Kol Yisra`el The Voice of Temple Israel Friday, December 23 ~ 7:00 pm


Kol Yisra`el The Voice of Temple Israel Friday, December 23 ~ 7:00 pm
December 2011 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5772
Kol Yisra’el
Join us for our special Shabbat Service
The Voice of Temple Israel
Shabbat Services
All Services and Torah Study are at the
Alpert Jewish Community Center
3801 East Willow St. ~ Long Beach 90815
Friday, December 2
7:00 p.m. Family Shabbat Service
with Youth Choir directed by Kendra Cogert
Saturday, December 3
Friday, December 23 ~ 7:00 p.m.
at the Alpert JCC
Bring your whole family and join in this spiritual and fun-filled Service.
There will be a sing-along with Kendra Cogert and our youth choir
and “Chanukah Happenings” from our Rabbi.
Don’t forget to bring your menorah and candles.
We will light the fourth candle that evening.
See flyer for complete Chanukah Happening information.
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Sabbath Fellowship Service
Friday, December 9
6:00 p.m. Ruach Shabbat
Saturday, December 10
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Friday, December 16
6:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat
7:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service
with Prayer Insights
Saturday, December 17
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Friday, December 23
7:00 p.m. Chanukah Happening
with Youth Choir directed by Kendra Cogert
Saturday, December 24
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Friday, December 30
7:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service
Saturday, December 31
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Pre-Service Oneg
Join us the every month for
Join us a half hour before our 6:00 p.m. Services
for appetizers and socializing!
All Services are led by HaMo’Robyn
Friday, December 16
6 p.m. at AJCC
Services include a
FREE pizza dinner
Please RSVP by calling the
Temple Office,
(562) 434-0996
Picture by Paulson www.flickr.com/photos/gpaulson/5013487893/
Ruach Shabbat
Friday, December 9 ~ 6:00 p.m.
Ruach Shabbat is a new, spirited and soulful
Friday Evening Shabbat Service
with Rabbi Moskowitz and
song leader Josh Friedman on guitar
Torah Study
Saturday Mornings
8:45 - 10 a.m.
Rabbi Moskowitz facilitates this participatory weekly
Torah study. Each week, this enthusiastic group examines
the parashat hashavuah (weekly Torah portion) and
discusses its meaning and relevance through the use of
traditional commentaries and personal reflection.
This Torah study is for everyone. No previous background
or knowledge of Hebrew is required.
Come one time or every week!
Professional Staff
Rabbi Steven Moskowitz • Cantor Marvin Finnley • David York, Organist
Eric J. Shatzkin, Executive Director • Sharon Amster Brown, Educator
Our Mission Statement:
To actively engage in a journey of Jewish spiritual, educational
and social growth.
Our Vision Statement
A vibrant, caring Reform congregation of living Judaism that
embraces the rich legacy of Jewish thought, practice and
Kol Yisra’el is a monthly newsletter published September through July
by Temple Israel (a member of the Union for Reform Judaism). The
deadline for submission of all material for the newsletter is the 10th
of the preceding month prior to publication.
Board of Trustees 2011 - 2012
Amy Lipeles
Dawn Haldane
VP Ritual Practices
Joyce Feldman
VP Ways and Means
Linda Calderòn
VP Education
Valerie Condon
VP Membership
Judi Lentzner
VP Programming
Nancy Epstein
Jonathan Kass
Alan Lilien
Past President
Janet Schultz
Foundation President
Suzanne Brodsly, Harriette Ellis, Debi Felsenthal, Roberta Friedman,
Barry Mitnick, Greg Naiman, David Philips, Gary Roberts,
Alan Rosen, Barbara Shoag, David Tillman
Rabbi’s Message
dimension). Shin is for sechel (intelligence). Heh evokes the
word hakol (the overarching spirit that combines all aspects
Chanukah is a holiday rich in of creation). When the dreidel spins, all of these dimensions
numbers. There are, of course, blur into one.
the eight days during which we
celebrate it. A closer look, however, The number 36 carries great value in the Jewish tradition.
reveals a series of numerological It is double chai, the word for life. It is also associated in
allusions which point us toward a Jewish folklore with the number of hidden righteous people
through whose merit the world is sustained. By lighting the
most surprising conclusion.
Chanukah candles, we lend our support to the sustenance of
The total number of candles lit the righteous.
over the eight days, excluding
the shamash candle which Finally, the numerical value of the first 8 Hebrew letters is
lights all the others each night, 36. The number 8 also has great significance. In the world of
is 36 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8). mathematics, 8 is the largest cube in the Fibonacci sequence.
Geometrically, this sum may be depicted as a triangle. The That sequence is defined by the recurrence of numbers where
mystical significance of a triangle is its representation of each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Jewish
the development of multiplicity from singularity. Jewish tradition highlights 8 as one number beyond that needed for
tradition celebrates this blossoming from a single point. It the days of creation. It is a step beyond creation; it takes us to
is the message contained in the Bible’s story of the birth of infinity. And indeed the number 8 can be perceived as pointing
humankind. Similarly, kabbalah describes the universe in all us back toward the dimension of the origin of all, as in:
of its profusion as emerging from a single point from which
God has withdrawn Godself in order to allow for new life to
grow. This withdrawal sets in motion an expanding universe
of life forms. Modern physics echoes this kabbalistic imagery
The sign for infinity.
with the Big Bang theory.
By Rabbi Steven Moskowitz
The number 36 may also be represented as a square,
specifically the square of 6. The square reflects the concept
of hitkolalut, the mutual inclusion of all parts of the whole
within each part. In this sense, the number 36 represents
both expansion (the pyramid) and containment (the square).
This is the first number since the number 1 which is both
a triangle of a number and a square of a number. Judaism
promotes through many forms this dynamic tension between
expansion and contraction as a healthy form of living. One
of those forms is a ritual object used in the celebration of
Chanukah. A square on an inverted triangle may be depicted
in this manner:
Chanukah may be understood as illuminating that dimension
which is the source of all life: a dimension of freedom and
justice, of expansion and containment. May we all lend our
hands to the lighting of such a light.
Hence, the dreidel.
The dreidel has four sides, each with a letter: nun, gimme,
shin, and heh. Each of those is the first letter in a word which
embodies an important dimension of life. Nun is for nefesh
(the breath of life with which each of us is first imbued).
