Internationales Kochbuch (*)


Internationales Kochbuch (*)
Ernährung und Bewegung
2013 – 2015
Internationales Kochbuch
Simmern (D)
Kłobuck (PL)
Treviso (It)
Mittersill (AUT)
Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert.
Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung trägt allein der Verfasser;
die Kommission haftet nicht für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben.
Rezept: Markklößchensuppe
(Recipe: soup with dumplings)
Nährwert (nutritional value): ca. 250 kcal (1047 kJ)
Zutaten für die Markklößchensuppe (Ingredients of the soup with dumplings):
2 ½ Tassen (cup)
5 Tassen (cup)
¼ Tasse (cup)
Brötchen (buns)
Semmelbrösel (breadcrumps)
Rinderknochenmark (beef bones marrow)
Rinderfond (beef broth)
Karotte (carrot)
Petersilie (parsley)
Lauch (leek)
Ei (eg)
Salz, Pfeffer, Muskatnuss (salt, pepper, nutmeg)
4 Portionen (servings) preparation time: 2 ½ h
Brötchen in eine Schüssel mit heißem Wasser geben; ungefähr 30 Minuten warten bis sie weich sind;
die Masse gut kneten und die Brötchen in eine mittlere Schüssel geben. Semmelbrösel, 6 Esslöffel
Petersilie, das Ei, Muskatnuss, Salz und Pfeffer dazu geben. Mit einem kleinen Messer oder
Butterlöffel, das Knochenmark aus dem Knochen ausschöpfen und in einen kleinen Kochtopf geben,
auf mittlerer Hitze zum Schmelzen bringen. In die Schüssel mit Brötchen geben und erneut kneten bis
sich Teig formt. Forme 15 Kugeln.
Das Rinderfond, die Karotten und das Lauch in einen Kochtopf vermischen, mit Salz und Pfeffer
würzen. Zum Sieden bringen auf mittlerer bis hoher Hitze; auf mittlere Hitze reduzieren und Klöße
dazu geben. Kochen lassen, gelegentlich umrühren, warten bis die Klöße nach ca. 3 Minuten durch
Zum Servieren, die Suppe und die Klöße in 4 separate Schälchen geben und mit der restlichen
Petersilie verzieren.
Place rolls in a bowl and cover with warm water; let sit until soft, about 30 minutes; drain and
squeeze completely dry. Using your fingers, crumble rolls into a medium bowl. Add bread crumbs, 6
tbsp. parsley, eggs, nutmeg, and salt and pepper. Using a small spoon or butter knife, scoop marrow
from bones into a small saucepan; heat over medium heat until melted. Pour into bowl with rolls and
mix until dough forms. Shape into about fifty balls.
Mix stock, carrot, and leek in a saucepan; season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil over mediumhigh heat; reduce heat to medium, and add dumplings. Cook, stirring occasionally, until dumplings
are cooked through, about 3 minutes.
To serve, ladle soup and dumplings into 4 serving bowls, and garnish with remaining parsley.
Anmerkung (Comment)
Dieses Gericht ist einfach zuzubereiten und kann wird deshalb häufig alltäglich als Vorspeise serviert.
This dish is easy to prepare and very often served as a daily soup.
Rezept: Gemischter Salat
(Recipe: mixed-salad)
Nährwert (nutritional value): ca. 150 kcal (628 kJ)
Zutaten für den gemischten Salat (Ingredients of the mixed-salad):
Kopfsalat (lettuce)
Salatgurke (cucumber)
Paprika (paprika)
Tomate (tomato)
For the dressing:
Salz, Pfeffer, Muskatnuss, (salt, pepper, nutmeg)
Senf (mustard)
Saure Sahne (sour cream)
Zwiebel (onion)
Essig (vinegar)
Öl (oil)
4 Portionen (servings) preparation time: 15 minutes
Zuerst wäscht man den gemischten Salat. Danach schält und schneidet man die Gurke, die Paprika,
die Tomaten und die Zwiebeln. Als nächsten Schritt vermischt man den einen EL Essig mit den zwei EL
Öl und der Sauren Sahne.
Zum Schluss verfeinert man dies mit Senf, Pfeffer, Salz, Muskatnuss und der zerkleinerten Zwiebel.
Vor dem Servieren dekoriert man den Salat noch mit Gurken, Paprika und Tomaten.
First you have to wash your favorite salad, which you have chosen. Then you can peel and cut the
cucumber, paprika, tomatoes and the onion. If you have done this, you can continue with the salad
For that you have to mix one tablespoon vinegar with two tablespoons oil and a little bit of sour
cream. After that you can season the dressing with mustard, pepper, salt, nutmeg and the cutting
onion. If the dressing is ready you can mix it with the salad and decorate it with cucumbers, paprika
and tomatoes for serving it.
Anmerkung (Comment)
Der Salat gehört zur kalten Küche und wird meistens als Vor-, Hauptvorspeise oder Beilage serviert.
Der Blattsalat ist kein typisch deutsches Gericht.
