- St. Matthias the Apostle Catholic Church


- St. Matthias the Apostle Catholic Church
All Saints Day, Holy Day of Obligation
Saturday ..................... ..4:00pm
Sunday ....................... ..8:00am
................................... 10:00am
................................... 11:30am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 3:00pm to 3:30pm
Holy Day of Obligation
Please call the Parish Office
National Holiday 9:00am
Mother of Perpetual Help
8:30am Tuesday
Eucharistic Adoration
8:30am until Noon, Thursday
8:30am until 10:00, Saturday
Living the Word,
Sharing the Spirit,
Loving Each Other
796 Buckley Road
St. Louis, Missouri 63125
Web Site:
Fax: 314-892-0629
Fr. Dennis Port, Pastor
[email protected]
Fr. Eugene Selzer, In Residence
[email protected]
Deacon Charlie Bacher
[email protected]
Pamela Heaman,
Business Manager
[email protected]
Please call the Parish Office
three months before the birth of
the child.
Joseph Dahlem,
Parish School of Religion
Arrangements should be made a
minimum of one year before the
planned date of marriage.
Kathleen O’Donnell,
Pastoral Musician
Parish Office Hours
8:30am to 3:00pm MondayThursday
8:30am until Noon Friday
[email protected]
Bulletin Deadline
Noon on Monday
[email protected]
Mary Eckles
Adult Faith Formation
Salesian Missionaries
[email protected]
Thursday, November 1
Eucharist Schedule:
Wednesday, October 31 - 5:00pm
Thursday, November 1 - 8:00am
- 12:00noon
Friday, November 2
Eucharist Schedule:
Friday, November 2 - 8:00am
Sunday, November 4 - 2:00am
Turn Clocks Back 1 Hour
Alliance of the Holy Family International
Communion of Reparation
Monthly First Friday and First Saturday Devotion
November 2, 2012, First Friday Vigil 7:30 pm
Join us for a Vigil Procession after the Sacred Heart Mass with the Special Intention for the Call to Religious Liberty
Schedule for November 2, 2012 7:30 pm
7:30 P.M. Rosary & Confession
8:00 P.M. First Friday Mass-Sacred Heart of Jesus
9:00 P.M. Vigil Procession
9:30 P.M. Fellowship & Food
10:00 P.M. Devine Mercy, Rosary & Reconciliation,
Offices, Benediction
12:00 A.M. First Saturday MassImmaculate Heart of Mary
For more information, please visit our website at www.ath-stl.org or contact us at 314-602-5304 314-954-8420.
St. Matthias Speaker Series - October, 2012
October 30 (Tuesday) - 7:00pm - 8:30pm
“The Church as Sacrament”
If Christ is the sacrament of God, the Church is for us the sacrament of Christ; she represents him, in the
full and ancient meaning of the term; she makes him present.
Speaker: Mr. Joseph Milner
Mr. Milner is a Pastoral Associate at St. Francis Xavier College Church with responsibilities for Adult Christian Initiation, Liturgy and Marriage Preparation. He has also been an adjunct faculty
member at Aquinas Institute of Theology.
Retirement Fund for Religious
Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests spent years working in Catholic schools, hospitals, and social-service agencies, often for little, if any, pay. Their sacrifices now leave a large gap in
retirement savings. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious supports more than 34,000 religious
past age 70 in the United States. Please give to those who have given a lifetime and donate to the Retirement Fund for Religious collection next weekend.
Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Lk 13:10-17
Eph 5:21-33 [2a, 25-33];
Lk 13:18-21
Eph 6:1-9; Lk 13:22-30
Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 Jn 3:1-3;
Mt 5:1-12a
Wis 3:1-9; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9;
Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from
no. 668 or from the Lectionary for
Ritual Masses (vol. IV), the
Masses for the Dead, nos. 10111016
Phil 1:18b-26; Lk 14:1, 7-11
Dt 6:2-6; Ps 18; Heb 7:23-28;
Mk 12:28b-34
“Immediately he received his sight and followed him on the way.” (Mark 10:52)
Sight is just one of the many gifts that God
has given to us. Like all of our basic senses
and talents, sight is a gift we often take for
granted. We pat ourselves on the back for
our accomplishments, forgetting that whatever we do, we do with the gifts that God
has given to us.
