HIP-Petrohemija is the largest producer of petrochemicals in the


HIP-Petrohemija is the largest producer of petrochemicals in the
Production of petrochemical products, raw materials and chemicals
HIP-Petrohemija is the largest producer of petrochemicals
in the Republic of Serbia, with a tradition that covers almost three
decades. The company’s manufacturing facilities occupy the industrial
zone of Pančevo, Elemir, which lies near Zrenjanin and Crepaja.
■ Activities
■ Environment
■ Reporting
We produce nearly 700,000 tonnes
HIP-Petrohemija is committed
We report to the Serbian
of petrochemicals. In addition to
to supporting sustainable
Environmental Protection Agency
manufacturing HIPLEX®, HIPTEN®
development through systematic
with regard to:
and HIPREN® polymers and PE
environmental management.
■ general information about
pipes, we also produce:
Activities practiced in order
■ ethylene
to monitor and control the impact on
■ emissions to air
■ propylene
environmental quality are aimed at:
■ emissions to water
■ pyrolysis gasoline
■ monitoring air emissions
■ waste management,
■ pyrolysis oil
■ wastewater and groundwater
■ C4-fraction
■ chloralkali electrolysis products
■ 1.3-butadiene
quality control
■ waste management
■ chemical management
pollution sources
specific waste streams
and management of packaging
and packaging waste.
Now, through the EMC project,
we are using the TEAMS* system
■ methyl tertiary butyl ether
for reporting.
* The EMC Centre provides its client-partners with the use of TEAMS SR software, an environmental accounting and reporting system
in accordance with the PRTR Protocol and national legislation of the Republic of Serbia in this area.
EMC project office at SEPA
Serbian Environmental Protection Agency
Ruže Jovanovića 27a
11 160 Belgrade, Serbia
+381 11 28 61 067