Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Seventeenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
July 29, 2012
Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco
Apostolic Administrator
6:45 am; 8:00 am; 12:10 pm
6:45 am; 8:00 am
5:30 pm (Vigil Mass)
Cantor & Organ
7:30 am
Cantor & Organ
Schola Cantorum
9:00 am (Gregorian Chant)
Cathedral Choir
11:00 am
Coro Hispano
1:00 pm (Español)
Contact Dcn. Pete Boulware
Informes con Sofia Aguilar
Second Sundays at 2:15 p.m.
(415) 626-4692
Tercer Domingo a las 2:15 pm
(415) 310-6142
Contact Doug Benbow
(415) 567-2020x220
Cathedral Parishioners, contact the Parish Office (415) 567-2020
Primera Comunión en Español:
Informes con Marta Morazan al (415) 386-5816 o con Rosario
Morales al (415) 641-0841
Cathedral Parishioners, contact Doug Benbow
(415) 567-2020x220
En Español, informes con Marta Morazan al (415) 386-5816 o
con Rosario Morales al (415) 641-0841
Please contact Mimi Ruiz
at least 6 months prior to ceremony.
(415) 567-2020x254
Monday-Friday, 11:30 am-12:00p.m.; Saturday, 4:00-5:00 pm
or by appointment
Contact Sr. Esther McEgan
(415) 567-2020x218
Cathedral Parishioners, please call Parish Office to speak to
one of the priests.
Contact Doug Benbow for Funeral/Memorial arrangements
(415) 567-2020x220
Contact Sr. Esther McEgan
(415) 567-2020x218
First Fridays
Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sundays at 3:30 pm;
exceptions noted in prior bulletin
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 29, 2012
Welcome! If you are a visitor to the Cathedral, we want you to know how welcome you are whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or from another parish here in the Archdiocese. Thanks, in part, to the generosity of visitors like you, we are able to celebrate the liturgy in a fitting and beautiful way, and also we are able to give spiritual
and emotional support through a variety of services to the community. Your gift is greatly appreciated; our parish family is small
and we rely on the generosity of you, our visitors, to help sustain this magnificent Cathedral church for future generations.
Telephone: (415) 567-2020
The Suggested Stipend/Offering For Mass is $10.00
Saturday July 28—Is 6:1-8; Mt 10:24-33
Msgr. John Talesfore, Pastor
x 209
Rev. Marvin-Paul R. Felipe, S.D.B., Parochial Vicar x 208
Most Reverend William Justice, In residence
Msgr. Michael Padazinski, In residence
Rev. Mr. Peter Boulware, Deacon
Rev. Mr. R. Christoph Sandoval, Deacon
x 203
Rev. Mr. Jose Peñate, Deacon
Sr. Esther McEgan, Pastoral Minister
x 218
For Cathedral Special Events,
Persons Baptized in another Christian tradition and
interested in becoming Catholic please contact:
Director of Liturgy: Doug Benbow
x 220
Cathedral Sacristans
x 212
Cathedral Welcome Desk: Francia Estudillo
Wedding Coordinator,
Wedding Anniversaries:
Mimi Ruiz:
x 254
Devotions: Mary Ann Eiler, Volunteer
x 224
x 213
7:30 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Intentions of Roni Kitaguchi
+ Anna Yu
Intentions of All Parishioners
+ Salvador Vega, Maria Dolores Esquivel and
Maria Vega
Monday July 30—Jer 13:1-11; Mt 13:31-35
6:45 am
8:00 am
12:10 pm
Intentions of Sr. Maria Inez of Jesus, OCD
+ Anna Yu
+ Herminia R. Mustoe
Tuesday July 31—Jer 14:17-22; Mt 13:36-43
6:45 am
8:00 am
+ Anna Yu
+ Anna Yu
Intentions of Rev. Gregory Bonfiglio
and the Parishioners of St. Ignatius
8:00 am
12:10 pm
Intentions of Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart, OCD
Intentions of Leila Kato
Intentions of the Asuncion Family
Thursday August 2—Jer 18:1-6; Mt 13:47-53
6:45 am
8:00 am
12:10 pm
Intentions of Sr. Ana Maria of the Trinity, OCD
Intentions of Roni Kitaguchi
+ Jaime N. Ferrer, Sr.
