Knowledge and Joy - The Alex Haley Roots Foundation


Knowledge and Joy - The Alex Haley Roots Foundation
E.N. Joy
Sweet Bobbies Cake
Jessica Tilles
Leslie Thompson, Esq.
Ms. Pantha Jones
Dominique Wilkins
PR Guru, Anthony
Book reviews & News
Christina’s Christmas
VOL 1, Number 2
These select publishing
experts, authors, and
business owners would
like to share the gifts of
knowledge and joy with
you, this holiday season.
Enjoy! Andrea
Sweet Bobbie’s Cake Creations
Dominique Wilkins
Book Reviews
Shelia E. Lipsey
June Michael
Renee Flagler
Christmas Creations with Nnecka/Christina
Location: Route 301 in Maryland
The owner was feeding her beautiful horses, when I stopped to take this picture. She was kind
enough to explain the story of the barn. Perhaps I will share it another time. In short, she
remarked that we all should get along. To me, Christmas is partly about sharing joy with others;
not necessarily through material expressions of giving, but simply treating each other like human
Christmas is supposed to be a joyous time of year. Somehow, it’s become incredibly
commercialized with a watered down purpose. Before the leftover Thanksgiving turkey soup
even began to boil, many stores opened their doors earlier than the previous year, to enable
buyers the ability to peruse aisles in search of televisions and things most of us really do not
need. It always amazes me that fights break out in lines and toy isles. There was a time when
many individuals were raised to be thankful for essential items under the tree, down to t-shirts
and new tube socks. Receiving one new toy was as good as fifty. Baking cookies, and packing
them for friends and neighbors in tin cans for gifts were treasured acts of kindness and sharing.
Where have most of these basic values gone today?
Considering the recent, horrible shooting that took place in Newtown, Connecticut, it is easy to
see that our society needs more kindness, love, and empathy. But even before this tragedy, most
of us can think of countless examples in which division and hatred rules people’s minds and
hearts. The lack of respect for a fellow human being in society seems to diminish more each day.
The way a fair amount of people communicate is harsh, brash and unnecessarily rude. The things
that are done to others who aren’t in a favored network can be downright mean. A kind person is
not necessarily a pushover, but even the most popular television shows entail humiliating
someone else. Does kindness still have a solid place in our society today?
Intentionally negative, deceptive and highly critical people are energy zappers. Why give them
precious time? Proactive people have too much work to do. As cronies climb the ladder of
success, kind and ethical people stand out. They are the same the first day we meet as the last.
Their positive energy is infectious and beautiful. So, there can be danger in generalizing,
although crossing paths with genuine people can be difficult. Somehow, like-minded people find
each other--eventually.
While authors strive to sell manuscripts, gain readers, and promote our brands, we are constantly
reminded that publishing is indeed a tough business. However, God’s favor prevails. If
something fabulous is meant to happen, it will unfold naturally, whenever the good Lord says so.
In this issue, I would like to celebrate kindness and joy, in the memory of loved ones you, or
someone you know, may have lost, and simply to remind us to stop and think about how we treat
others from day-to-day. When we’re kind to each other, the power of our purpose multiplies.
One joy of living is reflecting upon relationships that we have cultivated.
When you read each interview, you will explore a part of the lives of phenomenal people. I am
grateful for their willingness to share jewels of information that they learned, while walking the
road of achievement. Any aspiring author should spend considerable time learning as much as he
or she can, before embarking upon a “glorious” ride on the literary rollercoaster. Even veteran
authors can experience business snafus that leave them questioning what they could have done
differently. For these reasons, I have chosen well-respected experts in the field to answer
questions about their careers, and offer insight to others. However, this issue is meant to merely
serve as a starting point. If you are a writer, research referrals that you are given to increase your
chances of being matched up with the correct person with whom you can join forces to
accomplish your goals.
Lastly, the small business owners who offered their insight about what they do explode with
knowledge, passion, joy and kindness. Any reader or book lover should feel entertained, but also
rejoice in knowing that perseverance often pays off. Without further delay, please welcome E.N.
Joy—author and executive editor for Urban Christian. Her happy demeanor is what stood out
when I met her at a recent retreat. The remaining participants who follow are equally captivating.
Warm holiday wishes to you and yours.
—Andrea Blackstone
BLESSEDselling Author E. N. Joy
Executive Editor for Urban Christian
How long have you been writing and working in the literary industry?
