your workbook here


your workbook here
Copyright © 2016 by MISS#GSD All rights reserved.
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Because this is game-changing stuff!
Not only are we going to welcome you to the wonderful world of outsourcing… but we’re
going to do it right by scoring you the perfect virtual assistant (VA) for your biz needs.
This workbook is divided into 4 sections ::
YOUR BIZ TYPE :: helps define which areas would be best suitable for you to
start outsourcing, based on your business type + needs.
SWIPE RIGHT TO OUTSOURCE :: is where we will compile a list of your needs
+ craft the perfect job posting to fulfill these, without wasting a minute more
than needed for you to find your ideal candidate.
WHERE DEM VAs AT, BOO :: will help you figure out the best spot for you to
place your sexy new job posting; and
WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING :: sets you up with a basic
Project Management System that you can put in place while you wait for
those dreamboat applications to roll in.
So let’s get to it.
I’ve created 5 BIZ TYPE categories that will help you get started in a way that’ll give you
the biggest bang for your outsourcing buck.
It is not at all unusual to find that you overlap into more than one category – after all, you have a lot
going on! – but you’ll usually have one dominant type that stands out.
I’d advise you to stick to that one type for now to make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself or your new
hire with unrealistic expectations. But once you have the big areas covered, it’ll be easier to expand into
new areas you want to outsource as well.
You can take the quiz {HERE} or you can figure it out for yourself.
Either way, the next 5 descriptions serve to pinpoint which areas you would
like to get started with in your outsourcing efforts.
⋆ If you… promote content or products that come from various sources…
:: are known as the “go-to girl” of information + inspiration for “what’s out there”…
:: always have insider knowledge on release dates your niche is dying to hear about…
Your storefront is more like a magazine, with your keen eye + insight
being your most valuable assets.
Some of my fave CURATOR HEARTS include Kat Thompson from
Rock N Roll Bride, The Cool Hour + Apartment Therapy.
From researching to formatting posts to networking with related entrepreneurs, you could really
benefit from having someone whose fresh eye complements yours. You may actually want to skip hiring
a VA + instead, look for an intern who is eager to learn about online publishing + monetizing but already
has their finger on the pulse + is full-passionate about the niche you cater to.
⋆ If you… have a way with people that gets them as jazzed up as you are…
:: tend to resell or repurpose goods or services in a way that’s all you…
:: are less about product creation + way more into generating buzz + information…
Your face :: your personality :: your image is what drives the sales +
you know how to work your best asset :: YOU!
Some of my favorite MODEL REPS are Kat Von D for Sephora,
Nasty Gal’s Sophia Amuroso + a big hello to all you BeachBody
coaches out there.
While we love your impromptu posts (+ you should totally keep those up!), you could definitely benefit
from having someone help structure, schedule + promote your content delivery across social media.
While you’re out there being you + doing the things only you can do (i.e. photo shoots, info-sessions,
hosting – the “ALL YOU” stuff!), you can enjoy the freedom granted by having someone behind the
scenes, handling your delivery, structuring your image management + fielding the FAQs for your brand.
⋆ If you… are where people turn to when they need to hear specific feedback + ideas….
:: have a business model built around things that only you can create (+ it’s what your
clients know + love you for!)…
:: have fans instead of clients + have a brand-related name for your loyal followers…
Your best asset is your voice + it speaks oh-so-loudly to the people
who subscribe to your mojo.
My TRIBE LEADER faves include Tracy Anderson (#TAMily!), Amy
Poehler’s Smart Girls + Denise Duffield’s Lucky Bitch.
Like the MODEL REP, having someone to help you deliver the message behind your biz is key. However,
your biz type tends to be more aligned with ideas :: concepts :: values instead of a tangible product or
service. As such, you will need to focus your search on finding someone who fits the mold of what is at
the core of your business, has mad-passion for the messages you promote + understands your audience.
⋆ If you… make things where there was once nothing + now it’s hella beautiful…
:: have traded in an office for a studio + you’ve filled it with things that inspire you…
:: feel like if you couldn’t create, you have no idea what you would do with yourself…
Without you, the world is a less beautiful place + how you are able to
deliver that is a gift to the rest of us + your best asset.
