification in sport and
fitness enterprise.
13. Price determination policy and strategy.
14. Place of products distribution and distribution channels.
15. Enhancement processes for product realization.
16. Consumer and his/her behaviour in the market.
17. Meaning of market research in process of strategic marketing decision
18. Market research process and its practical application. Qualitative and
quantitative researches. Market segmentation.
19. Resources of secondary data and their analysis. Application of
secondary data in process of market research.
20. Consumer’s decision making process
Praude V., Beļčikovs J. Mārketings. Rīga: Vaidelote, 1999.
Dţounss G. Mārketinga lēmumi. Rīga: VIF, 1994.
Autoru kolektīvs. Tirgzinības pamati. Rīga: Jumava, 1998.
Denisons D., Tobi L. Ievads reklāmā. Rīga: Kamene, 2000.
Cutlip S. M. Effective Public Relations. Prentice Hall, 1999.
Kotler Ph.& Armstrong G. Principles of Marketing. Prentice Hall, 2000.
Lovelock Ch. & Wright L. Principles of Service Marketing and Management.
Prentice Hall, 2001.
Rogenbuka I. Uzľēmējdarbības ētika. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1999.
20. Hemblina K. Īsi par marketingu. Rīga: Komercizglītības centrs,
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
21. David A.Aaker, V.Kumar , George S.Day. Marketing Research.
John Wiley&Sons, 2000.
22. Lehman D.R., Gupta S. and Steckel H., Marketing Research.
Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1998.
6) Elaboration of marketing strategy.
7) Elaboration of realization price strategy.
8) Presentation of marketing strategy and price.
To receive credit points for this study course, in total assessment there has to be
received at least grade 4. Assessment in grades student receives by summarizing
identified number of points for execution of separate tasks. There are assessed
knowledge, skills, attitude and individual development dynamics of students.
Latvian, English
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP /1.5 ECTS
ts for
commencing Preliminary knowledge in Management theory.
of study
Course aim: To extend knowledge on strategic management, as well as to form
understanding on structure of strategic planning and implementation
of strategic plans in practice on the base of world’s experience.
4. To get acquainted with background of strategic planning.
5. To acquire analysis and structure of strategic planning;
6. To get acquainted with newest achievements in strategic
- Students know and are able to explain basics of strategic
results of
- Students are acquired information on analysis and structure of
strategic planning, as well as on newest achievements in
strategic planning;
- Students can interpret and critically analyse business models
of strategic planning.
6. Structure of strategic planning;
7. Strategic planning and analysis (strategy, industry, resources);
8. Analysis of competitiveness and its planning in enterprises;
9. Corporative strategic planning;
10. Description and analysis of business strategies what are
sources of
n and tasks
of students’
criteria of
popular in the world.
1.„Contemporary Strategy Analysis”: Grant, Robert M., Malden:
Blackwell 2005;
2.Nevils Leiks: „Stratēģiskā plānošana”, Multineo, 2007;
1.„The Boston Consulting Group on Strategy”, Carl W. Stern,
Michael S. Deimler, John Wiley & Sons, 2006;
2.Harvard Business Review (ikmēneša menedţmenta ţurnāls);
3.„Funky Business”, Kjell A Nordstrom, Jonas Ridderstrale, Book
House Publishing 2001;
4.”Entrepreneurial Strategies”, Arnold C. Cooper, Sharon A. Alvarez,
Alejandro A. Carrera, Luiz F. Mesquita, Roberto S. Vassolo,
Blackwell 2006.
Independently and in groups to investigate information of strategic
planning, as well as to be informed on latest mews in strategic
planning and business world in whole.
Student’s skills to outline and formulate basics of strategic planning.
Student’s skills to present group work.
Student’s skills to interpret and critically analyze models of business
Latvian and English.
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
Professional Bachelor in Sports
0.5 CP /0.75 ECTS Andrejs TAMBOVCEVS
Acquirement of study courses: Management theory,
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics
To discuss theoretical knowledge and skills of practical work
what are required for making researches in economics and
business, as well as research methods which should be applied
in these researches. To teach students how to use these
methods in researches, elaboration and defence of course
papers, Qualification Papers, etc.
Course tasks:
- To acquire theoretical statements on research planning issues;
- To discuss various economically-mathematical methods.
- To simulate situations and try to find solutions for them;
Planned results of
Course content:
Other available
sources of
Organization and
-Knows theoretical statements on research planning issues.
-Knows various economically-mathematical methods.
-Can choose, assess and use appropriate method in appropriate
-Is able to prepare data for application of particular methods.
26. Introduction in research planning. Information sources
for research making in economics and business.
27. Classification of research methods.
28. Mathematical methods in economics.
29. Statistical methods in economics.
30. Decision making methods.
1. Pētījumu metodes ekonomikā un biznesā: mācību līdzeklis /
Autoru kol.- R.: Rīgas Starptautiskā ekonomikas un biznesa
administrācijas augstskola, 2005 .- 93 lpp.
2. Alsiľa R., Gertners G. Uzľēmējdarbības plānošanas principi
un metodes.- R.: RTU. 2005.- 47 lpp. ISBN 9984-32-322-6
3. Лугинин О., Фомишина В. Экономико-математические
методы и модели. Теория и практика с решением задач.
M.: Феникс, 2009.- 440 стр.
1. Vasermanis E., Šķiltere D., Krasts J. Prognozēšanas
metodes. Mācību līdzeklis.- R.: LU, 2004.- 121 lpp.
2. Revina I. Ekonometrija. Mācību līdzeklis.- R.: LU, 2002.270 lpp.
3. Goša Z. Statistika. Mācību grāmata. R.: LU, 2004.- 334 lpp.
Internet resources.
Ability to obtain, process and analyse information what
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
contains set of knowledge on physical data and correlation
between them.
Inquires economically-mathematical methods.
Prepares research data for usage of various methods.
Knowledge, skills, competence, attitude.
PBBIC 4070
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1 CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Mag. paed. Doc B.LUIKA
Acquirement of study courses: Sports management,
To ensure option for students to acquire planning, organization and
management of sport competitions.
To acquire:
- legal background of sports competition;
- planning, organization of sport competitions;
- economical background for sport competitions.
 Knows normative acts what regulate organization of sport
competitions, is able to observe them;
 Can plan competitions, their process according to set aims and
 Is able to develop regulations of sport competitions, sport activities
according to determined aims;
 Is able to plan financial provision of competition.
Sport competition, its role in sport development;
Legislation what regulates organization of sport competition;
Planning of sports competitions;
Regulations of sport competition;
General provisions of sport competitions;
Assessment systems of sport competitions;
Financial provision of sport competitions;
Production of opening activities for sport competitions;
Materially technical provision of sport competitions.
20. Briľķis G. Komercializācijas procesi sportā – Rīga, LSPA,
21. Forands I. Red. Latvijas sporta vēsture – Rīga, 1994.
22. Кузина В.В. Экономика физической культуры и спорта
– Москва, 2001
4. Степанов О.Н. Маркетинг в сфере физической культуры и
спорта – Москва, 2007, 254 с.
Akselrods S., Borzenkova L. Sacensību organizēšana
fizkultūras kolektīvos –Rīga, „Liesma”, 206 lpp.
Шааф Ф. Спортивный маркетинг – Москва, 1998
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
criteria of study
Study language:
Studying of legislation.
Elaboration of documents (Regulations, Cost estimates, Scenario,
Participation in organization and umpiring of sport competitions.
There are assessed: theoretical knowledge, conformity of practical
works to tasks; practical participation in sport activities; attitude.
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Professional communication ( issues of Latvian
PBBIC 4014
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
2nd , 3rd
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 3rd sem.;
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 4th sem.;
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 5th sem.;
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 6th sem.;
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
commencing acquisition
of study course:
Knowledge, skills and abilities of Latvian according to
Secondary education standard.
Course aim:
To improve Latvian quality for communication in
Course tasks:
To introduce the norms of Latvian literary language
what have to be observed in elaboration of scientific
Planned results of studies:
Knowledge on elaboration of scientific text according to
norms of Latvian culture.
Course content:
Issues of Latvian practice for communication in
Compulsory literature:
1.Budviķe I. Mūsdienu latviešu literārās valodas kultūras
jautājumi. - R., 2000., 48 lpp.
2. Rubīna A. Latviešu valodas rokasgrāmata:. valodas
kultūra teorijā un praksē. -R., Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC,
2005., - 188 lpp.
Additional literature:
Other available sources of
Organization and tasks of
students’ independent
Assessment criteria of
study results:
Study language:
3.Latviešu valodas pareizrakstības vārdnīca. – R.:Avots,
4. Latviešu valodas vārdnīca. A-Ţ. – Rīga.: Avots, 2006.
Dictionaries of sport terms, foreign words
Correction of texts, tests, exercises, strengthening of the
norms of literary language, elaboration of scientific text
Knowledge in orthography, syntaxes, stylistic;
ability to elaborate scientific text; attitude by
performing course tasks; individual dynamics –
growth of knowledge, skills and abilities during the
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Professional communication (Russian)
PBBIC 4014
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
2nd , 3rd
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 3rd sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 4th sem.; 1CP/1.5
ECTS – 5th sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 6th sem.;
Doc. Malahova L.
Knowledge, skills and abilities of Russian according to
Secondary education standard.
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
To improve special vocabulary and communication in
Course tasks:
To give opportunity to acquire special vocabulary in Russian
and ability to work with special literature for elaboration of
Bachelor Paper, develop cross-cultural and communicative
Planned results of
Improved special vocabulary in Russian; ability to work
independently with special literature in Russian; crosscultural and communicative competence.
Course content:
Special literature in Russian for acquirement of vocabulary
and communication in speciality.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory dictionaries of
Study language
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Professional communication (German)
PBBIC 4014
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
2nd , 3rd
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 3rd sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 4th sem.;
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 5th sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 6th sem.;
Reading of independently selected texts in Russian according
to theme of Bachelor Paper, preparation for discussion and
seminar according to content of study course.
Knowledge in sport vocabulary is assessed with tests; public
presentations and skills of individual work: with
presentations; attitude and team work skills: by performing
course tasks; individual dynamics is determined by assessing
development of knowledge, skills and abilities during the
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
Course tasks:
Doc. Malahova L., Doc. Stirna N.
Knowledge, skills and abilities of German according to
Secondary education standard.
To improve special vocabulary and communication in
To give opportunity to acquire special vocabulary in German
and ability to work with special literature for elaboration of
Bachelor Paper, develop cross-cultural and communicative
Planned results of
Improved special vocabulary in German; ability to work
independently with special literature in German; crosscultural and communicative competence.
Course content:
Special literature in German for acquirement of vocabulary
and communication in speciality.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory dictionaries of
Study language
Reading of independently selected texts in German
according to theme of Bachelor Paper, preparation for
discussion and seminar according to content of study course.
Knowledge in sport vocabulary is assessed with tests; public
presentations and skills of individual work: with
presentations; attitude and team work skills: by performing
course tasks; individual dynamics is determined by assessing
development of knowledge, skills and abilities during the
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Professional communication (English)
PBBIC 4014
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
2nd , 3rd
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
1CP/1.5 ECTS – 3rd sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 4th sem.; 1CP/1.5
ECTS – 5th sem.; 1CP/1.5 ECTS – 6th sem.
Doc. Berga I., Doc.Boge I., Lekt..Rudzinska I.
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
Knowledge, skills and abilities of English according to
Secondary education standard.
Course tasks:
To give opportunity to acquire special vocabulary in English
and ability to work with special literature for elaboration of
Bachelor Paper, develop cross-cultural and communicative
Planned results of
Improved special vocabulary in English; ability to work
independently with special literature in English; cross-cultural
and communicative competence.
Course content:
Special literature in English for acquirement of vocabulary and
communication in speciality.
To improve special vocabulary and communication in English.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
By individual choice according to the theme of Bachelor Paper.
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory dictionaries of terms;
Study language
Reading of independently selected texts in English according
to theme of Bachelor Paper, preparation for discussion and
seminar according to content of study course.
Knowledge in sport vocabulary is assessed with tests; public
presentations and skills of individual work: with presentations;
attitude and team work skills: by performing course tasks;
individual dynamics is determined by assessing development
of knowledge, skills and abilities during the course.
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Lect. I.Smukā, prof. D.Krauksta, lect. I.Liepiľa
Course tasks:
To acquire:
Planned results of
Course content:
To acquire planning and organization of camps, content formation and realization
- theoretical and legal provisions for camp organization;
- planning process of camp, provision of resources;
- elaboration of camp content according to definite aim;
- specificity of session and training organization in children and youth camps.
- knows theoretical aspects of camp organization;
- is able to observe normative acts related to camp organization;
- is able to plan required resources for camp organization;
- is able to plan content of camp according to definite aim;
- knows specificity of session and training organization in children and youth camp;
- can plan sessions according to the aim of camp.
6) Management process in organization of camps.
7) Legislation.
8) Planning of staff, finances, materials, technical and information resources.
9) Content elaboration according to definite aims.
Planning and organization of sessions and trainings.
3. Brūders A. Nometľu mācība. Metodiskais izdales un darba materiāls LSPA 2.un 3.kursa
studentiem.-LSPA-Rīga, [b.i.], 2000.-71 lpp.
4. Nometľu vadītāja rokasgrāmata. Metodiskais materiāls.-Rīga: IZM, VJIC, LNA, 2009176 lpp.
3. I.Liepiľa., I.Smukā „Metodiskie ieteikumi aktīvās atpūtas un fizisko aktivitāšu
pasākumiem lokālās administratīvās teritorijās (pašvaldībās). SVA, LR Izglītības
ministrija, 2008.g.
