BSC-Newsletter-Issue-11-2016 - Bellarine Secondary College
BSC-Newsletter-Issue-11-2016 - Bellarine Secondary College
BELLARINE SECONDARY COLLEGE NEWSLETTER College Principal: Mrs Alison Murphy Assistant Principals: Mr Wayne Johannesen & Mrs Senem Shamsili Mr Damian Marra & Mrs Barbara Luppino DRYSDALE CAMPUS OCEAN GROVE CAMPUS PENINSULA DRIVE, DRYSDALE, VIC, 3222 70 SHELL ROAD, OCEAN GROVE, VIC 3226 [email protected] [email protected] COLLEGE FAX: 03 5251 9007 COLLEGE PHONE: 03 5251 9000 Mon 1 Aug 2016 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Course counselling and preparation for the 2017 school year is well underway. Thank you to everyone who has attended a counselling session. These conversations provide families and staff the opportunity to discuss the goals and aspirations of students. We understand that this process can be disruptive to families and appreciate you shuffling your commitments to enable you to attend with your son or daughter. Staff will endeavour to catch up with students who were unable to attend in the next few weeks. Issue No. 11 Inside this issue Principal’s Report ..................... .1 College Excursions & Key Dates . .2 College Levy Payment Options….3 Part of the preparation for the 2017 school year involves developing the College workforce plan and employing staff to ensure we are ready to deliver the program to students. This week we appointed an Assistant Principal to commence at the College in January 2017. His name is Pierre Grzybek. Pierre is currently Assistant Principal at a college in Melbourne. We are looking forward to having Pierre join our staff. Currently the College has 8 leading teacher positions advertised. Appointments to these positions will be made across the next two weeks. Assistant Principal, Mr Wayne Johannesen, is commencing a period of long service leave from Monday 8 th August. Wayne will be retiring at the end of that period of leave. As many of you would know, Wayne has made a significant contribution to the leadership of our College in the 3.5 years he has been here. Students on both campuses have enjoyed his interactions with them and his support of their learning and growth. Staff and families frequently report being well supported by Wayne. Wayne has a clear vision for our school and has been a strong advocate for every student. We are going to miss Wayne’s leadership and wish him all the very best for a very happy retirement. I would like to welcome three new teaching staff to the College. Ms Sandy Abey (Science and Maths), Mr David Felvus (PE) and Ms Jessica Gruer (English and Humanities) all commenced working at Bellarine this week. College Captain, Ned Weatherly has returned from Poland after competing in the Under 20 IAAF World Championships. Ned represented Australia in the 6kg hammer throw and made it into the finals! Ned is very pleased with having thrown his personal best of 73.75m in the final. What an extraordinary length! Congratulations on this great achievement Ned! The College review process is progressing slowly. We had hoped to have completed the review by now however the need to follow the DET process around the engagement of an external reviewer to work with us has slowed us down. We hope to have the appointment finalised this week and then to be able to set dates for the various activities around the review and the development of the next strategic plan. I would like to congratulate every member of the Ready Set Work class on their outstanding work experience reports. The employers who hosted the students gave outstanding reports of student work ethic, initiative, punctuality and presentation. Six students have been offered school based traineeships as a result of their work placement. This is a fantastic outcome for these students. Congratulations to all involved and thank you to Ms Brown and Mrs Kerrigan for ensuring the students were well prepared for the work place and the necessary arrangements were in place. At a recent College staff meeting teachers provided feedback regarding the start to the term and the achievement of their students. It was great to hear that classes across both campuses have returned from the term break and settled into their classroom learning programs very quickly. This term means significant change for many students as they commence new semester long units of study. Staff commented that their Year 9 students are engaging enthusiastically with the English text they are reading, the Year 11 drama class is making wonderful progress in developing their naturalistic assessment task, Year 7 students have quickly learnt the new mapping skills they have been taught, the Year 7s and 8s participated enthusiastically in the beep test challenge in PE and so much more. Other events celebrated were the finals of the Year 9 book trailer competition, the successful author visit, the students developing artworks for the school grounds, the Indonesian trip parent information night and the Aspire program at Deakin University. Watch our facebook page for updates around College activities, student achievements and events. Ms Alison Murphy Principal Drysdale Campus Report ........... 