The Jacob’s Ladder will again be in the Narthex during November. In memory of your loved ones,
please bring their picture to church before All Souls day, November 2nd. It will be displayed on our
Jacob’s Ladder during November. There will be a basket in the Narthex for you to drop off your pictures after October 15th. Pictures may be picked up after December 1st.
The description of Jacob's ladder appears in Genesis 28:10-19,
Jacob left Beersheba, and went toward Haran. He came to the place and stayed there that night, because
the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place
to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to
heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! And behold, the Lord stood
above it [or "beside him"] and said, "I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac;
the land on which you lie I will give to you and to your descendants; and your descendants shall be like
the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the
south; and by you and your descendants shall all the families of the earth bless themselves. Behold, I am
with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you
until I have done that of which I have spoken to you." Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely
the Lord is in this place; and I did not know it." And he was afraid, and said, "This is none other than the
house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.
This Week’s Readings
When you think of Jesus, what do you think was his job? Healer of the sick, the lame and
the blind, as in today’s gospel? The second reading from Hebrews reminds us of his main
duty: It calls him a High Priest. He would offer the most important sacrifices and so appeal to God for forgiveness of the peoples’ sins.
The high priest offered sacrifice for his own sins, as well as the peoples’. While Jesus did
not sin, he experienced temptations just as we do and so can intercede for us as one who
knows what it is like to be tempted. If you ever wonder if you deserve to be forgiven, remember that Jesus died for all sinners, deserving or not. Like the high priest, Jesus also
brings our prayers to his Father and shows us the Father’s love.
Our baptism gives us a share in that priesthood. You don’t have to be ordained to
pray for your friends and family. When you listen to a friend who is hurting, or forgive
someone who hurts you, you are blessing them with God’s love. When you encourage
them to have faith and trust in the Lord, you are bringing them to God. You are sharing in
the priesthood of Christ.
Next Week - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
At the heart of Jesus’ religion were the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses. From those the
rabbis had developed by Jesus’ day a list of 613 separate laws, 248 commands and 365 prohibitions.
Obviously no one could possibly remember all those laws in daily life, any more than Catholics today
can remember all 1752 laws in our Code of Canon Law. Hence the rabbis vied with each other to formulate a “greatest” or most important law that would sum up everything God commanded.
This quest for a summary of the law was behind the question put to Jesus in the Gospel about the
“first of all the commandments.” In reply Jesus cited the passage from Deuteronomy. This is the celebrated Hebrew formula “Shemah Israel - Hear, O Israel,” recited to this day by devout Jews thrice daily.
Two things are noteworthy about his central text of Jewish religion.
First, it presents what we owe God as a response to what God has already done for us. The first
phrase, “The Lord our God is Lord alone,” reflects the special relationship between God and his people.
“This one God,” the text is saying, “is our God because he has chosen us from all other nations on earth
to be his own.” The duty to love God is the consequence of God’s prior choice of this people. “The
Lord our God is Lord alone! Therefore you shall love the Lord your God¼”
This view of the law as man’s response to God’s prior action is even clearer in the Ten Commandments. They are preceded by the words: “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, out of
the land of slavery”. The commandments that follow describe the grateful response of God’s people to
what God has already done for them in rescuing them from bondage.
There is also at the heart of religion love. The Old Testament presents a God of law. Yet the God of
law is an expression of his love, a sign of his special favor granted to his own people, and not to others.
The New Testament does present a God of love. Yet he remains a God of law. Jesus said that he came
not to abolish the law but to fulfill it. And he gave a new commandment: “love one another.”