Comprehensive study courses, theoretical basic courses of the field
1. Kornels Dţ. Spēles dabā.- Rīga: Bērnu vides skola, 1994.
2. Praude V.,Beļčikovs J. Menedţments.- Rīga: Vaidelote, 2001
3. Projekta menedţments.-Rīga: Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2006
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
3. Internet site:, and other related Internet sites.
4. Magazines and other kinds of publications on basics of camp teaching
Students will independently acquire content envisaged in study course in
addition to content, explained in contact lectures.
criteria of study
Active involvement; attitude towards study course; execution of tests and
home works; practical activities in elaboration of camp project and in work
of camp
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Course tasks:
results of
literature :
sources of
and tasks of
criteria of
study results:
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP /1.5 ECTS
Mg.mag., guest assistant M.Jakovļeva
preliminary knowledge: Introduction in ethics; Basics of professional
ethics; Management basics; Communication psychology
to deepen ethical competence of prospective specialists by giving
knowledge in business etiquette
to acquire basic principles of business cooperation, forms and methods of
formal and informal communication.
skills and abilities to use practically obtained knowledge of business
etiquette and culture of behaviour for achievement of common aim;
ability to solve business cooperation issues independently and in team, to
organize business contacts and realize communicative processes.
1. Business etiquette as component of business culture.
2. Etiquette of interrelationships between manager and employees.
3. Appearance of business person.
4. Characterization of business etiquette types. Language culture and
service calls. Greetings and acquaintance. Telecommunication culture.
Business cards. Business protocol, presentations, receptions.
1.Dubkēvičs L., Ķestere I. Saskarsme. Lietišķā etiķete. – R.: Jumava,
2.Kincāns V. Etiķete sadzīvē, lietišķajos kontaktos, starptautiskajās
attiecībās. – R.:SIA Biznesa partneri, 2000.
3.Kincāns V. Lietišķā etiķete un protokols. – R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1997.
4.Kuzľecova A. Lietišķas sadarbības etiķete. – R.: LSPA, 2000.
5.Latiševs U. Lietišķas sarunas un lietišķie kontakti.- R., 1995.
6.Toisena Ģ. Kā jāuzvedas darba vietā. – R.: Iļjus, 1996.
7.Pincus M. Everyday Business Etiquette. – Barron's, 1996
Elaboration of report on freely selected theme of study course,
preparation for differential test.
Requirements for obtaining 1 credit point: 30 % assessment of semester
work: Active involvement of lectures, independent studies of intended
literature and elaboration of report;
35% active participation in contact lessons;
35% differential test.
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1 CP/ 1.5 ECTS
Associate professor A.Pimenovs, lecturer N. Peļnika, prof. L.Čupriks, lect.
U.Ciematnieks, assist. M.Lesčinskis, assist. S.Saulīte
Personal condition according to LSPA requirements.
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Course tasks:
To create notion on basics of self-defence, didactics of self-defence and to be able
to use them in professional activities.
Course task is to teach defence and counter hold technique mentioned in
programme, to form and strengthen skills to execute these techniques towards
attack with hits, with hands and legs, locks, throws, painful holds, choking,
counter-attack with bladed weapons.
Planned results of
It will be created the skill to execute basic exercises of self-defence and to select
their usage in appropriate situations.
Course content:
Acquirement of self-defence elements and technique. Acquisition and application
of various techniques, classes’ combination towards various kinds of attack.
3. M. Arājs. Aizstāvaties bez ieročiem. Rīga: Grāmatu zieds, 1973. – 120 lpp.
4. V. Kolosovs. Pašaizsardzības paľēmieni. Rīga, mācību grāmata, 1994. – 64
4. A. Pimenovs. Sporta cīľu veidi. Rīga: LSPA, 1998. – 41 lpp.
5. A. Liepiľš. Boksa tehnikas pamati. Rīga: LVFKI, 1975. – 55 lpp.
6. А. Тарас. Искусство рукопашного боя. Минск, 1991. – 112 с.
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
Sport magazines and other kinds of publications.
Independent studies of theoretical part of the course and preparation for study
practice .
criteria of study
1. Demonstration of self-defence technique in fight in standing position and lying
position (exam).
2. Active involvement
3. Report writing
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Sport dance
Course type:
Course level :
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
1.5 CP/ 2.25 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Lect. L. Freimane
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Level of compulsory educational standard “Sports”
To create notion on sport dances and their classification
1. To introduce history of sport dances, terminology, classification
and culture of behaviour in dance square;
2. To analyze dance technique for ST (W,V,F,T), LA (Ch,J),
Polonaise and Salsa dances;
3. To create knowledge on formation of ST, LA, Polonaise and Salsa
basic steps and combinations
1. Knows history of sport dances, terminology, classification;
2. Knows ST, LA, Polonaise and Salsa dances and their technique;
3. Is able to perform accurately basic steps and combinations of
Sport dances, Polonaise and Salsa
Ģ. Krombholca, A. Hāze-Tirka „Standartdejas”, Rīga: Madris
„Ballroom dancing”, A. Moore, London: A&C Black, 2002
„Technique of Latin dancing”, W. Laird, England, 1998
Other available
sources of
Reference literature, periodicals, Internet resources
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
1. To improve knowledge independently in sport dances, Salsa and
2. Report – history of sport dances, culture of behaviour in dance
square, Polonaise, Salsa
Assessment criteria
Assessment in 10 grade scale
of study results:
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
PBNT 223
Theoretical basic course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
commencing acquisition
of study course:
Course aim:
0.5/ 0.75 ECTS
lecturer Antra GULBE
History of sport; Geography; History of culture, Theory of education; School sport; Psychology of
Course tasks:
To acquire the following knowledge, skills, to teach how to interpret them:
- formation, development, problems of Olympic movement, its historical representatives in Latvia
and in the world;
- beginning of LOC, meaning of renascence;
- Latvian medallists of Olympic games;
- organization of Olympic games;
- Olympic education in the world.
- knowledge on Olympic education, connection with other knowledge by enhancing professional
- competence to perform research and educational activities
- competences to apply knowledge and skills in framework of sport activities and pedagogical
- Renovation of modern Olympic movement;
- Olympic Charter;
- Characterization of modern Olympic games, the most prominent personalities;
- History of Olympic movement in Latvia;
- Latvian medallists of Olympic games;
- Organization, commercialization, advertisement of Olympic games;
- Olympic education in the world;
- Olympic Day.
1. Jansone R., Gulbe A. Materiāli par sporta vēsturi un olimpisko izglītību. Rīga: Latvijas Sporta
pedagoģijas akadēmija, 2006.
2. Latvijas olimpiskā vēsture : no Stokholmas līdz Soltleiksitijai. Rīga : Latvijas Olimpiskā komiteja,
3. Erta A. Olimpiskā ABC: olimpiskās izglītības rokasgrāmata. Rīga : Latvijas Olimpiskā komiteja,
4. Muller N. Pierre de Coubertin. Olympism. Selected writings. Lausanne IOC, 2000.
5. Olimpiskā ābece: olimpiskās izglītības rokasgrāmata. Rīga : Latvijas Olimpiskā komiteja, 2008.
6. Olympic Charter. Lausanne: International Olympic committee, 1997.
3. Dţifords K. Olimpiskās spēles. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC,2004.
4. Hūnolds T. Olimpiskās spēles : visas spēles no senākajiem laikiem līdz mūsdienām : uzvaras,
traģēdijas, rekordi. Rīga : Jumava, 2007.
5. Lāms O. Olimpiskās tradīcijas. Kultūrvēsturiskā dimensija.LU. Klasiskās filoloģijas katedra.
Hellēnistikas centrs .Rīga, 2004.
6. Oksleids K. Olimpiskās spēles Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC,2000.
7. Olimpiskā kustība: Olimpiskās izglītības rokasgrāmata. Palīgs studējošai jaunatnei un skolotājiem
- Rīga: Latvijas Olimpiskā komiteja, 2004
8. Исаев А. Олимпийская педагогика: опыт моделирования психолого-педагогических
технологий детско-юношеского спорта .Москва : Физкультура и спорт,1998.
9. Олимпийский учебник студента: учебное пособие для системы олимпийского образования
в выших учебных заведениях.Москва: Советский спорт,2007.
10. Платонов В.Н., Гуськов С.И. Олимпийский спорт.- Киев.: Олимпийская литература, 1997
Planned results of
Course content:
Compulsory literature:
Additional literature:
Other available sources of
Organization and tasks of
students’ independent
- to enhance acquirement of students’ cognitive methods;
- to acquire principle of ”fair game” as basic requirement of sport ethics;
- to develop skills and abilities in field of professional activity assessment;
- to enhance development of students’ thirst for knowledge;
- to form experience of creative activity;
- to enhance formation of teachers competence skills;
- to enhance development of students’ independence in task solution with research character.,,,
Independent works “Olympic Day in school”, “Olympic education in the world (country by
choice)”,”Latvia in Olympic movement”.
Assessment criteria of
study results:
Systematic work in lectures and seminars, development of independent tasks
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Special sport terminology (German)
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Doc. Malahova L., Doc. Stirna N.
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
Knowledge, skills and abilities of German according to Secondary education
standard and acquired course of special terminology.
Course tasks:
To give opportunity to acquire special sport terminology in German. On the
base of professional vocabulary and grammar structures used in German to
form skills of presentation and ability to work with special literature, and
develop cross-cultural and communicative competences.
Knowledge of special sport terminology, professional vocabulary and
grammar structures in German; ability to make public presentations and
debate, to work independently with special literature in German; developed
cross-cultural and communicative competence.
Planned results of
Course content:
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Study language
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP /1.5 ECTS
To acquire and improve special sport terminology in German.
Acquirement of special sport terminology in German for communication in
1. Stirna N. Deutsch für Sportstudenten, Teil 1., Rīga, 1997.
2. Malahova L. Muster des Geschäftsschreibens in Deutsch Rīga, 2001.
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory dictionaries of terms.
Reading of independently selected text in German according to speciality,
preparation for test, seminar and discussion according to content of study
Knowledge in sport vocabulary is assessed with tests; public presentations
and skills of individual work: with presentations; attitude and team work
skills: by performing course tasks; individual dynamics is determined by
assessing development of knowledge, skills and abilities during the
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
S Special sport terminology (English)
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
1 / 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Doc. Berga I., Doc. I.Boge , Lect. Rudzinska I.
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Knowledge, skills and abilities of English according to Secondary education
standard and acquired course of special terminology.
Course tasks:
To give opportunity to acquire special sport terminology in English. On the
base of professional vocabulary and grammar structures used in German to
form skills of presentation and ability to work with special literature, and
develop cross-cultural and communicative competences.
Planned results of
Knowledge of special sport terminology, professional vocabulary and
grammar structures in English; ability to make public presentations and
debate, to work independently with special literature in English; developed
cross-cultural and communicative competence.
Course content:
To acquire and improve special sport terminology in English.
Acquirement of special sport terminology in English for communication in
1.Trullis G., Trappe T. New Insights into Business, Longman, 2000.
.2.Trullis G., Trappe T. Intelligent Business, Longman, 2005.
3. Clare A., Wilson J.J. Language to Go, Longman, 2002.
4. Periodicals on sport.
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory dictionaries of terms; Internet:
Other available
sources of
Organization and Reading of independently selected text in English according to speciality,
tasks of students’ preparation for test, seminar and discussion according to content of study
Knowledge in sport vocabulary is assessed with tests; public presentations
and skills of individual work: with presentations; attitude and team work
criteria of study
skills: by performing course tasks; individual dynamics is determined by
assessing development of knowledge, skills and abilities during the course.
Study language
Course title:
Self-defence and didactics
Course code:
Course type:
Professional specialization course of the field
Course level:
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
doc. A.Pimenovs, lect. N. Peļnika
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Personal condition according to LSPA requirements.
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
To create notion on basics of self-defence, didactics of self-defence and to be able to
use them in professional activities.
Course task is to teach defence and counter hold technique mentioned in programme,
to form and strengthen skills to execute these techniques towards attack with hits, with
hands and legs, locks, throws, choking, counter-attack with bladed weapons.
It will be created the skill to execute basic exercises of self-defence and to select their
usage in appropriate situations.
Acquirement of self-defence elements and technique. Acquisition and application of
various techniques, classes’ combination towards various kinds of attack.
5. M. Arājs. Aizstāvaties bez ieročiem. Rīga: Grāmatu zieds, 1973. – 120 lpp.
6. V. Kolosovs. Pašaizsardzības paľēmieni. Rīga, mācību grāmata, 1994. – 64 lpp.
7. A. Pimenovs. Sporta cīľu veidi. Rīga: LSPA, 1998. – 41 lpp.
8. A. Liepiľš. Boksa tehnikas pamati. Rīga: LVFKI, 1975. – 55 lpp.
9. А. Тарас. Искусство рукопашного боя. Минск, 1991. – 112 с.
Other available
sources of
7. Internet
8. Sport magazines and other kinds of publications.
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Independent studies of theoretical part of the course and preparation for study practice.
criteria of study
1. Demonstration of self-defence technique in fight in standing position and lying
position (exam).
2. Active involvement
3. Report writing
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Athletic training
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP/1.5 ECTS
prof. L.Čupriks, lect. U.Ciematnieks, assist. M.Lesčinskis
Course aim:
Improvement of students’ theoretical preparedness in profession of Sport teacher by use of
athletic training tools and methods.
Course tasks:
1) To give deepened insight on measures of athletic training in physical preparedness of other
kinds of sports; 2) To ensure varied acquirement of athletic training exercises; 3) To give
knowledge for students on specificity of physical quality development measures and methods
of various kinds of sports; 4) To explain and practically apply sensitive periodization for
various aged children with measures of athletic training; 5) To justify and practically apply
improvement and strengthening of general physical condition with measures of athletic
training; 6) To explain dynamical anatomy of athletic training measures.