Gimmel is the first letter in the word guf (body, the physical
President’s Message
This is the season of Miracles in
Judaism, The Miracle of Chanukah,
and the Rededication of the Temple
Here is my favorite alternative latke recipe. Serve your latkes
with homemade applesauce for an even more delicious
By Amy Lipeles
This is the season of miracles in
Judaism – the miracle of the oil and
the rededication of the temple. We
have our own miracle going on here
at Temple Israel. The construction
contract has been signed and
our construction is under way. We
are ready for nine more months
of building until we can officially
rededicate our sacred space. We
would love to have you become a
part of building our new home and
if you have any questions, please feel free to talk to me or
anyone on our capital campaign committee. I hope you all
join me in becoming a part of our miracle both at Temple
Israel and in your homes.
One way to create this miracle in your own home is to celebrate
Hanukkah together with your friends or family.
I know we are not directly in competition with Christmas,
but Chanukah has a lot to offer at this time of year and we
might as well take advantage of that! In my house, we have
theme nights for all 8 nights. These have changed and
evolved over the years as the kids grew, but the basic idea
is to have a theme for gifts or activities on each of the eight
nights. The themes for gifts could include pajama or slipper
night, electronic night, sports or book night. Another night
might be a gift of games, followed by playing games or doing
a puzzle together. Craft nights include creating a Chanukah
craft together and on a cooking night you can cook a meal
together, Iron Chef style, with a secret ingredient.Give to
others night might include going to pick out gifts for those
in need or making something to help others. Of course, you
have to have a party with latkes, dreidels, games, food and
perhaps a treasure hunt for gelt. Think outside the box and
just make it fun. Chanukah does not have to focus on gifts,
but more on time together. It is a great idea to sit around the
table talking or playing a game until the candles burn down,
taking a break from the normal eat and run. You can do this
if you’re married or single, with kids or an empty nester. Invite
Jewish and non-Jewish friends. Everyone likes to celebrate.
Don’t forget Temple Israel’s Chanukah Happening service at
the AJCC at 7 p.m. on December 23rd. The sight of all those
menorahs lit at once is amazing. Come join us to feel the
warmth and glow of our community.
Sweet Potato and Parsnip Latkes
(Adapted from Sunset Magazine)
2 pounds Garnet sweet potatoes, peeled
(these are the darker variety often labeled as yams)
1 pound parsnips, peeled
5- 10 shallots, peeled
6 large eggs, beaten
3/4 cup plus 2 tbsp. matzo meal
1 to 2 tsp. coarse kosher salt (to taste)
½ to 1 tsp. teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Vegetable oil for frying
1. Using the coarse side of a box grater or a food processor
fitted with a medium-coarse grating disk; grate potatoes,
parsnips, and shallots. Toss together in a large bowl.
2. Add eggs, matzo meal, salt, and pepper to potato
mixture and toss to mix well.
3. Fry in vegetable oil over medium high heat. Small latkes
work best. Cook until crispy about 2 to 3 minutes per side.
4. Transfer latkes to paper towels to drain briefly, then keep
warm in a 200° oven while you cook remaining latkes, or
serve as you make them! Serve hot, with sour cream and
These are best eaten just as you make them, but if making
latkes ahead, let cool on paper towels, then arrange in a
single layer in a zip-lock plastic bag and refrigerate/freeze
up to 3 days. Reheat in a 300° oven until crispy and hot,
about 15 minutes.
Leo Gong, Sunset Magazine
Executive Director’s Message
Time Flies…Creating Memories
Slows It Down
By Eric Shatzkin
I can’t believe we’re already at
Thanksgiving – where did the last
three months go? Wasn’t it just
summer? As I am currently facing
these feelings and felt that it must
have something to do with aging and
having children, I was interested in
finding a way to slow things down.
Like many with a question in this age
of technology, I decided to “Google”
“Why time goes faster when you get
In my search, I discovered an interesting Psychologytoday.com
blog entry written by Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D., the Henry R.
Kravis Professor of Leadership and Organizational Psychology
at Claremont McKenna College. From his research on the
subject, Professor Riggio summed up his blog entry by
explaining from his research, of the “key to slowing down the
pace of life (at least psychologically): As much as possible,
take advantage of new and unique experiences. When we go
to the same places and do the same things, we don’t make
distinct memories and time seems to fly by….focus on positive
(rather than negative) past memories, trying to live more in
the present, and hold a positive perception of the future envisioning a future full of hope and optimism….”
I don’t believe that my feelings of time moving too quickly are
unique, and I’m sure many of you share them. But interestingly
enough when reading this quote, I couldn’t help but make
a connection to our Temple Israel community, especially
this year during construction, and the opportunity this year
presents for us a community to slow down time.
Since we have moved the Temple offices last July and settled
in to having our offices, Torah Center and Shabbat Services
at different locations, our community has experienced many
positive events that I believe we should take the time to
appreciate and focus upon: 1.) Our High Holy Days Services
were amazing, beautiful, ran smoothly, and included our
Rosh HaShanah Adventure in the Park, which brought
together more than 400 people from our community. 2.) Our
first Tot Shabbat Service at the Alpert JCC welcomed more
than 20 children under the age of 5 (and their parents or
grandparents) for song and true celebration of the Friday night
Shabbat experience. 3.) We have welcomed 20 new member
families into our community since July, as well as a family
who felt compelled to rejoin our community after several
years away. More than 70% of these new member families
have children in our Torah Center! 4.) Our Membership and
Ritual Practices Committees have worked together building a
culture of welcome to our members and guests who join us
weekly for Shabbat Services. Those manning our “Welcome
Table” greet everyone with a smile and a name tag and
many new friendships have been created among our weekly
Shabbat Service attendees. 5.) And most recently, after years
of discussion, our Temple finally has a new website, designed
in-house by our graphics specialist, Michelle Techau, with the
oversight of Valerie Condon, Cecelia Danziger, myself and our
Membership Committee. As well, a new online calendar has
been created so that all our information of classes, programs,
and schedule is easly available to our membership and the
greater community.
This is just to name a few things to reflect upon. If you
start to think of our new Shabbat Service Innovations, the
programming through our Torah Center and Joys of Jewish
Learning, there is simply too many items to list.
Together as a community, there is a tremendous amount
of positive to focus on. Our perception of the future of our
Temple Israel family and greater community should overflow
with optimism as we look to bring back to our new Temple
building next September all that we have learned and
accomplished throughout our year away. But most of all, we
should be able to experience new programs and activities,
challenge ourselves to get involved in ways we haven’t been,
create new and lasting memories with new friends, and allow
the greater sense of optimism about our future and the future
of our community to slow life down. Let us enjoy this time
and use it to build a stronger community, and we will all have
positive and vivid memories of this year in our lives.
After months of hard work,
Temple Israel is proud to launch our
Check it out at www.tilb.org
The new website has increased functionality and ease
of use. It provides a beautiful new face of Temple Israel
to the greater community, as well as easy access for our
membership with quick tabs for online viewing of our Kol
Yisra’el Bulletin, Joys of Jewish Learning catalog, and new
Online Calendar.