The salad is part of the cold kitchen and will be served often as a pre-, main dish or a side dish. The
lettuce is not a typical German dish.
Rezept: Rinderrouladen mit Semmelknödel und Rotkohl
(Recipe: roulades with bread dumplings and red cabbage)
Nährwert (nutritional value): ca. 750 kcal (3140 kJ)
4 Portionen (servings) preparation time: 4 1/2 h
Zutaten für die Rouladen (Ingredients of the roulades):
12 Scheiben
4 EL
1 Stück
/2 Stange/n
/2 Flasche
/2 Liter
1 Schuss
2 EL
Roulade(n) vom Rind (beef roulades)
Zwiebel(n) (onions)
Gewürzgurke(n) (pickled gherkins)
Frühstücksspeck (bacon in slices)
Senf, mittelscharfer (medium hot mustard)
Knollensellerie (piece of celeriac)
Möhre(n) (carrot)
Lauch (piece of leek)
Rotwein, guter (red wine)
Salz (salt)
Pfeffer (pepper)
Rinderfond, kräftiger (bovine fond)
Speisestärke (cornflour)
Gurkenflüssigkeit (liquid of gherkins)
Butterschmalz (butter lard)
Zubereitung der Rouladen
Zunächst werden die Rinderrouladen aufgerollt, gewaschen und abgetrocknet. Dann schneidet man
die Zwiebeln in halbe Ringe und die Gurken in schmale Streifen.
Die ausgebreiteten Rouladen werden dünn mit Senf bestrichen und mit Salz und Pfeffer gewürzt.
Nun werden ca. ½ Zwiebel , 1 ½ Scheiben Speck und ca ½ Gewürzgurke mittig auf jeder Roulade
verteilt. Die Roulade aufrollen und mit Küchengarn gut verschnüren.
Jetzt werden die Rouladen in einer Pfanne mit Butterschmalz angebraten und anschließend in einen
Schmortopf gegeben.
Als nächstes werden der Sellerie, die restliche Zwiebel, das Lauch und die Möhren kleingeschnitten
und in der Pfanne angebraten.
Danach wird etwas Rotwein in die Pfanne gegeben. Wenn dieser verdampft ist, brät man das
Gemüse wieder trocken. Dieser Vorgang wird so oft wiederholt, bis eine halbe Flasche Wein
verbraucht ist.
Anschließend wird das Gemüse, die Fleischbrühe, etwas Salz, Pfeffer und etwas Gurkensaft in den
Schmortopf gegeben.
Dann wird der Schmortopf für 1 ½ Stunden entweder bei kleiner Flamme oder bei ca. 160 °C im
Backofen schmoren gelassen.
Sollten die Rouladen noch nicht weich genug sein, werden diese für weitere 30 Minuten geschmort.
Zum Schluss wird in dem Schmortopf eine Soße mit etwas Senf, Wasser und Speisestärke angerührt.
Die Soße wird nochmals mit Salz, Pfeffer, Rotwein oder Gurkensaft abgeschmeckt.
Preparation of the roulades
First roll the roulades up. Then wash and dry them. After that, cut the onions in half rings and the
cucumber in small stripes.
Spread salt, pepper and mustard over the rolled out roulades. Put ½ onion, 1 ½ slices of bacon and
about ½ gherkin in the middle of each roulade. Then roll up the roulades and make a little package
with kitchen string.
Then roast the roulades in a pan with butter lard. Put the roulades into a casserole.
For the next step, cut the rest of onions, leek and carrots and roast them in a pan. After that, add the
red wine to the vegetables. Thereupon wait until the liquid has evaporated. Subsequently add the
vegetables, the broth, salt, pepper and gherkin liquid to the casserole.
Cook everything for 1 ½ hours on a small flame.
If the roulades are not soft enough, you’ll have to cook them for 30 minutes more.
At the end prepare a sauce with mustard, water and cornstarch in the casserole. Season the sauce
with salt, pepper, red wine and a little gherkin liquid.
Zutaten für die Semmelknödel (Ingrediens of the bread dumplings):
Brötchen, trockene (dry buns)
3 EL
Petersilie, gehackte (chopped parsley)
10 g Butter
Zwiebel(n), fein gehackt (chopped onions)
250 ml Milch (milk)
Ei(er) (eggs)
Salz und Pfeffer, aus der Mühle (salt and pepper)
evtl. Semmelbrösel, zum Binden
Zubereitung der Semmelknödel
Die Brötchen in kleine Würfel oder in dünne Scheiben schneiden. Die gehackte Petersilie und die
Zwiebel in der Butter ganz kurz anschwitzen und mit den Brötchenwürfeln mischen. Die Milch
erhitzen und über die Brotwürfel gießen. Etwa 10 Minuten quellen lassen. Die mit Salz und Pfeffer
verquirlten Eier dazugeben und alles zu einem lockeren Teig verrühren. Sollte der Teig doch zu weich
sein rührt man etwas Semmelbrösel unter. Mit nassen Händen tennisballgroße Knödel formen und
in der siedendem Salzwasser für 20 Minuten ziehen lassen, bis sie nach oben steigen.