3-5 Ocean Grove Campus Report..... 6-7 College Noticeboard..…………...….8 Bellarine Secondary College maintains a diverse learning environment promoting academic excellence and vocational success. Bellarine Secondary College students develop as respectful and resilient individuals who grow in confidence to make a positive contribution to their community with the skills to sustain positive pathways. COLLEGE KEY DATES & EXCURSION CALENDAR IMPORTANT UPCOMING COLLEGE KEY DATES AUGUST Wed 3 ECO 5 Parent/Guardian Information Evening @ 7pm Drysdale Campus Library Thu 4 Year 12 3—Way Conferences (Students expected to attend appointment with parent/guardians) From 4pm—7pm Mon 8 2017 Year 9 Information Evening @ 7pm Drysdale Campus Library Tue 9 Year 8 Environment Day Wed 10 Year 12 VTAC & SEAS University Info Night @ 7pm Drysdale Campus Library Mon 15 Telescope Viewing Night @ Ocean Grove Campus 6:15pm Tue 16 SEAL ICAS Testing (Maths) Wed 17 College Council @ Ocean Grove Campus Thu 25 BSC Little Mermaid JNR Production! Opening night! Fri 26 BSC Little Mermaid JNR Production! Sat 27 BSC Little Mermaid JNR Production! August 25th 26th 27th The Potato Shed Drysdale Adult $15, Concession $12, Family (2 adults & 2 children) $45 For tickets call The Potato Shed on 5221 1998 OR Tickets available from the Potato Shed or any City of Greater Geelong Customer Service Center SEPTEMBER Thu 1 STUDENT FREE DAY—STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY Mon 5 Year 12 Photo Thu 8 R U OK Day—Year 8 Activities Fri 9 Reports available on the Parent Portal @ 3pm Mon 12 Mufti/Casual Dress Day Whole School Mon 12—Fri 16 VCAL Work Experience Week Tue 13 3—Way Conferences 11am—7pm—More details to come Wed 14 College Council @ Ocean Grove Campus Fri 16 Last day of Term 3—2:30pm finish, busses will run accordingly OCTOBER Mon 3 Term 4 Begins! Fri 14 Valedictory Dinner (Please note the date change) 24 HOUR COLLEGE—ABSENCE LINE If your son/daughter is unwell and will miss a day at School please ensure you call our Absence Line on 5251 9010 or write a note when your child returns approving the absence. This helps us to keep track of their attendance and fix their unexplained absences. ABSENCE LINE: 5251 9010 EXCURSION CALENDAR PLEASE NOTE: no notes are to be handed in on the day of the excursion. All notes MUST be returned to the office by the due date. EXCURSION DATE EXCURSION GROUP INVOLVED NOTE & MONEY DUE AUGUST Mon 1 Van Loons Nursery Year 11 VCAL Mrs Crilly’s class CLOSED Mon 1 Bellarine Division Year 9 Girls Hockey Year 8 Selected Students CLOSED Tue 2 Van Loons Nursery Year 11 VCAL Mrs Linford’s class CLOSED Tue 2 Year 8 Aspire Deakin Uni (Humanities) Year 8G CLOSED Tue 2 Year 11 Outdoor Ed Excursion (Block A) You Yangs Year 11 Outdoor Ed CLOSED Thu 4 Year 11 Outdoor Ed Excursion (Block C) You Yangs Year 11 Outdoor Ed CLOSED Thu 4 VCAL Year 12 to Queenscliff Fishing Industry Year 12 VCAL VCAL Levy & note due Fri 5 Gordon Tertiary Futures Program Year 9A, B, E & F CLOSED Fri 5 LINC Community Engagement Year 9 LINC $25 if Year 9 levy not paid & note due ASAP Fri 5 Bellarine Division Year 7 Boys Hockey Year 7 Selected Students $10 & note due ASAP Mon 8 Year 11 Outdoor Ed Excursion (Block C) Sailing Year 11 Outdoor Ed CLOSED Mon 8 Bellarine Division Year 8 Volleyball Year 8 Selected Students $10 & note due ASAP Tue 9 Ready Set Work Excursion to Scotchmans Hill Winery Year 10 VCAL CLOSED Wed 10 Year 11 Outdoor Ed Excursion (Block A) Sailing Year 11 Outdoor Ed CLOSED Wed 10 Unit 2 Enviro Science Ecolinc Excursion Year 11 Env Science CLOSED Thu 11 VCAL Year 12—Ryder Driver Education Year 12 VCAL VCAL Levy & note due Thu 11 Bellarine Division Year 7 Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis Year 7 Selected Students $10 & note due ASAP Fri 12 Year 11 Outdoor Ed (Make Up Day) Sailing Year 11 Outdoor Ed CLOSED Fri 12 Gordon Tertiary Futures Program Year 9A, B, E & F CLOSED Fri 12 LINC Community Engagement Year 9 LINC $25 if Year 9 levy not paid & note due ASAP Fri 12 Personal Investigation Year 9 Mr Micallef’s class $NIL—note due ASAP Mon 15 VCAL Outdoor Rec Excursion Sailing Year 11 & 12 VCAL Outdoor Rec VCAL Levy & note due Tue 16 Year 8 Aspire Deakin Uni (Humanities) Year 8G CLOSED Thu 18 VCAL Year 12 Excursion—Geelong Challenge Year 12 VCAL VCAL Levy & note due COLLEGE PAYMENT METHODS ESSENTIAL LEVIES All levies are now overdue, unless a payment plan has been arranged. If you require financial assistance do not hesitate to contact me, all Information remains confidential. Please note the college levy for all year levels is an essential levy – not voluntary. If you would like further information please contact me. Kerri McCluskey, Business Manager – 5251 9022 PAYMENT OPTIONS CENTREPAY EFTPOS or Credit Card or Cash In person Phone Direct Deposit Individual Instalments by Credit Card EXPLANATION HOW TO SET THIS UP Centrelink will take payments out of your fortnightly benefit and forward it to the school. This can be done as a one off or on a regular basis. By completing a Centrepay deductions form. Please contact the Drysdale Campus on 5251 9000 – Press ‘1’ Cash, EFTPOS or credit cards are accepted. Please pay at the Administration Office on either campus. It does not matter which campus your child/ren attends. You may phone the Administration Office and pay using your credit card. *We do not accept American Express or Diners Phone: 5251 9000 with your credit card handy. You can set up regular deposits or full payment from your bank account to the college bank account. Please contact the Drysdale Campus Administration Office for the school bank account details and your reference number. Phone 5251 9000 Press ‘1’ Weekly, fortnightly and monthly instalments can be arranged to meet your needs. Please contact the Drysdale Campus Administration Office on 5251 9000 – Press ‘1’ to provide credit card details, dates and amounts for instalments. DRYSDALE CAMPUS NEWS Ned Shines It gives me great pleasure to announce that Ned Weatherly, Senior College Captain, has recently participated in the World Under 20 Championships and made it to the finals! Additionally he achieved a personal best of 73.75m in the hammer throw, which is an excellent achievement! Ned continues on making us all proud and we cannot wait to see him succeed in many more events to come. Course Counselling Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 have recently been involved in the important process of course counselling for 2017. Students and their parents/guardians have met with staff to select subjects and discuss future educational and vocational pathways. This has been a wonderful experience which has focussed on discussing the academic strengths and interests of students and connected these with potential pathways. This has been a rewarding experience for staff, students and parents alike and reminds us of our commitment to lifelong learning and of preparing students for their life beyond Bellarine Secondary College. Personally, this process reminded me of the enormous diversity of subjects available to students and of their opportunity to each navigate their own personal pathway through, particularly, their later years of learning. I would like to thank the Pathways team, led by Mrs Cheryl Linford, our Careers teacher Mr Mahr and the team of course counsellors who have given much time to this process. Students who did not attend course counselling will be consulted over the course of the next week to complete their subject selections for 2017. Year 9 & 10 Information Evening The Year 9 & 10 Information evening was held on Tuesday 19 th July and served to inform students and parents/guardians of the subject options and pathways available at the College. The College trialled a new format this year which involved a series of presentations, which provided detailed information about specific pathways and programs. This was supported by a DBA Expo where each of the learning areas and school programs was showcased. We are very keen to receive feedback on this new format and invite students and parents/guardians to contact the College and let us know if this new format was effective. Alpine Camp Year 12 Outdoor Education students recently attended camp at Mt Buller where they are enjoyed the wintry conditions we have suffered over the past week. Students have had the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and understanding which have been developed in theory classes, as well as develop their downhill and cross country skiing skills. This is a wonderful opportunity for these students and I would like to thank the staff which have attended this camp and in so doing providing such a wonderful experience for our students beyond the classroom. Year 12 Three Way Conferences The Year 12 Three Way Conferences will be held on Thursday 4 th August and provide a very timely opportunity for Year 