TRUE ARTISTS I admire include burlesque performer Bella Blue,
Merlin Bronques from Last Night’s Party + writer Elizabeth Gilbert.
How’s that drawer full of receipts working out for you? How about those inquiries for samples, have you
followed up on those yet? What about those calls to the peeps who could help with that uber-exposure?
Yeah, it’s a problem + it really doesn’t have to be if you have someone who is responsible for managing
all the paperwork + organizational stuff you have going on… if you ever got around to doing it, that is.
⋆ If you… run a storefront filled of ever-needful things for your niche…
:: have your finger on the pulse of the trends that are shaping your industry…
:: are BFFs with the post office peeps + see the UPS guy more often than your family…
You make us want to throw all our money at things we didn’t even
know we needed + your best asset is how in touch you are with
knowing those needs before the rest of us ever do.
A few WINDOW DRESSERS I want to throw all my money at are The
Reformation apparel, Rock N Rose Jewellery + MiGoals stationary.
Tasks that are repetitive + seldom change are always the #1 thing to outsource + when you’re running a
storefront; and I promise your control freak heart that it will make zero difference if it’s you or the next
person handling your inventory, sales + delivery. The trick to knowing it’s being done “your way” –
exactly the same as you would have done it – is to record yourself going through each step of what you
do + how you like for it to be done – because once you’ve documented the HOW + the WHY of
something that is always done the exact same way, YOU never have to do it again!
So what is your dominant BIZ TYPE ?
What will you focus your outsourcing on?
You’ve established what you want to start outsourcing – good stuff!
Next up :: making the process of looking through all those candidates as
easy as swiping right.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you never had to read another c.v. again?
Or to be able to instantly tell if this person with the dazzling qualifications can actually,
you know, read emails + follow directions?
You totally can!
And I want to show you how because regardless of what needs you’re hiring
for, this is a formula you can use over + over again to avoid wasting a single
moment on “meh” candidates who will eventually under-whelm you.
We’re also going to make your job posting as full of character as you are.
Why? Because you’re basically showing up to a blind date + you also want to put your
best foot forward by being as interesting to the candidates as you want them to be.
Let’s start by creating a list of the tasks + platforms we want our new VA to be down with.
What’s the difference? A task is something you do while a platform is the software or the
tools they you use to do the work.
For example :: Email management is a task but Gmail is a platform on which it is done.
Put together a brief list of the top things for your outsourcing wish list.
#PROTIP :: Don’t struggle or re-invent the wheel on this one – use {THIS CHECKLIST} to quickly figure
out which tasks you want to outsource in less time than it takes to put on that fancy red lipstick of yours.
Just as you help guide your clients into doing the things that you want them to
do by providing them with a Call-To-Action (CTA), you should also apply this
approach with candidates.
Because 1) it demonstrates whether they actually read your job posting or if they’re just
desperately copying + pasting their resume to anyone who will consider them, like that
sloppy awkward guy hitting on every single girl during last call (yuck!);
2) it shows you how well they respond to simple directions, which is kind of a big deal
when this will be the entire basis for your relationship; and
3) it means you save yourself a boat-load – like a Miami kingpin’s yacht-sized! – amount
of time because you won’t be wasting more than a nano-second of yours with people who
will inevitably disappoint you.
Harsh? Maybe.
Efficient? Hella!
Read through your different CTA options + see what best suits your brand.
Meanwhile, I have templates at the end of this section for you to use + repopulate with
your own bits of content. You know I’ve got you! ;)
#PROTIP :: You can use just one of the following CTAs but personally, I like to use them AWL!
Ask your candidates to put something specific as either the subject line or in their
opening sentence. Something like “SAY HELLO TO YOUR FUTURE VA” or “COFFEE IS
MY SPIRIT ANIMAL” work as a quick at-a-glance identifier of those who read your post.
Next? Do NOT read any submissions that do not begin this way.