(Note: We are currently working on a “Members Only” section as well!)
You can view the new online calendar by clicking the
“Calendar” tab on the top navigation bar of our website.
Foundation’s Message
Living Fully Today, But Thinking
About Tomorrow
By Carol Beckerman, Foundation Board of Trustees
We all want to make a difference
with our lives.
Each of us finds a different path
to reach this sense of purpose.
Some find it through their
profession or raising children,
others find it through their
volunteer work. Some have even
been successful in developing
Nancy & Mark Speizer
a thread throughout their lives,
which allows them to contribute to society in a myriad of ways
over the years.
The tenants of Judaism include the commandments, which
implore us to welcome the stranger, repair the world and
provide for the orphan and widow. But the reality of modern life
includes our own personal struggles to survive, provide for our
family, grow our business and maintain our health. So we do
what we can, when we can.
And Mark and Nancy Speizer are no different.
In 1962, the Speizers decided to start their own business,
capitalizing on Mark’s education in Food Science. So they
opened Namar Foods and like anyone starting a business,
struggled mightily to make a go of it. They were already
members of Temple Israel, with their young children enrolled in
Sunday school. Financially stretched to the limit, they applied
for and received dues relief. Unable to pay their fair share, they
did what they could, when they could.
Namar Foods first product was a fruit punch mix. So the Friday
night Oneg menus during those early days included the tasty
beverage, courtesy of the Speizers. Both Nancy and Mark also
volunteered whenever they could – they organized fundraisers
and have served on several Boards.
To live up to their shared philosophy of always giving back,
when Namar Foods became a successful enterprise they acted
upon their beliefs and created The Speizer Youth Enhancement
Fund through the Temple Israel Foundation. This endowment
underwrites the New York trip for those teens who are unable
to pay their own way. The Fund is also available to support other
youth-based activities as needed.
Nancy and Mark believe that everyone should give back when
they can. They look forward with great anticipation to our
new Temple home and appreciate how fellow members have
stepped up to the plate to underwrite this important endeavor
of revitalizing our spiritual home.
But they do have one concern: The ongoing maintenance of
our new building. Seeing into the future, they don’t want our
beautiful new home to suffer neglect, or for future Boards and
staff to have to choose between programming, fixing a roof, or
repairing the air conditioning. To that end, they invite others
to join them in creating a new fund, one that will grow from
donations and investment opportunities while our new building
is undergoing renovation and during its fresh, early years, when
maintenance needs are less likely.
So stay tuned to these pages as this dream of a maintenance
endowment turns into reality. And watch out, Nancy and Mark
might just call you up to contribute.
Board of Trustees
2011 -2012
Janet Schultz, Foundation President, Carol Beckerman
Mark Beizer, Jay Eiser, Hank Feldman, Past Foundation Pres.
Dan Felsenthal,Donald Fike, Joan Leb, Amy Lipeles, Temple
Pres., Rabbi Steven Moskowitz, Eric Shatzkin, Exec. Director
Don’t miss our last “Let’s Party”
Saturday, December 10
7:30 - 11:00 p.m.
Come enjoy vodka cocktails (and other tempting choices),
gourmet latkes with all the fixings, decadent desserts, and some
pre-holiday fun in Naples! During your evening you will have a
chance to take a cruise in the Brodsky’s Electric Boat and enjoy
the canals of Naples all lit up for the holidays. Then, discover
your “hidden talents” on our Wii Rock Band set-up! A night
designed to prepare you for the eight crazy nights ahead.
The Feldman Home
58 Rivo Alto Canal •Long Beach, CA 90803
Donation per person: $75
Hosts: Edie and Joel Brodsky, Joyce and Hank Feldman, and
Lynne and Jonathan Kass
Sisterhood’s Message
TIS Women’s Health Issues Events
By Debi Felsenthal
On October 23rd, Temple Israel Sisterhood
was privileged to have Dr. Carolyn
Grabowski speak about dealing with the
trials and tribulations of menopause,
and how it effects women’s bones. She
provided empirical data on all areas of
menopause, and she used her wonderful
sense of humor to make us laugh about
the things women have in common about
the menopause experience.
We were thrilled that forty-five women were able to attend
this health –related event, and there were many who stayed
to talk with Dr. Grabowski. She was most generous with her
time especially since she delivered a baby at one o’clock in the
morning the day of our event.
The last health-themed event in our series of health related
topics will be on Sunday, February 26, 2012 from 10 a.m.12 p.m. when the topic will be, “Women’s Heart and Stroke
Prevention.” The location of this event is still to be determined,
and you will be notified of venue.
A special thank you to the TIS Board members who provided
a light brunch buffet, and to all attendees who continue to
support TIS programs and events.
Fun and Exciting Programs
(That raise money for the Temple too!)
The Ways and Means Committees are busy planning some
fun events for the upcoming year! Make sure these FUN(d)
raising Events are on your calendar in INK!
Saturday Evening, January 28, 2012
Adult Cabaret Night
Saturday Evening, March 10, 2012
Adult Purim
Dinner, Shpiel and Party
Saturday Evening, May 5, 2012
Temple Israel Annual Gala
Questions, or want to get involved?
Call or email Joyce Feldman, Ways & Means Vice President
(562) 433-3523 or [email protected]
Women’s Book Club
Upcoming Books
Wednesday, January 11
Sacred Trash By Adina Hoffman & Peter Cole
Wednesday, March 14
The Book Thief By Markus Zusak
Wednesday, May 9
To The End of the Land By David Grossman
Wednesday, July 11
The Frozen Rabbi By Steve Stern
Journey to Judaism
My Journey to Judaism
By James Drake
As I sit here contemplating on what
to write about the journey that
has truly transformed my whole
being, my journey to Judaism, I
get reminded that this is a journey
that is not taken alone. It is one
shared with your loved ones, Rabbi
and classmates. Each one of them
plays an imperative part of your
journey, and without them I believe
that journey would lack a sense
of definition. You could say that
my journey started about a year ago when I met with Rabbi
Moskowitz. This meeting was succinct but reinforcing, as the
minute this meeting started I had made up my mind: I wanted
to fully embrace Judaism and become a Jew.
The first step was to take the Taste of Judaism course,
a beginning course that helped me grasp a general
understanding of what Judaism was about. At the end of
the first day of the Taste of Judaism course, my mind was
in a frantic quest for answers, an unquenchable desire, you
could say. As I progressed even further in the course, my
past questions started to answer themselves through the
philosophic nature that Judaism presented itself to be.