I have been writing since the days of elementary journal and rainy day writings. Writing has
always been my escape in life. For some it's chocolate or shopping. For me it's pen and paper. I
used to enter writing and poetry contests all the time when I was in school. I even won a couple
and still have the certificates to this day. Over the years, as I got older, I wrote several short
stories. It was 1998 when I decided to compile the stories and create my first work, Please Tell
Me If The Grass Is Greener, which I self-published. A year later I self-published World On My
Shoulders, which was a book of poetry. I then went on to self-publish my first full-length
novel, The Root of All Evil, which was eventually picked up by a major publishing house. In the
past 14 years I have self-published, published traditionally, agented authors, done freelance
editing as well as work as an editor for publishing houses. I'm the current acquisition editor for
Urban Christian, an imprint of Urban Books in which the titles are distributed by Kensington
Publishing Corp. I instruct publishing workshops as well as children's works. I write songs and I
do ghost writing and one-on-one literary consulting.
What are the names of your books?
I formerly wrote secular titles under the names Joylynn M. Jossel (The Root of All Evil, When
Souls Mate, etc...) and JOY (Dollar Bill, If I Ruled the World, etc...). I have written a children's
story under the name N. Joy (The Secret Olivia Told Me). Since writing Christian fiction, I have
written nine titles: She Who Finds a Husband, Been There Prayed That, Love Honor or Stray,
Trying to Stay Saved and I Can Do Better All By Myself (all part of the "New Day Divas" series).
I have also written And You Call Yourself A Christian, The Perfect Christian and The Sunday
Only Christian (all part of the "Still Divas" series). My first Christian fiction title is Me, Myself
and Him.
Was it difficult to transition from penning street literature to Christian fiction and young
adult literature? Why did you make this decision?
As far as being able to pen entertaining, captivating and life altering projects; no, that
was not difficult at all. It was difficult to get my readers to make the journey from secular
writings to Christian fiction with me. I knew from the moment I made a decision to write stories
that glorified God that I would lose a great hunk of the readership that I'd worked so hard to earn
over the years. A writer always wants to please his/her readers. That's exactly what I wanted to
do, but first I had to please God. I wasn't born on the church pew, nor have I been saved all my
life, but when I finally did turn my life over to Jesus, I couldn't do some of the things I used to
do. I couldn't go some of the places I used to go or say some of the things I used to say.
Ultimately, I couldn't write some of the things I used to write, which is why I made the decision
to deliver God's word through the written word.
What do you feel are some of your most noteworthy accomplishments in your career?
I was ecstatic when I learned that a book I had written with New York Times Best selling
Author, Brenda Jackson, titled An All Night Man, had received the best selling African American
romance by Borders at the Romance Writers of American National Conference. Having my
novel, Dollar Bill, appear in Newsweek and be translated to Japanese and sold in Japan was also
a wonderful accomplishment. I must admit, though, that my children's story, The Secret Olivia
Told Me, receiving the American Library Association Coretta Scott King honor and then be
acquired by Scholastic Books has been the icing on the cake.
As an acquisitions editor, what is a common mistake that many aspiring authors overlook
when submitting manuscripts to you?
For me, the most common mistake is authors sending in manuscripts to be considered for
publication without first having it edited. I know-I know; publishing houses have editors that
they use after they pick up your story. Key words: "after they pick up your story." I understand
that most manuscripts are submitted by first time, aspiring authors. But an author who takes the
time to invest and attempts to learn and hone in on the craft of both writing and storytelling is the
one who catches the publisher's eye. Believe it or not, some authors don't even do spell check
before submitting their manuscript while others don't write it in the correct format, which could
be eliminated by simply picking up another book to see how it's formatted when it comes to
dialogue, etc... This extra care-or lack of- that a writer puts into their submission gives the
publisher an idea of what type of author they would be dealing with if acquiring the story.
Are there any do’s and don’t’s, when it comes to penning Christian fiction?
Some authors who write Christian fiction do not write for a Christian fiction imprint, therefore
there are really no guidelines for how they must pen their story. I, in fact, do write for a Christian
fiction imprint that has specific writing guidelines. The do's and don'ts of penning Christian
fiction really boils down to the publisher. So I suggest an author wanting to submit work in
that genre do the research of the publishing house in which they are submitting their work to. If
the guidelines state "no cursing," then be mindful and eliminate any use of curse words (even if
the words do appear in the Bible).
Should submissions always be edited first?
I strongly believe that an author should turn in the best manuscript possible. If that means hiring
an editor, then by all means they should do so.
Do you require submitting ideas through an agent?
Urban Christian does not require that an author submit their work through an agent. I'll give you
a little tip though: represented manuscripts get moved to the top of the pile to be reviewed!
What is one important thing an experienced author without a book deal can do to grow his
or her career?