1) Uses measures of athletic training in physical preparedness of other kinds of sports; 2)
Knows and practically uses large range of physical exercises; 3) Is competent in wide
specifics of methods for physical quality development and technical tools; 4) Uses sensitive
periods in organization of sport activities for children and adolescents; 5) Student is able to
adapt individually various measures of athletic training in improvement and strengthening of
general physical preparedness; 6) Student understands dynamical anatomy of athletic training
Planned results of
Course content:
Compulsory literature:
Additional literature:
Terminology, characterization of kinds of strength sport, history. Exercises with personal
bodily weight, with free counterbalance, stretching exercises, exercises in training apparatus,
body exercises. Self-control in athletic training sessions, development of strength qualities,
testing, planning, and formation of exercise sets.
1. Čupriks L., Knipše G. Atlētiskā sagatavošana. Metodiskais līdzeklis LSPA studentiem.
– Rīga, LSPA, 2003.
2. Čupriks L., Sporta ierīču klasifikācija un struktūra sastādot vingrinājumu kopumus.
Lekcija. Rīga, LSPA, 2001.
3. Trenera Rokasgrāmata 2 daļa. Latvijas Sporta federāciju padome. Latvijas Treneru
tālākizglītības centrs, Rīga, 2003. gads.
4. Vološins V., Krauksts V., Čupriks L. Spēka attīstīšanas netradicionālie vingrinājumi.
Mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. Rīga, LSPA 1994.
5. Vološins V., Upmalis J., Cepelis I. Smagatlētikas sporta termini. Rīga, 1992.
Čupriks L., Pimenovs A. Lokanības attīstīšanas vingrojumi smagatlētikas, cīľas
sporta veidos. LSPA. Lekcija. Rīga, 2000.
Krauksts V. Biomotoro spēju treniľu teorija. Rīga, LSPA, 2003.
Lesčinskis M., Ciematnieks U., Čupriks L. Raksturīgākās kļūdas, izpildot sacensību
vingrinājumus svarbumbu celšanas sportā. Rīga, LSPA, 2009. Lekciju materiāli.
Lesčinskis M., Čupriks L., Belkovskis G. Noteikumi svarbumbu celšanas sportā.
Rīga, LSPA, 2009. Lekciju materiāli.
Vološins V., Lāriľš V. Atlētiskā vingrošana nepareizas stājas labošanā un profilaksē.
LSPA, Rīga, 1997.
Other available sources
of information:
Organization and tasks
of students’
independent work:
Internet resources
Assessment criteria of
study results:
Study language:
Tests, Active involvement of classes
Development of physical qualities individually and in groups by coordinating individual
Course title:
Course code:
Sport dance
Course type:
Course level :
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
1.5 CP/ 2.25 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Lect. L. Freimane
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Level of compulsory educational standard “Sports”
To create notion on sport dances and their classification
1. To introduce history of sport dances, terminology, classification
and culture of behaviour in dance square;
2. To analyze dance technique for ST (W,V,F,T), LA (Ch,J),
Polonaise and Salsa dances;
3. To create knowledge on formation of ST, LA, Polonaise and Salsa
basic steps and combinations
1. Knows history of sport dances, terminology, classification;
2. Knows ST, LA, Polonaise and Salsa dances and their technique;
3. Is able to perform accurately basic steps and combinations of
Sport dances, Polonaise and Salsa
Ģ. Krombholca, A. Hāze-Tirka „Standartdejas”, Rīga: Madris
„Ballroom dancing”, A. Moore, London: A&C Black, 2002
„Technique of Latin dancing”, W. Laird, England, 1998
Other available
sources of
Reference literature, periodicals, Internet resources
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
1. To improve knowledge independently in sport dances, Salsa and
2. Report – history of sport dances, culture of behaviour in dance
square, Polonaise, Salsa
Assessment criteria
Assessment in 10 grade scale
of study results:
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Professional specialization course of the field.
Course level:
Professional Bachelor in Sports.
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Aim of the course:
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
assoc. prof. I.Ķīsis.
Knowledge in study courses: Anatomy. Sport physiology. Theory of sports
training. Basics and didactics of hockey. Technical and tactical preparation of
hockey players.
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Other available
sources of
Tasks of students’
independent work :
To create preconditions for skills and knowledge of teaching basic hockey
To obtain knowledge in teaching technology of hockey basic techniques
envisaged in standard.
Obtain knowledge on didactic principles, measures and methods of teaching
basic methods of hockey.
To give knowledge on regularities of training process of this kind of sport.
Ability to plan and manage technical preparation training sessions of various
Knowledge and ability to realize technical preparation process with special
exercises what prepares for hockey;
Ability to manage technical preparation process for hockey players of various
age, sex, range and qualification.
Lectures, practically methodical classes, seminars and independent work for
development of physical qualities of hockey players and functional
1. Hokeja spēles noteikumi. Rīga. Starptautiskā hokeja federācija, 2002. – 49
2. Sporta spēles skolā. J. Kupča red. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991 . - 82.-102. lpp.
3. Kupčs J., Balderis H. Hokejs. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1988.g. -214 lpp.
1. Ķīsis I. Sporta teorija 1.daļa. Mācību līdzeklis, Rīga: LSPA, 2002. 67. lpp.
2.Sporta spēles sākumskolā. (1.-4.kl). Autoru kolektīvs. Rīga. LSPA. 67 lpp.
Internet sources, scientific publications, Promotion and Master Papers.
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Searching and studying of literature etc. Control, assessment of preparedness
of various orientations. To understand importance of these activities and
application of obtained results.
Each separate exercise, presentation in seminar, Active involvement of classes
is assessed in 10 grade scale, and it is calculated mean assessment.
Study languages:
Latvian, Russian, English.
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
PBNT 223
Theoretical basic course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
commencing acquisition
of study course:
Course aim:
0.5/ 0.75 ECTS
lecturer Antra GULBE
History of sport; Geography; History of culture, Theory of education; School sport; Psychology of
Course tasks:
To acquire the following knowledge, skills, to teach how to interpret them:
- formation, development, problems of Olympic movement, its historical representatives in Latvia
and in the world;
- beginning of LOC, meaning of renascence;
- Latvian medallists of Olympic games;
- organization of Olympic games;
- Olympic education in the world.
- knowledge on Olympic education, connection with other knowledge by enhancing professional
- competence to perform research and educational activities
- competences to apply knowledge and skills in framework of sport activities and pedagogical
- Renovation of modern Olympic movement;
- Olympic Charter;
- Characterization of modern Olympic games, the most prominent personalities;
- History of Olympic movement in Latvia;
- Latvian medallists of Olympic games;
- Organization, commercialization, advertisement of Olympic games;
- Olympic education in the world;
- Olympic Day.
1. Jansone R., Gulbe A. Materiāli par sporta vēsturi un olimpisko izglītību. Rīga: Latvijas Sporta
pedagoģijas akadēmija, 2006.
2. Latvijas olimpiskā vēsture : no Stokholmas līdz Soltleiksitijai. Rīga : Latvijas Olimpiskā komiteja,
3. Erta A. Olimpiskā ABC: olimpiskās izglītības rokasgrāmata. Rīga : Latvijas Olimpiskā komiteja,
4. Muller N. Pierre de Coubertin. Olympism. Selected writings. Lausanne IOC, 2000.
5. Olimpiskā ābece: olimpiskās izglītības rokasgrāmata. Rīga : Latvijas Olimpiskā komiteja, 2008.
6. Olympic Charter. Lausanne: International Olympic committee, 1997.
11. Dţifords K. Olimpiskās spēles. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC,2004.
12. Hūnolds T. Olimpiskās spēles : visas spēles no senākajiem laikiem līdz mūsdienām : uzvaras,
traģēdijas, rekordi. Rīga : Jumava, 2007.
13. Lāms O. Olimpiskās tradīcijas. Kultūrvēsturiskā dimensija.LU. Klasiskās filoloģijas katedra.
Hellēnistikas centrs .Rīga, 2004.
14. Oksleids K. Olimpiskās spēles Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC,2000.
15. Olimpiskā kustība: Olimpiskās izglītības rokasgrāmata. Palīgs studējošai jaunatnei un skolotājiem
- Rīga: Latvijas Olimpiskā komiteja, 2004
16. Исаев А. Олимпийская педагогика: опыт моделирования психолого-педагогических
технологий детско-юношеского спорта .Москва : Физкультура и спорт,1998.
17. Олимпийский учебник студента: учебное пособие для системы олимпийского образования
в выших учебных заведениях.Москва: Советский спорт,2007.
18. Платонов В.Н., Гуськов С.И. Олимпийский спорт.- Киев.: Олимпийская литература, 1997
Planned results of
Course content:
Compulsory literature:
Additional literature:
Other available sources of
Organization and tasks of
students’ independent
- to enhance acquirement of students’ cognitive methods;
- to acquire principle of ”fair game” as basic requirement of sport ethics;
- to develop skills and abilities in field of professional activity assessment;
- to enhance development of students’ thirst for knowledge;
- to form experience of creative activity;
- to enhance formation of teachers competence skills;
- to enhance development of students’ independence in task solution with research character.,,,
Independent works “Olympic Day in school”, “Olympic education in the world (country by
choice)”,”Latvia in Olympic movement”.
Assessment criteria of
study results:
Systematic work in lectures and seminars, development of independent tasks
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Special sport terminology (German)
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Doc. Malahova L., Doc. Stirna N.
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
Knowledge, skills and abilities of German according to Secondary education
standard and acquired course of special terminology.
Course tasks:
To give opportunity to acquire special sport terminology in German. On the
base of professional vocabulary and grammar structures used in German to
form skills of presentation and ability to work with special literature, and
develop cross-cultural and communicative competences.
Knowledge of special sport terminology, professional vocabulary and
grammar structures in German; ability to make public presentations and
debate, to work independently with special literature in German; developed
cross-cultural and communicative competence.
Planned results of
Course content:
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Study language
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP /1.5 ECTS
To acquire and improve special sport terminology in German.
Acquirement of special sport terminology in German for communication in
4. Stirna N. Deutsch für Sportstudenten, Teil 1., Rīga, 1997.
5. Malahova L. Muster des Geschäftsschreibens in Deutsch Rīga, 2001.
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory dictionaries of terms.
Reading of independently selected text in German according to speciality,
preparation for test, seminar and discussion according to content of study
Knowledge in sport vocabulary is assessed with tests; public presentations
and skills of individual work: with presentations; attitude and team work
skills: by performing course tasks; individual dynamics is determined by
assessing development of knowledge, skills and abilities during the
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
S Special sport terminology (English)
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
1 / 1.5 ECTS
Teaching staff:
Doc. Berga I., Doc. I.Boge , Lect. Rudzinska I.
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Knowledge, skills and abilities of English according to Secondary education
standard and acquired course of special terminology.
Course tasks:
To give opportunity to acquire special sport terminology in English. On the
base of professional vocabulary and grammar structures used in German to
form skills of presentation and ability to work with special literature, and
develop cross-cultural and communicative competences.
Planned results of
Knowledge of special sport terminology, professional vocabulary and
grammar structures in English; ability to make public presentations and
debate, to work independently with special literature in English; developed
cross-cultural and communicative competence.
Course content:
To acquire and improve special sport terminology in English.
Acquirement of special sport terminology in English for communication in
1.Trullis G., Trappe T. New Insights into Business, Longman, 2000.
.2.Trullis G., Trappe T. Intelligent Business, Longman, 2005.
3. Clare A., Wilson J.J. Language to Go, Longman, 2002.
4. Periodicals on sport.
Dictionaries of sport terms, explanatory dictionaries of terms; Internet:
Other available
sources of
Organization and Reading of independently selected text in English according to speciality,
tasks of students’ preparation for test, seminar and discussion according to content of study
Knowledge in sport vocabulary is assessed with tests; public presentations
and skills of individual work: with presentations; attitude and team work
criteria of study
skills: by performing course tasks; individual dynamics is determined by
assessing development of knowledge, skills and abilities during the course.
Study language
Course title:
Self-defence and didactics
Course code:
Course type:
Professional specialization course of the field
Course level:
Professional Bachelor in Sports
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
doc. A.Pimenovs, lect. N. Peļnika
Requirements for
acquisition of
study course:
Course aim:
Personal condition according to LSPA requirements.
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
To create notion on basics of self-defence, didactics of self-defence and to be able to
use them in professional activities.
Course task is to teach defence and counter hold technique mentioned in programme,
to form and strengthen skills to execute these techniques towards attack with hits, with
hands and legs, locks, throws, choking, counter-attack with bladed weapons.
It will be created the skill to execute basic exercises of self-defence and to select their
usage in appropriate situations.
Acquirement of self-defence elements and technique. Acquisition and application of
various techniques, classes’ combination towards various kinds of attack.
7. M. Arājs. Aizstāvaties bez ieročiem. Rīga: Grāmatu zieds, 1973. – 120 lpp.
8. V. Kolosovs. Pašaizsardzības paľēmieni. Rīga, mācību grāmata, 1994. – 64 lpp.
10. A. Pimenovs. Sporta cīľu veidi. Rīga: LSPA, 1998. – 41 lpp.
11. A. Liepiľš. Boksa tehnikas pamati. Rīga: LVFKI, 1975. – 55 lpp.
12. А. Тарас. Искусство рукопашного боя. Минск, 1991. – 112 с.
Other available
sources of
9. Internet
10. Sport magazines and other kinds of publications.
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Independent studies of theoretical part of the course and preparation for study practice.
criteria of study
1. Demonstration of self-defence technique in fight in standing position and lying
position (exam).
2. Active involvement
3. Report writing
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Athletic training
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Professional specialization course of the field
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1CP/1.5 ECTS
prof. L.Čupriks, lect. U.Ciematnieks, assist. M.Lesčinskis
Course aim:
Improvement of students’ theoretical preparedness in profession of Sport teacher by use of
athletic training tools and methods.