After finishing up the Taste of Judaism course, I took the
Introduction to Judaism course, a course that was packed
so full of useful and applicative information that I am still
sorting through the pamphlets, books, and handouts. This
is the course in which I would say that bonds started to
be made between the classmates and Rabbi. I remember
one particular class vividly: this class was my first holiday,
Passover. I remember feeling tumultuous, in every sense of
the word. The excitement, nervousness and confusion came
and went as I became accustomed to my surroundings. The
feeling of jubilation filled the room and all my anxiety left with
it. This is one day that I will never forget.
After graduating from the Introduction to Judaism course
some of my classmates and I went into private study with
Rabbi Moskowitz. We read, “God was in this PLACE and I, I
did not know,” a book that is more confusing than its title.
I remember one phrase that bothered me every second of
everyday, and ironically I still don’t fully know the answer. The
phrase is “nothing into something or something into nothing.”
This short phrase has made me lose many hours of sleep
and study, but all in good faith. Like most rational people I
looked to science, art, humanities, English and philosophy for
the answer, and to my surprise there was no answer given. It
would seem all true realizations are earned and strived for,
but never given. That seems to be how we truly progress in
not just spiritual matters, but also in educational, emotional
and physical ones.
October 27, 2011: this is a date that I will never forget. On
this day I became a Jew. The day started out with a Bet Din,
which was comprised of remarkable individuals, ones who do
so much good for the temple that I am humbled every time I
think about it. The journey that I had taken up to that point
seemed to just come together as I held the Torah and recited
my commitment: a commitment that I hold dear, one that is
always close to my heart and soul.
I had the privilege to immerse in the Mikveh and can honestly
say that the Mikveh has truly completed my conversion. I
came out feeling enlightened to the point of exhaustion, a
feeling that overwhelmed my senses and took me to a place
of bliss. To truly explain the Mikveh is like explaining one’s
relationship with God; it differs for each individual. But I think
all will agree that when you immerse and take your first step
outside you are a new person. A person with an added family,
an added family of 13 million. P.S. - If you figure out the answer to something to nothing or
nothing to something, give me a call.
WE invite you to join us For our
Taught by Rabbi Steven Moskowitz
Wednesdays ~ 7:00 p.m.
Beginning January 11 for 18 weeks
Are You:
•Interested in exploring Judaism?
•Wanting to become more familiar
with the richness of your heritage?
•Examining converting to Judaism?
This is the Class for You!
Tuition: $250 plus the cost of Text Books
A partner/spouse may attend at no additional cost
$180 for members of a URJ congregation
To register, visit:
Ritual Practices Committee Message
For Interfaith Couples Raising Jewish
Children -- The December Dilemma
Adapted from an article in Jewish Lights Publishing
respecting and appreciating their customs and traditions.
What does appreciation mean? It means that there is nothing
wrong with enjoying the beauty of someone else’s celebration.
The music of Christmas is lovely and quite moving. The
Christmas tree, with its ornaments and decorations has a
unique beauty. If we are strong in our Jewish commitments,
there is little danger that appreciating the warmth and beauty
of another’s holiday will threaten our fundamental identity.
Early childhood educators tell us that one of the most crucial
stages in socialization occurs when a child is between 18 and
30 months old and attends another child’s birthday party. As
the birthday child opens presents, little hands start to grab
for the toys. Toddlers must learn the difference between
celebrating one’s own birthday and celebrating someone However, appreciation is different than appropriation, which
can lead to confusion and loss of identity (which is what the
Thus many Jewish educators will advise parents to give their Maccabees and generations of Jews after them fought so
children who want to celebrate Christmas a very important hard to prevent). For that reason, if the decision has been
and similar message: Christmas is someone else’s party, not made in your interfaith family to raise your child as Jewish,
ours. We can appreciate someone else’s birthday celebration you may wish to consider following the advice of many Jewish
and be happy for them, just as we can wonder at how beautiful educators. They suggest that if you want to join with relatives
in their celebration of Christmas, that you do so at their
Christmas is, but it is not our party.
home. In that way, you will still be together as a family, as
Many parents tell their children, “Christmas is for Christians. you appreciate the warmth and beauty of Christmas, but you
They have Christmas. We are Jewish. We have Hanukkah.” In will be in someone else’s home. The visiting child will come
an attempt to substitute something for Christmas, the parent to understand, “this is their holiday, and it is different from
offers Hanukkah. “Christmas is only one day. Hanukkah is for my holidays,” which will eventually deepen into “this is their
eight!” This teaching intimates that our party lasts longer, religion, and it is different from my religion.” And respecting
offers more presents, and is just as beautiful.
one another’s religion is a wonderful way to bring light into
Of course, the problem is that it just isn’t true. Hanukkah the world.
cannot hold a candle to Christmas. As we have learned, it is
a minor event in the Jewish holiday cycle and has never, until
recently, been viewed as a central celebration for the Jewish
People. For Jews who stand on the periphery of Jewish life,
the attempt to combat Christmas with Hanukkah is doomed
to failure, and inflating the importance of Hanukkah as
the “Jewish alternative” to Christmas feels wrong in some
fundamental way. In truth, our celebration of Hanukkah
cannot compete with the attention given to the celebration of
Christmas in our society.
So what is the best way to handle this situation? If you are
an interfaith family raising your child as Jewish, the response
“we are Jewish; we have Hanukkah,” is not enough. A better
response might be “we are Jewish, and we have Hanukkah,
Sukkot, Passover, Shavuot, Purim, Simchat Torah, Rosh
Hashanah, Yom Kippur, --and, most importantly, Shabbat every
week.” The child who has experienced the building of a sukkah
will not feel deprived, and the child who has participated in a
meaningful Passover Seder will not feel deprived, either. The
child who has paraded with the Torah on Simchat Torah, and
has welcomed the Shabbat weekly with candles and wine and
challah will understand that to be Jewish is to be enriched by
a calendar brimming with joyous celebration.
The religious freedom in North American society has created
a tremendous diversity of culture, and as we live side by
side with other people of other religions, we honor them by
Interested in Volunteering?
We need volunteers for our Shabbat
Services being held at the AJCC
We need Greeters to welcome congregants to our
Shabbat Services at the AJCC.
For those interested in doing this mitzvah, please
contact Karen Calechman, who is coordinating,
[email protected]
Thank you to our Shabbat Greeters
from November 4 - 18
Joyce Feldman
Jay Alhadeff
Pat Glow
Jackie Besley
Gary Roberts
Barbara Brukman
Barbara Shoag
Valerie Condon
Frank Weinberger
Cecelia Danziger
Harriette Ellis
Simchat Torah
Thank you to Scott Smeltzer and Adam Brown for the pictures
Sunday, December 25, 2011
At First Congregational Church
241 Cedar Avenue, Long Beach
Tikkun Olam is about millions of small acts to repair the
world and work towards a just and tolerant society. It is all
about responding with action. As Reform Jews, welcoming
the stranger (ahavat ger) has great emotional significance
for all of us. Our Bible abounds with many examples of fine
hospitality to human and angelic characters which inform our
tradition and the excellent rewards given those who offer it.