12 students and their parents/guardians to meet with class teachers to discuss their progress and set a very clear plan for each student as we approach the end of Unit 4 and end of year examinations. This is a very valuable opportunity and we encourage all students and parents to make appointments and attend on the afternoon. Please log onto the parent portal to book an interview with your child’s teachers. DRYSDALE CAMPUS NEWS Information session for students interested in Tertiary Education in 2017. On the evening of the 10th August, there will be an information session for Year 12 students and parents who are interested in applying for tertiary education. The session will start at 7:00pm in the Drysdale campus library and cover the application process, SEAS (special entry access scheme) and scholarships. The information is relevant to all VCE students applying for University and VCAL students applying for TAFE courses that require a VTAC application, please note that The Gordon does not require a VTAC application. ECO5 Information Evening The ECO5 program is another unique element of the College learning program on offer to Year 9 students each year. The College is conducting an information session for students in Year 9B, C, G and H on the evening of Wednesday 3 rd August, 7-8pm at the Library on the Drysdale Campus for students and their parents/guardians to learn more about this wonderful program. Snowy River—Fundraiser Night On Friday the 26th of August the students that attended the Snowy River Leadership School, are hosting a music night at the Piping hot chicken shop as part of their community learning project. This project is to help raise awareness for homelessness in the Geelong area, there will be live music, a raffle for the chance to win some prizes. It is a gold coin entry. All donations will be going to Feed Geelong who helps support the homeless. Please come along and help us support the homeless. Year 9 Book Trailers On Tuesday the 26th of July the library hosted the 2016 Year 9 Book Trailers Premiere. The students who made it to the final were nominated by their teachers for completing outstanding work, and had their trailers screened in front of the entire year level. The trailers were based on a wide variety of texts, including fiction and non-fiction. There were 15 finalists in total, and all received a prize for their efforts. The prizes included books, movie and Gold Class vouchers. It was a tough decision for the judges, but eventually they settled on the following winners; 1st Prize. 9H – Rose Evans – 45 + 47 Stella Street Equal 2nd Prize— 9H Edmund Mantelli – Man Bites Dog Equal 2nd Prize — 9E - Shani Thebes – The Lost Boy 3rd Prize — 9G - Sky Voss – The 5th Wave People’s choice award (voted by students) 9E - Quinn West – Demon Road We were fortunate to have the talented George Wilson MC the event for the last time. A very big thankyou to Mr Wayne Johannesen, Ms Jess Walsh and Mrs Katie Walsh for judging, and to for Ms Senem Shamsili for handing out prizes. This event is a wonderful way to celebrate literature and literacy at Bellarine Secondary College. To view the 2016 finalists and winners, please visit the library home page on the school intranet. Ms Hawksworth—Teacher Librarian. Production—The Little Mermaid Jr Exciting news!!! It is time to buy tickets for Bellarine Secondary College's Musical Production. ‘Disney The Little Mermaid Jr (Roy Bearing)’ tickets are on sale and you can purchase them through the Potato Shed box office, 5251 1998. The tickets range in price from $15 for adults and $12 for concessions. There is also a family ticket available for $45 (2 Adults and 2 Children) Our production is the school edition of the original full length production of the same title. The musical is set under the sea and tells the story of a little mermaid named Ariel, who dreams of going on land. When her father, King Triton, forbids her to go on land, Ariel visits Ursula the sea witch, whom her father banished from his kingdom. Ursula helps Ariel to make her dream a reality, whilst craftily plotting a plan to destroy Ariel and reap revenge on her father. It is a fun, energetic and colourful musical that explores the power of acceptance, understanding and tolerance. The show's running time is approximately an hour. The show's starting time is 7:30 pm and it will finish at 9:00pm. We hope to see you on either the 25th, 26th or 27th of August. We know you will have as much fun watching it as we have had creating and rehearsing it. See you there!!! Leadership camp Last week a group of Student Leaders attended the Summit Leadership camp, which has been a terrific experience for all involved. Both