Course tasks:
1) To give deepened insight on measures of athletic training in physical preparedness of other
kinds of sports; 2) To ensure varied acquirement of athletic training exercises; 3) To give
knowledge for students on specificity of physical quality development measures and methods
of various kinds of sports; 4) To explain and practically apply sensitive periodization for
various aged children with measures of athletic training; 5) To justify and practically apply
improvement and strengthening of general physical condition with measures of athletic
training; 6) To explain dynamical anatomy of athletic training measures.
1) Uses measures of athletic training in physical preparedness of other kinds of sports; 2)
Knows and practically uses large range of physical exercises; 3) Is competent in wide
specifics of methods for physical quality development and technical tools; 4) Uses sensitive
periods in organization of sport activities for children and adolescents; 5) Student is able to
adapt individually various measures of athletic training in improvement and strengthening of
general physical preparedness; 6) Student understands dynamical anatomy of athletic training
Planned results of
Course content:
Compulsory literature:
Additional literature:
Terminology, characterization of kinds of strength sport, history. Exercises with personal
bodily weight, with free counterbalance, stretching exercises, exercises in training apparatus,
body exercises. Self-control in athletic training sessions, development of strength qualities,
testing, planning, and formation of exercise sets.
6. Čupriks L., Knipše G. Atlētiskā sagatavošana. Metodiskais līdzeklis LSPA studentiem.
– Rīga, LSPA, 2003.
7. Čupriks L., Sporta ierīču klasifikācija un struktūra sastādot vingrinājumu kopumus.
Lekcija. Rīga, LSPA, 2001.
8. Trenera Rokasgrāmata 2 daļa. Latvijas Sporta federāciju padome. Latvijas Treneru
tālākizglītības centrs, Rīga, 2003. gads.
9. Vološins V., Krauksts V., Čupriks L. Spēka attīstīšanas netradicionālie vingrinājumi.
Mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. Rīga, LSPA 1994.
10. Vološins V., Upmalis J., Cepelis I. Smagatlētikas sporta termini. Rīga, 1992.
Čupriks L., Pimenovs A. Lokanības attīstīšanas vingrojumi smagatlētikas, cīľas
sporta veidos. LSPA. Lekcija. Rīga, 2000.
7. Krauksts V. Biomotoro spēju treniľu teorija. Rīga, LSPA, 2003.
8. Lesčinskis M., Ciematnieks U., Čupriks L. Raksturīgākās kļūdas, izpildot sacensību
vingrinājumus svarbumbu celšanas sportā. Rīga, LSPA, 2009. Lekciju materiāli.
9. Lesčinskis M., Čupriks L., Belkovskis G. Noteikumi svarbumbu celšanas sportā.
Rīga, LSPA, 2009. Lekciju materiāli.
10. Vološins V., Lāriľš V. Atlētiskā vingrošana nepareizas stājas labošanā un profilaksē.
LSPA, Rīga, 1997.
Other available sources
of information:
Organization and tasks
of students’
independent work:
Internet resources
Assessment criteria of
study results:
Study language:
Tests, Active involvement of classes
Development of physical qualities individually and in groups by coordinating individual
Course title:
Course code:
Course title:
Basics of physiotherapy
Course code:
Course type:
Professional specialization course of the field.
Course level:
Professional Bachelor in Sports.
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Aim of the course:
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
assoc. prof. I.Ķīsis.
Knowledge in study courses: Anatomy. Sport physiology. Theory of sports
training. Basics and didactics of hockey. Technical and tactical preparation of
hockey players.
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Other available
sources of
Tasks of students’
independent work :
To create preconditions for skills and knowledge of teaching basic hockey
To obtain knowledge in teaching technology of hockey basic techniques
envisaged in standard.
Obtain knowledge on didactic principles, measures and methods of teaching
basic methods of hockey.
To give knowledge on regularities of training process of this kind of sport.
Ability to plan and manage technical preparation training sessions of various
Knowledge and ability to realize technical preparation process with special
exercises what prepares for hockey;
Ability to manage technical preparation process for hockey players of various
age, sex, range and qualification.
Lectures, practically methodical classes, seminars and independent work for
development of physical qualities of hockey players and functional
1. Hokeja spēles noteikumi. Rīga. Starptautiskā hokeja federācija, 2002. – 49
2. Sporta spēles skolā. J. Kupča red. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991 . - 82.-102. lpp.
3. Kupčs J., Balderis H. Hokejs. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1988.g. -214 lpp.
1. Ķīsis I. Sporta teorija 1.daļa. Mācību līdzeklis, Rīga: LSPA, 2002. 67. lpp.
2.Sporta spēles sākumskolā. (1.-4.kl). Autoru kolektīvs. Rīga. LSPA. 67 lpp.
Internet sources, scientific publications, Promotion and Master Papers.
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Searching and studying of literature etc. Control, assessment of preparedness
of various orientations. To understand importance of these activities and
application of obtained results.
Each separate exercise, presentation in seminar, Active involvement of classes
is assessed in 10 grade scale, and it is calculated mean assessment.
Study languages:
Latvian, Russian, English.
Course type:
The course of free choice
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Professional Bachelor in Sports
3rd, 4th
2.0 CP/ 3.0 ECTS
Doc. Lešenkovs E., Assoc. prof. Paeglītis A., Assoc. prof. Kļaviľa A., lector
A.Stafecka, Lect. Čivčs A., lector Pozemkovska M.
Knowledge in biology, natural sciences, anatomy in the level of secondary school
Requirements for
acquisition of study
Course aim:
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Compulsory literature:
Other available
sources of information:
Organization and tasks
of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria of
study results:
To give required knowledge and understanding on history of physiotherapy
development in Latvia and in the world, the main directions and tasks of its activity,
documentation, the place of physiotherapists in health care system, their related legal
norms and normative acts, to ensure base of knowledge what is required for
acquirement of other study courses of medically biological cycle, to acquire
knowledge in basic principles of treatment process, the course aim of History of
medicine is to enlarge general view by promoting scientific thinking; to relate
development of medicine with development of science in other fields. History of
medicine does not reflect only the pages of humanity history, but also heritage of
national culture and history of the nation.
To introduce history of physiotherapy in Latvia and in the world; to acquire aims and
tasks of physiotherapy; to introduce organization of physiotherapy studies in Latvia
and in the world; to introduce the required documentation of work, legal and
normative acts in physiotherapist’s practice, student knows, understands and is able
to use medical terminology in speaking and writing, to give for students knowledge
on organizational principles of health care and services of medical rehabilitation; to
become acquainted with evolution of medicine in the world and in Latvia; to acquire
the skill to investigate history sources what reflect human’s activity in field of
medicine, to summarize facts on discoveries, events, processes in medicine (also in
physiotherapy) , to systematize them and to make theoretical generalizations
- Knowledge – in result of study subject acquisition students gain theoretical
knowledge for further studies of physiotherapy.
- Competence – according to professional standard of physiotherapist.
Study courses: Medical terminology, Basics of Health care organization, History of
History of physiotherapy; Physiotherapy in Latvia; Physiotherapy studies in LSPA;
Opportunities of physiotherapist’s work in Latvia and in the world; Documentation
of work of physiotherapy; Rights of physiotherapists, their duties and responsibility;
Arrangement of physiotherapist’s work place; Connection of physiotherapists’
practices with related institutions.
1. Ārstniecības likums, 2. Saistošie MK noteikumi, 3. Latvijas fizioterapeitu
asociācijas statūti, 4. Latvijas fizioterapeitu sertifikācijas un resertifikācijas nolikums,
5. Eiropas un Pasaules fizioterapeitu asociācijas nolikumi.1.Gorodkova J. Latīľu
valoda. Rīga ,,Zvaigzne” 1988,204 lpp.; 2.Stafecka A. Palīgs medicīniskās
terminoloģijas apguvē. 2008, 22.lpp.; 3.Viľķele R. Medicīnas svešvārdu vārdnīca.
Rīga Avots 2007, 959.lpp.
6., 7., 8.
During review lectures of study course students get introduction and acquire themes
of study subject. Within framework of independent work students receive individual
themes on which they have to write report using literature sources, they have to
defend it during seminars, answering on the questions of teacher and colleagues in
framework of defendable report.
Students’ knowledge, skills, competence is assessed by: student’s attitude towards
study course, active participation in classes, and elaboration of report.
Study language:
Title of the
Code of the
Type of the
Level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements to
start the course:
Aim of the course:
Tasks of the
Planned results
of the study
Content of the
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year IV
Semester 7
1CP/ 1.5 ECTS A. Tambovcevs
Acquired study course: Management theory
To provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills in
projecting enterprise informative system (EIS), in developing
real business data bases to solve solve the process of an
enterprise management or service providing with different
strategic approaches working out the EIS, in attracting
financing sources, as well as motivation of the possible actions
of the enterprise owners and management.
- To acquire theoretical ideas of information systems.
- To prepare students to state an enterprise information flows,
their amount and the ways of procession;
- To provide knowledge about kinds of EIS and organisation
principles, substantiation of IS necessity;
- To acquire the policy of information system safety, as well as
- To provide knowledge about the Internet and the kinds of ecommerce, as well as their role in work of EIS.
- Students know theories of information systems.
- Students can characterize an enterprise information flows,
their amount and the ways of procession.
- Students know the kinds of EIS and their organisation
- Students know the EIS safety policy, as well as risks.
- Students know the role of the Internet and the kinds of ecommerce in work of information systems.
-Qualities of information systems and their role
- Information system environment (strategy and organisation of
information systems, identification procedures of IS, obtaining
process, requirements of safety and confidentiality, work and
control of systems);
- System development (system analysis, development technics,
structure, confidentiality and activity;
- System realization, management and development (project
management, system realization, system maintenance and
Other sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
Criteria of
assessing the
results of the
Study language:
Title of the course:
Code of the course:
Type of the course:
Level of the
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements to
start the course:
Aim of the course:
-the Internet and e-commerce.
1. Robina P. Informācijas menedţments. – R.: Jumava. 2006.256 lpp.
2. Jessup L., Valacich J. Information Systems Today: Why IS
Matters. 2 ed. Pearson Education, Inc. 2006.
3. Информационные системы и технологии в экономике и
управлении / Под редакцией В. В. Трофимова. М.:
Юрайт-Издат, 2009.- 528 стр.
4. Шуремов Е. Л., Чистов Д. В., Лямова Г. В.
Информационные системы управления предприятиями.M.: : Бухгалтерский учет, 2006.- 112 стр.
5. Digital Security. Руководство по практическому
применению международного стандарта безопасности
информационных систем ISO 17799.- Digital Security,
1. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon. Management
Information Systems. Sixth Edition. Organization and
Technology in the Networked Enterprise.- N.J.: Prentice
Hall, 2000.
2. Юркевич Е.В. Введение в теорию информационных
систем.- М.: ИД Технологии, 2004.-164.с.
Work with IT regulating normative acts.
Internet recourses. Periodicals.
Students have to do a study about definite informative system in a definite
Knowledge, skills, competence, attitude.
Professional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
Year IV
Semester 7
1CP/ 1.5 ECTS A. Tambovcevs
Acquired study course: Management theory
To provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills in projecting
enterprise informative system (EIS), in developing real business data
bases to solve solve the process of an enterprise management or service
providing with different strategic approaches working out the EIS, in
attracting financing sources, as well as motivation of the possible actions
of the enterprise owners and management.
Tasks of the
Planned results of
the study course:
Content of the
Other sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Criteria of
assessing the
results of the
- To acquire theoretical ideas of information systems.
- To prepare students to state an enterprise information flows, their
amount and the ways of procession;
- To provide knowledge about kinds of EIS and organisation principles,
substantiation of IS necessity;
- To acquire the policy of information system safety, as well as risks;
- To provide knowledge about the Internet and the kinds of e-commerce,
as well as their role in work of EIS.
- Students know theories of information systems.
- Students can characterize an enterprise information flows, their amount
and the ways of procession.
- Students know the kinds of EIS and their organisation principles.
- Students know the EIS safety policy, as well as risks.
- Students know the role of the Internet and the kinds of e-commerce in
work of information systems.
-Qualities of information systems and their role
- Information system environment (strategy and organisation of
information systems, identification procedures of IS, obtaining process,
requirements of safety and confidentiality, work and control of systems);
- System development (system analysis, development technics, structure,
confidentiality and activity;
- System realization, management and development (project
management, system realization, system maintenance and development).
-the Internet and e-commerce.
6. Robina P. Informācijas menedţments. – R.: Jumava. 2006.- 256 lpp.
7. Jessup L., Valacich J. Information Systems Today: Why IS Matters. 2
ed. Pearson Education, Inc. 2006.
8. Информационные системы и технологии в экономике и
управлении / Под редакцией В. В. Трофимова. М.: Юрайт-Издат,
2009.- 528 стр.
9. Шуремов Е. Л., Чистов Д. В., Лямова Г. В. Информационные
системы управления предприятиями.- M.: : Бухгалтерский учет,
2006.- 112 стр.
Digital Security. Руководство по практическому применению
международного стандарта безопасности информационных
систем ISO 17799.- Digital Security, 2004.
3. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon. Management Information
Systems. Sixth Edition. Organization and Technology in the
Networked Enterprise.- N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000.
4. Юркевич Е.В. Введение в теорию информационных систем.- М.:
ИД Технологии, 2004.-164.с.
Work with IT regulating normative acts.
Internet recourses. Periodicals.
Students have to do a study about definite informative system in a definite field.
Knowledge, skills, competence, attitude.
Study language:
Course title:
Course code:
Course type:
Course level:
Study year:
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Athletic training
Course aim:
Athletic pedagogical preparation of students in athletic training: independent improvement of
pedagogically technical proficiency for students, improvement of knowledge and
understanding of healthy lifestyle with athletic training instruments.