Hit DELETE + never look back. Whatever qualifications they MAY have to offer won’t
trump the fact that they just demonstrated they can’t follow your directions or heed to
your specific requests – ain’t NO-body got time for dat!
This is not about being tricky (+ it isn’t, because your CTA will be clearly places) + this
isn’t about being mean (being boss ≠ being mean). It’s about minimizing the time you
spend on people you won’t work happily ever after with anyways.
Do you *really* care about what that one guy once did for that other person that you
don’t know? I mean, REEEEE-ALLY?
Because Imma venture a guess that the answer is “no!”
And even if you DID care about what two strangers did for each other (in a professional
capacity, of course!), it’s only because you want them to do for YOU what they did for
that other person.
Soooo… why not just ask them that in the first place?
Tell applicants that anyone who includes a c.v. will not be reviewed.
Instead, ask them to explain how they feel their experience relates to your needs + get
them to rate their own skill level on a scale that will relate to your work.
This way, not only can you delete anyone that includes a c.v. (translation :: can’t read
and/or follow direction! see :: CTA 1) but it also gives you some insight on how motivated
the person is to work for you + what specific benefits they bring to YOUR table.
Depending on what you are hiring for, assessing someone’s personality + their “right fit”
may be an important factor. So how do you quality control for that?
Easy! You just have to ask. (It’s amazing what you can just ask for, amirite?)
Let them know that finding “the right fit” is important to you + you’d prefer they write
using their own voice + tell you a little bit about themselves. If it’s important to your
business model, you could request that they submit an audio or video file as their
submission instead of a letter, too.
OK - so these are your calls-to-action. Now we put all of these moving parts together to
create your job posting.
Copy + paste the template from the next page.
Areas highlighted LIKE THIS introduce which CTA that section is using :: erase these highlights + if you
don’t want to use that CTA at all, erase the entire paragraph.
Areas that are highlighted LIKE THIS require your personal details + input :: fill these fields out as you
see appropriate.
My personal #PROTIPs to you will be highlighted LIKE THIS :: you can erase these, too.
{YOUR TITLE OR SUBJECT LINE (i.e) If you’re an amazing VA, I’m talking to you!}
{Attention-getting opening line :: select one or create one yourself i.e. Oh, hey, you on
the laptop! Yeah, you! Think you could help me? OR I need help + only an amazing VA
can save me!}
Why bother? It makes you stand out as the one they REEEE-ally want to work for
among all the other boring people looking for VAs.
I’m looking for someone who can provide assistance for {insert a time range}
hours/week to help me with the following tasks, using the following platforms:
{copy your tasks + platforms from page 6 :: paste them here}
{CTA 2} I’d also love if you could help me get a sense for your skill level by giving
yourself a rating for these tasks {on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being no experience and 5 being
so amazing that you would teach it OR your ability, in order of proficiency, from best to
worst}. (Note: I don’t expect you to be an expert at everything + a lot of this can be
learned; I am just trying to get an idea of where your strengths are.)
Be sure to select + add ONLY that which applies to you – don’t be *that Boss* creating
extra work + hoops for nothing – focus on what is most important to your biz needs
{CTA 1} Another skill I am looking for is attention to detail and the ability to follow
instructions. This is why I will not even look at any responses that don’t begin with:
insert your own/select from the following examples of What’s up, butterup? OR Ooh,
ooh, pick ME! OR Say hello to your future VA. Make sure you open with this sentence if
you want to be considered.
{CTA 3} I also want to know a little bit about you so please be sure to include a brief bio
about what you like to do, what types of websites you love, your pet peeves – basic
getting-to-know-you material.
As for me, I run the website {insert link to website} and {either insert bio :: manifesto
OR state :: you can read about me on my ABOUT ME page here:}
I look forward to hearing from you!
OK – your job posting is ready to go – now let’s figure out where to!
You have a few options when it comes to where to place your job posting.
You can try sites like Upwork or CloudPeeps, which always has a healthy pool of
candidates eagerly waiting for bosses like you that they can work with.
If you’d like to narrow your selections to people who already run in the same circles as
you do, try letting the people know from within the Facebook Groups you frequent that
you’d be looking for someone + their recommendations are welcome.