Mr Skewes, as their supervisor, and the kids really enjoyed being part of the camp. I was told that both the activities and camp staff were terrific the whole time and pushed the students to get out of their comfort zones, while linking the tasks to leadership. There were plenty of high fives, tears, group hugs, encouragement and enthusiastic cheers throughout the 3 days. According to Mr Skewes all of the students took something out of the camp and REMINDER—If your child has asthma, please ensure that they have an asthma pump with them at school at all times. Please provide the office with a school asthma action plan also, if you don’t already have one please collect one from the office. they were all encouraged to apply the skills learnt at school. I would like to use this opportunity to thank Mr Luke Skewes and Ms Leanne Steen for attending the camp and being excellent role models for our Year 11 Student Leaders. 4 DRYSDALE CAMPUS NEWS Ready, Set, Work Term 3 The students in Ready, Set, Work have been very busy undertaking a number of exciting projects in the vineyard and work sites. In the vineyard students have been diligently pruning the vines to ensure another bumper crop of grapes. Vala and Miss Brown are extremely impressed with the current students who have shown dedication and application to complete their hands on tasks in some very average weather conditions. On the second week of this term all students in this program spent a week in the work force for their chosen career path. We would like to congratulate all of the students undertaking this program for an outstanding week of work experience and for the wonderful feedback received from employers. Overall our students received high praise for their work ethic and employability skills with a good number of students receiving offers of school based traineeships and a school based apprenticeship. These students are also currently undertaking an exciting new initiative called the Career Incubator project. Our Ready, Set, Work students are representing this region in a state-wide competition where students investigate environmental issues and future careers to address these issues. All class members will present a multimedia presentation to a panel of judges in August. Senior Sport Well done to both our senior boys netball and senior girls netball teams. They recently represented the College at Interschool sports. The girls’ team were very competitive against tough competition but unfortunately didn’t progress into the finals. The boys’ team did exceptionally well winning their way into the finals but unfortunately were defeated in the grand final. House Leaders Parents and Guardians are reminded to contact the following House Leaders as the first point of contact for inquiries about student progress, wellbeing and or other matters. Parents/Guardians are, of course, both welcome and invited to contact class teachers and/or Assistant Principals; Mrs Barbara Luppino or Mr Damian Marra. 2016 HOUSE TEAM LEADERS DRYSDALE CAMPUS CORIO LONSDALE Mrs Terri-Anne Finch—House Leader (Drysdale) Mrs Kristy Miles—House Leader (Drysdale) Mr Luke Pitfield—Assistant House Leader (Drysdale) Mrs Angela Van Zyl—Assistant House Leader (Drysdale) NEPEAN SWAN Mr James Green —House Leader (Drysdale) Ms Jess Walsh—House Leader (Drysdale) Mrs Maddie Chaplin—House Leader (Drysdale) Ms Anita Shelton—Assistant House Leader (Drysdale) Mrs Sue Blacket—Assistant House Leader (Drysdale) Farewell Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents, guardians, students and staff of Bellarine Secondary College for your support and friendship over the past four years. I have enjoyed my time at the College and have valued working with each of you to help support students to achieve their very best and ensure they enjoy each day of learning at our College. I am convinced that our College provides opportunities for every single student to achieve their full potential and pursue their own individual journey and I encourage every student to make the absolute most of every day. All the very best for the future! Please take care. Mr Johannesen. 2016 Year 12 Student Scholarships Students in Year 12 are invited to apply for the Year 12 Student Scholarships. These scholarships are available to students currently in Year 12 who are planning to undertake tertiary studies in 2017. Scholarships range in value from $575 to over $2580. Applicants will be required to submit their end-of-year results online (when they become available), which must be verified by their principals. 