As an author who has written under many names and many genres, I am often asked advice from
both aspiring authors and seasoned authors as well. Even as a seasoned author, there is still
always so much more to learn and it is always a blessing to be able to engage in the quality of
sharing among other authors. With that being said, I'd like to share what I think is the most
valuable advice an author could ever receive: "KNOW AND GET YOUR AUDIENCE
I know; sounds like hustling backwards, right? Sounds like creating a hype for something that
doesn't even exist, right? Sounds like fraud-a scam, right? WRONG!
The most valuable thing an author can ever do is to generate a fan base-have tons of people
sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for a book to come out. Think about it; doesn't
Hollywood do it all the time when it comes to movies? Doesn't the Lifetime
Movie Network have the ladies setting their DVR months in advance for a movie with all those
teasing previews they show? Or the huge wrestling events have men doing pay per view months
in advance? Shouldn't the same go for the literary world?
I say yes, and that authors should stop selling themselves short by not considering their product
to be something so worthy that folks need to mark their calendars for its release...pre order, etc...
Hustling backwards is creating a product, filling your warehouse, garage, dining room, etc... with
it, and then trying to figure out who would want to buy it and how to get them to buy it.
The minute a person knows they are going to write that book and they have that title engraved in
stone, they should create a cover. Even if it's just a mock cover with a black background and the
title is in a large white letters, create a visual to give people. Begin promoting it. Begin teasing
people with a synopsis and one liners from the book. Create a website giving the release date.
Have no idea when the book will be done? Then just say "Coming Soon." Once there is a
concrete release date, begin taking pre-orders. Please be realistic with that release date. There is
nothing worse than having a reader sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for a book to come
out, and then the release date comes and goes, especially if they have pre-ordered it. By that
time they have moved on to the next author and no longer trust that the book will ever come out.
Every chance the author gets, they should tell people about their forthcoming title. Get all their
friends and family to tell people as well. Create a social networking page. Take out ads with
literary promotional companies like Sormag. Get book marks, postcards, etc... Even send book
stores information about the forthcoming title. Of course the author needs to do all of this while
writing the book, but as I always say (and any author will tell you), writing the book is the easy
part. Selling it is the killer. But I strongly believe if an author generates their audience first (and
knows who their audience is...who the book will appeal to), do some marketing and promoting
before the book is ever even written, it will make the task of selling the book once it is released
that much easier.
All About Joy
BLESSEDselling Author E. N. Joy is the writer behind the five book series, “New Day Divas” and
the “Still Divas” three book series, which have been coined the “Soap Opera In Print.” Formerly
writing secular works under the names Joylynn M. Jossel and JOY, this award-winning author has
been sharing her literary expertise on conference panels in her home town of Columbus, Ohio as well
as cities across the country.
In 2000, Joy formed her own publishing company, END OF THE RAINBOW projects. In 2004,
Joy branched off into the business of literary consulting where she provides one-on-one consultations
and literary services such as ghost writing, editing, professional read-throughs, write behinds, etc. Her
clients consist of first time authors, Essence Magazine bestselling authors, New York Times bestselling
authors, and entertainers.
Some of Joy’s works have received honors such as Essence Magazine bestseller, Borders
bestselling African American Romance Award, appeared in Newsweek and have also been translated
to Japanese. Joy’s children’s story, The Secret Olivia Told Me (written under N. Joy), received the
American Library Association Coretta Scott King Honor. Book club rights were acquired by
Scholastic Books and the book has sold almost 100,000 copies. Elementary and middle school
children have fallen in love with reading and creative writing as a result of the readings and workshops
Joy performs in schools nationwide.
Currently, Joy is the executive editor for Urban Christian, an imprint of Urban Books in which the
titles are distributed by Kensington Publishing Corporation. In addition, Joy is the artistic developer
for a young girl group named DJHK Gurls. Joy pens original songs for the group that deal with
messages that affect today’s youth, such as bullying. You can visit Joy at
Ms. Robin/ Sweet Bobbie McClain pictured with celebrities, incuding Dick Gregory, Correta Scott King and Melba More.
Sweet Bobbies Cake Creations
Welcome to the world of edible artistry.
The late Rosa Parks is pictured above, with her delicious Sweet Bobbie’s birthday cake!
Usher’s sweet treat was baked with love by the best.
From whims to weddings, Ms. Robin/ Sweet Bobbie McClain bakes it all. I sat down to speak with Ms.
McClain about her remarkable career. I’m certain that you will be equally as impressed as I am.
If you are having an upcoming event, or if sweet treats are your personal weakness, I
highly recommend getting acquainted with a talented baker named Ms. Robin/ Sweet Bobbie
McClain. She is well known across the United States for creating fabulous, edible art. Do not just
take my word for it. Peruse her reviews on, WeddingChannel, or any other
website. Nearly every customer remarked, “Her cakes are delicious. She’s a sweet person.”
