Spool Time 2.pub


Spool Time 2.pub
The Newsletter for the East Sunrise Quilt Guild
The second Saturday
month. of
9:30 am—3:30 pm
every month.
Business Meeting
Noon pm
9:30 am—3:30
April 11
St. Marks
St. Marks
Episcopal Church
E. Oakland
E. Oakland
Oakland Park, FL
Park, FL
East Sunrise Quilters
PO Box 11881
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Web Site
Name Tag
Wear your name tag
to the meeting to be
entered for a prize
Buy a ticket for $1.
Half to the winner,
half to the Guild.
Door Prize
Take a chance for
$1 to win a prize.
April 2015
President’s Message
Gree ngs Ladies!
Isn’t this weather wonderful? My flowers are blooming and the beau ful colors
inspired me to sort my stash. Time to gather some of it for the AUCTION!
How about you? Have you gone through your stash lately? It’s me!
I want to thank Jan M. for holding down the fort, or church, last Saturday and
engaging the cap ve crowd of 8 to rousing games of Bingo! Looked like you all
were having a good me. Thanks for le ng me win one!
It was great seeing so many ESQG quilts at the BQE! Thanks to all who supported this event by submi ng quilts and special CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS; XO Bee, Lucie Strawser, Genivieve Thompson, Jo Wilson and Cindy Ambler.
BUT, the really BIG WINNER WAS: Oh you will have to find out at the mee ng!
I’m not telling and if you know….shhh! Don’t spill the beans!
Special thanks to:
Debbie D. for her hard work with BQE and the Basket Walk.
Cindy A. for her hard work with BQE Publicity and Quil que.
Lucie S. for her beau ful work on the Dona on Quilt.
Janet F. for taking over for Regis Vaughn and organizing the Dona on Ticket
sales and table at the show. And Regis, s ll pitched in relessly, to help while
re-coopera ng from her surgery.
Thanks to the team of helpers who gave their me and effort to work at the
show. This is why we are so successful. If I missed anyone, please forgive me
and accept my personal thanks.
AUCTION TIME! Mark your calendar May 9th, for the Auc on. Karen K. will
chair the Auc on and Jan M. will be the auc oneer. You may con nue to donate items up to noon, May 1st when we sort the fabric at MY HOUSE.
Sign up with Karen to help out!
Pre‐sort day will be: Friday, May 1st from 10:00 to 3:00
Basket Making day: Friday, May 8th from 10:00 to 3:00 (+/‐)
See you in April,
Treasurer’s Report:
Note revised proposed budget is
a ached to this newsle er. Please
review and be prepared to vote at the
April mee ng.
Sweet Pea
2 Janie S.
3 Karen K.
4 Patricia L.
Aggie V.’s quilt
14 Jan M.
Minutes of the Meeting March 14, 2015
22 Joan S.
There was no formal guild mee ng this month due to the conflict with the
Broward Quilt Expo.
24 Betty A.
We will have a library raffle this month and also a special
focus for the books on our table. If you have any requests for new books,
please let us know.
Your librarians — Roberta Hodge and Diane Garvin
Lilly of the
Three simple rules of life:
6 Maurfine D.
If you do not GO after what you want, you will never
have it.
If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.
3. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the
same place.
12 Krisite M.
18 Cynthia J.
21 Dianne G.
28 Aggie V.
30 Marcia R.
Our membership stands at 63. Joining ESQG was talked about at
our successful dona on quilt tablein the lobby of BQE when people stopped by, so maybe we will see some new faces in April.
Thank you very much for the quilts you made: Maureen Drudi 6, Ginny Rigsbee 3, Genevieve Thompson and Be y Kiss.
Page 2
Please keep those quilts coming; the need for quilts con nues and is so
dearly appreciated! — Thank you, Phyllis
Your Board
Acting President:
Holly Faillace
1st Vice President
Membership: Karen Konen
2nd Vice President Programs:
Jan McLane
Secretary: Molly Chambers
Treasurer: Marty Loverin
We had a nice me Saturday with only 7 girls, but we sewed and played
bingo and cha ed and won lots of prizes. It was a fun day for those who
missed it. But we understand, the show was kinda important!
Next month for the April mee ng Rose May is going to teach us how to
make this gadget/makeup bag. It is really cute and easy and a chance to
use up some fat quarters and small pieces of favorite fabric. Would be
great for a Mother's day gi ! Instruc ons are a ached so you can
get your materials together and
Looking ahead, the May mee ng is
going to be our annual auc on,
followed by our world famous
luncheon in June; and July and August will be create and share.
Jan McLane, Program Chair
Committee Chairs
BQE Committee:
Debbie DeJesse, Holly Faillace,
Block of the Month:
Fat Quarter
FOR April
The Fat Quarter is
Block of the Month:
Rosemary Wiltzman
Dianne Garvin
Create and Share:
Phyllis Zloch
Show and Tell and Other Stuff
Sunshine: Shirley Delle Donne
Refreshments: Carolyn Dunkle
Historian: Janet Fenton
50/50: OPEN-volunteer
Library: Roberta Hodge,
Diane Garvin
Newsletter: Cindy Ambler
Page 3
Show and Tell and Other Stuff
Jo W., Second, Innova ve
Lucie S., Second, Two Person Small
Cindy Ambler, H.M., Innova ve
Genevieve T., Third, Applique
Page 4
Ex Officers Bee (XOB), Third, Group
Cindy A., H.M., Mini
Cynthia J. won our Raffle
Cindy A., H.M., Innova ve
To those whose entry
quilt we missed, I
Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .
Page 5
Member Interests: (proposed 200 character submissions should be sent to Karen K.)
An que and Flea Market: Saturday, April 18, 8:00 am-3:00 pm, St. Jerome Catholic Church, 2533 SW 9
Ave., Ft. Lauderdale 33315. Located 1 block south of Marina Mile (SR 84) Between I-95 & US#1. Roselie C.
Military Outreach: We had a very successful Military Pack and Ship on March 7th shipping 142 boxes. I
am con nuing to collect items for the military including 100% wool kni ed hats and 100% co on kni ed or
crochet washcloths with a loop for hanging added. You can use a dishcloth pa ern. I have a list of other
items, if you are interested in dona ng.
Patronize Our Sponsors:
Fee Structure: $5.00 members one year newsletter advertisement. Business Ads: Business Card
ad 1 year, $25.00, 1/2 page ad $20.00 per month, 3 months $50.00, Table rent for members, $5.00
for one year.