1) To ensure for students opportunity to raise their special physical preparedness with athletic
training instruments; 2) To ensure varied acquirement of athletic training exercises; 3) To
give for students knowledge on principles of ergonomics of athletic training movements; 4)
To enhance development of physical skills with athletic training instruments; 5) Division of
athletic exercises and application for development of various groups of muscles, as well as
stabilizing function of back and posture development; 6) Improvement of general physical
preparedness and strengthening with athletic training instruments.
1) Knows and observes special safety technique in place of sessions in athletic trainings, as
well as provision of partner during execution of exercises; 2) Understands application options
of various athletic training instruments in promotion of healthy life style; 3) Knows
ergonomic aspects of selected athletic training instruments; 4) Is aware of various exercises
what stabilize back and posture, knows how to apply them by their meaning; 5) Knows and
performs basic exercises for each big group of muscles; 6) Is able to chose appropriate load,
intensity of exercises.
Terminology, characterization of kinds of strength sport, history. Exercises with personal
body weight, with free counterbalance, stretching exercises, exercises in training apparatus,
body exercises. Self-control in athletic training sessions, development of strength qualities,
testing, planning, and formation of exercise sets.
11. Čupriks L., Knipše G. Atlētiskā sagatavošana. Metodiskais līdzeklis LSPA
studentiem. – Rīga, LSPA, 2003.
12. Čupriks L., Sporta ierīču klasifikācija un struktūra sastādot vingrinājumu
kopumus. Lekcija. Rīga, LSPA, 2001.
13. Trenera Rokasgrāmata 2 daļa. Latvijas Sporta federāciju padome. Latvijas
Treneru tālākizglītības centrs, Rīga, 2003. gads.
14. Vološins V., Krauksts V., Čupriks L. Spēka attīstīšanas netradicionālie
vingrinājumi. Mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. Rīga, LSPA 1994.
15. Vološins V., Upmalis J., Cepelis I. Smagatlētikas sporta termini. Rīga,
Course tasks:
Planned results of
Course content:
Other available
sources of
Organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Assessment criteria
of study results:
Study language:
PBBIC 4007
The course of free choice
Professional Bachelor in Sports
1 CP/1.5 ECTS
Prof. L.Čupriks, lect. U.Ciematnieks, lect. M.Lesčinskis
11. Čupriks L., Pimenovs A. Lokanības attīstīšanas vingrojumi smagatlētikas, cīľas
sporta veidos. LSPA. Lekcija. Rīga, 2000.
12. Krauksts V. Biomotoro spēju treniľu teorija. Rīga, LSPA, 2003.
13. Lesčinskis M., Ciematnieks U., Čupriks L. Raksturīgākās kļūdas, izpildot sacensību
vingrinājumus svarbumbu celšanas sportā. Rīga, LSPA, 2009. Lekciju materiāli.
14. Lesčinskis M., Čupriks L., Belkovskis G. Noteikumi svarbumbu celšanas sportā.
Rīga, LSPA, 2009. Lekciju materiāli.
15. Vološins V., Lāriľš V. Atlētiskā vingrošana nepareizas stājas labošanā un profilaksē.
LSPA, Rīga, 1997.
Internet resources
Development of physical characteristics individually and in groups by coordinating
individual conditions.
Discussion, test of strength display forms
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for starting the
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the study
The content of the course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of information:
The organization and tasks of
students’ independent work:
The criteria of assesing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
General pedagogy
General study course
Professsional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
3 KP 4,5 ECTS
Mag. paed. doc.I.Immere
To know actual problems of history in the view of the century, psyhology and
philosophy basic knowledge.
To provide students’ pedagogical idea about modern
pedagogical theories, skills theoretically show and to use
practically in study andf upbringing methods at school and sport lessons.
To show pedagogical idea connected with modern requirements, science,
cultural tradition level. To provide knowledge about basic lines in 21 century
education. To provide theoretical links with modern school practice. To
acquire knowledge and skills in study and upbringing process organization, to
acquire knowledge and skills of pupils personality development,to provide
students independed work and its theoretical foundation necessary to learn the
course, to provide pedagogical previous knowledge which forms creative
work of sport teacher activity.
To use the basic pedagogical theories in school practice, to be able to divide
general knowledge in pedagogy in concrete history points to understand why
they appeared, knowledge about 21. century pedagogical models, personal
structures komponents contents, to choose realizē and analyze study and
upbringing tasks in study process and out of class time, skills to use acquired
theoretical knowledge in practice.
Educational and pedagogical idea in ancient times, middle ages, pedagogical
idea and education in the period till 20 century. The
Leading lines in the 21 century general pedagogical subject, categories.
Educational system’s characteristics. Didactics. Study process, principles,
methods, study organizational forms, study diference and individualazation .
The essence of education, structure, laws, trends, principles, methods, forms,
ralation as upbringing content, upbringing tasks. Different ways of leading the
Albrehta Dz.Didaktika.Rīga:RaKa,2001.,168 lpp.
Jurgena I. Vispārīgā pedagoģija. Rīga: SIA Izglītības soļi, 2001.,131 lpp
L..Ţukovs.Pedagoģija.Rīga:LSPA,1996., 147 lpp.
Ţukovs L. Pedagoģijas vēsture. Rīga:RaKa, 1999.,3o3 lpp.
Špona A.Audzināšanas process teorijā un praksē. Rīga:RaKa, 2006.,211 lpp. ;
Zelmenis V.Pedagoģijas pamati. Rīga: RaKa, 2000.,291 lpp.
Magazines, periodicals, electronical information sources;
Discussions, group work, cooperative methods, work out of projects.
Evaluation is acquired, summarizing the number of points for separate tasks
performance; oral report, two test works, year examination.
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for starting
the course:
The aim of the course:
Sport philosophy
PBNT 225
Theoretical basical course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sports science
1/ 1,5 ECTS
Professor, Dr. phil. Aino Kuznecova
The necessary before knowledge: philosophy, history of sports, kukturologija,
skill to work with philosophy, logics and etics categories.
To develop thinking culture of the future speciālist, to gain necessary
competence about men, society and objective evaluation and decision of sport
To learn to use scientific methods, to gain skills to interpret and analize
The task of the course:
independently problems of sport philosophy, abilities to connect sport
philosophy with the art of life and chosen profession; to acquire the history
sport philosophy idea and its development nowadays, to rouse and activize
skills to understand couses of sport philosophy questions appearance, decisive
methods, to form concrete understanding about sport philosophy’s main
problem – athlete as physical and intelectual unity, sporta s social study its
characteristics and results.
to gain competence:
- skills to formularize and analyze analittically sport philosophy basic
Planned results of the
principles and problems;
study course:
- abilities to connect sport philosophy and sport history as cultural kinds;
- abilities to analyze critically and creatively the connection of actual
sport philosophy with other sport sciences and comunicate about it;
- readiness to take part in discussions, abilities to analyze and decide
about manysidedness of education and sport connection in philosophy
1.The essence of the subject of philosophy, basic idejas and principles.
2.The essence of sport philosophy.
The content of the course: 3.The way of appearance and development of sport philosophy.
4.The main branches and problems of sport philosophy.
5.Social problems of nowadays sport philosophy.
6.Functions and practical meaning of sport philosophy.
1.Kuzľecova A. Filozofijas vēstures aktualitātes.1.,daļa, 2.daļa – R.: LSPA,
Obligatory literature:
2.Kuzľecova A. Filozofijas pamati.- R.: LSPA, 2010.
3.Kuzľecova A. Sporta filozofija. Mācību palīglīdzeklis (PWP versija) .- R.:
LSPA, 2010.
Additional literature:
4.Karin A.E.Vokwein (editor). Sport Philosophy. Sport Science. Review.
Volume 5, Number 2, 1966.
5.Philosophy of Sport –
Other sources of
6.Journal of Philosaphy of Sport .
Working out a report about free chosen sport philosophy problem, preparation
The organization and
for the test.
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing the The total evaluation is written in the credit test book 10 points scale, according
with the LASE documents. To get credit point , evaluation must be at least 4
results of the studies:
Requirements to get 1 credit point: 30% semester work: evaluation: to attend
lectures, to study literature in the course independently and work out a report;
35% active work in contact classes; 35% differenciated test.
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Athletics exercises for the beginners
PBBIC 4004
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
asoc. prof.Avotina, assist. prof. M.Gailis, lect. T.Lisicina, lect.
S.Skutane, assist. K.Kuplis
track and field athletics in the level of secondary school.
To create interest for athletics, its manysidedness. To give an
idea about athletics as sport event, to acquaint with athletics
kinds and possibilities of using track and field exercises in other
sports conditioning.
To introduce track and field exercises in running, jumping and
throwing. The use of exercises in other sport events.
Competence of runners, jumpers and throwers in special
Athletics exercises.
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000. 50
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika. Rīga: LSPA, 2003. 27.lpp.
In individual work student studies special literature, does home
tasks and trains to perform athletics exercises, perfecting his
movement abilities.
Practical and theoretical test, demonstration of learned exercises .
Sport pedagogical perfection – athletics
PBBIC 4003
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1.- 2.
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
2 KP/ 3 ECTS
asoc. prof.Avotina, assist. prof. M.Gailis, lect. T.Lisicina, lect.
S.Skutāne, asist. K.Kuplis
Before knowledge in athletics and previous training experence
are wanted.
To improve students physical conditioning, to perfect sport
achievements in the chosen athletics event, to acquire the
foundations of sport training theory.
To acquire chosen athletics events, training ways and methods.
Competence in the chosen athletics events teaching and training
Athletics exercises and training methods.
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa.Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000.50
2.studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.94 lpp.
3.studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.69.lpp.
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika Rīga: LSPA, 2003.27 lpp.
4.Trenera rokasgrāmata – I Rīga, - 2003.g. 304 lpp.
5.Trenera rokasgrāmata- II Rīga,- 2006.g. 312 lpp.
6. Bērnu un jauniešu trenera rokasgrāmata. Rīga, 2008.g.215.lpp.
To do notes in training work, their analysis and planing of
training work.To study special literature about chosen athletics
Participation in competitions, attending training classes, progress
in results, analisys of training diary, participation in organizing
competitions and judging, studying of special literature about
chosen and other athletics events.
Foundation of Professional intercourse I, II (English)
PBBIC 4002
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
1/ 1,5 ECTS – 1.sem.
1/ 1,5 ECTS - 2. sem.
Assist. prof. I.Berga, lect. I.Rudzinska, assist. prof. I.Boge
Knowledge, practice and skills in accordance with secondary
education standard.
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
To acquire and perfect, English for communication in speciality.
To acquire characteristic sport terminology and grammar
structures knowledge, practice to speak in public, ability to work
with special literature, to develop interculture and
communicative competence.
Knowledge of sport terminology and grammar structure
characteristic to sport, ability to speak in public and discuss sport
themes, to work independently with special literature in English,
developed interculture and communicative competence.
Practice of English to communicate in speciality.
1 1.Berga I, Boge I., Dāniele A.English for Athletes – Rīga, 1999.
2.Berga I. Notice and Remember. - Rīga, 2001.
3.Olympism The Olympic Idea in Modern Society and Sport.
4.Collie J., Martin A. What’s It Like? Cambridge University
Press, 2000.
Terminological dictionares, sport terminology dictionaries,
internet, www. headway.
Reading texts in English independently chosen, 5 – 10 pages a
month, preparation for tests, seminārs according to the content
of the study course.
Knowledge in sport lexis is evaluated from tests, presentations,
public speeches and abilities to work indendently, to perform
course tasks. After evaluation of knowledge, skills and practice
progress during the course, individual Dynamics is denoted.
Foundation of Professional intercourse I, II (German)
PBBIC 4002
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
1/ 1,5 ECTS – 1.sem.
1/ 1,5 ECTS - 2. sem.
Assist. prof.L.Malahova, assist. prof.N.Stirna
Knowledge, practice and skills in accordance with secondary
education standard.
To acquire and perfect German for communication in speciality.
To acquire knowledge sport terminology characteristic for
German, grammar structures , practice to speak in public, ability
to work with special literature, to develop interculture and
communicative competence.
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
Knowledge of sport terminology and grammar structure
characteristic to sport, ability to speak in public and discuss sport
themes, to work independently with special literature to develop
interculture and communicative competence.
Practice of German to communicate in speciality.
1.Malahova L. Praktisch Deutsch für Sportstudenten. LSPA,
2. Stirna N. Deutsch für Sportstudenten. Lesetexte. LSPA,1997.
3.Sport-Bild (ilustrēts ţurnāls) - Europas größte SportZeitschrift
4.Malahova L. Muster des Geschäftsschreibens. LSPA, 2001.
Terminological dictionares, sport terminology dictionaries .
Reading texts in German independently chosen, 5 – 10 pages a
month, preparation for tests, seminārs according to the content
of the study course.
Knowledge in sport lexis is evaluated from tests, presentations,
public speeches and abilities to work indendently, to perform
course tasks. After evaluation of knowledge, skills and practice
progress during the course, individual dynamics is denoted.
Foundation of Professional intercourse I, II (Russian)
PBBIC 4002
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
1/ 1,5 ECTS – 1.sem.
1/ 1,5 ECTS - 2. sem.
Assist. prof.L.Malahova
Knowledge, practice and skills in accordance with secondary
education standard.
To acquire and perfect Russian for communication in speciality.
To acquire knowledge sport terminology characteristic for
Russian, grammar structures , practice to speak in public, ability
to work with special literature, to develop interculture and
communicative competence.
Knowledge of sport terminology and grammar structure
characteristic to sport, ability to speak in public and discuss sport
themes, to work independently with special literature to develop
interculture and communicative competence.