Preparation of the bread dumplings
First cut the dry buns into small cubes. Then lightly roast the chopped parsley and onions in a pan
with butter and mix it with the bun cubes. After that heat up the milk and add it to bun cubes. Wait
10 minutes because the dough has to rise up. Now put the eggs, salt and pepper together into the
mass. For the next step, mix the mass to a lightly dough. If the dough is too soft, add breadcrumbs to
it. Then shape the dough with wet hands to balls and let them simmer for 20 minutes in boiling
salted water.
Zutaten für den Rotkohl (Ingredients of the red cabbage):
1 mittelgroßer Rotkohl (red cabbage)
Äpfel (apples)
Zwiebel(n), geschält (peeled onions)
Gewürznelken (cloves)
1 Stange/n
Zimt (piece of cinnamon)
Lorbeerblatt (laurel leaf)
3 EL
Zucker (sugar)
2 EL
Schmalz (lard)
2 EL
Essig (vinegar)
500 ml
Fleischbrühe (broth)
4 EL
500 ml
Mehl (flour)
Wein, rot (red wine)
Salz (salt)
Zubereitung des Rotkohls
Zunächst wird der Rotkohl fein gehobelt. Da nach gibt man das Schmalz und den Zucker in einen
Kochtopf und lässt es karamellisieren. Anschließend gibt man das Kraut und den Essig hinzu. Nun
mischt man die geschälten Äpfel unter. Die Zwiebel mit den Nelken spicken und mit allen Gewürzen
dazugeben. Dann füllt man den Kochtopf mit etwas Fleischbrühe auf und lässt alles etwa 30-45
Minuten köcheln. Anschließend salzt man das Rotkraut und gibt das Mehl und etwas Rotwein hinzu.
Zuletzt nochmal alles durch kochen lassen, bis das Kraut weich ist.
Preparation of the red cabbage
At first, cut the cabbage into small pieces. After that, put the lard and the sugar into a casserole and
heat it until it caramelizes. Then add the cabbage and the vinegar to it. Now, add the apples, onions
and all spices. Pour in the meat broth and cook everything for about 30-45 minutes. For the next
step, add the salt, the flour and the red wine. Finally, cook the cabbage until it is soft.
Anmerkung (Comment)
Dieses Gericht ist typisch Deutsch und wird häufig an Feiertagen serviert.
This dish is typically German and very often served on special occasions.
Rezept: Quarkcreme mit Früchten
(Recipe: curdcheese-cream with fruits)
Nährwert (nutritional value): ca. 200 kcal (837 kJ)
Zutaten für die Quarkcreme (Ingredients of the curdcheese-cream):
400 g
100 g
100 g
2 EL
350 g
Quark (curd)
Natur-Joghurt (yoghurt)
Puderzucker (icing sugar)
Zitronensaft (lemon juice)
Früchte (Erdbeeren, Ananas, ..), fruits (pineapple, pears, apples, tangerines)
Schokoladenraspel (grated chocolate)
4 Portionen (servings) preparation time: 15 minutes
Alle Zutaten bis auf die Früchte mischen. Nun die Früchte unterrühren. Mit Schokostreuseln
Mix all ingredients except the fruit. Now stir in the fruit. Serve the curd-cream with chocolate
Anmerkung (Comment)
Dieses Gericht ist einfach zuzubereiten und kann wird deshalb häufig alltäglich als Nachspeise
This dish is easy to prepare and very often served as a daily dessert.
Rezept (Recipe): Donauwelle
Zutaten für die Donauwelle (Ingredients of the Donauwelle):
350 g
250 g
450 g
1 Pck
3 EL
3 EL
2 Gläser
500 ml
1 Pck
1 Pck
225 g
5 EL
250 g
5 EL
5 EL
2 EL
Butter (butter)
Zucker (sugar)
Eier (eggs)
Mehl (flour)
Backpulver (baking soda)
Kakaopulver (cocoa powder)
Puderzucker (icing sugar)
Sauerkirschen (sour cherries)
Milch (milk)
Puddingpulver Vanille (custard powder vanilla)
Vanillinzucker (vanilla sugar)
Butter (butter)
Puderzucker (icing sugar)
Kokosfett (coconut fat)
Zucker (sugar)
Kakaopulver (cocoa powder)
Eier (eggs)
Milch (milk)
1 Portion (serving) preparation time: 60 minutes
Zunächst 350 g Butter mit dem Zucker schaumig rühren und die 7 Eier einzeln hinzufügen. Dann Mehl
und Backpulver sieben und nach und nach unterrühren. Nun die eine Hälfte des Teigs auf ein
gefettetes Blech streichen und die andere Hälfte mit 3 EL Kakao und 3 EL Puderzucker vermengen
und auf den hellen Teig geben. Darauf 2 Gläser sehr gut abgetropfte Sauerkirschen verteilen. Jetzt
wird alles bei 175°C für 30 Minuten gebacken. Anschließend den Teig sehr gut abkühlen lassen.