The native of Annapolis, Maryland has resided in Prince George’s County nearly thirty
years. Unless you were referred to her by one of her life-long cake fans, you may not know
where her baking operation is located. You won’t find Ms. McClain’s edible art headquarters in
Georgetown, or on a busy intersection off a main highway. Sweet Bobbies Cake Creations is an
old-fashioned home based business that reminds me of what it really means to be an entrepreneur
trying to earn an honest living. 6007 State Street, in Cheverly, Maryland, serves as her delectable
office and home. Customers flow in and out of the front door by appointment.
Sweet Bobbies Cakes are made with loving care superior to what a typical dessert fan
would find in a chain establishment—guaranteed. That’s why some customers drive from as far
away as Woodbridge, Virginia to pick up their sweet orders. The finished product is moist and
tasty with precise texture.
“I have been baking since I was eight. I started with an Easy Bake Oven,” Ms. McClain
I glanced over at her kitchen full of well organized baking supplies that she uses to work
her edible magic. I was amazed to find out that she made cakes in college, evolved into baking
for family, then ultimately began her career, when she became a stay-at-home mother.
“When my son was born, a friend asked me to take a cake decorating class with her.”
Ms. McClain stuck with cake making, although her friend didn’t. A love of creating
cakes from “whims to weddings” positioned her to continue professionally.
Quite honestly, I get flustered just thinking about making a flavored cake without cake
mix. So, I asked how it’s possible to skip the prepackaged help but still make a tasty recipe.
“You have to put your whole self in putting it together,” Ms. McClain shared.
Ms. Robin/Sweet Bobbie McClain doesn’t need someone else’s carrot cake recipe; the
baker has an innate gift to blend and create on her own. She doesn’t use butter or milk to make
her cakes—even in the regular ones. Alternate ingredients that Ms. McClain utilizes are healthier
for those who indulge in Sweet Bobbies Creations.
“They’re always good,” she affirmed.
I agree. I’ve had the pleasure of having a taste of a Sweet Bobbies Creation. I’m not
much of a sweet eater, but even I’m hooked. I nearly leapt for joy, when she informed me that
she can accommodate customers with allergies. As a new vegan, I felt happy knowing that
everything hadn’t been crossed off of my list of things that taste sinfully good. Ms. McClain
simply notes all of the ingredients that she should stay away from, when whipping up a special
recipe for a particular customer. Ms. Robin/Sweet Bobbie McClain does accept phone orders
and also can ship cakes. Customers may call or text 301-793-4874 to get the order process
A long list of celebrities have also had the pleasure of eating a Sweet Bobbies Creation.
Rosa Parks, Usher, Gerald Levert, Cathy Hughes, James Brown, Rosie, and a long list of others
have sung her praises. Ms. McClain also worked extensively with Planet Hollywood, when the
business operated in the District. I told you that she’s one of the best.
So how much would it cost for us to have our cake and eat it too?
“I make a custom cake for a very reasonable price. A deli or small restaurant charges
$2.75 to $3.00 per slice. A higher end one charges $6.00 to $7.00. One of my quarter sheet cakes
that serves ten costs $40.00. A three-tier wedding cake is $5.00 per serving. These are medium
prices; some are lower, some are higher. Delivery is included with wedding cakes, and cakes that
serve over 100. Local delivery is within 20 miles of my business location.”
If you know anything about high prices in the DC area, Sweet Bobbies Creations offers
remarkable affordability. With birthday orders, Ms. McClain requires at least a three day order
time. For weddings, she invites brides to come by for a scheduled tasting, two to three months in
Not only is the owner of Sweet Bobbies Creations a phenomenal baker, but she also has
contributed to various non-profit events over the years. In my opinion, she’s a business owner
who deserves the community’s support. Instead of investing in a conglomerate, when I’m in need
of a special cake, I prefer to keep her number stored in my address book for safe keeping. Upon
volunteering several years ago for a fundraiser to benefit the homeless, I received a phone call.
“Your cake is ready,” she informed.
I didn’t ask or expect Ms. McClain to donate a celebratory cake on short notice, or at all,
but she did in between her paid orders. I never forgot how kind she was to The Community for
Creative Non-Violence.
For all of these reasons, I would like to take this opportunity to salute Ms. Robin/Sweet
Bobbie McClain. Some people find her on the Internet, but much of her business comes from
word of mouth. Her excellence shows through exhibiting stellar customer service and developing
high-quality products. If you are located in the DC metropolitan area, or if you find yourself in
need of a healthier option when it comes to consuming sweet treats, please look up Ms.