Practice of Russian to communicate in speciality.
course :
Obligatory literature:
1.L. Malahovas izstrādātie un atlasīti teksti un citi materiāli
atbilstoši kursa saturam.
2.Ovsijenko J. Krievu valoda iesācējiem. Pašmācības kurss.
Zvaigzne ABC, Rīga, 2004
Additional literature:
3.Eslona P. Īsa krievu valodas gramatika ar vingrinājumiem un
atbildēm. Zvaigzne ABC, Rīga, 2005.
4.Vieglatlētikas, sporta spēļu, vingrošanas vārdnīcas. Švinks U.
Red. LSPA, Rīga, 2004 .
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Terminological dictionares, sport terminology dictionaries .
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
Reading texts in Russian independently chosen, 5 – 10 pages a
month, preparation for tests, seminārs according to the content
of the study course.
Knowledge in sport lexis is evaluated from tests, presentations,
public speeches and abilities to work indendently, to perform
course tasks. After evaluation of knowledge, skills and practice
progress during the course, individual dynamics is denoted.
Foundation of Professional intercourse I, II (Latvian)
PBBIC 4002
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
1/ 1,5 ECTS – 1.sem.
1/ 1,5 ECTS - 2. sem.
Assist. prof.I.Budvike
Knowledge, practice and skills in accordance with secondary
education standard.
To acquire and perfect Latvian for communication in speciality.
To acquire knowledge sport terminology characteristic for
Russian, grammar structures , practice to speak in public, ability
to work with special literature, to develop interculture and
communicative competence.
Knowledge of sport terminology and grammar structure
characteristic to sport, ability to speak in public and discuss sport
themes, to work independently with special literature to develop
interculture and communicative competence.
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points :
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
Practice of Latvian to communicate in speciality.
1.Švinks U.Valoda sportā.LVAVP, 1998.g.
2.Švinks U. Vispārattīstošie vingrojumi sporta stundā.- Rīga:
2004., -91 lpp.
3.Rubīna A. Latviešu valodas rokasgrāmata. Valodas kultūra
teorijā un praksē. Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC 2005., - 188 lpp.
4.Komunikatīvās gramatikas vingrinājumi .1., 2., 3.
burtnīca. LVAVP, 2003., 2004.
Orthography, international words dictionaries, sport terminology
Preparation for tests, seminārs relating to the study course
content, home task work out of an annotation.
Knowledge in orthography, sintax, stylistics, ability to work out
and form business, scientific investigation text, attitude to course
tasks, individual dynamics – knowledge, skills and practice
progress during the course.
Athletics (development of speed – sprint)
PBBIC 4011
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
Free choice course
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
asoc. prof.Avotina,lect.S.Skutane, assist. K.Kuplis
Athletics in the secondary school standard level and „Athletics
exercises for beginners „ study course mastering.
To create interest for athletics, its manysidedness. To give an
idea about sprint and possibilities for development of speed using
exercises in other sport events.
To acquaint with the exercises during sprint trainings. The use of
exercises to perfect other sport kinds.
Competence in runners special exercises and foundations of
speed development .
Atletics exercises and sprint running events.
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000. 50
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika. Rīga: LSPA, 2003. 27.lpp.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
During individual work student studies special literature, does
home tasks and trains to perform athletics exercises, perfects his
movement abilities.
Practical and teoretical test, demonstration of learned exercises.
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points :
Teaching staff :
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
PBBIC 4005
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
1., 2., 3., 4.
4KP / 6 ECTS
Assist. prof. Lesenkovs E., Mg.paed. Veseta U.
Knowledge of biology, natural sciences, anatomy in the level of
secondary school programme.
To prepare massage specialists according to LR medical law and
standard requirements of masseur profession.
To give knowledge of massage indications and contrindications,
to acquire mechanisms of massage; to acquire methods of
massage and the technique to do it.
Students can perform massage methods independently to
separate parts of body. General and local massage procedures are
aquired. Acquired massage methodics in medical and sport
Knowledge – massage methods and physiological mechanisms,
methodics of massage procedure in medical and sport practice.
Skills and practice – performance of massage procedures
technically according to indications.
Competence – performance of massage procedure according to
masseur profession standard.
E.Lešenkovs, V.Lāriľš „Masāţa”, 2004.
A.Birjukovs „Masāţa” 2004.
A.Birjukovs „Sporta masāţa” 1996.
LFA seminar materials
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Group classes to gain massage practical part and perfect it. Theoretically individual acquirement using study methodical
The criteria of assesing Pozitive attitude to the study course, active work during classes,
the results of the studies: course, active work during classes, theoretically – practical test.
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Physiotheraphy basis
PBBIC 4006
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
2 KP/ 3 ECTS
Assist. prof. Lesenkovs E., Paeglitis A.,
Klavina A.
Knowledge in biology, natural sciences, anatomy at the level of
secondary school programme.
To give necessary knowledge and understanding about physiotheraphy development in Latvia and in the world, about its main
directions and tasks, documents, the place of physiotherapists in
medical system, its norms and normative acts.
To give knowledge about physiotheraphy history in Latvia and
abroad; to acquire physiotheraphy aims and tasks; to acquaint
with physiotheraphy studies organization in Latvia and the
world; to acquaint with the organization of physiotherapists in
Latvia and in the world; to acquaint with necessary work
documents, normatives acts in physiotherapists practice.
Knowledge – after acquiring the subject, students get theoretical
knowledge for the future physiotheraphy studies. Competence –
according to physiotherapists profession standard.
Physiotheraphy history; Physiotheraphy in Latvia; Physiotheraphy studies in LASE, possibilities of physiotherapists work
in Latvia and in the world; Physiotheraphy work documentation;
Physiotherapists rights, duties and responsibility, the working
place of physiotherapists; physiotherapists practice links with
other specialities.
1. Ārstniecības likums, 2. Saistošie MK noteikumi, 3. Latvijas
fizioterapeitu asociācijas statūti, 4. Latvijas fizioterapeitu
sertifikācijas un resertifikācijas nolikums, 5. Eiropas un Pasaules
fizioterapeitu asociācijas nolikumi
6., 7., 8.
During the study course students are acquainted with and acquire
study subject themes. Students get individual themes, they have
to write a report using literary sources, this report must be
defended in seminar classes, they must answer lecturers and
coleagues questions.
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for starting the
The aim of the course :
Students knowledge, skills, competence are evaluated taking into
account student’s attitude for study course, active work during
classes, working out a report.
Introduction to ethics
PBNT 219
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
Profesor, dr. phil. Aino Kuznecova
Necessary previous knowledge in cultural and world history, philosophy,
analitical and investigational skills.
to create interest about ethics value importance in preparation future specialist,
perfecting student’s ethics thinking.
-to gain idea about ethics terminology, ethics subject esence and specifices;
The task of the course:
-to gain skill to form ethics value criteria, which will help to understand
education, work and sport value, behaviour and consequence, to create
responsibility for every action;
-to give skill to work out, receive and analyse decisions in ethics aspeot.
Planned results of the study
-ability to formulate analitically ethics subject esence, terminology, to discuss
and communicate about sport ethics, and upbringing problems, to ground
ethics value criteria;
-abilities to evaluate and use different methodical ethics value inprocess and
its progress in Professional activities;
-ability to work independently and in a team, participate in the development of
a new generation, abilities to create relations with the chosen Professional
subject, to give moral value to these relations.
Ethics is the study about moral philosophy and moral structure. Moral
The content of the course :
functions. Ethics value and its display in sport. Ethics idea development
branches and nowadays ethics. Nowadays ethics and morāls upbringing
Kuzľecova A. Ētikas vēstures pamati. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: LSPA,
Obligatory literature:
Kuzľecova A. Ievads ētikā. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: LSPA, 2003.
Lasmane S., Milts A., Rubenis A. Ētika. - Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1993.
Lasmane S. Rietumeiropas ētika no Sokrata līdz postmodernismam. – Rīga:
Additional literature:
Zvaigzne ABC, 1998.
Milts A. Ētika. Kas ir ētika.-Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1999.
Milts A. Ētika. Personības un sabiedrības ētika. -Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2000.
Other sources of information: Rubenis A. Ētika XX gadsimtā. Praktiskā ētika. - Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1996.
Rubenis A. Ētika XX gadsimtā. Teorētiskā ētika. - Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC,
The organization and tasks of Tests, Essay „Ethics value in sport”, Report „Forming of personality morāls
and their development”’.
students’ independent work:
Requirements to get 1 kredit point: 30% evaluation of semester work; to
The criteria of assesing the
attend lectures, to study necessary literature for the course independently and
results of the studies:
work out a report; 35% active participation in contact classes; 35%
differenciated test; Final evaluations is written in credit test book in 10 points
scale according to LASE documents. To get a credit point, evaluation must be
at least 4 points.
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the study
The content of the course :
Obligatory literature:
Other sources of information:
The organization and tasks of
students’ independent work:
The criteria of assesing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
Introduction to swimming
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS Upitis I., assist. prof. Upmale V.
To acquire skills of swimming in order to be sucessfully introduced in
swimming course (A block)
1. To learn correct breathing rhythm in swimming.
2. To learn back stroke swimming.
3. To learn breast stroke swimming.
1. To acquire correct breathing rhythm in swimming.
2. Ability to swim 25 m in full coordination performing back stroke.
3. Ability to swim 25 m in full coordination with breathing performing
breast stroke
Theoretical knowledge about sport swimming styles back crawl, front crawl,
breast stroke and dolphin.
Arms and legs activities immitation in back crawl and breast stroke.
Exercises for mastering swimming rhythm.
Exercises for mastering back crawl.
Exercises for mastering breast stroke.
A.Lielvārds Peldēšana / izdevn. „Zvaigzne“, 1987.
Immitation exercises in swimming back crawl and breast stroke
(demonstration before mirror or with partner).
1. Demonstration of breathing rhythm.
2. Demonstration of swimming technique in back crawl and breast
The title of the courrse:
Mountain bicycling (MTB)
The code of the course :
Free choice course
The type of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
Credit points
assist. prof. I.Kravalis, assist. K.Ciekurs
Teaching staff:
Requirements for starting the Before knowledge of Professional bachelor programme in general course and
theoretical foundation courses.
To give an idea about mountain bicycling (MTB), to acquire skills and practice
The aim of the course :
in mountain bicycling in different relief and course covering, study methodics.
To give understanding about mountain bicycling theoretical knowledge and
practical habits and skills in mountain bicycling study methods working with
different age and sex pupil.
-to acquaint with mountain bicycling and create interest about it;
The task of the course:
-to give theoretical knowledge, skills and practice driving mountain bicycles in
different relief and course covering, study methodics;
-to give understanding about mountain bicycling terminology getting over
different relief technique and basic actions in driving mountain bicycle.
-to create pedagogical skills in running classes;
-to acquaint students theoretically and practically with mountain bicycling
equipment, choice, preparation and maintenance;
-to promote physical qualities and functional preparation improvement;
-to give theoretical knowledge and practical skills in training methodics.
Planned results of the study
Professional Bachelor intelectual competences:
-to be able to argue explain mountain bicycling technique, basic actions in
driving the bicycle;
-to use acquired knowledge, to be able to use possibilities in organizing MTB
Professional and academic competences:
-in professional work to be able to evaluate and use different ways in MTB
-to be able to use corresponding methodics to MTB bicyclists to develop
necessary physical qualities .
Professional Bachelor practical competences:
-to be able to perform Professional duties in running MTB classes and
organizē them, to be able to take and ground decisions in professional
competence sphere.
The content of the course is connected with theoretical knowledge, skills and
The content of the course :
competence and their use in MTB classes and acquiring practical skills.
Obligatory literature:,6609,s1-6-0-0-0,00.html
Additional literature:
Other sources of information: Sport magazines and other publications about bicycling and MTB
The organization and tasks of Students acquire study course independently additionally; have contact
lectures. Independently acquire training and competition technique of MTB.
students’ independent work:
MTB training, study methodics. Coice of equipment, parametrs (relief the
The criteria of assesing the
lingth of distance, complications etc.) Attitude to study course.
results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for starting the
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Nature plays and games
PBBIC 4009
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
Lect. I.Smuka, lect. I.Liepina
Knowledge practice and skills corresponding to general secondary education
To create understanding about plays and games use for individual active rest,
recreation, renewing emotional strength.
To acquire knowledge and skills about plays and games manysidedness in the
fresh air, organizing and didactics basis and modeling of didactics basis. To
find plays and games corresponding physical conditioning of a person, age
and sex peculiarities.
Planned results of the study
The content of the course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of information:
The organization and tasks of
students’ independent work:
The criteria of assesing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Knowledge: physical and mental renewing of men’s strength, forming
personality, social relations.
Skills: to create plays and games plans, taking into account age and physical
conditioning of the individual, to denote plays and games influence to
recreative effect fresh air resources accordance in choosing plays and gaumes,
guidance technique.
Competence: plays and games guidance, performance and organization , using
of didactics in acquiring general skills, observation and evaluation
Movement games influence to the rest of individual, physical and mental
strength and renewing of emotional condition movement games aims, tasks in
recreation. Plays and games content, tasks, methods and means. Plays and
games choice, modeling dependence from fresh air specific conditions and
persons age, sex and physical strength.
H. Sūna „Latviešu rotaļas un rotaļdejas”, Rīga: Zinātne, 1965.g.
M. Mellēna, E. Spīčs, V. Muktupāvels, I. Irbe ”Gadskārtu grāmata”, Rīga:
Madris, 2004.g.
1.Kāposta I. Spēles pedagoģijas teorijā un praksē. - R., 1993.
2. Dzintere D., Boša R. Rotaļspēles. - R., 1997
1. Dzintere D. Rotaļa kā svarīgs bērna darbības veids. - R., 1999.
Informative sources, periodicals, internet.