Für die Creme den Vanillepudding mit der Milch nach Packungsanleitung zubereiten und zusätzlich
ein Päckchen Vanillinzucker hinzufügen. Während dem Abkühlen des Puddings mehrmals rühren, um
eine Haut zu vermeiden. 225 g Butter mit 5 EL Puderzucker schaumig rühren und mit dem Pudding
mischen. Jetzt wird die Creme auf den ausgekühlten Teig verteilt.
Für den Guss Kokosfett im Topf flüssig werden lassen und in einer Rührschüssel abkühlen lassen.
Danach werden 5 EL Zucker, 5 EL Kakao, 2 Eier und 2 EL Milch untergerührt. Zum Schluss wird der
Guss auf der Cremeschicht verteilt, solange er noch flüssig ist.
First beat 350 g butter and sugar until fluffy and add the 7 eggs separately. Then sieve floar and
baking soda and stir it in the mixture. Now put half of the dough on a greased griddle and mix the
other half with 3 EL cocoa powder and 3 EL icing sugar. After that put the dark dough on the bright
one. Afterwards drain the two glasses of cherries well and put them on the griddle. Subsequently
bake the mass for about 30 minutes at 175°C and lave to cool it well.
For the cream prepare custard powde and milk as it is told on the package and add vanilla sugar.
While cooling it down stir the pudding from time to time to avoid a skin on it. Now beat 225 g butter
and 5 EL icing sugar until fluffy and add it to the pudding. Then put the mass on the cold dough.
For the frosting heat coconut fat in a pot until it is liquid and cool it down in a bowl. After that add 5
EL sugar, 5 EL cocoa powder, 2 eggs and 2 EL milk. At least pour the liquid frosting on the cream and
let it cool down again.
Dieses Gericht sehr Kalorienreich und aufwendig, daher wird es eher als Feiertagsgericht serviert.
This dish contains many calories and is ornate, hence it is mostly served as a festive dish.
Recipe: Żurek – Sour rye soup
Nutritional value: ca. 122 kcal
Ryemeal Sour (Żur or Kwas):
3/4 cup rye flour
2 cups water boiled and cooled to lukewarm
1/2 pound peeled and chopped soup vegetables (carrots, parsnips, celery root, leeks)
6 cups water
1/2 pound fresh (white) Polish sausage (kiełbasa biała)
1 pound potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
2 cups ryemeal sour (above)
1 heaping tablespoon all-purpose flour mixed with 4 tablespoons water
1 garlic clove crushed with 1/2 teaspoon salt
3 large hard-cooked eggs (optional)
6 servings preparation time: 1h 15 minutes
Mix together rye flour with lukewarm water. Pour into a glass jar or ceramic bowl that is large
enough for the mixture to expand. Cover with cheesecloth and let stand in a warm place for 4 to 5
days. This should make 2 cups or enough for the soup. If the sour isn't used immediately, it can be
stored, covered, in the refrigerator for up to a week.
In a large soup pot, bring soup vegetables and water to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 30 minutes.
Add sausage, return to the boil, reduce heat and cook another 30 minutes. Remove sausage from
soup, slice when cool enough to handle, and set aside. Strain stock through a sieve, pressing on the
vegetables to extract as much flavor as possible. Discard the vegetables, skim the fat off the stock,
and return the stock to the soup pot.
Add the potatoes and ryemeal sour to the stock, adding salt if necessary. Bring to a boil, reduce heat
to simmer and cook until potatoes are al dente. Whisking constantly, add flour-water mixture, sliced
sausage and garlic-salt paste. Bring the soup to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook until potatoes
are tender. Serve in heated bowls with half a hard-cooked egg in each serving (if desired), and rye
bread on the side.
This soup is very good for your stomach, colon, and body health.
Recipe: Bigos – Hunter's stew
Nutritional value: ca. 224 kcal
1 cup pitted prunes
1/2 ounce dried Polish or porcini mushrooms
2 cups boiling water
1 tablespoon bacon drippings or vegetable oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 small head fresh cabbage, chopped
1 pound sauerkraut, rinsed well and drained
1/2 pound smoked Polish sausage, cut into 1-inch pieces
1/2 pound cooked fresh Polish sausage, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 pound leftover boneless meat, cut into 1-inch pieces
3 large tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 cup dry red wine, preferably Madeira
1 bay leaf
Salt and black pepper to taste
6 – 7 servings preparation time: 2h
Place prunes and dried mushrooms in a medium bowl. Pour over boiling water and let steep for 30
minutes or until mushrooms have softened. You may chop the mushrooms and prunes, but leaving
them whole makes for a chunkier dish. Set aside with soaking liquid.
Meanwhile, in a Dutch oven or large pot with a lid, saute onion and fresh cabbage in bacon drippings
or vegetable oil. When cabbage has collapsed by half, add sauerkraut, meats, tomatoes, wine, bay
leaf and reserved mushrooms and prunes and their soaking liquid, being careful not to pour off the
sediment in the bottom of the bowl.