We often experience conflict between love for God and love for neighbor. According to Jesus, however, there is no conflict. Love for neighbor is the expression and test of our love for God. “Insofar as
you did it to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.”
There is however the unbounded love of God—the love which is a free gift, not a reward for service
rendered; the love that will never let us go. We are here to receive that gift. The One who gives us his
love as a gift sends us out, to share his gift with others.
Growing Through Grief:
Personal Healing
Mondays: October 29th, and November 5th, 2012
9:00a.m. - 10:30a.m.
St. Matthias New Library
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Grieving is an active process - much more than a
slow passive waiting, or an attempt to divert the pain until it doesn’t hurt so much. It can also be an occasion
for growth.
There are six sessions each focusing on a particular aspect of grief. The subject matter of the six sessions are:
Week 5 - October 29th
Readjusting, Developing a new self identity
Week 6 - November 5th
Letting go, Wrap up
Each meeting will last approximately 1 1/2 hours. Each meeting will include an opening prayer, a short sharing or visiting session, presentation, time for questions, discussion or reflection.
Reservations are required so that sufficient materials will be on hand. To register please contact the Parish
Office at 314-892-5109.
The Pumpkin Patch is open every day from 10:00am to 7:00pm thru October 31.
Please don't forget to tell all your friends and neighbors what wonderful pumpkins we have and encourage them to come up for a visit.
For more information, please contact Pat Meyer at 314-440-8622.
Despite the fact that embryonic stem cells continue to
receive the majority of news coverage, they remain the least likely stem cells to help patients despite the millions of dollars spent on private and
government research The first company approved
to inject embryonic stem cells into a few patients
gave up on their trial and shut down all their embryonic stem cell research. Adult stem cells remain
the only type of stem cell used successfully to treat
human patients.
St. Matthias will once again be selling
Christmas cards benefiting Missouri Right
to Life. There are several varieties available. The cost is $9 for 18 cards. They will
be available at the TWB table beginning the weekend of November 3rd. If paying by check please make check payable to
Missouri Right to Life.
Terri Baldwin, Irma Barni, Leo Bergman, Leonard Bochantin, Bob Carroll, Bonnie Colvin,
Charlie Davis, Ruth Day, Jerry DiMaggio, Mary Eilermann, William & Mary Ann Firns, Audrey Flayton,
Anthony Gordick, Lawrence Grellner, Joan Grippo, Mary Henning, Bernadine Hook, Brenna GarnettHopkins, Lukas Inman, Marcella Jarvis, John Jarzemkoski, Shirley Kramper, Theresa Krena, Deloris
Lange, Nancy Linder, Elaine Maloney, Ken Mellow, Janet Millslagle, Ray Ottomeyer, Lauri Pennycook,
Mary Ryan, Connie Schmitt, Roy Schumaker, Fr. Eugene Selzer, Jackie Simon, James Smugala,
Peggy Stack, Carolyn Sumpter, Frank & Michael Tiff, Carl Van Winkle, Terry Walsh,
Jerry Weisbrod, Audrey Zugmaier, Bernard & Anna Marie Hermann
Lighting a candle expresses a prayer need and
invites others to join in praying for that intention.
The prayer needs this week are:
For Dot, Emily, Ken, Micheal; For Michelle; For
Matthew and Rich M.; Janet Millslagle; Bob
Jung Family; St. Jude-Special Intention, L.W;
A.G. Family Health; For Zelch/Medley Families;
For Tom & Celina & Family Safety, for Tom Sr.
& Tom Jr. / to return to good health; For Charlotte
and Muriel; Prayers for good test results, M.L.;
For Tom’s Safe Trip in Africa and back; For Special; For memory of Joseph Valeza; For a safe trip;
For Sharon Gaugh-eternal life; Larry: Special Intentions; For G.G.; For Ann Frigo; To return to
Good Health.