Hospitality has its rewards, it seems, with substantial and long
term benefits for those who practice it. This could be you!
The Temple Israel Social Action Committee is committed to
serving a hot meal to the homeless of Long Beach. We need
your help. Please join us Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25,
as we spend the afternoon with individuals and families, each
of whom has a special story. Welcoming someone with a hot
cup of cocoa, a home-cooked meal, and a warm smile makes a
difference in the lives of those less fortunate than us.
We need volunteers to set-up, cook, serve, socialize with our
guests, participate in activities and clean-up after dinner.
All of this is made possible by generous donations to the “Temple Israel Homeless Fund”
If you cannot participate but would like to help, contributions to the Homeless Fund are greatly appreciated.
For more information please contact Stephanie Bussi at 562.436.6302 or [email protected]
Please fill out the form below and return to the Temple Office by December 19
790 E. Willow St. STE 250 ~ Long Beach, CA 90806 ~ 562.434.0996
Number Attending: ______
Name/s: _________________________________________
Phone #: ________________________________________
I/We would like to: (please check box/es below)
‰ Prep work (Dec 23, 9 a.m.)
‰ Prep / Serve
‰ 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
‰ Serve
‰ 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
‰ Clean-up
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Remember how much fun you had in Alban Hall when we painted it “red” for the Gala last spring?
Or did you somehow miss it and hear about how much fun we had?
Back by popular demand
The Talent of Temple Israel
is tuning up their vocal cords again for this special (Adults Only) Evening!
Saturday, January 28th
7:30 - 11 p.m.
at Spinnaker Cove Clubhouse
5423 Eliot St. Long Beach, CA 90803
$36 per person
$72 “Chai Roller”
(Special front section seating
plus two FREE drink tickets)
Please RSVP to Charmaine at (562) 434-0996 or [email protected]
or send your payment to the Temple Office
790 E. Willow St. Suite 250 ~ Long Beach, CA 90806
For more information or questions please contact
Carrie at (562) 429-1949 or [email protected]
This event is a fun(d) raising event put on by:
Carrie Stein and Robin Lilien Co-Chairs
Joyce Feldman, Ways and Means Vice President
(562) 434-0996 ~ www.tilb.org
Joys of Jewish Learning
An Evening with
Movie Producer, Danny Gold
and Screening of
100 Voices: A Journey Home
Saturday, December 3 ~ 7:00 p.m.
Call the office for location
This movie is a compelling and loving
musical documentary that uniquely tells
the history of Jewish culture in Poland.
It highlights the current resurgence of
Jewish culture through the personal
reflections and musical selections of a
group of cantors and acclaimed composer
Charles Fox (“Killing Me Softly,” “I Got A
Name” and many more) who made an
important historical mission to the birthplace of cantorial
music. The documentary will give generations the opportunity
to learn about and re-embrace the Jewish culture that
produced one of the most artistic and educated societies that
once flourished in Europe. Above all, the film celebrates the
resilience and the power of Jewish life, while telling the story
of two peoples who shared intertwined cultures.
In partnership with the Alpert Jewish Community Center
Live from NY’s 92nd Street
Y Speaker Program
Thursday, December 15 ~ 7 p.m.
at Alpert JCC
Finding a Lost Tribe of Israel:
Bnei Menshe of India,
Michael Freund, moderator
discussion led by Rabbi Steven Moskowitz
Current Events & Coffee
Sunday, December 11 ~ 10:30 a.m.
at Westerly School
Worship and The Workplace
Melissa Carr Kreitenberg,
Anti-Defamation League
A discussion on religious
America’s workplace. We will
discuss many current topics
including what is religion?
What constitutes religious
discrimination? When must
an employer accommodate
an employee’s religious belief, practice, or observance?
What are the responsibilities of the employee?
(No Cost to Attend)
Now through June!
Book available at the Temple Office for $15
Please RSVP for all Joys of Jewish Learning Events by calling the Temple Office (562) 434-0996
SCIC Interfaith News
By Roni Love, Secretary to the
Board of Directors of the SCIC
South Coast Interfaith Council and Centro Shalom
I am very proud and honored to represent Temple Israel on
the board of the South Coast Interfaith Council (SCIC). We
are a nonprofit 501(c3) organization with 250 constituent
congregations and 130 member congregations throughout Los
Angeles and West Orange counties, encompassing some 35
cities and approximately 1.7 million people. The SCIC is led by
Milia Islam-Majeed, our Executive Director, and by a 28-member
board of directors, representing the diversity of our region. We
meet on a regular basis to identify and address community
needs through the development of service projects, advocacy,
and more. The SCIC also serves as the parent organization and
fiscal agent for Centro Shalom, on which Temple Israel’s own,
Marc Coleman, sits as head of Centro’s board of directors along
with Jacob Beizer, one of its members. In next month’s column,
I will highlight Centro Shalom.
As with any non-profit organization, SCIC depends on its members
and the public to fund our projects and advocacy work, as well
as support the organizations, such as Centro Shalom, which are
under our umbrella. Being the end of the year with tax season
rapidly approaching, this would be an excellent time for you to
show your support of and belief in the efficacy of INTERFAITH as
a way to bridge many of society’s ills and misunderstandings,
building upon friendships, education, peace, justice and equality.
As Helen Keller once said, “I am only one, but I am one. I can’t
do everything, but I can do something. I will not refuse to do the
thing I can do.”
7 Fernando & Linda Calderòn - 43 years
Fred & Rachael Kogen
12 Don & Diane Fike - 41 years
18 Emil & Dina Goreshter - 40 years
Steven & Cindy Meltzer - 6 years
20 Jay & Cheryl Eiser - 41 years
21 Art & Barbara Miller - 59 years
23 Robert & Rosalind Hertz - 49 years
24 Mark & Nancy Speizer - 61 years
26 Bill Giser & Margaret Locke - 29 years
Simon & Yevgenia Kairo - 41 years
27 Daniel & Karen Rosenfeld - 19 years
28 Barry & Donna Mitnick - 38 years
29 Michael & Eileen Fields - 26 years
Melissa & Eric Shatzkin - 3 years
Michael Smith & Suzanne Greenberg - 25 years
30 Joel & Edie Brodsky - 39 years
Jonathan & Andrea Kaufman - 10 years
Chun & Kara Liu - 16 years
Please send your donations to the South Coast Interfaith Council,
759 Linden Avenue, Long Beach 90813. You will be glad you
did!!! Please visit our website at www.scinterfaith.org
Frank Weinberger on the birth of his great-grandson, Silas
Ezekiel Griffith. Delwyn and Arielle welcomed their son on
November 9, he weighed 9lbs 7 oz and he was 22 inches long.