Mix well and bring to a boil over medium heat. Lower heat to low and simmer covered for 1 1/2
hours, stirring occasionally and adding liquid as needed to prevent burning.
When ready to serve, remove bay leaf and any bones from meats. Portion into heated bowls and
garnish with a piece of "frisee" or other fancy greens to resemble the feather in a hunter's hat.
Accompany with whole, peeled and boiled potatoes.
The longer this cooks the better it tastes, and it's even better served the next day. It's a natural for
outdoors cooking in a cast-iron kettle winter or summer. The dish lends itself well to potlucks and
tailgate parties, slow cookers and freezes well.
This dish is considered the national dish of Poland. It's a hearty, long-simmered meat-and-sauerkraut
stew that goes back centuries.
Recipe: Sałatka jarzynowa – Polish vegetable salad
Nutritional value: ca. 64 kcal
4 carrots, boiled, drained and cubed
2 can(s) peas
4 potatoes, boiled, drained and cubed
1 medium-sized yellow onion, chopped
4 hard boiled eggs, cubed
2 pickles, cubed
1 apple, cubed (whatever kind you like - the more sour, the more prominent, like granny
2 c mayonnaise (about 2 cups, depending how creamy you like it)
1 bunch parsley
1 bunch chives, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
4-8 servings preparation time: 1 h
Have a big mixing bowl ready... you will be needing it to combine all the ingredients.
Boil carrots to medium-soft consistency. They should not be mushy, or they'll just mush up the whole
dish and you'll get veggie mash instead of veggie salad. Drain, let cool, and chop into cubes, add to
mixing bowl.
At the same time, boil your potatoes. Drain and let cool, then carefully chop them into cubes. Very
important to let them cool before you chop them, otherwise the chopping will just make them fall
apart. Add to mixing bowl.
Cube your eggs, onion (cube the onion into fine pieces... not too big), pickles, apple; add all to the
bowl. Add can of peas to the bowl. Chop up the parsley, add to bowl.
Salt and pepper your bowl of yumminess, then carefully mix with a big spoon (so as to not mash the
veggies). Add the mayo, then mix some more, carefully.
Taste! Now you probably want more salt and pepper to to your taste (at this time, you also may
decide you want more of a kick, so add more pickles / onions / apple), or you want it more savory
(add more egg, maybe even a little garlic salt), maybe you want it more creamy, so add more mayo!
Delicious, creamy, traditional Polish vegetable salad. The recipe varies from household to household.
It tastes especially good on a plate with some polish bread and smoked ham.
Recipe: Mazurek cake
Nutritional value: ca. 425 kcal
6 ounces (1 1/2 sticks) butter
4 tablespoons sugar
2 ounces (6 tablespoons) ground blanched almonds
1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 large hard-cooked egg yolks, sieved
1 large raw egg yolk
Pinch salt
Pinch cinnamon
6 ounces apricot preserves
6 ounces raspberry or cherry preserves
Confectioners' sugar
8 servings preparation time: 50 minutes
Cream together butter and sugar with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. By hand, stir in almonds,
zest, flour, making sure to measure flour correctly, and hard-cooked egg yolks.
Add raw egg yolk, salt and cinnamon, and mix into a smooth dough. This entire process, from step
number one, can be done in a food processor, if you prefer.
Place dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Heat oven to 375 degrees. Cut off 1/3 dough and return, wrapped, to the refrigerator. Roll out 2/3
dough and place on an 8-inch-by-11-inch tart pan with a removal bottom or a small sheet pan. Pierce
or "dock" the dough with the tines of a fork. Using pastry brush, egg wash (1 beaten egg with 1
teaspoon water) dough.
Roll remaining 1/3 dough and cut into 1/4-inch strips. Arrange strips lattice-style over dough. Brush
lattice strips with egg wash. Bake for 20-30 mimutes, or until light golden brown and crisp.
Allow to cool completely. Place pastry on a serving plate and spoon fruit preserves alternately into
the open spaces of the lattice work. Sprinkle lightly with confectioners' sugar.
Traditionally served at Easter, this pastry is so delicious and easy to make, it now appears at tables
Recipe: A dessert with mascarpone cheese and fruits
Nutritional value: ca. 140 kcal
250 grams of mascarpone cheese
1 packet of jelly
1 ½ glass of water
1 spoonful of sugar
1 spoonful of lemon juice
fruits (for example kiwi, oranges, strawberries)
2 servings preparation time 20 minutes
Boil the jelly in 1 ½ water and then put aside to cool. Peel the fruits and cut into small pieces.
Put the fruits together with the crushed biscuits into the cups. Put the mascaropne cheese into the
bowl and add sugar and lemon juice. Mix it together with the jelly.
Put the mixture into the fridge and when it begins to thicken pour into the cups.
This dessert is easy to make and tastes really great. It is also healthy as it contains fruits.