Robin/Sweet Bobbie McClain. At the very least, it would be wonderful if you could share her
information with a friend. I believe that we are a community of one. Even if we don’t always
have the amount of finances that we’d like at our disposal, circulating our dollars in our
respective communities can help a true small business like Sweet Bobbie’s Creations stay afloat.
You may visit Ms. McClain’s website at Additionally, I hope
that you spread the sweet love by liking her fan page on Facebook. She’s truly the sweetest baker
I know.
Robin SweetBobbies McClain
(Enjoy the most photos of her work on her
personal page.)
Sweet Bobbies Cake Creations (Fan page)
How do you express yourself?
Author Jessica Tilles
Owner of Xpress Yourself Publishing
“I’d always been an avid reader—sometimes three to four books per week. I absolutely love
reading any and everything. One Christmas I received a copy of Homecourt Advantage as a
gift. While reading that book I heard my grandmother’s voice in my ear, saying, “You can
write a book, too.” And, that’s what I did. I wrote Anything Goes and I’ve been having a blast
Is your company a publishing house? Yes, it is.
What is it called? Xpress Yourself Publishing
What is your submissions process, and how do things work? My submission process is
simple. Visit and click on the Submissions link. There is
where an aspiring author can learn about our guidelines, what genres we accept and how the
process works. All manuscripts are routed through our Acquisitions Editor who will determine if
the manuscript is a good fit for Xpress Yourself Publishing. Then, the manuscript is forwarded to
me for review and, if I am in agreement with my Acquisitions Editor, we will extend an offer to
How does an aspiring author know when it’s time to turn over a manuscript to an editor?
After an author has gone through several rewrites, closed up all holes and tied up all loose ends,
then the manuscript should go to an editor. As an author, I read through my manuscript at least
three times before sending to my editor.
Once the editor get’s his/her hands on the manuscript, the author should review all of the editors
changes and comments, make any requested adjustments/changes and then resubmit to the editor
for an additional round of edits. And, of course, this additional round, in my opinion, should be
at no charge to the author.
What makes a potentially good story bad? Poor writing and editing. That’s it. That’s all.
Did you ever almost give up on this business? No. I absolutely love this business and all that it
entails entirely too much. Have I thought about restructuring? Absolutely, and I’ve done so. The
one thing I’ve learned in this business, as with any other type of business, one must not remain
stagnant. You have to advance yourself. You have to venture into different areas of the business.
The literary business isn’t just about writing books. An author can take that one book and do so
many things with it like converting it into a stage play, a documentary, a movie, television show,
or taking that main character and branding it with merchandise, etc. The opportunities are
limitless. You simply have to go for it.
Do you find more satisfaction writing or publishing? Definitely writing, this is my ultimate
passion. I have enjoyed publishing other authors, but doing so can bite you in the ass. Publishing
someone else is not a one-sided venture. The publisher and author must work hand-in-hand with
spreading the word about the product. Too many authors are expecting to have the publisher do
absolutely everything, while they sit back and expect sales on to skyrocket. It
simply doesn’t work that way. As with any product (whether a book or a clothing line), the
creator must hustle to promote the product.
What’s your favorite book that you’ve written? My favorite book that I’ve written is In My
Sisters’ Corner, but Loving Simone has captured my heart.
If you could change one thing about your journey, what would it be?I would change nothing,
as every step of my journey has been a lesson learned. Simply from experience, though, I tend to
learn valuable lessons from watching others and making sure I do not make the same mistakes.
As with life, when walking the literary road, you have to embrace all of it.
Tell us about your latest project and any news you’d like to share. I have a new novel,
Trespassing, that will be released in March 2013. I’m really excited about this novel, because it
is completed and now I can move on to the next project! This novel is written in the usual Jessica
Tilles fashion, meaning there is sex, drama, betrayal, and revenge packed between the pages.
However, with my next novel I will venture out of my comfort zone and readers will have to
wait until Summer 2013 for that one.
How can readers get in touch with you? Readers may visit me online at
or email me at [email protected].
While travelling an unknown road,
a wise artist should always be willing to consult a competent lawyer.
Leslie A. Thompson, Esquire
Name: Leslie A. Thompson
Title: Managing Attorney
Area of specialty: Intellectual Property - Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights
How long have you been in your field? 12 insightful years
What led you to the legal profession? Honestly? I wanted to go into politics and the legal profession is a
natural springboard.
What kind of clients do you have? My clientele is very diverse. I represent corporate clients, celebrity
clients, and entrepreneurs from every walk of life.