(Not in any groups + unsure where to go? I like Being Boss + Uncaged Lifers as groups that have a LOT to
offer in terms of support + resources, yet manage to keep the yucky spam-type stuff incredibly low.
Kudos to the ladies managing those accounts!)
You may also want to take a look at my post WHERE TO GO TO FIND THE VAs, where I
break down various sources for VAs based on specific needs.
Because maybe this isn’t an on-going need for you. Or maybe your VA’s location is
actually really important to you.
Knowing the best places to place your job posting based on those additional
requirements will help get you get the most bang-bang for your chitty-chitty.
Another option that is often overlooked are university job boards.
Young people looking for job experience in the areas that you need help is the definition
of win-win!
Keep in mind that you don’t have to limit this to your local universities, either.
Try searching for job boards in major university towns where their economy may not
necessarily have a lot of employment options for young people – these can be a gold mine
of eager, intelligent new team members!
It’s as easy as Googling “university job postings” or “university job boards”.
#PROTIP :: Instead of posting all the details “out there”, you could create a page on your own website or
social media to which you can redirect applicants.
I like this method because it gives your candidates a first impression of what you’re about.
People who are especially jazzed up about working with your brand will typically shine brighter in their
cover letters to you – which only works to your benefit when it comes to the selection process!
So you’ve posted your posting – good stuff! – but what should you do while you’re
waiting for that love letter from The One?
You’re going to use this opportunity to get started your task
management before you hire them.
Why bother? I mean, why not wait until they’re hired?
Because any time you onboard someone new, there will be a learning curve for both of
you. You’ll be spending enough time clarifying how you like or want things done when
this new person comes in.
Now is a good time for you to prep the actual roster of things to do.
Think of it as cleaning the guest room + changing the sheets before company comes over.
This will be especially true if you’re just getting started with Project
Management Systems.
With so many out there, I put together a little infographic to make it easier for you to help
assess what best suits your business needs, which you can find {HERE}.
But for the sake of Getting Shiz Done, let’s get you started with using Trello.
Of course, you can feel free to use any platform of your choosing but if you have zero starting point, I
wanted to make sure I gave you something you could start working with NOW.
So why use Trello?
Because it’s FREE. It’s EASY.
And it works a lot like the Post-Its you probably already have stuck to, like, everything!
Except unlike your stickies…
Trello is digital so it’s easy to do stuff like move your notes around, check off
completed items, attach due dates to your items, create + build on projects,
dump ideas + thoughts into so they don’t clutter in your head or you don’t
forget them altogether either, and of course…
It’s great for managing peeps handling your workload.
THAT’S why Trello!
Here’s a quick work-through of how I #GSD with VAs using Trello
If you already have an account + just want to set up a board to work with VAs, go to the next page.
If you already know how boards work + want to “next level” your outsourcing with Trello, go to 14.
This is the TRELLO homepage.
Click the green SIGN UP – IT’S FREE button.
You can login using your existing Google account
or fill the fields to CREATE NEW ACCOUNT.
Keep in mind that this serves to help integrate your
existing Google tools like Drive + Gmail. You may want to
create your account using your professional address over
your personal address.
#PROTIP :: If you register using an email, it’s
the same as if you signed up with Google. Again, choose
your email wisely.
You will be brought to a Welcome Page.
In the brown bar at the top, you will be asked to
confirm your email address.
A new tab will open to your inbox.
Click on the green VERIFY ADDRESS button.
Another new tab will redirect you back to Trello.
Click on the WELCOME BOARD to get a tutorial
for the basics of how to use Trello.
Click on either the grey CREATE NEW
BOARD box, or
Click on the + sign next to your name in
the upper right corner + select CREATE
Give your board a title.
Click the green CREATE button.
Click on ADD A LIST.
Write TO DO + click SAVE.
You’ve now created a list.
Create a DOING list + a DONE list.
This is the most basic format you can use track your #GSD using Trello.
Why + how it works?
You create a card in TO DO.