Get Well Wishes To...
Leah Fudim
Marilyn Gotz
Marvin Nachlis
Jeremy Wishner
Thank you to our JJL Patrons
Raymond & Barbara Alpert
Beverly August
Jack & Binnie Berro
Alan & Rosecarrie Brooks
Fernando & Linda Calderòn
Bill & Wynndi Dahlin
Mark Dressner & Matt Davis
Donald & Diane Fike
John & Joy Fisher
Karen Fried
Helga Fultheim
Anne Gundry
Dawn Haldane & Art Lim
Judith Hardaker
Alain & Tari Hirsch
Ruth Padway Kaller
Joan Leb
David & Irene Leib
Mark Levinstein
Arla Lewis
Joe & Natalie Lissak
Fred Masback
Michael & Carol Masters
Barry & Donna Mitnick
David & Carla Palmer
Dodie Robbins
Shirlee Sappell
Harold & Gerda Seifer
Gail Sherain
Leon & Barbara Shoag
Renee Simon
Arlene Solomon
Mark & Nancy Speizer
Karen Strelitz
Natalie Swit
Elaine Warren
There is still time to become a JJL Patron - $180
Through November 10
Thelma Becker
Jack & Binnie Berro
Jessie Butler
Danny & Cecelia Danziger
Harriette Ellis
Hank & Joyce Feldman
Donald & Diane Fike
John & Joy Fisher
Elyse Gordon
Glenn & Chana Ham-Rosebrock
Meir & Melodee Levy
Steve & Nancy Levy
John & Joanne Lopez
Daniel & Tammy Minkoff
J. Alan Rosen
Freda Ross & Tara Barnhart
Samuel & Elizabeth Salzberg
Carl & Janet Schultz
Michelle Scott
Matthew & Sharon Sloan
David Tillman & Karen Zoller
Lance & Marilyn Valt
Kerri Zane
Special thank you to
Elyse Gordon
for her weekly help with the Oneg Shabbat.
We really appreciate the time and effort she contributes.
Yahrzeit Observance
“Zecher Tzadik Livrach”
The memory of the righteous are a blessing
November 30 - Dec 6
Bessie Arkove
Ralph Sidney Beizer
Rose B. Blakeman*
Rose Brand*
Gertrude Brandis
Hyman Bubar
Dolly Claire*
Barney Cohn*
Hannah Dahlin
Rose Direnfeld
Jack Epstein
Carl Fineman
Rachel Ganzfried
Jack Goldberg
Charles Gordon
Fay Green
Allen David Hartstein*
Moe Johnson
Hans Kahn*
Dorothy Kessler
David Lloyd Kozoll*
Jack Marcus
Enrico Nahum
Edward Nusbaum
Samuel Ratner*
Philip Rosen
Gertrude Rosenstreich
Robin Sachs
Wilna Siegel*
Evelyn Simon*
Sylvia Spiller
Solomon Statman
Rachelle Van Der Most*
Israel Weinblatt*
Jimmy Weinstein
Louis Zweiback
December 7 - 13
Sarah Aron*
Esther Joy Ball
Morris Collender
Henry B. Franklin*
Anna Galis
Alice Gerstman
Minnie Glickman
Ida Golden
Florence Gould*
Max Granit
Ruth Neuman Horner*
Bessie Inselberg
Edward A. Kelly
Dorothy Langille
Robert Locke
Hannah Malin
Helena Medoff
Rose Miller*
Marion Parker
David Resler*
Ernestine Rodecker*
Michael Rosen, M.D.
Sarah Ross
William Schnee
Clarence Schulman*
David Schwartz*
Lise Segal
Richard Shultz*
Norman Stern
Reva Strauss
Lena Seligman Weil*
Ethel Gladys West*
Israel Willner*
Norma Zahler*
December 14 - 20
Edna Alban*
Gabrielle Barr
Cynthia Blakey*
Samuel Blakey*
Sarah Cheifer
Ann Coller Coahn
Frieda Colbert*
Walter Conkey
Josiah Dahlin
Joseph Eiser
Dorothy Fadick
Max Fleischer*
Herman Goldberg*
Jack Goldberg*
Hannah Marx Goldstein*
Manuel Greenbaum
Cherry Gundry
David Hochstat
Abe Horrowitz*
Robert Ivler
Irving “Sonny” Komsky
Irving Koppel*
Grover Kreiger*
Laura Leff
Sophie Gersten Little*
Bella Albert Lutzky
Manuel Manning
Irene Mendell
Lil Narans
Sophie Palbaum
Ted Phillips*
Ethel Rabinowitz
Galina Reznikov
Sarah Ritter
Florence Rofey*
William Schapiro*
Jennie Schulman*
Alexander Shultz*
George Simon*
Lillian Simon
Herbert Sommer*
David Swit
Boris Tsipkis
Rudolph Weinberger*
Ida White*
Samuel Wilkofsky
December 21 - 27
Robert Abelsky
Rochelle Abend
Louis Banner*
Vera Bayliss
Robert Blakey*
Lauren Blumenthal
Lester Butler
Nat Chasin*
Rose Cooper
Sidney Cooper
Hans Danziger
Donald James Fike
Sarah Freeman*
Al Goldberg*
Brana Greenberg
Bertha Hallwerck
Della Hanna
Guss Jaffe*
Adel Seligman Kaufman*
Irving Kozoll*
Perry Labow
Herman Littky
Jules Lowenthal
Goldie Martin*
Morris Opper*
James Penn*
Michael Peterson
Clara Rotman
Samuel Sachs
Eileen Sage
Janis Gail Sappell
Reuben Shaffer
Esther Shaffner
Joseph Simmons
Alex Sirken
Leonard Strelitz
Robert Yarbrough
Zumbul Yojay
Henry Zelnick
Robert Zimmerman
December 28 - Jan 3
Marilyn Adams
Malka Aiolo
Morris Albert
Andrew Baratelle
Louis Barnet*
Leo Benardo
Bruce Brown*
Paul Brown*
Charlotte Cohn
A. Estin Comarr*
Max Coonen*
Harry Cramer*
Benjamin Crystal*
Ancel Dicker
John Edelstein
Herbert Fabricant
Mort Fainman
Raymond Fields*
Joseph Gaster
Abram Goreshter
Annette Grawoig
Harry Hiken*
Edmond Hirsch
Harold Hollowick*
William Ivler
Molly Sugar Kornswiet*
Sari Perlin Kozoll*
Sylvia Leibelshon
Anne Licht
Milton Mandel
Fay Opper-Cohn
Albert Palmer
Ed Rosen
Sophie Rosenfeld*
Edith Brodsky Rothstein
Julius Saltzman
Helen Samuel
Fred Schwartz*
Jake Sigoloff
Anna Slatoff*
Stephanie Slomann
Leah Spielsinger
Cynthia Stern
Julius Stern
Leah Stielsinger
Abraham Sugar
Helen Sugar
Joseph Sugar
Rose Sugar
Cyvia Sukman*
Sadye Vogel
Milton Joseph White*
Alice Wolff
Guy Wyman
Isadore Zamost
* These names have been permanently inscribed on Memorial
plaques in the Temple’s foyer and are read in perpetuity.