What is a top mistake that artists make on the legal/ business side? Devaluing the importance of
protecting their intellectual property in the nascent stages of any commercial or artistic endeavor.
Should all publishing contracts be professionally reviewed and why? Yes. A thorough vetting by a
legal professional can illuminate potentially detrimental language or clauses that a lay person may
otherwise ignore.
How do you structure fees for services? I began my legal career working for one of the largest flagship
firms in the world. The hourly rates were exorbitant and I vowed that if I ever hung out my shingle I
would offer flagship services at a fraction of the cost. Hence, my clients enjoy affordable flat rate billing
without sacrificing quality, service and an arm and a leg.
What exactly is intellectual property? Intellectual property is essentially any creation of the mind and
the legally enforceable rights afforded thereto.
Is a copyright really necessary? What is your opinion about poor man's copyright. Yes, ma'am! The
poor man's copyright is the bane of my professional existence. Even with a wealth of information on the
internet to the contrary, people continue to compromise their legal rights in their intellectual property
using this outdated and toothless method. It has no enforcement quality and is easily dispatched
and marginalized in litigation.
Do you offer consultations, including phone ones for those who aren't local? I do indeed. As
courtesy to you, I will offer complimentary 15-minute phone consultations for your audience.
Thank you, Leslie. That’s very generous of you! Do you handle negotiations, or have more clients
who contact you because of a specific problem? My associates and I ably handle an array of IP matters
from negotiations to prosecution to litigation.
What should be trademarked, and when? We live in a digital age where information and ideas travels
at the speed of light. By virtue of having a website or social media page, inventors, artists, designers,
entrepreneurs, etc. essentially have a GLOBAL presence that leaves them susceptible to having their
intellectual property pirated or used in an unauthorized manner. Perfecting your intellectual property
rights by securing a federal trademark registration is a KEY enforcement tool. Hence, anything (including
a person's name) that serves as a source of identification (branding) for a good and/or a service should be
Will you be appearing at any upcoming events? I serve as legal counsel for Juxtopia, a cutting edge
technology firm based in Baltimore, Maryland. They do monthly seminars for public stakeholders and I
often present in said forum.
Contact information:
Leslie A. Thompson & Associates
1629 K Street NW - Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20006
Email: [email protected]
I extend special thanks to Leslie Thompson for offering complimentary 15-minute phone
consultations. Grove Street readers should greatly value his expertise and time.
‘If it's meant to be it will be! God has already written it!
God gave me the talent. Who am I to deny the gift? I
saw and experienced things that needed a voice to reach
beyond the solitude of my mind. I have characters with
stories that would drive me insane if I didn't give them
an outlet.”
Author Pantha Jones
CEO and President,
TakeOver Publishing LLC
ometimes life inspires us to persevere in odd ways. For author Pantha Jones, her late
mother was the only one who believed that she could be a writer.
“She was my heart and best friend,” Pantha says.
That little-known fact accounts for the fire within Pantha Jones’s blazing pen. Her
mother’s encouragement ignited her daughter to author a variety of writings.
“Anthologies are also enjoyable. I opted to put an anthology out first on Take Over
Publishing LLC, because that would have made it an actual publishing company, instead of me
just being a self-publishing author! Being an actual company gave me privileges that a selfpublishing author wouldn't have received. Also, way later down the line, when I am established
enough, I can make another aspiring author's dream into a reality. I can also keep doing
anthologies. I had fun doing the Street Vices Anthology, coming up with the ideas, and
challenging my fellow authors and myself.”
Respect My Gangsta Fully Loaded was published in 2010. Beware was released in 2012,
in addition to the Underground Playgrounds which followed. Clearly, Ms. Jones loves what she
does. As a publisher with a robust following, Pantha pushes herself to grow artistically, while
building a reputation of excellence.
“I do what I do because I love it. Although difficult, time consuming, and many times not
profitable, the most rewarding thing would be that I do everything myself. Knowing I have to
push my mind and creativity to different limits gives me a sense of accomplishment.”
Music cures Ms. Pantha Jones’s episodes of writer’s block, if and when they threaten to
slow down her creative musings. The author creates a play list for each novel that she writes.
Pantha added, “Mood music fits the scene I am writing. That’s when a story takes over.
Scenes play in my head to music as if my story is coming to life on the big screen.”
Despite the titles of her books, Ms. Jones reminded me that readers can find different
genres within the pages of her novels. Her journey isn’t over yet. In fact, it’s just beginning, as Pantha
evolves into a true industry leader.
How can readers get in touch with Ms Pantha?