Oct. 29, Mon.
8:00 a.m. Robert J. Wolff
Oct. 30, Tues.
8:00 a.m. Fr. Eugene Selzer
Oct. 31, Wed. Halloween
8:00 a.m. Joseph Ripberger
5:00 p.m. People of the Parish
Nov. 01, Thurs. All Saints Day
Holy Day of Obligation
8:00 a.m. Tal Schmitt
12:00noon Our Benefactors
Nov. 02, Fri. The Commemoration of All the
Faithful Departed (All Soul’s Day)
8:00 a.m. Memorial Society
Lit this week for:
Robert J. Wolff
Cub Scouts Popcorn Sales
Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You
The Cub Scout Pack 904 wishes to thank everyone who
participated in the purchase of popcorn, it was very successful. If you missed the sale, we still have popcorn to sell.
Here is a list of products we still have available. You can
buy either by the box or individual bags.
4 boxes of kettle corn ($2 a bag, or $22 a full box)
5 boxes of unbelievable butter ($1 a bag or $18 a full box)
4 boxes of butter light ($1 a bag or $18 a full box)
9-2pound bags of popping corn ($10 each bag)
Our cub scouts really appreciate all your support in helping
them with funds needed for their activities.
Nov. 03, Sat. St. Martin de Porres,
Blessed Virgin Mary
First Saturday
8:00 a.m. Our Deceased Sisters
4:00 p.m. Shirley Swafford
Nov. 04, Sun. 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Daylight Saving Time ends:
Set clocks back 1 hour (Fall Back)
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Theresa Persov
Tate Jennewein
People of the Parish
St. Matthias is in need of another baby changing
table. We would like to have but one for our parish
center bathroom. If you have a changing table you
wish to donate, please call Pam at the parish office,
The St. Matthias Book Fair will be held Friday-Sunday, January 18-20, 2013. That’s
just about 3 months away and time will fly by. We are now accepting your new and
used books, both hard cover and paperback. We will also accept music and movies in
CD, DVD, cassette or VHS format, puzzles or games. We will not, however, be accepting magazines or Readers Digest condensed books. You may start bringing your donations to the Narthex. If you have a large amount of books to donate, call the Parish Office during normal business hours to arrange for a pickup.
Christmas Balsam Wreath Sale
The Christmas Balsam Wreaths are a 25 inch fresh and fragrant, decorated
with 3 pinecones, berries and a gorgeous red waterproof bow.
These wreaths are perfect for indoor, outdoor, for gifts and for grave decorations for loved ones during the holiday season. The wreaths are $17.00, the
proceeds will benefit the many charities of the Knights of Columbus DeSmet
Council 742 Ladies Auxiliary.
Checks are payable to K of C Ladies Auxiliary #742, wreaths will arrive the
1st week of December, and you will be contacted. Simply fill in and detach
the bottom portion of this page along with your check or cash. Place in an envelope with “wreath”
written on the outside. Drop in the offertory on Sunday, or the parish office. The deadline for all orders is Sunday, November 18th, 2012. Thank you for your continued support, if you have questions
contact any one of the ladies listed LaVerne Smith 487-4837, Jane Jung 487-6811, Sue Morton 4870888, or Jane Bozdeck 487-5719.
Home Phone___________________Cell Number___________________
Number of Wreaths_____________ X $17.00=_____________________
Something to Think About
In St. Paul’s First letter to the Corinthians, while using the analogy of the body to describe the Church he says:
Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary, and those parts of
the body that we consider less honorable we surround with greater honor, and our less presentable parts are treated with greater propriety, whereas our more presentable parts do not need
This quotation perfectly describes our Church’s teaching on respecting all human life. All human life, in
all of its forms, is sacred. If human life is sacred it must be protected, especially when it cannot protect
If there is human life in the womb, and that life cannot protect itself, the Catholic Church fights to protect
If there is human life that has not developed as normal, and that life cannot protect itself, the Catholic
Church fights to protect it.