Temple Israel Funds
Tzedakah is a central mitzvah of Judaism. It humanizes both the giver and the recipient.
It acknowledges an important occasion, honors a person for a job well done, or pays tribute in sympathy.
Miscellaneous Funds
Temple Israel Fund
‰‰ General Fund
For the support of ongoing congregational
Discretionary Funds
‰‰ Rabbi Steven Moskowitz
Tzedakah projects at the Rabbi’s
For benefit of the Torah Center and its
Programming Funds
‰‰ Sabbath Fellowship
For purchase of kitchen items and programming
‰‰ Jack Bard Memorial
For Jewish programs of interest to the
‰‰ Stan Solomon Building
For building repairs
‰‰ Social Action
For social action and programming needs
‰‰ Joys of Jewish Learning
Funds adult education programs at the
Music Funds
‰‰ Rob & Debbie Feldman Family Got
Funds quarterly Friday Shabbat
alternative music service.
Torah Center Funds
‰‰ Polly Alevy Memorial Education
Funds for Torah Center
‰‰ President
For special projects at the President’s ‰‰ Music Patrons
Funds musical programs
Community Funds
‰‰ Homeless Assistance
Helps those in need pay first and/
or last month’s rent
‰‰ Caring Community
Funds programs for families in need
‰‰ Rabbi Wolli Kaelter Annual Music Festival
For an annual music festival
Camp Funds
‰‰ Michael Avchen Memorial Campership
Camp/trip program for children in
financial need
‰‰ HUM Horim U’Morim
` Funds Torah Center projects
‰‰ A. Estin Comarr Memorial Torah
Funds scholarships for Torah Center
‰‰ Torah Center Scholarship
Assists with Torah Center fees and
‰‰ Nancy Leff and Donald Leff Memorial
Purchases Hanukkah gifts for children ‰‰ Lester Elbert and Corinne Van Boemel
‰‰ Roselle & Herbert Sommer
Memorial Campership
of needy families
Scholarship Fund
Camperships for those in financial need
Assists with Torah Center fees and
‰‰ Yad B’Yad
camp scholarships
Purchases kitchen and catering supplies
for Yad B’Yad
‰‰ Jewish Campership
Book Fund
Camperships for those in need
‰‰ Library Fund
Purchase of library books
Temple Israel Foundation Restricted Endowment Funds
Please make checks payable to Temple Israel Foundation
‰‰ The Speizer Youth Development
Funds youth activities.
‰‰ Pilger Lectureship
Funds annual guest speaker lectures.
‰‰ Lapid-Shapiro
Funds annual lectureship programs and
Torah Center educational programs.
Donor Name:
Send Card To:
Credit Card #
Billing Address:
‰‰ Syd Lemmerman Jewish Camping
and Youth Fund
In support of Jewish camping, Israel
experiences, and other informal Jewish
educational programs
Credit Card
Phone #
Contributions Through November 10
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Israel by remembering
and honoring their friends and loved ones through generous contributions
Reva Alban in memory of her mother, Lillie Steinberg
Esther Albert in memory of her father, Morris Kadison
Bea Aron in memory of her father-in-law, Dave Aron
Beverly August In memory of her father, Edward Milkes
Binnie and Jack Berro in loving memory of their father,
Samuel J. Berro
Falina Budeshtsky in memory of her sister, Marim Tsipkis
Barry Cogert in memory of his father, Edwin Cogert
Libby Cowan in memory of her husband, Seymour G. Cowan
Renee Anne Florsheim in memory of her father, Warner
Paul and Dorothy Hartstein in memory of his sister,
Leona Kline
Ed and Florine Karabenick
to Margot Benardo wishing her well
Elaine Ann Levy in memory of her husband, Jack K. Levy
Alan and Robin Lilien in memory of her father, Irving Rosenberg
Amy and Rich Lipeles
to Al and Ruth Rudis and family in memory of their
beloved mother and mother-in-law, Rose Rudis
to Lena, Jeff, and Elijah Shupper in honor of the
birth of their precious daughter and sister,
Sophie Bellarose
Akira Bob Nakamura in memory of his mother-in-law,
Gloria Ferrer
Sheila and Norm Pokras in memory of her father, Moe
Grabelle, and his mother, Sylvia Berger Pokras
Doris Ratner in memory of her husband, Howard Ratner
Lewis and Jill Rosenberg
to Al and Ruthie Rudis in memory of their beloved
mother, Rose Rudis
Burt Schild in memory of his mother, Frances Schild,
and Aaron Strenger, his brother-in-law
Gail Sherain in memory of her husband, Howard Sherain
Sharon Sloan in memory of her mother, Edith Meltzer
Karen, Lauren, Sabrina, and Samantha Strelitz in
memory of Marcia H. Blank, mother and grandmother
Harry and Barbara Wolfe in memory of his mother,
Fannie Wolfe
Chana and Glenn Ham-Rosebrock in memory of her
father, Elmer S. Ham
Sylvia Hodges donation to Rabbi Moskowitz
Paddy Kaller in memory of her daughter, Janet Kaller
Stelling, her father-in-law, Abraham Kaller, and her
friend, Harold Glasser
Nathaniel Meridor to Rabbi Moskowitz with thanks for
assisting with their family’s journey into Jewish life
Jim and Rochelle Anderson
to Cantor Marvin Finnley and family in memory of his
sister, Lee Madick
John and Marcie Blumberg
to Al and Ruthie Rudis with sorrow for the loss of his
mother, Rose Rudis
David and Sadie Sacks
to Lena and Jeff Shupper in honor of the safe arrival
of their precious daughter, Sophie Bellarose
to Chana and Glenn Ham-Rosebrock, the proud
grandparents of Sophie Bellarose Shupper
to Joel and Edie Brodsky and family in memory of
their beloved father, Jacob (Jack) Brodsky
Gail and Marty Grossman
to the Alperin-Sussman family in memory of our
dear cousin, David
Melanie and Dan Spellens
to Jack and Binnie Berro family in memory of their
father, Samuel Joseph Berro
Cheryl and Jay Eiser
to Al and Ruth Rudis in memory of their beloved