[email protected]
[email protected]
The talented author, Pantha Jones, is native of Gary, Indiana. She currently resides in North
This is another splendid view of the barn on Route 301. The next author reminds us how important it is to
respect each another person’s dignity. Even young children can practice treating others better.
Dominique Wilkins
“We can curb/stop the labeling and bullying, and start asking questions that promote understanding at an
early age.”
Author of the children’s book, God Loves You
Your location: Chicago
When was your children's book released? March 1, 2012
What age ranges is it for? Preferably ages three to six, but anyone can enjoy it.
What gave you the idea to write it? My son has ADHD. I actually wrote it because I realize how quick
people are to call someone bad or stupid; they don't know what is wrong. So, I figured if I wrote a book
for kids, they would have something to refer to the next time they see someone acting like Jack, who is a
character in the book. They will in turn teach their parents. We can curb/stop the labeling and bullying
and start asking questions that promote understanding at an early age.
Your day profession: Customer Service Representative by check; author at heart.
Names of your other books, and genre? All of my books are best considered inspirational fiction. Their
titles are Mother In-Law Guilty of Murder, Theresa in Wonderland, The Audacity of You and 7:10 will be
released by Christmas.
Are you self-published? Yes, and proud.
How do you maintain your energy and enthusiasm to write? I do not write by schedule; I write by
passion. When there is a story in my heart, I pound the keyboard until I can get it out.
What's been your most joyous memory in life? Being able to grow my own backbone, see what God
sees in me, and saying no to domestic violence.
How can you be contacted?;;
Anthony Dew, Public Relations Guru
Telephone 443-932-2059 Email: [email protected]
PR is simply Influence!
Where are you based? I am based in Laurel, Maryland, conveniently between Washington and
Baltimore markets.
How long have you worked in the field?
I have been instrumental in developing and promoting others clients’ projects in the “PR” field for ten
years. It’s never a dull moment...that’s PR!
How do you define public relations?
PR focuses on promoting a company’s image and enhancing their reputation so their brand can “standout” in a crowd…. by sharing your story with the world.
What are some of your favorite clients or assignments?
TESST College of Technology… I planned the first student appreciation day for students. I had a
helicopter land at the campus with a surprise comedian for the event, coordinated local restaurants to
sponsor food, had the local radio station do an on-site remote broadcast. It was a huge success; the staff
and students talked about the event for weeks…that’s PR.
What services do you offer?
1. Press Release Publishing 2. Product Launches 3. Event Organization 4. Developing Concept Ideas
5. Press Conferences 6. Community Engagement 7. Creating business models 8. Promotional Photos
Shoots 9. Video Press Releases 10. Fliers
Is online PR more powerful than an in-person presence.
The five winning communicating approaches are:
1. On-line........keeps information about you accessible ….An example is having a blog.
2. In person....allows you to generate dialogue and ask questions face-to-face to close the deal.
3. your best follow-up tool to cultivate a business relationship.
4. your standard communication protocol to market services or products.
5. Social media......involves sharing and telling your story to billions of people on social media sites.
Successful PR utilizes every communication tools to influence an audience.
What are some new trends in PR?
A. Social Media news surpasses printed newspaper readership. 33% of those under thirty get their news
via social networking sites.
B. feed sharing photographs via IPhone has 80 Million users.
C. The more on-line presence you have the more credibility you have; the more your brand can reach and
influence your audience.
Recent Book Reviews and Literary News
Can our intuition help us to unlock answers that we need in life?
Hang on tight. If you’re looking for a different kind of story that will hold your attention until the end, JJ
Michael’s thriller, Five Days of Darkness will deliver. In the beginning, Serenity Rankin emerges as a
concerned mother in search of help for her son. As she sets out to find alchemists and therapists who can
assist her with several maladies, the journey turns out to connect with a controversial movement that is
being observed by the FBI. As darkness battles light, Jack Rankin’s boss, Senator Windham, is another
link to a mysterious puzzle. Someone wants to be King of The Universe. While details unfold regarding
that, threads of science fiction and the metaphysical merge with other facets of the adventure. Serenity’s
link to an outspoken young man ignites a question of her role in the UFO Movement. Current events
serve as a backdrop in this race to survive a dangerous maze. This accounts for part of the reason each
character felt real and believable, in the midst of a mystical ride. Dashes of romance, science fiction and
the metaphysical won’t allow boredom to set in—ever.
Serenity and Jack Renkin differ in political beliefs and background, but Charlie, their autistic child, is a
welcomed addition. He can make the average person reconsider how he or she evaluates those who may
appear different at first glance. When Charlie first telepathically connects with his mother, by thinking
what he wants to tell her, their loving bond makes room for his protective strengths.