Plays and games classes, planning recreational arrangements. Plays and
games as recreational arrangement.
Presentation of nature plays and games plan and arrangement scenario.
Foundation of gymnastics II (drills)
PBBIC 4000
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
assist. prof. V.Mackars, lect. I.Kravalis
before knowledge corresponding to secondary education
standard in the subject „Sports”.
to acquire drill orders in teams, to acquire skills to fulfil orders .
to acquire knowledge about drills, skills to fulfil order,
competence – to use a
team in practical action.
acquiring knowledge, skills competence in drills study.
concepts of drill study, movements to begin and to stop, report of
the student on duty, turns in place and in motion.
1. V.Mackars, I.Kravalis. Ierindas mācības kursa
programma. Rīga, LSPA. 2007.
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for starting the
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the study
The content of the course :
2. U.Švinks. Ierindas mācības pamati, Rīga, LSPA, 2003.
1. U.Švinks. Ierindas mācība skolā. Rīga, LSPA, 1996.
2. Ierindas noteikumi AM, Rīga, 2006.
video of drill studies
individual classes separately and in groups
Students are evaluated according 10 points scale. 1 point is
substracted for a mistake. Evaluation 3 points is not enough.
Final evaluation is average 3 control normatives, control tests
about terminology.
General pedagogy
General study course
Professsional Bachelor of Education in Sports Science
3 KP 4,5 ECTS
Mag. paed. doc.I.Immere
To know actual problems of history in the view of the century, psyhology and
philosophy basic knowledge.
To provide students’ pedagogical idea about modern
pedagogical theories, skills theoretically show and to use
practically in study andf upbringing methods at school and sport lessons.
To show pedagogical idea connected with modern requirements, science,
cultural tradition level. To provide knowledge about basic lines in 21 century
education. To provide theoretical links with modern school practice. To
acquire knowledge and skills in study and upbringing process organization, to
acquire knowledge and skills of pupils personality development,to provide
students independed work and its theoretical foundation necessary to learn the
course, to provide pedagogical previous knowledge which forms creative
work of sport teacher activity.
To use the basic pedagogical theories in school practice, to be able to divide
general knowledge in pedagogy in concrete history points to understand why
they appeared, knowledge about 21. century pedagogical models, personal
structures komponents contents, to choose realizē and analyze study and
upbringing tasks in study process and out of class time, skills to use acquired
theoretical knowledge in practice.
Educational and pedagogical idea in ancient times, middle ages, pedagogical
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of information:
The organization and tasks of
students’ independent work:
The criteria of assesing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
idea and education in the period till 20 century. The
Leading lines in the 21 century general pedagogical subject, categories.
Educational system’s characteristics. Didactics. Study process, principles,
methods, study organizational forms, study diference and individualazation .
The essence of education, structure, laws, trends, principles, methods, forms,
ralation as upbringing content, upbringing tasks. Different ways of leading the
Albrehta Dz.Didaktika.Rīga:RaKa,2001.,168 lpp.
Jurgena I. Vispārīgā pedagoģija. Rīga: SIA Izglītības soļi, 2001.,131 lpp
L..Ţukovs.Pedagoģija.Rīga:LSPA,1996., 147 lpp.
Ţukovs L. Pedagoģijas vēsture. Rīga:RaKa, 1999.,3o3 lpp.
Špona A.Audzināšanas process teorijā un praksē. Rīga:RaKa, 2006.,211 lpp. ;
Zelmenis V.Pedagoģijas pamati. Rīga: RaKa, 2000.,291 lpp.
Magazines, periodicals, electronical information sources;
Discussions, group work, cooperative methods, work out of projects.
Evaluation is acquired, summarizing the number of points for separate tasks
performance; oral report, two test works, year examination.
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for starting
the course:
The aim of the course:
Sport philosophy
PBNT 225
Theoretical basical course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sports science
1/ 1,5 ECTS
Professor, Dr. phil. Aino Kuznecova
The necessary before knowledge: philosophy, history of sports, kukturologija,
skill to work with philosophy, logics and etics categories.
To develop thinking culture of the future speciālist, to gain necessary
competence about men, society and objective evaluation and decision of sport
To learn to use scientific methods, to gain skills to interpret and analize
The task of the course:
independently problems of sport philosophy, abilities to connect sport
philosophy with the art of life and chosen profession; to acquire the history
sport philosophy idea and its development nowadays, to rouse and activize
skills to understand couses of sport philosophy questions appearance, decisive
methods, to form concrete understanding about sport philosophy’s main
problem – athlete as physical and intelectual unity, sporta s social study its
characteristics and results.
to gain competence:
- skills to formularize and analyze analittically sport philosophy basic
Planned results of the
principles and problems;
study course:
- abilities to connect sport philosophy and sport history as cultural kinds;
- abilities to analyze critically and creatively the connection of actual
sport philosophy with other sport sciences and comunicate about it;
- readiness to take part in discussions, abilities to analyze and decide
about manysidedness of education and sport connection in philosophy
1.The essence of the subject of philosophy, basic idejas and principles.
2.The essence of sport philosophy.
The content of the course: 3.The way of appearance and development of sport philosophy.
4.The main branches and problems of sport philosophy.
5.Social problems of nowadays sport philosophy.
6.Functions and practical meaning of sport philosophy.
1.Kuzľecova A. Filozofijas vēstures aktualitātes.1.,daļa, 2.daļa – R.: LSPA,
Obligatory literature:
2.Kuzľecova A. Filozofijas pamati.- R.: LSPA, 2010.
3.Kuzľecova A. Sporta filozofija. Mācību palīglīdzeklis (PWP versija) .- R.:
LSPA, 2010.
Additional literature:
4.Karin A.E.Vokwein (editor). Sport Philosophy. Sport Science. Review.
Volume 5, Number 2, 1966.
5.Philosophy of Sport –
Other sources of
6.Journal of Philosaphy of Sport .
Working out a report about free chosen sport philosophy problem, preparation
The organization and
for the test.
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing the The total evaluation is written in the credit test book 10 points scale, according
with the LASE documents. To get credit point , evaluation must be at least 4
results of the studies:
Requirements to get 1 credit point: 30% semester work: evaluation: to attend
lectures, to study literature in the course independently and work out a report;
35% active work in contact classes; 35% differenciated test.
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Athletics exercises for the beginners
PBBIC 4004
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
asoc. prof.Avotina, assist. prof. M.Gailis, lect. T.Lisicina, lect.
S.Skutane, assist. K.Kuplis
track and field athletics in the level of secondary school.
To create interest for athletics, its manysidedness. To give an
idea about athletics as sport event, to acquaint with athletics
kinds and possibilities of using track and field exercises in other
sports conditioning.
To introduce track and field exercises in running, jumping and
throwing. The use of exercises in other sport events.
Competence of runners, jumpers and throwers in special
Athletics exercises.
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000. 50
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika. Rīga: LSPA, 2003. 27.lpp.
In individual work student studies special literature, does home
tasks and trains to perform athletics exercises, perfecting his
movement abilities.
Practical and theoretical test, demonstration of learned exercises .
Sport pedagogical perfection – athletics
PBBIC 4003
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1.- 2.
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
2 KP/ 3 ECTS
asoc. prof.Avotina, assist. prof. M.Gailis, lect. T.Lisicina, lect.
S.Skutāne, asist. K.Kuplis
Before knowledge in athletics and previous training experence
are wanted.
To improve students physical conditioning, to perfect sport
achievements in the chosen athletics event, to acquire the
foundations of sport training theory.
To acquire chosen athletics events, training ways and methods.
Competence in the chosen athletics events teaching and training
Athletics exercises and training methods.
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa.Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000.50
2.studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.94 lpp.
3.studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.69.lpp.
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika Rīga: LSPA, 2003.27 lpp.
4.Trenera rokasgrāmata – I Rīga, - 2003.g. 304 lpp.
5.Trenera rokasgrāmata- II Rīga,- 2006.g. 312 lpp.
6. Bērnu un jauniešu trenera rokasgrāmata. Rīga, 2008.g.215.lpp.
To do notes in training work, their analysis and planing of
training work.To study special literature about chosen athletics
Participation in competitions, attending training classes, progress
in results, analisys of training diary, participation in organizing
competitions and judging, studying of special literature about
chosen and other athletics events.
Foundation of Professional intercourse I, II (English)
PBBIC 4002
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
1/ 1,5 ECTS – 1.sem.
1/ 1,5 ECTS - 2. sem.
Assist. prof. I.Berga, lect. I.Rudzinska, assist. prof. I.Boge
Knowledge, practice and skills in accordance with secondary
education standard.
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
To acquire and perfect, English for communication in speciality.
To acquire characteristic sport terminology and grammar
structures knowledge, practice to speak in public, ability to work
with special literature, to develop interculture and
communicative competence.
Knowledge of sport terminology and grammar structure
characteristic to sport, ability to speak in public and discuss sport
themes, to work independently with special literature in English,
developed interculture and communicative competence.
Practice of English to communicate in speciality.
1 1.Berga I, Boge I., Dāniele A.English for Athletes – Rīga, 1999.
2.Berga I. Notice and Remember. - Rīga, 2001.
3.Olympism The Olympic Idea in Modern Society and Sport.
4.Collie J., Martin A. What’s It Like? Cambridge University
Press, 2000.
Terminological dictionares, sport terminology dictionaries,
internet, www. headway.
Reading texts in English independently chosen, 5 – 10 pages a
month, preparation for tests, seminārs according to the content
of the study course.
Knowledge in sport lexis is evaluated from tests, presentations,
public speeches and abilities to work indendently, to perform
course tasks. After evaluation of knowledge, skills and practice
progress during the course, individual Dynamics is denoted.
Foundation of Professional intercourse I, II (German)
PBBIC 4002
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
1/ 1,5 ECTS – 1.sem.
1/ 1,5 ECTS - 2. sem.
Assist. prof.L.Malahova, assist. prof.N.Stirna
Knowledge, practice and skills in accordance with secondary
education standard.
To acquire and perfect German for communication in speciality.
To acquire knowledge sport terminology characteristic for
German, grammar structures , practice to speak in public, ability
to work with special literature, to develop interculture and
communicative competence.
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
Knowledge of sport terminology and grammar structure
characteristic to sport, ability to speak in public and discuss sport
themes, to work independently with special literature to develop
interculture and communicative competence.
Practice of German to communicate in speciality.
1.Malahova L. Praktisch Deutsch für Sportstudenten. LSPA,
2. Stirna N. Deutsch für Sportstudenten. Lesetexte. LSPA,1997.
3.Sport-Bild (ilustrēts ţurnāls) - Europas größte SportZeitschrift
4.Malahova L. Muster des Geschäftsschreibens. LSPA, 2001.
Terminological dictionares, sport terminology dictionaries .
Reading texts in German independently chosen, 5 – 10 pages a
month, preparation for tests, seminārs according to the content
of the study course.
Knowledge in sport lexis is evaluated from tests, presentations,
public speeches and abilities to work indendently, to perform
course tasks. After evaluation of knowledge, skills and practice
progress during the course, individual dynamics is denoted.
Foundation of Professional intercourse I, II (Russian)
PBBIC 4002
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
1/ 1,5 ECTS – 1.sem.
1/ 1,5 ECTS - 2. sem.
Assist. prof.L.Malahova
Knowledge, practice and skills in accordance with secondary
education standard.
To acquire and perfect Russian for communication in speciality.
To acquire knowledge sport terminology characteristic for
Russian, grammar structures , practice to speak in public, ability
to work with special literature, to develop interculture and
communicative competence.
Knowledge of sport terminology and grammar structure
characteristic to sport, ability to speak in public and discuss sport
themes, to work independently with special literature to develop
interculture and communicative competence.
Practice of Russian to communicate in speciality.
course :
Obligatory literature:
1.L. Malahovas izstrādātie un atlasīti teksti un citi materiāli
atbilstoši kursa saturam.
2.Ovsijenko J. Krievu valoda iesācējiem. Pašmācības kurss.
Zvaigzne ABC, Rīga, 2004
Additional literature:
3.Eslona P. Īsa krievu valodas gramatika ar vingrinājumiem un
atbildēm. Zvaigzne ABC, Rīga, 2005.
4.Vieglatlētikas, sporta spēļu, vingrošanas vārdnīcas. Švinks U.
Red. LSPA, Rīga, 2004 .
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Terminological dictionares, sport terminology dictionaries .
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
Reading texts in Russian independently chosen, 5 – 10 pages a
month, preparation for tests, seminārs according to the content
of the study course.
Knowledge in sport lexis is evaluated from tests, presentations,
public speeches and abilities to work indendently, to perform
course tasks. After evaluation of knowledge, skills and practice
progress during the course, individual dynamics is denoted.
Foundation of Professional intercourse I, II (Latvian)
PBBIC 4002
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
1/ 1,5 ECTS – 1.sem.
1/ 1,5 ECTS - 2. sem.
Assist. prof.I.Budvike
Knowledge, practice and skills in accordance with secondary
education standard.
To acquire and perfect Latvian for communication in speciality.
To acquire knowledge sport terminology characteristic for
Russian, grammar structures , practice to speak in public, ability
to work with special literature, to develop interculture and
communicative competence.
Knowledge of sport terminology and grammar structure
characteristic to sport, ability to speak in public and discuss sport
themes, to work independently with special literature to develop
interculture and communicative competence.
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points :
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
Practice of Latvian to communicate in speciality.
1.Švinks U.Valoda sportā.LVAVP, 1998.g.
2.Švinks U. Vispārattīstošie vingrojumi sporta stundā.- Rīga:
2004., -91 lpp.
3.Rubīna A. Latviešu valodas rokasgrāmata. Valodas kultūra
teorijā un praksē. Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC 2005., - 188 lpp.