mother, Rose Rudis
Alain and Tari Hirsch in memory of his sister, Yrielle Hirsch
Shirlee Sappell and family in memory of May Labow,
Anna Sappell, and Sally Muslin
Jean Feldman in memory of her grandmother, Esther Kohut
Chuck Leff
to Dr. Ken Gerenraich and family in memory of his
brother, Robert
Ellen and Walt Levy
to Dr. James Licht and family in memory of his
father, Robert Licht
Dodie Robbins in memory of her father, David A. Horner
Arlene Solomon in memory of Kay Kaplan, her mother,
and Lucy Solomon, her mother-in-law
Terry and Elizabeth Fiskin
to Jim Licht and family in memory of father and
grandfather, Robert Licht
Barbara and Arthur Miller
to Jim Licht and family with condolences on the
loss of his dear father, Robert
Lewis and Jill Rosenberg
to Dr. Jim Licht and family in memory of beloved
father and grandfather, Robert Licht
David and Sadie Sacks
to Jim Licht and family in memory of father and
grandfather, Robert Licht
Lance and Marilyn Valt
to Jim Licht and family in memory of father and
grandfather, Robert Licht
Temple Israel Recognizes Our Sustaining Members
Life Members
Reva & Seymour Alban
Ray & Barbara Alpert
Helen Barrad
Binnie & Jack Berro
Sylvia & Ron Hartman
Fred Masback
Nancy & Mark Speizer
Karen Zoller & David Tillman
Honorary Life Members
Merv Lemmerman
Shirley Loeb
Minyan Circle
Arlene Solomon
Temple Dome
Elaine & Howard Davis
Tari & Alain Hirsch
Robin & Alan Lilien
Amy & Richard Lipeles
Gloria & Martin Simon
Double Chai
Cathe & Mark Beizer
Shelly & Marc Coleman
Roslyn Collender
Wynndi & Bill Dahlin
Nancy & Howard Epstein
Carl & Elise Hartman
Lynne & Jonathan Kass
Steven & Julie Kinsbursky
Kathy & Alan Kreida
Michael & Cheryl Laven
Irene & David Leib
Sandy & Daryl Phillips
Liz & Mark Sharzer
Jan & Norma Stein
Menorah Circle
Michelle & Bruce Baral
Laura Snyder & J. Garth Begler
Elena & Michael Belkin
Michele Berro
Jaqueline & Thomas Besley
Suzanne & Michael Brodsly
Our Condolences To ...
Joel & Edie Brodsky
on the death of his father, Jack Brodsky
Judy & Edward Green
on the death of her father, Walter Newman
On the death of Pam Ratner
Beloved daughter of Doris Ratner,
wife of Jim Crowell, mother of Adam and
Benjamin Crowell, sister of Joanne Ratner,
Elaine Williams, and Marilyn Bendat,
sister-in-law of Wayne Slavitt,
Steven,Williams, and Jim Bendat,
and aunt of Elizabeth (Seth Pross), Hayley,
and Emma Slavitt, Harmony, Jonah, and
Cassady (Katelyn)Williams, and
Jeremy, Francine, and Jason Bendat
Linda & Richard Burney
Harry Cohn
Deborah & Clifford Corman
Kim Savage & Cary Feibleman
Joanne & David Feldman
Joyce & Hank Feldman
Jean Feldman
Lindsey & Gary Fields
Diane & Donald Fike
Joy & John Fisher
Felicia & Daniel Gilboa
Cindy & Jonathan Gotz
Sheila & Daniel Hart
Arline & Paul Hillinger
Ruth Kaller
Pamela & Steven Keiles
Vicki & Seth Kogan
Ann & Eugene Lentzner
Judith & Gordon Lentzner
Mark Levinstein
Joanne & Gerald Levy
Nancy & James Linden
Joanne & John Lopez
Carol & Michael Masters
Diane & Marc Merrick
Arthur & Barbara Miller
Akira Bob Nakamura
Sandy & Daryl Phillips
Susan & David Philips
Barbara Pollack & John Burkholder
Alexander & Ellen Polsky
Elaine Ridder
Birdie & Arnold Schulman
Janet & Carl Schultz
Nancy & Jeffrey Schwartz
Cindy Shilkret
Barbara & Leon Shoag
Joanne Ratner & Wayne Slavitt
Susan & Morton Stuhlbarg
Ava & Howard Weiss
Libby Wilson
There are a number of anonymous
sustaining members.
Please Support our Sponsors
Randy M. Ziegler, President
Sandra B. Fine
Toll Free (800) 710-7100
Family owned and operated
Please Support our Sponsors
Lyn Epstein, GRI
DRE License #01243400
(562) 619-7657 Direct
(562) 434-9263 Home Office
(562) 439-0432 Fax
[email protected]
5353E. 2nd St
Suite #205
Long Beach, CA 90803
Each Office Is Independently
Owned and Operated
790 E. Willow St. STE 250, Long Beach, CA 90806
Office: 562.434.0996 • Fax: 562.434.0252
Website: www.tilb.org
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 180
Long Beach, CA
Sunday, December 25, 2011
At First Congregational Church
241 Cedar Avenue, Long Beach
Tikkun Olam is about millions of small acts to repair the world and
work towards a just and tolerant society. It is all about responding
with action. As Reform Jews, welcoming the stranger (ahavat ger) has
great emotional significance for all of us. Our Bible abounds with many
examples of fine hospitality to human and angelic characters which
inform our tradition and the excellent rewards given those who offer
it. Hospitality has its rewards, it seems, with substantial and long term
benefits for those who practice it. This could be you!
The Temple Israel Social Action Committee is committed to serving a hot
meal to the homeless of Long Beach. We need your help. Please join us
Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25, as we spend the afternoon with
individuals and families, each of whom has a special story. Welcoming
someone with a hot cup of cocoa, a home-cooked meal, and a warm
smile makes a difference in the lives of those less fortunate than us.
We need volunteers to set-up, cook, serve, socialize with our guests,
participate in activities and clean-up after dinner.
All of this is made possible by generous donations to the “Temple Israel Homeless Fund”
If you cannot participate but would like to help, contributions to the Homeless Fund are greatly appreciated.
For more information please contact Stephanie Bussi at 562.436.6302 or [email protected]