Recipe: pizza margherita
Nutritional value: ca. 550 cal
500g flour 00
25g brewer's yeast
300g mozzarella
300g tomato sauce
50ml olive oil
A basil twig
20g flour
Preparation time for 5 portions: 180 minutes
Melt the brewer's yeast in 1/2 cup of warm water. Add the flour and mix to get a homogeneous
mixture. Cover the mixture with a cloth and keep it in a warm place for 30 minutes, put flour on a
work surface, spill the dissolved yeast in the center of it and add a piece of salt. Then gradually pour a
glass of warm water, and begin to knead.
Knead the dough until it becomes a soft and supple ball and place it into a bowl. Cover with a cloth
and let it rise for 2 hours in a warm place.
Work the dough just for a little while on a work surface dusted with flour until you get a sheet of half
inch thick. Transfer it to a lightly greased baking sheet with olive oil, finally reinforced edges.
Pour over the tomato sauce. Slice the mozzarella into cubes. Spread the tomatoes on the pizza, salt,
place the mozzarella and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. Bring the oven to 250 ° C, bake the pizza
and cook it for 15-20 minutes.
Remove from the oven, garnish with washed and dried basil leaves and serve hot.
For a good preparation, add the mozzarella 5 minutes before the end of cooking.
The classic recipe to prepare at home. This is crispy outside and soft inside and completed with
tomato sauce, melted mozzarella and some fresh basil.
Recipe: Lasagne alla Bolognese
Nutritional value: ca. 690 cal
300g of flour 00
2 eggs
To make green lasagne put in 150g of spinach
or nettles
300g of lean beef mince twice
150g of mince bacon
150g of sausages
100g of ham
250g of tomato sauce
A teaspoon of tomato paste
70g of celery
A carrot
150g of white or yellow onions
A glass of white wine
20 g of butter
6 spoons of extra virgin olive oil
Preparation time for 6 portions: 70 minutes
Make a fountain of flour, break the eggs in the pit and dash it with a fork and incorporate the flour.
Cover the ball of pasta with a skin and let it pause for 20 minutes
For green lasagne:
Clean the spinach or the nettles put into a pot without any water. Cook it for 15 minutes and mix it
often. Drain it , crush it and chop finely with a mixer. Mix the puree of spinach or nettles with paste
and work the mixture until it is compact and elastic.
Stretch a foil not too thin and cut it into rectangles of 10 cm x15 cm that you put on a cloth. Heat on
the slow cooking with a bit of olive oil into a pan full of minced onions, celery and carrots; after 2
minutes add the minced bacon.
When all is soft put in ½ glass of white wine. Add some tomato paste, the sausage to the meat and
leave on slow cooking for 30 min.
After 30 min add up the tomato sauce and leave it on slow cooking for other 30 min and often mix
the mixture. Salt, add pepper and cover with hot water and wait until it boils for 2 hours; if it is
necessary pour some milk.
During the last 30 minutes of cooking sprinkle with nutmeg, if necessary add some salt and pepper
and add 20 grams of butter. At the end the sauce should be very thick.
Fill a large and low pot of water and pour a few drops of oil, and when the water boils, add some salt
and throw the lasagne 2-3 at a time. Let them cook for 1 min, take them with a strainer and place
them in a bowl filled with cold water. Let them cool, take them with hands, shaken from the water
and place on a wet cloth.
Grease a baking tray and put in a layer of lasagne, cover it with ragù and spread it with some
parmisan. Carry on with the same procedure (lasagne – ragù, lasagne – ragù) and complete it with a
layer of ragù.
Put all into the oven ( that is at 200° C) for 40 min. At the end of the cooking let it pause stand in the
oven with the door open for 5 min, and serve it.
The lasagne is not known only in Bologna, now this dish is known all over the world and it is a symbol
of Italy.
Recipe: Seppie in umido
Nutritional value: ca. 320 kcal
1 kg of cuttlefish
A clove of garlic
An onion
Half a glass of a white wine
250 gr of tomato sauce
Olive oil
3 spoons of meat or vegetable’s broth
Preparation time for 5 portions: 40 minutes
Remove, but keep, the cuttlefish ink sachet. Remove the eyes and the spout, clean and cut into
stripes. In case of small cuttlefish simply cut them into two halves. Fry the mashed clove of garlic and
the fine chopped onion. After, join the chopped parsley , the cuttlefish and wet with white wine.
When the wine is evaporated join the tomato sauce and some salt. Eventually dilute with some hot
broth and let it cook, with the cover, for almost half an hour. If they get too dry, wet them with a
little broth. Serve them with a pinch of pepper. A part of the cuttlefish can be the base for a
delicious risotto or pasta.
Variant: The most popular version is the addiction of cuttlefish ink contained in the little sachet
removed from them, halfway through cooking and diluted, with a drop of broth and a spoon of oil. In
this case the quantity of tomato sauce must be decreased.
Recipe: Pasta alla Carbonara
Nutritional value: ca. 560 cal
1 egg per person
400gr of pasta
200gr of cheek lard
100gr of Roman pecorino
Preparation time for 4 portions: 25 minutes
To prepare «Spaghetti alla Carbonara» put the pot with a lot of water on the cooker. When the water
boils add only two tea spoons of salt and then some spaghetti because the sauce is already tasty.