Friday August 3—Jer 26:1-9; Mt 13:54-58
Parish Secretary, Bulletin Editor: Janet Carrillo
Receptionist: Michael McKeon
x 215
x 200
Cathedral Finances, Controller: Alisa B. Weber
x 202
Weekend Receptionist: Elizabeth Rivera
x 200
Director of Docents: Doug Benbow
+ David P. Spingola, the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Sunday July 29
Wednesday August 1—Jer 15:10, 16-21; Mt 13:44-46
Director of Music: Christoph Tietze
Music office Assistant: Stephen Walsh
Spanish Choir: Ricardo Fonseca
Cathedral Cantors:
Stephen Walsh, Mimi Ruiz, Mark Hernandez
8:00 am
12:10 pm
+ Guido, Frank and Maria Di Piano
Intentions of Leila Kato
+ Maria Licata
Saturday August 4—Jer 26:11-16, 24; Mt 14:1-12
6:45 am
8:00 am
5:30 pm
+ William H. Bentley
+ Orazio and Lyda Tani
+ Feliciano and Carolina Dizon
x 207
Director: Diane Luporini
Event Center Supervisor: Bobby Johnson
Building Engineer: Kurt Hayward
x 201
x 221
x 204
Telephone: (415) 567-4040
Manager: Chris Weimer
Cathedral Office Hours
Mon.–Fri: 8:30 am- 5 pm Closed for lunch 12p.m.-1p.m.
Saturdays: 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Sundays: 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
The Event Center is the perfect venue for private and nonprofit group meetings, community education, and celebrations of all sizes and nature:-banquets for up to 500
guests, conferences, presentations to audiences of 800,
and small gatherings and meetings. The Event Center’s
versatile facilities can accommodate from 10 to 1000 people. The Cathedral Events Center offers a wide range of
services including a full service kitchen, spacious parking
lot and in-house audio-visual equipment.
To check rates and availability please call Diane Luporini at
(415) 567-2020 ext. 201 or go to our website
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 29, 2012
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 29, 2012
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 29, 2012
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 29, 2012
Cathedral Upcoming Events
August 3
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
August 14
St. Vincent de Paul Meeting
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Parish Hall
August 15
Feast of the Assumption
Wednesday, 12:10 p.m.
August 28
St. Vincent de Paul Sandwich-Making
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Main Kitchen
October 6
Jazz Mass
Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
October 6-7
Cathedral Festival of Flowers
See brochure at entrance of Cathedral for Schedule or log on to
Saturday at 5:30 pm
during the 2012
Festival of Flowers
OCTOBER 6, 2012
St. Mary Cathedral
The San Francisco Bay Area Gospel Choir
Rawn Harbor, Musical Director
Guests: Child prodigy trumpeter Gabriel Angelo
Renowned jazz trumpeter Dave Scott and
Howard Wiley, composer, saxophonist extraordinaire
You are most cordially invited to find out more about
the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
(with adaptations for Children)
Especially if you are interested in . . .
• Having your school aged child up to 17 years old
• Being baptized yourself, (as an adult 18 and over),
• Becoming a Catholic, and you have been baptized in
another Christian tradition, e.g., Lutheran,
Episcopalian, Baptist, etc.,
• Being confirmed and making your first communion
and have not attended any catechism/Sunday school
and are a baptized Catholic,
Please give Doug Benbow a call at 567-2020 ext. 220 to find
out how you can begin preparing for the celebration of
these wonderful sacraments of Christian Initiation.
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal 2012
Please make a pledge or a one time donation using one of
the AAA 2012 brochures found next to the bulletins by
the entrance of the Cathedral, then either drop it in the
collection basket or at the Parish Office.
The 2012 AAA Goal for this year is $50,200
$26,950 has been received so far
including the 2011 AAA rollover amount of $7,635
Monday-Friday 9:00-4:30pm
(Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30p.m.)
Saturday: 11am-5:30pm
Sixth Annual Cathedral
Festival of Flowers
Saturday, October 6 and Sunday, October 7, 2012:
"The Cathedral's Gift to the City"
FREE and Open to the Public
Since 2007, the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption
has hosted the Cathedral Festival of Flowers. In 2012, the
Cathedral will host its sixth annual, free Cathedral
Festival of Flowers from October 6 - 7, welcoming some
of most renowned floral artists from the Bay Area and
For more information and the complete Festival
schedule go to:
Banns of Marriage
Marriage of Eric Ching and Thuy-Trang Nguyen
August 18, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.
Clases de Catequesis
Las inscripciones para preparación
de primera comunión serán
del 24 de Junio hasta el
2 de Septiembre.
Clases empiezan el Domingo, 2 de septiembre.
(Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30p.m.)
Sunday: 8:30 am-3:45 pm
Telephone: (415) 567-4040
Para más informes por favor llamar a Rosario Morales
al (415) 641-0841 o Marta Morazan al (415) 386-5816.
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 29, 2012
Catholic Charities CYO’s
Free Cemetery walking Tour
Back-to-School Drive
at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
Free cemetery walking tour at Holy Cross Catholic
Cemetery in Colma - Saturday, August 11, 2012 - 10am
until 1pm sponsored by the Colma Historical Society.
Hear the stories of Gov. Pat Brown and John Downey.