2016 Lynne Kosky Memorial VCAL Scholarships for Year 10 Students Students in Year 10 are invited to apply for the Lynne Kosky Memorial VCAL Scholarships. These scholarships recognise the outstanding contribution that Lynne Kosky made to education and training in Victoria via introducing the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). Each VCAL Scholarship is valued at up to $25,000 which is provided in $5,000 grants each year over 5 years of study, training or an apprenticeship. Applications open on Monday 1 August 2016 and close on Monday 12 September 2016. For more information and to apply for the scholarships, see: 2016 Year 12 Student Scholarships 2016 Lynne Kosky Memorial VCAL Scholarships: General information 2016 Lynne Kosky Memorial VCAL Scholarships: How to apply If you have any questions about these scholarships. please contact Andrea Constantino, Student Scholarships Coordinator on 9637 3367 or by email at [email protected] Mr Wayne Johannesen & Mrs Senem Shamsili Assistant Principals Drysdale Campus 5 OCEAN GROVE CAMPUS NEWS COLLEGE UNIFORM Now that the weather has turned markedly colder we are starting to see some students wear outer garments that are not part of the school uniform. Please note that students should avoid wearing items such as jackets or jumpers that are not part of the uniform when travelling to and from the College. College windbreakers can be obtained from the uniform suppliers and provide extra warmth as well as protection from showers. Girls are also reminded that it is not acceptable to wear ‘leggings’ or tights with their PE uniform to and from school. If girls do not have the College tracksuit and are concerned with the cold, they should wear the winter girl’s school uniform and change into PE attire for class. CYBER BULLYING Cyber bullying is one of the biggest, safety issues facing young people today. Cyberbullying is using the Internet, cell phones, videogame systems, or other technology to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. Despite our collective efforts to teach our teens about cyber safety there are still some students that are doing the wrong thing. Cyberbullying is more likely to occur outside of school hours, but the behaviours often carry over from home to school, and vice versa. In a national survey it was found that 81% of teenager’s cyber-bully because it’s funny and many teens are encouraged by friends or because they mistakenly believe that everyone else is doing it. HOMEWORK The issue of homework is often raised as a concern by parents. For parents it is sometimes the perception that not enough homework is being done, but for some students, their perception is too much is being set! It is an expectation that all students would be completing homework most nights of the week, although the amount of homework will vary dependent on year level. Research tells us of the ’10 minute rule’ which suggests that 10 minutes of homework each night per grade level (ie Year 7; 70 minutes, Year 8; 80 minutes) is a sound rule of thumb. Students should be regularly completing homework tasks for English, Maths, Humanities, Science, Language, and Health with other subject areas providing homework as required. We encourage all students with the support of their families to make time each day to review, plan and organise their learning to assist them in achieving their full potential. Parents are reminded to please check and sign their student’s Organiser each week. Students should be recording homework in their Organiser. Research also tells us that it is important to build routines around the time and place that homework is completed and to build in breaks to ensure that the time is used most efficiently. Please visit the following website to download a template that will assist in organising your child to complete their homework most efficiently. BLACKOUT POETRY Students from 7C SEAL and 8F English classes were treated to an innovative workshop on Blackout Poetry. Tracie Mauro who is the Children and Youth Services Librarian from the Ocean Grove Library generously donated her time, expertise and skills teaching the students about the concept of this artistic form of poetry. It is a skill which students can continue with and encompass into their journal writing. The students would like to thank Tracie and the Ocean Grove Library for supporting and enhancing their learning. Mrs Margot Romanin. GEELONG SCARF FESTIVAL Congratulations to staff member Samantha Anderson who recently had a great win at the Scarf Festival held at the Wool Museum each year. She attained 1st prize in the Myths and Legends Thematic Category. Her fabulous creation made from drinking straws represented the beauty myth that women require cosmetic surgery to remain visible to all. Telescope Viewing Night Our next Viewing night is scheduled for Monday 15 th August between 6.15 and 8.00pm. There should be 5 planets visible at the same time: Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury. If students use their Stellarium program on their netbooks they should be able to identify these planets all of which should be visible for at least a week. Students, staff and families are all welcome to drop in or stay to explore the night sky. Warm clothing recommended!! 