It became easy to find myself devouring each chapter, while waiting to discover how the little boy would
hand his family the next set of important clues and warnings, and who the author would introduce next.
JJ Michael kept my imagination engaged through every phase of this intricate chess game. From the first
page, her descriptive, crisp writing drove me to root for the Rankin family. I highly recommend this novel
that left me wanting more until the end. Bravo, JJ Michael, for offering something refreshing and unique.
Five stars.
—Andrea Blackstone
Christian fiction author, Shelia Lipsey, has another hit on her hands. Glowing reviews are popping up
online. Readers are very pleased with her latest novel, What’s Blood Got To Do With It.
“This is indeed one of the best books I've ever read. I believe I have read all of Shelia Lipsey's books
which are all good, but this. This book is so real, people don't realize this is going on in real life situations
today. The way the Lord uses you is so powerful. You are indeed an Anointed Woman of God.” -Sandra
“I really enjoyed this book the author had me guessing what was going to happen next. I read this book in
three days because I had to see how it was going to end.” --Nina Fowler
“I truly enjoyed the book, it had an awesome twist. The stress of forgiveness seems like it wasn't going to
happen, but it's a must when you believe & know how God forgives us. I would defiantly recommend!!!"
Here is a link to the video trailer:
Shelia’s books can be purchased from her website (; online retailers like; Her books can also be downloaded to your favorite eReaders such as Kindle, Nook, Ipad, Ipod,
Smashwords. You can keep up with her via my website; via twitter @shelialipsey; Facebook: Shelia E. Lipsey. If
you missed the interview with Shelia Lipsey, please look for it in the first issue of Grove Street.
New Release
“A Humbled Man, A Sassy Therapist, A Great Contemporary Romance”
Chiki Brown’s multicultural romance novel, Ain’t Too Proud to Beg, was just released this
month. It has already topped the Amazon charts by reaching the top 100 in Multicultural
Romance in the Kindle Store!
Hollywood film star Vaughn Breland has wrecked his beloved Lamborghini, lost his latest
movie role, the use of his legs and possibly his fabulous good looks. He’s depressed and mad
at the world then he meets Trenyce Clark, his new physical therapist. Trenyce, and her
beautiful three-year-old daughter, give him a new outlook on life.
“Ms. Chicki Brown's "Ain't Too Proud to Beg" was indeed an awesome read and once I picked it
up and couldn't put it down until the last word...'to.'” —Arleana Dean
** AIN’T 2 PROUD 2 BEG and Kobo - and Nook
Renee Flagler signed at Overdue Recognition Art Gallery in Bowie, Maryland.
Additionally, Raging Blue is getting excellent reviews!
Dec. 20, 2012
Family Night Poetry Open Mic at Annie's Art Gallery (All ages welcomed)
5814 Allentown Way, Camp Springs, MD 20748. (6-9 PM)
Featured Artists: Visions Performing Arts (teen group)
Dec. 21, 2012
Ebenezer AME Church Poetry Ministry Poetry & Praise Open Mic and Holiday Celebration
7707 Allentown Road, (3rd Floor) Fort Washington, MD 20744 (6:00 - 8:30 PM)
Featured Artists: The Anointed P.E.N.S., and Patrick Washington
Jan. 19, 2013
Poetry Extravaganza 2013 - 17th annual tribute honoring life & legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.
MLK Library, 901 G St., NW, (Great Hall), Washington, DC 20001 (1-4 PM)
Host Poets: Collective Voices (Sistah Joy, Ladi Di & Brenardo Taylor)
Mistress of Ceremonies: Jacquie Gales Webb (WHUR radio host and on-air personality)
Poet of Distinction: E. Ethelbert Miller, Guest Poets: Patrick Washington, Kavon Ward & Ross
"Mosaic" Cooper
“I have been making dolls and ornaments since 1993.
I was an apprentice to artist and fashion designer, Cheryl Santiago.
She wanted me to learn multiple
ways of creating beautiful things with my hands.”
—Nnecka/Christina Designer and Artist
If you would like to contact Nnecka/Christina about her lovely
Christmas ornaments and angels that are for sale,
please email her at [email protected].
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Confessions of an Anonymous
Add Authoress Andrea Blackstone on Facebook.
Twitter: @AndreaBlackston
We hope that you enjoyed your stay. Merry Christmas! Have a safe, happy New Year!
Special note:
Bill Haley, the son of Alex Haley, passed away the same day I was finalizing this issue. He worked to
continue his legacy of heritage. Committed to his purpose, he also promoted the importance of
genealogical research for people of all nationalities.
I hope that he was able to inspire countless others to know their roots, and value the diversity in our
nation. May my cousin rest in peace.