In the meantime cut the cheek lard into small pieces, put them into the frying pan, without adding
any oil and leave it on the cooker until the fat gets transparent and crispy, then remove it from the
cooker and let it cool slightly.
Smash the eggs in the bowl then mix them up with the «pecorino» cheese and the pepper. Stir all
the ingredients with a whisk and then add some cheek lard.
Drain the pasta when it tastes cooked and mix it up with the sauce in the bowl. Dish out the
«Spaghetti alla Carbonara» and if it is necessary add some more pecorino and ground black pepper.
The history of this recipe started during the period of the liberation of Rome from the allies.
Recipe: Tiramisù
Nutritional value: ca. 500 kcal
12 yolks
½ kg of sugar
1 kg of mascarpone cheese
60 savoiardi (sponge fingers)
Cocoa powder
Preparation time for 13 portions: 40 minutes
Mix up 12 yolks with ½ kg of sugar then add gradually 1 kg of mascarpone cheese then you will get a
soft cream; Sop 30 savoiardi up with coffee being careful not to sop them up too much and arrange
them following the shape of the plate.
Put half cream on the savoiardi and then another layer of 30 savoiardi sopped with coffee and put
the remaining cream on the surface. At the end sift the cocoa on the cream ; put the cake into the
fridge for at least two hours.
Tiramisù is claimed by different regions (Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Piedmont, Tuscany)
the evidence leads us to infer that the famous recipe was born in Treviso at the restaurant
Nährwert (nutritional value): about 950 kcal
Zutaten (Ingredients)
350 g
Mehl (Flour)
Eier (Eggs)
4 EL
Öl (Oil)
0,2 Liter
Milch (Milk)
40 g
Butter (Butter)
270 g
Käse (Cheese)
140 g
Zwiebeln (Onions)
200 ml
Gemüsebrühe (Vegetable stock)
1 TL
Salz (Salt)
1 Hand voll (hand full) Schnittlauch (Chives)
0,2 Liter
Die Eier mit einem Gemisch aus Milch und Wasser verrühren. Dann mit Mehl und Salz einen
mittelfesten Nockerlteig herstellen. Diesen Teig einige Minuten ziehen lassen.
Anschließend durch ein groblöchriges Sieb (oder durch ein verkehrt gehaltenes Reibeisen!) in
kochendes Salzwasser hobeln. Kurz (ca. 3 Min.) kochen lassen, bis die Nockerl an der Oberfläche
schwimmen. Dann herausnehmen und kalt abschwemmen.
Butter in einer Eisenpfanne (oder einer beschichteten Pfanne) heiß werden lassen. Zuerst die
Zwiebelwürfel darin anschwitzen, dann die Nockerl in die Pfanne geben und mit Gemüsebrühe
ablöschen. Den Käse klein würfeln und zugeben. Sobald der Käse geschmolzen ist, servieren.
Vor dem Servieren noch mit viel frischem Schnittlauch bestreuen.
Mix the eggs with milk and water. Add flour and salt until it’s a medium hard paste. Let it rest for a
few minutes.
Rub it throug a rough filter into boiling saltwater. Cook it for approximately three minutes. When the
food swims on the surface of the water, it’s ready to take it out. Pour it with cold water.
Melt the butter in a pan and add the onions. Moreover put in the Nockerl and the vegetable stock.
Cut the cheese into small cubes and add them. When the cheese is melted, the meal is ready to
serve. If you want, sprinkle it with fresh chives.
This dish isn’t really healthy but very typical for our area. It’s only served on special occasions.
Nährwert (nutritional value): about 600 kcal
Zutaten (Ingredients)
1 Pck. Trockenhefe (Barm)
150 ml Milch (Milk)
350 g Mehl (Flour)
60 g Puderzucker (Sugar powder)
1 Prise Salz (Salt)
60 g Butter (Butter)
Eier (Eggs)
1 EL Rum (Rum)
etwas zerlassene Butter (a little bit of melted butter)
Marmelade zum Füllen (jam)
Mehl mit Hefe vermischen. Milch mit 80 g Butter erwärmen und mit Puderzucker, Salz, Eiern und
Rum vermischen. Das Mehl dazu geben und alles mit der Küchenmaschine oder mit dem Kochlöffel
zu einem glatten Teig verarbeiten, bis er sich vom Rand der Schüssel löst. Zugedeckt ca. 30 Minuten
an einem warmen Ort gehen lassen, das Volumen soll sich verdoppeln.
Vom Teig kleine Stücke abschneiden, etwas flach drücken, mit Marmelade füllen und verschließen. In
eine ausgebutterte Form setzen, mit Butter bestreichen und nochmals gehen lassen.
Im vorgeheizten Backrohr bei 180°C in ca. 25 Minuten goldbraun backen. Mit Puderzucker bestäuben
und etwas ausgekühlt genießen.