Visit the tombs of Joe DiMaggio, Senator James Fair,
Michael de Young and A.P. Giannini. Visit the Calvary
Mound and the Priests' Circle. Please meet at the main
entrance near the office - a buffet will be served in the
Receiving Chapel following the tour.
Please call the cemetery at 650.756.2060 or logon to: for more information.
Our Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Welcomes new members. The SVdP conference at St.
Mary’s Cathedral meets regularly on the 2nd Tuesday of
the month in the Parish Hall and we gather to make sandwiches for the homeless shelter on the 4th Tuesday of the
month in the Main Kitchen. Both gatherings are from
6:30pm-7:30pm. SVdP HELPLINE 567-2020 ext. 205
The next meeting is on Tuesday, Auguist 14, 2012 from
6:30-7:30 pm in the Parish Hall.
Filomena Santos, Anthony Lavigne, Kay Fox,
Leticia Mendes, Mary Connolly, Barbara Dollard,
Bernie Dalton, Ethan Dineen, Noel Cavanagh,
Don Cummings, Jessie Sandoval, Mamita Ysmael
If you or someone in your family is sick or homebound,
please call Sr. Esther at 567-2020 Ext. 218 to arrange a visit
from the Parish Staff.
Michael Recacho, Patrick Donal Ryan, Stella Foley
and our neighbor who died in the fire of Wednesday
morning at Laguna Heights Apartments.
Saints and Sacraments in the Year of Faith
October 11th, 2012 — November 24th, 2013
Pope Benedict XVI declared that a "Year of Faith" will
begin on October 11, 2012 and conclude on November 24,
2013. October 11, 2012, the first day of the Year of Faith, is
the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second
Vatican Council. . . (Vatican II) and also the twentieth
anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
During the Year of Faith, Catholics are asked to study and
reflect on the documents of Vatican II and the catechism so
that they may deepen their knowledge of the faith. In
conjunction with the “Year of Faith”, the Cathedral will
host a lecture series called “Saints and Sacraments in the
Year of Faith” led by Stephen Cordova. The free lectures
will be on Sundays after the 11:00 a.m. Masses in Msgr.
Bowe Room starting in October.
Donations needed of backpacks, uniforms
and school supplies.
Three of Catholic Charities CYO’s youth and family programs are seeking back-to-school supplies for the children in their programs. 10th & Mission Support Services
seeks 17 backpacks for elementary children and 3 backpacks with supplies for high school students.
Supplies may include pencils, pens, markers, tablets,
crayons, etc. They are also seeking 6 children's school
uniforms at $55 each; 20 one-month MUNI Fast Passes;
and 40 movie tickets as incentive for 3.5 and higher
GPA. St. Joseph’s Family Center seeks 6 uniforms at $40
per student. Star Community Home seeks 12 backpacks
for 6 boys and 6 girls with supplies such as tablets, pencils, pens, erasers, binders, pencil cases and sharpeners,
etc. The program also seeks gift cards for families to
purchase shoes throughout the year. To coordinate a
donation to any of the programs, please contact Liz
Rodriguez at [email protected] or call 415-972-1297.
All donations are sought by August 17. Thank you!
Growing in the Knowledge of Catholic Faith
In January, the Archdiocese began Forward in Faith, a
two semester program designed to enrich the doctrinal
understanding and personal faith of adult Catholics. The
first semester was extremely successful, enrolling more
than one thousand six hundred men and women who
attended weekly sessions consisting of forty minute online lectures from the faculty of Boston College, followed
by thirty minute small group discussions of the lecture.
During the week of September llth, the second semester
will begin, and there is a limited number of spots available for new students. This semester’s nine evenings of
faith will focus on the sacramental life of the Church and
include lectures from Father Michael Himes, Father
Robert Barron, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, and Kathleen
Chesto. Each session starts at 7:00 p.m. and is offered at
the following locations: Saint Cecilia, Saint Elizabeth,
Saint Vincent de Paul, Notre Dame des Victoires and Star
of the Sea in San Francisco; Saint Charles, Saint Bartholomew, Mater Dolorosa and Our Lady of Mercy in San
Mateo County; and Saint Hilary and Saint Isabella in
Marin County.
If you were not a student in the program last semester,
but are interested in joining for this semester, please
email Cindy Kilpatrick at [email protected],
or phone her at 415-614-5616 before September 1st. If you
are a returning student from last semester, you do not
need to re-register.
