a LAKE ORION - oakland county bass anglers
a LAKE ORION - oakland county bass anglers
JF LAKE ORION ; a Oakland County Located in Bald Mountain State Recreation Area '*1 ?s f rAd f f{f\ I l \ f}},{Ltf{ t; Jrs Area map page(s): 6 - 7 Township / Range / Section coord: 4N 10E 2,3, 10, 11 Surface water area: 470 acres Maximum depth: 58 ft. Water clarity: NA town: Lake Orion Heights Latitude / Longitude: 42 46.90 i 83 15,00 Nearest Accessibility: State-owned public access on north shore (nominal t"{}N!: s fee charged by Parks & Recreation Division); hard-surfaced ramp; parking A{f4 3TA. |I Accommodations: Boat rental, courtesy pier, picnic, camping, cabins, toilets ; Survey start - end dates: NA Survey objective: NA Gear type(s) utilized: NA Fish cover types observed: Sparse logs and stumps, abundant IT *Lfl ryfE fr]## tGf\J E iiTSl "r{ffJ,' H F#r$f*,s l $ Ir igxgg trr laSt{,\ I i I t, I ,r'u /" }v Sf,R 'Fps docks Fish foods observed: Aquatic insects, minnows and crayfish FISHING INFORMATION: Lake Orion is best known as a largemouth sass aKe :hough it also has a good number of northern pike. s&)v's Sco: Ca.,^n:e i of Orion Marine and Pontoon Rentals, 10 Park B v: -3q,€ I":' '',,"11 48362, (248) 693-1076. This 506acre lake is cre a':*g :,€s: ' 3,a< a'C County for bass, he says. Orion has lots of s- z^: 5-:: *^:€"s :: :e *cund, The northerns average about26lFrc-es a-I :": :.: a s: ^as ;ocd numbers of bluegills and crappies -"*: --::,t-:: rt, l:;?^l ^eavily on when you visit the lake ia- r - :-i :"€:s: - **,*i- :-g ,**33i e','e s are down, spinnerbaits a-: :*a-xr3'ls :: *\* -: " - : s= a:=- :ass But the weeds in this &q.ts a'g -B3l*"., z-: ,\-i- s-**3" 3** *€,S your best bet is to use lop\rta:e* 3a :s a-: : -:::3 :s I ,3- :-: weeds. You may also have luc$< w il'- . is : as:,: fi3'-s :* lae:diving crankbaits while working th'e l"cD-:-S Or o. :aS 3iS c' points, coves, islands, bays and drop-o'f1s so ycu wi{l find lust about any condition you want to fish Try some of those back bays, especially a couple along the western shore (Spots 1) in your search for largemouths and pike. Another bay on the southeast corner of the lake and an area near the public access (Spots 2) are both good places to locate northerns. Try working the drop-offs near an island on the south end of Orion (Spot 3). There you will often find some of those bass that draw many to this lake. A point on the east side of the lake (Spot 4) is another location where bass anglers often do well. And Campbell says you don't want to miss the bass action in the little, stump-filled bay on the south end, just west of Bellvue Street (Spot 5). You might toss spinnerbaits to the wood in this area to produce bass strikes. Or, you can 'twitch" a crankbait in amongst the stumps. Either way should otfer a good chance at some nice fish. Orion isn't known for an abundance of woody cover, so this little bay on the south end acts like a magnet. Like most lakes in this heavily populated area that allow it, Orion has its share of recreational boaters - so you should follow the normal advice to fish early, late, or on weekdays if you can, However, the many coves and points noted above also ensure that lhere are many locations where you can get away from power::ats, Orion once had too many panfish, but don't be put off by "=::'ts a for 34 vehicles It firrlA I I I I U U FISH STOCKING DATA vear -96 97 97 98 00 specles Walleye Walleye Walleye Walleye Walleye length (inches) 1 .64 2.44 2.28 2.32 1.84 # released 98,747 55,759 41 ,1 68 97,858 43,674 'ecent years. That's because a DNR project to thin the panfish :::- a: c^ i. the 1980s has greatly improved the fishery. The DNR :.,: ::s :' : {e *i"gerlings in at that time, and those grown-up -:,:-e--s 3-lr*, :-g ['33ess worked, The lake has been stocked il t* ,,r3 Ey'es s toe i 3 6 :L tf e DNR. Despite this, a 1997 survey shcwed littie evrdence sf ,r, aiieye su rvival. lt should be noted, though, that an overabundance of weeds and private docks in this lake makes sampling difficult, Thus, the lack of walleyes in the survey nets may be rnore a matter of poor sampling than poor survival and recruitment, This lake draws a fair number of winter anglers, with northerns and panfish being the species most often pulled through the ice, Most holes are drilled on the north and southeast bays, I T I ; T |! ; F F e ( ( e ( a ( ( ( a a ( ( J a ! J a