Within that card, you can assign it
to someone, you can add deadlines,
place labels + even create check
lists by clicking the card + selecting
from under the ADD column.
When your VA is working on something in your TO DO list, they drag + drop that card
to DOING. The ever obvious DONE comes when the task has been completed.
To add a new VA to a board, click on the SHOW MENU below your name to the far
right + the top option of ADD MEMBERS will allow you to invite them by email.
You can then message the person from within the card by typing @theirname – no
more crazy email threads or messenger posts necessary!
The first step to “next level” is to make sure you have the app on your
smartphone + tablet.
When you have an idea :: when you have that one thing you just have to remember ::
when your brain is hamster-wheeling around the same concept – brain dump it onto your
Trello board + move on with your day, no matter where you are.
#PROTIP :: I keep a private board called JUNK DRAWER for when I can capture those moments without
having to use up too much of my brain’s disk space on trying to remember everything.
Let’s look into some more specific ways to make Trello work for you.
Chances are that the type of content
you develop falls into categories.
You could use these categories as
your lists, which would allow you to
track what content has been
developed, what still needs to be
done + what your timelines are - all at
a glance.
List each project as a card.
Use labels to identify project status.
(i.e. A project that is ready to be published is
identified in green with the desired date of
publication attached.)
Create a list for each of account.
As you get ideas :: find content ::
create messages to be posted…
Dump them into your list as a card +
let someone else do the scheduling
while you stay in your creative zone.
#PROTIP :: Even if you handle your own social media scheduling, this is a good board to use to keep
your creative juices flowing, far away from the buzzkill of implementing them.
Let’s say consultations are your jam.
Use the lists to track clients in the
same way that you would track tasks.
Create a list for each NEW ::
Create a TEMPLATE card.
Click the card + under ADD, create a CHECKLIST of all the docs/files you need your VA
to send to a new client as well as all the docs/file your VA must make sure they receive
from your client before you start working with a new client.
Each time you have a new client, you click the TEMPLATE + click COPY under Actions.
Your VA can then check off + track the docs/files, attach them to the card + add a due
date once they’ve scheduled an appointment.
You may also use the card to add details of your meeting with the client, links to your
call recording, really anything relating to your customer relations.
Since you have a broad category of
things you’re looking to have done,
you’ll likely want to stick with the
original TO DO :: DOING :: DONE
However, you will generally have
tasks that are recurring on a monthly
or weekly basis + who wants to
reinvent the wheel like that?
Create a list called MONTHLY and/or WEEKLY TO DO.
Create a CARD with next month’s name.
Click on the card + under ADD, create a checklist of all the things that need to be done.
When the list is complete, click the COPY button on the right, under ACTIONS.
Create a new card for each subsequent month with the COPY option.
Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary.
If you accept orders that have to be
shipped, you can use Trello to track
orders received.
Your VA will create a card for each new order, which will include all the items you have
to ship from within that order by creating a checklist.
You create one by clicking the card + selecting CHECKLIST under the ADD column.
Once you’ve sent the order, you can move it to ORDERS SENT + label it with the date
you sent it, checking off all the items that were sent + including the tracking codes.
Your VA can then send an email to your client confirming package was sent + label the
card in a certain color once they have to indicate that it was done.
You could also create a board for your inventory that will allow your VA to know
exactly what is in stock to maintain your website up to date as well as advise you when
you need to replenish your stock.
And boss ladies :: this is just the tip of the iceberg of what is possible for you!
Outsourcing gets easier as you start streamlining operations :: implementing systems ::
putting your biz on autopilot. Stick with me + we’ll do a wackload more of this together!
Do you know who else we should be doing this with? Your busy biz buds!
If you know some peeps who would benefit from Outsourcing :: The Miss #GSD Way,
I’ve even made it easy as Sunday morning (because HEY! that’s my jam) for you to
share via Facebook {HERE} :: via Twitter {HERE} :: via Pinterest {HERE}
As long as you’re
letting me into your
inbox – thank you for
that, by the way,
because your support
is everything to me! – I
vow I’ll continue to
work hard at making
your biz life easier!
Image Source :: all images from MISS #GSD