4.Komunikatīvās gramatikas vingrinājumi .1., 2., 3.
burtnīca. LVAVP, 2003., 2004.
Orthography, international words dictionaries, sport terminology
Preparation for tests, seminārs relating to the study course
content, home task work out of an annotation.
Knowledge in orthography, sintax, stylistics, ability to work out
and form business, scientific investigation text, attitude to course
tasks, individual dynamics – knowledge, skills and practice
progress during the course.
Athletics (development of speed – sprint)
PBBIC 4011
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
Free choice course
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
asoc. prof.Avotina,lect.S.Skutane, assist. K.Kuplis
Athletics in the secondary school standard level and „Athletics
exercises for beginners „ study course mastering.
To create interest for athletics, its manysidedness. To give an
idea about sprint and possibilities for development of speed using
exercises in other sport events.
To acquaint with the exercises during sprint trainings. The use of
exercises to perfect other sport kinds.
Competence in runners special exercises and foundations of
speed development .
Atletics exercises and sprint running events.
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 1.daļa. Rīga: LSPA, 2000.60
I Studiju gada burtnīca vieglatlētikā 2.daļa. Rīga: LSPA,2000. 50
Gailis M. Vieglatlētikas sacensību organizēšana un tiesāšanas
metodika. Rīga: LSPA, 2003. 27.lpp.
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
During individual work student studies special literature, does
home tasks and trains to perform athletics exercises, perfects his
movement abilities.
Practical and teoretical test, demonstration of learned exercises.
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points :
Teaching staff :
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
PBBIC 4005
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
1., 2., 3., 4.
4KP / 6 ECTS
Assist. prof. Lesenkovs E., Mg.paed. Veseta U.
Knowledge of biology, natural sciences, anatomy in the level of
secondary school programme.
To prepare massage specialists according to LR medical law and
standard requirements of masseur profession.
To give knowledge of massage indications and contrindications,
to acquire mechanisms of massage; to acquire methods of
massage and the technique to do it.
Students can perform massage methods independently to
separate parts of body. General and local massage procedures are
aquired. Acquired massage methodics in medical and sport
Knowledge – massage methods and physiological mechanisms,
methodics of massage procedure in medical and sport practice.
Skills and practice – performance of massage procedures
technically according to indications.
Competence – performance of massage procedure according to
masseur profession standard.
E.Lešenkovs, V.Lāriľš „Masāţa”, 2004.
A.Birjukovs „Masāţa” 2004.
A.Birjukovs „Sporta masāţa” 1996.
LFA seminar materials
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Group classes to gain massage practical part and perfect it. Theoretically individual acquirement using study methodical
The criteria of assesing Pozitive attitude to the study course, active work during classes,
the results of the studies: course, active work during classes, theoretically – practical test.
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points:
Teaching staff:
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
Physiotheraphy basis
PBBIC 4006
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1., 2.
2 KP/ 3 ECTS
Assist. prof. Lesenkovs E., Paeglitis A.,
Klavina A.
Knowledge in biology, natural sciences, anatomy at the level of
secondary school programme.
To give necessary knowledge and understanding about physiotheraphy development in Latvia and in the world, about its main
directions and tasks, documents, the place of physiotherapists in
medical system, its norms and normative acts.
To give knowledge about physiotheraphy history in Latvia and
abroad; to acquire physiotheraphy aims and tasks; to acquaint
with physiotheraphy studies organization in Latvia and the
world; to acquaint with the organization of physiotherapists in
Latvia and in the world; to acquaint with necessary work
documents, normatives acts in physiotherapists practice.
Knowledge – after acquiring the subject, students get theoretical
knowledge for the future physiotheraphy studies. Competence –
according to physiotherapists profession standard.
Physiotheraphy history; Physiotheraphy in Latvia; Physiotheraphy studies in LASE, possibilities of physiotherapists work
in Latvia and in the world; Physiotheraphy work documentation;
Physiotherapists rights, duties and responsibility, the working
place of physiotherapists; physiotherapists practice links with
other specialities.
1. Ārstniecības likums, 2. Saistošie MK noteikumi, 3. Latvijas
fizioterapeitu asociācijas statūti, 4. Latvijas fizioterapeitu
sertifikācijas un resertifikācijas nolikums, 5. Eiropas un Pasaules
fizioterapeitu asociācijas nolikumi
6., 7., 8.
During the study course students are acquainted with and acquire
study subject themes. Students get individual themes, they have
to write a report using literary sources, this report must be
defended in seminar classes, they must answer lecturers and
coleagues questions.
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for starting the
The aim of the course :
Students knowledge, skills, competence are evaluated taking into
account student’s attitude for study course, active work during
classes, working out a report.
Introduction to ethics
PBNT 219
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
Profesor, dr. phil. Aino Kuznecova
Necessary previous knowledge in cultural and world history, philosophy,
analitical and investigational skills.
to create interest about ethics value importance in preparation future specialist,
perfecting student’s ethics thinking.
-to gain idea about ethics terminology, ethics subject esence and specifices;
The task of the course:
-to gain skill to form ethics value criteria, which will help to understand
education, work and sport value, behaviour and consequence, to create
responsibility for every action;
-to give skill to work out, receive and analyse decisions in ethics aspeot.
Planned results of the study
-ability to formulate analitically ethics subject esence, terminology, to discuss
and communicate about sport ethics, and upbringing problems, to ground
ethics value criteria;
-abilities to evaluate and use different methodical ethics value inprocess and
its progress in Professional activities;
-ability to work independently and in a team, participate in the development of
a new generation, abilities to create relations with the chosen Professional
subject, to give moral value to these relations.
Ethics is the study about moral philosophy and moral structure. Moral
The content of the course :
functions. Ethics value and its display in sport. Ethics idea development
branches and nowadays ethics. Nowadays ethics and morāls upbringing
Kuzľecova A. Ētikas vēstures pamati. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: LSPA,
Obligatory literature:
Kuzľecova A. Ievads ētikā. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: LSPA, 2003.
Lasmane S., Milts A., Rubenis A. Ētika. - Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1993.
Lasmane S. Rietumeiropas ētika no Sokrata līdz postmodernismam. – Rīga:
Additional literature:
Zvaigzne ABC, 1998.
Milts A. Ētika. Kas ir ētika.-Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1999.
Milts A. Ētika. Personības un sabiedrības ētika. -Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2000.
Other sources of information: Rubenis A. Ētika XX gadsimtā. Praktiskā ētika. - Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1996.
Rubenis A. Ētika XX gadsimtā. Teorētiskā ētika. - Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC,
The organization and tasks of Tests, Essay „Ethics value in sport”, Report „Forming of personality morāls
and their development”’.
students’ independent work:
Requirements to get 1 kredit point: 30% evaluation of semester work; to
The criteria of assesing the
attend lectures, to study necessary literature for the course independently and
results of the studies:
work out a report; 35% active participation in contact classes; 35%
differenciated test; Final evaluations is written in credit test book in 10 points
scale according to LASE documents. To get a credit point, evaluation must be
at least 4 points.
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the study
The content of the course :
Obligatory literature:
Other sources of information:
The organization and tasks of
students’ independent work:
The criteria of assesing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
Introduction to swimming
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS Upitis I., assist. prof. Upmale V.
To acquire skills of swimming in order to be sucessfully introduced in
swimming course (A block)
4. To learn correct breathing rhythm in swimming.
5. To learn back stroke swimming.
6. To learn breast stroke swimming.
4. To acquire correct breathing rhythm in swimming.
5. Ability to swim 25 m in full coordination performing back stroke.
6. Ability to swim 25 m in full coordination with breathing performing
breast stroke
Theoretical knowledge about sport swimming styles back crawl, front crawl,
breast stroke and dolphin.
Arms and legs activities immitation in back crawl and breast stroke.
Exercises for mastering swimming rhythm.
Exercises for mastering back crawl.
Exercises for mastering breast stroke.
A.Lielvārds Peldēšana / izdevn. „Zvaigzne“, 1987.
Immitation exercises in swimming back crawl and breast stroke
(demonstration before mirror or with partner).
3. Demonstration of breathing rhythm.
4. Demonstration of swimming technique in back crawl and breast
The title of the courrse:
Mountain bicycling (MTB)
The code of the course :
Free choice course
The type of the course:
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
Credit points
assist. prof. I.Kravalis, assist. K.Ciekurs
Teaching staff:
Requirements for starting the Before knowledge of Professional bachelor programme in general course and
theoretical foundation courses.
To give an idea about mountain bicycling (MTB), to acquire skills and practice
The aim of the course :
in mountain bicycling in different relief and course covering, study methodics.
To give understanding about mountain bicycling theoretical knowledge and
practical habits and skills in mountain bicycling study methods working with
different age and sex pupil.
-to acquaint with mountain bicycling and create interest about it;
The task of the course:
-to give theoretical knowledge, skills and practice driving mountain bicycles in
different relief and course covering, study methodics;
-to give understanding about mountain bicycling terminology getting over
different relief technique and basic actions in driving mountain bicycle.
-to create pedagogical skills in running classes;
-to acquaint students theoretically and practically with mountain bicycling
equipment, choice, preparation and maintenance;
-to promote physical qualities and functional preparation improvement;
-to give theoretical knowledge and practical skills in training methodics.
Planned results of the study
Professional Bachelor intelectual competences:
-to be able to argue explain mountain bicycling technique, basic actions in
driving the bicycle;
-to use acquired knowledge, to be able to use possibilities in organizing MTB
Professional and academic competences:
-in professional work to be able to evaluate and use different ways in MTB
-to be able to use corresponding methodics to MTB bicyclists to develop
necessary physical qualities .
Professional Bachelor practical competences:
-to be able to perform Professional duties in running MTB classes and
organizē them, to be able to take and ground decisions in professional
competence sphere.
The content of the course is connected with theoretical knowledge, skills and
The content of the course :
competence and their use in MTB classes and acquiring practical skills.
Obligatory literature:,6609,s1-6-0-0-0,00.html
Additional literature:
Other sources of information: Sport magazines and other publications about bicycling and MTB
The organization and tasks of Students acquire study course independently additionally; have contact
lectures. Independently acquire training and competition technique of MTB.
students’ independent work:
MTB training, study methodics. Coice of equipment, parametrs (relief the
The criteria of assesing the
lingth of distance, complications etc.) Attitude to study course.
results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for starting the
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Nature plays and games
PBBIC 4009
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
Lect. I.Smuka, lect. I.Liepina
Knowledge practice and skills corresponding to general secondary education
To create understanding about plays and games use for individual active rest,
recreation, renewing emotional strength.
To acquire knowledge and skills about plays and games manysidedness in the
fresh air, organizing and didactics basis and modeling of didactics basis. To
find plays and games corresponding physical conditioning of a person, age
and sex peculiarities.
Planned results of the study
The content of the course :
Obligatory literature:
Additional literature:
Other sources of information:
The organization and tasks of
students’ independent work:
The criteria of assesing the
results of the studies:
Study language:
The title of the courrse:
The code of the course :
The type of the course:
The level of course:
Study year:
Semester :
Credit points
Teaching staff
Requirements for
starting the course:
The aim of the course :
The task of the course:
Planned results of the
study course:
The content of the
course :
Obligatory literature:
Knowledge: physical and mental renewing of men’s strength, forming
personality, social relations.
Skills: to create plays and games plans, taking into account age and physical
conditioning of the individual, to denote plays and games influence to
recreative effect fresh air resources accordance in choosing plays and gaumes,
guidance technique.
Competence: plays and games guidance, performance and organization , using
of didactics in acquiring general skills, observation and evaluation
Movement games influence to the rest of individual, physical and mental
strength and renewing of emotional condition movement games aims, tasks in
recreation. Plays and games content, tasks, methods and means. Plays and
games choice, modeling dependence from fresh air specific conditions and
persons age, sex and physical strength.
H. Sūna „Latviešu rotaļas un rotaļdejas”, Rīga: Zinātne, 1965.g.
M. Mellēna, E. Spīčs, V. Muktupāvels, I. Irbe ”Gadskārtu grāmata”, Rīga:
Madris, 2004.g.
1.Kāposta I. Spēles pedagoģijas teorijā un praksē. - R., 1993.
2. Dzintere D., Boša R. Rotaļspēles. - R., 1997
1. Dzintere D. Rotaļa kā svarīgs bērna darbības veids. - R., 1999.
Informative sources, periodicals, internet.
Plays and games classes, planning recreational arrangements. Plays and
games as recreational arrangement.
Presentation of nature plays and games plan and arrangement scenario.
Foundation of gymnastics II (drills)
PBBIC 4000
Free choice course
Professional Bachelor of Education in sport science
1 KP/ 1,5 ECTS
assist. prof. V.Mackars, lect. I.Kravalis
before knowledge corresponding to secondary education
standard in the subject „Sports”.
to acquire drill orders in teams, to acquire skills to fulfil orders .
to acquire knowledge about drills, skills to fulfil order,
competence – to use a
team in practical action.
acquiring knowledge, skills competence in drills study.
concepts of drill study, movements to begin and to stop, report of
the student on duty, turns in place and in motion.
3. V.Mackars, I.Kravalis. Ierindas mācības kursa
programma. Rīga, LSPA. 2007.
Additional literature:
Other sources of
The organization and
tasks of students’
independent work:
The criteria of assesing
the results of the studies:
Study language:
4. U.Švinks. Ierindas mācības pamati, Rīga, LSPA, 2003.
3. U.Švinks. Ierindas mācība skolā. Rīga, LSPA, 1996.
4. Ierindas noteikumi AM, Rīga, 2006.
video of drill studies
individual classes separately and in groups
Students are evaluated according 10 points scale. 1 point is
substracted for a mistake. Evaluation 3 points is not enough.
Final evaluation is average 3 control normatives, control tests
about terminology.