In Order to Prepare for Next Sunday’s Liturgy: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time— August 5, 2012
1st Reading: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15
2nd Reading: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24
Gospel: John 6:24-35
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 29, 2012
One Lord, One Faith
Do you suppose the authors of the four Gospels were
aware of today’s first reading from the second book of
Kings? Of course they were. The prophet Elisha fed a
hundred men with twenty barley loaves in order to
prove God’s power. This same miracle, now multiplied
by more people fed by fewer loaves, is attributed to
Jesus in all four Gospels. In today’s passage from John
we even have the detail that the loaves were barley, reminding every pious Jew of that miracle that Elisha
worked. Yet Jesus went into hiding when they wanted to
make him king. It is the passage from Paul’s Letter to the
Ephesians that gives us the reason for this. The power of
Jesus comes from God. It is not meant merely to feed us,
or to provide one group with a king. There is one Lord,
one faith, one God and Father of all who works through
Jesus Christ and through us all.
All concerts are free and open to the public
A free-will donation will be requested at the door
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
One Lord, One Faith
¿Crees que los cuatro evangelistas estaban conscientes
de la primera lectura de hoy, tomada del Segundo Libro
de los Reyes? Por supuesto que lo estaban. El profeta
Eliseo alimentó a 100 hombres con veinte panes de
cebada a fin de demostrar el poder de Dios. Este mismo
milagro, ahora multiplicado por más personas
alimentadas con menos panes, se le atribuye a Jesús en
los cuatro evangelios. En el pasaje de hoy, tomado de
Juan, incluso tenemos el detalle de que los panes eran de
cebada, recordando a cada judío devoto de aquel
milagro que hizo Eliseo. Sin embargo, Jesús se
escondió cuando querían hacerlo rey. Es el pasaje de la
Carta de Pablo a los Efesios que nos explica por qué.
El poder de Jesús viene de Dios. No es simplemente para
darnos de comer, o para proporcionarle un rey a un
grupo. Hay un solo Señor, una sola fe, un solo Dios y
Padre de todos quien obra por medio de Jesucristo y por
todos nosotros.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The next Baptisms Preparation class will be on August 5th
and the next Baptisms will be on Sunday, August 12th at
2:15 p.m. For more info. call Deacon Pete Boulware at
(415) 626-4692.
Los padres y padrinos deben asistir a una plática de
preparación bautismal. Los padrinos tienen que ser
bautizados y por lo menos uno de los padrinos tiene que
ser bautizado y confirmado. Si los padrinos son de afuera,
tendrán que atender a la clase en su parroquia local. Los
interesados favor de hacer su cita con anticipación.
Informes con Sofía Aguilar al 236-1557.
Sun 7/29/12
3:30pm Alexei Kodash, Violin
Please refer all questions regarding our Music Program
to: Dr. Christoph Tietze (415) 567-2020, ext 213
August 5: Nahri Ahn, Organist.
August 12: Ethan Haman, Organist.
August 19: David Hatt, Organist.
August 26: Chun Mei Wilson, piano, w/ Aaron Grafton, Cello.
September 2: Ryan Enright, (Sacramento), Organist.
September 9: Angela Kraft Cross, Organist.
September 16: Christoph Tietze, Organist
September 23: James Mellichamp (Demorest, GA), Organist.
Tuesday, August 7, 7:00 pm: Marina Omelchenko
(Vladivostok, Russia), Organist.
Ms. Omelchenko is organist at the Catholic Church of the Most
Holy Mother of God in Vladivostok, Russia, on a musical
missionary tour of the United States to help raise funds for a
new pipe organ for her church. Sacred organ concerts are one of
the most successful ways to sow the seeds of the Gospel in once
-atheistic Russia.
Inscripciones para el Coro Hispano
Se necesitan voluntarios para
el ministerio del Coro Hispano.
Para mas informes llamar a
Ricardo Fonseca, Director del
Coro al (510) 860-9585.
Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society will meet Sunday, August 12th,
following 11:00 a.m. Mass in Msgr. Bowe room. All are
invited to attend. The Holy Name Society meets every
second Sunday of the month following the
11:00 a.m. Mass. in the Msgr. Bowe Room.
Weekly Collection
Weekend of July 21st and 22nd
First Collection:
Weekday Collections:
Second Collection: Music Department
Misc. Donations:
TOTAL weekly collection including donation boxes: $6,516
The Second Collection for this weekend of July 28th and
29th is for the St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Mary’s
Cathedral Conference..
The Second Collection for next weekend of August 4th
and 5th is for the Cathedral Music Department.
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 29, 2012
Welcome to St. Mary’s Cathedral
Please use this form to register as a parishioner. You may
drop this form in the mail, the Sunday collection basket or
bring it to our office located in the Cathedral’s lower level.
Bienvenido a La Catedral de Santa María
Es importante llenar este formulario para tener acceso a los
sacramentos como: Matrimonio, Bautismo, Primera
Comunion etc..., a demas servicios legales, como cartas de
recomendacion, etc…
Bulletin No. 913134
St. Mary’s Cathedral
1111 Gough Street
San Francisco, California 94109
Telephone: (415) 567-2020, Ext. 215
Contact: Janet Carrillo
Bulletin for: July 29, 2012