2016/17 Entertainment Books are available for purchase at Ocean Grove and Drysdale Campus! Alternatively please click this link to order online: 20% of every membership sold contributes to our School. Help us achieve our goal by sharing this link with your Friends and Family. Thanks for your support! 6 OCEAN GROVE CAMPUS NEWS Aspire Program. The Year 7 SEAL students have joined Deakin Universities Aspire program this semester. They visit Deakin each fortnight during their double Science session. This week students were scheduled to visit the Scanning Electron Microscope to learn about the applications of microscopy and get an idea of the scale of objects viewed. We were also lucky enough to be invited to a demonstration in the Lightning Room in the Engineering Building. Deakin University—Week Two—Student Recount This week at Deakin, we did two big things, and I’m not sure which one was better. I am going to be describing them in the next two paragraphs. First, we went into a room with a weird machine. The person there explained that this thing was a lightning generator, and that we all had to stand way back and put on headphones (which we did). We were all expecting some loud bangs or spark explosions, but we were treated to a completely different experience. From that zap and cracks that the lightning made, the Star Wars theme tuned played out. It was probably the most interesting way of making music I have ever heard. After that, we went to the electron microscope. It can see extremely small things, although we didn’t actually zoom in all the way. We looked closely at a dead blowfly, which was as interesting as it was disgusting. We looked at the wings, the eye, the foot, and some hairs, which were all really high detail and sickening. Afterwards, I didn’t end up eating my lunch because of it. So, that was basically Deakin this week, and it was heaps better than the first week. I’m just hoping now that it gets even better in the future. Finn Levelt 7C. Thanks to Deakin University for letting us have this great experience. Max Potter 7C Deakin University On Tuesday at Deakin University we were given a tour around the university which included going into the lightning room which made lightning that made the sound of the star wars tune. We are very grateful that we got to see this. Then we went into a room with a 1.2 million dollar microscope that could see 10,000 times better than ordinary microscopes. We looked at a fly’s eyes and wings, it was fascinating. Then we hopped back on the bus and headed back to school. OG Sport Update State Cross Country Well done and congratulations to Amaliya Taylor who competed in the state cross country on July 14 th. Amaliya finished 22nd overall which is an outstanding result. The Cross Country was run at Bundoora Park which is a challenging course. I hope Amaliya continues to work hard with her Athletics and Cross Country for future events. Upcoming sports August 1st Year 7 & 8 Girls Hockey August 5th Year 7 Boys Hockey August 8th Year 8 Volleyball, Table Tennis & Basketball August 11th Year 7 Volleyball, Table Tennis & Basketball I wish all these teams the best of luck. House Leaders Parents and Guardians are reminded to contact the following House Leaders as the first point of contact for inquiries about student progress, wellbeing and or other matters. Parents/Guardians are, of course, both welcome and invited to contact class teachers and/or Assistant Principals; Mrs Barbara Luppino or Mr Damian Marra. 2016 HOUSE TEAM LEADERS OCEAN GROVE CAMPUS CORIO LONSDALE Ms Leasa Saffin—House Leader (Ocean Grove) Mrs Margot Romanin—House Leader (Ocean Grove) NEPEAN SWAN Mrs Katie Walsh—House Leader (Ocean Grove) Ms Kelly Clitheroe—House Leader (Ocean Grove) Mr Damian Marra & Mrs Barbara Luppino Assistant Principals Ocean Grove Campus OCEAN GROVE CANTEEN ROSTER Mon 1 Nadine Underwood Mon 8 Rachael Camm Tue 2 Kelly Hows Tue 9 Michelle McIntosh Wed 3 Brenda Smith Wed 10 Lorrelle Smith Thu 4 Anna McDonald Thu 11 Caitlin Ogdon Fri 5 Jenny Hill Fri 12 Emily Collins Thank you for giving up your time and helping us run a great service to the students and staff at our canteen. 7
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