If there is human life that is disabled, and that life cannot protect itself, the Catholic Church fights to protect it.
If there is human life that is weakened by sickness, and that life cannot protect itself, the Catholic Church
fights to protect it.
If there is human life that is weakened by age, and that life cannot protect itself, the Catholic Church
fights to protect it.
If there is human life that is weakened by poverty, and that life cannot protect itself, the Catholic Church
fights to protect it.
If there is human life that is despicable and locked away in prison, and that life cannot protect itself, the
Catholic Church fights to protect even it.
The Catholic Church is absolutely consistent in a world that is filled with inconsistency.
There is the inconsistency of the self-proclaimed “conservative” who opposes the killing of abortion but
supports the killing of the death penalty. There is the inconsistency of the self-proclaimed “liberal” who
opposes the killing of the death penalty but supports the killing of abortion. There is the inconsistency of
the politician who “personally opposes” the killing of a form of life but still votes to kill that life.
In every one of us the emotions of the moment may lead us to think or react inconsistently. It is the role
of our Church to always call us back to the consistent respect of all human life.
Offerings to Support
the Mission of the Parish
October 18-24, 2012
is not a place, it is a community. A parish is not a
thing it is the Body of Christ. We can only be
such a community if every Catholic in the area
registers in the parish. To receive a registration
form or indicate an address change or move from
the parish, please fill out the form below and
drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the
Parish Office.
Name __________________________________ and
Number in Family: ______
Adults _______ Children _______
Zip ___________ Phone _________________
Email Address___________________________________
Cell Phone______________________________________
New Parishioner ______Moving Out _________
Sunday Offering
Parish Upkeep
Votive Candles
PSR Registration
All Saints
All Souls
$ 20.00
$ 348.00
The following funds are “Restricted” which
means that they may be used only for the intention for which they were given. These funds are
placed in separate interest bearing accounts.
Memorial Society
Parishioner Helping Parishioner
Memorial Prayer Garden
Operation Life Support
Capital Campaign
The following funds are transferred directly to
the Archdiocese or other Special Campaigns:
Catholic University
Missionary Co-Operation Plan
World Mission Sunday
Permanent Diaconate
Respect Life Apostolate
Fashion Show Update
Thank you for supporting the Knights of Columbus deSmet Council 742 Ladies Auxiliary fashion show, we are
happy to say the event is sold out.
Our Lady’s Inn Baby Shower
Each year the Knights of Columbus
deSmet Council 742 Ladies Auxiliary
collects items for children ages newborn to 5 years old.
These items are then donated to Our
Lady’s Inn for use by those in need. The Auxiliary will be
collecting cloths, infant needs, and miscellaneous things
donated the weekend of January 5th and 6th, 2013 in the
Narthex. Won’t you please consider giving items to this
great event? Items given prior to these dates can be dropped
off at the parish office for safe keeping.
For all ticket holders the doors will open at noon on November 4th for the fashion show. Thank you again for
your continued support.
Cub Scouts Collecting Can Goods
The cub scouts are sponsoring an event
to collect canned food goods. They
have placed large barrels in the Narthex,
in the Parish Center and also in the hallway of the activity center. The scouts want them filled to
the brim so they can donate the food to the Greater Saint
Louis Food Bank. There should be no glass containers,
and no perishable items please.
The cub scouts thank you so much for your continued support of their projects.
“Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Fashion Show Raffle”
Queen Size Quilt, Nativity Scene, Plush Throw, Handmade Gingerbread Throw
Whole Page (12 chances) $10.00
(Just attach an address label in each box, and write in your phone number)
Return to the Parish Office, place in the mail slot, or an envelope marked “Raffle” in collection basket.
Donation: $1.00 each OR 6 for $5.00
Donation: $1.00 each OR 6 for $5.00
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