Mix Flour with Barm. Warm up the milk with 80 g butter and mix this with sugar powder, salt, eggs
and rum. Add Flour and stir the paste until it is smooth and contains no chunks of flour. Let it rest at
a warm place for half an hour until the volume of the paste is twice.
Cut small pieces down, press them flat, fill them with jam and close the pieces. Put them into a form
prepared with butter. Let them rest for a few minutes again.
Bake the food in the prepared oven on 180°C for about 25 minutes. Sprinkle it with sugar powder
and serve the ready meal.
This dish is sweat so people eat it as a dessert.
Zutaten (Ingredients)
500 g glattes Mehl (Flour)
Eier (Eggs)
/2 Liter Wasser (Water)
2 Prisen Salz (Salt
Butter zum Rausbacken (Butter to bake it in the pan)
600 g Beeren, (Blaubeeren / Schwarzbeeren / Moosbeeren) (Blueberries)
Mehl, Eier, Salz, Wasser zu einem Teig verrühren und 10 Minuten rasten lassen. Dann die Beeren
In einer Pfanne ordentlich Butter leicht braun werden lassen, die Hälfte der Masse eingießen, nach
ca. 6 Minuten mit einer Backschaufel wenden und leicht zerpflücken, wenn alles schön braun ist, auf
den Teller und mit Zucker servieren, dann die andere Hälfte backen.
Mix flour, eggs, salt and water and stir it to a paste. Let it rest for ten minutes and after that, add the
Melt butter in a pan and pour in half of the paste. After six minutes turn it over and pick it into
pieces. Put it on a plate and prepare the other half. Serve the meal with sugar.
The blueberries grow on mountains in summertime. While this season many families have this dish.
Zutaten (Ingredients)
400 g Gekochte, kalte Kartoffeln (boiled, cold potatoes)
Eier (Eggs)
75 g Roggenmehl (Rye flour)
75 g Weizenmehl (Wheat flour)
75 g Grieß (Semolina)
40 g Butter (Butter)
1/2 TL Salz (Salt)
75 g Butter (Butter)
Sauerkraut (Sauerkraut)
Die geschälten Kartoffeln durch die Presse drücken oder mit einer Gabel fein zerdrücken, mit Mehl,
Grieß, Ei, Salz und Butter (30g) gut verkneten.
Auf bemehlter Arbeitsfläche portionsweise den Teig zu 2 cm dicken Rollen formen, davon ca. 1,5 cm
breite Stückchen abschneiden.
In einem großen Topf Wasser aufkochen, Nudeln hinein geben. In ein Sieb geben und abtropfen
In einer großen, beschichteten Pfanne die Butter erhitzen und dann die Nudeln dazugeben. Man
kann sie mit Sauerkraut servieren.
Press the peeled and cooked potatoes with a fork and mix them with flour, semolina, eggs, salt and
30 g of butter.
Form the paste to rolls of 2 cm and cut down pieces of 1,5 cm.
Boil water and put the noodles in it. Put it into a filter and let it drip down.
Melt butter in a pan and add the noodles.
If you want, serve it with sauerkraut.
You can also serve this meal sweet, with sugar powder and poppy seed instead of sauerkraut.
Wiener Schnitzel
Nährwert (nutritional value): about 800 kcal
Zutaten (Ingredients)
600 g Kalbsschnitzel (Veal cutlet)
Eier (Eggs)
Salz (Salt)
250 g Butterschmalz (Butter oil)
Zitrone (lemon)
glattes Mehl (Flour)
Semmelbrösel (Breadcrumbs)
Die Schnitzel mit Klarsichtfolie bedecken und zart plattieren (klopfen).
Die Schnitzel beidseitig gleichmäßig salzen.
Die Eier mit einer Gabel leicht verschlagen. Die Kalbsschnitzel in Mehl beidseitig wenden, durch die
Eier ziehen und danach in Semmelbröseln wenden (die Brösel dabei nur zart andrücken). Die
Schnitzel leicht abschütteln und überschüssige Brösel entfernen.
Reichlich Butterschmalz in einer passenden Pfanne erhitzen. Die Schnitzel in das heiße Fett legen und
unter wiederholtem Schwingen der Pfanne bräunen. Dann mittels einer Fleischgabel vorsichtig
wenden und von der anderen Seite fertig backen. Mit einer Backschaufel aus der Pfanne heben.
Die Schnitzel abtropfen lassen, mit Küchenkrepp das überschüssige Fett abtupfen und mit einer
Zitronenspalte garniert servieren.
Passende Beilagen sind Kartoffelsalat, Gurkensalat, Feldsalat oder Petersilienkartoffeln.
Cover the veal cutlet with plastic wrap and flatten it with a meat tenderiser.
Salt both sides of the meat.
Quirl the eggs with a fork. Turn the cutlets in flour, then in the eggs and finally in the breadcrumbs.
Melt butter oil in a pan and put the pieces in it. Fry the meat on both sides until it is crunchy and
Let it drip down and serve it with a slice of lemon.
If you want, you can serve it with potatoes or salad.
It’s a very common dish and in Austria everybody knows it.